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Dada ewsi col gts 1 rove goingo read what happenedtoaboyof fvewholved ninda, WhatwereyouTikeat geet Discus the questions belowin pai. euldyoureadand we? bidyou gota schol Didyou hve any bthrs andes pay thy was five-year-old boy fom a town in central India, His family was poor ko he didn't goto school ashe had to work instead, cleaning trains. One night in 1996, he was working on a train with his older brother when he felt very tired. So he ot off the train, sat down and fell asleep. When he woke up, he rushed back to the train and locked for his brother. Unfortunately, he couldn't find him anywhere. He sat down on the train and fell asleep again. He woke up 14 hours later when the train stopped. He heard the roar of traffic and people shouting. This was the sound of Calcutta, Trias tind largest city. Senco was in trouble. He could ead ot write and he didn’t know the name cof his hometown. He juschad a photo of himselt Luckily, an onphanage took him in, and an Astralian couple adopted him and took him to Tasmania, in Australia. He grew up, took a business degree, and worked for an engineering company. 30-year-old Sarco was happy, but he often thought about his lost family in India. How could he find them again? He only had his childhood memories, Suddenly he had an idea. He calculated that in 14 hours a train could travel about 1,200 km. So he drew a citele om a map around Caleutta. And then he used Google Earth™ co search for train stations. Grammar Fests upset continuous when | wo Vocabulary Theses | aso the body Challenge Tkabostchnges Interaction ling nace Weiting Asory Who did you play with? What were your fevourte toys? What did you do duringthe cay? Incresiby, while he was ooking atthe photos on his screen, he sawa watefill where he used to ply asa child, He zoomed into the town, which was called ‘Khandwa, and he recognized his family home. ‘He flew ro Khandwa. The sounds and the smells were so familiar Sadly, his old home was empty but he shoved his photo to people and told his story. Luckily, they knew his mother. So amasinely after 25 yeas, Saroo and his mother were reunited. 2. OpRead the fist wo paragraphs about Sarco, and answerthe questions about his early life. 1 Where id he lve? He ved india. 2 Did hegoto school? 3. Whatjob didhedo? 4 Couldhe read and write? 3 Read the whole article and complete this summary of thestory, Sarto ass poor!.-year-oldboy. He was from central 2... Heworked asa leaneran?...Onedayhefell:..on2 trai, ttookhimto®..2ctyabout®.. kmawiay.Acouple ‘adoptechim and tookhimt ein’... ‘and worked inan*, buthe wanted to finds real. Heused_tolooktmaps saw photo ofa. and recognizedit.twasnearatown called. Hewenttoindia andfound hismotherafter. years. 4 Read Word Zone andfind four more adverbsin the article, Attimde adverbs Useatitude adverbs such as unfortunately to communicate attitudesor feelings orto introduce newideas. Remember, adverbs usuallyendin-W. re 5 Completethe sentences with an appropriate adver’ belovs, Sometimes more than one adverb is possible. amazingly luckly sad sudéenly unfotunately 1, Saroa's family were very poor sohe had to work. 2. hestill had trong images ofhisehildhood in his ming. 4... heremembered the route am thetrainstation to hishome 4 ,when Saroo found hishome, twas empty 5 — he woke up and heard the nase of big ci. 6 inpairs,write four more questions to ask Saroo about ‘what happened. Whee’ the first ting you sid to your mother? 1, @eworkingroups. Take itn turnsto be Saroo. Ask your questions. Be inventive with your answers. VOCABULARY _/ The senses 8 Completethe sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs. feel hear listen look see smell sound teste touch watch Thisdrink sts delicious. Try some. ~ totherain on the windows. I'ssoloud ‘Weall sat down together and... 2 DVD lastnight, ‘The musicyou'e paying. beautiful Dont .anythingin my room wile Lam out Your perfume... nice Excuse, ca't.the whiteboard, .