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Title 40

Protection of Environment
Part 60 (§§ 60.1 to 60.499)

Revised as of July 1, 2021

Containing a codification of documents

of general applicability and future effect

As of July 1, 2021

Published by the Office of the Federal Register

National Archives and Records Administration
as a Special Edition of the Federal Register
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Legal Status and Use of Seals and Logos

The seal of the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) authenticates the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as
the official codification of Federal regulations established under
the Federal Register Act. Under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 1507, the
co 7, 2013ntents of the CFR, a special edition of the Federal Reg-
ister, shall be judicially noticed. The CFR is prima facie evidence
of the original documents published in the Federal Register (44
U.S.C. 1510).
It is prohibited to use NARA’s official seal and the stylized Code
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Use of ISBN Prefix

This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication
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Table of Contents
Explanation ................................................................................................ v

Title 40:

Chapter I—Environmental Protection Agency (Continued) ............ 3

Finding Aids:

Table of CFR Titles and Chapters ....................................................... 647

Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR ......................... 667

List of CFR Sections Affected ............................................................. 677

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Cite this Code: CFR

To cite the regulations in

this volume use title,
part and section num-
ber. Thus, 40 CFR 60.1
refers to title 40, part
60, section 1.
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The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent
rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agen-
cies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent
broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters
which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further sub-
divided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued
on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:
Title 1 through Title of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27 of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41 of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50 of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume.
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44
U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text
of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues
of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to deter-
mine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date
(in this case, July 1, 2021), consult the ‘‘List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),’’
which is issued monthly, and the ‘‘Cumulative List of Parts Affected,’’ which
appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists
will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any
given rule.
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Reg-
ister since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for
the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal
Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usu-
ally not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the
actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-
off date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective
date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register
states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following
the text.
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The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–511) requires Federal agencies
to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.

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Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amend-
ments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as
close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of the revision
date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find
the text of provisions in effect on any given date in the past by using the appro-
priate List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). For the convenience of the reader,
a ‘‘List of CFR Sections Affected’’ is published at the end of each CFR volume.
For changes to the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume,
consult previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to
2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published for 1949-
1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000.
The term ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal
Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a ‘‘[Reserved]’’ loca-
tion at any time. Occasionally ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used editorially to indicate that
a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a print-
ing or computer error.
What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established
by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regu-
lations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published else-
where. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register
must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the mate-
rial is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C.
552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force
of law.
What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register
will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR
part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are:
(a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material pub-
lished in the Federal Register.
(b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to
afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process.
(c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in
accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any
problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorpora-
tion by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing
that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not
available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives
and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or
call 202-741-6010.
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate
volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS.
This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies pub-
lishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.


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An index to the text of ‘‘Title 3—The President’’ is carried within that volume.
The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index
is based on a consolidation of the ‘‘Contents’’ entries in the daily Federal Reg-
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the
revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.
There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the
Code of Federal Regulations.
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume,
contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency’s name appears at the top of
odd-numbered pages.
For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 202–741–6000 or write
to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail
The Government Publishing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution
of the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 866-512-1800, or DC area,
202-512-1800, M-F 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. e.s.t. or fax your order to 202-512-2104, 24 hours
a day. For payment by check, write to: US Government Publishing Office – New
Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.
The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections
Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public
Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Compilation of Presi-
dential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic
format via For more information, contact the GPO Customer
Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-
512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail,
The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National
Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) World Wide Web site for public
law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect
to NARA’s web site at
The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR ma-
terial and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal
Register and the Government Publishing Office. It is available at

Office of the Federal Register.
July 1, 2021.
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Title 40—PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT is composed of thirty-seven volumes.

The parts in these volumes are arranged in the following order: Parts 1–49, parts
50–51, part 52 (52.01–52.1018), part 52 (52.1019–52.2019), part 52 (52.2020–end of part
52), parts 53–59, part 60 (60.1–60.499), part 60 (60.500–end of part 60, sections), part
60 (Appendices), parts 61–62, part 63 (63.1–63.599), part 63 (63.600–63.1199), part 63
(63.1200–63.1439), part 63 (63.1440–63.6175), part 63 (63.6580–63.8830), part 63 (63.8980–
end of part 63), parts 64–71, parts 72–79, part 80, part 81, parts 82–86, parts 87–
95, parts 96–99, parts 100–135, parts 136–149, parts 150–189, parts 190–259, parts 260–
265, parts 266–299, parts 300–399, parts 400–424, parts 425–699, parts 700–722, parts
723–789, parts 790–999, parts 1000–1059, and part 1060 to end. The contents of these
volumes represent all current regulations codified under this title of the CFR
as of July 1, 2021.

Chapter I—Environmental Protection Agency appears in all thirty-seven vol-

umes. OMB control numbers for title 40 appear in § 9.1 of this chapter.

Chapters IV–IX—Regulations issued by the Environmental Protection Agency

and Department of Justice, Council on Environmental Quality, Chemical Safety
and Hazard Investigation Board, Environmental Protection Agency and Depart-
ment of Defense; Uniform National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed
Forces, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, and the Federal Permitting
Improvement Steering Council appear in volume thirty seven.

For this volume, Ann Worley was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regula-
tions publication program is under the direction of John Hyrum Martinez, as-
sisted by Stephen J. Frattini.
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Title 40—Protection of
(This book contains part 60, §§ 60.1 to 60.499)


CHAPTER I—Environmental Protection Agency (Continued) 60

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EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to chapter I appear at 65 FR 47324, 47325, Aug. 2,

2000; 66 FR 34375, 34376, June 28, 2001.


Part Page
60 Standards of performance for new stationary
sources ................................................................. 5
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PART 60—STANDARDS OF PER- 60.24a Standards of performance and com-

pliance schedules.
FORMANCE FOR NEW STA- 60.25a Emission inventories, source surveil-
TIONARY SOURCES lance, reports.
60.26a Legal authority.
Subpart A—General Provisions 60.27a Actions by the Administrator.
60.28a Plan revisions by the State.
Sec. 60.29a Plan revisions by the Administrator.
60.1 Applicability.
60.2 Definitions. Subpart C—Emission Guidelines and
60.3 Units and abbreviations. Compliance Times
60.4 Address.
60.5 Determination of construction or modi- 60.30 Scope.
fication. 60.31 Definitions.
60.6 Review of plans.
60.7 Notification and record keeping. Subpart Ca [Reserved]
60.8 Performance tests.
60.9 Availability of information. Subpart Cb—Emissions Guidelines and
60.10 State authority. Compliance Times for Large Municipal
60.11 Compliance with standards and main- Waste Combustors That Are Con-
tenance requirements. structed on or Before September 20,
60.12 Circumvention. 1994
60.13 Monitoring requirements.
60.14 Modification. 60.30b Scope and delegation of authority.
60.15 Reconstruction. 60.31b Definitions.
60.16 Priority list. 60.32b Designated facilities.
60.17 Incorporations by reference. 60.33b Emission guidelines for municipal
60.18 General control device and work prac- waste combustor metals, acid gases,
tice requirements. organics, and nitrogen oxides.
60.19 General notification and reporting re- 60.34b Emission guidelines for municipal
quirements. waste combustor operating practices.
TABLE 1 TO SUBPART A OF PART 60—DETEC- 60.35b Emission guidelines for municipal
TION SENSITIVITY LEVELS (GRAMS PER waste combustor operator training and
HOUR) certification.
60.36b Emission guidelines for municipal
Subpart B—Adoption and Submittal of waste combustor fugitive ash emissions.
60.37b Emission guidelines for air curtain
State Plans for Designated Facilities
60.20 Applicability. 60.38b Compliance and performance testing.
60.21 Definitions. 60.39b Reporting and recordkeeping guide-
60.22 Publication of guideline documents, lines and compliance schedules.
emission guidelines, and final compli- TABLE 1 TO SUBPART Cb OF PART 60—NITRO-
60.23 Adoption and submittal of State plans; FACILITIES
public hearings. TABLE 2 TO SUBPART Cb OF PART 60—NITRO-
60.24 Emission standards and compliance GEN OXIDES LIMITS FOR EXISTING DES-
60.25 Emission inventories, source surveil- SIONS AVERAGING PLAN AT A MUNICIPAL
60.26 Legal authority. TABLE 3 TO SUBPART Cb OF PART 60—MUNIC-
60.27 Actions by the Administrator. IPAL WASTE COMBUSTOR OPERATING
60.28 Plan revisions by the State. GUIDELINES
60.29 Plan revisions by the Administrator.
Subpart Cc—Emission Guidelines and
Subpart Ba—Adoption and Submittal of Compliance Times for Municipal Solid
State Plans for Designated Facilities Waste Landfills
60.20a Applicability. 60.30c Scope.
60.21a Definitions. 60.31c Definitions.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.22a Publication of emission guidelines. 60.32c Designated facilities.

60.23a Adoption and submittal of State 60.33c Emission guidelines for municipal
plans; public hearings. solid waste landfill emissions.
60.34c Test methods and procedures.

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Pt. 60 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
60.35c Reporting and recordkeeping guide- Subpart D—Standards of Performance for
lines. Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generators
60.36c Compliance times.
60.40 Applicability and designation of af-
Subpart Cd—Emissions Guidelines and fected facility.
Compliance Times for Sulfuric Acid 60.41 Definitions.
60.42 Standard for particulate matter (PM).
Production Units 60.43 Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
60.30d Designated facilities. 60.44 Standard for nitrogen oxides (NOX).
60.45 Emission and fuel monitoring.
60.31d Emissions guidelines.
60.46 Test methods and procedures.
60.32d Compliance times.
Subpart Da—Standards of Performance for
Subpart Ce—Emission Guidelines and Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
Compliance Times for Hospital/Med-
ical/Infectious Waste Incinerators 60.40Da Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
60.30e Scope. 60.41Da Definitions.
60.31e Definitions. 60.42Da Standard for particulate matter
60.32e Designated facilities. (PM).
60.33e Emission guidelines. 60.43Da Standards for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
60.34e Operator training and qualification 60.44Da Standards for nitrogen oxides
guidelines. (NOX).
60.45Da Alternative standards for combined
60.35e Waste management guidelines.
nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon mon-
60.36e Inspection guidelines. oxide (CO).
60.37e Compliance, performance testing, and 60.46Da [Reserved]
monitoring guidelines. 60.47Da Commercial demonstration permit.
60.38e Reporting and recordkeeping guide- 60.48Da Compliance provisions.
lines. 60.49Da Emission monitoring.
60.39e Compliance times. 60.50Da Compliance determination proce-
TABLE 1A TO SUBPART Ce OF PART 60—EMIS- dures and methods.
60.51Da Reporting requirements.
LARGE HMIWI AT DESIGNATED FACILITIES 60.52Da Recordkeeping requirements.
AS DEFINED IN § 60.32e(a)(1)
Subpart Db—Standards of Performance for
AS DEFINED IN § 60.32e(a)(1) AND (a)(2)
60.40b Applicability and delegation of au-
60.41b Definitions.
MEET THE CRITERIA UNDER § 60.33e(b)(1) 60.42b Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
TABLE 2B TO SUBPART Ce OF PART 60—EMIS- 60.43b Standard for particulate matter
MEET THE CRITERIA UNDER § 60.33e(b)(2) 60.44b Standard for nitrogen oxides (NOX).
60.45b Compliance and performance test
Subpart Cf—Emission Guidelines and Com- methods and procedures for sulfur diox-
pliance Times for Municipal Solid ide.
Waste Landfills 60.46b Compliance and performance test
methods and procedures for particulate
60.30f Scope and delegated authorities. matter and nitrogen oxides.
60.31f Designated facilities. 60.47b Emission monitoring for sulfur diox-
60.32f Compliance times. ide.
60.33f Emission Guidelines for municipal 60.48b Emission monitoring for particulate
solid waste landfill emissions. matter and nitrogen oxides.
60.34f Operational standards for collection 60.49b Reporting and recordkeeping require-
and control systems. ments.
60.35f Test methods and procedures.
Subpart Dc—Standards of Performance for
60.36f Compliance provisions.
60.37f Monitoring of operations.
Small Industrial-Commercial-Institu-
60.38f Reporting guidelines.
tional Steam Generating Units
60.39f Recordkeeping guidelines. 60.40c Applicability and delegation of au-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.40f Specifications for active collection thority.

systems. 60.41c Definitions.
60.41f Definitions. 60.42c Standard for sulfur dioxide (SO2).

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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60
60.43c Standard for particulate matter 60.59b Reporting and recordkeeping require-
(PM). ments.
60.44c Compliance and performance test
methods and procedures for sulfur diox- Subpart Ec—Standards of Performance for
ide. New Stationary Sources: Hospital/
60.45c Compliance and performance test Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators
methods and procedures for particulate
matter. 60.50c Applicability and delegation of au-
60.46c Emission monitoring for sulfur diox- thority.
ide. 60.51c Definitions.
60.47c Emission monitoring for particulate 60.52c Emission limits.
matter. 60.53c Operator training and qualification
60.48c Reporting and recordkeeping require- requirements.
ments. 60.54c Siting requirements.
60.55c Waste management plan.
Subpart Ea—Standards of Performance for 60.56c Compliance and performance testing.
Municipal Waste Combustors for
60.57c Monitoring requirements.
Which Construction Is Commenced
60.58c Reporting and recordkeeping require-
After December 20, 1989 and On or ments.
Before September 20, 1994
60.50a Applicability and delegation of au- SIONS LIMITS FOR SMALL, MEDIUM, AND
60.51a Definitions. AS DEFINED IN § 60.50c(a)(1) AND (2)
60.52a Standard for municipal waste com- TABLE 1A TO SUBPART Ec OF PART 60—EMIS-
60.53a Standard for municipal waste com- LARGE HMIWI AT AFFECTED FACILITIES
bustor organics. AS DEFINED IN § 60.50c(a)(1) AND (2)
60.54a Standard for municipal waste com- TABLE 1B TO SUBPART Ec OF PART 60—EMIS-
60.55a Standard for nitrogen oxides. LARGE HMIWI AT AFFECTED FACILITIES
60.56a Standard for municipal waste com- AS DEFINED IN § 60.50C(a)(3) AND (4)
bustor operating practices. TABLE 2 TO SUBPART Ec OF PART 60—TOXIC
60.58a Compliance and performance testing. TABLE 3 TO SUBPART Ec OF PART 60—OPER-
60.59a Reporting and recordkeeping require- ATING PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED
Subpart Eb—Standards of Performance for
Large Municipal Waste Combustors for Subpart F—Standards of Performance for
Which Construction is Commenced Portland Cement Plants
After September 20, 1994 or for Which
Modification or Reconstruction is Com- 60.60 Applicability and designation of af-
menced After June 19, 1996 fected facility.
60.61 Definitions.
60.50b Applicability and delegation of au- 60.62 Standard for particulate matter.
thority. 60.63 Monitoring of operations.
60.51b Definitions. 60.64 Test methods and procedures.
60.52b Standards for municipal waste com- 60.65 Recordkeeping and reporting require-
bustor metals, acid gases, organics, and ments.
nitrogen oxides.
60.66 Delegation of authority.
60.53b Standards for municipal waste com-
bustor operating practices.
Subpart G—Standards of Performance for
60.54b Standards for municipal waste com-
Nitric Acid Plants
bustor operator training and certifi-
cation. 60.70 Applicability and designation of af-
60.55b Standards for municipal waste com- fected facility.
bustor fugitive ash emissions. 60.71 Definitions.
60.56b Standards for air curtain inciner- 60.72 Standard for nitrogen oxides.
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60.73 Emission monitoring.

60.57b Siting requirements.
60.58b Compliance and performance testing.

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Pt. 60 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
60.74 Test methods and procedures. 60.104a Performance tests.
60.105a Monitoring of emissions and oper-
Subpart Ga—Standards of Performance for ations for fluid catalytic cracking units
Nitric Acid Plants for Which Construc- (FCCU) and fluid coking units (FCU).
tion, Reconstruction, or Modification 60.106a Monitoring of emissions and oper-
Commenced After October 14, 2011 ations for sulfur recovery plants.
60.107a Monitoring of emissions and oper-
60.70a Applicability and designation of af- ations for fuel gas combustion devices
fected facility. and flares.
60.71a Definitions. 60.108a Recordkeeping and reporting re-
60.72a Standards. quirements.
60.73a Emissions testing and monitoring. 60.109a Delegation of authority.
60.74a Affirmative defense for violations of TABLE 1 TO SUBPART JA OF PART 60—TABLE 1
emission standards during malfunction. TO SUBPART JA OF PART 60—MOLAR EX-
60.77a Reporting.
Subpart K—Standards of Performance for
Subpart H—Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids
Sulfuric Acid Plants for Which Construction, Reconstruc-
60.80 Applicability and designation of af- tion, or Modification Commenced
fected facility. After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May
60.81 Definitions. 19, 1978
60.82 Standard for sulfur dioxide.
60.83 Standard for acid mist. 60.110 Applicability and designation of af-
60.84 Emission monitoring. fected facility.
60.85 Test methods and procedures. 60.111 Definitions.
60.112 Standard for volatile organic com-
Subpart I—Standards of Performance for pounds (VOC).
Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities 60.113 Monitoring of operations.

60.90 Applicability and designation of af- Subpart Ka—Standards of Performance for

fected facility. Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids
60.91 Definitions. for Which Construction, Reconstruc-
60.92 Standard for particulate matter.
60.93 Test methods and procedures. tion, or Modification Commenced
After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July
Subpart J—Standards of Performance for 23, 1984
Petroleum Refineries 60.110a Applicability and designation of af-
60.100 Applicability, designation of affected fected facility.
facility, and reconstruction. 60.111a Definitions.
60.101 Definitions. 60.112a Standard for volatile organic com-
60.102 Standard for particulate matter. pounds (VOC).
60.103 Standard for carbon monoxide. 60.113a Testing and procedures.
60.104 Standards for sulfur oxides. 60.114a Alternative means of emission limi-
60.105 Monitoring of emissions and oper- tation.
ations. 60.115a Monitoring of operations.
60.106 Test methods and procedures.
60.107 Reporting and recordkeeping require- Subpart Kb—Standards of Performance for
ments. Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Ves-
60.108 Performance test and compliance pro- sels (Including Petroleum Liquid Stor-
visions. age Vessels) for Which Construction,
60.109 Delegation of authority. Reconstruction, or Modification Com-
Subpart Ja—Standards of Performance for menced After July 23, 1984
Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- 60.110b Applicability and designation of af-
struction, Reconstruction, or Modifica- fected facility.
tion Commenced After May 14, 2007 60.111b Definitions.
60.112b Standard for volatile organic com-
60.100a Applicability, designation of af- pounds (VOC).
fected facility, and reconstruction. 60.113b Testing and procedures.
60.101a Definitions. 60.114b Alternative means of emission limi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.102a Emissions limitations. tation.

60.103a Design, equipment, work practice or 60.115b Reporting and recordkeeping re-
operational standards. quirements.
60.116b Monitoring of operations.
8 60.117b Delegation of authority.

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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60

Subpart L—Standards of Performance for 60.166 Test methods and procedures.

Secondary Lead Smelters
Subpart Q—Standards of Performance for
60.120 Applicability and designation of af- Primary Zinc Smelters
fected facility.
60.121 Definitions. 60.170 Applicability and designation of af-
60.122 Standard for particulate matter. fected facility.
60.123 Test methods and procedures. 60.171 Definitions.
60.172 Standard for particulate matter.
Subpart M—Standards of Performance for 60.173 Standard for sulfur dioxide.
Secondary Brass and Bronze Produc- 60.174 Standard for visible emissions.
tion Plants 60.175 Monitoring of operations.
60.176 Test methods and procedures.
60.130 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility. Subpart R—Standards of Performance for
60.131 Definitions. Primary Lead Smelters
60.132 Standard for particulate matter.
60.133 Test methods and procedures. 60.180 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
Subpart N—Standards of Performance for 60.181 Definitions.
Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen 60.182 Standard for particulate matter.
Process Furnances for Which Construc- 60.183 Standard for sulfur dioxide.
60.184 Standard for visible emissions.
tion is Commenced After June 11, 60.185 Monitoring of operations.
1973 60.186 Test methods and procedures.
60.140 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
Subpart S—Standards of Performance for
60.141 Definitions. Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
60.142 Standard for particulate matter.
60.190 Applicability and designation of af-
60.143 Monitoring of operations.
fected facility.
60.144 Test methods and procedures.
60.191 Definitions.
60.192 Standard for fluorides.
Subpart Na—Standards of Performance for
60.193 Standard for visible emissions.
Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxy- 60.194 Monitoring of operations.
gen Process Steelmaking Facilities for 60.195 Test methods and procedures.
Which Construction is Commenced
After January 20, 1983 Subpart T—Standards of Performance for
the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet-
60.140a Applicability and designation of af-
fected facilities.
Process Phosphoric Acid Plants
60.141a Definitions. 60.200 Applicability and designation of af-
60.142a Standards for particulate matter. fected facility.
60.143a Monitoring of operations. 60.201 Definitions.
60.144a Test methods and procedures. 60.202 Standard for fluorides.
60.145a Compliance provisions. 60.203 Monitoring of operations.
60.204 Test methods and procedures.
Subpart O—Standards of Performance for 60.205 Recordkeeping.
Sewage Treatment Plants
60.150 Applicability and designation of af- Subpart U—Standards of Performance for
fected facility. the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry:
60.151 Definitions. Superphosphoric Acid Plants
60.152 Standard for particulate matter.
60.153 Monitoring of operations. 60.210 Applicability and designation of af-
60.154 Test methods and procedures. fected facility.
60.155 Reporting. 60.211 Definitions.
60.156 Delegation of authority. 60.212 Standard for fluorides.
60.213 Monitoring of operations.
Subpart P—Standards of Performance for 60.214 Test methods and procedures.
60.215 Recordkeeping.
Primary Copper Smelters
60.160 Applicability and designation of af- Subpart V—Standards of Performance for
fected facility. the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry:
60.161 Definitions. Diammonium Phosphate Plants
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.162 Standard for particulate matter.

60.163 Standard for sulfur dioxide. 60.220 Applicability and designation of af-
60.164 Standard for visible emissions. fected facility.
60.165 Monitoring of operations.

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Pt. 60 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
60.221 Definitions. 60.266 Test methods and procedures.
60.222 Standard for fluorides.
60.223 Monitoring of operations. Subpart AA—Standards of Performance for
60.224 Test methods and procedures. Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces
60.225 Recordkeeping. Constructed After October 21, 1974
and On or Before August 17, 1983
Subpart W—Standards of Performance for
the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple 60.270 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
Superphosphate Plants 60.271 Definitions.
60.230 Applicability and designation of af- 60.272 Standard for particulate matter.
fected facility. 60.273 Emission monitoring.
60.231 Definitions. 60.274 Monitoring of operations.
60.275 Test methods and procedures.
60.232 Standard for fluorides.
60.276 Recordkeeping and reporting require-
60.233 Monitoring of operations.
60.234 Test methods and procedures.
60.235 Recordkeeping. Subpart AAa—Standards of Performance
for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces
Subpart X—Standards of Performance for and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization
the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Vessels Constructed After August 7,
Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- 1983
age Facilities
60.270a Applicability and designation of af-
60.240 Applicability and designation of af- fected facility.
fected facility. 60.271a Definitions.
60.241 Definitions. 60.272a Standard for particulate matter.
60.242 Standard for fluorides. 60.273a Emission monitoring.
60.243 Monitoring of operations. 60.274a Monitoring of operations.
60.244 Test methods and procedures. 60.275a Test methods and procedures.
60.245 Recordkeeping. 60.276a Recordkeeping and reporting re-
Subpart Y—Standards of Performance for
Coal Preparation and Processing Plants Subpart BB—Standards of Performance for
Kraft Pulp Mills
60.250 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility. 60.280 Applicability and designation of af-
60.251 Definitions. fected facility.
60.281 Definitions.
60.252 Standards for thermal dryers.
60.282 Standard for particulate matter.
60.253 Standards for pneumatic coal-clean-
60.283 Standard for total reduced sulfur
ing equipment.
60.254 Standards for coal processing and 60.284 Monitoring of emissions and oper-
conveying equipment, coal storage sys- ations.
tems, transfer and loading systems, and 60.285 Test methods and procedures.
open storage piles.
60.255 Performance tests and other compli- Subpart BBa—Standards of Performance
ance requirements. for Kraft Pulp Mill Affected Sources for
60.256 Continuous monitoring requirements. Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
60.257 Test methods and procedures. Modification Commenced After May
60.258 Reporting and recordkeeping. 23, 2013
Subpart Z—Standards of Performance for 60.280a Applicability and designation of af-
Ferroalloy Production Facilities fected facility.
60.281a Definitions.
60.260 Applicability and designation of af- 60.282a Standard for filterable particulate
fected facility. matter.
60.261 Definitions. 60.283a Standard for total reduced sulfur
60.262 Standard for particulate matter. (TRS).
60.263 Standard for carbon monoxide. 60.284a Monitoring of emissions and oper-
60.264 Emission monitoring. ations.
60.265 Monitoring of operations. 60.285a Test methods and procedures.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.286a Affirmative defense for violations of

emission standards during malfunction.
60.287a Recordkeeping.
60.288a Reporting.

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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60

Subpart CC—Standards of Performance for 60.371 Definitions.

Glass Manufacturing Plants 60.372 Standards for lead.
60.373 Monitoring of emissions and oper-
60.290 Applicability and designation of af- ations.
fected facility. 60.374 Test methods and procedures.
60.291 Definitions.
60.292 Standards for particulate matter. Subpart LL—Standards of Performance for
60.293 Standards for particulate matter Metallic Mineral Processing Plants
from glass melting furnace with modi-
fied-processes. 60.380 Applicability and designation of af-
60.294–60.295 [Reserved] fected facility.
60.296 Test methods and procedures. 60.381 Definitions.
60.382 Standard for particulate matter.
Subpart DD—Standards of Performance for 60.383 Reconstruction.
Grain Elevators 60.384 Monitoring of operations.
60.385 Recordkeeping and reporting require-
60.300 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
60.386 Test methods and procedures.
60.301 Definitions.
60.302 Standard for particulate matter.
60.303 Test methods and procedures. Subpart MM—Standards of Performance
60.304 Modifications. for Automobile and Light Duty Truck
Surface Coating Operations
Subpart EE—Standards of Performance for
Surface Coating of Metal Furniture 60.390 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
60.310 Applicability and designation of af- 60.391 Definitions.
fected facility. 60.392 Standards for volatile organic com-
60.311 Definitions and symbols. pounds.
60.312 Standard for volatile organic com- 60.393 Performance test and compliance pro-
pounds (VOC). visions.
60.313 Performance tests and compliance 60.394 Monitoring of emissions and oper-
provisions. ations.
60.314 Monitoring of emissions and oper- 60.395 Reporting and recordkeeping require-
ations. ments.
60.315 Reporting and recordkeeping require- 60.396 Reference methods and procedures.
ments. 60.397 Modifications.
60.316 Test methods and procedures. 60.398 Innovative technology waivers.
Subpart FF [Reserved] Subpart NN—Standards of Performance for
Phosphate Rock Plants
Subpart GG—Standards of Performance for
Stationary Gas Turbines 60.400 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
60.330 Applicability and designation of af- 60.401 Definitions.
fected facility. 60.402 Standard for particulate matter.
60.331 Definitions.
60.403 Monitoring of emissions and oper-
60.332 Standard for nitrogen oxides.
60.333 Standard for sulfur dioxide.
60.404 Test methods and procedures.
60.334 Monitoring of operations.
60.335 Test methods and procedures.
Subpart PP—Standards of Performance for
Subpart HH—Standards of Performance for Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture
Lime Manufacturing Plants 60.420 Applicability and designation of af-
60.340 Applicability and designation of af- fected facility.
fected facility. 60.421 Definitions.
60.341 Definitions. 60.422 Standards for particulate matter.
60.342 Standard for particulate matter. 60.423 Monitoring of operations.
60.343 Monitoring of emissions and oper- 60.424 Test methods and procedures.
60.344 Test methods and procedures. Subpart QQ—Standards of Performance for
the Graphic Arts Industry: Publication
Subpart KK—Standards of Performance for Rotogravure Printing
Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.430 Applicability and designation of af-

60.370 Applicability and designation of af- fected facility.
fected facility. 60.431 Definitions and notations.


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Pt. 60 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
60.432 Standard for volatile organic com- 60.474 Test methods and procedures.
60.433 Performance test and compliance pro- Subpart VV—Standards of Performance for
visions. Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Syn-
60.434 Monitoring of operations and record- thetic Organic Chemicals Manufac-
keeping. turing Industry for which Construction,
60.435 Test methods and procedures.
Reconstruction, or Modification Com-
Subpart RR—Standards of Performance for menced After January 5, 1981, and on
Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Sur- or Before November 7, 2006
face Coating Operations 60.480 Applicability and designation of af-
fected facility.
60.440 Applicability and designation of af-
60.481 Definitions.
fected facility.
60.482–1 Standards: General.
60.441 Definitions and symbols.
60.482–2 Standards: Pumps in light liquid
60.442 Standard for volatile organic com-
60.482–3 Standards: Compressors.
60.443 Compliance provisions.
60.482–4 Standards: Pressure relief devices
60.444 Performance test procedures.
in gas/vapor service.
60.445 Monitoring of operations and record-
60.482–5 Standards: Sampling connection
60.446 Test methods and procedures.
60.482–6 Standards: Open-ended valves or
60.447 Reporting requirements.
60.482–7 Standards: Valves in gas/vapor serv-
Subpart SS—Standards of Performance for
ice and in light liquid service.
Industrial Surface Coating: Large Ap- 60.482–8 Standards: Pumps and valves in
pliances heavy liquid service, pressure relief de-
vices in light liquid or heavy liquid serv-
60.450 Applicability and designation of af-
ice, and connectors.
fected facility.
60.482–9 Standards: Delay of repair.
60.451 Definitions.
60.482–10 Standards: Closed vent systems
60.452 Standard for volatile organic com-
and control devices.
60.483–1 Alternative standards for valves—
60.453 Performance test and compliance pro-
allowable percentage of valves leaking.
60.483–2 Alternative standards for valves—
60.454 Monitoring of emissions and oper-
skip period leak detection and repair.
60.484 Equivalence of means of emission
60.455 Reporting and recordkeeping require-
60.485 Test methods and procedures.
60.456 Test methods and procedures.
60.486 Recordkeeping requirements.
60.487 Reporting requirements.
Subpart TT—Standards of Performance for
60.488 Reconstruction.
Metal Coil Surface Coating 60.489 List of chemicals produced by af-
60.460 Applicability and designation of af- fected facilities.
fected facility.
60.461 Definitions. Subpart VVa—Standards of Performance
60.462 Standards for volatile organic com- for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the
pounds. Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manu-
60.463 Performance test and compliance pro- facturing Industry for Which Construc-
visions. tion, Reconstruction, or Modification
60.464 Monitoring of emissions and oper- Commenced After November 7, 2006
60.465 Reporting and recordkeeping require- 60.480a Applicability and designation of af-
ments. fected facility.
60.466 Test methods and procedures. 60.481a Definitions.
60.482–1a Standards: General.
Subpart UU—Standards of Performance for 60.482–2a Standards: Pumps in light liquid
Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roof- service.
ing Manufacture 60.482–3a Standards: Compressors.
60.482–4a Standards: Pressure relief devices
60.470 Applicability and designation of af- in gas/vapor service.
fected facilities. 60.482–5a Standards: Sampling connection
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

60.471 Definitions. systems.

60.472 Standards for particulate matter. 60.482–6a Standards: Open-ended valves or
60.473 Monitoring of operations. lines.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.1
60.482–7a Standards: Valves in gas/vapor modification of which is commenced
service and in light liquid service. after the date of publication in this
60.482–8a Standards: Pumps, valves, and
part of such new or revised standard
connectors in heavy liquid service and
pressure relief devices in light liquid or (or, if earlier, the date of publication of
heavy liquid service. any proposed standard) applicable to
60.482–9a Standards: Delay of repair. that facility.
60.482–10a Standards: Closed vent systems (c) In addition to complying with the
and control devices.
provisions of this part, the owner or
60.482–11a Standards: Connectors in gas/
vapor service and in light liquid service. operator of an affected facility may be
60.483–1a Alternative standards for valves— required to obtain an operating permit
allowable percentage of valves leaking. issued to stationary sources by an au-
60.483–2a Alternative standards for valves— thorized State air pollution control
skip period leak detection and repair. agency or by the Administrator of the
60.484a Equivalence of means of emission
limitation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
60.485a Test methods and procedures. (EPA) pursuant to Title V of the Clean
60.486a Recordkeeping requirements. Air Act (Act) as amended November 15,
60.487a Reporting requirements. 1990 (42 U.S.C. 7661). For more informa-
60.488a Reconstruction. tion about obtaining an operating per-
60.489a List of chemicals produced by af-
fected facilities. mit see part 70 of this chapter.
(d) Site-specific standard for Merck &
Subpart WW—Standards of Performance Co., Inc.’s Stonewall Plant in Elkton, Vir-
for the Beverage Can Surface Coating ginia. (1) This paragraph applies only to
Industry the pharmaceutical manufacturing fa-
60.490 Applicability and designation of af- cility, commonly referred to as the
fected facility. Stonewall Plant, located at Route 340
60.491 Definitions. South, in Elkton, Virginia (‘‘site’’).
60.492 Standards for volatile organic com- (2) Except for compliance with 40
pounds. CFR 60.49b(u), the site shall have the
60.493 Performance test and compliance pro-
option of either complying directly
60.494 Monitoring of emissions and oper- with the requirements of this part, or
ations. reducing the site-wide emissions caps
60.495 Reporting and recordkeeping require- in accordance with the procedures set
ments. forth in a permit issued pursuant to 40
60.496 Test methods and procedures.
CFR 52.2454. If the site chooses the op-
AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. tion of reducing the site-wide emis-
SOURCE: 36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, unless sions caps in accordance with the pro-
otherwise noted. cedures set forth in such permit, the
requirements of such permit shall
Subpart A—General Provisions apply in lieu of the otherwise applica-
ble requirements of this part.
§ 60.1 Applicability. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of
(a) Except as provided in subparts B paragraph (d)(2) of this section, for any
and C, the provisions of this part apply provisions of this part except for Sub-
to the owner or operator of any sta- part Kb, the owner/operator of the site
tionary source which contains an af- shall comply with the applicable provi-
fected facility, the construction or sions of this part if the Administrator
modification of which is commenced determines that compliance with the
after the date of publication in this provisions of this part is necessary for
part of any standard (or, if earlier, the achieving the objectives of the regula-
date of publication of any proposed tion and the Administrator notifies the
standard) applicable to that facility. site in accordance with the provisions
(b) Any new or revised standard of of the permit issued pursuant to 40
performance promulgated pursuant to
CFR 52.2454.
section 111(b) of the Act shall apply to
the owner or operator of any sta- [40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 55
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tionary source which contains an af- FR 51382, Dec. 13, 1990; 59 FR 12427, Mar. 16,
fected facility, the construction or 1994; 62 FR 52641, Oct. 8, 1997]


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§ 60.2 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.2 Definitions. tion or that an owner or operator has

The terms used in this part are de- entered into a contractual obligation
fined in the Act or in this section as to undertake and complete, within a
follows: reasonable time, a continuous program
Act means the Clean Air Act (42 of construction or modification.
U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) Construction means fabrication, erec-
Administrator means the Adminis- tion, or installation of an affected fa-
trator of the Environmental Protection cility.
Agency or his authorized representa- Continuous monitoring system means
tive. the total equipment, required under
Affected facility means, with reference the emission monitoring sections in ap-
to a stationary source, any apparatus plicable subparts, used to sample and
to which a standard is applicable. condition (if applicable), to analyze,
Alternative method means any method and to provide a permanent record of
of sampling and analyzing for an air emissions or process parameters.
pollutant which is not a reference or Electric utility steam generating unit
equivalent method but which has been means any steam electric generating
demonstrated to the Administrator’s unit that is constructed for the purpose
satisfaction to, in specific cases, of supplying more than one-third of its
produce results adequate for his deter- potential electric output capacity and
mination of compliance. more than 25 MW electrical output to
Approved permit program means a any utility power distribution system
State permit program approved by the for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam
Administrator as meeting the require- distribution system for the purpose of
ments of part 70 of this chapter or a providing steam to a steam-electric
Federal permit program established in generator that would produce elec-
this chapter pursuant to Title V of the trical energy for sale is also considered
Act (42 U.S.C. 7661). in determining the electrical energy
Capital expenditure means an expendi- output capacity of the affected facility.
ture for a physical or operational Equivalent method means any method
change to an existing facility which ex- of sampling and analyzing for an air
ceeds the product of the applicable pollutant which has been demonstrated
‘‘annual asset guideline repair allow- to the Administrator’s satisfaction to
ance percentage’’ specified in the latest have a consistent and quantitatively
edition of Internal Revenue Service known relationship to the reference
(IRS) Publication 534 and the existing method, under specified conditions.
facility’s basis, as defined by section Excess Emissions and Monitoring Sys-
1012 of the Internal Revenue Code. tems Performance Report is a report that
However, the total expenditure for a must be submitted periodically by a
physical or operational change to an source in order to provide data on its
existing facility must not be reduced compliance with stated emission limits
by any ‘‘excluded additions’’ as defined and operating parameters, and on the
in IRS Publication 534, as would be performance of its monitoring systems.
done for tax purposes. Existing facility means, with reference
Clean coal technology demonstration to a stationary source, any apparatus
project means a project using funds ap- of the type for which a standard is pro-
propriated under the heading ‘Depart- mulgated in this part, and the con-
ment of Energy-Clean Coal Tech- struction or modification of which was
nology’, up to a total amount of commenced before the date of proposal
$2,500,000,000 for commercial dem- of that standard; or any apparatus
onstrations of clean coal technology, which could be altered in such a way as
or similar projects funded through ap- to be of that type.
propriations for the Environmental Force majeure means, for purposes of
Protection Agency. § 60.8, an event that will be or has been
Commenced means, with respect to caused by circumstances beyond the
the definition of new source in section control of the affected facility, its con-
111(a)(2) of the Act, that an owner or tractors, or any entity controlled by
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

operator has undertaken a continuous the affected facility that prevents the
program of construction or modifica- owner or operator from complying with


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.2

the regulatory requirement to conduct Owner or operator means any person

performance tests within the specified who owns, leases, operates, controls, or
timeframe despite the affected facili- supervises an affected facility or a sta-
ty’s best efforts to fulfill the obliga- tionary source of which an affected fa-
tion. Examples of such events are acts cility is a part.
of nature, acts of war or terrorism, or Part 70 permit means any permit
equipment failure or safety hazard be- issued, renewed, or revised pursuant to
yond the control of the affected facil- part 70 of this chapter.
ity. Particulate matter means any finely
Isokinetic sampling means sampling in divided solid or liquid material, other
which the linear velocity of the gas en- than uncombined water, as measured
tering the sampling nozzle is equal to by the reference methods specified
that of the undisturbed gas stream at under each applicable subpart, or an
the sample point. equivalent or alternative method.
Issuance of a part 70 permit will Permit program means a comprehen-
occur, if the State is the permitting sive State operating permit system es-
authority, in accordance with the re- tablished pursuant to title V of the Act
quirements of part 70 of this chapter (42 U.S.C. 7661) and regulations codified
and the applicable, approved State per- in part 70 of this chapter and applicable
mit program. When the EPA is the per- State regulations, or a comprehensive
mitting authority, issuance of a Title Federal operating permit system estab-
V permit occurs immediately after the lished pursuant to title V of the Act
EPA takes final action on the final per- and regulations codified in this chap-
mit. ter.
Malfunction means any sudden, infre- Permitting authority means:
quent, and not reasonably preventable (1) The State air pollution control
failure of air pollution control equip- agency, local agency, other State agen-
ment, process equipment, or a process cy, or other agency authorized by the
to operate in a normal or usual man- Administrator to carry out a permit
ner. Failures that are caused in part by program under part 70 of this chapter;
poor maintenance or careless operation or
are not malfunctions. (2) The Administrator, in the case of
Modification means any physical EPA-implemented permit programs
change in, or change in the method of under title V of the Act (42 U.S.C. 7661).
operation of, an existing facility which Proportional sampling means sampling
increases the amount of any air pollut- at a rate that produces a constant ratio
ant (to which a standard applies) emit- of sampling rate to stack gas flow rate.
ted into the atmosphere by that facil- Reactivation of a very clean coal-fired
ity or which results in the emission of electric utility steam generating unit
any air pollutant (to which a standard means any physical change or change
applies) into the atmosphere not pre- in the method of operation associated
viously emitted. with the commencement of commercial
Monitoring device means the total operations by a coal-fired utility unit
equipment, required under the moni- after a period of discontinued operation
toring of operations sections in appli- where the unit:
cable subparts, used to measure and (1) Has not been in operation for the
record (if applicable) process param- two-year period prior to the enactment
eters. of the Clean Air Act Amendments of
Nitrogen oxides means all oxides of ni- 1990, and the emissions from such unit
trogen except nitrous oxide, as meas- continue to be carried in the permit-
ured by test methods set forth in this ting authority’s emissions inventory at
part. the time of enactment;
One-hour period means any 60-minute (2) Was equipped prior to shut-down
period commencing on the hour. with a continuous system of emissions
Opacity means the degree to which control that achieves a removal effi-
emissions reduce the transmission of ciency for sulfur dioxide of no less than
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

light and obscure the view of an object 85 percent and a removal efficiency for
in the background. particulates of no less than 98 percent;


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§ 60.3 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(3) Is equipped with low-NOX burners part; and/or (2) the permit program es-
prior to the time of commencement of tablished under part 70 of this chapter.
operations following reactivation; and The term State shall have its conven-
(4) Is otherwise in compliance with tional meaning where clear from the
the requirements of the Clean Air Act. context.
Reference method means any method Stationary source means any building,
of sampling and analyzing for an air structure, facility, or installation
pollutant as specified in the applicable which emits or may emit any air pol-
subpart. lutant.
Repowering means replacement of an Title V permit means any permit
existing coal-fired boiler with one of issued, renewed, or revised pursuant to
the following clean coal technologies: Federal or State regulations estab-
atmospheric or pressurized fluidized lished to implement title V of the Act
bed combustion, integrated gasifi- (42 U.S.C. 7661). A title V permit issued
cation combined cycle, magnetohydro- by a State permitting authority is
dynamics, direct and indirect coal-fired called a part 70 permit in this part.
turbines, integrated gasification fuel Volatile Organic Compound means any
cells, or as determined by the Adminis- organic compound which participates
trator, in consultation with the Sec- in atmospheric photochemical reac-
retary of Energy, a derivative of one or tions; or which is measured by a ref-
more of these technologies, and any erence method, an equivalent method,
other technology capable of controlling an alternative method, or which is de-
multiple combustion emissions simul- termined by procedures specified under
taneously with improved boiler or gen- any subpart.
eration efficiency and with signifi- [44 FR 55173, Sept. 25, 1979, as amended at 45
cantly greater waste reduction relative FR 5617, Jan. 23, 1980; 45 FR 85415, Dec. 24,
to the performance of technology in 1980; 54 FR 6662, Feb. 14, 1989; 55 FR 51382,
widespread commercial use as of No- Dec. 13, 1990; 57 FR 32338, July 21, 1992; 59 FR
vember 15, 1990. Repowering shall also 12427, Mar. 16, 1994; 72 FR 27442, May 16, 2007]
include any oil and/or gas-fired unit
which has been awarded clean coal § 60.3 Units and abbreviations.
technology demonstration funding as Used in this part are abbreviations
of January 1, 1991, by the Department and symbols of units of measure. These
of Energy. are defined as follows:
Run means the net period of time (a) System International (SI) units of
during which an emission sample is measure:
collected. Unless otherwise specified, a
run may be either intermittent or con- g—gram
tinuous within the limits of good engi- Hz—hertz
neering practice. J—joule
Shutdown means the cessation of op- K—degree Kelvin
eration of an affected facility for any kg—kilogram
purpose. m—meter
Six-minute period means any one of m3—cubic meter
mg—milligram—10 ¥3 gram
the 10 equal parts of a one-hour period.
mm—millimeter—10 ¥3 meter
Standard means a standard of per- Mg—megagram—106 gram
formance proposed or promulgated mol—mole
under this part. N—newton
Standard conditions means a tempera- ng—nanogram—10 ¥9 gram
ture of 293 K (68F) and a pressure of nm—nanometer—10 ¥9 meter
101.3 kilopascals (29.92 in Hg). Pa—pascal
Startup means the setting in oper- s—second
ation of an affected facility for any
purpose. Ω—ohm
State means all non-Federal authori- μg—microgram—10 ¥6 gram
ties, including local agencies, inter-
state associations, and State-wide pro- (b) Other units of measure:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

grams, that have delegated authority Btu—British thermal unit

to implement: (1) The provisions of this °C—degree Celsius (centigrade)


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4
cal—calorie ant to this part shall be submitted in
cfm—cubic feet per minute duplicate to the appropriate Regional
cu ft—cubic feet
Office of the U.S. Environmental Pro-
dcf—dry cubic feet
dcm—dry cubic meter tection Agency to the attention of the
dscf—dry cubic feet at standard conditions Director of the Division indicated in
dscm—dry cubic meter at standard condi- the following list of EPA Regional Of-
tions fices.
°F—degree Fahrenheit Region I (Connecticut, Maine, Massachu-
ft—feet setts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
gal—gallon Vermont) Director, Enforcement and Com-
gr—grain pliance Assurance Division, U.S. EPA Re-
g-eq—gram equivalent gion I, 5 Post Office Square—Suite 100 (04–
hr—hour 2), Boston, MA 02109–3912, Attn: Air Com-
in—inch pliance Clerk.
k—1,000 Region II (New Jersey, New York, Puerto
l—liter Rico, Virgin Islands), Director, Air and
lpm—liter per minute Waste Management Division, U.S. Environ-
lb—pound mental Protection Agency, Federal Office
meq—milliequivalent Building, 26 Federal Plaza (Foley Square),
min—minute New York, NY 10278.
Region III (Delaware, District of Columbia,
mol. wt.—molecular weight
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West
ppb—parts per billion
ppm—parts per million Virginia), Director, Air Protection Divi-
psia—pounds per square inch absolute sion, Mail Code 3AP00, 1650 Arch Street,
psig—pounds per square inch gage Philadelphia, PA 19103–2029.
°R—degree Rankine Region IV (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken-
scf—cubic feet at standard conditions tucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South
scfh—cubic feet per hour at standard condi- Carolina, Tennessee), Director, Air, Pes-
tions ticides and Toxics Management Division,
scm—cubic meter at standard conditions U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 61
sec—second Forsyth St. SW., Suite 9T43, Atlanta, Geor-
sq ft—square feet gia 30303–8960.
std—at standard conditions Region V (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Min-
nesota, Ohio, Wisconsin), Director, Air and
(c) Chemical nomenclature: Radiation Division, U.S. Environmental
CdS—cadmium sulfide Protection Agency, 77 West Jackson Boule-
CO—carbon monoxide vard, Chicago, IL 60604–3590.
CO2—carbon dioxide Region VI (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mex-
HCl—hydrochloric acid ico, Oklahoma, Texas); Director; Enforce-
Hg—mercury ment and Compliance Assurance Division;
H2O—water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
H2S—hydrogen sulfide 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Mail Code 6ECD,
H2SO4—sulfuric acid Dallas, Texas 75270–2102.
N2—nitrogen Region VII (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Ne-
NO—nitric oxide braska), Director, Air and Waste Manage-
NO2—nitrogen dioxide ment Division, 11201 Renner Boulevard,
NOX—nitrogen oxides Lenexa, Kansas 66219.
O2—oxygen Region VIII (Colorado, Montana, North Da-
SO2—sulfur dioxide kota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming) Di-
SO3—sulfur trioxide rector, Air and Toxics Technical Enforce-
SOX—sulfur oxides ment Program, Office of Enforcement,
(d) Miscellaneous: Compliance and Environmental Justice,
Mail Code 8ENF–AT, 1595 Wynkoop Street,
A.S.T.M.—American Society for Testing and Denver, CO 80202–1129.
Materials Region IX (Arizona, California, Hawaii and
[42 FR 37000, July 19, 1977; 42 FR 38178, July Nevada; the territories of American Samoa
27, 1977] and Guam; the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands; the territories
§ 60.4 Address. of Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Is-
land, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Mid-
(a) All requests, reports, applica-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

way Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Is-

tions, submittals, and other commu- lands; and certain U.S. Government activi-
nications to the Administrator pursu- ties in the freely associated states of the


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Fed- Antelope Valley Air Quality Management
erated States of Micronesia, and the Re- District, 43301 Division Street, Suite 206,
public of Palau), Director, Air Division, Lancaster, CA 93535.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 75 Bay Area Air Quality Management District,
Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94109.
94105. Butte County Air Quality Management Dis-
Region X (Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Wash- trict, 2525 Dominic Drive, Suite J, Chico,
ington), Director, Air and Waste Manage- CA 95928.
ment Division, U.S. Environmental Protec- Calaveras County Air Pollution Control Dis-
tion Agency, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, trict, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San
WA 98101. Andreas, CA 95249.
Colusa County Air Pollution Control Dis-
(b) Section 111(c) directs the Admin- trict, 100 Sunrise Blvd., Suite A–3, Colusa,
istrator to delegate to each State, CA 95932–3246.
when appropriate, the authority to im- El Dorado County Air Quality Management
plement and enforce standards of per- District, 2850 Fairlane Court, Bldg. C,
formance for new stationary sources Placerville, CA 95667–4100.
located in such State. All information Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District,
required to be submitted to EPA under 2700 ‘‘M’’ Street, Suite 302, Bakersfield, CA
paragraph (a) of this section, must also
Feather River Air Quality Management Dis-
be submitted to the appropriate State trict, 1007 Live Oak Blvd., Suite B–3, Yuba
Agency of any State to which this au- City, CA 95991.
thority has been delegated (provided, Glenn County Air Pollution Control District,
that each specific delegation may ex- 720 N. Colusa Street, P.O. Box 351, Willows,
cept sources from a certain Federal or CA 95988–0351.
State reporting requirement). The ap- Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control
propriate mailing address for those District, 157 Short Street, Suite 6, Bishop,
CA 93514–3537.
States whose delegation request has
Imperial County Air Pollution Control Dis-
been approved is as follows: trict, 150 South Ninth Street, El Centro,
(1) [Reserved] CA 92243–2801.
(2) State of Alabama: Alabama De- Lake County Air Quality Management Dis-
partment of Environmental Manage- trict, 885 Lakeport Blvd., Lakeport, CA
ment, P.O. Box 301463, Montgomery, 95453–5405.
Alabama 36130–1463. Lassen County Air Pollution Control Dis-
(3) State of Alaska, Department of trict, 707 Nevada Street, Suite 1,
Environmental Conservation, Pouch O, Susanville, CA 96130.
Mariposa County Air Pollution Control Dis-
Juneau, AK 99811. trict, P.O. Box 5, Mariposa, CA 95338.
(4) Arizona: Mendocino County Air Quality Management
Arizona Department of Environmental Qual- District, 306 E. Gobbi Street, Ukiah, CA
ity, 1110 West Washington Street, Phoenix, 95482–5511.
AZ 85007. Modoc County Air Pollution Control Dis-
Maricopa County Air Quality Department, trict, 619 North Main Street, Alturas, CA
1001 North Central Avenue, Suite 900, Phoe- 96101.
nix, AZ 85004. Mojave Desert Air Quality Management Dis-
Pima County Department of Environmental trict, 14306 Park Avenue, Victorville, CA
Quality, 33 North Stone Avenue, Suite 700, 92392–2310.
Tucson, AZ 85701. Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control
Pinal County Air Quality Control District, 31 District, 24580 Silver Cloud Court, Mon-
North Pinal Street, Building F, Florence, terey, CA 93940.
AZ 85132. North Coast Unified Air Quality Manage-
NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta- ment District, 2300 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka,
tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph CA 95501–3327.
(d) of this section. Northern Sierra Air Quality Management
District, 200 Litton Drive, Suite 320, P.O.
(5) State of Arkansas: Chief, Division Box 2509, Grass Valley, CA 95945–2509.
of Air Pollution Control, Arkansas De- Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Con-
partment of Pollution Control and trol District, 150 Matheson Street,
Ecology, 8001 National Drive, P.O. Box Healdsburg, CA 95448–4908.
Placer County Air Pollution Control Dis-
9583, Little Rock, AR 72209. trict, 3091 County Center Drive, Suite 240,
(6) California: Auburn, CA 95603.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Amador County Air Pollution Control Dis- Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Man-
trict, 12200–B Airport Road, Jackson, CA agement District, 777 12th Street, Third
95642. Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814–1908.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4
San Diego County Air Pollution Control Dis- (12) State of Georgia: Georgia Depart-
trict, 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA ment of Natural Resources, Environ-
92131–1649. mental Protection Division, Air Pro-
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control
tection Branch, 4244 International
District, 1990 E. Gettysburg, Fresno, CA
93726. Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia
San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Con- 30354.
trol District, 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis (13) Hawaii:
Obispo, CA 93401–7126. Clean Air Branch, Hawaii Department of
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control Health, 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 203,
District, 260 North San Antonio Road, Honolulu, HI 96814.
Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93110–1315.
Shasta County Air Quality Management Dis- NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta-
trict, 1855 Placer Street, Suite 101, Red- tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
ding, CA 96001–1759. (d) of this section.
Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control Dis- (14) State of Idaho, Department of
trict, 525 So. Foothill Drive, Yreka, CA Health and Welfare, Statehouse, Boise,
96097–3036. ID 83701.
South Coast Air Quality Management Dis-
(15) State of Illinois: Illinois Environ-
trict, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA
91765–4182. mental Protection Agency, 1021 North
Tehama County Air Pollution Control Dis- Grand Avenue East, Springfield, Illi-
trict, P.O. Box 8069 (1750 Walnut Street), nois 62794.
Red Bluff, CA 96080–0038. (16) State of Indiana: Indiana Depart-
Tuolumne County Air Pollution Control Dis- ment of Environmental Management,
trict, 22365 Airport, Columbia, CA 95310. Office of Air Quality, 100 North Senate
Ventura County Air Pollution Control Dis- Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
trict, 669 County Square Drive, 2nd Floor, (17) State of Iowa: Iowa Department
Ventura, CA 93003–5417.
of Natural Resources, Environmental
Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management Dis-
trict, 1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103, Davis, Protection Division, Air Quality Bu-
CA 95616–4882. reau, 7900 Hickman Road, Suite 1,
Urbandale, IA 50322.
NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta- (18) State of Kansas: Kansas Depart-
tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
(d) of this section.
ment of Health and Environment, Bu-
reau of Air and Radiation, 1000 S.W.
(7) State of Colorado, Department of Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612–
Public Health and Environment, 4300 1366.
Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO (19) Commonwealth of Kentucky:
80222–1530. Kentucky Department for Environ-
NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s mental Protection, Division for Air
NSPS delegation status, see paragraph (c) of Quality, 300 Sower Boulevard, 2nd
this section. Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 or
local agency, Louisville Metro Air Pol-
(8) State of Connecticut, Compliance lution Control District, 701 W. Ormsby
Analysis and Coordination Unit, Bu- Ave., Suite 303, Louisville, Kentucky
reau of Air Management, Department 40203.
of Energy and Environmental Protec- (20) State of Louisiana: Louisiana De-
tion, 79 Elm Street, 5th Floor, Hart- partment of Environmental Quality,
ford, CT 06106–5127. P.O. Box 4301, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
(9) State of Delaware, Department of 70821–4301.
Natural Resources & Environmental
Control, 89 Kings Highway, P.O. Box NOTE: For a list of delegated standards for
1401, Dover, Delaware 19903. Louisiana (excluding Indian country), see
paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
(10) District of Columbia, Depart-
ment of Public Health, Air Quality Di- (21) State of Maine, Maine Depart-
vision, 51 N Street, NE., Washington, ment of Environmental Protection, Bu-
DC 20002. reau of Air Quality, 17 State House
(11) State of Florida: Florida Depart- Station, Augusta, ME 04333–0017.
ment of Environmental Protection, Di- (22) State of Maryland, Department
vision of Air Resources Management, of the Environment, 1800 Washington
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 5500, Talla- Boulevard, Suite 705, Baltimore, Mary-
hassee, Florida 32399–2400. land 21230.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(23) Commonwealth of Massachu- P.O. Box 94877, State House Station,

setts, Massachusetts Department of Lincoln, NE 68509.
Environmental Protection, Division of Lincoln-Lancaster County Health De-
Air and Climate Programs, One Winter partment, Division of Environmental
Street, Boston, MA 02108. Health, 2200 St. Marys Avenue, Lin-
(24) State of Michigan: Michigan De- coln, NE 68502
partment of Natural Resources and En- (30) Nevada:
vironment, Air Quality Division, P.O.
Nevada Division of Environmental Protec-
Box 30028, Lansing, Michigan 48909. tion, 901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001,
(25) State of Minnesota: Minnesota Carson City, NV 89701–5249.
Pollution Control Agency, Division of Clark County Department of Air Quality and
Air Quality, 520 Lafayette Road North, Environmental Management, 500 S. Grand
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155. Central Parkway, 1st Floor, P.O. Box
(26) State of Mississippi: Hand De- 555210, Las Vegas, NV 89155–5210.
liver or Courier: Mississippi Depart- Washoe County Health District, Air Quality
ment of Environmental Quality, Office Management Division, 1001 E. 9th Street,
of Pollution Control, Air Division, 515 Building A, Suite 115A, Reno, NV 89520.
East Amite Street, Jackson, Mis- NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta-
sissippi 39201, Mailing Address: Mis- tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
sissippi Department of Environmental (d) of this section.
Quality, Office of Pollution Control, (31) State of New Hampshire, New
Air Division, P.O. Box 2261, Jackson, Hampshire Department of Environ-
Mississippi 39225. mental Services, Air Resources Divi-
(27) State of Missouri: Missouri De- sion, 29 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 95, Con-
partment of Natural Resources, Divi- cord, NH 03302–0095.
sion of Environmental Quality, P.O.
(32) State of New Jersey: New Jersey
Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
Department of Environmental Protec-
(28) State of Montana, Department of
tion, Division of Environmental Qual-
Environmental Quality, 1520 E. 6th
ity, Enforcement Element, John Fitch
Ave., PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620–
0901. Plaza, CN–027, Trenton, NJ 08625.
(1) The following table lists the spe-
NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s cific source and pollutant categories
NSPS delegation status, see paragraph (c) of that have been delegated to the states
this section.
in Region II. The (X) symbol is used to
(29) State of Nebraska, Nebraska De- indicate each category that has been
partment of Environmental Control, delegated.
Subpart Virgin Is-
New Jersey New York Puerto Rico lands

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators for Which Construction X ............... X ............... X ............... X
Commenced After August 17, 1971 (Steam Generators and
Lignite Fired Steam Generators).
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units for Which Construction X ............... X.
Commenced After September 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ...... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
E Incinerators .................................................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
F Portland Cement Plants .............................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
G Nitric Acid Plants ......................................................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ..................................................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
I Asphalt Concrete Plants .............................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
J Petroleum Refineries—(All Categories) ...................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids Constructed After June X ............... X ............... X ............... X
11, 1973, and prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids Constructed After May X ............... X ............... X.
18, 1978.
L Secondary Lead Smelters ........................................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Ingot Production Plants .............. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
N Iron and Steel Plants .................................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
O Sewage Treatment Plants ........................................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
P Primary Copper Smelters ............................................................ X ............... X ............... X ............... X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Q Primary Zinc Smelters ................................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X

R Primary Lead Smelters ................................................................ X ............... X ............... X ............... X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .......................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Subpart Virgin Is-
New Jersey New York Puerto Rico lands

T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid X ............... X ............... X ............... X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ...... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants X ............... X ............... X ............... X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants .... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate X ............... X ............... X ............... X
Y Coal Preparation Plants .............................................................. X ............... X ............... X ............... X
Z Ferroally Production Facilities ..................................................... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces ............................................ X ............... X ............... X ............... X
AAa Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Ves- X ............... X ............... X.
sels in Steel Plants.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ............................................................................ X ............... X ............... X.
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ........................................................ X ............... X ............... X.
DD Grain Elevators ............................................................................ X ............... X ............... X.
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture ............................................. X ............... X ............... X.
GG Stationary Gas Turbines ............................................................. X ............... X ............... X.
HH Lime Plants .................................................................................. X ............... X ............... X.
KK Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ..................................... X ............... X.
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants ............................................. X ............... X ............... X.
MM Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations .. X ............... X.
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ............................................................... X ............... X.
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacturing Plants ................................... X ............... X.
QQ Graphic Art Industry Publication Rotogravure Printing ............... X ............... X ............... X ............... X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Oper- X ............... X ............... X.
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances ............................. X ............... X ............... X.
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ......................................................... X ............... X ............... X.
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture .............. X ............... X ............... X.
VV Equipment Leaks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Synthetic X ............... X.
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry .................................... X ............... X ............... X.
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals ............................................................. X ............... X ............... X.
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ...................... X ............... X ............... X.
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries .................... X ............... X.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities ........................................... X ............... X.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Clearners ............................................................. X ............... X ............... X.
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC from Onshore Natural Gas Proc-
essing Plants.
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants; SO2 Emissions .......... X.
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants ....................................... X ............... X.
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants ....................... X ............... X.

(33) State of New Mexico: New Mexico County Land Use and Environmental
Environment Department, P.O. Box Services Agency, Air Quality, 2145 Sut-
5469, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502–5469. tle Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolina
Note: For a list of delegated standards 28208; Western North Carolina Regional
for New Mexico (excluding Bernalillo Air Quality Agency, 125 S. Lexington
County and Indian country), see para- Ave., Suite 101, Asheville, North Caro-
graph (e)(1) of this section. lina 28801–3661.
(34) New York: New York State De- (36) State of North Dakota, North Da-
partment of Environmental Conserva- kota Department of Environmental
tion, 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York Quality, 918 East Divide Avenue, Bis-
12233, attention: Division of Air Re- marck, ND 58501–1947.
(35) State of North Carolina: North NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s
NSPS delegation status, see paragraph (c) of
Carolina Department of Environmental this section.
Quality, Division of Air Quality, 1641
Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North (37) State of Ohio:
Carolina 27699–1641 or local agencies, (i) Medina, Summit and Portage
Forsyth County Office of Environ- Counties; Director, Akron Regional Air
mental Assistance and Protection, 201 Quality Management District, 146
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

North Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, South High Street, Room 904, Akron,
North Carolina 27101–4120; Mecklenburg OH 44308.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(ii) Stark County; Director, Canton tion Unit, 401 East Fifth Street, Day-
City Health Department, Air Pollution ton, Ohio 45402–2911.
Control Division, 420 Market Avenue (xii) Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette,
North, Canton, Ohio 44702–1544. Franklin, Knox, Licking, Madison,
(iii) Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Morrow, Pickaway, and Union Coun-
Warren Counties; Director, Hamilton ties; Ohio Environmental Protection
County Department of Environmental Agency, Central District Office, Air
Services, 250 William Howard Taft Pollution control, 50 West Town
Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219–2660. Street, Suite 700, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
(iv) Cuyahoga County; Commissioner, (xiii) Geauga and Lake Counties;
Cleveland Department of Public Lake County General Health District,
Health, Division of Air Quality, 75 Air Pollution Control, 33 Mill Street,
Erieview Plaza 2nd Floor, Cleveland, Painesville, OH 44077.
Ohio 44114. (xiv) Mahoning and Trumbull Coun-
(v) Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, ties; Mahoning-Trumbull Air Pollution
Montgomery, and Preble Counties; Di- Control Agency, 345 Oak Hill Avenue,
rector, Regional Air Pollution Control Suite 200, Youngstown, OH 44502.
Agency, 117 South Main Street, Day-
(38) State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma
ton, Ohio 45422–1280.
State Department of Health, Air Qual-
(vi) Lucas County and the City of
ity Service, P.O. Box 53551, Oklahoma
Rossford (in Wood County); Director,
City, OK 73152.
City of Toledo, Division of Environ-
mental Services, 348 South Erie Street, (i) Oklahoma City and County: Direc-
Toledo, OH 43604. tor, Oklahoma City-County Health De-
(vii) Adams, Brown, Lawrence, and partment, 921 Northeast 23rd Street,
Scioto Counties; Portsmouth Local Air Oklahoma City, OK 73105.
Agency, 605 Washington Street, Third (ii) Tulsa County: Tulsa City-County
Floor, Portsmouth, OH 45662. Health Department, 4616 East Fif-
(viii) Allen, Ashland, Auglaize, teenth Street, Tulsa, OK 74112.
Crawford, Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Han- (39) State of Oregon. (i) Oregon De-
cock, Hardin, Henry, Huron, Marion, partment of Environmental Quality
Mercer, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, (ODEQ), 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Port-
Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert land, OR 97204–1390, http://
Williams, Wood (Except City of
Rossford), and Wyandot Counties; Ohio (ii) Lane Regional Air Pollution Au-
Environmental Protection Agency, thority (LRAPA), 1010 Main Street,
Northwest District Office, Air Pollu- Springfield, Oregon 97477, http://
tion Control, 347 North Dunbridge
Road, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. (40)(i) City of Philadelphia, Depart-
(ix) Ashtabula, Caroll, Colombiana, ment of Public Health, Air Manage-
Holmes, Lorain, and Wayne Counties; ment Services, 321 University Avenue,
Ohio Environmental Protection Agen- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104.
cy, Northeast District Office, Air Pol- (ii) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
lution Unit, 2110 East Aurora Road,
Department of Environmental Protec-
Twinsburg, OH 44087.
tion, Bureau of Air Quality Control,
(x) Athens, Belmont, Coshocton,
P.O. Box 8468, 400 Market Street, Har-
Gallia, Guemsey, Harrison, Hocking,
risburg, Pennsylvania 17105.
Jackson, Jefferson, Meigs, Monroe,
Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, (iii) Allegheny County Health De-
Pike, Ross, Tuscarawas, Vinton, and partment, Bureau of Environmental
Washington Counties; Ohio Environ- Quality, Division of Air Quality, 301
mental Protection Agency, Southeast 39th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
District Office, Air Pollution Unit, 2195 15201.
Front Street, Logan, OH 43138. (41) State of Rhode Island, Rhode Is-
(xi) Champaign, Clinton, Highland, land Department of Environmental
Logan, and Shelby Counties; Ohio En- Management, Office of Air Resources,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

vironmental Protection Agency, 235 Promenade Street, Providence, RI

Southwest District Office, Air Pollu- 02908.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

(42) State of South Carolina: South (49) State of Washington. (i) Wash-
Carolina Department of Health and En- ington State Department of Ecology
vironmental Control, 2600 Bull Street, (Ecology), P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA
Columbia, South Carolina 29201. 98504–7600,
(43) State of South Dakota, Air Qual- (ii) Benton Clean Air Authority
ity Program, Department of Environ- (BCAA), 650 George Washington Way,
ment and Natural Resources, Joe Foss Richland, WA 99352–4289, http://
Building, 523 East Capitol, Pierre, SD
(iii) Northwest Air Pollution Control
NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s Authority (NWAPA), 1600 South Sec-
NSPS delegation status, see paragragh (c) of ond St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273–5202,
this section.
(44) State of Tennessee: Tennessee (iv) Olympic Regional Clean Air
Department of Environment and Con- Agency (ORCAA), 909 Sleater-Kinney
servation, Division of Air Pollution Road S.E., Suite 1, Lacey, WA 98503–
Control, William R. Snodgrass Ten- 1128,
nessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave- (v) Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
nue, 15th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee (PSCAA), 110 Union Street, Suite 500,
37243, or local agencies, Knox County Seattle, WA 98101–2038, http://
Air Quality Management—Department
of Public Health, 140 Dameron Avenue,
(vi) Spokane County Air Pollution
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917; Metro Pub-
Control Authority (SCAPCA), West
lic Health Department, Pollution Con-
1101 College, Suite 403, Spokane, WA
trol Division, 2500 Charlotte Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37209; Chat- 99201,
tanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollu- (vii) Southwest Clean Air Agency
tion Control Bureau, 6125 Preservation (SWCAA), 1308 NE. 134th St., Van-
Drive, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37416; couver, WA 98685–2747, http://
Shelby County Health Department,
Pollution Control Section, 814 Jeffer- (viii) Yakima Regional Clean Air Au-
son Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38105. thority (YRCAA), 6 South 2nd Street,
(45) State of Texas, Texas Air Control Suite 1016, Yakima, WA 98901, http://
Board, 6330 Highway 290 East, Austin,
TX 78723. (ix) The following table lists the dele-
(46) State of Utah, Division of Air gation status of the New Source Per-
Quality, Department of Environmental formance Standards for the State of
Quality, P.O. Box 144820, Salt Lake Washington. An ‘‘X’’ indicates the sub-
City, UT 84114–4820. part has been delegated, subject to all
NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s the conditions and limitations set
NSPS delegation status, see paragraph (c) of forth in Federal law and the letters
this section. granting delegation. Some authorities
(47) State of Vermont, Agency of Nat- cannot be delegated and are retained
ural Resources, Department of Envi- by EPA. Refer to the letters granting
ronmental Conservation, Air Quality delegation for a discussion of these re-
and Climate Division, Davis 2, One Na- tained authorities. The dates noted at
tional Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620– the end of the table indicate the effec-
3802. tive dates of Federal rules that have
(48) Commonwealth of Virginia, De- been delegated. Authority for imple-
partment of Environmental Quality, menting and enforcing any amend-
629 East Main Street, Richmond, Vir- ments made to these rules after these
ginia 23219. effective dates are not delegated.
Subpart 1
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

A General Provisions ......... X X X X X X X X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Subpart 1

B Adoption and Submittal

of State Plans for Des-
ignated Facilities.
C Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times.
Cb Large Municipal Waste
Combustors that are Con-
structed on or before Sep-
tember 20, 1994 (Emis-
sion Guidelines and Com-
pliance Times).
Cc Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills (Emission Guide-
lines and Compliance
Cd Sulfuric Acid Production
Units (Emission Guide-
lines and Compliance
Ce Hospital/Medical/Infec-
tious Waste Incinerators
(Emission Guidelines and
Compliance Times).
D Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam
Generators for which Con-
struction is Commenced
after August 17, 1971 ....... X X X X X X X X
Da Electric Utility Steam
Generating Units for which
Construction is Com-
menced after September
18, 1978 ........................... X X X X X X X X
Db Industrial-Commercial-
Institutional Steam Gener-
ating Units ........................ X X X X X X X X
Dc Small Industrial-Com-
mercial-Institutional Steam
Generating Units .............. X X X X X X X X
E Incinerators .................... X X X X X X X X
Ea Municipal Waste Com-
bustors for which Con-
struction is Commenced
after December 20, 1989
and on or before Sep-
tember 20, 1994 ............... X X X X X X X X
Eb—Large Municipal Waste
Combustors ...................... X X X X
tious Waste Incinerators ... X X X X X X
F Portland Cement Plants X X X X X X X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ........... X X X X X X X X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ........ X X X X X X X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities X X X X X X X X
J Petroleum Refineries ...... X X X X X X X X
K Storage Vessels for Pe-
troleum Liquids for which
Construction, Reconstruc-
tion, or Modification Com-
menced after June 11,
1973 and prior to May 19,
1978 .................................. X X X X X X X X
Ka Storage Vessels for Pe-
troleum Liquids for which
Construction, Reconstruc-
tion, or Modification Com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

menced after May 18,

1978 and prior to July 23,
1984 .................................. X X X X X X X X


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Subpart 1

Kb VOC Liquid Storage

Vessels (including Petro-
leum Liquid Storage Ves-
sels) for which Construc-
tion, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced
after July 23, 1984 ........... X X X X X X X X
L Secondary Lead Smelt-
ers ..................................... X X X X X X X X
M Secondary Brass and
Bronze Production Plants X X X X X X X X
N Primary Emissions from
Basic Oxygen Process
Furnaces for which Con-
struction is Commenced
after June 11, 1973 .......... X X X X X X X X
Na Secondary Emissions
from Basic Oxygen Proc-
ess Steel-making Facilities
for which Construction is
Commenced after January
20, 1983 ........................... X X X X X X X X
O Sewage Treatment
Plants ................................ X X X X X X X X
P Primary Copper Smelters X X X X X X X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ... X X X X X X X X
R Primary Lead Smelters .. X X X X X X X X
S Primary Aluminum Re-
duction Plants 10 ............... X
T Phosphate Fertilizer In-
dustry: Wet Process Phos-
phoric Acid Plants ............ X X X X X X X X
U Phosphate Fertilizer In-
dustry: Superphosphoric
Acid Plants ....................... X X X X X X X X
V Phosphate Fertilizer In-
dustry: Diammonium
Phosphate Plants ............. X X X X X X X X
W Phosphate Fertilizer In-
dustry: Triple Superphos-
phate Plants ..................... X X X X X X X X
X Phosphate Fertilizer In-
dustry: Granular Triple
Superphosphate Storage
Facilities ............................ X X X X X X X X
Y Coal Preparation Plants X X X X X X X X
Z Ferroalloy Production Fa-
cilities ................................ X X X X X X X X
AA Steel Plants: Electric
Arc Furnaces Constructed
after October 21, 1974
and on or before August
17, 1983 ........................... X X X X X X X X
AAa Steel Plants: Electric
Arc Furnaces and Argon-
Oxygen Decarburization
Vessels Constructed after
August 7, 1983 ................. X X X X X X X X
BB Kraft Pulp Mills 11 ......... X
CC Glass Manufacturing
Plants ................................ X X X X X X X X
DD Grain Elevators ........... X X X X X X X X
EE Surface Coating of
Metal Furniture ................. X X X X X X X X
GG Stationary Gas Tur-
bines ................................. X X X X X X X X
HH Lime Manufacturing
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Plants ................................ X X X X X X X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Man-
ufacturing Plants ............... X X X X X X X X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Subpart 1

LL Metallic Mineral Proc-

essing Plants .................... X X X X X X X X
MM Automobile and Light
Duty Truck Surface Coat-
ing Operations .................. X X X X X X X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants X X X X X X X X
PP Ammonium Sulfate
Manufacture ...................... X X X X X X X X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry:
Publication Rotogravure
Printing ............................. X X X X X X X X
RR Pressure Sensitive
Tape and Label Surface
Coating Standards ............ X X X X X X X X
SS Industrial Surface Coat-
ing: Large Appliances ....... X X X X X X X X
TT Metal Coil Surface
Coating ............................. X X X X X X X X
UU Asphalt Processing
and Asphalt Roof Manu-
facture ............................... X X X X X X X X
VV Equipment Leaks of
VOC in Synthetic Organic
Chemical Manufacturing
Industry ............................. X X X X X X X X
WW Beverage Can Sur-
face Coating Industry ....... X X X X X X X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Termi-
nals ................................... X X X X X X X X
AAA New Residential
Wood Heaters.
BBB Rubber Tire Manufac-
turing Industry ................... X X X X X X X X
DDD VOC Emissions from
Polymer Manufacturing In-
dustry ................................ X X X X X X X X
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Ure-
thane Coating and Printing X X X X X X X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of
VOC in Petroleum Refin-
eries .................................. X X X X X X X X
HHH Synthetic Fiber Pro-
duction Facilities ............... X X X X X X X X
III VOC Emissions from
Synthetic Organic Chem-
ical Manufacturing Indus-
try Air Oxidation Unit
Processes ......................... X X X X X X X X
JJJ Petroleum Dry Clean-
ers ..................................... X X X X X X X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of
VOC from Onshore Nat-
ural Gas Processing
Plants ................................ X X X X X X X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas
Processing: SO2 Emis-
sions ................................. X X X X X X X X
NNN VOC Emissions from
Synthetic Organic Chem-
ical Manufacturing Indus-
try Distillation Operations X X X X X X X X
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral
Processing Plants ............. X X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insu-
lation Manufacturing
Plants ................................ X X X X X X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

QQQ VOC Emissions from

Petroleum Refinery
Wastewater Systems ........ X X X X X X X X


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Subpart 1

RRR VOCs from Synthetic

Organic Chemical Manu-
facturing Industry Reactor
Processes ......................... X X X X X X X X
SSS Magnetic Tape Coat-
ing Facilities ...................... X X X X X X X X
TTT Industrial Surface
Coating: Surface Coating
of Plastic Parts for Busi-
ness Machines ................. X X X X X X X X
UUU Calciners and Dryers
in Mineral Industries ......... X X X X X X X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of
Supporting Substrates Fa-
cilities ................................ X X X X X X X X
WWW Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills ................. X X X X X X X X
AAAA Small Municipal
Waste Combustion Units
for which Construction is
Commenced after August
30, 1999 or for which
Modification or Recon-
struction is Commenced
after June 6, 2001 ............ X X X X X X
BBBB Small Municipal
Waste Combustion Units
Constructed on or before
August 30, 1999 (Emis-
sion Guidelines and Com-
pliance Times).
CCCC Commercial and In-
dustrial Solid Waste Incin-
eration Units for which
Construction is Com-
menced after November,
30, 1999 or for which
Modification or Recon-
struction is Commenced
on or after June 1, 2001 .. X X X X X X
DDDD Commercial and In-
dustrial Solid Waste Incin-
eration Units that Com-
menced Construction on
or before November 30,
1999 (Emission Guidelines
and Compliance Times).
1 Any authority within any subpart of this part that is not delegable, is not delegated. Please refer to Attachment B to the dele-
gation letters for a listing of the NSPS authorities excluded from delegation.
2 Washington State Department of Ecology, for 40 CFR 60.17(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3) and 40 CFR part 60, subpart AAAA, as in ef-
fect on June 6, 2001; for 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC, as in effect on June 1, 2001; and for all other NSPS delegated, as in
effect February 20, 2001.
3 Benton Clean Air Authority, for 40 CFR 60.17(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3) and 40 CFR part 60, subpart AAAA, as in effect on June 6,
2001; for 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC, as in effect on June 1, 2001; and for all other NSPS delegated, as in effect February
20, 2001.
4 Northwest Air Pollution Authority, for all NSPS delegated, as in effect on July 1, 2000.
5 Olympic Regional Clean Air Authority, for 40 CFR 60.17(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3) and 40 CFR part 60, subpart AAAA, as in effect
on June 6, 2001; for 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC, as in effect on June 1, 2001; and for all other NSPS delegated, as in effect
February 20, 2001.
6 Puget Sound Clean Air Authority, for all NSPS delegated, as in effect on July 1, 2002.
7 Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority, for 40 CFR 60.17(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3) and 40 CFR part 60, subpart AAAA, as
in effect on June 6, 2001; for 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC, as in effect on June 1, 2001; and for all other NSPS delegated, as
in effect February 20, 2001.
8 Southwest Clean Air Agency, for all NSPS delegated, as in effect on July 1, 2000.
9 Yakima Regional Clean Air Authority, for 40 CFR 60.17(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3) and 40 CFR part 60, subpart AAAA, as in effect
on June 6, 2001; for 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC, as in effect on June 1, 2001; and for all other NSPS delegated, as in effect
February 20, 2001.
10 Subpart S of this part is not delegated to local agencies in Washington because the Washington State Department of Ecol-
ogy retains sole authority to regulate Primary Aluminum Plants, pursuant to Washington Administrative Code 173–415–010.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

11 Subpart BB of this part is not delegated to local agencies in Washington because the Washington State Department of Ecol-
ogy retains sole authority to regulate Kraft and Sulfite Pulping Mills, pursuant to Washington State Administrative Code 173–405–
012 and 173–410–012.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(50) State of West Virginia, Depart- (56) American Samoa: American

ment of Environmental Protection, Di- Samoa Environmental Protection
vision of Air Quality, 601 57th Street, Agency, P.O. Box PPA, Pago Pago,
SE., Charleston, West Virginia 25304. American Samoa 96799.
(51) State of Wisconsin: Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resouces, 101 NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta-
South Webster St., P.O. Box 7921, Madi- tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
son, Wisconsin 53707–7921. (d) of this section.
(52) State of Wyoming, Department (57) Commonwealth of the Northern
of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Mariana Islands: CNMI Division of En-
Division, Herschler Building, 122 West vironmental Quality, P.O. Box 501304,
25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Saipan, MP 96950.
NOTE: For a table listing Region VIII’s
NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta-
NSPS delegation status, see paragraph (c) of
this section. tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
(d) of this section.
(53) Territory of Guam: Guam Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency, P.O. (c) The delegation status table for
Box 22439 GMF, Barrigada, Guam 96921. New Source Performance Standards for
Region VIII can be found online at
NOTE: For tables listing the delegation sta-
tus of agencies in Region IX, see paragraph
(d) of this section. (d) The following tables list the spe-
cific part 60 standards that have been
(54) Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: delegated unchanged to the air pollu-
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Envi-
tion control agencies in Region IX. The
ronmental Quality Board, P.O. Box
(X) symbol is used to indicate each
11488, Santurce, PR 00910, Attention:
Air Quality Area Director (see table standard that has been delegated. The
under § 60.4(b)(FF)(1)). following provisions of this subpart are
(55) U.S. Virgin Islands: U.S. Virgin not delegated: §§ 60.4(b), 60.8(b), 60.9,
Islands Department of Conservation 60.11(b), 60.11(e), 60.13(a), 60.13(d)(2),
and Cultural Affairs, P.O. Box 578, 60.13(g), 60.13(i).
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI (1) Arizona. The following table iden-
00801. tifies delegations for Arizona:
Air pollution control agency
Subpart Arizona Maricopa Pima Pinal
DEQ County County County

A General Provisions ............................................................................. X X X X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, X X X X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- X X X X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. X X X X
Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ... X X X X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... X X X X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, X X X X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September X X X
20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- X X X
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... X ................ X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ X X X X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modi- ................ X X
fication Commenced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant .............................................................................. X X X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... X X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... X ................ X X

Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or ................ ................ X
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Air pollution control agency
Subpart Arizona Maricopa Pima Pinal
DEQ County County County

K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X

construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid X X X X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. X ................ X X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... X X X X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which X X X X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- X X X X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. X X X X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... X ................ X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ X ................ X X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... X ................ X X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. X X X X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants X X X X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. X X X X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... X X X X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ X X X X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- X X X X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants ........................................... X X X X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... X X X X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, X X X X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen X X X X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ................................................................................... X X X X
BBa Kraft Pulp Mill Sources for which Construction, Reconstruction or ................ X X
Modification Commenced after May 23, 2013.
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... X X X X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... X X X X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... X X X X
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... X X X X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. X X X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ X X X X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... X X X X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... X X X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... X X X X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ X X X X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... X X X X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... X X X X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... X X X X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ X X X X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... X X X X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemi- X X X X
cals Manufacturing.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for X X X
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing
Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... X X X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals .................................................................... X X X X
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ......................................................... X X X X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... X X X X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer X X X X
Manufacturing Industry.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. X X X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ X ................ X X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Air pollution control agency
Subpart Arizona Maricopa Pima Pinal
DEQ County County County

GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- X ................ X
struction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After No-
vember 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. X X X X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic X X X X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... X X X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing X X X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................ X X X X
MMM (Reserved).
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- X X X X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. X X X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. X X X X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... X ................ X X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic X X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... X X X X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for X X X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ X X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... X X X X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... X X X
XXX Municipal Solid Waste Landfills that Commenced Construction, Re- ................ X
construction, or Modification After July 17, 2014.
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is X X X
Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which X X X
Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for
Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is X X X
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification
or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved).
HHHH (Reserved).
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......... X X X
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines .................... ................ X X
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................ X X X
LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ............................................. ................ ................ X
MMMM Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage X ................
Sludge Incineration Units.
OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribu- ................ X X
OOOOa Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities ................ X
for Which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Com-
menced After September 18, 2015.
QQQQ Standards of Performance for New Residential Hydronic Heaters ................ X X
and Forced-Air Furnaces.
TTTT Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Elec- ................ X
tric Generating Units.

(2) California. The following tables District, Bay Area Air Quality Manage-
identify delegations for each of the ment District, and Butte County Air
local air pollution control agencies of Quality Management District are
California. shown in the following table:
(i) Delegations for Amador County
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Air Pollution Control District, Ante-

lope Valley Air Quality Management


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Amador Antelope Butte

Bay Area
County Valley County

A General Provisions ............................................................................. ................ X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, ................ X X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- ................ X X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. ................ X X
Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ... ................ X X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... ................ X X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, ................ X X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September ................ X
20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- ................ X
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... ................ X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ ................ X X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modi- ................
fication Commenced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant .............................................................................. ................ X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... ................ X X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... ................ X X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or ................ X
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid ................ X X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. ................ X X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... ................ X X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which ................ X X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- ................ X X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. ................ X X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... ................ X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ ................ X X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... ................ X X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. ................ X X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. ................ X X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... ................ X X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ ................ X X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- ................ X X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants ........................................... ................ X X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... ................ X X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, ................ X X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen ................ X X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ................................................................................... ................ X X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... ................ X X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... ................ X X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... ................ X X
FF (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... ................ X X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. ................ X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ ................ X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... ................ X X

MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... ................ X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... ................ X X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Amador Antelope Butte

Bay Area
County Valley County

PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ ................ X X

QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... ................ X X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... ................ X X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... ................ X X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ ................ X X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... ................ X X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemi- ................ X X
cals Manufacturing.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for ................ X
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing
Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... ................ X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals .................................................................... ................
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ......................................................... ................ X X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... ................ X X
CCC (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer ................ X X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. ................ X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ ................ X X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- ................ X
struction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After No-
vember 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. ................ X X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic ................ X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... ................ X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing ................ X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................ ................ X
MMM (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- ................ X X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. ................ X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. ................ X X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... ................ X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic ................ X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... ................ X X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for ................ X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ ................ X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... ................ X X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... ................ X
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is ................ X
Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which ................ X
Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for
Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is ................ X
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification
or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
HHHH (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......... ................ X
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines .................... ................ X
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................ ................ X
LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ............................................. ................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribu- ................


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

(ii) [Reserved] District, Imperial County Air Pollution

(iii) Delegations for Glenn County Control District, and Kern County Air
Air Pollution Control District, Great Pollution Control District are shown in
Basin Unified Air Pollution Control the following table:
Air pollution control agency

Subpart Glenn Imperial Kern
County County County

A General Provisions ............................................................................. ................ X ................ X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, ................ X ................ X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- ................ X ................ X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. ................ X ................ X
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units ........................................... ................ X ................ X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, ................ X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20,
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc-
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... ................ X ................ X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ ................ X ................ X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ............................................................................ ................ X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... ................ X ................ X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... ................ X ................ X
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid ................ X ................ X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. ................ X ................ X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... ................ X ................ X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which ................ X ................ X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- ................ X ................ X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. ................ X ................ X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ ................ X ................ X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... ................ X ................ X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. ................ X ................ X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants ................ X ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. ................ X ................ X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... ................ X ................ X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ ................ X ................ X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- ................ X ................ X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation Plants ..................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... ................ X ................ X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, ................ X ................ X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen ................ X ................ X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft pulp Mills .................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... ................ X ................ X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... ................ X ................ X
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... ................ X ................ X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. ................ X ................ X

KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ ................ X ................ X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... ................ X ................ X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Glenn Imperial Kern
County County County

MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... ................ X ................ X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... ................ X ................ X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ ................ X ................ X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... ................ X ................ X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... ................ X ................ X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... ................ X ................ X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ ................ X ................ X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... ................ X ................ X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Man- ................ X ................ X
ufacturing Industry.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... ................ X ................ X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals.
AAA New Residential Wool Heaters .......................................................... ................ X ................ X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... ................ X ................ X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer ................ X ................ X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. ................ X ................ X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ ................ X ................ X
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. ................ X ................ X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic ................ X ................ X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... ................ X ................ X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing ................ X ................ X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ........................... ................ ................ ................ X
MMM (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- ................ X ................ X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. ................ X ................ X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. ................ X ................ X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... ................ X ................ X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic ................ ................ ................ X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... ................ X ................ X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for ................ X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ ................ X ................ X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... ................ X ................ X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... ................ ................ ................ X

(iv) Delegations for Lake County Air District, and Mendocino County Air
Quality Management District, Lassen Pollution Control District are shown in
County Air Pollution Control District, the following table:
Mariposa County Air Pollution Control
Air pollution control agency

Subpart Lake Lassen Mariposa Mendocino

County County County County

A General Provisions ........................................................................... X ................ ................ X

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, X ................ ................ X


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Air pollution control agency

Subpart Lake Lassen Mariposa Mendocino

County County County County

Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- X ................ ................ X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............ X
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units ......................................... X ................ ................ X
E Incinerators ....................................................................................... X ................ ................ X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, X ................ ................ X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20,
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc-
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants .................................................................... X ................ ................ X
G Nitric Acid Plants .............................................................................. X ................ ................ X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ........................................................................... X ................ ................ X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................. X ................ ................ X
J Petroleum Refineries ........................................................................ X ................ ................ X
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, X ................ ................ X
Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 11,
1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, X ................ ................ X
Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 18,
1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liq- X ................ ................ X
uid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters ................................................................ X ................ ................ X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................. X ................ ................ X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for X ................ ................ X
Which Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking X ................ ................ X
Facilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January
20, 1983.
O Sewage Treatment Plants ................................................................ X ................ ................ X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................. X ................ ................ X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ...................................................................... X ................ ................ X
R Primary Lead Smelters ..................................................................... X ................ ................ X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants ................................................ X ................ ................ X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants X ................ ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ........... X ................ ................ X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ....... X ................ ................ X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants .......... X ................ ................ X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate X ................ ................ X
Storage Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation Plants .................................................................... X ................ ................ X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities ........................................................ X ................ ................ X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, X ................ ................ X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen X ................ ................ X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills .................................................................................. X ................ ................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants .............................................................. X ................ ................ X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................. X ................ ................ X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................. X ................ ................ X
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines ................................................................... X ................ ................ X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... X ................ ................ X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants .......................................... X ................ ................ X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants ................................................... X ................ ................ X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ..... X ................ ................ X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants .................................................................... X ................ ................ X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ...................................................... X ................ ................ X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing .................. X ................ ................ X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ... X ................ ................ X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................. X ................ ................ X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ............................................................... X ................ ................ X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Air pollution control agency

Subpart Lake Lassen Mariposa Mendocino

County County County County

UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture .................... X ................ ................ X

VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals X ................ ................ X
Manufacturing Industry.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry .......................................... X ................ ................ X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals.
AAA New Residential Wool Heaters ......................................................... X ................ ................ X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................. X ................ ................ X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer X ................ ................ X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ........................... X ................ ................ X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries .......................... X ................ ................ X
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities ................................................ X ................ ................ X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic X ................ ................ X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxida-
tion Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ................................................................... X ................ ................ X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing X ................ ................ X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions .......................... X ................ ................ X
MMM (Reserved) ........................................................................................ ................ ................ ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- X ................ ................ X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants ............................................ X ................ ................ X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants ............................ X ................ ................ X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems .... X ................ ................ X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ..................................................... X ................ ................ X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ...................................... X ................ ................ X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities .................... X ................ ................ X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills ........................................................ X ................ ................

(v) Delegations for Modoc Air Pollu- Control District and North Coast Uni-
tion Control District, Mojave Desert fied Air Quality Management District
Air Quality Management District, are shown in the following table:
Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution
Air pollution control agency

Monterey North
Subpart Modoc Mojave Bay Uni- Coast
County Desert fied Unified

A General Provisions ............................................................................. X X X X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, X X X X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- X X X X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. X X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ... ................ X X

E Incinerators ......................................................................................... X X X X


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Air pollution control agency

Monterey North
Subpart Modoc Mojave Bay Uni- Coast
County Desert fied Unified

Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, ................ X ................

1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September ................ X ................
20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- ................ X ................
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... X X X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ X X X X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modi- ................ ................ ................
fication Commenced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant .............................................................................. X X X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... X X X X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... X X X X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or ................ X ................
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid X X X X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. X X X X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... X X X X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which X X X X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- X X X X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. X X X X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... X X X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ X X X X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... X X X X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. X X X X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants X X X X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. X X X X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... X X X X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ X X X X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- X X X X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants ........................................... X X X X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... X X X X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, X X X X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen X X X X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ................................................................................... X X X X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... X X X X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... X X X X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... X X X X
FF (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... X X X X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. X X X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ X X X X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... X X X X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... X X X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... X X X X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ X X X X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... X X X X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... X X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... X X X X

TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ X X X X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... X X X X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air pollution control agency

Monterey North
Subpart Modoc Mojave Bay Uni- Coast
County Desert fied Unified

VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemi- X X X X

cals Manufacturing.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for ................ X ................
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing
Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... X X X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals .................................................................... ................ ................ ................
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ......................................................... X X X X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... X X X X
CCC (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer X X X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. X X X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ X X X X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- ................ X ................
struction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After No-
vember 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. X X X X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic ................ X ................
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... X X X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing X X X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................ X X X X
MMM (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- X X X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. X X X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. X X X X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... X X X X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic ................ X ................
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... X X X X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for X X X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ ................ X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... ................ X X X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... ................ X ................
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is ................ X ................
Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which ................ X ................
Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for
Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is ................ X ................
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification
or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
HHHH (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......... ................ X ................
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines .................... ................ X ................
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................ ................ X ................
LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ............................................. ................ ................ ................
OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribu- ................ ................ ................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(vi) Delegations for Northern Sierra Northern Sonoma County Air Pollu-
Air Quality Management District, tion Control District, Placer County


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Air Pollution Control District, and Management District are shown in the
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality following table:
Air pollution control agency

Subpart Northern Placer ramento
Sierra County Metropoli-

A General Provisions ............................................................................. ................ X ................ X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, ................ X ................ X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- ................ X ................ X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. ................ ................ ................ X
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units ........................................... ................ ................ ................ X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, ................ ................ ................ X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20, ................ ................ ................ X
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- ................ ................ ................ X
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... ................ X ................ X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ ................ X ................ X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ............................................................................ ................ X ................ X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... ................ X ................ X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... ................ X ................ X
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ X ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid ................ ................ ................ X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. ................ X ................ X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... ................ X ................ X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which ................ X ................ X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- ................ ................ ................ X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. ................ X ................ X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ ................ X ................ X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... ................ X ................ X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. ................ X ................ X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants ................ X ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. ................ X ................ X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... ................ X ................ X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ ................ X ................ X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- ................ X ................ X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation Plants ..................................................................... ................ X ................ X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... ................ X ................ X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, ................ X ................ X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen ................ ................ ................ X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft pulp Mills .................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... ................ X ................ X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... ................ X ................ X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
FF (Reserved).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... ................ X ................ X

HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. ................ X ................ X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ ................ ................ ................ X


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Northern Placer ramento
Sierra County Metropoli-

LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... ................ ................ ................ X

MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... ................ X ................ X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ ................ X ................ X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... ................ ................ ................ X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... ................ ................ ................ X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... ................ ................ ................ X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ ................ ................ ................ X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... ................ ................ ................ X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Man- ................ ................ ................ X
ufacturing Industry.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... ................ ................ ................ X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals.
AAA New Residential Wool Heaters .......................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer ................ ................ ................ X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. ................ ................ ................ X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ ................ ................ ................ X
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. ................ ................ ................ X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic ................ ................ ................ X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing ................ ................ ................ X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ........................... ................ ................ ................ X
MMM (Reserved).
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- ................ ................ ................ X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. ................ ................ ................ X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. ................ ................ ................ X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... ................ ................ ................ X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic ................ ................ ................ X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... ................ ................ ................ X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for ................ ................ ................ X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ ................ ................ ................ X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... ................ ................ ................ X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... ................ ................ ................ X

(vii) Delegations for San Diego Coun- County Air Pollution Control District,
ty Air Pollution Control District, San and Santa Barbara County Air Pollu-
Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution tion Control District are shown in the
Control District, San Luis Obispo following table:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Air pollution control agency

San Joa-
San San Luis Santa
Subpart quin Val-
Diego Obispo Barbara
ley Uni-
County County County

A General Provisions ............................................................................. X X X X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, X X X X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- X X X X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. X X X X
Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ... X X X X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... X X X X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, X X X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September X X ................ X
20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- X ................ ................ X
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... X X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ X X X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modi- ................ ................ ................
fication Commenced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant .............................................................................. X X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... X X X X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... X X X X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or ................ ................ ................ X
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X X X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid X X X X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. X X X X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... X X X X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which X X X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- X X X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. X X X X
P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... X X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ X X X
R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... X X X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. X X X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants X X X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. X X X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... X X X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ X X X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- X X X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants ........................................... X X X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... X X X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, X X X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen X X X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ................................................................................... X X X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... X X X X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... X X X X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... X X X
FF (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... X X X X

HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. X X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ X X X


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Air pollution control agency

San Joa-
San San Luis Santa
Subpart quin Val-
Diego Obispo Barbara
ley Uni-
County County County

LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... X X X

MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... X X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... X X X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ X X X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... X X X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... X X X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... X X X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ X X X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... X X X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemi- X X X
cals Manufacturing.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for ................ ................ ................ X
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing
Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... X X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals .................................................................... ................ ................ ................
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ......................................................... X X X X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... X X X
CCC (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer X X ................
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. X X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ X X X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- ................ ................ ................ X
struction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After No-
vember 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. X X X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic X X ................
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... X X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing X X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................ X X X
MMM (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- X X ................
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. X X X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. X X X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... X X X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic X X X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... X X X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for X X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ X X X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... X X X X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... X X X X
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is X ................ ................ X
Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which X ................ ................ X
Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for
Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is X ................ ................ X
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification
or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

HHHH (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................

IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......... ................ ................ ................ X
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines .................... ................ ................ ................ X


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Air pollution control agency

San Joa-
San San Luis Santa
Subpart quin Val-
Diego Obispo Barbara
ley Uni-
County County County

KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................ X ................ ................ X

LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ............................................. ................ ................ ................
OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribu- ................ ................ ................

(viii) Delegations for Shasta County agement District, and Tehama County
Air Quality Management District, Air Pollution Control District are
Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control shown in the following table:
District, South Coast Air Quality Man-
Air pollution control agency

Subpart Shasta Siskiyou South Tehama

County County Coast County

A General Provisions ............................................................................. X X X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, X ................ X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- ................ ................ X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ............. ................ ................ X
Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ... ................ ................ X
E Incinerators ......................................................................................... X ................ X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, ................ ................ X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September ................ ................ X
20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construc- ................ ................ X
tion is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ..................................................................... X ................ X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................ X ................ X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modi- ................ ................ ................
fication Commenced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant .............................................................................. X ................ X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ................................................................... X ................ X
J Petroleum Refineries .......................................................................... X ................ X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or ................ ................ X
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- X ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973,
and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Re- ................ ................ X
construction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978,
and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid ................ ................ X
Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .................................................................. X ................ X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ............................... X ................ X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which X ................ X
Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Fa- ................ ................ X
cilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

O Sewage Treatment Plants .................................................................. X ................ X

P Primary Copper Smelters ................................................................... X ................ X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................ X ................ X


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Shasta Siskiyou South Tehama

County County Coast County

R Primary Lead Smelters ....................................................................... X ................ X

S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................. X ................ X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants X ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ............. X ................ X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......... X ................ X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............ X ................ X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Stor- X ................ X
age Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants ........................................... X ................ X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities .......................................................... X ................ X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, X ................ X
1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen ................ ................ X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ................................................................................... X ................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... ................ ................ X
DD Grain Elevators ................................................................................... X ................ X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture .................................................... ................ ................ X
FF (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
GG Stationary Gas Turbines .................................................................... ................ ................ X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ................................................................. X ................ X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................ ................ ................ X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants .................................................... ................ ................ X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ....... ................ ................ X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ...................................................................... ................ ................ X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................ ................ ................ X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ................... ................ ................ X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ..... ................ ................ X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances .................................... ................ ................ X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................ ................ ................ X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................... ................ ................ X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemi- ................ ................ X
cals Manufacturing.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for ................ ................ X
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing
Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ........................................... ................ ................ X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals .................................................................... ................ ................ ................
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ......................................................... ................ X X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................... ................ X X
CCC (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer ................ ................ X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ............................. ................ ................ X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................ ................ ................ X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Con- ................ ................ X
struction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After No-
vember 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .................................................. ................ ................ X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic ................ ................ X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation
Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ..................................................................... ................ ................ X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing ................ ................ X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................ ................ ................ X
MMM (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Or- ................ ................ X
ganic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Op-
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .............................................. ................ ................ X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .............................. ................ ................ X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ..... ................ X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic ................ ................ X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ....................................................... ................ X X


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Air pollution control agency

Subpart Shasta Siskiyou South Tehama

County County Coast County

TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for ................ X X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................ ................ ................ X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ...................... ................ ................ X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................... ................ ................ X
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is X X X
Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction is Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which ................ ................ X
Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for
Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is ................ ................ X
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification
or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
HHHH (Reserved) .......................................................................................... ................ ................ ................
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......... ................ ................ X
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines .................... ................ ................ X
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................ ................ ................ X
LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ............................................. ................ ................ ................
OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribu- ................ ................ ................

(ix) Delegations for Tuolumne Coun- trict, and Yolo-Solano Air Quality
ty Air Pollution Control District, Ven- Management District are shown in the
tura County Air Pollution Control Dis- following table:
Air Pollution Control Agency
Subpart Tuolumne Ventura Coun- Yolo-Solano

A General Provisions ......................................................................... X X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August X X
17, 1971.
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After Sep- X
tember 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ......... X X
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units ....................................... X
E Incinerators ..................................................................................... X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, X
1989 and On or Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20, X
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Con- X
struction is Commenced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ................................................................. X
G Nitric Acid Plants ............................................................................ X
H Sulfuric Acid Plants ........................................................................ X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ............................................................... X X
J Petroleum Refineries ...................................................................... X X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, X X
Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 11,
1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, X

Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 18,
1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Air Pollution Control Agency
Subpart Tuolumne Ventura Coun- Yolo-Solano

Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum X

Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruc-
tion, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters .............................................................. X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants .......................... X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for X
Which Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking X
Facilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January
20, 1983.
O Sewage Treatment Plants .............................................................. X
P Primary Copper Smelters ............................................................... X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters .................................................................... X
R Primary Lead Smelters ................................................................... X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants ............................................. X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ......... X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants .... X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ....... X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate X
Storage Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation Plants ................................................................. X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities ...................................................... X
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October X X
21, 1974 and On or Before August 17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen X
Decarburization Vessels Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft pulp Mills ................................................................................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants ........................................................... X
DD Grain Elevators ............................................................................... X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture ................................................ X
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines ................................................................ X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants ............................................................. X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ........................................ X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants ................................................ X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations ... X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants .................................................................. X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture .................................................... X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ............... X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances ................................ X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ............................................................ X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ................. X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals X
Manufacturing Industry.
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals
Manufacturing Industry for Which Construction, Reconstruc-
tion, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ....................................... X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals.
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ..................................................... X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry .............................................. X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer X
Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ......................... X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ....................... X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which
Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced
After November 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities .............................................. X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic X

Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxida-
tion Unit Processes.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4

Air Pollution Control Agency
Subpart Tuolumne Ventura Coun- Yolo-Solano

JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ................................................................. X

KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Proc- X
essing Plants.
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ....................... X
MMM (Reserved).
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic X
Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants .......................................... X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants .......................... X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities ................................................... X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for X
Business Machines.
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries .................................... X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities .................. X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills ..................................................... X X
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction X
is Commenced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modifica-
tion or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for X
Which Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999
or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on
or After June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is
Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modifica-
tion or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16,
GGGG (Reserved).
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ....................................................

(3) Hawaii. The following table identifies delegations for Hawaii:

Delegation Status for New Source Performance Standards for Hawaii:
Subpart Hawaii

A General Provisions ................................................................................................................................. X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, 1971 ............................................ X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After September 18, 1978 .................................. X
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ................................................................. X
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units .............................................................................................. X
E Incinerators ............................................................................................................................................ X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, 1989 and On or Before September X
20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20, 1994 ................................................ X
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction is Commenced After June X
20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ......................................................................................................................... X
G Nitric Acid Plants.
H Sulfuric Acid Plants.
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ...................................................................................................................... X
J Petroleum Refineries ............................................................................................................................. X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After
May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification X
Commenced After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Commenced After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which X
Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Subpart Hawaii

L Secondary Lead Smelters.

M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants.
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which Construction is Commenced
After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities for Which Construction is
Commenced After January 20, 1983.
O Sewage Treatment Plants ..................................................................................................................... X
P Primary Copper Smelters.
Q Primary Zinc Smelters.
R Primary Lead Smelters.
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants.
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants.
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants.
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants.
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants.
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facilities.
Y Coal Preparation Plants ......................................................................................................................... X
Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities.
AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, 1974 and On or Before August X
17, 1983.
AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels Constructed After X
August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft pulp Mills.
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants.
DD Grain Elevators.
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture.
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines ........................................................................................................................ X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants.
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants.
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants.
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations.
NN Phosphate Rock Plants.
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture.
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing.
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations.
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances.
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating.
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture.
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry ...................... X
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which
Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry ............................................................................................... X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals ........................................................................................................................ X
AAA New Residential Wool Heaters.
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry.
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer Manufacturing Industry.
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing.
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................................................................... X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modi-
fication Commenced After November 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities.
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ........................................................................................................................ X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants.
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions.
MMM (Reserved).
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing In- X
dustry (SOCMI) Distillation Operations.
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants ................................................................................................. X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants.
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater ........................................................................ X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry
(SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities.
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Machines.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................................................................... X

VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ......................................................................... X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills ............................................................................................................. X


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Subpart Hawaii

AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is Commenced After August 30, X
1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction Is Commenced X
After November 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After
June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced After December 9,
2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved).
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ...........................................................................................................

(4) Nevada. The following table identifies delegations for Nevada:


Air pollution control agency
Subpart Nevada Clark Washoe
DEP County County

A General Provisions ................................................................................................ X X X

Cf Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills X
D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, 1971 ............ X X X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After September 18, 1978 .. X X
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ................................. X X
Dc Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units ...................... X X
E Incinerators ............................................................................................................ X X X
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, 1989 and On or X X
Before September 20, 1994.
Eb Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20, 1994 ...... X X
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction is Com- X X
menced After June 20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ........................................................................................ X X X
G Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................................... X X
Ga Nitric Acid Plants For Which Construction, Reconstruction or Modification Com- X
menced After October 14, 2011.
H Sulfuric Acid Plant ................................................................................................. X X
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ...................................................................................... X X X
J Petroleum Refineries ............................................................................................. X X
Ja Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification X
Commenced After May 14, 2007.
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, X X X
or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978.
Ka Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, X X X
or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984.
Kb Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage X X
Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Com-
menced After July 23, 1984.
L Secondary Lead Smelters ..................................................................................... X X X
M Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants .................................................. X X
N Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which Construc- X X
tion is Commenced After June 11, 1973.
Na Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities for X X
Which Construction is Commenced After January 20, 1983.
O Sewage Treatment Plants ..................................................................................... X X X
P Primary Copper Smelters ...................................................................................... X X X
Q Primary Zinc Smelters ........................................................................................... X X X
R Primary Lead Smelters .......................................................................................... X X X
S Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants ..................................................................... X X
T Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants ................... ................ X
U Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants ................................ ................ X
V Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ............................ ................ X
W Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............................... ................ X
X Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facili- ................ X
Y Coal Preparation and Processing Plants .............................................................. X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Z Ferroalloy Production Facilities ............................................................................. X X

AA Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces Constructed After October 21, 1974 and On X X
or Before August 17, 1983.


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Air pollution control agency
Subpart Nevada Clark Washoe
DEP County County

AAa Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels X X
Constructed After August 7, 1983.
BB Kraft Pulp Mills ...................................................................................................... ................ X
CC Glass Manufacturing Plants .................................................................................. X X
DD Grain Elevators ...................................................................................................... X X X
EE Surface Coating of Metal Furniture ....................................................................... X X X
FF (Reserved).
GG Stationary Gas Turbines ........................................................................................ X X X
HH Lime Manufacturing Plants .................................................................................... X X X
KK Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... X X X
LL Metallic Mineral Processing Plants ....................................................................... X X X
MM Automobile and Light Duty Trucks Surface Coating Operations .......................... X X X
NN Phosphate Rock Plants ......................................................................................... X X X
PP Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ........................................................................... X X
QQ Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing ...................................... X X X
RR Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ........................ X X
SS Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances ....................................................... X X X
TT Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................................... X X X
UU Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ......................................... X X X
VV Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry Chemicals Manu- X X X
VVa Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Industry for Which Construc- X X
tion, Reconstruction, or Chemicals Manufacturing Modification Commenced
After November 7, 2006.
WW Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry .............................................................. X X
XX Bulk Gasoline Terminals ....................................................................................... X X
AAA New Residential Wood Heaters ............................................................................ ................ X
BBB Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ...................................................................... X X
CCC (Reserved).
DDD Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer Manufacturing X X
EEE (Reserved).
FFF Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing ................................................ X X
GGG Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries ............................................... X X
GGGa Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Re- X X
construction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006.
HHH Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities ..................................................................... X X
III Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From the Synthetic Organic X X
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Air Oxidation Unit Processes.
JJJ Petroleum Dry Cleaners ........................................................................................ X X X
KKK Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants .......... X X
LLL Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................................... X X
MMM (Reserved).
NNN Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions From Synthetic Organic Chem- X X
ical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Distillation Operations.
OOO Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants ................................................................. X X
PPP Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants ................................................. X X
QQQ VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ......................... X X
RRR Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Synthetic Organic Chemical Manu- X X
facturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes.
SSS Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities .......................................................................... X X
TTT Industrial Surface Coating: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Ma- X X X
UUU Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ........................................................... X X X
VVV Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ......................................... X X X
WWW Municipal Solid Waste Landfills ............................................................................. X X X
XXX Municipal Solid Waste Landfills that Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, X
or Modification after July 17, 2014.
AAAA Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is Com- X X X
menced After August 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is
Commended After June 6, 2001.
CCCC Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construc- X X X
tion Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or
Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After June 1, 2001.
EEEE Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced X X X
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Com-

menced on or After June 16, 2006.
GGGG (Reserved).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.4


Air pollution control agency
Subpart Nevada Clark Washoe
DEP County County

HHHH (Reserved).
IIII Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ............................ X X X
JJJJ Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ....................................... X X X
KKKK Stationary Combustion Turbines ........................................................................... X X X
LLLL New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units ................................................................ ................ X
OOOO Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribution .............. X

(5) Guam. The following table identifies delegations as of June 15, 2001:


Subpart Guam

A General Provisions ............................................................................................................................... X

D Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators Constructed After August 17, 1971 ........................................... X
Da Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Constructed After September 18, 1978.
Db Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units.
Dc Small Industrial Steam Generating Units.
E Incinerators.
Ea Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After December 20, 1989 and On or Before September
20, 1994.
Eb Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed After September 20, 1994.
Ec Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction is Commenced After June
20, 1996.
F Portland Cement Plants ........................................................................................................................ X
G Nitric Acid Plants.
H Sulfuric Acid Plants.
I Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities ..................................................................................................................... X
J Petroleum Refineries ............................................................................................................................ X
K Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification X
Commenced After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978.

(e) The following lists the specific Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, as
part 60 standards that have been dele- amended in the FEDERAL REGISTER
gated unchanged to the air pollution through January 15, 2017.
control agencies in Region 6. (2) Louisiana. The Louisiana Depart-
(1) New Mexico. The New Mexico En- ment of Environmental Quality has
vironment Department has been dele- been delegated all part 60 standards
gated all part 60 standards promul- promulgated by EPA, except subpart
gated by the EPA, except subpart AAA—Standards of Performance for
AAA—Standards of Performance for
New Residential Wood Heaters, as
New Residential Wood Heaters; and
amended in the FEDERAL REGISTER
subpart QQQQ—Standards of Perform-
ance for New Residential Hydronic through July 1, 2013.


[Excluding Indian Country]

Subpart Source category LDEQ 1

A ......................... General Provisions .............................................................................................................. Yes

Ce ....................... Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incin- Yes
D ......................... Fossil Fueled Steam Generators (>250 MM BTU/hr) ......................................................... Yes
Da ....................... Electric Utility Steam Generating Units (>250 MM BTU/hr) ............................................... Yes
Db ....................... Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units (100 to 250 MM BTU/hr) ...... Yes
Dc ....................... Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Small Steam Generating Units (10 to 100 MM BTU/ Yes
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

E ......................... Incinerators (>50 tons per day) ........................................................................................... Yes

Ea ....................... Municipal Waste Combustors ............................................................................................. Yes
Eb ....................... Large Municipal Waste Combustors ................................................................................... Yes


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§ 60.4 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


[Excluding Indian Country]

Subpart Source category LDEQ 1

Ec ........................ Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators .................................................................. Yes

F .......................... Portland Cement Plants ...................................................................................................... Yes
G ......................... Nitric Acid Plants ................................................................................................................. Yes
Ga ....................... Nitric Acid Plants (after October 14, 2011) ......................................................................... Yes
H ......................... Sulfuric Acid Plants ............................................................................................................. Yes
I ........................... Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities .................................................................................................... Yes
J .......................... Petroleum Refineries ........................................................................................................... Yes
Ja ........................ Petroleum Refineries (After May 14, 2007) ........................................................................ Yes
K ......................... Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids (After 6/11/73 & Before 5/19/78) .......................... Yes
Ka ....................... Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids (After 6/11/73 & Before 5/19/78) .......................... Yes
Kb ....................... Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Stg/Vessels) After Yes
L .......................... Secondary Lead Smelters Yes ........................................................................................... Yes
M ......................... Secondary Brass and Bronze Production Plants ................................................................ Yes
N ......................... Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces (Construction Commenced Yes
After June 11, 1973).
Na ....................... Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities Construction is Yes
Commenced After January 20, 1983.
O ......................... Sewage Treatment Plants ................................................................................................... Yes
P ......................... Primary Copper Smelters .................................................................................................... Yes
Q ......................... Primary Zinc Smelters ......................................................................................................... Yes
R ......................... Primary Lead Smelters ........................................................................................................ Yes
S ......................... Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants .................................................................................. Yes
T .......................... Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet Process Phosphoric Plants ......................................... Yes
U ......................... Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Superphosphoric Acid Plants .............................................. Yes
V ......................... Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Diammonium Phosphate Plants ......................................... Yes
W ........................ Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Triple Superphosphate Plants ............................................ Yes
X ......................... Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facilities ........... Yes
Y ......................... Coal Preparation Plants ...................................................................................................... Yes
Z .......................... Ferroalloy Production Facilities ........................................................................................... Yes
AA ....................... Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces After 10/21/74 & On or Before 8/17/83 ..................... Yes
AAa ..................... Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces & Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels After 8/07/ Yes
BB ....................... Kraft Pulp Mills .................................................................................................................... Yes
CC ....................... Glass Manufacturing Plants ................................................................................................ Yes
DD ....................... Grain Elevators .................................................................................................................... Yes
EE ....................... Surface Coating of Metal Furniture ..................................................................................... Yes
GG ...................... Stationary Gas Turbines ..................................................................................................... Yes
HH ....................... Lime Manufacturing Plants .................................................................................................. Yes
KK ....................... Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants ............................................................................. Yes
LL ........................ Metallic Mineral Processing Plants ..................................................................................... Yes
MM ...................... Automobile & Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations ............................................. Yes
NN ....................... Phosphate Manufacturing Plants ........................................................................................ Yes
PP ....................... Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture ......................................................................................... Yes
QQ ...................... Graphic Arts Industry: Publication Rotogravure Printing .................................................... Yes
RR ....................... Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations ...................................... Yes
SS ....................... Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances ..................................................................... Yes
TT ....................... Metal Coil Surface Coating ................................................................................................. Yes
UU ....................... Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture ...................................................... Yes
VV ....................... VOC Equipment Leaks in the SOCMI Industry .................................................................. Yes
VVa ..................... VOC Equipment Leaks in the SOCMI Industry (After November 7, 2006) ........................ Yes
XX ....................... Bulk Gasoline Terminals ..................................................................................................... Yes
AAA ..................... New Residential Wood Heaters .......................................................................................... No
BBB ..................... Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry ................................................................................... Yes
DDD .................... Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions from the Polymer Manufacturing Industry Yes
FFF ..................... Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing .............................................................. Yes
GGG ................... VOC Equipment Leaks in Petroleum Refineries ................................................................. Yes
HHH .................... Synthetic Fiber Production .................................................................................................. Yes
III ......................... VOC Emissions from the SOCMI Air Oxidation Unit Processes ........................................ Yes
JJJ ...................... Petroleum Dry Cleaners ...................................................................................................... Yes
KKK ..................... VOC Equipment Leaks From Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants ............................ Yes
LLL ...................... Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2 Emissions ............................................................. Yes
NNN .................... VOC Emissions from SOCMI Distillation Operations ......................................................... Yes
OOO ................... Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants ............................................................................... Yes
PPP ..................... Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Plants ............................................................... Yes
QQQ ................... VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems ...................................... Yes
RRR .................... VOC Emissions from SOCMI Reactor Processes .............................................................. Yes
SSS ..................... Magnetic Tape Coating Operations .................................................................................... Yes
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

TTT ..................... Industrial Surface Coating: Plastic Parts for Business Machines ....................................... Yes
UUU .................... Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries ......................................................................... Yes
VVV ..................... Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities ....................................................... Yes


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.7


[Excluding Indian Country]

Subpart Source category LDEQ 1

WWW .................. Municipal Solid Waste Landfills .......................................................................................... Yes

AAAA .................. Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units (Construction is Commenced After 8/30/99 or Yes
Modification/Reconstruction is Commenced After 6/06/2001).
CCCC ................. Commercial & Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (Construction is Commenced Yes
After 11/30/1999 or Modification/Reconstruction is Commenced on or After 6/01/2001).
DDDD ................. Emission Guidelines & Compliance Times for Commercial & Industrial Solid Waste In- Yes
cineration Units (Commenced Construction On or Before 11/30/1999).
EEEE .................. Other Solid Waste Incineration Units (Constructed after 12/09/2004 or Modification/Re- Yes
construction is commenced on or after 06/16/2004).
IIII ........................ Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ......................................... Yes
JJJJ ..................... Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines ..................................................... Yes
KKKK .................. Stationary Combustion Turbines (Construction Commenced After 02/18/2005) ................ Yes
LLLL .................... New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units .............................................................................. Yes
MMMM ................ Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Yes
OOOO ................. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution ............................. Yes
1 TheLouisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) has been delegated all Part 60 standards promulgated by EPA,
except subpart AAA—Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters—as amended in the FEDERAL REGISTER
through July 1, 2013.

(3) Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air viding technical advice to the owner or

Quality Control Board. The Albu- operator.
querque-Bernalillo County Air Quality (b)(1) A separate request shall be sub-
Control Board has been delegated all mitted for each construction or modi-
part 60 standards promulgated by the fication project.
EPA, except subpart AAA of this part (2) Each request shall identify the lo-
and subpart QQQQ of this part as cation of such project, and be accom-
amended through January 23, 2017. panied by technical information de-
[40 FR 18169, Apr. 25, 1975] scribing the proposed nature, size, de-
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- sign, and method of operation of each
tations affecting § 60.4, see the List of CFR affected facility involved in such
Sections Affected, which appears in the project, including information on any
Finding Aids section of the printed volume equipment to be used for measurement
and at or control of emissions.
§ 60.5 Determination of construction (c) Neither a request for plans review
or modification. nor advice furnished by the Adminis-
trator in response to such request shall
(a) When requested to do so by an
(1) relieve an owner or operator of legal
owner or operator, the Administrator
responsibility for compliance with any
will make a determination of whether
provision of this part or of any applica-
action taken or intended to be taken
ble State or local requirement, or (2)
by such owner or operator constitutes
construction (including reconstruction) prevent the Administrator from imple-
or modification or the commencement menting or enforcing any provision of
thereof within the meaning of this this part or taking any other action
part. authorized by the Act.
(b) The Administrator will respond to [36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 39
any request for a determination under FR 9314, Mar. 8, 1974]
paragraph (a) of this section within 30
days of receipt of such request. § 60.7 Notification and record keeping.
[40 FR 58418, Dec. 16, 1975] (a) Any owner or operator subject to
the provisions of this part shall furnish
§ 60.6 Review of plans. the Administrator written notification
(a) When requested to do so by an or, if acceptable to both the Adminis-
owner or operator, the Administrator trator and the owner or operator of a
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

will review plans for construction or source, electronic notification, as fol-

modification for the purpose of pro- lows:


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§ 60.7 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(1) A notification of the date con- tain records of the occurrence and du-
struction (or reconstruction as defined ration of any startup, shutdown, or
under § 60.15) of an affected facility is malfunction in the operation of an af-
commenced postmarked no later than fected facility; any malfunction of the
30 days after such date. This require- air pollution control equipment; or any
ment shall not apply in the case of periods during which a continuous
mass-produced facilities which are pur- monitoring system or monitoring de-
chased in completed form. vice is inoperative.
(2) [Reserved] (c) Each owner or operator required
(3) A notification of the actual date to install a continuous monitoring de-
of initial startup of an affected facility vice shall submit excess emissions and
postmarked within 15 days after such monitoring systems performance re-
date. port (excess emissions are defined in
(4) A notification of any physical or applicable subparts) and-or summary
operational change to an existing facil- report form (see paragraph (d) of this
ity which may increase the emission section) to the Administrator semi-
rate of any air pollutant to which a annually, except when: more frequent
standard applies, unless that change is reporting is specifically required by an
specifically exempted under an applica- applicable subpart; or the Adminis-
ble subpart or in § 60.14(e). This notice trator, on a case-by-case basis, deter-
shall be postmarked 60 days or as soon mines that more frequent reporting is
as practicable before the change is necessary to accurately assess the
commenced and shall include informa- compliance status of the source. All re-
tion describing the precise nature of ports shall be postmarked by the 30th
the change, present and proposed emis- day following the end of each six-
sion control systems, productive capac- month period. Written reports of excess
ity of the facility before and after the emissions shall include the following
change, and the expected completion information:
date of the change. The Administrator
(1) The magnitude of excess emis-
may request additional relevant infor-
sions computed in accordance with
mation subsequent to this notice.
§ 60.13(h), any conversion factor(s) used,
(5) A notification of the date upon
and the date and time of commence-
which demonstration of the continuous
ment and completion of each time pe-
monitoring system performance com-
riod of excess emissions. The process
mences in accordance with § 60.13(c).
operating time during the reporting pe-
Notification shall be postmarked not
less than 30 days prior to such date.
(6) A notification of the anticipated (2) Specific identification of each pe-
date for conducting the opacity obser- riod of excess emissions that occurs
vations required by § 60.11(e)(1) of this during startups, shutdowns, and mal-
part. The notification shall also in- functions of the affected facility. The
clude, if appropriate, a request for the nature and cause of any malfunction (if
Administrator to provide a visible known), the corrective action taken or
emissions reader during a performance preventative measures adopted.
test. The notification shall be post- (3) The date and time identifying
marked not less than 30 days prior to each period during which the contin-
such date. uous monitoring system was inoper-
(7) A notification that continuous ative except for zero and span checks
opacity monitoring system data results and the nature of the system repairs or
will be used to determine compliance adjustments.
with the applicable opacity standard (4) When no excess emissions have oc-
during a performance test required by curred or the continuous monitoring
§ 60.8 in lieu of Method 9 observation system(s) have not been inoperative,
data as allowed by § 60.11(e)(5) of this repaired, or adjusted, such information
part. This notification shall be post- shall be stated in the report.
marked not less than 30 days prior to (d) The summary report form shall
the date of the performance test. contain the information and be in the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(b) Any owner or operator subject to format shown in figure 1 unless other-
the provisions of this part shall main- wise specified by the Administrator.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.7

One summary report form shall be sub- ing period is 5 percent or greater of the
mitted for each pollutant monitored at total operating time for the reporting
each affected facility. period, the summary report form and
(1) If the total duration of excess the excess emission report described in
emissions for the reporting period is § 60.7(c) shall both be submitted.
less than 1 percent of the total oper-
ating time for the reporting period and FIGURE 1—SUMMARY REPORT—GASEOUS
CMS downtime for the reporting period AND OPACITY EXCESS EMISSION AND
is less than 5 percent of the total oper- MONITORING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE
ating time for the reporting period, Pollutant (Circle One—SO2/NOX/TRS/H2S/CO/
only the summary report form shall be Opacity)
submitted and the excess emission re- Reporting period dates: From
port described in § 60.7(c) need not be llllllllll to llllllllll
submitted unless requested by the Ad- Company:
ministrator. Emission Limitation llllllllllll
(2) If the total duration of excess
Monitor Manufacturer and Model No. lll
emissions for the reporting period is 1 Date of Latest CMS Certification or Audit l
percent or greater of the total oper- Process Unit(s) Description:
ating time for the reporting period or Total source operating time in reporting pe-
the total CMS downtime for the report- riod 1 lllllllllllllllllll

Emission data summary 1 CMS performance summary 1

1. Duration of excess emissions in reporting period .............. 1. CMS downtime in reporting period due to:
due to:
a. Startup/shutdown ............................................ .............. a. Monitor equipment malfunctions.
b. Control equipment problems .......................... .............. b. Non-Monitor equipment malfunctions.
c. Process problems ........................................... .............. c. Quality assurance calibration.
d. Other known causes ...................................... .............. d. Other known causes.
e. Unknown causes ............................................ .............. e. Unknown causes.
2. Total duration of excess emission ......................... .............. 2. Total CMS Downtime.
3. Total duration of excess emissions × (100) [Total %2 3. [Total CMS Downtime] × (100) [Total source op- %2
source operating time]. erating time].
1 For opacity, record all times in minutes. For gases, record all times in hours.
2 For the reporting period: If the total duration of excess emissions is 1 percent or greater of the total operating time or the total
CMS downtime is 5 percent or greater of the total operating time, both the summary report form and the excess emission report
described in § 60.7(c) shall be submitted.

