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Mentee: Jessa Mae D.

Mentor: Mrs. Tessie A. Ruelan
Subject: Science 7
Grade: Grade 7
Method: 3 I’s

I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. describing the types of charging process
b. explain the importance of grounding
c. explain how charged object behave

II. Subject Matter: Describing the types of Charging Process; You and the natural World
Theresita F. Religioso, pp220-235

III. Procedure:

Teacher activity Student activity

I. Old Lesson
A. Drill
Before we start our lesson let us have a review of our
previous topic.

1. Who proposed the theory of corpuscular theory? The corpuscular theory was proposed by Isaac newton.
2. What is the difference between umbra or full
shadow and penumbra or partial shadow? Umbra is the darker region of the shadow while the
penumbra is the lighter region.
3. Who proposed the theory of light?
Christian Hygens proposed the theory of light.
II. New Lesson
A. Introduction
What was your favorite past time after covid-19 hits our
country where everybody are not allowed to go anywhere
near other people, go to places such as malls, parks to Playing computer, watching tv, browsing facebook
have fun?

What do you do for you to operate your computer? Plug in the computer to have power connection.

What about cellphones? What do we do when the battery

is low? Plug the charger.

What form of energy do we need to charge our gadgets? The form of energy we need to charge our gadgets is
Teacher activity Student activity
Do you know that there are different types of charging
process? No, teacher.

A. Presentation

If we are going to describe the different types of charging Yes, teacher.

process are you willing to learn?

Today, we are going to describing the different types of

learning process.

B. Interaction

Remember that all matter is composed of atom.

Atom is consists of positively and negatively charged
Atom is made up of two particles what are those two? particles called protons and electrons.

Since atom is made up to protons and electrons, by simply

rubbing two objects this will produce charged objects. This method is called friction.
How do you call this method?

What will happen to the electrons from the surface from Some of the electrons from the surface of the first object
the first object? will transfer to the second object.

The transfer of the electrons from the first surface of the

object to the second object will cause the first object to
become positively charge, while the other becomes
negatively charge.

Another method is through conduction or charging by

contact. How the transfer of electron do takes place? The transfer of electrons from one object to another takes
place when there is a direct contact between objects or
Conduction takes place when one object is charged and
the other is uncharged.

What will happen to the excess electrons on the charged

object? The excess electrons on the charged object are transferred
to the uncharged object that is directly in contact with it.
Teacher activity Student activity
The transfer of electrons only in materials that allow
electrons the flow freely. What do you call to this
materials that allow the electron to flow? These materials are called conductors.

What are examples of a good conductor electricity? Metals are a good conductor of electricity.

Metals are good example of conductors of electricity

because it the electrons can move freely throughout.

If conductors allow the electrons to move freely, how do

you call the materials that do not allow electric charges to
flow freely?
Materials that do not allow electric charges to flow freely
are called insulators.

Give me another examples of insulators. Rubber, glass, oil, diamond, dry wood are examples of

The third method of charging the object is called

induction. If conduction takes place when there is a direct
contact between objects or bodies, what bout induction? Induction method is objects do not touch each other.

When does induction take place? Induction takes place when a charged object, is brought
closer to a neutral object.

Give me an example of charging by induction. Lightning occurs because of induction.

When there is a thunderstorm, the air moves violently

that results the redistribution of charges in the water
molecules that form clouds. The negatively charged part of
the cloud induce positive charges on the surface ground.
When this happens the electrons becomes attracted to the
positively charge ground and soon jumps from negative
areas to the areas of positive charge.

What do you call to this transfer of electrons? The transfer of electrons is called electric discharge.

What is being produced when the electrons transfer

through air? As the electrons transfer through air, intense heat and
Teacher activity Student activity
light is produced.
How do you call the light that is seen as a bright
Electrical spark? The light is seen as a bright electrical spark is lightning.

If the light that is seen as a bright electrical spark is called

lightning, how do you call the loud sound we hear after
the lightning strikes? The loud sound we hear after the lightning strikes is called
If there are objects that undergo charging, there are also
object that undergo discharging process.

When grounding or earthing does happens? When there is an excess charge in an object.

What will happen to excess charge? In this process the excess charge is removed by the
transfer of electrons from a charge object to the ground.

Why is grounding or earthing important? Earthing is an important component of electrical systems

because of the following reasons: It keeps people safe by
preventing electric shocks. It prevents damage to electrical
appliances and devices by preventing excessive current
from running through the circuit.
What are the different types of charging process?
The different types of charging process are the
conduction, friction and induction.
What are the examples of good conductors?
Metals, gold, silver are some of the examples of good

Give me examples of insulators.

Rubber, plastics, glass are examples of insulators
Teacher activity Student activity
C. Integration

Let us have an activity. This activity is called “observing

and drawing conclusions”. All you have to do is to perform
the following.

1. Rub an inflated balloon against a piece of wool

2. Bring the rubbed part of the balloon near tiny
pieces tissue or near but not touching the hair of
your classmate. Describe what happens.
3. Get two inflated balloons and rub both against the
wool cloth.
4. Holding both balloons on the sting, bring balloons
close but not touching each other. Describe your

III. Assessment

Directions: Describe different types of charging

process. 5pts each
1. Charging by Friction

2. Charging by Conduction

3. Charging by Induction

4. Why is grounding or earthing is important?

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