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The Philippine literature was altered and exposed to a larger style of writing literature both

during and after the colonization of the nations who invaded us. Colonialism had both positive and
negative effects on Philippine literature, including the loss of some of our languages and literary
traditions in addition to opening our eyes to a wider range of literature.

I believe it will cause more good than bad. Although colonization has had a significant impact
on Philippine literature, it hasn't just had positive effects; it has also had negative ones. Similar to
how the American colonial period introduced new literary forms like the free poetry, contemporary
short story, and critical essay to the Philippine literature, colonization has expanded the scope of
producing literature in the Philippines. And how in the Spanish colonial brought and introduced
Religion and institutions that represented European civilization enriched the languages in the
lowlands, introduced theater which we would come to know as komedya, the sinakulo, the sarswela,
the playlets and the drama. Spain also brought to the country, though at a much later time, liberal  
ideas and an internationalism that influenced our own Filipino intellectuals and writers for them to
understand the meanings of “liberty and freedom.” (Godinez-Ortega n.d.). But of course, not only
the both colonizer introduced such good things and/or benefited to us have a wider literary aspect
to the Philippine literature, but it also has done enough harm to the Philippine literature.

Studying the Philippine literature is important because it enables us to communicate with

and identify with the author. It also provides us with accurate information about our past and
explains how our nation changed over time to become the subject of our current literary studies.
Studying literature broadens our knowledge, especially if we are unable to travel to the location
where the literature you want to learn is located. Thanks to literature, we may still learn without
having to do so.

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