On a separate page, describe any changes (i) For 1 full year (e.g., 4 quarterly or
since last quarter in CMS, process or con- 12 monthly reporting periods) the af-
trols. I certify that the information con- fected facility’s excess emissions and
tained in this report is true, accurate, and
complete. monitoring systems reports submitted
to comply with a standard under this
Name part continually demonstrate that the
llllllllllllllllllllllll facility is in compliance with the ap-
Signature plicable standard;
llllllllllllllllllllllll (ii) The owner or operator continues
Title to comply with all recordkeeping and
llllllllllllllllllllllll monitoring requirements specified in
Date this subpart and the applicable stand-
(e)(1) Notwithstanding the frequency ard; and
of reporting requirements specified in (iii) The Administrator does not ob-
paragraph (c) of this section, an owner ject to a reduced frequency of reporting
or operator who is required by an appli- for the affected facility, as provided in
cable subpart to submit excess emis- paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
sions and monitoring systems perform- (2) The frequency of reporting of ex-
ance reports (and summary reports) on cess emissions and monitoring systems
a quarterly (or more frequent) basis performance (and summary) reports
may reduce the frequency of reporting may be reduced only after the owner or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

for that standard to semiannual if the operator notifies the Administrator in

following conditions are met: writing of his or her intention to make


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§ 60.7 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

such a change and the Administrator checks; adjustments and maintenance

does not object to the intended change. performed on these systems or devices;
In deciding whether to approve a re- and all other information required by
duced frequency of reporting, the Ad- this part recorded in a permanent form
ministrator may review information suitable for inspection. The file shall
concerning the source’s entire previous be retained for at least two years fol-
performance history during the re- lowing the date of such measurements,
quired recordkeeping period prior to maintenance, reports, and records, ex-
the intended change, including per- cept as follows:
formance test results, monitoring data, (1) This paragraph applies to owners
and evaluations of an owner or opera- or operators required to install a con-
tor’s conformance with operation and tinuous emissions monitoring system
maintenance requirements. Such infor- (CEMS) where the CEMS installed is
mation may be used by the Adminis- automated, and where the calculated
trator to make a judgment about the data averages do not exclude periods of
source’s potential for noncompliance in CEMS breakdown or malfunction. An
the future. If the Administrator dis- automated CEMS records and reduces
approves the owner or operator’s re- the measured data to the form of the
quest to reduce the frequency of re- pollutant emission standard through
porting, the Administrator will notify the use of a computerized data acquisi-
the owner or operator in writing within tion system. In lieu of maintaining a
45 days after receiving notice of the file of all CEMS subhourly measure-
owner or operator’s intention. The no- ments as required under paragraph (f)
tification from the Administrator to of this section, the owner or operator
the owner or operator will specify the shall retain the most recent consecu-
grounds on which the disapproval is tive three averaging periods of sub-
based. In the absence of a notice of dis- hourly measurements and a file that
approval within 45 days, approval is contains a hard copy of the data acqui-
automatically granted. sition system algorithm used to reduce
(3) As soon as monitoring data indi- the measured data into the reportable
cate that the affected facility is not in form of the standard.
compliance with any emission limita- (2) This paragraph applies to owners
tion or operating parameter specified or operators required to install a CEMS
in the applicable standard, the fre- where the measured data is manually
quency of reporting shall revert to the reduced to obtain the reportable form
frequency specified in the applicable of the standard, and where the cal-
standard, and the owner or operator culated data averages do not exclude
shall submit an excess emissions and periods of CEMS breakdown or mal-
monitoring systems performance re- function. In lieu of maintaining a file
port (and summary report, if required) of all CEMS subhourly measurements
at the next appropriate reporting pe- as required under paragraph (f) of this
riod following the noncomplying event. section, the owner or operator shall re-
After demonstrating compliance with tain all subhourly measurements for
the applicable standard for another full the most recent reporting period. The
year, the owner or operator may again subhourly measurements shall be re-
request approval from the Adminis- tained for 120 days from the date of the
trator to reduce the frequency of re- most recent summary or excess emis-
porting for that standard as provided sion report submitted to the Adminis-
for in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this trator.
section. (3) The Administrator or delegated
(f) Any owner or operator subject to authority, upon notification to the
the provisions of this part shall main- source, may require the owner or oper-
tain a file of all measurements, includ- ator to maintain all measurements as
ing continuous monitoring system, required by paragraph (f) of this sec-
monitoring device, and performance tion, if the Administrator or the dele-
testing measurements; all continuous gated authority determines these
monitoring system performance eval- records are required to more accu-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

uations; all continuous monitoring sys- rately assess the compliance status of
tem or monitoring device calibration the affected source.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.8

(g) If notification substantially simi- the measures taken or to be taken to

lar to that in paragraph (a) of this sec- minimize the delay; and identify a date
tion is required by any other State or by which the owner or operator pro-
local agency, sending the Adminis- poses to conduct the performance test.
trator a copy of that notification will The performance test shall be con-
satisfy the requirements of paragraph ducted as soon as practicable after the
(a) of this section. force majeure occurs.
(h) Individual subparts of this part (3) The decision as to whether or not
may include specific provisions which to grant an extension to the perform-
clarify or make inapplicable the provi- ance test deadline is solely within the
sions set forth in this section. discretion of the Administrator. The
Administrator will notify the owner or
[36 FR 24877, Dec. 28, 1971, as amended at 40
FR 46254, Oct. 6, 1975; 40 FR 58418, Dec. 16, operator in writing of approval or dis-
1975; 45 FR 5617, Jan. 23, 1980; 48 FR 48335, approval of the request for an exten-
Oct. 18, 1983; 50 FR 53113, Dec. 27, 1985; 52 FR sion as soon as practicable.
9781, Mar. 26, 1987; 55 FR 51382, Dec. 13, 1990; (4) Until an extension of the perform-
59 FR 12428, Mar. 16, 1994; 59 FR 47265, Sep. 15, ance test deadline has been approved
1994; 64 FR 7463, Feb. 12, 1999] by the Administrator under paragraphs
(a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section, the
§ 60.8 Performance tests. owner or operator of the affected facil-
(a) Except as specified in paragraphs ity remains strictly subject to the re-
(a)(1),(a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4) of this sec- quirements of this part.
tion, within 60 days after achieving the (b) Performance tests shall be con-
maximum production rate at which the ducted and data reduced in accordance
affected facility will be operated, but with the test methods and procedures
not later than 180 days after initial contained in each applicable subpart
startup of such facility, or at such unless the Administrator (1) specifies
other times specified by this part, and or approves, in specific cases, the use of
at such other times as may be required a reference method with minor changes
by the Administrator under section 114 in methodology, (2) approves the use of
of the Act, the owner or operator of an equivalent method, (3) approves the
such facility shall conduct perform- use of an alternative method the re-
ance test(s) and furnish the Adminis- sults of which he has determined to be
trator a written report of the results of adequate for indicating whether a spe-
such performance test(s). cific source is in compliance, (4) waives
(1) If a force majeure is about to the requirement for performance tests
occur, occurs, or has occurred for because the owner or operator of a
which the affected owner or operator source has demonstrated by other
intends to assert a claim of force means to the Administrator’s satisfac-
majeure, the owner or operator shall tion that the affected facility is in
notify the Administrator, in writing as compliance with the standard, or (5)
soon as practicable following the date approves shorter sampling times and
the owner or operator first knew, or smaller sample volumes when neces-
through due diligence should have sitated by process variables or other
known that the event may cause or factors. Nothing in this paragraph
caused a delay in testing beyond the shall be construed to abrogate the Ad-
regulatory deadline, but the notifica- ministrator’s authority to require test-
tion must occur before the performance ing under section 114 of the Act.
test deadline unless the initial force (c) Performance tests shall be con-
majeure or a subsequent force majeure ducted under such conditions as the
event delays the notice, and in such Administrator shall specify to the
cases, the notification shall occur as plant operator based on representative
soon as practicable. performance of the affected facility.
(2) The owner or operator shall pro- The owner or operator shall make
vide to the Administrator a written de- available to the Administrator such
scription of the force majeure event records as may be necessary to deter-
and a rationale for attributing the mine the conditions of the performance
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

delay in testing beyond the regulatory tests. Operations during periods of

deadline to the force majeure; describe startup, shutdown, and malfunction


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§ 60.8 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shall not constitute representative with an applicable standard, the arith-

conditions for the purpose of a per- metic means of results of the three
formance test nor shall emissions in runs shall apply. In the event that a
excess of the level of the applicable sample is accidentally lost or condi-
emission limit during periods of start- tions occur in which one of the three
up, shutdown, and malfunction be con- runs must be discontinued because of
sidered a violation of the applicable forced shutdown, failure of an irre-
emission limit unless otherwise speci- placeable portion of the sample train,
fied in the applicable standard. extreme meteorological conditions, or
(d) The owner or operator of an af- other circumstances, beyond the owner
fected facility shall provide the Admin- or operator’s control, compliance may,
istrator at least 30 days prior notice of upon the Administrator’s approval, be
any performance test, except as speci- determined using the arithmetic mean
fied under other subparts, to afford the of the results of the two other runs.
Administrator the opportunity to have (2) Contents of report (electronic or
an observer present. If after 30 days no- paper submitted copy). Unless other-
tice for an initially scheduled perform- wise specified in a relevant standard or
ance test, there is a delay (due to oper- test method, or as otherwise approved
ational problems, etc.) in conducting by the Administrator in writing, the
the scheduled performance test, the report for a performance test shall in-
owner or operator of an affected facil- clude the elements identified in para-
ity shall notify the Administrator (or graphs (f)(2)(i) through (vi) of this sec-
delegated State or local agency) as tion.
soon as possible of any delay in the (i) General identification information
original test date, either by providing for the facility including a mailing ad-
at least 7 days prior notice of the re- dress, the physical address, the owner
scheduled date of the performance test, or operator or responsible official
or by arranging a rescheduled date (where applicable) and his/her email
with the Administrator (or delegated address, and the appropriate Federal
State or local agency) by mutual Registry System (FRS) number for the
agreement. facility.
(e) The owner or operator of an af- (ii) Purpose of the test including the
fected facility shall provide, or cause applicable regulation(s) requiring the
to be provided, performance testing fa- test, the pollutant(s) and other param-
cilities as follows: eters being measured, the applicable
(1) Sampling ports adequate for test emission standard and any process pa-
methods applicable to such facility. rameter component, and a brief process
This includes (i) constructing the air description.
pollution control system such that vol- (iii) Description of the emission unit
umetric flow rates and pollutant emis- tested including fuel burned, control
sion rates can be accurately deter- devices, and vent characteristics; the
mined by applicable test methods and appropriate source classification code
procedures and (ii) providing a stack or (SCC); the permitted maximum process
duct free of cyclonic flow during per- rate (where applicable); and the sam-
formance tests, as demonstrated by ap- pling location.
plicable test methods and procedures. (iv) Description of sampling and
(2) Safe sampling platform(s). analysis procedures used and any modi-
(3) Safe access to sampling plat- fications to standard procedures, qual-
form(s). ity assurance procedures and results,
(4) Utilities for sampling and testing record of process operating conditions
equipment. that demonstrate the applicable test
(f) Unless otherwise specified in the conditions are met, and values for any
applicable subpart, each performance operating parameters for which limits
test shall consist of three separate runs were being set during the test.
using the applicable test method. (v) Where a test method requires you
(1) Each run shall be conducted for record or report, the following shall be
the time and under the conditions spec- included: Record of preparation of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ified in the applicable standard. For standards, record of calibrations, raw

the purpose of determining compliance data sheets for field sampling, raw data


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.8

sheets for field and laboratory anal- measured value of the audit sample.
yses, chain-of-custody documentation, For pollutants that exist in the gas
and example calculations for reported phase at ambient temperature, the
results. audit sample shall consist of an appro-
(vi) Identification of the company priate concentration of the pollutant
conducting the performance test in- in air or nitrogen that can be intro-
cluding the primary office address, duced into the sampling system of the
telephone number, and the contact for test method at or near the same entry
this test program including his/her point as a sample from the emission
email address. source. If no gas phase audit samples
(g) The performance testing shall in- are available, an acceptable alternative
clude a test method performance audit is a sample of the pollutant in the
(PA) during the performance test. The same matrix that would be produced
PAs consist of blind audit samples sup- when the sample is recovered from the
plied by an accredited audit sample sampling system as required by the
provider and analyzed during the per- test method. For samples that exist
formance test in order to provide a only in a liquid or solid form at ambi-
measure of test data bias. Gaseous ent temperature, the audit sample
audit samples are designed to audit the shall consist of an appropriate con-
performance of the sampling system as centration of the pollutant in the same
well as the analytical system and must matrix that would be produced when
be collected by the sampling system the sample is recovered from the sam-
during the compliance test just as the pling system as required by the test
compliance samples are collected. If a method. An accredited audit sample
liquid or solid audit sample is designed provider (AASP) is an organization
to audit the sampling system, it must that has been accredited to prepare
also be collected by the sampling sys- audit samples by an independent, third
tem during the compliance test. If mul- party accrediting body.
tiple sampling systems or sampling (1) The source owner, operator, or
trains are used during the compliance representative of the tested facility
test for any of the test methods, the shall obtain an audit sample, if com-
tester is only required to use one of the mercially available, from an AASP for
sampling systems per method to col- each test method used for regulatory
lect the audit sample. The audit sam- compliance purposes. No audit samples
ple must be analyzed by the same ana- are required for the following test
lyst using the same analytical reagents methods: Methods 3A and 3C of appen-
and analytical system and at the same dix A–3 of part 60, Methods 6C, 7E, 9,
time as the compliance samples. and 10 of appendix A–4 of part 60, Meth-
Retests are required when there is a ods 18 and 19 of appendix A–6 of part 60,
failure to produce acceptable results Methods 20, 22, and 25A of appendix A–
for an audit sample. However, if the 7 of part 60, Methods 30A and 30B of ap-
audit results do not affect the compli- pendix A–8 of part 60, and Methods 303,
ance or noncompliance status of the af- 318, 320, and 321 of appendix A of part 63
fected facility, the compliance author- of this chapter. If multiple sources at a
ity may waive the reanalysis require- single facility are tested during a com-
ment, further audits, or retests and ac- pliance test event, only one audit sam-
cept the results of the compliance test. ple is required for each method used
Acceptance of the test results shall during a compliance test. The compli-
constitute a waiver of the reanalysis ance authority responsible for the com-
requirement, further audits, or retests. pliance test may waive the require-
The compliance authority may also use ment to include an audit sample if they
the audit sample failure and the com- believe that an audit sample is not nec-
pliance test results as evidence to de- essary. ‘‘Commercially available’’
termine the compliance or noncompli- means that two or more independent
ance status of the affected facility. A AASPs have blind audit samples avail-
blind audit sample is a sample whose able for purchase. If the source owner,
value is known only to the sample pro- operator, or representative cannot find
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

vider and is not revealed to the tested an audit sample for a specific method,
facility until after they report the the owner, operator, or representative


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§ 60.8 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shall consult the EPA Web site at the written technical criteria document
following URL,, to that describes how audit samples will
confirm whether there is a source that be prepared and distributed in a man-
can supply an audit sample for that ner that will ensure the integrity of
method. If the EPA Web site does not the audit sample program. An accept-
list an available audit sample at least able technical criteria document shall
60 days prior to the beginning of the contain standard operating procedures
compliance test, the source owner, op- for all of the following operations:
erator, or representative shall not be (i) Preparing the sample;
required to include an audit sample as (ii) Confirming the true concentra-
part of the quality assurance program tion of the sample;
for the compliance test. When ordering (iii) Defining the acceptance limits
an audit sample, the source owner, op- for the results from a well qualified
erator, or representative shall give the tester. This procedure must use well
sample provider an estimate for the established statistical methods to ana-
concentration of each pollutant that is lyze historical results from well quali-
emitted by the source or the estimated fied testers. The acceptance limits
concentration of each pollutant based shall be set so that there is 95 percent
on the permitted level and the name, confidence that 90 percent of well
address, and phone number of the com- qualified labs will produce future re-
pliance authority. The source owner, sults that are within the acceptance
operator, or representative shall report limit range.
the results for the audit sample along (iv) Providing the opportunity for the
with a summary of the emission test compliance authority to comment on
results for the audited pollutant to the the selected concentration level for an
compliance authority and shall report audit sample;
the results of the audit sample to the (v) Distributing the sample to the
AASP. The source owner, operator, or user in a manner that guarantees that
representative shall make both reports the true value of the sample is un-
at the same time and in the same man- known to the user;
ner or shall report to the compliance (vi) Recording the measured con-
authority first and then report to the centration reported by the user and de-
AASP. If the method being audited is a termining if the measured value is
method that allows the samples to be within acceptable limits;
analyzed in the field and the tester (vii) The AASP shall report the re-
plans to analyze the samples in the sults from each audit sample in a time-
field, the tester may analyze the audit ly manner to the compliance authority
samples prior to collecting the emis- and then to the source owner, operator,
sion samples provided a representative or representative. The AASP shall
of the compliance authority is present make both reports at the same time
at the testing site. The tester may re- and in the same manner or shall report
quest and the compliance authority to the compliance authority first and
may grant a waiver to the requirement then report to the source owner, oper-
that a representative of the compliance ator, or representative. The results
authority must be present at the test- shall include the name of the facility
ing site during the field analysis of an tested, the date on which the compli-
audit sample. The source owner, oper- ance test was conducted, the name of
ator, or representative may report the the company performing the sample
results of the audit sample to the com- collection, the name of the company
pliance authority and report the re- that analyzed the compliance samples
sults of the audit sample to the AASP including the audit sample, the meas-
prior to collecting any emission sam- ured result for the audit sample, and
ples. The test protocol and final test whether the testing company passed or
report shall document whether an failed the audit. The AASP shall report
audit sample was ordered and utilized the true value of the audit sample to
and the pass/fail results as applicable. the compliance authority. The AASP
(2) An AASP shall have and shall pre- may report the true value to the source
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

pare, analyze, and report the true value owner, operator, or representative if
of audit samples in accordance with a the AASP’s operating plan ensures


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.9

that no laboratory will receive the online at

same audit sample twice. llgov/a119.cfm. The VCSB shall ap-
(viii) Evaluating the acceptance lim- prove all accrediting bodies. The Ad-
its of samples at least once every two ministrator will review all technical
years to determine in cooperation with criteria documents. If the technical
the voluntary consensus standard body criteria documents do not meet the
if they should be changed; minimum technical requirements in
(ix) Maintaining a database, acces- paragraphs (g)(2) through (4)of this sec-
sible to the compliance authorities, of tion, the technical criteria documents
results from the audit that shall in- are not acceptable and the proposed
clude the name of the facility tested, audit sample program is not capable of
the date on which the compliance test producing audit samples of sufficient
was conducted, the name of the com- quality to be used in a compliance test.
pany performing the sample collection, All acceptable technical criteria docu-
the name of the company that analyzed ments shall be posted on the EPA Web
the compliance samples including the site at the following URL, http://
audit sample, the measured result for
the audit sample, the true value of the (h) Unless otherwise specified in the
audit sample, the acceptance range for applicable subpart, each test location
the measured value, and whether the must be verified to be free of cyclonic
testing company passed or failed the flow and evaluated for the existence of
audit. emission gas stratification and the re-
(3) The accrediting body shall have a quired number of sampling traverse
written technical criteria document points. If other procedures are not
that describes how it will ensure that specified in the applicable subpart to
the AASP is operating in accordance
the regulations, use the appropriate
with the AASP technical criteria docu-
procedures in Method 1 to check for cy-
ment that describes how audit samples
clonic flow and Method 7E to evaluate
are to be prepared and distributed. This
emission gas stratification and selec-
document shall contain standard oper-
tion of sampling points.
ating procedures for all of the fol-
lowing operations: (i) Whenever the use of multiple cali-
(i) Checking audit samples to con- bration gases is required by a test
firm their true value as reported by the method, performance specification, or
AASP; quality assurance procedure in a part
(ii) Performing technical systems au- 60 standard or appendix, Method 205 of
dits of the AASP’s facilities and oper- 40 CFR part 51, appendix M of this
ating procedures at least once every chapter, ‘‘Verification of Gas Dilution
two years; Systems for Field Instrument Calibra-
(iii) Providing standards for use by tions,’’ may be used.
the voluntary consensus standard body [36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 39
to approve the accrediting body that FR 9314, Mar. 8, 1974; 42 FR 57126, Nov. 1, 1977;
will accredit the audit sample pro- 44 FR 33612, June 11, 1979; 54 FR 6662, Feb. 14,
viders. 1989; 54 FR 21344, May 17, 1989; 64 FR 7463,
(4) The technical criteria documents Feb. 12, 1999; 72 FR 27442, May 16, 2007; 75 FR
for the accredited sample providers and 55646, Sept. 13, 2010; 79 FR 11241, Feb. 27, 2014;
81 FR 59809, Aug. 30, 2016]
the accrediting body shall be developed
through a public process guided by a
§ 60.9 Availability of information.
voluntary consensus standards body
(VCSB). The VCSB shall operate in ac- The availability to the public of in-
cordance with the procedures and re- formation provided to, or otherwise ob-
quirements in the Office of Manage- tained by, the Administrator under
ment and Budget Circular A–119. A this part shall be governed by part 2 of
copy of Circular A–119 is available upon this chapter. (Information submitted
request by writing the Office of Infor- voluntarily to the Administrator for
mation and Regulatory Affairs, Office the purposes of §§ 60.5 and 60.6 is gov-
of Management and Budget, 725 17th erned by §§ 2.201 through 2.213 of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503, by chapter and not by § 2.301 of this chap-
calling (202) 395–6880 or downloading ter.)


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§ 60.10 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.10 State authority. observations, review of operating and

The provisions of this part shall not maintenance procedures, and inspec-
be construed in any manner to preclude tion of the source.
any State or political subdivision (e)(1) For the purpose of dem-
thereof from: onstrating initial compliance, opacity
(a) Adopting and enforcing any emis- observations shall be conducted con-
sion standard or limitation applicable currently with the initial performance
to an affected facility, provided that test required in § 60.8 unless one of the
such emission standard or limitation is following conditions apply. If no per-
not less stringent than the standard formance test under § 60.8 is required,
applicable to such facility. then opacity observations shall be con-
(b) Requiring the owner or operator ducted within 60 days after achieving
of an affected facility to obtain per- the maximum production rate at which
mits, licenses, or approvals prior to ini- the affected facility will be operated
tiating construction, modification, or but no later than 180 days after initial
operation of such facility. startup of the facility. If visibility or
other conditions prevent the opacity
§ 60.11 Compliance with standards and observations from being conducted
maintenance requirements. concurrently with the initial perform-
(a) Compliance with standards in this ance test required under § 60.8, the
part, other than opacity standards, source owner or operator shall resched-
shall be determined in accordance with ule the opacity observations as soon
performance tests established by § 60.8, after the initial performance test as
unless otherwise specified in the appli- possible, but not later than 30 days
cable standard. thereafter, and shall advise the Admin-
(b) Compliance with opacity stand- istrator of the rescheduled date. In
ards in this part shall be determined by these cases, the 30-day prior notifica-
conducting observations in accordance tion to the Administrator required in
with Method 9 in appendix A of this § 60.7(a)(6) shall be waived. The resched-
part, any alternative method that is uled opacity observations shall be con-
approved by the Administrator, or as ducted (to the extent possible) under
provided in paragraph (e)(5) of this sec- the same operating conditions that ex-
tion. For purposes of determining ini- isted during the initial performance
tial compliance, the minimum total test conducted under § 60.8. The visible
time of observations shall be 3 hours emissions observer shall determine
(30 6-minute averages) for the perform- whether visibility or other conditions
ance test or other set of observations prevent the opacity observations from
(meaning those fugitive-type emission being made concurrently with the ini-
sources subject only to an opacity tial performance test in accordance
standard). with procedures contained in Method 9
(c) The opacity standards set forth in of appendix B of this part. Opacity
this part shall apply at all times except readings of portions of plumes which
during periods of startup, shutdown, contain condensed, uncombined water
malfunction, and as otherwise provided vapor shall not be used for purposes of
in the applicable standard. determing compliance with opacity
(d) At all times, including periods of standards. The owner or operator of an
startup, shutdown, and malfunction, affected facility shall make available,
owners and operators shall, to the ex- upon request by the Administrator,
tent practicable, maintain and operate such records as may be necessary to de-
any affected facility including associ- termine the conditions under which the
ated air pollution control equipment in visual observations were made and
a manner consistent with good air pol- shall provide evidence indicating proof
lution control practice for minimizing of current visible observer emission
emissions. Determination of whether certification. Except as provided in
acceptable operating and maintenance paragraph (e)(5) of this section, the re-
procedures are being used will be based sults of continuous monitoring by
on information available to the Admin- transmissometer which indicate that
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

istrator which may include, but is not the opacity at the time visual observa-
limited to, monitoring results, opacity tions were made was not in excess of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.11

the standard are probative but not con- standard may submit, for compliance
clusive evidence of the actual opacity purposes, continuous opacity moni-
of an emission, provided that the toring system (COMS) data results pro-
source shall meet the burden of proving duced during any performance test re-
that the instrument used meets (at the quired under § 60.8 in lieu of Method 9
time of the alleged violation) Perform- observation data. If an owner or oper-
ance Specification 1 in appendix B of ator elects to submit COMS data for
this part, has been properly maintained compliance with the opacity standard,
and (at the time of the alleged viola- he shall notify the Administrator of
tion) that the resulting data have not that decision, in writing, at least 30
been altered in any way. days before any performance test re-
(2) Except as provided in paragraph quired under § 60.8 is conducted. Once
(e)(3) of this section, the owner or oper- the owner or operator of an affected fa-
ator of an affected facility to which an cility has notified the Administrator to
opacity standard in this part applies that effect, the COMS data results will
shall conduct opacity observations in be used to determine opacity compli-
accordance with paragraph (b) of this ance during subsequent tests required
section, shall record the opacity of under § 60.8 until the owner or operator
emissions, and shall report to the Ad- notifies the Administrator, in writing,
ministrator the opacity results along to the contrary. For the purpose of de-
with the results of the initial perform- termining compliance with the opacity
ance test required under § 60.8. The in-
standard during a performance test re-
ability of an owner or operator to se-
quired under § 60.8 using COMS data,
cure a visible emissions observer shall
the minimum total time of COMS data
not be considered a reason for not con-
collection shall be averages of all 6-
ducting the opacity observations con-
minute continuous periods within the
current with the initial performance
test. duration of the mass emission perform-
(3) The owner or operator of an af- ance test. Results of the COMS opacity
fected facility to which an opacity determinations shall be submitted
standard in this part applies may re- along with the results of the perform-
quest the Administrator to determine ance test required under § 60.8. The
and to record the opacity of emissions owner or operator of an affected facil-
from the affected facility during the ity using a COMS for compliance pur-
initial performance test and at such poses is responsible for demonstrating
times as may be required. The owner or that the COMS meets the requirements
operator of the affected facility shall specified in § 60.13(c) of this part, that
report the opacity results. Any request the COMS has been properly main-
to the Administrator to determine and tained and operated, and that the re-
to record the opacity of emissions from sulting data have not been altered in
an affected facility shall be included in any way. If COMS data results are sub-
the notification required in § 60.7(a)(6). mitted for compliance with the opacity
If, for some reason, the Administrator standard for a period of time during
cannot determine and record the opac- which Method 9 data indicates non-
ity of emissions from the affected facil- compliance, the Method 9 data will be
ity during the performance test, then used to determine compliance with the
the provisions of paragraph (e)(1) of opacity standard.
this section shall apply. (6) Upon receipt from an owner or op-
(4) An owner or operator of an af- erator of the written reports of the re-
fected facility using a continuous opac- sults of the performance tests required
ity monitor (transmissometer) shall by § 60.8, the opacity observation re-
record the monitoring data produced sults and observer certification re-
during the initial performance test re- quired by § 60.11(e)(1), and the COMS re-
quired by § 60.8 and shall furnish the sults, if applicable, the Administrator
Administrator a written report of the will make a finding concerning compli-
monitoring results along with Method ance with opacity and other applicable
9 and § 60.8 performance test results. standards. If COMS data results are
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(5) An owner or operator of an af- used to comply with an opacity stand-

fected facility subject to an opacity ard, only those results are required to


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§ 60.12 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

be submitted along with the perform- propriate performance or compliance

ance test results required by § 60.8. If test or procedure had been performed.
the Administrator finds that an af-
[38 FR 28565, Oct. 15, 1973, as amended at 39
fected facility is in compliance with all FR 39873, Nov. 12, 1974; 43 FR 8800, Mar. 3,
applicable standards for which per- 1978; 45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980; 48 FR 48335,
formance tests are conducted in ac- Oct. 18, 1983; 50 FR 53113, Dec. 27, 1985; 51 FR
cordance with § 60.8 of this part but 1790, Jan. 15, 1986; 52 FR 9781, Mar. 26, 1987; 62
during the time such performance tests FR 8328, Feb. 24, 1997; 65 FR 61749, Oct. 17,
are being conducted fails to meet any
applicable opacity standard, he shall § 60.12 Circumvention.
notify the owner or operator and advise
him that he may petition the Adminis- No owner or operator subject to the
trator within 10 days of receipt of noti- provisions of this part shall build,
fication to make appropriate adjust- erect, install, or use any article, ma-
ment to the opacity standard for the chine, equipment or process, the use of
affected facility. which conceals an emission which
would otherwise constitute a violation
(7) The Administrator will grant such
of an applicable standard. Such con-
a petition upon a demonstration by the
cealment includes, but is not limited
owner or operator that the affected fa-
to, the use of gaseous diluents to
cility and associated air pollution con- achieve compliance with an opacity
trol equipment was operated and main- standard or with a standard which is
tained in a manner to minimize the based on the concentration of a pollut-
opacity of emissions during the per- ant in the gases discharged to the at-
formance tests; that the performance mosphere.
tests were performed under the condi-
tions established by the Administrator; [39 FR 9314, Mar. 8, 1974]
and that the affected facility and asso-
§ 60.13 Monitoring requirements.
ciated air pollution control equipment
were incapable of being adjusted or op- (a) For the purposes of this section,
erated to meet the applicable opacity all continuous monitoring systems re-
standard. quired under applicable subparts shall
(8) The Administrator will establish be subject to the provisions of this sec-
an opacity standard for the affected fa- tion upon promulgation of performance
cility meeting the above requirements specifications for continuous moni-
at a level at which the source will be toring systems under appendix B to
able, as indicated by the performance this part and, if the continuous moni-
toring system is used to demonstrate
and opacity tests, to meet the opacity
compliance with emission limits on a
standard at all times during which the
continuous basis, appendix F to this
source is meeting the mass or con-
part, unless otherwise specified in an
centration emission standard. The Ad-
applicable subpart or by the Adminis-
ministrator will promulgate the new trator. Appendix F is applicable De-
opacity standard in the FEDERAL REG- cember 4, 1987.
(b) All continuous monitoring sys-
(f) Special provisions set forth under tems and monitoring devices shall be
an applicable subpart shall supersede installed and operational prior to con-
any conflicting provisions in para- ducting performance tests under § 60.8.
graphs (a) through (e) of this section. Verification of operational status
(g) For the purpose of submitting shall, as a minimum, include comple-
compliance certifications or estab- tion of the manufacturer’s written re-
lishing whether or not a person has quirements or recommendations for in-
violated or is in violation of any stand- stallation, operation, and calibration
ard in this part, nothing in this part of the device.
shall preclude the use, including the (c) If the owner or operator of an af-
exclusive use, of any credible evidence fected facility elects to submit
or information, relevant to whether a continous opacity monitoring system
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

source would have been in compliance (COMS) data for compliance with the
with applicable requirements if the ap- opacity standard as provided under


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.13

§ 60.11(e)(5), he shall conduct a perform- and upscale (span) calibration drifts at

ance evaluation of the COMS as speci- least once daily. For a particular
fied in Performance Specification 1, ap- COMS, the acceptable range of zero and
pendix B, of this part before the per- upscale calibration materials is defined
formance test required under § 60.8 is in the applicable version of PS–1 in ap-
conducted. Otherwise, the owner or op- pendix B of this part. For a COMS, the
erator of an affected facility shall con- optical surfaces, exposed to the efflu-
duct a performance evaluation of the ent gases, must be cleaned before per-
COMS or continuous emission moni- forming the zero and upscale drift ad-
toring system (CEMS) during any per- justments, except for systems using
formance test required under § 60.8 or automatic zero adjustments. The opti-
within 30 days thereafter in accordance
cal surfaces must be cleaned when the
with the applicable performance speci-
cumulative automatic zero compensa-
fication in appendix B of this part, The
owner or operator of an affected facil- tion exceeds 4 percent opacity.
ity shall conduct COMS or CEMS per- (2) Unless otherwise approved by the
formance evaluations at such other Administrator, the following proce-
times as may be required by the Ad- dures must be followed for a COMS.
ministrator under section 114 of the Minimum procedures must include an
Act. automated method for producing a sim-
(1) The owner or operator of an af- ulated zero opacity condition and an
fected facility using a COMS to deter- upscale opacity condition using a cer-
mine opacity compliance during any tified neutral density filter or other re-
performance test required under § 60.8 lated technique to produce a known ob-
and as described in § 60.11(e)(5) shall struction of the light beam. Such pro-
furnish the Administrator two or, upon cedures must provide a system check of
request, more copies of a written re- all active analyzer internal optics with
port of the results of the COMS per- power or curvature, all active elec-
formance evaluation described in para- tronic circuitry including the light
graph (c) of this section at least 10 days source and photodetector assembly,
before the performance test required and electronic or electro-mechanical
under § 60.8 is conducted. systems and hardware and or software
(2) Except as provided in paragraph used during normal measurement oper-
(c)(1) of this section, the owner or oper-
ator of an affected facility shall fur-
(e) Except for system breakdowns, re-
nish the Administrator within 60 days
of completion two or, upon request, pairs, calibration checks, and zero and
more copies of a written report of the span adjustments required under para-
results of the performance evaluation. graph (d) of this section, all continuous
(d)(1) Owners and operators of a monitoring systems shall be in contin-
CEMS installed in accordance with the uous operation and shall meet min-
provisions of this part, must check the imum frequency of operation require-
zero (or low level value between 0 and ments as follows:
20 percent of span value) and span (50 (1) All continuous monitoring sys-
to 100 percent of span value) calibra- tems referenced by paragraph (c) of
tion drifts at least once each operating this section for measuring opacity of
day in accordance with a written pro- emissions shall complete a minimum of
cedure. The zero and span must, at a one cycle of sampling and analyzing for
minimum, be adjusted whenever either each successive 10-second period and
the 24-hour zero drift or the 24-hour one cycle of data recording for each
span drift exceeds two times the limit successive 6-minute period.
of the applicable performance speci- (2) All continuous monitoring sys-
fication in appendix B of this part. The tems referenced by paragraph (c) of
system must allow the amount of the this section for measuring emissions,
excess zero and span drift to be re-
except opacity, shall complete a min-
corded and quantified whenever speci-
imum of one cycle of operation (sam-
fied. Owners and operators of a COMS
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

installed in accordance with the provi- pling, analyzing, and data recording)
sions of this part must check the zero for each successive 15-minute period.


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§ 60.13 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(f) All continuous monitoring sys- with 60 minutes of unit operation), at

tems or monitoring devices shall be in- least four valid data points are re-
stalled such that representative meas- quired to calculate the hourly average,
urements of emissions or process pa- i.e., one data point in each of the 15-
rameters from the affected facility are minute quadrants of the hour.
obtained. Additional procedures for lo- (ii) Except as provided under para-
cation of continuous monitoring sys- graph (h)(2)(iii) of this section, for a
tems contained in the applicable Per- partial operating hour (any clock hour
formance Specifications of appendix B with less than 60 minutes of unit oper-
of this part shall be used. ation), at least one valid data point in
(g) When the effluents from a single each 15-minute quadrant of the hour in
affected facility or two or more af- which the unit operates is required to
fected facilities subject to the same calculate the hourly average.
emission standards are combined be- (iii) For any operating hour in which
fore being released to the atmosphere, required maintenance or quality-assur-
the owner or operator may install ap- ance activities are performed:
plicable continuous monitoring sys- (A) If the unit operates in two or
tems on each effluent or on the com- more quadrants of the hour, a min-
bined effluent. When the affected facili- imum of two valid data points, sepa-
ties are not subject to the same emis- rated by at least 15 minutes, is re-
sion standards, separate continuous quired to calculate the hourly average;
monitoring systems shall be installed or
on each effluent. When the effluent (B) If the unit operates in only one
from one affected facility is released to quadrant of the hour, at least one valid
the atmosphere through more than one data point is required to calculate the
point, the owner or operator shall in- hourly average.
stall an applicable continuous moni- (iv) If a daily calibration error check
toring system on each separate effluent is failed during any operating hour, all
unless the installation of fewer sys- data for that hour shall be invalidated,
tems is approved by the Administrator. unless a subsequent calibration error
When more than one continuous moni- test is passed in the same hour and the
toring system is used to measure the requirements of paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of
emissions from one affected facility this section are met, based solely on
(e.g., multiple breechings, multiple valid data recorded after the successful
outlets), the owner or operator shall calibration.
report the results as required from (v) For each full or partial operating
each continuous monitoring system. hour, all valid data points shall be used
(h)(1) Owners or operators of all con- to calculate the hourly average.
tinuous monitoring systems for meas- (vi) Except as provided under para-
urement of opacity shall reduce all graph (h)(2)(vii) of this section, data re-
data to 6-minute averages and for con- corded during periods of continuous
tinuous monitoring systems other than monitoring system breakdown, repair,
opacity to 1-hour averages for time pe- calibration checks, and zero and span
riods as defined in § 60.2. Six-minute adjustments shall not be included in
opacity averages shall be calculated the data averages computed under this
from 36 or more data points equally paragraph.
spaced over each 6-minute period. (vii) Owners and operators complying
(2) For continuous monitoring sys- with the requirements of § 60.7(f)(1) or
tems other than opacity, 1-hour aver- (2) must include any data recorded dur-
ages shall be computed as follows, ex- ing periods of monitor breakdown or
cept that the provisions pertaining to malfunction in the data averages.
the validation of partial operating (viii) When specified in an applicable
hours are only applicable for affected subpart, hourly averages for certain
facilities that are required by the ap- partial operating hours shall not be
plicable subpart to include partial computed or included in the emission
hours in the emission calculations: averages (e.g., hours with < 30 minutes
(i) Except as provided under para- of unit operation under § 60.47b(d)).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

graph (h)(2)(iii) of this section, for a (ix) Either arithmetic or integrated

full operating hour (any clock hour averaging of all data may be used to


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.13

calculate the hourly averages. The urements of opacity by a system com-

data may be recorded in reduced or plying with the requirements in Per-
nonreduced form (e.g., ppm pollutant formance Specification 1. The Adminis-
and percent O2 or ng/J of pollutant). trator may require that such dem-
(3) All excess emissions shall be con- onstration be performed for each af-
verted into units of the standard using fected facility.
the applicable conversion procedures (9) Alternative monitoring require-
specified in the applicable subpart. ments when the effluent from a single
After conversion into units of the affected facility or the combined efflu-
standard, the data may be rounded to ent from two or more affected facilities
the same number of significant digits is released to the atmosphere through
used in the applicable subpart to speci- more than one point.
fy the emission limit. (j) An alternative to the relative ac-
(i) After receipt and consideration of curacy (RA) test specified in Perform-
written application, the Administrator ance Specification 2 of appendix B may
may approve alternatives to any moni- be requested as follows:
toring procedures or requirements of (1) An alternative to the reference
this part including, but not limited to method tests for determining RA is
the following: available for sources with emission
(1) Alternative monitoring require- rates demonstrated to be less than 50
ments when installation of a contin- percent of the applicable standard. A
uous monitoring system or monitoring source owner or operator may petition
device specified by this part would not the Administrator to waive the RA test
provide accurate measurements due to in Section 8.4 of Performance Speci-
liquid water or other interferences fication 2 and substitute the proce-
caused by substances in the effluent dures in Section 16.0 if the results of a
gases. performance test conducted according
(2) Alternative monitoring require- to the requirements in § 60.8 of this sub-
ments when the affected facility is in- part or other tests performed following
frequently operated. the criteria in § 60.8 demonstrate that
(3) Alternative monitoring require- the emission rate of the pollutant of
ments to accommodate continuous interest in the units of the applicable
monitoring systems that require addi- standard is less than 50 percent of the
tional measurements to correct for applicable standard. For sources sub-
stack moisture conditions. ject to standards expressed as control
(4) Alternative locations for install- efficiency levels, a source owner or op-
ing continuous monitoring systems or erator may petition the Administrator
monitoring devices when the owner or to waive the RA test and substitute the
operator can demonstrate that instal- procedures in Section 16.0 of Perform-
lation at alternate locations will en- ance Specification 2 if the control de-
able accurate and representative meas- vice exhaust emission rate is less than
urements. 50 percent of the level needed to meet
(5) Alternative methods of converting the control efficiency requirement. The
pollutant concentration measurements alternative procedures do not apply if
to units of the standards. the continuous emission monitoring
(6) Alternative procedures for per- system is used to determine compli-
forming daily checks of zero and span ance continuously with the applicable
drift that do not involve use of span standard. The petition to waive the RA
gases or test cells. test shall include a detailed description
(7) Alternatives to the A.S.T.M. test of the procedures to be applied. In-
methods or sampling procedures speci- cluded shall be location and procedure
fied by any subpart. for conducting the alternative, the con-
(8) Alternative continuous moni- centration or response levels of the al-
toring systems that do not meet the ternative RA materials, and the other
design or performance requirements in equipment checks included in the al-
Performance Specification 1, appendix ternative procedure. The Adminis-
B, but adequately demonstrate a defi- trator will review the petition for com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

nite and consistent relationship be- pleteness and applicability. The deter-
tween its measurements and the meas- mination to grant a waiver will depend


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§ 60.14 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

on the intended use of the CEMS data standard applies shall be considered a
(e.g., data collection purposes other modification within the meaning of
than NSPS) and may require specifica- section 111 of the Act. Upon modifica-
tions more stringent than in Perform- tion, an existing facility shall become
ance Specification 2 (e.g., the applica- an affected facility for each pollutant
ble emission limit is more stringent to which a standard applies and for
than NSPS). which there is an increase in the emis-
(2) The waiver of a CEMS RA test sion rate to the atmosphere.
will be reviewed and may be rescinded (b) Emission rate shall be expressed
at such time, following successful com- as kg/hr of any pollutant discharged
pletion of the alternative RA proce- into the atmosphere for which a stand-
dure, that the CEMS data indicate that ard is applicable. The Administrator
the source emissions are approaching
shall use the following to determine
the level. The criterion for reviewing
emission rate:
the waiver is the collection of CEMS
data showing that emissions have ex- (1) Emission factors as specified in
ceeded 70 percent of the applicable the latest issue of ‘‘Compilation of Air
standard for seven, consecutive, aver- Pollutant Emission Factors,’’ EPA
aging periods as specified by the appli- Publication No. AP–42, or other emis-
cable regulation(s). For sources subject sion factors determined by the Admin-
to standards expressed as control effi- istrator to be superior to AP–42 emis-
ciency levels, the criterion for review- sion factors, in cases where utilization
ing the waiver is the collection of of emission factors demonstrates that
CEMS data showing that exhaust emis- the emission level resulting from the
sions have exceeded 70 percent of the physical or operational change will ei-
level needed to meet the control effi- ther clearly increase or clearly not in-
ciency requirement for seven, consecu- crease.
tive, averaging periods as specified by (2) Material balances, continuous
the applicable regulation(s) [e.g., monitor data, or manual emission tests
§§ 60.45(g) (2) and (3), 60.73(e), and in cases where utilization of emission
60.84(e)]. It is the responsibility of the factors as referenced in paragraph
source operator to maintain records (b)(1) of this section does not dem-
and determine the level of emissions onstrate to the Administrator’s satis-
relative to the criterion on the waiver faction whether the emission level re-
of RA testing. If this criterion is ex- sulting from the physical or oper-
ceeded, the owner or operator must no- ational change will either clearly in-
tify the Administrator within 10 days crease or clearly not increase, or where
of such occurrence and include a de- an owner or operator demonstrates to
scription of the nature and cause of the the Administrator’s satisfaction that
increasing emissions. The Adminis- there are reasonable grounds to dispute
trator will review the notification and the result obtained by the Adminis-
may rescind the waiver and require the trator utilizing emission factors as ref-
owner or operator to conduct a RA test erenced in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
of the CEMS as specified in Section 8.4 tion. When the emission rate is based
of Performance Specification 2. on results from manual emission tests
[40 FR 46255, Oct. 6, 1975] or continuous monitoring systems, the
procedures specified in appendix C of
tations affecting § 60.13, see the List of CFR
this part shall be used to determine
Sections Affected, which appears in the whether an increase in emission rate
Finding Aids section of the printed volume has occurred. Tests shall be conducted
and at under such conditions as the Adminis-
trator shall specify to the owner or op-
§ 60.14 Modification. erator based on representative per-
(a) Except as provided under para- formance of the facility. At least three
graphs (e) and (f) of this section, any valid test runs must be conducted be-
physical or operational change to an fore and at least three after the phys-
existing facility which results in an in- ical or operational change. All oper-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

crease in the emission rate to the at- ating parameters which may affect
mosphere of any pollutant to which a emissions must be held constant to the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.14

maximum feasible degree for all test (h) No physical change, or change in
runs. the method of operation, at an existing
(c) The addition of an affected facil- electric utility steam generating unit
ity to a stationary source as an expan- shall be treated as a modification for
sion to that source or as a replacement the purposes of this section provided
for an existing facility shall not by that such change does not increase the
itself bring within the applicability of maximum hourly emissions of any pol-
this part any other facility within that lutant regulated under this section
source. above the maximum hourly emissions
(d) [Reserved] achievable at that unit during the 5
(e) The following shall not, by them- years prior to the change.
selves, be considered modifications (i) Repowering projects that are
under this part:
awarded funding from the Department
(1) Maintenance, repair, and replace-
of Energy as permanent clean coal
ment which the Administrator deter-
technology demonstration projects (or
mines to be routine for a source cat-
similar projects funded by EPA) are ex-
egory, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (c) of this section and § 60.15. empt from the requirements of this
(2) An increase in production rate of section provided that such change does
an existing facility, if that increase not increase the maximum hourly
can be accomplished without a capital emissions of any pollutant regulated
expenditure on that facility. under this section above the maximum
(3) An increase in the hours of oper- hourly emissions achievable at that
ation. unit during the five years prior to the
(4) Use of an alternative fuel or raw change.
material if, prior to the date any (j)(1) Repowering projects that qual-
standard under this part becomes ap- ify for an extension under section
plicable to that source type, as pro- 409(b) of the Clean Air Act are exempt
vided by § 60.1, the existing facility was from the requirements of this section,
designed to accommodate that alter- provided that such change does not in-
native use. A facility shall be consid- crease the actual hourly emissions of
ered to be designed to accommodate an any pollutant regulated under this sec-
alternative fuel or raw material if that tion above the actual hourly emissions
use could be accomplished under the achievable at that unit during the 5
facility’s construction specifications as years prior to the change.
amended prior to the change. Conver- (2) This exemption shall not apply to
sion to coal required for energy consid- any new unit that:
erations, as specified in section (i) Is designated as a replacement for
111(a)(8) of the Act, shall not be consid- an existing unit;
ered a modification.
(ii) Qualifies under section 409(b) of
(5) The addition or use of any system
the Clean Air Act for an extension of
or device whose primary function is the
an emission limitation compliance
reduction of air pollutants, except
date under section 405 of the Clean Air
when an emission control system is re-
Act; and
moved or is replaced by a system which
the Administrator determines to be (iii) Is located at a different site than
less environmentally beneficial. the existing unit.
(6) The relocation or change in own- (k) The installation, operation, ces-
ership of an existing facility. sation, or removal of a temporary
(f) Special provisions set forth under clean coal technology demonstration
an applicable subpart of this part shall project is exempt from the require-
supersede any conflicting provisions of ments of this section. A temporary clean
this section. coal control technology demonstration
(g) Within 180 days of the completion project, for the purposes of this section
of any physical or operational change is a clean coal technology demonstra-
subject to the control measures speci- tion project that is operated for a pe-
fied in paragraph (a) of this section, riod of 5 years or less, and which com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

compliance with all applicable stand- plies with the State implementation
ards must be achieved. plan for the State in which the project


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§ 60.15 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

is located and other requirements nec- structing a comparable entirely new fa-
essary to attain and maintain the na- cility.
tional ambient air quality standards (6) The estimated life of the existing
during the project and after it is termi- facility after the replacements.
nated. (7) A discussion of any economic or
(l) The reactivation of a very clean technical limitations the facility may
coal-fired electric utility steam gener- have in complying with the applicable
ating unit is exempt from the require- standards of performance after the pro-
ments of this section. posed replacements.
(e) The Administrator will deter-
[40 FR 58419, Dec. 16, 1975, as amended at 43
FR 34347, Aug. 3, 1978; 45 FR 5617, Jan. 23, mine, within 30 days of the receipt of
1980; 57 FR 32339, July 21, 1992; 65 FR 61750, the notice required by paragraph (d) of
Oct. 17, 2000] this section and any additional infor-
mation he may reasonably require,
§ 60.15 Reconstruction. whether the proposed replacement con-
(a) An existing facility, upon recon- stitutes reconstruction.
struction, becomes an affected facility, (f) The Administrator’s determina-
irrespective of any change in emission tion under paragraph (e) shall be based
rate. on:
(b) ‘‘Reconstruction’’ means the re- (1) The fixed capital cost of the re-
placement of components of an exist- placements in comparison to the fixed
ing facility to such an extent that: capital cost that would be required to
(1) The fixed capital cost of the new construct a comparable entirely new
components exceeds 50 percent of the facility;
fixed capital cost that would be re- (2) The estimated life of the facility
quired to construct a comparable en- after the replacements compared to the
tirely new facility, and life of a comparable entirely new facil-
(2) It is technologically and economi- ity;
cally feasible to meet the applicable (3) The extent to which the compo-
standards set forth in this part. nents being replaced cause or con-
(c) ‘‘Fixed capital cost’’ means the tribute to the emissions from the facil-
capital needed to provide all the depre- ity; and
ciable components. (4) Any economic or technical limita-
(d) If an owner or operator of an ex- tions on compliance with applicable
isting facility proposes to replace com- standards of performance which are in-
ponents, and the fixed capital cost of herent in the proposed replacements.
the new components exceeds 50 percent (g) Individual subparts of this part
of the fixed capital cost that would be may include specific provisions which
required to construct a comparable en- refine and delimit the concept of recon-
tirely new facility, he shall notify the struction set forth in this section.
Administrator of the proposed replace- [40 FR 58420, Dec. 16, 1975]
ments. The notice must be postmarked
60 days (or as soon as practicable) be- § 60.16 Priority list.
fore construction of the replacements
is commenced and must include the PRIORITIZED MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORIES
following information: Pri-
(1) Name and address of the owner or ority Source Category
operator. ber 1
(2) The location of the existing facil-
ity. 1. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry
(SOCMI) and Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Ves-
(3) A brief description of the existing sels and Handling Equipment
facility and the components which are (a) SOCMI unit processes
to be replaced. (b) Volatile organic liquid (VOL) storage vessels and
handling equipment
(4) A description of the existing air (c) SOCMI fugitive sources
pollution control equipment and the (d) SOCMI secondary sources
proposed air pollution control equip- 2. Industrial Surface Coating: Cans
3. Petroleum Refineries: Fugitive Sources
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

4. Industrial Surface Coating: Paper

(5) An estimate of the fixed capital 5. Dry Cleaning
cost of the replacements and of con- (a) Perchloroethylene


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17
2 Formerly titled ‘‘Sintering: Clay and Fly Ash’’.
PRIORITIZED MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORIES— 3 Minor source category, but included on list since an NSPS
Continued is being developed for that source category.
4 Not prioritized, since an NSPS for this major source cat-

Pri- egory has already been promulgated.

ority Source Category
ber 1 [47 FR 951, Jan. 8, 1982, as amended at 47 FR
31876, July 23, 1982; 51 FR 42796, Nov. 25, 1986;
(b) Petroleum solvent 52 FR 11428, Apr. 8, 1987; 61 FR 9919, Mar. 12,
6. Graphic Arts 1996]
7. Polymers and Resins: Acrylic Resins
8. Mineral Wool (Deleted)
9. Stationary Internal Combustion Engines
§ 60.17 Incorporations by reference.
10. Industrial Surface Coating: Fabric (a) Certain material is incorporated
11. Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating
by reference into this part with the ap-
12. Incineration: Non-Municipal (Deleted) proval of the Director of the Federal
13. Non-Metallic Mineral Processing Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
14. Metallic Mineral Processing
15. Secondary Copper (Deleted)
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
16. Phosphate Rock Preparation other than that specified in this sec-
17. Foundries: Steel and Gray Iron tion, the EPA must publish notice of
18. Polymers and Resins: Polyethylene
19. Charcoal Production
change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and
20. Synthetic Rubber the material must be available to the
(a) Tire manufacture public. All approved material is avail-
(b) SBR production
21. Vegetable Oil
able for inspection at the EPA Docket
22. Industrial Surface Coating: Metal Coil Center, Public Reading Room, EPA
23. Petroleum Transportation and Marketing WJC West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitu-
24. By-Product Coke Ovens
25. Synthetic Fibers
tion Ave. NW., Washington, DC, tele-
26. Plywood Manufacture phone number 202–566–1744, and is avail-
27. Industrial Surface Coating: Automobiles able from the sources listed below. It is
28. Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances also available for inspection at the Na-
29. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production
30. Secondary Aluminum tional Archives and Records Adminis-
31. Potash (Deleted) tration (NARA). For information on
32. Lightweight Aggregate Industry: Clay, Shale, and the availability of this material at
Slate 2
33. Glass NARA, email, or
34. Gypsum go to
35. Sodium Carbonate cfr/ibr-locations.html.
36. Secondary Zinc (Deleted)
37. Polymers and Resins: Phenolic
(b) American Gas Association, avail-
38. Polymers and Resins: Urea-Melamine able through ILI Infodisk, 610 Winters
39. Ammonia (Deleted) Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey 07652:
40. Polymers and Resins: Polystyrene (1) American Gas Association Report
41. Polymers and Resins: ABS-SAN Resins
42. Fiberglass No. 3: Orifice Metering for Natural Gas
43. Polymers and Resins: Polypropylene and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids,
44. Textile Processing Part 1: General Equations and Uncer-
45. Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture
46. Brick and Related Clay Products tainty Guidelines (1990), IBR approved
47. Ceramic Clay Manufacturing (Deleted) for § 60.107a(d).
48. Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer (2) American Gas Association Report
49. Castable Refractories (Deleted)
50. Borax and Boric Acid (Deleted)
No. 3: Orifice Metering for Natural Gas
51. Polymers and Resins: Polyester Resins and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids,
52. Ammonium Sulfate Part 2: Specification and Installation
53. Starch
54. Perlite
Requirements (2000), IBR approved for
55. Phosphoric Acid: Thermal Process (Deleted) § 60.107a(d).
56. Uranium Refining (3) American Gas Association Report
57. Animal Feed Defluorination (Deleted) No. 11: Measurement of Natural Gas by
58. Urea (for fertilizer and polymers)
59. Detergent (Deleted) Coriolis Meter (2003), IBR approved for
Other Source Categories § 60.107a(d).
Lead acid battery manufacture 3 (4) American Gas Association Trans-
Organic solvent cleaning 3 mission Measurement Committee Re-
Industrial surface coating: metal furniture 3 port No. 7: Measurement of Gas by Tur-
Stationary gas turbines 4
Municipal solid waste landfills 4 bine Meters (Revised February 2006),
IBR approved for § 60.107a(d).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

1 Low numbers have highest priority, e.g., No. 1 is high pri- (c) American Hospital Association
ority, No. 59 is low priority. (AHA) Service, Inc., Post Office Box


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

92683, Chicago, Illinois 60675–2683. You (2) 2540 G. Total, Fixed, and Volatile
may inspect a copy at the EPA’s Air Solids in Solid and Semisolid Samples,
and Radiation Docket and Information in Standard Methods for the Examina-
Center (Docket A–91–61, Item IV–J–124), tion of Water and Wastewater, 20th
Room M–1500, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Edition, 1998, IBR approved for
NW., Washington, DC 20460. § 60.154(b).
(1) An Ounce of Prevention: Waste (g) The following material is avail-
Reduction Strategies for Health Care able for purchase from the American
Facilities. American Society for Society of Mechanical Engineers
Health Care Environmental Services of (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York,
the American Hospital Association. NY 10016–5990, Telephone (800) 843–2763,
Chicago, Illinois. 1993. AHA Catalog and is also available at the following
No. 057007. ISBN 0–87258–673–5. IBR ap- Web site:
proved for §§ 60.35e and 60.55c. (1) ASME Interim Supplement 19.5 on
(2) [Reserved] Instruments and Apparatus: Applica-
(d) The following material is avail- tion, Part II of Fluid Meters, 6th Edi-
able for purchase from the American tion (1971), IBR approved for
National Standards Institute (ANSI), §§ 60.58a(h), 60.58b(i), 60.1320(a), and
25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, 60.1810(a).
NY 10036, Telephone (212) 642–4980, and (2) ASME MFC–3M–2004, Measure-
is also available at the following Web ment of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Ori-
site: fice, Nozzle, and Venturi, IBR approved
(1) ANSI No. C12.20–2010 American for § 60.107a(d).
National Standard for Electricity Me- (3) ASME/ANSI MFC–4M–1986 (Re-
ters—0.2 and 0.5 Accuracy Classes (Ap- affirmed 2008), Measurement of Gas
proved August 31, 2010), IBR approved Flow by Turbine Meters, IBR approved
for § 60.5535(d). for § 60.107a(d).
(2) [Reserved] (4) ASME/ANSI MFC–5M–1985 (Re-
(e) American Petroleum Institute affirmed 2006), Measurement of Liquid
(API), 1220 L Street NW., Washington, Flow in Closed Conduits Using Transit-
DC 20005. Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters, IBR ap-
(1) API Publication 2517, Evaporation proved for § 60.107a(d).
Loss from External Floating Roof (5) ASME MFC–6M–1998 (Reaffirmed
Tanks, Second Edition, February 1980, 2005), Measurement of Fluid Flow in
IBR approved for §§ 60.111(i), 60.111a(f), Pipes Using Vortex Flowmeters, IBR
and 60.116b(e). approved for § 60.107a(d).
(2) API Manual of Petroleum Meas- (6) ASME/ANSI MFC–7M–1987 (Re-
urement Standards, Chapter 14—Nat- affirmed 2006), Measurement of Gas
ural Gas Fluids Measurement, Section Flow by Means of Critical Flow Ven-
1—Collecting and Handling of Natural turi Nozzles, IBR approved for
Gas Samples for Custody Transfer, 7th § 60.107a(d).
Edition, May 2016, IBR approved for (7) ASME/ANSI MFC–9M–1988 (Re-
§ 60.4415(a). affirmed 2006), Measurement of Liquid
(3) API Manual of Petroleum Meas- Flow in Closed Conduits by Weighing
urement Standards, Chapter 22—Test- Method, IBR approved for § 60.107a(d).
ing Protocol, Section 2—Differential (8) ASME MFC–11M–2006, Measure-
Pressure Flow Measurement Devices, ment of Fluid Flow by Means of Cor-
First Edition, August 2005, IBR ap- iolis Mass Flowmeters, IBR approved
proved for § 60.107a(d). for § 60.107a(d).
(f) American Public Health Associa- (9) ASME MFC–14M–2003, Measure-
tion, 1015 18th Street NW., Washington, ment of Fluid Flow Using Small Bore
DC 20036. Precision Orifice Meters, IBR approved
(1) ‘‘Standard Methods for the Exam- for § 60.107a(d).
ination of Water and Wastewater,’’ 16th (10) ASME MFC–16–2007, Measure-
edition, 1985. Method 303F: ‘‘Deter- ment of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits
mination of Mercury by the Cold Vapor with Electromagnetic Flowmeters, IBR
Technique.’’ Incorporated by reference approved for § 60.107a(d).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

for appendix A–8 to part 60, Method 29, (11) ASME MFC–18M–2001, Measure-
§§ 9.2.3, 10.3, and 11.1.3. ment of Fluid Flow Using Variable


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

Area Meters, IBR approved for (4) ASTM A100–74, Standard Speci-
§ 60.107a(d). fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved
(12) ASME MFC–22–2007, Measure- for § 60.261.
ment of Liquid by Turbine Flowmeters, (5) ASTM A100–93, Standard Speci-
IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved
(13) ASME PTC 4.1–1964 (Reaffirmed for § 60.261.
1991), Power Test Codes: Test Code for (6) ASTM A101–73, Standard Speci-
Steam Generating Units (with 1968 and fication for Ferrochromium, IBR ap-
1969 Addenda), IBR approved for proved for § 60.261.
§§ 60.46b, 60.58a(h), 60.58b(i), 60.1320(a), (7) ASTM A101–93, Standard Speci-
and 60.1810(a). fication for Ferrochromium, IBR ap-
(14) ASME/ANSI PTC 19.10–1981, Flue proved for § 60.261.
and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10, In- (8) ASTM A482–76, Standard Speci-
struments and Apparatus], (Issued Au- fication for Ferrochromesilicon, IBR
gust 31, 1981), IBR approved for approved for § 60.261.
§§ 60.56c(b), 60.63(f), 60.106(e), 60.104a(d), (9) ASTM A482–93, Standard Speci-
(h), (i), and (j), 60.105a(b), (d), (f), and fication for Ferrochromesilicon, IBR
(g), 60.106a(a), 60.107a(a), (c), and (d), ta- approved for § 60.261.
bles 1 and 3 to subpart EEEE, tables 2 (10) ASTM A483–64, Standard Speci-
and 4 to subpart FFFF, table 2 to sub- fication for Silicomanganese, IBR ap-
part JJJJ, §§ 60.285a(f), 60.4415(a), proved for § 60.261.
60.2145(s) and (t), 60.2710(s) and (t), (11) ASTM A483–74 (Reapproved 1988),
60.2730(q), 60.4900(b), 60.5220(b), tables 1 Standard Specification for
and 2 to subpart LLLL, tables 2 and 3 Silicomanganese, IBR approved for
to subpart MMMM, §§ 60.5406(c), § 60.261.
60.5406a(c), 60.5407a(g), 60.5413(b), (12) ASTM A495–76, Standard Speci-
60.5413a(b), and 60.5413a(d). fication for Calcium-Silicon and Cal-
(15) ASME PTC 22–2014, Gas Turbines: cium Manganese-Silicon, IBR approved
for § 60.261.
Performance Test Codes, (Issued De-
cember 31, 2014), IBR approved for (13) ASTM A495–94, Standard Speci-
§ 60.5580. fication for Calcium-Silicon and Cal-
cium Manganese-Silicon, IBR approved
(16) ASME PTC 46–1996, Performance
for § 60.261.
Test Code on Overall Plant Perform-
(14) ASTM D86–78, Distillation of Pe-
ance, (Issued October 15, 1997), IBR ap-
troleum Products, IBR approved for
proved for § 60.5580.
§§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
(17) ASME QRO–1–1994, Standard for 60.633(h).
the Qualification and Certification of (15) ASTM D86–82, Distillation of Pe-
Resource Recovery Facility Operators, troleum Products, IBR approved for
IBR approved for §§ 60.54b(a) and (b), §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
60.56a, 60.1185(a) and (c), and 60.1675(a) 60.633(h).
and (c). (16) ASTM D86–90, Distillation of Pe-
(h) The following material is avail- troleum Products, IBR approved for
able for purchase from ASTM Inter- §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
national, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. 60.633(h).
Box CB700, West Conshohocken, Penn- (17) ASTM D86–93, Distillation of Pe-
sylvania 19428–2959, (800) 262–1373, http:// troleum Products, IBR approved for §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
(1) ASTM A99–76, Standard Specifica- 60.633(h).
tion for Ferromanganese, IBR approved (18) ASTM D86–95, Distillation of Pe-
for § 60.261. troleum Products, IBR approved for
(2) ASTM A99–82 (Reapproved 1987), §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
Standard Specification for 60.633(h).
Ferromanganese, IBR approved for (19) ASTM D86–96, Distillation of Pe-
§ 60.261. troleum Products, (Approved April 10,
(3) ASTM A100–69, Standard Speci- 1996), IBR approved for §§ 60.562–2(d),
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved 60.593(d), 60.593a(d), 60.633(h), 60.5401(f),

for § 60.261. 60.5401a(f).


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(20) ASTM D129–64, Standard Test §§ 60.111(l), 60.111a(g), 60.111b, and

Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- 60.116b(f).
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- (32) ASTM D388–77, Standard Speci-
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 fication for Classification of Coals by
to part 60: Method 19, Section Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
(21) ASTM D129–78, Standard Test 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- (33) ASTM D388–90, Standard Speci-
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- fication for Classification of Coals by
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
to part 60: Method 19, Section 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
(22) ASTM D129–95, Standard Test (34) ASTM D388–91, Standard Speci-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- fication for Classification of Coals by
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
to part 60: Method 19, Section (35) ASTM D388–95, Standard Speci-
(23) ASTM D129–00, Standard Test fication for Classification of Coals by
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
proved for § 60.335(b). (36) ASTM D388–98a, Standard Speci-
(24) ASTM D129–00 (Reapproved 2005), fication for Classification of Coals by
Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Pe- Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
troleum Products (General Bomb Meth- 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
od), IBR approved for § 60.4415(a). (37) ASTM D388–99 (Reapproved
(25) ASTM D240–76, Standard Test 2004) ε1 Standard Classification of Coals
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- by Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41,
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- 60.45(f), 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.251,
rimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.46(c), and 60.5580.
60.296(b), and appendix A–7 to part 60: (38) ASTM D396–78, Standard Speci-
Method 19, Section fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
(26) ASTM D240–92, Standard Test §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- (39) ASTM D396–89, Standard Speci-
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
rimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.46(c), §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
60.296(b), and appendix A–7: Method 19, (40) ASTM D396–90, Standard Speci-
Section fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
(27) ASTM D240–02 (Reapproved 2007), §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
Standard Test Method for Heat of Com- (41) ASTM D396–92, Standard Speci-
bustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
by Bomb Calorimeter, (Approved May §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
1, 2007), IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). (42) ASTM D396–98, Standard Speci-
(28) ASTM D270–65, Standard Method fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), 60.111a(b), and
Products, IBR approved for appendix 60.5580.
A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section (43) ASTM D975–78, Standard Speci- fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
(29) ASTM D270–75, Standard Method proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b).
of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum (44) ASTM D975–96, Standard Speci-
Products, IBR approved for appendix fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b). (45) ASTM D975–98a, Standard Speci-
(30) ASTM D323–82, Test Method for fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b).
(Reid Method), IBR approved for (46) ASTM D975–08a, Standard Speci-
§§ 60.111(l), 60.111a(g), 60.111b, and fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
60.116b(f). proved for §§ 60.41b 60.41c, and 60.5580.
(31) ASTM D323–94, Test Method for (47) ASTM D1072–80, Standard Test
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products Method for Total Sulfur in Fuel Gases,
(Reid Method), IBR approved for IBR approved for § 60.335(b).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(48) ASTM D1072–90 (Reapproved ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for
1994), Standard Test Method for Total §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
Sulfur in Fuel Gases, IBR approved for (57) ASTM D1266–98 (Reapproved
§ 60.335(b). 2003) e,1 Standard Test Method for Sul-
(49) ASTM D1072–90 (Reapproved fur in Petroleum Products (Lamp
1999), Standard Test Method for Total Method), IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
Sulfur in Fuel Gases, IBR approved for (58) ASTM D1475–60 (Reapproved
§ 60.4415(a). 1980), Standard Test Method for Den-
(50) ASTM D1137–53, Standard Method sity of Paint, Varnish Lacquer, and Re-
for Analysis of Natural Gases and Re- lated Products, IBR approved for
lated Types of Gaseous Mixtures by the § 60.435(d), appendix A–7 to part 60:
Mass Spectrometer, IBR approved for Method 24, Section 6.1; and Method
§ 60.45(f). 24A, Sections 6.5 and 7.1.
(51) ASTM D1137–75, Standard Method (59) ASTM D1475–90, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gases and Re- Method for Density of Paint, Varnish
lated Types of Gaseous Mixtures by the Lacquer, and Related Products, IBR
Mass Spectrometer, IBR approved for approved for § 60.435(d), appendix A–7 to
§ 60.45(f).
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.1; and
(52) ASTM D1193–77, Standard Speci- Method 24A, §§ 6.5 and 7.1.
fication for Reagent Water, IBR ap-
(60) ASTM D1552–83, Standard Test
proved for appendix A–3 to part 60:
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method 5, Section 7.1.3; Method 5E,
Section 7.2.1; Method 5F, Section 7.2.1; ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
appendix A–4 to part 60: Method 6, Sec- approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
tion 7.1.1; Method 7, Section 7.1.1; appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Method 7C, Section 7.1.1; Method 7D, Section
Section 7.1.1; Method 10A, Section 7.1.1; (61) ASTM D1552–95, Standard Test
appendix A–5 to part 60: Method 11, Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Section 7.1.3; Method 12, Section 7.1.3; ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
Method 13A, Section 7.1.2; appendix A– approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
8 to part 60: Method 26, Section 7.1.2; appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Method 26A, Section 7.1.2; and Method Section
29, Section 7.2.2. (62) ASTM D1552–01, Standard Test
(53) ASTM D1193–91, Standard Speci- Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
fication for Reagent Water, IBR ap- ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
proved for appendix A–3 to part 60: approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
Method 5, Section 7.1.3; Method 5E, appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Section 7.2.1; Method 5F, Section 7.2.1; Section
appendix A–4 to part 60: Method 6, Sec- (63) ASTM D1552–03, Standard Test
tion 7.1.1; Method 7, Section 7.1.1; Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method 7C, Section 7.1.1; Method 7D, ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
Section 7.1.1; Method 10A, Section 7.1.1; approved for § 60.4415(a).
appendix A–5 to part 60: Method 11, (64) ASTM D1826–77, Standard Test
Section 7.1.3; Method 12, Section 7.1.3;
Method for Calorific Value of Gases in
Method 13A, Section 7.1.2; appendix A–
Natural Gas Range by Continuous Re-
8 to part 60: Method 26, Section 7.1.2;
Method 26A, Section 7.1.2; and Method cording Calorimeter, IBR approved for
29, Section 7.2.2. §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), 60.296(b), and appen-
(54) ASTM D1266–87, Standard Test dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for (65) ASTM D1826–94, Standard Test
§§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b). Method for Calorific Value of Gases in
(55) ASTM D1266–91, Standard Test Natural Gas Range by Continuous Re-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- cording Calorimeter, IBR approved for
ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), 60.296(b), and appen-
§§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b). dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(56) ASTM D1266–98, Standard Test

Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(66) ASTM D1826–94 (Reapproved (Approved June 1, 2006), IBR approved

2003), Standard Test Method for Calo- for § 60.107a(d).
rific (Heating) Value of Gases in Nat- (79) ASTM D2013–72, Standard Method
ural Gas Range by Continuous Record- of Preparing Coal Samples for Anal-
ing Calorimeter, (Approved May 10, ysis, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
2003), IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). part 60: Method 19, Section
(67) ASTM D1835–87, Standard Speci- (80) ASTM D2013–86, Standard Method
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) of Preparing Coal Samples for Anal-
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, ysis, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
60.41b, and 60.41c. part 60: Method 19, Section
(68) ASTM D1835–91, Standard Speci- (81) ASTM D2015–77 (Reapproved
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) 1978), Standard Test Method for Gross
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the
60.41b, and 60.41c. Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter, IBR ap-
(69) ASTM D1835–97, Standard Speci- proved for §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), and appen-
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da,
60.41b, and 60.41c. (82) ASTM D2015–96, Standard Test
(70) ASTM D1835–03a, Standard Speci- Method for Gross Calorific Value of
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Solid Fuel by the Adiabatic Bomb Cal-
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, orimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f),
60.41b, and 60.41c. 60.46(c), and appendix A–7 to part 60:
Method 19, Section
(71) ASTM D1945–64, Standard Method
(83) ASTM D2016–74, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas
Methods for Moisture Content of Wood,
Chromatography, IBR approved for
IBR approved for appendix A–8 to part
§ 60.45(f).
60: Method 28, Section 16.1.1.
(72) ASTM D1945–76, Standard Method
(84) ASTM D2016–83, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas
Methods for Moisture Content of Wood,
Chromatography, IBR approved for
IBR approved for appendix A–8 to part
§ 60.45(f).
60: Method 28, Section 16.1.1.
(73) ASTM D1945–91, Standard Method (85) ASTM D2234–76, Standard Meth-
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Chromatography, IBR approved for Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
§ 60.45(f). part 60: Method 19, Section
(74) ASTM D1945–96, Standard Method (86) ASTM D2234–96, Standard Meth-
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Chromatography, IBR approved for Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
§ 60.45(f). part 60: Method 19, Section
(75) ASTM D1945–03 (Reapproved (87) ASTM D2234–97b, Standard Meth-
2010), Standard Method for Analysis of ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Natural Gas by Gas Chromatography, Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
(Approved January 1, 2010), IBR ap- part 60: Method 19, Section
proved for §§ 60.107a(d), 60.5413(d), (88) ASTM D2234–98, Standard Meth-
60.5413a(d). ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
(76) ASTM D1946–77, Standard Method Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
for Analysis of Reformed Gas by Gas part 60: Method 19, Section
Chromatography, IBR approved for (89) ASTM D2369–81, Standard Test
§§ 60.18(f), 60.45(f), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
60.664(e), and 60.704(d). ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
(77) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.
1994), Standard Method for Analysis of (90) ASTM D2369–87, Standard Test
Reformed Gas by Gas Chromatography, Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.45(f), ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), and part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.
60.704(d). (91) ASTM D2369–90, Standard Test
(78) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

2006), Standard Method for Analysis of ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
Reformed Gas by Gas Chromatography, part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(92) ASTM D2369–92, Standard Test ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray

Method for Volatile Content of Coat- Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. (105) ASTM D2622–94, Standard Test
(93) ASTM D2369–93, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method for Volatile Content of Coat- ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
(94) ASTM D2369–95, Standard Test (106) ASTM D2622–98, Standard Test
Method for Volatile Content of Coat- Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
(95) ASTM D2369–10 (Reapproved proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
2015)e1, Standard Test Method for Vola- (107) ASTM D2622–05, Standard Test
tile Content of Coatings, (Approved Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
June 1, 2015); IBR approved for appen- ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
6.2. proved for § 60.4415(a).
(96) ASTM D2382–76, Heat of Combus- (108) ASTM D2879–83Test Method for
tion of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
Calorimeter (High-Precision Method), ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g), perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
and 60.704(d). 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
(97) ASTM D2382–88, Heat of Combus- 60.485a(e).
tion of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb (109) ASTM D2879–96, Test Method for
Calorimeter (High-Precision Method), Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g), ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
and 60.704(d). IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
(98) ASTM D2504–67, Noncondensable 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
Gases in C3 and Lighter Hydrocarbon 60.485a(e).
Products by Gas Chromatography, IBR (110) ASTM D2879–97, Test Method for
approved for §§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
(99) ASTM D2504–77, Noncondensable ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
Gases in C3 and Lighter Hydrocarbon perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
Products by Gas Chromatography, IBR IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
approved for §§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
(100) ASTM D2504–88 (Reapproved 60.485a(e).
1993), Noncondensable Gases in C3 and (111) ASTM D2880–78, Standard Speci-
Lighter Hydrocarbon Products by Gas fication for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils, IBR
Chromatography, IBR approved for approved for §§ 60.111(b), 60.111a(b), and
§§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). 60.335(d).
(101) ASTM D2584–68(Reapproved (112) ASTM D2880–96, Standard Speci-
1985), Standard Test Method for Igni- fication for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils, IBR
tion Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins, approved for §§ 60.111(b), 60.111a(b), and
IBR approved for § 60.685(c). 60.335(d).
(102) ASTM D2584–94, Standard Test (113) ASTM D2908–74, Standard Prac-
Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Re- tice for Measuring Volatile Organic
inforced Resins, IBR approved for Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection
§ 60.685(c). Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for
(103) ASTM D2597–94 (Reapproved § 60.564(j).
1999), Standard Test Method for Anal- (114) ASTM D2908–91, Standard Prac-
ysis of Demethanized Hydrocarbon Liq- tice for Measuring Volatile Organic
uid Mixtures Containing Nitrogen and Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection
Carbon Dioxide by Gas Chroma- Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for
tography, IBR approved for § 60.335(b). § 60.564(j).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(104) ASTM D2622–87, Standard Test (115) ASTM D2986–71, Standard Meth-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- od for Evaluation of Air, Assay Media


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke,
Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR approved IBR approved for § 60.45(f).
for appendix A–3 to part 60: Method 5, (126) ASTM D3246–81, Standard Test
Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to part 60: Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and Method Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
13A, Section proved for § 60.335(b).
(116) ASTM D2986–78, Standard Meth- (127) ASTM D3246–92, Standard Test
od for Evaluation of Air, Assay Media Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR approved proved for § 60.335(b).
for appendix A–3 to part 60: Method 5, (128) ASTM D3246–96, Standard Test
Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to part 60:
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and Method
Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
13A, Section
proved for § 60.335(b).
(117) ASTM D2986–95a, Standard
Method for Evaluation of Air, Assay (129) ASTM D3246–05, Standard Test
Media by the Monodisperse DOP Method for Sulfur in Petrolum Gas by
(Dioctyl Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
approved for appendix A–3 to part 60: proved for § 60.4415(a)(1).
Method 5, Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to (130) ASTM D3270–73T, Standard Test
part 60: Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
Method 13A, Section tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
(118) ASTM D3173–73, Standard Test sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
Method for Moisture in the Analysis proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR approved Method 13A, Section 16.1.
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, (131) ASTM D3270–80, Standard Test
Section Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
(119) ASTM D3173–87, Standard Test tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
Method for Moisture in the Analysis sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR approved proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Method 13A, Section 16.1.
Section (132) ASTM D3270–91, Standard Test
(120) ASTM D3176–74, Standard Meth- Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
od for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
Coke, IBR approved for § 60.45(f)(5)(i) sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
and appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
Section Method 13A, Section 16.1.
(121) ASTM D3176–89, Standard Meth- (133) ASTM D3270–95, Standard Test
od for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
Coke, IBR approved for § 60.45(f)(5)(i) tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
and appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
Section proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
(122) ASTM D3177–75, Standard Test
Method 13A, Section 16.1.
Method for Total Sulfur in the Anal-
(134) ASTM D3286–85, Standard Test
ysis Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR ap-
proved for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method for Gross Calorific Value of
Method 19, Section Coal and Coke by the Isoperibol Bomb
(123) ASTM D3177–89, Standard Test Calorimeter, IBR approved for appen-
Method for Total Sulfur in the Anal- dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
ysis Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR ap-
proved for appendix A–7 to part 60: (135) ASTM D3286–96, Standard Test
Method 19, Section Method for Gross Calorific Value of
(124) ASTM D3178–73 (Reapproved Coal and Coke by the Isoperibol Bomb
1979), Standard Test Methods for Car- Calorimeter, IBR approved for appen-
bon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sam- dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
ple of Coal and Coke, IBR approved for
§ 60.45(f). (136) ASTM D3370–76, Standard Prac-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(125) ASTM D3178–89, Standard Test tices for Sampling Water, IBR ap-
Methods for Carbon and Hydrogen in proved for § 60.564(j).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(137) ASTM D3370–95a, Standard Prac- (148) ASTM D4084–82, Standard Test
tices for Sampling Water, IBR ap- Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul-
proved for § 60.564(j). fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate
(138) ASTM D3588–98 (Reapproved Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved
2003), Standard Practice for Calcu- for § 60.334(h).
lating Heat Value, Compressibility (149) ASTM D4084–94, Standard Test
Factor, and Relative Density of Gas- Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul-
eous Fuels, (Approved May 10, 2003), fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate
IBR approved for §§ 60.107a(d), 60.5413(d), Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved
and 60.5413a(d). for § 60.334(h).
(139) ASTM D3699–08, Standard Speci- (150) ASTM D4084–05, Standard Test
fication for Kerosine, including Appen- Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul-
dix X1, (Approved September 1, 2008), fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate
IBR approved for §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, and Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved
60.5580. for §§ 60.4360 and 60.4415(a).
(140) ASTM D3792–79, Standard Test (151) ASTM D4177–95, Standard Prac-
Method for Water Content of Water-Re- tice for Automatic Sampling of Petro-
ducible Paints by Direct Injection into leum and Petroleum Products, IBR ap-
a Gas Chromatograph, IBR approved proved for appendix A–7 to part 60:
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Method 19, Section
Section 6.3. (152) ASTM D4177–95 (Reapproved
(141) ASTM D3792–91, Standard Test 2000), Standard Practice for Automatic
Method for Water Content of Water-Re- Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum
ducible Paints by Direct Injection into Products, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
a Gas Chromatograph, IBR approved (153) ASTM D4239–85, Standard Test
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
Section 6.3. Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
(142) ASTM D4017–81, Standard Test Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
Method for Water in Paints and Paint tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra- dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
tion Method, IBR approved for appen-
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section (154) ASTM D4239–94, Standard Test
6.4. Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
(143) ASTM D4017–90, Standard Test Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
Method for Water in Paints and Paint Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra- tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
tion Method, IBR approved for appen- dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section
6.4. (155) ASTM D4239–97, Standard Test
(144) ASTM D4017–96a, Standard Test Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
Method for Water in Paints and Paint Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra- Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
tion Method, IBR approved for appen- tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
(145) ASTM D4057–81, Standard Prac- (156) ASTM D4294–02, Standard Test
tice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and
and Petroleum Products, IBR approved Petroleum Products by Energy-Disper-
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, sive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry,
Section IBR approved for § 60.335(b).
(146) ASTM D4057–95, Standard Prac- (157) ASTM D4294–03, Standard Test
tice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and
and Petroleum Products, IBR approved Petroleum Products by Energy-Disper-
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, sive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry,
Section IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
(147) ASTM D4057–95 (Reapproved (158) ASTM D4442–84, Standard Test
2000), Standard Practice for Manual Methods for Direct Moisture Content
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Measurement in Wood and Wood-base

Products, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a). Materials, IBR approved for appendix


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

A–8 to part 60: Method 28, Section by Stoichiometric Combustion, (Ap-

16.1.1. proved June 1, 2006), IBR approved for
(159) ASTM D4442–92, Standard Test §§ 60.107a(d), 60.5413(d), and 60.5413a(d).
Methods for Direct Moisture Content (169) ASTM D5287–97 (Reapproved
Measurement in Wood and Wood-base 2002), Standard Practice for Automatic
Materials, IBR approved for appendix Sampling of Gaseous Fuels, IBR ap-
A–8 to part 60: Method 28, Section proved for § 60.4415(a).
16.1.1. (170) ASTM D5403–93, Standard Test
(160) ASTM D4444–92, Standard Test Methods for Volatile Content of Radi-
Methods for Use and Calibration of ation Curable Materials, IBR approved
Hand-Held Moisture Meters, IBR ap- for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24,
proved for appendix A–8 to part 60:
Section 6.6.
Method 28, Section 16.1.1.
(171) ASTM D5453–00, Standard Test
(161) ASTM D4457–85 (Reapproved
1991), Test Method for Determination Method for Determination of Total
of Dichloromethane and 1,1,1-Tri- Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Motor
chloroethane in Paints and Coatings by Fuels and Oils by Ultraviolet Fluores-
Direct Injection into a Gas Chro- cence, IBR approved for § 60.335(b).
matograph, IBR approved for appendix (172) ASTM D5453–05, Standard Test
A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section 6.5. Method for Determination of Total
(162) ASTM D4468–85 (Reapproved Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Motor
2000), Standard Test Method for Total Fuels and Oils by Ultraviolet Fluores-
Sulfur in Gaseous Fuels by Hydro- cence, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
genolysis and Rateometric Colorim- (173) ASTM D5504–01, Standard Test
etry, IBR approved for §§ 60.335(b) and Method for Determination of Sulfur
60.4415(a). Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas-
(163) ASTM D4468–85 (Reapproved eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
2006), Standard Test Method for Total Chemiluminescence, IBR approved for
Sulfur in Gaseous Fuels by Hydro- §§ 60.334(h) and 60.4360.
genolysis and Rateometric Colorim- (174) ASTM D5504–08, Standard Test
etry, (Approved June 1, 2006), IBR ap- Method for Determination of Sulfur
proved for § 60.107a(e). Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas-
(164) ASTM D4629–02, Standard Test eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
Method for Trace Nitrogen in Liquid Chemiluminescence, (Approved June
Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Syringe/ 15, 2008), IBR approved for §§ 60.107a(e)
Inlet Oxidative Combustion and and 60.5413(d).
Chemiluminescence Detection, IBR ap- (175) ASTM D5623–19, Standard Test
proved for §§ 60.49b(e) and 60.335(b). Method for Sulfur Compounds in Light
(165) ASTM D4809–95, Standard Test Petroleum Liquids by Gas Chroma-
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- tography and Sulfur Selective Detec-
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- tion, (Approved July 1, 2019); IBR ap-
rimeter (Precision Method), IBR ap- proved for § 60.4415(a).
proved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g),
(176) ASTM D5762–02, Standard Test
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(d), 60.664(e),
Method for Nitrogen in Petroleum and
and 60.704(d).
(166) ASTM D4809–06, Standard Test Petroleum Products by Boat-Inlet
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- Chemiluminescence, IBR approved for
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- § 60.335(b).
rimeter (Precision Method), (Approved (177) ASTM D5865–98, Standard Test
December 1, 2006), IBR approved for Method for Gross Calorific Value of
§ 60.107a(d). Coal and Coke, IBR approved for
(167) ASTM D4810–88 (Reapproved §§ 60.45(f) and 60.46(c), and appendix A–7
1999), Standard Test Method for Hydro- to part 60: Method 19, Section
gen Sulfide in Natural Gas Using (178) ASTM D5865–10, Standard Test
Length of Stain Detector Tubes, IBR Method for Gross Calorific Value of
approved for §§ 60.4360 and 60.4415(a). Coal and Coke, (Approved January 1,
(168) ASTM D4891–89 (Reapproved 2010), IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f),
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

2006) Standard Test Method for Heating 60.46(c), and appendix A–7 to part 60:
Value of Gases in Natural Gas Range Method 19, section


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(179) ASTM D6216–12, Standard Prac- 2 to subpart JJJJ, §§ 60.5413(b) and (d),
tice for Opacity Monitor Manufactur- and 60.5413a(b).
ers to Certify Conformance with Design (187) ASTM D6522–11 Standard Test
and Performance Specifications, ap- Method for Determination of Nitrogen
proved October 1, 2012; IBR approved Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen
for appendix B to part 60. Concentrations in Emissions from Nat-
(180) ASTM D6228–98, Standard Test ural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines,
Method for Determination of Sulfur Combustion Turbines, Boilers, and
Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas- Process Heaters Using Portable Ana-
eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and lyzers (Approved December 1, 2011), IBR
Flame Photometric Detection, IBR ap- approved for § 60.37f(a), 60.766(a).
proved for § 60.334(h). (188) ASTM D6667–01, Standard Test
(181) ASTM D6228–98 (Reapproved Method for Determination of Total
2003), Standard Test Method for Deter- Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydro-
mination of Sulfur Compounds in Nat- carbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases
ural Gas and Gaseous Fuels by Gas by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, IBR ap-
Chromatography and Flame Photo- proved for § 60.335(b).
metric Detection, IBR approved for (189) ASTM D6667–04, Standard Test
§§ 60.4360 and 60.4415. Method for Determination of Total
(182) ASTM D6348–03, Standard Test Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydro-
carbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases
Method for Determination of Gaseous
by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, IBR ap-
Compounds by Extractive Direct Inter-
proved for § 60.4415(a).
face Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
(190) ASTM D6751–11b, Standard Spec-
Spectroscopy, (Approved October 1,
ification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend
2003), IBR approved for § 60.73a(b), table
Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate
7 to subpart IIII, table 2 to subpart
Fuels, including Appendices X1
JJJJ, and § 60.4245(d).
through X3, (Approved July 15, 2011),
(183) ASTM D6366–99, Standard Test IBR approved for §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, and
Method for Total Trace Nitrogen and 60.5580.
Its Derivatives in Liquid Aromatic Hy- (191) ASTM D6784–02, Standard Test
drocarbons by Oxidative Combustion Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Par-
and Electrochemical Detection, IBR ticle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue
approved for § 60.335(b)(9). Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Sta-
(184) ASTM D6420–99 (Reapproved tionary Sources (Ontario Hydro Meth-
2004), Standard Test Method for Deter- od), IBR approved for § 60.56c(b) and ap-
mination of Gaseous Organic Com- pendix B to part 60: Performance Speci-
pounds by Direct Interface Gas Chro- fication 12A, Section 8.6.2.
matography-Mass Spectrometry, (Ap- (192) ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
proved October 1, 2004), IBR approved 2008) Standard Test Method for Ele-
for § 60.107a(d) and table 2 to subpart mental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and
JJJJ. Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated
(185) ASTM D6522–00, Standard Test from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources
Method for Determination of Nitrogen (Ontario Hydro Method), (Approved
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen April 1, 2008), IBR approved for
Concentrations in Emissions from Nat- §§ 60.2165(j) and 60.2730(j), tables 5, 6 and
ural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, 8 to subpart CCCC, and tables 2, 6, 7,
Combustion Turbines, Boilers, and and 9 to subpart DDDD, §§ 60.4900(b),
Process Heaters Using Portable Ana- 60.5220(b), tables 1 and 2 to subpart
lyzers, IBR approved for § 60.335(a). LLLL, and tables 2 and 3 to subpart
(186) ASTM D6522–00 (Reapproved MMMM.
2005), Standard Test Method for Deter- (193) ASTM D6911–15, Standard Guide
mination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon for Packaging and Shipping Environ-
Monoxide, and Oxygen Concentrations mental Samples for Laboratory Anal-
in Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired ysis, approved January 15, 2015, IBR ap-
Reciprocating Engines, Combustion proved for appendix A–8: Method 30B.
Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters (194) ASTM D7039–15a, Standard Test
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Using Portable Analyzers, (Approved Method for Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel

October 1, 2005), IBR approved for table Fuel, Jet Fuel, Kerosine, Boideisel,


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Biodiesel Blends, and Gasoline-Ethanol (206) ASTM E871–82 (Reapproved

Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength 2013), Standard Test Method for Mois-
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec- ture Analysis of Particulate Wood
trometry, (Approved July 1, 2015); IBR Fuels, (Approved August 15, 2013), IBR
approved for § 60.4415(a). approved for appendix A–8: method 28R.
(195) ASTM D7467–10, Standard Speci- (207) ASTM E1584–11, Standard Test
fication for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Method for Assay of Nitric Acid, (Ap-
Blend (B6 to B20), including Appendices proved August 1, 2011), IBR approved
X1 through X3, (Approved August 1, for § 60.73a(c).
2010), IBR approved for §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, (208) ASTM E2515–11, Standard Test
and 60.5580. Method for Determination of Particu-
(196) ASTM E168–67, General Tech- late Matter Emissions Collected by a
niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal- Dilution Tunnel, (Approved November
ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d), 1, 2011), IBR approved for § 60.534 and
60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). § 60.5476.
(197) ASTM E168–77, General Tech- (209) ASTM E2618–13 Standard Test
niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal- Method for Measurement of Particu-
ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d), late Matter Emissions and Heating Ef-
60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). ficiency of Outdoor Solid Fuel-Fired
(198) ASTM E168–92, General Tech- Hydronic Heating Appliances, (Ap-
niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal- proved September 1, 2013), IBR ap-
ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d), proved for § 60.5476.
60.593(b), 60.593a(b), 60.632(f), 60.5400, (210) ASTM E2779–10, Standard Test
60.5400a(f). Method for Determining Particulate
Matter Emissions from Pellet Heaters,
(199) ASTM E169–63, General Tech-
(Approved October 1, 2010), IBR ap-
niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative
proved for § 60.534.
Analysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d),
(211) ASTM E2780–10, Standard Test
60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f) .
Method for Determining Particulate
(200) ASTM E169–77, General Tech- Matter Emissions from Wood Heaters,
niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative (Approved October 1, 2010), IBR ap-
Analysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d), proved for appendix A: method 28R.
60.593(b), and 60.593a(b), 60.632(f). (212) ASTM UOP539–97, Refinery Gas
(201) ASTM E169–93, General Tech- Analysis by Gas Chromatography,
niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative (Copyright 1997), IBR approved for
Analysis, (Approved May 15, 1993), IBR § 60.107a(d).
approved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), (i) Association of Official Analytical
60.593a(b), 60.632(f), 60.5400(f), and Chemists, 1111 North 19th Street, Suite
60.5400a(f). 210, Arlington, VA 22209.
(202) ASTM E260–73, General Gas (1) AOAC Method 9, Official Methods
Chromatography Procedures, IBR ap- of Analysis of the Association of Offi-
proved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), cial Analytical Chemists (AOAC), 11th
60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). edition, 1970, pp. 11–12, IBR approved
(203) ASTM E260–91, General Gas for §§ 60.204(b), 60.214(b), 60.224(b), and
Chromatography Procedures, (IBR ap- 60.234(b).
proved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), (2) [Reserved]
60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). (j) U.S. Environmental Protection
(204) ASTM E260–96, General Gas Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
Chromatography Procedures, (Ap- NW., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272–
proved April 10, 1996), IBR approved for 0167,
§§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), 60.593a(b), (1) EPA–454/R–98–015, Office of Air
60.632(f), 60.5400(f), 60.5400a(f) 60.5406(b), Quality Planning and Standards
and 60.5406a(b)(3). (OAQPS) Fabric Filter Bag Leak De-
(205) ASTM E617–13, Standard Speci- tection Guidance, September 1997, IBR
fication for Laboratory Weights and approved for §§ 60.2145(r), 60.2710(r),
Precision Mass Standards, approved 60.4905(b), and 60.5225(b).
May 1, 2013, IBR approved for appendix (2) EPA–600/R–12/531, EPA
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

A–3: Methods 4, 5, 5H, 5I, and appendix Traceability Protocol for Assay and
A–8: Method 29. Certification of Gaseous Calibration


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

Standards, May 2012, IBR approved for and Carbon Dioxide in Natural Gas
§§ 60.5413(d) and 60.5413a(d). Using Length of Stain Tubes, 1986 Revi-
(3) SW–846–6010D, Inductively Coupled sion, IBR approved for §§ 60.105(b),
Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrom- 60.107a(b), 60.334(h), 60.4360, and
etry, Revision 5, July 2018, in EPA Pub- 60.4415(a).
lication No. SW–846, Test Methods for (l) International Organization for
Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Standardization (ISO) available
Chemical Methods, Third Edition, IBR through IHS Inc., 15 Inverness Way
approved for appendix A–5 to part 60: East, Englewood, CO 80112.
Method 12. (1) ISO 8178–4: 1996(E), Reciprocating
(4) SW–846–6020B, Inductively Coupled Internal Combustion Engines—Exhaust
Plasma-Mass Spectrometry, Revision 2, Emission Measurement—part 4: Test
July 2014, in EPA Publication No. SW– Cycles for Different Engine Applica-
846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid tions, IBR approved for § 60.4241(b).
Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, (2) ISO 10715:1997(E), Natural gas—
Third Edition, IBR approved for appen- Sampling guidelines, (First Edition,
dix A–5 to part 60: Method 12. June 1, 1997), IBR approved for
(k) GPA Midstream Association (for- § 60.4415(a)
merly known as Gas Processors Asso- (m) International Organization for
ciation), Sixty Sixty American Plaza, Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-
Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74135. Creuse, Case postale 56, CH–1211 Geneva
NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (k): Material in this 20, Switzerland, + 41 22 749 01 11, http://
paragraph that is no longer available from
GPA may be available through the reseller
HIS Markit, 15 Inverness Way East, P.O. Box (1) ISO 2314:2009(E), Gas turbines–Ac-
1154, Englewood, CO 80150–1154, https://glob- ceptance tests, Third edition (Decem- For material that is out-of-print, ber 15, 2009), IBR approved for § 60.5580.
contact EPA’s Air and Radiation Docket and (2) ISO 8316: Measurement of Liquid
Information Center, Room 3334, 1301 Con- Flow in Closed Conduits—Method by
stitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460 or
Collection of the Liquid in a Volu-
metric Tank (1987–10–01)—First Edi-
(1) GPA Midstream Standard 2140–17
tion, IBR approved for § 60.107a(d).
(GPA 2140–17), Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Specifications and Test Methods, (Re- (n) This material is available for pur-
vised 2017), IBR approved for chase from the National Technical In-
§ 60.4415(a). formation Services (NTIS), 5285 Port
(2) GPA Midstream Standard 2166–17 Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
(GPA 2166–17), Obtaining Natural Gas You may inspect a copy at the EPA’s
Samples for Analysis by Gas Chroma- Air and Radiation Docket and Informa-
tography, (Reaffirmed 2017), IBR ap- tion Center (Docket A–91–61, Item IV–
proved for § 60.4415(a). J–125), Room M–1500, 1200 Pennsylvania
(3) Gas Processors Association Stand- Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460.
ard 2172–09, Calculation of Gross Heat- (1) OMB Bulletin No. 93–17: Revised
ing Value, Relative Density, Compress- Statistical Definitions for Metropoli-
ibility and Theoretical Hydrocarbon tan Areas. Office of Management and
Liquid Content for Natural Gas Mix- Budget, June 30, 1993. NTIS No. PB 93–
tures for Custody Transfer (2009), IBR 192–664. IBR approved for § 60.31e.
approved for § 60.107a(d). (2) [Reserved]
(4) GPA Standard 2174–14 (GPA 2174– (o) North American Electric Reli-
14), Obtaining Liquid Hydrocarbon ability Corporation, 1325 G Street NW.,
Samples for Analysis by Gas Chroma- Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005–3801,
tography, (Revised 2014), IBR approved
for § 60.4415(a). (1) North American Electric Reli-
(5) GPA Standard 2261–19 (GPA 2261– ability Corporation Reliability Stand-
19), Analysis for Natural Gas and Simi- ard EOP–002–3, Capacity and Energy
lar Gaseous Mixtures by Gas Chroma- Emergencies, updated November 19,
tography, (Revised 2019), IBR approved 2012, IBR approved for §§ 60.4211(f) and
for § 60.4415(a). 60.4243(d). Also available online: http://
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(6) Gas Processors Association Stand-

ard 2377–86, Test for Hydrogen Sulfide (2) [Reserved]


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§ 60.18 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(p) The following material is avail- ers for solid fuels, manually and auto-
able for purchase from the Technical matically stoked, nominal heat output
Association of the Pulp and Paper In- of up to 500 kW—Terminology, require-
dustry (TAPPI), 15 Technology Park- ments, testing and marking, (October
way South, Suite 115, Peachtree Cor- 2012), IBR approved for § 60.5476. (The
ners, GA 30092, Telephone (800) 332–8686, standard is also available at http://
and is also available at the following–5-heat-
Web site: ing-boilers-part-5-heating-boilers-for-
(1) TAPPI Method T 624 cm-11, (Copy- solid-fuels-manually-and-automatically-
right 2011), IBR approved, for stoked-nominal-heat-output-of-up-to-500-
§§ 60.285(d) and 60.285a(d). kw-terminology-requirements-testing-and-
(2) [Reserved] marking/?gclid=CJXI2Pll
(q) Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. 97MMCFdccgQodan8ATA)
(UL), 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, (2) [Reserved]
IL 60062. [79 FR 11242, Feb. 27, 2014, as amended at 79
(1) UL 103, Sixth Edition revised as of FR 18965, Apr. 4, 2014; 80 FR 13701, Mar. 16,
September 3, 1986, Standard for Chim- 2015; 80 FR 64648, Oct. 23, 2015; 81 FR 35895,
neys, Factory-built, Residential Type June 3, 2016; 81 FR 59313, 59368, Aug. 29, 2016;
and Building Heating Appliance, IBR 81 FR 59809, Aug. 30, 2016; 82 FR 28562, June
approved for appendix A–8 to part 60. 23, 2017; 83 FR 56720, Nov. 14, 2018; 83 FR 60713,
Nov. 26, 2018; 84 FR 15852, Apr. 16, 2019; 85 FR
(2) [Reserved] 63402, Oct. 7, 2020]
(r) Water Pollution Control Federa-
tion (WPCF), 2626 Pennsylvania Avenue § 60.18 General control device and
NW., Washington, DC 20037. work practice requirements.
(1) Method 209A, Total Residue Dried (a) Introduction. (1) This section con-
at 103–105 °C, in Standard Methods for tains requirements for control devices
the Examination of Water and Waste- used to comply with applicable sub-
water, 15th Edition, 1980, IBR approved parts of 40 CFR parts 60 and 61. The re-
for § 60.683(b). quirements are placed here for admin-
(2) [Reserved] istrative convenience and apply only to
(s) West Coast Lumber Inspection Bu- facilities covered by subparts referring
reau, 6980 SW. Barnes Road, Portland, to this section.
OR 97223. (2) This section also contains require-
(1) West Coast Lumber Standard ments for an alternative work practice
Grading Rules No. 16, pages 5–21, 90 and used to identify leaking equipment.
91, September 3, 1970, revised 1984, IBR This alternative work practice is
approved for appendix A–8 to part 60. placed here for administrative conven-
(2) [Reserved] ience and is available to all subparts in
(t) This material is available for pur- 40 CFR parts 60, 61, 63, and 65 that re-
chase from the Canadian Standards As- quire monitoring of equipment with a
sociation (CSA), 5060 Spectrum Way, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, Method
Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 21 monitor.
L4W 5N6, Telephone: 800–463–6727. (b) Flares. Paragraphs (c) through (f)
(1) CSA B415.1–10, Performance Test- apply to flares.
ing of Solid-fuel-burning Heating Ap- (c)(1) Flares shall be designed for and
pliances, (March 2010), IBR approved operated with no visible emissions as
for § 60.534 and § 60.5476. (The standard determined by the methods specified in
is also available at paragraph (f), except for periods not to
canada/fuel-burning-equipment/b4151-10/ exceed a total of 5 minutes during any
invt/27013322010) 2 consecutive hours.
(2) [Reserved] (2) Flares shall be operated with a
(u) This European National (EN) flame present at all times, as deter-
standards material is available for pur- mined by the methods specified in
chase at European Committee for paragraph (f).
Standardization, Management Centre, (3) An owner/operator has the choice
Avenue Marnix 17, B–1000 Brussels, Bel- of adhering to either the heat content
gium, Telephone: + 32 2 550 08 11. specifications in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) DIN EN 303–5:2012E (EN 303–5), this section and the maximum tip ve-
Heating boilers—Part 5: Heating boil- locity specifications in paragraph (c)(4)


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.18

of this section, or adhering to the re- (iii) Steam-assisted and nonassisted

quirements in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this flares designed for and operated with
section. an exit velocity, as determined by the
(i)(A) Flares shall be used that have a methods specified in paragraph (f)(4),
diameter of 3 inches or greater, are less than the velocity, Vmax, as deter-
nonassisted, have a hydrogen content mined by the method specified in para-
of 8.0 percent (by volume), or greater, graph (f)(5), and less than 122 m/sec (400
and are designed for and operated with ft/sec) are allowed.
an exit velocity less than 37.2 m/sec (5) Air-assisted flares shall be de-
(122 ft/sec) and less than the velocity, signed and operated with an exit veloc-
Vmax, as determined by the following ity less than the velocity, Vmax, as de-
termined by the method specified in
Vmax = (XH2¥K1)* K2 paragraph (f)(6).
(6) Flares used to comply with this
section shall be steam-assisted, air-as-
Vmax = Maximum permitted velocity, m/sec.
sisted, or nonassisted.
K1 = Constant, 6.0 volume-percent hydrogen.
K2 = Constant, 3.9(m/sec)/volume-percent hy-
(d) Owners or operators of flares used
drogen. to comply with the provisions of this
XH2 = The volume-percent of hydrogen, on a subpart shall monitor these control de-
wet basis, as calculated by using the vices to ensure that they are operated
American Society for Testing and Mate- and maintained in conformance with
rials (ASTM) Method D1946–77. (Incor- their designs. Applicable subparts will
porated by reference as specified in
provide provisions stating how owners
§ 60.17).
or operators of flares shall monitor
(B) The actual exit velocity of a flare these control devices.
shall be determined by the method (e) Flares used to comply with provi-
specified in paragraph (f)(4) of this sec- sions of this subpart shall be operated
tion. at all times when emissions may be
(ii) Flares shall be used only with the vented to them.
net heating value of the gas being com- (f)(1) Method 22 of appendix A to this
busted being 11.2 MJ/scm (300 Btu/scf) part shall be used to determine the
or greater if the flare is steam-assisted compliance of flares with the visible
or air-assisted; or with the net heating
emission provisions of this subpart.
value of the gas being combusted being
The observation period is 2 hours and
7.45 MJ/scm (200 Btu/scf) or greater if
shall be used according to Method 22.
the flare is nonassisted. The net heat-
ing value of the gas being combusted (2) The presence of a flare pilot flame
shall be determined by the methods shall be monitored using a thermo-
specified in paragraph (f)(3) of this sec- couple or any other equivalent device
tion. to detect the presence of a flame.
(4)(i) Steam-assisted and nonassisted (3) The net heating value of the gas
flares shall be designed for and oper- being combusted in a flare shall be cal-
ated with an exit velocity, as deter- culated using the following equation:
mined by the methods specified in
paragraph (f)(4) of this section, less
than 18.3 m/sec (60 ft/sec), except as
provided in paragraphs (c)(4) (ii) and
(iii) of this section. where:
(ii) Steam-assisted and nonassisted HT = Net heating value of the sample, MJ/
flares designed for and operated with scm; where the net enthalpy per mole of
an exit velocity, as determined by the offgas is based on combustion at 25 °C
methods specified in paragraph (f)(4), and 760 mm Hg, but the standard tem-
equal to or greater than 18.3 m/sec (60 perature for determining the volume cor-
ft/sec) but less than 122 m/sec (400 ft/ responding to one mole is 20 °C;
sec) are allowed if the net heating
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

value of the gas being combusted is

greater than 37.3 MJ/scm (1,000 Btu/scf).


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§ 60.18 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Ci = Concentration of sample component i in tectable emissions, as indicated by an

ppm on a wet basis, as measured for instrument reading of less than 500
organics by Reference Method 18 and ppm above background. An owner or
measured for hydrogen and carbon mon-
oxide by ASTM D1946–77 or 90 (Re-
operator may use an optical gas imag-
approved 1994) (Incorporated by reference ing instrument instead of a 40 CFR
as specified in § 60.17); and part 60, appendix A–7, Method 21 mon-
Hi = Net heat of combustion of sample com- itor. Requirements in the existing sub-
ponent i, kcal/g mole at 25 °C and 760 mm parts that are specific to the Method 21
Hg. The heats of combustion may be de- instrument do not apply under this sec-
termined using ASTM D2382–76 or 88 or tion. All other requirements in the ap-
D4809–95 (incorporated by reference as
plicable subpart that are not addressed
specified in § 60.17) if published values are
not available or cannot be calculated. in paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) of this
section apply to this standard. For ex-
(4) The actual exit velocity of a flare ample, equipment specification re-
shall be determined by dividing the quirements, and non-Method 21 instru-
volumetric flowrate (in units of stand- ment recordkeeping and reporting re-
ard temperature and pressure), as de- quirements in the applicable subpart
termined by Reference Methods 2, 2A, continue to apply. The terms defined in
2C, or 2D as appropriate; by the unob- paragraphs (g)(1) through (5) of this
structed (free) cross sectional area of section have meanings that are specific
the flare tip. to the alternative work practice stand-
(5) The maximum permitted velocity, ard in paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) of this
Vmax, for flares complying with para- section.
graph (c)(4)(iii) shall be determined by (1) Applicable subpart means the sub-
the following equation. part in 40 CFR parts 60, 61, 63, or 65
Log10 (Vmax) = (HT + 28.8)/31.7 that requires monitoring of equipment
Vmax = Maximum permitted velocity, M/sec with a 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7,
28.8 = Constant Method 21 monitor.
31.7 = Constant
(2) Equipment means pumps, valves,
HT = The net heating value as determined in
paragraph (f)(3). pressure relief valves, compressors,
open-ended lines, flanges, connectors,
(6) The maximum permitted velocity, and other equipment covered by the ap-
Vmax, for air-assisted flares shall be de- plicable subpart that require moni-
termined by the following equation. toring with a 40 CFR part 60, appendix
Vmax = 8.706 + 0.7084 (HT) A–7, Method 21 monitor.
Vmax = Maximum permitted velocity, m/sec (3) Imaging means making visible
8.706 = Constant emissions that may otherwise be invis-
0.7084 = Constant ible to the naked eye.
HT = The net heating value as determined in
paragraph (f)(3). (4) Optical gas imaging instrument
(g) Alternative work practice for moni- means an instrument that makes visi-
toring equipment for leaks. Paragraphs ble emissions that may otherwise be
(g), (h), and (i) of this section apply to invisible to the naked eye.
all equipment for which the applicable (5) Repair means that equipment is
subpart requires monitoring with a 40 adjusted, or otherwise altered, in order
CFR part 60, appendix A–7, Method 21 to eliminate a leak.
monitor, except for closed vent sys- (6) Leak means:
tems, equipment designated as (i) Any emissions imaged by the opti-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

leakless, and equipment identified in cal gas instrument;

the applicable subpart as having no de- (ii) Indications of liquids dripping;


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.18

(iii) Indications by a sensor that a (ii) Quality improvement plans; or

seal or barrier fluid system has failed; (iii) Complying with standards for al-
or lowable percentage of valves and
(iv) Screening results using a 40 CFR pumps to leak.
part 60, appendix A–7, Method 21 mon- (7) When the alternative work prac-
itor that exceed the leak definition in tice is used to detect leaking equip-
the applicable subpart to which the ment, the regulated equipment in para-
equipment is subject. graph (h)(1)(i) of this section must also
(h) The alternative work practice be monitored annually using a 40 CFR
standard for monitoring equipment for part 60, appendix A–7, Method 21 mon-
leaks is available to all subparts in 40 itor at the leak definition required in
CFR parts 60, 61, 63, and 65 that require the applicable subpart. The owner or
monitoring of equipment with a 40 CFR operator may choose the specific moni-
part 60, appendix A–7, Method 21 mon- toring period (for example, first quar-
itor. ter) to conduct the annual monitoring.
(1) An owner or operator of an af- Subsequent monitoring must be con-
fected source subject to CFR parts 60, ducted every 12 months from the initial
61, 63, or 65 can choose to comply with period. Owners or operators must keep
the alternative work practice require- records of the annual Method 21 screen-
ments in paragraph (i) of this section ing results, as specified in paragraph
instead of using the 40 CFR part 60, ap- (i)(4)(vii) of this section.
pendix A–7, Method 21 monitor to iden-
(i) An owner or operator of an af-
tify leaking equipment. The owner or
fected source who chooses to use the
operator must document the equip-
alternative work practice must comply
ment, process units, and facilities for
with the requirements of paragraphs
which the alternative work practice
(i)(1) through (i)(5) of this section.
will be used to identify leaks.
(2) Any leak detected when following (1) Instrument Specifications. The
the leak survey procedure in paragraph optical gas imaging instrument must
(i)(3) of this section must be identified comply with the requirements in
for repair as required in the applicable (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) of this section.
subpart. (i) Provide the operator with an
(3) If the alternative work practice is image of the potential leak points for
used to identify leaks, re-screening each piece of equipment at both the de-
after an attempted repair of leaking tection sensitivity level and within the
equipment must be conducted using ei- distance used in the daily instrument
ther the alternative work practice or check described in paragraph (i)(2) of
the 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, Meth- this section. The detection sensitivity
od 21 monitor at the leak definition re- level depends upon the frequency at
quired in the applicable subpart to which leak monitoring is to be per-
which the equipment is subject. formed.
(4) The schedule for repair is as re- (ii) Provide a date and time stamp for
quired in the applicable subpart. video records of every monitoring
(5) When this alternative work prac- event.
tice is used for detecting leaking equip- (2) Daily Instrument Check. On a
ment, choose one of the monitoring fre- daily basis, and prior to beginning any
quencies listed in Table 1 to subpart A leak monitoring work, test the optical
of this part in lieu of the monitoring gas imaging instrument at the mass
frequency specified for regulated equip- flow rate determined in paragraph
ment in the applicable subpart. Re- (i)(2)(i) of this section in accordance
duced monitoring frequencies for good with the procedure specified in para-
performance are not applicable when graphs (i)(2)(ii) through (i)(2)(iv) of this
using the alternative work practice. section for each camera configuration
(6) When this alternative work prac- used during monitoring (for example,
tice is used for detecting leaking equip- different lenses used), unless an alter-
ment the following are not applicable native method to demonstrate daily in-
for the equipment being monitored: strument checks has been approved in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(i) Skip period leak detection and re- accordance with paragraph (i)(2)(v) of
pair; this section.


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§ 60.18 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) Calculate the mass flow rate to be the outlet or leak orifice of the flow
used in the daily instrument check by meter that will not be exceeded in the
following the procedures in paragraphs actual performance of the leak survey.
(i)(2)(i)(A) and (i)(2)(i)(B) of this sec- Do not exceed the operating param-
tion. eters of the flow meter.
(A) For a specified population of (C) Open the valve on the flow meter
equipment to be imaged by the instru- to set a flow rate that will create a
ment, determine the piece of equip- mass emission rate equal to the mass
ment in contact with the lowest mass rate specified in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of
fraction of chemicals that are detect- this section while observing the gas
able, within the distance to be used in flow through the optical gas imaging
paragraph (i)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, instrument viewfinder. When an image
at or below the standard detection sen- of the gas emission is seen through the
sitivity level. viewfinder at the required emission
(B) Multiply the standard detection rate, make a record of the reading on
sensitivity level, corresponding to the the flow meter.
selected monitoring frequency in Table (v) Repeat the procedures specified in
1 of subpart A of this part, by the mass paragraphs (i)(2)(ii) through (i)(2)(iv) of
fraction of detectable chemicals from this section for each configuration of
the stream identified in paragraph the optical gas imaging instrument
(i)(2)(i)(A) of this section to determine used during the leak survey.
the mass flow rate to be used in the (vi) To use an alternative method to
daily instrument check, using the fol- demonstrate daily instrument checks,
lowing equation. apply to the Administrator for ap-
proval of the alternative under
k § 60.13(i).
Edic = ( Esds ) ∑ xi (3) Leak Survey Procedure. Operate
i =1 the optical gas imaging instrument to
Where: image every regulated piece of equip-
Edic = Mass flow rate for the daily instrument ment selected for this work practice in
check, grams per hour accordance with the instrument manu-
xi = Mass fraction of detectable chemical(s) i facturer’s operating parameters. All
seen by the optical gas imaging instru- emissions imaged by the optical gas
ment, within the distance to be used in imaging instrument are considered to
paragraph (i)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, at
or below the standard detection sensi-
be leaks and are subject to repair. All
tivity level, Esds. emissions visible to the naked eye are
Esds = Standard detection sensitivity level also considered to be leaks and are sub-
from Table 1 to subpart A, grams per ject to repair.
hour (4) Recordkeeping. You must keep
k = Total number of detectable chemicals the records described in paragraphs
emitted from the leaking equipment and (i)(4)(i) through (i)(4)(vii) of this sec-
seen by the optical gas imaging instru- tion:
(i) The equipment, processes, and fa-
(ii) Start the optical gas imaging in- cilities for which the owner or operator
strument according to the manufactur- chooses to use the alternative work
er’s instructions, ensuring that all ap- practice.
propriate settings conform to the man- (ii) The detection sensitivity level se-
ufacturer’s instructions. lected from Table 1 to subpart A of this
(iii) Use any gas chosen by the user part for the optical gas imaging instru-
that can be viewed by the optical gas ment.
imaging instrument and that has a pu- (iii) The analysis to determine the
rity of no less than 98 percent. piece of equipment in contact with the
(iv) Establish a mass flow rate by lowest mass fraction of chemicals that
using the following procedures: are detectable, as specified in para-
(A) Provide a source of gas where it graph (i)(2)(i)(A) of this section.
will be in the field of view of the opti- (iv) The technical basis for the mass
cal gas imaging instrument. fraction of detectable chemicals used
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(B) Set up the optical gas imaging in- in the equation in paragraph (i)(2)(i)(B)
strument at a recorded distance from of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.19

(v) The daily instrument check. fied in an applicable requirement for

Record the distance, per paragraph the submittal of a notification, appli-
(i)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, and the flow cation, report, or other written com-
meter reading, per paragraph munication to the Administrator, the
(i)(2)(iv)(C) of this section, at which the owner or operator shall postmark the
leak was imaged. Keep a video record submittal on or before the number of
of the daily instrument check for each days specified in the applicable re-
configuration of the optical gas imag- quirement. For example, if a notifica-
ing instrument used during the leak tion must be submitted 15 days before
survey (for example, the daily instru- a particular event is scheduled to take
ment check must be conducted for each place, the notification shall be post-
lens used). The video record must in- marked on or before 15 days preceding
clude a time and date stamp for each the event; likewise, if a notification
daily instrument check. The video must be submitted 15 days after a par-
record must be kept for 5 years. ticular event takes place, the notifica-
(vi) Recordkeeping requirements in tion shall be delivered or postmarked
the applicable subpart. A video record on or before 15 days following the end
must be used to document the leak sur- of the event. The use of reliable non-
vey results. The video record must in- Government mail carriers that provide
clude a time and date stamp for each indications of verifiable delivery of in-
monitoring event. A video record can formation required to be submitted to
be used to meet the recordkeeping re- the Administrator, similar to the post-
quirements of the applicable subparts mark provided by the U.S. Postal Serv-
if each piece of regulated equipment se- ice, or alternative means of delivery,
lected for this work practice can be including the use of electronic media,
identified in the video record. The agreed to by the permitting authority,
video record must be kept for 5 years. is acceptable.
(vii) The results of the annual Meth- (c) Notwithstanding time periods or
od 21 screening required in paragraph postmark deadlines specified in this
(h)(7) of this section. Records must be part for the submittal of information
kept for all regulated equipment speci- to the Administrator by an owner or
fied in paragraph (h)(1) of this section. operator, or the review of such infor-
Records must identify the equipment mation by the Administrator, such
screened, the screening value measured time periods or deadlines may be
by Method 21, the time and date of the changed by mutual agreement between
screening, and calibration information the owner or operator and the Adminis-
required in the existing applicable sub- trator. Procedures governing the im-
part. plementation of this provision are
(5) Reporting. Submit the reports re- specified in paragraph (f) of this sec-
quired in the applicable subpart. Sub- tion.
mit the records of the annual Method (d) If an owner or operator of an af-
21 screening required in paragraph fected facility in a State with dele-
(h)(7) of this section to the Adminis- gated authority is required to submit
trator via e-mail to CCG- periodic reports under this part to the
AWP@EPA.GOV. State, and if the State has an estab-
[51 FR 2701, Jan. 21, 1986, as amended at 63 lished timeline for the submission of
FR 24444, May 4, 1998; 65 FR 61752, Oct. 17, periodic reports that is consistent with
2000; 73 FR 78209, Dec. 22, 2008] the reporting frequency(ies) specified
for such facility under this part, the
§ 60.19 General notification and re- owner or operator may change the
porting requirements. dates by which periodic reports under
(a) For the purposes of this part, this part shall be submitted (without
time periods specified in days shall be changing the frequency of reporting) to
measured in calendar days, even if the be consistent with the State’s schedule
word ‘‘calendar’’ is absent, unless oth- by mutual agreement between the
erwise specified in an applicable re- owner or operator and the State. The
quirement. allowance in the previous sentence ap-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(b) For the purposes of this part, if an plies in each State beginning 1 year
explicit postmark deadline is not speci- after the affected facility is required to


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Pt. 60, Subpt. A, Table 1 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

be in compliance with the applicable shall include in the request whatever

subpart in this part. Procedures gov- information he or she considers useful
erning the implementation of this pro- to convince the Administrator that an
vision are specified in paragraph (f) of adjustment is warranted.
this section. (3) If, in the Administrator’s judg-
(e) If an owner or operator supervises ment, an owner or operator’s request
one or more stationary sources affected for an adjustment to a particular time
by standards set under this part and period or postmark deadline is war-
standards set under part 61, part 63, or ranted, the Administrator will approve
both such parts of this chapter, he/she the adjustment. The Administrator
may arrange by mutual agreement be- will notify the owner or operator in
tween the owner or operator and the writing of approval or disapproval of
Administrator (or the State with an the request for an adjustment within 15
approved permit program) a common calendar days of receiving sufficient in-
schedule on which periodic reports re- formation to evaluate the request.
quired by each applicable standard (4) If the Administrator is unable to
shall be submitted throughout the meet a specified deadline, he or she
year. The allowance in the previous will notify the owner or operator of
sentence applies in each State begin- any significant delay and inform the
ning 1 year after the stationary source owner or operator of the amended
is required to be in compliance with schedule.
the applicable subpart in this part, or 1 [59 FR 12428, Mar. 16, 1994, as amended at 64
year after the stationary source is re- FR 7463, Feb. 12, 1998]
quired to be in compliance with the ap-
plicable 40 CFR part 61 or part 63 of TABLE 1 TO SUBPART A OF PART 60—DE-
this chapter standard, whichever is lat- TECTION SENSITIVITY LEVELS
est. Procedures governing the imple- (GRAMS PER HOUR)
mentation of this provision are speci- Detection sen-
fied in paragraph (f) of this section. Monitoring frequency per subpart a sitivity level
(f)(1)(i) Until an adjustment of a time
Bi-Monthly ...................................................... 60
period or postmark deadline has been Semi-Quarterly ............................................... 85
approved by the Administrator under Monthly .......................................................... 100
paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this sec- a When this alternative work practice is used to identify

tion, the owner or operator of an af- leaking equipment, the owner or operator must choose one of
the monitoring frequencies listed in this table in lieu of the
fected facility remains strictly subject monitoring frequency specified in the applicable subpart. Bi-
to the requirements of this part. monthly means every other month. Semi-quarterly means
twice per quarter. Monthly means once per month.
(ii) An owner or operator shall re-
quest the adjustment provided for in [73 FR 78211, Dec. 22, 2008]
paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this sec-
tion each time he or she wishes to
change an applicable time period or
Subpart B—Adoption and Sub-
postmark deadline specified in this mittal of State Plans for Des-
part. ignated Facilities
(2) Notwithstanding time periods or
postmark deadlines specified in this SOURCE: 40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, unless
part for the submittal of information otherwise noted.
to the Administrator by an owner or
operator, or the review of such infor- § 60.20 Applicability.
mation by the Administrator, such The provisions of this subpart apply
time periods or deadlines may be to States upon publication of a final
changed by mutual agreement between guideline document under § 60.22(a).
the owner or operator and the Adminis-
trator. An owner or operator who wish- § 60.21 Definitions.
es to request a change in a time period Terms used but not defined in this
or postmark deadline for a particular subpart shall have the meaning given
requirement shall request the adjust- them in the Act and in subpart A:
ment in writing as soon as practicable (a) Designated pollutant means any air
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

before the subject activity is required pollutant, the emissions of which are
to take place. The owner or operator subject to a standard of performance


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.22

for new stationary sources, but for complish emission control or process
which air quality criteria have not modification;
been issued and that is not included on (3) Initiation of on-site construction
a list published under section 108(a) or or installation of emission control
section 112(b)(1)(A) of the Act. equipment or process change;
(b) Designated facility means any ex- (4) Completion of on-site construc-
isting facility (see § 60.2(aa)) which tion or installation of emission control
emits a designated pollutant and which equipment or process change; and
would be subject to a standard of per-
(5) Final compliance.
formance for that pollutant if the ex-
isting facility were an affected facility (i) Region means an air quality con-
(see § 60.2(e)). trol region designated under section 107
(c) Plan means a plan under section of the Act and described in part 81 of
111(d) of the Act which establishes this chapter.
emission standards for designated pol- (j) Local agency means any local gov-
lutants from designated facilities and ernmental agency.
provides for the implementation and [40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 70
enforcement of such emission stand- FR 28649, May 18, 2005; 77 FR 9447, Feb. 16,
ards. 2012]
(d) Applicable plan means the plan, or
most recent revision thereof, which has § 60.22 Publication of guideline docu-
been approved under § 60.27(b) or pro- ments, emission guidelines, and
mulgated under § 60.27(d). final compliance times.
(e) Emission guideline means a guide- (a) Concurrently upon or after pro-
line set forth in subpart C of this part, posal of standards of performance for
or in a final guideline document pub-
the control of a designated pollutant
lished under § 60.22(a), which reflects
from affected facilities, the Adminis-
the degree of emission reduction
achievable through the application of trator will publish a draft guideline
the best system of emission reduction document containing information per-
which (taking into account the cost of tinent to control of the designated pol-
such reduction) the Administrator has lutant form designated facilities. No-
determined has been adequately dem- tice of the availability of the draft
onstrated for designated facilities. guideline document will be published
(f) Emission standard means a legally in the FEDERAL REGISTER and public
enforceable regulation setting forth an comments on its contents will be in-
allowable rate of emissions into the at- vited. After consideration of public
mosphere, establishing an allowance comments and upon or after promulga-
system, or prescribing equipment spec- tion of standards of performance for
ifications for control of air pollution control of a designated pollutant from
emissions. affected facilities, a final guideline
(g) Compliance schedule means a le- document will be published and notice
gally enforceable schedule specifying a of its availability will be published in
date or dates by which a source or cat- the FEDERAL REGISTER.
egory of sources must comply with spe- (b) Guideline documents published
cific emission standards contained in a under this section will provide infor-
plan or with any increments of mation for the development of State
progress to achieve such compliance.
plans, such as:
(h) Increments of progress means steps
(1) Information concerning known or
to achieve compliance which must be
taken by an owner or operator of a des- suspected endangerment of public
ignated facility, including: health or welfare caused, or contrib-
(1) Submittal of a final control plan uted to, by the designated pollutant.
for the designated facility to the appro- (2) A description of systems of emis-
priate air pollution control agency; sion reduction which, in the judgment
(2) Awarding of contracts for emis- of the Administrator, have been ade-
sion control systems or for process quately demonstrated.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

modifications, or issuance of orders for (3) Information on the degree of emis-

the purchase of component parts to ac- sion reduction which is achievable with


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§ 60.23 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

each system, together with informa- lines and compliance times under para-
tion on the costs and environmental ef- graph (c) of this section.
fects of applying each system to des- [40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 54
ignated facilities. FR 52189, Dec. 20, 1989]
(4) Incremental periods of time nor-
mally expected to be necessary for the § 60.23 Adoption and submittal of State
design, installation, and startup of plans; public hearings.
identified control systems. (a)(1) Unless otherwise specified in
(5) An emission guideline that re- the applicable subpart, within 9
flects the application of the best sys- months after notice of the availability
tem of emission reduction (considering of a final guideline document is pub-
the cost of such reduction) that has lished under § 60.22(a), each State shall
been adequately demonstrated for des- adopt and submit to the Adminis-
ignated facilities, and the time within trator, in accordance with § 60.4 of sub-
which compliance with emission stand- part A of this part, a plan for the con-
ards of equivalent stringency can be trol of the designated pollutant to
achieved. The Administrator will speci- which the guideline document applies.
fy different emission guidelines or (2) Within nine months after notice
compliance times or both for different of the availability of a final revised
sizes, types, and classes of designated guideline document is published as pro-
facilities when costs of control, phys- vided in § 60.22(d)(2), each State shall
ical limitations, geographical location, adopt and submit to the Administrator
or similar factors make subcategoriza- any plan revision necessary to meet
tion appropriate. (6) Such other avail- the requirements of this subpart.
able information as the Administrator (b) If no designated facility is located
determines may contribute to the for- within a State, the State shall submit
mulation of State plans. a letter of certification to that effect
(c) Except as provided in paragraph to the Administrator within the time
(d)(1) of this section, the emission specified in paragraph (a) of this sec-
guidelines and compliance times re- tion. Such certification shall exempt
ferred to in paragraph (b)(5) of this sec- the State from the requirements of this
tion will be proposed for comment upon subpart for that designated pollutant.
publication of the draft guideline docu- (c)(1) Except as provided in para-
ment, and after consideration of com- graphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section,
ments will be promulgated in subpart C the State shall, prior to the adoption of
of this part with such modifications as any plan or revision thereof, conduct
may be appropriate. one or more public hearings within the
(d)(1) If the Administrator deter- State on such plan or plan revision.
mines that a designated pollutant may (2) No hearing shall be required for
cause or contribute to endangerment of any change to an increment of progress
public welfare, but that adverse effects in an approved compliance schedule
on public health have not been dem- unless the change is likely to cause the
onstrated, he will include the deter- facility to be unable to comply with
mination in the draft guideline docu- the final compliance date in the sched-
ment and in the FEDERAL REGISTER no- ule.
tice of its availability. Except as pro- (3) No hearing shall be required on an
vided in paragraph (d)(2) of this sec- emission standard in effect prior to the
tion, paragraph (c) of this section shall effective date of this subpart if it was
be inapplicable in such cases. adopted after a public hearing and is at
(2) If the Administrator determines least as stringent as the corresponding
at any time on the basis of new infor- emission guideline specified in the ap-
mation that a prior determination plicable guideline document published
under paragraph (d)(1) of this section is under § 60.22(a).
incorrect or no longer correct, he will (d) Any hearing required by para-
publish notice of the determination in graph (c) of this section shall be held
the FEDERAL REGISTER, revise the only after reasonable notice. Notice
guideline document as necessary under shall be given at least 30 days prior to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

paragraph (a) of this section, and pro- the date of such hearing and shall in-
pose and promulgate emission guide- clude:


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.24

(1) Notification to the public by § 60.24 Emission standards and compli-

prominently advertising the date, ance schedules.
time, and place of such hearing in each (a) Each plan shall include emission
region affected; standards and compliance schedules.
(2) Availability, at the time of public (b) (1) Emission standards shall ei-
announcement, of each proposed plan ther be based on an allowance system
or revision thereof for public inspec- or prescribe allowable rates of emis-
tion in at least one location in each re- sions except when it is clearly imprac-
gion to which it will apply; ticable. Such cases will be identified in
(3) Notification to the Administrator; the guideline documents issued under
(4) Notification to each local air pol- § 60.22. Where emission standards pre-
lution control agency in each region to scribing equipment specifications are
which the plan or revision will apply; established, the plan shall, to the de-
and gree possible, set forth the emission re-
(5) In the case of an interstate region, ductions achievable by implementation
of such specifications, and may permit
notification to any other State in-
compliance by the use of equipment de-
cluded in the region.
termined by the State to be equivalent
(e) The State shall prepare and re- to that prescribed.
tain, for a minimum of 2 years, a (2) Test methods and procedures for
record of each hearing for inspection determining compliance with the emis-
by any interested party. The record sion standards shall be specified in the
shall contain, as a minimum, a list of plan. Methods other than those speci-
witnesses together with the text of fied in appendix A to this part may be
each presentation. specified in the plan if shown to be
(f) The State shall submit with the equivalent or alternative methods as
plan or revision: defined in § 60.2 (t) and (u).
(1) Certification that each hearing re- (3) Emission standards shall apply to
quired by paragraph (c) of this section all designated facilities within the
was held in accordance with the notice State. A plan may contain emission
required by paragraph (d) of this sec- standards adopted by local jurisdic-
tion; and tions provided that the standards are
(2) A list of witnesses and their orga- enforceable by the State.
nizational affiliations, if any, appear- (c) Except as provided in paragraph
ing at the hearing and a brief written (f) of this section, where the Adminis-
summary of each presentation or writ- trator has determined that a des-
ten submission. ignated pollutant may cause or con-
(g) Upon written application by a tribute to endangerment of public
State agency (through the appropriate health, emission standards shall be no
Regional Office), the Administrator less stringent than the corresponding
may approve State procedures designed emission guideline(s) specified in sub-
to insure public participation in the part C of this part, and final compli-
matters for which hearings are re- ance shall be required as expeditiously
quired and public notification of the as practicable but no later than the
opportunity to participate if, in the compliance times specified in subpart
judgment of the Administrator, the C of this part.
(d) Where the Administrator has de-
procedures, although different from the
termined that a designated pollutant
requirements of this subpart, in fact
may cause or contribute to
provide for adequate notice to and par-
endangerment of public welfare but
ticipation of the public. The Adminis-
that adverse effects on public health
trator may impose such conditions on
have not been demonstrated, States
his approval as he deems necessary.
may balance the emission guidelines,
Procedures approved under this section
compliance times, and other informa-
shall be deemed to satisfy the require-
tion provided in the applicable guide-
ments of this subpart regarding proce- line document against other factors of
dures for public hearings. public concern in establishing emission
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

[40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 60 standards, compliance schedules, and
FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995] variances. Appropriate consideration


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§ 60.25 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shall be given to the factors specified (2) compliance schedules requiring

in § 60.22(b) and to information pre- final compliance at earlier times than
sented at the public hearing(s) con- those specified in subpart C or in appli-
ducted under § 60.23(c). cable guideline documents.
(e)(1) Any compliance schedule ex-
[40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 60
tending more than 12 months from the
FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995; 65 FR 76384, Dec. 6,
date required for submittal of the plan 2000; 70 FR 28649, May 18, 2005; 71 FR 33398,
must include legally enforceable incre- June 9, 2006; 72 FR 59204, Oct. 19, 2007; 77 FR
ments of progress to achieve compli- 9447, Feb. 16, 2012]
ance for each designated facility or
category of facilities. Unless otherwise § 60.25 Emission inventories, source
specified in the applicable subpart, in- surveillance, reports.
crements of progress must include, (a) Each plan shall include an inven-
where practicable, each increment of tory of all designated facilities, includ-
progress specified in § 60.21(h) and must ing emission data for the designated
include such additional increments of pollutants and information related to
progress as may be necessary to permit emissions as specified in appendix D to
close and effective supervision of this part. Such data shall be summa-
progress toward final compliance. rized in the plan, and emission rates of
(2) A plan may provide that compli- designated pollutants from designated
ance schedules for individual sources or facilities shall be correlated with appli-
categories of sources will be formu-
cable emission standards. As used in
lated after plan submittal. Any such
this subpart, ‘‘correlated’’ means pre-
schedule shall be the subject of a public
sented in such a manner as to show the
hearing held according to § 60.23 and
relationship between measured or esti-
shall be submitted to the Adminis-
mated amounts of emissions and the
trator within 60 days after the date of
amounts of such emissions allowable
adoption of the schedule but in no case
under applicable emission standards.
later than the date prescribed for sub-
mittal of the first semiannual report (b) Each plan shall provide for moni-
required by § 60.25(e). toring the status of compliance with
(f) Unless otherwise specified in the applicable emission standards. Each
applicable subpart on a case-by-case plan shall, as a minimum, provide for:
basis for particular designated facili- (1) Legally enforceable procedures for
ties or classes of facilities, States may requiring owners or operators of des-
provide for the application of less ignated facilities to maintain records
stringent emissions standards or longer and periodically report to the State in-
compliance schedules than those other- formation on the nature and amount of
wise required by paragraph (c) of this emissions from such facilities, and/or
section, provided that the State dem- such other information as may be nec-
onstrates with respect to each such fa- essary to enable the State to determine
cility (or class of facilities): whether such facilities are in compli-
(1) Unreasonable cost of control re- ance with applicable portions of the
sulting from plant age, location, or plan. Submission of electronic docu-
basic process design; ments shall comply with the require-
(2) Physical impossibility of install- ments of 40 CFR part 3—(Electronic re-
ing necessary control equipment; or porting).
(3) Other factors specific to the facil- (2) Periodic inspection and, when ap-
ity (or class of facilities) that make ap- plicable, testing of designated facili-
plication of a less stringent standard or ties.
final compliance time significantly (c) Each plan shall provide that infor-
more reasonable. mation obtained by the State under
(g) Nothing in this subpart shall be paragraph (b) of this section shall be
construed to preclude any State or po- correlated with applicable emission
litical subdivision thereof from adopt- standards (see § 60.25(a)) and made
ing or enforcing (1) emission standards available to the general public.
more stringent than emission guide- (d) The provisions referred to in para-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

lines specified in subpart C of this part graphs (b) and (c) of this section shall
or in applicable guideline documents or be specifically identified. Copies of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.26

such provisions shall be submitted with § 60.26 Legal authority.

the plan unless:
(a) Each plan shall show that the
(1) They have been approved as por- State has legal authority to carry out
tions of a preceding plan submitted the plan, including authority to:
under this subpart or as portions of an (1) Adopt emission standards and
implementation plan submitted under compliance schedules applicable to des-
section 110 of the Act, and ignated facilities.
(2) The State demonstrates: (2) Enforce applicable laws, regula-
(i) That the provisions are applicable tions, standards, and compliance sched-
to the designated pollutant(s) for ules, and seek injunctive relief.
which the plan is submitted, and (3) Obtain information necessary to
(ii) That the requirements of § 60.26 determine whether designated facili-
are met. ties are in compliance with applicable
(e) The State shall submit reports on laws, regulations, standards, and com-
progress in plan enforcement to the pliance schedules, including authority
Administrator on an annual (calendar to require recordkeeping and to make
year) basis, commencing with the first inspections and conduct tests of des-
full report period after approval of a ignated facilities.
plan or after promulgation of a plan by (4) Require owners or operators of
the Administrator. Information re- designated facilities to install, main-
quired under this paragraph must be tain, and use emission monitoring de-
included in the annual report required vices and to make periodic reports to
the State on the nature and amounts of
by § 51.321 of this chapter.
emissions from such facilities; also au-
(f) Each progress report shall include: thority for the State to make such
(1) Enforcement actions initiated data available to the public as reported
against designated facilities during the and as correlated with applicable emis-
reporting period, under any emission sion standards.
standard or compliance schedule of the (b) The provisions of law or regula-
plan. tions which the State determines pro-
(2) Identification of the achievement vide the authorities required by this
of any increment of progress required section shall be specifically identified.
by the applicable plan during the re- Copies of such laws or regulations shall
porting period. be submitted with the plan unless:
(3) Identification of designated facili- (1) They have been approved as por-
ties that have ceased operation during tions of a preceding plan submitted
the reporting period. under this subpart or as portions of an
(4) Submission of emission inventory implementation plan submitted under
data as described in paragraph (a) of section 110 of the Act, and
this section for designated facilities (2) The State demonstrates that the
that were not in operation at the time laws or regulations are applicable to
of plan development but began oper- the designated pollutant(s) for which
ation during the reporting period. the plan is submitted.
(5) Submission of additional data as (c) The plan shall show that the legal
authorities specified in this section are
necessary to update the information
available to the State at the time of
submitted under paragraph (a) of this
submission of the plan. Legal authority
section or in previous progress reports.
adequate to meet the requirements of
(6) Submission of copies of technical paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) of this section
reports on all performance testing on may be delegated to the State under
designated facilities conducted under section 114 of the Act.
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, com- (d) A State governmental agency
plete with concurrently recorded proc- other than the State air pollution con-
ess data. trol agency may be assigned responsi-
[40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 44 bility for carrying out a portion of a
plan if the plan demonstrates to the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

FR 65071, Nov. 9, 1979; 70 FR 59887, Oct. 13,

2005] Administrator’s satisfaction that the
State governmental agency has the


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§ 60.27 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

legal authority necessary to carry out gency as the corresponding emission

that portion of the plan. guideline(s) specified in the final guide-
(e) The State may authorize a local line document published under § 60.22(a)
agency to carry out a plan, or portion and will require final compliance with
thereof, within the local agency’s juris- such standards as expeditiously as
diction if the plan demonstrates to the practicable but no later than the times
Administrator’s satisfaction that the specified in the guideline document.
local agency has the legal authority (2) Upon application by the owner or
necessary to implement the plan or operator of a designated facility to
portion thereof, and that the author-
which regulations proposed and pro-
ization does not relieve the State of re-
mulgated under this section will apply,
sponsibility under the Act for carrying
the Administrator may provide for the
out the plan or portion thereof.
application of less stringent emission
§ 60.27 Actions by the Administrator. standards or longer compliance sched-
(a) The Administrator may, whenever ules than those otherwise required by
he determines necessary, extend the this section in accordance with the cri-
period for submission of any plan or teria specified in § 60.24(f).
plan revision or portion thereof. (f) Prior to promulgation of a plan
(b) After receipt of a plan or plan re- under paragraph (d) of this section, the
vision, the Administrator will propose Administrator will provide the oppor-
the plan or revision for approval or dis- tunity for at least one public hearing
approval. The Administrator will, in either:
within four months after the date re- (1) Each State that failed to hold a
quired for submission of a plan or plan public hearing as required by § 60.23(c);
revision, approve or disapprove such or
plan or revision or each portion there- (2) Washington, DC or an alternate
of. location specified in the FEDERAL REG-
(c) The Administrator will, after con- ISTER.
sideration of any State hearing record,
promptly prepare and publish proposed [40 FR 53346, Nov. 17, 1975, as amended at 65
regulations setting forth a plan, or por- FR 76384, Dec. 6, 2000]
tion thereof, for a State if:
(1) The State fails to submit a plan § 60.28 Plan revisions by the State.
within the time prescribed; (a) Plan revisions which have the ef-
(2) The State fails to submit a plan fect of delaying compliance with appli-
revision required by § 60.23(a)(2) within cable emission standards or increments
the time prescribed; or of progress or of establishing less strin-
(3) The Administrator disapproves gent emission standards shall be sub-
the State plan or plan revision or any mitted to the Administrator within 60
portion thereof, as unsatisfactory be- days after adoption in accordance with
cause the requirements of this subpart the procedures and requirements appli-
have not been met.
cable to development and submission
(d) The Administrator will, within
of the original plan.
six months after the date required for
submission of a plan or plan revision, (b) More stringent emission stand-
promulgate the regulations proposed ards, or orders which have the effect of
under paragraph (c) of this section with accelerating compliance, may be sub-
such modifications as may be appro- mitted to the Administrator as plan re-
priate unless, prior to such promulga- visions in accordance with the proce-
tion, the State has adopted and sub- dures and requirements applicable to
mitted a plan or plan revision which development and submission of the
the Administrator determines to be ap- original plan.
provable. (c) A revision of a plan, or any por-
(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph tion thereof, shall not be considered
(e)(2) of this section, regulations pro- part of an applicable plan until ap-
posed and promulgated by the Adminis- proved by the Administrator in accord-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

trator under this section will prescribe ance with this subpart.
emission standards of the same strin-


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.21a

§ 60.29 Plan revisions by the Adminis- § 60.21a Definitions.

