COV - Sedimentation of Particles in Water or Air

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Sedimentation of Particles in Water or Air

Example of WWT exercises

Uniform straight-line motion

The case is for example a particle sedimentation in the gravitational field

when the particle has a constant falling speed.

Balance of forces act to a particle - Steady speed motion is important for our
solution (particles sedimentation).
FLF - A particle moves with a constant falling
speed uSC. Forces acting to the particle
d , 
have to be in balance (there is not
uSC P acceleration or deceleration).
- The steady speed is reached for time
  ;
in praxis final speed u = 0,99*uSC is used.

We suppose a spherical particle with following acting forces:

Gravitational force

Lifting force

Drag force

Inertial force FIN = 0

The forces have to be in balance

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Datum tisku: 01.11.po Kr.2022
G = FLF + FD

= +

Value of the drag coefficient CD depends on Re number and thereby on un-

known sedimentation speed uS too. Therefore it is impossible to set the coeffi-
cient. But we can use relations valid for laminar and turbulent regions of parti-
cles sedimentation.

- For laminar (Stokes) region it is valid:


..... for accuracy  +/- 0,5 %

 2 .................. for accuracy  +/- 5 %

- For turbulent (Newton) region it is valid:

CD = 0,44 3*105  ReS  400 – 500

- For transient region it is valid:

CD = 18,5 * ReS-0,6 or

After a substitution we can set the sedimentation speed of the particle in the
laminar region:

and after modification it is

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Analogously after substitution we can set the sedimentation speed of the particle
in the turbulent region:

and after modification it is

- Setting of a sedimentation region

A dimensionless term is used for this setting. The term contains only known val-
ues, it is parameters of the particle and its ambient (water, air etc.).

For L region it is valid CD*ReS2  12 – 48 (accuracy +/- 0,5 – 5 %)

For T region it is valid 1,1*105  CD*ReS2  4*1010

Note: Sludge and fine sand particles usually settle in the laminar region  by reason of
time saving you can calculate the speed according equations for L region and
than check up the Re number.

Ex. 1: Sedimentation of sludge particles in water.

Given: Sludge d = 0,2 mm; p = 1020 kg/m3;  = 998 kg/m3; = 1*10-3 Pa*s
Task: Calculate a sedimentation speed uS = ?, time  = ? when the particle
reaches the speed u = 0,99 uS and a distance h = ? that is covered during
the time .

Setting of a sedimentation region

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 L region

Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed u  =

Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 


Similar calculations are for sedimentation of gypsum or sand.

Ex. 2: Sedimentation of gypsum particles in water.

G: d = 0,1 mm; P = 1800 kg/m3;  = 998 kg/m3; = 1*10-3 Pa*s

T: Calculate a sedimentation speed uS = ?, time  = ? when the particle
reaches the speed u = 0,99 uS and a distance h = ? that is covered during
the time .

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Setting of a sedimentation region

 L region

Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed
u = 0,99*uS

Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 


Ex. 3: Sedimentation of sand particles in water.

G: d = 0,1 mm; P = 2300 kg/m3;  = 998 kg/m3; = 1*10-3 Pa*s

T: uS = ?,  = ? for u = 0,99 uS and h = ? for time  .

Setting of a sedimentation region

 L region

Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed
u = 0,99*uS

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Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 


Ex. 4: Sedimentation of sand particles in water.

G: d = 0,14 mm; P = 2300 kg/m3;  = 998 kg/m3;  = 1*10-3 Pa*s

T: uS = ?,  = ? for u = 0,99 uS and h = ? for time  .

Setting of a sedimentation region

 L region
(boundary between L and transient regions)
Note: For a result accuracy c. +/- 5 % ..... limit of application of relations for the laminar region.

Note: For the same conditions but sand particle diameter d = 1,9 mm we reach a beginning of the turbulent
region (CD*ReP2 = 1,17*105).

Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed
u = 0,99*uS

Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 


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Datum tisku: 01.11.po Kr.2022
Ex. 5 Sedimentation of sand (dust) particles in air.

G: d = 0,075 mm; P = 2300 kg/m3;  = 1,190 kg/m3;  = 1,82*10-5 Pa*s

T: uS = ?,  = ? for u = 0,99 uS and h = ? for time  .

Setting of a sedimentation region

 L region

Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed
u = 0,99*uS

Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 

It is usually impossible to neglect the distance.


Ex. 6: Dust particle sedimentation in air.

G: d = 0,020 mm; P = 2300 kg/m3;  = 1,190 kg/m3;  = 1,82*10-5 Pa*s

T: uS = ?,  = ? for u = 0,99 uS and h = ? for time  .

Setting of a sedimentation region

 L region

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Setting of the sedimentation speed of the particle

Setting of the time when the particle reaches the sedimentation speed
u = 0,99*uS

Setting of the distance that the particle covers during the time 


Note: For the same conditions (sand particles in air) but diameter d = 1,0 mm it is C C*ReP2 = 1,08*105
it is that we are at the beginning of the turbulent region.

Ex.7: Free fall of a hailstone from a storm cloud

G: d = 20 mm; P = 918 kg/m3;  = 1,190 kg/m3;  = 1,82*10-5 Pa*s

T: Set a falling (sedimentation) speed uS = ?

Setting of a sedimentation region

 T region

It is valid for the region CD = 0,44

Setting of the Reynolds number

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Setting of the constant sedimentation speed of the particle

Note 1:
The biggest in the Czech Republic observed hailstone had the diameter c. 120
mm. The corresponding falling speed is c. 52,4 m/s = 188 km/h.

Note 2:
As the falling time is relatively short the majority of the hail mass has to be
formed in clouds in rising air flows. These rising flows have to have approxi-
mately the same speed as the falling speed is.

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Datum tisku: 01.11.po Kr.2022

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