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Assignment 1A

Group Name and Group Members: Group 6

Name: Percentage of contribution to the project %

Gioana García 100%

Ariene Castillo 100%

Rodrigo Kancz 100%

Mackenzie Butler 100%

Name of product or service:

The name of our product is in French “Connexion cafétéria”, we choose a French name since
the concept is from France, Connexion means that you can be productive while drinking your
Description of product or service:

Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:

Can you imagine going into a coffee shop and paying according to the time you spend at the
local and not for what you consume?

A “Time coffee” coffee-shops are those in which you pay for the time you spend in them and
not for what you consume.

The products we offer is coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and bakery – everything is totally
free and there is no limit on consumption. This style of service allows customers to pay for the
time, in addition, at the same time we offer wifi, board games, film screenings, books and
laptops to enjoy free time or homework or work done in a nice place.
SWOT Analysis:

Gioana García

Ariene Castillo

Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

What are the strengths of this product?

1. A café often has a team-based culture that gives staff high motivation.

2. Cafés by nature are close to their customers, customers usually have a love for the brand.

3. An attractive design and layout can help reel in more business.

4. The average volume per person in the Coffee segment is expected to amount to 6.0kg in

5. Provided service (i.e. having a printer, scanner, charging stations, etc. for students to use.)

6. Revenue in the Coffee segment amounts to US$26,786m in 2022. The market is expected to
grow annually by 6.01% (CAGR 2022-2025).
Sources: where did you get the information you need to identify these?

By either free thought of what a cafe’s strengths would be or research on common cafe
strengths as a business and whether they would apply to our cafe. a

What are the weaknesses of this product?

Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:

1. 1. Cafés have a very broad competitive setting, lots of well-loved brands already exist so it
could be hard to break into the market with our own place, even with the difference it offers
from your standard café.
3. 2. Being a food and drink-based establishment, our sales area coverage is mostly limited to
5. 3. Business can be slow to start.
7. 4. Likely a lack of advertising compared to other brands, mostly by word of mouth.

5. The cost-benefit must be not perceived at the first moment for the clients.

Sources: where did you get the information you need to identify these?

We got this information by either brainstorming what a cafe's weaknesses would be or

researching on common weaknesses of cafes as a business and how they would apply to our

What are the opportunities for this product?

1. Over time more services on top of what is currently available with a membership could be
added, perhaps different types of membership depending on what people need.
2. Add other snacks and drinks over time to attract new customers.
3. Listening to feedback from customers can provide 
4. Perhaps overkill given how it would already have a membership, but customer loyalty
perhaps gives way to a loyalty program for the café, offering a free drink or something after so
many visits.
5. Create weekly events, days with a theme like fantasy day, to create an event to collaborate
with the community.
Sources: where did you get the information you need to identify these?

We got possible opportunities by looking at what other cafes did and thought about how those
opportunities could mesh with our cafe.

What are the threats for this product?

Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:

1. Other local brands do a similar customer membership for services.

2. Other brands essentially cost less because of no membership.
3. Customers could be wary of a membership system as café is "meant to be simple."
4. The high cost of keeping the Café open if we do not get the minimum number of clients
necessary per hour.
5. Not get a good price of products once the idea is to keep everything included at price.
Sources: where did you get the information you need to identify these?

This info came from looking at common threats to businesses in general, then narrowing the
ideas down to what would affect cafe’s, then specifically our cafe given the membership type
business we’d have

CREST Factors (Competition, Regulation, Economic, Social and Technological Factors):


Gioana García
Ariene Castillo
Rodrigo Kancz
Mackenzie Butler


The Watershed Victoria

Spread across an area of 3500 sq. ft, The
Watershed coworking space Victoria in
British Columbia, Canada is one of the best-
shared office space in terms of design,
creativity, and comfort. This coworking space
in Victoria is an apt platform to improve the
business conditions and provide facilities for
collaborative gatherings. Another USP of The
Watershed Victoria is that one can sip Keg
Beer while working in the shared office with
the panoramic view of the majestic
mountains in the backdrop.

Digital Desks Victoria Digital Desks is Victoria’s newest co-working

space located in the downtown area. Housed
in one of Victoria’s premium hotels,
Parkside, it is designed as a creative,
modern, and stylish shared office workplace.
This is an excellent option for those looking
to opt for a luxurious coworking space in
Victoria BC with fully IT-enabled desks and
vibrant looking office.

Tim Hortons
In 1964, the first Tim Hortons restaurant in
Hamilton, Ontario opened its doors.

Tim Hortons is now proud to be Canada's

largest restaurant chain serving over 5
million cups of coffee every day with 80% of
Canadians visiting Tims in Canada at least
once a month.