Terms used but not defined in this
After notice and opportunity for pub- subpart shall have the meaning given
lic hearing in each affected State, the them in the Act and in subpart A of
Administrator may revise any provi- this part:
sion of an applicable plan if: (a) Designated pollutant means any air
(a) The provision was promulgated by pollutant, the emissions of which are
the Administrator, and subject to a standard of performance
(b) The plan, as revised, will be con- for new stationary sources, but for
sistent with the Act and with the re- which air quality criteria have not
quirements of this subpart. been issued and that is not included on
a list published under section 108(a) or
section 112(b)(1)(A) of the Act.
Subpart Ba—Adoption and Sub- (b) Designated facility means any ex-
mittal of State Plans for Des- isting facility (see § 60.2) which emits a
ignated Facilities designated pollutant and which would
be subject to a standard of performance
SOURCE: 84 FR 32575, July 8, 2019, unless for that pollutant if the existing facil-
otherwise noted. ity were an affected facility (see § 60.2).
(c) Plan means a plan under section
§ 60.20a Applicability. 111(d) of the Act which establishes
(a) The provisions of this subpart standards of performance for des-
apply upon publication of a final emis- ignated pollutants from designated fa-
sion guideline under § 60.22a(a) if imple- cilities and provides for the implemen-
mentation of such final guideline is on- tation and enforcement of such stand-
ards of performance.
going as of f or if the final guideline is
(d) Applicable plan means the plan, or
published after July 8, 2019.
most recent revision thereof, which has
(1) Each emission guideline promul-
been approved under § 60.27a(b) or pro-
gated under this part is subject to the mulgated under § 60.27a(d).
requirements of this subpart, except
(e) Emission guideline means a guide-
that each emission guideline may in- line set forth in subpart C of this part,
clude specific provisions in addition to or in a final guideline document pub-
or that supersede requirements of this lished under § 60.22a(a), which reflects
subpart. Each emission guideline must the degree of emission limitation
identify explicitly any provision of this achievable through the application of
subpart that is superseded. the best system of emission reduction
(2) Terms used throughout this part which (taking into account the cost of
are defined in § 60.21a or in the Clean such reduction and any non-air quality
Air Act (Act) as amended in 1990, ex- health and environmental impact and
cept that emission guidelines promul- energy requirements) the Adminis-
gated as individual subparts of this trator has determined has been ade-
part may include specific definitions in quately demonstrated for designated
addition to or that supersede defini- facilities.
tions in § 60.21a. (f) Standard of performance means a
(b) No standard of performance or standard for emissions of air pollutants
other requirement established under which reflects the degree of emission
this part shall be interpreted, con- limitation achievable through the ap-
strued, or applied to diminish or re- plication of the best system of emis-
place the requirements of a more strin- sion reduction which (taking into ac-
count the cost of achieving such reduc-
gent emission limitation or other ap-
tion and any nonair quality health and
plicable requirement established by the
environmental impact and energy re-
Administrator pursuant to other au-
quirements) the Administrator deter-
thority of the Act (section 112, Part C mines has been adequately dem-
or D, or any other authority of this onstrated, including, but not limited to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Act), or a standard issued under State a legally enforceable regulation setting

authority. forth an allowable rate or limit of


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§ 60.22a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

emissions into the atmosphere, or pre- availability will be published in the

scribing a design, equipment, work FEDERAL REGISTER.
practice, or operational standard, or (b) Emission guidelines published
combination thereof. under this section will provide infor-
(g) Compliance schedule means a le- mation for the development of State
gally enforceable schedule specifying a plans, such as:
date or dates by which a source or cat- (1) Information concerning known or
egory of sources must comply with spe- suspected endangerment of public
cific standards of performance con- health or welfare caused, or contrib-
tained in a plan or with any incre- uted to, by the designated pollutant.
ments of progress to achieve such com-
(2) A description of systems of emis-
sion reduction which, in the judgment
(h) Increments of progress means steps
to achieve compliance which must be of the Administrator, have been ade-
taken by an owner or operator of a des- quately demonstrated.
ignated facility, including: (3) Information on the degree of emis-
(1) Submittal of a final control plan sion limitation which is achievable
for the designated facility to the appro- with each system, together with infor-
priate air pollution control agency; mation on the costs, nonair quality
(2) Awarding of contracts for emis- health environmental effects, and en-
sion control systems or for process ergy requirements of applying each
modifications, or issuance of orders for system to designated facilities.
the purchase of component parts to ac- (4) Incremental periods of time nor-
complish emission control or process mally expected to be necessary for the
modification; design, installation, and startup of
(3) Initiation of on-site construction identified control systems.
or installation of emission control (5) The degree of emission limitation
equipment or process change; achievable through the application of
(4) Completion of on-site construc- the best system of emission reduction
tion or installation of emission control (considering the cost of such achieving
equipment or process change; and reduction and any nonair quality
(5) Final compliance. health and environmental impact and
(i) Region means an air quality con- energy requirements) that has been
trol region designated under section 107 adequately demonstrated for des-
of the Act and described in part 81 of ignated facilities, and the time within
this chapter. which compliance with standards of
(j) Local agency means any local gov- performance can be achieved. The Ad-
ernmental agency. ministrator may specify different de-
§ 60.22a Publication of emission guide- grees of emission limitation or compli-
lines. ance times or both for different sizes,
types, and classes of designated facili-
(a) Concurrently upon or after pro-
ties when costs of control, physical
posal of standards of performance for
limitations, geographical location, or
the control of a designated pollutant
similar factors make subcategorization
from affected facilities, the Adminis-
trator will publish a draft emission appropriate.
guideline containing information perti- (6) Such other available information
nent to control of the designated pol- as the Administrator determines may
lutant from designated facilities. No- contribute to the formulation of State
tice of the availability of the draft plans.
emission guideline will be published in (c) The emission guidelines and com-
the FEDERAL REGISTER and public com- pliance times referred to in paragraph
ments on its contents will be invited. (b)(5) of this section will be proposed
After consideration of public com- for comment upon publication of the
ments and upon or after promulgation draft guideline document, and after
of standards of performance for control consideration of comments will be pro-
of a designated pollutant from affected mulgated in subpart C of this part with
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

facilities, a final emission guideline such modifications as may be appro-

will be published and notice of its priate.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.24a

§ 60.23a Adoption and submittal of (e) The State may cancel the public
State plans; public hearings. hearing through a method it identifies
(a)(1) Unless otherwise specified in if no request for a public hearing is re-
the applicable subpart, within three ceived during the 30 day notification
years after notice of the availability of period under paragraph (d) of this sec-
a final emission guideline is published tion and the original notice announc-
under § 60.22a(a), each State shall adopt ing the 30 day notification period
and submit to the Administrator, in states that if no request for a public
accordance with § 60.4, a plan for the hearing is received the hearing will be
control of the designated pollutant to cancelled; identifies the method and
which the emission guideline applies. time for announcing that the hearing
has been cancelled; and provides a con-
(2) At any time, each State may
tact phone number for the public to
adopt and submit to the Administrator
call to find out if the hearing has been
any plan revision necessary to meet
the requirements of this subpart or an
(f) The State shall prepare and re-
applicable subpart of this part.
tain, for a minimum of 2 years, a
(b) If no designated facility is located
record of each hearing for inspection
within a State, the State shall submit
by any interested party. The record
a letter of certification to that effect
shall contain, as a minimum, a list of
to the Administrator within the time
witnesses together with the text of
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec-
each presentation.
tion. Such certification shall exempt
(g) The State shall submit with the
the State from the requirements of this
plan or revision:
subpart for that designated pollutant.
(1) Certification that each hearing re-
(c) The State shall, prior to the adop- quired by paragraph (c) of this section
tion of any plan or revision thereof, was held in accordance with the notice
conduct one or more public hearings required by paragraph (d) of this sec-
within the State on such plan or plan tion; and
revision in accordance with the provi- (2) A list of witnesses and their orga-
sions under this section. nizational affiliations, if any, appear-
(d) Any hearing required by para- ing at the hearing and a brief written
graph (c) of this section shall be held summary of each presentation or writ-
only after reasonable notice. Notice ten submission.
shall be given at least 30 days prior to (h) Upon written application by a
the date of such hearing and shall in- State agency (through the appropriate
clude: Regional Office), the Administrator
(1) Notification to the public by may approve State procedures designed
prominently advertising the date, to insure public participation in the
time, and place of such hearing in each matters for which hearings are re-
region affected. This requirement may quired and public notification of the
be satisfied by advertisement on the opportunity to participate if, in the
internet; judgment of the Administrator, the
(2) Availability, at the time of public procedures, although different from the
announcement, of each proposed plan requirements of this subpart, in fact
or revision thereof for public inspec- provide for adequate notice to and par-
tion in at least one location in each re- ticipation of the public. The Adminis-
gion to which it will apply. This re- trator may impose such conditions on
quirement may be satisfied by posting his approval as he deems necessary.
each proposed plan or revision on the Procedures approved under this section
internet; shall be deemed to satisfy the require-
(3) Notification to the Administrator; ments of this subpart regarding proce-
(4) Notification to each local air pol- dures for public hearings.
lution control agency in each region to
which the plan or revision will apply; § 60.24a Standards of performance and
and compliance schedules.
(5) In the case of an interstate region, (a) Each plan shall include standards
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notification to any other State in- of performance and compliance sched-

cluded in the region. ules.


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§ 60.25a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(b) Standards of performance shall ei- may take into consideration factors,
ther be based on allowable rate or limit such as the remaining useful life of
of emissions, except when it is not fea- such source, provided that the State
sible to prescribe or enforce a standard demonstrates with respect to each such
of performance. The EPA shall identify facility (or class of such facilities):
such cases in the emission guidelines (1) Unreasonable cost of control re-
issued under § 60.22a. Where standards sulting from plant age, location, or
of performance prescribing design, basic process design;
equipment, work practice, or oper- (2) Physical impossibility of install-
ational standard, or combination ing necessary control equipment; or
thereof are established, the plan shall, (3) Other factors specific to the facil-
to the degree possible, set forth the ity (or class of facilities) that make ap-
emission reductions achievable by im- plication of a less stringent standard or
plementation of such standards, and final compliance time significantly
may permit compliance by the use of more reasonable.
equipment determined by the State to
(f) Nothing in this subpart shall be
be equivalent to that prescribed.
construed to preclude any State or po-
(1) Test methods and procedures for
litical subdivision thereof from adopt-
determining compliance with the
ing or enforcing:
standards of performance shall be spec-
(1) Standards of performance more
ified in the plan. Methods other than
stringent than emission guidelines
those specified in appendix A to this
specified in subpart C of this part or in
part or an applicable subpart of this
applicable emission guidelines; or
part may be specified in the plan if
shown to be equivalent or alternative (2) Compliance schedules requiring
methods as defined in § 60.2. final compliance at earlier times than
(2) Standards of performance shall those specified in subpart C of this part
apply to all designated facilities within or in applicable emission guidelines.
the State. A plan may contain stand-
§ 60.25a Emission inventories, source
ards of performance adopted by local surveillance, reports.
jurisdictions provided that the stand-
ards are enforceable by the State. (a) Each plan shall include an inven-
(c) Except as provided in paragraph tory of all designated facilities, includ-
(e) of this section, standards of per- ing emission data for the designated
formance shall be no less stringent pollutants and information related to
than the corresponding emission guide- emissions as specified in appendix D to
line(s) specified in subpart C of this this part. Such data shall be summa-
part, and final compliance shall be re- rized in the plan, and emission rates of
quired as expeditiously as practicable, designated pollutants from designated
but no later than the compliance times facilities shall be correlated with appli-
specified in an applicable subpart of cable standards of performance. As
this part. used in this subpart, ‘‘correlated’’
(d) Any compliance schedule extend- means presented in such a manner as
ing more than 24 months from the date to show the relationship between meas-
required for submittal of the plan must ured or estimated amounts of emis-
include legally enforceable increments sions and the amounts of such emis-
of progress to achieve compliance for sions allowable under applicable stand-
each designated facility or category of ards of performance.
facilities. Unless otherwise specified in (b) Each plan shall provide for moni-
the applicable subpart, increments of toring the status of compliance with
progress must include, where prac- applicable standards of performance.
ticable, each increment of progress Each plan shall, as a minimum, provide
specified in § 60.21a(h) and must include for:
such additional increments of progress (1) Legally enforceable procedures for
as may be necessary to permit close requiring owners or operators of des-
and effective supervision of progress ignated facilities to maintain records
toward final compliance. and periodically report to the State in-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(e) In applying a standard of perform- formation on the nature and amount of

ance to a particular source, the State emissions from such facilities, and/or


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.26a

such other information as may be nec- that were not in operation at the time
essary to enable the State to determine of plan development but began oper-
whether such facilities are in compli- ation during the reporting period.
ance with applicable portions of the (5) Submission of additional data as
plan. Submission of electronic docu- necessary to update the information
ments shall comply with the require- submitted under paragraph (a) of this
ments of 40 CFR part 3 (Electronic re- section or in previous progress reports.
porting). (6) Submission of copies of technical
(2) Periodic inspection and, when ap- reports on all performance testing on
plicable, testing of designated facili- designated facilities conducted under
ties. paragraph (b)(2) of this section, com-
(c) Each plan shall provide that infor- plete with concurrently recorded proc-
mation obtained by the State under ess data.
paragraph (b) of this section shall be
correlated with applicable standards of § 60.26a Legal authority.
performance (see § 60.25a(a)) and made
(a) Each plan or plan revision shall
available to the general public.
show that the State has legal authority
(d) The provisions referred to in para-
to carry out the plan or plan revision,
graphs (b) and (c) of this section shall
including authority to:
be specifically identified. Copies of
(1) Adopt standards of performance
such provisions shall be submitted with
and compliance schedules applicable to
the plan unless:
designated facilities.
(1) They have been approved as por-
tions of a preceding plan submitted (2) Enforce applicable laws, regula-
under this subpart or as portions of an tions, standards, and compliance sched-
implementation plan submitted under ules, and seek injunctive relief.
section 110 of the Act; and (3) Obtain information necessary to
(2) The State demonstrates: determine whether designated facili-
(i) That the provisions are applicable ties are in compliance with applicable
to the designated pollutant(s) for laws, regulations, standards, and com-
which the plan is submitted, and pliance schedules, including authority
(ii) That the requirements of § 60.26a to require recordkeeping and to make
are met. inspections and conduct tests of des-
(e) The State shall submit reports on ignated facilities.
progress in plan enforcement to the (4) Require owners or operators of
Administrator on an annual (calendar designated facilities to install, main-
year) basis, commencing with the first tain, and use emission monitoring de-
full report period after approval of a vices and to make periodic reports to
plan or after promulgation of a plan by the State on the nature and amounts of
the Administrator. Information re- emissions from such facilities; also au-
quired under this paragraph must be thority for the State to make such
included in the annual report required data available to the public as reported
by § 51.321 of this chapter. and as correlated with applicable
(f) Each progress report shall include: standards of performance.
(1) Enforcement actions initiated (b) The provisions of law or regula-
against designated facilities during the tions which the State determines pro-
reporting period, under any standard of vide the authorities required by this
performance or compliance schedule of section shall be specifically identified.
the plan. Copies of such laws or regulations shall
(2) Identification of the achievement be submitted with the plan unless:
of any increment of progress required (1) They have been approved as por-
by the applicable plan during the re- tions of a preceding plan submitted
porting period. under this subpart or as portions of an
(3) Identification of designated facili- implementation plan submitted under
ties that have ceased operation during section 110 of the Act; and
the reporting period. (2) The State demonstrates that the
(4) Submission of emission inventory laws or regulations are applicable to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

data as described in paragraph (a) of the designated pollutant(s) for which

this section for designated facilities the plan is submitted.


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§ 60.27a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c) The plan shall show that the legal (d) The Administrator will promul-
authorities specified in this section are gate a final federal plan as described in
available to the State at the time of paragraph (c) of this section unless the
submission of the plan. Legal authority State corrects the deficiency, and the
adequate to meet the requirements of Administrator approves the plan or
paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) of this section plan revision, before the Administrator
may be delegated to the State under promulgates such federal plan.
section 114 of the Act. (e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) A State governmental agency (e)(2) of this section, a federal plan pro-
other than the State air pollution con- mulgated by the Administrator under
trol agency may be assigned responsi- this section will prescribe standards of
bility for carrying out a portion of a performance of the same stringency as
plan if the plan demonstrates to the the corresponding emission guideline(s)
Administrator’s satisfaction that the specified in the final emission guide-
State governmental agency has the line published under § 60.22a(a) and will
legal authority necessary to carry out require compliance with such stand-
that portion of the plan. ards as expeditiously as practicable but
(e) The State may authorize a local no later than the times specified in the
agency to carry out a plan, or portion emission guideline.
thereof, within the local agency’s juris- (2) Upon application by the owner or
diction if the plan demonstrates to the operator of a designated facility to
Administrator’s satisfaction that the which regulations proposed and pro-
local agency has the legal authority mulgated under this section will apply,
necessary to implement the plan or the Administrator may provide for the
portion thereof, and that the author- application of less stringent standards
ization does not relieve the State of re- of performance or longer compliance
sponsibility under the Act for carrying schedules than those otherwise re-
out the plan or portion thereof. quired by this section in accordance
with the criteria specified in § 60.24a(e).
§ 60.27a Actions by the Administrator. (f) Prior to promulgation of a federal
(a) The Administrator may, whenever plan under paragraph (d) of this sec-
he determines necessary, shorten the tion, the Administrator will provide
period for submission of any plan or the opportunity for at least one public
plan revision or portion thereof. hearing in either:
(b) After determination that a plan (1) Each State that failed to submit a
or plan revision is complete per the re- required complete plan or plan revi-
quirements of § 60.27a(g), the Adminis- sion, or whose required plan or plan re-
trator will take action on the plan or vision is disapproved by the Adminis-
revision. The Administrator will, with- trator; or
in twelve months of finding that a plan (2) Washington, DC or an alternate
or plan revision is complete, approve or location specified in the FEDERAL REG-
disapprove such plan or revision or ISTER.
each portion thereof. (g) Each plan or plan revision that is
(c) The Administrator will promul- submitted to the Administrator shall
gate, through notice-and-comment be reviewed for completeness as de-
rulemaking, a federal plan, or portion scribed in paragraphs (g)(1) through (3)
thereof, at any time within two years of this section.
after the Administrator: (1) General. Within 60 days of the Ad-
(1) Finds that a State fails to submit ministrator’s receipt of a state submis-
a required plan or plan revision or finds sion, but no later than 6 months after
that the plan or plan revision does not the date, if any, by which a State is re-
satisfy the minimum criteria under quired to submit the plan or revision,
paragraph (g) of this section; or the Administrator shall determine
(2) Disapproves the required State whether the minimum criteria for com-
plan or plan revision or any portion pleteness have been met. Any plan or
thereof, as unsatisfactory because the plan revision that a State submits to
applicable requirements of this subpart the EPA, and that has not been deter-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

or an applicable subpart under this mined by the EPA by the date 6

part have not been met. months after receipt of the submission


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.28a

to have failed to meet the minimum conducting and completing the adop-
criteria, shall on that date be deemed tion and issuance of the plan;
by operation of law to meet such min- (vi) Evidence that public notice was
imum criteria. Where the Adminis- given of the proposed change with pro-
trator determines that a plan submis- cedures consistent with the require-
sion does not meet the minimum cri- ments of § 60.23a, including the date of
teria of this paragraph, the State will publication of such notice;
be treated as not having made the sub- (vii) Certification that public hear-
mission and the requirements of § 60.27a ing(s) were held in accordance with the
regarding promulgation of a federal information provided in the public no-
plan shall apply. tice and the State’s laws and constitu-
(2) Administrative criteria. In order to tion, if applicable and consistent with
be deemed complete, a State plan must the public hearing requirements in
contain each of the following adminis- § 60.23a;
trative criteria: (viii) Compilation of public com-
(i) A formal letter of submittal from ments and the State’s response there-
the Governor or her designee request- to; and
ing EPA approval of the plan or revi- (ix) Such other criteria for complete-
sion thereof; ness as may be specified by the Admin-
(ii) Evidence that the State has istrator under the applicable emission
adopted the plan in the state code or guidelines.
body of regulations; or issued the per- (3) Technical criteria. In order to be
mit, order, consent agreement (here- deemed complete, a State plan must
after ‘‘document’’) in final form. That contain each of the following technical
evidence must include the date of adop- criteria:
tion or final issuance as well as the ef- (i) Description of the plan approach
fective date of the plan, if different and geographic scope;
from the adoption/issuance date; (ii) Identification of each designated
(iii) Evidence that the State has the facility, identification of standards of
necessary legal authority under state performance for the designated facili-
law to adopt and implement the plan; ties, and monitoring, recordkeeping
(iv) A copy of the actual regulation, and reporting requirements that will
or document submitted for approval determine compliance by each des-
and incorporation by reference into the ignated facility;
plan, including indication of the (iii) Identification of compliance
changes made (such as redline/ schedules and/or increments of
strikethrough) to the existing approved progress;
plan, where applicable. The submittal (iv) Demonstration that the State
must be a copy of the official state reg- plan submittal is projected to achieve
ulation or document signed, stamped emissions performance under the appli-
and dated by the appropriate state offi- cable emission guidelines;
cial indicating that it is fully enforce- (v) Documentation of state record-
able by the State. The effective date of keeping and reporting requirements to
the regulation or document must, determine the performance of the plan
whenever possible, be indicated in the as a whole; and
document itself. The State’s electronic (vi) Demonstration that each emis-
copy must be an exact duplicate of the sion standard is quantifiable, non-du-
hard copy. If the regulation/document plicative, permanent, verifiable, and
provided by the State for approval and enforceable.
incorporation by reference into the
plan is a copy of an existing publica- § 60.28a Plan revisions by the State.
tion, the State submission should, (a) Any revision to a state plan shall
whenever possible, include a copy of be adopted by such State after reason-
the publication cover page and table of able notice and public hearing. For
contents; plan revisions required in response to a
(v) Evidence that the State followed revised emission guideline, such plan
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all of the procedural requirements of revisions shall be submitted to the Ad-

the state’s laws and constitution in ministrator within three years, or


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§ 60.29a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shorter if required by the Adminis- Subpart Cb—Emissions Guidelines

trator, after notice of the availability and Compliance Times for
of a final revised emission guideline is Large Municipal Waste Com-
published under § 60.22a. All plan revi-
bustors That are Constructed
sions must be submitted in accordance
with the procedures and requirements
on or Before September 20,
applicable to development and submis- 1994
sion of the original plan.
(b) A revision of a plan, or any por- SOURCE: 60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, unless
tion thereof, shall not be considered otherwise noted.
part of an applicable plan until ap- § 60.30b Scope and delegation of au-
proved by the Administrator in accord- thority.
ance with this subpart.
(a) This subpart contains emission
§ 60.29a Plan revisions by the Adminis- guidelines and compliance schedules
trator. for the control of certain designated
pollutants from certain municipal
After notice and opportunity for pub- waste combustors in accordance with
lic hearing in each affected State, the section 111(d) and section 129 of the
Administrator may revise any provi- Clean Air Act and subpart B of this
sion of an applicable federal plan if: part. The provisions in these emission
(a) The provision was promulgated by guidelines apply instead of the provi-
the Administrator; and sions of § 60.24(f) of subpart B of this
(b) The plan, as revised, will be con- part.
sistent with the Act and with the re- (b) The following authorities are re-
quirements of this subpart. tained by EPA:
(1) Approval of exemption claims in
Subpart C—Emission Guidelines § 60.32b(b)(1), (d), (e), (f)(1), (i)(1);
and Compliance Times (2) Approval of a nitrogen oxides
trading program under § 60.33b(d)(2);
§ 60.30 Scope. (3) Approval of major alternatives to
test methods;
The following subparts contain emis-
(4) Approval of major alternatives to
sion guidelines and compliance times
for the control of certain designated
(5) Waiver of recordkeeping; and
pollutants in accordance with section
(6) Performance test and data reduc-
111(d) and section 129 of the Clean Air
tion waivers under § 608(b).
Act and subpart B of this part.
(a) Subpart Ca [Reserved] [71 FR 27332, May 10, 2006]
(b) Subpart Cb—Municipal Waste
Combustors. § 60.31b Definitions.
(c) Subpart Cc—Municipal Solid Terms used but not defined in this
Waste Landfills. subpart have the meaning given them
(d) Subpart Cd—Sulfuric Acid Pro- in the Clean Air Act and subparts A, B,
duction Plants. and Eb of this part.
(e) Subpart Ce—Hospital/Medical/In- EPA means the Administrator of the
fectious Waste Incinerators. U.S. EPA or employee of the U.S. EPA
who is delegated to perform the speci-
[62 FR 48379, Sept. 15, 1997] fied task.
Municipal waste combustor plant
§ 60.31 Definitions. means one or more designated facili-
Terms used but not defined in this ties (as defined in § 60.32b) at the same
subpart have the meaning given them location.
in the Act and in subparts A and B of Semi-suspension refuse-derived fuel-
this part. fired combustor/wet refuse-derived fuel
process conversion means a combustion
[42 FR 55797, Oct. 18, 1977] unit that was converted from a wet
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refuse-derived fuel process to a dry

Subpart Ca [Reserved] refuse-derived fuel process, and because


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.32b

of constraints in the design of the sys- U.S.C. 796(17)(C)), that burns homo-
tem, includes a low furnace height (less geneous waste (such as automotive
than 60 feet between the grate and the tires or used oil, but not including
roof) and a high waste capacity-to- refuse-derived fuel) for the production
undergrate air zone ratio (greater than of electric energy is not subject to this
300 tons of waste per day (tpd) fuel per subpart if the owner or operator of the
each undergrate air zone). facility notifies EPA of this exemption
Spreader stoker fixed floor refuse-de- and provides data documenting that
rived fuel-fired combustor/100 percent coal the facility qualifies for this exemp-
capable means a spreader stoker type tion.
combustor with a fixed floor grate de- (e) A qualifying cogeneration facil-
sign that typically fires 100 percent ity, as defined in section 3(18)(B) of the
refuse-derived fuel but is equipped to Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
burn 100 percent coal instead of refuse- 796(18)(B)), that burns homogeneous
derived fuel to fulfill 100 percent steam waste (such as automotive tires or used
or energy demand. oil, but not including refuse-derived
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 fuel) for the production of electric en-
FR 45119, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27332, ergy and steam or forms of useful en-
May 10, 2006] ergy (such as heat) that are used for in-
dustrial, commercial, heating, or cool-
§ 60.32b Designated facilities. ing purposes, is not subject to this sub-
(a) The designated facility to which part if the owner or operator of the fa-
these guidelines apply is each munic- cility notifies EPA of this exemption
ipal waste combustor unit with a com- and provides data documenting that
bustion capacity greater than 250 tons the facility qualifies for this exemp-
per day of municipal solid waste for tion.
which construction was commenced on (f) Any unit combusting a single-item
or before September 20, 1994. waste stream of tires is not subject to
(b) Any municipal waste combustion this subpart if the owner or operator of
unit that is capable of combusting the unit:
more than 250 tons per day of munic- (1) Notifies EPA of an exemption
ipal solid waste and is subject to a fed- claim, and
erally enforceable permit limiting the (2) Provides data documenting that
maximum amount of municipal solid the unit qualifies for this exemption.
waste that may be combusted in the (g) Any unit required to have a per-
unit to less than or equal to 11 tons per mit under section 3005 of the Solid
day is not subject to this subpart if the Waste Disposal Act is not subject to
owner or operator: this subpart.
(1) Notifies EPA of an exemption (h) Any materials recovery facility
claim, (including primary or secondary smelt-
(2) Provides a copy of the federally ers) that combusts waste for the pri-
enforceable permit that limits the fir- mary purpose of recovering metals is
ing of municipal solid waste to less not subject to this subpart.
than 11 tons per day, and (i) Any cofired combustor, as defined
(3) Keeps records of the amount of under § 60.51b of subpart Eb of this part,
municipal solid waste fired on a daily that meets the capacity specifications
basis. in paragraph (a) of this section is not
(c) Physical or operational changes subject to this subpart if the owner or
made to an existing municipal waste operator of the cofired combustor:
combustor unit primarily for the pur- (1) Notifies EPA of an exemption
pose of complying with emission guide- claim,
lines under this subpart are not consid- (2) Provides a copy of the federally
ered in determining whether the unit is enforceable permit (specified in the
a modified or reconstructed facility definition of cofired combustor in this
under subpart Ea or subpart Eb of this section), and
part. (3) Keeps a record on a calendar quar-
(d) A qualifying small power produc- ter basis of the weight of municipal
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion facility, as defined in section solid waste combusted at the cofired

3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16 combustor and the weight of all other


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§ 60.33b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

fuels combusted at the cofired com- in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of

bustor. this section.
(j) Air curtain incinerators, as de- (1) For approval, a State plan shall
fined under § 60.51b of subpart Eb of include emission limits for particulate
this part, that meet the capacity speci- matter and opacity at least as protec-
fications in paragraph (a) of this sec- tive as the emission limits for particu-
tion, and that combust a fuel stream late matter and opacity specified in
composed of 100 percent yard waste are paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii) of
exempt from all provisions of this sub- this section.
part except the opacity standard under (i) Before April 28, 2009, the emission
§ 60.37b, the testing procedures under limit for particulate matter contained
§ 60.38b, and the reporting and record- in the gases discharged to the atmos-
keeping provisions under § 60.39b. phere from a designated facility is 27
(k) Air curtain incinerators that milligrams per dry standard cubic
meet the capacity specifications in meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
paragraph (a) of this section and that On and after April 28, 2009, the emis-
combust municipal solid waste other sion limit for particulate matter con-
than yard waste are subject to all pro- tained in the gases discharged to the
visions of this subpart. atmosphere from a designated facility
is 25 milligrams per dry standard cubic
(l) Pyrolysis/combustion units that
meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
are an integrated part of a plastics/rub-
(ii) [Reserved]
ber recycling unit (as defined in
(iii) The emission limit for opacity
§ 60.51b) are not subject to this subpart
exhibited by the gases discharged to
if the owner or operator of the plastics/
the atmosphere from a designated fa-
rubber recycling unit keeps records of
cility is 10 percent (6-minute average).
the weight of plastics, rubber, and/or
(2) For approval, a State plan shall
rubber tires processed on a calendar
include emission limits for cadmium at
quarter basis; the weight of chemical
least as protective as the emission lim-
plant feedstocks and petroleum refin-
its for cadmium specified in paragraphs
ery feedstocks produced and marketed (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(iv) of this sec-
on a calendar quarter basis; and the tion.
name and address of the purchaser of (i) Before April 28, 2009, the emission
the feedstocks. The combustion of gas- limit for cadmium contained in the
oline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oils, re- gases discharged to the atmosphere
sidual oil, refinery gas, petroleum from a designated facility is 40
coke, liquified petroleum gas, propane, micrograms per dry standard cubic
or butane produced by chemical plants meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
or petroleum refineries that use feed- On and after April 28, 2009, the emis-
stocks produced by plastics/rubber re- sion limit for cadmium contained in
cycling units are not subject to this the gases discharged to the atmosphere
subpart. from a designated facility is 35
(m) Cement kilns firing municipal micrograms per dry standard cubic
solid waste are not subject to this sub- meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
part. (ii) [Reserved]
(n) Any affected facility meeting the (3) For approval, a State plan shall
applicability requirements under this include emission limits for mercury at
section is not subject to subpart E of least as protective as the emission lim-
this part. its specified in this paragraph. Before
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 April 28, 2009, the emission limit for
FR 45119, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27332, mercury contained in the gases dis-
May 10, 2006] charged to the atmosphere from a des-
ignated facility is 80 micrograms per
§ 60.33b Emission guidelines for mu- dry standard cubic meter or 15 percent
nicipal waste combustor metals, of the potential mercury emission con-
acid gases, organics, and nitrogen centration (85-percent reduction by
oxides. weight), corrected to 7 percent oxygen,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(a) The emission limits for municipal whichever is less stringent. On and
waste combustor metals are specified after April 28, 2009, the emission limit


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.33b

for mercury contained in the gases dis- hydrogen chloride emission concentra-
charged to the atmosphere from a des- tion (95-percent reduction by weight or
ignated facility is 50 micrograms per volume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen
dry standard cubic meter or 15 percent (dry basis), whichever is less stringent.
of the potential mercury emission con- (ii) [Reserved]
centration (85-percent reduction by (3) For approval, a State plan shall be
weight), corrected to 7 percent oxygen, submitted by August 25, 1998 and shall
whichever is less stringent. include emission limits for sulfur diox-
(4) For approval, a State plan shall ide and hydrogen chloride at least as
include an emission limit for lead at protective as the emission limits speci-
least as protective as the emission fied in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (b)(3)(ii)
limit for lead specified in this para- of this section.
graph. Before April 28, 2009, the emis- (i) The emission limit for sulfur diox-
sion limit for lead contained in the ide contained in the gases discharged
gases discharged to the atmosphere to the atmosphere from a designated
from a designated facility is 440 facility is 29 parts per million by vol-
micrograms per dry standard cubic ume or 25 percent of the potential sul-
meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen. fur dioxide emission concentration (75-
On and after April 28, 2009, the emis- percent reduction by weight or vol-
sion limit for lead contained in the ume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen
gases discharged to the atmosphere (dry basis), whichever is less stringent.
from a designated facility is 400 Compliance with this emission limit is
micrograms per dry standard cubic based on a 24-hour daily geometric
meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen. mean.
(b) The emission limits for municipal (ii) The emission limit for hydrogen
waste combustor acid gases, expressed chloride contained in the gases dis-
as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chlo- charged to the atmosphere from a des-
ride, are specified in paragraphs (b)(1) ignated facility is 29 parts per million
and (b)(2) of this section. by volume or 5 percent of the potential
(1) For approval, a State plan shall hydrogen chloride emission concentra-
include emission limits for sulfur diox- tion (95-percent reduction by weight or
ide at least as protective as the emis- volume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen
sion limits for sulfur dioxide specified (dry basis), whichever is less stringent.
in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(ii) of (c) The emission limits for municipal
this section. waste combustor organics, expressed as
(i) The emission limit for sulfur diox- total mass dioxin/furan, are specified
ide contained in the gases discharged in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
to the atmosphere from a designated section.
facility is 31 parts per million by vol- (1) For approval, a State plan shall
ume or 25 percent of the potential sul- include an emission limit for dioxin/
fur dioxide emission concentration (75- furan contained in the gases discharged
percent reduction by weight or vol- to the atmosphere from a designated
ume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen facility at least as protective as the
(dry basis), whichever is less stringent. emission limit for dioxin/furan speci-
Compliance with this emission limit is fied in paragraphs (c)(1)(i), (c)(1)(ii),
based on a 24-hour daily geometric and (c)(1)(iii) of this section, as appli-
mean. cable.
(ii) [Reserved] (i) Before April 28, 2009, the emission
(2) For approval, a State plan shall limit for designated facilities that em-
include emission limits for hydrogen ploy an electrostatic precipitator-
chloride at least as protective as the based emission control system is 60
emission limits for hydrogen chloride nanograms per dry standard cubic
specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and meter (total mass), corrected to 7 per-
(b)(2)(ii) of this section. cent oxygen.
(i) The emission limit for hydrogen (ii) On and after April 28, 2009, the
chloride contained in the gases dis- emission limit for designated facilities
charged to the atmosphere from a des- that employ an electrostatic precipi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ignated facility is 31 parts per million tator-based emission control system is

by volume or 5 percent of the potential 35 nanograms per dry standard cubic


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§ 60.33b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

meter (total mass), corrected to 7 per- specified in table 2 of this subpart.

cent oxygen. table 2 provides emission limits for the
(iii) The emission limit for des- nitrogen oxides concentration level for
ignated facilities that do not employ each type of designated facility.
an electrostatic precipitator-based (iv) Under the emissions averaging
emission control system is 30 plan, the average daily nitrogen oxides
nanograms per dry standard cubic emissions specified in paragraph
meter (total mass), corrected to 7 per- (d)(1)(iii) of this section shall be cal-
cent oxygen. culated using equation (1). Designated
(d) For approval, a State plan shall facilities that are offline shall not be
include emission limits for nitrogen included in calculating the average
oxides at least as protective as the daily nitrogen oxides emission level.
emission limits listed in table 1 of this

∑ ( NO X )(Si )
subpart for designated facilities. table h
1 provides emission limits for the ni-
trogen oxides concentration level for i =1
each type of designated facility. NO X = h (1)
24 − hr
(1) A State plan may allow nitrogen
oxides emissions averaging as specified ∑ (Si )
in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(v) i =1
of this section. where:
(i) The owner or operator of a munic- NOX 24-hr = 24-hr daily average nitrogen oxides
ipal waste combustor plant may elect emission concentration level for the
to implement a nitrogen oxides emis- emissions averaging plan (parts per mil-
sions averaging plan for the designated lion by volume corrected to 7 percent ox-
facilities that are located at that plant
NOX i-hr = 24-hr daily average nitrogen oxides
and that are subject to subpart Cb, ex-
emission concentration level for des-
cept as specified in paragraphs ignated facility i (parts per million by
(d)(1)(i)(A) and (d)(1)(i)(B) of this sec- volume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen),
tion. calculated according to the procedures in
(A) Municipal waste combustor units § 60.58b(h) of this subpart.
subject to subpart Ea or Eb cannot be Si = maximum demonstrated municipal
included in the emissions averaging waste combustor unit load for designated
plan. facility i (pounds per hour steam or
(B) Mass burn refractory municipal feedwater flow as determined in the most
recent dioxin/furan performance test).
waste combustor units and other mu-
h = total number of designated facilities
nicipal waste combustor technologies being included in the daily emissions av-
not listed in paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this erage.
section may not be included in the
emissions averaging plan. (v) For any day in which any des-
(ii) The designated facilities included ignated facility included in the emis-
in the nitrogen oxides emissions aver- sions averaging plan is offline, the
aging plan must be identified in the owner or operator of the municipal
initial compliance report specified in waste combustor plant must dem-
§ 60.59b(f) or in the annual report speci- onstrate compliance according to ei-
fied in § 60.59b(g), as applicable, prior to ther paragraph (d)(1)(v)(A) of this sec-
implementing the averaging plan. The tion or both paragraphs (d)(1)(v)(B) and
designated facilities being included in (d)(1)(v)(C) of this section.
the averaging plan may be redesig- (A) Compliance with the applicable
nated each calendar year. Partial year limits specified in table 2 of this sub-
redesignation is allowable with State part shall be demonstrated using the
approval. averaging procedure specified in para-
(iii) To implement the emissions graph (d)(1)(iv) of this section for the
averaging plan, the average daily (24- designated facilities that are online.
hour) nitrogen oxides emission con- (B) For each of the designated facili-
centration level for gases discharged ties included in the emissions aver-
from the designated facilities being in- aging plan, the nitrogen oxides emis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cluded in the emissions averaging plan sions on a daily average basis shall be
must be no greater than the levels calculated and shall be equal to or less


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.33b

than the maximum daily nitrogen ox- sions shall be calculated. The average
ides emission level achieved by that nitrogen oxides emissions (kilograms
designated facility on any of the days per day) shall be calculated on a cal-
during which the emissions averaging endar year basis according to para-
plan was achieved with all designated graphs (d)(1)(v)(C)(2)(i) through
facilities online during the most recent (d)(1)(v)(C)(2)(iii) of this section.
calendar quarter. The requirements of (i) For each designated facility in-
this paragraph do not apply during the cluded in the emissions averaging plan,
first quarter of operation under the the daily amount of nitrogen oxides
emissions averaging plan. emitted (kilograms per day) shall be
(C) The average nitrogen oxides emis- calculated based on the hourly nitro-
sions (kilograms per day) calculated gen oxides data required under
according to paragraph (d)(1)(v)(C)(2) of § 60.38b(a) and specified under
this section shall not exceed the aver- § 60.58b(h)(5) of subpart Eb of this part,
age nitrogen oxides emissions (kilo- the flue gas flow rate determined using
grams per day) calculated according to table 19–1 of EPA Reference Method 19
paragraph (d)(1)(v)(C)(1) of this section. or a State-approved method, and the
(1) For all days during which the hourly average steam or feedwater flow
emissions averaging plan was imple- rate.
mented and achieved and during which (ii) The daily total nitrogen oxides
all designated facilities were online, emissions shall be calculated as the
the average nitrogen oxides emissions sum of the daily nitrogen oxides emis-
shall be calculated. The average nitro- sions from each designated facility cal-
gen oxides emissions (kilograms per culated under paragraph
day) shall be calculated on a calendar (d)(1)(v)(C)(2)(i) of this section.
year basis according to paragraphs (iii) The average nitrogen oxides
(d)(1)(v)(C)(1)(i) through emissions (kilograms per day) on a cal-
(d)(1)(v)(C)(1)(iii) of this section. endar year basis shall be calculated as
(i) For each designated facility in- the sum of all daily total nitrogen ox-
cluded in the emissions averaging plan, ides emissions calculated under para-
the daily amount of nitrogen oxides graph (d)(1)(v)(C)(2)(ii) of this section
emitted (kilograms per day) shall be divided by the number of calendar days
calculated based on the hourly nitro- for which a daily total was calculated.
gen oxides data required under (2) A State plan may establish a pro-
§ 60.38b(a) and specified under gram to allow owners or operators of
§ 60.58b(h)(5) of subpart Eb of this part, municipal waste combustor plants to
the flue gas flow rate determined using engage in trading of nitrogen oxides
table 19–1 of EPA Reference Method 19 emission credits. A trading program
or a State-approved method, and the must be approved by EPA before imple-
hourly average steam or feedwater flow mentation.
rate. (3) For approval, a State plan shall
(ii) The daily total nitrogen oxides include emission limits for nitrogen
emissions shall be calculated as the oxides from fluidized bed combustors
sum of the daily nitrogen oxides emis- at least as protective as the emission
sions from each designated facility cal- limits listed in paragraphs (d)(3)(i) and
culated under paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section.
(d)(1)(v)(C)(1)(i) of this section. (i) The emission limit for nitrogen
(iii) The average nitrogen oxides oxides contained in the gases dis-
emissions (kilograms per day) on a cal- charged to the atmosphere from a des-
endar year basis shall be calculated as ignated facility that is a fluidized bed
the sum of all daily total nitrogen ox- combustor is 180 parts per million by
ides emissions calculated under para- volume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
graph (d)(1)(v)(C)(1)(ii) of this section (ii) If a State plan allows nitrogen
divided by the number of calendar days oxides emissions averaging as specified
for which a daily total was calculated. in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(v)
(2) For all days during which one or of this section, the emission limit for
more of the designated facilities under nitrogen oxides contained in the gases
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the emissions averaging plan was off- discharged to the atmosphere from a
line, the average nitrogen oxides emis- designated facility that is a fluidized


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§ 60.34b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

bed combustor is 165 parts per million tective as those listed in § 60.56b of sub-
by volume, corrected to 7 percent oxy- part Eb of this part.
§ 60.38b Compliance and performance
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 testing.
FR 45119, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27333,
May 10, 2006] (a) For approval, a State plan shall
include the performance testing meth-
§ 60.34b Emission guidelines for mu- ods listed in § 60.58b of subpart Eb of
nicipal waste combustor operating this part, as applicable, except as pro-
vided for under § 60.24(b)(2) of subpart B
(a) For approval, a State plan shall of this part and paragraphs (b) and (c)
include emission limits for carbon of this section.
monoxide at least as protective as the (b) For approval, a State plan shall
emission limits for carbon monoxide include for designated facilities the al-
listed in table 3 of this subpart. table 3 ternative performance testing schedule
provides emission limits for the carbon for dioxins/furans specified in
monoxide concentration level for each § 60.58b(g)(5)(iii) of subpart Eb of this
type of designated facility. part, as applicable, for those des-
(b) For approval, a State plan shall ignated facilities that achieve a dioxin/
include requirements for municipal furan emission level less than or equal
waste combustor operating practices at to 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic
least as protective as those require- meter total mass, corrected to 7 per-
ments listed in § 60.53b(b) and (c) of sub- cent oxygen.
part Eb of this part.
(c) [Reserved]
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
FR 45120, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 69 FR 42121, [60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
July 14, 2004; 71 FR 27333, May 10, 2006] FR 45120, Aug. 25, 1997]

§ 60.35b Emission guidelines for mu- § 60.39b Reporting and recordkeeping

nicipal waste combustor operator guidelines and compliance sched-
training and certification. ules.
For approval, a State plan shall in- (a) For approval, a State plan shall
clude requirements for designated fa- include the reporting and record-
cilities for municipal waste combustor keeping provisions listed in § 60.59b of
operator training and certification at subpart Eb of this part, as applicable,
least as protective as those require- except for the siting requirements
ments listed in § 60.54b of subpart Eb of under § 60.59b(a), (b)(5), and (d)(11) of
this part. The State plan shall require subpart Eb of this part.
compliance with these requirements (b) Except as provided in paragraph
according to the schedule specified in (e) of this section, not later than De-
§ 60.39b(c)(4). cember 19, 1996, each State in which a
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 designated facility is located shall sub-
FR 45120, Aug. 25, 1997] mit to EPA a plan to implement and
enforce all provisions of this subpart
§ 60.36b Emission guidelines for mu- except the revised April 28, 2009 emis-
nicipal waste combustor fugitive sion limits in § 60.33b(a), (c), and (d).
ash emissions. Not later than April 28, 2007, each State
For approval, a State plan shall in- in which a designated facility is lo-
clude requirements for municipal cated shall submit to EPA a plan to
waste combustor fugitive ash emissions implement and enforce all provisions of
at least as protective as those require- this subpart, as amended on May 10,
ments listed in § 60.55b of subpart Eb of 2006. The submittal schedule specified
this part. in this paragraph is in accordance with
section 129(b)(2) of the Clean Air Act
§ 60.37b Emission guidelines for air and applies instead of the schedule pro-
curtain incinerators. vided in § 60.23(a)(1) of subpart B of this
For approval, a State plan shall in- part.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

clude emission limits for opacity for (c) For approval, a State plan that is
air curtain incinerators at least as pro- submitted prior to May 10, 2006 shall


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.39b

include the compliance schedules speci- (2) If the State plan requirements for
fied in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) a designated facility include a compli-
of this section. ance schedule longer than 1 year after
(1) A State plan shall allow des- approval of the State plan in accord-
ignated facilities to comply with all re- ance with paragraph (c)(1)(i) or (c)(1)(ii)
quirements of a State plan (or close) of this section, the State plan sub-
within 1 year after approval of the mittal (for approval) shall include per-
State plan, except as provided by para- formance test results for dioxin/furan
graph (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this sec- emissions for each designated facility
tion. that has a compliance schedule longer
(i) A State plan that allows des- than 1 year following the approval of
ignated facilities more than 1 year but the State plan, and the performance
less than 3 years following the date of test results shall have been conducted
issuance of a revised construction or during or after 1990. The performance
operation permit, if a permit modifica-
test shall be conducted according to
tion is required, or more than 1 year
the procedures in § 60.38b.
but less than 3 years following ap-
proval of the State plan, if a permit (3) [Reserved]
modification is not required, shall in- (4) A State plan shall require compli-
clude measurable and enforceable in- ance with the municipal waste com-
cremental steps of progress toward bustor operator training and certifi-
compliance. Suggested measurable and cation requirements under § 60.35b ac-
enforceable activities are specified in cording to the schedule specified in
paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(A) through paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (c)(4)(iii) of
(c)(1)(i)(J) of this section. this section.
(A) Date for obtaining services of an (i) [Reserved]
architectural and engineering firm re- (ii) For designated facilities, the
garding the air pollution control de- State plan shall require compliance
vice(s); with the municipal waste combustor
(B) Date for obtaining design draw- operator training and certification re-
ings of the air pollution control de- quirements specified under § 60.54b (a)
vice(s); through (c) of subpart Eb of this part
(C) Date for submittal of permit by the date 6 months after the date of
modifications, if necessary; startup or 12 months after State plan
(D) Date for submittal of the final approval, whichever is later.
control plan to the Administrator. (iii) For designated facilities, the
[§ 60.21 (h)(1) of subpart B of this part.]; State plan shall require compliance
(E) Date for ordering the air pollu- with the requirements specified in
tion control device(s); § 60.54b (d), (f), and (g) of subpart Eb of
(F) Date for obtaining the major this part no later than 6 months after
components of the air pollution control startup or 12 months after State plan
device(s); approval, whichever is later.
(G) Date for initiation of site prepa- (A) The requirement specified in
ration for installation of the air pollu- § 60.54b(d) of subpart Eb of this part
tion control device(s);
does not apply to chief facility opera-
(H) Date for initiation of installation tors, shift supervisors, and control
of the air pollution control device(s);
room operators who have obtained full
(I) Date for initial startup of the air
certification from the American Soci-
pollution control device(s); and
ety of Mechanical Engineers on or be-
(J) Date for initial performance
fore the date of State plan approval.
test(s) of the air pollution control de-
(B) The owner or operator of a des-
ignated facility may request that the
(ii) A State plan that allows des-
ignated facilities more than 1 year but Administrator waive the requirement
up to 3 years after State plan approval specified in § 60.54b(d) of subpart Eb of
to close shall require a closure agree- this part for chief facility operators,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ment. The closure agreement must in- shift supervisors, and control room op-
clude the date of plant closure. erators who have obtained provisional


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Pt. 60, Subpt. Cb, Table 1 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

certification from the American Soci- (f) In the event no plan for imple-
ety of Mechanical Engineers on or be- menting the emission guidelines is ap-
fore the initial date of State plan ap- proved by EPA, all designated facilities
proval. meeting the applicability requirements
(C) The initial training requirements under § 60.32b shall be in compliance
specified in § 60.54b(f)(1) of subpart Eb with all of the guidelines, including
of this part shall be completed no later those specified under § 60.33b (a)(4),
than the date specified in paragraph (b)(3), and (d)(3), no later than August
(c)(4)(iii)(C)(1), (c)(4)(iii)(C)(2), or 26, 2002.
(c)(4)(iii)(C)(3), of this section which- (g) For approval, a revised State plan
ever is later. submitted not later than April 28, 2007
(1) The date 6 months after the date in accordance with paragraph (b) of
of startup of the affected facility; this section, shall include compliance
(2) Twelve months after State plan schedules for meeting the revised April
approval; or 28, 2009 emission limits in § 60.33b(a),
(3) The date prior to the day when (c), and (d) and the revised testing pro-
the person assumes responsibilities af- visions in § 60.38b(b).
fecting municipal waste combustor (1) Compliance with the revised April
unit operation. 28, 2009 emission limits is required as
(5) A State plan shall require all des- expeditiously as practicable, but no
ignated facilities for which construc- later than April 28, 2009, except as pro-
tion, modification, or reconstruction is vided in paragraph (g)(2) of this sec-
commenced after June 26, 1987 to com-
ply with the emission limit for mer-
(2) The owner or operator of an af-
cury specified in § 60.33b(a)(3) and the
emission limit for dioxins/furans speci- fected facility who is planning an ex-
fied in § 60.33b(c)(1) within 1 year fol- tensive emission control system up-
lowing issuance of a revised construc- grade may petition the Administrator
tion or operation permit, if a permit for a longer compliance schedule and
modification is required, or within 1 must demonstrate to the satisfaction
year following approval of the State of the Administrator the need for the
plan, whichever is later. additional time. If approved, the sched-
(d) In the event no plan for imple- ule may exceed the schedule in para-
menting the emission guidelines is ap- graph (g)(1) of this section, but cannot
proved by EPA, all designated facilities exceed May 10, 2011.
meeting the applicability requirements (h) In the event no plan for imple-
under § 60.32b shall be in compliance menting the emission guidelines is ap-
with all of the guidelines, except those proved by EPA, all designated facilities
specified under § 60.33b (a)(4), (b)(3), and meeting the applicability requirements
(d)(3), no later than December 19, 2000. under § 60.32b shall be in compliance
(e) Not later than August 25, 1998, with all of the guidelines, including the
each State in which a designated facil- revised April 28, 2009 emission limits in
ity is operating shall submit to EPA a §§ 60.33b(a), (b), (c), (d), and 60.34b(a),
plan to implement and enforce all pro- and the revised testing provisions in
visions of this subpart specified in § 60.38b(b), no later than May 10, 2011.
§ 60.33b(b)(3) and (d)(3) and the emission [60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
limit in paragraph (a)(4) that applies FR 45120, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27333,
before April 28, 2009. May 10, 2006]


Before April 28, 2009, On and after April 28, 2009,
Municipal waste combustor technology nitrogen oxides emission limit nitrogen oxides emission limit
(parts per million by volume) a (parts per million by volume) a

Mass burn waterwall ......................................................... 205 ............................................... 205.

Mass burn rotary waterwall ............................................... 250 ............................................... 210.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Refuse-derived fuel combustor ......................................... 250 ............................................... 250.

Fluidized bed combustor ................................................... 180 ............................................... 180.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.30c

Before April 28, 2009, On and after April 28, 2009,

Municipal waste combustor technology nitrogen oxides emission limit nitrogen oxides emission limit
(parts per million by volume) a (parts per million by volume) a

Mass burn refractory combustors ..................................... No limit ........................................ No limit.

a Corrected to 7 percent oxygen, dry basis.

[71 FR 27334, May 10, 2006]



Before April 28, 2009, On and after April 28, 2009,

Municipal waste combustor technology nitrogen oxides emission limit nitrogen oxides emission limit
(parts per million by volume) b (parts per million by volume) a

Mass burn waterwall ......................................................... 185 ............................................... 185

Mass burn rotary waterwall ............................................... 220 ............................................... 190
Refuse-derived fuel combustor ......................................... 230 ............................................... 230
Fluidized bed combustor ................................................... 165 ............................................... 165
a Mass burn refractory municipal waste combustors and other MWC technologies not listed above may not be included in an
emissions averaging plan.
b Corrected to 7 percent oxygen, dry basis.

[71 FR 27334, May 10, 2006]



emissions Averaging
Municipal waste combustor technology levels (parts time (hrs) b
per million
by volume) a

Mass burn waterwall ............................................................................................................................. 100 ............. 4

Mass burn refractory ............................................................................................................................. 100 ............. 4
Mass burn rotary refractory ................................................................................................................... 100 ............. 24
Mass burn rotary waterwall ................................................................................................................... 250 ............. 24
Modular starved air ............................................................................................................................... 50 ............... 4
Modular excess air ................................................................................................................................ 50 ............... 4
Refuse-derived fuel stoker .................................................................................................................... 200 ............. 24
Fluidized bed, mixed fuel (wood/refuse-derived fuel) ........................................................................... 200 ............. c 24

Bubbling fluidized bed combustor ......................................................................................................... 100 ............. 4

Circulating fluidized bed combustor ...................................................................................................... 100 ............. 4
Pulverized coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor ........................................................... 150 ............. 4
Spreader stoker coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor .................................................. 200 ............. 24
Semi-suspension refuse-derived fuel-fired combustor/wet refuse-derived fuel process conversion ... 250 ............. c 24

Spreader stoker fixed floor refuse-derived fuel-fired combustor/100 percent coal capable ................. 250 ............. c 24

a Measured at the combustor outlet in conjunction with a measurement of oxygen concentration, corrected to 7 percent oxy-
gen, dry basis. Calculated as an arithmetic average.
b Averaging times are 4-hour or 24-hour block averages.
c 24-hour block average, geometric mean.

[71 FR 27334, May 10, 2006]

Subpart Cc—Emission Guidelines § 60.30c Scope.

and Compliance Times for This subpart contains emission
Municipal Solid Waste Land- guidelines and compliance times for
fills the control of certain designated pol-
lutants from certain designated munic-
SOURCE: 61 FR 9919, Mar. 12, 1996, unless ipal solid waste landfills in accordance
otherwise noted. with section 111(d) of the Act and sub-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

part B.


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§ 60.31c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.31c Definitions. this chapter 90 days after the effective

Terms used but not defined in this date of such 111(d) program approval,
subpart have the meaning given them even if the design capacity report is
in the Act and in subparts A, B, and submitted earlier.
WWW of this part. (d) When a MSW landfill subject to
Municipal solid waste landfill or MSW this subpart is closed, the owner or op-
landfill means an entire disposal facil- erator is no longer subject to the re-
ity in a contiguous geographical space quirement to maintain an operating
where household waste is placed in or permit under part 70 or 71 of this chap-
on land. An MSW landfill may also re- ter for the landfill if the landfill is not
ceive other types of RCRA Subtitle D otherwise subject to the requirements
wastes such as commercial solid waste, of either part 70 or 71 and if either of
nonhazardous sludge, conditionally ex- the following conditions are met.
empt small quantity generator waste, (1) The landfill was never subject to
and industrial solid waste. Portions of the requirement for a control system
an MSW landfill may be separated by under § 60.33c(c) of this subpart; or
access roads. An MSW landfill may be (2) The owner or operator meets the
publicly or privately owned. An MSW conditions for control system removal
landfill may be a new MSW landfill, an specified in § 60.752(b)(2)(v) of subpart
existing MSW landfill or a lateral ex- WWW.
pansion. [61 FR 9919, Mar. 12, 1996, as amended at 63
FR 32750, June 16, 1998]
§ 60.32c Designated facilities.
(a) The designated facility to which § 60.33c Emission guidelines for mu-
the guidelines apply is each existing nicipal solid waste landfill emis-
MSW landfill for which construction,
reconstruction or modification was (a) For approval, a State plan shall
commenced before May 30, 1991. include control of MSW landfill emis-
(b) Physical or operational changes sions at each MSW landfill meeting the
made to an existing MSW landfill sole- following three conditions:
ly to comply with an emission guide- (1) The landfill has accepted waste at
line are not considered a modification any time since November 8, 1987, or has
or reconstruction and would not sub- additional design capacity available for
ject an existing MSW landfill to the re- future waste deposition;
quirements of subpart WWW [see (2) The landfill has a design capacity
§ 60.750 of subpart WWW]. greater than or equal to 2.5 million
(c) For purposes of obtaining an oper- megagrams and 2.5 million cubic me-
ating permit under title V of the Act, ters. The landfill may calculate design
the owner or operator of a MSW land- capacity in either megagrams or cubic
fill subject to this subpart with a de- meters for comparison with the exemp-
sign capacity less than 2.5 million tion values. Any density conversions
megagrams or 2.5 million cubic meters shall be documented and submitted
is not subject to the requirement to ob- with the design capacity report; and
tain an operating permit for the land- (3) The landfill has a nonmethane or-
fill under part 70 or 71 of this chapter, ganic compound emission rate of 50
unless the landfill is otherwise subject megagrams per year or more.
to either part 70 or 71. For purposes of (b) For approval, a State plan shall
submitting a timely application for an include the installation of a collection
operating permit under part 70 or 71, and control system meeting the condi-
the owner or operator of a MSW land- tions provided in § 60.752(b)(2)(ii) of this
fill subject to this subpart with a de- part at each MSW landfill meeting the
sign capacity greater than or equal to conditions in paragraph (a) of this sec-
2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million tion. The State plan shall include a
cubic meters on the effective date of process for State review and approval
EPA approval of the State’s program of the site-specific design plans for the
under section 111(d) of the Act, and not gas collection and control system(s).
otherwise subject to either part 70 or (c) For approval, a State plan shall
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

71, becomes subject to the require- include provisions for the control of
ments of §§ 70.5(a)(1)(i) or 71.5(a)(1)(i) of collected MSW landfill emissions


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.34c

through the use of control devices (e) For approval, a State plan shall
meeting the requirements of paragraph require each owner or operator of an
(c)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, except MSW landfill having a design capacity
as provided in § 60.24. equal to or greater than 2.5 million
(1) An open flare designed and oper- megagrams and 2.5 million cubic me-
ated in accordance with the parameters ters to either install a collection and
established in § 60.18; or control system as provided in para-
(2) A control system designed and op- graph (b) of this section and
erated to reduce NMOC by 98 weight § 60.752(b)(2) of subpart WWW or cal-
percent; or culate an initial NMOC emission rate
(3) An enclosed combustor designed for the landfill using the procedures
and operated to reduce the outlet specified in § 60.34c of this subpart and
NMOC concentration to 20 parts per § 60.754 of subpart WWW. The NMOC
million as hexane by volume, dry basis emission rate shall be recalculated an-
at 3 percent oxygen, or less. nually, except as provided in
(d) For approval, a State plan shall § 60.757(b)(1)(ii) of subpart WWW.
require each owner or operator of an (1) If the calculated NMOC emission
MSW landfill having a design capacity rate is less than 50 megagrams per
less than 2.5 million megagrams by
year, the owner or operator shall:
mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by vol-
(i) Submit an annual emission report,
ume to submit an initial design capac-
ity report to the Administrator as pro- except as provided for in
vided in § 60.757(a)(2) of subpart WWW § 60.757(b)(1)(ii); and
by the date specified in § 60.35c of this (ii) Recalculate the NMOC emission
subpart. The landfill may calculate de- rate annually using the procedures
sign capacity in either megagrams or specified in § 60.754(a)(1) of subpart
cubic meters for comparison with the WWW until such time as the calculated
exemption values. Any density conver- NMOC emission rate is equal to or
sions shall be documented and sub- greater than 50 megagrams per year, or
mitted with the report. Submittal of the landfill is closed.
the initial design capacity report shall (2)(i) If the NMOC emission rate,
fulfill the requirements of this subpart upon initial calculation or annual re-
except as provided in paragraph (d)(1) calculation required in paragraph
and (d)(2) of this section. (e)(1)(ii) of this section, is equal to or
(1) The owner or operator shall sub- greater than 50 megagrams per year,
mit an amended design capacity report the owner or operator shall install a
as provided in § 60.757(a)(3) of subpart collection and control system as pro-
WWW. [Guidance: Note that if the de- vided in paragraph (b) of this section
sign capacity increase is the result of a and § 60.752(b)(2) of subpart WWW.
modification, as defined in § 60.751 of (ii) If the landfill is permanently
subpart WWW, that was commenced on closed, a closure notification shall be
or after May 30, 1991, the landfill will submitted to the Administrator as pro-
become subject to subpart WWW in- vided in § 60.35c of this subpart and
stead of this subpart. If the design ca- § 60.757(d) of subpart WWW.
pacity increase is the result of a
change in operating practices, density, [61 FR 9919, Mar. 12, 1996, as amended at 63
or some other change that is not a FR 32750, June 16, 1998; 64 FR 9261, Feb. 24,
modification, the landfill remains sub- 1999]
ject to this subpart.]
§ 60.34c Test methods and procedures.
(2) When an increase in the maximum
design capacity of a landfill with an For approval, a State plan shall in-
initial design capacity less than 2.5 clude provisions for: the calculation of
million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic the landfill NMOC emission rate listed
meters results in a revised maximum in § 60.754, as applicable, to determine
design capacity equal to or greater whether the landfill meets the condi-
than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 tion in § 60.33c(a)(3); the operational
million cubic meters, the owner or op- standards in § 60.753; the compliance
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

erator shall comply with paragraph (e) provisions in § 60.755; and the moni-
of this section. toring provisions in § 60.756.


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§ 60.35c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.35c Reporting and recordkeeping Subpart Cd—Emissions Guidelines

guidelines. and Compliance Times for
For approval, a State plan shall in- Sulfuric Acid Production Units
clude the recordkeeping and reporting
provisions listed in §§ 60.757 and 60.758, SOURCE: 60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, unless
as applicable, except as provided under otherwise noted.
§ 60.24.
(a) For existing MSW landfills sub- § 60.30d Designated facilities.
ject to this subpart the initial design Sulfuric acid production units. The
capacity report shall be submitted no designated facility to which §§ 60.31d
later than 90 days after the effective and 60.32d apply is each existing ‘‘sul-
date of EPA approval of the State’s furic acid production unit’’ as defined
plan under section 111(d) of the Act. in § 60.81(a) of subpart H of this part.
(b) For existing MSW landfills cov-
ered by this subpart with a design ca- § 60.31d Emissions guidelines.
pacity equal to or greater than 2.5 mil- Sulfuric acid production units. The
lion megagrams and 2.5 million cubic emission guideline for designated fa-
meters, the initial NMOC emission rate cilities is 0.25 grams sulfuric acid mist
report shall be submitted no later than (as measured by EPA Reference Meth-
90 days after the effective date of EPA od 8 of appendix A of this part) per
approval of the State’s plan under sec- kilogram (0.5 pounds per ton) of sul-
tion 111(d) of the Act. furic acid produced, the production
[61 FR 9919, Mar. 12, 1996, as amended at 64 being expressed as 100 percent sulfuric
FR 9262, Feb. 24, 1999] acid.

§ 60.36c Compliance times. § 60.32d Compliance times.

(a) Except as provided for under para- Sulfuric acid production units. Plan-
graph (b) of this section, planning, ning, awarding of contracts, and instal-
awarding of contracts, and installation lation of equipment capable of attain-
of MSW landfill air emission collection ing the level of the emission guideline
and control equipment capable of established under § 60.31d can be accom-
meeting the emission guidelines estab- plished within 17 months after the ef-
lished under § 60.33c shall be accom- fective date of a State emission stand-
plished within 30 months after the date ard for sulfuric acid mist.
the initial NMOC emission rate report
shows NMOC emissions equal or exceed Subpart Ce—Emission Guidelines
50 megagrams per year. and Compliance Times for
(b) For each existing MSW landfill Hospital/Medical/Infectious
meeting the conditions in § 60.33c(a)(1)
and § 60.33c(a)(2) whose NMOC emission
Waste Incinerators
rate is less than 50 megagrams per year
on the effective date of the State emis- SOURCE: 62 FR 48379, Sept. 15, 1997, unless
otherwise noted.
sion standard, installation of collec-
tion and control systems capable of § 60.30e Scope.
meeting emission guidelines in § 60.33c
shall be accomplished within 30 months This subpart contains emission
of the date when the condition in guidelines and compliance times for
§ 60.33c(a)(3) is met (i.e., the date of the the control of certain designated pol-
first annual nonmethane organic com- lutants from hospital/medical/infec-
pounds emission rate which equals or tious waste incinerator(s) (HMIWI) in
exceeds 50 megagrams per year). accordance with sections 111 and 129 of
the Clean Air Act and subpart B of this
[61 FR 9919, Mar. 12, 1996, as amended at 63 part. The provisions in these emission
FR 32750, June 16, 1998]
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

guidelines supersede the provisions of

§ 60.24(f) of subpart B of this part.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.33e

§ 60.31e Definitions. Waste Disposal Act is not subject to

Terms used but not defined in this this subpart.
subpart have the meaning given them (e) Any combustor which meets the
in the Clean Air Act and in subparts A, applicability requirements under sub-
B, and Ec of this part. part Cb, Ea, or Eb of this part (stand-
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area ards or guidelines for certain munic-
or SMSA means any areas listed in ipal waste combustors) is not subject
OMB Bulletin No. 93–17 entitled ‘‘Re- to this subpart.
vised Statistical Definitions for Metro- (f) Any pyrolysis unit (defined in
politan Areas’’ dated June 30, 1993 (in- § 60.51c) is not subject to this subpart.
corporated by reference, see § 60.17). (g) Cement kilns firing hospital
waste and/or medical/infectious waste
§ 60.32e Designated facilities. are not subject to this subpart.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (h) Physical or operational changes
(b) through (h) of this section, the des- made to an existing HMIWI unit solely
ignated facility to which the guidelines for the purpose of complying with
apply is each individual HMIWI: emission guidelines under this subpart
(1) For which construction was com- are not considered a modification and
menced on or before June 20, 1996, or do not result in an existing HMIWI
for which modification was commenced unit becoming subject to the provisions
on or before March 16, 1998. of subpart Ec (see § 60.50c).
(2) For which construction was com- (i) Beginning September 15, 2000, or
menced after June 20, 1996 but no later on the effective date of an EPA ap-
than December 1, 2008, or for which proved operating permit program under
modification is commenced after Clean Air Act title V and the imple-
March 16, 1998 but no later than April 6, menting regulations under 40 CFR part
2010. 70 in the State in which the unit is lo-
(b) A combustor is not subject to this cated, whichever date is later, des-
subpart during periods when only path- ignated facilities subject to this sub-
ological waste, low-level radioactive part shall operate pursuant to a permit
waste, and/or chemotherapeutic waste issued under the EPA-approved oper-
(all defined in § 60.51c) is burned, pro- ating permit program.
vided the owner or operator of the com- (j) The requirements of this subpart
bustor: as promulgated on September 15, 1997,
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an shall apply to the designated facilities
exemption claim; and defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
(2) Keeps records on a calendar quar- tion until the applicable compliance
ter basis of the periods of time when date of the requirements of this sub-
only pathological waste, low-level ra- part, as amended on October 6, 2009.
dioactive waste, and/or Upon the compliance date of the re-
chemotherapeutic waste is burned. quirements of this subpart, designated
(c) Any co-fired combustor (defined facilities as defined in paragraph (a)(1)
in § 60.51c) is not subject to this subpart of this section are no longer subject to
if the owner or operator of the co-fired the requirements of this subpart, as
combustor: promulgated on September 15, 1997, but
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an are subject to the requirements of this
exemption claim; subpart, as amended on October 6, 2009.
(2) Provides an estimate of the rel- (k) The authorities listed under
ative weight of hospital waste, medical/ § 60.50c(i) shall be retained by the Ad-
infectious waste, and other fuels and/or ministrator and not be transferred to a
wastes to be combusted; and state.
(3) Keeps records on a calendar quar-
ter basis of the weight of hospital [60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
waste and medical/infectious waste FR 51402, Oct. 6, 2009; 76 FR 18412, Apr. 4,
combusted, and the weight of all other 2011]
fuels and wastes combusted at the co-
fired combustor. § 60.33e Emissions guidelines.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(d) Any combustor required to have a (a) For approval, a State plan shall
permit under Section 3005 of the Solid include the requirements for emissions


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§ 60.34e 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

limits at least as protective as the fol- ments in § 60.52c(b)(2) of subpart Ec of

lowing requirements, as applicable: this part.
(1) For a designated facility as de-
[74 FR 51403, Oct. 6, 2009]
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the
emissions guidelines as promulgated on § 60.34e Operator training and quali-
September 15, 1997, the requirements fication guidelines.
listed in Table 1A of this subpart, ex-
cept as provided in paragraph (b) of For approval, a State plan shall in-
this section. clude the requirements for operator
(2) For a designated facility as de- training and qualification at least as
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the protective as those requirements listed
emissions guidelines as amended on Oc- in § 60.53c of subpart Ec of this part.
tober 6, 2009, the requirements listed in The State plan shall require compli-
Table 1B of this subpart, except as pro- ance with these requirements accord-
vided in paragraph (b) of this section. ing to the schedule specified in
(3) For a designated facility as de- § 60.39e(e).
fined in § 60.32e(a)(2), the more strin-
§ 60.35e Waste management guidelines.
gent of the requirements listed in
Table 1B of this subpart and Table 1A For approval, a State plan shall in-
of subpart Ec of this part. clude the requirements for a waste
(b) For approval, a State plan shall management plan at least as protective
include the requirements for emissions as those requirements listed in § 60.55c
limits for any small HMIWI con- of subpart Ec of this part.
structed on or before June 20, 1996,
which is located more than 50 miles § 60.36e Inspection guidelines.
from the boundary of the nearest (a) For approval, a State plan shall
Standard Metropolitan Statistical require each small HMIWI subject to
Area (defined in § 60.31e) and which the emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)
burns less than 2,000 pounds per week and each HMIWI subject to the emis-
of hospital waste and medical/infec- sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2) and
tious waste that are at least as protec- (a)(3) to undergo an initial equipment
tive as the requirements in paragraphs inspection that is at least as protective
(b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, as appli- as the following within 1 year following
cable. The 2,000 lb/week limitation does approval of the State plan:
not apply during performance tests. (1) At a minimum, an inspection
(1) For a designated facility as de- shall include the following:
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the (i) Inspect all burners, pilot assem-
emissions guidelines as promulgated on blies, and pilot sensing devices for
September 15, 1997, the requirements proper operation; clean pilot flame sen-
listed in Table 2A of this subpart. sor, as necessary;
(2) For a designated facility as de-
(ii) Ensure proper adjustment of pri-
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the
mary and secondary chamber combus-
emissions guidelines as amended on Oc-
tion air, and adjust as necessary;
tober 6, 2009, the requirements listed in
(iii) Inspect hinges and door latches,
Table 2B of this subpart.
and lubricate as necessary;
(c) For approval, a State plan shall
include the requirements for stack (iv) Inspect dampers, fans, and blow-
opacity at least as protective as the ers for proper operation;
following, as applicable: (v) Inspect HMIWI door and door gas-
(1) For a designated facility as de- kets for proper sealing;
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the (vi) Inspect motors for proper oper-
emissions guidelines as promulgated on ation;
September 15, 1997, the requirements in (vii) Inspect primary chamber refrac-
§ 60.52c(b)(1) of subpart Ec of this part. tory lining; clean and repair/replace
(2) For a designated facility as de- lining as necessary;
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the (viii) Inspect incinerator shell for
emissions guidelines as amended on Oc- corrosion and/or hot spots;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tober 6, 2009 and a designated facility (ix) Inspect secondary/tertiary cham-

as defined in § 60.32e(a)(2), the require- ber and stack, clean as necessary;


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.37e

(x) Inspect mechanical loader, includ- (ii) Ensure proper calibration of

ing limit switches, for proper oper- thermocouples, sorbent feed systems,
ation, if applicable; and any other monitoring equipment;
(xi) Visually inspect waste bed and
(grates), and repair/seal, as appro- (iii) Generally observe that the
priate; equipment is maintained in good oper-
(xii) For the burn cycle that follows ating condition.
the inspection, document that the in- (2) Within 10 operating days following
cinerator is operating properly and an air pollution control device inspec-
make any necessary adjustments; tion, all necessary repairs shall be
(xiii) Inspect air pollution control de- completed unless the owner or operator
vice(s) for proper operation, if applica- obtains written approval from the
ble; State agency establishing a date
whereby all necessary repairs of the
(xiv) Inspect waste heat boiler sys-
designated facility shall be completed.
tems to ensure proper operation, if ap-
(d) For approval, a State plan shall
plicable; require each small HMIWI subject to
(xv) Inspect bypass stack compo- the emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)(2)
nents; and each HMIWI subject to the emis-
(xvi) Ensure proper calibration of sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2) and
thermocouples, sorbent feed systems (a)(3) to undergo an air pollution con-
and any other monitoring equipment; trol device inspection, as applicable,
and annually (no more than 12 months fol-
(xvii) Generally observe that the lowing the previous annual air pollu-
equipment is maintained in good oper- tion control device inspection), as out-
ating condition. lined in paragraph (c) of this section.
(2) Within 10 operating days following
[60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
an equipment inspection all necessary FR 51403, Oct. 6, 2009]
repairs shall be completed unless the
owner or operator obtains written ap- § 60.37e Compliance, performance test-
proval from the State agency estab- ing, and monitoring guidelines.
lishing a date whereby all necessary re- (a) Except as provided in paragraph
pairs of the designated facility shall be (b) of this section, for approval, a State
completed. plan shall include the requirements for
(b) For approval, a State plan shall compliance and performance testing
require each small HMIWI subject to listed in § 60.56c of subpart Ec of this
the emissions limits under § 60.33e(b) part, with the following exclusions:
and each HMIWI subject to the emis- (1) For a designated facility as de-
sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2) and fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the
(a)(3) to undergo an equipment inspec- emissions limits in § 60.33e(a)(1), the
tion annually (no more than 12 months test methods listed in § 60.56c(b)(7) and
following the previous annual equip- (8), the fugitive emissions testing re-
ment inspection), as outlined in para- quirements under § 60.56c(b)(14) and
graph (a) of this section. (c)(3), the CO CEMS requirements
(c) For approval, a State plan shall under § 60.56c(c)(4), and the compliance
require each small HMIWI subject to requirements for monitoring listed in
the emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)(2) § 60.56c(c)(5)(ii) through (v), (c)(6), (c)(7),
and each HMIWI subject to the emis- (e)(6) through (10), (f)(7) through (10),
sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2) and (g)(6) through (10), and (h).
(a)(3) to undergo an initial air pollu- (2) For a designated facility as de-
tion control device inspection, as appli- fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) and (a)(2) subject
cable, that is at least as protective as to the emissions limits in § 60.33e(a)(2)
the following within 1 year following and (a)(3), the annual fugitive emis-
approval of the State plan: sions testing requirements under
(1) At a minimum, an inspection § 60.56c(c)(3), the CO CEMS require-
shall include the following: ments under § 60.56c(c)(4), and the com-
(i) Inspect air pollution control de- pliance requirements for monitoring
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

vice(s) for proper operation, if applica- listed in § 60.56c(c)(5)(ii) through (v),

ble; (c)(6), (c)(7), (e)(6) through (10), (f)(7)


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§ 60.37e 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

through (10), and (g)(6) through (10). ance test to determine compliance
Sources subject to the emissions limits with applicable emission limits.
under § 60.33e(a)(2) and (a)(3) may, how- (2) Following the date on which the
ever, elect to use CO CEMS as specified initial performance test is completed
under § 60.56c(c)(4) or bag leak detec- or is required to be completed under
tion systems as specified under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, en-
§ 60.57c(h). sure that the designated facility does
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs not operate above the maximum charge
(b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, for ap- rate or below the minimum secondary
proval, a State plan shall require each chamber temperature measured as 3-
small HMIWI subject to the emissions hour rolling averages (calculated each
limits under § 60.33e(b) to meet the per- hour as the average of the previous 3
formance testing requirements listed operating hours) at all times. Oper-
in § 60.56c of subpart Ec of this part. ating parameter limits do not apply
The 2,000 lb/week limitation under during performance tests. Operation
§ 60.33e(b) does not apply during per-
above the maximum charge rate or
formance tests.
below the minimum secondary cham-
(1) For a designated facility as de-
ber temperature shall constitute a vio-
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to the
lation of the established operating pa-
emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)(1), the
test methods listed in § 60.56c(b)(7), (8),
(12), (13) (Pb and Cd), and (14), the an- (3) Except as provided in paragraph
nual PM, CO, and HCl emissions test- (c)(4) of this section, operation of the
ing requirements under § 60.56c(c)(2), designated facility above the maximum
the annual fugitive emissions testing charge rate and below the minimum
requirements under § 60.56c(c)(3), the secondary chamber temperature (each
CO CEMS requirements under measured on a 3-hour rolling average)
§ 60.56c(c)(4), and the compliance re- simultaneously shall constitute a vio-
quirements for monitoring listed in lation of the PM, CO, and dioxin/furan
§ 60.56c(c)(5) through (7), and (d) emissions limits.
through (k) do not apply. (4) The owner or operator of a des-
(2) For a designated facility as de- ignated facility may conduct a repeat
fined in § 60.32e(a)(2) subject to the performance test within 30 days of vio-
emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)(2), the lation of applicable operating param-
annual fugitive emissions testing re- eter(s) to demonstrate that the des-
quirements under § 60.56c(c)(3), the CO ignated facility is not in violation of
CEMS requirements under § 60.56c(c)(4), the applicable emissions limit(s). Re-
and the compliance requirements for peat performance tests conducted pur-
monitoring listed in § 60.56c(c)(5)(ii) suant to this paragraph must be con-
through (v), (c)(6), (c)(7), (e)(6) through ducted under process and control de-
(10), (f)(7) through (10), and (g)(6) vice operating conditions duplicating
through (10) do not apply. Sources sub- as nearly as possible those that indi-
ject to the emissions limits under cated a violation under paragraph (c)(3)
§ 60.33e(b)(2) may, however, elect to use of this section.
CO CEMS as specified under (d) For approval, a State plan shall
§ 60.56c(c)(4) or bag leak detection sys- include the requirements for moni-
tems as specified under § 60.57c(h). toring listed in § 60.57c of subpart Ec of
(c) For approval, a State plan shall this part for HMIWI subject to the
require each small HMIWI subject to emissions limits under § 60.33e(a) and
the emissions limits under § 60.33e(b)
(b), except as provided for under para-
that is not equipped with an air pollu-
graph (e) of this section.
tion control device to meet the fol-
(e) For approval, a State plan shall
lowing compliance and performance
testing requirements: require small HMIWI subject to the
emissions limits under § 60.33e(b) that
(1) Establish maximum charge rate
and minimum secondary chamber tem- are not equipped with an air pollution
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

perature as site-specific operating pa- control device to meet the following

rameters during the initial perform- monitoring requirements:


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.38e

(1) Install, calibrate (to manufactur- (3) The previous emissions test(s)
ers’ specifications), maintain, and op- must have been conducted in 1996 or
erate a device for measuring and re- later.
cording the temperature of the sec- [60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
ondary chamber on a continuous basis, FR 51403, Oct. 6, 2009]
the output of which shall be recorded,
at a minimum, once every minute § 60.38e Reporting and recordkeeping
throughout operation. guidelines.
(2) Install, calibrate (to manufactur- (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
ers’ specifications), maintain, and op- (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, for ap-
erate a device which automatically proval, a State plan shall include the
measures and records the date, time, reporting and recordkeeping require-
and weight of each charge fed into the ments listed in § 60.58c(b) through (g) of
HMIWI. subpart Ec of this part.
(3) The owner or operator of a des- (1) For a designated facility as de-
fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) subject to emis-
ignated facility shall obtain moni-
sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(1) or (b)(1),
toring data at all times during HMIWI
excluding § 60.58c(b)(2)(ii) (fugitive
operation except during periods of emissions), (b)(2)(viii) (NOX reagent),
monitoring equipment malfunction, (b)(2)(xvii) (air pollution control device
calibration, or repair. At a minimum, inspections), (b)(2)(xviii) (bag leak de-
valid monitoring data shall be obtained tection system alarms), (b)(2)(xix) (CO
for 75 percent of the operating hours CEMS data), and (b)(7) (siting docu-
per day for 90 percent of the operating mentation).
hours per calendar quarter that the (2) For a designated facility as de-
designated facility is combusting hos- fined in § 60.32e(a)(1) or (a)(2) subject to
pital waste and/or medical/infectious emissions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2),
waste. (a)(3), or (b)(2), excluding
(f) The owner or operator of a des- § 60.58c(b)(2)(xviii) (bag leak detection
ignated facility as defined in system alarms), (b)(2)(xix) (CO CEMS
§ 60.32e(a)(1) or (a)(2) subject to emis- data), and (b)(7) (siting documenta-
sions limits under § 60.33e(a)(2), (a)(3), tion).
or (b)(2) may use the results of previous (b) For approval, a State plan shall
emissions tests to demonstrate compli- require the owner or operator of each
ance with the emissions limits, pro- HMIWI subject to the emissions limits
vided that the conditions in paragraphs under § 60.33e to:
(f)(1) through (f)(3) of this section are (1) As specified in § 60.36e, maintain
met: records of the annual equipment in-
(1) The designated facility’s previous spections that are required for each
HMIWI subject to the emissions limits
emissions tests must have been con-
under § 60.33e(a)(2), (a)(3), and (b), and
ducted using the applicable procedures
the annual air pollution control device
and test methods listed in § 60.56c(b) of
inspections that are required for each
subpart Ec of this part. Previous emis- HMIWI subject to the emissions limits
sions test results obtained using EPA- under § 60.33e(a)(2), (a)(3), and (b)(2),
accepted voluntary consensus stand- any required maintenance, and any re-
ards are also acceptable. pairs not completed within 10 days of
(2) The HMIWI at the designated fa- an inspection or the timeframe estab-
cility shall currently be operated in a lished by the State regulatory agency;
manner (e.g., with charge rate, sec- and
ondary chamber temperature, etc.) that (2) Submit an annual report con-
would be expected to result in the same taining information recorded under
or lower emissions than observed dur- paragraph (b)(1) of this section no later
ing the previous emissions test(s), and than 60 days following the year in
the HMIWI may not have been modified which data were collected. Subsequent
such that emissions would be expected reports shall be sent no later than 12
to exceed (notwithstanding normal calendar months following the previous
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

test-to-test variability) the results report (once the unit is subject to per-
from previous emissions test(s). mitting requirements under Title V of


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§ 60.39e 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the Act, the owner or operator must (4) Date for ordering the air pollution
submit these reports semiannually). control device(s);
The report shall be signed by the facili- (5) Date for obtaining the major com-
ties manager. ponents of the air pollution control de-
[60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74 vice(s);
FR 51404, Oct. 6, 2009] (6) Date for initiation of site prepara-
tion for installation of the air pollu-
§ 60.39e Compliance times. tion control device(s);
(a) Each State in which a designated (7) Date for initiation of installation
facility is operating shall submit to the of the air pollution control device(s);
Administrator a plan to implement and (8) Date for initial startup of the air
enforce the emissions guidelines as pollution control device(s); and
specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2)
(9) Date for initial compliance test(s)
of this section:
of the air pollution control device(s).
(1) Not later than September 15, 1998,
for the emissions guidelines as promul- (d) State plans that include provi-
gated on September 15, 1997. sions allowing designated facilities to
(2) Not later than October 6, 2010, for petition the State for extensions be-
the emissions guidelines as amended on yond the compliance times required in
October 6, 2009. paragraph (b) of this section shall:
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) Require that the designated facil-
(c) and (d) of this section, State plans ity requesting an extension submit the
shall provide that designated facilities following information in time to allow
comply with all requirements of the the State adequate time to grant or
State plan on or before the date 1 year deny the extension within 1 year after
after EPA approval of the State plan, EPA approval of the State plan:
regardless of whether a designated fa- (i) Documentation of the analyses
cility is identified in the State plan in- undertaken to support the need for an
ventory required by § 60.25(a) of subpart
extension, including an explanation of
B of this part.
why up to 3 years after EPA approval
(c) State plans that specify measur-
able and enforceable incremental steps of the State plan is sufficient time to
of progress towards compliance for des- comply with the State plan while 1
ignated facilities planning to install year after EPA approval of the State
the necessary air pollution control plan is not sufficient. The documenta-
equipment may allow compliance on or tion shall also include an evaluation of
before the date 3 years after EPA ap- the option to transport the waste off-
proval of the State plan (but not later site to a commercial medical waste
than September 16, 2002), for the emis- treatment and disposal facility on a
sions guidelines as promulgated on temporary or permanent basis; and
September 15, 1997, and on or before the (ii) Documentation of measurable
date 3 years after approval of an and enforceable incremental steps of
amended State plan (but not later than progress to be taken towards compli-
October 6, 2014), for the emissions ance with the emission guidelines.
guidelines as amended on October 6, (2) Include procedures for granting or
2009). Suggested measurable and en- denying the extension; and
forceable activities to be included in (3) If an extension is granted, require
State plans are: expeditious compliance with the emis-
(1) Date for submitting a petition for
sions guidelines on or before the date 3
site-specific operating parameters
years after EPA approval of the state
under § 60.56c(j) of subpart Ec of this
part. plan (but not later than September 16,
(2) Date for obtaining services of an 2002), for the emissions guidelines as
architectural and engineering firm re- promulgated on September 15, 1997, and
garding the air pollution control de- on or before the date 3 years after EPA
vice(s); approval of an amended state plan (but
(3) Date for obtaining design draw- not later than October 6, 2014), for the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ings of the air pollution control de- emissions guidelines as amended on Oc-
vice(s); tober 6, 2009.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60, Subpt. Ce, Table 1A

(e) For approval, a State plan shall emissions guidelines as amended on Oc-
require compliance with § 60.34e—Oper- tober 6, 2009. Such plans shall ensure
ator training and qualification guide- that each designated facility is in com-
lines and § 60.36e—Inspection guidelines pliance with the provisions of this sub-
by the date 1 year after EPA approval part no later than 5 years after Sep-
of a State plan. tember 15, 1997, for the emissions
(f) The Administrator shall develop, guidelines as promulgated on Sep-
implement, and enforce a plan for ex- tember 15, 1997, and no later than 5
isting HMIWI located in any State that years after October 6, 2009 for the emis-
has not submitted an approvable plan sions guidelines as amended on October
within 2 years after September 15, 1997, 6, 2009.
for the emissions guidelines as promul- [60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
gated on September 15, 1997, and within FR 51404, Oct. 6, 2009; 76 FR 18412, Apr. 4,
2 years after October 6, 2009 for the 2011]


Emissions limits
Aver- Method for dem-
Units (7 percent
Pollutant HMIWI size aging onstrating compli-
oxygen, dry basis) time 1 ance 2
Small Medium Large

Particulate Milligrams per dry 115 (0.05) ........... 69 (0.03) ............. 34 (0.015) ............... 3-run av- EPA Reference
matter. standard cubic erage Method 5 of ap-
meter (mg/ (1-hour pendix A–3 of
dscm) (grains min- part 60, or EPA
per dry standard imum Reference Meth-
cubic foot (gr/ sample od 26A or 29 of
dscf)). time appendix A–8 of
per part 60.
Carbon Parts per million 40 ....................... 40 ....................... 40 ............................ 3-run av- EPA Reference
mon- by volume erage Method 10 or
oxide. (ppmv). (1-hour 10B of appendix
min- A–4 of part 60.
Dioxins/ Nanograms per 125 (55) or 2.3 125 (55) or 2.3 125 (55) or 2.3 (1.0) 3-run av- EPA Reference
furans. dry standard (1.0). (1.0). erage Method 23 of
cubic meter total (4-hour appendix A–7 of
dioxins/furans min- part 60.
(ng/dscm) imum
(grains per bil- sample
lion dry standard time
cubic feet (gr/ per
109 dscf)) or ng/ run).
dscm TEQ (gr/
109 dscf).
Hydrogen ppmv or percent 100 or 93% ......... 100 or 93% ......... 100 or 93% ............. 3-run av- EPA Reference
chloride. reduction. erage Method 26 or
(1-hour 26A of appendix
min- A–8 of part 60.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


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Pt. 60, Subpt. Ce, Table 1B 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Emissions limits
Aver- Method for dem-
Units (7 percent
Pollutant HMIWI size aging onstrating compli-
oxygen, dry basis) time 1 ance 2
Small Medium Large

Sulfur di- ppmv .................... 55 ....................... 55 ....................... 55 ............................ 3-run av- EPA Reference
oxide. erage Method 6 or 6C
(1-hour of appendix A–4
min- of part 60.
Nitrogen ppmv .................... 250 ..................... 250 ..................... 250 .......................... 3-run av- EPA Reference
oxides. erage Method 7 or 7E
(1-hour of appendix A–4
min- of part 60.
Lead ....... mg/dscm (grains 1.2 (0.52) or 70% 1.2 (0.52) or 70% 1.2 (0.52) or 70% ... 3-run av- EPA Reference
per thousand erage Method 29 of
dry standard (1-hour appendix A–8 of
cubic feet (gr/ min- part 60.
103 dscf)) or imum
percent reduc- sample
tion. time
Cadmium mg/dscm (gr/103 0.16 (0.07) or 0.16 (0.07) or 0.16 (0.07) or 65% 3-run av- EPA Reference
dscf) or percent 65%. 65%. erage Method 29 of
reduction. (1-hour appendix A–8 of
min- part 60.
Mercury .. mg/dscm (gr/103 0.55 (0.24) or 0.55 (0.24) or 0.55 (0.24) or 85% 3-run av- EPA Reference
dscf) or percent 85%. 85%. erage Method 29 of
reduction. (1-hour appendix A–8 of
min- part 60.
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[60 FR 65414, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74 FR 51405, Oct. 6, 2009; 76 FR 18412, Apr. 4, 2011]


Emissions limits
Units Method for dem-
Pollutant (7 percent oxygen, HMIWI size onstrating compli-
time 1
dry basis) ance 2
Small Medium Large

Particu- Milligrams per dry 66 (0.029) ........... 46 (0.020) ........... 25 (0.011) ........... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
late standard cubic age (1- Method 5 of ap-
matter. meter (mg/ hour min- pendix A–3 of
dscm) (grains imum part 60, or EPA
per dry standard sample Reference
cubic foot (gr/ time per Method 26A or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

dscf)). run). 29 of appendix

A–8 of part 60.


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60, Subpt. Ce, Table 1B

Emissions limits
Units Method for dem-
Pollutant (7 percent oxygen, HMIWI size onstrating compli-
time 1
dry basis) ance 2
Small Medium Large

Carbon Parts per million 20 ....................... 5.5 ...................... 11 ....................... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
mon- by volume age (1- Method 10 or
oxide. (ppmv). hour min- 10B of appendix
imum A–4 of part 60.
time per
Dioxins/ Nanograms per 16 (7.0) or 0.013 0.85 (0.37) or 9.3 (4.1) or 0.054 3-run aver- EPA Reference
furans. dry standard (0.0057). 0.020 (0.0087). (0.024). age (4- Method 23 of
cubic meter hour min- appendix A–7 of
total dioxins/ imum part 60.
furans (ng/ sample
dscm) (grains time per
per billion dry run).
standard cubic
feet (gr/109
dscf)) or ng/
dscm TEQ (gr/
109 dscf).
Hydrogen ppmv .................... 44 ....................... 7.7 ...................... 6.6 ...................... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
chloride. age (1- Method 26 or
hour min- 26A of appendix
imum A–8 of part 60.
time per
Sulfur di- ppmv .................... 4.2 ...................... 4.2 ...................... 9.0 ...................... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
oxide. age (1- Method 6 or 6C
hour min- of appendix A–4
imum of part 60.
time per
Nitrogen ppmv .................... 190 ..................... 190 ..................... 140 ..................... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
oxides. age (1- Method 7 or 7E
hour min- of appendix A–4
imum of part 60.
time per
Lead ....... mg/dscm (grains 0.31 (0.14) .......... 0.018 (0.0079) .... 0.036 (0.016) ...... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
per thousand age (1- Method 29 of
dry standard hour min- appendix A–8 of
cubic feet (gr/ imum part 60.
103 dscf)). sample
time per
Cadmium mg/dscm (gr/103 0.017 (0.0074) .... 0.013 (0.0057) .... 0.0092 (0.0040) .. 3-run aver- EPA Reference
dscf). age (1- Method 29 of
hour min- appendix A–8 of
imum part 60.
time per
Mercury .. mg/dscm (gr/103 0.014 (0.0061) .... 0.025 (0.011) ...... 0.018 (0.0079) .... 3-run aver- EPA Reference
dscf). age (1- Method 29 of
hour min- appendix A–8 of
imum part 60.
time per
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[74 FR 51406, Oct. 6, 2009]

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


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Pt. 60, Subpt. Ce, Table 2A 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Units Method for demonstrating com-
Pollutant (7 percent oxy- HMIWI emissions limits Averaging time 1 pliance 2
gen, dry basis)

Particulate mat- mg/dscm (gr/ 197 (0.086) .................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 5 of
ter. dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–3 of part 60, or
EPA Reference Method 26A
or 29 of appendix A–8 of part
Carbon mon- ppmv ............... 40 ................................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 10 or
oxide. sample time per run). 10B of appendix A–4 of part
Dioxins/furans .. ng/dscm total 800 (350) or 15 (6.6) ... 3-run average (4-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 23 of
dioxins/furans sample time per run). appendix A–7 of part 60.
(gr/109 dscf)
or ng/dscm
TEQ (gr/109
Hydrogen chlo- ppmv ............... 3,100 ............................ 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 26 or
ride. sample time per run). 26A of appendix A–8 of part
Sulfur dioxide ... ppmv ............... 55 ................................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 6 or
sample time per run). 6C of appendix A–4 of part
Nitrogen oxides ppmv ............... 250 ............................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 7 or
sample time per run). 7E of appendix A–4 of part
Lead ................. mg/dscm (gr/ 10 (4.4) ........................ 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.
Cadmium ......... mg/dscm (gr/ 4 (1.7) .......................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.
Mercury ............ mg/dscm (gr/ 7.5 (3.3) ....................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[74 FR 51407, Oct. 6, 2009]


Units Method for demonstrating com-
Pollutant (7 percent oxy- HMIWI Emissions limits Averaging time 1 pliance 2
gen, dry basis)

Particulate mat- mg/dscm (gr/ 87 (0.038) .................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 5 of
ter. dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–3 of part 60, or
EPA Reference Method 26A
or 29 of appendix A–8 of part
Carbon mon- ppmv ............... 20 ................................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 10 or
oxide. sample time per run). 10B of appendix A–4 of part
Dioxins/furans .. ng/dscm total 240 (100) or 5.1 (2.2) .. 3-run average (4-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 23 of
dioxins/furans sample time per run). appendix A–7 of part 60.
(gr/109 dscf)
or ng/dscm
TEQ (gr/109
Hydrogen chlo- ppmv ............... 810 ............................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 26 or
ride. sample time per run). 26A of appendix A–8 of part
Sulfur dioxide ... ppmv ............... 55 ................................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 6 or
sample time per run). 6C of appendix A–4 of part
Nitrogen oxides ppmv ............... 130 ............................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 7 or
sample time per run). 7E of appendix A–4 of part
Lead ................. mg/dscm (gr/ 0.50 (0.22) ................... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.
Cadmium ......... mg/dscm (gr/ 0.11 (0.048) ................. 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.31f

Units Method for demonstrating com-

Pollutant (7 percent oxy- HMIWI Emissions limits Averaging time 1 pliance 2
gen, dry basis)

Mercury ............ mg/dscm (gr/ 0.0051 (0.0022) ........... 3-run average (1-hour minimum EPA Reference Method 29 of
103 dscf). sample time per run). appendix A–8 of part 60.
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[74 FR 51407, Oct. 6, 2009] (c) The following authorities will not
be delegated to state, local, or tribal
Subpart Cf—Emission Guidelines agencies:
and Compliance Times for (1) Approval of alternative methods
to determine the NMOC concentration
Municipal Solid Waste Land- or a site-specific methane generation
fills rate constant (k).
(2) [Reserved]
SOURCE: 81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, unless
[81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 84
otherwise noted.
FR 44555, Aug. 26, 2019]
§ 60.30f Scope and delegated authori- § 60.31f Designated facilities.
(a) The designated facility to which
This subpart establishes Emission these Emission Guidelines apply is
Guidelines and compliance times for each existing MSW landfill for which
the control of designated pollutants construction, reconstruction, or modi-
from certain designated municipal fication was commenced on or before
solid waste (MSW) landfills in accord- July 17, 2014.
ance with section 111(d) of the Clean (b) Physical or operational changes
Air Act and subpart B of this part. made to an existing MSW landfill sole-
(a) If you are the Administrator of an ly to comply with an emission guide-
air quality program in a state or line are not considered a modification
United States protectorate with one or or reconstruction and would not sub-
more existing MSW landfills that com- ject an existing MSW landfill to the re-
menced construction, modification, or quirements of a standard of perform-
reconstruction on or before July 17, ance for new MSW landfills.
2014, you must submit a state plan to (c) For purposes of obtaining an oper-
the U.S. Environmental Protection ating permit under title V of the Clean
Agency (EPA) that implements the Air Act, the owner or operator of an
Emission Guidelines contained in this MSW landfill subject to this subpart
subpart. The requirements for state with a design capacity less than 2.5
and federal plans are specified in sub- million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic
part B of this part with the exception meters is not subject to the require-
ment to obtain an operating permit for
that §§ 60.23 and 60.27 will not apply.
the landfill under part 70 or 71 of this
Notwithstanding the provisions of
chapter, unless the landfill is otherwise
§ 60.20a(a) in subpart Ba of this part,
subject to either part 70 or 71. For pur-
the requirements of §§ 60.23a and 60.27a
poses of submitting a timely applica-
will apply for state plans submitted tion for an operating permit under part
after September 6, 2019, and federal 70 or 71, the owner or operator of an
plans, except that the requirements of MSW landfill subject to this subpart
§ 60.23a(a)(1) will apply to a notice of with a design capacity greater than or
availability of a final guideline docu- equal to 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5
ment that was published under million cubic meters on the effective
§ 60.22(a). Likewise, the requirements of date of EPA approval of the state’s pro-
§ 60.27a(e)(1) will refer to a final guide- gram under section 111(d) of the Clean
line document that was published Air Act, and not otherwise subject to
under § 60.22(a). either part 70 or 71, becomes subject to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(b) You must submit a state plan to the requirements of § 70.5(a)(1)(i) or

the EPA by August 29, 2019. § 71.5(a)(1)(i) of this chapter 90 days


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§ 60.32f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

after the effective date of such section megagrams per year for the closed
111(d) program approval, even if the de- landfill subcategory); or within 30
sign capacity report is submitted ear- months after the date of the most re-
lier. cent NMOC emission rate report that
(d) When an MSW landfill subject to shows NMOC emissions equal or exceed
this subpart is closed as defined in this 34 megagrams per year (50 megagrams
subpart, the owner or operator is no per year for the closed landfill sub-
longer subject to the requirement to category), if Tier 4 surface emissions
maintain an operating permit under monitoring shows a surface emission
part 70 or 71 of this chapter for the concentration of 500 parts per million
landfill if the landfill is not otherwise methane or greater.
subject to the requirements of either
part 70 or 71 and if either of the fol- § 60.33f Emission Guidelines for mu-
lowing conditions are met: nicipal solid waste landfill emis-
(1) The landfill was never subject to sions.
the requirement to install and operate (a) Landfills. For approval, a state
a gas collection and control system plan must require each owner or oper-
under § 60.33f; or ator of an MSW landfill having a design
(2) The landfill meets the conditions capacity greater than or equal to 2.5
for control system removal specified in million megagrams by mass and 2.5
§ 60.33f(f). million cubic meters by volume to col-
(e) When an MSW landfill subject to lect and control MSW landfill emis-
this subpart is in the closed landfill sions at each MSW landfill that meets
subcategory, the owner or operator is the following conditions:
not subject to the following reports of (1) The landfill has accepted waste at
this subpart, provided the owner or op- any time since November 8, 1987, or has
erator submitted these reports under additional design capacity available for
the provisions of subpart WWW of this future waste deposition.
part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a (2) The landfill commenced construc-
state plan implementing subpart Cc of tion, reconstruction, or modification
this part on or before July 17, 2014: on or before July 17, 2014.
(1) Initial design capacity report (3) The landfill has an NMOC emis-
specified in § 60.38f(a). sion rate greater than or equal to 34
(2) Initial or subsequent NMOC emis- megagrams per year or Tier 4 surface
sion rate report specified in § 60.38f(c), emissions monitoring shows a surface
provided that the most recent NMOC emission concentration of 500 parts per
emission rate report indicated the million methane or greater.
NMOC emissions were below 50 Mg/yr. (4) The landfill in the closed landfill
(3) Collection and control system de- subcategory and has an NMOC emis-
sign plan specified in § 60.38f(d). sion rate greater than or equal to 50
(4) Closure report specified in megagrams per year or Tier 4 surface
§ 60.38f(f). emissions monitoring shows a surface
(5) Equipment removal report speci- emission concentration of 500 parts per
fied in § 60.38f(g). million methane or greater.
(6) Initial annual report specified in (b) Collection system. For approval, a
§ 60.38f(h). state plan must include provisions for
(7) Initial performance test report in the installation of a gas collection and
§ 60.38f(i). control system meeting the require-
ments in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3)
§ 60.32f Compliance times. and (c) of this section at each MSW
Planning, awarding of contracts, in- landfill meeting the conditions in para-
stalling, and starting up MSW landfill graph (a) of this section.
air emission collection and control (1) Collection system. Install and start
equipment that is capable of meeting up a collection and control system that
the Emission Guidelines under § 60.33f captures the gas generated within the
must be completed within 30 months landfill within 30 months after:
after the date an NMOC emission rate (i) The first annual report in which
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

report shows NMOC emissions equal or the NMOC emission rate equals or ex-
exceed 34 megagrams per year (50 ceeds 34 megagrams per year, unless


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.33f

Tier 2 or Tier 3 sampling demonstrates rameters established in § 60.18 except as

that the NMOC emission rate is less noted in § 60.37f(d); or
than 34 megagrams per year, as speci- (2) A control system designed and op-
fied in § 60.38f(d)(4); or erated to reduce NMOC by 98 weight
(ii) The first annual NMOC emission percent; or when an enclosed combus-
rate report for a landfill in the closed tion device is used for control, to ei-
landfill subcategory in which the ther reduce NMOC by 98 weight percent
NMOC emission rate equals or exceeds or reduce the outlet NMOC concentra-
50 megagrams per year, unless Tier 2 or tion to less than 20 parts per million by
Tier 3 sampling demonstrates that the volume, dry basis as hexane at 3 per-
NMOC emission rate is less than 50 cent oxygen or less. The reduction effi-
megagrams per year, as specified in ciency or concentration in parts per
§ 60.38f(d)(4); or million by volume must be established
(iii) The most recent NMOC emission by an initial performance test to be
rate report in which the NMOC emis- completed no later than 180 days after
sion rate equals or exceeds 34 the initial startup of the approved con-
megagrams per year based on Tier 2, if trol system using the test methods
the Tier 4 surface emissions moni- specified in § 60.35f(d). The performance
toring shows a surface methane emis- test is not required for boilers and
sion concentration of 500 parts per mil- process heaters with design heat input
lion methane or greater as specified in capacities equal to or greater than 44
§ 60.38f(d)(4)(iii). megawatts that burn landfill gas for
(2) Active. An active collection sys- compliance with this subpart.
tem must: (i) If a boiler or process heater is used
(i) Be designed to handle the max- as the control device, the landfill gas
imum expected gas flow rate from the stream must be introduced into the
entire area of the landfill that war- flame zone.
rants control over the intended use pe- (ii) The control device must be oper-
riod of the gas control system equip- ated within the parameter ranges es-
ment. tablished during the initial or most re-
(ii) Collect gas from each area, cell, cent performance test. The operating
or group of cells in the landfill in parameters to be monitored are speci-
which the initial solid waste has been fied in § 60.37f.
placed for a period of 5 years or more if (iii) For the closed landfill sub-
active; or 2 years or more if closed or category, the initial or most recent
at final grade. performance test conducted to comply
(iii) Collect gas at a sufficient extrac- with subpart WWW of this part; 40 CFR
tion rate. part 62, subpart GGG; or a state plan
(iv) Be designed to minimize off-site implementing subpart Cc of this part
migration of subsurface gas. on or before July 17, 2014 is sufficient
(3) Passive. A passive collection sys- for compliance with this subpart.
tem must: (3) Route the collected gas to a treat-
(i) Comply with the provisions speci- ment system that processes the col-
fied in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iv) lected gas for subsequent sale or bene-
of this section. ficial use such as fuel for combustion,
(ii) Be installed with liners on the production of vehicle fuel, production
bottom and all sides in all areas in of high-Btu gas for pipeline injection,
which gas is to be collected. The liners or use as a raw material in a chemical
must be installed as required under manufacturing process. Venting of
§ 258.40 of this chapter. treated landfill gas to the ambient air
(c) Control system. For approval, a is not allowed. If the treated landfill
state plan must include provisions for gas cannot be routed for subsequent
the control of the gas collected from sale or beneficial use, then the treated
within the landfill through the use of landfill gas must be controlled accord-
control devices meeting the following ing to either paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of
requirements, except as provided in this section.
§ 60.24. (4) All emissions from any atmos-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) A non-enclosed flare designed and pheric vent from the gas treatment
operated in accordance with the pa- system are subject to the requirements


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§ 60.33f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

of paragraph (b) or (c) of this section. dures specified in § 60.35f(a). The NMOC
For purposes of this subpart, atmos- emission rate must be recalculated an-
pheric vents located on the condensate nually, except as provided in
storage tank are not part of the treat- § 60.38f(c)(3).
ment system and are exempt from the (1) If the calculated NMOC emission
requirements of paragraph (b) or (c) of rate is less than 34 megagrams per
this section. year, the owner or operator must:
(d) Design capacity. For approval, a (i) Submit an annual NMOC emission
state plan must require each owner or rate report according to § 60.38f(c), ex-
operator of an MSW landfill having a cept as provided in § 60.38f(c)(3); and
design capacity less than 2.5 million (ii) Recalculate the NMOC emission
megagrams by mass or 2.5 million rate annually using the procedures
cubic meters by volume to submit an specified in § 60.35f(a) until such time as
initial design capacity report to the the calculated NMOC emission rate is
Administrator as provided in § 60.38f(a). equal to or greater than 34 megagrams
The landfill may calculate design ca- per year, or the landfill is closed.
pacity in either megagrams or cubic (A) If the calculated NMOC emission
meters for comparison with the exemp- rate, upon initial calculation or annual
tion values. Any density conversions recalculation required in paragraph
must be documented and submitted (e)(1)(ii) of this section, is equal to or
with the report. Submittal of the ini- greater than 34 megagrams per year,
tial design capacity report fulfills the the owner or operator must either:
requirements of this subpart except as Comply with paragraphs (b) and (c) of
provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section; calculate NMOC emissions
this section. using the next higher tier in § 60.35f; or
(1) The owner or operator must sub- conduct a surface emission monitoring
mit an amended design capacity report demonstration using the procedures
as provided in § 60.38f(b). specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(B) If the landfill is permanently
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(1): Note that if the
closed, a closure report must be sub-
design capacity increase is the result of a
modification, as defined in this subpart, that mitted to the Administrator as pro-
was commenced after July 17, 2014, then the vided in § 60.38f(f), except for exemption
landfill becomes subject to subpart XXX of allowed under § 60.31f(e)(4).
this part instead of this subpart. If the de- (C) For the closed landfill sub-
sign capacity increase is the result of a category, if the most recently cal-
change in operating practices, density, or culated NMOC emission rate is equal to
some other change that is not a modification or greater than 50 megagrams per year,
as defined in this subpart, then the landfill
the owner or operator must either:
remains subject to this subpart.
Submit a gas collection and control
(2) When an increase in the maximum system design plan as specified in
design capacity of a landfill with an § 60.38f(d), except for exemptions al-
initial design capacity less than 2.5 lowed under § 60.31f(e)(3), and install a
million megagrams or 2.5 million cubic collection and control system as pro-
meters results in a revised maximum vided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
design capacity equal to or greater section; calculate NMOC emissions
than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 using the next higher tier in § 60.35f; or
million cubic meters, the owner or op- conduct a surface emission monitoring
erator must comply with paragraph (e) demonstration using the procedures
of this section. specified in § 60.35f(a)(6).
(e) Emissions. For approval, a state (2) If the calculated NMOC emission
plan must require each owner or oper- rate is equal to or greater than 34
ator of an MSW landfill having a design megagrams per year using Tier 1, 2, or
capacity equal to or greater than 2.5 3 procedures, the owner or operator
million megagrams and 2.5 million must either: submit a collection and
cubic meters to either install a collec- control system design plan prepared by
tion and control system as provided in a professional engineer to the Adminis-
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or trator within 1 year as specified in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

calculate an initial NMOC emission § 60.38f(d), except for exemptions al-

rate for the landfill using the proce- lowed under § 60.31f(e)(3); calculate


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.34f

NMOC emissions using a higher tier in fill with a gas collection and control
§ 60.35f; or conduct a surface emission system used to comply with the provi-
monitoring demonstration using the sions of § 60.33f(b) and (c). Once the
procedures specified in § 60.35f(a)(6). owner or operator begins to comply
(3) For the closed landfill sub- with the provisions of § 63.1958 of this
category, if the calculated NMOC emis- chapter, the owner or operator must
sion rate is equal to or greater than 50 continue to operate the collection and
megagrams per year using Tier 1, 2, or control device according to those pro-
3 procedures, the owner or operator visions and cannot return to the provi-
must either: Submit a collection and sions of this section. Each owner or op-
control system design plan as specified erator of an MSW landfill with a gas
in § 60.38f(d), except for exemptions al-
collection and control system used to
lowed under § 60.31f(e)(3); calculate
comply with the provisions of § 60.33f(b)
NMOC emissions using a higher tier in
§ 60.35f; or conduct a surface emission and (c) must:
monitoring demonstration using the (a) Operate the collection system
procedures specified in § 60.35f(a)(6). such that gas is collected from each
(f) Removal criteria. The collection area, cell, or group of cells in the MSW
and control system may be capped, re- landfill in which solid waste has been
moved, or decommissioned if the fol- in place for:
lowing criteria are met: (1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
(1) The landfill is a closed landfill (as (2) Two (2) years or more if closed or
defined in § 60.41f). A closure report at final grade.
must be submitted to the Adminis- (b) Operate the collection system
trator as provided in § 60.38f(f). with negative pressure at each well-
(2) The collection and control system head except under the following condi-
has been in operation a minimum of 15 tions:
years or the landfill owner or operator (1) A fire or increased well tempera-
demonstrates that the GCCS will be ture. The owner or operator must
unable to operate for 15 years due to
record instances when positive pressure
declining gas flow.
occurs in efforts to avoid a fire. These
(3) Following the procedures specified
in § 60.35f(b), the calculated NMOC records must be submitted with the an-
emission rate at the landfill is less nual reports as provided in § 60.38f(h)(1).
than 34 megagrams per year on three (2) Use of a geomembrane or syn-
successive test dates. The test dates thetic cover. The owner or operator
must be no less than 90 days apart, and must develop acceptable pressure lim-
no more than 180 days apart. its in the design plan.
(4) For the closed landfill sub- (3) A decommissioned well. A well
category (as defined in § 60.41), fol- may experience a static positive pres-
lowing the procedures specified in sure after shut down to accommodate
§ 60.35f(b), the calculated NMOC emis- for declining flows. All design changes
sion rate at the landfill is less than 50 must be approved by the Administrator
megagrams per year on three succes- as specified in § 60.38f(d).
sive test dates. The test dates must be (c) Operate each interior wellhead in
no less than 90 days apart, and no more the collection system with a landfill
than 180 days apart. gas temperature less than 55 degrees
§ 60.34f Operational standards for col- Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit). The
lection and control systems. owner or operator may establish a
higher operating temperature value at
For approval, a state plan must in-
a particular well. A higher operating
clude provisions for the operational
value demonstration must be sub-
standards in this section (as well as the
provisions in §§ 60.36f and 60.37f), or the mitted to the Administrator for ap-
operational standards in § 63.1958 of this proval and must include supporting
chapter (as well as the provisions in data demonstrating that the elevated
§§ 63.1960 of this chapter and 63.1961 of parameter neither causes fires nor sig-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

this chapter), or both as alternative nificantly inhibits anaerobic decompo-

means of compliance, for an MSW land- sition by killing methanogens. The


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§ 60.35f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

demonstration must satisfy both cri- (f) Operate the control system at all
teria in order to be approved (i.e., nei- times when the collected gas is routed
ther causing fires nor killing to the system.
methanogens is acceptable). (g) If monitoring demonstrates that
(d) Operate the collection system so the operational requirements in para-
that the methane concentration is less graph (b), (c), or (d) of this section are
than 500 parts per million above back- not met, corrective action must be
ground at the surface of the landfill. To taken as specified in § 60.36f(a)(3) and
determine if this level is exceeded, the (5) or (c). If corrective actions are
owner or operator must conduct sur- taken as specified in § 60.36f, the mon-
face testing using an organic vapor an- itored exceedance is not a violation of
alyzer, flame ionization detector, or the operational requirements in this
other portable monitor meeting the
specifications provided in § 60.36(d). The [81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 85
owner or operator must conduct sur- FR 17259, Mar. 26, 2020]
face testing around the perimeter of
§ 60.35f Test methods and procedures.
the collection area and along a pattern
that traverses the landfill at no more For approval, a state plan must in-
than 30-meter intervals and where vis- clude provisions in this section to cal-
ual observations indicate elevated con- culate the landfill NMOC emission rate
centrations of landfill gas, such as dis- or to conduct a surface emission moni-
tressed vegetation and cracks or seeps toring demonstration.
in the cover and all cover penetrations. (a)(1) NMOC Emission Rate. The land-
Thus, the owner or operator must mon- fill owner or operator must calculate
itor any openings that are within an the NMOC emission rate using either
area of the landfill where waste has Equation 1 provided in paragraph
been placed and a gas collection sys- (a)(1)(i) of this section or Equation 2
provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
tem is required. The owner or operator
section. Both Equation 1 and Equation
may establish an alternative tra-
2 may be used if the actual year-to-
versing pattern that ensures equivalent
year solid waste acceptance rate is
coverage. A surface monitoring design
known, as specified in paragraph
plan must be developed that includes a
(a)(1)(i) of this section, for part of the
topographical map with the monitoring
life of the landfill and the actual year-
route and the rationale for any site- to-year solid waste acceptance rate is
specific deviations from the 30-meter unknown, as specified in paragraph
intervals. Areas with steep slopes or (a)(1)(ii) of this section, for part of the
other dangerous areas may be excluded life of the landfill. The values to be
from the surface testing. used in both Equation 1 and Equation 2
(e) Operate the system such that all are 0.05 per year for k, 170 cubic meters
collected gases are vented to a control per megagram for Lo, and 4,000 parts
system designed and operated in com- per million by volume as hexane for
pliance with § 60.33f(c). In the event the the CNMOC. For landfills located in geo-
collection or control system is not op- graphical areas with a 30-year annual
erating, the gas mover system must be average precipitation of less than 25
shut down and all valves in the collec- inches, as measured at the nearest rep-
tion and control system contributing resentative official meteorologic site,
to venting of the gas to the atmosphere the k value to be used is 0.02 per year.
must be closed within 1 hour of the col- (i)(A) Equation 1 must be used if the
lection or control system not oper- actual year-to-year solid waste accept-
ating. ance rate is known.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Where: MNMOC = Total NMOC emission rate from the

landfill, megagrams per year.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.35f
k = Methane generation rate constant, (B) The mass of nondegradable solid
year¥1. waste may be subtracted from the total
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic mass of solid waste in a particular sec-
meters per megagram solid waste. tion of the landfill when calculating
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the ith section, the value for Mi if documentation of
megagrams. the nature and amount of such wastes
ti = Age of the ith section, years. is maintained.
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per
(ii)(A) Equation 2 must be used if the
million by volume as hexane.
actual year-to-year solid waste accept-
3.6 × 10¥9 = Conversion factor.
ance rate is unknown.

