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SPACE & TIME } THE PHILOSOPHY OF | HANS REICHENBACH 4 HOVENdH aes | Translated by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund, with introductory remarks by Rudolf Carnap x HIALLY dOVas OSOTIHd FHL dO Al ° @® seppoosero DOVER BOOKS ON PHYSICS DzveLopment oF X-Ray ANALYsI6, Sir Lawrence Bragg. TIO $8.95 ‘Sunver oF Puvsica, Tazory, Max Planck. (67867-9) Inrnopucion To HamiLtosiax Opnics, H.A. Buchdahl. (67597-1) $10.95 Mersops of Quantum Frei Tueony in Srarisrical, Pusics, A.A. Abrikosov et al. (63228-8) $9.95 ELectRopYNamics AND CLASSICAL THEORY oF FizLps AND Parricis, A.O. Barut. (64038-8) $6.95 Quantum Tuzory, David Bohm. (65969-0) $13.95 ‘Atomic Pivsics (87H EDITION), Max Born. (66984-4) $12.95, Ewisten’s Troy op ReLaniviry, Max Born. (60760-0) $8.95 Manemarics oF Ctassicat, and Quantum Prvsics, Frederick W. Byron, dr. and Robert W. Fuller. (67164-X) $16.95 Mactantcs, J.P. Den Hartog. (60754-2) InvesrigaTions on THE THEORY oP THE BRowNIAN MoveMment, Albert Einstein. (60304-0) $4.95 ‘Tee Princietz or Retaivrry, Albert Einstein, et al. (6081-5) $8.95 ‘Tae Prvsics oF Waves, William C. Elmore and Mark A Heald. (64926-1) $12.95 ‘TyeRMopyNaMics, Enrico Fermi. (60361-X) $5.95 Intnopucrion 10 MoveRn Ornics, Grant R. Fowles. (65957-7) $10.95 Diatoaves Concennina Two New Sctences, Galileo Galilel. (60099-8) $7.95 Group Tuzory ano I APPLICATION To Pivsical, Prosizms, Morton Hamermesh, (68181-4) $11.95 Exectronic Stauctune AND THE ProPeRrits oP Soups: Tie PHVsICs OP THE Crizsucat Bono, Walter A. Harrison. (66021-4) $15.95 Sou State Treory, Walter A. Harrison. (63948-7) $13.95 PrrvstcaL Paincipies oP THE Quantum Tiizory, Werner Heisenberg. (6013-7) $5.95 Atomic Spectra anp ATostic Structure, Gerhard Herzberg. (60116-3) $6: 8 ‘An Intropucrion ro SrarisricaL THERMODYNAMICS, Terrell L. Hill. (e424) 31296" Opnics Np Optica Instruments: AN InrropucTioN, B.K. Johnson. (60642-2) $5.95 ‘Tueorerica Soup State Pxysics, Vous. I & II, William Jones and a H. March. (65015-4, 65016-2) Puysics, Georg Joos, with Ira M. Freemai eon 7 Motecutar Rotation Spectra, H.W. Kroto. (67259-X) $10.95 ‘Tu VaRtaTIONAL PRINCIPLES oF MECHANICS, Cornelius Lanczos, (65067-7) $11.95 ‘A Guipe To Feynman DIAGRAMS INTHE Many-Bopy Prosem, Richard D. Mattuck. (67047-3) $11.95 Marrer np Morion, James Clerk Maxwell. (66895-9) $6.95. (continued on back flap) THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPACE & TIME HANS REICHENBACH ‘An important landmark in the development of the empiricist conception of geometry, this book is still one of the clearest and most valuable expositions of the crisis in physical science and mathematics occasioned by the advent of the non-Euclidean geometries, With unusual depth and clarity, it covers the problem of the foundations of geometry, the theory of time, the theory and consequences of Einstein's relativity including: relations between theory and observations, coordinate definitions, relations between topological and metrical properties of space, the psychological problem of the possibility of a visual intuition of non-Euclidean structures, and many other important topics in modern science and philosophy, While some of the book utilizes mathematics of a somewhat advanced nature, the exposition is so careful and complete that most people familiar with the philosophy of science or some intermediate mathematics will understand the majority of the ideas and problems discussed. PARTIAL CONTENTS: |. The Problem of Physical Geometry. Universal and Differential Forces. Visualization of Geometries, Spaces with non-Euclidean Topological Properties, Geometry as a Theory of Relations. Il. The Difference between Space and Time. Simultaneity. Time Order. Unreal Sequences. Ill, The Problem of a Combined Theory of Space and Time. Construction of the Space-Time Metric. Lorentz and Einstein Contractions. Addition Theorem of Velocities. Principle of Equivalence. Einstein's Concept of the Problems of Rotation and Gravitation, Gravitation and Geometry. Riemannian Spaces. The Singular Nature of Time. Spatial Dimensions. Reality of Space and Time. New Introduction by Rudolf Carnap: 49 figures. Index. xvi + 295pp. 5% x 8, Paperbound. ISBN O-48b-b0443-8 90000 8-95 INUSA 9 "7804 86'604435 “ou uaquayy Aq wRisap 12403)

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