1. Work and recreation: Our coffee shop it's going to be one of a kind because we are going to
merge two types of businesses: networking space and coffee shop. We will offer the
opportunity to work or to have fun. We will provide board games and the opportunity to have
a nice time having a drink
2.- Snack-Food: At Connexion cafétéria, you will be able to eat while you study, work or have
fun. We will be the only ones providing food or snack options, with a broad selection of hot
and cold drinks.
3. Price: We will use local products which will allow us to maintain affordable prices. As for the
cost of membership, by having a high rate of customers each month we will be able to
maintain lower prices of the equipment and office space.


When we talk about coffee, mainly in Canada, the first name that comes to our mind is Tim
Hortons, a popular Canadian franchise that is responsible for selling 7 of the 10 coffees sold in
the national territory, a company that has a history and that delivers to your I publish what he
expects, good and low-cost coffees in a wide network that guarantees the quality and
standard of service.
And keeping in mind what the competitors are, we still have Starbucks that offers more
refined coffees and, of course, at a higher cost.
Although these cafes are famous, our proposal is something totally new, which has only
similar cafes in cities in Mexico and some places in Europe.

Economic Environment:
Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:
Gioana García

Ariene Castillo

Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

What is happening in the economy that has an impact on your product or service? Factors
may include changes in taxes, interest rates, employment rates, stock market trends, or
currency exchange rates. As economic conditions change continuously and can change rapidly,
it is very important to be aware of what is happening in regard to money.
Identify 3 – 5 economic factors that have an impact on your product idea. Explain the impact.
What are the sources for this information?
Political/Legal/Regulatory Environment:
Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:

Gioana García

Ariene Castillo

Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

Everyone who works in a food business is responsible for ensuring that the food they
sell or prepare for sale is safe for people to eat.

Business proprietors of food premises must ensure that food safety processes are put
in place and that they work. The business owner may nominate a food safety
supervisor to work under the owner’s direction. The food safety supervisor’s role is to
supervise food handling in the business and to make sure it’s done safely.

All staff handling food need to have the skills and knowledge relevant to their tasks.
This means that different people in the business will need to know different things. For
example, the cook will need different skills and knowledge than those required by a
dishwasher or front-of-house staff.

Para o nosso negócio, o treinamento dos funcionários são necessários para obter as
licenças além de o nosso local atender á todos os requisitos especificados em lei para
obedecer os critérios estabelecidos pelo departamento de saude.

What are the sources for this information?

Demographic/Social/Cultural Environment:
Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:
Gioana García

Ariene Castillo

Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

Age: According to statista, in 2020, the highest share of coffee drinkers in Canada was found
among the age group of 35 to 44-year-olds, followed by people aged 25 to 34 years. 18 to 24-
year-olds made up the smallest share of coffee drinkers in Canada.

Sex: Only 32.8 percent of women surveyed drink coffee, while over 50 percent of men are
considered coffee drinkers. The average coffee consumption per day is 2.4 cups per men and
1.9 cups per women

Lifestyle: According with statista, in 2020, the coffee market was divided almost equally across
high, medium, and low-income groups in Canada. People with a high income made up around
34.4 percent of the coffee market, while the medium income group accounted for the lowest
market share at 32.1 percent.

What are the sources for this information?

Technological Environment:
Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:

Gioana García

Ariene Castillo
Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

1.- Genetic engineering should help to grow the coffee industry, as it allows producers to
generate larger profits, and helps the environment.
2.- Coffee grinders, drip machines, and espresso makers are now available at every electronics
store, it is easier to use them.
4.- Costumer data, it is important to connect with the client so an app or a platform where the
customer can choose options for the service or if the customer wants to use one of the rooms
Conexion coffee offers, thought the app it can be done.
5.- POS payment, since COVID started is easier for people to use digital options, like a
smartphone to pay for every service, is important to take advantage of the new technologies.
What are the sources for this information?


Gioana García

Ariene Castillo

Rodrigo Kancz

Mackenzie Butler

As a new business we have to try to connect with the customer, we have improved new
strategies to empathize, being a company with values and high social responsibility and
sustainable, but more in these times of COVID, it is time for people to come back out of their
homes and feel comfortable living with more people. As a business, we want to help to solve
social problems, play a positive role in society, make substantial contributions to society,
promote volunteerism activities within the local communities, engage in activities and
contribute resources to the communities.

Which group member / s completed this section? Name/s:


Final edit and review of this report:

Gioana García 100%

Ariene Castillo 100%

Rodrigo Kancz 100%

Mackenzie Butler 100%


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