Where: system within 30 months according to

MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC, § 60.33f(b) and (c);
megagrams per year. (B) Determine a site-specific NMOC
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic concentration and recalculate the
meters per megagram solid waste. NMOC emission rate using the Tier 2
R = Average annual acceptance rate, procedures provided in paragraph (a)(3)
megagrams per year.
of this section; or
k = Methane generation rate constant, year
¥1. (C) Determine a site-specific methane
t = Age of landfill, years. generation rate constant and recal-
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per culate the NMOC emission rate using
million by volume as hexane. the Tier 3 procedures provided in para-
c = Time since closure, years; for an active graph (a)(4) of this section.
landfill c = 0 and e¥kc = 1. (3) Tier 2. The landfill owner or oper-
3.6 × 10¥9 = Conversion factor. ator must determine the site-specific
(B) The mass of nondegradable solid NMOC concentration using the fol-
waste may be subtracted from the total lowing sampling procedure. The land-
mass of solid waste in a particular sec- fill owner or operator must install at
tion of the landfill when calculating least two sample probes per hectare,
the value of R, if documentation of the evenly distributed over the landfill sur-
nature and amount of such wastes is face that has retained waste for at
maintained. least 2 years. If the landfill is larger
(2) Tier 1. The owner or operator must than 25 hectares in area, only 50 sam-
compare the calculated NMOC mass ples are required. The probes should be
emission rate to the standard of 34 evenly distributed across the sample
megagrams per year. area. The sample probes should be lo-
(i) If the NMOC emission rate cal- cated to avoid known areas of non-
culated in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec- degradable solid waste. The owner or
tion is less than 34 megagrams per operator must collect and analyze one
year, then the owner or operator must sample of landfill gas from each probe
submit an NMOC emission rate report to determine the NMOC concentration
according to § 60.38f(c), and must recal- using Method 25 or 25C of appendix A of
culate the NMOC mass emission rate this part. Taking composite samples
annually as required under § 60.33f(e). from different probes into a single cyl-
(ii) If the NMOC emission rate cal- inder is allowed; however, equal sample
culated in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec- volumes must be taken from each
tion is equal to or greater than 34 probe. For each composite, the sam-
megagrams per year, then the landfill pling rate, collection times, beginning
owner or operator must either: and ending cylinder vacuums, or alter-
(A) Submit a gas collection and con- native volume measurements must be
trol system design plan within 1 year recorded to verify that composite vol-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

as specified in § 60.38f(d) and install and umes are equal. Composite sample vol-
operate a gas collection and control umes should not be less than one liter


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§ 60.35f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

unless evidence can be provided to sub- or greater than 34 megagrams per year,
stantiate the accuracy of smaller vol- the owner or operator must either:
umes. Terminate compositing before (A) Submit a gas collection and con-
the cylinder approaches ambient pres- trol system design plan within 1 year
sure where measurement accuracy di- as specified in § 60.38f(d) and install and
minishes. If more than the required operate a gas collection and control
number of samples is taken, all sam- system within 30 months according to
ples must be used in the analysis. The § 60.33f(b) and (c);
landfill owner or operator must divide (B) Determine a site-specific meth-
the NMOC concentration from Method ane generation rate constant and recal-
25 or 25C by six to convert from CNMOC culate the NMOC emission rate using
as carbon to CNMOC as hexane. If the the site-specific methane generation
landfill has an active or passive gas re- rate using the Tier 3 procedures speci-
moval system in place, Method 25 or fied in paragraph (a)(4) of this section;
25C samples may be collected from or
these systems instead of surface probes (C) Conduct a surface emission moni-
provided the removal system can be toring demonstration using the Tier 4
shown to provide sampling as rep- procedures specified in paragraph (a)(6)
resentative as the two sampling probe of this section.
per hectare requirement. For active (4) Tier 3. The site-specific methane
collection systems, samples may be generation rate constant must be de-
collected from the common header termined using the procedures provided
pipe. The sample location on the com- in Method 2E of appendix A of this
mon header pipe must be before any part. The landfill owner or operator
gas moving, condensate removal, or must estimate the NMOC mass emis-
treatment system equipment. For ac- sion rate using Equation 1 or Equation
tive collection systems, a minimum of 2 in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this
three samples must be collected from section and using a site-specific meth-
the header pipe. ane generation rate constant, and the
(i) Within 60 days after the date of site-specific NMOC concentration as
determining the NMOC concentration determined in paragraph (a)(3) of this
and corresponding NMOC emission section instead of the default values
rate, the owner or operator must sub- provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
mit the results according to tion. The landfill owner or operator
§ 60.38f(j)(2). must compare the resulting NMOC
(ii) The landfill owner or operator mass emission rate to the standard of
must recalculate the NMOC mass emis- 34 megagrams per year.
sion rate using Equation 1 or Equation (i) If the NMOC mass emission rate as
2 provided in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii) calculated using the Tier 2 site-specific
of this section using the average site- NMOC concentration and Tier 3 site-
specific NMOC concentration from the specific methane generation rate is
collected samples instead of the default equal to or greater than 34 megagrams
value provided in paragraph (a)(1) of per year, the owner or operator must
this section. either:
(iii) If the resulting NMOC mass (A) Submit a gas collection and con-
emission rate is less than 34 trol system design plan within 1 year
megagrams per year, then the owner or as specified in § 60.38f(d) and install and
operator must submit a periodic esti- operate a gas collection and control
mate of NMOC emissions in an NMOC system within 30 months according to
emission rate report according to § 60.33f(b) and (c); or
§ 60.38f(c), and must recalculate the (B) Conduct a surface emission moni-
NMOC mass emission rate annually as toring demonstration using the Tier 4
required under § 60.33f(e). The site-spe- procedures specified in paragraph (a)(6)
cific NMOC concentration must be re- of this section.
tested every 5 years using the methods (ii) If the NMOC mass emission rate
specified in this section. is less than 34 megagrams per year,
(iv) If the NMOC mass emission rate then the owner or operator must recal-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

as calculated using the Tier 2 site-spe- culate the NMOC mass emission rate
cific NMOC concentration is equal to annually using Equation 1 or Equation


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.35f

2 in paragraph (a)(1) of this section and mechanical device such as with a wheel
using the site-specific Tier 2 NMOC on a pole.
concentration and Tier 3 methane gen- (A) The owner or operator must use a
eration rate constant and submit a wind barrier, similar to a funnel, when
periodic NMOC emission rate report as onsite average wind speed exceeds 4
provided in § 60.38f(c). The calculation miles per hour or 2 meters per second
of the methane generation rate con- or gust exceeding 10 miles per hour.
stant is performed only once, and the Average on-site wind speed must also
value obtained from this test must be be determined in an open area at 5-
used in all subsequent annual NMOC minute intervals using an on-site ane-
emission rate calculations. mometer with a continuous recorder
(5) Other methods. The owner or oper- and data logger for the entire duration
ator may use other methods to deter- of the monitoring event. The wind bar-
mine the NMOC concentration or a rier must surround the SEM monitor,
site-specific methane generation rate and must be placed on the ground, to
constant as an alternative to the meth- ensure wind turbulence is blocked.
ods required in paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) SEM cannot be conducted if average
of this section if the method has been wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour.
approved by the Administrator. (B) Landfill surface areas where vis-
(6) Tier 4. The landfill owner or oper- ual observations indicate elevated con-
ator must demonstrate that surface centrations of landfill gas, such as dis-
methane emissions are below 500 parts tressed vegetation and cracks or seeps
per million. Surface emission moni- in the cover, and all cover penetrations
toring must be conducted on a quar- must also be monitored using a device
terly basis using the following proce- meeting the specifications provided in
dures. Tier 4 is allowed only if the § 60.36f(d).
landfill owner or operator can dem- (iv) Each owner or operator seeking
to comply with the Tier 4 provisions in
onstrate that NMOC emissions are
paragraph (a)(6) of this section must
greater than or equal to 34 Mg/yr but
maintain records of surface emission
less than 50 Mg/yr using Tier 1 or Tier
monitoring as provided in § 60.39f(g) and
2. If both Tier 1 and Tier 2 indicate
submit a Tier 4 surface emissions re-
NMOC emissions are 50 Mg/yr or great-
port as provided in § 60.38f(d)(4)(iii).
er, then Tier 4 cannot be used. In addi-
(v) If there is any measured con-
tion, the landfill must meet the cri-
centration of methane of 500 parts per
teria in paragraph (a)(6)(viii) of this
million or greater from the surface of
the landfill, the owner or operator
(i) The owner or operator must meas- must submit a gas collection and con-
ure surface concentrations of methane trol system design plan within 1 year
along the entire perimeter of the land- of the first measured concentration of
fill and along a pattern that traverses methane of 500 parts per million or
the landfill at no more than 30-meter greater from the surface of the landfill
intervals using an organic vapor ana- according to § 60.38f(d) and install and
lyzer, flame ionization detector, or operate a gas collection and control
other portable monitor meeting the system according to § 60.33f(b) and (c)
specifications provided in § 60.36f(d). within 30 months of the most recent
(ii) The background concentration NMOC emission rate report in which
must be determined by moving the the NMOC emission rate equals or ex-
probe inlet upwind and downwind at ceeds 34 megagrams per year based on
least 30 meters from the waste mass Tier 2.
boundary of the landfill. (vi) If after four consecutive quar-
(iii) Surface emission monitoring terly monitoring periods at a landfill,
must be performed in accordance with other than a closed landfill, there is no
section 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix A measured concentration of methane of
of this part, except that the probe inlet 500 parts per million or greater from
must be placed no more than 5 centi- the surface of the landfill, the owner or
meters above the landfill surface; the operator must continue quarterly sur-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

constant measurement of distance face emission monitoring using the

above the surface should be based on a methods specified in this section.


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§ 60.35f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(vii) If after four consecutive quar- 6,570 out of 8,760 hours preceding the
terly monitoring periods at a closed Tier 4 surface emissions monitoring
landfill there is no measured con- demonstration.
centration of methane of 500 parts per (B) During the Tier 4 surface emis-
million or greater from the surface of sions monitoring demonstration, the
the landfill, the owner or operator gas collection and control system must
must conduct annual surface emission operate as it normally would to collect
monitoring using the methods specified and control as much landfill gas as pos-
in this section. sible.
(viii) If a landfill has installed and (b) After the installation and startup
operates a collection and control sys- of a collection and control system in
tem that is not required by this sub- compliance with this subpart, the
part, then the collection and control owner or operator must calculate the
system must meet the following cri- NMOC emission rate for purposes of de-
teria: termining when the system can be
(A) The gas collection and control capped, removed, or decommissioned as
system must have operated for at least provided in § 60.33f(f), using Equation 3:

Where: (i) Within 60 days after the date of

MNMOC = Mass emission rate of NMOC, calculating the NMOC emission rate
megagrams per year. for purposes of determining when the
QLFG = Flow rate of landfill gas, cubic meters system can be capped or removed, the
per minute. owner or operator must submit the re-
CNMOC = NMOC concentration, parts per mil- sults according to § 60.38f(j)(2).
lion by volume as hexane.
(ii) [Reserved]
(1) The flow rate of landfill gas, QLFG, (c) When calculating emissions for
must be determined by measuring the Prevention of Significant Deteriora-
total landfill gas flow rate at the com- tion purposes, the owner or operator of
mon header pipe that leads to the con- each MSW landfill subject to the provi-
trol system using a gas flow measuring sions of this subpart must estimate the
device calibrated according to the pro- NMOC emission rate for comparison to
visions of section 10 of Method 2E of the Prevention of Significant Deterio-
appendix A of this part. ration major source and significance
(2) The average NMOC concentration, levels in § 51.166 or § 52.21 of this chap-
CNMOC, must be determined by col- ter using Compilation of Air Pollutant
lecting and analyzing landfill gas sam- Emission Factors, Volume I: Sta-
pled from the common header pipe be- tionary Point and Area Sources (AP–
fore the gas moving or condensate re- 42) or other approved measurement
moval equipment using the procedures procedures.
in Method 25 or Method 25C of appendix (d) For the performance test required
A of this part. The sample location on in § 60.33f(c)(1), the net heating value of
the common header pipe must be be- the combusted landfill gas as deter-
fore any condensate removal or other mined in § 60.18(f)(3) is calculated from
gas refining units. The landfill owner the concentration of methane in the
or operator must divide the NMOC con- landfill gas as measured by Method 3C.
centration from Method 25 or Method A minimum of three 30-minute Method
25C by six to convert from CNMOC as 3C samples are determined. The meas-
carbon to CNMOC as hexane. urement of other organic components,
(3) The owner or operator may use hydrogen, and carbon monoxide is not
another method to determine landfill applicable. Method 3C may be used to
gas flow rate and NMOC concentration determine the landfill gas molecular
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

if the method has been approved by the weight for calculating the flare gas
Administrator. exit velocity under § 60.18(f)(4).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.36f

(1) Within 60 days after the date of Method 3, 3A, or 3C must be used to de-
completing each performance test (as termine oxygen for correcting the
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator NMOC concentration as hexane to 3
must submit the results of the per- percent. In cases where the outlet con-
formance tests required by paragraph centration is less than 50 ppm NMOC as
(b) or (d) of this section, including any carbon (8 ppm NMOC as hexane), Meth-
associated fuel analyses, according to od 25A should be used in place of Meth-
§ 60.38f(j)(1). od 25. Method 18 may be used in con-
(2) [Reserved] junction with Method 25A on a limited
(e) For the performance test required basis (compound specific, e.g., meth-
in § 60.33f(c)(2), Method 25 or 25C (Meth- ane) or Method 3C may be used to de-
od 25C may be used at the inlet only) of termine methane. The methane as car-
appendix A of this part must be used to bon should be subtracted from the
determine compliance with the 98 Method 25A total hydrocarbon value as
weight-percent efficiency or the 20 carbon to give NMOC concentration as
parts per million by volume outlet carbon. The landfill owner or operator
NMOC concentration level, unless an- must divide the NMOC concentration
other method to demonstrate compli- as carbon by 6 to convert the CNMOC as
ance has been approved by the Admin- carbon to CNMOC as hexane. Equation 4
istrator as provided by § 60.38f(d)(2). must be used to calculate efficiency:

Where: not return to the provisions of this sec-

NMOCin = Mass of NMOC entering control de- tion.
vice. (a) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2),
NMOCout = Mass of NMOC exiting control de- the specified methods in paragraphs
vice. (a)(1) through (6) of this section must
(1) Within 60 days after the date of be used to determine whether the gas
completing each performance test (as collection system is in compliance
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator with § 60.33f(b)(2).
must submit the results of the per- (1) For the purposes of calculating
formance tests, including any associ- the maximum expected gas generation
ated fuel analyses, according to flow rate from the landfill to deter-
§ 60.38f(j)(1). mine compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(i),
(2) [Reserved] either Equation 5 or Equation 6 in
paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section
§ 60.36f Compliance provisions. must be used. The methane generation
For approval, a state plan must in- rate constant (k) and methane genera-
clude the compliance provisions in this tion potential (Lo) kinetic factors
section (as well as the provisions in should be those published in the most
§§ 60.34f and 60.37f), or the compliance recent AP–42 or other site-specific val-
provisions in § 63.1960 of this chapter ues demonstrated to be appropriate and
(as well as the provisions in §§ 63.1958 of approved by the Administrator. If k
this chapter and 63.1961 of this chap- has been determined as specified in
ter), or both as alternative means of § 60.35f(a)(4), the value of k determined
compliance, for an MSW landfill with a from the test must be used. A value of
gas collection and control system used no more than 15 years must be used for
to comply with the provisions of the intended use period of the gas
§ 60.33f(b) and (c). Once the owner or op- mover equipment. The active life of the
erator begins to comply with the provi- landfill is the age of the landfill plus
sions of § 63.1960 of this chapter, the the estimated number of years until
owner or operator must continue to op- closure.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

erate the collection and control device (i) For sites with unknown year-to-
according to those provisions and can- year solid waste acceptance rate:


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§ 60.36f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Where: intends to use the gas mover equipment

Qm = Maximum expected gas generation flow or active life of the landfill, whichever is
rate, cubic meters per year. less. If the equipment is installed after
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic closure, t is the age of the landfill at in-
meters per megagram solid waste. stallation, years.
R = Average annual acceptance rate, c = Time since closure, years (for an active
megagrams per year. landfill c = 0 and e¥kc = 1).
k = Methane generation rate constant,
year¥1. (ii) For sites with known year-to-
t = Age of the landfill at equipment installa- year solid waste acceptance rate:
tion plus the time the owner or operator

Where: (3) For the purpose of demonstrating

QM = Maximum expected gas generation flow whether the gas collection system flow
rate, cubic meters per year. rate is sufficient to determine compli-
k = Methane generation rate constant, ance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(iii), the owner or
year¥1. operator must measure gauge pressure
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic in the gas collection header applied to
meters per megagram solid waste. each individual well monthly. If a posi-
Mi = Mass of solid waste in the ith section,
tive pressure exists, action must be ini-
ti = Age of the ith section, years.
tiated to correct the exceedance within
5 calendar days, except for the three
(iii) If a collection and control sys- conditions allowed under § 60.34f(b).
tem has been installed, actual flow Any attempted corrective measure
data may be used to project the max- must not cause exceedances of other
imum expected gas generation flow operational or performance standards.
rate instead of, or in conjunction with, (i) If negative pressure cannot be
Equation 5 or Equation 6 in paragraph achieved without excess air infiltration
(a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section. If the within 15 calendar days of the first
landfill is still accepting waste, the ac- measurement of positive pressure, the
tual measured flow data will not equal owner or operator must conduct a root
the maximum expected gas generation cause analysis and correct the exceed-
rate, so calculations using Equation 5 ance as soon as practicable, but not
or Equation 6 or other methods must later than 60 days after positive pres-
be used to predict the maximum ex- sure was first measured. The owner or
pected gas generation rate over the in- operator must keep records according
tended period of use of the gas control to § 60.39f(e)(3).
system equipment. (ii) If corrective actions cannot be
(2) For the purposes of determining fully implemented within 60 days fol-
sufficient density of gas collectors for lowing the positive pressure or ele-
compliance with § 60.33f(b)(2)(ii), the vated temperature measurement for
owner or operator must design a sys- which the root cause analysis was re-
tem of vertical wells, horizontal collec- quired, the owner or operator must
tors, or other collection devices, satis- also conduct a corrective action anal-
factory to the Administrator, capable ysis and develop an implementation
of controlling and extracting gas from schedule to complete the corrective ac-
all portions of the landfill sufficient to tion(s) as soon as practicable, but no
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


meet all operational and performance more than 120 days following the meas-
standards. urement of landfill gas temperature


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.36f

greater than 55 degrees Celsius (131 de- items listed in § 60.38f(h)(7) as part of
grees Fahrenheit) or positive pressure. the next annual report. The owner or
The owner or operator must submit the operator must keep records according
items listed in § 60.38f(h)(7) as part of to § 60.39f(e)(4).
the next annual report. The owner or (iii) If corrective action is expected
operator must keep records according to take longer than 120 days to com-
to § 60.39f(e)(4). plete after the initial exceedance, the
(iii) If corrective action is expected owner or operator must submit the
to take longer than 120 days to com- root cause analysis, corrective action
plete after the initial exceedance, the analysis, and corresponding implemen-
owner or operator must submit the tation timeline to the Administrator,
root cause analysis, corrective action according to § 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The
analysis, and corresponding implemen- owner or operator must keep records
tation timeline to the Administrator, according to § 60.39f(e)(5).
according to § 60.38f(h)(7) and (k). The (6) An owner or operator seeking to
owner or operator must keep records demonstrate compliance with
according to § 60.39f(e)(5). § 60.33f(b)(2)(iv) through the use of a
(4) [Reserved] collection system not conforming to
(5) For the purpose of identifying the specifications provided in § 60.40f
whether excess air infiltration into the must provide information satisfactory
landfill is occurring, the owner or oper- to the Administrator as specified in
ator must monitor each well monthly § 60.38f(d)(3) demonstrating that off-site
for temperature as provided in migration is being controlled.
§ 60.34f(c). If a well exceeds the oper- (b) For purposes of compliance with
ating parameter for temperature, ac- § 60.34f(a), each owner or operator of a
tion must be initiated to correct the controlled landfill must place each well
exceedance within 5 calendar days. Any or design component as specified in the
attempted corrective measure must approved design plan as provided in
not cause exceedances of other oper- § 60.38f(d). Each well must be installed
ational or performance standards. no later than 60 days after the date on
(i) If a landfill gas temperature less which the initial solid waste has been
than 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees in place for a period of:
Fahrenheit) cannot be achieved within (1) Five (5) years or more if active; or
15 calendar days of the first measure- (2) Two (2) years or more if closed or
ment of landfill gas temperature great- at final grade.
er than 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees (c) The following procedures must be
Fahrenheit), the owner or operator used for compliance with the surface
must conduct a root cause analysis and methane operational standard as pro-
correct the exceedance as soon as prac- vided in § 60.34f(d):
ticable, but no later than 60 days after (1) After installation and startup of
a landfill gas temperature greater than the gas collection system, the owner or
55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahr- operator must monitor surface con-
enheit) was first measured. The owner centrations of methane along the en-
or operator must keep records accord- tire perimeter of the collection area
ing to § 60.39f(e)(3). and along a pattern that traverses the
(ii) If corrective actions cannot be landfill at no more than 30-meter inter-
fully implemented within 60 days fol- vals (or a site-specific established spac-
lowing the positive pressure measure- ing) for each collection area on a quar-
ment for which the root cause analysis terly basis using an organic vapor ana-
was required, the owner or operator lyzer, flame ionization detector, or
must also conduct a corrective action other portable monitor meeting the
analysis and develop an implementa- specifications provided in paragraph (d)
tion schedule to complete the correc- of this section.
tive action(s) as soon as practicable, (2) The background concentration
but no more than 120 days following must be determined by moving the
the measurement of landfill gas tem- probe inlet upwind and downwind out-
perature greater than 55 degrees Cel- side the boundary of the landfill at a
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sius (131 degrees Fahrenheit). The distance of at least 30 meters from the
owner or operator must submit the perimeter wells.


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§ 60.36f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(3) Surface emission monitoring must riod. If the 1-month re-monitoring

be performed in accordance with sec- shows an exceedance, the actions speci-
tion 8.3.1 of Method 21 of appendix A of fied in paragraph (c)(4)(iii) or (v) of this
this part, except that the probe inlet section must be taken.
must be placed within 5 to 10 centi- (v) For any location where monitored
meters of the ground. Monitoring must methane concentration equals or ex-
be performed during typical meteoro- ceeds 500 parts per million above back-
logical conditions. ground three times within a quarterly
(4) Any reading of 500 parts per mil- period, a new well or other collection
lion or more above background at any device must be installed within 120 cal-
location must be recorded as a mon- endar days of the initial exceedance.
itored exceedance and the actions spec- An alternative remedy to the exceed-
ified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (v) ance, such as upgrading the blower,
of this section must be taken. As long header pipes or control device, and a
as the specified actions are taken, the corresponding timeline for installation
exceedance is not a violation of the may be submitted to the Administrator
operational requirements of § 60.34f(d). for approval.
(i) The location of each monitored (5) The owner or operator must im-
exceedance must be marked and the lo- plement a program to monitor for
cation and concentration recorded. For cover integrity and implement cover
location, you must determine the lati- repairs as necessary on a monthly
tude and longitude coordinates using basis.
an instrument with an accuracy of at (d) Each owner or operator seeking to
least 4 meters. The coordinates must comply with the provisions in para-
be in decimal degrees with at least five graph (c) of this section or § 60.35f(a)(6)
decimal places. must comply with the following instru-
(ii) Cover maintenance or adjust- mentation specifications and proce-
ments to the vacuum of the adjacent dures for surface emission monitoring
wells to increase the gas collection in devices:
the vicinity of each exceedance must (1) The portable analyzer must meet
be made and the location must be re- the instrument specifications provided
monitored within 10 calendar days of in section 6 of Method 21 of appendix A
detecting the exceedance. of this part, except that ‘‘methane’’ re-
(iii) If the re-monitoring of the loca- places all references to ‘‘VOC’’.
tion shows a second exceedance, addi- (2) The calibration gas must be meth-
tional corrective action must be taken ane, diluted to a nominal concentra-
and the location must be monitored tion of 500 parts per million in air.
again within 10 days of the second ex-
(3) To meet the performance evalua-
ceedance. If the re-monitoring shows a
tion requirements in section 8.1 of
third exceedance for the same location,
Method 21 of appendix A of this part,
the action specified in paragraph
the instrument evaluation procedures
(c)(4)(v) of this section must be taken,
of section 8.1 of Method 21 must be
and no further monitoring of that loca-
tion is required until the action speci-
(4) The calibration procedures pro-
fied in paragraph (c)(4)(v) of this sec-
vided in sections 8 and 10 of Method 21
tion has been taken.
of appendix A of this part must be fol-
(iv) Any location that initially
lowed immediately before commencing
showed an exceedance but has a meth-
a surface monitoring survey.
ane concentration less than 500 parts
per million methane above background (e) The provisions of this subpart
at the 10-day re-monitoring specified in apply at all times, including periods of
paragraph (c)(4)(ii) or (iii) of this sec- startup, shutdown, or malfunction.
tion must be re-monitored 1 month During periods of startup, shutdown,
from the initial exceedance. If the 1- and malfunction, you must comply
month re-monitoring shows a con- with the work practice specified in
centration less than 500 parts per mil- § 60.34f(e) in lieu of the compliance pro-
lion above background, no further visions in § 60.36f.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

monitoring of that location is required [81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 85
until the next quarterly monitoring pe- FR 17259, Mar. 26, 2020]


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.37f

§ 60.37f Monitoring of operations. (iii) A portable gas composition ana-

lyzer may be used to monitor the oxy-
For approval, a state plan must in-
gen levels provided:
clude the monitoring provisions in this
(A) The analyzer is calibrated; and
section, (as well as the provisions in
§§ 60.34f and 60.36f) except as provided in (B) The analyzer meets all quality as-
§ 60.38f(d)(2), or the monitoring provi- surance and quality control require-
sions in § 63.1961 of this chapter (as well ments for Method 3A or ASTM D6522–11
as the provisions in §§ 63.1958 of this (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17).
chapter and 63.1960 of this chapter), or (3) Monitor temperature of the land-
both as alternative means of compli- fill gas on a monthly basis as provided
ance, for an MSW landfill with a gas in § 60.36f(a)(5). The temperature meas-
collection and control system used to uring device must be calibrated annu-
comply with the provisions of § 60.33f(b) ally using the procedure in this part 60,
and (c). Once the owner or operator be- appendix A–1, Method 2, Section 10.3.
gins to comply with the provisions of (b) Each owner or operator seeking to
§ 63.1961 of this chapter, the owner or comply with § 60.33f(c) using an en-
operator must continue to operate the closed combustor must calibrate,
collection and control device according maintain, and operate according to the
to those provisions and cannot return manufacturer’s specifications, the fol-
to the provisions of this section. lowing equipment:
(a) Each owner or operator seeking to (1) A temperature monitoring device
comply with § 60.33f(b)(2) for an active equipped with a continuous recorder
gas collection system must install a and having a minimum accuracy of ±1
sampling port and a thermometer, percent of the temperature being meas-
other temperature measuring device, ured expressed in degrees Celsius or
or an access port for temperature ±0.5 degrees Celsius, whichever is great-
measurements at each wellhead and: er. A temperature monitoring device is
not required for boilers or process heat-
(1) Measure the gauge pressure in the
ers with design heat input capacity
gas collection header on a monthly
equal to or greater than 44 megawatts.
basis as provided in § 60.36f(a)(3); and
(2) A device that records flow to the
(2) Monitor nitrogen or oxygen con-
control device and bypass of the con-
centration in the landfill gas on a
trol device (if applicable). The owner or
monthly basis as follows:
operator must:
(i) The nitrogen level must be deter-
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a
mined using Method 3C, unless an al-
gas flow rate measuring device that
ternative test method is established as must record the flow to the control de-
allowed by § 60.38f(d)(2). vice at least every 15 minutes; and
(ii) Unless an alternative test method (ii) Secure the bypass line valve in
is established as allowed by the closed position with a car-seal or a
§ 60.38f(d)(2), the oxygen level must be lock-and-key type configuration. A vis-
determined by an oxygen meter using ual inspection of the seal or closure
Method 3A, 3C, or ASTM D6522–11 (in- mechanism must be performed at least
corporated by reference, see § 60.17). De- once every month to ensure that the
termine the oxygen level by an oxygen valve is maintained in the closed posi-
meter using Method 3A, 3C, or ASTM tion and that the gas flow is not di-
D6522–11 (if sample location is prior to verted through the bypass line.
combustion) except that: (c) Each owner or operator seeking to
(A) The span must be set between 10 comply with § 60.33f(c) using a non-en-
and 12 percent oxygen; closed flare must install, calibrate,
(B) A data recorder is not required; maintain, and operate according to the
(C) Only two calibration gases are re- manufacturer’s specifications the fol-
quired, a zero and span; lowing equipment:
(D) A calibration error check is not (1) A heat sensing device, such as an
required; and ultraviolet beam sensor or thermo-
(E) The allowable sample bias, zero couple, at the pilot light or the flame
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

drift, and calibration drift are ±10 per- itself to indicate the continuous pres-
cent. ence of a flame.


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§ 60.37f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(2) A device that records flow to the monitoring periods may skip to annual
flare and bypass of the flare (if applica- monitoring. Any methane reading of
ble). The owner or operator must: 500 parts per million or more above
(i) Install, calibrate, and maintain a background detected during the annual
gas flow rate measuring device that monitoring returns the frequency for
records the flow to the control device that landfill to quarterly monitoring.
at least every 15 minutes; and (g) Each owner or operator seeking to
(ii) Secure the bypass line valve in demonstrate compliance with the con-
the closed position with a car-seal or a trol system requirements in § 60.33f(c)
lock-and-key type configuration. A vis- using a landfill gas treatment system
ual inspection of the seal or closure must maintain and operate all moni-
mechanism must be performed at least toring systems associated with the
once every month to ensure that the treatment system in accordance with
valve is maintained in the closed posi- the site-specific treatment system
tion and that the gas flow is not di- monitoring plan required in
verted through the bypass line. § 60.39f(b)(5)(ii) and must calibrate,
(d) Each owner or operator seeking to maintain, and operate according to the
demonstrate compliance with § 60.33f(c) manufacturer’s specifications a device
using a device other than a non-en- that records flow to the treatment sys-
closed flare or an enclosed combustor tem and bypass of the treatment sys-
or a treatment system must provide in- tem (if applicable). The owner or oper-
formation satisfactory to the Adminis- ator must:
trator as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2) de- (1) Install, calibrate, and maintain a
scribing the operation of the control gas flow rate measuring device that
device, the operating parameters that records the flow to the treatment sys-
would indicate proper performance, tem at least every 15 minutes; and
and appropriate monitoring proce-
(2) Secure the bypass line valve in
dures. The Administrator must review
the closed position with a car-seal or a
the information and either approve it,
lock-and-key type configuration. A vis-
or request that additional information
ual inspection of the seal or closure
be submitted. The Administrator may
mechanism must be performed at least
specify additional appropriate moni-
once every month to ensure that the
toring procedures.
valve is maintained in the closed posi-
(e) Each owner or operator seeking to
tion and that the gas flow is not di-
install a collection system that does
verted through the bypass line.
not meet the specifications in § 60.40f or
seeking to monitor alternative param- (h) The monitoring requirements of
eters to those required by §§ 60.34f paragraphs (b), (c) (d) and (g) of this
through 60.37f must provide informa- section apply at all times the affected
tion satisfactory to the Administrator source is operating, except for periods
as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2) and (3) de- of monitoring system malfunctions, re-
scribing the design and operation of pairs associated with monitoring sys-
the collection system, the operating tem malfunctions, and required moni-
parameters that would indicate proper toring system quality assurance or
performance, and appropriate moni- quality control activities. A moni-
toring procedures. The Administrator toring system malfunction is any sud-
may specify additional appropriate den, infrequent, not reasonably pre-
monitoring procedures. ventable failure of the monitoring sys-
(f) Each owner or operator seeking to tem to provide valid data. Monitoring
demonstrate compliance with the 500 system failures that are caused in part
parts per million surface methane by poor maintenance or careless oper-
operational standard in § 60.34f(d) must ation are not malfunctions. You are re-
monitor surface concentrations of quired to complete monitoring system
methane according to the procedures repairs in response to monitoring sys-
provided in § 60.36f(c) and the instru- tem malfunctions and to return the
ment specifications in § 60.36f(d). Any monitoring system to operation as ex-
closed landfill that has no monitored peditiously as practicable.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

exceedances of the operational stand- [81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 85
ard in three consecutive quarterly FR 17260, Mar. 26, 2020]


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.38f

§ 60.38f Reporting guidelines. the landfill, within 90 days of an in-

For approval, a state plan must in- crease in the maximum design capacity
clude the reporting provisions listed in of the landfill to meet or exceed 2.5
this section, as applicable, except as million megagrams and 2.5 million
provided under §§ 60.24 and 60.38f(d)(2). cubic meters. This increase in design
(a) Design capacity report. For exist- capacity may result from an increase
ing MSW landfills subject to this sub- in the permitted volume of the landfill
part, the initial design capacity report or an increase in the density as docu-
must be submitted no later than 90 mented in the annual recalculation re-
days after the effective date of EPA ap- quired in § 60.39f(f).
proval of the state’s plan under section (c) NMOC emission rate report. For ex-
111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The initial isting MSW landfills covered by this
design capacity report must contain subpart with a design capacity equal to
the following information: or greater than 2.5 million megagrams
(1) A map or plot of the landfill, pro- and 2.5 million cubic meters, the NMOC
viding the size and location of the land- emission rate report must be submitted
fill, and identifying all areas where following the procedure specified in
solid waste may be landfilled according paragraph (j)(2) of this section no later
to the permit issued by the state, local, than 90 days after the effective date of
or tribal agency responsible for regu- EPA approval of the state’s plan under
lating the landfill. section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The
(2) The maximum design capacity of NMOC emission rate report must be
the landfill. Where the maximum de- submitted to the Administrator annu-
sign capacity is specified in the permit ally following the procedure specified
issued by the state, local, or tribal in paragraph (j)(2) of this section, ex-
agency responsible for regulating the cept as provided for in paragraph (c)(3)
landfill, a copy of the permit specifying of this section. The Administrator may
the maximum design capacity may be request such additional information as
submitted as part of the report. If the may be necessary to verify the re-
maximum design capacity of the land- ported NMOC emission rate.
fill is not specified in the permit, the (1) The NMOC emission rate report
maximum design capacity must be cal- must contain an annual or 5-year esti-
culated using good engineering prac- mate of the NMOC emission rate cal-
tices. The calculations must be pro- culated using the formula and proce-
vided, along with the relevant param- dures provided in § 60.35f(a) or (b), as
eters as part of the report. The landfill applicable.
may calculate design capacity in either (2) The NMOC emission rate report
megagrams or cubic meters for com- must include all the data, calculations,
parison with the exemption values. If sample reports and measurements used
the owner or operator chooses to con- to estimate the annual or 5-year emis-
vert the design capacity from volume sions.
to mass or from mass to volume to (3) If the estimated NMOC emission
demonstrate its design capacity is less rate as reported in the annual report to
than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5 mil- the Administrator is less than 34
lion cubic meters, the calculation must megagrams per year in each of the next
include a site-specific density, which 5 consecutive years, the owner or oper-
must be recalculated annually. Any ator may elect to submit, following the
density conversions must be docu- procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
mented and submitted with the design of this section, an estimate of the
capacity report. The state, local, or NMOC emission rate for the next 5-year
tribal agency or the Administrator period in lieu of the annual report.
may request other reasonable informa- This estimate must include the current
tion as may be necessary to verify the amount of solid waste-in-place and the
maximum design capacity of the land- estimated waste acceptance rate for
fill. each year of the 5 years for which an
(b) Amended design capacity report. An NMOC emission rate is estimated. All
amended design capacity report must data and calculations upon which this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

be submitted providing notification of estimate is based must be provided to

an increase in the design capacity of the Administrator. This estimate must


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§ 60.38f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

be revised at least once every 5 years. equals or exceeds 34 megagrams per

If the actual waste acceptance rate ex- year, except as follows:
ceeds the estimated waste acceptance (i) If the owner or operator elects to
rate in any year reported in the 5-year recalculate the NMOC emission rate
estimate, a revised 5-year estimate after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and anal-
must be submitted to the Adminis- ysis as provided in § 60.35f(a)(3) and the
trator. The revised estimate must resulting rate is less than 34
cover the 5-year period beginning with megagrams per year, annual periodic
the year in which the actual waste ac- reporting must be resumed, using the
ceptance rate exceeded the estimated Tier 2 determined site-specific NMOC
waste acceptance rate. concentration, until the calculated
(4) Each owner or operator subject to NMOC emission rate is equal to or
the requirements of this subpart is ex- greater than 34 megagrams per year or
empted from the requirements to sub- the landfill is closed. The revised
mit an NMOC emission rate report, NMOC emission rate report, with the
after installing a collection and con- recalculated NMOC emission rate based
trol system that complies with on NMOC sampling and analysis, must
§ 60.33f(b) and (c), during such time as be submitted, following the procedures
the collection and control system is in in paragraph (j)(2) of this section, with-
operation and in compliance with in 180 days of the first calculated ex-
§§ 60.34f and 60.36f. ceedance of 34 megagrams per year.
(d) Collection and control system design
(ii) If the owner or operator elects to
plan. The state plan must include a
recalculate the NMOC emission rate
process for state review and approval of
after determining a site-specific meth-
the site-specific design plan for each
ane generation rate constant k, as pro-
gas collection and control system. The
collection and control system design vided in Tier 3 in § 60.35f(a)(4), and the
plan must be prepared and approved by resulting NMOC emission rate is less
a professional engineer and must meet than 34 megagrams per year, annual
the following requirements: periodic reporting must be resumed.
(1) The collection and control system The resulting site-specific methane
as described in the design plan must generation rate constant k must be
meet the design requirements in used in the NMOC emission rate cal-
§ 60.33f(b) and (c). culation until such time as the emis-
(2) The collection and control system sions rate calculation results in an ex-
design plan must include any alter- ceedance. The revised NMOC emission
natives to the operational standards, rate report based on the provisions of
test methods, procedures, compliance § 60.35f(a)(4) and the resulting site-spe-
measures, monitoring, recordkeeping, cific methane generation rate constant
or reporting provisions of §§ 60.34f k must be submitted, following the
through 60.39f proposed by the owner or procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
operator. of this section, to the Administrator
(3) The collection and control system within 1 year of the first calculated
design plan must either conform to NMOC emission rate equaling or ex-
specifications for active collection sys- ceeding 34 megagrams per year.
tems in § 60.40f or include a demonstra- (iii) If the owner or operator elects to
tion to the Administrator’s satisfac- demonstrate that site-specific surface
tion of the sufficiency of the alter- methane emissions are below 500 parts
native provisions to § 60.40f. per million methane, based on the pro-
(4) Each owner or operator of an visions of § 60.35f(a)(6), then the owner
MSW landfill having a design capacity or operator must submit annually a
equal to or greater than 2.5 million Tier 4 surface emissions report as spec-
megagrams and 2.5 million cubic me- ified in this paragraph (d)(4)(iii) fol-
ters must submit a copy of the collec- lowing the procedure specified in para-
tion and control system design plan graph (j)(2) of this section until a sur-
cover page that contains the engineer’s face emissions readings of 500 parts per
seal to the Administrator within 1 year million methane or greater is found. If
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

of the first NMOC emission rate report the Tier 4 surface emissions report
in which the NMOC emission rate shows no surface emissions readings of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.38f

500 parts per million methane or great- reporting must be resumed, using the
er for four consecutive quarters at a Tier 2 determined site-specific NMOC
closed landfill, then the landfill owner concentration, until the calculated
or operator may reduce Tier 4 moni- NMOC emission rate is equal to or
toring from a quarterly to an annual greater than 50 megagrams per year or
frequency. The Administrator may re- the landfill is closed. The revised
quest such additional information as NMOC emission rate report, with the
may be necessary to verify the re- recalculated NMOC emission rate based
ported instantaneous surface emission on NMOC sampling and analysis, must
readings. The Tier 4 surface emissions be submitted, following the procedure
report must clearly identify the loca- specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this sec-
tion, date and time (to the nearest sec- tion, within 180 days of the first cal-
ond), average wind speeds including culated exceedance of 50 megagrams
wind gusts, and reading (in parts per per year.
million) of any value 500 parts per mil- (B) If the owner or operator elects to
lion methane or greater, other than recalculate the NMOC emission rate
non-repeatable, momentary readings. after determining a site-specific meth-
For location, you must determine the ane generation rate constant k, as pro-
latitude and longitude coordinates vided in Tier 3 in § 60.35f(a)(4), and the
using an instrument with an accuracy resulting NMOC emission rate is less
of at least 4 meters. The coordinates than 50 megagrams per year, annual
must be in decimal degrees with at periodic reporting must be resumed.
least five decimal places. The Tier 4 The resulting site-specific methane
surface emission report should also in- generation rate constant k must be
clude the results of the most recent used in the NMOC emission rate cal-
Tier 1 and Tier 2 results in order to culation until such time as the emis-
verify that the landfill does not exceed sions rate calculation results in an ex-
50 Mg/yr of NMOC. ceedance. The revised NMOC emission
(A) The initial Tier 4 surface emis- rate report based on the provisions of
sions report must be submitted annu-
§ 60.35f(a)(4) and the resulting site-spe-
ally, starting within 30 days of com-
cific methane generation rate constant
pleting the fourth quarter of Tier 4 sur-
k must be submitted, following the
face emissions monitoring that dem-
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
onstrates that site-specific surface
of this section, to the Administrator
methane emissions are below 500 parts
within 1 year of the first calculated
per million methane, and following the
NMOC emission rate equaling or ex-
procedure specified in paragraph (j)(2)
ceeding 50 megagrams per year.
of this section.
(B) The Tier 4 surface emissions rate (C) The landfill owner or operator
report must be submitted within 1 year elects to demonstrate surface emis-
of the first measured surface exceed- sions are low, consistent with the pro-
ance of 500 parts per million methane, visions in paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this
following the procedure specified in section.
paragraph (j)(2) of this section. (D) The landfill has already sub-
(iv) If the landfill is in the closed mitted a gas collection and control sys-
landfill subcategory, the owner or oper- tem design plan consistent with the
ator must submit a collection and con- provisions of subpart WWW of this
trol system design plan to the Admin- part; 40 CFR part 62, subpart GGG; or a
istrator within 1 year of the first state plan implementing subpart Cc of
NMOC emission rate report in which this part.
the NMOC emission rate equals or ex- (5) The landfill owner or operator
ceeds 50 megagrams per year, except as must notify the Administrator that the
follows: design plan is completed and submit a
(A) If the owner or operator elects to copy of the plan’s signature page. The
recalculate the NMOC emission rate Administrator has 90 days to decide
after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and anal- whether the design plan should be sub-
ysis as provided in § 60.35f(a)(3) and the mitted for review. If the Administrator
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

resulting rate is less than 50 chooses to review the plan, the ap-
megagrams per year, annual periodic proval process continues as described


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§ 60.38f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

in paragraph (c)(6) of this section. How- (2) Prior to installing or expanding

ever, if the Administrator indicates the gas collection system in a way that
that submission is not required or does is not consistent with the design plan
not respond within 90 days, the landfill that was submitted to the Adminis-
owner or operator can continue to im- trator according to paragraph (d) of
plement the plan with the recognition this section.
that the owner or operator is pro- (f) Closure report. Each owner or oper-
ceeding at their own risk. In the event ator of a controlled landfill must sub-
that the design plan is required to be mit a closure report to the Adminis-
modified to obtain approval, the owner trator within 30 days of ceasing waste
or operator must take any steps nec- acceptance. The Administrator may re-
essary to conform any prior actions to quest additional information as may be
the approved design plan and any fail- necessary to verify that permanent clo-
ure to do so could result in an enforce- sure has taken place in accordance
ment action. with the requirements of 40 CFR 258.60.
(6) Upon receipt of an initial or re- If a closure report has been submitted
vised design plan, the Administrator to the Administrator, no additional
must review the information submitted wastes may be placed into the landfill
under paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of without filing a notification of modi-
this section and either approve it, dis- fication as described under § 60.7(a)(4).
approve it, or request that additional (g) Equipment removal report. Each
information be submitted. Because of owner or operator of a controlled land-
the many site-specific factors involved fill must submit an equipment removal
with landfill gas system design, alter- report to the Administrator 30 days
native systems may be necessary. A prior to removal or cessation of oper-
wide variety of system designs are pos- ation of the control equipment.
sible, such as vertical wells, combina- (1) The equipment removal report
tion horizontal and vertical collection must contain the following items:
systems, or horizontal trenches only, (i) A copy of the closure report sub-
leachate collection components, and mitted in accordance with paragraph
passive systems. If the Administrator (f) of this section; and
does not approve or disapprove the de- (ii) A copy of the initial performance
sign plan, or does not request that ad- test report demonstrating that the 15-
ditional information be submitted year minimum control period has ex-
within 90 days of receipt, then the pired, unless the report of the results
owner or operator may continue with of the performance test has been sub-
implementation of the design plan, rec- mitted to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX,
ognizing they would be proceeding at or information that demonstrates that
their own risk. the GCCS will be unable to operate for
(7) If the owner or operator chooses 15 years due to declining gas flows. In
to demonstrate compliance with the the equipment removal report, the
emission control requirements of this process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s)
subpart using a treatment system as tested, and the date that such perform-
defined in this subpart, then the owner ance test was conducted may be sub-
or operator must prepare a site-specific mitted in lieu of the performance test
treatment system monitoring plan as report if the report has been previously
specified in § 60.39f(b)(5). submitted to the EPA’s CDX; and
(e) Revised design plan. The owner or (iii) Dated copies of three successive
operator who has already been required NMOC emission rate reports dem-
to submit a design plan under para- onstrating that the landfill is no longer
graph (d) of this section, or under sub- producing 34 megagrams or greater of
part WWW of this part; 40 CFR part 62, NMOC per year, unless the NMOC emis-
subpart GGG; or a state plan imple- sion rate reports have been submitted
menting subpart Cc of this part, must to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX. If the
submit a revised design plan to the Ad- NMOC emission rate reports have been
ministrator for approval as follows: previously submitted to the EPA’s
(1) At least 90 days before expanding CDX, a statement that the NMOC emis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

operations to an area not covered by sion rate reports have been submitted
the previously approved design plan. electronically and the dates that the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.38f

reports were submitted to the EPA’s § 60.39f(c)(1). If complying with the

CDX may be submitted in the equip- operational provisions of §§ 63.1958,
ment removal report in lieu of the 63.1960, and 63.1961 of this chapter, as
NMOC emission rate reports; or allowed at §§ 60.34f, 60.36f, and 60.37f, the
(iv) For the closed landfill sub- owner or operator must follow the
category, dated copies of three succes- semi-annual reporting requirements in
sive NMOC emission rate reports dem- § 63.1981(h) of this chapter in lieu of this
onstrating that the landfill is no longer paragraph.
producing 50 megagrams or greater of (1) Value and length of time for ex-
NMOC per year, unless the NMOC emis- ceedance of applicable parameters
sion rate reports have been submitted monitored under § 60.37f(a)(1), (b), (c),
to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX. If the (d), and (g).
NMOC emission rate reports have been (2) Description and duration of all pe-
previously submitted to the EPA’s riods when the gas stream was diverted
CDX, a statement that the NMOC emis- from the control device or treatment
sion rate reports have been submitted system through a bypass line or the in-
electronically and the dates that the dication of bypass flow as specified
reports were submitted to the EPA’s under § 60.37f.
CDX may be submitted in the equip- (3) Description and duration of all pe-
ment removal report in lieu of the riods when the control device or treat-
NMOC emission rate reports. ment system was not operating and
(2) The Administrator may request length of time the control device or
such additional information as may be treatment system was not operating.
necessary to verify that all of the con- (4) All periods when the collection
ditions for removal in § 60.33f(f) have system was not operating.
been met. (5) The location of each exceedance of
(h) Annual report. The owner or oper- the 500 parts per million methane con-
ator of a landfill seeking to comply centration as provided in § 60.34f(d) and
with § 60.33f(e)(2) using an active collec- the concentration recorded at each lo-
tion system designed in accordance cation for which an exceedance was re-
with § 60.33f(b) must submit to the Ad- corded in the previous month. For loca-
ministrator, following the procedures tion, you must determine the latitude
specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this sec- and longitude coordinates using an in-
tion, an annual report of the recorded strument with an accuracy of at least
information in paragraphs (h)(1) 4 meters. The coordinates must be in
through (7) of this section. The initial decimal degrees with at least five dec-
annual report must be submitted with- imal places.
in 180 days of installation and startup (6) The date of installation and the
of the collection and control system. location of each well or collection sys-
The initial annual report must include tem expansion added pursuant to
the initial performance test report re- § 60.36f(a)(3), (a)(5), (b), and (c)(4).
quired under § 60.8, as applicable, unless (7) For any corrective action analysis
the report of the results of the per- for which corrective actions are re-
formance test has been submitted to quired in § 60.36f(a)(3) or (5) and that
the EPA via the EPA’s CDX. In the ini- take more than 60 days to correct the
tial annual report, the process unit(s) exceedance, the root cause analysis
tested, the pollutant(s) tested and the conducted, including a description of
date that such performance test was the recommended corrective action(s),
conducted may be submitted in lieu of the date for corrective action(s) al-
the performance test report if the re- ready completed following the positive
port has been previously submitted to pressure or elevated temperature read-
the EPA’s CDX. The initial perform- ing, and, for action(s) not already com-
ance test report must be submitted, pleted, a schedule for implementation,
following the procedure specified in including proposed commencement and
paragraph (j)(1) of this section, no later completion dates.
than the date that the initial annual (i) Initial performance test report. Each
report is submitted. For enclosed com- owner or operator seeking to comply
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

bustion devices and flares, reportable with § 60.33f(c) must include the fol-
exceedances are defined under lowing information with the initial


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§ 60.38f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

performance test report required under must be submitted in a file format gen-
§ 60.8: erated through the use of the EPA’s
(1) A diagram of the collection sys- ERT or an alternative file format con-
tem showing collection system posi- sistent with the extensible markup lan-
tioning including all wells, horizontal guage (XML) schema listed on the
collectors, surface collectors, or other EPA’s ERT Web site, once the XML
gas extraction devices, including the schema is available. If you claim that
locations of any areas excluded from some of the performance test informa-
collection and the proposed sites for tion being submitted is confidential
the future collection system expansion; business information (CBI), you must
(2) The data upon which the suffi- submit a complete file generated
cient density of wells, horizontal col- through the use of the EPA’s ERT or
lectors, surface collectors, or other gas an alternate electronic file consistent
extraction devices and the gas mover with the XML schema listed on the
equipment sizing are based; EPA’s ERT Web site, including infor-
(3) The documentation of the pres- mation claimed to be CBI, on a com-
ence of asbestos or nondegradable ma- pact disc, flash drive or other com-
terial for each area from which collec- monly used electronic storage media to
tion wells have been excluded based on the EPA. The electronic media must be
the presence of asbestos or nondegrad- clearly marked as CBI and mailed to
able material; U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, At-
(4) The sum of the gas generation tention: Group Leader, Measurement
flow rates for all areas from which col-
Policy Group, MD C404–02, 4930 Old
lection wells have been excluded based
Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same
on nonproductivity and the calcula-
ERT or alternate file with the CBI
tions of gas generation flow rate for
omitted must be submitted to the EPA
each excluded area;
via the EPA’s CDX as described earlier
(5) The provisions for increasing gas
in this paragraph (j)(1)(i).
mover equipment capacity with in-
creased gas generation flow rate, if the (ii) For data collected using test
present gas mover equipment is inad- methods that are not supported by the
equate to move the maximum flow rate EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s ERT
expected over the life of the landfill; Web site at the time of the test, you
and must submit the results of the per-
(6) The provisions for the control of formance test to the Administrator at
off-site migration. the appropriate address listed in § 60.4.
(j) Electronic reporting. The owner or (2) Each owner or operator required
operator must submit reports elec- to submit reports following the proce-
tronically according to paragraphs dure specified in this paragraph must
(j)(1) and (2) of this section. submit reports to the EPA via the
(1) Within 60 days after the date of CEDRI. (CEDRI can be accessed
completing each performance test (as through the EPA’s CDX.) The owner or
defined in § 60.8), the owner or operator operator must use the appropriate elec-
must submit the results of each per- tronic report in CEDRI for this subpart
formance test according to the fol- or an alternate electronic file format
lowing procedures: consistent with the XML schema listed
(i) For data collected using test on the CEDRI Web site (https://
methods supported by the EPA’s Elec-
tronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed If the reporting form specific to this
on the EPA’s ERT Web site (https:// subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, the
ertllinfo.html) at the time of the test, owner or operator must submit the re-
you must submit the results of the per- port to the Administrator at the appro-
formance test to the EPA via the Com- priate address listed in § 60.4. Once the
pliance and Emissions Data Reporting form has been available in CEDRI for
Interface (CEDRI). CEDRI can be 90 calendar days, the owner or operator
accessed through the EPA’s Central must begin submitting all subsequent
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Data Exchange (CDX) (https:// reports via CEDRI. The reports must Performance test data be submitted by the deadlines specified


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.38f

in this subpart, regardless of the meth- (2) Total volume of all other liquids
od in which the reports are submitted. added (gallons per year) and the re-
(k) Corrective action and the cor- ported basis of those estimates (records
responding timeline. The owner or oper- or engineering estimates).
ator must submit according to para- (3) Surface area (acres) over which
graphs (k)(1) and (2) of this section. If the leachate is recirculated (or other-
complying with the operational provi- wise applied).
sions of §§ 63.1958, 63.1960, and 63.1961 of (4) Surface area (acres) over which
this chapter, as allowed at §§ 60.34f, any other liquids are applied.
60.36f, and 60.37f, the owner or operator (5) The total waste disposed
must follow the corrective action and (megagrams) in the areas with recir-
the corresponding timeline reporting culated leachate and/or added liquids
requirements in § 63.1981(j) of this chap- based on on-site records to the extent
ter in lieu of paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) data are available, or engineering esti-
of this section. mates and the reported basis of those
(1) For corrective action that is re- estimates.
quired according to § 60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (6) The annual waste acceptance
(a)(5)(iii) and is expected to take longer rates (megagrams per year) in the
than 120 days after the initial exceed- areas with recirculated leachate and/or
ance to complete, you must submit the added liquids, based on on-site records
root cause analysis, corrective action to the extent data are available, or en-
analysis, and corresponding implemen- gineering estimates.
tation timeline to the Administrator (7) The initial report must contain
as soon as practicable but no later than items in paragraph (l)(1) through (6) of
75 days after the first measurement of this section per year for the most re-
positive pressure or temperature moni- cent 365 days as well as for each of the
toring value of 55 degrees Celsius (131 previous 10 years, to the extent histor-
ical data are available in on-site
degrees Fahrenheit) or above. The Ad-
records, and the report must be sub-
ministrator must approve the plan for
mitted no later than:
corrective action and the cor-
(i) September 27, 2017, for landfills
responding timeline.
that commenced construction, modi-
(2) For corrective action that is re- fication, or reconstruction after July
quired according to § 60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or 17, 2014 but before August 29, 2016; or
(a)(5)(iii) and is not completed within (ii) 365 days after the date of com-
60 days after the initial exceedance, menced construction, modification, or
you must submit a notification to the reconstruction for landfills that com-
Administrator as soon as practicable mence construction, modification, or
but no later than 75 days after the first reconstruction after August 29, 2016.
measurement of positive pressure or (8) Subsequent annual reports must
temperature exceedance. contain items in paragraph (l)(1)
(l) Liquids addition. The owner or op- through (6) of this section for the 365-
erator of an affected landfill with a de- day period following the 365-day period
sign capacity equal to or greater than included in the previous annual report,
2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million and the report must be submitted no
cubic meters that has employed leach- later than 365 days after the date the
ate recirculation or added liquids based previous report was submitted.
on a Research, Development, and Dem- (9) Landfills in the closed landfill
onstration permit (issued through Re- subcategory are exempt from reporting
source Conservation and Recovery Act, requirements contained in paragraphs
subtitle D, part 258) within the last 10 (l)(1) through (7) of this section.
years must submit to the Adminis- (10) Landfills may cease annual re-
trator, annually, following the proce- porting of items in paragraphs (l)(1)
dure specified in paragraph (j)(2) of this through (6) of this section once they
section, the following information: have submitted the closure report in
(1) Volume of leachate recirculated § 60.38f(f).
(gallons per year) and the reported (m) Tier 4 notification. (1) The owner
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

basis of those estimates (records or en- or operator of an affected landfill with

gineering estimates). a design capacity equal to or greater


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§ 60.39f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 tests or monitoring must be main-
million cubic meters must provide a tained for a minimum of 5 years.
notification of the date(s) upon which Records of the control device vendor
it intends to demonstrate site-specific specifications must be maintained
surface methane emissions are below until removal.
500 parts per million methane, based on (1) Where an owner or operator sub-
the Tier 4 provisions of § 60.35f(a)(6). ject to the provisions of this subpart
The landfill must also include a de- seeks to demonstrate compliance with
scription of the wind barrier to be used § 60.33f(b):
during the SEM in the notification. No- (i) The maximum expected gas gen-
tification must be postmarked not less eration flow rate as calculated in
than 30 days prior to such date. § 60.36f(a)(1). The owner or operator
(2) If there is a delay to the scheduled may use another method to determine
Tier 4 SEM date due to weather condi- the maximum gas generation flow rate,
tions, including not meeting the wind if the method has been approved by the
requirements in § 60.35f (a)(6)(iii)(A), Administrator.
the owner or operator of a landfill shall (ii) The density of wells, horizontal
notify the Administrator by email or collectors, surface collectors, or other
telephone no later than 48 hours before gas extraction devices determined
any known delay in the original test using the procedures specified in
date, and arrange an updated date with § 60.40f(a)(1).
the Administrator by mutual agree- (2) Where an owner or operator sub-
ment. ject to the provisions of this subpart
(n) Each owner or operator that seeks to demonstrate compliance with
chooses to comply with the provisions § 60.33f(c) through use of an enclosed
in §§ 63.1958, 63.1960, and 63.1961 of this combustion device other than a boiler
chapter, as allowed in §§ 60.34f, 60.36f, or process heater with a design heat
and 60.37f, must submit the 24-hour input capacity equal to or greater than
high temperature report according to 44 megawatts:
§ 63.1981(k) of this chapter. (i) The average temperature meas-
[81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 85 ured at least every 15 minutes and
FR 17260, Mar. 26, 2020] averaged over the same time period of
the performance test.
§ 60.39f Recordkeeping guidelines. (ii) The percent reduction of NMOC
For approval, a state plan must in- determined as specified in § 60.33f(c)(2)
clude the recordkeeping provisions in achieved by the control device.
this section. (3) Where an owner or operator sub-
(a) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2), ject to the provisions of this subpart
each owner or operator of an MSW seeks to demonstrate compliance with
landfill subject to the provisions of § 60.33f(c)(2)(i) through use of a boiler or
§ 60.33f(e) must keep for at least 5 years process heater of any size: A descrip-
up-to-date, readily accessible, on-site tion of the location at which the col-
records of the design capacity report lected gas vent stream is introduced
that triggered § 60.33f(e), the current into the boiler or process heater over
amount of solid waste in-place, and the the same time period of the perform-
year-by-year waste acceptance rate. ance testing.
Off-site records may be maintained if (4) Where an owner or operator sub-
they are retrievable within 4 hours. Ei- ject to the provisions of this subpart
ther paper copy or electronic formats seeks to demonstrate compliance with
are acceptable. § 60.33f(c)(1) through use of a non-en-
(b) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2), closed flare, the flare type (i.e., steam-
each owner or operator of a controlled assisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted),
landfill must keep up-to-date, readily all visible emission readings, heat con-
accessible records for the life of the tent determination, flow rate or bypass
control system equipment of the data flow rate measurements, and exit ve-
listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) locity determinations made during the
of this section as measured during the performance test as specified in § 60.18;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

initial performance test or compliance and continuous records of the flare

determination. Records of subsequent pilot flame or flare flame monitoring


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.39f

and records of all periods of operations sign heat input capacity of 44

during which the pilot flame or the megawatts (150 million British thermal
flare flame is absent. unit per hour) or greater, all 3-hour pe-
(5) Where an owner or operator sub- riods of operation during which the av-
ject to the provisions of this subpart erage temperature was more than 28
seeks to demonstrate compliance with degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit)
§ 60.33f(c)(3) through use of a landfill below the average combustion tem-
gas treatment system: perature during the most recent per-
(i) Bypass records. Records of the flow formance test at which compliance
of landfill gas to, and bypass of, the with § 60.33f(c) was determined.
treatment system. (ii) For boilers or process heaters,
(ii) Site-specific treatment monitoring whenever there is a change in the loca-
plan, to include: tion at which the vent stream is intro-
(A) Monitoring records of parameters duced into the flame zone as required
that are identified in the treatment under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
system monitoring plan and that en- (2) Each owner or operator subject to
sure the treatment system is operating the provisions of this subpart must
properly for each intended end use of keep up-to-date, readily accessible con-
the treated landfill gas. At a minimum, tinuous records of the indication of
records should include records of filtra- flow to the control system and the in-
tion, de-watering, and compression pa- dication of bypass flow or records of
rameters that ensure the treatment monthly inspections of car-seals or
system is operating properly for each lock-and-key configurations used to
intended end use of the treated landfill seal bypass lines, specified under
gas. § 60.37f.
(B) Monitoring methods, frequencies, (3) Each owner or operator subject to
and operating ranges for each mon- the provisions of this subpart who uses
itored operating parameter based on a boiler or process heater with a design
manufacturer’s recommendations or heat input capacity of 44 megawatts or
engineering analysis for each intended greater to comply with § 60.33f(c) must
end use of the treated landfill gas. keep an up-to-date, readily accessible
(C) Documentation of the monitoring record of all periods of operation of the
methods and ranges, along with jus- boiler or process heater. (Examples of
tification for their use. such records could include records of
(D) Identify who is responsible (by steam use, fuel use, or monitoring data
job title) for data collection. collected pursuant to other state,
(E) Processes and methods used to local, tribal, or federal regulatory re-
collect the necessary data. quirements.)
(F) Description of the procedures and (4) Each owner or operator seeking to
methods that are used for quality as- comply with the provisions of this sub-
surance, maintenance, and repair of all part by use of a non-enclosed flare
continuous monitoring systems. must keep up-to-date, readily acces-
(c) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2), sible continuous records of the flame or
each owner or operator of a controlled flare pilot flame monitoring specified
landfill subject to the provisions of this under § 60.37f(c), and up-to-date, readily
subpart must keep for 5 years up-to- accessible records of all periods of op-
date, readily accessible continuous eration in which the flame or flare
records of the equipment operating pa- pilot flame is absent.
rameters specified to be monitored in (5) Each owner or operator of a land-
§ 60.37f as well as up-to-date, readily ac- fill seeking to comply with § 60.33f(e)
cessible records for periods of oper- using an active collection system de-
ation during which the parameter signed in accordance with § 60.33f(b)
boundaries established during the most must keep records of periods when the
recent performance test are exceeded. collection system or control device is
(1) The following constitute not operating.
exceedances that must be recorded and (d) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2),
reported under § 60.38f: each owner or operator subject to the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(i) For enclosed combustors except provisions of this subpart must keep
for boilers and process heaters with de- for the life of the collection system an


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§ 60.39f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

up-to-date, readily accessible plot map and the date(s) the corrective action(s)
showing each existing and planned col- were completed.
lector in the system and providing a (4) For any root cause analysis for
unique identification location label on which corrective actions are required
each collector that matches the label- in § 60.36f(a)(3)(ii) or (a)(5)(ii), keep a
ing on the plot map. record of the root cause analysis con-
(1) Each owner or operator subject to ducted, the corrective action analysis,
the provisions of this subpart must the date for corrective action(s) al-
keep up-to-date, readily accessible ready completed following the positive
records of the installation date and lo- pressure reading or high temperature
cation of all newly installed collectors reading, and, for action(s) not already
as specified under § 60.36f(b). completed, a schedule for implementa-
(2) Each owner or operator subject to tion, including proposed commence-
the provisions of this subpart must ment and completion dates.
keep readily accessible documentation (5) For any root cause analysis for
of the nature, date of deposition, which corrective actions are required
amount, and location of asbestos-con- in § 60.36f(a)(3)(iii) or (a)(5)(iii), keep a
taining or nondegradable waste ex- record of the root cause analysis con-
cluded from collection as provided in ducted, the corrective action analysis,
§ 60.40f(a)(3)(i) as well as any non- the date for corrective action(s) al-
productive areas excluded from collec- ready completed following the positive
tion as provided in § 60.40f(a)(3)(ii). pressure reading or high temperature
reading, for action(s) not already com-
(e) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2),
pleted, a schedule for implementation,
each owner or operator subject to the
including proposed commencement and
provisions of this subpart must keep
completion dates, and a copy of any
for at least 5 years up-to-date, readily
comments or final approval on the cor-
accessible records of the items in para-
rective action analysis or schedule
graphs (e)(1) through (5) of this section.
from the regulatory agency.
Each owner or operator that chooses to
(6) Each owner or operator that
comply with the provisions in §§ 63.1958,
chooses to comply with the provisions
63.1960, and 63.1961 of this chapter, as in §§ 63.1958, 63.1960, and 63.1961 of this
allowed in §§ 60.34f, 60.36f, and 60.37f, chapter, as allowed in §§ 60.34f, 60.36f,
must keep the records in paragraph and 60.37f, must keep records of the
(e)(6) of this section and must keep date upon which the owner or operator
records according to § 63.1983(e)(1) started complying with the provisions
through (5) of this chapter in lieu of in §§ 63.1958, 63.1960, and 63.1961.
paragraphs (e)(1) through (5) of this (f) Landfill owners or operators who
section. convert design capacity from volume
(1) All collection and control system to mass or mass to volume to dem-
exceedances of the operational stand- onstrate that landfill design capacity
ards in § 60.34f, the reading in the sub- is less than 2.5 million megagrams or
sequent month whether or not the sec- 2.5 million cubic meters, as provided in
ond reading is an exceedance, and the the definition of ‘‘design capacity’’,
location of each exceedance. must keep readily accessible, on-site
(2) Each owner or operator subject to records of the annual recalculation of
the provisions of this subpart must site-specific density, design capacity,
also keep records of each wellhead tem- and the supporting documentation. Off-
perature monitoring value of 55 degrees site records may be maintained if they
Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) or are retrievable within 4 hours. Either
above, each wellhead nitrogen level at paper copy or electronic formats are
or above 20 percent, and each wellhead acceptable.
oxygen level at or above 5 percent. (g) Landfill owners or operators seek-
(3) For any root cause analysis for ing to demonstrate that site-specific
which corrective actions are required surface methane emissions are below
in § 60.36f(a)(3) or (5), keep a record of 500 parts per million by conducting sur-
the root cause analysis conducted, in- face emission monitoring under the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cluding a description of the rec- Tier 4 procedures specified in

ommended corrective action(s) taken, § 60.35f(a)(6) must keep for at least 5


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.40f

years up-to-date, readily accessible (9) Records of the operating hours of

records of all surface emissions moni- the gas collection system for each de-
toring and information related to mon- struction device.
itoring instrument calibrations con- (h) Except as provided in § 60.38f(d)(2),
ducted according to sections 8 and 10 of each owner or operator subject to the
Method 21 of appendix A of this part, provisions of this subpart must keep
including all of the following items: for at least 5 years up-to-date, readily
(1) Calibration records: accessible records of all collection and
(i) Date of calibration and initials of control system monitoring data for pa-
operator performing the calibration. rameters measured in § 60.37f(a)(1), (2),
(ii) Calibration gas cylinder identi- and (3).
fication, certification date, and cer- (i) Any records required to be main-
tified concentration. tained by this subpart that are sub-
(iii) Instrument scale(s) used. mitted electronically via the EPA’s
CDX may be maintained in electronic
(iv) A description of any corrective
action taken if the meter readout could
(j) For each owner or operator report-
not be adjusted to correspond to the
ing leachate or other liquids addition
calibration gas value.
under § 60.38f(l), keep records of any en-
(v) If an owner or operator makes gineering calculations or company
their own calibration gas, a description records used to estimate the quantities
of the procedure used. of leachate or liquids added, the sur-
(2) Digital photographs of the instru- face areas for which the leachate or liq-
ment setup. The photographs must be uids were applied, and the estimates of
time and date-stamped and taken at annual waste acceptance or total waste
the first sampling location prior to in place in the areas where leachate or
sampling and at the last sampling loca- liquids were applied.
tion after sampling at the end of each
sampling day, for the duration of the [81 FR 59313, Aug. 29, 2016, as amended at 85
Tier 4 monitoring demonstration. FR 17260, Mar. 26, 2020]
(3) Timestamp of each surface scan § 60.40f Specifications for active collec-
reading: tion systems.
(i) Timestamp should be detailed to For approval, a state plan must in-
the nearest second, based on when the clude the specifications for active col-
sample collection begins. lection systems in this section.
(ii) A log for the length of time each (a) Each owner or operator seeking to
sample was taken using a stopwatch comply with § 60.33f(b) must site active
(e.g., the time the probe was held over collection wells, horizontal collectors,
the area). surface collectors, or other extraction
(4) Location of each surface scan devices at a sufficient density through-
reading. The owner or operator must out all gas producing areas using the
determine the coordinates using an in- following procedures unless alternative
strument with an accuracy of at least procedures have been approved by the
4 meters. Coordinates must be in dec- Administrator.
imal degrees with at least five decimal (1) The collection devices within the
places. interior must be certified to achieve
(5) Monitored methane concentration comprehensive control of surface gas
(parts per million) of each reading. emissions by a professional engineer.
(6) Background methane concentra- The following issues must be addressed
tion (parts per million) after each in- in the design: depths of refuse, refuse
strument calibration test. gas generation rates and flow charac-
(7) Adjusted methane concentration teristics, cover properties, gas system
using most recent calibration (parts expandability, leachate and condensate
per million). management, accessibility, compat-
(8) For readings taken at each sur- ibility with filling operations, integra-
face penetration, the unique identifica- tion with closure end use, air intrusion
tion location label matching the label control, corrosion resistance, fill set-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

specified in paragraph (d) of this sec- tlement, resistance to the refuse de-
tion. composition heat, and ability to isolate


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§ 60.40f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

individual components or sections for amount of asbestos or nondegradable

repair or troubleshooting without shut- material deposited in the area, and
ting down entire collection system. must be provided to the Administrator
(2) The sufficient density of gas col- upon request.
lection devices determined in para- (ii) Any nonproductive area of the
graph (a)(1) of this section must ad- landfill may be excluded from control,
dress landfill gas migration issues and provided that the total of all excluded
augmentation of the collection system areas can be shown to contribute less
through the use of active or passive than 1 percent of the total amount of
systems at the landfill perimeter or ex-
NMOC emissions from the landfill. The
amount, location, and age of the mate-
(3) The placement of gas collection
devices determined in paragraph (a)(1) rial must be documented and provided
of this section must control all gas pro- to the Administrator upon request. A
ducing areas, except as provided by separate NMOC emissions estimate
paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (ii) of this sec- must be made for each section proposed
tion. for exclusion, and the sum of all such
(i) Any segregated area of asbestos or sections must be compared to the
nondegradable material may be ex- NMOC emissions estimate for the en-
cluded from collection if documented tire landfill.
as provided under § 60.39f(d). The docu- (A) The NMOC emissions from each
mentation must provide the nature, section proposed for exclusion must be
date of deposition, location and computed using Equation 7:

Where: landfill where the pressure gradient ap-

Qi = NMOC emission rate from the ith sec- plied by the blower or compressor ap-
tion, megagrams per year. proaches zero). If field testing has not
k = Methane generation rate constant, been performed, the default values for
year¥1. k, Lo, and CNMOC provided in § 60.35f or
Lo = Methane generation potential, cubic
the alternative values from § 60.35f
meters per megagram solid waste.
Mi = Mass of the degradable solid waste in must be used. The mass of nondegrad-
the ith section, megagram. able solid waste contained within the
ti = Age of the solid waste in the ith section, given section may be subtracted from
years. the total mass of the section when esti-
CNMOC = Concentration of NMOC, parts per mating emissions provided the nature,
million by volume. location, age, and amount of the non-
3.6×10¥9 = Conversion factor. degradable material is documented as
(B) If the owner or operator is pro- provided in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this
posing to exclude, or cease gas collec- section.
tion and control from, nonproductive (b) Each owner or operator seeking to
physically separated (e.g., separately comply with § 60.33f(b) must construct
lined) closed areas that already have the gas collection devices using the fol-
gas collection systems, NMOC emis- lowing equipment or procedures:
sions from each physically separated (1) The landfill gas extraction compo-
closed area must be computed using ei- nents must be constructed of polyvinyl
ther Equation 3 in § 60.35f or Equation 7 chloride (PVC), high density poly-
in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this sec- ethylene (HDPE) pipe, fiberglass, stain-
tion. less steel, or other nonporous corrosion
(iii) The values for k and CNMOC deter- resistant material of suitable dimen-
mined in field testing must be used if sions to: Convey projected amounts of
field testing has been performed in de- gases; withstand installation, static,
termining the NMOC emission rate or and settlement forces; and withstand
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the radii of influence (the distance planned overburden or traffic loads.

from the well center to a point in the The collection system must extend as


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.41f

necessary to comply with emission and § 60.41f Definitions.

migration standards. Collection de- Terms used but not defined in this
vices such as wells and horizontal col- subpart have the meaning given them
lectors must be perforated to allow gas in the Clean Air Act and in subparts A
entry without head loss sufficient to and B of this part.
impair performance across the in- Active collection system means a gas
tended extent of control. Perforations collection system that uses gas mover
must be situated with regard to the equipment.
need to prevent excessive air infiltra- Active landfill means a landfill in
tion. which solid waste is being placed or a
(2) Vertical wells must be placed so landfill that is planned to accept waste
as not to endanger underlying liners in the future.
and must address the occurrence of Administrator means the Adminis-
water within the landfill. Holes and trator of the U.S. Environmental Pro-
trenches constructed for piped wells tection Agency or his/her authorized
and horizontal collectors must be of representative or the Administrator of
sufficient cross-section so as to allow a state air pollution control agency.
for their proper construction and com- Closed area means a separately lined
area of an MSW landfill in which solid
pletion including, for example, cen-
waste is no longer being placed. If addi-
tering of pipes and placement of gravel
tional solid waste is placed in that area
backfill. Collection devices must be de- of the landfill, that landfill area is no
signed so as not to allow indirect short longer closed. The area must be sepa-
circuiting of air into the cover or rately lined to ensure that the landfill
refuse into the collection system or gas gas does not migrate between open and
into the air. Any gravel used around closed areas.
pipe perforations should be of a dimen- Closed landfill means a landfill in
sion so as not to penetrate or block which solid waste is no longer being
perforations. placed, and in which no additional solid
(3) Collection devices may be con- wastes will be placed without first fil-
nected to the collection header pipes ing a notification of modification as
below or above the landfill surface. The prescribed under § 60.7(a)(4). Once a no-
connector assembly must include a tification of modification has been
positive closing throttle valve, any filed, and additional solid waste is
necessary seals and couplings, access placed in the landfill, the landfill is no
couplings and at least one sampling longer closed.
port. The collection devices must be Closed landfill subcategory means a
constructed of PVC, HDPE, fiberglass, closed landfill that has submitted a
stainless steel, or other nonporous ma- closure report as specified in § 60.38f(f)
terial of suitable thickness. on or before September 27, 2017.
(c) Each owner or operator seeking to Closure means that point in time
comply with § 60.33f(c) must convey the when a landfill becomes a closed land-
landfill gas to a control system in com-
Commercial solid waste means all
pliance with § 60.33f(c) through the col-
types of solid waste generated by
lection header pipe(s). The gas mover
stores, offices, restaurants, ware-
equipment must be sized to handle the
houses, and other nonmanufacturing
maximum gas generation flow rate ex- activities, excluding residential and in-
pected over the intended use period of dustrial wastes.
the gas moving equipment using the Controlled landfill means any landfill
following procedures: at which collection and control sys-
(1) For existing collection systems, tems are required under this subpart as
the flow data must be used to project a result of the NMOC emission rate.
the maximum flow rate. If no flow data The landfill is considered controlled at
exist, the procedures in paragraph the time a collection and control sys-
(c)(2) of this section must be used. tem design plan is prepared in compli-
(2) For new collection systems, the ance with § 60.33f(e)(2).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

maximum flow rate must be in accord- Corrective action analysis means a de-
ance with § 60.36f(a)(1). scription of all reasonable interim and


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§ 60.41f 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

long-term measures, if any, that are vegetative matter resulting exclusively

available, and an explanation of why from the cutting of grass, the pruning
the selected corrective action(s) is/are and/or removal of bushes, shrubs, and
the best alternative(s), including, but trees, the weeding of gardens, and
not limited to, considerations of cost other landscaping maintenance activi-
effectiveness, technical feasibility, ties. Household waste does not include
safety, and secondary impacts. construction, renovation, or demoli-
Design capacity means the maximum tion wastes, even if originating from a
amount of solid waste a landfill can ac- household.
cept, as indicated in terms of volume Industrial solid waste means solid
or mass in the most recent permit waste generated by manufacturing or
issued by the state, local, or tribal industrial processes that is not a haz-
agency responsible for regulating the ardous waste regulated under Subtitle
landfill, plus any in-place waste not ac- C of the Resource Conservation and Re-
counted for in the most recent permit. covery Act, parts 264 and 265 of this
If the owner or operator chooses to chapter. Such waste may include, but
convert the design capacity from vol- is not limited to, waste resulting from
ume to mass or from mass to volume to the following manufacturing processes:
demonstrate its design capacity is less electric power generation; fertilizer/ag-
than 2.5 million megagrams or 2.5 mil- ricultural chemicals; food and related
lion cubic meters, the calculation must products/by-products; inorganic chemi-
include a site-specific density, which cals; iron and steel manufacturing;
must be recalculated annually. leather and leather products; non-
Disposal facility means all contiguous ferrous metals manufacturing/found-
land and structures, other appur- ries; organic chemicals; plastics and
tenances, and improvements on the resins manufacturing; pulp and paper
land used for the disposal of solid industry; rubber and miscellaneous
waste. plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and
Emission rate cutoff means the thresh- concrete products; textile manufac-
old annual emission rate to which a turing; transportation equipment; and
landfill compares its estimated emis- water treatment. This term does not
sion rate to determine if control under include mining waste or oil and gas
the regulation is required. waste.
Enclosed combustor means an enclosed
Interior well means any well or simi-
firebox which maintains a relatively
lar collection component located inside
constant limited peak temperature
the perimeter of the landfill waste. A
generally using a limited supply of
perimeter well located outside the
combustion air. An enclosed flare is
considered an enclosed combustor. landfilled waste is not an interior well.
Flare means an open combustor with- Landfill means an area of land or an
out enclosure or shroud. excavation in which wastes are placed
Gas mover equipment means the equip- for permanent disposal, and that is not
ment (i.e., fan, blower, compressor) a land application unit, surface im-
used to transport landfill gas through poundment, injection well, or waste
the header system. pile as those terms are defined under
Gust means the highest instanta- § 257.2 of this title.
neous wind speed that occurs over a 3- Lateral expansion means a horizontal
second running average. expansion of the waste boundaries of
Household waste means any solid an existing MSW landfill. A lateral ex-
waste (including garbage, trash, and pansion is not a modification unless it
sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived results in an increase in the design ca-
from households (including, but not pacity of the landfill.
limited to, single and multiple resi- Leachate recirculation means the prac-
dences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, tice of taking the leachate collected
ranger stations, crew quarters, camp- from the landfill and reapplying it to
grounds, picnic grounds, and day-use the landfill by any of one of a variety
recreation areas). Household waste of methods, including pre-wetting of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

does not include fully segregated yard the waste, direct discharge into the
waste. Segregated yard waste means working face, spraying, infiltration


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.40

ponds, vertical injection wells, hori- causes, of positive pressure at a well-

zontal gravity distribution systems, head.
and pressure distribution systems. Sludge means the term sludge as de-
Modification means an increase in the fined in 40 CFR 258.2.
permitted volume design capacity of Solid waste means the term solid
the landfill by either lateral or vertical waste as defined in 40 CFR 258.2.
expansion based on its permitted de- State means any of the 50 United
sign capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modi- States and the protectorates of the
fication does not occur until the owner United States.
or operator commences construction State plan means a plan submitted
on the lateral or vertical expansion. pursuant to section 111(d) of the Clean
Municipal solid waste landfill or MSW Air Act and subpart B of this part that
landfill means an entire disposal facil- implements and enforces this subpart.
ity in a contiguous geographical space Sufficient density means any number,
where household waste is placed in or spacing, and combination of collection
on land. An MSW landfill may also re- system components, including vertical
ceive other types of Resource Con- wells, horizontal collectors, and sur-
servation and Recovery Act (RCRA) face collectors, necessary to maintain
Subtitle D wastes (§ 257.2 of this title) emission and migration control as de-
such as commercial solid waste, non- termined by measures of performance
hazardous sludge, conditionally exempt set forth in this part.
small quantity generator waste, and Sufficient extraction rate means a rate
industrial solid waste. Portions of an sufficient to maintain a negative pres-
MSW landfill may be separated by ac- sure at all wellheads in the collection
cess roads. An MSW landfill may be system without causing air infiltra-
publicly or privately owned. An MSW tion, including any wellheads con-
landfill may be a new MSW landfill, an nected to the system as a result of ex-
existing MSW landfill, or a lateral ex- pansion or excess surface emissions, for
pansion. the life of the blower.
Municipal solid waste landfill emissions Treated landfill gas means landfill gas
or MSW landfill emissions means gas processed in a treatment system as de-
generated by the decomposition of or- fined in this subpart.
ganic waste deposited in an MSW land- Treatment system means a system that
fill or derived from the evolution of or- filters, de-waters, and compresses land-
ganic compounds in the waste. fill gas for sale or beneficial use.
NMOC means nonmethane organic Untreated landfill gas means any
compounds, as measured according to landfill gas that is not treated landfill
the provisions of § 60.35f. gas.
Nondegradable waste means any waste
that does not decompose through Subpart D—Standards of Perform-
chemical breakdown or microbiological ance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired
activity. Examples are, but are not Steam Generators
limited to, concrete, municipal waste
combustor ash, and metals. SOURCE: 72 FR 32717, June 13, 2007, unless
Passive collection system means a gas otherwise noted.
collection system that solely uses posi-
tive pressure within the landfill to § 60.40 Applicability and designation
move the gas rather than using gas of affected facility.
mover equipment. (a) The affected facilities to which
Protectorate means American Samoa, the provisions of this subpart apply
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the are:
District of Columbia, Guam, the North- (1) Each fossil-fuel-fired steam gener-
ern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Is- ating unit of more than 73 megawatts
lands. (MW) heat input rate (250 million Brit-
Root cause analysis means an assess- ish thermal units per hour (MMBtu/
ment conducted through a process of hr)).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

investigation to determine the primary (2) Each fossil-fuel and wood-residue-

cause, and any other contributing fired steam generating unit capable of


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§ 60.41 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

firing fossil fuel at a heat input rate of Fossil-fuel-fired steam generating unit
more than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr). means a furnace or boiler used in the
(b) Any change to an existing fossil- process of burning fossil fuel for the
fuel-fired steam generating unit to ac- purpose of producing steam by heat
commodate the use of combustible ma- transfer.
terials, other than fossil fuels as de- Natural gas means a fluid mixture of
fined in this subpart, shall not bring hydrocarbons (e.g., methane, ethane, or
that unit under the applicability of propane), composed of at least 70 per-
this subpart. cent methane by volume or that has a
(c) Except as provided in paragraph gross calorific value between 35 and 41
(d) of this section, any facility under megajoules (MJ) per dry standard cubic
paragraph (a) of this section that com- meter (950 and 1,100 Btu per dry stand-
menced construction or modification ard cubic foot), that maintains a gas-
after August 17, 1971, is subject to the eous state under ISO conditions. In ad-
requirements of this subpart. dition, natural gas contains 20.0 grains
(d) The requirements of §§ 60.44 (a)(4), or less of total sulfur per 100 standard
(a)(5), (b) and (d), and 60.45(f)(4)(vi) are cubic feet. Finally, natural gas does
applicable to lignite-fired steam gener- not include the following gaseous fuels:
ating units that commenced construc- landfill gas, digester gas, refinery gas,
tion or modification after December 22, sour gas, blast furnace gas, coal-de-
1976. rived gas, producer gas, coke oven gas,
(e) Any facility subject to either sub- or any gaseous fuel produced in a proc-
part Da or KKKK of this part is not ess which might result in highly vari-
subject to this subpart. able sulfur content or heating value.
[72 FR 32717, June 13, 2007, as amended at 77 Wood residue means bark, sawdust,
FR 9447, Feb. 16, 2012] slabs, chips, shavings, mill trim, and
other wood products derived from wood
§ 60.41 Definitions. processing and forest management op-
As used in this subpart, all terms not erations.
defined herein shall have the meaning [72 FR 32717, June 13, 2007, as amended at 77
given them in the Act, and in subpart FR 9447, Feb. 16, 2012]
A of this part.
Boiler operating day means a 24-hour § 60.42 Standard for particulate matter
period between 12 midnight and the fol- (PM).
lowing midnight during which any fuel (a) Except as provided under para-
is combusted at any time in the steam- graphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this sec-
generating unit. It is not necessary for tion, on and after the date on which
fuel to be combusted the entire 24-hour the performance test required to be
period. conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
Coal means all solid fuels classified owner or operator subject to the provi-
as anthracite, bituminous, subbitu- sions of this subpart shall cause to be
minous, or lignite by ASTM D388 (in- discharged into the atmosphere from
corporated by reference, see § 60.17). any affected facility any gases that:
Coal refuse means waste-products of (1) Contain PM in excess of 43
coal mining, cleaning, and coal prepa- nanograms per joule (ng/J) heat input
ration operations (e.g. culm, gob, etc.) (0.10 lb/MMBtu) derived from fossil fuel
containing coal, matrix material, clay, or fossil fuel and wood residue.
and other organic and inorganic mate- (2) Exhibit greater than 20 percent
rial. opacity except for one six-minute pe-
Fossil fuel means natural gas, petro- riod per hour of not more than 27 per-
leum, coal, and any form of solid, liq- cent opacity.
uid, or gaseous fuel derived from such (b)(1) On or after December 28, 1979,
materials for the purpose of creating no owner or operator shall cause to be
useful heat. discharged into the atmosphere from
Fossil fuel and wood residue-fired steam the Southwestern Public Service Com-
generating unit means a furnace or boil- pany’s Harrington Station #1, in Ama-
er used in the process of burning fossil rillo, TX, any gases which exhibit
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fuel and wood residue for the purpose greater than 35 percent opacity, except
of producing steam by heat transfer. that a maximum or 42 percent opacity


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43

shall be permitted for not more than 6 (2) 520 ng/J heat input (1.2 lb/MMBtu)
minutes in any hour. derived from solid fossil fuel or solid
(2) Interstate Power Company shall fossil fuel and wood residue, except as
not cause to be discharged into the at- provided in paragraph (e) of this sec-
mosphere from its Lansing Station tion.
Unit No. 4 in Lansing, IA, any gases (b) Except as provided under para-
which exhibit greater than 32 percent graph (d) of this section, when different
opacity, except that a maximum of 39 fossil fuels are burned simultaneously
percent opacity shall be permitted for in any combination, the applicable
not more than six minutes in any hour. standard (in ng/J) shall be determined
(c) As an alternate to meeting the re- by proration using the following for-
quirements of paragraph (a) of this sec- mula:
tion, an owner or operator that elects
to install, calibrate, maintain, and op- y (340) + z (520)
erate a continuous emissions moni- PSSO2 =
toring systems (CEMS) for measuring ( y + z)
PM emissions can petition the Admin- Where:
istrator (in writing) to comply with PSSO2 = Prorated standard for SO2 when burn-
§ 60.42Da(a) of subpart Da of this part. ing different fuels simultaneously, in ng/
If the Administrator grants the peti- J heat input derived from all fossil fuels
tion, the source will from then on (un- or from all fossil fuels and wood residue
less the unit is modified or recon- fired;
structed in the future) have to comply y = Percentage of total heat input derived
with the requirements in § 60.42Da(a) of from liquid fossil fuel; and
subpart Da of this part. z = Percentage of total heat input derived
from solid fossil fuel.
(d) An owner or operator of an af-
fected facility that combusts only nat- (c) Compliance shall be based on the
ural gas is exempt from the PM and total heat input from all fossil fuels
opacity standards specified in para- burned, including gaseous fuels.
graph (a) of this section. (d) As an alternate to meeting the re-
(e) An owner or operator of an af- quirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of
fected facility that combusts only gas- this section, an owner or operator can
eous or liquid fossil fuel (excluding re- petition the Administrator (in writing)
sidual oil) with potential SO2 emissions to comply with § 60.43Da(i)(3) of subpart
rates of 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less Da of this part or comply with
and that does not use post-combustion § 60.42b(k)(4) of subpart Db of this part,
technology to reduce emissions of SO2 as applicable to the affected source. If
or PM is exempt from the PM stand- the Administrator grants the petition,
ards specified in paragraph (a) of this the source will from then on (unless
section. the unit is modified or reconstructed in
the future) have to comply with the re-
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 76
FR 3522, Jan. 20, 2011; 74 FR 5077, Jan. 28, quirements in § 60.43Da(i)(3) of subpart
2009; 77 FR 9447, Feb. 16, 2012] Da of this part or § 60.42b(k)(4) of sub-
part Db of this part, as applicable to
§ 60.43 Standard for sulfur dioxide the affected source.
(SO2). (e) Units 1 and 2 (as defined in appen-
(a) Except as provided under para- dix G of this part) at the Newton Power
graph (d) of this section, on and after Station owned or operated by the Cen-
the date on which the performance test tral Illinois Public Service Company
required to be conducted by § 60.8 is will be in compliance with paragraph
completed, no owner or operator sub- (a)(2) of this section if Unit 1 and Unit
ject to the provisions of this subpart 2 individually comply with paragraph
shall cause to be discharged into the (a)(2) of this section or if the combined
atmosphere from any affected facility emission rate from Units 1 and 2 does
any gases that contain SO2 in excess of: not exceed 470 ng/J (1.1 lb/MMBtu) com-
(1) 340 ng/J heat input (0.80 lb/ bined heat input to Units 1 and 2.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

MMBtu) derived from liquid fossil fuel [60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
or liquid fossil fuel and wood residue. FR 5077, Jan. 28, 2009]


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§ 60.44 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.44 Standard for nitrogen oxides or solid fossil fuel and wood residue
(NOX). (except lignite or a solid fossil fuel con-
(a) Except as provided under para- taining 25 percent, by weight, or more
graph (e) of this section, on and after of coal refuse).
the date on which the performance test (4) 260 ng/J heat input (0.60 lb
required to be conducted by § 60.8 is MMBtu) derived from lignite or lignite
completed, no owner or operator sub- and wood residue (except as provided
ject to the provisions of this subpart under paragraph (a)(5) of this section).
shall cause to be discharged into the (5) 340 ng/J heat input (0.80 lb
atmosphere from any affected facility MMBtu) derived from lignite which is
any gases that contain NOX, expressed mined in North Dakota, South Dakota,
as NO2 in excess of: or Montana and which is burned in a
(1) 86 ng/J heat input (0.20 lb/MMBtu) cyclone-fired unit.
derived from gaseous fossil fuel. (b) Except as provided under para-
(2) 129 ng/J heat input (0.30 lb/ graphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section,
MMBtu) derived from liquid fossil fuel, when different fossil fuels are burned
liquid fossil fuel and wood residue, or simultaneously in any combination,
gaseous fossil fuel and wood residue. the applicable standard (in ng/J) is de-
(3) 300 ng/J heat input (0.70 lb/ termined by proration using the fol-
MMBtu) derived from solid fossil fuel lowing formula:

w (260) + x (86) + y (130) + z (300)

( w + x + y + z)

Where: ator can petition the Administrator (in

PSNOX = Prorated standard for NOX when writing) to comply with § 60.44Da(e)(3)
burning different fuels simultaneously, of subpart Da of this part. If the Ad-
in ng/J heat input derived from all fossil ministrator grants the petition, the
fuels fired or from all fossil fuels and source will from then on (unless the
wood residue fired;
w = Percentage of total heat input derived
unit is modified or reconstructed in the
from lignite; future) have to comply with the re-
x = Percentage of total heat input derived quirements in § 60.44Da(e)(3) of subpart
from gaseous fossil fuel; Da of this part.
y = Percentage of total heat input derived
from liquid fossil fuel; and § 60.45 Emissions and fuel monitoring.
z = Percentage of total heat input derived (a) Each owner or operator of an af-
from solid fossil fuel (except lignite).
fected facility subject to the applicable
(c) When a fossil fuel containing at emissions standard shall install, cali-
least 25 percent, by weight, of coal brate, maintain, and operate contin-
refuse is burned in combination with uous opacity monitoring system
gaseous, liquid, or other solid fossil (COMS) for measuring opacity and a
fuel or wood residue, the standard for continuous emissions monitoring sys-
NOX does not apply. tem (CEMS) for measuring SO2 emis-
(d) Except as provided under para- sions, NOX emissions, and either oxy-
graph (e) of this section, cyclone-fired gen (O2) or carbon dioxide (CO2) except
units which burn fuels containing at as provided in paragraph (b) of this sec-
least 25 percent of lignite that is mined tion.
in North Dakota, South Dakota, or (b) Certain of the CEMS and COMS
Montana remain subject to paragraph requirements under paragraph (a) of
(a)(5) of this section regardless of the this section do not apply to owners or
types of fuel combusted in combination operators under the following condi-
with that lignite. tions:
(e) As an alternate to meeting the re- (1) For a fossil-fuel-fired steam gen-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

quirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and erator that combusts only gaseous or
(d) of this section, an owner or oper- liquid fossil fuel (excluding residual


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45

oil) with potential SO2 emissions rates tain less than or equal to 0.30 weight
of 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less and percent sulfur, and is operated such
that does not use post-combustion that emissions of CO to the atmosphere
technology to reduce emissions of SO2 from the affected source are main-
or PM, COMS for measuring the opac- tained at levels less than or equal to
ity of emissions and CEMS for meas- 0.15 lb/MMBtu on a boiler operating
uring SO2 emissions are not required if day average basis. Owners and opera-
the owner or operator monitors SO2 tors of affected sources electing to
emissions by fuel sampling and anal- comply with this paragraph must dem-
ysis or fuel receipts. onstrate compliance according to the
(2) For a fossil-fuel-fired steam gen- procedures specified in paragraphs
erator that does not use a flue gas (b)(6)(i) through (iv) of this section.
desulfurization device, a CEMS for (i) You must monitor CO emissions
measuring SO2 emissions is not re- using a CEMS according to the proce-
quired if the owner or operator mon- dures specified in paragraphs
itors SO2 emissions by fuel sampling (b)(6)(i)(A) through (D) of this section.
and analysis. (A) The CO CEMS must be installed,
(3) Notwithstanding § 60.13(b), instal- certified, maintained, and operated ac-
lation of a CEMS for NOX may be de- cording to the provisions in § 60.58b(i)(3)
layed until after the initial perform- of subpart Eb of this part.
ance tests under § 60.8 have been con- (B) Each 1-hour CO emissions average
ducted. If the owner or operator dem- is calculated using the data points gen-
onstrates during the performance test erated by the CO CEMS expressed in
that emissions of NOX are less than 70 parts per million by volume corrected
percent of the applicable standards in to 3 percent oxygen (dry basis).
§ 60.44, a CEMS for measuring NOX (C) At a minimum, valid 1-hour CO
emissions is not required. If the initial emissions averages must be obtained
performance test results show that for at least 90 percent of the operating
NOX emissions are greater than 70 per- hours on a 30-day rolling average basis.
cent of the applicable standard, the The 1-hour averages are calculated
owner or operator shall install a CEMS using the data points required in
for NOX within one year after the date § 60.13(h)(2).
of the initial performance tests under (D) Quarterly accuracy determina-
§ 60.8 and comply with all other appli- tions and daily calibration drift tests
cable monitoring requirements under for the CO CEMS must be performed in
this part. accordance with procedure 1 in appen-
(4) If an owner or operator is not re- dix F of this part.
quired to and elects not to install any (ii) You must calculate the 1-hour av-
CEMS for either SO2 or NOX, a CEMS erage CO emissions levels for each boil-
for measuring either O2 or CO2 is not er operating day by multiplying the av-
required. erage hourly CO output concentration
(5) For affected facilities using a PM measured by the CO CEMS times the
CEMS, a bag leak detection system to corresponding average hourly flue gas
monitor the performance of a fabric fil- flow rate and divided by the cor-
ter (baghouse) according to the most responding average hourly heat input
current requirements in § 60.48Da of to the affected source. The 24-hour av-
this part, or an ESP predictive model erage CO emission level is determined
to monitor the performance of the ESP by calculating the arithmetic average
developed in accordance and operated of the hourly CO emission levels com-
according to the most current require- puted for each boiler operating day.
ments in section § 60.48Da of this part a (iii) You must evaluate the preceding
COMS is not required. 24-hour average CO emission level each
(6) A COMS for measuring the opac- boiler operating day excluding periods
ity of emissions is not required for an of affected source startup, shutdown,
affected facility that does not use post- or malfunction. If the 24-hour average
combustion technology (except a wet CO emission level is greater than 0.15
scrubber) for reducing PM, SO2, or car- lb/MMBtu, you must initiate investiga-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

bon monoxide (CO) emissions, burns tion of the relevant equipment and
only gaseous fuels or fuel oils that con- control systems within 24 hours of the


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§ 60.45 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

first discovery of the high emission in- appendix A–4 of this part performance
cident and, take the appropriate cor- test results.
rective action as soon as practicable to (A) If no visible emissions are ob-
adjust control settings or repair equip- served, a subsequent Method 9 of ap-
ment to reduce the 24-hour average CO pendix A–4 of this part performance
emission level to 0.15 lb/MMBtu or less. test must be completed within 12 cal-
(iv) You must record the CO measure- endar months from the date that the
ments and calculations performed ac- most recent performance test was con-
cording to paragraph (b)(6) of this sec- ducted or within 45 days of the next
tion and any corrective actions taken. day that fuel with an opacity standard
The record of corrective action taken is combusted, whichever is later;
must include the date and time during (B) If visible emissions are observed
which the 24-hour average CO emission but the maximum 6-minute average
level was greater than 0.15 lb/MMBtu, opacity is less than or equal to 5 per-
and the date, time, and description of cent, a subsequent Method 9 of appen-
the corrective action. dix A–4 of this part performance test
must be completed within 6 calendar
(7) An owner or operator of an af-
months from the date that the most re-
fected facility subject to an opacity
cent performance test was conducted
standard under § 60.42 that elects to not
or within 45 days of the next day that
use a COMS because the affected facil-
fuel with an opacity standard is com-
ity burns only fuels as specified under
busted, whichever is later;
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, mon-
(C) If the maximum 6-minute average
itors PM emissions as specified under
opacity is greater than 5 percent but
paragraph (b)(5) of this section, or
less than or equal to 10 percent, a sub-
monitors CO emissions as specified
sequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
under paragraph (b)(6) of this section, this part performance test must be
shall conduct a performance test using completed within 3 calendar months
Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part from the date that the most recent per-
and the procedures in § 60.11 to dem- formance test was conducted or within
onstrate compliance with the applica- 45 days of the next day that fuel with
ble limit in § 60.42 by April 29, 2011 or an opacity standard is combusted,
within 45 days after stopping use of an whichever is later; or
existing COMS, whichever is later, and (D) If the maximum 6-minute average
shall comply with either paragraph opacity is greater than 10 percent, a
(b)(7)(i), (b)(7)(ii), or (b)(7)(iii) of this subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
section. The observation period for this part performance test must be
Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part completed within 45 calendar days from
performance tests may be reduced from the date that the most recent perform-
3 hours to 60 minutes if all 6-minute ance test was conducted.
averages are less than 10 percent and (ii) If the maximum 6-minute opacity
all individual 15-second observations is less than 10 percent during the most
are less than or equal to 20 percent dur- recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
ing the initial 60 minutes of observa- part performance test, the owner or op-
tion. The permitting authority may ex- erator may, as an alternative to per-
empt owners or operators of affected forming subsequent Method 9 of appen-
facilities burning only natural gas dix A–4 of this part performance test,
from the opacity monitoring require- elect to perform subsequent moni-
ments. toring using Method 22 of appendix A–
(i) Except as provided in paragraph 7 of this part according to the proce-
(b)(7)(ii) or (b)(7)(iii) of this section, the dures specified in paragraphs
owner or operator shall conduct subse- (b)(7)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section.
quent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this (A) The owner or operator shall con-
part performance tests using the proce- duct 10 minute observations (during
dures in paragraph (b)(7) of this section normal operation) each operating day
according to the applicable schedule in the affected facility fires fuel for which
paragraphs (b)(7)(i)(A) through an opacity standard is applicable using
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(b)(7)(i)(D) of this section, as deter- Method 22 of appendix A–7 of this part

mined by the most recent Method 9 of and demonstrate that the sum of the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45

occurrences of any visible emissions is tionary Sources Using Computer-Based

not in excess of 5 percent of the obser- Photographic Analysis Systems.’’ This
vation period (i.e., 30 seconds per 10 document is available from the U.S.
minute period). If the sum of the occur- Environmental Protection Agency
rence of any visible emissions is great- (U.S. EPA); Office of Air Quality and
er than 30 seconds during the initial 10 Planning Standards; Sector Policies
minute observation, immediately con- and Programs Division; Measurement
duct a 30 minute observation. If the Policy Group (D243–02), Research Tri-
sum of the occurrence of visible emis- angle Park, NC 27711. This document is
sions is greater than 5 percent of the also available on the Technology
observation period (i.e., 90 seconds per Transfer Network (TTN) under Emis-
30 minute period), the owner or oper- sion Measurement Center Preliminary
ator shall either document and adjust Methods.
the operation of the facility and dem- (8) A COMS for measuring the opac-
onstrate within 24 hours that the sum ity of emissions is not required for an
of the occurrence of visible emissions affected facility at which the owner or
is equal to or less than 5 percent during operator installs, calibrates, operates,
a 30 minute observation (i.e., 90 sec- and maintains a particulate matter
onds) or conduct a new Method 9 of ap- continuous parametric monitoring sys-
pendix A–4 of this part performance tem (PM CPMS) according to the re-
test using the procedures in paragraph quirements specified in subpart
(b)(7) of this section within 45 calendar UUUUU of part 63.
days according to the requirements in (c) For performance evaluations
§ 60.46(b)(3). under § 60.13(c) and calibration checks
(B) If no visible emissions are ob- under § 60.13(d), the following proce-
served for 10 operating days during dures shall be used:
which an opacity standard is applica- (1) Methods 6, 7, and 3B of appendix A
ble, observations can be reduced to of this part, as applicable, shall be used
once every 7 operating days during for the performance evaluations of SO2
which an opacity standard is applica- and NOX continuous monitoring sys-
ble. If any visible emissions are ob- tems. Acceptable alternative methods
served, daily observations shall be re- for Methods 6, 7, and 3B of appendix A
sumed. of this part are given in § 60.46(d).
(iii) If the maximum 6-minute opac- (2) Sulfur dioxide or nitric oxide, as
ity is less than 10 percent during the applicable, shall be used for preparing
most recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 calibration gas mixtures under Per-
of this part performance test, the formance Specification 2 of appendix B
owner or operator may, as an alter- to this part.
native to performing subsequent Meth- (3) For affected facilities burning fos-
od 9 of appendix A–4 performance tests, sil fuel(s), the span value for a contin-
elect to perform subsequent moni- uous monitoring system measuring the
toring using a digital opacity compli- opacity of emissions shall be 80, 90, or
ance system according to a site-spe- 100 percent. For a continuous moni-
cific monitoring plan approved by the toring system measuring sulfur oxides
Administrator. The observations shall or NOX the span value shall be deter-
be similar, but not necessarily iden- mined using one of the following proce-
tical, to the requirements in paragraph dures:
(b)(7)(ii) of this section. For reference (i) Except as provided under para-
purposes in preparing the monitoring graph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, SO2 and
plan, see OAQPS ‘‘Determination of NOX span values shall be determined as
Visible Emission Opacity from Sta- follows:
In parts per million
Fossil fuel
Span value for SO2 Span value for NOX

Gas ......................................................................................... (1) .............................................. 500.

Liquid ...................................................................................... 1,000 ......................................... 500.
Solid ....................................................................................... 1,500 ......................................... 1,000.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Combinations ......................................................................... 1,000y + 1,500z ........................ 500 (x + y) + 1,000z.

1 Not applicable.


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§ 60.45 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
Where: lowing conversion procedure shall be
x = Fraction of total heat input derived from used:
gaseous fossil fuel;
y = Fraction of total heat input derived from ⎛ 100 ⎞
liquid fossil fuel; and E = CFc ⎜ ⎟
z = Fraction of total heat input derived from
solid fossil fuel.
⎝ %CO 2 ⎠
Where E, C, Fc and %CO2 are determined
(ii) As an alternative to meeting the under paragraph (f) of this section.
requirements of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of
this section, the owner or operator of (f) The values used in the equations
an affected facility may elect to use under paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this
the SO2 and NOX span values deter- section are derived as follows:
mined according to sections 2.1.1 and (1) E = pollutant emissions, ng/J (lb/
2.1.2 in appendix A to part 75 of this MMBtu).
chapter. (2) C = pollutant concentration, ng/
dscm (lb/dscf), determined by multi-
(4) All span values computed under
plying the average concentration (ppm)
paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section for
for each one-hour period by 4.15 × 104 M
burning combinations of fossil fuels
ng/dscm per ppm (2.59 × 10¥9 M lb/dscf
shall be rounded to the nearest 500
per ppm) where M = pollutant molec-
ppm. Span values that are computed ular weight, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole). M =
under paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this sec- 64.07 for SO2 and 46.01 for NOX.
tion shall be rounded off according to (3) %O2, %CO2 = O2 or CO2 volume
the applicable procedures in section 2 (expressed as percent), determined with
of appendix A to part 75 of this chapter. equipment specified under paragraph
(5) For a fossil-fuel-fired steam gen- (a) of this section.
erator that simultaneously burns fossil (4) F, Fc = a factor representing a
fuel and nonfossil fuel, the span value ratio of the volume of dry flue gases
of all CEMS shall be subject to the Ad- generated to the calorific value of the
ministrator’s approval. fuel combusted (F), and a factor rep-
(d) [Reserved] resenting a ratio of the volume of CO2
(e) For any CEMS installed under generated to the calorific value of the
paragraph (a) of this section, the fol- fuel combusted (Fc), respectively. Val-
lowing conversion procedures shall be ues of F and Fc are given as follows:
used to convert the continuous moni- (i) For anthracite coal as classified
toring data into units of the applicable according to ASTM D388 (incorporated
standards (ng/J, lb/MMBtu): by reference, see § 60.17), F = 2,723 ×
(1) When a CEMS for measuring O2 is 10¥17 dscm/J (10,140 dscf/MMBtu) and Fc
selected, the measurement of the pol- = 0.532 × 10¥17 scm CO2/J (1,980 scf CO2/
lutant concentration and O2 concentra- MMBtu).
tion shall each be on a consistent basis (ii) For subbituminous and bitu-
(wet or dry). Alternative procedures minous coal as classified according to
approved by the Administrator shall be ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference,
used when measurements are on a wet see § 60.17), F = 2.637 × 10¥7 dscm/J (9,820
basis. When measurements are on a dry dscf/MMBtu) and Fc = 0.486 × 10¥7 scm
basis, the following conversion proce- CO2/J (1,810 scf CO2/MMBtu).
dure shall be used: (iii) For liquid fossil fuels including
crude, residual, and distillate oils, F =
⎛ 20.9 ⎞ 2.476 × 10¥7 dscm/J (9,220 dscf/MMBtu)
E = CF ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ and Fc = 0.384 × 10¥7 scm CO2/J (1,430 scf
⎝ ( 20.9 − %O 2 ) ⎠ CO2/MMBtu).
(iv) For gaseous fossil fuels, F = 2.347
Where E, C, F, and %O2 are determined under
× 10¥7 dscm/J (8,740 dscf/MMBtu). For
paragraph (f) of this section.
natural gas, propane, and butane fuels,
(2) When a CEMS for measuring CO2 Fc = 0.279 × 10¥7 scm CO2/J (1,040 scf
is selected, the measurement of the CO2/MMBtu) for natural gas, 0.322 ×

pollutant concentration and CO2 con- 10¥7 scm CO2/J (1,200 scf CO2/MMBtu)
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

centration shall each be on a con- for propane, and 0.338 × 10¥7 scm CO2/J
sistent basis (wet or dry) and the fol- (1,260 scf CO2/MMBtu) for butane.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45

(v) For bark F = 2.589 × 10¥7 dscm/J 0.516 × 10¥7 scm CO2/J (1,920 scf CO2/
(9,640 dscf/MMBtu) and Fc = 0.500 × 10¥7 MMBtu).
scm CO2/J (1,840 scf CO2/MMBtu). For (5) The owner or operator may use
wood residue other than bark F = 2.492 the following equation to determine an
× 10¥7 dscm/J (9,280 dscf/MMBtu) and Fc F factor (dscm/J or dscf/MMBtu) on a
= 0.494 × 10¥7 scm CO2/J (1,860 scf CO2/ dry basis (if it is desired to calculate F
MMBtu). on a wet basis, consult the Adminis-
(vi) For lignite coal as classified ac- trator) or Fc factor (scm CO2/J, or scf
cording to ASTM D388 (incorporated by CO2/MMBtu) on either basis in lieu of
reference, see § 60.17), F = 2.659 × 10¥7 the F or Fc factors specified in para-
dscm/J (9,900 dscf/MMBtu) and Fc = graph (f)(4) of this section:

[227.2 (%H) + 95.5 (%C) + 35.6 (%S) + 8.7 (%N) − 28.7 (%O)]
F = 10−6

2.0 × 10−5 (%C)

Fc =
GCV (SI units)

[3.64 (%H) + 1.53 (%C) + 0.57 (%S) + 0.14 (%N) − 0.46 (%O)]
F = 10−6
GCV (English units)

20.0 (%C)
Fc =
GCV (SI units)

321× 103 (%C)

Fc =
GCV (English units)

(i) %H, %C, %S, %N, and %O are con- F or Fc value shall be subject to the
tent by weight of hydrogen, carbon, Administrator’s approval.
sulfur, nitrogen, and O2 (expressed as (6) For affected facilities firing com-
percent), respectively, as determined binations of fossil fuels or fossil fuels
on the same basis as GCV by ultimate and wood residue, the F or Fc factors
analysis of the fuel fired, using ASTM determined by paragraphs (f)(4) or (f)(5)
D3178 or D3176 (solid fuels), or com- of this section shall be prorated in ac-
puted from results using ASTM D1137, cordance with the applicable formula
D1945, or D1946 (gaseous fuels) as appli- as follows:
cable. (These five methods are incor-
n n
F = ∑ X i Fi or Fc = ∑ X i ( Fc )i
porated by reference, see § 60.17.)
(ii) GVC is the gross calorific value
i =1 i =1
(kJ/kg, Btu/lb) of the fuel combusted
determined by the ASTM test methods Where:
D2015 or D5865 for solid fuels and D1826 Xi = Fraction of total heat input derived
for gaseous fuels as applicable. (These from each type of fuel (e.g. natural gas,
bituminous coal, wood residue, etc.);
three methods are incorporated by ref-
Fi or (Fc)i = Applicable F or Fc factor for each
erence, see § 60.17.)
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fuel type determined in accordance with

(iii) For affected facilities which fire paragraphs (f)(4) and (f)(5) of this section;
both fossil fuels and nonfossil fuels, the and


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§ 60.45 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
n = Number of fuels being burned in com- or §§ 60.45b and 60.47b of subpart Db of
bination. this part, as applicable.
(g) Excess emission and monitoring (3) Nitrogen oxides. Excess emissions
system performance reports shall be for affected facilities using a CEMS for
submitted to the Administrator semi- measuring NOX are defined as:
annually for each six-month period in (i) For affected facilities electing not
the calendar year. All semiannual re- to comply with § 60.44(e), any three-
ports shall be postmarked by the 30th hour period during which the average
day following the end of each six- emissions (arithmetic average of three
month period. Each excess emission contiguous one-hour periods) exceed
and MSP report shall include the infor- the applicable standards in § 60.44; or
mation required in § 60.7(c). Periods of (ii) For affected facilities electing to
excess emissions and monitoring sys- comply with § 60.44(e), any 30 operating
tems (MS) downtime that shall be re- day period during which the average
ported are defined as follows: emissions (arithmetic average of all
(1) Opacity. Excess emissions are de- one-hour periods during the 30 oper-
fined as any six-minute period during ating days) of NOX as measured by a
which the average opacity of emissions CEMS exceed the applicable standard
exceeds 20 percent opacity, except that in § 60.44. Facilities complying with the
one six-minute average per hour of up 30-day NOX standard shall use the most
to 27 percent opacity need not be re- current associated NOX compliance and
ported. monitoring requirements in §§ 60.48Da
(i) For sources subject to the opacity and 60.49Da of subpart Da of this part.
standard of § 60.42(b)(1), excess emis-
(4) Particulate matter. Excess emis-
sions are defined as any six-minute pe-
sions for affected facilities using a
riod during which the average opacity
CEMS for measuring PM are defined as
of emissions exceeds 35 percent opac-
any boiler operating day period during
ity, except that one six-minute average
which the average emissions (arith-
per hour of up to 42 percent opacity
metic average of all operating one-hour
need not be reported.
(ii) For sources subject to the opacity periods) exceed the applicable stand-
standard of § 60.42(b)(2), excess emis- ards in § 60.42. Affected facilities using
sions are defined as any six-minute pe- PM CEMS must follow the most cur-
riod during which the average opacity rent applicable compliance and moni-
of emissions exceeds 32 percent opac- toring provisions in §§ 60.48Da and
ity, except that one six-minute average 60.49Da of subpart Da of this part.
per hour of up to 39 percent opacity (h) The owner or operator of an af-
need not be reported. fected facility subject to the opacity
(2) Sulfur dioxide. Excess emissions limits in § 60.42 that elects to monitor
for affected facilities are defined as: emissions according to the require-
(i) For affected facilities electing not ments in § 60.45(b)(7) shall maintain
to comply with § 60.43(d), any three- records according to the requirements
hour period during which the average specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through
emissions (arithmetic average of three (3) of this section, as applicable to the
contiguous one-hour periods) of SO2 as visible emissions monitoring method
measured by a CEMS exceed the appli- used.
cable standard in § 60.43; or (1) For each performance test con-
(ii) For affected facilities electing to ducted using Method 9 of appendix A–4
comply with § 60.43(d), any 30 operating of this part, the owner or operator
day period during which the average shall keep the records including the in-
emissions (arithmetic average of all formation specified in paragraphs
one-hour periods during the 30 oper- (h)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
ating days) of SO2 as measured by a (i) Dates and time intervals of all
CEMS exceed the applicable standard opacity observation periods;
in § 60.43. Facilities complying with the (ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of
30-day SO2 standard shall use the most current visible emission reading cer-
current associated SO2 compliance and tification for each visible emission ob-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

monitoring requirements in §§ 60.48Da server participating in the performance

and 60.49Da of subpart Da of this part test; and


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.46

(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- E = Emission rate of pollutant, ng/J (1b/mil-
server opacity field data sheets; lion Btu);
(2) For each performance test con- C = Concentration of pollutant, ng/dscm (1b/
ducted using Method 22 of appendix A– %O2 = O2 concentration, percent dry basis;
4 of this part, the owner or operator and
shall keep the records including the in- Fd = Factor as determined from Method 19 of
formation specified in paragraphs appendix A of this part.
(h)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. (2) Method 5 of appendix A of this
(i) Dates and time intervals of all part shall be used to determine the PM
visible emissions observation periods; concentration (C) at affected facilities
(ii) Name and affiliation for each without wet flue-gas-desulfurization
visible emission observer participating (FGD) systems and Method 5B of ap-
in the performance test; pendix A of this part shall be used to
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- determine the PM concentration (C)
server opacity field data sheets; and after FGD systems.
(iv) Documentation of any adjust- (i) The sampling time and sample
ments made and the time the adjust- volume for each run shall be at least 60
ments were completed to the affected minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf). The
facility operation by the owner or oper- probe and filter holder heating systems
ator to demonstrate compliance with in the sampling train shall be set to
the applicable monitoring require- provide an average gas temperature of
ments. 160±14 °C (320±25 °F).
(3) For each digital opacity compli- (ii) The emission rate correction fac-
ance system, the owner or operator tor, integrated or grab sampling and
shall maintain records and submit re- analysis procedure of Method 3B of ap-
ports according to the requirements pendix A of this part shall be used to
specified in the site-specific moni- determine the O2 concentration (%O2).
toring plan approved by the Adminis- The O2 sample shall be obtained simul-
trator. taneously with, and at the same tra-
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74 verse points as, the particulate sample.
FR 5077, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3522, Jan. 20, If the grab sampling procedure is used,
2011; 77 FR 9447, Feb. 16, 2012] the O2 concentration for the run shall
be the arithmetic mean of the sample
§ 60.46 Test methods and procedures. O2 concentrations at all traverse
(a) In conducting the performance points.
tests required in § 60.8, and subsequent (iii) If the particulate run has more
performance tests as requested by the than 12 traverse points, the O2 traverse
EPA Administrator, the owner or oper- points may be reduced to 12 provided
ator shall use as reference methods and that Method 1 of appendix A of this
procedures the test methods in appen- part is used to locate the 12 O2 traverse
dix A of this part or other methods and points.
procedures as specified in this section, (3) Method 9 of appendix A of this
except as provided in § 60.8(b). Accept- part and the procedures in § 60.11 shall
able alternative methods and proce- be used to determine opacity.
dures are given in paragraph (d) of this (4) Method 6 of appendix A of this
section. part shall be used to determine the SO2
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- concentration.
mine compliance with the PM, SO2, and (i) The sampling site shall be the
NOX standards in §§ 60.42, 60.43, and 60.44 same as that selected for the particu-
as follows: late sample. The sampling location in
(1) The emission rate (E) of PM, SO2, the duct shall be at the centroid of the
or NOX shall be computed for each run cross section or at a point no closer to
using the following equation: the walls than 1 m (3.28 ft). The sam-
pling time and sample volume for each
sample run shall be at least 20 minutes
⎛ 20.9 ⎞
E = CFd ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
and 0.020 dscm (0.71 dscf). Two samples
⎝ ( 20.9 − %O 2 ) ⎠
shall be taken during a 1-hour period,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

with each sample taken within a 30-

Where: minute interval.


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§ 60.46 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(ii) The emission rate correction fac- balance over the steam generating sys-
tor, integrated sampling and analysis tem shall be used to confirm the rate.
procedure of Method 3B of appendix A (d) The owner or operator may use
of this part shall be used to determine the following as alternatives to the ref-
the O2 concentration (%O2). The O2 erence methods and procedures in this
sample shall be taken simultaneously section or in other sections as speci-
with, and at the same point as, the SO2 fied:
sample. The SO2 emission rate shall be (1) The emission rate (E) of PM, SO2
computed for each pair of SO2 and O2 and NOX may be determined by using
samples. The SO2 emission rate (E) for the Fc factor, provided that the fol-
each run shall be the arithmetic mean lowing procedure is used:
of the results of the two pairs of sam- (i) The emission rate (E) shall be
ples. computed using the following equation:
(5) Method 7 of appendix A of this
part shall be used to determine the ⎛ 100 ⎞
NOX concentration. E = CFc ⎜ ⎟
(i) The sampling site and location ⎝ %CO 2 ⎠
shall be the same as for the SO2 sam-
ple. Each run shall consist of four grab
samples, with each sample taken at E = Emission rate of pollutant, ng/J (lb/
about 15-minute intervals. C = Concentration of pollutant, ng/dscm (lb/
(ii) For each NOX sample, the emis- dscf);
sion rate correction factor, grab sam- %CO2 = CO2 concentration, percent dry basis;
pling and analysis procedure of Method and
3B of appendix A of this part shall be Fc = Factor as determined in appropriate sec-
used to determine the O2 concentration tions of Method 19 of appendix A of this
(%O2). The sample shall be taken si- part.
multaneously with, and at the same (ii) If and only if the average Fc fac-
point as, the NOX sample. tor in Method 19 of appendix A of this
(iii) The NOX emission rate shall be part is used to calculate E and either E
computed for each pair of NOX and O2 is from 0.97 to 1.00 of the emission
samples. The NOX emission rate (E) for standard or the relative accuracy of a
each run shall be the arithmetic mean continuous emission monitoring sys-
of the results of the four pairs of sam- tem is from 17 to 20 percent, then three
ples. runs of Method 3B of appendix A of this
(c) When combinations of fossil fuels part shall be used to determine the O2
or fossil fuel and wood residue are and CO2 concentration according to the
fired, the owner or operator (in order procedures in paragraph (b)(2)(ii),
to compute the prorated standard as (4)(ii), or (5)(ii) of this section. Then if
shown in §§ 60.43(b) and 60.44(b)) shall Fo (average of three runs), as cal-
determine the percentage (w, x, y, or z) culated from the equation in Method
of the total heat input derived from 3B of appendix A of this part, is more
each type of fuel as follows: than ±3 percent than the average Fo
(1) The heat input rate of each fuel value, as determined from the average
shall be determined by multiplying the values of Fd and Fc in Method 19 of ap-
gross calorific value of each fuel fired pendix A of this part, i.e., Foa = 0.209
by the rate of each fuel burned. (Fda/Fca), then the following procedure
(2) ASTM Methods D2015, or D5865 shall be followed:
(solid fuels), D240 (liquid fuels), or (A) When Fo is less than 0.97 Foa, then
D1826 (gaseous fuels) (all of these meth- E shall be increased by that proportion
ods are incorporated by reference, see under 0.97 Foa, e.g., if Fo is 0.95 Foa, E
§ 60.17) shall be used to determine the shall be increased by 2 percent. This re-
gross calorific values of the fuels. The calculated value shall be used to deter-
method used to determine the calorific mine compliance with the emission
value of wood residue must be approved standard.
by the Administrator. (B) When Fo is less than 0.97 Foa and
(3) Suitable methods shall be used to when the average difference (d) be-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

determine the rate of each fuel burned tween the continuous monitor minus
during each test period, and a material the reference methods is negative, then


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.40Da

E shall be increased by that proportion the integrated sampling approach shall

under 0.97 Foa, e.g., if Fo is 0.95 Foa, E be used to determine the O2 concentra-
shall be increased by 2 percent. This re- tion (%O2) for the emission rate correc-
calculated value shall be used to deter- tion factor.
mine compliance with the relative ac- (6) For Method 3 of appendix A of this
curacy specification. part, Method 3A or 3B of appendix A of
(C) When Fo is greater than 1.03 Foa this part may be used.
and when the average difference d is (7) For Method 3B of appendix A of
positive, then E shall be decreased by this part, Method 3A of appendix A of
that proportion over 1.03 Foa, e.g., if Fo
this part may be used.
is 1.05 Foa, E shall be decreased by 2
percent. This recalculated value shall [60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 74
be used to determine compliance with FR 5078, Jan. 28, 2009]
the relative accuracy specification.
(2) For Method 5 or 5B of appendix A– Subpart Da—Standards of Per-
3 of this part, Method 17 of appendix A– formance for Electric Utility
6 of this part may be used at facilities
with or without wet FGD systems if Steam Generating Units
the stack gas temperature at the sam-
pling location does not exceed an aver- SOURCE: 72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, unless
age temperature of 160 °C (320 °F). The otherwise noted.
procedures of sections 8.1 and 11.1 of
Method 5B of appendix A–3 of this part § 60.40Da Applicability and designa-
may be used with Method 17 of appen- tion of affected facility.
dix A–6 of this part only if it is used (a) Except as specified in paragraph
after wet FGD systems. Method 17 of (e) of this section, the affected facility
appendix A–6 of this part shall not be to which this subpart applies is each
used after wet FGD systems if the ef- electric utility steam generating unit:
fluent gas is saturated or laden with (1) That is capable of combusting
water droplets. more than 73 megawatts (MW) (250 mil-
(3) Particulate matter and SO2 may lion British thermal units per hour
be determined simultaneously with the (MMBtu/hr)) heat input of fossil fuel
Method 5 of appendix A of this part (either alone or in combination with
train provided that the following
any other fuel); and
changes are made:
(i) The filter and impinger apparatus (2) For which construction, modifica-
in sections 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 of Method 8 of tion, or reconstruction is commenced
appendix A of this part is used in place after September 18, 1978.
of the condenser (section 2.1.7) of Meth- (b) An IGCC electric utility steam
od 5 of appendix A of this part. generating unit (both the stationary
(ii) All applicable procedures in combustion turbine and any associated
Method 8 of appendix A of this part for duct burners) is subject to this part
the determination of SO2 (including and is not subject to subpart GG or
moisture) are used: KKKK of this part if both of the condi-
(4) For Method 6 of appendix A of this tions specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and
part, Method 6C of appendix A of this (2) of this section are met.
part may be used. Method 6A of appen- (1) The IGCC electric utility steam
dix A of this part may also be used generating unit is capable of com-
whenever Methods 6 and 3B of appendix busting more than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/
A of this part data are specified to de- h) heat input of fossil fuel (either alone
termine the SO2 emission rate, under or in combination with any other fuel)
the conditions in paragraph (d)(1) of in the combustion turbine engine and
this section. associated heat recovery steam gener-
(5) For Method 7 of appendix A of this
ator; and
part, Method 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of appen-
(2) The IGCC electric utility steam
dix A of this part may be used. If Meth-
od 7C, 7D, or 7E of appendix A of this generating unit commenced construc-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

part is used, the sampling time for tion, modification, or reconstruction

each run shall be at least 1 hour and after February 28, 2005.


