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List all kali linux commands with examples pdf

Command-line plays a vital role while working with Kali Linux as most of its tools don’t have a Graphical User Interface and if you are performing ethical hacking or penetration testing then most of the time you will have to work with command Line Interface itself. While executing a command in Kali Linux we enter a command on the terminal
emulator and it gives us the appropriate output after the execution of the command. There are some commands in Kali Linux which we use too frequently. So we should be aware of those commands as it could increase our productivity. Command Line Essentials1. To display present working directory pwdThis command will display the current
directory you are in. 2. To list the directories and files in the current directory. lsThis command will display the list of files and directories in the current directory. 3. To change the current working directory cdThis command will change the directory you are currently working on. 4. To find a word in a file. grep keyword filenameThis command will
list all the lines containing the keyword in them. 5. To create a new directory mkdir directory_nameThis command will create a new directory in the current folder with the name directory_name. 6. To remove a directory rmdir directory_nameThis command will remove the directory with the name directory_name from the current directory. 7. To mv
a file mv source destinationThis command is used to move a file from one location to another. 8. To copy a file cp source destinationThis command will copy the file from the source to the destination. 9. To create a new file touch filename This command will create a new file with the name “filename” 10. To display manual of a command man lsThis
command will display a manual or a user guide for the command. 11. To check the internet connection or to check whether the host is active or not. ping google.comThis command will send some packets to the mentioned host and will give us output about the details of what is the status of the packet. This command could be used to check the
internet connection. 12. To display network interface details. ifconfig This command is used to display the details of the network interfaces connected to the system. 13. To download a file wget link_to_file This command will download the file from the link entered in the command. 14. To install a package sudo apt install package_nameThis command
is used to install the mentioned package in the system. 15. To remove a package sudo apt remove package_nammeThis command will remove the mentioned package from the system. 16. To upgrade packages in the system sudo apt upgradeThis command will upgrade all the packages in the system. 17. To fetch the packages updates sudo apt
update This command will check for updates of all the packages and will add the updates in the list to upgrade. 18. To get the current username whoami This command is used to print the username of the current user. 19. To change the current user to superuser or root sudo suThis command will ask for a password and will change the current user
to root. 20. To print in terminal echo " To print something on terminal"The command will print the mentioned text on the terminal. What is Kali Linux?Why do we need Kali Linux?20 Kali Linux Commands Kali Linux is an open source operating system. All system hardware and resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage, are directly managed by
the operating system. Kali Linux is similar to Unix, but Kali Linux can work on a large number of devices, from mobiles to supercomputers. Linux includes: Kernel: It is the base component of any operating system. It manages system resources and makes users communicate with hardware by using Kali Linux commands.System userspace: It contains
all the codes of the applications that the user interacts with.Applications: It consists of all the utilities and software that are used while working. They can be accessed by using Kali Linux commands. Kali Linux is primarily used by ethical hackers. It contains hundreds of cyber security tools and applications for various information security tasks such
as penetration testing, forensics, and reverse engineering. The following are a few more reasons to use Kali Linux: Free open-source operating system: Kali Linux is free of charge and anyone can download and use this operating system.Multi-language support: The code is written in English but it includes multilingual support that allows non-English-
