MKT3043 Brand Management+Assessment Task Rubrics 2022-23 Sem1

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Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043


1. Analyse brand equity and identity (CILO1)

2. Apply effective brand strategies to compete in the market place (CILO 2)

3. Develop a brand audit for company (CILO 3)

1. Course Component: Class Participation Rubric (10%)

Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Pass Fail
Assessment Criteria
(10) (8) (6) (4) (2-0)

Engagement in CILOs Always actively responds to Often responds to questions Occasionally responds to Rarely responds to No
classroom 1,2,3 questions using readings to using readings to support questions using readings to questions using participation
participation support points made; points made; often raises support points made; readings to support .
(40%) always raises relevant and relevant and thoughtful occasionally raises relevant points made; rarely
thoughtful questions to questions to promote and thoughtful questions to raises relevant and
promote discussions or discussions or volunteers promote discussions or thoughtful questions to
volunteers own viewpoints. own viewpoints. volunteers own viewpoints. promote discussions or
volunteers own
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

Participation in CILOs Always actively Often participates in group Occasionally participates Rarely participates No
group learning 1,2,3 participates in group learning activities and in group learning in group learning participation.
activities (40%) learning activities and group discussions; often activities and group activities and group
group discussions; always engages in two-way discussions; occasionally discussions; rarely
engages in two-way communications with group engages in two-way engages in two-way
communications with group members. communications with communications
members. group members. with group

Demonstration of CILOs 1, Always on time for class Often on time for class (one Occasionally late for Habitually late for Always absent
professional 2, 3 and respect the comments or two less than 15 minutes class (three less than 15 class (four or more from class.
demeanor and from the instructor and late arrivals) and respect the minutes late arrivals). less than 15 Show no respect
attitude (20%) to others during
classmates during comments from the Sometimes disrespect minutes late
discussion. instructor and classmates others during discussion. arrivals).
during discussion. Show little respect
to others during

All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

2. Course Component: 2 x Hand-in Assignment Rubric (40%, including 20% Assignment, 20% Group Project Report)
Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Pass Fail
Assessment Criteria
(10) (8) (6) (4) (2-0)

Assignment Content CILOs Extremely creative, Very creative, meets Creative, meets Not very creative, Little or no
1,2,3 well designed, meets all most requirements, general requirements, hardly meets creativity, does
(30%) requirements, generally reasonable, some problems with requirements, problems not meet
reasonable, feasible, and feasible, and feasibility. with feasibility. requirements, not
economically possible. economically feasible.

Planning & Organization CILOs Extremely well- Very well-organized, Well-organized, Poorly organized, Badly organized
1,2,3 organized, logical logical sequence, reasonably logical sequence, not logical, sequence; not
(10%) sequence, clear evidence of planning. sequence, some little evidence of logical, no
evidence of planning. evidence of planning. planning. evidence of

Application CILOs Critically evaluated Evaluated and Satisfactorily Poorly applied concepts Unable to apply
1,2,3 and successfully applied applied concepts in evaluated and applied in solving a real-life concepts to
(20%) concepts in solving a solving a real- life concepts in solving a problem resolve a problem
real- life problem problem real-life problem

Analytical Skills CILOs Recommendation is Recommendation is Recommendation is Recommendation is Recommendation

1,2,3 very clear and very clear and well- reasonably clear and unclear and mainly is very unclear
(30%) well-supported by supported by factual is satisfactorily supported by opinions. and supported by
factual arguments. arguments. supported by factual opinions.

Quality CILOs Use very accurate Use accurate Understandable Poor writing style, Full of typos, no

All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

(10%) 1,2,3 language, well- language, presentable writing, average layout needs polishing, poor evidence of
presented layout layout layout proofreading,
scratchy drafts

(Note: Marking scheme will provide reference for assessment. ALL submissions for essay-type assignments will go through Turnitin)

All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

3. Course Component: Presentation Rubric (10%)

Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Pass Fail

Assessment Criteria (10) (8) (6) (4) (2-0)

Overall CILOs Topic and the central Topic and the central claim of Topic and the central claim Topic and the central Topic and the central
Presentation 1,2,3 claim of the presentation the presentation are clearly of the presentation are claim of the presentation claim of the presentation
are clearly identified, and made. Outline is given with introduced. The conclusions are introduced but are poorly introduced.
(50%) presentation is easy to relevant conclusions made are unclear. limited. No conclusions No conclusions are
follow, and in an are made. made.
interesting way. Outline is
given with relevant

Teamwork CILOs Each member of the team Each member of the team has Not every member of the team The distribution of The distribution of
& 1,2,3 has equal chances of equal chances of presenting the contributes to the presentation. presentation workload is presentation workload is
cooperation presenting the materials. materials but not equally shared Only one or two members hardly compromised. unequal.
the workload. dominate the presentation.
(20%) Transitions from one Transitions are hardly Poor transitions from
speaker to another are Transitions from one speaker to Transitions from one speaker observed from one one speaker to another.
smooth. another are smooth. to another are observed but not speaker to another.
very smooth.
Team members "add Team members "add value"
value" to the work of to the work of others in the Absent
others in the team. team.

All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

Q&A CILOs The response to questions The response to questions is The response to questions is The response to questions Unable to formulate a
1,2,3 is direct with accurate and mostly direct with accurate and adequate with reasonable is mostly inaccurate and logical response.
(30%) complete explanation. complete explanation. explanation. incomplete.


All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1
Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT3043 {STUDENT Use}

4. Course Component: Final Examination Rubric (40%)

Excellent Good Satisfactory Marginal Pass Fail
Assessment Criteria (10) (8) (6) (4) (2-0)
(marking scheme will be used)
Knowledge CILOs Answers show a Answers show a Answers show a general Answers show partial Answers show minimal
(30%) 1,2,3 thorough understanding substantial understanding understanding and understanding and understanding and ineffective
and effective application and effective application of effective application of effective application of application of the concepts /
of all concepts / most concepts/principles some concepts / principles few concepts / principles principles learned.
principles learned. learned. learned. learned.

Accuracy CILOs All answers are Almost all answers are Over 75% answers are Around 50% of answers Almost all or all answers are
(20 %) 1,2,3 accurate/complete. accurate/complete. accurate are accurate/complete. inaccurate/ incomplete.

Application CILOs Using skills in Using skills in synthesizing Using skills in synthesizing Using skills in Using the inappropriate
(50%) 1,2,3 synthesizing relevant relevant information with relevant information with synthesizing relevant skills in synthesizing
information with a high considerable clarity. some clarity. information with little relevant information.
degree of clarity. clarity.

All students’ assessment scores are subject to the CRA Implementation Monitoring Group’s moderation. Version: AY2022/23 Sem1

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