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§ 60.41Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c) Any change to an existing fossil- ant has the burden of proof, and the
fuel-fired steam generating unit to ac- merits of which are independently and
commodate the use of combustible ma- objectively evaluated in a judicial or
terials, other than fossil fuels, shall administrative proceeding.
not bring that unit under the applica- Anthracite means coal that is classi-
bility of this subpart. fied as anthracite according to the
(d) Any change to an existing steam American Society of Testing and Mate-
generating unit originally designed to rials in ASTM D388 (incorporated by
fire gaseous or liquid fossil fuels, to ac- reference, see § 60.17).
commodate the use of any other fuel Available system capacity means the
(fossil or nonfossil) shall not bring that capacity determined by subtracting the
unit under the applicability of this sub- system load and the system emergency
part. reserves from the net system capacity.
(e) Applicability of this subpart to an
Biomass means plant materials and
electric utility combined cycle gas tur-
bine other than an IGCC electric util- animal waste.
ity steam generating unit is as speci- Bituminous coal means coal that is
fied in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of classified as bituminous according to
this section. the American Society of Testing and
(1) Affected facilities (i.e. heat recov- Materials in ASTM D388 (incorporated
ery steam generators used with duct by reference, see § 60.17).
burners) associated with a stationary Boiler operating day for units con-
combustion turbine that are capable of structed, reconstructed, or modified be-
combusting more than 73 MW (250 fore March 1, 2005, means a 24-hour pe-
MMBtu/h) heat input of fossil fuel are riod during which fossil fuel is com-
subject to this subpart except in cases busted in a steam-generating unit for
when the affected facility (i.e. heat re- the entire 24 hours. For units con-
covery steam generator) meets the ap- structed, reconstructed, or modified
plicability requirements of and is sub- after February 28, 2005, boiler operating
ject to subpart KKKK of this part. day means a 24-hour period between 12
(2) For heat recovery steam genera- midnight and the following midnight
tors use with duct burners subject to during which any fuel is combusted at
this subpart, only emissions resulting any time in the steam-generating unit.
from the combustion of fuels in the It is not necessary for fuel to be com-
steam generating unit (i.e. duct burn- busted the entire 24-hour period.
ers) are subject to the standards under Coal means all solid fuels classified
this subpart. (The emissions resulting as anthracite, bituminous, subbitu-
from the combustion of fuels in the minous, or lignite by the American So-
stationary combustion turbine engine ciety of Testing and Materials in
are subject to subpart GG or KKKK, as ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference,
applicable, of this part.) see § 60.17) and coal refuse. Synthetic
(3) Any affected facility that meets fuels derived from coal for the purpose
the applicability requirements and is of creating useful heat, including but
subject to subpart Eb or subpart CCCC not limited to solvent-refined coal,
of this part is not subject to the emis- gasified coal, coal-oil mixtures, and
sion standards under subpart Da. coal-water mixtures are included in
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 this definition for the purposes of this
FR 5078, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9448, Feb. 16, subpart.
2012] Coal-fired electric utility steam gener-
ating unit means an electric utility
§ 60.41Da Definitions. steam generating unit that burns coal,
As used in this subpart, all terms not coal refuse, or a synthetic gas derived
defined herein shall have the meaning from coal either exclusively, in any
given them in the Act and in subpart A combination together, or in any com-
of this part. bination with other fuels in any
Affirmative defense means, in the con- amount.
text of an enforcement proceeding, a Coal refuse means waste products of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

response or defense put forward by a coal mining, physical coal cleaning,

defendant, regarding which the defend- and coal preparation operations (e.g.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.41Da

culm, gob, etc.) containing coal, ma- face, and transporting the particles
trix material, clay, and other organic into a hopper.
and inorganic material. Emission limitation means any emis-
Combined cycle gas turbine means a sions limit or operating limit.
stationary turbine combustion system Federally enforceable means all limi-
where heat from the turbine exhaust tations and conditions that are en-
gases is recovered by a steam gener- forceable by the Administrator, includ-
ating unit. ing the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60
Combined heat and power, also known and 61, requirements within any appli-
as ‘‘cogeneration,’’ means a steam-gen- cable State implementation plan, and
erating unit that simultaneously pro- any permit requirements established
duces both electric (and mechanical) under 40 CFR 52.21 or under 40 CFR
and useful thermal energy from the 51.18 and 51.24.
same primary energy source. Fossil fuel means natural gas, petro-
Duct burner means a device that com- leum, coal, and any form of solid, liq-
busts fuel and that is placed in the ex- uid, or gaseous fuel derived from such
haust duct from another source, such material for the purpose of creating
as a stationary gas turbine, internal useful heat.
combustion engine, kiln, etc., to allow
Gaseous fuel means any fuel that is
the firing of additional fuel to heat the
present as a gas at standard conditions
exhaust gases before the exhaust gases
and includes, but is not limited to, nat-
enter a heat recovery steam generating
ural gas, refinery fuel gas, process gas,
coke-oven gas, synthetic gas, and
Electric utility combined cycle gas tur-
bine means any combined cycle gas tur- gasified coal.
bine used for electric generation that is Gross energy output means:
constructed for the purpose of sup- (1) For facilities constructed, recon-
plying more than one-third of its po- structed, or modified before May 4,
tential electric output capacity and 2011, the gross electrical or mechanical
more than 25 MW net-electrical output output from the affected facility plus
to any utility power distribution sys- 75 percent of the useful thermal output
tem for sale. Any steam distribution measured relative to ISO conditions
system that is constructed for the pur- that is not used to generate additional
pose of providing steam to a steam electrical or mechanical output or to
electric generator that would produce enhance the performance of the unit
electrical power for sale is also consid- (i.e., steam delivered to an industrial
ered in determining the electrical en- process);
ergy output capacity of the affected fa- (2) For facilities constructed, recon-
cility. structed, or modified after May 3, 2011,
Electric utility steam-generating unit the gross electrical or mechanical out-
means any steam electric generating put from the affected facility minus
unit that is constructed for the purpose any electricity used to power the
of supplying more than one-third of its feedwater pumps and any associated
potential electric output capacity and gas compressors (air separation unit
more than 25 MW net-electrical output main compressor, oxygen compressor,
to any utility power distribution sys- and nitrogen compressor) plus 75 per-
tem for sale. Also, any steam supplied cent of the useful thermal output
to a steam distribution system for the measured relative to ISO conditions
purpose of providing steam to a steam- that is not used to generate additional
electric generator that would produce electrical or mechanical output or to
electrical energy for sale is considered enhance the performance of the unit
in determining the electrical energy (i.e., steam delivered to an industrial
output capacity of the affected facility. process);
Electrostatic precipitator or ESP means (3) For combined heat and power fa-
an add-on air pollution control device cilities constructed, reconstructed, or
used to capture particulate matter modified after May 3, 2011, the gross
(PM) by charging the particles using an electrical or mechanical output from
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

electrostatic field, collecting the par- the affected facility divided by 0.95
ticles using a grounded collecting sur- minus any electricity used to power


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§ 60.41Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the feedwater pumps and any associ- Lignite means coal that is classified
ated gas compressors (air separation as lignite A or B according to the
unit main compressor, oxygen com- American Society of Testing and Mate-
pressor, and nitrogen compressor) plus rials in ASTM D388 (incorporated by
75 percent of the useful thermal output reference, see § 60.17).
measured relative to ISO conditions Natural gas means a fluid mixture of
that is not used to generate additional hydrocarbons (e.g., methane, ethane, or
electrical or mechanical output or to propane), composed of at least 70 per-
enhance the performance of the unit cent methane by volume or that has a
(i.e., steam delivered to an industrial gross calorific value between 35 and 41
process); megajoules (MJ) per dry standard cubic
(4) For a IGCC electric utility gener- meter (950 and 1,100 Btu per dry stand-
ating unit that coproduces chemicals ard cubic foot), that maintains a gas-
constructed, reconstructed, or modified eous state under ISO conditions. In ad-
after May 3, 2011, the gross useful work dition, natural gas contains 20.0 grains
performed is the gross electrical or me- or less of total sulfur per 100 standard
chanical output from the unit minus cubic feet. Finally, natural gas does
electricity used to power the feedwater not include the following gaseous fuels:
pumps and any associated gas compres- landfill gas, digester gas, refinery gas,
sors (air separation unit main com- sour gas, blast furnace gas, coal-de-
pressor, oxygen compressor, and nitro- rived gas, producer gas, coke oven gas,
gen compressor) that are associated or any gaseous fuel produced in a proc-
with power production plus 75 percent ess which might result in highly vari-
of the useful thermal output measured able sulfur content or heating value.
relative to ISO conditions that is not Neighboring company means any one
used to generate additional electrical of those electric utility companies
or mechanical output or to enhance the with one or more electric power inter-
performance of the unit (i.e., steam de- connections to the principal company
livered to an industrial process). Auxil- and which have geographically adjoin-
ing service areas.
iary loads that are associated with
Net-electric output means the gross
power production are determined based
electric sales to the utility power dis-
on the energy in the coproduced chemi-
tribution system minus purchased
cals compared to the energy of the
power on a calendar year basis.
syngas combusted in combustion tur-
Net energy output means the gross en-
bine engine and associated duct burn-
ergy output minus the parasitic load
associated with power production.
24-hour period means the period of Parasitic load includes, but is not lim-
time between 12:01 a.m. and 12:00 mid- ited to, the power required to operate
night. the equipment used for fuel delivery
Integrated gasification combined cycle systems, air pollution control systems,
electric utility steam generating unit or wastewater treatment systems, ash
IGCC electric utility steam generating handling and disposal systems, and
unit means an electric utility combined other controls (i.e., pumps, fans, com-
cycle gas turbine that is designed to pressors, motors, instrumentation, and
burn fuels containing 50 percent (by other ancillary equipment required to
heat input) or more solid-derived fuel operate the affected facility).
not meeting the definition of natural Noncontinental area means the State
gas. The Administrator may waive the of Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
50 percent solid-derived fuel require- American Samoa, the Commonwealth
ment during periods of the gasification of Puerto Rico, or the Northern Mar-
system construction, startup and com- iana Islands.
missioning, shutdown, or repair. No Out-of-control period means any pe-
solid fuel is directly burned in the unit riod beginning with the quadrant cor-
during operation. responding to the completion of a daily
ISO conditions means a temperature calibration error, linearity check, or
of 288 Kelvin, a relative humidity of 60 quality assurance audit that indicates
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

percent, and a pressure of 101.3 that the instrument is not measuring

kilopascals. and recording within the applicable


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.42Da

performance specifications and ending fuel for the purpose of creating useful
with the quadrant corresponding to the heat and includes, but is not limited
completion of an additional calibration to, solvent refined coal, liquified coal,
error, linearity check, or quality assur- synthetic gas, gasified coal, gasified
ance audit following corrective action petroleum coke, gasified biomass, and
that demonstrates that the instrument gasified tire derived fuel.
is measuring and recording within the Steam generating unit for facilities
applicable performance specifications. constructed, reconstructed, or modified
Petroleum for facilities constructed, before May 4, 2011, means any furnace,
reconstructed, or modified before May boiler, or other device used for com-
4, 2011, means crude oil or a fuel de- busting fuel for the purpose of pro-
rived from crude oil, including, but not ducing steam (including fossil-fuel-
limited to, distillate oil, and residual fired steam generators associated with
oil. For units constructed, recon- combined cycle gas turbines; nuclear
structed, or modified after May 3, 2011, steam generators are not included).
petroleum means crude oil or a fuel de- For units constructed, reconstructed,
rived from crude oil, including, but not or modified after May 3, 2011, steam gen-
limited to, distillate oil, residual oil, erating unit means any furnace, boiler,
and petroleum coke. or other device used for combusting
Petroleum coke, also known as fuel for the purpose of producing steam
‘‘petcoke,’’ means a carbonization (including fossil-fuel-fired steam gen-
product of high-boiling hydrocarbon erators associated with combined cycle
fractions obtained in petroleum proc- gas turbines; nuclear steam generators
essing (heavy residues). Petroleum coke are not included) plus any integrated
is typically derived from oil refinery combustion turbines and fuel cells.
coker units or other cracking proc- Subbituminous coal means coal that is
esses. classified as subbituminous A, B, or C
Potential combustion concentration according to the American Society of
means the theoretical emissions Testing and Materials in ASTM D388
(nanograms per joule (ng/J), lb/MMBtu (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17).
heat input) that would result from Wet flue gas desulfurization technology
combustion of a fuel in an uncleaned or wet FGD means a SO2 control system
state without emission control sys- that is located downstream of the
tems. For sulfur dioxide (SO2) the po- steam generating unit and removes sul-
tential combustion concentration is de- fur oxides from the combustion gases
termined under § 60.50Da(c). of the steam generating unit by con-
Potential electrical output capacity tacting the combustion gases with an
means 33 percent of the maximum de- alkaline slurry or solution and forming
sign heat input capacity of the steam a liquid material. This definition ap-
generating unit, divided by 3,413 Btu/ plies to devices where the aqueous liq-
KWh, divided by 1,000 kWh/MWh, and uid material product of this contact is
multiplied by 8,760 hr/yr (e.g., a steam subsequently converted to other forms.
generating unit with a 100 MW (340 Alkaline reagents used in wet FGD
MMBtu/hr) fossil-fuel heat input capac- technology include, but are not limited
ity would have a 289,080 MWh 12 month to, lime, limestone, and sodium.
potential electrical output capacity). [72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
For electric utility combined cycle gas FR 5079, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9448, Feb. 16,
turbines the potential electrical output 2012; 77 FR 23402, Apr. 19, 2012; 78 FR 24082,
capacity is determined on the basis of Apr. 24, 2013]
the fossil-fuel firing capacity of the
steam generator exclusive of the heat § 60.42Da Standards for particulate
input and electrical power contribution matter (PM).
by the gas turbine. (a) Except as provided in paragraph
Resource recovery unit means a facil- (f) of this section, on and after the date
ity that combusts more than 75 percent on which the initial performance test
non-fossil fuel on a quarterly (cal- is completed or required to be com-
endar) heat input basis. pleted under § 60.8, whichever date
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Solid-derived fuel means any solid, liq- comes first, an owner or operator of an
uid, or gaseous fuel derived from solid affected facility shall not cause to be


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§ 60.42Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

discharged into the atmosphere from requirements of this paragraph. On and

any affected facility for which con- after the date on which the initial per-
struction, reconstruction, or modifica- formance test is completed or required
tion commenced before March 1, 2005, to be completed under § 60.8, whichever
any gases that contain PM in excess of date comes first, no owner or operator
13 ng/J (0.03 lb/MMBtu) heat input. of an affected facility shall cause to be
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs discharged into the atmosphere from
(b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, on and that affected facility any gases that
after the date the initial PM perform- contain PM in excess of:
ance test is completed or required to be (1) 13 ng/J (0.030 lb/MMBtu) heat
completed under § 60.8, whichever date input derived from the combustion of
comes first, an owner or operator of an solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, and
affected facility shall not cause to be (2) For an affected facility that com-
discharged into the atmosphere any menced construction or reconstruction,
gases which exhibit greater than 20 0.1 percent of the combustion con-
percent opacity (6-minute average), ex- centration determined according to the
cept for one 6-minute period per hour procedure in § 60.48Da(o)(5) (99.9 percent
of not more than 27 percent opacity. reduction) when combusting solid, liq-
(1) An owner or operator of an af- uid, or gaseous fuel, or
fected facility that elects to install, (3) For an affected facility that com-
calibrate, maintain, and operate a con- menced modification, 0.2 percent of the
tinuous emissions monitoring system combustion concentration determined
(CEMS) for measuring PM emissions according to the procedure in
according to the requirements of this § 60.48Da(o)(5) (99.8 percent reduction)
subpart is exempt from the opacity when combusting solid, liquid, or gas-
standard specified in this paragraph (b) eous fuel.
of this section. (e) Except as provided in paragraph
(2) An owner or operator of an af- (f) of this section, the owner or oper-
fected facility that combusts only nat- ator of an affected facility that com-
ural gas and/or synthetic natural gas menced construction, reconstruction,
that chemically meets the definition of or modification commenced after May
natural gas is exempt from the opacity 3, 2011, shall meet the requirements
standard specified in paragraph (b) of specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of
this section. this section.
(c) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) On and after the date on which
(d) and (f) of this section, on and after the initial performance test is com-
the date on which the initial perform- pleted or required to be completed
ance test is completed or required to be under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
completed under § 60.8, whichever date the owner or operator shall not cause
comes first, no owner or operator of an to be discharged into the atmosphere
affected facility that commenced con- from that affected facility any gases
struction, reconstruction, or modifica- that contain PM in excess of the appli-
tion after February 28, 2005, but before cable emissions limit specified in para-
May 4, 2011, shall cause to be dis- graphs (e)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.
charged into the atmosphere from that (i) For an affected facility which
affected facility any gases that contain commenced construction or recon-
PM in excess of either: struction:
(1) 18 ng/J (0.14 lb/MWh) gross energy (A) 11 ng/J (0.090 lb/MWh) gross en-
output; or ergy output; or
(2) 6.4 ng/J (0.015 lb/MMBtu) heat (B) 12 ng/J (0.097 lb/MWh) net energy
input derived from the combustion of output.
solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel. (ii) For an affected facility which
(d) As an alternative to meeting the commenced modification, the emission
requirements of paragraph (c) of this limits specified in paragraphs (c) or (d)
section, the owner or operator of an af- of this section.
fected facility for which construction, (2) During startup periods and shut-
reconstruction, or modification com- down periods, owners or operators of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

menced after February 28, 2005, but be- facilities subject to subpart UUUUU of
fore May 4, 2011, may elect to meet the part 63 of this chapter shall meet the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43Da

work practice standards specified in pleted or required to be completed

Table 3 to subpart UUUUU of part 63 under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
and use the relevant definitions in no owner or operator subject to the
§ 63.10042, and owners or operators of fa- provisions of this subpart shall cause
cilities subject to subpart DDDDD of to be discharged into the atmosphere
part 63 shall meet the work practice from any affected facility which com-
standards specified in Table 3 to sub- busts liquid or gaseous fuels (except for
part DDDDD of part 63 and use the rel- liquid or gaseous fuels derived from
evant definition used in § 63.7575. solid fuels and as provided under para-
(f) An owner or operator of an af- graphs (e) or (h) of this section) and for
fected facility that meets the condi- which construction, reconstruction, or
tions in either paragraphs (f)(1) or (2) of modification commenced before or on
this section is exempt from the PM February 28, 2005, any gases that con-
emissions limits in this section.
tain SO2 in excess of:
(1) The affected facility combusts
only gaseous or liquid fuels (excluding (1) 340 ng/J (0.80 lb/MMBtu) heat
residual oil) with potential SO2 emis- input and 10 percent of the potential
sions rates of 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) combustion concentration (90 percent
or less, and that does not use a post- reduction); or
combustion technology to reduce emis- (2) 100 percent of the potential com-
sions of SO2 or PM. bustion concentration (zero percent re-
(2) The affected facility is operated duction) when emissions are less than
under a PM commercial demonstration 86 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input.
permit issued by the Administrator ac- (c) On and after the date on which
cording to the provisions of § 60.47Da. the initial performance test is com-
[77 FR 9450, Feb. 16, 2012, as amended at 78
pleted or required to be completed
FR 24083, Apr. 24, 2013; 79 FR 68788, Nov. 19, under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
2014] no owner or operator subject to the
provisions of this subpart shall cause
§ 60.43Da Standards for sulfur dioxide to be discharged into the atmosphere
(SO2). from any affected facility which com-
(a) On and after the date on which busts solid solvent refined coal (SRC–I)
the initial performance test is com- any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
pleted or required to be completed 520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input and
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, 15 percent of the potential combustion
no owner or operator subject to the concentration (85 percent reduction)
provisions of this subpart shall cause except as provided under paragraph (f)
to be discharged into the atmosphere of this section; compliance with the
from any affected facility which com- emission limitation is determined on a
busts solid fuel or solid-derived fuel 30-day rolling average basis and com-
and for which construction, reconstruc- pliance with the percent reduction re-
tion, or modification commenced be- quirement is determined on a 24-hour
fore or on February 28, 2005, except as basis.
provided under paragraphs (c), (d), (f) (d) Sulfur dioxide emissions are lim-
or (h) of this section, any gases that ited to 520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat
contain SO2 in excess of: input from any affected facility which:
(1) 520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat
(1) Combusts 100 percent anthracite;
input and 10 percent of the potential
combustion concentration (90 percent (2) Is classified as a resource recovery
reduction); unit; or
(2) 30 percent of the potential com- (3) Is located in a noncontinental
bustion concentration (70 percent re- area and combusts solid fuel or solid-
duction), when emissions are less than derived fuel.
260 ng/J (0.60 lb/MMBtu) heat input; (e) Sulfur dioxide emissions are lim-
(3) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy ited to 340 ng/J (0.80 lb/MMBtu) heat
output; or input from any affected facility which
(4) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat input. is located in a noncontinental area and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(b) On and after the date on which combusts liquid or gaseous fuels (ex-
the initial performance test is com- cluding solid-derived fuels).


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§ 60.43Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(f) The SO2 standards under this sec- (h) When different fuels are com-
tion do not apply to an owner or oper- busted simultaneously, the applicable
ator of an affected facility that is oper- standard is determined by proration
ated under an SO2 commercial dem- using the following formula:
onstration permit issued by the Admin- (1) If emissions of SO2 to the atmos-
istrator in accordance with the provi- phere are greater than 260 ng/J (0.60 lb/
sions of § 60.47Da. MMBtu) heat input
(g) Compliance with the emission
limitation and percent reduction re- (340 x + 520 y)
Es = and %Ps = 10
quirements under this section are both 100
determined on a 30-day rolling average
basis except as provided under para- (2) If emissions of SO2 to the atmos-
phere are equal to or less than 260 ng/
graph (c) of this section.
J (0.60 lb/MMBtu) heat input:

(340 x + 520 y) (10 x + 30 y)

Es = and %Ps =
100 100

Where: (i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy

Es = Prorated SO2 emission limit (ng/J heat output;
input); (ii) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat
%Ps = Percentage of potential SO2 emission input; or
allowed; (iii) 5 percent of the potential com-
x = Percentage of total heat input derived bustion concentration (95 percent re-
from the combustion of liquid or gaseous duction).
fuels (excluding solid-derived fuels); and
(3) For an affected facility which
y = Percentage of total heat input derived
from the combustion of solid fuel (in- commenced modification, any gases
cluding solid-derived fuels). that contain SO2 in excess of either:
(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy
(i) Except as provided in paragraphs output;
(j) and (k) of this section, on and after (ii) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat
the date on which the initial perform- input; or
ance test is completed or required to be (iii) 10 percent of the potential com-
completed under § 60.8, whichever date bustion concentration (90 percent re-
comes first, no owner or operator of an duction).
affected facility for which construc- (j) On and after the date on which the
tion, reconstruction, or modification initial performance test is completed
commenced after February 28, 2005, but or required to be completed under
before May 4, 2011, shall cause to be § 60.8, whichever date comes first, no
discharged into the atmosphere from owner or operator of an affected facil-
that affected facility, any gases that ity that commenced construction, re-
contain SO2 in excess of the applicable construction, or modification com-
emissions limit specified in paragraphs menced after February 28, 2005, and
(i)(1) through (3) of this section. that burns 75 percent or more (by heat
(1) For an affected facility which input) coal refuse on a 12-month rolling
commenced construction, any gases average basis, shall caused to be dis-
that contain SO2 in excess of either: charged into the atmosphere from that
(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy affected facility any gases that contain
output; or SO2 in excess of the applicable emis-
(ii) 5 percent of the potential com- sion limitation specified in paragraphs
bustion concentration (95 percent re- (j)(1) through (3) of this section.
duction). (1) For an affected facility for which

(2) For an affected facility which construction commenced after Feb-

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

commenced reconstruction, any gases ruary 28, 2005, any gases that contain
that contain SO2 in excess of either: SO2 in excess of either:


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43Da

(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy (l) Except as provided in paragraphs
output on a 30-day rolling average (j) and (m) of this section, on and after
basis; or the date on which the initial perform-
(ii) 6 percent of the potential combus- ance test is completed or required to be
tion concentration (94 percent reduc- completed under § 60.8, whichever date
tion) on a 30-day rolling average basis. comes first, no owner or operator of an
(2) For an affected facility for which affected facility for which construc-
reconstruction commenced after Feb- tion, reconstruction, or modification
ruary 28, 2005, any gases that contain commenced after May 3, 2011, shall
SO2 in excess of either: cause to be discharged into the atmos-
(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy phere from that affected facility, any
output on a 30-day rolling average gases that contain SO2 in excess of the
basis; applicable emissions limit specified in
(ii) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat input paragraphs (l)(1) and (2) of this section.
on a 30-day rolling average basis; or
(1) For an affected facility which
(iii) 6 percent of the potential com-
commenced construction or recon-
bustion concentration (94 percent re-
struction, any gases that contain SO2
duction) on a 30-day rolling average
in excess of either:
(3) For an affected facility for which (i) 130 ng/J (1.0 lb/MWh) gross energy
modification commenced after Feb- output; or
ruary 28, 2005, any gases that contain (ii) 140 ng/J (1.2 lb/MWh) net energy
SO2 in excess of either: output; or
(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy (iii) 3 percent of the potential com-
output on a 30-day rolling average bustion concentration (97 percent re-
basis; duction).
(ii) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat input (2) For an affected facility which
on a 30-day rolling average basis; or commenced modification, any gases
(iii) 10 percent of the potential com- that contain SO2 in excess of either:
bustion concentration (90 percent re- (i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy
duction) on a 30-day rolling average output; or
basis. (ii) 10 percent of the potential com-
(k) On and after the date on which bustion concentration (90 percent re-
the initial performance test is com- duction).
pleted or required to be completed (m) On and after the date on which
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, the initial performance test is com-
no owner or operator of an affected fa- pleted or required to be completed
cility located in a noncontinental area under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
for which construction, reconstruction, no owner or operator of an affected fa-
or modification commenced after Feb-
cility located in a noncontinental area
ruary 28, 2005, but before May 4, 2011,
for which construction, reconstruction,
shall cause to be discharged into the
or modification commenced after May
atmosphere from that affected facility
3, 2011, shall cause to be discharged
any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
into the atmosphere from that affected
the applicable emissions limit specified
in paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this sec- facility any gases that contain SO2 in
tion. excess of the applicable emissions limit
(1) For an affected facility that burns specified in paragraphs (m)(1) and (2) of
solid or solid-derived fuel, the owner or this section.
operator shall not cause to be dis- (1) For an affected facility that burns
charged into the atmosphere any gases solid or solid-derived fuel, the owner or
that contain SO2 in excess of 520 ng/J operator shall not cause to be dis-
(1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat input. charged into the atmosphere any gases
(2) For an affected facility that burns that contain SO2 in excess of 520 ng/J
other than solid or solid-derived fuel, (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat input.
the owner or operator shall not cause (2) For an affected facility that burns
to be discharged into the atmosphere other than solid or solid-derived fuel,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

any gases that contain SO2 in excess of the owner or operator shall not cause
230 ng/J (0.54 lb/MMBtu) heat input. to be discharged into the atmosphere


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§ 60.44Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

any gases that contain SO2 in excess of atmosphere from any affected facility
230 ng/J (0.54 lb/MMBtu) heat input. for which construction, reconstruction,
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 77
or modification commenced before
FR 9450, Feb. 16, 2012] July 10, 1997 any gases that contain
NOX (expressed as NO2) in excess of the
§ 60.44Da Standards for nitrogen ox- applicable emissions limit in para-
ides (NO2). graphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (1) The owner or operator shall not
(h) of this section, on and after the cause to be discharged into the atmos-
date on which the initial performance phere any gases that contain NOX in
test is completed or required to be excess of the emissions limit listed in
completed under § 60.8, whichever date the following table as applicable to the
comes first, no owner or operator sub- fuel type combusted and as determined
ject to the provisions of this subpart on a 30-boiler operating day rolling av-
shall cause to be discharged into the erage basis.
Emission limit for heat
Fuel type
ng/J lb/MMBtu

Gaseous fuels:
Coal-derived fuels ................................................................................................................... 210 0.50
All other fuels .......................................................................................................................... 86 0.20
Liquid fuels:
Coal-derived fuels ................................................................................................................... 210 0.50
Shale oil .................................................................................................................................. 210 0.50
All other fuels .......................................................................................................................... 130 0.30
Solid fuels:
Coal-derived fuels ................................................................................................................... 210 0.50
Any fuel containing more than 25%, by weight, coal refuse .................................................. (1) (1)
Any fuel containing more than 25%, by weight, lignite if the lignite is mined in North Dakota, South
Dakota, or Montana, and is combusted in a slag tap furnace 2 ........................................................ 340 0.80
Any fuel containing more than 25%, by weight, lignite not subject to the 340 ng/J heat input emis-
sion limit 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 260 0.60
Subbituminous coal ............................................................................................................................... 210 0.50
Bituminous coal ..................................................................................................................................... 260 0.60
Anthracite coal ....................................................................................................................................... 260 0.60
All other fuels ........................................................................................................................................ 260 0.60
1 Exempt from NO standards and NO monitoring requirements.
2 Any fuel containing less than 25%, by weight, lignite is not prorated but its percentage is added to the percentage of the pre-
dominant fuel.

(2) When two or more fuels are com- (En) is determined by proration using
busted simultaneously in an affected the following formula:
facility, the applicable emissions limit

Where: y = Percentage of total heat input derived

En = Applicable NOX emissions limit when from the combustion of fuels subject to
multiple fuels are combusted simulta- the 210 ng/J heat input standard;
neously (ng/J heat input); z = Percentage of total heat input derived
w = Percentage of total heat input derived from the combustion of fuels subject to
from the combustion of fuels subject to the 260 ng/J heat input standard; and
the 86 ng/J heat input standard; v = Percentage of total heat input delivered
x = Percentage of total heat input derived from the combustion of fuels subject to
from the combustion of fuels subject to the 340 ng/J heat input standard.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the 130 ng/J heat input standard; (b)–(c) [Reserved]


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.44Da

(d) Except as provided in paragraph (ii) 65 ng/J (0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat

(h) of this section, on and after the input.
date on which the initial performance (f) On and after the date on which the
test is completed or required to be initial performance test is completed
completed under § 60.8, whichever date or required to be completed under
comes first, no owner or operator of an § 60.8, whichever date comes first, the
affected facility that commenced con- owner or operator of an IGCC electric
struction, reconstruction, or modifica- utility steam generating unit subject
tion after July 9, 1997, but before to the provisions of this subpart and
March 1, 2005, shall cause to be dis- for which construction, reconstruction,
charged into the atmosphere from that or modification commenced after Feb-
affected facility any gases that contain ruary 28, 2005 but before May 4, 2011,
NOX (expressed as NO2) in excess of the shall meet the requirements specified
applicable emissions limit specified in in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this
paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section section.
as determined on a 30-boiler operating (1) Except as provided for in para-
day rolling average basis. graphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section, the
(1) For an affected facility which owner or operator shall not cause to be
commenced construction, any gases discharged into the atmosphere any
that contain NOX in excess of 200 ng/J gases that contain NOX (expressed as
(1.6 lb/MWh) gross energy output. NO2) in excess of 130 ng/J (1.0 lb/MWh)
(2) For an affected facility which gross energy output.
commenced reconstruction, any gases (2) When burning liquid fuel exclu-
that contain NOX in excess of 65 ng/J sively or in combination with solid-de-
(0.15 lb/MMBtu) heat input. rived fuel such that the liquid fuel con-
tributes 50 percent or more of the total
(e) Except as provided in paragraphs
heat input to the combined cycle com-
(f) and (h) of this section, on and after
bustion turbine, the owner or operator
the date on which the initial perform-
shall not cause to be discharged into
ance test is completed or required to be
the atmosphere any gases that contain
completed under § 60.8, whichever date
NOX (expressed as NO2) in excess of 190
comes first, no owner or operator of an
ng/J (1.5 lb/MWh) gross energy output.
affected facility that commenced con-
(3) In cases when during a 30-boiler
struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
operating day rolling average compli-
tion after February 28, 2005 but before
ance period liquid fuel is burned in
May 4, 2011, shall cause to be dis-
such a manner to meet the conditions
charged into the atmosphere from that
in paragraph (f)(2) of this section for
affected facility any gases that contain
only a portion of the clock hours in the
NOX (expressed as NO2) in excess of the
30-day compliance period, the owner or
applicable emissions limit specified in
operator shall not cause to be dis-
paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
charged into the atmosphere any gases
section as determined on a 30-boiler op-
that contain NOX (expressed as NO2) in
erating day rolling average basis.
excess of the computed weighted-aver-
(1) For an affected facility which age emissions limit based on the pro-
commenced construction, any gases portion of gross energy output (in
that contain NOX in excess of 130 ng/J MWh) generated during the compliance
(1.0 lb/MWh) gross energy output. period for each of emissions limits in
(2) For an affected facility which paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
commenced reconstruction, any gases (g) Except as provided in paragraphs
that contain NOX in excess of either: (h) of this section and § 60.45Da, on and
(i) 130 ng/J (1.0 lb/MWh) gross energy after the date on which the initial per-
output; or formance test is completed or required
(ii) 47 ng/J (0.11 lb/MMBtu) heat to be completed under § 60.8, whichever
input. date comes first, no owner or operator
(3) For an affected facility which of an affected facility that commenced
commenced modification, any gases construction, reconstruction, or modi-
that contain NOX in excess of either: fication after May 3, 2011, shall cause
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(i) 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross energy to be discharged into the atmosphere
output; or from that affected facility any gases


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§ 60.45Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

that contain NOX (expressed as NO2) in limit specified in paragraphs (b)(1)

excess of the applicable emissions limit through (3) of this section as deter-
specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through mined on a 30-boiler operating day roll-
(3) of this section. ing average basis.
(1) For an affected facility which (1) For an affected facility which
commenced construction or recon- commenced construction or recon-
struction, any gases that contain NOX struction, any gases that contain NOX
in excess of either: plus CO in excess of either:
(i) 88 ng/J (0.70 lb/MWh) gross energy (i) 140 ng/J (1.1 lb/MWh) gross energy
output; or output; or
(ii) 95 ng/J (0.76 lb/MWh) net energy (ii) 150 ng/J (1.2 lb/MWh) net energy
output. output.
(2) For an affected facility which (2) For an affected facility which
commenced construction or recon- commenced construction or recon-
struction and that burns 75 percent or struction and that burns 75 percent or
more coal refuse (by heat input) on a more coal refuse (by heat input) on a
12-month rolling average basis, any 12-month rolling average basis, any
gases that contain NOX in excess of ei- gases that contain NOX plus CO in ex-
ther: cess of either:
(i) 110 ng/J (0.85 lb/MWh) gross energy
(i) 160 ng/J (1.3 lb/MWh) gross energy
output; or
output; or
(ii) 120 ng/J (0.92 lb/MWh) net energy
output. (ii) 170 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) net energy
(3) For an affected facility which output.
commenced modification, any gases (3) For an affected facility which
that contain NOX in excess of 140 ng/J commenced modification, any gases
(1.1 lb/MWh) gross energy output. that contain NOX plus CO in excess of
(h) The NOX emissions limits under 190 ng/J (1.5 lb/MWh) gross energy out-
this section do not apply to an owner put.
or operator of an affected facility [77 FR 9453, Feb. 16, 2012]
which is operating under a commercial
demonstration permit issued by the § 60.46Da [Reserved]
Administrator in accordance with the
provisions of § 60.47Da. § 60.47Da Commercial demonstration
[77 FR 9451, Feb. 16, 2012]
(a) An owner or operator of an af-
§ 60.45Da Alternative standards for fected facility proposing to dem-
combined nitrogen oxides (NOX) onstrate an emerging technology may
and carbon monoxide (CO). apply to the Administrator for a com-
(a) The owner or operator of an af- mercial demonstration permit. The Ad-
fected facility that commenced con- ministrator will issue a commercial
struction, reconstruction, or modifica- demonstration permit in accordance
tion after May 3, 2011 as alternate to with paragraph (e) of this section.
meeting the applicable NOX emissions Commercial demonstration permits
limits specified in § 60.44Da may elect may be issued only by the Adminis-
to meet the applicable standards for trator, and this authority will not be
combined NOX and CO specified in delegated.
paragraph (b) of this section. (b) An owner or operator of an af-
(b) On and after the date on which fected facility that combusts solid sol-
the initial performance test is com- vent refined coal (SRC–I) and who is
pleted or required to be completed issued a commercial demonstration
under § 60.8 no owner or operator of an permit by the Administrator is not
affected facility that commenced con- subject to the SO2 emission reduction
struction, reconstruction, or modifica- requirements under § 60.43Da(c) but
tion after May 3, 2011, shall cause to be must, as a minimum, reduce SO2 emis-
discharged into the atmosphere from sions to 20 percent of the potential
that affected facility any gases that combustion concentration (80 percent
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

contain NOX (expressed as NO2) plus CO reduction) for each 24-hour period of
in excess of the applicable emissions steam generator operation and to less


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.47Da

than 520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat rived liquid fuel and who is issued a
input on a 30-day rolling average basis. commercial demonstration permit by
(c) An owner or operator of an af- the Administrator is not subject to the
fected facility that uses fluidized bed applicable NOX emission limitation and
combustion (atmospheric or pressur- percent reduction under § 60.44Da(a) but
ized) and who is issued a commercial must, as a minimum, reduce emissions
demonstration permit by the Adminis- to less than 300 ng/J (0.70 lb/MMBtu)
trator is not subject to the SO2 emis- heat input on a 30-day rolling average
sion reduction requirements under basis.
§ 60.43Da(a) but must, as a minimum,
(e) Commercial demonstration per-
reduce SO2 emissions to 15 percent of
the potential combustion concentra- mits may not exceed the following
tion (85 percent reduction) on a 30-day equivalent MW electrical generation
rolling average basis and to less than capacity for any one technology cat-
520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input on egory, and the total equivalent MW
a 30-day rolling average basis. electrical generation capacity for all
(d) The owner or operator of an af- commercial demonstration plants may
fected facility that combusts coal-de- not exceed 15,000 MW.
Equivalent electrical capacity
Technology Pollutant (MW electrical output)

Solid solvent refined coal (SCR I) .................................. SO2 .................................... 6,000–10,000

Fluidized bed combustion (atmospheric) ....................... SO2 .................................... 400–3,000
Fluidized bed combustion (pressurized) ........................ SO2 .................................... 400–1,200
Coal liquification ............................................................. NOX .................................... 750–10,000

Total allowable for all technologies ................. ............................................ 15,000

(f) An owner or operator of an af- energy output on a 30-boiler operating

fected facility that uses a pressurized day rolling average basis.
fluidized bed or a multi-pollutant emis- (h) An owner or operator of an af-
sions controls system who is issued a fected facility that uses a pressurized
commercial demonstration permit by fluidized bed or a multi-pollutant emis-
the Administrator is not subject to the sions control system or advanced com-
total PM emission reduction require- bustion controls who is issued a com-
ments under § 60.42Da but must, as a mercial demonstration permit by the
minimum, reduce PM emissions to less Administrator is not subject to the
than 6.4 ng/J (0.015 lb/MMBtu) heat
NOX standards or emission reduction
requirements under § 60.44Da but must,
(g) An owner or operator of an af-
fected facility that uses a pressurized as a minimum, reduce NOX emissions
fluidized bed or a multi-pollutant emis- to less than 130 ng/J (1.0 lb/MWh) or the
sions controls system who is issued a combined NOX plus CO emissions to
commercial demonstration permit by less than 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross en-
the Administrator is not subject to the ergy output on a 30-boiler operating
SO2 standards or emission reduction re- day rolling average basis.
quirements under § 60.43Da but must, as (i) Commercial demonstration per-
a minimum, reduce SO2 emissions to 5 mits may not exceed the following
percent of the potential combustion equivalent MW electrical generation
concentration (95 percent reduction) or capacity for any one technology cat-
to less than 180 ng/J (1.4 lb/MWh) gross egory listed in the following table.
Equivalent electrical capacity
Technology Pollutant (MW electrical output)

Multi-pollutant Emission Control ..................................... SO2 .................................... 1,000

Multi-pollutant Emission Control ..................................... NOX .................................... 1,000
Multi-pollutant Emission Control ..................................... PM ...................................... 1,000
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion ......................... SO2 .................................... 1,000

Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion ......................... NOX .................................... 1,000
Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion ......................... PM ...................................... 1,000


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§ 60.48Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Equivalent electrical capacity

Technology Pollutant (MW electrical output)

Advanced Combustion Controls ..................................... NOX .................................... 1,000

[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 77 FR 9450, Feb. 16, 2012]

§ 60.48Da Compliance provisions. least 30 days prior notice is required

unless otherwise specified by the Ad-
(a) For affected facilities for which
ministrator. The initial performance
construction, modification, or recon-
test is to be scheduled so that the first
struction commenced before May 4,
boiler operating day of the 30 succes-
2011, the applicable PM emissions limit
sive boiler operating days is completed
and opacity standard under § 60.42Da,
within 60 days after achieving the max-
SO2 emissions limit under § 60.43Da,
and NOX emissions limit under § 60.44Da imum production rate at which the af-
apply at all times except during peri- fected facility will be operated, but not
ods of startup, shutdown, or malfunc- later than 180 days after initial startup
tion. For affected facilities for which of the facility.
construction, modification, or recon- (d) For affected facilities for which
struction commenced after May 3, 2011, construction, modification, or recon-
the applicable SO2 emissions limit struction commenced before May 4,
under § 60.43Da, NOX emissions limit 2011, compliance with applicable 30-
under § 60.44Da, and NOX plus CO emis- boiler operating day rolling average
sions limit under § 60.45Da apply at all SO2 and NOX emissions limits is deter-
times. The applicable PM emissions mined by calculating the arithmetic
limit and opacity standard under average of all hourly emission rates for
§ 60.42Da apply at all times except dur- SO2 and NOX for the 30 successive boil-
ing periods of startup and shutdown. er operating days, except for data ob-
(b) After the initial performance test tained during startup, shutdown, or
required under § 60.8, compliance with malfunction. For affected facilities for
the applicable SO2 emissions limit and which construction, modification, or
percentage reduction requirements reconstruction commenced after May 3,
under § 60.43Da, NOX emissions limit 2011, compliance with applicable 30-
under § 60.44Da, and NOX plus CO emis- boiler operating day rolling average
sions limit under § 60.45Da is based on SO2 and NOX emissions limits is deter-
the average emission rate for 30 succes- mined by dividing the sum of the SO2
sive boiler operating days. A separate and NOX emissions for the 30 successive
performance test is completed at the boiler operating days by the sum of the
end of each boiler operating day after gross energy output or net energy out-
the initial performance test, and a new put, as applicable, for the 30 successive
30-boiler operating day rolling average boiler operating days.
emission rate for both SO2, NOX or NOX (e) For affected facilities for which
plus CO as applicable, and a new per- construction, modification, or recon-
cent reduction for SO2 are calculated struction commenced before May 4,
to demonstrate compliance with the 2011, compliance with applicable SO2
standards. percentage reduction requirements is
(c) For the initial performance test determined based on the average inlet
required under § 60.8, compliance with and outlet SO2 emission rates for the 30
the applicable SO2 emissions limits and successive boiler operating days. For
percentage reduction requirements affected facilities for which construc-
under § 60.43Da, the NOX emissions lim- tion, modification, or reconstruction
its under § 60.44Da, and the NOX plus CO commenced after May 3, 2011, compli-
emissions limits under § 60.45Da is ance with applicable SO2 percentage re-
based on the average emission rates for duction requirements is determined
SO2, NOX, CO, and percent reduction based on the ‘‘as fired’’ total potential
for SO2 for the first 30 successive boiler emissions and the total outlet SO2
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

operating days. The initial perform- emissions for the 30 successive boiler
ance test is the only test in which at operating days.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48Da

(f) For affected facilities for which section 7 of Method 19 of appendix A of

construction, modification, or recon- this part.
struction commenced before May 4, (i) Compliance provisions for sources
2011, compliance with the applicable subject to § 60.44Da(d)(1), (e)(1), (e)(2)(i),
daily average PM emissions limit is de- (e)(3)(i), (f), or (g). The owner or oper-
termined by calculating the arithmetic ator shall calculate NOX emissions as
average of all hourly emission rates 1.194 × 10¥7 lb/scf-ppm times the aver-
each boiler operating day, except for age hourly NOX output concentration
data obtained during startup, shut- in ppm (measured according to the pro-
down, or malfunction periods. Daily visions of § 60.49Da(c)), times the aver-
averages are only calculated for boiler age hourly flow rate (measured in scfh,
operating days that have non-out-of- according to the provisions of
control data for at least 18 hours of § 60.49Da(l) or § 60.49Da(m)), divided by
unit operation during which the stand- the average hourly gross energy output
ard applies. Instead, all of the non-out- (measured according to the provisions
of-control hourly emission rates of the of § 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly
operating day(s) not meeting the min- net energy output, as applicable. Alter-
imum 18 hours non-out-of-control data natively, for oil-fired and gas-fired
daily average requirement are aver- units, NOX emissions may be calculated
aged with all of the non-out-of-control by multiplying the hourly NOX emis-
hourly emission rates of the next boiler sion rate in lb/MMBtu (measured by
operating day with 18 hours or more of the CEMS required under § 60.49Da(c)
and (d)), by the hourly heat input rate
non-out-of-control PM CEMS data to
(measured according to the provisions
determine compliance. For affected fa-
of § 60.49Da(n)), and dividing the result
cilities for which construction or re-
by the average gross energy output
construction commenced after May 3,
(measured according to the provisions
2011 that elect to demonstrate compli-
of § 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly
ance using PM CEMS, compliance with
net energy output, as applicable.
the applicable PM emissions limit in
(j) Compliance provisions for duct burn-
§ 60.42Da is determined on a 30-boiler
ers subject to § 60.44Da(a)(1). To deter-
operating day rolling average basis by
mine compliance with the emissions
calculating the arithmetic average of limits for NOX required by § 60.44Da(a)
all hourly PM emission rates for the 30 for duct burners used in combined
successive boiler operating days, ex- cycle systems, either of the procedures
cept for data obtained during periods of described in paragraph (j)(1) or (2) of
startup and shutdown. this section may be used:
(g) For affected facilities for which (1) The owner or operator of an af-
construction, modification, or recon- fected duct burner shall conduct the
struction commenced after May 3, 2011, performance test required under § 60.8
compliance with applicable 30-boiler using the appropriate methods in ap-
operating day rolling average NOX plus pendix A of this part. Compliance with
CO emissions limit is determined by di- the emissions limits under
viding the sum of the NOX plus CO § 60.44Da(a)(1) is determined on the av-
emissions for the 30 successive boiler erage of three (nominal 1-hour) runs for
operating days by the sum of the gross the initial and subsequent performance
energy output or net energy output, as tests. During the performance test, one
applicable, for the 30 successive boiler sampling site shall be located in the
operating days. exhaust of the turbine prior to the duct
(h) If an owner or operator has not burner. A second sampling site shall be
obtained the minimum quantity of located at the outlet from the heat re-
emission data as required under covery steam generating unit. Meas-
§ 60.49Da of this subpart, compliance of urements shall be taken at both sam-
the affected facility with the emission pling sites during the performance test;
requirements under §§ 60.43Da and or
60.44Da of this subpart for the day on (2) The owner or operator of an af-
which the 30-day period ends may be fected duct burner may elect to deter-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

determined by the Administrator by mine compliance by using the CEMS

following the applicable procedures in specified under § 60.49Da for measuring


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§ 60.48Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

NOX and oxygen (O2) (or carbon dioxide shall constitute the NOX emission rate
(CO2)) and meet the requirements of from the duct burner of the combined
§ 60.49Da. Alternatively, data from a cycle system.
NOX emission rate (i.e., NOX-diluent) (k) Compliance provisions for duct
CEMS certified according to the provi- burners subject to § 60.44Da(d)(1) or (e)(1).
sions of § 75.20(c) of this chapter and ap- To determine compliance with the
pendix A to part 75 of this chapter, and emission limitation for NOX required
meeting the quality assurance require- by § 60.44Da(d)(1) or (e)(1) for duct burn-
ments of § 75.21 of this chapter and ap- ers used in combined cycle systems, ei-
pendix B to part 75 of this chapter, may
ther of the procedures described in
be used, with the following caveats.
paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this section
Data used to meet the requirements of
may be used:
§ 60.51Da shall not include substitute
data values derived from the missing (1) The owner or operator of an af-
data procedures in subpart D of part 75 fected duct burner used in combined
of this chapter, nor shall the data have cycle systems shall determine compli-
been bias adjusted according to the ance with the applicable NOX emission
procedures of part 75 of this chapter. limitation in § 60.44Da(d)(1) or (e)(1) as
The sampling site shall be located at follows:
the outlet from the steam generating (i) The emission rate (E) of NOX shall
unit. The NOX emission rate at the out- be computed using Equation 2 in this
let from the steam generating unit section:

Where: shall be taken at the same time as the

E = Emission rate of NOX from the duct concentration measurements.
burner, ng/J (lb/MWh) gross energy out- (iii) The owner or operator shall de-
put; velop, demonstrate, and provide infor-
Csg = Average hourly concentration of NOX mation satisfactory to the Adminis-
exiting the steam generating unit, ng/
dscm (lb/dscf);
trator to determine the average hourly
Cte = Average hourly concentration of NOX in gross energy output from the steam
the turbine exhaust upstream from duct generating unit, and the average hour-
burner, ng/dscm (lb/dscf); ly percentage of the total heat input to
Qsg = Average hourly volumetric flow rate of the steam generating unit derived from
exhaust gas from steam generating unit, the combustion of fuel in the affected
dscm/h (dscf/h); duct burner.
Qte = Average hourly volumetric flow rate of (iv) Compliance with the applicable
exhaust gas from combustion turbine,
dscm/h (dscf/h);
NOX emission limitation in
Osg = Average hourly gross energy output § 60.44Da(d)(1) or (e)(1) is determined by
from steam generating unit, J/h (MW); the three-run average (nominal 1-hour
and runs) for the initial and subsequent
h = Average hourly fraction of the total heat performance tests.
input to the steam generating unit de- (2) The owner or operator of an af-
rived from the combustion of fuel in the fected duct burner used in a combined
affected duct burner.
cycle system may elect to determine
(ii) Method 7E of appendix A of this compliance with the applicable NOX
part shall be used to determine the emission limitation in § 60.44Da(d)(1) or
NOX concentrations (Csg and Cte). Meth- (e)(1) on a 30-day rolling average basis
od 2, 2F or 2G of appendix A of this as indicated in paragraphs (k)(2)(i)
part, as appropriate, shall be used to through (iv) of this section.
determine the volumetric flow rates (i) The emission rate (E) of NOX shall
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(Qsg and Qte) of the exhaust gases. The be computed using Equation 3 in this
volumetric flow rate measurements section:


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48Da

Where: according to the procedures of part 75

E = Emission rate of NOX from the duct of this chapter. The sampling site shall
burner, ng/J (lb/MWh) gross energy out- be located at the outlet from the steam
put; generating unit.
Csg = Average hourly concentration of NOX
exiting the steam generating unit, ng/ (iii) The continuous monitoring sys-
dscm (lb/dscf); tem specified under § 60.49Da(k) for
Qsg = Average hourly volumetric flow rate of measuring and determining gross en-
exhaust gas from steam generating unit, ergy output shall be used to determine
dscm/h (dscf/h); and the average hourly gross energy output
Occ = Average hourly gross energy output
from entire combined cycle unit, J/h from the entire combined cycle unit
(MW). (Occ), which is the combined output
from the combustion turbine and the
(ii) The CEMS specified under steam generating unit.
§ 60.49Da for measuring NOX and O2 (or
(iv) The owner or operator may, in
CO2) shall be used to determine the av-
erage hourly NOX concentrations (Csg). lieu of installing, operating, and re-
The continuous flow monitoring sys- cording data from the continuous flow
tem specified in § 60.49Da(l) or monitoring system specified in
§ 60.49Da(m) shall be used to determine § 60.49Da(l), determine the mass rate
the volumetric flow rate (Qsg) of the ex- (lb/h) of NOX emissions by installing,
haust gas. If the option to use the flow operating, and maintaining continuous
monitoring system in § 60.49Da(m) is se- fuel flowmeters following the appro-
lected, the flow rate data used to meet priate measurements procedures speci-
the requirements of § 60.51Da shall not fied in appendix D of part 75 of this
include substitute data values derived chapter. If this compliance option is
from the missing data procedures in selected, the emission rate (E) of NOX
subpart D of part 75 of this chapter, nor shall be computed using Equation 4 in
shall the data have been bias adjusted this section:

Where: units, the owner or operator shall ei-

E = Emission rate of NOX from the duct ther:
burner, ng/J (lb/MWh) gross energy out- (i) Determine compliance with the
put; applicable NOX emissions limits by
ERsg = Average hourly emission rate of NOX measuring the emissions combined
exiting the steam generating unit heat
input calculated using appropriate F fac-
with the emissions from the other
tor as described in Method 19 of appendix unit(s) utilizing the common steam
A of this part, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); turbine; or
Hcc = Average hourly heat input rate of en- (ii) Develop, demonstrate, and pro-
tire combined cycle unit, J/h (MMBtu/h); vide information satisfactory to the
and Administrator on methods for appor-
Occ = Average hourly gross energy output tioning the combined gross energy out-
from entire combined cycle unit, J/h put from the steam turbine for each of
the affected duct burners. The Admin-
(3) When an affected duct burner istrator may approve such dem-
steam generating unit utilizes a com- onstrated substitute methods for ap-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ER16FE12.001</GPH> ER16FE12.002</GPH>

mon steam turbine with one or more portioning the combined gross energy
affected duct burner steam generating output measured at the steam turbine


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§ 60.48Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

whenever the demonstration ensures in § 60.42Da by the applicable date spec-

accurate estimation of emissions regu- ified in § 60.8(a). Thereafter, you must
lated under this part. conduct each subsequent performance
(l) [Reserved] test within 12 calendar months fol-
(m) Compliance provisions for lowing the date the previous perform-
sources subject to § 60.43Da(i)(1)(i), ance test was required to be conducted.
(i)(2)(i), (i)(3)(i), (j)(1)(i), (j)(2)(i), You must conduct each performance
(j)(3)(i), (l)(1)(i), (l)(1)(ii), or (l)(2). The test according to the requirements in
owner or operator shall calculate SO2 § 60.8 using the test methods and proce-
emissions as 1.660 × 10¥7 lb/scf-ppm dures in § 60.50Da. The owner or oper-
times the average hourly SO2 output ator of an affected facility that has not
concentration in ppm (measured ac- operated for 60 consecutive calendar
cording to the provisions of days prior to the date that the subse-
§ 60.49Da(b)), times the average hourly quent performance test would have
flow rate (measured according to the been required had the unit been oper-
provisions of § 60.49Da(l) or ating is not required to perform the
§ 60.49Da(m)), divided by the average subsequent performance test until 30
hourly gross energy output (measured calendar days after the next boiler op-
according to the provisions of erating day. Requests for additional 30
§ 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net day extensions shall be granted by the
energy output, as applicable. Alter- relevant air division or office director
natively, for oil-fired and gas-fired of the appropriate Regional Office of
units, SO2 emissions may be calculated the U.S. EPA.
by multiplying the hourly SO2 emis- (2) You must monitor the perform-
sion rate (in lb/MMBtu), measured by ance of each electrostatic precipitator
the CEMS required under § 60.49Da, by or fabric filter (baghouse) operated to
the hourly heat input rate (measured comply with the applicable PM emis-
according to the provisions of sions limit in § 60.42Da using a contin-
§ 60.49Da(n)), and dividing the result by uous opacity monitoring system
the average gross energy output (meas- (COMS) according to the requirements
ured according to the provisions of in paragraphs (o)(2)(i) through (vi) un-
§ 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net less you elect to comply with one of
energy output, as applicable. the alternatives provided in paragraphs
(n) Compliance provisions for sources (o)(3) and (o)(4) of this section, as appli-
subject to § 60.42Da(c)(1) or (e)(1)(i). The
cable to your control device.
owner or operator shall calculate PM
(i) Each COMS must meet Perform-
emissions by multiplying the average
ance Specification 1 in 40 CFR part 60,
hourly PM output concentration
(measured according to the provisions appendix B.
of § 60.49Da(t)), by the average hourly (ii) You must comply with the qual-
flow rate (measured according to the ity assurance requirements in para-
provisions of § 60.49Da(l) or graphs (o)(2)(ii)(A) through (E) of this
§ 60.49Da(m)), and dividing by the aver- section.
age hourly gross energy output (meas- (A) You must automatically (intrin-
ured according to the provisions of sic to the opacity monitor) check the
§ 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net zero and upscale (span) calibration
energy output, as applicable. drifts at least once daily. For a par-
(o) Compliance provisions for sources ticular COMS, the acceptable range of
subject to § 60.42Da(c)(2), (d), or zero and upscale calibration materials
(e)(1)(ii). Except as provided for in is as defined in the applicable version
paragraph (p) of this section, the owner of Performance Specification 1 in 40
or operator must demonstrate compli- CFR part 60, appendix B.
ance with each applicable emissions (B) You must adjust the zero and
limit according to the requirements in span whenever the 24-hour zero drift or
paragraphs (o)(1) through (o)(5) of this 24-hour span drift exceeds 4 percent
section. opacity. The COMS must allow for the
(1) You must conduct a performance amount of excess zero and span drift
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

test to demonstrate initial compliance measured at the 24-hour interval

with the applicable PM emissions limit checks to be recorded and quantified.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48Da

The optical surfaces exposed to the ef- (iv) You must evaluate the preceding
fluent gases must be cleaned prior to 24-hour average opacity level measured
performing the zero and span drift ad- by the COMS each boiler operating day
justments, except for systems using excluding periods of affected facility
automatic zero adjustments. For sys- startup, shutdown, or malfunction. If
tems using automatic zero adjust- the measured 24-hour average opacity
ments, the optical surfaces must be emission level is greater than the base-
cleaned when the cumulative auto- line opacity level determined in para-
matic zero compensation exceeds 4 per- graph (o)(2)(iii) of this section, you
cent opacity. must initiate investigation of the rel-
(C) You must apply a method for pro- evant equipment and control systems
ducing a simulated zero opacity condi- within 24 hours of the first discovery of
tion and an upscale (span) opacity con- the high opacity incident and take the
dition using a certified neutral density appropriate corrective action as soon
filter or other related technique to as practicable to adjust control set-
produce a known obscuration of the tings or repair equipment to reduce the
light beam. All procedures applied measured 24-hour average opacity to a
must provide a system check of the an- level below the baseline opacity level.
alyzer internal optical surfaces and all In cases when a wet scrubber is used in
electronic circuitry including the lamp combination with another PM control
and photodetector assembly. device that serves as the primary PM
(D) Except during periods of system control device, the wet scrubber must
be maintained and operated.
breakdowns, repairs, calibration
(v) You must record the opacity
checks, and zero and span adjustments,
measurements, calculations performed,
the COMS must be in continuous oper-
and any corrective actions taken. The
ation and must complete a minimum of
record of corrective action taken must
one cycle of sampling and analyzing for
include the date and time during which
each successive 10 second period and
the measured 24-hour average opacity
one cycle of data recording for each
was greater than baseline opacity
successive 6-minute period.
level, and the date, time, and descrip-
(E) You must reduce all data from tion of the corrective action.
the COMS to 6-minute averages. Six- (vi) If the measured 24-hour average
minute opacity averages must be cal- opacity for your affected facility re-
culated from 36 or more data points mains at a level greater than the opac-
equally spaced over each 6-minute pe- ity baseline level after 7 boiler oper-
riod. Data recorded during periods of ating days, then you must conduct a
system breakdowns, repairs, calibra- new PM performance test according to
tion checks, and zero and span adjust- paragraph (o)(1) of this section and es-
ments must not be included in the data tablish a new opacity baseline value
averages. An arithmetic or integrated according to paragraph (o)(2) of this
average of all data may be used. section. This new performance test
(iii) During each performance test must be conducted within 60 days of
conducted according to paragraph the date that the measured 24-hour av-
(o)(1) of this section, you must estab- erage opacity was first determined to
lish an opacity baseline level. The exceed the baseline opacity level unless
value of the opacity baseline level is a waiver is granted by the permitting
determined by averaging all of the 6- authority.
minute average opacity values (re- (3) As an alternative to complying
ported to the nearest 0.1 percent opac- with the requirements of paragraph
ity) from the COMS measurements re- (o)(2) of this section, an owner or oper-
corded during each of the test run in- ator may elect to monitor the perform-
tervals conducted for the performance ance of an electrostatic precipitator
test, and then adding 2.5 percent opac- (ESP) operated to comply with the ap-
ity to your calculated average opacity plicable PM emissions limit in § 60.42Da
value for all of the test runs. If your using an ESP predictive model devel-
opacity baseline level is less than 5.0 oped in accordance with the require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

percent, then the opacity baseline level ments in paragraphs (o)(3)(i) through
is set at 5.0 percent. (v) of this section.


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§ 60.48Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) You must calibrate the ESP pre- any corrective actions taken. The
dictive model with each PM control de- record of corrective action taken must
vice used to comply with the applicable include the date and time during which
PM emissions limit in § 60.42Da oper- the model output values exceeded the
ating under normal conditions. In cases applicable baseline levels, and the date,
when a wet scrubber is used in com- time, and description of the corrective
bination with an ESP to comply with action.
the PM emissions limit, the wet scrub- (v) If after 7 consecutive days a
ber must be maintained and operated. model parameter continues to exceed
(ii) You must develop a site-specific the applicable baseline level, then you
monitoring plan that includes a de- must conduct a new PM performance
scription of the ESP predictive model test according to paragraph (o)(1) of
used, the model input parameters, and this section. This new performance test
the procedures and criteria for estab- must be conducted within 60 calendar
lishing monitoring parameter baseline days of the date that the model param-
levels indicative of compliance with eter was first determined to exceed its
the PM emissions limit. You must sub- baseline level unless a waiver is grant-
mit the site-specific monitoring plan ed by the permitting authority.
for approval by the permitting author- (4) As an alternative to complying
ity. For reference purposes in pre- with the requirements of paragraph
paring the monitoring plan, see the (o)(2) of this section, an owner or oper-
OAQPS ‘‘Compliance Assurance Moni- ator may elect to monitor the perform-
toring (CAM) Protocol for an Electro- ance of a fabric filter (baghouse) oper-
static Precipitator (ESP) Controlling ated to comply with the applicable PM
Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions emissions limit in § 60.42Da by using a
from a Coal-Fired Boiler.’’ This docu- bag leak detection system according to
ment is available from the U.S. Envi- the requirements in paragraphs (o)(4)(i)
ronmental Protection Agency (U.S. through (v) of this section.
EPA); Office of Air Quality Planning (i) Each bag leak detection system
and Standards; Sector Policies and must meet the specifications and re-
Programs Division; Measurement Pol- quirements in paragraphs (o)(4)(i)(A)
icy Group (D243–02), Research Triangle through (H) of this section.
Park, NC 27711. This document is also (A) The bag leak detection system
available on the Technology Transfer must be certified by the manufacturer
Network (TTN) under Emission Meas- to be capable of detecting PM emis-
urement Center Continuous Emission sions at concentrations of 1 milligram
Monitoring. per actual cubic meter (0.00044 grains
(iii) You must run the ESP predictive per actual cubic foot) or less.
model using the applicable input data (B) The bag leak detection system
each boiler operating day and evaluate sensor must provide output of relative
the model output for the preceding PM loadings. The owner or operator
boiler operating day excluding periods must continuously record the output
of affected facility startup, shutdown, from the bag leak detection system
or malfunction. If the values for one or using electronic or other means (e.g.,
more of the model parameters exceed using a strip chart recorder or a data
the applicable baseline levels deter- logger.)
mined according to your approved site- (C) The bag leak detection system
specific monitoring plan, you must ini- must be equipped with an alarm sys-
tiate investigation of the relevant tem that will react when the system
equipment and control systems within detects an increase in relative particu-
24 hours of the first discovery of a late loading over the alarm set point
model parameter deviation and, take established according to paragraph
the appropriate corrective action as (o)(4)(i)(D) of this section, and the
soon as practicable to adjust control alarm must be located such that it can
settings or repair equipment to return be noticed by the appropriate plant
the model output to within the applica- personnel.
ble baseline levels. (D) In the initial adjustment of the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(iv) You must record the ESP pre- bag leak detection system, you must
dictive model inputs and outputs and establish, at a minimum, the baseline


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48Da

output by adjusting the sensitivity if the owner or operator identifies in

(range) and the averaging period of the the monitoring plan this specific condi-
device, the alarm set points, and the tion as one that could lead to an alarm,
alarm delay time. adequately explains why it is not fea-
(E) Following initial adjustment, you sible to alleviate this condition within
must not adjust the averaging period, 3 hours of the time the alarm occurs,
alarm set point, or alarm delay time and demonstrates that the requested
without approval from the permitting time will ensure alleviation of this
authority except as provided in para- condition as expeditiously as prac-
graph (d)(1)(vi) of this section. ticable.
(F) Once per quarter, you may adjust (iii) For each bag leak detection sys-
the sensitivity of the bag leak detec- tem, you must initiate procedures to
tion system to account for seasonal ef- determine the cause of every alarm
fects, including temperature and hu- within 1 hour of the alarm. Except as
midity, according to the procedures provided in paragraph (o)(4)(ii)(F) of
identified in the site-specific moni- this section, you must alleviate the
toring plan required by paragraph cause of the alarm within 3 hours of
(o)(4)(ii) of this section. the alarm by taking whatever correc-
(G) You must install the bag leak de- tive action(s) are necessary. Corrective
tection sensor downstream of the fab- actions may include, but are not lim-
ric filter and upstream of any wet ited to the following:
scrubber. (A) Inspecting the fabric filter for air
(H) Where multiple detectors are re- leaks, torn or broken bags or filter
quired, the system’s instrumentation media, or any other condition that
and alarm may be shared among detec- may cause an increase in particulate
tors. emissions;
(ii) You must develop and submit to (B) Sealing off defective bags or filter
the permitting authority for approval a media;
site-specific monitoring plan for each (C) Replacing defective bags or filter
bag leak detection system. You must media or otherwise repairing the con-
operate and maintain the bag leak de- trol device;
tection system according to the site-
(D) Sealing off a defective fabric fil-
specific monitoring plan at all times.
ter compartment;
Each monitoring plan must describe
the items in paragraphs (o)(4)(ii)(A) (E) Cleaning the bag leak detection
through (F) of this section. system probe or otherwise repairing
(A) Installation of the bag leak de- the bag leak detection system; or
tection system; (F) Shutting down the process pro-
(B) Initial and periodic adjustment of ducing the particulate emissions.
the bag leak detection system, includ- (iv) You must maintain records of
ing how the alarm set-point will be es- the information specified in paragraphs
tablished; (o)(4)(iv)(A) through (C) of this section
(C) Operation of the bag leak detec- for each bag leak detection system.
tion system, including quality assur- (A) Records of the bag leak detection
ance procedures; system output;
(D) How the bag leak detection sys- (B) Records of bag leak detection sys-
tem will be maintained, including a tem adjustments, including the date
routine maintenance schedule and and time of the adjustment, the initial
spare parts inventory list; bag leak detection system settings, and
(E) How the bag leak detection sys- the final bag leak detection system
tem output will be recorded and stored; settings; and
and (C) The date and time of all bag leak
(F) Corrective action procedures as detection system alarms, the time that
specified in paragraph (o)(4)(iii) of this procedures to determine the cause of
section. In approving the site-specific the alarm were initiated, if procedures
monitoring plan, the permitting au- were initiated within 1 hour of the
thority may allow owners and opera- alarm, the cause of the alarm, an ex-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tors more than 3 hours to alleviate a planation of the actions taken, the
specific condition that causes an alarm date and time the cause of the alarm


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§ 60.48Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

was alleviated, and if the alarm was al- according to the requirements in
leviated within 3 hours of the alarm. § 60.49Da(v).
(v) If after any period composed of 30 (3) The initial performance evalua-
boiler operating days during which the tion shall be completed no later than
alarm rate exceeds 5 percent of the 180 days after the date of initial start-
process operating time (excluding con- up of the affected facility, as specified
trol device or process startup, shut- under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or
down, and malfunction), then you must within 180 days of the date of notifica-
conduct a new PM performance test ac- tion to the Administrator required
cording to paragraph (o)(1) of this sec- under paragraph (p)(1) of this section,
tion. This new performance test must whichever is later.
be conducted within 60 calendar days of (4) Compliance with the applicable
the date that the alarm rate was first emissions limit shall be determined
determined to exceed 5 percent limit based on the 24-hour daily (block) aver-
unless a waiver is granted by the per- age of the hourly arithmetic average
mitting authority. emissions concentrations using the
(5) An owner or operator of a modi- continuous monitoring system outlet
fied affected facility electing to meet data. The 24-hour block arithmetic av-
the emission limitations in § 60.42Da(d) erage emission concentration shall be
shall determine the percent reduction calculated using EPA Reference Meth-
in PM by using the emission rate for od 19 of appendix A of this part, section
PM determined by the performance 4.1.
test conducted according to the re- (5) At a minimum, non-out-of-control
quirements in paragraph (o)(1) of this CEMS hourly averages shall be ob-
section and the ash content on a mass tained for 75 percent of all operating
basis of the fuel burned during each hours on a 30-boiler operating day roll-
performance test run as determined by ing average basis. Beginning on Janu-
ary 1, 2012, non-out-of-control CEMS
analysis of the fuel as fired.
hourly averages shall be obtained for 90
(p) As an alternative to meeting the
percent of all operating hours on a 30-
compliance provisions specified in
boiler operating day rolling average
paragraph (o) of this section, an owner basis.
or operator may elect to install, evalu- (i) At least two data points per hour
ate, maintain, and operate a CEMS shall be used to calculate each 1-hour
measuring PM emissions discharged arithmetic average.
from the affected facility to the atmos- (ii) [Reserved]
phere and record the output of the sys- (6) The 1-hour arithmetic averages
tem as specified in paragraphs (p)(1) required shall be expressed in ng/J,
through (p)(8) of this section. MMBtu/hr, or lb/MWh and shall be used
(1) The owner or operator shall sub- to calculate the boiler operating day
mit a written notification to the Ad- daily arithmetic average emission con-
ministrator of intent to demonstrate centrations. The 1-hour arithmetic
compliance with this subpart by using averages shall be calculated using the
a CEMS measuring PM. This notifica- data points required under § 60.13(e)(2)
tion shall be sent at least 30 calendar of subpart A of this part.
days before the initial startup of the (7) All non-out-of-control CEMS data
monitor for compliance determination shall be used in calculating average
purposes. The owner or operator may emission concentrations even if the
discontinue operation of the monitor minimum CEMS data requirements of
and instead return to demonstration of paragraph (j)(5) of this section are not
compliance with this subpart according met.
to the requirements in paragraph (o) of (8) When PM emissions data are not
this section by submitting written no- obtained because of CEMS breakdowns,
tification to the Administrator of such repairs, calibration checks, and zero
intent at least 30 calendar days before and span adjustments, emissions data
shutdown of the monitor for compli- shall be obtained by using other moni-
ance determination purposes. toring systems as approved by the Ad-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(2) Each CEMS shall be installed, ministrator or EPA Reference Method

evaluated, operated, and maintained 19 of appendix A of this part to provide,


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48Da

as necessary, non-out-of-control emis- may be assessed, however, if you fail to

sions data for a minimum of 90 percent meet your burden of proving all of the
(only 75 percent is required prior to requirements in the affirmative de-
January 1, 2012) of all operating hours fense as specified in paragraphs (s)(1)
per 30-boiler operating day rolling av- and (2) of this section. The affirmative
erage. defense shall not be available for
(q) Compliance provisions for sources claims for injunctive relief.
subject to § 60.42Da(b). An owner or oper- (1) To establish the affirmative de-
ator of an affected facility subject to fense in any action to enforce such a
the opacity standard in § 60.42Da(b) limit, you must timely meet the notifi-
shall monitor the opacity of emissions cation requirements in paragraph (s)(2)
discharged from the affected facility to of this section, and must prove by a
the atmosphere according to the re- preponderance of evidence that:
quirements in § 60.49Da(a), as applicable (i) The excess emissions:
to the affected facility. (A) Were caused by a sudden, infre-
(r) Compliance provisions for sources quent, and unavoidable failure of air
subject to § 60.45Da. To determine com- pollution control and monitoring
pliance with the NOX plus CO emissions equipment, process equipment, or a
limit, the owner or operator shall use process to operate in a normal or usual
the procedures specified in paragraphs manner; and
(r)(1) through (3) of this section. (B) Could not have been prevented
(1) Calculate NOX emissions as 1.194 × through careful planning, proper de-
10¥7 lb/scf-ppm times the average hour- sign, or better operation and mainte-
ly NOX output concentration in ppm nance practices; and
(measured according to the provisions (C) Did not stem from any activity or
of § 60.49Da(c)), times the average hour- event that could have been foreseen
ly flow rate (measured in scfh, accord- and avoided, or planned for; and
ing to the provisions of § 60.49Da(l) or (D) Were not part of a recurring pat-
§ 60.49Da(m)), divided by the average tern indicative of inadequate design,
hourly gross energy output (measured operation, or maintenance; and
according to the provisions of (ii) Repairs were made as expedi-
§ 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net tiously as possible when the applicable
energy output, as applicable. emissions limits were being exceeded.
(2) Calculate CO emissions by multi- Off-shift and overtime labor were used,
plying the average hourly CO output to the extent practicable to make these
concentration (measured according to repairs; and
the provisions of § 60.49Da(u), by the av- (iii) The frequency, amount, and du-
erage hourly flow rate (measured ac- ration of the excess emissions (includ-
cording to the provisions of § 60.49Da(l) ing any bypass) were minimized to the
or § 60.49Da(m)), and dividing by the av- maximum extent practicable during
erage hourly gross energy output periods of such emissions; and
(measured according to the provisions (iv) If the excess emissions resulted
of § 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly from a bypass of control equipment or
net energy output, as applicable. a process, then the bypass was unavoid-
(3) Calculate NOX plus CO emissions able to prevent loss of life, personal in-
by summing the NOX emissions results jury, or severe property damage; and
from paragraph (r)(1) of this section (v) All possible steps were taken to
plus the CO emissions results from minimize the impact of the excess
paragraph (r)(2) of this section. emissions on ambient air quality, the
(s) Affirmative defense for exceed- environment, and human health; and
ance of emissions limit during mal- (vi) All emissions monitoring and
function. In response to an action to control systems were kept in operation
enforce the standards set forth in para- if at all possible, consistent with safety
graph §§ 60.42Da, 60.43Da, 60.44Da, and and good air pollution control prac-
60.45Da, you may assert an affirmative tices; and
defense to a claim for civil penalties (vii) All of the actions in response to
for exceedances of such standards that the excess emissions were documented
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

are caused by malfunction, as defined by properly signed, contemporaneous

at 40 CFR 60.2. Appropriate penalties operating logs; and


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§ 60.49Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(viii) At all times, the facility was § 60.49Da Emission monitoring.

operated in a manner consistent with (a) An owner or operator of an af-
good practices for minimizing emis- fected facility subject to the opacity
sions; and standard in § 60.42Da must monitor the
(ix) A written root cause analysis has opacity of emissions discharged from
been prepared, the purpose of which is the affected facility to the atmosphere
to determine, correct, and eliminate according to the applicable require-
the primary causes of the malfunction ments in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4)
and the excess emissions resulting of this section.
from the malfunction event at issue. (1) Except as provided for in para-
The analysis shall also specify, using graphs (a)(2) and (4) of this section, the
best monitoring methods and engineer- owner or operator of an affected facil-
ing judgment, the amount of excess ity subject to an opacity standard,
emissions that were the result of the shall install, calibrate, maintain, and
malfunction. operate a COMS, and record the output
(2) Notification. The owner or operator of the system, for measuring the opac-
of the affected source experiencing an ity of emissions discharged to the at-
exceedance of its emission limit(s) dur- mosphere. If opacity interference due
ing a malfunction shall notify the Ad- to water droplets exists in the stack
ministrator by telephone or facsimile (for example, from the use of an FGD
(FAX) transmission as soon as possible, system), the opacity is monitored up-
but no later than two business days stream of the interference (at the inlet
after the initial occurrence of the mal- to the FGD system). If opacity inter-
function or, if it is not possible to de- ference is experienced at all locations
termine within two business days (both at the inlet and outlet of the SO2
whether the malfunction caused or control system), alternate parameters
contributed to an exceedance, no later indicative of the PM control system’s
than two business days after the owner performance and/or good combustion
or operator knew or should have known are monitored (subject to the approval
that the malfunction caused or con- of the Administrator).
tributed to an exceedance, but, in no (2) As an alternative to the moni-
event later than two business days toring requirements in paragraph (a)(1)
after the end of the averaging period, if of this section, an owner or operator of
it wishes to avail itself of an affirma- an affected facility that meets the con-
tive defense to civil penalties for that ditions in either paragraph (a)(2)(i),
malfunction. The owner or operator (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this section may
seeking to assert an affirmative de- elect to monitor opacity as specified in
fense shall also submit a written report paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
to the Administrator within 45 days of (i) The affected facility uses a fabric
the initial occurrence of the exceed- filter (baghouse) to meet the standards
ance of the standard in § 63.9991 to dem- in § 60.42Da and a bag leak detection
onstrate, with all necessary supporting system is installed and operated ac-
documentation, that it has met the re- cording to the requirements in para-
quirements set forth in paragraph (s)(1) graphs § 60.48Da(o)(4)(i) through (v);
of this section. The owner or operator (ii) The affected facility burns only
may seek an extension of this deadline gaseous or liquid fuels (excluding resid-
for up to 30 additional days by submit- ual oil) with potential SO2 emissions
ting a written request to the Adminis- rates of 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less,
trator before the expiration of the 45 and does not use a post-combustion
day period. Until a request for an ex- technology to reduce emissions of SO2
tension has been approved by the Ad- or PM;
ministrator, the owner or operator is (iii) The affected facility meets all of
subject to the requirement to submit the conditions specified in paragraphs
such report within 45 days of the initial (a)(2)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.
occurrence of the exceedance. (A) No post-combustion technology
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 (except a wet scrubber) is used for re-
ducing PM, SO2, or CO emissions;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

FR 5079, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3522, Jan. 20,

2011; 77 FR 9454, Feb. 16, 2012; 78 FR 24083, (B) Only natural gas, gaseous fuels,
Apr. 24, 2013; 81 FR 20180, Apr. 6, 2016] or fuel oils that contain less than or


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49Da

equal to 0.30 weight percent sulfur are cent performance test was conducted
burned; and or within 45 days of the next day that
(C) Emissions of CO discharged to the fuel with an opacity standard is com-
atmosphere are maintained at levels busted, whichever is later;
less than or equal to 1.4 lb/MWh on a (B) If the maximum 6-minute average
boiler operating day average basis as opacity is greater than 5 percent but
demonstrated by the use of a CEMS less than or equal to 10 percent, a sub-
measuring CO emissions according to sequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
the procedures specified in paragraph this part performance test must be
(u) of this section; or completed within 3 calendar months
(iv) The affected facility uses an ESP from the date that the most recent per-
and uses an ESP predictive model to formance test was conducted or within
monitor the performance of the ESP 45 days of the next day that fuel with
developed in accordance and operated an opacity standard is combusted,
according to the most current require- whichever is later; or
ments in section § 60.48Da of this part. (C) If the maximum 6-minute average
(3) The owner or operator of an af- opacity is greater than 10 percent, a
fected facility that meets the condi- subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
tions in paragraph (a)(2) of this section this part performance test must be
may, as an alternative to using a completed within 45 calendar days from
COMS, elect to monitor visible emis- the date that the most recent perform-
sions using the applicable procedures ance test was conducted.
specified in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through
(iii) If the maximum 6-minute opac-
(iv) of this section. The opacity per-
ity is less than 10 percent during the
formance test requirement in para-
most recent Method 9 of appendix A–4
graph (a)(3)(i) must be conducted by
April 29, 2011, within 45 days after stop- of this part performance test, the
ping use of an existing COMS, or with- owner or operator may, as an alter-
in 180 days after initial startup of the native to performing subsequent Meth-
facility, whichever is later. od 9 of appendix A–4 of this part per-
(i) The owner or operator shall con- formance tests, elect to perform subse-
duct a performance test using Method 9 quent monitoring using Method 22 of
of appendix A–4 of this part and the appendix A–7 of this part according to
procedures in § 60.11. If during the ini- the procedures specified in paragraphs
tial 60 minutes of the observation all (a)(3)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section.
the 6-minute averages are less than 10 (A) The owner or operator shall con-
percent and all the individual 15-second duct 10 minute observations (during
observations are less than or equal to normal operation) each operating day
20 percent, then the observation period the affected facility fires fuel for which
may be reduced from 3 hours to 60 min- an opacity standard is applicable using
utes. Method 22 of appendix A–7 of this part
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph and demonstrate that the sum of the
(a)(3)(iii) or (iv) of this section, the occurrences of any visible emissions is
owner or operator shall conduct subse- not in excess of 5 percent of the obser-
quent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this vation period (i.e., 30 seconds per 10
part performance tests using the proce- minute period). If the sum of the occur-
dures in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this sec- rence of any visible emissions is great-
tion according to the applicable sched- er than 30 seconds during the initial 10
ule in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii)(A) through minute observation, immediately con-
(a)(3)(ii)(C) of this section, as deter- duct a 30 minute observation. If the
mined by the most recent Method 9 of sum of the occurrence of visible emis-
appendix A–4 of this part performance sions is greater than 5 percent of the
test results. observation period (i.e., 90 seconds per
(A) If the maximum 6-minute average 30 minute period), the owner or oper-
opacity is less than or equal to 5 per- ator shall either document and adjust
cent, a subsequent Method 9 of appen- the operation of the facility and dem-
dix A–4 of this part performance test onstrate within 24 hours that the sum
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

must be completed within 12 calendar of the occurrence of visible emissions

months from the date that the most re- is equal to or less than 5 percent during


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§ 60.49Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

a 30 minute observation (i.e., 90 sec- and the unit operates according to a

onds) or conduct a new Method 9 of ap- written site-specific monitoring plan
pendix A–4 of this part performance approved by the permitting authority.
test using the procedures in paragraph This monitoring plan must include pro-
(a)(3)(i) of this section within 45 cal- cedures and criteria for establishing
endar days according to the require- and monitoring specific parameters for
ments in § 60.50Da(b)(3). the affected facility indicative of com-
(B) If no visible emissions are ob- pliance with the opacity standard. For
served for 10 operating days during testing performed as part of this site-
which an opacity standard is applica- specific monitoring plan, the permit-
ble, observations can be reduced to ting authority may require as an alter-
once every 7 operating days during native to the notification and report-
which an opacity standard is applica- ing requirements specified in §§ 60.8 and
ble. If any visible emissions are ob- 60.11 that the owner or operator submit
served, daily observations shall be re- any deviations with the excess emis-
sumed. sions report required under § 60.51Da(d).
(iv) If the maximum 6-minute opac- (ii) The owner or operator of the af-
ity is less than 10 percent during the fected facility installs, calibrates, op-
most recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 erates, and maintains a particulate
of this part performance test, the matter continuous parametric moni-
owner or operator may, as an alter- toring system (PM CPMS) according to
native to performing subsequent Meth- the requirements specified in subpart
od 9 of appendix A–4 performance tests, UUUUU of part 63.
elect to perform subsequent moni- (b) The owner or operator of an af-
toring using a digital opacity compli- fected facility must install, calibrate,
ance system according to a site-spe- maintain, and operate a CEMS, and
cific monitoring plan approved by the
record the output of the system, for
Administrator. The observations must
measuring SO2 emissions, except where
be similar, but not necessarily iden-
only gaseous and/or liquid fuels (ex-
tical, to the requirements in paragraph
cluding residual oil) where the poten-
(a)(3)(iii) of this section. For reference
tial SO2 emissions rate of each fuel is
purposes in preparing the monitoring
26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less are
plan, see OAQPS ‘‘Determination of
combusted, as follows:
Visible Emission Opacity from Sta-
tionary Sources Using Computer-Based (1) Sulfur dioxide emissions are mon-
Photographic Analysis Systems.’’ This itored at both the inlet and outlet of
document is available from the U.S. the SO2 control device.
Environmental Protection Agency (2) For a facility that qualifies under
(U.S. EPA); Office of Air Quality and the numerical limit provisions of
Planning Standards; Sector Policies § 60.43Da, SO2 emissions are only mon-
and Programs Division; Measurement itored as discharged to the atmosphere.
Policy Group (D243–02), Research Tri- (3) An ‘‘as fired’’ fuel monitoring sys-
angle Park, NC 27711. This document is tem (upstream of coal pulverizers)
also available on the Technology meeting the requirements of Method 19
Transfer Network (TTN) under Emis- of appendix A of this part may be used
sion Measurement Center Preliminary to determine potential SO2 emissions
Methods. in place of a continuous SO2 emission
(4) An owner or operator of an af- monitor at the inlet to the SO2 control
fected facility that is subject to an device as required under paragraph
opacity standard under § 60.42Da is not (b)(1) of this section.
required to operate a COMS provided (4) If the owner or operator has in-
that affected facility meets the condi- stalled and certified a SO2 CEMS ac-
tions in either paragraph (a)(4)(i) or (ii) cording to the requirements of
of this section. § 75.20(c)(1) of this chapter and appendix
(i) The affected facility combusts A to part 75 of this chapter, and is con-
only gaseous and/or liquid fuels (ex- tinuing to meet the ongoing quality as-
cluding residue oil) where the potential surance requirements of § 75.21 of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

SO2 emissions rate of each fuel is no chapter and appendix B to part 75 of

greater than 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu), this chapter, that CEMS may be used


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49Da

to meet the requirements of this sec- brate, maintain, and operate a CEMS,
tion, provided that: and record the output of the system,
(i) A CO2 or O2 continuous moni- for measuring the O2 or carbon dioxide
toring system is installed, calibrated, (CO2) content of the flue gases at each
maintained and operated at the same location where SO2 or NOX emissions
location, according to paragraph (d) of are monitored. For affected facilities
this section; and subject to a lb/MMBtu SO2 emission
(ii) For sources subject to an SO2 limit under § 60.43Da, if the owner or
emission limit in lb/MMBtu under operator has installed and certified a
§ 60.43Da: CO2 or O2 monitoring system according
(A) When relative accuracy testing is to § 75.20(c) of this chapter and appen-
conducted, SO2 concentration data and dix A to part 75 of this chapter and the
CO2 (or O2) data are collected simulta- monitoring system continues to meet
neously; and the applicable quality-assurance provi-
(B) In addition to meeting the appli- sions of § 75.21 of this chapter and ap-
cable SO2 and CO2 (or O2) relative accu- pendix B to part 75 of this chapter, that
racy specifications in Figure 2 of ap- CEMS may be used together with the
pendix B to part 75 of this chapter, the part 75 SO2 concentration monitoring
relative accuracy (RA) standard in sec- system described in paragraph (b) of
tion 13.2 of Performance Specification 2 this section, to determine the SO2
in appendix B to this part is met when emission rate in lb/MMBtu. SO2 data
the RA is calculated on a lb/MMBtu used to meet the requirements of
basis; and § 60.51Da shall not include substitute
(iii) The reporting requirements of data values derived from the missing
§ 60.51Da are met. The SO2 and, if re- data procedures in subpart D of part 75
quired, CO2 (or O2) data reported to of this chapter, nor shall the data have
meet the requirements of § 60.51Da been bias adjusted according to the
shall not include substitute data values procedures of part 75 of this chapter.
derived from the missing data proce- (e) The CEMS under paragraphs (b),
dures in subpart D of part 75 of this (c), and (d) of this section are operated
chapter, nor shall the SO2 data have and data recorded during all periods of
been bias adjusted according to the operation of the affected facility in-
procedures of part 75 of this chapter. cluding periods of startup, shutdown,
(c)(1) The owner or operator of an af- and malfunction, except for CEMS
fected facility shall install, calibrate, breakdowns, repairs, calibration
maintain, and operate a CEMS, and checks, and zero and span adjustments.
record the output of the system, for (f)(1) For units that began construc-
measuring NOX emissions discharged to tion, reconstruction, or modification
the atmosphere; or on or before February 28, 2005, the
(2) If the owner or operator has in- owner or operator shall obtain emis-
stalled a NOX emission rate CEMS to sion data for at least 18 hours in at
meet the requirements of part 75 of least 22 out of 30 successive boiler oper-
this chapter and is continuing to meet ating days. If this minimum data re-
the ongoing requirements of part 75 of quirement cannot be met with CEMS,
this chapter, that CEMS may be used the owner or operator shall supplement
to meet the requirements of this sec- emission data with other monitoring
tion, except that the owner or operator systems approved by the Administrator
shall also meet the requirements of or the reference methods and proce-
§ 60.51Da. Data reported to meet the re- dures as described in paragraph (h) of
quirements of § 60.51Da shall not in- this section.
clude data substituted using the miss- (2) For units that began construc-
ing data procedures in subpart D of tion, reconstruction, or modification
part 75 of this chapter, nor shall the after February 28, 2005, the owner or
data have been bias adjusted according operator shall obtain emission data for
to the procedures of part 75 of this at least 90 percent of all operating
chapter. hours for each 30 successive boiler op-
(d) The owner or operator of an af- erating days. If this minimum data re-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fected facility not complying with an quirement cannot be met with a CEMS,
output based limit shall install, cali- the owner or operator shall supplement


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§ 60.49Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

emission data with other monitoring (1) Methods 3B, 6, and 7 of appendix A
systems approved by the Administrator of this part shall be used to determine
or the reference methods and proce- O2, SO2, and NOX concentrations, re-
dures as described in paragraph (h) of spectively.
this section. (2) SO2 or NOX (NO), as applicable,
(g) The 1-hour averages required shall be used for preparing the calibra-
under paragraph § 60.13(h) are expressed tion gas mixtures (in N2, as applicable)
in ng/J (lb/MMBtu) heat input and used under Performance Specification 2 of
to calculate the average emission rates appendix B of this part.
under § 60.48Da. The 1-hour averages
(3) For affected facilities burning
are calculated using the data points re-
only fossil fuel, the span value for a
quired under § 60.13(h)(2).
(h) When it becomes necessary to COMS is between 60 and 80 percent.
supplement CEMS data to meet the Span values for a CEMS measuring
minimum data requirements in para- NOX shall be determined using one of
graph (f) of this section, the owner or the following procedures:
operator shall use the reference meth- (i) Except as provided under para-
ods and procedures as specified in this graph (i)(3)(ii) of this section, NOX span
paragraph. Acceptable alternative values shall be determined as follows:
methods and procedures are given in
Span values for NOX
paragraph (j) of this section. Fossil fuel (ppm)
(1) Method 6 of appendix A of this
part shall be used to determine the SO2 Gas ........................................ 500.
Liquid ..................................... 500.
concentration at the same location as
Solid ....................................... 1,000.
the SO2 monitor. Samples shall be Combination ........................... 500 (x + y) + 1,000z.
taken at 60-minute intervals. The sam-
pling time and sample volume for each Where:
sample shall be at least 20 minutes and
x = Fraction of total heat input derived from
0.020 dscm (0.71 dscf). Each sample rep- gaseous fossil fuel,
resents a 1-hour average. y = Fraction of total heat input derived from
(2) Method 7 of appendix A of this liquid fossil fuel, and
part shall be used to determine the z = Fraction of total heat input derived from
NOX concentration at the same loca- solid fossil fuel.
tion as the NOX monitor. Samples shall
be taken at 30-minute intervals. The (ii) As an alternative to meeting the
arithmetic average of two consecutive requirements of paragraph (i)(3)(i) of
samples represents a 1-hour average. this section, the owner or operator of
(3) The emission rate correction fac- an affected facility may elect to use
tor, integrated bag sampling and anal- the NOX span values determined ac-
ysis procedure of Method 3B of appen- cording to section 2.1.2 in appendix A
dix A of this part shall be used to de- to part 75 of this chapter.
termine the O2 or CO2 concentration at (4) All span values computed under
the same location as the O2 or CO2 paragraph (i)(3)(i) of this section for
monitor. Samples shall be taken for at burning combinations of fossil fuels are
least 30 minutes in each hour. Each rounded to the nearest 500 ppm. Span
sample represents a 1-hour average. values computed under paragraph
(4) The procedures in Method 19 of ap- (i)(3)(ii) of this section shall be rounded
pendix A of this part shall be used to off according to section 2.1.2 in appen-
compute each 1-hour average con- dix A to part 75 of this chapter.
centration in ng/J (lb/MMBtu) heat
(5) For affected facilities burning fos-
(i) The owner or operator shall use sil fuel, alone or in combination with
methods and procedures in this para- non-fossil fuel and determining span
graph to conduct monitoring system values under paragraph (i)(3)(i) of this
performance evaluations under section, the span value of the SO2
§ 60.13(c) and calibration checks under CEMS at the inlet to the SO2 control
§ 60.13(d). Acceptable alternative meth- device is 125 percent of the maximum
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ods and procedures are given in para- estimated hourly potential emissions
graph (j) of this section. of the fuel fired, and the outlet of the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49Da

SO2 control device is 50 percent of max- (3) For an affected facility generating
imum estimated hourly potential emis- process steam in combination with
sions of the fuel fired. For affected fa- electrical generation, the gross energy
cilities determining span values under output is determined according to the
paragraph (i)(3)(ii) of this section, SO2 definition of ‘‘gross energy output’’
span values shall be determined ac- specified in § 60.41Da that is applicable
cording to section 2.1.1 in appendix A to the affected facility.
to part 75 of this chapter. (l) The owner or operator of an af-
(j) The owner or operator may use fected facility demonstrating compli-
the following as alternatives to the ref- ance with an output-based standard
erence methods and procedures speci- shall install, certify, operate, and
fied in this section: maintain a continuous flow monitoring
(1) For Method 6 of appendix A of this system meeting the requirements of
part, Method 6A or 6B (whenever Meth- Performance Specification 6 of appen-
ods 6 and 3 or 3B of appendix A of this dix B of this part and the calibration
part data are used) or 6C of appendix A drift (CD) assessment, relative accu-
of this part may be used. Each Method racy test audit (RATA), and reporting
6B of appendix A of this part sample provisions of procedure 1 of appendix F
obtained over 24 hours represents 24 1- of this part, and record the output of
hour averages. If Method 6A or 6B of the system, for measuring the volu-
appendix A of this part is used under metric flow rate of exhaust gases dis-
paragraph (i) of this section, the condi- charged to the atmosphere; or
tions under § 60.48Da(d)(1) apply; these (m) Alternatively, data from a con-
conditions do not apply under para- tinuous flow monitoring system cer-
graph (h) of this section. tified according to the requirements of
(2) For Method 7 of appendix A of this § 75.20(c) of this chapter and appendix A
part, Method 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of appen- to part 75 of this chapter, and con-
dix A of this part may be used. If Meth- tinuing to meet the applicable quality
od 7C, 7D, or 7E of appendix A of this control and quality assurance require-
part is used, the sampling time for ments of § 75.21 of this chapter and ap-
each run shall be 1 hour. pendix B to part 75 of this chapter, may
(3) For Method 3 of appendix A of this be used. Flow rate data reported to
part, Method 3A or 3B of appendix A of meet the requirements of § 60.51Da
this part may be used if the sampling shall not include substitute data values
time is 1 hour. derived from the missing data proce-
(4) For Method 3B of appendix A of dures in subpart D of part 75 of this
this part, Method 3A of appendix A of chapter, nor shall the data have been
this part may be used. bias adjusted according to the proce-
(k) The procedures specified in para- dures of part 75 of this chapter.
graphs (k)(1) through (3) of this section (n) Gas-fired and oil-fired units. The
shall be used to determine gross energy owner or operator of an affected unit
output for sources demonstrating com- that qualifies as a gas-fired or oil-fired
pliance with an output-based standard. unit, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, may
(1) The owner or operator of an af- use, as an alternative to the require-
fected facility with electricity genera- ments specified in either paragraph (l)
tion shall install, calibrate, maintain, or (m) of this section, a fuel flow moni-
and operate a wattmeter; measure toring system certified and operated
gross electrical output in MWh on a according to the requirements of ap-
continuous basis; and record the out- pendix D of part 75 of this chapter.
put of the monitor. (o) The owner or operator of a duct
(2) The owner or operator of an af- burner, as described in § 60.41Da, which
fected facility with process steam gen- is subject to the NOX standards of
eration shall install, calibrate, main- § 60.44Da(a)(1), (d)(1), or (e)(1) is not re-
tain, and operate meters for steam quired to install or operate a CEMS to
flow, temperature, and pressure; meas- measure NOX emissions; a wattmeter
ure gross process steam output in to measure gross electrical output; me-
joules per hour (or Btu per hour) on a ters to measure steam flow, tempera-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

continuous basis; and record the out- ture, and pressure; and a continuous
put of the monitor. flow monitoring system to measure the


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§ 60.49Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

flow of exhaust gases discharged to the sions according to the requirements of

atmosphere. paragraph (v) of this section.
(p)–(r) [Reserved] (u) The owner or operator of an af-
(s) The owner or operator shall pre- fected facility using a CEMS meas-
pare and submit to the Administrator uring CO emissions to meet require-
for approval a unit-specific monitoring ments of this subpart shall meet the
plan for each monitoring system, at requirements specified in paragraphs
least 45 days before commencing cer- (u)(1) through (4) of this section.
tification testing of the monitoring (1) You must monitor CO emissions
systems. The owner or operator shall using a CEMS according to the proce-
comply with the requirements in your dures specified in paragraphs (u)(1)(i)
plan. The plan must address the re- through (iv) of this section.
quirements in paragraphs (s)(1) (i) The CO CEMS must be installed,
through (6) of this section. certified, maintained, and operated ac-
(1) Installation of the CEMS sam- cording to the provisions in § 60.58b(i)(3)
pling probe or other interface at a of subpart Eb of this part.
measurement location relative to each (ii) Each 1-hour CO emissions average
affected process unit such that the is calculated using the data points gen-
measurement is representative of the erated by the CO CEMS expressed in
exhaust emissions (e.g., on or down- parts per million by volume corrected
to 3 percent oxygen (dry basis).
stream of the last control device);
(iii) At a minimum, non-out-of-con-
(2) Performance and equipment speci-
trol 1-hour CO emissions averages must
fications for the sample interface, the
be obtained for at least 90 percent of
pollutant concentration or parametric
the operating hours on a 30-boiler oper-
signal analyzer, and the data collection
ating day rolling average basis. The 1-
and reduction systems;
hour averages are calculated using the
(3) Performance evaluation proce- data points required in § 60.13(h)(2).
dures and acceptance criteria (e.g., (iv) Quarterly accuracy determina-
calibrations, relative accuracy test au- tions and daily calibration drift tests
dits (RATA), etc.); for the CO CEMS must be performed in
(4) Ongoing operation and mainte- accordance with procedure 1 in appen-
nance procedures in accordance with dix F of this part.
the general requirements of § 60.13(d) or (2) You must calculate the 1-hour av-
part 75 of this chapter (as applicable); erage CO emissions levels for each boil-
(5) Ongoing data quality assurance er operating day by multiplying the av-
procedures in accordance with the gen- erage hourly CO output concentration
eral requirements of § 60.13 or part 75 of measured by the CO CEMS times the
this chapter (as applicable); and corresponding average hourly flue gas
(6) Ongoing recordkeeping and re- flow rate and divided by the cor-
porting procedures in accordance with responding average hourly useful en-
the requirements of this subpart. ergy output from the affected facility.
(t) The owner or operator of an af- The 24-hour average CO emission level
fected facility demonstrating compli- is determined by calculating the arith-
ance with the output-based emissions metic average of the hourly CO emis-
limit under § 60.42Da must either in- sion levels computed for each boiler op-
stall, certify, operate, and maintain a erating day.
CEMS for measuring PM emissions ac- (3) You must evaluate the preceding
cording to the requirements of para- 24-hour average CO emission level each
graph (v) of this section or install, cali- boiler operating day excluding periods
brate, operate, and maintain a PM of affected facility startup, shutdown,
CPMS according to the requirements or malfunction. If the 24-hour average
for new facilities specified in subpart CO emission level is greater than 1.4 lb/
UUUUU of part 63 of this chapter. An MWh, you must initiate investigation
owner or operator of an affected facil- of the relevant equipment and control
ity demonstrating compliance with the systems within 24 hours of the first dis-
input-based emissions limit in § 60.42Da covery of the high emission incident
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

may install, certify, operate, and main- and, take the appropriate corrective
tain a CEMS for measuring PM emis- action as soon as practicable to adjust


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49Da

control settings or repair equipment to data, except opacity data, electroni-

reduce the 24-hour average CO emission cally to EPA’s Central Data Exchange
level to 1.4 lb/MWh or less. (CDX) by using the Electronic Report-
(4) You must record the CO measure- ing Tool (ERT) (see
ments and calculations performed ac- ttn/chief/ert/ert tool.html/) or other com-
cording to paragraph (u)(3) of this sec- patible electronic spreadsheet. Only
tion and any corrective actions taken. data collected using test methods com-
The record of corrective action taken patible with ERT are subject to this re-
must include the date and time during quirement to be submitted electroni-
which the 24-hour average CO emission cally into EPA’s WebFire database.
level was greater than 1.4 lb/MWh, and (w) The owner or operator using a
the date, time, and description of the SO2, NOX, CO2, and O2 CEMS to meet
corrective action. the requirements of this subpart shall
(v) The owner or operator of an af- install, certify, operate, and maintain
fected facility using a CEMS meas- the CEMS as specified in paragraphs
uring PM emissions to meet require- (w)(1) through (w)(5) of this section.
ments of this subpart shall install, cer- (1) Except as provided for under para-
tify, operate, and maintain the CEMS graphs (w)(2), (w)(3), and (w)(4) of this
as specified in paragraphs (v)(1) section, each SO2, NOX, CO2, and O2
through (v)(4) of this section. CEMS required under paragraphs (b)
(1) The owner or operator shall con- through (d) of this section shall be in-
duct a performance evaluation of the stalled, certified, and operated in ac-
CEMS according to the applicable re- cordance with the applicable proce-
quirements of § 60.13, Performance dures in Performance Specification 2 or
Specification 11 in appendix B of this 3 in appendix B to this part or accord-
part, and procedure 2 in appendix F of ing to the procedures in appendices A
this part. and B to part 75 of this chapter. Daily
(2) During each PM correlation test- calibration drift assessments and quar-
ing run of the CEMS required by Per- terly accuracy determinations shall be
formance Specification 11 in appendix done in accordance with Procedure 1 in
B of this part, PM and O2 (or CO2) data appendix F to this part, and a data as-
shall be collected concurrently (or sessment report (DAR), prepared ac-
within a 30- to 60-minute period) by cording to section 7 of Procedure 1 in
both the CEMS and performance tests appendix F to this part, shall be sub-
conducted using the following test mitted with each compliance report re-
methods. quired under § 60.51Da.
(i) For PM, Method 5 or 5B of appen- (2) As an alternative to meeting the
dix A–3 of this part or Method 17 of ap- requirements of paragraph (w)(1) of
pendix A–6 of this part shall be used; this section, an owner or operator may
and elect to implement the following alter-
(ii) For O2 (or CO2), Method 3A or 3B native data accuracy assessment proce-
of appendix A–2 of this part, as applica- dures. For all required CO2 and O2
ble shall be used. CEMS and for SO2 and NOX CEMS with
(3) Quarterly accuracy determina- span values greater than or equal to 100
tions and daily calibration drift tests ppm, the daily calibration error test
shall be performed in accordance with and calibration adjustment procedures
procedure 2 in appendix F of this part. described in sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 of
Relative Response Audit’s must be per- appendix B to part 75 of this chapter
formed annually and Response Correla- may be followed instead of the CD as-
tion Audits must be performed every 3 sessment procedures in Procedure 1,
years. section 4.1 of appendix F of this part. If
(4) As of January 1, 2012, and within this option is selected, the data valida-
90 days after the date of completing tion and out-of-control provisions in
each performance test, as defined in sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 of appendix B to
§ 60.8, conducted to demonstrate com- part 75 of this chapter shall be followed
pliance with this subpart, you must instead of the excessive CD and out-of-
submit relative accuracy test audit control criteria in Procedure 1, section
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(i.e., reference method) data and per- 4.3 of appendix F to this part. For the
formance test (i.e., compliance test) purposes of data validation under this


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§ 60.50Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

subpart, the excessive CD and out-of- shall be met; the data validation and
control criteria in Procedure 1, section out-of-control criteria in section 2.3.2
4.3 of appendix F to this part shall of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter
apply to SO2 and NOX span values less shall be followed instead of the exces-
than 100 ppm; sive audit inaccuracy and out-of-con-
(3) As an alternative to meeting the trol criteria in Procedure 1, section 5.2
requirements of paragraph (w)(1) of of appendix F to this part; and the
this section, an owner or operator may grace period provisions in section 2.3.3
elect to may elect to implement the of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter
following alternative data accuracy as- shall apply. For the purposes of data
sessment procedures. For all required validation under this subpart, the rel-
CO2 and O2 CEMS and for SO2 and NOX ative accuracy specification in section
CEMS with span values greater than 30 13.2 of Performance Specification 2 in
ppm, quarterly linearity checks may be appendix B to this part shall be met on
performed in accordance with section
a lb/MMBtu basis for SO2 (regardless of
2.2.1 of appendix B to part 75 of this
the SO2 emission level during the
chapter, instead of performing the cyl-
RATA), and for NOX when the average
inder gas audits (CGAs) described in
Procedure 1, section 5.1.2 of appendix F NOX emission rate measured by the ref-
to this part. If this option is selected: erence method during the RATA is less
The frequency of the linearity checks than 0.100 lb/MMBtu;
shall be as specified in section 2.2.1 of (5) If the owner or operator elects to
appendix B to part 75 of this chapter; implement the alternative data assess-
the applicable linearity specifications ment procedures described in para-
in section 3.2 of appendix A to part 75 graphs (w)(2) through (w)(4) of this sec-
of this chapter shall be met; the data tion, each data assessment report shall
validation and out-of-control criteria include a summary of the results of all
in section 2.2.3 of appendix B to part 75 of the RATAs, linearity checks, CGAs,
of this chapter shall be followed in- and calibration error or drift assess-
stead of the excessive audit inaccuracy ments required by paragraphs (w)(2)
and out-of-control criteria in Proce- through (w)(4) of this section.
dure 1, section 5.2 of appendix F to this
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
part; and the grace period provisions in FR 5081, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20,
section 2.2.4 of appendix B to part 75 of 2011; 77 FR 9456, Feb. 16, 2012; 77 FR 23402,
this chapter shall apply. For the pur- Apr. 19, 2012; 78 FR 24083, Apr. 24, 2013]
poses of data validation under this sub-
part, the cylinder gas audits described § 60.50Da Compliance determination
in Procedure 1, section 5.1.2 of appendix procedures and methods.
F to this part shall be performed for (a) In conducting the performance
SO2 and NOX span values less than or
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
equal to 30 ppm;
erator shall use as reference methods
(4) As an alternative to meeting the
and procedures the methods in appen-
requirements of paragraph (w)(1) of
dix A of this part or the methods and
this section, an owner or operator may
procedures as specified in this section,
elect to may elect to implement the
following alternative data accuracy as- except as provided in § 60.8(b). Section
sessment procedures. For SO2, CO2, and 60.8(f) does not apply to this section for
O2 CEMS and for NOX CEMS, RATAs SO2 and NOX. Acceptable alternative
may be performed in accordance with methods are given in paragraph (e) of
section 2.3 of appendix B to part 75 of this section.
this chapter instead of following the (b) In conducting the performance
procedures described in Procedure 1, tests to determine compliance with the
section 5.1.1 of appendix F to this part. PM emissions limits in § 60.42Da, the
If this option is selected: The frequency owner or operator shall meet the re-
of each RATA shall be as specified in quirements specified in paragraphs
section 2.3.1 of appendix B to part 75 of (b)(1) through (3) of this section.
this chapter; the applicable relative ac- (1) The owner or operator shall meas-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

curacy specifications shown in Figure 2 ure filterable PM to determine compli-

in appendix B to part 75 of this chapter ance with the applicable PM emissions


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.50Da

limit in § 60.42Da as specified in para-

graphs (b)(1)(i) through (ii) of this sec- (100 − %R f ) (100 − %R g )
tion. %Ps =
(i) The dry basis F factor (O2) proce- 100
dures in Method 19 of appendix A of Where:
this part shall be used to compute the %Ps = Percent of potential SO2 emissions,
emission rate of PM. percent;
(ii) For the PM concentration, Meth- %Rf = Percent reduction from fuel
pretreatment, percent; and
od 5 of appendix A of this part shall be %Rg = Percent reduction by SO2 control sys-
used for an affected facility that does tem, percent.
not use a wet FGD. For an affected fa-
cility that uses a wet FGD, Method 5B (2) The procedures in Method 19 of ap-
of appendix A of this part shall be used pendix A of this part may be used to
downstream of the wet FGD. determine percent reduction (%Rf) of
sulfur by such processes as fuel
(A) The sampling time and sample
pretreatment (physical coal cleaning,
volume for each run shall be at least
hydrodesulfurization of fuel oil, etc.),
120 minutes and 1.70 dscm (60 dscf). The coal pulverizers, and bottom and fly
probe and filter holder heating system ash interactions. This determination is
in the sampling train may be set to optional.
provide an average gas temperature of (3) The procedures in Method 19 of ap-
no greater than 160 14 °C (320 25 °F). pendix A of this part shall be used to
(B) For each particulate run, the determine the percent SO2 reduction
emission rate correction factor, inte- (%Rg) of any SO2 control system. Alter-
grated or grab sampling and analysis natively, a combination of an ‘‘as
procedures of Method 3B of appendix A fired’’ fuel monitor and emission rates
of this part shall be used to determine measured after the control system, fol-
the O2 concentration. The O2 sample lowing the procedures in Method 19 of
shall be obtained simultaneously with, appendix A of this part, may be used if
and at the same traverse points as, the the percent reduction is calculated
particulate run. If the particulate run using the average emission rate from
has more than 12 traverse points, the the SO2 control device and the average
O2 traverse points may be reduced to 12 SO2 input rate from the ‘‘as fired’’ fuel
provided that Method 1 of appendix A analysis for 30 successive boiler oper-
of this part is used to locate the 12 O2 ating days.
traverse points. If the grab sampling (4) The appropriate procedures in
procedure is used, the O2 concentration Method 19 of appendix A of this part
for the run shall be the arithmetic shall be used to determine the emission
mean of the sample O2 concentrations rate.
at all traverse points. (5) The CEMS in § 60.49Da(b) and (d)
(2) In conjunction with a performance shall be used to determine the con-
test performed according to the re- centrations of SO2 and CO2 or O2.
quirements in paragraph (b)(1) of this (d) The owner or operator shall deter-
mine compliance with the NOX stand-
section, the owner or operator of an af-
ard in § 60.44Da as follows:
fected facility for which construction,
(1) The appropriate procedures in
reconstruction, or modification com-
Method 19 of appendix A of this part
menced after May 3, 2011, shall measure
shall be used to determine the emission
condensable PM using Method 202 of
rate of NOX.
appendix M of part 51. (2) The continuous monitoring sys-
(3) Method 9 of appendix A of this tem in § 60.49Da(c) and (d) shall be used
part and the procedures in § 60.11 shall to determine the concentrations of NOX
be used to determine opacity. and CO2 or O2.
(c) The owner or operator shall deter- (e) The owner or operator may use
mine compliance with the SO2 stand- the following as alternatives to the ref-
ards in § 60.43Da as follows: erence methods and procedures speci-
(1) The percent of potential SO2 emis- fied in this section:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sions (%Ps) to the atmosphere shall be (1) For Method 5 or 5B of appendix A–

computed using the following equation: 3 of this part, Method 17 of appendix A–


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§ 60.51Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

6 of this part may be used at facilities (3) For owners or operators of af-
with or without wet FGD systems if fected facilities complying with the
the stack temperature at the sampling percent reduction requirement, percent
location does not exceed an average reduction of the potential combustion
temperature of 160 °C (320 °F). The pro- concentration of SO2 for each 30 succes-
cedures of sections 8.1 and 11.1 of Meth- sive boiler operating days, ending with
od 5B of appendix A–3 of this part may the last 30-day period in the quarter;
be used in Method 17 of appendix A–6 of reasons for non-compliance with the
this part only if it is used after wet standard; and, description of corrective
FGD systems. Method 17 of appendix actions taken.
A–6 of this part shall not be used after (4) Identification of the boiler oper-
wet FGD systems if the effluent is ating days for which pollutant or dil-
saturated or laden with water droplets. uent data have not been obtained by an
(2) The Fc factor (CO2) procedures in approved method for at least 75 percent
Method 19 of appendix A of this part of the hours of operation of the facil-
may be used to compute the emission ity; justification for not obtaining suf-
rate of PM under the stipulations of ficient data; and description of correc-
§ 60.46(d)(1). The CO2 shall be deter- tive actions taken.
mined in the same manner as the O2 (5) Identification of the times when
concentration. emissions data have been excluded
(f) The owner or operator of an elec- from the calculation of average emis-
tric utility combined cycle gas turbine sion rates because of startup, shut-
that does not meet the definition of an down, or malfunction.
IGCC must conduct performance tests (6) Identification of ‘‘F’’ factor used
for PM, SO2, and NOX using the proce- for calculations, method of determina-
dures of Method 19 of appendix A–7 of tion, and type of fuel combusted.
this part. The SO2 and NOX emission (7) Identification of times when hour-
rates calculations from the gas turbine ly averages have been obtained based
used in Method 19 of appendix A–7 of on manual sampling methods.
this part are determined when the gas (8) Identification of the times when
turbine is performance tested under the pollutant concentration exceeded
subpart GG of this part. The potential full span of the CEMS.
uncontrolled PM emission rate from a (9) Description of any modifications
gas turbine is defined as 17 ng/J (0.04 lb/ to CEMS which could affect the ability
MMBtu) heat input. of the CEMS to comply with Perform-
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 ance Specifications 2 or 3.
FR 5083, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9458, Feb. 16, (c) If the minimum quantity of emis-
2012; 78 FR 24084, Apr. 24, 2013] sion data as required by § 60.49Da is not
obtained for any 30 successive boiler
§ 60.51Da Reporting requirements. operating days, the following informa-
(a) For SO2, NOX, PM, and NOX plus tion obtained under the requirements
CO emissions, the performance test of § 60.48Da(h) is reported to the Admin-
data from the initial and subsequent istrator for that 30-day period:
performance test and from the per- (1) The number of hourly averages
formance evaluation of the continuous available for outlet emission rates (no)
monitors (including the transmis- and inlet emission rates (ni) as applica-
someter) must be reported to the Ad- ble.
ministrator. (2) The standard deviation of hourly
(b) For SO2 and NOX the following in- averages for outlet emission rates (so)
formation is reported to the Adminis- and inlet emission rates (si) as applica-
trator for each 24-hour period. ble.
(1) Calendar date. (3) The lower confidence limit for the
(2) The average SO2 and NOX emission mean outlet emission rate (Eo*) and the
rates (ng/J, lb/MMBtu, or lb/MWh) for upper confidence limit for the mean
each 30 successive boiler operating inlet emission rate (Ei*) as applicable.
days, ending with the last 30-day period (4) The applicable potential combus-
in the quarter; reasons for non-compli- tion concentration.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ance with the emission standards; and, (5) The ratio of the upper confidence
description of corrective actions taken. limit for the mean outlet emission rate


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51Da

(Eo*) and the allowable emission rate are to be compared with operation of
(Estd) as applicable. the control system and affected facil-
(d) In addition to the applicable re- ity before and following the period of
quirements in § 60.7, the owner or oper- data unavailability.
ator of an affected facility subject to (g) [Reserved]
the opacity limits in § 60.43c(c) and con- (h) The owner or operator of the af-
ducting performance tests using Meth- fected facility shall submit a signed
od 9 of appendix A–4 of this part shall statement indicating whether:
submit excess emission reports for any (1) The required CEMS calibration,
excess emissions from the affected fa-
span, and drift checks or other periodic
cility that occur during the reporting
audits have or have not been performed
period and maintain records according
as specified.
to the requirements specified in para-
graph (d)(1) of this section. (2) The data used to show compliance
(1) For each performance test con- was or was not obtained in accordance
ducted using Method 9 of appendix A–4 with approved methods and procedures
of this part, the owner or operator of this part and is representative of
shall keep the records including the in- plant performance.
formation specified in paragraphs (3) The minimum data requirements
(d)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section. have or have not been met; or, the min-
(i) Dates and time intervals of all imum data requirements have not been
opacity observation periods; met for errors that were unavoidable.
(ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of (4) Compliance with the standards
current visible emission reading cer- has or has not been achieved during the
tification for each visible emission ob- reporting period.
server participating in the performance (i) For the purposes of the reports re-
test; and quired under § 60.7, periods of excess
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- emissions are defined as all 6-minute
server opacity field data sheets. periods during which the average opac-
(2) [Reserved] ity exceeds the applicable opacity
(e) If fuel pretreatment credit toward standards under § 60.42Da(b). Opacity
the SO2 emission standard under levels in excess of the applicable opac-
§ 60.43Da is claimed, the owner or oper- ity standard and the date of such ex-
ator of the affected facility shall sub- cesses are to be submitted to the Ad-
mit a signed statement: ministrator each calendar quarter.
(1) Indicating what percentage clean-
(j) The owner or operator of an af-
ing credit was taken for the calendar
fected facility shall submit the written
quarter, and whether the credit was de-
reports required under this section and
termined in accordance with the provi-
subpart A to the Administrator semi-
sions of § 60.50Da and Method 19 of ap-
annually for each six-month period. All
pendix A of this part; and
(2) Listing the quantity, heat con- semiannual reports shall be post-
tent, and date each pretreated fuel marked by the 30th day following the
shipment was received during the pre- end of each six-month period.
vious quarter; the name and location of (k) The owner or operator of an af-
the fuel pretreatment facility; and the fected facility may submit electronic
total quantity and total heat content quarterly reports for SO2 and/or NOX
of all fuels received at the affected fa- and/or opacity in lieu of submitting the
cility during the previous quarter. written reports required under para-
(f) For any periods for which opacity, graphs (b) and (i) of this section. The
SO2 or NOX emissions data are not format of each quarterly electronic re-
available, the owner or operator of the port shall be coordinated with the per-
affected facility shall submit a signed mitting authority. The electronic re-
statement indicating if any changes port(s) shall be submitted no later than
were made in operation of the emission 30 days after the end of the calendar
control system during the period of quarter and shall be accompanied by a
data unavailability. Operations of the certification statement from the owner
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

control system and affected facility or operator, indicating whether com-

during periods of data unavailability pliance with the applicable emission


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§ 60.52Da 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

standards and minimum data require- specified in the site-specific moni-

ments of this subpart was achieved toring plan approved by the Adminis-
during the reporting period. trator.
[72 FR 32722, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 [74 FR 5083, Jan. 28, 2009, as amended at 77
FR 5083, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9458, Feb. 16, FR 9459, Feb. 16, 2012]

§ 60.52Da Recordkeeping require- Subpart Db—Standards of Per-

ments. formance for Industrial-Com-
(a) [Reserved] mercial-Institutional Steam
(b) The owner or operator of an af- Generating Units
fected facility subject to the opacity
limits in § 60.42Da(b) that elects to SOURCE: 72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, unless
monitor emissions according to the re- otherwise noted.
quirements in § 60.49Da(a)(3) shall
maintain records according to the re- § 60.40b Applicability and delegation
quirements specified in paragraphs of authority.
(b)(1) through (3) of this section, as ap- (a) The affected facility to which this
plicable to the visible emissions moni- subpart applies is each steam gener-
toring method used. ating unit that commences construc-
(1) For each performance test con- tion, modification, or reconstruction
ducted using Method 9 of appendix A–4 after June 19, 1984, and that has a heat
of this part, the owner or operator input capacity from fuels combusted in
shall keep the records including the in- the steam generating unit of greater
formation specified in paragraphs than 29 megawatts (MW) (100 million
(b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section. British thermal units per hour
(i) Dates and time intervals of all
opacity observation periods;
(ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of (b) Any affected facility meeting the
current visible emission reading cer- applicability requirements under para-
tification for each visible emission ob- graph (a) of this section and com-
server participating in the performance mencing construction, modification, or
test; and reconstruction after June 19, 1984, but
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- on or before June 19, 1986, is subject to
server opacity field data sheets; the following standards:
(2) For each performance test con- (1) Coal-fired affected facilities hav-
ducted using Method 22 of appendix A– ing a heat input capacity between 29
4 of this part, the owner or operator and 73 MW (100 and 250 MMBtu/hr), in-
shall keep the records including the in- clusive, are subject to the particulate
formation specified in paragraphs matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOX)
(b)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. standards under this subpart.
(i) Dates and time intervals of all (2) Coal-fired affected facilities hav-
visible emissions observation periods; ing a heat input capacity greater than
(ii) Name and affiliation for each 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) and meeting the
visible emission observer participating applicability requirements under sub-
in the performance test; part D (Standards of performance for
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- fossil-fuel-fired steam generators;
server opacity field data sheets; and § 60.40) are subject to the PM and NOX
(iv) Documentation of any adjust- standards under this subpart and to the
ments made and the time the adjust- sulfur dioxide (SO2) standards under
ments were completed to the affected subpart D (§ 60.43).
facility operation by the owner or oper- (3) Oil-fired affected facilities having
ator to demonstrate compliance with a heat input capacity between 29 and 73
the applicable monitoring require- MW (100 and 250 MMBtu/hr), inclusive,
ments. are subject to the NOX standards under
(3) For each digital opacity compli- this subpart.
ance system, the owner or operator (4) Oil-fired affected facilities having
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

shall maintain records and submit re- a heat input capacity greater than 73
ports according to the requirements MW (250 MMBtu/hr) and meeting the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.41b

applicability requirements under sub- fected facility (i.e. heat recovery steam
part D (Standards of performance for generator) is subject to this subpart,
fossil-fuel-fired steam generators; only emissions resulting from combus-
§ 60.40) are also subject to the NOX tion of fuels in the steam generating
standards under this subpart and the unit are subject to this subpart. (The
PM and SO2 standards under subpart D stationary combustion turbine emis-
(§§ 60.42 and 60.43). sions are subject to subpart GG or
(c) Affected facilities that also meet KKKK, as applicable, of this part.)
the applicability requirements under (j) Any affected facility meeting the
subpart J or subpart Ja of this part are applicability requirements under para-
subject to the PM and NOX standards graph (a) of this section and com-
under this subpart and the SO2 stand- mencing construction, modification, or
ards under subpart J or subpart Ja of reconstruction after June 19, 1986 is not
this part, as applicable. subject to subpart D (Standards of Per-
(d) Affected facilities that also meet formance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam
the applicability requirements under Generators, § 60.40).
subpart E (Standards of performance (k) Any affected facility that meets
for incinerators; § 60.50) are subject to the applicability requirements and is
the NOX and PM standards under this subject to an EPA approved State or
subpart. Federal section 111(d)/129 plan imple-
(e) Steam generating units meeting menting subpart Cb or subpart BBBB
the applicability requirements under of this part is not covered by this sub-
subpart Da (Standards of performance part.
for electric utility steam generating (l) Affected facilities that also meet
units; § 60.40Da) are not subject to this the applicability requirements under
subpart. subpart BB of this part (Standards of
(f) Any change to an existing steam Performance for Kraft Pulp Mills) are
generating unit for the sole purpose of subject to the SO2 and NOX standards
combusting gases containing total re- under this subpart and the PM stand-
duced sulfur (TRS) as defined under ards under subpart BB.
§ 60.281 is not considered a modification (m) Temporary boilers are not sub-
under § 60.14 and the steam generating ject to this subpart.
unit is not subject to this subpart. [72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
(g) In delegating implementation and FR 5084, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9459, Feb. 16,
enforcement authority to a State 2012]
under section 111(c) of the Clean Air
Act, the following authorities shall be § 60.41b Definitions.
retained by the Administrator and not As used in this subpart, all terms not
transferred to a State. defined herein shall have the meaning
(1) Section 60.44b(f). given them in the Clean Air Act and in
(2) Section 60.44b(g). subpart A of this part.
(3) Section 60.49b(a)(4). Annual capacity factor means the
(h) Any affected facility that meets ratio between the actual heat input to
the applicability requirements and is a steam generating unit from the fuels
subject to subpart Ea, subpart Eb, sub- listed in § 60.42b(a), § 60.43b(a), or
part AAAA, or subpart CCCC of this § 60.44b(a), as applicable, during a cal-
part is not subject to this subpart. endar year and the potential heat input
(i) Affected facilities (i.e., heat recov- to the steam generating unit had it
ery steam generators) that are associ- been operated for 8,760 hours during a
ated with stationary combustion tur- calendar year at the maximum steady
bines and that meet the applicability state design heat input capacity. In the
requirements of subpart KKKK of this case of steam generating units that are
part are not subject to this subpart. rented or leased, the actual heat input
This subpart will continue to apply to shall be determined based on the com-
all other affected facilities (i.e. heat re- bined heat input from all operations of
covery steam generators with duct the affected facility in a calendar year.
burners) that are capable of com- Byproduct/waste means any liquid or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

busting more than 29 MW (100 MMBtu/ gaseous substance produced at chem-

h) heat input of fossil fuel. If the af- ical manufacturing plants, petroleum


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§ 60.41b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

refineries, or pulp and paper mills (ex- for fuel oil numbers 1 and 2, as defined
cept natural gas, distillate oil, or resid- by the American Society of Testing
ual oil) and combusted in a steam gen- and Materials in ASTM D396 (incor-
erating unit for heat recovery or for porated by reference, see § 60.17), diesel
disposal. Gaseous substances with car- fuel oil numbers 1 and 2, as defined by
bon dioxide (CO2) levels greater than 50 the American Society for Testing and
percent or carbon monoxide levels Materials in ASTM D975 (incorporated
greater than 10 percent are not byprod- by reference, see § 60.17), kerosine, as
uct/waste for the purpose of this sub- defined by the American Society of
part. Testing and Materials in ASTM D3699
Chemical manufacturing plants mean (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17),
industrial plants that are classified by biodiesel as defined by the American
the Department of Commerce under Society of Testing and Materials in
Standard Industrial Classification ASTM D6751 (incorporated by ref-
(SIC) Code 28. erence, see § 60.17), or biodiesel blends
Coal means all solid fuels classified as defined by the American Society of
as anthracite, bituminous, subbitu- Testing and Materials in ASTM D7467
minous, or lignite by the American So- (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17).
ciety of Testing and Materials in Dry flue gas desulfurization technology
ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference, means a SO2 control system that is lo-
see § 60.17), coal refuse, and petroleum cated downstream of the steam gener-
coke. Coal-derived synthetic fuels, in- ating unit and removes sulfur oxides
cluding but not limited to solvent re- from the combustion gases of the
fined coal, gasified coal not meeting steam generating unit by contacting
the definition of natural gas, coal-oil the combustion gases with an alkaline
mixtures, coke oven gas, and coal- reagent and water, whether introduced
water mixtures, are also included in separately or as a premixed slurry or
this definition for the purposes of this solution and forming a dry powder ma-
subpart. terial. This definition includes devices
Coal refuse means any byproduct of
where the dry powder material is sub-
coal mining or coal cleaning operations
sequently converted to another form.
with an ash content greater than 50
Alkaline slurries or solutions used in
percent, by weight, and a heating value
dry flue gas desulfurization technology
less than 13,900 kJ/kg (6,000 Btu/lb) on a
include but are not limited to lime and
dry basis.
Cogeneration, also known as combined
heat and power, means a facility that Duct burner means a device that com-
simultaneously produces both electric busts fuel and that is placed in the ex-
(or mechanical) and useful thermal en- haust duct from another source, such
ergy from the same primary energy as a stationary gas turbine, internal
source. combustion engine, kiln, etc., to allow
Coke oven gas means the volatile con- the firing of additional fuel to heat the
stituents generated in the gaseous ex- exhaust gases before the exhaust gases
haust during the carbonization of bitu- enter a steam generating unit.
minous coal to form coke. Emerging technology means any SO2
Combined cycle system means a system control system that is not defined as a
in which a separate source, such as a conventional technology under this
gas turbine, internal combustion en- section, and for which the owner or op-
gine, kiln, etc., provides exhaust gas to erator of the facility has applied to the
a steam generating unit. Administrator and received approval to
Conventional technology means wet operate as an emerging technology
flue gas desulfurization (FGD) tech- under § 60.49b(a)(4).
nology, dry FGD technology, atmos- Federally enforceable means all limi-
pheric fluidized bed combustion tech- tations and conditions that are en-
nology, and oil hydrodesulfurization forceable by the Administrator, includ-
technology. ing the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60
Distillate oil means fuel oils that con- and 61, requirements within any appli-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tain 0.05 weight percent nitrogen or cable State Implementation Plan, and
less and comply with the specifications any permit requirements established


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.41b

under 40 CFR 52.21 or under 40 CFR High heat release rate means a heat re-
51.18 and 51.24. lease rate greater than 730,000 J/sec-m3
Fluidized bed combustion technology (70,000 Btu/hr-ft3).
means combustion of fuel in a bed or ISO Conditions means a temperature
series of beds (including but not lim- of 288 Kelvin, a relative humidity of 60
ited to bubbling bed units and circu- percent, and a pressure of 101.3
lating bed units) of limestone aggre- kilopascals.
gate (or other sorbent materials) in Lignite means a type of coal classified
which these materials are forced up- as lignite A or lignite B by the Amer-
ward by the flow of combustion air and ican Society of Testing and Materials
the gaseous products of combustion. in ASTM D388 (incorporated by ref-
Fuel pretreatment means a process erence, see § 60.17).
that removes a portion of the sulfur in Low heat release rate means a heat re-
a fuel before combustion of the fuel in lease rate of 730,000 J/sec-m3 (70,000 Btu/
a steam generating unit. hr-ft3) or less.
Full capacity means operation of the Mass-feed stoker steam generating unit
steam generating unit at 90 percent or means a steam generating unit where
more of the maximum steady-state de- solid fuel is introduced directly into a
sign heat input capacity. retort or is fed directly onto a grate
Gaseous fuel means any fuel that is a where it is combusted.
gas at ISO conditions. This includes, Maximum heat input capacity means
but is not limited to, natural gas and the ability of a steam generating unit
gasified coal (including coke oven gas). to combust a stated maximum amount
Gross output means the gross useful of fuel on a steady state basis, as deter-
work performed by the steam gen- mined by the physical design and char-
erated. For units generating only elec- acteristics of the steam generating
tricity, the gross useful work per- unit.
formed is the gross electrical output Municipal-type solid waste means
from the turbine/generator set. For co- refuse, more than 50 percent of which is
generation units, the gross useful work waste consisting of a mixture of paper,
performed is the gross electrical or me- wood, yard wastes, food wastes, plas-
chanical output plus 75 percent of the tics, leather, rubber, and other combus-
useful thermal output measured rel- tible materials, and noncombustible
ative to ISO conditions that is not used materials such as glass and rock.
to generate additional electrical or me- Natural gas means:
chanical output or to enhance the per- (1) A naturally occurring mixture of
formance of the unit (i.e., steam deliv- hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases
ered to an industrial process). found in geologic formations beneath
Heat input means heat derived from the earth’s surface, of which the prin-
combustion of fuel in a steam gener- cipal constituent is methane; or
ating unit and does not include the (2) Liquefied petroleum gas, as de-
heat derived from preheated combus- fined by the American Society for
tion air, recirculated flue gases, or ex- Testing and Materials in ASTM D1835
haust gases from other sources, such as (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17);
gas turbines, internal combustion en- or
gines, kilns, etc. (3) A mixture of hydrocarbons that
Heat release rate means the steam maintains a gaseous state at ISO con-
generating unit design heat input ca- ditions. Additionally, natural gas must
pacity (in MW or Btu/hr) divided by the either be composed of at least 70 per-
furnace volume (in cubic meters or cent methane by volume or have a
cubic feet); the furnace volume is that gross calorific value between 34 and 43
volume bounded by the front furnace megajoules (MJ) per dry standard cubic
wall where the burner is located, the meter (910 and 1,150 Btu per dry stand-
furnace side waterwall, and extending ard cubic foot).
to the level just below or in front of Noncontinental area means the State
the first row of convection pass tubes. of Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
Heat transfer medium means any ma- American Samoa, the Commonwealth
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

terial that is used to transfer heat of Puerto Rico, or the Northern Mar-
from one point to another point. iana Islands.