speaking users to locate and use the tools and applications easily.Wireless device support: Kali Linux is built with a wide range of wireless supports so that it can run on a wide variety of devices.Completely customizable: Kali Linux can be customized according to the user, from the user interface to kernel level. Enroll in our CEH Training if you want
to learn more about Kali Linux and to master hacking! Now let us see the top Kali Linux commands that are most commonly used in the cyber security domain. man It displays the user manual for all commands in Kali Linux. It includes Bash command and detailed synopsis with a short description. Syntax: $man [option] …[command name]... Let us
take an example. man ls: t will display the documentation of ls command This command is used to change the directory that you are working in. Syntax: $cd [options] directory] Example: $cd Desktop: This command will navigate your present working directory to Desktop. This command displays all the files and folders in a given directory. Syntax: ls
[options]... [files]... Example: ls Desktop: This shows all the folders and files in the Desktop directory. Check out the installation of Kali Linux and the basic Kali Linux commands cat This command reads the contents of all files that are in a terminal. Syntax: $cat [options].... [filename(s)].. Example: You have a text.txt file that has some information in it;
type: $cat text.txt This commands creates new files without writing any content in it. Syntax: $touch [Option].. [Filename].. Example: Let us create a file with a text name. $ touch test1.txt Preparing for a job interview? Head to our blog on Ethical Hacking interview questions and learn more. mkdir This command will create a new directory in the
present working directory. Syntax: $mkdir [Option].. .. Example: We are in the Desktop directory; let us create a test folder in it. $mkdir test It stands for print working directory. As the name suggests, it shows you the working directory that you are working in. Syntax: $pwd [Option] Example: Now, we are in the test folder. So type: $pwd Master
Most in Demand Skills Now ! echo This command displays any text as arguments. It is used for debugging shell programs. Syntax: $echo [Option] [String] Example: $ echo -e “Welcome to Kali” This command is used to remove or delete any directory. Syntax: $rm [Option] [File] Example: We are working in a test directory. $rm test123.txt This
command deletes or removes empty directories. Syntax: $rmdir [Option] [Directory_Name] Example: $ rmdir This command downloads applications and web pages directly from the web. Syntax: $wget [Option] [URL] Example: $wget This command can do two things; it can either rename the file or directory or it can move files from one folder to
another. Syntax: $mv [Source] [Destination] Example: $ mv This command copies files from one location to another. Syntax: $cp [Options] [Source].. [Destination] Example: We have 2 files text1 and text2 $cp test1.txt test2.txt This command shows the list of contents from a director in the tree fashion. Syntax: $tree [Options] Example: $tree This
command searches files and prints lines that match patterns. Syntax: $grep [Options] [Pattern] [Filename] Example: We have a text1.txt file. $ grep -i This command allows the users to edit the text in the Vim editor. Syntax: $vi [Options] [Filename] Example: $ vi This command prints the first given number of lines from a file. Syntax: $head [Option]
[Filename] Example: We have a text.txt file. We print the first two lines. $ head -n Head to our Ethical Hacking tutorial to learn all about ethical hacking from scratch. tail This command prints the last given number of lines from a file. Syntax: $head [Option] [Filename] Example: We have a text.txt file. We print the last two lines. $ tail -n wc stands for
word count. It shows the number of lines, words, characters, and bytes. Syntax: $wc [Option].. [File].. Example: In the text file, we use wc Kali Linux command. $ wc This command shows the history of all the commands that you have typed and executed in the terminal. Syntax: $ history Example: Let’s type: $ history Caught up with doubts? Head to
our Cyber Security Community and ask them out. Introduction to Kali Linux Commands Kali Linux is one of the popular tools designed by Linux distribution for mainly used in digital forensics for ensuring proper penetration testing. It is one of the first open-source platforms where android application penetration testing can also be possible.