~atthat aeroplanes ying very low. ‘Shih. Did you ~ anise? 10 He opened the door and. cold wind on is face. 9 Read thisarticle and dothetask. Weer ask ae Paps yeu lara bs by ooking at hiys Ort yeu need foster? Or raphe pyscaly maveg en sng your hadsis sot important to yu, Tere is no gt or wrong vay to lean because we areal diferent, ‘FABK Think of these things, one ata time: eos | a | lomo | 2c | abind mabe plone | Ue mr | Soy | Ue doa eis | chutes | of | cet | the ed dns | fi | your bal fd | yun okt Each time, wrte the word under the sense you Used fist. For example fo ai, cid you heart? ‘Or cid you feel it? Or maybe you saw it? 10 Compare your answersin groups. Are your learning styles similar or different? U1 @ Askand answer the questions with your partner. what's yourfavourite.? smell © sound © view © taste (Citatyeareoortesme) C (inherent Te smears) ( ere thingtotouch ra io Weuse the past simple totalk about fished actonsand situations in the past. Saree was a five-yearold boy. 4s fori lived nasal wage He didnt go toschoo, Did they havea WV? ‘Weuse the past continuous totalkabout Activities in progress inthe past. Hewas cleaning tran, ‘are andhis roche werent working inastop Wositsnowing? ‘Wecan connect past actions with when and wil ‘Weusually use when before the past simple, nd «when or while before the past continuous. They were putting up the ten when it started tai gotatertmessaye while was watching fin 1 Choose verb foreach sentence. Then complete the sentences using the pastsimple. 1 Saulwenttothecinera astweek (/) 2 form Maths examtast ight. (X) 5. Mydad._meafantasicbirthday present 7) 4 We. homemade pizza lastnight. X) 5 Mysiscerand|.t0some col musiclasright.4/) 6 We.-allourmoneyanice cream and popcom. (/) correc group. Then istenand check. ul al say fixed missed needed opened played started toed, wend. wasted 3 Complete the conversations with the verbs below. Use the past simple or the past continuous. PRONUNCIATION -ed endings 2 Cheurthe pastsimple verbs into the be ¢o drive happen have see visit walk Jey: yesterday evening? lealled but you werentathome, Zara: We¥..rvy grandparents, Why? Jay: 3. asa ticketforthe Adele concert Zara: Ohno! ilove her! Theo: Something eallystranges..on Friday. +. home when teacher Ben: Why asthatstrenge? Theo: He’. bignew sports cart Its..a Ferrari! p (GRAMMAR __) Past simple & past continuous | while & when (ite 4 @inprirsaskand answer pastcontinuovs questions. How manyof your answers are the same? Usete past, simple te glvemore detailed information, ‘What/do/ yesterday at 6am /10am /2pm/ 6pm /1opm/ ninighe? onsaturésy/ Sunday? That were you dong ats glock yesterday morning, (Twas doing my ramework becouse ‘forgot todoit the night efor.) 5 Matchthe sentence halves using when or while. ‘We wer playing footbalwhen adograncnto the ptch 1 Wewereplaying football he wasrunningtor the bus. 2 Maxdropped his mobile shewaswritingher biog. 3 Lisa washavinglunch —_adog ranontothe pitch, 4 Thescreenwentblank _shebithertongue. 5. Hewas cooking ice hewasdoinghishomework 6 Nikkifellasleep he burned his hand, What wear 6 Complete Nathan's dream with the correct forms of the vverbsin brackets. Hi guys Thad an amazing cream last night, 1. (le) along the road. The sun * shine) and the irs». sing) in the tas. But then T+. (notice) there werert anyother people in the road, That was werd because it was a Monday moming. 15. (0) pat an old house when T+. (hea) aloud noise Tao off my bike and looked around. The front éor was open s0 1? (decide to lok inside. 1* 60) nto the hall and (stop). While... (tan) there a voice from the living ‘oom sai, Come in. ‘7. Writea possibleendingto Nathan's dream. Use the past simple, the past continuous and when and while,

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