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§ 60.41b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Oil means crude oil or petroleum or a Steam generating unit means a device
liquid fuel derived from crude oil or pe- that combusts any fuel or byproduct/
troleum, including distillate and resid- waste and produces steam or heats
ual oil. water or heats any heat transfer me-
Petroleum refinery means industrial dium. This term includes any munic-
plants as classified by the Department ipal-type solid waste incinerator with a
of Commerce under Standard Indus- heat recovery steam generating unit or
trial Classification (SIC) Code 29. any steam generating unit that com-
Potential sulfur dioxide emission rate busts fuel and is part of a cogeneration
means the theoretical SO2 emissions system or a combined cycle system.
(nanograms per joule (ng/J) or lb/ This term does not include process
MMBtu heat input) that would result heaters as they are defined in this sub-
from combusting fuel in an uncleaned part.
state and without using emission con- Steam generating unit operating day
trol systems. For gasified coal or oil means a 24-hour period between 12:00
that is desulfurized prior to combus- midnight and the following midnight
tion, the Potential sulfur dioxide emis- during which any fuel is combusted at
sion rate is the theoretical SO2 emis- any time in the steam generating unit.
sions (ng/J or lb/MMBtu heat input) It is not necessary for fuel to be com-
that would result from combusting fuel busted continuously for the entire 24-
in a cleaned state without using any hour period.
post combustion emission control sys- Temporary boiler means any gaseous
tems. or liquid fuel-fired steam generating
unit that is designed to, and is capable
Process heater means a device that is
of, being carried or moved from one lo-
primarily used to heat a material to
cation to another by means of, for ex-
initiate or promote a chemical reac-
ample, wheels, skids, carrying handles,
tion in which the material participates
dollies, trailers, or platforms. A steam
as a reactant or catalyst.
generating unit is not a temporary
Pulp and paper mills means industrial boiler if any one of the following condi-
plants that are classified by the De- tions exists:
partment of Commerce under North (1) The equipment is attached to a
American Industry Classification Sys- foundation.
tem (NAICS) Code 322 or Standard In- (2) The steam generating unit or a re-
dustrial Classification (SIC) Code 26. placement remains at a location for
Pulverized coal-fired steam generating more than 180 consecutive days. Any
unit means a steam generating unit in temporary boiler that replaces a tem-
which pulverized coal is introduced porary boiler at a location and per-
into an air stream that carries the coal forms the same or similar function will
to the combustion chamber of the be included in calculating the consecu-
steam generating unit where it is fired tive time period.
in suspension. This includes both con- (3) The equipment is located at a sea-
ventional pulverized coal-fired and sonal facility and operates during the
micropulverized coal-fired steam gen- full annual operating period of the sea-
erating units. Residual oil means crude sonal facility, remains at the facility
oil, fuel oil numbers 1 and 2 that have for at least 2 years, and operates at
a nitrogen content greater than 0.05 that facility for at least 3 months each
weight percent, and all fuel oil num- year.
bers 4, 5 and 6, as defined by the Amer- (4) The equipment is moved from one
ican Society of Testing and Materials location to another in an attempt to
in ASTM D396 (incorporated by ref- circumvent the residence time require-
erence, see § 60.17). ments of this definition.
Spreader stoker steam generating unit Very low sulfur oil means for units
means a steam generating unit in constructed, reconstructed, or modified
which solid fuel is introduced to the on or before February 28, 2005, oil that
combustion zone by a mechanism that contains no more than 0.5 weight per-
throws the fuel onto a grate from cent sulfur or that, when combusted
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

above. Combustion takes place both in without SO2 emission control, has a
suspension and on the grate. SO2 emission rate equal to or less than


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.42b

215 ng/J (0.5 lb/MMBtu) heat input. For affected facility that commenced con-
units constructed, reconstructed, or struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
modified after February 28, 2005 and tion on or before February 28, 2005, that
not located in a noncontinental area, combusts coal or oil shall cause to be
very low sulfur oil means oil that con- discharged into the atmosphere any
tains no more than 0.30 weight percent gases that contain SO2 in excess of 87
sulfur or that, when combusted with- ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) or 10 percent (0.10)
out SO2 emission control, has a SO2 of the potential SO2 emission rate (90
emission rate equal to or less than 140 percent reduction) and the emission
ng/J (0.32 lb/MMBtu) heat input. For limit determined according to the fol-
units constructed, reconstructed, or lowing formula:
modified after February 28, 2005 and lo-
cated in a noncontinental area, very ( K a Ha + K b Hb )
low sulfur oil means oil that contains Es =
no more than 0.5 weight percent sulfur ( Ha + Hb )
or that, when combusted without SO2
emission control, has a SO2 emission Where:
rate equal to or less than 215 ng/J (0.50 Es = SO2 emission limit, in ng/J or lb/MMBtu
lb/MMBtu) heat input. heat input;
Wet flue gas desulfurization technology Ka = 520 ng/J (or 1.2 lb/MMBtu);
means a SO2 control system that is lo- Kb = 340 ng/J (or 0.80 lb/MMBtu);
cated downstream of the steam gener- Ha = Heat input from the combustion of coal,
ating unit and removes sulfur oxides in J (MMBtu); and
from the combustion gases of the Hb = Heat input from the combustion of oil,
in J (MMBtu).
steam generating unit by contacting
the combustion gas with an alkaline For facilities complying with the
slurry or solution and forming a liquid percent reduction standard, only the
material. This definition applies to de- heat input supplied to the affected fa-
vices where the aqueous liquid mate- cility from the combustion of coal and
rial product of this contact is subse- oil is counted in this paragraph. No
quently converted to other forms. Al- credit is provided for the heat input to
kaline reagents used in wet flue gas the affected facility from the combus-
desulfurization technology include, but tion of natural gas, wood, municipal-
are not limited to, lime, limestone, and type solid waste, or other fuels or heat
sodium. derived from exhaust gases from other
Wet scrubber system means any emis- sources, such as gas turbines, internal
sion control device that mixes an aque- combustion engines, kilns, etc.
ous stream or slurry with the exhaust (b) On and after the date on which
gases from a steam generating unit to the performance test is completed or
control emissions of PM or SO2. required to be completed under § 60.8,
Wood means wood, wood residue, whichever date comes first, no owner
bark, or any derivative fuel or residue or operator of an affected facility that
thereof, in any form, including, but not commenced construction, reconstruc-
limited to, sawdust, sanderdust, wood tion, or modification on or before Feb-
chips, scraps, slabs, millings, shavings, ruary 28, 2005, that combusts coal
and processed pellets made from wood refuse alone in a fluidized bed combus-
or other forest residues. tion steam generating unit shall cause
[72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 to be discharged into the atmosphere
FR 5084, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9459, Feb. 16, any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
2012] 87 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) or 20 percent
(0.20) of the potential SO2 emission rate
§ 60.42b Standard for sulfur dioxide (80 percent reduction) and 520 ng/J (1.2
(SO2). lb/MMBtu) heat input. If coal or oil is
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs fired with coal refuse, the affected fa-
(b), (c), (d), or (j) of this section, on and cility is subject to paragraph (a) or (d)
after the date on which the perform- of this section, as applicable. For fa-
ance test is completed or required to be cilities complying with the percent re-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

completed under § 60.8, whichever duction standard, only the heat input
comes first, no owner or operator of an supplied to the affected facility from


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§ 60.42b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the combustion of coal and oil is count- 28, 2005 and listed in paragraphs (d)(1),
ed in this paragraph. No credit is pro- (2), (3), or (4) of this section shall cause
vided for the heat input to the affected to be discharged into the atmosphere
facility from the combustion of natural any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
gas, wood, municipal-type solid waste, 520 ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat input if
or other fuels or heat derived from ex- the affected facility combusts coal, or
haust gases from other sources, such as 215 ng/J (0.5 lb/MMBtu) heat input if
gas turbines, internal combustion en- the affected facility combusts oil other
gines, kilns, etc. than very low sulfur oil. Percent reduc-
(c) On and after the date on which tion requirements are not applicable to
the performance test is completed or is affected facilities under paragraphs
required to be completed under § 60.8, (d)(1), (2), (3) or (4) of this section. For
whichever comes first, no owner or op- facilities complying with paragraphs
erator of an affected facility that com- (d)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, only the
busts coal or oil, either alone or in heat input supplied to the affected fa-
combination with any other fuel, and cility from the combustion of coal and
that uses an emerging technology for oil is counted in this paragraph. No
the control of SO2 emissions, shall credit is provided for the heat input to
cause to be discharged into the atmos- the affected facility from the combus-
phere any gases that contain SO2 in ex- tion of natural gas, wood, municipal-
cess of 50 percent of the potential SO2 type solid waste, or other fuels or heat
emission rate (50 percent reduction) derived from exhaust gases from other
and that contain SO2 in excess of the sources, such as gas turbines, internal
emission limit determined according to combustion engines, kilns, etc.
the following formula: (1) Affected facilities that have an
annual capacity factor for coal and oil

( K c Hc + K d Hd )
of 30 percent (0.30) or less and are sub-
ject to a federally enforceable permit
Es =
( Hc + Hd ) limiting the operation of the affected
facility to an annual capacity factor
Where: for coal and oil of 30 percent (0.30) or
Es = SO2 emission limit, in ng/J or lb/MM less;
Btu heat input; (2) Affected facilities located in a
Kc = 260 ng/J (or 0.60 lb/MMBtu); noncontinental area; or
Kd = 170 ng/J (or 0.40 lb/MMBtu); (3) Affected facilities combusting
Hc = Heat input from the combustion of coal, coal or oil, alone or in combination
in J (MMBtu); and with any fuel, in a duct burner as part
Hd = Heat input from the combustion of oil, of a combined cycle system where 30
in J (MMBtu).
percent (0.30) or less of the heat enter-
For facilities complying with the ing the steam generating unit is from
percent reduction standard, only the combustion of coal and oil in the duct
heat input supplied to the affected fa- burner and 70 percent (0.70) or more of
cility from the combustion of coal and the heat entering the steam generating
oil is counted in this paragraph. No unit is from the exhaust gases entering
credit is provided for the heat input to the duct burner; or
the affected facility from the combus- (4) The affected facility burns coke
tion of natural gas, wood, municipal- oven gas alone or in combination with
type solid waste, or other fuels, or from natural gas or very low sulfur distillate
the heat input derived from exhaust oil.
gases from other sources, such as gas (e) Except as provided in paragraph
turbines, internal combustion engines, (f) of this section, compliance with the
kilns, etc. emission limits, fuel oil sulfur limits,
(d) On and after the date on which and/or percent reduction requirements
the performance test is completed or under this section are determined on a
required to be completed under § 60.8, 30-day rolling average basis.
whichever comes first, no owner or op- (f) Except as provided in paragraph
erator of an affected facility that com- (j)(2) of this section, compliance with
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

menced construction, reconstruction, the emission limits or fuel oil sulfur

or modification on or before February limits under this section is determined


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43b

on a 24-hour average basis for affected coal, oil, natural gas, a mixture of
facilities that (1) have a federally en- these fuels, or a mixture of these fuels
forceable permit limiting the annual with any other fuels shall cause to be
capacity factor for oil to 10 percent or discharged into the atmosphere any
less, (2) combust only very low sulfur gases that contain SO2 in excess of 87
oil, and (3) do not combust any other ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input or 8
fuel. percent (0.08) of the potential SO2 emis-
(g) Except as provided in paragraph sion rate (92 percent reduction) and 520
(i) of this section and § 60.45b(a), the ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat input. For fa-
SO2 emission limits and percent reduc- cilities complying with the percent re-
tion requirements under this section duction standard and paragraph (k)(3)
apply at all times, including periods of of this section, only the heat input sup-
startup, shutdown, and malfunction. plied to the affected facility from the
(h) Reductions in the potential SO2 combustion of coal and oil is counted
emission rate through fuel in paragraph (k) of this section. No
pretreatment are not credited toward credit is provided for the heat input to
the percent reduction requirement the affected facility from the combus-
under paragraph (c) of this section un- tion of natural gas, wood, municipal-
less: type solid waste, or other fuels or heat
(1) Fuel pretreatment results in a 50 derived from exhaust gases from other
percent or greater reduction in poten- sources, such as gas turbines, internal
tial SO2 emissions and combustion engines, kilns, etc.
(2) Emissions from the pretreated (2) Units firing only very low sulfur
fuel (without combustion or post-com- oil, gaseous fuel, a mixture of these
bustion SO2 control) are equal to or fuels, or a mixture of these fuels with
less than the emission limits specified any other fuels with a potential SO2
in paragraph (c) of this section. emission rate of 140 ng/J (0.32 lb/
(i) An affected facility subject to MMBtu) heat input or less are exempt
paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section from the SO2 emissions limit in para-
may combust very low sulfur oil or graph (k)(1) of this section.
natural gas when the SO2 control sys- (3) Units that are located in a non-
tem is not being operated because of continental area and that combust
malfunction or maintenance of the SO2 coal, oil, or natural gas shall not dis-
control system. charge any gases that contain SO2 in
(j) Percent reduction requirements excess of 520 ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat
are not applicable to affected facilities input if the affected facility combusts
combusting only very low sulfur oil. coal, or 215 ng/J (0.50 lb/MMBtu) heat
The owner or operator of an affected input if the affected facility combusts
facility combusting very low sulfur oil oil or natural gas.
shall demonstrate that the oil meets (4) As an alternative to meeting the
the definition of very low sulfur oil by: requirements under paragraph (k)(1) of
(1) Following the performance testing this section, modified facilities that
procedures as described in § 60.45b(c) or combust coal or a mixture of coal with
§ 60.45b(d), and following the moni- other fuels shall not cause to be dis-
toring procedures as described in charged into the atmosphere any gases
§ 60.47b(a) or § 60.47b(b) to determine that contain SO2 in excess of 87 ng/J
SO2 emission rate or fuel oil sulfur con- (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input or 10 per-
tent; or (2) maintaining fuel records as cent (0.10) of the potential SO2 emis-
described in § 60.49b(r). sion rate (90 percent reduction) and 520
(k)(1) Except as provided in para- ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat input.
graphs (k)(2), (k)(3), and (k)(4) of this [72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
section, on and after the date on which FR 5084, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20,
the initial performance test is com- 2011]
pleted or is required to be completed
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, § 60.43b Standard for particulate mat-
no owner or operator of an affected fa- ter (PM).
cility that commences construction, (a) On and after the date on which
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

reconstruction, or modification after the initial performance test is com-

February 28, 2005, and that combusts pleted or is required to be completed


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§ 60.43b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

under § 60.8, whichever comes first, no 28, 2005, and that combusts oil (or mix-
owner or operator of an affected facil- tures of oil with other fuels) and uses a
ity that commenced construction, re- conventional or emerging technology
construction, or modification on or be- to reduce SO2 emissions shall cause to
fore February 28, 2005 that combusts be discharged into the atmosphere
coal or combusts mixtures of coal with from that affected facility any gases
other fuels, shall cause to be dis- that contain PM in excess of 43 ng/J
charged into the atmosphere from that (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input.
affected facility any gases that contain (c) On and after the date on which
PM in excess of the following emission the initial performance test is com-
pleted or is required to be completed
(1) 22 ng/J (0.051 lb/MMBtu) heat
under § 60.8, whichever comes first, no
input, (i) If the affected facility com-
busts only coal, or owner or operator of an affected facil-
(ii) If the affected facility combusts ity that commenced construction, re-
coal and other fuels and has an annual construction, or modification on or be-
capacity factor for the other fuels of 10 fore February 28, 2005, and that com-
percent (0.10) or less. busts wood, or wood with other fuels,
(2) 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input except coal, shall cause to be dis-
if the affected facility combusts coal charged from that affected facility any
and other fuels and has an annual ca- gases that contain PM in excess of the
pacity factor for the other fuels greater following emission limits:
than 10 percent (0.10) and is subject to (1) 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input
a federally enforceable requirement if the affected facility has an annual
limiting operation of the affected facil- capacity factor greater than 30 percent
ity to an annual capacity factor great- (0.30) for wood.
er than 10 percent (0.10) for fuels other (2) 86 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input
than coal. if (i) The affected facility has an an-
(3) 86 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input nual capacity factor of 30 percent (0.30)
if the affected facility combusts coal or or less for wood;
coal and other fuels and
(ii) Is subject to a federally enforce-
(i) Has an annual capacity factor for
able requirement limiting operation of
coal or coal and other fuels of 30 per-
cent (0.30) or less, the affected facility to an annual ca-
(ii) Has a maximum heat input ca- pacity factor of 30 percent (0.30) or less
pacity of 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less, for wood; and
(iii) Has a federally enforceable re- (iii) Has a maximum heat input ca-
quirement limiting operation of the af- pacity of 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less.
fected facility to an annual capacity (d) On and after the date on which
factor of 30 percent (0.30) or less for the initial performance test is com-
coal or coal and other solid fuels, and pleted or is required to be completed
(iv) Construction of the affected fa- under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
cility commenced after June 19, 1984, no owner or operator of an affected fa-
and before November 25, 1986. cility that combusts municipal-type
(4) An affected facility burning coke solid waste or mixtures of municipal-
oven gas alone or in combination with type solid waste with other fuels, shall
other fuels not subject to a PM stand- cause to be discharged into the atmos-
ard under § 60.43b and not using a post- phere from that affected facility any
combustion technology (except a wet gases that contain PM in excess of the
scrubber) for reducing PM or SO2 emis- following emission limits:
sions is not subject to the PM limits (1) 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input;
under § 60.43b(a).
(i) If the affected facility combusts
(b) On and after the date on which
the performance test is completed or only municipal-type solid waste; or
required to be completed under § 60.8, (ii) If the affected facility combusts
whichever comes first, no owner or op- municipal-type solid waste and other
erator of an affected facility that com- fuels and has an annual capacity factor
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

menced construction, reconstruction, for the other fuels of 10 percent (0.10) or

or modification on or before February less.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43b

(2) 86 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input (h)(1) Except as provided in para-
if the affected facility combusts munic- graphs (h)(2), (h)(3), (h)(4), (h)(5), and
ipal-type solid waste or municipal-type (h)(6) of this section, on and after the
solid waste and other fuels; and date on which the initial performance
(i) Has an annual capacity factor for test is completed or is required to be
municipal-type solid waste and other completed under § 60.8, whichever date
fuels of 30 percent (0.30) or less; comes first, no owner or operator of an
(ii) Has a maximum heat input ca- affected facility that commenced con-
pacity of 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less; struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
(iii) Has a federally enforceable re- tion after February 28, 2005, and that
quirement limiting operation of the af- combusts coal, oil, wood, a mixture of
fected facility to an annual capacity these fuels, or a mixture of these fuels
factor of 30 percent (0.30) or less for with any other fuels shall cause to be
municipal-type solid waste, or munic- discharged into the atmosphere from
ipal-type solid waste and other fuels; that affected facility any gases that
and contain PM in excess of 13 ng/J (0.030
(iv) Construction of the affected fa- lb/MMBtu) heat input,
cility commenced after June 19, 1984, (2) As an alternative to meeting the
but on or before November 25, 1986. requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this
(e) For the purposes of this section, section, the owner or operator of an af-
the annual capacity factor is deter- fected facility for which modification
mined by dividing the actual heat commenced after February 28, 2005,
input to the steam generating unit dur- may elect to meet the requirements of
ing the calendar year from the combus- this paragraph. On and after the date
tion of coal, wood, or municipal-type on which the initial performance test
solid waste, and other fuels, as applica- is completed or required to be com-
ble, by the potential heat input to the pleted under § 60.8, no owner or oper-
steam generating unit if the steam ator of an affected facility that com-
generating unit had been operated for mences modification after February 28,
8,760 hours at the maximum heat input 2005 shall cause to be discharged into
capacity. the atmosphere from that affected fa-
(f) On and after the date on which the cility any gases that contain PM in ex-
initial performance test is completed cess of both:
or is required to be completed under (i) 22 ng/J (0.051 lb/MMBtu) heat input
§ 60.8, whichever date comes first, no derived from the combustion of coal,
owner or operator of an affected facil- oil, wood, a mixture of these fuels, or a
ity that combusts coal, oil, wood, or mixture of these fuels with any other
mixtures of these fuels with any other fuels; and
fuels shall cause to be discharged into (ii) 0.2 percent of the combustion con-
the atmosphere any gases that exhibit centration (99.8 percent reduction)
greater than 20 percent opacity (6- when combusting coal, oil, wood, a
minute average), except for one 6- mixture of these fuels, or a mixture of
minute period per hour of not more these fuels with any other fuels.
than 27 percent opacity. An owner or (3) On and after the date on which
operator of an affected facility that the initial performance test is com-
elects to install, calibrate, maintain, pleted or is required to be completed
and operate a continuous emissions under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
monitoring system (CEMS) for meas- no owner or operator of an affected fa-
uring PM emissions according to the cility that commences modification
requirements of this subpart and is after February 28, 2005, and that com-
subject to a federally enforceable PM busts over 30 percent wood (by heat
limit of 0.030 lb/MMBtu or less is ex- input) on an annual basis and has a
empt from the opacity standard speci- maximum heat input capacity of 73
fied in this paragraph. MW (250 MMBtu/h) or less shall cause
(g) The PM and opacity standards to be discharged into the atmosphere
apply at all times, except during peri- from that affected facility any gases
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ods of startup, shutdown, or malfunc- that contain PM in excess of 43 ng/J

tion. (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input.


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§ 60.44b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(4) On and after the date on which pleted or is required to be completed

the initial performance test is com- under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
pleted or is required to be completed an owner or operator of an affected fa-
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, cility located in a noncontinental area
no owner or operator of an affected fa- that commences construction, recon-
cility that commences modification struction, or modification after Feb-
after February 28, 2005, and that com- ruary 28, 2005, and that combusts only
busts over 30 percent wood (by heat oil that contains no more than 0.5
input) on an annual basis and has a weight percent sulfur, coke oven gas, a
maximum heat input capacity greater mixture of these fuels, or either fuel
than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/h) shall cause (or a mixture of these fuels) in com-
to be discharged into the atmosphere bination with other fuels not subject to
from that affected facility any gases a PM standard in § 60.43b and not using
that contain PM in excess of 37 ng/J a post-combustion technology (except
(0.085 lb/MMBtu) heat input. a wet scrubber) to reduce SO2 or PM
(5) On and after the date on which emissions is not subject to the PM lim-
the initial performance test is com- its in (h)(1) of this section.
pleted or is required to be completed [72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, FR 5084, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9459, Feb. 16,
an owner or operator of an affected fa- 2012]
cility not located in a noncontinental
area that commences construction, re- § 60.44b Standard for nitrogen oxides
construction, or modification after (NO2).
February 28, 2005, and that combusts (a) Except as provided under para-
only oil that contains no more than graphs (k) and (l) of this section, on
0.30 weight percent sulfur, coke oven and after the date on which the initial
gas, a mixture of these fuels, or either performance test is completed or is re-
fuel (or a mixture of these fuels) in quired to be completed under § 60.8,
combination with other fuels not sub- whichever date comes first, no owner
ject to a PM standard in § 60.43b and or operator of an affected facility that
not using a post-combustion tech- is subject to the provisions of this sec-
nology (except a wet scrubber) to re- tion and that combusts only coal, oil,
duce SO2 or PM emissions is not sub- or natural gas shall cause to be dis-
ject to the PM limits in (h)(1) of this charged into the atmosphere from that
section. affected facility any gases that contain
(6) On and after the date on which NOX (expressed as NO2) in excess of the
the initial performance test is com- following emission limits:
Nitrogen oxide emission
limits (expressed as NO2)
Fuel/steam generating unit type heat input

ng/J lb/MMBTu

(1) Natural gas and distillate oil, except (4):

(i) Low heat release rate ......................................................................................................... 43 0.10
(ii) High heat release rate ....................................................................................................... 86 0.20
(2) Residual oil:
(i) Low heat release rate ......................................................................................................... 130 0.30
(ii) High heat release rate ....................................................................................................... 170 0.40
(3) Coal:
(i) Mass-feed stoker ................................................................................................................ 210 0.50
(ii) Spreader stoker and fluidized bed combustion ................................................................. 260 0.60
(iii) Pulverized coal .................................................................................................................. 300 0.70
(iv) Lignite, except (v) ............................................................................................................. 260 0.60
(v) Lignite mined in North Dakota, South Dakota, or Montana and combusted in a slag tap
furnace ................................................................................................................................. 340 0.80
(vi) Coal-derived synthetic fuels ............................................................................................. 210 0.50
(4) Duct burner used in a combined cycle system:
(i) Natural gas and distillate oil ............................................................................................... 86 0.20
(ii) Residual oil ........................................................................................................................ 170 0.40
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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.44b

(b) Except as provided under para- or less for coal, oil, natural gas (or any
graphs (k) and (l) of this section, on combination of the three).
and after the date on which the initial (d) On and after the date on which
performance test is completed or is re- the initial performance test is com-
quired to be completed under § 60.8, pleted or is required to be completed
whichever date comes first, no owner under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
or operator of an affected facility that no owner or operator of an affected fa-
simultaneously combusts mixtures of cility that simultaneously combusts
only coal, oil, or natural gas shall natural gas and/or distillate oil with a
cause to be discharged into the atmos- potential SO2 emissions rate of 26 ng/J
phere from that affected facility any (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less with wood, mu-
gases that contain NOX in excess of a nicipal-type solid waste, or other solid
limit determined by the use of the fol- fuel, except coal, shall cause to be dis-
lowing formula: charged into the atmosphere from that
affected facility any gases that contain

En =
( EL go H go ) + ( EL ro H ro ) + ( ELc H c ) NOX in excess of 130 ng/J (0.30 lb/

(H + H ro + H c )
MMBtu) heat input unless the affected
go facility has an annual capacity factor
for natural gas, distillate oil, or a mix-
Where: ture of these fuels of 10 percent (0.10) or
En = NOX emission limit (expressed as NO2), less and is subject to a federally en-
ng/J (lb/MMBtu); forceable requirement that limits oper-
ELgo = Appropriate emission limit from para-
graph (a)(1) for combustion of natural
ation of the affected facility to an an-
gas or distillate oil, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); nual capacity factor of 10 percent (0.10)
Hgo = Heat input from combustion of natural or less for natural gas, distillate oil, or
gas or distillate oil, J (MMBtu); a mixture of these fuels.
ELro = Appropriate emission limit from para- (e) Except as provided under para-
graph (a)(2) for combustion of residual graph (l) of this section, on and after
oil, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); the date on which the initial perform-
Hro = Heat input from combustion of residual
oil, J (MMBtu);
ance test is completed or is required to
ELc = Appropriate emission limit from para- be completed under § 60.8, whichever
graph (a)(3) for combustion of coal, ng/J date comes first, no owner or operator
(lb/MMBtu); and of an affected facility that simulta-
Hc = Heat input from combustion of coal, J neously combusts only coal, oil, or nat-
(MMBtu). ural gas with byproduct/waste shall
(c) Except as provided under para- cause to be discharged into the atmos-
graph (d) and (l) of this section, on and phere any gases that contain NOX in
after the date on which the initial per- excess of the emission limit deter-
formance test is completed or is re- mined by the following formula unless
quired to be completed under § 60.8, the affected facility has an annual ca-
whichever date comes first, no owner pacity factor for coal, oil, and natural
or operator of an affected facility that gas of 10 percent (0.10) or less and is
simultaneously combusts coal or oil, subject to a federally enforceable re-
natural gas (or any combination of the quirement that limits operation of the
three), and wood, or any other fuel affected facility to an annual capacity
shall cause to be discharged into the factor of 10 percent (0.10) or less:
atmosphere any gases that contain (f) Any owner or operator of an af-
NOX in excess of the emission limit for fected facility that combusts byprod-
the coal, oil, natural gas (or any com- uct/waste with either natural gas or oil
bination of the three), combusted in may petition the Administrator within
the affected facility, as determined 180 days of the initial startup of the af-
pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this fected facility to establish a NOX emis-
section. This standard does not apply sion limit that shall apply specifically
to an affected facility that is subject to to that affected facility when the by-
and in compliance with a federally en- product/waste is combusted. The peti-
forceable requirement that limits oper- tion shall include sufficient and appro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ation of the affected facility to an an- priate data, as determined by the Ad-
nual capacity factor of 10 percent (0.10) ministrator, such as NOX emissions


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§ 60.44b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

from the affected facility, waste com- trator determines it is appropriate, the
position (including nitrogen content), conditions and requirements of the let-
and combustion conditions to allow the ter can be reviewed and changed at any
Administrator to confirm that the af- point.
fected facility is unable to comply with (g) Any owner or operator of an af-
the emission limits in paragraph (e) of fected facility that combusts hazardous
this section and to determine the ap- waste (as defined by 40 CFR part 261 or
propriate emission limit for the af- 40 CFR part 761) with natural gas or oil
fected facility. may petition the Administrator within
(1) Any owner or operator of an af- 180 days of the initial startup of the af-
fected facility petitioning for a facil- fected facility for a waiver from com-
ity-specific NOX emission limit under pliance with the NOX emission limit
this section shall: that applies specifically to that af-
(i) Demonstrate compliance with the fected facility. The petition must in-
emission limits for natural gas and dis- clude sufficient and appropriate data,
tillate oil in paragraph (a)(1) of this as determined by the Administrator,
section or for residual oil in paragraph on NOX emissions from the affected fa-
(a)(2) or (l)(1) of this section, as appro- cility, waste destruction efficiencies,
priate, by conducting a 30-day perform- waste composition (including nitrogen
ance test as provided in § 60.46b(e). Dur- content), the quantity of specific
ing the performance test only natural wastes to be combusted and combus-
gas, distillate oil, or residual oil shall tion conditions to allow the Adminis-
be combusted in the affected facility; trator to determine if the affected fa-
and cility is able to comply with the NOX
(ii) Demonstrate that the affected fa- emission limits required by this sec-
cility is unable to comply with the tion. The owner or operator of the af-
emission limits for natural gas and dis- fected facility shall demonstrate that
tillate oil in paragraph (a)(1) of this when hazardous waste is combusted in
section or for residual oil in paragraph the affected facility, thermal destruc-
(a)(2) or (l)(1) of this section, as appro- tion efficiency requirements for haz-
priate, when gaseous or liquid byprod- ardous waste specified in an applicable
uct/waste is combusted in the affected federally enforceable requirement pre-
facility under the same conditions and clude compliance with the NOX emis-
using the same technological system of sion limits of this section. The NOX
emission reduction applied when dem- emission limits for natural gas or dis-
onstrating compliance under paragraph tillate oil in paragraph (a)(1) of this
(f)(1)(i) of this section. section or for residual oil in paragraph
(2) The NOX emission limits for nat- (a)(2) or (l)(1) of this section, as appro-
ural gas or distillate oil in paragraph priate, are applicable to the affected
(a)(1) of this section or for residual oil facility until and unless the petition is
in paragraph (a)(2) or (l)(1) of this sec- approved by the Administrator. (See 40
tion, as appropriate, shall be applicable CFR 761.70 for regulations applicable to
to the affected facility until and unless the incineration of materials con-
the petition is approved by the Admin- taining polychlorinated biphenyls
istrator. If the petition is approved by (PCB’s).) In lieu of amending this sub-
the Administrator, a facility-specific part, a letter will be sent to the facil-
NOX emission limit will be established ity describing the facility-specific NOX
at the NOX emission level achievable limit. The facility shall use the compli-
when the affected facility is com- ance procedures detailed in the letter
busting oil or natural gas and byprod- and make the letter available to the
uct/waste in a manner that the Admin- public. If the Administrator determines
istrator determines to be consistent it is appropriate, the conditions and re-
with minimizing NOX emissions. In lieu quirements of the letter can be re-
of amending this subpart, a letter will viewed and changed at any point.
be sent to the facility describing the (h) For purposes of paragraph (i) of
facility-specific NOX limit. The facility this section, the NOX standards under
shall use the compliance procedures de- this section apply at all times includ-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tailed in the letter and make the letter ing periods of startup, shutdown, or
available to the public. If the Adminis- malfunction.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45b

(i) Except as provided under para- factor of 10 percent (0.10) or less for
graph (j) of this section, compliance coal, oil, and natural gas (or any com-
with the emission limits under this bination of the three); or
section is determined on a 30-day roll- (2) If the affected facility has a low
ing average basis. heat release rate and combusts natural
(j) Compliance with the emission lim- gas or distillate oil in excess of 30 per-
its under this section is determined on cent of the heat input on a 30-day roll-
a 24-hour average basis for the initial ing average from the combustion of all
performance test and on a 3-hour aver- fuels, a limit determined by use of the
age basis for subsequent performance following formula:
tests for any affected facilities that:
(1) Combust, alone or in combination,
only natural gas, distillate oil, or re- En =
( 0.10 × H ) + ( 0.20 × H )
go r

sidual oil with a nitrogen content of

0.30 weight percent or less;
(H + H )
go r

(2) Have a combined annual capacity Where:

factor of 10 percent or less for natural En = NOX emission limit, (lb/MMBtu);
gas, distillate oil, and residual oil with Hgo = 30-day heat input from combustion of
a nitrogen content of 0.30 weight per- natural gas or distillate oil; and
cent or less; and Hr = 30-day heat input from combustion of
any other fuel.
(3) Are subject to a federally enforce-
able requirement limiting operation of (3) After February 27, 2006, units
the affected facility to the firing of where more than 10 percent of total an-
natural gas, distillate oil, and/or resid- nual output is electrical or mechanical
ual oil with a nitrogen content of 0.30 may comply with an optional limit of
weight percent or less and limiting op- 270 ng/J (2.1 lb/MWh) gross energy out-
eration of the affected facility to a put, based on a 30-day rolling average.
combined annual capacity factor of 10 Units complying with this output-
percent or less for natural gas, dis- based limit must demonstrate compli-
tillate oil, and residual oil with a ni- ance according to the procedures of
trogen content of 0.30 weight percent § 60.48Da(i) of subpart Da of this part,
or less. and must monitor emissions according
(k) Affected facilities that meet the to § 60.49Da(c), (k), through (n) of sub-
criteria described in paragraphs (j)(1), part Da of this part.
(2), and (3) of this section, and that [72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
have a heat input capacity of 73 MW FR 5086, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9459, Feb. 16,
(250 MMBtu/hr) or less, are not subject 2012]
to the NOX emission limits under this
section. § 60.45b Compliance and performance
(l) On and after the date on which the test methods and procedures for
initial performance test is completed sulfur dioxide.
or is required to be completed under (a) The SO2 emission standards in
60.8, whichever date is first, no owner § 60.42b apply at all times. Facilities
or operator of an affected facility that burning coke oven gas alone or in com-
commenced construction after July 9, bination with any other gaseous fuels
1997 shall cause to be discharged into or distillate oil are allowed to exceed
the atmosphere from that affected fa- the limit 30 operating days per cal-
cility any gases that contain NOx (ex- endar year for SO2 control system
pressed as NO2) in excess of the fol- maintenance.
lowing limits: (b) In conducting the performance
(1) 86 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input tests required under § 60.8, the owner or
if the affected facility combusts coal, operator shall use the methods and
oil, or natural gas (or any combination procedures in appendix A (including
of the three), alone or with any other fuel certification and sampling) of this
fuels. The affected facility is not sub- part or the methods and procedures as
ject to this limit if it is subject to and specified in this section, except as pro-
in compliance with a federally enforce- vided in § 60.8(b). Section 60.8(f) does
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

able requirement that limits operation not apply to this section. The 30-day
of the facility to an annual capacity notice required in § 60.8(d) applies only


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§ 60.45b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

to the initial performance test unless compute an adjusted 30-day average

otherwise specified by the Adminis- emission rate (Eaoo). The Eho° is com-
trator. puted using the following formula:
(c) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility shall conduct perform- E ho − E w (1 − X k )
ance tests to determine compliance E oho =
with the percent of potential SO2 emis- Xk
sion rate (% Ps) and the SO2 emission
rate (Es) pursuant to § 60.42b following
the procedures listed below, except as Ehoo = Adjusted hourly SO2 emission rate, ng/
J (lb/MMBtu);
provided under paragraph (d) and (k) of
Eho = Hourly SO2 emission rate, ng/J (lb/
this section. MMBtu);
(1) The initial performance test shall Ew = SO2 concentration in fuels other than
be conducted over 30 consecutive oper- coal and oil combusted in the affected fa-
ating days of the steam generating cility, as determined by the fuel sam-
unit. Compliance with the SO2 stand- pling and analysis procedures in Method
ards shall be determined using a 30-day 19 of appendix A of this part, ng/J (lb/
average. The first operating day in- MMBtu). The value Ew for each fuel lot is
cluded in the initial performance test used for each hourly average during the
shall be scheduled within 30 days after time that the lot is being combusted; and
Xk = Fraction of total heat input from fuel
achieving the maximum production
combustion derived from coal, oil, or
rate at which the affected facility will coal and oil, as determined by applicable
be operated, but not later than 180 days procedures in Method 19 of appendix A of
after initial startup of the facility. this part.
(2) If only coal, only oil, or a mixture
of coal and oil is combusted, the fol- (ii) To compute the percent of poten-
lowing procedures are used: tial SO2 emission rate (%Ps), an ad-
(i) The procedures in Method 19 of ap- justed %Rg (%Rgo) is computed from
pendix A–7 of this part are used to de- the adjusted Eaoo from paragraph
termine the hourly SO2 emission rate (b)(3)(i) of this section and an adjusted
(Eho) and the 30-day average emission average SO2 inlet rate (Eaio) using the
rate (Eao). The hourly averages used to following formula:
compute the 30-day averages are ob-
tained from the CEMS of § 60.47b(a) or ⎛ Eo ⎞
(b). %R og = 100 ⎜1.0 − aoo ⎟
(ii) The percent of potential SO2 ⎝ E ai ⎠
emission rate (%Ps) emitted to the at- To compute Eaio, an adjusted hourly
mosphere is computed using the fol- SO2 inlet rate (Ehio) is used. The Ehio is
lowing formula: computed using the following formula:

⎛ %R g ⎞ ⎛ %R f ⎞ E hi − E w (1 − X k )
%Ps = 100 ⎜1 − ⎟ ⎜1 − E ohi =
⎝ 100 ⎠⎝ 100 ⎟⎠ Xk
Where: Where:
%Ps = Potential SO2 emission rate, percent; Ehio = Adjusted hourly SO2 inlet rate, ng/J
%Rg = SO2 removal efficiency of the control (lb/MMBtu); and
device as determined by Method 19 of ap-
Ehi = Hourly SO2 inlet rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu).
pendix A of this part, in percent; and
%Rf = SO2 removal efficiency of fuel (4) The owner or operator of an af-
pretreatment as determined by Method fected facility subject to paragraph
19 of appendix A of this part, in percent. (c)(3) of this section does not have to

(3) If coal or oil is combusted with measure parameters Ew or Xk if the

other fuels, the same procedures re- owner or operator elects to assume
quired in paragraph (c)(2) of this sec- that Xk = 1.0. Owners or operators of af-
tion are used, except as provided in the fected facilities who assume Xk = 1.0
following: shall:

(i) An adjusted hourly SO2 emission (i) Determine %Ps following the pro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

rate (Ehoo) is used in Equation 19–19 of cedures in paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
Method 19 of appendix A of this part to tion; and


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45b

(ii) Sulfur dioxide emissions (Es) are the SO2 emission limits and percent re-
considered to be in compliance with duction requirements under § 60.42b is
SO2 emission limits under § 60.42b. based on the average emission rates
(5) The owner or operator of an af- and the average percent reduction for
fected facility that qualifies under the SO2 for the first 30 consecutive steam
provisions of § 60.42b(d) does not have generating unit operating days, except
to measure parameters Ew or Xk in as provided under paragraph (d) of this
paragraph (c)(3) of this section if the section. The initial performance test is
owner or operator of the affected facil- the only test for which at least 30 days
ity elects to measure SO2 emission prior notice is required unless other-
rates of the coal or oil following the wise specified by the Administrator.
fuel sampling and analysis procedures The initial performance test is to be
in Method 19 of appendix A–7 of this scheduled so that the first steam gen-
part. erating unit operating day of the 30
(d) Except as provided in paragraph successive steam generating unit oper-
(j) of this section, the owner or oper- ating days is completed within 30 days
ator of an affected facility that com- after achieving the maximum produc-
busts only very low sulfur oil, natural tion rate at which the affected facility
gas, or a mixture of these fuels, has an will be operated, but not later than 180
annual capacity factor for oil of 10 per- days after initial startup of the facil-
cent (0.10) or less, and is subject to a ity. The boiler load during the 30-day
federally enforceable requirement lim- period does not have to be the max-
iting operation of the affected facility imum design load, but must be rep-
to an annual capacity factor for oil of resentative of future operating condi-
10 percent (0.10) or less shall: tions and include at least one 24-hour
(1) Conduct the initial performance period at full load.
test over 24 consecutive steam gener- (g) After the initial performance test
ating unit operating hours at full load; required under § 60.8, compliance with
(2) Determine compliance with the the SO2 emission limits and percent re-
standards after the initial performance duction requirements under § 60.42b is
test based on the arithmetic average of based on the average emission rates
the hourly emissions data during each and the average percent reduction for
steam generating unit operating day if SO2 for 30 successive steam generating
a CEMS is used, or based on a daily av- unit operating days, except as provided
erage if Method 6B of appendix A of under paragraph (d). A separate per-
this part or fuel sampling and analysis formance test is completed at the end
procedures under Method 19 of appen- of each steam generating unit oper-
dix A of this part are used. ating day after the initial performance
(e) The owner or operator of an af- test, and a new 30-day average emission
fected facility subject to § 60.42b(d)(1) rate and percent reduction for SO2 are
shall demonstrate the maximum design calculated to show compliance with the
capacity of the steam generating unit standard.
by operating the facility at maximum (h) Except as provided under para-
capacity for 24 hours. This demonstra- graph (i) of this section, the owner or
tion will be made during the initial operator of an affected facility shall
performance test and a subsequent use all valid SO2 emissions data in cal-
demonstration may be requested at culating %Ps and Eho under paragraph
any other time. If the 24-hour average (c), of this section whether or not the
firing rate for the affected facility is minimum emissions data requirements
less than the maximum design capacity under § 60.46b are achieved. All valid
provided by the manufacturer of the af- emissions data, including valid SO2
fected facility, the 24-hour average fir- emission data collected during periods
ing rate shall be used to determine the of startup, shutdown and malfunction,
capacity utilization rate for the af- shall be used in calculating %Ps and Eho
fected facility, otherwise the maximum pursuant to paragraph (c) of this sec-
design capacity provided by the manu- tion.
facturer is used. (i) During periods of malfunction or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(f) For the initial performance test maintenance of the SO2 control sys-
required under § 60.8, compliance with tems when oil is combusted as provided


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§ 60.46b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

under § 60.42b(i), emission data are not 3 of this part or Method 17 of appendix
used to calculate %Ps or Es under A–6 of this part.
§ 60.42b(a), (b) or (c), however, the emis- (2) Method 5, 5B, or 17 of appendix A
sions data are used to determine com- of this part shall be used to measure
pliance with the emission limit under the concentration of PM as follows:
§ 60.42b(i). (i) Method 5 of appendix A of this
(j) The owner or operator of an af- part shall be used at affected facilities
fected facility that only combusts very without wet flue gas desulfurization
low sulfur oil, natural gas, or a mix- (FGD) systems; and
ture of these fuels with any other fuels (ii) Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this
not subject to an SO2 standard is not part may be used at facilities with or
subject to the compliance and perform- without wet scrubber systems provided
ance testing requirements of this sec- the stack gas temperature does not ex-
tion if the owner or operator obtains ceed a temperature of 160 °C (320 °F).
fuel receipts as described in § 60.49b(r). The procedures of sections 8.1 and 11.1
(k) The owner or operator of an af- of Method 5B of appendix A–3 of this
fected facility seeking to demonstrate part may be used in Method 17 of ap-
compliance in §§ 60.42b(d)(4), 60.42b(j), pendix A–6 of this part only if it is used
60.42b(k)(2), and 60.42b(k)(3) (when not after a wet FGD system. Do not use
burning coal) shall follow the applica- Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this part
ble procedures in § 60.49b(r). after wet FGD systems if the effluent
[72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 is saturated or laden with water drop-
FR 5086, Jan. 28, 2009] lets.
(iii) Method 5B of appendix A of this
§ 60.46b Compliance and performance part is to be used only after wet FGD
test methods and procedures for systems.
particulate matter and nitrogen ox-
ides. (3) Method 1 of appendix A of this
part is used to select the sampling site
(a) The PM emission standards and and the number of traverse sampling
opacity limits under § 60.43b apply at points. The sampling time for each run
all times except during periods of is at least 120 minutes and the min-
startup, shutdown, or malfunction. The imum sampling volume is 1.7 dscm (60
NOX emission standards under § 60.44b dscf) except that smaller sampling
apply at all times. times or volumes may be approved by
(b) Compliance with the PM emission the Administrator when necessitated
standards under § 60.43b shall be deter- by process variables or other factors.
mined through performance testing as
(4) For Method 5 of appendix A of this
described in paragraph (d) of this sec-
part, the temperature of the sample
tion, except as provided in paragraph
gas in the probe and filter holder is
(i) of this section.
monitored and is maintained at 160±14
(c) Compliance with the NOX emis-
°C (320±25 °F).
sion standards under § 60.44b shall be
determined through performance test- (5) For determination of PM emis-
ing under paragraph (e) or (f), or under sions, the oxygen (O2) or CO2 sample is
paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, obtained simultaneously with each run
as applicable. of Method 5, 5B, or 17 of appendix A of
(d) To determine compliance with the this part by traversing the duct at the
PM emission limits and opacity limits same sampling location.
under § 60.43b, the owner or operator of (6) For each run using Method 5, 5B,
an affected facility shall conduct an or 17 of appendix A of this part, the
initial performance test as required emission rate expressed in ng/J heat
under § 60.8, and shall conduct subse- input is determined using:
quent performance tests as requested (i) The O2 or CO2 measurements and
by the Administrator, using the fol- PM measurements obtained under this
lowing procedures and reference meth- section;
ods: (ii) The dry basis F factor; and
(1) Method 3A or 3B of appendix A–2 (iii) The dry basis emission rate cal-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

of this part is used for gas analysis culation procedure contained in Meth-
when applying Method 5 of appendix A– od 19 of appendix A of this part.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.46b

(7) Method 9 of appendix A of this for the preceding 30 steam generating

part is used for determining the opac- unit operating days.
ity of stack emissions. (4) Following the date on which the
(e) To determine compliance with the initial performance test is completed
emission limits for NOX required under or required to be completed under
§ 60.44b, the owner or operator of an af- § 60.8, whichever date comes first, the
fected facility shall conduct the per- owner or operator of an affected facil-
formance test as required under § 60.8 ity that has a heat input capacity of 73
using the continuous system for moni- MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less and that
toring NOX under § 60.48(b). combusts natural gas, distillate oil,
(1) For the initial compliance test, gasified coal, or residual oil having a
NOX from the steam generating unit nitrogen content of 0.30 weight percent
are monitored for 30 successive steam or less shall upon request determine
generating unit operating days and the compliance with the NOX standards in
30-day average emission rate is used to § 60.44b through the use of a 30-day per-
determine compliance with the NOX formance test. During periods when
emission standards under § 60.44b. The performance tests are not requested,
30-day average emission rate is cal- NOX emissions data collected pursuant
culated as the average of all hourly to § 60.48b(g)(1) or § 60.48b(g)(2) are used
emissions data recorded by the moni- to calculate a 30-day rolling average
toring system during the 30-day test emission rate on a daily basis and used
period. to prepare excess emission reports, but
(2) Following the date on which the will not be used to determine compli-
initial performance test is completed ance with the NOX emission standards.
or is required to be completed in § 60.8, A new 30-day rolling average emission
whichever date comes first, the owner rate is calculated each steam gener-
or operator of an affected facility ating unit operating day as the average
which combusts coal (except as speci- of all of the hourly NOX emission data
fied under § 60.46b(e)(4)) or which com- for the preceding 30 steam generating
busts residual oil having a nitrogen unit operating days.
content greater than 0.30 weight per- (5) If the owner or operator of an af-
cent shall determine compliance with fected facility that combusts residual
the NOX emission standards in § 60.44b oil does not sample and analyze the re-
on a continuous basis through the use sidual oil for nitrogen content, as spec-
of a 30-day rolling average emission ified in § 60.49b(e), the requirements of
rate. A new 30-day rolling average § 60.48b(g)(1) apply and the provisions of
emission rate is calculated for each § 60.48b(g)(2) are inapplicable.
steam generating unit operating day as (f) To determine compliance with the
the average of all of the hourly NOX emissions limits for NOX required by
emission data for the preceding 30 § 60.44b(a)(4) or § 60.44b(l) for duct burn-
steam generating unit operating days. ers used in combined cycle systems, ei-
(3) Following the date on which the ther of the procedures described in
initial performance test is completed paragraph (f)(1) or (2) of this section
or is required to be completed under may be used:
§ 60.8, whichever date comes first, the (1) The owner or operator of an af-
owner or operator of an affected facil- fected facility shall conduct the per-
ity that has a heat input capacity formance test required under § 60.8 as
greater than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) and follows:
that combusts natural gas, distillate (i) The emissions rate (E) of NOX
oil, or residual oil having a nitrogen shall be computed using Equation 1 in
content of 0.30 weight percent or less this section:
shall determine compliance with the
NOX standards under § 60.44b on a con-
⎛ Hg ⎞
E = E sg + ⎜ ⎟ ( E sg − E g )
tinuous basis through the use of a 30- (Eq.1)
⎝ Hb ⎠
day rolling average emission rate. A
new 30-day rolling average emission
rate is calculated each steam gener- Where:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ating unit operating day as the average E = Emissions rate of NOX from the duct
of all of the hourly NOX emission data burner, ng/J (lb/MMBtu) heat input;


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§ 60.46b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
Esg = Combined effluent emissions rate, in cilities that meet the criteria of
ng/J (lb/MMBtu) heat input using appro- § 60.44b(j). It shall be made within 60
priate F factor as described in Method 19 days after achieving the maximum pro-
of appendix A of this part;
Hg = Heat input rate to the combustion tur-
duction rate at which the affected fa-
bine, in J/hr (MMBtu/hr); cility will be operated, but not later
Hb = Heat input rate to the duct burner, in J/ than 180 days after initial start-up of
hr (MMBtu/hr); and each facility, for affected facilities
Eg = Emissions rate from the combustion meeting the criteria of § 60.44b(k). Sub-
turbine, in ng/J (lb/MMBtu) heat input sequent demonstrations may be re-
calculated using appropriate F factor as quired by the Administrator at any
described in Method 19 of appendix A of
other time. If this demonstration indi-
this part.
cates that the maximum heat input ca-
(ii) Method 7E of appendix A of this pacity of the affected facility is less
part or Method 320 of appendix A of than that stated by the manufacturer
part 63 shall be used to determine the of the affected facility, the maximum
NOX concentrations. Method 3A or 3B heat input capacity determined during
of appendix A of this part shall be used this demonstration shall be used to de-
to determine O2 concentration. termine the capacity utilization rate
(iii) The owner or operator shall iden- for the affected facility. Otherwise, the
tify and demonstrate to the Adminis- maximum heat input capacity provided
trator’s satisfaction suitable methods by the manufacturer is used.
to determine the average hourly heat (h) The owner or operator of an af-
input rate to the combustion turbine fected facility described in § 60.44b(j)
and the average hourly heat input rate that has a heat input capacity greater
to the affected duct burner. than 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) shall:
(iv) Compliance with the emissions (1) Conduct an initial performance
limits under § 60.44b(a)(4) or § 60.44b(l) is
test as required under § 60.8 over a min-
determined by the three-run average
imum of 24 consecutive steam gener-
(nominal 1-hour runs) for the initial
ating unit operating hours at max-
and subsequent performance tests; or
imum heat input capacity to dem-
(2) The owner or operator of an af-
onstrate compliance with the NOX
fected facility may elect to determine
emission standards under § 60.44b using
compliance on a 30-day rolling average
Method 7, 7A, or 7E of appendix A of
basis by using the CEMS specified
this part, Method 320 of appendix A of
under § 60.48b for measuring NOX and O2
part 63 of this chapter, or other ap-
and meet the requirements of § 60.48b.
proved reference methods; and
The sampling site shall be located at
the outlet from the steam generating (2) Conduct subsequent performance
unit. The NOX emissions rate at the tests once per calendar year or every
outlet from the steam generating unit 400 hours of operation (whichever
shall constitute the NOX emissions rate comes first) to demonstrate compli-
from the duct burner of the combined ance with the NOX emission standards
cycle system. under § 60.44b over a minimum of 3 con-
(g) The owner or operator of an af- secutive steam generating unit oper-
fected facility described in § 60.44b(j) or ating hours at maximum heat input ca-
§ 60.44b(k) shall demonstrate the max- pacity using Method 7, 7A, or 7E of ap-
imum heat input capacity of the steam pendix A of this part, Method 320 of ap-
generating unit by operating the facil- pendix A of part 63, or other approved
ity at maximum capacity for 24 hours. reference methods.
The owner or operator of an affected (i) The owner or operator of an af-
facility shall determine the maximum fected facility seeking to demonstrate
heat input capacity using the heat loss compliance with the PM limit in para-
method or the heat input method de- graphs § 60.43b(a)(4) or § 60.43b(h)(5)
scribed in sections 5 and 7.3 of the shall follow the applicable procedures
ASME Power Test Codes 4.1 (incor- in § 60.49b(r).
porated by reference, see § 60.17). This (j) In place of PM testing with Meth-
demonstration of maximum heat input od 5 or 5B of appendix A–3 of this part,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

capacity shall be made during the ini- or Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this
tial performance test for affected fa- part, an owner or operator may elect to


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.46b

install, calibrate, maintain, and oper- (ii) [Reserved]

ate a CEMS for monitoring PM emis- (8) The 1-hour arithmetic averages
sions discharged to the atmosphere and required under paragraph (j)(7) of this
record the output of the system. The section shall be expressed in ng/J or lb/
owner or operator of an affected facil- MMBtu heat input and shall be used to
ity who elects to continuously monitor calculate the boiler operating day
PM emissions instead of conducting daily arithmetic average emission con-
performance testing using Method 5 or centrations. The 1-hour arithmetic
5B of appendix A–3 of this part or averages shall be calculated using the
Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this part data points required under § 60.13(e)(2)
shall comply with the requirements of subpart A of this part.
specified in paragraphs (j)(1) through (9) All valid CEMS data shall be used
(j)(14) of this section. in calculating average emission con-
(1) Notify the Administrator one centrations even if the minimum
month before starting use of the sys- CEMS data requirements of paragraph
tem. (j)(7) of this section are not met.
(2) Notify the Administrator one (10) The CEMS shall be operated ac-
month before stopping use of the sys- cording to Performance Specification
tem. 11 in appendix B of this part.
(3) The monitor shall be installed, (11) During the correlation testing
evaluated, and operated in accordance runs of the CEMS required by Perform-
with § 60.13 of subpart A of this part. ance Specification 11 in appendix B of
(4) The initial performance evalua- this part, PM and O2 (or CO2) data shall
tion shall be completed no later than be collected concurrently (or within a
180 days after the date of initial start- 30-to 60-minute period) by both the
up of the affected facility, as specified continuous emission monitors and per-
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or formance tests conducted using the fol-
within 180 days of notification to the lowing test methods.
Administrator of use of the CEMS if (i) For PM, Method 5 or 5B of appen-
the owner or operator was previously dix A–3 of this part or Method 17 of ap-
determining compliance by Method 5, pendix A–6 of this part shall be used;
5B, or 17 of appendix A of this part per- and
formance tests, whichever is later. (ii) For O2 (or CO2), Method 3A or 3B
(5) The owner or operator of an af- of appendix A–2 of this part, as applica-
fected facility shall conduct an initial ble shall be used.
performance test for PM emissions as (12) Quarterly accuracy determina-
required under § 60.8 of subpart A of tions and daily calibration drift tests
this part. Compliance with the PM shall be performed in accordance with
emission limit shall be determined by procedure 2 in appendix F of this part.
using the CEMS specified in paragraph Relative Response Audit’s must be per-
(j) of this section to measure PM and formed annually and Response Correla-
calculating a 24-hour block arithmetic tion Audits must be performed every 3
average emission concentration using years.
EPA Reference Method 19 of appendix (13) When PM emissions data are not
A of this part, section 4.1. obtained because of CEMS breakdowns,
(6) Compliance with the PM emission repairs, calibration checks, and zero
limit shall be determined based on the and span adjustments, emissions data
24-hour daily (block) average of the shall be obtained by using other moni-
hourly arithmetic average emission toring systems as approved by the Ad-
concentrations using CEMS outlet ministrator or EPA Reference Method
data. 19 of appendix A of this part to provide,
(7) At a minimum, valid CEMS hour- as necessary, valid emissions data for a
ly averages shall be obtained as speci- minimum of 75 percent of total oper-
fied in paragraphs (j)(7)(i) of this sec- ating hours per 30-day rolling average.
tion for 75 percent of the total oper- (14) As of January 1, 2012, and within
ating hours per 30-day rolling average. 90 days after the date of completing
(i) At least two data points per hour each performance test, as defined in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

shall be used to calculate each 1-hour § 60.8, conducted to demonstrate com-

arithmetic average. pliance with this subpart, you must


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§ 60.47b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

submit relative accuracy test audit (3) The reporting requirements of

(i.e., reference method) data and per- § 60.49b are met. SO2 and CO2 (or O2)
formance test (i.e., compliance test) data used to meet the requirements of
data, except opacity data, electroni- § 60.49b shall not include substitute
cally to EPA’s Central Data Exchange data values derived from the missing
(CDX) by using the Electronic Report- data procedures in subpart D of part 75
ing Tool (ERT) (see of this chapter, nor shall the SO2 data
ttn/chief/ert/ertlltool.html/) or other have been bias adjusted according to
compatible electronic spreadsheet. the procedures of part 75 of this chap-
Only data collected using test methods ter.
compatible with ERT are subject to (b) As an alternative to operating
this requirement to be submitted elec- CEMS as required under paragraph (a)
tronically into EPA’s WebFIRE data- of this section, an owner or operator
base. may elect to determine the average
[72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 SO2 emissions and percent reduction
FR 5086, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20, by:
2011; 77 FR 9460, Feb. 16, 2012; 79 FR 11249, (1) Collecting coal or oil samples in
Feb. 27, 2014] an as-fired condition at the inlet to the
steam generating unit and analyzing
§ 60.47b Emission monitoring for sul-
fur dioxide. them for sulfur and heat content ac-
cording to Method 19 of appendix A of
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs this part. Method 19 of appendix A of
(b) and (f) of this section, the owner or this part provides procedures for con-
operator of an affected facility subject verting these measurements into the
to the SO2 standards in § 60.42b shall in- format to be used in calculating the av-
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate erage SO2 input rate, or
CEMS for measuring SO2 concentra- (2) Measuring SO2 according to Meth-
tions and either O2 or CO2 concentra- od 6B of appendix A of this part at the
tions and shall record the output of the
inlet or outlet to the SO2 control sys-
systems. For units complying with the
tem. An initial stratification test is re-
percent reduction standard, the SO2
quired to verify the adequacy of the
and either O2 or CO2 concentrations
sampling location for Method 6B of ap-
shall both be monitored at the inlet
pendix A of this part. The stratifica-
and outlet of the SO2 control device. If
tion test shall consist of three paired
the owner or operator has installed and
certified SO2 and O2 or CO2 CEMS ac- runs of a suitable SO2 and CO2 meas-
cording to the requirements of urement train operated at the can-
§ 75.20(c)(1) of this chapter and appendix didate location and a second similar
A to part 75 of this chapter, and is con- train operated according to the proce-
tinuing to meet the ongoing quality as- dures in Section 3.2 and the applicable
surance requirements of § 75.21 of this procedures in Section 7 of Performance
chapter and appendix B to part 75 of Specification 2. Method 6B of appendix
this chapter, those CEMS may be used A of this part, Method 6A of appendix A
to meet the requirements of this sec- of this part, or a combination of Meth-
tion, provided that: ods 6 and 3 or 3B of appendix A of this
(1) When relative accuracy testing is part or Methods 6C or Method 320 of ap-
conducted, SO2 concentration data and pendix A of part 63 of this chapter and
CO2 (or O2) data are collected simulta- 3A of appendix A of this part are suit-
neously; and able measurement techniques. If Meth-
(2) In addition to meeting the appli- od 6B of appendix A of this part is used
cable SO2 and CO2 (or O2) relative accu- for the second train, sampling time and
racy specifications in Figure 2 of ap- timer operation may be adjusted for
pendix B to part 75 of this chapter, the the stratification test as long as an
relative accuracy (RA) standard in sec- adequate sample volume is collected;
tion 13.2 of Performance Specification 2 however, both sampling trains are to
in appendix B to this part is met when be operated similarly. For the location
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the RA is calculated on a lb/MMBtu to be adequate for Method 6B of appen-

basis; and dix A of this part, 24-hour tests, the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.47b

mean of the absolute difference be- formed in accordance with Procedure 1

tween the three paired runs must be of appendix F of this part.
less than 10 percent. (3) For affected facilities combusting
(3) A daily SO2 emission rate, ED, coal or oil, alone or in combination
shall be determined using the proce- with other fuels, the span value of the
dure described in Method 6A of appen- SO2 CEMS at the inlet to the SO2 con-
dix A of this part, section 7.6.2 (Equa- trol device is 125 percent of the max-
tion 6A–8) and stated in ng/J (lb/ imum estimated hourly potential SO2
MMBtu) heat input. emissions of the fuel combusted, and
(4) The mean 30-day emission rate is the span value of the CEMS at the out-
calculated using the daily measured let to the SO2 control device is 50 per-
values in ng/J (lb/MMBtu) for 30 succes- cent of the maximum estimated hourly
sive steam generating unit operating potential SO2 emissions of the fuel
days using equation 19–20 of Method 19 combusted. Alternatively, SO2 span
of appendix A of this part. values determined according to section
(c) The owner or operator of an af- 2.1.1 in appendix A to part 75 of this
fected facility shall obtain emission chapter may be used.
data for at least 75 percent of the oper- (4) As an alternative to meeting the
ating hours in at least 22 out of 30 suc- requirements of requirements of para-
cessive boiler operating days. If this graphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section,
minimum data requirement is not met the owner or operator may elect to im-
with a single monitoring system, the plement the following alternative data
owner or operator of the affected facil-
accuracy assessment procedures:
ity shall supplement the emission data
(i) For all required CO2 and O2 mon-
with data collected with other moni-
itors and for SO2 and NOX monitors
toring systems as approved by the Ad-
ministrator or the reference methods with span values greater than or equal
and procedures as described in para- to 100 ppm, the daily calibration error
graph (b) of this section. test and calibration adjustment proce-
(d) The 1-hour average SO2 emission dures described in sections 2.1.1 and
rates measured by the CEMS required 2.1.3 of appendix B to part 75 of this
by paragraph (a) of this section and re- chapter may be followed instead of the
quired under § 60.13(h) is expressed in CD assessment procedures in Procedure
ng/J or lb/MMBtu heat input and is 1, section 4.1 of appendix F to this part.
used to calculate the average emission (ii) For all required CO2 and O2 mon-
rates under § 60.42(b). Each 1-hour aver- itors and for SO2 and NOX monitors
age SO2 emission rate must be based on with span values greater than 30 ppm,
30 or more minutes of steam generating quarterly linearity checks may be per-
unit operation. The hourly averages formed in accordance with section 2.2.1
shall be calculated according to of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter,
§ 60.13(h)(2). Hourly SO2 emission rates instead of performing the cylinder gas
are not calculated if the affected facil- audits (CGAs) described in Procedure 1,
ity is operated less than 30 minutes in section 5.1.2 of appendix F to this part.
a given clock hour and are not counted If this option is selected: The frequency
toward determination of a steam gen- of the linearity checks shall be as spec-
erating unit operating day. ified in section 2.2.1 of appendix B to
(e) The procedures under § 60.13 shall part 75 of this chapter; the applicable
be followed for installation, evalua- linearity specifications in section 3.2 of
tion, and operation of the CEMS. appendix A to part 75 of this chapter
(1) Except as provided for in para- shall be met; the data validation and
graph (e)(4) of this section, all CEMS out-of-control criteria in section 2.2.3
shall be operated in accordance with of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter
the applicable procedures under Per- shall be followed instead of the exces-
formance Specifications 1, 2, and 3 of sive audit inaccuracy and out-of-con-
appendix B of this part. trol criteria in Procedure 1, section 5.2
(2) Except as provided for in para- of appendix F to this part; and the
graph (e)(4) of this section, quarterly grace period provisions in section 2.2.4
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

accuracy determinations and daily of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter

calibration drift tests shall be per- shall apply. For the purposes of data


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§ 60.48b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

validation under this subpart, the cyl- operate a continuous opacity moni-
inder gas audits described in Procedure toring systems (COMS) for measuring
1, section 5.1.2 of appendix F to this the opacity of emissions discharged to
part shall be performed for SO2 and the atmosphere and record the output
NOX span values less than or equal to of the system. The owner or operator of
30 ppm; and an affected facility subject to an opac-
(iii) For SO2, CO2, and O2 monitoring ity standard under § 60.43b and meeting
systems and for NOX emission rate the conditions under paragraphs (j)(1),
monitoring systems, RATAs may be (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6) of this section who
performed in accordance with section elects not to use a COMS shall conduct
2.3 of appendix B to part 75 of this a performance test using Method 9 of
chapter instead of following the proce- appendix A–4 of this part and the pro-
dures described in Procedure 1, section cedures in § 60.11 to demonstrate com-
5.1.1 of appendix F to this part. If this pliance with the applicable limit in
option is selected: The frequency of § 60.43b by April 29, 2011, within 45 days
each RATA shall be as specified in sec- of stopping use of an existing COMS, or
tion 2.3.1 of appendix B to part 75 of within 180 days after initial startup of
this chapter; the applicable relative ac- the facility, whichever is later, and
curacy specifications shown in Figure 2 shall comply with either paragraphs
in appendix B to part 75 of this chapter (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this section.
shall be met; the data validation and The observation period for Method 9 of
out-of-control criteria in section 2.3.2 appendix A–4 of this part performance
of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter tests may be reduced from 3 hours to 60
shall be followed instead of the exces- minutes if all 6-minute averages are
sive audit inaccuracy and out-of-con- less than 10 percent and all individual
trol criteria in Procedure 1, section 5.2 15-second observations are less than or
of appendix F to this part; and the equal to 20 percent during the initial 60
grace period provisions in section 2.3.3 minutes of observation.
of appendix B to part 75 of this chapter (1) Except as provided in paragraph
shall apply. For the purposes of data (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, the
validation under this subpart, the rel- owner or operator shall conduct subse-
ative accuracy specification in section quent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
13.2 of Performance Specification 2 in part performance tests using the proce-
appendix B to this part shall be met on dures in paragraph (a) of this section
a lb/MMBtu basis for SO2 (regardless of according to the applicable schedule in
the SO2 emission level during the paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) of
RATA), and for NOX when the average this section, as determined by the most
NOX emission rate measured by the ref- recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
erence method during the RATA is less part performance test results.
than 0.100 lb/MMBtu. (i) If no visible emissions are ob-
(f) The owner or operator of an af- served, a subsequent Method 9 of ap-
fected facility that combusts very low pendix A–4 of this part performance
sulfur oil or is demonstrating compli- test must be completed within 12 cal-
ance under § 60.45b(k) is not subject to endar months from the date that the
the emission monitoring requirements most recent performance test was con-
under paragraph (a) of this section if ducted or within 45 days of the next
the owner or operator maintains fuel day that fuel with an opacity standard
records as described in § 60.49b(r). is combusted, whichever is later;
[72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 (ii) If visible emissions are observed
FR 5087, Jan. 28, 2009; 79 FR 11249, Feb. 27, but the maximum 6-minute average
2014] opacity is less than or equal to 5 per-
cent, a subsequent Method 9 of appen-
§ 60.48b Emission monitoring for par- dix A–4 of this part performance test
ticulate matter and nitrogen oxides. must be completed within 6 calendar
(a) Except as provided in paragraph months from the date that the most re-
(j) of this section, the owner or oper- cent performance test was conducted
ator of an affected facility subject to or within 45 days of the next day that
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the opacity standard under § 60.43b fuel with an opacity standard is com-
shall install, calibrate, maintain, and busted, whichever is later;


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48b

(iii) If the maximum 6-minute aver- days according to the requirements in

age opacity is greater than 5 percent § 60.46d(d)(7).
but less than or equal to 10 percent, a (ii) If no visible emissions are ob-
subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of served for 10 operating days during
this part performance test must be which an opacity standard is applica-
completed within 3 calendar months ble, observations can be reduced to
from the date that the most recent per- once every 7 operating days during
formance test was conducted or within which an opacity standard is applica-
45 days of the next day that fuel with ble. If any visible emissions are ob-
an opacity standard is combusted, served, daily observations shall be re-
whichever is later; or sumed.
(iv) If the maximum 6-minute aver- (3) If the maximum 6-minute opacity
age opacity is greater than 10 percent, is less than 10 percent during the most
a subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
of this part performance test must be part performance test, the owner or op-
completed within 45 calendar days from erator may, as an alternative to per-
the date that the most recent perform- forming subsequent Method 9 of appen-
ance test was conducted. dix A–4 performance tests, elect to per-
(2) If the maximum 6-minute opacity form subsequent monitoring using a
is less than 10 percent during the most digital opacity compliance system ac-
recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this cording to a site-specific monitoring
part performance test, the owner or op- plan approved by the Administrator.
erator may, as an alternative to per- The observations shall be similar, but
forming subsequent Method 9 of appen- not necessarily identical, to the re-
dix A–4 of this part performance tests, quirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this
elect to perform subsequent moni- section. For reference purposes in pre-
toring using Method 22 of appendix A– paring the monitoring plan, see OAQPS
7 of this part according to the proce-
‘‘Determination of Visible Emission
dures specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(i)
Opacity from Stationary Sources Using
and (ii) of this section.
Computer-Based Photographic Anal-
(i) The owner or operator shall con-
ysis Systems.’’ This document is avail-
duct 10 minute observations (during
able from the U.S. Environmental Pro-
normal operation) each operating day
tection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office of
the affected facility fires fuel for which
Air Quality and Planning Standards;
an opacity standard is applicable using
Sector Policies and Programs Division;
Method 22 of appendix A–7 of this part
Measurement Policy Group (D243–02),
and demonstrate that the sum of the
occurrences of any visible emissions is Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. This
not in excess of 5 percent of the obser- document is also available on the
vation period (i.e., 30 seconds per 10 Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
minute period). If the sum of the occur- under Emission Measurement Center
rence of any visible emissions is great- Preliminary Methods.
er than 30 seconds during the initial 10 (b) Except as provided under para-
minute observation, immediately con- graphs (g), (h), and (i) of this section,
duct a 30 minute observation. If the the owner or operator of an affected fa-
sum of the occurrence of visible emis- cility subject to a NOX standard under
sions is greater than 5 percent of the § 60.44b shall comply with either para-
observation period (i.e., 90 seconds per graphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.
30 minute period), the owner or oper- (1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
ator shall either document and adjust operate CEMS for measuring NOX and
the operation of the facility and dem- O2 (or CO2) emissions discharged to the
onstrate within 24 hours that the sum atmosphere, and shall record the out-
of the occurrence of visible emissions put of the system; or
is equal to or less than 5 percent during (2) If the owner or operator has in-
a 30 minute observation (i.e., 90 sec- stalled a NOX emission rate CEMS to
onds) or conduct a new Method 9 of ap- meet the requirements of part 75 of
pendix A–4 of this part performance this chapter and is continuing to meet
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

test using the procedures in paragraph the ongoing requirements of part 75 of

(a) of this section within 45 calendar this chapter, that CEMS may be used


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§ 60.48b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

to meet the requirements of this sec- this section, the owner or operator of
tion, except that the owner or operator an affected facility may elect to use
shall also meet the requirements of the NOX span values determined ac-
§ 60.49b. Data reported to meet the re- cording to section 2.1.2 in appendix A
quirements of § 60.49b shall not include to part 75 of this chapter.
data substituted using the missing (3) All span values computed under
data procedures in subpart D of part 75 paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section for
of this chapter, nor shall the data have combusting mixtures of regulated fuels
been bias adjusted according to the are rounded to the nearest 500 ppm.
procedures of part 75 of this chapter. Span values computed under paragraph
(c) The CEMS required under para- (e)(2)(ii) of this section shall be round-
graph (b) of this section shall be oper- ed off according to section 2.1.2 in ap-
ated and data recorded during all peri- pendix A to part 75 of this chapter.
ods of operation of the affected facility (f) When NOX emission data are not
except for CEMS breakdowns and re- obtained because of CEMS breakdowns,
pairs. Data is recorded during calibra- repairs, calibration checks and zero
tion checks, and zero and span adjust- and span adjustments, emission data
ments. will be obtained by using standby mon-
(d) The 1-hour average NOX emission itoring systems, Method 7 of appendix
rates measured by the continuous NOX A of this part, Method 7A of appendix A
monitor required by paragraph (b) of of this part, or other approved ref-
this section and required under erence methods to provide emission
§ 60.13(h) shall be expressed in ng/J or data for a minimum of 75 percent of the
lb/MMBtu heat input and shall be used operating hours in each steam gener-
to calculate the average emission rates ating unit operating day, in at least 22
under § 60.44b. The 1-hour averages out of 30 successive steam generating
shall be calculated using the data unit operating days.
points required under § 60.13(h)(2). (g) The owner or operator of an af-
(e) The procedures under § 60.13 shall fected facility that has a heat input ca-
be followed for installation, evalua- pacity of 73 MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less,
tion, and operation of the continuous and that has an annual capacity factor
monitoring systems. for residual oil having a nitrogen con-
(1) For affected facilities combusting tent of 0.30 weight percent or less, nat-
coal, wood or municipal-type solid ural gas, distillate oil, gasified coal, or
waste, the span value for a COMS shall any mixture of these fuels, greater
be between 60 and 80 percent. than 10 percent (0.10) shall:
(2) For affected facilities combusting (1) Comply with the provisions of
coal, oil, or natural gas, the span value paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e)(2), (e)(3), and
for NOX is determined using one of the (f) of this section; or
following procedures: (2) Monitor steam generating unit op-
(i) Except as provided under para- erating conditions and predict NOX
graph (e)(2)(ii) of this section, NOX span emission rates as specified in a plan
values shall be determined as follows: submitted pursuant to § 60.49b(c).
(h) The owner or operator of a duct
Span values for NOX
Fuel (ppm) burner, as described in § 60.41b, that is
subject to the NOX standards in
Natural gas ............................ 500. § 60.44b(a)(4), § 60.44b(e), or § 60.44b(l) is
Oil .......................................... 500.
Coal ....................................... 1,000.
not required to install or operate a
Mixtures ................................. 500 (x + y) + 1,000z. continuous emissions monitoring sys-
tem to measure NOX emissions.
Where: (i) The owner or operator of an af-
x = Fraction of total heat input derived from fected facility described in § 60.44b(j) or
natural gas; § 60.44b(k) is not required to install or
y = Fraction of total heat input derived from operate a CEMS for measuring NOX
oil; and emissions.
z = Fraction of total heat input derived from (j) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility that meets the condi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(ii) As an alternative to meeting the tions in either paragraph (j)(1), (2), (3),
requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of (4), (5), (6), or (7) of this section is not


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48b

required to install or operate a COMS (D) Quarterly accuracy determina-

if: tions and daily calibration drift tests
(1) The affected facility uses a PM for the CO CEMS must be performed in
CEMS to monitor PM emissions; or accordance with procedure 1 in appen-
(2) The affected facility burns only dix F of this part.
liquid (excluding residual oil) or gas- (ii) You must calculate the 1-hour av-
eous fuels with potential SO2 emissions erage CO emissions levels for each
rates of 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/MMBtu) or less steam generating unit operating day
and does not use a post-combustion by multiplying the average hourly CO
technology to reduce SO2 or PM emis- output concentration measured by the
sions. The owner or operator must CO CEMS times the corresponding av-
maintain fuel records of the sulfur con- erage hourly flue gas flow rate and di-
tent of the fuels burned, as described vided by the corresponding average
under § 60.49b(r); or hourly heat input to the affected
(3) The affected facility burns coke source. The 24-hour average CO emis-
oven gas alone or in combination with sion level is determined by calculating
fuels meeting the criteria in paragraph the arithmetic average of the hourly
(j)(2) of this section and does not use a CO emission levels computed for each
post-combustion technology to reduce steam generating unit operating day.
SO2 or PM emissions; or (iii) You must evaluate the preceding
24-hour average CO emission level each
(4) The affected facility does not use
steam generating unit operating day
post-combustion technology (except a
excluding periods of affected source
wet scrubber) for reducing PM, SO2, or
startup, shutdown, or malfunction. If
carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, burns the 24-hour average CO emission level
only gaseous fuels or fuel oils that con- is greater than 0.15 lb/MMBtu, you
tain less than or equal to 0.30 weight must initiate investigation of the rel-
percent sulfur, and is operated such evant equipment and control systems
that emissions of CO to the atmosphere within 24 hours of the first discovery of
from the affected facility are main- the high emission incident and, take
tained at levels less than or equal to the appropriate corrective action as
0.15 lb/MMBtu on a steam generating soon as practicable to adjust control
unit operating day average basis. Own- settings or repair equipment to reduce
ers and operators of affected facilities the 24-hour average CO emission level
electing to comply with this paragraph to 0.15 lb/MMBtu or less.
must demonstrate compliance accord- (iv) You must record the CO measure-
ing to the procedures specified in para- ments and calculations performed ac-
graphs (j)(4)(i) through (iv) of this sec- cording to paragraph (j)(4) of this sec-
tion; or tion and any corrective actions taken.
(i) You must monitor CO emissions The record of corrective action taken
using a CEMS according to the proce- must include the date and time during
dures specified in paragraphs (j)(4)(i)(A) which the 24-hour average CO emission
through (D) of this section. level was greater than 0.15 lb/MMBtu,
(A) The CO CEMS must be installed, and the date, time, and description of
certified, maintained, and operated ac- the corrective action.
cording to the provisions in § 60.58b(i)(3) (5) The affected facility uses a bag
of subpart Eb of this part. leak detection system to monitor the
(B) Each 1-hour CO emissions average performance of a fabric filter
is calculated using the data points gen- (baghouse) according to the most cur-
erated by the CO CEMS expressed in rent requirements in section § 60.48Da
parts per million by volume corrected of this part; or
to 3 percent oxygen (dry basis). (6) The affected facility uses an ESP
(C) At a minimum, valid 1-hour CO as the primary PM control device and
emissions averages must be obtained uses an ESP predictive model to mon-
for at least 90 percent of the operating itor the performance of the ESP devel-
hours on a 30-day rolling average basis. oped in accordance and operated ac-
The 1-hour averages are calculated cording to the most current require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

using the data points required in ments in section § 60.48Da of this part;
§ 60.13(h)(2). or


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§ 60.49b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(7) The affected facility burns only provided by § 60.7. This notification
gaseous fuels or fuel oils that contain shall include:
less than or equal to 0.30 weight per- (1) The design heat input capacity of
cent sulfur and operates according to a the affected facility and identification
written site-specific monitoring plan of the fuels to be combusted in the af-
approved by the permitting authority. fected facility;
This monitoring plan must include pro- (2) If applicable, a copy of any feder-
cedures and criteria for establishing ally enforceable requirement that lim-
and monitoring specific parameters for its the annual capacity factor for any
the affected facility indicative of com- fuel or mixture of fuels under
pliance with the opacity standard. § 60.42b(d)(1), § 60.43b(a)(2), (a)(3)(iii),
(k) Owners or operators complying (c)(2)(ii), (d)(2)(iii), § 60.44b(c), (d), (e),
with the PM emission limit by using a (i), (j), (k), § 60.45b(d), (g), § 60.46b(h), or
PM CEMS must calibrate, maintain, § 60.48b(i);
operate, and record the output of the (3) The annual capacity factor at
system for PM emissions discharged to which the owner or operator antici-
the atmosphere as specified in pates operating the facility based on
§ 60.46b(j). The CEMS specified in para- all fuels fired and based on each indi-
graph § 60.46b(j) shall be operated and vidual fuel fired; and
data recorded during all periods of op- (4) Notification that an emerging
eration of the affected facility except technology will be used for controlling
for CEMS breakdowns and repairs. emissions of SO2. The Administrator
Data is recorded during calibration will examine the description of the
checks, and zero and span adjustments. emerging technology and will deter-
(l) An owner or operator of an af- mine whether the technology qualifies
fected facility that is subject to an as an emerging technology. In making
opacity standard under § 60.43b(f) is not this determination, the Administrator
required to operate a COMS provided may require the owner or operator of
that the unit burns only gaseous fuels the affected facility to submit addi-
and/or liquid fuels (excluding residue tional information concerning the con-
oil) with a potential SO2 emissions rate trol device. The affected facility is sub-
no greater than 26 ng/J (0.060 lb/ ject to the provisions of § 60.42b(a) un-
MMBtu), and the unit operates accord- less and until this determination is
ing to a written site-specific moni- made by the Administrator.
toring plan approved by the permitting (b) The owner or operator of each af-
authority is not required to operate a fected facility subject to the SO2, PM,
COMS. This monitoring plan must in- and/or NOX emission limits under
clude procedures and criteria for estab- §§ 60.42b, 60.43b, and 60.44b shall submit
lishing and monitoring specific param- to the Administrator the performance
eters for the affected facility indicative test data from the initial performance
of compliance with the opacity stand- test and the performance evaluation of
ard. For testing performed as part of the CEMS using the applicable per-
this site-specific monitoring plan, the formance specifications in appendix B
permitting authority may require as of this part. The owner or operator of
an alternative to the notification and each affected facility described in
reporting requirements specified in § 60.44b(j) or § 60.44b(k) shall submit to
§§ 60.8 and 60.11 that the owner or oper- the Administrator the maximum heat
ator submit any deviations with the input capacity data from the dem-
excess emissions report required under onstration of the maximum heat input
§ 60.49b(h). capacity of the affected facility.
[72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 (c) The owner or operator of each af-
FR 5087, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20, fected facility subject to the NOX
2011; 77 FR 9460, Feb. 16, 2012] standard in § 60.44b who seeks to dem-
onstrate compliance with those stand-
§ 60.49b Reporting and recordkeeping ards through the monitoring of steam
requirements. generating unit operating conditions in
(a) The owner or operator of each af- the provisions of § 60.48b(g)(2) shall sub-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fected facility shall submit notifica- mit to the Administrator for approval
tion of the date of initial startup, as a plan that identifies the operating


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49b

conditions to be monitored in tain records of the amounts of each

§ 60.48b(g)(2) and the records to be fuel combusted during each day and
maintained in § 60.49b(g). This plan calculate the annual capacity factor
shall be submitted to the Adminis- individually for coal, distillate oil, re-
trator for approval within 360 days of sidual oil, natural gas, wood, and mu-
the initial startup of the affected facil- nicipal-type solid waste for the report-
ity. An affected facility burning coke ing period. The annual capacity factor
oven gas alone or in combination with is determined on a 12-month rolling av-
other gaseous fuels or distillate oil erage basis with a new annual capacity
shall submit this plan to the Adminis- factor calculated at the end of each
trator for approval within 360 days of calendar month.
the initial startup of the affected facil- (2) As an alternative to meeting the
ity or by November 30, 2009, whichever requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this
date comes later. If the plan is ap- section, the owner or operator of an af-
proved, the owner or operator shall fected facility that is subject to a fed-
maintain records of predicted nitrogen erally enforceable permit restricting
oxide emission rates and the monitored fuel use to a single fuel such that the
operating conditions, including steam facility is not required to continuously
generating unit load, identified in the monitor any emissions (excluding
plan. The plan shall: opacity) or parameters indicative of
(1) Identify the specific operating emissions may elect to record and
conditions to be monitored and the re- maintain records of the amount of each
lationship between these operating fuel combusted during each calendar
conditions and NOX emission rates (i.e., month.
ng/J or lbs/MMBtu heat input). Steam (e) For an affected facility that com-
generating unit operating conditions busts residual oil and meets the cri-
include, but are not limited to, the de- teria under § 60.46b(e)(4), § 60.44b(j), or
gree of staged combustion (i.e., the (k), the owner or operator shall main-
ratio of primary air to secondary and/ tain records of the nitrogen content of
or tertiary air) and the level of excess the residual oil combusted in the af-
air (i.e., flue gas O2 level); fected facility and calculate the aver-
(2) Include the data and information age fuel nitrogen content for the re-
that the owner or operator used to porting period. The nitrogen content
identify the relationship between NOX shall be determined using ASTM Meth-
emission rates and these operating con- od D4629 (incorporated by reference, see
ditions; and § 60.17), or fuel suppliers. If residual oil
(3) Identify how these operating con- blends are being combusted, fuel nitro-
ditions, including steam generating gen specifications may be prorated
unit load, will be monitored under based on the ratio of residual oils of
§ 60.48b(g) on an hourly basis by the different nitrogen content in the fuel
owner or operator during the period of blend.
operation of the affected facility; the (f) For an affected facility subject to
quality assurance procedures or prac- the opacity standard in § 60.43b, the
tices that will be employed to ensure owner or operator shall maintain
that the data generated by monitoring records of opacity. In addition, an
these operating conditions will be rep- owner or operator that elects to mon-
resentative and accurate; and the type itor emissions according to the require-
and format of the records of these oper- ments in § 60.48b(a) shall maintain
ating conditions, including steam gen- records according to the requirements
erating unit load, that will be main- specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through
tained by the owner or operator under (3) of this section, as applicable to the
§ 60.49b(g). visible emissions monitoring method
(d) Except as provided in paragraph used.
(d)(2) of this section, the owner or oper- (1) For each performance test con-
ator of an affected facility shall record ducted using Method 9 of appendix A–4
and maintain records as specified in of this part, the owner or operator
paragraph (d)(1) of this section. shall keep the records including the in-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) The owner or operator of an af- formation specified in paragraphs

fected facility shall record and main- (f)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.


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§ 60.49b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) Dates and time intervals of all rates are in excess of the NOX emis-
opacity observation periods; sions standards under § 60.44b, with the
(ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of reasons for such excess emissions as
current visible emission reading cer- well as a description of corrective ac-
tification for each visible emission ob- tions taken;
server participating in the performance (5) Identification of the steam gener-
test; and ating unit operating days for which
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- pollutant data have not been obtained,
server opacity field data sheets; including reasons for not obtaining suf-
(2) For each performance test con- ficient data and a description of correc-
ducted using Method 22 of appendix A– tive actions taken;
4 of this part, the owner or operator (6) Identification of the times when
shall keep the records including the in- emission data have been excluded from
formation specified in paragraphs the calculation of average emission
(f)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. rates and the reasons for excluding
(i) Dates and time intervals of all data;
visible emissions observation periods; (7) Identification of ‘‘F’’ factor used
(ii) Name and affiliation for each for calculations, method of determina-
visible emission observer participating tion, and type of fuel combusted;
in the performance test; (8) Identification of the times when
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- the pollutant concentration exceeded
server opacity field data sheets; and full span of the CEMS;
(iv) Documentation of any adjust- (9) Description of any modifications
ments made and the time the adjust- to the CEMS that could affect the abil-
ments were completed to the affected ity of the CEMS to comply with Per-
facility operation by the owner or oper- formance Specification 2 or 3; and
ator to demonstrate compliance with
(10) Results of daily CEMS drift tests
the applicable monitoring require-
and quarterly accuracy assessments as
required under appendix F, Procedure 1
(3) For each digital opacity compli-
of this part.
ance system, the owner or operator
shall maintain records and submit re- (h) The owner or operator of any af-
ports according to the requirements fected facility in any category listed in
specified in the site-specific moni- paragraphs (h)(1) or (2) of this section
toring plan approved by the Adminis- is required to submit excess emission
trator. reports for any excess emissions that
(g) Except as provided under para- occurred during the reporting period.
graph (p) of this section, the owner or (1) Any affected facility subject to
operator of an affected facility subject the opacity standards in § 60.43b(f) or to
to the NOX standards under § 60.44b the operating parameter monitoring
shall maintain records of the following requirements in § 60.13(i)(1).
information for each steam generating (2) Any affected facility that is sub-
unit operating day: ject to the NOX standard of § 60.44b, and
(1) Calendar date; that:
(2) The average hourly NOX emission (i) Combusts natural gas, distillate
rates (expressed as NO2) (ng/J or lb/ oil, gasified coal, or residual oil with a
MMBtu heat input) measured or pre- nitrogen content of 0.3 weight percent
dicted; or less; or
(3) The 30-day average NOX emission (ii) Has a heat input capacity of 73
rates (ng/J or lb/MMBtu heat input) MW (250 MMBtu/hr) or less and is re-
calculated at the end of each steam quired to monitor NOX emissions on a
generating unit operating day from the continuous basis under § 60.48b(g)(1) or
measured or predicted hourly nitrogen steam generating unit operating condi-
oxide emission rates for the preceding tions under § 60.48b(g)(2).
30 steam generating unit operating (3) For the purpose of § 60.43b, excess
days; emissions are defined as all 6-minute
(4) Identification of the steam gener- periods during which the average opac-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ating unit operating days when the cal- ity exceeds the opacity standards
culated 30-day average NOX emission under § 60.43b(f).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49b

(4) For purposes of § 60.48b(g)(1), ex- tion taken if data have been excluded
cess emissions are defined as any cal- for periods other than those during
culated 30-day rolling average NOX which coal or oil were not combusted
emission rate, as determined under in the steam generating unit;
§ 60.46b(e), that exceeds the applicable (6) Identification of ‘‘F’’ factor used
emission limits in § 60.44b. for calculations, method of determina-
(i) The owner or operator of any af- tion, and type of fuel combusted;
fected facility subject to the contin- (7) Identification of times when hour-
uous monitoring requirements for NOX ly averages have been obtained based
under § 60.48(b) shall submit reports on manual sampling methods;
containing the information recorded (8) Identification of the times when
under paragraph (g) of this section. the pollutant concentration exceeded
(j) The owner or operator of any af- full span of the CEMS;
fected facility subject to the SO2 stand- (9) Description of any modifications
ards under § 60.42b shall submit reports. to the CEMS that could affect the abil-
(k) For each affected facility subject ity of the CEMS to comply with Per-
to the compliance and performance formance Specification 2 or 3;
testing requirements of § 60.45b and the (10) Results of daily CEMS drift tests
reporting requirement in paragraph (j) and quarterly accuracy assessments as
of this section, the following informa- required under appendix F, Procedure 1
tion shall be reported to the Adminis- of this part; and
trator: (11) The annual capacity factor of
(1) Calendar dates covered in the re- each fired as provided under paragraph
porting period; (d) of this section.
(2) Each 30-day average SO2 emission (l) For each affected facility subject
rate (ng/J or lb/MMBtu heat input) to the compliance and performance
measured during the reporting period, testing requirements of § 60.45b(d) and
ending with the last 30-day period; rea- the reporting requirements of para-
sons for noncompliance with the emis- graph (j) of this section, the following
sion standards; and a description of information shall be reported to the
corrective actions taken; For an ex- Administrator:
ceedance due to maintenance of the (1) Calendar dates when the facility
SO2 control system covered in para- was in operation during the reporting
graph 60.45b(a), the report shall iden- period;
tify the days on which the mainte- (2) The 24-hour average SO2 emission
nance was performed and a description rate measured for each steam gener-
of the maintenance; ating unit operating day during the re-
(3) Each 30-day average percent re- porting period that coal or oil was
duction in SO2 emissions calculated combusted, ending in the last 24-hour
during the reporting period, ending period in the quarter; reasons for non-
with the last 30-day period; reasons for compliance with the emission stand-
noncompliance with the emission ards; and a description of corrective ac-
standards; and a description of correc- tions taken;
tive actions taken; (3) Identification of the steam gener-
(4) Identification of the steam gener- ating unit operating days that coal or
ating unit operating days that coal or oil was combusted for which S02 or dil-
oil was combusted and for which SO2 or uent (O2 or CO2) data have not been ob-
diluent (O2 or CO2) data have not been tained by an approved method for at
obtained by an approved method for at least 75 percent of the operating hours;
least 75 percent of the operating hours justification for not obtaining suffi-
in the steam generating unit operating cient data; and description of correc-
day; justification for not obtaining suf- tive action taken;
ficient data; and description of correc- (4) Identification of the times when
tive action taken; emissions data have been excluded
(5) Identification of the times when from the calculation of average emis-
emissions data have been excluded sion rates; justification for excluding
from the calculation of average emis- data; and description of corrective ac-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sion rates; justification for excluding tion taken if data have been excluded
data; and description of corrective ac- for periods other than those during


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§ 60.49b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

which coal or oil were not combusted tion (i.e., %Ro) under § 60.45b, the owner
in the steam generating unit; or operator of the affected facility
(5) Identification of ‘‘F’’ factor used shall submit a signed statement with
for calculations, method of determina- the report.
tion, and type of fuel combusted; (1) Indicating what removal effi-
(6) Identification of times when hour- ciency by fuel pretreatment (i.e., %Rf)
ly averages have been obtained based was credited during the reporting pe-
on manual sampling methods; riod;
(7) Identification of the times when (2) Listing the quantity, heat con-
the pollutant concentration exceeded tent, and date each pre-treated fuel
full span of the CEMS; shipment was received during the re-
(8) Description of any modifications porting period, the name and location
to the CEMS that could affect the abil- of the fuel pretreatment facility; and
ity of the CEMS to comply with Per- the total quantity and total heat con-
formance Specification 2 or 3; and tent of all fuels received at the affected
(9) Results of daily CEMS drift tests facility during the reporting period;
and quarterly accuracy assessments as (3) Documenting the transport of the
required under Procedure 1 of appendix fuel from the fuel pretreatment facility
F 1 of this part. If the owner or oper- to the steam generating unit; and
ator elects to implement the alter- (4) Including a signed statement from
native data assessment procedures de- the owner or operator of the fuel
scribed in §§ 60.47b(e)(4)(i) through pretreatment facility certifying that
(e)(4)(iii), each data assessment report the percent removal efficiency
shall include a summary of the results achieved by fuel pretreatment was de-
of all of the RATAs, linearity checks, termined in accordance with the provi-
CGAs, and calibration error or drift as- sions of Method 19 of appendix A of this
sessments required by §§ 60.47b(e)(4)(i) part and listing the heat content and
through (e)(4)(iii). sulfur content of each fuel before and
(m) For each affected facility subject after fuel pretreatment.
to the SO2 standards in § 60.42(b) for (o) All records required under this
which the minimum amount of data re- section shall be maintained by the
quired in § 60.47b(c) were not obtained owner or operator of the affected facil-
during the reporting period, the fol- ity for a period of 2 years following the
lowing information is reported to the date of such record.
Administrator in addition to that re- (p) The owner or operator of an af-
quired under paragraph (k) of this sec- fected facility described in § 60.44b(j) or
tion: (k) shall maintain records of the fol-
(1) The number of hourly averages lowing information for each steam gen-
available for outlet emission rates and erating unit operating day:
inlet emission rates; (1) Calendar date;
(2) The standard deviation of hourly (2) The number of hours of operation;
averages for outlet emission rates and and
inlet emission rates, as determined in (3) A record of the hourly steam load.
Method 19 of appendix A of this part, (q) The owner or operator of an af-
section 7; fected facility described in § 60.44b(j) or
(3) The lower confidence limit for the § 60.44b(k) shall submit to the Adminis-
mean outlet emission rate and the trator a report containing:
upper confidence limit for the mean (1) The annual capacity factor over
inlet emission rate, as calculated in the previous 12 months;
Method 19 of appendix A of this part, (2) The average fuel nitrogen content
section 7; and during the reporting period, if residual
(4) The ratio of the lower confidence oil was fired; and
limit for the mean outlet emission rate (3) If the affected facility meets the
and the allowable emission rate, as de- criteria described in § 60.44b(j), the re-
termined in Method 19 of appendix A of sults of any NOX emission tests re-
this part, section 7. quired during the reporting period, the
(n) If a percent removal efficiency by hours of operation during the reporting
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fuel pretreatment (i.e., %Rf) is used to period, and the hours of operation since
determine the overall percent reduc- the last NOX emission test.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.49b

(r) The owner or operator of an af- (iv) The owner or operator can peti-
fected facility who elects to use the tion the Administrator to approve
fuel based compliance alternatives in monthly or quarterly sampling in place
§ 60.42b or § 60.43b shall either: of weekly sampling.
(1) The owner or operator of an af- (s) Facility specific NOX standard for
fected facility who elects to dem- Cytec Industries Fortier Plant’s C.AOG
onstrate that the affected facility com- incinerator located in Westwego, Lou-
busts only very low sulfur oil, natural isiana:
gas, wood, a mixture of these fuels, or (1) Definitions.
any of these fuels (or a mixture of Oxidation zone is defined as the por-
these fuels) in combination with other tion of the C.AOG incinerator that ex-
fuels that are known to contain an in- tends from the inlet of the oxidizing
significant amount of sulfur in zone combustion air to the outlet gas
§ 60.42b(j) or § 60.42b(k) shall obtain and stack.
maintain at the affected facility fuel Reducing zone is defined as the por-
receipts (such as a current, valid pur- tion of the C.AOG incinerator that ex-
chase contract, tariff sheet, or trans- tends from the burner section to the
portation contract) from the fuel sup- inlet of the oxidizing zone combustion
plier that certify that the oil meets the air.
definition of distillate oil and gaseous Total inlet air is defined as the total
fuel meets the definition of natural gas amount of air introduced into the
as defined in § 60.41b and the applicable C.AOG incinerator for combustion of
sulfur limit. For the purposes of this natural gas and chemical by-product
section, the distillate oil need not meet waste and is equal to the sum of the air
the fuel nitrogen content specification flow into the reducing zone and the air
in the definition of distillate oil. Re- flow into the oxidation zone.
ports shall be submitted to the Admin- (2) Standard for nitrogen oxides. (i)
istrator certifying that only very low When fossil fuel alone is combusted,
sulfur oil meeting this definition, nat- the NOX emission limit for fossil fuel in
ural gas, wood, and/or other fuels that § 60.44b(a) applies.
are known to contain insignificant (ii) When natural gas and chemical
amounts of sulfur were combusted in by-product waste are simultaneously
the affected facility during the report- combusted, the NOX emission limit is
289 ng/J (0.67 lb/MMBtu) and a max-
ing period; or
imum of 81 percent of the total inlet
(2) The owner or operator of an af-
air provided for combustion shall be
fected facility who elects to dem-
provided to the reducing zone of the
onstrate compliance based on fuel C.AOG incinerator.
analysis in § 60.42b or § 60.43b shall de- (3) Emission monitoring. (i) The per-
velop and submit a site-specific fuel cent of total inlet air provided to the
analysis plan to the Administrator for reducing zone shall be determined at
review and approval no later than 60 least every 15 minutes by measuring
days before the date you intend to the air flow of all the air entering the
demonstrate compliance. Each fuel reducing zone and the air flow of all
analysis plan shall include a minimum the air entering the oxidation zone,
initial requirement of weekly testing and compliance with the percentage of
and each analysis report shall contain, total inlet air that is provided to the
at a minimum, the following informa- reducing zone shall be determined on a
tion: 3-hour average basis.
(i) The potential sulfur emissions (ii) The NOX emission limit shall be
rate of the representative fuel mixture determined by the compliance and per-
in ng/J heat input; formance test methods and procedures
(ii) The method used to determine for NOX in § 60.46b(i).
the potential sulfur emissions rate of (iii) The monitoring of the NOX emis-
each constituent of the mixture. For sion limit shall be performed in accord-
distillate oil and natural gas a fuel re- ance with § 60.48b.
ceipt or tariff sheet is acceptable; (4) Reporting and recordkeeping re-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(iii) The ratio of different fuels in the quirements. (i) The owner or operator of
mixture; and the C.AOG incinerator shall submit a


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§ 60.49b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

report on any excursions from the lim- (4) Reporting and recordkeeping re-
its required by paragraph (a)(2) of this quirements. (i) The owner or operator of
section to the Administrator with the Boiler No. 100 shall submit a report on
quarterly report required by paragraph any excursions from the limits re-
(i) of this section. quired by paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
(ii) The owner or operator of the tion to the Administrator with the
C.AOG incinerator shall keep records quarterly report required by § 60.49b(i).
of the monitoring required by para- (ii) The owner or operator of Boiler
graph (a)(3) of this section for a period No. 100 shall keep records of the moni-
of 2 years following the date of such toring required by paragraph (b)(3) of
record. this section for a period of 2 years fol-
(iii) The owner of operator of the lowing the date of such record.
C.AOG incinerator shall perform all (iii) The owner of operator of Boiler
the applicable reporting and record- No. 100 shall perform all the applicable
keeping requirements of this section. reporting and recordkeeping require-
(t) Facility-specific NOX standard for ments of § 60.49b.
Rohm and Haas Kentucky (u) Site-specific standard for Merck &
Incorporated’s Boiler No. 100 located in Co., Inc.’s Stonewall Plant in Elkton, Vir-
Louisville, Kentucky: ginia. (1) This paragraph (u) applies
(1) Definitions. only to the pharmaceutical manufac-
turing facility, commonly referred to
Air ratio control damper is defined as
as the Stonewall Plant, located at
the part of the low NOX burner that is
Route 340 South, in Elkton, Virginia
adjusted to control the split of total
(‘‘site’’) and only to the natural gas-
combustion air delivered to the reduc-
fired boilers installed as part of the
ing and oxidation portions of the com-
powerhouse conversion required pursu-
bustion flame.
ant to 40 CFR 52.2454(g). The require-
Flue gas recirculation line is defined as
ments of this paragraph shall apply,
the part of Boiler No. 100 that recircu-
and the requirements of §§ 60.40b
lates a portion of the boiler flue gas
through 60.49b(t) shall not apply, to the
back into the combustion air.
natural gas-fired boilers installed pur-
(2) Standard for nitrogen oxides. (i) suant to 40 CFR 52.2454(g).
When fossil fuel alone is combusted, (i) The site shall equip the natural
the NOX emission limit for fossil fuel in gas-fired boilers with low NOX tech-
§ 60.44b(a) applies. nology.
(ii) When fossil fuel and chemical by- (ii) The site shall install, calibrate,
product waste are simultaneously com- maintain, and operate a continuous
busted, the NOX emission limit is 473 monitoring and recording system for
ng/J (1.1 lb/MMBtu), and the air ratio measuring NOX emissions discharged to
control damper tee handle shall be at a the atmosphere and opacity using a
minimum of 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) continuous emissions monitoring sys-
out of the boiler, and the flue gas recir- tem or a predictive emissions moni-
culation line shall be operated at a toring system.
minimum of 10 percent open as indi- (iii) Within 180 days of the comple-
cated by its valve opening position in- tion of the powerhouse conversion, as
dicator. required by 40 CFR 52.2454, the site
(3) Emission monitoring for nitrogen ox- shall perform a performance test to
ides. (i) The air ratio control damper quantify criteria pollutant emissions.
tee handle setting and the flue gas re- (2) [Reserved]
circulation line valve opening position (v) The owner or operator of an af-
indicator setting shall be recorded dur- fected facility may submit electronic
ing each 8-hour operating shift. quarterly reports for SO2 and/or NOX
(ii) The NOX emission limit shall be and/or opacity in lieu of submitting the
determined by the compliance and per- written reports required under para-
formance test methods and procedures graphs (h), (i), (j), (k) or (l) of this sec-
for NOX in § 60.46b. tion. The format of each quarterly
(iii) The monitoring of the NOX emis- electronic report shall be coordinated
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sion limit shall be performed in accord- with the permitting authority. The
ance with § 60.48b. electronic report(s) shall be submitted


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.40c

no later than 30 days after the end of (y) Facility-specific NOX standard for
the calendar quarter and shall be ac- INEOS USA’s AOGI located in Lima,
companied by a certification statement Ohio:
from the owner or operator, indicating (1) Standard for NOX. (i) When fossil
whether compliance with the applica- fuel alone is combusted, the NOX emis-
ble emission standards and minimum sion limit for fossil fuel in § 60.44b(a)
data requirements of this subpart was applies.
achieved during the reporting period. (ii) When fossil fuel and chemical by-
Before submitting reports in the elec- product/waste are simultaneously com-
tronic format, the owner or operator busted, the NOX emission limit is 645
shall coordinate with the permitting ng/J (1.5 lb/MMBtu).
authority to obtain their agreement to (2) Emission monitoring for NOX. (i)
submit reports in this alternative for- The NOX emissions shall be determined
mat. by the compliance and performance
test methods and procedures for NOX in
(w) The reporting period for the re-
§ 60.46b.
ports required under this subpart is
(ii) The monitoring of the NOX emis-
each 6 month period. All reports shall
sions shall be performed in accordance
be submitted to the Administrator and with § 60.48b.
shall be postmarked by the 30th day (3) Reporting and recordkeeping re-
following the end of the reporting pe- quirements. (i) The owner or operator of
riod. the AOGI shall submit a report on any
(x) Facility-specific NOX standard for excursions from the limits required by
Weyerhaeuser Company’s No. 2 Power paragraph (y)(2) of this section to the
Boiler located in New Bern, North Administrator with the quarterly re-
Carolina: port required by paragraph (i) of this
(1) Standard for nitrogen oxides. (i) section.
When fossil fuel alone is combusted, (ii) The owner or operator of the
the NOX emission limit for fossil fuel in AOGI shall keep records of the moni-
§ 60.44b(a) applies. toring required by paragraph (y)(3) of
(ii) When fossil fuel and chemical by- this section for a period of 2 years fol-
product waste are simultaneously com- lowing the date of such record.
busted, the NOX emission limit is 215 (iii) The owner or operator of the
ng/J (0.5 lb/MMBtu). AOGI shall perform all the applicable
(2) Emission monitoring for nitrogen ox- reporting and recordkeeping require-
ides. (i) The NOX emissions shall be de- ments of this section.
termined by the compliance and per- [72 FR 32742, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
formance test methods and procedures FR 5089, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9461, Feb. 16,
for NOX in § 60.46b. 2012]
(ii) The monitoring of the NOX emis-
sions shall be performed in accordance Subpart Dc—Standards of Per-
with § 60.48b. formance for Small Industrial-
(3) Reporting and recordkeeping re- Commercial-Institutional
quirements. (i) The owner or operator of Steam Generating Units
the No. 2 Power Boiler shall submit a
report on any excursions from the lim-
SOURCE: 72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, unless
its required by paragraph (x)(2) of this otherwise noted.
section to the Administrator with the
quarterly report required by § 60.49b(i). § 60.40c Applicability and delegation of
(ii) The owner or operator of the No. authority.
2 Power Boiler shall keep records of the (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
monitoring required by paragraph (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this section, the
(x)(3) of this section for a period of 2 affected facility to which this subpart
years following the date of such record. applies is each steam generating unit
(iii) The owner or operator of the No. for which construction, modification,
2 Power Boiler shall perform all the ap- or reconstruction is commenced after
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

plicable reporting and recordkeeping June 9, 1989 and that has a maximum
requirements of § 60.49b. design heat input capacity of 29


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§ 60.41c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

megawatts (MW) (100 million British part BBBB of this part is not subject to
thermal units per hour (MMBtu/h)) or this subpart.
less, but greater than or equal to 2.9 (h) Affected facilities that also meet
MW (10 MMBtu/h). the applicability requirements under
(b) In delegating implementation and subpart J or subpart Ja of this part are
enforcement authority to a State subject to the PM and NOX standards
under section 111(c) of the Clean Air under this subpart and the SO2 stand-
Act, § 60.48c(a)(4) shall be retained by ards under subpart J or subpart Ja of
the Administrator and not transferred this part, as applicable.
to a State. (i) Temporary boilers are not subject
(c) Steam generating units that meet to this subpart.
the applicability requirements in para- [72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
graph (a) of this section are not subject FR 5090, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9461, Feb. 16,
to the sulfur dioxide (SO2) or particu- 2012]
late matter (PM) emission limits, per-
§ 60.41c Definitions.
formance testing requirements, or
monitoring requirements under this As used in this subpart, all terms not
subpart (§ 60.42c, § 60.43c, § 60.44c, defined herein shall have the meaning
§ 60.45c, § 60.46c, or § 60.47c) during peri- given them in the Clean Air Act and in
ods of combustion research, as defined subpart A of this part.
in § 60.41c. Annual capacity factor means the
(d) Any temporary change to an ex- ratio between the actual heat input to
isting steam generating unit for the a steam generating unit from an indi-
vidual fuel or combination of fuels dur-
purpose of conducting combustion re-
ing a period of 12 consecutive calendar
search is not considered a modification
months and the potential heat input to
under § 60.14.
the steam generating unit from all
(e) Affected facilities (i.e. heat recov- fuels had the steam generating unit
ery steam generators and fuel heaters) been operated for 8,760 hours during
that are associated with stationary that 12-month period at the maximum
combustion turbines and meet the ap- design heat input capacity. In the case
plicability requirements of subpart of steam generating units that are
KKKK of this part are not subject to rented or leased, the actual heat input
this subpart. This subpart will con- shall be determined based on the com-
tinue to apply to all other heat recov- bined heat input from all operations of
ery steam generators, fuel heaters, and the affected facility during a period of
other affected facilities that are capa- 12 consecutive calendar months.
ble of combusting more than or equal Coal means all solid fuels classified
to 2.9 MW (10 MMBtu/h) heat input of as anthracite, bituminous, subbitu-
fossil fuel but less than or equal to 29 minous, or lignite by the American So-
MW (100 MMBtu/h) heat input of fossil ciety of Testing and Materials in
fuel. If the heat recovery steam gener- ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference,
ator, fuel heater, or other affected fa- see § 60.17), coal refuse, and petroleum
cility is subject to this subpart, only coke. Coal-derived synthetic fuels de-
emissions resulting from combustion of rived from coal for the purposes of cre-
fuels in the steam generating unit are ating useful heat, including but not
subject to this subpart. (The stationary limited to solvent refined coal, gasified
combustion turbine emissions are sub- coal not meeting the definition of nat-
ject to subpart GG or KKKK, as appli- ural gas, coal-oil mixtures, and coal-
cable, of this part.) water mixtures, are also included in
(f) Any affected facility that meets this definition for the purposes of this
the applicability requirements of and subpart.
is subject to subpart AAAA or subpart Coal refuse means any by-product of
CCCC of this part is not subject to this coal mining or coal cleaning operations
subpart. with an ash content greater than 50
(g) Any facility that meets the appli- percent (by weight) and a heating value
cability requirements and is subject to less than 13,900 kilojoules per kilogram
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

an EPA approved State or Federal sec- (kJ/kg) (6,000 Btu per pound (Btu/lb) on
tion 111(d)/129 plan implementing sub- a dry basis.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.41c

Combined cycle system means a system or as a premixed slurry or solution and

in which a separate source (such as a forming a dry powder material. This
stationary gas turbine, internal com- definition includes devices where the
bustion engine, or kiln) provides ex- dry powder material is subsequently
haust gas to a steam generating unit. converted to another form. Alkaline re-
Combustion research means the experi- agents used in dry flue gas
mental firing of any fuel or combina- desulfurization systems include, but
tion of fuels in a steam generating unit are not limited to, lime and sodium
for the purpose of conducting research compounds.
and development of more efficient com- Duct burner means a device that com-
bustion or more effective prevention or busts fuel and that is placed in the ex-
control of air pollutant emissions from haust duct from another source (such
combustion, provided that, during as a stationary gas turbine, internal
these periods of research and develop- combustion engine, kiln, etc.) to allow
ment, the heat generated is not used the firing of additional fuel to heat the
for any purpose other than preheating exhaust gases before the exhaust gases
combustion air for use by that steam enter a steam generating unit.
generating unit (i.e., the heat gen- Emerging technology means any SO2
erated is released to the atmosphere control system that is not defined as a
without being used for space heating, conventional technology under this
process heating, driving pumps, section, and for which the owner or op-
preheating combustion air for other erator of the affected facility has re-
units, generating electricity, or any ceived approval from the Adminis-
other purpose). trator to operate as an emerging tech-
Conventional technology means wet nology under § 60.48c(a)(4).
flue gas desulfurization technology,
Federally enforceable means all limi-
dry flue gas desulfurization tech-
tations and conditions that are en-
nology, atmospheric fluidized bed com-
forceable by the Administrator, includ-
bustion technology, and oil
ing the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60
hydrodesulfurization technology.
and 61, requirements within any appli-
Distillate oil means fuel oil that com-
plies with the specifications for fuel oil cable State implementation plan, and
numbers 1 or 2, as defined by the Amer- any permit requirements established
ican Society for Testing and Materials under 40 CFR 52.21 or under 40 CFR
in ASTM D396 (incorporated by ref- 51.18 and 51.24.
erence, see § 60.17), diesel fuel oil num- Fluidized bed combustion technology
bers 1 or 2, as defined by the American means a device wherein fuel is distrib-
Society for Testing and Materials in uted onto a bed (or series of beds) of
ASTM D975 (incorporated by reference, limestone aggregate (or other sorbent
see § 60.17), kerosine, as defined by the materials) for combustion; and these
American Society of Testing and Mate- materials are forced upward in the de-
rials in ASTM D3699 (incorporated by vice by the flow of combustion air and
reference, see § 60.17), biodiesel as de- the gaseous products of combustion.
fined by the American Society of Test- Fluidized bed combustion technology
ing and Materials in ASTM D6751 (in- includes, but is not limited to, bub-
corporated by reference, see § 60.17), or bling bed units and circulating bed
biodiesel blends as defined by the units.
American Society of Testing and Mate- Fuel pretreatment means a process
rials in ASTM D7467 (incorporated by that removes a portion of the sulfur in
reference, see § 60.17). a fuel before combustion of the fuel in
Dry flue gas desulfurization technology a steam generating unit.
means a SO2 control system that is lo- Heat input means heat derived from
cated between the steam generating combustion of fuel in a steam gener-
unit and the exhaust vent or stack, and ating unit and does not include the
that removes sulfur oxides from the heat derived from preheated combus-
combustion gases of the steam gener- tion air, recirculated flue gases, or ex-
ating unit by contacting the combus- haust gases from other sources (such as
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion gases with an alkaline reagent and stationary gas turbines, internal com-
water, whether introduced separately bustion engines, and kilns).