Backtracking mainly holding one specific mode called forensic mode; this is mainly carried over to this Kali environment by using some live boot. This article will see different kali Linux commands. Basic Kali Linux Commands There has a lot of kali Linux commands, especially for running or handling any kind of defined documents, create documents,
maintaining varieties of directories, or writing scripts in the Linux platform. Some of the basic commands are mentioned below: Command for getting Date: This is one of the common commands for helping to display normal dates with time on the Linux screen. It is also possible to set some of the custom dates, which can be handled by using this
specific command. # date –set=’17 Jan 2019 12:16’ Executing the above command, always given the below result as output: Thu Jan 17 12:18:20 EDT 2019 Command for displaying Calendar: One of the key commands of the Kali Linux operating system is cal which actually helps for displaying the proper require calendar in the Linux terminal screen
where anyone can able to identify the local date. There has a lot of additional calendar packages available in the case of the Kali Linux command, where people can able to manage the calendar in varieties way, sometimes they can able to present it vertically or some other critical features with this additional command. This additional command
package call the ncal package needs to download to your local Linux machine for using those features. Whoami and who command: There is two very much useful and popular command in Kali Linux platform are whoami and who commands. Whoami is one of the key commands which provided an exact effective username immediately who are
involved in executing this specific command. And who is the command where it will give entire logged-in user detail information? Pwd: PWD is actually standing for Print Working Directory. This Kali Linux command is mainly using for displaying the specific directory where the command executer is currently belonged to. Sometimes in the case of the
Linux platform, user are unable to understand in which directory he is right now. Then PWD is the key command for understanding the same. Ls: This is also a very commonly used command in the Kali Linux platform. Every user, after applying their logic, this is one of the first commands they execute. Command Ls is actually providing the entire list
of documents available in that specific directory. There have several other extended commands of Ls which are using for managing the display of those files in a proper manner. Suppose, ls –lrt, ls –al are given some additional information of those list of files on that specific directory. Cd: Cd command is mainly used for changing the directory in the
Kali Linux platform. Mkdir: Mkdir is one of the key commands for the Kali Linux platform. This actually helps in creating one new directory in the Kali Linux platform. Cat: Cat command is commonly used for displaying the entire content of one file. It also can be used for creating or concatenate single or multiple files in the Kali Linux platform. Cp:
This Kali Linux command is normally used for copying the image of an existing file or directory and paste the same anywhere in the Kali Linux platform with a different file name. Mv: Mv command is also a very frequently used command for moving the files or directory to another location with the same name and content. Intermediate Kali Linux
Commands There are several other popular kali Linux commands which have been used by the developer who is not very basic but working with Kali Linux more; those Linux commands are very much required to execute. Some of those kinds of requiring intermediate Linux commands are mentioned below: Rm: Rm command is used for mainly
deleting or removing files or multiple files. If we use this rm command recursively, then it will remove the entire directory. Uname: This command is very much useful for displaying the entire current system information properly. It helps for displaying Linux system information in the Linux environment in a proper way for understanding the system’s
current configuration. Uptime: The uptime command is also one of the key commands for the Kali Linux platform, which gives information about how long the system is running. Users: These Kali Linux commands are used for displaying the login user name who is currently logged in on the Linux system. Less: Less command is very much used for
displaying the file without opening or using cat or vi commands. This command is basically one of the powerful extensions of the ‘more’ command in the Linux environment. Advanced Kali Linux Commands Still, some of the critical tasks need to be done by the Kali Linux command users frequently. Those tasks also have some advance kind of
commands need to be executed, which mainly used by some of the managerial people for sorting, identifying or modifying a specific file, shell scripting writing, job scheduling etc. Those advance kind of Kali Linux commands are below: More: This command is used for displaying proper output in one page at a time. It is mainly useful for reading one
long file by avoiding scrolling the same. Sort: This is for using sorting the content of one specific define file. This is very much useful for displaying some of the critical contents of a big file in sorted order. If we user including this sort command, then it will give reverse order of the content. Vi: This is one of the key editor available from the first day
onwards in UNIX or Linux platform. It normally provided two kinds of mode, normal and insert. Free: It is provided details information of free memory or RAM available in a Linux system. History: This command is holding the history of all the executed command on the Linux platform. Tips and Tricks to Use Kali Linux commands Some common users
who very frequently use Kali Linux commands, they normally use some of the tips and tricks for utilizing Kali Linux command output in a proper way. Those kinds of tricks normally solve some user-specific queries and display execution output for understanding the same properly. Some of the very commonly used key tricks are: Securing and
Protecting Kali Linux: One if the critical process available in Kali Linux by using VPN services with some configuration changes specifically in a custom proxy. Secure with Password: there has one utility of securing your personal information with a specific password and lock them on to our target. And recovering the same by providing a proper
password. Conclusion This is one of the key tools currently available which can be used for a number of purposes. This is mainly helping in identifying or exploiting some of the victim networks or specific applications. Sometimes it will be used as scanning some target IP address. Recommended Articles This has been a guide to Kali Linux Commands.
Here we have discuss basic as well as advanced Kali Linux Commands and some immediate commands. You may also look at the following article to learn more – Tableau Commands Linux Users Linux Mount Command Linux Network Command

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