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§ 60.41c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Heat transfer medium means any ma- D396 (incorporated by reference, see
terial that is used to transfer heat § 60.17).
from one point to another point. Steam generating unit means a device
Maximum design heat input capacity that combusts any fuel and produces
means the ability of a steam gener- steam or heats water or heats any heat
ating unit to combust a stated max- transfer medium. This term includes
imum amount of fuel (or combination any duct burner that combusts fuel and
of fuels) on a steady state basis as de- is part of a combined cycle system.
termined by the physical design and This term does not include process
characteristics of the steam generating heaters as defined in this subpart.
unit. Steam generating unit operating day
Natural gas means: means a 24-hour period between 12:00
(1) A naturally occurring mixture of midnight and the following midnight
hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases during which any fuel is combusted at
found in geologic formations beneath any time in the steam generating unit.
the earth’s surface, of which the prin- It is not necessary for fuel to be com-
cipal constituent is methane; or busted continuously for the entire 24-
hour period.
(2) Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas, as
Temporary boiler means a steam gen-
defined by the American Society for
erating unit that combusts natural gas
Testing and Materials in ASTM D1835
or distillate oil with a potential SO2
(incorporated by reference, see § 60.17);
emissions rate no greater than 26 ng/J
(0.060 lb/MMBtu), and the unit is de-
(3) A mixture of hydrocarbons that signed to, and is capable of, being car-
maintains a gaseous state at ISO con- ried or moved from one location to an-
ditions. Additionally, natural gas must other by means of, for example, wheels,
either be composed of at least 70 per- skids, carrying handles, dollies, trail-
cent methane by volume or have a ers, or platforms. A steam generating
gross calorific value between 34 and 43 unit is not a temporary boiler if any
megajoules (MJ) per dry standard cubic one of the following conditions exists:
meter (910 and 1,150 Btu per dry stand- (1) The equipment is attached to a
ard cubic foot). foundation.
Noncontinental area means the State (2) The steam generating unit or a re-
of Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Guam, placement remains at a location for
American Samoa, the Commonwealth more than 180 consecutive days. Any
of Puerto Rico, or the Northern Mar- temporary boiler that replaces a tem-
iana Islands. porary boiler at a location and per-
Oil means crude oil or petroleum, or forms the same or similar function will
a liquid fuel derived from crude oil or be included in calculating the consecu-
petroleum, including distillate oil and tive time period.
residual oil. (3) The equipment is located at a sea-
Potential sulfur dioxide emission rate sonal facility and operates during the
means the theoretical SO2 emissions full annual operating period of the sea-
(nanograms per joule (ng/J) or lb/ sonal facility, remains at the facility
MMBtu heat input) that would result for at least 2 years, and operates at
from combusting fuel in an uncleaned that facility for at least 3 months each
state and without using emission con- year.
trol systems. (4) The equipment is moved from one
Process heater means a device that is location to another in an attempt to
primarily used to heat a material to circumvent the residence time require-
initiate or promote a chemical reac- ments of this definition.
tion in which the material participates Wet flue gas desulfurization technology
as a reactant or catalyst. means an SO2 control system that is
Residual oil means crude oil, fuel oil located between the steam generating
that does not comply with the speci- unit and the exhaust vent or stack, and
fications under the definition of dis- that removes sulfur oxides from the
tillate oil, and all fuel oil numbers 4, 5, combustion gases of the steam gener-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and 6, as defined by the American Soci- ating unit by contacting the combus-
ety for Testing and Materials in ASTM tion gases with an alkaline slurry or


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.42c

solution and forming a liquid material. is completed or required to be com-

This definition includes devices where pleted under § 60.8, whichever date
the liquid material is subsequently comes first, the owner or operator of
converted to another form. Alkaline re- an affected facility that:
agents used in wet flue gas (1) Combusts only coal refuse alone
desulfurization systems include, but in a fluidized bed combustion steam
are not limited to, lime, limestone, and generating unit shall neither:
sodium compounds. (i) Cause to be discharged into the at-
Wet scrubber system means any emis- mosphere from that affected facility
sion control device that mixes an aque- any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
ous stream or slurry with the exhaust 87 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input or 20
gases from a steam generating unit to percent (0.20) of the potential SO2 emis-
control emissions of PM or SO2. sion rate (80 percent reduction); nor
Wood means wood, wood residue, (ii) Cause to be discharged into the
bark, or any derivative fuel or residue atmosphere from that affected facility
thereof, in any form, including but not any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
limited to sawdust, sanderdust, wood SO2 in excess of 520 ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu)
chips, scraps, slabs, millings, shavings, heat input. If coal is fired with coal
and processed pellets made from wood refuse, the affected facility subject to
or other forest residues. paragraph (a) of this section. If oil or
[72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 any other fuel (except coal) is fired
FR 5090, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9461, Feb. 16, with coal refuse, the affected facility is
2012] subject to the 87 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu)
heat input SO2 emissions limit or the
§ 60.42c Standard for sulfur dioxide 90 percent SO2 reduction requirement
(SO2). specified in paragraph (a) of this sec-
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs tion and the emission limit is deter-
(b), (c), and (e) of this section, on and mined pursuant to paragraph (e)(2) of
after the date on which the perform- this section.
ance test is completed or required to be (2) Combusts only coal and that uses
completed under § 60.8, whichever date an emerging technology for the control
comes first, the owner or operator of of SO2 emissions shall neither:
an affected facility that combusts only (i) Cause to be discharged into the at-
coal shall neither: cause to be dis- mosphere from that affected facility
charged into the atmosphere from the any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
affected facility any gases that contain 50 percent (0.50) of the potential SO2
SO2 in excess of 87 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) emission rate (50 percent reduction);
heat input or 10 percent (0.10) of the po- nor
tential SO2 emission rate (90 percent (ii) Cause to be discharged into the
reduction), nor cause to be discharged atmosphere from that affected facility
into the atmosphere from the affected any gases that contain SO2 in excess of
facility any gases that contain SO2 in 260 ng/J (0.60 lb/MMBtu) heat input. If
excess of 520 ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu) heat coal is combusted with other fuels, the
input. If coal is combusted with other affected facility is subject to the 50
fuels, the affected facility shall nei- percent SO2 reduction requirement
ther: cause to be discharged into the specified in this paragraph and the
atmosphere from the affected facility emission limit determined pursuant to
any gases that contain SO2 in excess of paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
87 ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input or 10 (c) On and after the date on which
percent (0.10) of the potential SO2 emis- the initial performance test is com-
sion rate (90 percent reduction), nor pleted or required to be completed
cause to be discharged into the atmos- under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
phere from the affected facility any no owner or operator of an affected fa-
gases that contain SO2 in excess of the cility that combusts coal, alone or in
emission limit is determined pursuant combination with any other fuel, and is
to paragraph (e)(2) of this section. listed in paragraphs (c)(1), (2), (3), or (4)
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs of this section shall cause to be dis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(c) and (e) of this section, on and after charged into the atmosphere from that
the date on which the performance test affected facility any gases that contain


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§ 60.42c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

SO2 in excess of the emission limit de- (b)(2) of this section, as applicable, for
termined pursuant to paragraph (e)(2) any affected facility that
of this section. Percent reduction re- (i) Combusts coal in combination
quirements are not applicable to af- with any other fuel;
fected facilities under paragraphs (ii) Has a heat input capacity greater
(c)(1), (2), (3), or (4). than 22 MW (75 MMBtu/h); and
(1) Affected facilities that have a (iii) Has an annual capacity factor
heat input capacity of 22 MW (75 for coal greater than 55 percent (0.55);
MMBtu/h) or less; and
(2) Affected facilities that have an (2) The emission limit determined ac-
annual capacity for coal of 55 percent cording to the following formula for
(0.55) or less and are subject to a feder- any affected facility that combusts
ally enforceable requirement limiting coal, oil, or coal and oil with any other
operation of the affected facility to an fuel:
annual capacity factor for coal of 55
percent (0.55) or less. ( K a Ha + K b Hb + K c Hc )
(3) Affected facilities located in a Es =
noncontinental area; or ( Ha + Hb + Hc )
(4) Affected facilities that combust
coal in a duct burner as part of a com-
bined cycle system where 30 percent Es = SO2 emission limit, expressed in ng/J or
lb/MMBtu heat input;
(0.30) or less of the heat entering the Ka = 520 ng/J (1.2 lb/MMBtu);
steam generating unit is from combus- Kb = 260 ng/J (0.60 lb/MMBtu);
tion of coal in the duct burner and 70 Kc = 215 ng/J (0.50 lb/MMBtu);
percent (0.70) or more of the heat enter- Ha = Heat input from the combustion of coal,
ing the steam generating unit is from except coal combusted in an affected fa-
exhaust gases entering the duct burner. cility subject to paragraph (b)(2) of this
(d) On and after the date on which section, in Joules (J) [MMBtu];
Hb = Heat input from the combustion of coal
the initial performance test is com- in an affected facility subject to para-
pleted or required to be completed graph (b)(2) of this section, in J
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, (MMBtu); and
no owner or operator of an affected fa- Hc = Heat input from the combustion of oil,
cility that combusts oil shall cause to in J (MMBtu).
be discharged into the atmosphere (f) Reduction in the potential SO2
from that affected facility any gases emission rate through fuel
that contain SO2 in excess of 215 ng/J pretreatment is not credited toward
(0.50 lb/MMBtu) heat input from oil; or, the percent reduction requirement
as an alternative, no owner or operator under paragraph (b)(2) of this section
of an affected facility that combusts unless:
oil shall combust oil in the affected fa- (1) Fuel pretreatment results in a 50
cility that contains greater than 0.5 percent (0.50) or greater reduction in
weight percent sulfur. The percent re- the potential SO2 emission rate; and
duction requirements are not applica- (2) Emissions from the pretreated
ble to affected facilities under this fuel (without either combustion or
paragraph. post-combustion SO2 control) are equal
(e) On and after the date on which to or less than the emission limits
the initial performance test is com- specified under paragraph (b)(2) of this
pleted or required to be completed section.
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, (g) Except as provided in paragraph
no owner or operator of an affected fa- (h) of this section, compliance with the
cility that combusts coal, oil, or coal percent reduction requirements, fuel
and oil with any other fuel shall cause oil sulfur limits, and emission limits of
to be discharged into the atmosphere this section shall be determined on a
from that affected facility any gases 30-day rolling average basis.
that contain SO2 in excess of the fol- (h) For affected facilities listed under
lowing: paragraphs (h)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this
(1) The percent of potential SO2 emis- section, compliance with the emission
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sion rate or numerical SO2 emission limits or fuel oil sulfur limits under
rate required under paragraph (a) or this section may be determined based


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.43c

on a certification from the fuel sup- for the other fuels of 10 percent (0.10) or
plier, as described under § 60.48c(f), as less.
applicable. (2) 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input
(1) Distillate oil-fired affected facili- if the affected facility combusts coal
ties with heat input capacities between with other fuels, has an annual capac-
2.9 and 29 MW (10 and 100 MMBtu/hr). ity factor for the other fuels greater
(2) Residual oil-fired affected facili- than 10 percent (0.10), and is subject to
ties with heat input capacities between a federally enforceable requirement
2.9 and 8.7 MW (10 and 30 MMBtu/hr). limiting operation of the affected facil-
(3) Coal-fired affected facilities with ity to an annual capacity factor great-
heat input capacities between 2.9 and er than 10 percent (0.10) for fuels other
8.7 MW (10 and 30 MMBtu/h). than coal.
(4) Other fuels-fired affected facilities (b) On and after the date on which
with heat input capacities between 2.9 the initial performance test is com-
and 8.7 MW (10 and 30 MMBtu/h). pleted or required to be completed
(i) The SO2 emission limits, fuel oil under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
sulfur limits, and percent reduction re- no owner or operator of an affected fa-
quirements under this section apply at cility that commenced construction,
all times, including periods of startup, reconstruction, or modification on or
shutdown, and malfunction. before February 28, 2005, that combusts
wood or combusts mixtures of wood
(j) For affected facilities located in
with other fuels (except coal) and has a
noncontinental areas and affected fa-
heat input capacity of 8.7 MW (30
cilities complying with the percent re-
MMBtu/h) or greater, shall cause to be
duction standard, only the heat input
discharged into the atmosphere from
supplied to the affected facility from
that affected facility any gases that
the combustion of coal and oil is count-
contain PM in excess of the following
ed under this section. No credit is pro-
emissions limits:
vided for the heat input to the affected
(1) 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/MMBtu) heat input
facility from wood or other fuels or for
if the affected facility has an annual
heat derived from exhaust gases from
capacity factor for wood greater than
other sources, such as stationary gas
30 percent (0.30); or
turbines, internal combustion engines,
(2) 130 ng/J (0.30 lb/MMBtu) heat
and kilns.
input if the affected facility has an an-
[72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 nual capacity factor for wood of 30 per-
FR 5090, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9462, Feb. 16, cent (0.30) or less and is subject to a
2012] federally enforceable requirement lim-
iting operation of the affected facility
§ 60.43c Standard for particulate mat- to an annual capacity factor for wood
ter (PM).
of 30 percent (0.30) or less.
(a) On and after the date on which (c) On and after the date on which
the initial performance test is com- the initial performance test is com-
pleted or required to be completed pleted or required to be completed
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
no owner or operator of an affected fa- no owner or operator of an affected fa-
cility that commenced construction, cility that combusts coal, wood, or oil
reconstruction, or modification on or and has a heat input capacity of 8.7
before February 28, 2005, that combusts MW (30 MMBtu/h) or greater shall
coal or combusts mixtures of coal with cause to be discharged into the atmos-
other fuels and has a heat input capac- phere from that affected facility any
ity of 8.7 MW (30 MMBtu/h) or greater, gases that exhibit greater than 20 per-
shall cause to be discharged into the cent opacity (6-minute average), except
atmosphere from that affected facility for one 6-minute period per hour of not
any gases that contain PM in excess of more than 27 percent opacity. Owners
the following emission limits: and operators of an affected facility
(1) 22 ng/J (0.051 lb/MMBtu) heat that elect to install, calibrate, main-
input if the affected facility combusts tain, and operate a continuous emis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

only coal, or combusts coal with other sions monitoring system (CEMS) for
fuels and has an annual capacity factor measuring PM emissions according to


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§ 60.44c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the requirements of this subpart and cility that commences modification

are subject to a federally enforceable after February 28, 2005, and that com-
PM limit of 0.030 lb/MMBtu or less are busts over 30 percent wood (by heat
exempt from the opacity standard spec- input) on an annual basis and has a
ified in this paragraph (c). heat input capacity of 8.7 MW (30
(d) The PM and opacity standards MMBtu/h) or greater shall cause to be
under this section apply at all times, discharged into the atmosphere from
except during periods of startup, shut- that affected facility any gases that
down, or malfunction. contain PM in excess of 43 ng/J (0.10 lb/
(e)(1) On and after the date on which MMBtu) heat input.
the initial performance test is com- (4) An owner or operator of an af-
pleted or is required to be completed fected facility that commences con-
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
no owner or operator of an affected fa-
tion after February 28, 2005, and that
cility that commences construction,
combusts only oil that contains no
reconstruction, or modification after
more than 0.50 weight percent sulfur or
February 28, 2005, and that combusts
coal, oil, wood, a mixture of these a mixture of 0.50 weight percent sulfur
fuels, or a mixture of these fuels with oil with other fuels not subject to a PM
any other fuels and has a heat input standard under § 60.43c and not using a
capacity of 8.7 MW (30 MMBtu/h) or post-combustion technology (except a
greater shall cause to be discharged wet scrubber) to reduce PM or SO2
into the atmosphere from that affected emissions is not subject to the PM
facility any gases that contain PM in limit in this section.
excess of 13 ng/J (0.030 lb/MMBtu) heat [72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
input, except as provided in paragraphs FR 5091, Jan. 28, 2009; 77 FR 9462, Feb. 16,
(e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(4) of this section. 2012]
(2) As an alternative to meeting the
requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of this § 60.44c Compliance and performance
section, the owner or operator of an af- test methods and procedures for
fected facility for which modification sulfur dioxide.
commenced after February 28, 2005, (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
may elect to meet the requirements of (g) and (h) of this section and § 60.8(b),
this paragraph. On and after the date performance tests required under § 60.8
on which the initial performance test shall be conducted following the proce-
is completed or required to be com- dures specified in paragraphs (b), (c),
pleted under § 60.8, whichever date
(d), (e), and (f) of this section, as appli-
comes first, no owner or operator of an
cable. Section 60.8(f) does not apply to
affected facility that commences modi-
this section. The 30-day notice required
fication after February 28, 2005 shall
in § 60.8(d) applies only to the initial
cause to be discharged into the atmos-
performance test unless otherwise
phere from that affected facility any
gases that contain PM in excess of specified by the Administrator.
both: (b) The initial performance test re-
(i) 22 ng/J (0.051 lb/MMBtu) heat input quired under § 60.8 shall be conducted
derived from the combustion of coal, over 30 consecutive operating days of
oil, wood, a mixture of these fuels, or a the steam generating unit. Compliance
mixture of these fuels with any other with the percent reduction require-
fuels; and ments and SO2 emission limits under
(ii) 0.2 percent of the combustion con- § 60.42c shall be determined using a 30-
centration (99.8 percent reduction) day average. The first operating day
when combusting coal, oil, wood, a included in the initial performance test
mixture of these fuels, or a mixture of shall be scheduled within 30 days after
these fuels with any other fuels. achieving the maximum production
(3) On and after the date on which rate at which the affect facility will be
the initial performance test is com- operated, but not later than 180 days
pleted or is required to be completed after the initial startup of the facility.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, The steam generating unit load during
no owner or operator of an affected fa- the 30-day period does not have to be


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.44c

the maximum design heat input capac- dures in Method 19 of appendix A of this
ity, but must be representative of fu- part.
ture operating conditions. (2) The owner or operator of an af-
(c) After the initial performance test fected facility that qualifies under the
required under paragraph (b) of this provisions of § 60.42c(c) or (d) (where
section and § 60.8, compliance with the percent reduction is not required) does
percent reduction requirements and not have to measure the parameters Ew
SO2 emission limits under § 60.42c is or Xk if the owner or operator of the af-
based on the average percent reduction fected facility elects to measure emis-
and the average SO2 emission rates for sion rates of the coal or oil using the
30 consecutive steam generating unit fuel sampling and analysis procedures
operating days. A separate perform- under Method 19 of appendix A of this
ance test is completed at the end of part.
each steam generating unit operating (f) Affected facilities subject to the
day, and a new 30-day average percent percent reduction requirements under
reduction and SO2 emission rate are § 60.42c(a) or (b) shall determine com-
calculated to show compliance with the pliance with the SO2 emission limits
standard. under § 60.42c pursuant to paragraphs
(d) If only coal, only oil, or a mixture (d) or (e) of this section, and shall de-
of coal and oil is combusted in an af- termine compliance with the percent
fected facility, the procedures in Meth- reduction requirements using the fol-
od 19 of appendix A of this part are lowing procedures:
used to determine the hourly SO2 emis- (1) If only coal is combusted, the per-
sion rate (Eho) and the 30-day average cent of potential SO2 emission rate is
SO2 emission rate (Eao). The hourly computed using the following formula:
averages used to compute the 30-day
averages are obtained from the CEMS.
Method 19 of appendix A of this part ⎛ %R g ⎞ ⎛ %R f ⎞
%Ps = 100 ⎜1 − ⎟ ⎜1 −
shall be used to calculate Eao when
⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎟⎠
using daily fuel sampling or Method 6B
of appendix A of this part. Where:
(e) If coal, oil, or coal and oil are %Ps = Potential SO2 emission rate, in per-
combusted with other fuels: cent;
(1) An adjusted Eho (Ehoo) is used in %Rg = SO2 removal efficiency of the control
Equation 19–19 of Method 19 of appen- device as determined by Method 19 of ap-
dix A of this part to compute the ad- pendix A of this part, in percent; and
justed Eao (Eaoo). The Ehoo is computed %Rf = SO2 removal efficiency of fuel
using the following formula: pretreatment as determined by Method
19 of appendix A of this part, in percent.

E ho − E w (1 − X k ) (2) If coal, oil, or coal and oil are

E ho o = combusted with other fuels, the same
Xk procedures required in paragraph (f)(1)
Where: of this section are used, except as pro-
Ehoo = Adjusted Eho, ng/J (lb/MMBtu);
vided for in the following:
Eho = Hourly SO2 emission rate, ng/J (lb/ (i) To compute the %Ps, an adjusted
MMBtu); %Rg (%Rgo) is computed from Eaoo
Ew = SO2 concentration in fuels other than from paragraph (e)(1) of this section
coal and oil combusted in the affected fa- and an adjusted average SO2 inlet rate
cility, as determined by fuel sampling (Eaio) using the following formula:
and analysis procedures in Method 9 of
appendix A of this part, ng/J (lb/MMBtu).
⎛ Eo ⎞

The value Ew for each fuel lot is used for

each hourly average during the time that %R g o = 100 ⎜1 − aoo ⎟
the lot is being combusted. The owner or ⎝ E ai ⎠
operator does not have to measure Ew if
the owner or operator elects to assume
Ew = 0. %Rgo = Adjusted %Rg, in percent;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Xk = Fraction of the total heat input from Eaoo = Adjusted Eao, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); and
fuel combustion derived from coal and Eaio = Adjusted average SO2 inlet rate, ng/J
oil, as determined by applicable proce- (lb/MMBtu).


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§ 60.45c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(ii) To compute Eaio, an adjusted quent demonstration may be requested

hourly SO2 inlet rate (Ehio) is used. The at any other time. If the demonstrated
Ehio is computed using the following 24-hour average firing rate for the af-
formula: fected facility is less than the max-
imum design heat input capacity stat-
E hi − E w (1 − X k ) ed by the manufacturer of the affected
E hi o = facility, the demonstrated 24-hour av-
Xk erage firing rate shall be used to deter-
Where: mine the annual capacity factor for the
Ehio = Adjusted Ehi, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); affected facility; otherwise, the max-
Ehi = Hourly SO2 inlet rate, ng/J (lb/MMBtu); imum design heat input capacity pro-
Ew = SO2 concentration in fuels other than vided by the manufacturer shall be
coal and oil combusted in the affected fa- used.
cility, as determined by fuel sampling (j) The owner or operator of an af-
and analysis procedures in Method 19 of fected facility shall use all valid SO2
appendix A of this part, ng/J (lb/MMBtu). emissions data in calculating %Ps and
The value Ew for each fuel lot is used for
each hourly average during the time that
Eho under paragraphs (d), (e), or (f) of
the lot is being combusted. The owner or this section, as applicable, whether or
operator does not have to measure Ew if not the minimum emissions data re-
the owner or operator elects to assume quirements under § 60.46c(f) are
Ew = 0; and achieved. All valid emissions data, in-
Xk = Fraction of the total heat input from cluding valid data collected during pe-
fuel combustion derived from coal and riods of startup, shutdown, and mal-
oil, as determined by applicable proce- function, shall be used in calculating
dures in Method 19 of appendix A of this
%Ps or Eho pursuant to paragraphs (d),
(e), or (f) of this section, as applicable.
(g) For oil-fired affected facilities
where the owner or operator seeks to [72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
FR 5091, Jan. 28, 2009]
demonstrate compliance with the fuel
oil sulfur limits under § 60.42c based on
§ 60.45c Compliance and performance
shipment fuel sampling, the initial per- test methods and procedures for
formance test shall consist of sampling particulate matter.
and analyzing the oil in the initial
tank of oil to be fired in the steam gen- (a) The owner or operator of an af-
erating unit to demonstrate that the fected facility subject to the PM and/or
oil contains 0.5 weight percent sulfur opacity standards under § 60.43c shall
or less. Thereafter, the owner or oper- conduct an initial performance test as
ator of the affected facility shall sam- required under § 60.8, and shall conduct
ple the oil in the fuel tank after each subsequent performance tests as re-
new shipment of oil is received, as de- quested by the Administrator, to deter-
scribed under § 60.46c(d)(2). mine compliance with the standards
(h) For affected facilities subject to using the following procedures and ref-
§ 60.42c(h)(1), (2), or (3) where the owner erence methods, except as specified in
or operator seeks to demonstrate com- paragraph (c) of this section.
pliance with the SO2 standards based (1) Method 1 of appendix A of this
on fuel supplier certification, the per- part shall be used to select the sam-
formance test shall consist of the cer- pling site and the number of traverse
tification from the fuel supplier, as de- sampling points.
scribed in § 60.48c(f), as applicable. (2) Method 3A or 3B of appendix A–2
(i) The owner or operator of an af- of this part shall be used for gas anal-
fected facility seeking to demonstrate ysis when applying Method 5 or 5B of
compliance with the SO2 standards appendix A–3 of this part or 17 of ap-
under § 60.42c(c)(2) shall demonstrate pendix A–6 of this part.
the maximum design heat input capac- (3) Method 5, 5B, or 17 of appendix A
ity of the steam generating unit by op- of this part shall be used to measure
erating the steam generating unit at the concentration of PM as follows:
this capacity for 24 hours. This dem- (i) Method 5 of appendix A of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

onstration shall be made during the part may be used only at affected fa-
initial performance test, and a subse- cilities without wet scrubber systems.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.45c

(ii) Method 17 of appendix A of this ity of the steam generating unit by op-
part may be used at affected facilities erating the steam generating unit at
with or without wet scrubber systems this capacity for 24 hours. This dem-
provided the stack gas temperature onstration shall be made during the
does not exceed a temperature of 160 °C initial performance test, and a subse-
(320 °F). The procedures of Sections 8.1 quent demonstration may be requested
and 11.1 of Method 5B of appendix A of at any other time. If the demonstrated
this part may be used in Method 17 of 24-hour average firing rate for the af-
appendix A of this part only if Method fected facility is less than the max-
17 of appendix A of this part is used in imum design heat input capacity stat-
conjunction with a wet scrubber sys- ed by the manufacturer of the affected
tem. Method 17 of appendix A of this facility, the demonstrated 24-hour av-
part shall not be used in conjunction erage firing rate shall be used to deter-
with a wet scrubber system if the efflu- mine the annual capacity factor for the
ent is saturated or laden with water affected facility; otherwise, the max-
droplets. imum design heat input capacity pro-
(iii) Method 5B of appendix A of this vided by the manufacturer shall be
part may be used in conjunction with a used.
wet scrubber system. (c) In place of PM testing with Meth-
(4) The sampling time for each run od 5 or 5B of appendix A–3 of this part
shall be at least 120 minutes and the or Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this
minimum sampling volume shall be 1.7 part, an owner or operator may elect to
dry standard cubic meters (dscm) [60 install, calibrate, maintain, and oper-
dry standard cubic feet (dscf)] except ate a CEMS for monitoring PM emis-
that smaller sampling times or vol- sions discharged to the atmosphere and
umes may be approved by the Adminis- record the output of the system. The
trator when necessitated by process owner or operator of an affected facil-
variables or other factors. ity who elects to continuously monitor
(5) For Method 5 or 5B of appendix A PM emissions instead of conducting
of this part, the temperature of the performance testing using Method 5 or
sample gas in the probe and filter hold- 5B of appendix A–3 of this part or
er shall be monitored and maintained Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this part
at 160 ±14 °C (320±25 °F). shall install, calibrate, maintain, and
(6) For determination of PM emis- operate a CEMS and shall comply with
sions, an oxygen (O2) or carbon dioxide the requirements specified in para-
(CO2) measurement shall be obtained graphs (c)(1) through (c)(14) of this sec-
simultaneously with each run of Meth- tion.
od 5, 5B, or 17 of appendix A of this part (1) Notify the Administrator 1 month
by traversing the duct at the same before starting use of the system.
sampling location. (2) Notify the Administrator 1 month
(7) For each run using Method 5, 5B, before stopping use of the system.
or 17 of appendix A of this part, the (3) The monitor shall be installed,
emission rates expressed in ng/J (lb/ evaluated, and operated in accordance
MMBtu) heat input shall be determined with § 60.13 of subpart A of this part.
using: (4) The initial performance evalua-
(i) The O2 or CO2 measurements and tion shall be completed no later than
PM measurements obtained under this 180 days after the date of initial start-
section, (ii) The dry basis F factor, and up of the affected facility, as specified
(iii) The dry basis emission rate cal- under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or
culation procedure contained in Meth- within 180 days of notification to the
od 19 of appendix A of this part. Administrator of use of CEMS if the
(8) Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this owner or operator was previously de-
part shall be used for determining the termining compliance by Method 5, 5B,
opacity of stack emissions. or 17 of appendix A of this part per-
(b) The owner or operator of an af- formance tests, whichever is later.
fected facility seeking to demonstrate (5) The owner or operator of an af-
compliance with the PM standards fected facility shall conduct an initial
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

under § 60.43c(b)(2) shall demonstrate performance test for PM emissions as

the maximum design heat input capac- required under § 60.8 of subpart A of


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§ 60.46c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

this part. Compliance with the PM shall be performed in accordance with

emission limit shall be determined by procedure 2 in appendix F of this part.
using the CEMS specified in paragraph Relative Response Audit’s must be per-
(d) of this section to measure PM and formed annually and Response Correla-
calculating a 24-hour block arithmetic tion Audits must be performed every 3
average emission concentration using years.
EPA Reference Method 19 of appendix (13) When PM emissions data are not
A of this part, section 4.1. obtained because of CEMS breakdowns,
(6) Compliance with the PM emission repairs, calibration checks, and zero
limit shall be determined based on the and span adjustments, emissions data
24-hour daily (block) average of the shall be obtained by using other moni-
hourly arithmetic average emission toring systems as approved by the Ad-
concentrations using CEMS outlet ministrator or EPA Reference Method
data. 19 of appendix A of this part to provide,
(7) At a minimum, valid CEMS hour- as necessary, valid emissions data for a
ly averages shall be obtained as speci- minimum of 75 percent of total oper-
fied in paragraph (c)(7)(i) of this sec- ating hours on a 30-day rolling average.
tion for 75 percent of the total oper- (14) As of January 1, 2012, and within
ating hours per 30-day rolling average. 90 days after the date of completing
(i) At least two data points per hour each performance test, as defined in
shall be used to calculate each 1-hour § 60.8, conducted to demonstrate com-
arithmetic average. pliance with this subpart, you must
(ii) [Reserved] submit relative accuracy test audit
(8) The 1-hour arithmetic averages (i.e., reference method) data and per-
required under paragraph (c)(7) of this formance test (i.e., compliance test)
section shall be expressed in ng/J or lb/ data, except opacity data, electroni-
MMBtu heat input and shall be used to cally to EPA’s Central Data Exchange
calculate the boiler operating day (CDX) by using the Electronic Report-
daily arithmetic average emission con- ing Tool (ERT) (see
centrations. The 1-hour arithmetic ttn/chief/ert/ert tool.html/) or other com-
averages shall be calculated using the patible electronic spreadsheet. Only
data points required under § 60.13(e)(2) data collected using test methods com-
of subpart A of this part. patible with ERT are subject to this re-
(9) All valid CEMS data shall be used quirement to be submitted electroni-
in calculating average emission con- cally into EPA’s WebFIRE database.
centrations even if the minimum (d) The owner or operator of an af-
CEMS data requirements of paragraph fected facility seeking to demonstrate
(c)(7) of this section are not met. compliance under § 60.43c(e)(4) shall fol-
(10) The CEMS shall be operated ac- low the applicable procedures under
cording to Performance Specification § 60.48c(f). For residual oil-fired affected
11 in appendix B of this part. facilities, fuel supplier certifications
(11) During the correlation testing are only allowed for facilities with
runs of the CEMS required by Perform- heat input capacities between 2.9 and
ance Specification 11 in appendix B of 8.7 MW (10 to 30 MMBtu/h).
this part, PM and O2 (or CO2) data shall [72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
be collected concurrently (or within a FR 5091, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20,
30- to 60-minute period) by both the 2011; 77 FR 9463, Feb. 16, 2012]
continuous emission monitors and per-
formance tests conducted using the fol- § 60.46c Emission monitoring for sul-
lowing test methods. fur dioxide.
(i) For PM, Method 5 or 5B of appen- (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
dix A–3 of this part or Method 17 of ap- (d) and (e) of this section, the owner or
pendix A–6 of this part shall be used; operator of an affected facility subject
and to the SO2 emission limits under
(ii) For O2 (or CO2), Method 3A or 3B § 60.42c shall install, calibrate, main-
of appendix A–2 of this part, as applica- tain, and operate a CEMS for meas-
ble shall be used. uring SO2 concentrations and either O2
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(12) Quarterly accuracy determina- or CO2 concentrations at the outlet of

tions and daily calibration drift tests the SO2 control device (or the outlet of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.46c

the steam generating unit if no SO2 (d) As an alternative to operating a

control device is used), and shall record CEMS at the inlet to the SO2 control
the output of the system. The owner or device (or outlet of the steam gener-
operator of an affected facility subject ating unit if no SO2 control device is
to the percent reduction requirements used) as required under paragraph (a)
under § 60.42c shall measure SO2 con- of this section, an owner or operator
centrations and either O2 or CO2 con- may elect to determine the average
centrations at both the inlet and outlet SO2 emission rate by sampling the fuel
of the SO2 control device. prior to combustion. As an alternative
(b) The 1-hour average SO2 emission to operating a CEMS at the outlet from
rates measured by a CEMS shall be ex- the SO2 control device (or outlet of the
pressed in ng/J or lb/MMBtu heat input steam generating unit if no SO2 control
and shall be used to calculate the aver- device is used) as required under para-
age emission rates under § 60.42c. Each graph (a) of this section, an owner or
1-hour average SO2 emission rate must operator may elect to determine the
be based on at least 30 minutes of oper- average SO2 emission rate by using
ation, and shall be calculated using the Method 6B of appendix A of this part.
data points required under § 60.13(h)(2). Fuel sampling shall be conducted pur-
Hourly SO2 emission rates are not cal- suant to either paragraph (d)(1) or
culated if the affected facility is oper- (d)(2) of this section. Method 6B of ap-
ated less than 30 minutes in a 1-hour pendix A of this part shall be con-
period and are not counted toward de- ducted pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of
termination of a steam generating unit this section.
operating day. (1) For affected facilities combusting
(c) The procedures under § 60.13 shall coal or oil, coal or oil samples shall be
be followed for installation, evalua- collected daily in an as-fired condition
tion, and operation of the CEMS. at the inlet to the steam generating
(1) All CEMS shall be operated in ac- unit and analyzed for sulfur content
cordance with the applicable proce- and heat content according the Method
dures under Performance Specifica- 19 of appendix A of this part. Method 19
tions 1, 2, and 3 of appendix B of this of appendix A of this part provides pro-
part. cedures for converting these measure-
(2) Quarterly accuracy determina- ments into the format to be used in
tions and daily calibration drift tests calculating the average SO2 input rate.
shall be performed in accordance with (2) As an alternative fuel sampling
Procedure 1 of appendix F of this part. procedure for affected facilities com-
(3) For affected facilities subject to busting oil, oil samples may be col-
the percent reduction requirements lected from the fuel tank for each
under § 60.42c, the span value of the SO2 steam generating unit immediately
CEMS at the inlet to the SO2 control after the fuel tank is filled and before
device shall be 125 percent of the max- any oil is combusted. The owner or op-
imum estimated hourly potential SO2 erator of the affected facility shall
emission rate of the fuel combusted, analyze the oil sample to determine
and the span value of the SO2 CEMS at the sulfur content of the oil. If a par-
the outlet from the SO2 control device tially empty fuel tank is refilled, a new
shall be 50 percent of the maximum es- sample and analysis of the fuel in the
timated hourly potential SO2 emission tank would be required upon filling.
rate of the fuel combusted. Results of the fuel analysis taken after
(4) For affected facilities that are not each new shipment of oil is received
subject to the percent reduction re- shall be used as the daily value when
quirements of § 60.42c, the span value of calculating the 30-day rolling average
the SO2 CEMS at the outlet from the until the next shipment is received. If
SO2 control device (or outlet of the the fuel analysis shows that the sulfur
steam generating unit if no SO2 control content in the fuel tank is greater than
device is used) shall be 125 percent of 0.5 weight percent sulfur, the owner or
the maximum estimated hourly poten- operator shall ensure that the sulfur
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tial SO2 emission rate of the fuel com- content of subsequent oil shipments is
busted. low enough to cause the 30-day rolling


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§ 60.47c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

average sulfur content to be 0.5 weight toring systems as approved by the Ad-
percent sulfur or less. ministrator.
(3) Method 6B of appendix A of this
part may be used in lieu of CEMS to § 60.47c Emission monitoring for par-
measure SO2 at the inlet or outlet of ticulate matter.
the SO2 control system. An initial (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
stratification test is required to verify (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section, the
the adequacy of the Method 6B of ap- owner or operator of an affected facil-
pendix A of this part sampling loca- ity combusting coal, oil, or wood that
tion. The stratification test shall con- is subject to the opacity standards
sist of three paired runs of a suitable under § 60.43c shall install, calibrate,
SO2 and CO2 measurement train oper- maintain, and operate a continuous
ated at the candidate location and a opacity monitoring system (COMS) for
second similar train operated accord- measuring the opacity of the emissions
ing to the procedures in § 3.2 and the discharged to the atmosphere and
applicable procedures in section 7 of record the output of the system. The
Performance Specification 2 of appen- owner or operator of an affected facil-
dix B of this part. Method 6B of appen- ity subject to an opacity standard in
dix A of this part, Method 6A of appen- § 60.43c(c) that is not required to use a
dix A of this part, or a combination of COMS due to paragraphs (c), (d), (e), or
Methods 6 and 3 of appendix A of this (f) of this section that elects not to use
part or Methods 6C and 3A of appendix a COMS shall conduct a performance
A of this part are suitable measure-
test using Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
ment techniques. If Method 6B of ap-
this part and the procedures in § 60.11
pendix A of this part is used for the
to demonstrate compliance with the
second train, sampling time and timer
applicable limit in § 60.43c by April 29,
operation may be adjusted for the
2011, within 45 days of stopping use of
stratification test as long as an ade-
an existing COMS, or within 180 days
quate sample volume is collected; how-
after initial startup of the facility,
ever, both sampling trains are to be op-
whichever is later, and shall comply
erated similarly. For the location to be
with either paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), or
adequate for Method 6B of appendix A
(a)(3) of this section. The observation
of this part 24-hour tests, the mean of
the absolute difference between the period for Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
three paired runs must be less than 10 this part performance tests may be re-
percent (0.10). duced from 3 hours to 60 minutes if all
(e) The monitoring requirements of 6-minute averages are less than 10 per-
paragraphs (a) and (d) of this section cent and all individual 15-second obser-
shall not apply to affected facilities vations are less than or equal to 20 per-
subject to § 60.42c(h) (1), (2), or (3) where cent during the initial 60 minutes of
the owner or operator of the affected observation.
facility seeks to demonstrate compli- (1) Except as provided in paragraph
ance with the SO2 standards based on (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, the
fuel supplier certification, as described owner or operator shall conduct subse-
under § 60.48c(f), as applicable. quent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
(f) The owner or operator of an af- part performance tests using the proce-
fected facility operating a CEMS pur- dures in paragraph (a) of this section
suant to paragraph (a) of this section, according to the applicable schedule in
or conducting as-fired fuel sampling paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) of
pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this sec- this section, as determined by the most
tion, shall obtain emission data for at recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
least 75 percent of the operating hours part performance test results.
in at least 22 out of 30 successive steam (i) If no visible emissions are ob-
generating unit operating days. If this served, a subsequent Method 9 of ap-
minimum data requirement is not met pendix A–4 of this part performance
with a single monitoring system, the test must be completed within 12 cal-
owner or operator of the affected facil- endar months from the date that the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ity shall supplement the emission data most recent performance test was con-
with data collected with other moni- ducted or within 45 days of the next


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.47c

day that fuel with an opacity standard sions is greater than 5 percent of the
is combusted, whichever is later; observation period (i.e., 90 seconds per
(ii) If visible emissions are observed 30 minute period), the owner or oper-
but the maximum 6-minute average ator shall either document and adjust
opacity is less than or equal to 5 per- the operation of the facility and dem-
cent, a subsequent Method 9 of appen- onstrate within 24 hours that the sum
dix A–4 of this part performance test of the occurrence of visible emissions
must be completed within 6 calendar is equal to or less than 5 percent during
months from the date that the most re- a 30 minute observation (i.e., 90 sec-
cent performance test was conducted onds) or conduct a new Method 9 of ap-
or within 45 days of the next day that pendix A–4 of this part performance
fuel with an opacity standard is com- test using the procedures in paragraph
busted, whichever is later; (a) of this section within 45 calendar
(iii) If the maximum 6-minute aver- days according to the requirements in
age opacity is greater than 5 percent § 60.45c(a)(8).
but less than or equal to 10 percent, a (ii) If no visible emissions are ob-
subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of served for 10 operating days during
this part performance test must be which an opacity standard is applica-
completed within 3 calendar months ble, observations can be reduced to
from the date that the most recent per- once every 7 operating days during
formance test was conducted or within which an opacity standard is applica-
45 days of the next day that fuel with ble. If any visible emissions are ob-
an opacity standard is combusted,
served, daily observations shall be re-
whichever is later; or
(iv) If the maximum 6-minute aver-
(3) If the maximum 6-minute opacity
age opacity is greater than 10 percent,
a subsequent Method 9 of appendix A–4 is less than 10 percent during the most
of this part performance test must be recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
completed within 45 calendar days from part performance test, the owner or op-
the date that the most recent perform- erator may, as an alternative to per-
ance test was conducted. forming subsequent Method 9 of appen-
(2) If the maximum 6-minute opacity dix A–4 performance tests, elect to per-
is less than 10 percent during the most form subsequent monitoring using a
recent Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this digital opacity compliance system ac-
part performance test, the owner or op- cording to a site-specific monitoring
erator may, as an alternative to per- plan approved by the Administrator.
forming subsequent Method 9 of appen- The observations shall be similar, but
dix A–4 of this part performance tests, not necessarily identical, to the re-
elect to perform subsequent moni- quirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this
toring using Method 22 of appendix A– section. For reference purposes in pre-
7 of this part according to the proce- paring the monitoring plan, see OAQPS
dures specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) ‘‘Determination of Visible Emission
and (ii) of this section. Opacity from Stationary Sources Using
(i) The owner or operator shall con- Computer-Based Photographic Anal-
duct 10 minute observations (during ysis Systems.’’ This document is avail-
normal operation) each operating day able from the U.S. Environmental Pro-
the affected facility fires fuel for which tection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office of
an opacity standard is applicable using Air Quality and Planning Standards;
Method 22 of appendix A–7 of this part Sector Policies and Programs Division;
and demonstrate that the sum of the Measurement Policy Group (D243–02),
occurrences of any visible emissions is Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. This
not in excess of 5 percent of the obser- document is also available on the
vation period (i.e. , 30 seconds per 10 Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
minute period). If the sum of the occur- under Emission Measurement Center
rence of any visible emissions is great- Preliminary Methods.
er than 30 seconds during the initial 10 (b) All COMS shall be operated in ac-
minute observation, immediately con- cordance with the applicable proce-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

duct a 30 minute observation. If the dures under Performance Specification

sum of the occurrence of visible emis- 1 of appendix B of this part. The span


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§ 60.47c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

value of the opacity COMS shall be be- erated by the CO CEMS expressed in
tween 60 and 80 percent. parts per million by volume corrected
(c) Owners and operators of an af- to 3 percent oxygen (dry basis).
fected facilities that burn only dis- (iii) At a minimum, valid 1-hour CO
tillate oil that contains no more than emissions averages must be obtained
0.5 weight percent sulfur and/or liquid for at least 90 percent of the operating
or gaseous fuels with potential sulfur hours on a 30-day rolling average basis.
dioxide emission rates of 26 ng/J (0.060 The 1-hour averages are calculated
lb/MMBtu) heat input or less and that using the data points required in
do not use a post-combustion tech- § 60.13(h)(2).
nology to reduce SO2 or PM emissions (iv) Quarterly accuracy determina-
and that are subject to an opacity tions and daily calibration drift tests
standard in § 60.43c(c) are not required for the CO CEMS must be performed in
to operate a COMS if they follow the accordance with procedure 1 in appen-
applicable procedures in § 60.48c(f). dix F of this part.
(d) Owners or operators complying (2) You must calculate the 1-hour av-
with the PM emission limit by using a erage CO emissions levels for each
PM CEMS must calibrate, maintain, steam generating unit operating day
operate, and record the output of the by multiplying the average hourly CO
system for PM emissions discharged to output concentration measured by the
the atmosphere as specified in CO CEMS times the corresponding av-
§ 60.45c(c). The CEMS specified in para- erage hourly flue gas flow rate and di-
graph § 60.45c(c) shall be operated and vided by the corresponding average
data recorded during all periods of op- hourly heat input to the affected
eration of the affected facility except source. The 24-hour average CO emis-
for CEMS breakdowns and repairs. sion level is determined by calculating
Data is recorded during calibration the arithmetic average of the hourly
checks, and zero and span adjustments. CO emission levels computed for each
(e) Owners and operators of an af- steam generating unit operating day.
fected facility that is subject to an (3) You must evaluate the preceding
opacity standard in § 60.43c(c) and that 24-hour average CO emission level each
does not use post-combustion tech- steam generating unit operating day
nology (except a wet scrubber) for re- excluding periods of affected source
ducing PM, SO2, or carbon monoxide startup, shutdown, or malfunction. If
(CO) emissions, burns only gaseous the 24-hour average CO emission level
fuels or fuel oils that contain less than is greater than 0.15 lb/MMBtu, you
or equal to 0.5 weight percent sulfur, must initiate investigation of the rel-
and is operated such that emissions of evant equipment and control systems
CO discharged to the atmosphere from within 24 hours of the first discovery of
the affected facility are maintained at the high emission incident and, take
levels less than or equal to 0.15 lb/ the appropriate corrective action as
MMBtu on a boiler operating day aver- soon as practicable to adjust control
age basis is not required to operate a settings or repair equipment to reduce
COMS. Owners and operators of af- the 24-hour average CO emission level
fected facilities electing to comply to 0.15 lb/MMBtu or less.
with this paragraph must demonstrate (4) You must record the CO measure-
compliance according to the proce- ments and calculations performed ac-
dures specified in paragraphs (e)(1) cording to paragraph (e) of this section
through (4) of this section; or and any corrective actions taken. The
(1) You must monitor CO emissions record of corrective action taken must
using a CEMS according to the proce- include the date and time during which
dures specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) the 24-hour average CO emission level
through (iv) of this section. was greater than 0.15 lb/MMBtu, and
(i) The CO CEMS must be installed, the date, time, and description of the
certified, maintained, and operated ac- corrective action.
cording to the provisions in § 60.58b(i)(3) (f) An owner or operator of an af-
of subpart Eb of this part. fected facility that is subject to an
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(ii) Each 1-hour CO emissions average opacity standard in § 60.43c(c) is not re-
is calculated using the data points gen- quired to operate a COMS provided


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48c

that the affected facility meets the (3) The annual capacity factor at
conditions in either paragraphs (f)(1), which the owner or operator antici-
(2), or (3) of this section. pates operating the affected facility
(1) The affected facility uses a fabric based on all fuels fired and based on
filter (baghouse) as the primary PM each individual fuel fired.
control device and, the owner or oper- (4) Notification if an emerging tech-
ator operates a bag leak detection sys- nology will be used for controlling SO2
tem to monitor the performance of the emissions. The Administrator will ex-
fabric filter according to the require- amine the description of the control
ments in section § 60.48Da of this part. device and will determine whether the
(2) The affected facility uses an ESP technology qualifies as an emerging
as the primary PM control device, and technology. In making this determina-
the owner or operator uses an ESP pre- tion, the Administrator may require
dictive model to monitor the perform- the owner or operator of the affected
ance of the ESP developed in accord- facility to submit additional informa-
ance and operated according to the re- tion concerning the control device. The
quirements in section § 60.48Da of this affected facility is subject to the provi-
part. sions of § 60.42c(a) or (b)(1), unless and
(3) The affected facility burns only until this determination is made by the
gaseous fuels and/or fuel oils that con- Administrator.
tain no greater than 0.5 weight percent
(b) The owner or operator of each af-
sulfur, and the owner or operator oper-
fected facility subject to the SO2 emis-
ates the unit according to a written
sion limits of § 60.42c, or the PM or
site-specific monitoring plan approved
opacity limits of § 60.43c, shall submit
by the permitting authority. This mon-
to the Administrator the performance
itoring plan must include procedures
test data from the initial and any sub-
and criteria for establishing and moni-
sequent performance tests and, if appli-
toring specific parameters for the af-
fected facility indicative of compliance cable, the performance evaluation of
with the opacity standard. For testing the CEMS and/or COMS using the ap-
performed as part of this site-specific plicable performance specifications in
monitoring plan, the permitting au- appendix B of this part.
thority may require as an alternative (c) In addition to the applicable re-
to the notification and reporting re- quirements in § 60.7, the owner or oper-
quirements specified in §§ 60.8 and 60.11 ator of an affected facility subject to
that the owner or operator submit any the opacity limits in § 60.43c(c) shall
deviations with the excess emissions submit excess emission reports for any
report required under § 60.48c(c). excess emissions from the affected fa-
cility that occur during the reporting
[72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74 period and maintain records according
FR 5091, Jan. 28, 2009; 76 FR 3523, Jan. 20,
to the requirements specified in para-
2011; 77 FR 9463, Feb. 16, 2012]
graphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section,
§ 60.48c Reporting and recordkeeping as applicable to the visible emissions
requirements. monitoring method used.
(a) The owner or operator of each af- (1) For each performance test con-
fected facility shall submit notifica- ducted using Method 9 of appendix A–4
tion of the date of construction or re- of this part, the owner or operator
construction and actual startup, as shall keep the records including the in-
provided by § 60.7 of this part. This no- formation specified in paragraphs
tification shall include: (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(1) The design heat input capacity of (i) Dates and time intervals of all
the affected facility and identification opacity observation periods;
of fuels to be combusted in the affected (ii) Name, affiliation, and copy of
facility. current visible emission reading cer-
(2) If applicable, a copy of any feder- tification for each visible emission ob-
ally enforceable requirement that lim- server participating in the performance
its the annual capacity factor for any test; and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fuel or mixture of fuels under § 60.42c, (iii) Copies of all visible emission ob-
or § 60.43c. server opacity field data sheets;


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§ 60.48c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(2) For each performance test con- (4) Identification of any steam gener-
ducted using Method 22 of appendix A– ating unit operating days for which
4 of this part, the owner or operator SO2 or diluent (O2 or CO2) data have
shall keep the records including the in- not been obtained by an approved
formation specified in paragraphs method for at least 75 percent of the
(c)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. operating hours; justification for not
(i) Dates and time intervals of all obtaining sufficient data; and a de-
visible emissions observation periods; scription of corrective actions taken.
(ii) Name and affiliation for each (5) Identification of any times when
visible emission observer participating emissions data have been excluded
in the performance test; from the calculation of average emis-
(iii) Copies of all visible emission ob- sion rates; justification for excluding
server opacity field data sheets; and data; and a description of corrective
(iv) Documentation of any adjust- actions taken if data have been ex-
ments made and the time the adjust- cluded for periods other than those
ments were completed to the affected during which coal or oil were not com-
facility operation by the owner or oper- busted in the steam generating unit.
ator to demonstrate compliance with (6) Identification of the F factor used
the applicable monitoring require- in calculations, method of determina-
ments. tion, and type of fuel combusted.
(3) For each digital opacity compli- (7) Identification of whether averages
ance system, the owner or operator have been obtained based on CEMS
shall maintain records and submit re- rather than manual sampling methods.
ports according to the requirements (8) If a CEMS is used, identification
specified in the site-specific moni- of any times when the pollutant con-
toring plan approved by the Adminis- centration exceeded the full span of the
trator CEMS.
(d) The owner or operator of each af- (9) If a CEMS is used, description of
fected facility subject to the SO2 emis- any modifications to the CEMS that
sion limits, fuel oil sulfur limits, or could affect the ability of the CEMS to
percent reduction requirements under comply with Performance Specifica-
§ 60.42c shall submit reports to the Ad- tions 2 or 3 of appendix B of this part.
ministrator. (10) If a CEMS is used, results of
(e) The owner or operator of each af- daily CEMS drift tests and quarterly
fected facility subject to the SO2 emis- accuracy assessments as required
sion limits, fuel oil sulfur limits, or under appendix F, Procedure 1 of this
percent reduction requirements under part.
§ 60.42c shall keep records and submit (11) If fuel supplier certification is
reports as required under paragraph (d) used to demonstrate compliance,
of this section, including the following records of fuel supplier certification as
information, as applicable. described under paragraph (f)(1), (2),
(1) Calendar dates covered in the re- (3), or (4) of this section, as applicable.
porting period. In addition to records of fuel supplier
(2) Each 30-day average SO2 emission certifications, the report shall include
rate (ng/J or lb/MMBtu), or 30-day aver- a certified statement signed by the
age sulfur content (weight percent), owner or operator of the affected facil-
calculated during the reporting period, ity that the records of fuel supplier
ending with the last 30-day period; rea- certifications submitted represent all
sons for any noncompliance with the of the fuel combusted during the re-
emission standards; and a description porting period.
of corrective actions taken. (f) Fuel supplier certification shall
(3) Each 30-day average percent of po- include the following information:
tential SO2 emission rate calculated (1) For distillate oil:
during the reporting period, ending (i) The name of the oil supplier;
with the last 30-day period; reasons for (ii) A statement from the oil supplier
any noncompliance with the emission that the oil complies with the speci-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

standards; and a description of the cor- fications under the definition of dis-
rective actions taken. tillate oil in § 60.41c; and


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.48c

(iii) The sulfur content or maximum section, the owner or operator of an af-
sulfur content of the oil. fected facility that combusts only nat-
(2) For residual oil: ural gas, wood, fuels using fuel certifi-
(i) The name of the oil supplier; cation in § 60.48c(f) to demonstrate
(ii) The location of the oil when the compliance with the SO2 standard,
sample was drawn for analysis to deter- fuels not subject to an emissions stand-
mine the sulfur content of the oil, spe- ard (excluding opacity), or a mixture of
cifically including whether the oil was these fuels may elect to record and
sampled as delivered to the affected fa- maintain records of the amount of each
cility, or whether the sample was fuel combusted during each calendar
drawn from oil in storage at the oil month.
supplier’s or oil refiner’s facility, or (3) As an alternative to meeting the
other location; requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this
(iii) The sulfur content of the oil section, the owner or operator of an af-
from which the shipment came (or of fected facility or multiple affected fa-
the shipment itself); and cilities located on a contiguous prop-
(iv) The method used to determine erty unit where the only fuels com-
the sulfur content of the oil. busted in any steam generating unit
(3) For coal: (including steam generating units not
(i) The name of the coal supplier; subject to this subpart) at that prop-
(ii) The location of the coal when the erty are natural gas, wood, distillate
sample was collected for analysis to de- oil meeting the most current require-
termine the properties of the coal, spe- ments in § 60.42C to use fuel certifi-
cifically including whether the coal cation to demonstrate compliance with
was sampled as delivered to the af- the SO2 standard, and/or fuels, exclud-
fected facility or whether the sample ing coal and residual oil, not subject to
was collected from coal in storage at an emissions standard (excluding opac-
the mine, at a coal preparation plant, ity) may elect to record and maintain
at a coal supplier’s facility, or at an- records of the total amount of each
other location. The certification shall steam generating unit fuel delivered to
include the name of the coal mine (and that property during each calendar
coal seam), coal storage facility, or month.
coal preparation plant (where the sam- (h) The owner or operator of each af-
ple was collected); fected facility subject to a federally en-
(iii) The results of the analysis of the forceable requirement limiting the an-
coal from which the shipment came (or nual capacity factor for any fuel or
of the shipment itself) including the mixture of fuels under § 60.42c or § 60.43c
sulfur content, moisture content, ash shall calculate the annual capacity fac-
content, and heat content; and tor individually for each fuel com-
(iv) The methods used to determine busted. The annual capacity factor is
the properties of the coal. determined on a 12-month rolling aver-
(4) For other fuels: age basis with a new annual capacity
(i) The name of the supplier of the factor calculated at the end of the cal-
fuel; endar month.
(ii) The potential sulfur emissions
(i) All records required under this
rate or maximum potential sulfur
section shall be maintained by the
emissions rate of the fuel in ng/J heat
owner or operator of the affected facil-
input; and
ity for a period of two years following
(iii) The method used to determine
the date of such record.
the potential sulfur emissions rate of
the fuel. (j) The reporting period for the re-
(g)(1) Except as provided under para- ports required under this subpart is
graphs (g)(2) and (g)(3) of this section, each six-month period. All reports
the owner or operator of each affected shall be submitted to the Adminis-
facility shall record and maintain trator and shall be postmarked by the
records of the amount of each fuel com- 30th day following the end of the re-
busted during each operating day. porting period.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(2) As an alternative to meeting the [72 FR 32759, June 13, 2007, as amended at 74
requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this FR 5091, Jan. 28, 2009]


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§ 60.50 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Subpart E—Standards of ject to the provisions of this part shall

Performance for Incinerators cause to be discharged into the atmos-
phere from any affected facility any
§ 60.50 Applicability and designation gases which contain particulate matter
of affected facility. in excess of 0.18 g/dscm (0.08 gr/dscf)
(a) The provisions of this subpart are corrected to 12 percent CO2.
applicable to each incinerator of more [39 FR 20792, June 14, 1974, as amended at 65
than 45 metric tons per day charging FR 61753, Oct. 17, 2000]
rate (50 tons/day), which is the affected
facility. § 60.53 Monitoring of operations.
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) (a) The owner or operator of any in-
of this section that commences con- cinerator subject to the provisions of
struction or modification after August this part shall record the daily charg-
17, 1971, is subject to the requirements ing rates and hours of operation.
of this subpart.
(c) Any facility covered by subpart § 60.54 Test methods and procedures.
Cb, Eb, AAAA, or BBBB of this part is
(a) In conducting the performance
not covered by this subpart.
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
(d) Any facility covered by an EPA
erator shall use as reference methods
approved State section 111(d)/129 plan
and procedures the test methods in ap-
implementing subpart Cb or BBBB of
pendix A of this part or other methods
this part is not covered by this subpart.
and procedures as specified in this sec-
(e) Any facility covered by subpart
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
FFF or JJJ of part 62 of this title (Fed-
(b) The owner or operator shall deter-
eral section 111(d)/129 plan imple-
mine compliance with the particulate
menting subpart Cb or BBBB of this
matter standard in § 60.52 as follows:
part) is not covered by this subpart.
(1) The concentration (c12) of particu-
[42 FR 37936, July 25, 1977, as amended at 71 late matter, corrected to 12 percent
FR 27335, May 10, 2006] CO2, shall be computed for each run
using the following equation:
§ 60.51 Definitions.
As used in this subpart, all terms not c12 = cs (12/%CO2)
defined herein shall have the meaning where:
given them in the Act and in subpart A c12 = concentration of particulate matter,
of this part. corrected to 12 percent CO2, g/dscm (gr/
(a) Incinerator means any furnace dscf).
used in the process of burning solid cs = concentration of particulate matter, g/
waste for the purpose of reducing the dscm (gr/dscf).
volume of the waste by removing com- %CO2 = CO2 concentration, percent dry basis.
bustible matter. (2) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
(b) Solid waste means refuse, more mine the particulate matter concentra-
than 50 percent of which is municipal tion (cs). The sampling time and sam-
type waste consisting of a mixture of ple volume for each run shall be at
paper, wood, yard wastes, food wastes, least 60 minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf).
plastics, leather, rubber, and other (3) The emission rate correction fac-
combustibles, and noncombustible ma- tor, integrated or grab sampling and
terials such as glass and rock. analysis procedure of Method 3B shall
(c) Day means 24 hours. be used to determine CO2 concentration
[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 39 (%CO2).
FR 20792, June 14, 1974] (i) The CO2 sample shall be obtained
simultaneously with, and at the same
§ 60.52 Standard for particulate mat- traverse points as, the particulate run.
ter. If the particulate run has more than 12
(a) On and after the date on which traverse points, the CO2 traverse points
the initial performance test is com- may be reduced to 12 if Method 1 is
pleted or required to be completed used to locate the 12 CO2 traverse
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

under § 60.8 of this part, whichever date points. If individual CO2 samples are
comes first, no owner or operator sub- taken at each traverse point, the CO2


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.50a

concentration (%CO2) used in the cor- The CO2 sample is taken simulta-
rection equation shall be the arith- neously with each particulate run
metic mean of the sample CO2 con- being conducted at the outlet, by tra-
centrations at all traverse points. versing the three sampling points (or
(ii) If sampling is conducted after a more) and sampling at each point for
wet scrubber, an ‘‘adjusted’’ CO2 con- equal increments of time.
centration [(%CO2)adj], which accounts (2) Excess air measurements may be
for the effects of CO2 absorption and di- used to determine the adjusted CO2
lution air, may be used instead of the concentration [(%CO2)adj] using the fol-
CO2 concentration determined in this lowing equation:
paragraph. The adjusted CO2 con-
centration shall be determined by ei- (%CO2)adj = (%CO2)di [(100 + %EAi)/(100 +
ther of the procedures in paragraph (c) %EAo)]
of this section. where:
(c) The owner or operator may use ei-
(%CO2)adj = adjusted outlet CO2 concentra-
ther of the following procedures to de- tion, percent dry basis.
termine the adjusted CO2 concentra- (%CO2)di = CO2 concentration at the inlet of
tion. the wet scrubber, percent dry basis.
(1) The volumetric flow rates at the %EAi = excess air at the inlet of the scrub-
inlet and outlet of the wet scrubber ber, percent.
and the inlet CO2 concentration may be %EAo = excess air at the outlet of the scrub-
used to determine the adjusted CO2 ber, percent.
concentration [(%CO2)adj] using the fol-
lowing equation: (i) A gas sample is collected as in
paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section and
(%CO2)adj = (%CO2)di (Qdi/Qdo) the gas samples at both the inlet and
where: outlet locations are analyzed for CO2,
(%CO2)adj = adjusted outlet CO2 concentra- O2, and N2.
tion, percent dry basis. (ii) Equation 3B–3 of Method 3B is
(%CO2)di = CO2 concentration measured be- used to compute the percentages of ex-
fore the scrubber, percent dry basis. cess air at the inlet and outlet of the
Qdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas be- wet scrubber.
fore the wet scrubber, dscm/min (dscf/
min). [54 FR 6665, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 55
Qdo = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas FR 5212, Feb. 14, 1990; 65 FR 61753, Oct. 17,
after the wet scrubber, dscm/min (dscf/ 2000]
(i) At the outlet, Method 5 is used to Subpart Ea—Standards of Perform-
determine the volumetric flow rate ance for Municipal Waste
(Qdo) of the effluent gas. Combustors for Which Con-
(ii) At the inlet, Method 2 is used to struction Is Commenced After
determine the volumetric flow rate
(Qdi) of the effluent gas as follows: Two
December 20, 1989 and On or
full velocity traverses are conducted, Before September 20, 1994
one immediately before and one imme-
diately after each particulate run con- SOURCE: 56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, unless
ducted at the outlet, and the results otherwise noted.
are averaged.
(iii) At the inlet, the emission rate § 60.50a Applicability and delegation
correction factor, integrated sampling of authority.
and analysis procedure of Method 3B is (a) The affected facility to which this
used to determine the CO2 concentra- subpart applies is each municipal waste
tion [(%CO2)di] as follows: At least nine combustor unit with a municipal waste
sampling points are selected randomly combustor unit capacity greater than
from the velocity traverse points and 225 megagrams per day (250 tons per
are divided randomly into three sets, day) of municipal solid waste for which
equal in number of points; the first set construction, modification, or recon-
of three or more points is used for the struction is commenced as specified in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

first run, the second set for the second paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this sec-
run, and the third set for the third run. tion.


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§ 60.50a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(1) Construction is commenced after an exemption claim and provides data

December 20, 1989 and on or before Sep- documenting that the facility qualifies
tember 20, 1994. for this exemption.
(2) Modification or reconstruction is (h) A qualifying cogeneration facil-
commenced after December 20, 1989 and ity, as defined in section 3(18)(B) of the
on or before June 19, 1996. Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
(b) [Reserved] 796(18)(B)), that burns homogeneous
(c) Any unit combusting a single- waste (such as automotive tires or used
item waste stream of tires is not sub- oil, but not including refuse-derived
ject to this subpart if the owner or op- fuel) for the production of electric en-
erator of the unit: ergy and steam or forms of useful en-
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an ergy (such as heat) that are used for in-
exemption claim; and dustrial, commercial, heating, or cool-
(2) Provides data documenting that ing purposes, is not subject to this sub-
the unit qualifies for this exemption. part if the owner or operator of the fa-
(d) Any cofired combustor, as defined cility notifies the Administrator of an
under § 60.51a, located at a plant that exemption claim and provides data
meets the capacity specifications in documenting that the facility qualifies
paragraph (a) of this section is not sub- for this exemption.
ject to this subpart if the owner or op- (i) Any unit required to have a per-
erator of the cofired combustor: mit under section 3005 of the Solid
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an Waste Disposal Act is not subject to
exemption claim; this subpart.
(2) Provides a copy of the federally (j) Any materials recovery facility
enforceable permit (specified in the (including primary or secondary smelt-
definition of cofired combustor in this ers) that combusts waste for the pri-
section); and mary purpose of recovering metals is
(3) Keeps a record on a calendar quar- not subject to this subpart.
ter basis of the weight of municipal (k) Pyrolysis/combustion units that
solid waste combusted at the cofired are an integrated part of a plastics/rub-
combustor and the weight of all other ber recycling unit (as defined in
fuels combusted at the cofired com- § 60.51a) are not subject to this subpart
bustor. if the owner or operator of the plastics/
(e) Any cofired combustor that is rubber recycling unit keeps records of:
subject to a federally enforceable per- the weight of plastics, rubber, and/or
mit limiting the operation of the com- rubber tires processed on a calendar
bustor to no more than 225 megagrams quarter basis; the weight of chemical
per day (250 tons per day) of municipal plant feedstocks and petroleum refin-
solid waste is not subject to this sub- ery feedstocks produced and marketed
part. on a calendar quarter basis; and the
(f) Physical or operational changes name and address of the purchaser of
made to an existing municipal waste the feedstocks. The combustion of gas-
combustor unit primarily for the pur- oline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oils, re-
pose of complying with emission guide- sidual oil, refinery gas, petroleum
lines under subpart Cb are not consid- coke, liquified petroleum gas, propane,
ered a modification or reconstruction or butane produced by chemical plants
and do not result in an existing munic- or petroleum refineries that use feed-
ipal waste combustor unit becoming stocks produced by plastics/rubber re-
subject to this subpart. cycling units are not subject to this
(g) A qualifying small power produc- subpart.
tion facility, as defined in section (l) The following authorities shall be
3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16 retained by the Administrator and not
U.S.C. 796(17)(C)), that burns homo- transferred to a State:
geneous waste (such as automotive
tires or used oil, but not including
refuse-derived fuel) for the production (m) This subpart shall become effec-
of electric energy is not subject to this tive on August 12, 1991.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

subpart if the owner or operator of the [56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, as amended at 60
facility notifies the Administrator of FR 65384, Dec. 19, 1995]


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51a

§ 60.51a Definitions. Continuous monitoring system means

ASME means the American Society the total equipment used to sample and
of Mechanical Engineers. condition (if applicable), to analyze,
Batch MWC means an MWC unit de- and to provide a permanent record of
signed such that it cannot combust emissions or process parameters.
MSW continuously 24 hours per day be- Dioxin/furan means total tetra-
cause the design does not allow waste through octachlorinated dibenzo-p-
to be fed to the unit or ash to be re- dioxins and dibenzofurans.
moved while combustion is occurring. Federally-enforceable means all limi-
Bubbling fluidized bed combustor tations and conditions that are en-
means a fluidized bed combustor in forceable by the Administrator includ-
which the majority of the bed material ing the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60
remains in a fluidized state in the pri- and 61, requirements within any appli-
mary combustion zone. cable State implementation plan, and
Calendar quarter means a consecutive any permit requirements established
3-month period (nonoverlapping) begin- under 40 CFR 52.21 or under 40 CFR
ning on January 1, April 1, July 1, and 51.18 and 40 CFR 51.24.
October 1. Four-hour block average or 4-hour
Chief facility operator means the per- block average means the average of all
son in direct charge and control of the hourly emission rates when the af-
operation of an MWC and who is re- fected facility is operating and com-
sponsible for daily on-site supervision, busting MSW measured over 4-hour pe-
technical direction, management, and riods of time from 12 midnight to 4
overall performance of the facility. a.m., 4 a.m. to 8 a.m., 8 a.m. to 12 noon,
Circulating fluidized bed combustor 12 noon to 4 p.m., 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and
means a fluidized bed combustor in 8 p.m. to 12 midnight.
which the majority of the fluidized bed Large municipal waste combustor plant
material is carried out of the primary means a municipal waste combustor
combustion zone and is transported plant with a municipal waste com-
back to the primary zone through a re- bustor aggregate plant capacity for af-
circulation loop. fected facilities that is greater than 225
Clean wood means untreated wood or megagrams per day (250 tons per day)
untreated wood products including of municipal solid waste.
clean untreated lumber, tree stumps Mass burn refractory municipal waste
(whole or chipped), and tree limbs combustor means a field-erected com-
(whole or chipped). Clean wood does bustor that combusts municipal solid
not include yard waste, which is de- waste in a refractory wall furnace. Un-
fined elsewhere in this section, or con- less otherwise specified, this includes
struction, renovation, and demolition combustors with a cylindrical rotary
wastes (which includes but is not lim- refractory wall furnace.
ited to railroad ties and telephone Mass burn rotary waterwall municipal
poles), which are exempt from the defi- waste combustor means a field-erected
nition of municipal solid waste in this combustor that combusts municipal
section. solid waste in a cylindrical rotary
Cofired combustor means a unit com- waterwall furnace.
busting municipal solid waste with Mass burn waterwall municipal waste
nonmunicipal solid waste fuel (e.g., combustor means a field-erected com-
coal, industrial process waste) and sub- bustor that combusts municipal solid
ject to a federally enforceable permit waste in a waterwall furnace.
limiting the unit to combusting a fuel Maximum demonstrated municipal
feed stream, 30 percent or less of the waste combustor unit load means the
weight of which is comprised, in aggre- highest 4-hour arithmetic average mu-
gate, of municipal solid waste as meas- nicipal waste combustor unit load
ured on a calendar quarter basis. achieved during four consecutive hours
Continuous emission monitoring system during the most recent dioxin/furan
or CEMS means a monitoring system performance test demonstrating com-
for continuously measuring the emis- pliance with the applicable limit for
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sions of a pollutant from an affected fa- municipal waste combustor organics

cility. specified under § 60.53a.


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§ 60.51a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Maximum demonstrated particulate temporary housing establishments or

matter control device temperature means facilities. Commercial/retail waste in-
the highest 4-hour arithmetic average cludes material discarded by stores, of-
flue gas temperature measured at the fices, restaurants, warehouses, non-
particulate matter control device inlet manufacturing activities at industrial
during four consecutive hours during facilities, and other similar establish-
the most recent dioxin/furan perform- ments or facilities. Institutional waste
ance test demonstrating compliance includes material discarded by schools,
with the applicable limit for municipal nonmedical waste discarded by hos-
waste combustor organics specified pitals, material discarded by nonmanu-
under § 60.53a. facturing activities at prisons and gov-
Modification or modified municipal ernment facilities, and material dis-
waste combustor unit means a municipal carded by other similar establishments
waste combustor unit to which changes or facilities. Household, commercial/re-
have been made if the cumulative cost tail, and institutional waste does not
of the changes, over the life of the unit, include used oil; sewage sludge; wood
exceed 50 percent of the original cost of pallets; construction, renovation, and
construction and installation of the demolition wastes (which includes but
unit (not including the cost of any land is not limited to railroad ties and tele-
purchased in connection with such con- phone poles); clean wood; industrial
struction or installation) updated to process or manufacturing wastes; med-
current costs; or any physical change ical waste; or motor vehicles (including
in the municipal waste combustor unit motor vehicle parts or vehicle fluff).
or change in the method of operation of Household, commercial/retail, and in-
the municipal waste combustor unit in- stitutional wastes include:
creases the amount of any air pollut- (1) Yard waste;
ant emitted by the unit for which (2) Refuse-derived fuel; and
standards have been established under
(3) Motor vehicle maintenance mate-
section 129 or section 111. Increases in
rials limited to vehicle batteries and
the amount of any air pollutant emit-
tires except as specified in § 60.50a(c).
ted by the municipal waste combustor
unit are determined at 100-percent Municipal waste combustor, MWC, or
physical load capability and down- municipal waste combustor unit: (1)
stream of all air pollution control de- Means any setting or equipment that
vices, with no consideration given for combusts solid, liquid, or gasified MSW
load restrictions based on permits or including, but not limited to, field-
other nonphysical operational restric- erected incinerators (with or without
tions. heat recovery), modular incinerators
Modular excess air MWC means a com- (starved-air or excess-air), boilers (i.e.,
bustor that combusts MSW and that is steam-generating units), furnaces
not field-erected and has multiple com- (whether suspension-fired, grate-fired,
bustion chambers, all of which are de- mass-fired, air curtain incinerators, or
signed to operate at conditions with fluidized bed-fired), and pyrolysis/com-
combustion air amounts in excess of bustion units. Municipal waste com-
theoretical air requirements. bustors do not include pyrolysis/com-
Modular starved air MWC means a bustion units located at plastics/ rub-
combustor that combusts MSW and ber recycling units (as specified in
that is not field-erected and has mul- § 60.50a(k) of this section). Municipal
tiple combustion chambers in which waste combustors do not include inter-
the primary combustion chamber is de- nal combustion engines, gas turbines,
signed to operate at substoichiometric or other combustion devices that com-
conditions. bust landfill gases collected by landfill
Municipal solid waste or municipal- gas collection systems.
type solid waste or MSW means house- (2) The boundaries of an MWC are de-
hold, commercial/retail, and/or institu- fined as follows. The MWC unit in-
tional waste. Household waste includes cludes, but is not limited to, the MSW
material discarded by single and mul- fuel feed system, grate system, flue gas
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tiple residential dwellings, hotels, mo- system, bottom ash system, and the
tels, and other similar permanent or combustor water system. The MWC


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51a

boundary starts at the MSW pit or hop- MWC acid gases means all acid gases
per and extends through: emitted in the exhaust gases from
(i) The combustor flue gas system, MWC units including, but not limited
which ends immediately following the to, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chlo-
heat recovery equipment or, if there is ride gases.
no heat recovery equipment, imme- MWC metals means metals and metal
diately following the combustion compounds emitted in the exhaust
chamber; gases from MWC units.
(ii) The combustor bottom ash sys- MWC organics means organic com-
tem, which ends at the truck loading pounds emitted in the exhaust gases
station or similar ash handling equip- from MWC units and includes total
ment that transfer the ash to final dis- tetra- through octa-chlorinated
posal, including all ash handling sys- dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans.
tems that are connected to the bottom Particulate matter means total partic-
ash handling system; and ulate matter emitted from MWC units
(iii) The combustor water system, as measured by Method 5 (see § 60.58a).
which starts at the feed water pump
Plastics/rubber recycling unit means an
and ends at the piping exiting the
integrated processing unit where plas-
steam drum or superheater.
tics, rubber, and/or rubber tires are the
(3) The MWC unit does not include
only feed materials (incidental con-
air pollution control equipment, the
taminants may be included in the feed
stack, water treatment equipment, or
materials) and they are processed into
the turbine generator set.
a chemical plant feedstock or petro-
Municipal waste combustor plant
means one or more MWC units at the leum refinery feedstock, where the
same location for which construction, feedstock is marketed to and used by a
modification, or reconstruction is com- chemical plant or petroleum refinery
menced after December 20, 1989 and on as input feedstock. The combined
or before September 20, 1994. weight of the chemical plant feedstock
Municipal waste combustor plant ca- and petroleum refinery feedstock pro-
pacity means the aggregate MWC unit duced by the plastics/rubber recycling
capacity of all MWC units at an MWC unit on a calendar quarter basis shall
plant for which construction, modifica- be more than 70 percent of the com-
tion, or reconstruction of the units bined weight of the plastics, rubber,
commenced after December 20, 1989 and and rubber tires processed by the plas-
on or before September 20, 1994. Any tics/rubber recycling unit on a calendar
MWC units for which construction, quarter basis. The plastics, rubber, and/
modification, or reconstruction is com- or rubber tire feed materials to the
menced on or before December 20, 1989 plastics/rubber recycling unit may
or after September 20, 1994 are not in- originate from the separation or diver-
cluded for determining applicability sion of plastics, rubber, or rubber tires
under this subpart. from MSW or industrial solid waste,
Municipal waste combustor unit capac- and may include manufacturing scraps,
ity means the maximum design charg- trimmings, and off-specification plas-
ing rate of an MWC unit expressed in tics, rubber, and rubber tire discards.
megagrams per day (tons per day) of The plastics, rubber, and rubber tire
MSW combusted, calculated according feed materials to the plastics/rubber
to the procedures under § 60.58a(j). Mu- recycling unit may contain incidental
nicipal waste combustor unit capacity contaminants (e.g., paper labels on
is calculated using a design heating plastic bottles, metal rings on plastic
value of 10,500 kilojoules per kilogram bottle caps, etc.).
(4,500 British thermal units per pound) Potential hydrogen chloride emission
for MSW. The calculational procedures rate means the hydrogen chloride emis-
under § 60.58a(j) include procedures for sion rate that would occur from com-
determining MWC unit capacity for bustion of MSW in the absence of any
continuous and batch feed MWC’s. hydrogen chloride emissions control.
Municipal waste combustor unit load Potential sulfur dioxide emission rate
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

means the steam load of the MWC unit means the sulfur dioxide emission rate
measured as specified in § 60.58a(h)(6). that would occur from combustion of


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§ 60.51a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

MSW in the absence of any sulfur diox- utility district or regional waste dis-
ide emissions control. posal authority).
Pulverized coal/refuse-derived fuel Shift supervisor means the person in
mixed fuel-fired combustor or pulverized direct charge and control of the oper-
coal/RDF mixed fuel-fired combustor ation of an MWC and who is responsible
means a combustor that fires coal and for on-site supervision, technical direc-
RDF simultaneously, in which pulver- tion, management, and overall per-
ized coal is introduced into an air formance of the facility during an as-
stream that carries the coal to the signed shift.
combustion chamber of the unit where Spreader stoker coal/refuse-derived fuel
it is fired in suspension. This includes mixed fuel-fired combustor or spreader
both conventional pulverized coal and
stoker coal/RDF mixed fuel-fired com-
micropulverized coal.
bustor means a combustor that fires
Pyrolysis/combustion unit means a unit
coal and refuse-derived fuel simulta-
that produces gases, liquids, or solids
through the heating of MSW, and the neously, in which coal is introduced to
gases, liquids, or solids produced are the combustion zone by a mechanism
combusted and emissions vented to the that throws the fuel onto a grate from
atmosphere. above. Combustion takes place both in
Reconstruction means rebuilding an suspension and on the grate.
MWC unit for which the cumulative Standard conditions means a tempera-
costs of the construction over the life ture of 20 °C (68 °F) and a pressure of
of the unit exceed 50 percent of the 101.3 kilopascals (29.92 inches of mer-
original cost of construction and in- cury).
stallation of the unit (not including Twenty-four hour daily average or 24-
any cost of land purchased in connec- hour daily average means the arith-
tion with such construction or installa- metic or geometric mean (as specified
tion) updated to current costs (current in § 60.58a (e), (g), or (h) as applicable)
dollars). of all hourly emission rates when the
Refractory unit or refractory wall fur- affected facility is operating and firing
nace means a combustion unit having MSW measured over a 24-hour period
no energy recovery (e.g., via a between 12 midnight and the following
waterwall) in the furnace (i.e., radiant midnight.
heat transfer section) of the com- Untreated lumber means wood or wood
bustor. products that have been cut or shaped
Refuse-derived fuel or RDF means a and include wet, air-dried, and kiln-
type of MSW produced by processing dried wood products. Untreated lumber
MSW through shredding and size classi- does not include wood products that
have been painted, pigment-stained, or
This includes all classes of RDF in-
‘‘pressure-treated.’’ Pressure-treating
cluding low density fluff RDF through
compounds include, but are not limited
densified RDF and RDF fuel pellets.
to, chromate copper arsenate,
RDF stoker means a steam generating
pentachlorophenol, and creosote.
unit that combusts RDF in a semi-sus-
pension firing mode using air-fed dis- Waterwall furnace means a combus-
tributors. tion unit having energy (heat) recovery
Same location means the same or con- in the furnace (i.e., radiant heat trans-
tiguous property that is under common fer section) of the combustor.
ownership or control, including prop- Yard waste means grass, grass clip-
erties that are separated only by a pings, bushes, shrubs, and clippings
street, road, highway, or other public from bushes and shrubs that are gen-
right-of-way. Common ownership or erated by residential, commercial/re-
control includes properties that are tail, institutional, and/or industrial
owned, leased, or operated by the same sources as part of maintenance activi-
entity, parent entity, subsidiary, sub- ties associated with yards or other pri-
division, or any combination thereof, vate or public lands. Yard waste does
including any municipality or other not include construction, renovation,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

governmental unit, or any quasi- and demolition wastes, which are ex-
governmental authority (e.g., a public empt from the definition of MSW in


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.56a

this section. Yard waste does not in- affected facility located within a large
clude clean wood, which is exempt from MWC plant shall cause to be discharged
the definition of MSW in this section. into the atmosphere from that affected
facility any gases that contain sulfur
[56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, as amended at 60
FR 65384, Dec. 19, 1995; 65 FR 61753, Oct. 17, dioxide in excess of 20 percent of the
2000] potential sulfur dioxide emission rate
(80 percent reduction by weight or vol-
§ 60.52a Standard for municipal waste ume) or 30 parts per million by volume,
combustor metals. corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry
(a) On and after the date on which basis), whichever is less stringent. The
the initial compliance test is com- averaging time is specified in
pleted or is required to be completed § 60.58a(e).
under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an (d) On and after the date on which
affected facility located within a large the initial compliance test is com-
MWC plant shall cause to be discharged pleted or is required to be completed
into the atmosphere from that affected under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an
facility any gases that contain particu- affected facility located within a large
late matter in excess of 34 milligrams MWC plant shall cause to be discharged
per dry standard cubic meter (0.015 into the atmosphere from that affected
grains per dry standard cubic foot), facility any gases that contain hydro-
corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry gen chloride in excess of 5 percent of
basis). the potential hydrogen chloride emis-
(b) On and after the date on which sion rate (95 percent reduction by
the initial compliance test is com- weight or volume) or 25 parts per mil-
pleted or is required to be completed lion by volume, corrected to 7 percent
under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an oxygen (dry basis), whichever is less
affected facility subject to the particu- stringent.
late matter emission limit under para- § 60.55a Standard for nitrogen oxides.
graph (a) of this section shall cause to
be discharged into the atmosphere On and after the date on which the
from that affected facility any gases initial compliance test is completed or
that exhibit greater than 10 percent is required to be completed under § 60.8,
opacity (6-minute average). no owner or operator of an affected fa-
(c) [Reserved] cility located within a large MWC
plant shall cause to be discharged into
§ 60.53a Standard for municipal waste the atmosphere from that affected fa-
combustor organics. cility any gases that contain nitrogen
(a) [Reserved] oxides in excess of 180 parts per million
(b) On and after the date on which by volume, corrected to 7 percent oxy-
the initial compliance test is com- gen (dry basis). The averaging time is
pleted or is required to be completed specified under § 60.58a(g).
under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an § 60.56a Standards for municipal waste
affected facility located within a large combustor operating practices.
MWC plant shall cause to be discharged
(a) On and after the date on which
into the atmosphere from that affected
the initial compliance test is com-
facility any gases that contain dioxin/
pleted or is required to be completed
furan emissions that exceed 30
under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an
nanograms per dry standard cubic
affected facility located within a large
meter (12 grains per billion dry stand-
MWC plant shall cause such facility to
ard cubic feet), corrected to 7 percent
exceed the carbon monoxide standards
oxygen (dry basis).
shown in table 1.
§ 60.54a Standard for municipal waste
combustor acid gases. TABLE 1—MWC OPERATING STANDARDS
(a)–(b) [Reserved] Carbon mon-
oxide emission
(c) On and after the date on which MWC technology limit (parts per
the initial compliance test is com- million by vol-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ume) 1
pleted or is required to be completed
under § 60.8, no owner or operator of an Mass burn waterwall ...................................... 100


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§ 60.56a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

TABLE 1—MWC OPERATING STANDARDS— fected facility or on and after February

Continued 11, 1993, whichever is later.
(f) The owner or operator of an af-
Carbon mon-
oxide emission fected facility located within a large
MWC technology limit (parts per MWC plant shall develop and update on
million by vol-
ume) 1 a yearly basis a sitespecific operating
manual that shall, at a minimum, ad-
Mass burn refractory ..................................... 100 dress the following elements of MWC
Mass burn rotary waterwall ........................... 100
Modular starved air ........................................ 50 unit operation:
Modular excess air ........................................ 50 (1) Summary of the applicable stand-
RDF stoker .................................................... 150 ards under this subpart;
Bubbling fluidized bed combustor ................. 100
Circulating fluidized bed combustor .............. 100 (2) Description of basic combustion
Pulverized coal/RDF mixed fuel-fired com- theory applicable to an MWC unit;
bustor ......................................................... 150 (3) Procedures for receiving, han-
Spreader stoker coal/RDF mixed fuel-fird
combustor .................................................. 150
dling, and feeding MSW;
1 Measured
(4) MWC unit start-up, shutdown, and
at the combustor outlet in conjunction with a
measurement of oxygen concentration, corrected to 7 percent malfunction procedures;
oxygen (dry basis). The averaging times are specified in (5) Procedures for maintaining proper
§ 60.58a(h).
combustion air supply levels;
(b) No owner or operator of an af- (6) Procedures for operating the MWC
fected facility located within a large unit within the standards established
MWC plant shall cause such facility to under this subpart;
operate at a load level greater than 110 (7) Procedures for responding to peri-
percent of the maximum demonstrated odic upset or off-specification condi-
MWC unit load as defined in § 60.51a. tions;
The averaging time is specified under (8) Procedures for minimizing partic-
§ 60.58a(h). ulate matter carryover;
(c) No owner or operator of an af- (9) [Reserved]
fected facility located within a large (10) Procedures for handling ash;
MWC plant shall cause such facility to (11) Procedures for monitoring MWC
operate at a temperature, measured at unit emissions; and
the final particulate matter control de- (12) Reporting and recordkeeping pro-
vice inlet, exceeding 17 °Centigrade (30 cedures.
°Fahrenheit) above the maximum dem- (g) The owner or operator of an af-
onstrated particulate matter control fected facility located within a large
device temperature as defined in MWC plant shall establish a program
§ 60.51a. The averaging time is specified for reviewing the operating manual an-
under § 60.58a(h). nually with each person who has re-
(d) Within 24 months from the date of sponsibilities affecting the operation of
start-up of an affected facility or be- an affected facility including, but not
fore February 11, 1993, whichever is limited to, chief facility operators,
later, each chief facility operator and shift supervisors, control room opera-
shift supervisor of an affected facility tors, ash handlers, maintenance per-
located within a large MWC plant shall sonnel, and crane/load handlers.
obtain and keep current either a provi- (h) The initial review of the oper-
sional or operator certification in ac- ating manual, as specified under para-
cordance with ASME QRO–1–1994 (in- graph (g) of this section, shall be con-
corporated by reference, see § 60.17) or ducted prior to assumption of respon-
an equivalent State-approved certifi- sibilities affecting MWC unit operation
cation program. by any person required to undergo
(e) No owner or operator of an af- training under paragraph (g) of this
fected facility shall allow such affected section. Subsequent reviews of the
facility located at a large MWC plant manual shall be carried out annually
to operate at any time without a cer- by each such person.
tified shift supervisor, as provided (i) The operating manual shall be
under paragraph (d) of this section, on kept in a readily accessible location for
duty at the affected facility. This re- all persons required to undergo train-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

quirement shall take effect 24 months ing under paragraph (g) of this section.
after the date of start-up of the af- The operating manual and records of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58a

training shall be available for inspec- (i) Oxygen or carbon dioxide meas-
tion by EPA or its delegated enforce- urements,
ment agent upon request. (ii) Dry basis F factor, and
(j)–(k) [Reserved] (iii) Dry basis emission rate calcula-
tion procedures in Method 19.
[56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, as amended at 60
(5) An owner or operator may request
FR 65386, Dec. 19, 1995]
that compliance be determined using
§ 60.57a [Reserved] carbon dioxide measurements cor-
rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox-
§ 60.58a Compliance and performance ygen. The relationship between oxygen
testing. and carbon dioxide levels for the af-
fected facility shall be established dur-
(a) The standards under this subpart
ing the initial compliance test.
apply at all times, except during peri-
(6) The owner or operator of an af-
ods of start-up, shutdown, or malfunc-
fected facility shall conduct an initial
tion; provided, however, that the dura-
compliance test for particulate matter
tion of start-up, shutdown, or malfunc-
and opacity as required under § 60.8.
tion shall not exceed 3 hours per occur-
(7) Method 9 shall be used for deter-
mining compliance with the opacity
(1) The start-up period commences limit.
when the affected facility begins the (8) The owner or operator of an af-
continuous burning of MSW and does fected facility shall install, calibrate,
not include any warm-up period when maintain, and operate a continuous
the affected facility is combusting only opacity monitoring system (COMS) and
a fossil fuel or other non-MSW fuel and record the output of the system on a 6-
no MSW is being combusted. minute average basis.
(2) Continuous burning is the contin- (9) Following the date the initial
uous, semicontinuous, or batch feeding compliance test for particulate matter
of MSW for purposes of waste disposal, is completed or is required to be com-
energy production, or providing heat to pleted under § 60.8 for an affected facil-
the combustion system in preparation ity located within a large MWC plant,
for waste disposal or energy produc- the owner or operator shall conduct a
tion. The use of MSW solely to provide performance test for particulate mat-
thermal protection of grate or hearth ter on an annual basis (no more than 12
during the start-up period shall not be calendar months following the previous
considered to be continuous burning. compliance test).
(b) The following procedures and test (10) [Reserved]
methods shall be used to determine (c) [Reserved]
compliance with the emission limits (d) The following procedures and test
for particulate matter under § 60.52a: methods shall be used to determine
(1) Method 1 shall be used to select compliance with the limits for dioxin/
sampling site and number of traverse furan emissions under § 60.53a:
points. (1) Method 23 shall be used for deter-
(2) Method 3 shall be used for gas mining compliance with the dioxin/
analysis. furan emission limits. The minimum
(3) Method 5 shall be used for deter- sample time shall be 4 hours per test
mining compliance with the particu- run.
late matter emission limit. The min- (2) The owner or operator of an af-
imum sample volume shall be 1.7 cubic fected facility shall conduct an initial
meters (60 cubic feet). The probe and compliance test for dioxin/furan emis-
filter holder heating systems in the sions as required under § 60.8.
sample train shall be set to provide a (3) Following the date of the initial
gas temperature of 160°±14 °Centigrade compliance test or the date on which
(320°±25 °Fahrenheit). An oxygen or car- the initial compliance test is required
bon dioxide measurement shall be ob- to be completed under § 60.8, the owner
tained simultaneously with each Meth- or operator of an affected facility lo-
od 5 run. cated within a large MWC plant shall
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(4) For each Method 5 run, the emis- conduct a performance test for dioxin/
sion rate shall be determined using: furan emissions on an annual basis (no


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§ 60.58a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

more than 12 calendar months fol- (7) Following the date of the initial
lowing the previous compliance test). compliance test or the date on which
(4) [Reserved] the initial compliance test is required
(5) An owner or operator may request to be completed under § 60.8, compli-
that compliance with the dioxin/furan ance with the sulfur dioxide emission
emissions limit be determined using limit or percent reduction shall be de-
carbon dioxide measurements cor- termined based on the geometric mean
rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox- of the hourly arithmetic average emis-
ygen. The relationship between oxygen sion rates during each 24-hour daily pe-
and carbon dioxide levels for the af- riod measured between 12:00 midnight
fected facility shall be established dur- and the following midnight using:
ing the initial compliance test. CEMS inlet and outlet data, if compli-
(e) The following procedures and test ance is based on a percent reduction; or
methods shall be used for determining CEMS outlet data only if compliance is
compliance with the sulfur dioxide based on an emission limit.
limit under § 60.54a: (8) At a minimum, valid CEMS data
shall be obtained for 75 percent of the
(1) Method 19, section 5.4, shall be
hours per day for 75 percent of the days
used to determine the daily geometric
per month the affected facility is oper-
average percent reduction in the poten-
ated and combusting MSW.
tial sulfur dioxide emission rate.
(9) The 1-hour arithmetic averages
(2) Method 19, section 4.3, shall be required under paragraph (e)(7) of this
used to determine the daily geometric section shall be expressed in parts per
average sulfur dioxide emission rate. million (dry basis) and used to cal-
(3) An owner or operator may request culate the 24-hour daily geometric
that compliance with the sulfur dioxide mean emission rates. The 1-hour arith-
emissions limit be determined using metic averages shall be calculated
carbon dioxide measurements cor- using the data points required under
rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox- § 60.13(e)(2). At least two data points
ygen. The relationship between oxygen shall be used to calculate each 1-hour
and carbon dioxide levels for the af- arithmetic average.
fected facility shall be established dur- (10) All valid CEMS data shall be
ing the initial compliance test. used in calculating emission rates and
(4) The owner or operator of an af- percent reductions even if the min-
fected facility shall conduct an initial imum CEMS data requirements of
compliance test for sulfur dioxide as paragraph (e)(8) of this section are not
required under § 60.8. Compliance with met.
the sulfur dioxide emission limit and (11) The procedures under § 60.1 3
percent reduction is determined by shall be followed for installation, eval-
using a CEMS to measure sulfur diox- uation, and operation of the CEMS.
ide and calculating a 24-hour daily geo- (12) The CEMS shall be operated ac-
metric mean emission rate and daily cording to Performance Specifications
geometric mean percent reduction 1, 2, and 3 (appendix B of part 60).
using Method 19 sections 4.3 and 5.4, as (13) Quarterly accuracy determina-
applicable, except as provided under tions and daily calibration drift tests
paragraph (e)(5) of this section. shall be performed in accordance with
(5) For batch MWC’s or MWC units Procedure 1 (appendix F of part 60).
that do not operate continuously, com- (14) The span value of the CEMS at
pliance shall be determined using a the inlet to the sulfur dioxide control
daily geometric mean of all hourly av- device is 125 percent of the maximum
erage values for the hours during the estimated hourly potential sulfur diox-
day that the affected facility is com- ide emissions of the MWC unit, and the
busting MSW. span value of the CEMS at the outlet of
(6) The owner or operator of an af- the sulfur dioxide control device is 50
fected facility shall install, calibrate, percent of the maximum estimated
maintain, and operate a CEMS for hourly potential sulfur dioxide emis-
measuring sulfur dioxide emissions dis- sions of the MWC unit.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

charged to the atmosphere and record (15) When sulfur dioxide emissions
the output of the system. data are not obtained because of CEMS


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58a

breakdowns, repairs, calibration affected facility located within a large

checks and zero and span adjustments, MWC plant shall conduct a perform-
emissions data shall be obtained by ance test for hydrogen chloride on an
using other monitoring systems as ap- annual basis (no more than 12 calendar
proved by the Administrator or Method months following the previous compli-
19 to provide as necessary valid emis- ance test).
sion data for a minimum of 75 percent (6) [Reserved]
of the hours per day for 75 percent of (7) Not operating a sorbent injection
the days per month the unit is oper-
system for the sole purpose of testing
ated and combusting MSW.
in order to demonstrate compliance
(16) Not operating a sorbent injection
system for the sole purpose of testing with the percent reduction standards
in order to demonstrate compliance for MWC acid gases shall not be consid-
with the percent reduction standards ered a physical change in the method of
for MWC acid gases shall not be consid- operation under 40 CFR 52.21, or under
ered a physical change in the method of regulations approved pursuant to 40
operation under 40 CFR 52.21, or under CFR 51.166 or 40 CFR 51.165 (a) and (b).
regulations approved pursuant to 40 (g) The following procedures and test
CFR 51.166 or 40 CFR 51.165 (a) and (b). methods shall be used to determine
(f) The following procedures and test compliance with the nitrogen oxides
methods shall be used for determining limit under § 60.55a:
compliance with the hydrogen chloride (1) Method 19, section 4.1, shall be
limits under § 60.54a: used for determining the daily arith-
(1) The percentage reduction in the metic average nitrogen oxides emission
potential hydrogen chloride emissions rate.
(%PHCl) is computed using the fol- (2) An owner or operator may request
lowing formula: that compliance with the nitrogen ox-

(E i − E o ) ×100
ides emissions limit be determined
using carbon dioxide measurements
%PHCl = corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent
Ei oxygen. The relationship between oxy-
where: gen and carbon dioxide levels for the
Ei is the potential hydrogen chloride emis- affected facility shall be established
sion rate. during the initial compliance test.
Eo is the hydrogen chloride emission rate
measured at the outlet of the acid gas
(3) The owner or operator of an af-
control device. fected facility subject to the nitrogen
oxides limit under § 60.55a shall conduct
(2) Method 26 or 26A shall be used for an initial compliance test for nitrogen
determining the hydrogen chloride oxides as required under § 60.8. Compli-
emission rate. The minimum sampling ance with the nitrogen oxides emission
time for Method 26 or 26A shall be 1 standard shall be determined by using
a CEMS for measuring nitrogen oxides
(3) An owner or operator may request
and calculating a 24-hour daily arith-
that compliance with the hydrogen
metic average emission rate using
chloride emissions limit be determined
Method 19, section 4.1, except as speci-
using carbon dioxide measurements
corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent fied under paragraph (g)(4) of this sec-
oxygen. The relationship between oxy- tion.
gen and carbon dioxide levels for the (4) For batch MWC’s or MWC’s that
affected facility shall be established do not operate continuously, compli-
during the initial compliance test. ance shall be determined using a daily
(4) The owner or operator of an af- arithmetic average of all hourly aver-
fected facility shall conduct an initial age values for the hours during the day
compliance test for hydrogen chloride that the affected facility is combusting
as required under § 60.8. MSW.
(5) Following the date of the initial (5) The owner or operator of an af-
compliance test or the date on which fected facility subject to the nitrogen
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the initial compliance test is required oxides emissions limit under § 60.55a
under § 60.8, the owner or operator of an shall install, calibrate, maintain, and


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§ 60.58a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

operate a CEMS for measuring nitro- (h) The following procedures shall be
gen oxides discharged to the atmos- used for determining compliance with
phere and record the output of the sys- the operating standards under § 60.56a:
tem. (1) Compliance with the carbon mon-
(6) Following the initial compliance oxide emission limits in § 60.56a(a) shall
test or the date on which the initial be determined using a 4-hour block
compliance test is required to be com- arithmetic average for all types of af-
pleted under § 60.8, compliance with the fected facilities except mass burn ro-
emission limit for nitrogen oxides re- tary waterwall MWC’s, RDF stokers,
quired under § 60.55a shall be deter- and spreader stoker/RDF mixed fuel-
mined based on the arithmetic average fired combustors.
of the arithmetic average hourly emis- (2) For affected mass burn rotary
waterwall MWC’s, RDF stokers, and
sion rates during each 24-hour daily pe-
spreader stoker/RDF mixed fuel-fired
riod measured between 12:00 midnight
combustors, compliance with the car-
and the following midnight using
bon monoxide emission limits in
CEMS data. § 60.56a(a) shall be determined using a
(7) At a minimum valid CEMS data 24-hour daily arithmetic average.
shall be obtained for 75 percent of the (3) The owner or operator of an af-
hours per day for 75 percent of the days fected facility shall install, calibrate,
per month the affected facility is oper- maintain, and operate a CEMS for
ated and combusting MSW. measuring carbon monoxide at the
(8) The 1-hour arithmetic averages combustor outlet and record the out-
required by paragraph (g)(6) of this sec- put of the system.
tion shall be expressed in parts per mil- (4) The 4-hour and 24-hour daily
lion volume (dry basis) and used to cal- arithmetic averages in paragraphs (h)
culate the 24-hour daily arithmetic av- (1) and (2) of this section shall be cal-
erage emission rates. The 1-hour arith- culated from 1-hour arithmetic aver-
metic averages shall be calculated ages expressed in parts per million by
using the data points required under volume (dry basis). The 1-hour arith-
§ 60.13(b). At least two data points shall metic averages shall be calculated
be used to calculate each 1-hour arith- using the data points generated by the
metic average. CEMS. At least two data points shall
(9) All valid CEMS data must be used be used to calculate each 1-hour arith-
in calculating emission rates even if metic average.
the minimum CEMS data requirements (5) An owner or operator may request
of paragraph (g)(7) of this section are that compliance with the carbon mon-
not met. oxide emission limit be determined
using carbon dioxide measurements
(10) The procedures under § 60.13 shall
corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent
be followed for installation, evalua-
oxygen. The relationship between oxy-
tion, and operation of the CEMS.
gen and carbon dioxide levels for the
(11) Quarterly accuracy determina- affected facility shall be established
tions and daily calibration drift tests during the initial compliance test.
shall be performed in accordance with (6) The following procedures shall be
Procedure 1 (appendix F of part 60). used to determine compliance with
(12) When nitrogen oxides emissions load level requirements under
data are not obtained because of CEMS § 60.56a(b):
breakdowns, repairs, calibration (i) The owner or operator of an af-
checks, and zero and span adjustments, fected facility with steam generation
emission data calculations to deter- capability shall install, calibrate,
mine compliance shall be made using maintain, and operate a steam flow
other monitoring systems as approved meter or a feedwater flow meter; meas-
by the Administrator or Method 19 to ure steam or feedwater flow in kilo-
provide as necessary valid emission grams per hour (pounds per hour) on a
data for a minimum of 75 percent of the continuous basis; and record the out-
hours per day for 75 percent of the days put of the monitor. Steam or feedwater
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

per month the unit is operated and flow shall be calculated in 4-hour block
combusting MSW. arithmetic averages.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58a

(ii) The method included in ‘‘Amer- (9) The maximum demonstrated par-
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers ticulate matter control device tem-
Power Test Codes: Test Code for Steam perature shall be determined during
Generating Units, Power Test Code the initial compliance test for dioxins/
4.1—1964’’, Section 4 (incorporated by furans and each subsequent perform-
reference, see § 60.17) shall be used for ance test during which compliance
calculating the steam (or feedwater with the dioxin/furan emission limit
flow) required under paragraph (h)(6)(i) under § 60.53a is achieved. Maximum
of this section. The recommendations demonstrated particulate matter con-
of ‘‘American Society of Mechanical trol device temperature shall be the
Engineers Interim Supplement 19.5 on maximum 4-hour arithmetic average
Instruments and Apparatus: Applica- temperature achieved at the final par-
tion, Part II of Fluid Meters, 6th edi- ticulate matter control device inlet
tion (1971),’’ chapter 4 (incorporated by during the most recent test during
reference, see § 60.17) shall be followed which compliance with the dioxin/furan
for design, construction, installation, limit was achieved.
calibration, and use of nozzles and ori- (10) At a minimum, valid CEMS data
fices except as specified in (h)(6)(iii) of for carbon monoxide, steam or
this section. feedwater flow, and particulate matter
(iii) Measurement devices such as control device inlet temperature shall
flow nozzles and orifices are not re- be obtained 75 percent of the hours per
quired to be recalibrated after they are day for 75 percent of the days per
installed. month the affected facility is operated
(iv) All signal conversion elements and combusting MSW.
associated with steam (or feedwater (11) All valid data must be used in
flow) measurements must be calibrated calculating the parameters specified
according to the manufacturer’s in- under paragraph (h) of this section
structions before each dioxin/furan
even if the minimum data require-
compliance and performance test, and
ments of paragraph (h)(10) of this sec-
at least once per year.
tion are not met.
(v) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility without heat recovery (12) Quarterly accuracy determina-
shall: tions and daily calibration drift tests
(A) [Reserved] for carbon monoxide CEMS shall be
(7) To determine compliance with the performed in accordance with Proce-
maximum particulate matter control dure 1 (appendix F).
device temperature requirements under (i) [Reserved]
§ 60.56a(c), the owner or operator of an (j) The following procedures shall be
affected facility shall install, calibrate, used for calculating MWC unit capacity
maintain, and operate a device for as defined under § 60.51a:
measuring temperature of the flue gas (1) For MWC units capable of com-
stream at the inlet to the final particu- busting MSW continuously for a 24-
late matter control device on a contin- hour period, MWC unit capacity, in
uous basis and record the output of the megagrams per day (tons per day) of
device. Temperature shall be cal- MSW combusted, shall be calculated
culated in 4-hour block arithmetic based on 24 hours of operation at the
averages. maximum design charging rate. The
(8) Maximum demonstrated MWC design heating values under paragraph
unit load shall be determined during (j)(4) of this section shall be used in
the initial compliance test for dioxins/ calculating the design charging rate.
furans and each subsequent perform- (2) For batch MWC units, MWC unit
ance test during which compliance capacity, in megagrams per day (tons
with the dioxin/furan emission limit per day) of MSW combusted, shall be
under § 60.53a is achieved. Maximum calculated as the maximum design
demonstrated MWC unit load shall be amount of MSW that can be charged
the maximum 4-hour arithmetic aver- per batch multiplied by the maximum
age load achieved during the most re- number of batches that could be proc-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cent test during which compliance with essed in a 24-hour period. The max-
the dioxin/furan limit was achieved. imum number of batches that could be


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§ 60.59a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

processed in a 24-hour period is cal- ance is based on a percent reduction, or

culated as 24 hours divided by the de- at the outlet only if compliance is
sign number of hours required to proc- based on the outlet emission limit, as
ess one batch of MSW, and may include specified under § 60.58a(e).
fractional batches. 1 The design heating (C) All 1-hour average nitrogen ox-
values under paragraph (j)(4) of this ides emission rates as specified under
section shall be used in calculating the § 60.58a(g).
MWC unit capacity in megagrams per (D) All 1-hour average carbon mon-
day (tons per day) of MSW. oxide emission rates, MWC unit load
(3) [Reserved] measurements, and particulate matter
(4) The MWC unit capacity shall be control device inlet temperatures as
calculated using a design heating value specified under § 60.58a(h).
of 10,500 kilojoules per kilogram (4,500 (ii) The following average rates shall
British thermal units per pound) for all be computed and recorded:
(A) All 24-hour daily geometric aver-
[56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, as amended at 60 age percent reductions in sulfur dioxide
FR 65387, Dec. 19, 1995; 65 FR 61753, Oct. 17, emissions and all 24-hour daily geo-
2000] metric average sulfur dioxide emission
rates as specified under § 60.58a(e).
§ 60.59a Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements. (B) All 24-hour daily arithmetic aver-
age nitrogen oxides emission rates as
(a) The owner or operator of an af- specified under § 60.58a(g).
fected facility located at an MWC plant
(C) All 4-hour block or 24-hour daily
with a capacity greater than 225
arithmetic average carbon monoxide
megagrams per day (250 tons per day)
emission rates, as applicable, as speci-
shall provide notification of intent to
fied under § 60.58a(h).
construct and of planned initial start-
up date and the type(s) of fuels that (D) All 4-hour block arithmetic aver-
they plan to combust in the affected fa- age MWC unit load levels and particu-
cility. The MWC unit capacity and late matter control device inlet tem-
MWC plant capacity and supporting ca- peratures as specified under § 60.58a(h).
pacity calculations shall be provided at (3) Identification of the operating
the time of the notification of con- days when any of the average emission
struction. rates, percent reductions, or operating
(b) The owner or operator of an af- parameters specified under paragraph
fected facility located within a small (b)(2)(ii) of this section or the opacity
or large MWC plant and subject to the level exceeded the applicable limits,
standards under § 60.52a, § 60.53a, with reasons for such exceedances as
§ 60.54a, § 60.55a, § 60.56a, or § 60.57a shall well as a description of corrective ac-
maintain records of the following in- tions taken.
formation for each affected facility for (4) Identification of operating days
a period of at least 2 years: for which the minimum number of
(1) Calendar date. hours of sulfur dioxide or nitrogen ox-
(2) The emission rates and param- ides emissions or operational data (car-
eters measured using CEMS as speci- bon monoxide emissions, unit load,
fied under (b)(2) (i) and (ii) of this sec- particulate matter control device tem-
tion: perature) have not been obtained, in-
(i) The following measurements shall cluding reasons for not obtaining suffi-
be recorded in computer-readable for- cient data and a description of correc-
mat and on paper: tive actions taken.
(A) All 6-minute average opacity lev- (5) Identification of the times when
els required under § 60.58a(b). sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides emis-
(B) All 1 hour average sulfur dioxide sion or operational data (carbon mon-
emission rates at the inlet and outlet oxide emissions, unit load, particulate
of the acid gas control device if compli- matter control device temperature)
have been excluded from the calcula-
tion of average emission rates or pa-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

1 For example, if one batch requires 16

hours, then 24/16, or 1.5 batches, could be rameters and the reasons for excluding
combusted in a 24-hour period. data.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.59a

(6) The results of daily sulfur dioxide, shall include the information recorded
nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
CEMS drift tests and accuracy assess- For each of the dates reported, include
ments as required under appendix F, the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, car-
Procedure 1. bon monoxide, load level, and particu-
(7) The results of all annual perform- late matter control device temperature
ance tests conducted to determine data, as applicable, recorded under
compliance with the particulate mat- paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (D) of
ter, dioxin/furan and hydrogen chloride this section.
limits. For all annual dioxin/furan (3) Reports shall be postmarked no
tests, the maximum demonstrated later than the 30th day following the
MWC unit load and maximum dem- end of the annual or semiannual pe-
onstrated particulate matter control riod, as applicable.
device temperature shall be recorded (f)(1) The owner or operator of an af-
along with supporting calculations. fected facility located within a large
(8)–(15) [Reserved] MWC plant shall submit annual com-
(c) Following the initial compliance pliance reports, as applicable, for opac-
test as required under §§ 60.8 and 60.58a, ity. The annual report shall list the
the owner or operator of an affected fa- percent of the affected facility oper-
cility located within a large MWC ating time for the reporting period
plant shall submit the initial compli- that the opacity CEMS was operating
ance test data, the performance evalua- and collecting valid data. Once the unit
tion of the CEMS using the applicable is subject to permitting requirements
performance specifications in appendix under Title V of the Act, the owner or
B, and the maximum demonstrated operator of an affected facility must
MWC unit load and maximum dem- submit these reports semiannually.
onstrated particulate matter control (2) The owner or operator shall sub-
device temperature established during mit a semiannual report for all periods
the dioxin/furan compliance test. when the 6-minute average levels ex-
(d) [Reserved] ceeded the opacity limit under § 60.52a.
(e)(1) The owner or operator of an af- The semiannual report shall include all
fected facility located within a large information recorded under paragraph
MWC plant shall submit annual com- (b)(3) of this section which pertains to
pliance reports for sulfur dioxide, ni- opacity, and a listing of the 6-minute
trogen oxide (if applicable), carbon average opacity levels recorded under
monoxide, load level, and particulate paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A) of this section,
matter control device temperature to which exceeded the opacity limit.
the Administrator containing the in- (3) Reports shall be postmarked no
formation recorded under paragraphs later than the 30th day following the
(b)(1), (2)(ii), (4), (5), and (6) of this sec- end of the annual of semiannual period,
tion for each pollutant or parameter. as applicable.
The hourly average values recorded (g)(1) The owner or operator of an af-
under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section fected facility located within a large
are not required to be included in the MWC plant shall submit reports to the
annual reports. Combustors firing a Administrator of all annual perform-
mixture of medical waste and other ance tests for particulate matter,
MSW shall also provide the informa- dioxin/furan, and hydrogen chloride as
tion under paragraph (b)(15) of this sec- recorded under paragraph (b)(7) of this
tion, as applicable, in each annual re- section, as applicable, from the af-
port. The owner or operator of an af- fected facility. For each annual dioxin/
fected facility must submit reports furan compliance test, the maximum
semiannually once the affected facility demonstrated MWC unit load and max-
is subject to permitting requirements imum demonstrated particulate matter
under Title V of the Act. control device temperature shall be re-
(2) The owner or operator shall sub- ported. Such reports shall be submitted
mit a semiannual report for any pollut- when available and in no case later
ant or parameter that does not comply than the date of required submittal of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

with the pollutant or parameter limits the annual report specified under para-
specified in this subpart. Such report graphs (e) and (f) of this section, or


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§ 60.50b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

within six months of the date the test municipal solid waste for which con-
was conducted, whichever is earlier. struction, modification, or reconstruc-
(2) The owner or operator shall sub- tion is commenced after September 20,
mit a report of test results which docu- 1994.
ment any particulate matter, dioxin/ (b) Any waste combustion unit that
furan, and hydrogen chloride levels is capable of combusting more than 250
that were above the applicable pollut- tons per day of municipal solid waste
ant limit. The report shall include a and is subject to a federally enforce-
copy of the test report documenting able permit limiting the maximum
the emission levels and shall include
amount of municipal solid waste that
the corrective action taken. Such re-
may be combusted in the unit to less
ports shall be submitted when avail-
than or equal to 11 tons per day is not
able and in no case later than the date
required for submittal of any semi- subject to this subpart if the owner or
annual report required in paragraphs operator:
(e) or (f) of this section, or within six (1) Notifies EPA of an exemption
months of the date the test was con- claim;
ducted, whichever is earlier. (2) Provides a copy of the federally
(h) [Reserved] enforceable permit that limits the fir-
(i) Records of CEMS data for opacity, ing of municipal solid waste to less
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and than 11 tons per day; and
carbon monoxide, load level data, and (3) Keeps records of the amount of
particulate matter control device tem- municipal solid waste fired on a daily
perature data shall be maintained for basis.
at least 2 years after date of recorda- (c) An affected facility to which this
tion and be made available for inspec- subpart applies is not subject to sub-
tion upon request. part E or Ea of this part.
(j) Records showing the names of per-
(d) Physical or operational changes
sons who have completed review of the
made to an existing municipal waste
operating manual, including the date
combustor unit primarily for the pur-
of the initial review and all subsequent
annual reviews, shall be maintained for pose of complying with emission guide-
at least 2 years after date of review and lines under subpart Cb are not consid-
be made available for inspection upon ered a modification or reconstruction
request. and do not result in an existing munic-
ipal waste combustor unit becoming
[56 FR 5507, Feb. 11, 1991, as amended at 60 subject to this subpart.
FR 65387, Dec. 19, 1995; 64 FR 7465, Feb. 12,
1999] (e) A qualifying small power produc-
tion facility, as defined in section
3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16
Subpart Eb—Standards of Perform-
U.S.C. 796(17)(C)), that burns homo-
ance for Large Municipal geneous waste (such as automotive
Waste Combustors for Which tires or used oil, but not including
Construction is Commenced refuse-derived fuel) for the production
After September 20, 1994 or of electric energy is not subject to this
for Which Modification or Re- subpart if the owner or operator of the
construction is Commenced facility notifies EPA of this exemption
After June 19, 1996 and provides data documenting that
the facility qualifies for this exemp-
SOURCE: 60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, unless tion.
otherwise noted. (f) A qualifying cogeneration facility,
as defined in section 3(18)(B) of the
§ 60.50b Applicability and delegation
of authority. Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
796(18)(B)), that burns homogeneous
(a) The affected facility to which this waste (such as automotive tires or used
subpart applies is each municipal waste
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

oil, but not including refuse-derived

combustor unit with a combustion ca-
pacity greater than 250 tons per day of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.50b

fuel) for the production of electric en- fications in paragraph (a) of this sec-
ergy and steam or forms of useful en- tion combusting municipal solid waste
ergy (such as heat) that are used for in- other than yard waste are subject to
dustrial, commercial, heating, or cool- all provisions of this subpart.
ing purposes, is not subject to this sub- (m) Pyrolysis/combustion units that
part if the owner or operator of the fa- are an integrated part of a plastics/rub-
cility notifies EPA of this exemption ber recycling unit (as defined in
and provides data documenting that § 60.51b) are not subject to this subpart
the facility qualifies for this exemp- if the owner or operator of the plastics/
tion. rubber recycling unit keeps records of
(g) Any unit combusting a single- the weight of plastics, rubber, and/or
item waste stream of tires is not sub- rubber tires processed on a calendar
ject to this subpart if the owner or op- quarter basis; the weight of chemical
erator of the unit: plant feedstocks and petroleum refin-
(1) Notifies EPA of an exemption ery feedstocks produced and marketed
claim; and on a calendar quarter basis; and the
(2) [Reserved] name and address of the purchaser of
(3) Provides data documenting that the feedstocks. The combustion of gas-
the unit qualifies for this exemption. oline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oils, re-
(h) Any unit required to have a per- sidual oil, refinery gas, petroleum
mit under section 3005 of the Solid coke, liquified petroleum gas, propane,
Waste Disposal Act is not subject to or butane produced by chemical plants
this subpart. or petroleum refineries that use feed-
(i) Any materials recovery facility stocks produced by plastics/rubber re-
(including primary or secondary smelt- cycling units are not subject to this
ers) that combusts waste for the pri- subpart.
mary purpose of recovering metals is (n) The following authorities are re-
not subject to this subpart. tained by the Administrator of the U.S.
(j) Any cofired combustor, as defined EPA and are not transferred to a State:
under § 60.51b, that meets the capacity (1) Approval of exemption claims in
specifications in paragraph (a) of this paragraphs (b), (e), (f), (g) and (j) of
section is not subject to this subpart if this section;
the owner or operator of the cofired (2) Enforceability under Federal law
combustor: of all Federally enforceable, as defined
(1) Notifies EPA of an exemption in § 60.51b, limitations and conditions;
claim; (3) Determination of compliance with
(2) Provides a copy of the federally the siting requirements as specified in
enforceable permit (specified in the § 60.57b(a);
definition of cofired combustor in this (4) Acceptance of relationship be-
section); and tween carbon monoxide and oxygen as
(3) Keeps a record on a calendar quar- part of initial and annual performance
ter basis of the weight of municipal tests as specified in § 60.58b(b)(7);
solid waste combusted at the cofired (5) Approval of other monitoring sys-
combustor and the weight of all other tems used to obtain emissions data
fuels combusted at the cofired com- when data is not obtained by CEMS as
bustor. specified in § 60.58b(e)(14), (h)(12), (i)(11),
(k) Air curtain incinerators, as de- and (n)(14), and (p)(11);
fined under § 60.51b, located at a plant (6) Approval of a site-specific moni-
that meet the capacity specifications toring plan for the continuous emission
in paragraph (a) of this section and monitoring system specified in
that combust a fuel stream composed ‘‘60.58b(n)(13) and (o) of this section or
of 100 percent yard waste are exempt the continuous automated sampling
from all provisions of this subpart ex- system specified in § 60.58b(p)(10) and
cept the opacity limit under § 60.56b, (q) of this section;
the testing procedures under § 60.58b(l), (7) Approval of major alternatives to
and the reporting and recordkeeping test methods;
provisions under § 60.59b (e) and (i). (8) Approval of major alternatives to
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(l) Air curtain incinerators located at monitoring;

plants that meet the capacity speci- (9) Waiver of recordkeeping; and


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§ 60.51b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(10) Performance test and data reduc- Calendar quarter means a consecutive
tion waivers under ‘‘608(b). 3-month period (nonoverlapping) begin-
(o) This subpart shall become effec- ning on January 1, April 1, July 1, and
tive June 19, 1996. October 1.
(p) Cement kilns firing municipal Calendar year means the period in-
solid waste are not subject to this sub- cluding 365 days starting January 1 and
part. ending on December 31.
[60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 Chief facility operator means the per-
FR 45120, 45125, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27335, son in direct charge and control of the
May 10, 2006] operation of a municipal waste com-
bustor and who is responsible for daily
§ 60.51b Definitions. onsite supervision, technical direction,
Administrator means: management, and overall performance
(1) For approved and effective State of the facility.
Section 111(d)/129 plans, the Director of Circulating fluidized bed combustor
the State air pollution control agency, means a fluidized bed combustor in
or employee of the State air pollution which the majority of the fluidized bed
control agency that is delegated the material is carried out of the primary
authority to perform the specified combustion zone and is transported
task; back to the primary zone through a re-
(2) For Federal Section 111(d)/129 circulation loop.
plans, the Administrator of the EPA, Clean wood means untreated wood or
an employee of the EPA, the Director untreated wood products including
of the State air pollution control agen- clean untreated lumber, tree stumps
cy, or employee of the State air pollu- (whole or chipped), and tree limbs
tion control agency to whom the au- (whole or chipped). Clean wood does
thority has been delegated by the Ad- not include yard waste, which is de-
ministrator of the EPA to perform the fined elsewhere in this section, or con-
specified task; and struction, renovation, and demolition
(3) For NSPS, the Administrator of wastes (including but not limited to
the EPA, an employee of the EPA, the railroad ties and telephone poles),
Director of the State air pollution con- which are exempt from the definition
trol agency, or employee of the State
of municipal solid waste in this sec-
air pollution control agency to whom
the authority has been delegated by
the Administrator of the EPA to per- Cofired combustor means a unit com-
form the specified task. busting municipal solid waste with
Air curtain incinerator means an in- nonmunicipal solid waste fuel (e.g.,
cinerator that operates by forcefully coal, industrial process waste) and sub-
projecting a curtain of air across an ject to a federally enforceable permit
open chamber or pit in which burning limiting the unit to combusting a fuel
occurs. Incinerators of this type can be feed stream, 30 percent or less of the
constructed above or below ground and weight of which is comprised, in aggre-
with or without refractory walls and gate, of municipal solid waste as meas-
floor. ured on a calendar quarter basis.
Batch municipal waste combustor Continuous automated sampling system
means a municipal waste combustor means the total equipment and proce-
unit designed so that it cannot com- dures for automated sample collection
bust municipal solid waste continu- and sample recovery/analysis to deter-
ously 24 hours per day because the de- mine a pollutant concentration or
sign does not allow waste to be fed to emission rate by collecting a single or
the unit or ash to be removed while multiple integrated sample(s) of the
combustion is occurring. pollutant (or diluent gas) for subse-
Bubbling fluidized bed combustor quent on-or off-site analysis; inte-
means a fluidized bed combustor in grated sample(s) collected are rep-
which the majority of the bed material resentative of the emissions for the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

remains in a fluidized state in the pri- sample time as specified by the appli-
mary combustion zone. cable requirement.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51b

Continuous emission monitoring system ties, buy-back or deposit-return incen-

means a monitoring system for con- tives, curbside pickup programs, or
tinuously measuring the emissions of a centralized mechanical separation sys-
pollutant from an affected facility. tems. A materials separation plan may
Dioxin/furan means tetra- through include different goals or approaches
octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and for different subareas in the service
dibenzofurans. area, and may include no materials
EPA means the Administrator of the separation activities for certain sub-
U.S. EPA or employee of the U.S. EPA areas or, if warranted, an entire service
who is delegated to perform the speci- area.
fied task. Maximum demonstrated municipal
Federally enforceable means all limi- waste combustor unit load means the
tations and conditions that are en- highest 4-hour arithmetic average mu-
forceable by EPA including the re- nicipal waste combustor unit load
quirements of 40 CFR part 60, 40 CFR achieved during four consecutive hours
part 61, and 40 CFR part 63, require- during the most recent dioxin/furan
ments within any applicable State im- performance test demonstrating com-
plementation plan, and any permit re- pliance with the applicable limit for
quirements established under 40 CFR municipal waste combustor organics
52.21 or under 40 CFR 51.18 and 40 CFR specified under § 60.52b(c).
51.24. Maximum demonstrated particulate
First calendar half means the period matter control device temperature means
starting on January 1 and ending on the highest 4-hour arithmetic average
June 30 in any year. flue gas temperature measured at the
Four-hour block average or 4-hour particulate matter control device inlet
block average means the average of all during four consecutive hours during
hourly emission concentrations when the most recent dioxin/furan perform-
the affected facility is operating and ance test demonstrating compliance
combusting municipal solid waste with the applicable limit for municipal
measured over 4-hour periods of time waste combustor organics specified
from 12:00 midnight to 4 a.m., 4 a.m. to under § 60.52b(c).
8 a.m., 8 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 12:00 noon Modification or modified municipal
to 4 p.m., 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and 8 p.m. to waste combustor unit means a municipal
12:00 midnight. waste combustor unit to which changes
Mass burn refractory municipal waste have been made after June 19, 1996 if
combustor means a field-erected com- the cumulative cost of the changes,
bustor that combusts municipal solid over the life of the unit, exceed 50 per-
waste in a refractory wall furnace. Un- cent of the original cost of construc-
less otherwise specified, this includes tion and installation of the unit (not
combustors with a cylindrical rotary including the cost of any land pur-
refractory wall furnace. chased in connection with such con-
Mass burn rotary waterwall municipal struction or installation) updated to
waste combustor means a field-erected current costs; or any physical change
combustor that combusts municipal in the municipal waste combustor unit
solid waste in a cylindrical rotary or change in the method of operation of
waterwall furnace or on a tumbling-tile the municipal waste combustor unit in-
grate. creases the amount of any air pollut-
Mass burn waterwall municipal waste ant emitted by the unit for which
combustor means a field-erected com- standards have been established under
bustor that combusts municipal solid section 129 or section 111. Increases in
waste in a waterwall furnace. the amount of any air pollutant emit-
Materials separation plan means a ted by the municipal waste combustor
plan that identifies both a goal and an unit are determined at 100-percent
approach to separate certain compo- physical load capability and down-
nents of municipal solid waste for a stream of all air pollution control de-
given service area in order to make the vices, with no consideration given for
separated materials available for recy- load restrictions based on permits or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cling. A materials separation plan may other nonphysical operational restric-

include elements such as dropoff facili- tions.


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§ 60.51b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Modular excess-air municipal waste (with or without heat recovery), mod-

combustor means a combustor that ular incinerators (starved-air or ex-
combusts municipal solid waste and cess-air), boilers (i.e., steam generating
that is not field-erected and has mul- units), furnaces (whether suspension-
tiple combustion chambers, all of fired, grate-fired, mass-fired, air cur-
which are designed to operate at condi- tain incinerators, or fluidized bed-
tions with combustion air amounts in fired), and pyrolysis/combustion units.
excess of theoretical air requirements. Municipal waste combustors do not in-
Modular starved-air municipal waste clude pyrolysis/combustion units lo-
combustor means a combustor that cated at a plastics/rubber recycling
combusts municipal solid waste and unit (as specified in § 60.50b(m)). Munic-
that is not field-erected and has mul- ipal waste combustors do not include
tiple combustion chambers in which cement kilns firing municipal solid
the primary combustion chamber is de- waste (as specified in § 60.50b(p)). Mu-
signed to operate at substoichiometric nicipal waste combustors do not in-
conditions. clude internal combustion engines, gas
Municipal solid waste or municipal- turbines, or other combustion devices
type solid waste or MSW means house- that combust landfill gases collected
hold, commercial/retail, and/or institu- by landfill gas collection systems.
tional waste. Household waste includes (2) The boundaries of a municipal
material discarded by single and mul- solid waste combustor are defined as
tiple residential dwellings, hotels, mo- follows. The municipal waste com-
tels, and other similar permanent or bustor unit includes, but is not limited
temporary housing establishments or to, the municipal solid waste fuel feed
facilities. Commercial/retail waste in- system, grate system, flue gas system,
cludes material discarded by stores, of- bottom ash system, and the combustor
fices, restaurants, warehouses, non- water system. The municipal waste
manufacturing activities at industrial combustor boundary starts at the mu-
facilities, and other similar establish- nicipal solid waste pit or hopper and
ments or facilities. Institutional waste extends through:
includes material discarded by schools,
(i) The combustor flue gas system,
nonmedical waste discarded by hos-
which ends immediately following the
pitals, material discarded by nonmanu-
heat recovery equipment or, if there is
facturing activities at prisons and gov-
no heat recovery equipment, imme-
ernment facilities, and material dis-
diately following the combustion
carded by other similar establishments
or facilities. Household, commercial/re-
tail, and institutional waste does not (ii) The combustor bottom ash sys-
include used oil; sewage sludge; wood tem, which ends at the truck loading
pallets; construction, renovation, and station or similar ash handling equip-
demolition wastes (which includes but ment that transfer the ash to final dis-
is not limited to railroad ties and tele- posal, including all ash handling sys-
phone poles); clean wood; industrial tems that are connected to the bottom
process or manufacturing wastes; med- ash handling system; and
ical waste; or motor vehicles (including (iii) The combustor water system,
motor vehicle parts or vehicle fluff). which starts at the feed water pump
Household, commercial/retail, and in- and ends at the piping exiting the
stitutional wastes include: steam drum or superheater.
(1) Yard waste; (3) The municipal waste combustor
(2) Refuse-derived fuel; and unit does not include air pollution con-
(3) Motor vehicle maintenance mate- trol equipment, the stack, water treat-
rials limited to vehicle batteries and ment equipment, or the turbine-gener-
tires except as specified in § 60.50b(g). ator set.
Municipal waste combustor, MWC, or Municipal waste combustor acid gases
municipal waste combustor unit: (1) means all acid gases emitted in the ex-
Means any setting or equipment that haust gases from municipal waste com-
combusts solid, liquid, or gasified mu- bustor units including, but not limited
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

nicipal solid waste including, but not to, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chlo-
limited to, field-erected incinerators ride gases.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51b

Municipal waste combustor metals and may include manufacturing scraps,

means metals and metal compounds trimmings, and off-specification plas-
emitted in the exhaust gases from mu- tics, rubber, and rubber tire discards.
nicipal waste combustor units. The plastics, rubber, and rubber tire
Municipal waste combustor organics feed materials to the plastics/rubber
means organic compounds emitted in recycling unit may contain incidental
the exhaust gases from municipal contaminants (e.g., paper labels on
waste combustor units and includes plastic bottles, metal rings on plastic
tetra-through octa- chlorinated bottle caps, etc.).
dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. Potential hydrogen chloride emission
Municipal waste combustor plant concentration means the hydrogen chlo-
means one or more affected facilities ride emission concentration that would
(as defined in § 60.50b) at the same loca- occur from combustion of municipal
tion. solid waste in the absence of any emis-
Municipal waste combustor unit capac- sion controls for municipal waste com-
ity means the maximum charging rate bustor acid gases.
of a municipal waste combustor unit Potential mercury emission concentra-
expressed in tons per day of municipal tion means the mercury emission con-
solid waste combusted, calculated ac- centration that would occur from com-
cording to the procedures under bustion of municipal solid waste in the
§ 60.58b(j). Section 60.58b(j) includes absence of any mercury emissions con-
procedures for determining municipal trol.
waste combustor unit capacity for con- Potential sulfur dioxide emissions
tinuous and batch feed municipal waste means the sulfur dioxide emission con-
combustors. centration that would occur from com-
Municipal waste combustor unit load bustion of municipal solid waste in the
means the steam load of the municipal absence of any emission controls for
waste combustor unit measured as municipal waste combustor acid gases.
specified in § 60.58b(i)(6). Pulverized coal/refuse-derived fuel
Particulate matter means total partic- mixed fuel-fired combustor means a com-
ulate matter emitted from municipal bustor that fires coal and refuse-de-
waste combustor units as measured by rived fuel simultaneously, in which
EPA Reference Method 5 (see pulverized coal is introduced into an
§ 60.58b(c)). air stream that carries the coal to the
Plastics/rubber recycling unit means an combustion chamber of the unit where
integrated processing unit where plas- it is fired in suspension. This includes
tics, rubber, and/or rubber tires are the both conventional pulverized coal and
only feed materials (incidental con- micropulverized coal.
taminants may be included in the feed Pyrolysis/combustion unit means a unit
materials) and they are processed into that produces gases, liquids, or solids
a chemical plant feedstock or petro- through the heating of municipal solid
leum refinery feedstock, where the waste, and the gases, liquids, or solids
feedstock is marketed to and used by a produced are combusted and emissions
chemical plant or petroleum refinery vented to the atmosphere.
as input feedstock. The combined Reconstruction means rebuilding a
weight of the chemical plant feedstock municipal waste combustor unit for
and petroleum refinery feedstock pro- which the reconstruction commenced
duced by the plastics/rubber recycling after June 19, 1996, and the cumulative
unit on a calendar quarter basis shall costs of the construction over the life
be more than 70 percent of the com- of the unit exceed 50 percent of the
bined weight of the plastics, rubber, original cost of construction and in-
and rubber tires processed by the plas- stallation of the unit (not including
tics/rubber recycling unit on a calendar any cost of land purchased in connec-
quarter basis. The plastics, rubber, and/ tion with such construction or installa-
or rubber tire feed materials to the tion) updated to current costs (current
plastics/rubber recycling unit may dollars).
originate from the separation or diver- Refractory unit or refractory wall fur-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sion of plastics, rubber, or rubber tires nace means a combustion unit having
from MSW or industrial solid waste, no energy recovery (e.g., via a


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§ 60.52b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

waterwall) in the furnace (i.e., radiant Tumbling-tile means a grate tile

heat transfer section) of the com- hinged at one end and attached to a
bustor. ram at the other end. When the ram ex-
Refuse-derived fuel means a type of tends, the grate tile rotates around the
municipal solid waste produced by hinged end.
processing municipal solid waste Twenty-four hour daily average or 24-
through shredding and size classifica- hour daily average means either the
tion. This includes all classes of refuse- arithmetic mean or geometric mean
derived fuel including low-density fluff (as specified) of all hourly emission
refuse-derived fuel through densified concentrations when the affected facil-
refuse-derived fuel and pelletized ity is operating and combusting munic-
refuse-derived fuel. ipal solid waste measured over a 24-
Refuse-derived fuel stoker means a hour period between 12:00 midnight and
steam generating unit that combusts the following midnight.
refuse-derived fuel in a semisuspension Untreated lumber means wood or wood
firing mode using air-fed distributors. products that have been cut or shaped
Same location means the same or con- and include wet, air-dried, and kiln-
tiguous property that is under common dried wood products. Untreated lumber
ownership or control including prop- does not include wood products that
erties that are separated only by a have been painted, pigment-stained, or
street, road, highway, or other public ‘‘pressure-treated.’’ Pressure-treating
right-of-way. Common ownership or compounds include, but are not limited
control includes properties that are to, chromate copper arsenate,
owned, leased, or operated by the same pentachlorophenol, and creosote.
entity, parent entity, subsidiary, sub- Waterwall furnace means a combus-
division, or any combination thereof tion unit having energy (heat) recovery
including any municipality or other in the furnace (i.e., radiant heat trans-
governmental unit, or any quasi-gov- fer section) of the combustor.
ernmental authority (e.g., a public
Yard waste means grass, grass clip-
utility district or regional waste dis-
pings, bushes, shrubs, and clippings
posal authority).
from bushes and shrubs that are gen-
Second calendar half means the period
erated by residential, commercial/re-
starting July 1 and ending on Decem-
tail, institutional, and/or industrial
ber 31 in any year.
sources as part of maintenance activi-
Shift supervisor means the person who
ties associated with yards or other pri-
is in direct charge and control of the
vate or public lands. Yard waste does
operation of a municipal waste com-
not include construction, renovation,
bustor and who is responsible for onsite
and demolition wastes, which are ex-
supervision, technical direction, man-
empt from the definition of municipal
agement, and overall performance of
solid waste in this section. Yard waste
the facility during an assigned shift.
does not include clean wood, which is
Spreader stoker coal/refuse-derived fuel
exempt from the definition of munic-
mixed fuel-fired combustor means a com-
ipal solid waste in this section.
bustor that fires coal and refuse-de-
rived fuel simultaneously, in which [60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
coal is introduced to the combustion FR 45121, 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 66 FR 36476,
zone by a mechanism that throws the July 12, 2001; 71 FR 27335, May 10, 2006]
fuel onto a grate from above. Combus-
tion takes place both in suspension and § 60.52b Standards for municipal
on the grate. waste combustor metals, acid gases,
organics, and nitrogen oxides.
Standard conditions means a tempera-
ture of 20 °C and a pressure of 101.3 (a) The limits for municipal waste
kilopascals. combustor metals are specified in para-
Total mass dioxin/furan or total mass graphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this sec-
means the total mass of tetra- through tion.
octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and (1) On and after the date on which
dibenzofurans, as determined using the initial performance test is com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

EPA Reference Method 23 and the pro- pleted or is required to be completed

cedures specified under § 60.58b(g). under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.52b

owner or operator of an affected facil- ity shall cause to be discharged into

ity shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from the affected facil-
the atmosphere from that affected fa- ity any gases that contain lead in ex-
cility any gases that contain particu- cess of the limits specified in para-
late matter in excess of the limits graph (a)(4)(i) or (a)(4)(ii) of this sec-
specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or tion.
(a)(1)(ii) of this section. (i) For affected facilities that com-
(i) For affected facilities that com- menced construction, modification, or
menced construction, modification, or reconstruction after September 20,
reconstruction after September 20, 1994, and on or before December 19,
1994, and on or before December 19, 2005, the emission limit is 200
2005, the emission limit is 24 milli- micrograms per dry standard cubic
grams per dry standard cubic meter, meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
corrected to 7 percent oxygen. (ii) For affected facilities that com-
(ii) For affected facilities that com- menced construction, modification, or
menced construction, modification, or reconstruction after December 19, 2005,
reconstruction after December 19, 2005, the emission limit is 140 micrograms
the emission limit is 20 milligrams per per dry standard cubic meter, corrected
dry standard cubic meter, corrected to to 7 percent oxygen.
7 percent oxygen. (5) On and after the date on which
(2) On and after the date on which the initial performance test is com-
the initial performance test is com- pleted or is required to be completed
pleted or is required to be completed under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no owner or operator of an affected facil-
owner or operator of an affected facil- ity shall cause to be discharged into
ity shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from the affected facil-
the atmosphere from that affected fa- ity any gases that contain mercury in
cility any gases that exhibit greater excess of the limits specified in para-
than 10 percent opacity (6-minute aver- graph (a)(5)(i) or (a)(5)(ii) of this sec-
age). tion.
(3) On and after the date on which (i) For affected facilities that com-
the initial performance test is com- menced construction, modification, or
pleted or is required to be completed reconstruction after September 20, 1994
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no and on or before December 19, 2005, the
owner or operator of an affected facil- emission limit is 80 micrograms per dry
ity shall cause to be discharged into standard cubic meter or 15 percent of
the atmosphere from that affected fa- the potential mercury emission con-
cility any gases that contain cadmium centration (85-percent reduction by
in excess of the limits specified in weight), corrected to 7 percent oxygen,
paragraph (a)(3)(i) or (a)(3)(ii) of this whichever is less stringent.
section. (ii) For affected facilities that com-
(i) For affected facilities that com- menced construction, modification, or
menced construction, modification, or reconstruction after December 19, 2005,
reconstruction after September 20, the emission limit is 50 micrograms per
1994, and on or before December 19, dry standard cubic meter, or 15 percent
2005, the emission limit is 20 of the potential mercury emission con-
micrograms per dry standard cubic centration (85-percent reduction by
meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen. weight), corrected to 7 percent oxygen,
(ii) For affected facilities that com- whichever is less stringent.
menced construction, modification, or (b) The limits for municipal waste
reconstruction after December 19, 2005, combustor acid gases are specified in
the emission limit is 10 micrograms per paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this sec-
dry standard cubic meter, corrected to tion.
7 percent oxygen. (1) On and after the date on which
(4) On and after the date on which the initial performance test is com-
the initial performance test is com- pleted or is required to be completed
pleted or is required to be completed under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no owner or operator of an affected facil-

owner or operator of an affected facil- ity shall cause to be discharged into


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§ 60.53b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the atmosphere from that affected fa- tion, or reconstruction commences

cility any gases that contain sulfur di- after November 20, 1997 shall cause to
oxide in excess of 30 parts per million be discharged into the atmosphere
by volume or 20 percent of the poten- from that affected facility any gases
tial sulfur dioxide emission concentra- that contain dioxin/furan total mass
tion (80-percent reduction by weight or emissions that exceed 13 nanograms
volume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen per dry standard cubic meter (total
(dry basis), whichever is less stringent. mass), corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
The averaging time is specified under (d) The limits for nitrogen oxides are
§ 60.58b(e). specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2)
(2) On and after the date on which
of this section.
the initial performance test is com-
pleted or is required to be completed (1) During the first year of operation
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no after the date on which the initial per-
owner or operator of an affected facil- formance test is completed or is re-
ity shall cause to be discharged into quired to be completed under § 60.8 of
the atmosphere from that affected fa- subpart A of this part, no owner or op-
cility any gases that contain hydrogen erator of an affected facility shall
chloride in excess of 25 parts per mil- cause to be discharged into the atmos-
lion by volume or 5 percent of the po- phere from that affected facility any
tential hydrogen chloride emission gases that contain nitrogen oxides in
concentration (95-percent reduction by excess of 180 parts per million by vol-
weight or volume), corrected to 7 per- ume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen
cent oxygen (dry basis), whichever is (dry basis). The averaging time is spec-
less stringent. ified under § 60.58b(h).
(c) The limits for municipal waste (2) After the first year of operation
combustor organics are specified in following the date on which the initial
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this sec- performance test is completed or is re-
tion. quired to be completed under § 60.8 of
(1) On and after the date on which subpart A of this part, no owner or op-
the initial performance test is com- erator of an affected facility shall
pleted or is required to be completed
cause to be discharged into the atmos-
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no
phere from that affected facility any
owner or operator of an affected facil-
gases that contain nitrogen oxides in
ity for which construction, modifica-
tion or reconstruction commences on excess of 150 parts per million by vol-
or before November 20, 1997 shall cause ume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen
to be discharged into the atmosphere (dry basis). The averaging time is spec-
from that affected facility any gases ified under § 60.58b(h).
that contain dioxin/furan emissions [60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
that exceed 30 nanograms per dry FR 45121, 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27336,
standard cubic meter (total mass), cor- May 10, 2006]
rected to 7 percent oxygen, for the first
3 years following the date of initial § 60.53b Standards for municipal
startup. After the first 3 years fol- waste combustor operating prac-
lowing the date of initial startup, no tices.
owner or operator shall cause to be dis- (a) On and after the date on which
charged into the atmosphere from that the initial performance test is com-
affected facility any gases that contain pleted or is required to be completed
dioxin/furan total mass emissions that under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no
exceed 13 nanograms per dry standard
owner or operator of an affected facil-
cubic meter (total mass), corrected to 7
ity shall cause to be discharged into
percent oxygen.
the atmosphere from that affected fa-
(2) On and after the date on which
the initial performance test is com- cility any gases that contain carbon
pleted or is required to be completed monoxide in excess of the emission
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no limits specified in table 1 of this sub-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

owner or operator of an affected facil- part.

ity for which construction, modifica-


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.54b


Carbon mon-
oxide emission Averaging time
Municipal waste combustor technology limit (parts per (hours) b
million by vol-
ume) a

Mass burn waterwall ............................................................................................................. 100 4

Mass burn refractory ............................................................................................................. 100 4
Mass burn rotary waterwall ................................................................................................... 100 24
Modular starved air ............................................................................................................... 50 4
Modular excess air ................................................................................................................ 50 4
Refuse-derived fuel stoker .................................................................................................... 150 24
Bubbling fluidized bed combustor ......................................................................................... 100 4
Circulating fluidized bed combustor ...................................................................................... 100 4
Pulverized coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor ........................................... 150 4
Spreader stoker coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor .................................. 150 24
a Measured at the combustor outlet in conjunction with a measurement of oxygen concentration, corrected to 7 percent oxygen
(dry basis). The averaging times are specified in greater detail in § 60.58b(i).
b Averaging times are 4-hour or 24-hour block averages.

(b) No owner or operator of an af- specified in this paragraph apply to

fected facility shall cause such facility each particulate matter control device
to operate at a load level greater than utilized at the affected facility.
110 percent of the maximum dem- (1) During the annual dioxin/furan or
onstrated municipal waste combustor mercury performance test and the 2
unit load as defined in § 60.51b, except weeks preceding the annual dioxin/
as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and furan or mercury performance test, no
(b)(2) of this section. The averaging particulate matter control device tem-
time is specified under § 60.58b(i). perature limitations are applicable if
(1) During the annual dioxin/furan or the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of
mercury performance test and the 2 this section are met.
weeks preceding the annual dioxin/ (2) The particulate matter control de-
furan or mercury performance test, no vice temperature limits may be waived
municipal waste combustor unit load
in writing by the Administrator for the
limit is applicable if the provisions of
purpose of evaluating system perform-
paragraph (b)(2) of this section are met.
ance, testing new technology or con-
(2) The municipal waste combustor
trol technologies, diagnostic testing, or
unit load limit may be waived in writ-
related activities for the purpose of im-
ing by the Administrator for the pur-
proving facility performance or ad-
pose of evaluating system performance,
vancing the state-of-the-art for con-
testing new technology or control tech-
trolling facility emissions. The tem-
nologies, diagnostic testing, or related
perature limits continue to apply, and
activities for the purpose of improving
remain enforceable, until and unless
facility performance or advancing the
the Administrator grants the waiver.
state-of-the-art for controlling facility
emissions. The municipal waste com- (d) Paragraph (m)(2) of § 60.58b ad-
bustor unit load limit continues to dresses treatment of activated carbon
apply, and remains enforceable, until injection rate during dioxin/furan or
and unless the Administrator grants mercury testing.
the waiver. [60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
(c) No owner or operator of an af- FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27336, May 10,
fected facility shall cause such facility 2006]
to operate at a temperature, measured
at the particulate matter control de- § 60.54b Standards for municipal
vice inlet, exceeding 17 °C above the waste combustor operator training
maximum demonstrated particulate and certification.
matter control device temperature as (a) No later than the date 6 months
defined in § 60.51b, except as specified in after the date of startup of an affected
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this sec- facility or on December 19, 1996, which-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion. The averaging time is specified ever is later, each chief facility oper-
under § 60.58b(i). The requirements ator and shift supervisor shall obtain


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§ 60.54b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

and maintain a current provisional op- (ii) When the certified chief facility
erator certification from either the operator and certified shift supervisor
American Society of Mechanical Engi- are off site for more than 12 hours, but
neers [QRO–1–1994 (incorporated by ref- for two weeks or less, and no other cer-
erence—see § 60.17 of subpart A of this tified operator is on site, the provision-
part)] or a State certification program. ally certified control room operator
(b) Not later than the date 6 months may perform the duties of the certified
after the date of startup of an affected chief facility operator or certified shift
facility or on December 19, 1996, which- supervisor without notice to, or ap-
ever is later, each chief facility oper- proval by, the Administrator. However,
ator and shift supervisor shall have the owner or operator of the affected
completed full certification or shall facility must record the period when
have scheduled a full certification the certified chief facility operator and
exam with either the American Society certified shift supervisor are off site
of Mechanical Engineers [QRO–1–1994 and include that information in the an-
(incorporated by reference—see § 60.17 nual report as specified under
of subpart A of this part)] or a State § 60.59b(g)(5).
certification program. (iii) When the certified chief facility
(c) No owner or operator of an af- operator and certified shift supervisor
fected facility shall allow the facility are off site for more than two weeks,
to be operated at any time unless one and no other certified operator is on
of the following persons is on duty and site, the provisionally certified control
at the affected facility: A fully cer- room operator may perform the duties
tified chief facility operator, a provi- of the certified chief facility operator
sionally certified chief facility oper- or certified shift supervisor without ap-
ator who is scheduled to take the full proval by the Administrator. However,
certification exam according to the the owner or operator of the affected
schedule specified in paragraph (b) of facility must take two actions:
this section, a fully certified shift su- (A) Notify the Administrator in writ-
pervisor, or a provisionally certified ing. In the notice, state what caused
shift supervisor who is scheduled to the absence and what actions are being
take the full certification exam accord- taken by the owner or operator of the
ing to the schedule specified in para- facility to ensure that a certified chief
graph (b) of this section. facility operator or certified shift su-
(1) The requirement specified in para- pervisor is on site as expeditiously as
graph (c) of this section shall take ef- practicable.
fect 6 months after the date of startup (B) Submit a status report and cor-
of the affected facility or on December rective action summary to the Admin-
19, 1996, whichever is later. istrator every four weeks following the
(2) If both the certified chief facility initial notification. If the Adminis-
operator and certified shift supervisor trator provides notice that the status
are unavailable, a provisionally cer- report or corrective action summary is
tified control room operator on site at disapproved, the municipal waste com-
the municipal waste combustion unit bustion unit may continue operation
may fulfill the certified operator re- for 90 days, but then must cease oper-
quirement. Depending on the length of ation. If corrective actions are taken in
time that a certified chief facility op- the 90-day period such that the Admin-
erator and certified shift supervisor are istrator withdraws the disapproval,
away, the owner or operator of the af- municipal waste combustion unit oper-
fected facility must meet one of three ation may continue.
criteria: (3) A provisionally certified operator
(i) When the certified chief facility who is newly promoted or recently
operator and certified shift supervisor transferred to a shift supervisor posi-
are both off site for 12 hours or less, tion or a chief facility operator posi-
and no other certified operator is on tion at the municipal waste combus-
site, the provisionally certified control tion unit may perform the duties of the
room operator may perform the duties certified chief facility operator or cer-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

of the certified chief facility operator tified shift supervisor without notice
or certified shift supervisor. to, or approval by, the Administrator


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.55b

for up to six months before taking the (1) Each person specified in para-
ASME QRO certification exam. graph (f) of this section shall undergo
(d) All chief facility operators, shift initial training no later than the date
supervisors, and control room opera- specified in paragraph (f)(1)(i), (f)(1)(ii),
tors at affected facilities must com- or (f)(1)(iii) of this section whichever is
plete the EPA or State municipal later.
waste combustor operator training (i) The date 6 months after the date
course no later than the date 6 months of startup of the affected facility;
after the date of startup of the affected (ii) The date prior to the day the per-
facility or by December 19, 1996, which- son assumes responsibilities affecting
ever is later. municipal waste combustor unit oper-
(e) The owner or operator of an af- ation; or
fected facility shall develop and update (iii) December 19, 1996.
on a yearly basis a site-specific oper- (2) Annually, following the initial re-
ating manual that shall, at a min- view required by paragraph (f)(1) of this
imum, address the elements of munic- section.
ipal waste combustor unit operation
(g) The operating manual required by
specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through
paragraph (e) of this section shall be
(e)(11) of this section.
kept in a readily accessible location for
(1) A summary of the applicable
all persons required to undergo train-
standards under this subpart;
ing under paragraph (f) of this section.
(2) A description of basic combustion
The operating manual and records of
theory applicable to a municipal waste
training shall be available for inspec-
combustor unit;
tion by the EPA or its delegated en-
(3) Procedures for receiving, han-
forcement agency upon request.
dling, and feeding municipal solid
waste; [60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
(4) Municipal waste combustor unit FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27337, May 10,
startup, shutdown, and malfunction 2006]
(5) Procedures for maintaining proper § 60.55b Standards for municipal
combustion air supply levels; waste combustor fugitive ash emis-
(6) Procedures for operating the mu-
nicipal waste combustor unit within (a) On and after the date on which
the standards established under this the initial performance test is com-
subpart; pleted or is required to be completed
(7) Procedures for responding to peri- under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part, no
odic upset or off-specification condi- owner or operator of an affected facil-
tions; ity shall cause to be discharged to the
(8) Procedures for minimizing partic- atmosphere visible emissions of com-
ulate matter carryover; bustion ash from an ash conveying sys-
(9) Procedures for handling ash; tem (including conveyor transfer
(10) Procedures for monitoring mu- points) in excess of 5 percent of the ob-
nicipal waste combustor unit emis- servation period (i.e., 9 minutes per 3-
sions; and hour period), as determined by EPA
(11) Reporting and recordkeeping pro- Reference Method 22 observations as
cedures. specified in § 60.58b(k), except as pro-
(f) The owner or operator of an af- vided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
fected facility shall establish a train- section.
ing program to review the operating (b) The emission limit specified in
manual according to the schedule spec- paragraph (a) of this section does not
ified in paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of cover visible emissions discharged in-
this section with each person who has side buildings or enclosures of ash con-
responsibilities affecting the operation veying systems; however, the emission
of an affected facility including, but limit specified in paragraph (a) of this
not limited to, chief facility operators, section does cover visible emissions
shift supervisors, control room opera- discharged to the atmosphere from
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tors, ash handlers, maintenance per- buildings or enclosures of ash con-

sonnel, and crane/load handlers. veying systems.


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§ 60.56b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c) The provisions specified in para- treated by the affected facility will pri-
graph (a) of this section do not apply marily be collected. As a minimum,
during maintenance and repair of ash the notification shall include the infor-
conveying systems. mation specified in paragraphs
[60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 (a)(1)(ii)(A) through (a)(1)(ii)(D) of this
FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997] section.
(A) The date, time, and location of
§ 60.56b Standards for air curtain in- the public meeting.
cinerators. (B) The location of the public librar-
On and after the date on which the ies where the preliminary draft mate-
initial performance test is completed rials separation plan may be found, in-
or is required to be completed under cluding normal business hours of the li-
§ 60.8 of subpart A of this part, the braries.
owner or operator of an air curtain in- (C) An agenda of the issues to be dis-
cinerator with the capacity to combust cussed at the public meeting.
greater than 250 tons per day of munic- (D) The dates that the public com-
ipal solid waste and that combusts a ment period on the preliminary draft
fuel feed stream composed of 100 per- materials separation plan begins and
cent yard waste and no other munic- ends.
ipal solid waste materials shall at no (2) The owner or operator shall con-
time cause to be discharged into the duct a public meeting, accept com-
atmosphere from that incinerator any ments on the preliminary draft mate-
gases that exhibit greater than 10-per- rials separation plan, and comply with
cent opacity (6-minute average), except the requirements specified in para-
that an opacity level of up to 35 per- graphs (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(iv) of this
cent (6-minute average) is permitted
during startup periods during the first
(i) The public meeting shall be con-
30 minutes of operation of the unit.
ducted in the county where the af-
[60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 fected facility is to be located.
FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997] (ii) The public meeting shall be
scheduled to occur 30 days or more
§ 60.57b Siting requirements.
after making the preliminary draft ma-
(a) The owner or operator of an af- terials separation plan available to the
fected facility shall prepare a mate- public as specified under paragraph
rials separation plan, as defined in (a)(1) of this section.
§ 60.51b, for the affected facility and its (iii) Suggested issues to be addressed
service area, and shall comply with the at the public meeting are listed in
requirements specified in paragraphs paragraphs (a)(2)(iii)(A) through
(a)(1) through (a)(10) of this section. (a)(2)(iii)(H) of this section.
The initial application is defined as (A) The expected size of the service
representing a good faith submittal as area for the affected facility.
determined by EPA.
(B) The amount of waste generation
(1) The owner or operator shall pre-
anticipated for the service area.
pare a preliminary draft materials sep-
aration plan and shall make the plan (C) The types and estimated amounts
available to the public as specified in of materials proposed for separation.
paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (a)(1)(ii) of this (D) The methods proposed for mate-
section. rials separation.
(i) The owner or operator shall dis- (E) The amount of residual waste to
tribute the preliminary draft materials be disposed.
separation plan to the principal public (F) Alternate disposal methods for
libraries in the area where the affected handling the residual waste.
facility is to be constructed. (G) Identification of the location(s)
(ii) The owner or operator shall pub- where responses to public comment on
lish a notification of a public meeting the preliminary draft materials separa-
in the principal newspaper(s) serving tion plan will be available for inspec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the area where the affected facility is tion, as specified in paragraphs (a)(3)
to be constructed and where the waste and (a)(4) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.57b

(H) Identification of the locations from the preliminary draft materials

where the final draft materials separa- separation plan that was discussed at
tion plan will be available for inspec- the first public meeting required by
tion, as specified in paragraph (a)(7). paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(iv) Nothing in this section shall pre- (9) If the owner or operator receives
clude an owner or operator from com- any comments on the final draft mate-
bining this public meeting with any rials separation plan during the public
other public meeting required as part meeting required in paragraph (b)(4) of
of any other Federal, State, or local this section, the owner or operator
permit review process except the public shall respond to those comments in the
meeting required under paragraph document prepared in accordance with
(b)(4) of this section. paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
(3) Following the public meeting re- (10) The owner or operator shall pre-
quired by paragraph (a)(2) of this sec- pare a final materials separation plan
tion, the owner or operator shall pre- and shall submit, as required under
pare responses to the comments re- § 60.59b(b)(5)(ii), the final materials sep-
ceived at the public meeting. aration plan as part of the initial noti-
(4) The owner or operator shall make fication of construction.
the document summarizing responses (b) The owner or operator of an af-
to public comments available to the fected facility for which the initial ap-
public (including distribution to the plication for a construction permit
principal public libraries used to an- under 40 CFR part 51, subpart I, or part
nounce the meeting) in the service area 52, as applicable, is submitted after De-
where the affected facility is to be lo- cember 19, 1995 shall prepare a siting
cated. analysis in accordance with paragraphs
(5) The owner or operator shall pre- (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section and shall
pare a final draft materials separation comply with the requirements specified
plan for the affected facility consid- in paragraphs (b)(3) through (b)(7) of
ering the public comments received at this section.
the public meeting. (1) The siting analysis shall be an
(6) As required under § 60.59b(a), the analysis of the impact of the affected
owner or operator shall submit to EPA facility on ambient air quality, visi-
a copy of the notification of the public bility, soils, and vegetation.
meeting, a transcript of the public (2) The analysis shall consider air
meeting, the document summarizing pollution control alternatives that
responses to public comments, and cop- minimize, on a site-specific basis, to
ies of both the preliminary and final the maximum extent practicable, po-
draft materials separation plans on or tential risks to the public health or the
before the time the facility’s applica- environment.
tion for a construction permit is sub- (3) The owner or operator shall make
mitted under 40 CFR part 51, subpart I, the siting analysis and final draft ma-
or part 52, as applicable. terials separation plan required by
(7) As part of the distribution of the paragraph (a)(5) of this section avail-
siting analysis required under para- able to the public as specified in para-
graph (b)(3) of this section, the owner graphs (b)(3)(i) and (b)(3)(ii) of this sec-
or operator shall make the final draft tion.
materials separation plan required (i) The owner or operator shall dis-
under paragraph (a)(5) of this section tribute the siting analysis and final
available to the public, as specified in draft materials separation plan to the
paragraph (b)(3) of this section. principal public libraries in the area
(8) As part of the public meeting for where the affected facility is to be con-
review of the siting analysis required structed.
under paragraph (b)(4) of this section, (ii) The owner or operator shall pub-
the owner or operator shall address lish a notification of a public meeting
questions concerning the final draft in the principal newspaper(s) serving
materials separation plan required by the area where the affected facility is
paragraph (a)(5) of this section includ- to be constructed and where the waste
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ing discussion of how the final draft treated by the affected facility will pri-
materials separation plan has changed marily be collected. As a minimum,


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the notification shall include the infor- graphs (a) and (b) of this section are
mation specified in paragraphs not subject to this paragraph.
(b)(3)(ii)(A) through (b)(3)(ii)(D) of this [60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
section. FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27337, May 10,
(A) The date, time, and location of 2006]
the public meeting.
(B) The location of the public librar- § 60.58b Compliance and performance
ies where the siting analyses and final testing.
draft materials separation plan may be (a) The provisions for startup, shut-
found, including normal business down, and malfunction are provided in
hours. paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this sec-
(C) An agenda of the issues to be dis- tion.
cussed at the public meeting. (1) Except as provided by § 60.56b, the
(D) The dates that the public com- standards under this subpart apply at
ment period on the siting analyses and all times except during periods of
final draft materials separation plan startup, shutdown, and malfunction.
begins and ends. Duration of startup, shutdown, or mal-
function periods are limited to 3 hours
(4) The owner or operator shall con-
per occurrence, except as provided in
duct a public meeting and accept com-
paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section.
ments on the siting analysis and the
During periods of startup, shutdown, or
final draft materials separation plan
malfunction, monitoring data shall be
required under paragraph (a)(5) of this
dismissed or excluded from compliance
section. The public meeting shall be calculations, but shall be recorded and
conducted in the county where the af- reported in accordance with the provi-
fected facility is to be located and shall sions of 40 CFR 60.59b(d)(7).
be scheduled to occur 30 days or more (i) The startup period commences
after making the siting analysis avail- when the affected facility begins the
able to the public as specified under continuous burning of municipal solid
paragraph (b)(3) of this section. waste and does not include any
(5) The owner or operator shall pre- warmup period when the affected facil-
pare responses to the comments on the ity is combusting fossil fuel or other
siting analysis and the final draft ma- nonmunicipal solid waste fuel, and no
terials separation plan that are re- municipal solid waste is being fed to
ceived at the public meeting. the combustor.
(6) The owner or operator shall make (ii) Continuous burning is the contin-
the document summarizing responses uous, semicontinuous, or batch feeding
to public comments available to the of municipal solid waste for purposes of
public (including distribution to all waste disposal, energy production, or
public libraries) in the service area providing heat to the combustion sys-
where the affected facility is to be lo- tem in preparation for waste disposal
cated. or energy production. The use of mu-
(7) As required under § 60.59b(b)(5), nicipal solid waste solely to provide
the owner or operator shall submit a thermal protection of the grate or
copy of the notification of the public hearth during the startup period when
meeting, a transcript of the public municipal solid waste is not being fed
meeting, the document summarizing to the grate is not considered to be
responses to public comments, and the continuous burning.
siting analysis as part of the initial no- (iii) For the purpose of compliance
tification of construction. with the carbon monoxide emission
(c) The owner or operator of an af- limits in § 60.53b(a), if a loss of boiler
fected facility for which construction water level control (e.g., boiler
is commenced after September 20, 1994 waterwall tube failure) or a loss of
shall prepare a siting analysis in ac- combustion air control (e.g., loss of
cordance with 40 CFR part 51, subpart combustion air fan, induced draft fan,
I, or part 52, as applicable, and shall combustion grate bar failure) is deter-
submit the siting analysis as part of mined to be a malfunction, the dura-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the initial notification of construction. tion of the malfunction period is lim-

Affected facilities subject to para- ited to 15 hours per occurrence. During


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

such periods of malfunction, moni- (i) The fuel factor equation in Meth-
toring data shall be dismissed or ex- od 3B shall be used to determine the re-
cluded from compliance calculations, lationship between oxygen and carbon
but shall be recorded and reported in dioxide at a sampling location. Method
accordance with the provisions of 3, 3A, or 3B, or as an alternative ASME
§ 60.59b(d)(7). PTC–19–10–1981—part10, as applicable,
(2) The opacity limits for air curtain shall be used to determine the oxygen
incinerators specified in § 60.56b apply concentration at the same location as
at all times as specified under § 60.56b the carbon dioxide monitor.
except during periods of malfunction. (ii) Samples shall be taken for at
Duration of malfunction periods are least 30 minutes in each hour.
limited to 3 hours per occurrence. (iii) Each sample shall represent a 1-
(b) The owner or operator of an af- hour average.
fected facility shall install, calibrate, (iv) A minimum of three runs shall be
maintain, and operate a continuous performed.
emission monitoring system for meas- (7) The relationship between carbon
uring the oxygen or carbon dioxide dioxide and oxygen concentrations that
content of the flue gas at each location is established in accordance with para-
where carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, graph (b)(6) of this section shall be sub-
nitrogen oxides emissions, or particu- mitted to EPA as part of the initial
late matter (if the owner or operator performance test report and, if applica-
elects to continuously monitor emis- ble, as part of the annual test report if
sions under paragraph (n) of this sec- the relationship is reestablished during
tion) are monitored and record the out- the annual performance test.
put of the system and shall comply (8) During a loss of boiler water level
with the test procedures and test meth- control or loss of combustion air con-
ods specified in paragraphs (b)(1) trol malfunction period as specified in
through (b)(8) of this section. paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, a
(1) The span value of the oxygen (or diluent cap of 14 percent for oxygen or
20 percent carbon dioxide) monitor 5 percent for carbon dioxide may be
shall be 25 percent oxygen (or 20 per- used in the emissions calculations for
cent carbon dioxide). sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
(2) The monitor shall be installed, (c) Except as provided in paragraph
evaluated, and operated in accordance (c)(10) of this section, the procedures
with § 60.13 of subpart A of this part. and test methods specified in para-
(3) The initial performance evalua- graphs (c)(1) through (c)(11) of this sec-
tion shall be completed no later than tion shall be used to determine compli-
180 days after the date of initial start- ance with the emission limits for par-
up of the affected facility, as specified ticulate matter and opacity under
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part. § 60.52b(a)(1) and (a)(2).
(4) The monitor shall conform to Per- (1) The EPA Reference Method 1 shall
formance Specification 3 in appendix B be used to select sampling site and
of this part except for section 2.3 (rel- number of traverse points.
ative accuracy requirement). (2) The EPA Reference Method 3, 3A
(5) The quality assurance procedures or 3B, or as an alternative ASME PTC–
of appendix F of this part except for 19–10–1981—part10, as applicable, shall
section 5.1.1 (relative accuracy test be used for gas analysis.
audit) shall apply to the monitor. (3) EPA Reference Method 5 shall be
(6) If carbon dioxide is selected for used for determining compliance with
use in diluent corrections, the relation- the particulate matter emission limit.
ship between oxygen and carbon diox- The minimum sample volume shall be
ide levels shall be established during 1.7 cubic meters. The probe and filter
the initial performance test according holder heating systems in the sample
to the procedures and methods speci- train shall be set to provide a gas tem-
fied in paragraphs (b)(6)(i) through perature no greater than 160 °C. An ox-
(b)(6)(iv) of this section. This relation- ygen or carbon dioxide measurement
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ship may be reestablished during per- shall be obtained simultaneously with

formance compliance tests. each Method 5 run.


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(4) The owner or operator of an af- formance test for particulate matter
fected facility may request that com- on a calendar year basis (no less than 9
pliance with the particulate matter calendar months and no more than 15
emission limit be determined using calendar months following the previous
carbon dioxide measurements cor- performance test; and must complete
rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox- five performance tests in each 5-year
ygen. The relationship between oxygen calendar period).
and carbon dioxide levels for the af- (10) In place of particulate matter
fected facility shall be established as testing with EPA Reference Method 5,
specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec- an owner or operator may elect to in-
tion. stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
(5) As specified under § 60.8 of subpart a continuous emission monitoring sys-
A of this part, all performance tests tem for monitoring particulate matter
shall consist of three test runs. The av- emissions discharged to the atmos-
erage of the particulate matter emis- phere and record the output of the sys-
sion concentrations from the three test tem. The owner or operator of an af-
runs is used to determine compliance. fected facility who elects to continu-
(6) In accordance with paragraphs ously monitor particulate matter emis-
(c)(7) and (c)(11) of this section, EPA sions instead of conducting perform-
Reference Method 9 shall be used for ance testing using EPA Method 5 shall
determining compliance with the opac- install, calibrate, maintain, and oper-
ity limit except as provided under ate a continuous emission monitoring
§ 60.11(e) of subpart A of this part. system and shall comply with the re-
(7) The owner or operator of an af- quirements specified in paragraphs
fected facility shall conduct an initial (c)(10)(i) through (c)(10)(xiv) of this sec-
performance test for particulate mat- tion. The owner or operator who elects
ter emissions and opacity as required to continuously monitor particulate
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part. matter emissions instead of conducting
(8) The owner or operator of an af- performance testing using EPA Method
fected facility shall install, calibrate, 5 is not required to complete perform-
maintain, and operate a continuous ance testing for particulate matter as
opacity monitoring system for meas- specified in paragraph (c)(9) of this sec-
uring opacity and shall follow the tion and is not required to continu-
methods and procedures specified in ously monitor opacity as specified in
paragraphs (c)(8)(i) through (c)(8)(iv) of paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
this section. (i) Notify the Administrator one
(i) The output of the continuous month before starting use of the sys-
opacity monitoring system shall be re- tem.
corded on a 6-minute average basis. (ii) Notify the Administrator one
(ii) The continuous opacity moni- month before stopping use of the sys-
toring system shall be installed, evalu- tem.
ated, and operated in accordance with (iii) The monitor shall be installed,
§ 60.13 of subpart A of this part. evaluated, and operated in accordance
(iii) The continuous opacity moni- with § 60.13 of subpart A of this part.
toring system shall conform to Per- (iv) The initial performance evalua-
formance Specification 1 in appendix B tion shall be completed no later than
of this part. 180 days after the date of initial start-
(iv) The initial performance evalua- up of the affected facility, as specified
tion shall be completed no later than under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or
180 days after the date of the initial within 180 days of notification to the
startup of the municipal waste com- Administrator of use of the continuous
bustor unit, as specified under § 60.8 of monitoring system if the owner or op-
subpart A of this part. erator was previously determining
(9) Following the date that the initial compliance by Method 5 performance
performance test for particulate mat- tests, whichever is later.
ter is completed or is required to be (v) The owner or operator of an af-
completed under § 60.8 of subpart A of fected facility may request that com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

this part for an affected facility, the pliance with the particulate matter
owner or operator shall conduct a per- emission limit be determined using


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

carbon dioxide measurements cor- (x) All valid continuous emission

rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox- monitoring system data shall be used
ygen. The relationship between oxygen in calculating average emission con-
and carbon dioxide levels for the af- centrations even if the minimum con-
fected facility shall be established as tinuous emission monitoring system
specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec- data requirements of paragraph
tion. (c)(10)(viii) of this section are not met.
(vi) The owner or operator of an af- (xi) The continuous emission moni-
fected facility shall conduct an initial toring system shall be operated accord-
performance test for particulate mat- ing to Performance Specification 11 in
ter emissions as required under § 60.8 of appendix B of this part.
subpart A of this part. Compliance (xii) During each relative accuracy
with the particulate matter emission test run of the continuous emission
limit shall be determined by using the monitoring system required by Per-
continuous emission monitoring sys- formance Specification 11 in appendix
tem specified in paragraph (c)(10) of B of this part, particulate matter and
this section to measure particulate oxygen (or carbon dioxide) data shall
matter and calculating a 24-hour block be collected concurrently (or within a
arithmetic average emission con- 30- to 60-minute period) by both the
centration using EPA Reference Meth-
continuous emission monitors and the
od 19, section 12.4.1.
test methods specified in paragraphs
(vii) Compliance with the particulate (c)(10)(xii)(A) and (c)(10)(xii)(B) of this
matter emission limit shall be deter-
mined based on the 24-hour daily
(A) For particulate matter, EPA Ref-
(block) average of the hourly arith-
erence Method 5 shall be used.
metic average emission concentrations
using continuous emission monitoring (B) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
system outlet data. EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or 3B, as
(viii) After April 28, 2008, at a min- applicable shall be used.
imum, valid continuous monitoring (xiii) Quarterly accuracy determina-
system hourly averages shall be ob- tions and daily calibration drift tests
tained as specified in paragraphs shall be performed in accordance with
(c)(10)(viii)(A) and (c)(10)(viii)(B) for at procedure 2 in appendix F of this part.
least 90 percent of the operating hours (xiv) When particulate matter emis-
per calendar quarter and 95 percent of sions data are not obtained because of
the operating hours per calendar year continuous emission monitoring sys-
that the affected facility is combusting tem breakdowns, repairs, calibration
municipal solid waste. checks, and zero and span adjustments,
(A) At least two data points per hour emissions data shall be obtained by
shall be used to calculate each 1-hour using other monitoring systems as ap-
arithmetic average. proved by the Administrator or EPA
(B) Each particulate matter 1-hour Reference Method 19 to provide, as nec-
arithmetic average shall be corrected essary, valid emissions data for a min-
to 7 percent oxygen on an hourly basis imum of 90 percent of the hours per
using the 1-hour arithmetic average of calendar quarter and 95 percent of the
the oxygen (or carbon dioxide) contin- hours per calendar year that the af-
uous emission monitoring system data. fected facility is operated and com-
(ix) The 1-hour arithmetic averages busting municipal solid waste.
required under paragraph (c)(10)(vii) of (11) Following the date that the ini-
this section shall be expressed in milli- tial performance test for opacity is
grams per dry standard cubic meter completed or is required to be com-
corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this
basis) and shall be used to calculate part for an affected facility, the owner
the 24-hour daily arithmetic average or operator shall conduct a perform-
emission concentrations. The 1-hour ance test for opacity on an annual
arithmetic averages shall be calculated basis (no less than 9 calendar months
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

using the data points required under and no more than 15 calendar months
§ 60.13(e)(2) of subpart A of this part. following the previous performance


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

test; and must complete five perform- calendar months and no more than 15
ance tests in each 5-year calendar pe- calendar months following the previous
riod) using the test method specified in performance test; and must complete
paragraph (c)(6) of this section. five performance tests in each 5-year
(d) The procedures and test methods calendar period).
specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) (viii)–(ix) [Reserved]
of this section shall be used to deter- (2) The procedures and test methods
mine compliance with the emission specified in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through
limits for cadmium, lead, and mercury (d)(2)(xi) of this section shall be used to
under § 60.52b(a). determine compliance with the mer-
(1) The procedures and test methods cury emission limit under § 60.52b(a)(5).
specified in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (i) The EPA Reference Method 1 shall
(d)(1)(ix) of this section shall be used to
be used for determining the location
determine compliance with the emis-
and number of sampling points.
sion limits for cadmium and lead under
§ 60.52b(a) (3) and (4). (ii) The EPA Reference Method 3, 3A,
(i) The EPA Reference Method 1 shall or 3B, or as an alternative ASME PTC–
be used for determining the location 19–10–1981—part10, as applicable, shall
and number of sampling points. be used for flue gas analysis.
(ii) The EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, (iii) The EPA Reference Method 29 or
or 3B, or as an alternative ASME PTC– as an alternative ASTM D6784–02 shall
19–10–1981—part10, as applicable, shall be used to determine the mercury
be used for flue gas analysis. emission concentration. The minimum
(iii) The EPA Reference Method 29 sample volume when using Method 29
shall be used for determining compli- as an alternative ASTM D6784–02 for
ance with the cadmium and lead emis- mercury shall be 1.7 cubic meters.
sion limits. (iv) An oxygen (or carbon dioxide)
(iv) An oxygen or carbon dioxide measurement shall be obtained simul-
measurement shall be obtained simul- taneously with each Method 29 or as an
taneously with each Method 29 test run alternative ASTM D6784–02 test run for
for cadmium and lead required under mercury required under paragraph
paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section. (d)(2)(iii) of this section.
(v) The owner or operator of an af- (v) The percent reduction in the po-
fected facility may request that com- tential mercury emissions (%PHg) is
pliance with the cadmium or lead emis- computed using equation 1:
sion limit be determined using carbon
dioxide measurements corrected to an ⎛ ⎞
equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re-
lationship between oxygen and carbon
(%P ) = ⎜⎝ E E− E
i o
⎟ ×100

dioxide levels for the affected facility i
shall be established as specified in where:
paragraph (b)(6) of this section. %PHg = percent reduction of the potential
(vi) All performance tests shall con- mercury emissions achieved.
sist of a minimum of three test runs Ei = potential mercury emission concentra-
conducted under representative full tion measured at the control device
load operating conditions. The average inlet, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry
of the cadmium or lead emission con- basis).
centrations from three test runs or Eo = controlled mercury emission concentra-
tion measured at the mercury control de-
more shall be used to determine com-
vice outlet, corrected to 7 percent oxygen
pliance. (dry basis).
(vii) Following the date of the initial
performance test or the date on which (vi) All performance tests shall con-
the initial performance test is required sist of a minimum of three test runs
to be completed under § 60.8 of subpart conducted under representative full
A of this part, the owner or operator of load operating conditions. The average
an affected facility shall conduct a per- of the mercury emission concentra-
formance test for compliance with the tions or percent reductions from three
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

emission limits for cadmium and lead test runs or more is used to determine
on a calendar year basis (no less than 9 compliance.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

(vii) The owner or operator of an af- (p) and (q) of this section, as appro-
fected facility may request that com- priate. The owner or operator who
pliance with the mercury emission elects to continuously monitor mer-
limit be determined using carbon diox- cury in place of mercury testing with
ide measurements corrected to an EPA Reference Method 29 or as an al-
equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re- ternative ASTM D6784–02 is not re-
lationship between oxygen and carbon quired to complete performance testing
dioxide levels for the affected facility for mercury as specified in paragraph
shall be established as specified in (d)(2)(ix) of this section.
paragraph (b)(6) of this section. (e) The procedures and test methods
(viii) The owner or operator of an af- specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through
fected facility shall conduct an initial (e)(14) of this section shall be used for
performance test for mercury emis- determining compliance with the sul-
sions as required under § 60.8 of subpart fur dioxide emission limit under
A of this part. § 60.52b(b)(1).
(ix) Following the date that the ini- (1) The EPA Reference Method 19,
tial performance test for mercury is section 4.3, shall be used to calculate
completed or is required to be com- the daily geometric average sulfur di-
pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this oxide emission concentration.
part, the owner or operator of an af- (2) The EPA Reference Method 19,
fected facility shall conduct a perform- section 5.4, shall be used to determine
ance test for mercury emissions on a the daily geometric average percent re-
calendar year basis (no less than 9 cal- duction in the potential sulfur dioxide
endar months and no more than 15 cal- emission concentration.
endar months from the previous per- (3) The owner or operator of an af-
formance test; and must complete five fected facility may request that com-
performance tests in each 5-year cal- pliance with the sulfur dioxide emis-
endar period). sion limit be determined using carbon
(x) [Reserved] dioxide measurements corrected to an
(xi) The owner or operator of an af- equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re-
fected facility where activated carbon lationship between oxygen and carbon
injection is used to comply with the dioxide levels for the affected facility
mercury emission limit shall follow shall be established as specified in
the procedures specified in paragraph paragraph (b)(6) of this section.
(m) of this section for measuring and (4) The owner or operator of an af-
calculating carbon usage. fected facility shall conduct an initial
(3) In place of cadmium and lead test- performance test for sulfur dioxide
ing with EPA Reference Method 29 as emissions as required under § 60.8 of
an alternative ASTM D6784–02, an subpart A of this part. Compliance
owner or operator may elect to install, with the sulfur dioxide emission limit
calibrate, maintain, and operate a con- (concentration or percent reduction)
tinuous emission monitoring system shall be determined by using the con-
for monitoring cadmium and lead emis- tinuous emission monitoring system
sions discharged to the atmosphere and specified in paragraph (e)(5) of this sec-
record the output of the system accord- tion to measure sulfur dioxide and cal-
ing to the provisions of paragraphs (n) culating a 24-hour daily geometric av-
and (o) of this section. erage emission concentration or a 24-
(4) In place of mercury testing with hour daily geometric average percent
EPA Reference Method 29 or as an al- reduction using EPA Reference Method
ternative ASTM D6784–02, an owner or 19, sections 4.3 and 5.4, as applicable.
operator may elect to install, cali- (5) The owner or operator of an af-
brate, maintain, and operate a contin- fected facility shall install, calibrate,
uous emission monitoring system or a maintain, and operate a continuous
continuous automated sampling sys- emission monitoring system for meas-
tem for monitoring mercury emissions uring sulfur dioxide emissions dis-
discharged to the atmosphere and charged to the atmosphere and record
record the output of the system accord- the output of the system.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ing to the provisions of paragraphs (n) (6) Following the date that the initial
and (o) of this section, or paragraphs performance test for sulfur dioxide is


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

completed or is required to be com- up of the municipal waste combustor

pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this as specified under § 60.8 of subpart A of
part, compliance with the sulfur diox- this part.
ide emission limit shall be determined (12) The continuous emission moni-
based on the 24-hour daily geometric toring system shall be operated accord-
average of the hourly arithmetic aver- ing to Performance Specification 2 in
age emission concentrations using con- appendix B of this part. For sources
tinuous emission monitoring system that have actual inlet emissions less
outlet data if compliance is based on than 100 parts per million dry volume,
an emission concentration, or contin- the relative accuracy criterion for
uous emission monitoring system inlet inlet sulfur dioxide continuous emis-
and outlet data if compliance is based sion monitoring systems should be no
on a percent reduction.
greater than 20 percent of the mean
(7) At a minimum, valid continuous
value of the reference method test data
monitoring system hourly averages
in terms of the units of the emission
shall be obtained as specified in para-
standard, or 5 parts per million dry vol-
graphs (e)(7)(i) and (e)(7)(ii) for 90 per-
cent of the operating hours per cal- ume absolute value of the mean dif-
endar quarter and 95 percent of the op- ference between the reference method
erating days per calendar year that the and the continuous emission moni-
affected facility is combusting munic- toring systems, whichever is greater.
ipal solid waste. (i) During each relative accuracy test
(i) At least two data points per hour run of the continuous emission moni-
shall be used to calculate each 1-hour toring system required by Performance
arithmetic average. Specification 2 in appendix B of this
(ii) Each sulfur dioxide 1-hour arith- part, sulfur dioxide and oxygen (or car-
metic average shall be corrected to 7 bon dioxide) data shall be collected
percent oxygen on an hourly basis concurrently (or within a 30- to 60-
using the 1-hour arithmetic average of minute period) by both the continuous
the oxygen (or carbon dioxide) contin- emission monitors and the test meth-
uous emission monitoring system data. ods specified in paragraphs (e)(12)(i)(A)
(8) The 1-hour arithmetic averages and (e)(12)(i)(B) of this section.
required under paragraph (e)(6) of this (A) For sulfur dioxide, EPA Ref-
section shall be expressed in parts per erence Method 6, 6A, or 6C, or as an al-
million corrected to 7 percent oxygen ternative ASME PTC–19–10–1981—
(dry basis) and used to calculate the 24- part10, shall be used.
hour daily geometric average emission (B) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
concentrations and daily geometric av- EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or 3B, or
erage emission percent reductions. The
as an alternative ASME PTC–19–10–
1-hour arithmetic averages shall be
1981—part10, as applicable, shall be
calculated using the data points re-
quired under § 60.13(e)(2) of subpart A of
this part. (ii) The span value of the continuous
(9) All valid continuous emission emissions monitoring system at the
monitoring system data shall be used inlet to the sulfur dioxide control de-
in calculating average emission con- vice shall be 125 percent of the max-
centrations and percent reductions imum estimated hourly potential sul-
even if the minimum continuous emis- fur dioxide emissions of the municipal
sion monitoring system data require- waste combustor unit. The span value
ments of paragraph (e)(7) of this sec- of the continuous emission monitoring
tion are not met. system at the outlet of the sulfur diox-
(10) The procedures under § 60.13 of ide control device shall be 50 percent of
subpart A of this part shall be followed the maximum estimated hourly poten-
for installation, evaluation, and oper- tial sulfur dioxide emissions of the mu-
ation of the continuous emission moni- nicipal waste combustor unit.
toring system. (13) Quarterly accuracy determina-
(11) The initial performance evalua- tions and daily calibration drift tests
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion shall be completed no later than shall be performed in accordance with

180 days after the date of initial start- procedure 1 in appendix F of this part.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

(14) When sulfur dioxide emissions specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
data are not obtained because of con- tion.
tinuous emission monitoring system (5) As specified under § 60.8 of subpart
breakdowns, repairs, calibration A of this part, all performance tests
checks, and/or zero and span adjust- shall consist of three test runs. The av-
ments, emissions data shall be ob- erage of the hydrogen chloride emis-
tained by using other monitoring sys- sion concentrations or percent reduc-
tems as approved by EPA or EPA Ref- tions from the three test runs is used
erence Method 19 to provide, as nec- to determine compliance.
essary, valid emissions data for a min- (6) The owner or operator of an af-
imum of 90 percent of the hours per fected facility shall conduct an initial
calendar quarter and 95 percent of the performance test for hydrogen chloride
hours per calendar year that the af- as required under § 60.8 of subpart A of
fected facility is operated and com- this part.
busting municipal solid waste. (7) Following the date that the initial
(f) The procedures and test methods performance test for hydrogen chloride
specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through is completed or is required to be com-
(f)(8) of this section shall be used for pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this
determining compliance with the hy- part, the owner or operator of an af-
drogen chloride emission limit under fected facility shall conduct a perform-
§ 60.52b(b)(2). ance test for hydrogen chloride emis-
(1) The EPA Reference Method 26 or sions on an annual basis (no more than
26A, as applicable, shall be used to de- 12 calendar months following the pre-
termine the hydrogen chloride emis- vious performance test).
sion concentration. The minimum sam- (8) In place of hydrogen chloride test-
pling time shall be 1 hour. ing with EPA Reference Method 26 or
(2) An oxygen (or carbon dioxide) 26A, an owner or operator may elect to
measurement shall be obtained simul- install, calibrate, maintain, and oper-
taneously with each test run for hydro- ate a continuous emission monitoring
gen chloride required by paragraph system for monitoring hydrogen chlo-
(f)(1) of this section. ride emissions discharged to the atmos-
(3) The percent reduction in potential phere and record the output of the sys-
hydrogen chloride emissions (% PHCl) is tem according to the provisions of
computed using equation 2: paragraphs (n) and (o) of this section.
(g) The procedures and test methods
⎛E −E ⎞ specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through
(%PHCl ) = ⎜ i o
⎟ ×100 (2) (g)(9) of this section shall be used to de-
termine compliance with the limits for
⎝ Ei ⎠ dioxin/furan emissions under § 60.52b(c).
where: (1) The EPA Reference Method 1 shall
%PHCl = percent reduction of the potential be used for determining the location
hydrogen chloride emissions achieved. and number of sampling points.
Ei = potential hydrogen chloride emission (2) The EPA Reference Method 3, 3A,
concentration measured at the control or 3B, or as an alternative ASME PTC–
device inlet, corrected to 7 percent oxy- 19–10–1981—part10, as applicable, shall
gen (dry basis).
be used for flue gas analysis.
Eo = controlled hydrogen chloride emission (3) The EPA Reference Method 23
concentration measured at the control shall be used for determining the
device outlet, corrected to 7 percent oxy- dioxin/furan emission concentration.
gen (dry basis).
(i) The minimum sample time shall
(4) The owner or operator of an af- be 4 hours per test run.
fected facility may request that com- (ii) An oxygen (or carbon dioxide)
pliance with the hydrogen chloride measurement shall be obtained simul-
emission limit be determined using taneously with each Method 23 test run
carbon dioxide measurements cor- for dioxins/furans.
rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox- (4) The owner or operator of an af-
ygen. The relationship between oxygen fected facility shall conduct an initial
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and carbon dioxide levels for the af- performance test for dioxin/furan emis-
fected facility shall be established as sions in accordance with paragraph


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(g)(3) of this section, as required under (C) Upon testing each subsequent
§ 60.8 of subpart A of this part. unit in accordance with the testing
(5) Following the date that the initial schedule established in paragraph
performance test for dioxins/furans is (g)(5)(iii) of this section, the dioxin/
completed or is required to be com- furan and mercury emissions of the
pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this subsequent unit shall not exceed the
part, the owner or operator of an af- dioxin/furan and mercury emissions
fected facility shall conduct perform- measured in the most recent test of
ance tests for dioxin/furan emissions in that unit prior to the revised operating
accordance with paragraph (g)(3) of parameter levels.
this section, according to one of the (D) The owner or operator of an af-
schedules specified in paragraphs fected facility that selects to follow
(g)(5)(i) through (g)(5)(iii) of this sec- the performance testing schedule speci-
tion. fied in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this sec-
(i) For affected facilities, perform- tion and apply the carbon injection
ance tests shall be conducted on a cal- system operating parameters to simi-
endar year basis (no less than 9 cal- larly designed and equipped units on
endar months and no more than 15 cal- site shall follow the procedures speci-
endar months following the previous fied in § 60.59b(g)(4) for reporting.
performance test; and must complete (iii) Where all performance tests over
five performance tests in each 5-year a 2-year period indicate that dioxin/
calendar period). furan emissions are less than or equal
(ii) For the purpose of evaluating sys- to 7 nanograms per dry standard cubic
tem performance to establish new oper- meter (total mass) for all affected fa-
ating parameter levels, testing new cilities located within a municipal
technology or control technologies, di- waste combustor plant, the owner or
agnostic testing, or related activities operator of the municipal waste com-
for the purpose of improving facility bustor plant may elect to conduct an-
performance or advancing the state-of- nual performance tests for one affected
the-art for controlling facility emis- facility (i.e., unit) per year at the mu-
sions, the owner or operator of an af- nicipal waste combustor plant. At a
fected facility that qualifies for the minimum, a performance test for
performance testing schedule specified dioxin/furan emissions shall be con-
in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this section, ducted on a calendar year basis (no less
may test one unit for dioxin/furan and than 9 calendar months and no more
apply the dioxin/furan operating pa- than 15 months following the previous
rameters to similarly designed and performance test; and must complete
equipped units on site by meeting the five performance tests in each 5-year
requirements specified in paragraphs calendar period) for one affected facil-
(g)(5)(ii)(A) through (g)(5)(ii)(D) of this ity at the municipal waste combustor
section. plant. Each year a different affected fa-
(A) Follow the testing schedule es- cility at the municipal waste com-
tablished in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this bustor plant shall be tested, and the af-
section. For example, each year a dif- fected facilities at the plant shall be
ferent affected facility at the munic- tested in sequence (e.g., unit 1, unit 2,
ipal waste combustor plant shall be unit 3, as applicable). If each annual
tested, and the affected facilities at the performance test continues to indicate
plant shall be tested in sequence (e.g., a dioxin/furan emission level less than
unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, as applicable). or equal to 7 nanograms per dry stand-
(B) Upon meeting the requirements ard cubic meter (total mass), the owner
in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this section or operator may continue conducting a
for one affected facility, the owner or performance test on only one affected
operator may elect to apply the aver- facility per calendar year. If any an-
age carbon mass feed rate and associ- nual performance test indicates either
ated carbon injection system operating a dioxin/furan emission level greater
parameter levels for dioxin/furan as es- than 7 nanograms per dry standard
tablished in paragraph (m) of this sec- cubic meter (total mass), performance
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion to similarly designed and equipped tests shall thereafter be conducted an-
units on site. nually on all affected facilities at the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

plant until and unless all annual per- comply with the requirements specified
formance tests for all affected facilities in paragraphs (p) and (q) of this sec-
at the plant over a 2-year period indi- tion.
cate a dioxin/furan emission level less (h) The procedures and test methods
than or equal to 7 nanograms per dry specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through
standard cubic meter (total mass). (h)(12) of this section shall be used to
(6) The owner or operator of an af- determine compliance with the nitro-
fected facility that selects to follow gen oxides emission limit for affected
the performance testing schedule speci- facilities under § 60.52b(d).
fied in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this sec- (1) The EPA Reference Method 19,
tion shall follow the procedures speci- section 4.1, shall be used for deter-
fied in § 60.59b(g)(4) for reporting the se- mining the daily arithmetic average
lection of this schedule. nitrogen oxides emission concentra-
(7) The owner or operator of an af- tion.
fected facility where activated carbon (2) The owner or operator of an af-
is used shall follow the procedures fected facility may request that com-
specified in paragraph (m) of this sec- pliance with the nitrogen oxides emis-
tion for measuring and calculating the sion limit be determined using carbon
carbon usage rate. dioxide measurements corrected to an
(8) The owner or operator of an af- equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re-
fected facility may request that com- lationship between oxygen and carbon
pliance with the dioxin/furan emission dioxide levels for the affected facility
limit be determined using carbon diox- shall be established as specified in
ide measurements corrected to an paragraph (b)(6) of this section.
equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re- (3) The owner or operator of an af-
lationship between oxygen and carbon fected facility subject to the nitrogen
dioxide levels for the affected facility oxides limit under § 60.52b(d) shall con-
shall be established as specified in duct an initial performance test for ni-
paragraph (b)(6) of this section. trogen oxides as required under § 60.8 of
(9) As specified under § 60.8 of subpart subpart A of this part. Compliance
A of this part, all performance tests with the nitrogen oxides emission limit
shall consist of three test runs. The av- shall be determined by using the con-
erage of the dioxin/furan emission con- tinuous emission monitoring system
centrations from the three test runs is specified in paragraph (h)(4) of this sec-
used to determine compliance. tion for measuring nitrogen oxides and
(10) In place of dioxin/furan sampling calculating a 24-hour daily arithmetic
and testing with EPA Reference Meth- average emission concentration using
od 23, an owner or operator may elect EPA Reference Method 19, section 4.1.
to sample dioxin/furan by installing, (4) The owner or operator of an af-
calibrating, maintaining, and oper- fected facility subject to the nitrogen
ating a continuous automated sam- oxides emission limit under § 60.52b(d)
pling system for monitoring dioxin/ shall install, calibrate, maintain, and
furan emissions discharged to the at- operate a continuous emission moni-
mosphere, recording the output of the toring system for measuring nitrogen
system, and analyzing the sample oxides discharged to the atmosphere,
using EPA Method 23. This option to and record the output of the system.
use a continuous automated sampling (5) Following the date that the initial
system takes effect on the date a final performance test for nitrogen oxides is
performance specification applicable to completed or is required to be com-
dioxin/furan from monitors is published pleted under § 60.8 of subpart A of this
in the FEDERAL REGISTER or the date of part, compliance with the emission
approval of a site-specific monitoring limit for nitrogen oxides required
plan. The owner or operator of an af- under § 60.52b(d) shall be determined
fected facility who elects to continu- based on the 24-hour daily arithmetic
ously sample dioxin/furan emissions in- average of the hourly emission con-
stead of sampling and testing using centrations using continuous emission
EPA Method 23 shall install, calibrate, monitoring system outlet data.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

maintain, and operate a continuous (6) At a minimum, valid continuous

automated sampling system and shall emission monitoring system hourly


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

averages shall be obtained as specified emission monitors and the test meth-
in paragraphs (h)(6)(i) and (h)(6)(ii) of ods specified in paragraphs (h)(10)(i)(A)
this section for 90 percent of the oper- and (h)(10)(i)(B) of this section.
ating hours per calendar quarter and (A) For nitrogen oxides, EPA Ref-
for 95 percent of the operating hours erence Method 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E shall
per calendar year that the affected fa- be used.
cility is combusting municipal solid (B) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide),
waste. EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or 3B, or
(i) At least 2 data points per hour as an alternative ASME PTC–19–10–
shall be used to calculate each 1-hour 1981—part10, as applicable, shall be
arithmetic average. used.
(ii) Each nitrogen oxides 1-hour
(ii) The span value of the continuous
arithmetic average shall be corrected
to 7 percent oxygen on an hourly basis emission monitoring system shall be
using the 1-hour arithmetic average of 125 percent of the maximum estimated
the oxygen (or carbon dioxide) contin- hourly potential nitrogen oxide emis-
uous emission monitoring system data. sions of the municipal waste combustor
(7) The 1-hour arithmetic averages unit.
required by paragraph (h)(5) of this sec- (11) Quarterly accuracy determina-
tion shall be expressed in parts per mil- tions and daily calibration drift tests
lion by volume (dry basis) and used to shall be performed in accordance with
calculate the 24-hour daily arithmetic procedure 1 in appendix F of this part.
average concentrations. The 1-hour (12) When nitrogen oxides continuous
arithmetic averages shall be calculated emission data are not obtained because
using the data points required under of continuous emission monitoring sys-
§ 60.13(e)(2) of subpart A of this part. tem breakdowns, repairs, calibration
(8) All valid continuous emission checks, and zero and span adjustments,
monitoring system data must be used emissions data shall be obtained using
in calculating emission averages even other monitoring systems as approved
if the minimum continuous emission by EPA or EPA Reference Method 19 to
monitoring system data requirements provide, as necessary, valid emissions
of paragraph (h)(6) of this section are data for a minimum of 90 percent of the
not met. hours per calendar quarter and 95 per-
(9) The procedures under § 60.13 of cent of the hours per calendar year the
subpart A of this part shall be followed unit is operated and combusting mu-
for installation, evaluation, and oper- nicipal solid waste.
ation of the continuous emission moni- (i) The procedures specified in para-
toring system. The initial performance graphs (i)(1) through (i)(12) of this sec-
evaluation shall be completed no later tion shall be used for determining com-
than 180 days after the date of initial pliance with the operating require-
startup of the municipal waste com- ments under § 60.53b.
bustor unit, as specified under § 60.8 of
(1) Compliance with the carbon mon-
subpart A of this part.
oxide emission limits in § 60.53b(a) shall
(10) The owner or operator of an af-
be determined using a 4-hour block
fected facility shall operate the contin-
uous emission monitoring system ac- arithmetic average for all types of af-
cording to Performance Specification 2 fected facilities except mass burn ro-
in appendix B of this part and shall fol- tary waterwall municipal waste com-
low the procedures and methods speci- bustors and refuse-derived fuel stokers.
fied in paragraphs (h)(10)(i) and (2) For affected mass burn rotary
(h)(10)(ii) of this section. waterwall municipal waste combustors
(i) During each relative accuracy test and refuse-derived fuel stokers, compli-
run of the continuous emission moni- ance with the carbon monoxide emis-
toring system required by Performance sion limits in § 60.53b(a) shall be deter-
Specification 2 of appendix B of this mined using a 24-hour daily arithmetic
part, nitrogen oxides and oxygen (or average.
carbon dioxide) data shall be collected (3) The owner or operator of an af-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

concurrently (or within a 30- to 60- fected facility shall install, calibrate,
minute period) by both the continuous maintain, and operate a continuous


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

emission monitoring system for meas- (5) The owner or operator of an af-
uring carbon monoxide at the com- fected facility may request that com-
bustor outlet and record the output of pliance with the carbon monoxide
the system and shall follow the proce- emission limit be determined using
dures and methods specified in para- carbon dioxide measurements cor-
graphs (i)(3)(i) through (i)(3)(iii) of this rected to an equivalent of 7 percent ox-
section. ygen. The relationship between oxygen
(i) The continuous emission moni- and carbon dioxide levels for the af-
toring system shall be operated accord- fected facility shall be established as
ing to Performance Specification 4A in specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
appendix B of this part. tion.
(ii) During each relative accuracy (6) The procedures specified in para-
test run of the continuous emission graphs (i)(6)(i) through (i)(6)(v) of this
monitoring system required by Per- section shall be used to determine com-
formance Specification 4A in appendix pliance with load level requirements
B of this part, carbon monoxide and ox- under § 60.53b(b).
ygen (or carbon dioxide) data shall be (i) The owner or operator of an af-
collected concurrently (or within a 30- fected facility with steam generation
to 60-minute period) by both the con- capability shall install, calibrate,
tinuous emission monitors and the test maintain, and operate a steam flow
methods specified in paragraphs meter or a feedwater flow meter; meas-
(i)(3)(ii)(A) and (i)(3)(ii)(B) of this sec- ure steam (or feedwater) flow in kilo-
tion. For affected facilities subject to grams per hour (or pounds per hour) on
the 100 parts per million dry volume a continuous basis; and record the out-
carbon monoxide standard, the relative put of the monitor. Steam (or
accuracy criterion of 5 parts per mil- feedwater) flow shall be calculated in 4-
lion dry volume is calculated as the ab- hour block arithmetic averages.
solute value of the mean difference be- (ii) The method included in the
tween the reference method and con- ‘‘American Society of Mechanical En-
tinuous emission monitoring systems. gineers Power Test Codes: Test Code
(A) For carbon monoxide, EPA Ref- for Steam Generating Units, Power
erence Method 10, 10A, or 10B shall be Test Code 4.1—1964 (R1991)’’ section 4
used. (incorporated by reference, see § 60.17 of
(B) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide), subpart A of this part) shall be used for
EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or 3B, or calculating the steam (or feedwater)
ASME PTC–19–10–1981—part10 (incor- flow required under paragraph (i)(6)(i)
porated by reference, see § 60.17 of sub- of this section. The recommendations
part A of this part), as applicable, shall in ‘‘American Society of Mechanical
be used. Engineers Interim Supplement 19.5 on
(iii) The span value of the continuous Instruments and Apparatus: Applica-
emission monitoring system shall be tion, partII of Fluid Meters, 6th edition
125 percent of the maximum estimated (1971),’’ chapter 4 (incorporated by ref-
hourly potential carbon monoxide erence—see § 60.17 of subpart A of this
emissions of the municipal waste com- part) shall be followed for design, con-
bustor unit. struction, installation, calibration, and
(4) The 4-hour block and 24-hour daily use of nozzles and orifices except as
arithmetic averages specified in para- specified in (i)(6)(iii) of this section.
graphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of this section (iii) Measurement devices such as
shall be calculated from 1-hour arith- flow nozzles and orifices are not re-
metic averages expressed in parts per quired to be recalibrated after they are
million by volume corrected to 7 per- installed.
cent oxygen (dry basis). The 1-hour (iv) All signal conversion elements
arithmetic averages shall be calculated associated with steam (or feedwater
using the data points generated by the flow) measurements must be calibrated
continuous emission monitoring sys- according to the manufacturer’s in-
tem. At least two data points shall be structions before each dioxin/furan per-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

used to calculate each 1-hour arith- formance test, and at least once per
metic average. year.


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(7) To determine compliance with the plant, as provided in paragraph

maximum particulate matter control (g)(5)(iii) of this section, the owner or
device temperature requirements under operator may elect to apply the same
§ 60.53b(c), the owner or operator of an maximum particulate matter control
affected facility shall install, calibrate, device temperature from the tested fa-
maintain, and operate a device for cility for all the similarly designed and
measuring on a continuous basis the operated affected facilities at the MWC
temperature of the flue gas stream at plant.
the inlet to each particulate matter (10) At a minimum, valid continuous
control device utilized by the affected emission monitoring system hourly
facility. Temperature shall be cal- averages shall be obtained as specified
culated in 4-hour block arithmetic in paragraphs (i)(10)(i) and (i)(10)(ii) of
averages. this section for at least 90 percent of
(8) The maximum demonstrated mu- the operating hours per calendar quar-
nicipal waste combustor unit load shall ter and 95 percent of the operating
be determined during the initial per- hours per calendar year that the af-
formance test for dioxins/furans and fected facility is combusting municipal
each subsequent performance test dur- solid waste.
ing which compliance with the dioxin/ (i) At least two data points per hour
furan emission limit specified in shall be used to calculate each 1-hour
§ 60.52b(c) is achieved. The maximum arithmetic average.
demonstrated municipal waste com- (ii) At a minimum, each carbon mon-
bustor unit load shall be the highest 4- oxide 1-hour arithmetic average shall
hour arithmetic average load achieved be corrected to 7 percent oxygen on an
during four consecutive hours during hourly basis using the 1-hour arith-
the most recent test during which com- metic average of the oxygen (or carbon
pliance with the dioxin/furan emission dioxide) continuous emission moni-
limit was achieved. If a subsequent toring system data.
dioxin/furan performance test is being (11) All valid continuous emission
performed on only one affected facility monitoring system data must be used
at the MWC plant, as provided in para- in calculating the parameters specified
graph (g)(5)(iii) of this section, the under paragraph (i) of this section even
owner or operator may elect to apply if the minimum data requirements of
the same maximum municipal waste paragraph (i)(10) of this section are not
combustor unit load from the tested fa- met. When carbon monoxide contin-
cility for all the similarly designed and uous emission data are not obtained
operated affected facilities at the MWC because of continuous emission moni-
plant. toring system breakdowns, repairs,
(9) For each particulate matter con- calibration checks, and zero and span
trol device employed at the affected fa- adjustments, emissions data shall be
cility, the maximum demonstrated obtained using other monitoring sys-
particulate matter control device tem- tems as approved by EPA or EPA Ref-
perature shall be determined during erence Method 10 to provide, as nec-
the initial performance test for essary, the minimum valid emission
dioxins/furans and each subsequent per- data.
formance test during which compliance (12) Quarterly accuracy determina-
with the dioxin/furan emission limit tions and daily calibration drift tests
specified in § 60.52b(c) is achieved. The for the carbon monoxide continuous
maximum demonstrated particulate emission monitoring system shall be
matter control device temperature performed in accordance with proce-
shall be the highest 4-hour arithmetic dure 1 in appendix F of this part.
average temperature achieved at the (j) The procedures specified in para-
particulate matter control device inlet graphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) of this section
during four consecutive hours during shall be used for calculating municipal
the most recent test during which com- waste combustor unit capacity as de-
pliance with the dioxin/furan limit was fined under § 60.51b.
achieved. If a subsequent dioxin/furan (1) For municipal waste combustor
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

performance test is being performed on units capable of combusting municipal

only one affected facility at the MWC solid waste continuously for a 24-hour


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

period, municipal waste combustor limit under § 60.55b. The minimum ob-
unit capacity shall be calculated based servation time shall be a series of three
on 24 hours of operation at the max- 1-hour observations. The observation
imum charging rate. The maximum period shall include times when the fa-
charging rate shall be determined as cility is transferring ash from the mu-
specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and nicipal waste combustor unit to the
(j)(1)(ii) of this section as applicable. area where ash is stored or loaded into
(i) For combustors that are designed containers or trucks.
based on heat capacity, the maximum (2) The average duration of visible
charging rate shall be calculated based emissions per hour shall be calculated
on the maximum design heat input ca-
from the three 1-hour observations.
pacity of the unit and a heating value
The average shall be used to determine
of 12,800 kilojoules per kilogram for
combustors firing refuse-derived fuel compliance with § 60.55b.
and a heating value of 10,500 kilojoules (3) The owner or operator of an af-
per kilogram for combustors firing mu- fected facility shall conduct an initial
nicipal solid waste that is not refuse- performance test for fugitive ash emis-
derived fuel. sions as required under § 60.8 of subpart
(ii) For combustors that are not de- A of this part.
signed based on heat capacity, the (4) Following the date that the initial
maximum charging rate shall be the performance test for fugitive ash emis-
maximum design charging rate. sions is completed or is required to be
(2) For batch feed municipal waste completed under § 60.8 of subpart A of
combustor units, municipal waste com- this part for an affected facility, the
bustor unit capacity shall be cal- owner or operator shall conduct a per-
culated as the maximum design formance test for fugitive ash emis-
amount of municipal solid waste that sions on an annual basis (no more than
can be charged per batch multiplied by 12 calendar months following the pre-
the maximum number of batches that vious performance test).
could be processed in a 24-hour period. (l) The procedures specified in para-
The maximum number of batches that
graphs (l)(1) through (l)(3) of this sec-
could be processed in a 24-hour period
tion shall be used to determine compli-
is calculated as 24 hours divided by the
ance with the opacity limit for air cur-
design number of hours required to
process one batch of municipal solid tain incinerators under § 60.56b.
waste, and may include fractional (1) The EPA Reference Method 9 shall
batches (e.g., if one batch requires 16 be used for determining compliance
hours, then 24/16, or 1.5 batches, could with the opacity limit.
be combusted in a 24-hour period). For (2) The owner or operator of the air
batch combustors that are designed curtain incinerator shall conduct an
based on heat capacity, the design initial performance test for opacity as
heating value of 12,800 kilojoules per required under § 60.8 of subpart A of
kilogram for combustors firing refuse- this part.
derived fuel and a heating value of (3) Following the date that the initial
10,500 kilojoules per kilogram for com- performance test is completed or is re-
bustors firing municipal solid waste quired to be completed under § 60.8 of
that is not refuse-derived fuel shall be subpart A of this part, the owner or op-
used in calculating the municipal erator of the air curtain incinerator
waste combustor unit capacity in shall conduct a performance test for
megagrams per day of municipal solid opacity on an annual basis (no more
waste. than 12 calendar months following the
(k) The procedures specified in para-
previous performance test).
graphs (k)(1) through (k)(4) of this sec-
tion shall be used for determining com- (m) The owner or operator of an af-
pliance with the fugitive ash emission fected facility where activated carbon
limit under § 60.55b. injection is used to comply with the
(1) The EPA Reference Method 22 mercury emission limit under
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

shall be used for determining compli- § 60.52b(a)(5), and/or the dioxin/furan

ance with the fugitive ash emission emission limits under § 60.52(b)(c), or


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the dioxin/furan emission level speci- (ii) The limit for average mass car-
fied in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this sec- bon feed rate may be waived in accord-
tion shall follow the procedures speci- ance with permission granted by the
fied in paragraphs (m)(1) through (m)(4) Administrator for the purpose of evalu-
of this section. ating system performance, testing new
(1) During the performance tests for technology or control technologies, di-
dioxins/furans and mercury, as applica- agnostic testing, or related activities
ble, the owner or operator shall esti- for the purpose of improving facility
mate an average carbon mass feed rate performance or advancing the state-of-
based on carbon injection system oper- the-art for controlling facility emis-
ating parameters such as the screw sions.
feeder speed, hopper volume, hopper re- (3) The owner or operator of an af-
fill frequency, or other parameters ap- fected facility shall estimate the total
propriate to the feed system being em- carbon usage of the plant (kilograms or
ployed, as specified in paragraphs pounds) for each calendar quarter by
(m)(1)(i) and (m)(1)(ii) of this section. two independent methods, according to
(i) An average carbon mass feed rate the procedures in paragraphs (m)(3)(i)
in kilograms per hour or pounds per and (m)(3)(ii) of this section.
hour shall be estimated during the ini- (i) The weight of carbon delivered to
tial performance test for mercury the plant.
emissions and each subsequent per- (ii) Estimate the average carbon
formance test for mercury emissions. mass feed rate in kilograms per hour or
(ii) An average carbon mass feed rate pounds per hour for each hour of oper-
in kilograms per hour or pounds per ation for each affected facility based
hour shall be estimated during the ini- on the parameters specified under para-
tial performance test for dioxin/furan graph (m)(1) of this section, and sum
emissions and each subsequent per- the results for all affected facilities at
formance test for dioxin/furan emis- the plant for the total number of hours
sions. If a subsequent dioxin/furan per- of operation during the calendar quar-
formance test is being performed on ter.
only one affected facility at the MWC (4) Pneumatic injection pressure or
plant, as provided in paragraph other carbon injection system oper-
(g)(5)(iii) of this section, the owner or ational indicator shall be used to pro-
operator may elect to apply the same vide additional verification of proper
estimated average carbon mass feed carbon injection system operation. The
rate from the tested facility for all the operational indicator shall provide an
similarly designed and operated af- instantaneous visual and/or audible
fected facilities at the MWC plant. alarm to alert the operator of a poten-
(2) During operation of the affected tial interruption in the carbon feed
facility, the carbon injection system that would not normally be indicated
operating parameter(s) that are the by direct monitoring of carbon mass
primary indicator(s) of the carbon feed rate (e.g., continuous weight loss
mass feed rate (e.g., screw feeder set- feeder) or monitoring of the carbon
ting) shall be averaged over a block 8- system operating parameter(s) that are
hour period, and the 8-hour block aver- the indicator(s) of carbon mass feed
age must equal or exceed the level(s) rate (e.g., screw feeder speed). The car-
documented during the performance bon injection system operational indi-
tests specified under paragraphs cator used to provide additional
(m)(1)(i) and (m)(1)(ii) of this section, verification of carbon injection system
except as specified in paragraphs operation, including basis for selecting
(m)(2)(i) and (m)(2)(ii) of this section. the indicator and operator response to
(i) During the annual dioxin/furan or the indicator alarm, shall be included
mercury performance test and the 2 in section (e)(6) of the site-specific op-
weeks preceding the annual dioxin/ erating manual required under
furan or mercury performance test, no § 60.54b(e) of this subpart.
limit is applicable for average mass (n) In place of periodic manual test-
carbon feed rate if the provisions of ing of mercury, cadmium, lead, or hy-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

paragraph (m)(2)(ii) of this section are drogen chloride with EPA Reference
met. Method 26, 26A, 29, or as an alternative


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

ASTM D6784–02 (as applicable), the lationship between oxygen and carbon
owner or operator of an affected facil- dioxide levels for the affected facility
ity may elect to install, calibrate, shall be established as specified in
maintain, and operate a continuous paragraph (b)(6) of this section.
emission monitoring system for moni- (6) The owner or operator shall con-
toring emissions discharged to the at- duct an initial performance test for
mosphere and record the output of the emissions as required under § 60.8 of
system. The option to use a continuous subpart A of this part. Compliance
emission monitoring system for mer- with the emission limits shall be deter-
cury takes effect on the date of ap- mined by using the continuous emis-
proval of the site-specific monitoring sion monitoring system specified in
plan required in paragraph (n)(13) and paragraph (n) of this section to meas-
(o) of this section. The option to use a ure emissions and calculating a 24-hour
continuous emission monitoring sys- block arithmetic average emission con-
tem for cadmium, lead, or hydrogen centration using EPA Reference Meth-
chloride takes effect on the date a final od 19, section 12.4.1.
performance specification applicable to (7) Compliance with the emission
cadmium, lead, or hydrogen chloride limits shall be determined based on the
monitor is published in the FEDERAL 24-hour daily (block) average of the
REGISTER or the date of approval of the hourly arithmetic average emission
site-specific monitoring plan required concentrations using continuous emis-
in paragraphs (n)(13) and (o) of this sec- sion monitoring system outlet data.
tion. The owner or operator of an af- (8) Beginning on April 28, 2008 for
fected facility who elects to continu- mercury and on the date two years
ously monitor emissions instead of after final performance specifications
conducting manual performance test- for cadmium, lead or hydrogen chloride
ing shall install, calibrate, maintain, monitors are published in the FEDERAL
and operate a continuous emission REGISTER or the date two years after
monitoring system and shall comply approval of a site-specific monitoring
with the requirements specified in plan, valid continuous monitoring sys-
paragraphs (n)(1) through (n)(13) of this tem hourly averages shall be obtained
section. as specified in paragraphs (n)(8)(i) and
(1) Notify the Administrator one (n)(8)(ii) of this section for at least 90
month before starting use of the sys- percent of the operating hours per cal-
tem. endar quarter and 95 percent of the op-
(2) Notify the Administrator one erating hours per calendar year that
month before stopping use of the sys- the affected facility is combusting mu-
tem. nicipal solid waste.
(3) The monitor shall be installed, (i) At least two data points per hour
evaluated, and operated in accordance shall be used to calculate each 1-hour
with § 60.13 of subpart A of this part. arithmetic average.
(4) The initial performance evalua- (ii) Each 1-hour arithmetic average
tion shall be completed no later than shall be corrected to 7 percent oxygen
180 days after the date of initial start- on an hourly basis using the 1-hour
up of the affected facility, as specified arithmetic average of the oxygen (or
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or carbon dioxide) continuous emission
within 180 days of notification to the monitoring system data.
Administrator of use of the continuous (9) The 1-hour arithmetic averages
monitoring system if the owner or op- required under paragraph (n)(7) of this
erator was previously determining section shall be expressed in
compliance by Method 26, 26A, 29, or as micrograms per dry standard cubic
an alternative ASTM D6784–02 (as ap- meter for mercury, cadmium, lead and
plicable) performance tests, whichever parts per million dry volume for hydro-
is later. gen chloride corrected to 7 percent oxy-
(5) The owner or operator may re- gen (dry basis) and shall be used to cal-
quest that compliance with the emis- culate the 24-hour daily arithmetic
sion limits be determined using carbon (block) average emission concentra-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

dioxide measurements corrected to an tions. The 1-hour arithmetic averages

equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re- shall be calculated using the data


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

points required under § 60.13(e)(2) of (o) The owner or operator who elects
subpart A of this part. to install, calibrate, maintain, and op-
(10) All valid continuous emission erate a continuous emission moni-
monitoring system data shall be used toring system for mercury, cadmium,
in calculating average emission con- lead, or hydrogen chloride must de-
centrations even if the minimum con- velop and submit for approval by EPA,
tinuous emission monitoring system a site-specific mercury, cadmium, lead,
data requirements of paragraph (n)(8) or hydrogen chloride monitoring plan
of this section are not met. that addresses the elements and re-
(11) The continuous emission moni- quirements in paragraphs (o)(1)
toring system shall be operated accord- through (o)(7) of this section.
ing to the performance specifications (1) Installation of the continuous
in paragraphs (n)(11)(i) through emission monitoring system sampling
(n)(11)(iii) of this section or the ap- probe or other interface at a measure-
proved site-specific monitoring plan. ment location relative to each affected
(i) For mercury, Performance Speci- process unit such that the measure-
fication 12A in appendix B of this part. ment is representative of control of the
(ii)–(iii) [Reserved] exhaust emissions (e.g., on or down-
(12) During each relative accuracy stream of the last control device).
test run of the continuous emission (2) Performance and equipment speci-
monitoring system required by the per- fications for the sample interface, the
formance specifications in paragraph pollutant concentration analyzer, and
(n)(11) of this section, mercury, cad- the data collection and reduction sys-
mium, lead, hydrogen chloride, and ox- tem.
ygen (or carbon dioxide) data shall be (3) Performance evaluation proce-
collected concurrently (or within a 30- dures and acceptance criteria (e.g.,
to 60-minute period) by both the con- calibrations).
tinuous emission monitors and the test (4) Provisions for periods when the
methods specified in paragraphs continuous emission monitoring sys-
(n)(12)(i) through (n)(12)(iii) of this sec- tem is out of control as described in
tion. paragraphs (o)(4)(i) through (o)(4)(iii) of
(i) For mercury, cadmium, and lead, this section.
EPA Reference Method 29 or as an al- (i) A continuous emission monitoring
ternative ASTM D6784–02 shall be used. system is out of control if either of the
(ii) For hydrogen chloride, EPA Ref- conditions in paragraphs (o)(4)(i)(A) or
erence Method 26 or 26A shall be used. (o)(4)(ii)(B) of this section are met.
(iii) For oxygen (or carbon dioxide), (A) The zero (low-level), mid-level (if
EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or 3B, as applicable), or high-level calibration
applicable shall be used. drift exceeds two times the applicable
(13) The owner or operator who elects calibration drift specification in the
to install, calibrate, maintain, and op- applicable performance specification or
erate a continuous emission moni- in the relevant standard; or
toring system for mercury, cadmium, (B) The continuous emission moni-
lead, or hydrogen chloride must de- toring system fails a performance test
velop and implement a site-specific audit (e.g., cylinder gas audit), relative
monitoring plan as specified in para- accuracy audit, relative accuracy test
graph (o) of this section. The owner or audit, or linearity test audit.
operator who relies on a performance (ii) When the continuous emission
specification may refer to that docu- monitoring system is out of control as
ment in addressing applicable proce- defined in paragraph (o)(4)(i) of this
dures and criteria. section, the owner or operator of the
(14) When emissions data are not ob- affected source shall take the nec-
tained because of continuous emission essary corrective action and shall re-
monitoring system breakdowns, re- peat all necessary tests that indicate
pairs, calibration checks, and zero and that the system is out of control. The
span adjustments, parametric moni- owner or operator shall take corrective
toring data shall be obtained by using action and conduct retesting until the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

other monitoring systems as approved performance requirements are below

by EPA. the applicable limits. The beginning of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

the out-of-control period is the hour (D) Data recording, calculations, and
the owner or operator conducts a per- reporting;
formance check (e.g., calibration drift) (E) Accuracy audit procedures, in-
that indicates an exceedance of the cluding sampling and analysis meth-
performance requirements established ods; and
under this part. The end of the out-of- (F) Program of corrective action for
control period is the hour following the a malfunctioning continuous emission
completion of corrective action and monitoring system.
successful demonstration that the sys- (ii) The performance evaluation test
tem is within the allowable limits. plan shall include the evaluation pro-
During the period the continuous emis- gram objectives, an evaluation pro-
sion monitoring system is out of con- gram summary, the performance eval-
trol, recorded data shall not be used in uation schedule, data quality objec-
data averages and calculations or to tives, and both an internal and exter-
meet any data availability require- nal quality assurance program. Data
ments in paragraph (n)(8) of this sec- quality objectives are the pre-evalua-
tion. tion expectations of precision, accu-
(iii) The owner or operator of a con- racy, and completeness of data. The in-
tinuous emission monitoring system ternal quality assurance program shall
that is out of control as defined in include, at a minimum, the activities
paragraph (o)(4) of this section shall planned by routine operators and ana-
submit all information concerning out- lysts to provide an assessment of con-
of-control periods, including start and tinuous emission monitoring system
end dates and hours and descriptions of performance, for example, plans for rel-
corrective actions taken in the annual ative accuracy testing using the appro-
or semiannual compliance reports re- priate reference method in
quired in § 60.59b(g) or (h). § 60.58b(n)(12) of this section. The exter-
nal quality assurance program shall in-
(5) Ongoing data quality assurance
clude, at a minimum, systems audits
procedures for continuous emission
that include the opportunity for on-
monitoring systems as described in
site evaluation by the Administrator of
paragraphs (o)(5)(i) and (o)(5)(ii) of this
instrument calibration, data valida-
tion, sample logging, and documenta-
(i) Develop and implement a contin- tion of quality control data and field
uous emission monitoring system qual- maintenance activities.
ity control program. As part of the (6) Conduct a performance evaluation
quality control program, the owner or of each continuous emission moni-
operator shall develop and submit to toring system in accordance with the
EPA for approval, upon request, a site- site-specific monitoring plan.
specific performance evaluation test (7) Operate and maintain the contin-
plan for the continuous emission moni- uous emission monitoring system in
toring system performance evaluation continuous operation according to the
required in paragraph (o)(5)(ii) of this site-specific monitoring plan.
section. In addition, each quality con- (p) In place of periodic manual test-
trol program shall include, at a min- ing of dioxin/furan or mercury with
imum, a written protocol that de- EPA Reference Method 23, 29, or as an
scribes procedures for each of the oper- alternative ASTM D6784–02 (as applica-
ations described in paragraphs ble), the owner or operator of an af-
(o)(7)(i)(A) through (o)(7)(i)(F) of this fected facility may elect to install,
section. calibrate, maintain, and operate a con-
(A) Initial and any subsequent cali- tinuous automated sampling system
bration of the continuous emission for determining emissions discharged
monitoring system; to the atmosphere. This option takes
(B) Determination and adjustment of effect on the date a final performance
the calibration drift of the continuous specification applicable to such contin-
emission monitoring system; uous automated sampling systems is
(C) Preventive maintenance of the published in the FEDERAL REGISTER or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

continuous emission monitoring sys- the date of approval of a site-specific

tem, including spare parts inventory; monitoring plan required in paragraphs


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§ 60.58b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(p)(10) and (q) of this section. The hour daily period and the sample shall
owner or operator of an affected facil- be analyzed according to the applicable
ity who elects to use a continuous final performance specification or the
automated sampling system to deter- approved site-specific monitoring plan
mine emissions instead of conducting required by paragraph (q) of this sec-
manual performance testing shall in- tion.
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate (6) Compliance with the emission
the sampling system and conduct anal- limits shall be determined based on 2-
yses in compliance with the require- week emission concentrations for
ments specified in paragraphs (p)(1) dioxin/furan and on the 24-hour daily
through (p)(12) of this section. emission concentrations for mercury
(1) Notify the Administrator one using samples collected at the system
month before starting use of the sys- outlet. The emission concentrations
tem. shall be expressed in nanograms per
(2) Notify the Administrator one dry standard cubic meter (total mass)
month before stopping use of the sys- for dioxin/furan and micrograms per
tem. dry standard cubic meter for mercury,
(3) The initial performance evalua- corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry
tion shall be completed no later than basis).
180 days after the date of initial start- (7) Beginning on the date two years
up of the affected facility, as specified after the respective final performance
under § 60.8 of subpart A of this part or specification for continuous automated
within 180 days of notification to the sampling systems for dioxin/furan or
Administrator of use of the continuous mercury is published in the FEDERAL
monitoring system if the owner or op- REGISTER or two years after approval
erator was previously determining of a site-specific monitoring plan, the
compliance by manual performance continuous automated sampling sys-
testing using Method 23, 29, or as an al- tem must be operated and collect emis-
ternative ASTM D6784–02 (as applica- sions for at least 90 percent of the oper-
ble), whichever is later. ating hours per calendar quarter and 95
(4) The owner or operator may re- percent of the operating hours per cal-
quest that compliance with the emis- endar year that the affected facility is
sion limits be determined using carbon combusting municipal solid waste.
dioxide measurements corrected to an (8) All valid data shall be used in cal-
equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The re- culating emission concentrations.
lationship between oxygen and carbon (9) The continuous automated sam-
dioxide levels for the affected facility pling system shall be operated accord-
shall be established as specified in ing to the final performance specifica-
paragraph (b)(6) of this section. tion in paragraphs (p)(9)(i) or (p)(9)(ii)
(5) The owner or operator shall con- of this section or the approved site-spe-
duct an initial performance test for cific monitoring plan.
emissions as required under § 60.8 of (i)–(ii) [Reserved]
subpart A of this part. Compliance (10) The owner or operator who elects
with the emission limits shall be deter- to install, calibrate, maintain, and op-
mined by using the continuous auto- erate a continuous automated sam-
mated sampling system specified in pling system for dioxin/furan or mer-
paragraph (p) of this section to collect cury must develop and implement a
integrated samples and analyze emis- site-specific monitoring plan as speci-
sions for the time period specified in fied in paragraph (q) of this section.
paragraphs (p)(5)(i) and (ii) of this sec- The owner or operator who relies on a
tion. performance specification may refer to
(i) For dioxin/furan, the continuous that document in addressing applicable
automated sampling system shall col- procedures and criteria.
lect an integrated sample over each 2- (11) When emissions data are not ob-
week period. The collected sample tained because of continuous auto-
shall be analyzed using Method 23. mated sampling system breakdowns,
(ii) For mercury, the continuous repairs, quality assurance checks, or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

automated sampling system shall col- adjustments, parametric monitoring

lect an integrated sample over each 24- data shall be obtained by using other


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58b

monitoring systems as approved by or was malfunctioning, or hours rep-

EPA. resented by a sample for which the
(q) The owner or operator who elects analysis did not meet the relevant
to install, calibrate, maintain, and op- quality criteria. Emissions data ob-
erate a continuous automated sam- tained during an out-of-control period
pling system for dioxin/furan or mer- shall not be used in determining com-
cury must develop and submit for ap- pliance with the emission limits or to
proval by EPA, a site-specific moni- meet any data availability require-
toring plan that has sufficient detail to ments in paragraph (p)(8) of this sec-
assure the validity of the continuous tion.
automated sampling system data and (iii) The owner or operator of a con-
that addresses the elements and re- tinuous automated sampling system
quirements in paragraphs (q)(1) that is out of control as defined in
through (q)(7) of this section. paragraph (q)(4) of this section shall
(1) Installation of the continuous submit all information concerning out-
automated sampling system sampling of-control periods, including start and
probe or other interface at a measure- end dates and hours and descriptions of
ment location relative to each affected corrective actions taken in the annual
process unit such that the measure- or semiannual compliance reports re-
ment is representative of control of the quired in § 60.59b(g) or (h).
exhaust emissions (e.g., on or down- (5) Ongoing data quality assurance
stream of the last control device). procedures for continuous automated
(2) Performance and equipment speci- sampling systems as described in para-
fications for the sample interface, the graphs (q)(5)(i) and (q)(5)(ii) of this sec-
pollutant concentration analytical tion.
method, and the data collection sys-
(i) Develop and implement a contin-
uous automated sampling system and
(3) Performance evaluation proce-
analysis quality control program. As
dures and acceptance criteria.
part of the quality control program,
(4) Provisions for periods when the
the owner or operator shall develop and
continuous automated sampling sys-
tem is malfunctioning or is out of con- submit to EPA for approval, upon re-
trol as described in paragraphs (q)(4)(i) quest, a site-specific performance eval-
through (q)(4)(iii) of this section. uation test plan for the continuous
(i) The site-specific monitoring plan automated sampling system perform-
shall identify criteria for determining ance evaluation required in paragraph
that the continuous automated sam- (q)(5)(ii) of this section. In addition,
pling system is out of control. This each quality control program shall in-
shall include periods when the sam- clude, at a minimum, a written pro-
pling system is not collecting a rep- tocol that describes procedures for
resentative sample or is malfunc- each of the operations described in
tioning, or when the analytical method paragraphs (q)(7)(i)(A) through
does not meet site-specific quality cri- (q)(7)(i)(F) of this section.
teria established in paragraph (q)(5) of (A) Correct placement, installation
this section. of the continuous automated sampling
(ii) When the continuous automated system such that the system is col-
sampling system is out of control as lecting a representative sample of gas;
defined in paragraph (q)(4)(i) of this (B) Initial and subsequent calibration
section, the owner or operator shall of flow such that the sample collection
take the necessary corrective action rate of the continuous automated sam-
and shall repeat all necessary tests pling system is known and verifiable;
that indicate that the system is out of (C) Procedures to assure representa-
control. The owner or operator shall tive (e.g., proportional or isokinetic)
take corrective action and conduct re- sampling;
testing until the performance require- (D) Preventive maintenance of the
ments are within the applicable limits. continuous automated sampling sys-
The out-of-control period includes all tem, including spare parts inventory
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

hours that the sampling system was and procedures for cleaning equipment,
not collecting a representative sample replacing sample collection media, or


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§ 60.59b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

other servicing at the end of each sam- submit, on or before the date the appli-
ple collection period; cation for a construction permit is sub-
(E) Data recording and reporting, in- mitted under 40 CFR part 51, subpart I,
cluding an automated indicator and re- or part 52, as applicable, the items
cording device to show when the con- specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through
tinuous automated monitoring system (a)(4) of this section.
is operating and collecting data and (1) The preliminary and final draft
when it is not collecting data; materials separation plans required by
(F) Accuracy audit procedures for an- § 60.57b(a)(1) and (a)(5).
alytical methods; and (2) A copy of the notification of the
(G) Program of corrective action for public meeting required by
a malfunctioning continuous auto- § 60.57b(a)(1)(ii).
mated sampling system. (3) A transcript of the public meeting
(ii) The performance evaluation test required by § 60.57b(a)(2).
plan shall include the evaluation pro- (4) A copy of the document summa-
gram objectives, an evaluation pro- rizing responses to public comments re-
gram summary, the performance eval- quired by § 60.57b(a)(3).
uation schedule, data quality objec- (b) The owner or operator of an af-
tives, and both an internal and exter- fected facility with a capacity to com-
nal quality assurance program. Data bust greater than 250 tons per day shall
quality objectives are the pre-evalua- submit a notification of construction,
tion expectations of precision, accu- which includes the information speci-
racy, and completeness of data. The in- fied in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5)
ternal quality assurance program shall of this section.
include, at a minimum, the activities
(1) Intent to construct.
planned by routine operators and ana-
(2) Planned initial startup date.
lysts to provide an assessment of con-
tinuous automated sampling system (3) The types of fuels that the owner
performance, for example, plans for rel- or operator plans to combust in the af-
ative accuracy testing using the appro- fected facility.
priate reference method in 60.58b(p)(3), (4) The municipal waste combustor
and an assessment of quality of anal- unit capacity, and supporting capacity
ysis results. The external quality as- calculations prepared in accordance
surance program shall include, at a with § 60.58b(j).
minimum, systems audits that include (5) Documents associated with the
the opportunity for on-site evaluation siting requirements under § 60.57b (a)
by the Administrator of instrument and (b), as specified in paragraphs
calibration, data validation, sample (b)(5)(i) through (b)(5)(v) of this sec-
logging, and documentation of quality tion.
control data and field maintenance ac- (i) The siting analysis required by
tivities. § 60.57b (b)(1) and (b)(2).
(6) Conduct a performance evaluation (ii) The final materials separation
of each continuous automated sam- plan for the affected facility required
pling system in accordance with the by § 60.57b(a)(10).
site-specific monitoring plan. (iii) A copy of the notification of the
(7) Operate and maintain the contin- public meeting required by
uous automated sampling system in § 60.57b(b)(3)(ii).
continuous operation according to the (iv) A transcript of the public meet-
site-specific monitoring plan. ing required by § 60.57b(b)(4).
[60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
(v) A copy of the document summa-
FR 45126, Aug. 25, 1997; 65 FR 61753, Oct. 17, rizing responses to public comments re-
2000; 66 FR 57827, Nov. 16, 2001; 71 FR 27337, quired by § 60.57b (a)(9) and (b)(5).
May 10, 2006] (c) The owner or operator of an air
curtain incinerator subject to the opac-
§ 60.59b Reporting and recordkeeping ity limit under § 60.56b shall provide a
requirements. notification of construction that in-
(a) The owner or operator of an af- cludes the information specified in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fected facility with a capacity to com- paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this
bust greater than 250 tons per day shall section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.59b

(d) The owner or operator of an af- (B) All 24-hour daily arithmetic aver-
fected facility subject to the standards age nitrogen oxides emission con-
under §§ 60.52b, 60.53b, 60.54b, 60.55b, and centrations as specified under
60.57b shall maintain records of the in- § 60.58b(h).
formation specified in paragraphs (d)(1) (C) All 4-hour block or 24-hour daily
through (d)(15) of this section, as appli- arithmetic average carbon monoxide
cable, for each affected facility for a emission concentrations, as applicable,
period of at least 5 years. as specified under § 60.58b(i).
(1) The calendar date of each record. (D) All 4-hour block arithmetic aver-
(2) The emission concentrations and age municipal waste combustor unit
parameters measured using continuous load levels and particulate matter con-
monitoring systems as specified under trol device inlet temperatures as speci-
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (d)(2)(ii) of this fied under § 60.58b(i).
section. (E) For owners and operators who
(i) The measurements specified in elect to continuously monitor particu-
paragraphs (d)(2)(i)(A) through late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury,
(d)(2)(i)(F) of this section shall be re- or hydrogen chloride emissions instead
corded and be available for submittal of conducting performance testing
to the Administrator or review on site using EPA manual test methods, all 24-
by an EPA or State inspector. hour daily arithmetic average particu-
late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury,
(A) All 6-minute average opacity lev-
or hydrogen chloride emission con-
els as specified under § 60.58b(c).
centrations as specified under
(B) All 1-hour average sulfur dioxide § 60.58b(n).
emission concentrations as specified (F) For owners and operators who
under § 60.58b(e). elect to use a continuous automated
(C) All 1-hour average nitrogen ox- sampling system to monitor mercury
ides emission concentrations as speci- or dioxin/furan instead of conducting
fied under § 60.58b(h). performance testing using EPA manual
(D) All 1-hour average carbon mon- test methods, all integrated 24-hour
oxide emission concentrations, munic- mercury concentrations or all inte-
ipal waste combustor unit load meas- grated 2-week dioxin/furan concentra-
urements, and particulate matter con- tions as specified under § 60.586(p).
trol device inlet temperatures as speci- (3) Identification of the calendar
fied under § 60.58b(i). dates when any of the average emission
(E) For owners and operators who concentrations, percent reductions, or
elect to continuously monitor particu- operating parameters recorded under
late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury, paragraphs (d)(2)(ii)(A) through
or hydrogen chloride emissions instead (d)(2)(ii)(F) of this section, or the opac-
of conducting performance testing ity levels recorded under paragraph
using EPA manual test methods, all 1- (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section are above the
hour average particulate matter, cad- applicable limits, with reasons for such
mium, lead, mercury, or hydrogen exceedances and a description of cor-
chloride emission concentrations as rective actions taken.
specified under § 60.58b(n). (4) For affected facilities that apply
(ii) The average concentrations and activated carbon for mercury or dioxin/
percent reductions, as applicable, spec- furan control, the records specified in
ified in paragraphs (d)(2)(ii)(A) through paragraphs (d)(4)(i) through (d)(4)(v) of
(d)(2)(ii)(F) of this section shall be this section.
computed and recorded, and shall be (i) The average carbon mass feed rate
available for submittal to the Adminis- (in kilograms per hour or pounds per
trator or review on-site by an EPA or hour) estimated as required under
State inspector. § 60.58b(m)(1)(i) of this section during
(A) All 24-hour daily geometric aver- the initial mercury performance test
age sulfur dioxide emission concentra- and all subsequent annual performance
tions and all 24-hour daily geometric tests, with supporting calculations.
average percent reductions in sulfur di- (ii) The average carbon mass feed
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

oxide emissions as specified under rate (in kilograms per hour or pounds
§ 60.58b(e). per hour) estimated as required under


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§ 60.59b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.58b(m)(1)(ii) of this section during chloride emissions data, or dioxin/furan

the initial dioxin/furan performance emissions data (for owners and opera-
test and all subsequent annual per- tors who elect to continuously monitor
formance tests, with supporting cal- particulate matter, cadmium, lead,
culations. mercury, or hydrogen chloride, or who
(iii) The average carbon mass feed elect to use continuous automated
rate (in kilograms per hour or pounds sampling systems for dioxin/furan or
per hour) estimated for each hour of mercury emissions, instead of con-
operation as required under ducting performance testing using EPA
§ 60.58b(m)(3)(ii) of this section, with manual test methods) or operational
supporting calculations. data (i.e., carbon monoxide emissions,
(iv) The total carbon usage for each unit load, and particulate matter con-
calendar quarter estimated as specified trol device temperature) have been ex-
by paragraph 60.58b(m)(3) of this sec- cluded from the calculation of average
tion, with supporting calculations. emission concentrations or parameters,
(v) Carbon injection system oper- and the reasons for excluding the data.
ating parameter data for the param- (8) The results of daily drift tests and
eter(s) that are the primary indi- quarterly accuracy determinations for
cator(s) of carbon feed rate (e.g., screw sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and
feeder speed). carbon monoxide continuous emission
(5) [Reserved] monitoring systems, as required under
(6) Identification of the calendar appendix F of this part, procedure 1.
dates and times (hours) for which valid (9) The test reports documenting the
hourly data specified in paragraphs results of the initial performance test
(d)(6)(i) through (d)(6)(vi) of this sec- and all annual performance tests listed
tion have not been obtained, or contin- in paragraphs (d)(9)(i) and (d)(9)(ii) of
uous automated sampling systems were this section shall be recorded along
not operated as specified in paragraph
with supporting calculations.
(d)(6)(vii) of this section, including rea-
(i) The results of the initial perform-
sons for not obtaining the data and a
ance test and all annual performance
description of corrective actions taken.
(i) Sulfur dioxide emissions data; tests conducted to determine compli-
(ii) Nitrogen oxides emissions data; ance with the particulate matter, opac-
(iii) Carbon monoxide emissions data; ity, cadmium, lead, mercury, dioxins/
(iv) Municipal waste combustor unit furans, hydrogen chloride, and fugitive
load data; ash emission limits.
(v) Particulate matter control device (ii) For the initial dioxin/furan per-
temperature data; and formance test and all subsequent
(vi) For owners and operators who dioxin/furan performance tests re-
elect to continuously monitor particu- corded under paragraph (d)(9)(i) of this
late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury, section, the maximum demonstrated
or hydrogen chloride emissions instead municipal waste combustor unit load
of performance testing by EPA manual and maximum demonstrated particu-
test methods, particulate matter, cad- late matter control device temperature
mium, lead, mercury, or hydrogen (for each particulate matter control
chloride emissions data. device).
(vii) For owners and operators who (10) An owner or operator who elects
elect to use continuous automated to continuously monitor emissions in-
sampling systems for dioxins/furans or stead of performance testing by EPA
mercury as allowed under ‘‘60.58b(p) manual methods must maintain
and (q), dates and times when the sam- records specified in paragraphs (10)(i)
pling systems were not operating or through (iii) of this section.
were not collecting a valid sample. (i) For owners and operators who
(7) Identification of each occurrence elect to continuously monitor particu-
that sulfur dioxide emissions data, ni- late matter instead of conducting per-
trogen oxides emissions data, particu- formance testing using EPA manual
late matter emissions data, cadmium test methods), as required under appen-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

emissions data, lead emissions data, dix F of this part, procedure 2, the re-
mercury emissions data, hydrogen sults of daily drift tests and quarterly


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.59b

accuracy determinations for particu- quired by § 60.54b(d) including docu-

late matter. mentation of training completion.
(ii) For owners and operators who (iv) Records of when a certified oper-
elect to continuously monitor cad- ator is temporarily off site. Include
mium, lead, mercury, or hydrogen two main items:
chloride instead of conducting EPA (A) If the certified chief facility oper-
manual test methods, the results of all ator and certified shift supervisor are
quality evaluations, such as daily drift off site for more than 12 hours, but for
tests and periodic accuracy determina- 2 weeks or less, and no other certified
tions, specified in the approved site- operator is on site, record the dates
specific performance evaluation test that the certified chief facility oper-
plan required by § 60.58b(o)(5).
ator and certified shift supervisor were
(iii) For owners and operators who
off site.
elect to use continuous automated
sampling systems for dioxin/furan or (B) When all certified chief facility
mercury, the results of all quality eval- operators and certified shift super-
uations specified in the approved site- visors are off site for more than 2
specific performance evaluation test weeks and no other certified operator
plan required by § 60.58b(q)(5). is on site, keep records of four items:
(11) For each affected facility subject (1) Time of day that all certified per-
to the siting provisions under § 60.57b, sons are off site.
the siting analysis, the final materials (2) The conditions that cause those
separation plan, a record of the loca- people to be off site.
tion and date of the public meetings, (3) The corrective actions taken by
and the documentation of the re- the owner or operator of the affected
sponses to public comments received at facility to ensure a certified chief facil-
the public meetings. ity operator or certified shift super-
(12) The records specified in para- visor is on site as soon as practicable.
graphs (d)(12)(i) through (d)(12)(iv) of (4) Copies of the written reports sub-
this section. mitted every 4 weeks that summarize
(i) Records showing the names of the the actions taken by the owner or oper-
municipal waste combustor chief facil- ator of the affected facility to ensure
ity operator, shift supervisors, and con- that a certified chief facility operator
trol room operators who have been pro- or certified shift supervisor will be on
visionally certified by the American site as soon as practicable.
Society of Mechanical Engineers or an (13) Records showing the names of
equivalent State-approved certification
persons who have completed a review
program as required by § 60.54b(a) in-
of the operating manual as required by
cluding the dates of initial and renewal
§ 60.54b(f) including the date of the ini-
certifications and documentation of
tial review and subsequent annual re-
current certification.
(ii) Records showing the names of the
municipal waste combustor chief facil- (14) For affected facilities that apply
ity operator, shift supervisors, and con- activated carbon, identification of the
trol room operators who have been calendar dates when the average car-
fully certified by the American Society bon mass feed rates recorded under
of Mechanical Engineers or an equiva- paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section
lent State-approved certification pro- were less than either of the hourly car-
gram as required by § 60.54b(b) includ- bon feed rates estimated during per-
ing the dates of initial and renewal cer- formance tests for mercury emissions
tifications and documentation of cur- and recorded under paragraphs (d)(4)(i)
rent certification. and (d)(4)(ii) of this section, respec-
(iii) Records showing the names of tively, with reasons for such feed rates
the municipal waste combustor chief and a description of corrective actions
facility operator, shift supervisors, and taken. For affected facilities that
control room operators who have com- apply activated carbon, identification
pleted the EPA municipal waste com- of the calendar dates when the average
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

bustor operator training course or a carbon mass feed rates recorded under
State-approved equivalent course as re- paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section


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§ 60.59b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

were less than either of the hourly car- dioxin/furan performance test as re-
bon feed rates estimated during per- corded under paragraph (d)(9) of this
formance tests for dioxin/furan emis- section.
sions and recorded under paragraphs (5) For affected facilities that apply
(d)(4)(i) and (d)(4)(ii) of this section, re- activated carbon injection for mercury
spectively, with reasons for such feed control, the owner or operator shall
rates and a description of corrective submit the average carbon mass feed
actions taken. rate recorded under paragraph (d)(4)(i)
(15) For affected facilities that apply of this section.
activated carbon for mercury or dioxin/ (6) For those affected facilities that
furan control, identification of the cal- apply activated carbon injection for
endar dates when the carbon injection dioxin/furan control, the owner or oper-
system operating parameter(s) that are ator shall submit the average carbon
the primary indicator(s) of carbon mass feed rate recorded under para-
mass feed rate (e.g., screw feeder speed) graph (d)(4)(ii) of this section.
recorded under paragraph (d)(4)(v) of (g) Following the first year of munic-
this section are below the level(s) esti- ipal waste combustor operation, the
mated during the performance tests as owner or operator of an affected facil-
specified in § 60.58b(m)(1)(i) and ity shall submit an annual report that
§ 60.58b(m)(1)(ii) of this section, with includes the information specified in
reasons for such occurrences and a de-
paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(5) of this
scription of corrective actions taken.
section, as applicable, no later than
(e) The owner or operator of an air
February 1 of each year following the
curtain incinerator subject to the opac-
calendar year in which the data were
ity limit under § 60.56b shall maintain
collected (once the unit is subject to
records of results of the initial opacity
permitting requirements under title V
performance test and subsequent per-
of the Act, the owner or operator of an
formance tests required by § 60.58b(l)
affected facility must submit these re-
for a period of at least 5 years.
ports semiannually).
(f) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility shall submit the infor- (1) A summary of data collected for
mation specified in paragraphs (f)(1) all pollutants and parameters regu-
through (f)(6) of this section in the ini- lated under this subpart, which in-
tial performance test report. cludes the information specified in
(1) The initial performance test data paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through (g)(1)(v) of
as recorded under paragraphs this section.
(d)(2)(ii)(A) through (d)(2)(ii)(D) of this (i) A list of the particulate matter,
section for the initial performance test opacity, cadmium, lead, mercury,
for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, car- dioxins/furans, hydrogen chloride, and
bon monoxide, municipal waste com- fugitive ash emission levels achieved
bustor unit load level, and particulate during the performance tests recorded
matter control device inlet tempera- under paragraph (d)(9) of this section.
ture. (ii) A list of the highest emission
(2) The test report documenting the level recorded for sulfur dioxide, nitro-
initial performance test recorded under gen oxides, carbon monoxide, particu-
paragraph (d)(9) of this section for par- late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury,
ticulate matter, opacity, cadmium, hydrogen chloride, and dioxin/furan
lead, mercury, dioxins/furans, hydrogen (for owners and operators who elect to
chloride, and fugitive ash emissions. continuously monitor particulate mat-
(3) The performance evaluation of the ter, cadmium, lead, mercury, hydrogen
continuous emission monitoring sys- chloride, and dioxin/furan emissions in-
tem using the applicable performance stead of conducting performance test-
specifications in appendix B of this ing using EPA manual test methods),
part. municipal waste combustor unit load
(4) The maximum demonstrated mu- level, and particulate matter control
nicipal waste combustor unit load and device inlet temperature based on the
maximum demonstrated particulate data recorded under paragraphs
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

matter control device inlet tempera- (d)(2)(ii)(A) through (d)(2)(ii)(E) of this

ture(s) established during the initial section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.59b

(iii) List the highest opacity level (A) The total number of hours that
measured, based on the data recorded data for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,
under paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this sec- carbon monoxide, municipal waste
tion. combustor unit load, and particulate
(iv) Periods when valid data were not matter control device temperature
obtained as described in paragraphs were excluded from the calculation of
(g)(1)(iv)(A) through (g)(1)(iv)(C) of this average emission concentrations or pa-
section. rameters based on the data recorded
(A) The total number of hours per under paragraph (d)(7) of this section.
calendar quarter and hours per cal- (B) For owners and operators who
endar year that valid data for sulfur di- elect to continuously monitor particu-
oxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon mon- late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury,
oxide, municipal waste combustor unit or hydrogen chloride emissions instead
load, or particulate matter control de- of conducting performance testing
vice temperature data were not ob- using EPA manual test methods, the
tained based on the data recorded total number of hours that data for
under paragraph (d)(6) of this section. particulate matter, cadmium, lead,
(B) For owners and operators who mercury, or hydrogen chloride were ex-
elect to continuously monitor particu- cluded from the calculation of average
late matter, cadmium, lead, mercury, emission concentrations or parameters
and hydrogen chloride emissions in- based on the data recorded under para-
stead of conducting performance test- graph (d)(7) of this section.
ing using EPA manual test methods, (C) For owners and operators who
the total number of hours per calendar elect to use continuous automated
quarter and hours per calendar year sampling systems for dioxin/furan or
that valid data for particulate matter, mercury, the total number of hours
cadmium, lead, mercury, and hydrogen that data for mercury and dioxin/furan
chloride were not obtained based on were excluded from the calculation of
the data recorded under paragraph average emission concentrations or pa-
(d)(6) of this section. For each continu- rameters based on the data recorded
ously monitored pollutant or param- under paragraph (d)(7) of this section.
eter, the hours of valid emissions data (2) The summary of data reported
per calendar quarter and per calendar under paragraph (g)(1) of this section
year expressed as a percent of the shall also provide the types of data
hours per calendar quarter or year that specified in paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through
the affected facility was operating and (g)(1)(vi) of this section for the cal-
combusting municipal solid waste. endar year preceding the year being re-
(C) For owners and operators who ported, in order to provide the Admin-
elect to use continuous automated istrator with a summary of the per-
sampling systems for dioxin/furan or formance of the affected facility over a
mercury, the total number of hours per 2-year period.
calendar quarter and hours per cal- (3) The summary of data including
endar year that the sampling systems the information specified in paragraphs
were not operating or were not col- (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section shall
lecting a valid sample based on the highlight any emission or parameter
data recorded under paragraph levels that did not achieve the emis-
(d)(6)(vii) of this section. Also, the sion or parameter limits specified
number of hours during which the con- under this subpart.
tinuous automated sampling system (4) A notification of intent to begin
was operating and collecting a valid the reduced dioxin/furan performance
sample as a percent of hours per cal- testing schedule specified in
endar quarter or year that the affected § 60.58b(g)(5)(iii) of this section during
facility was operating and combusting the following calendar year and notifi-
municipal solid waste. cation of intent to apply the average
(v) Periods when valid data were ex- carbon mass feed rate and associated
cluded from the calculation of average carbon injection system operating pa-
emission concentrations or parameters rameter levels as established in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

as described in paragraphs (g)(1)(v)(A) § 60.58b(m) to similarly designed and

through (g)(1)(v)(C) of this section. equipped units on site.


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§ 60.59b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(5) Documentation of periods when paragraph (d)(15) of this section for the
all certified chief facility operators and carbon injection system operating pa-
certified shift supervisors are off site rameter(s) that are the primary indi-
for more than 12 hours. cator(s) of carbon mass feed rate.
(h) The owner or operator of an af- (5) For each operating date reported
fected facility shall submit a semi- as required by paragraph (h)(4) of this
annual report that includes the infor- section, the semiannual report shall in-
mation specified in paragraphs (h)(1) clude the carbon feed rate data re-
through (h)(5) of this section for any corded under paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of
recorded pollutant or parameter that this section.
does not comply with the pollutant or (6) Semiannual reports required by
parameter limit specified under this paragraph (h) of this section shall be
subpart, according to the schedule submitted according to the schedule
specified under paragraph (h)(6) of this specified in paragraphs (h)(6)(i) and
section. (h)(6)(ii) of this section.
(1) The semiannual report shall in- (i) If the data reported in accordance
clude information recorded under para- with paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(5) of
graph (d)(3) of this section for sulfur di- this section were collected during the
oxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon mon- first calendar half, then the report
oxide, particulate matter, cadmium, shall be submitted by August 1 fol-
lead, mercury, hydrogen chloride,
lowing the first calendar half.
dioxin/furan (for owners and operators
(ii) If the data reported in accordance
who elect to continuously monitor par-
with paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(5) of
ticulate matter, cadmium, lead, mer-
cury, or hydrogen chloride, or who this section were collected during the
elect to use continuous automated second calendar half, then the report
sampling systems for dioxin/furan or shall be submitted by February 1 fol-
mercury emissions, instead of con- lowing the second calendar half.
ducting performance testing using EPA (i) The owner or operator of an air
manual test methods) municipal waste curtain incinerator subject to the opac-
combustor unit load level, particulate ity limit under § 60.56b shall submit the
matter control device inlet tempera- results of the initial opacity perform-
ture, and opacity. ance test and all subsequent annual
(2) For each date recorded as required performance tests recorded under para-
by paragraph (d)(3) of this section and graph (e) of this section. Annual per-
reported as required by paragraph formance tests shall be submitted by
(h)(1) of this section, the semiannual February 1 of the year following the
report shall include the sulfur dioxide, year of the performance test.
nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, mu- (j) All reports specified under para-
nicipal waste combustor unit load graphs (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), (h), and (i) of
level, particulate matter control device this section shall be submitted as a
inlet temperature, or opacity data, as paper copy, postmarked on or before
applicable, recorded under paragraphs the submittal dates specified under
(d)(2)(ii)(A) through (d)(2)(ii)(D) and these paragraphs, and maintained on-
(d)(2)(i)(A) of this section, as applica- site as a paper copy for a period of 5
ble. years.
(3) If the test reports recorded under (k) All records specified under para-
paragraph (d)(9) of this section docu- graphs (d) and (e) of this section shall
ment any particulate matter, opacity, be maintained onsite in either paper
cadmium, lead, mercury, dioxins/ copy or computer-readable format, un-
furans, hydrogen chloride, and fugitive less an alternative format is approved
ash emission levels that were above the by the Administrator.
applicable pollutant limits, the semi- (l) If the owner or operator of an af-
annual report shall include a copy of fected facility would prefer a different
the test report documenting the emis- annual or semiannual date for submit-
sion levels and the corrective actions ting the periodic reports required by
taken. paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) of this sec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(4) The semiannual report shall in- tion, then the dates may be changed by
clude the information recorded under mutual agreement between the owner


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.59b

or operator and the Administrator ac- shutdowns, and malfunctions of the af-
cording to the procedures specified in fected source;
§ 60.19(c) of subpart A of this part. (5) The specific identification (i.e.,
(m) Owners and operators who elect the date and time of commencement
to continuously monitor particulate and completion) of each time period of
matter, cadmium, lead, mercury, or excess emissions and parameter moni-
hydrogen chloride, or who elect to use toring exceedances, as defined in the
continuous automated sampling sys- standard, that occurs during periods
tems for dioxin/furan or mercury emis- other than startups, shutdowns, and
sions, instead of conducting perform- malfunctions of the affected source;
ance testing using EPA manual test (6) The nature and cause of any mal-
methods must notify the Adminis- function (if known);
trator one month prior to starting or (7) The corrective action taken to
stopping use of the particulate matter, correct any malfunction or preventive
cadmium, lead, mercury, hydrogen measures adopted to prevent further
chloride, and dioxin/furan continuous malfunctions;
emission monitoring systems or con- (8) The nature of the repairs or ad-
tinuous automated sampling systems. justments to the continuous emission
(n) Additional recordkeeping and re- monitoring system that was inoper-
porting requirements for affected facilities ative or out of control;
with continuous cadmium, lead, mercury, (9) All procedures that are part of a
or hydrogen chloride monitoring systems. quality control program developed and
In addition to complying with the re- implemented for the continuous emis-
quirements specified in paragraphs (a) sion monitoring system under
through (m) of this section, the owner § 60.58b(o);
or operator of an affected source who (10) When more than one continuous
elects to install a continuous emission emission monitoring system is used to
monitoring system for cadmium, lead, measure the emissions from one af-
mercury, or hydrogen chloride as speci- fected source (e.g., multiple breechings,
fied in § 60.58b(n), shall maintain the multiple outlets), the owner or oper-
records in paragraphs (n)(1) through ator shall report the results as required
(n)(10) of this section and report the in- for each continuous emission moni-
formation in paragraphs (n)(11) toring system.
through (n)(12) of this section, relevant (11) Submit to EPA for approval, the
to the continuous emission monitoring site-specific monitoring plan required
system: by § 60.58b(n)(13) and § 60.58b(o), includ-
(1) All required continuous emission ing the site-specific performance eval-
monitoring measurements (including uation test plan for the continuous
monitoring data recorded during un- emission monitoring system required
avoidable continuous emission moni- by § 60.58(b)(o)(5). The owner or oper-
toring system breakdowns and out-of- ator shall maintain copies of the site-
control periods); specific monitoring plan on record for
(2) The date and time identifying the life of the affected source to be
each period during which the contin- made available for inspection, upon re-
uous emission monitoring system was quest, by the Administrator. If the
inoperative except for zero (low-level) site-specific monitoring plan is revised
and high-level checks; and approved, the owner or operator
(3) The date and time identifying shall keep previous (i.e., superseded)
each period during which the contin- versions of the plan on record to be
uous emission monitoring system was made available for inspection, upon re-
out of control, as defined in quest, by the Administrator, for a pe-
§ 60.58b(o)(4); riod of 5 years after each revision to
(4) The specific identification (i.e., the plan.
the date and time of commencement (12) Submit information concerning
and completion) of each period of ex- all out-of-control periods for each con-
cess emissions and parameter moni- tinuous emission monitoring system,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

toring exceedances, as defined in the including start and end dates and hours
standard, that occurs during startups, and descriptions of corrective actions


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§ 60.59b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

taken, in the annual or semiannual re- mated sampling system that was inop-
ports required in paragraphs (g) or (h) erative or out of control;
of this section. (9) All procedures that are part of a
(o) Additional recordkeeping and re- quality control program developed and
porting requirements for affected facilities implemented for the continuous auto-
with continuous automated sampling sys- mated sampling system under
tems for dioxin/furan or mercury moni- § 60.58b(q);
toring. In addition to complying with (10) When more than one continuous
the requirements specified in para- automated sampling system is used to
graphs (a) through (m) of this section,
measure the emissions from one af-
the owner or operator of an affected
fected source (e.g., multiple breechings,
source who elects to install a contin-
uous automated sampling system for multiple outlets), the owner or oper-
dioxin/furan or mercury, as specified in ator shall report the results as required
§ 60.58b(p), shall maintain the records for each system.
in paragraphs (o)(1) through (o)(10) of (11) Submit to EPA for approval, the
this section and report the information site-specific monitoring plan required
in (o)(11) and (o)(12) of this section, rel- by § 60.58b(p)(11) and § 60.58b(q) includ-
evant to the continuous automated ing the site-specific performance eval-
sampling system: uation test plan for the continuous
(1) All required 24-hour integrated emission monitoring system required
mercury concentration or 2-week inte- by § 60.58(b)(q)(5). The owner or oper-
grated dioxin/furan concentration data ator shall maintain copies of the site-
(including any data obtained during specific monitoring plan on record for
unavoidable system breakdowns and the life of the affected source to be
out-of-control periods); made available for inspection, upon re-
(2) The date and time identifying quest, by the Administrator. If the
each period during which the contin- site-specific monitoring plan is revised
uous automated sampling system was and approved, the owner or operator
inoperative; shall keep previous (i.e., superseded)
(3) The date and time identifying versions of the plan on record to be
each period during which the contin-
made available for inspection, upon re-
uous automated sampling system was
quest, by the Administrator, for a pe-
out of control, as defined in
riod of 5 years after each revision to
§ 60.58b(q)(4);
(4) The specific identification (i.e., the plan.
the date and time of commencement (12) Submit information concerning
and completion) of each period of ex- all out-of-control periods for each con-
cess emissions and parameter moni- tinuous automated sampling system,
toring exceedances, as defined in the including start and end dates and hours
standard, that occurs during startups, and descriptions of corrective actions
shutdowns, and malfunctions of the af- taken in the annual or semiannual re-
fected source; ports required in paragraphs (g) or (h)
(5) The specific identification (i.e., of this section.
the date and time of commencement
[60 FR 65419, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62
and completion) of each time period of
FR 45121, 45127, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 27345,
excess emissions and parameter moni- May 10, 2006]
toring exceedances, as defined in the
standard, that occurs during periods
other than startups, shutdowns, and Subpart Ec—Standards of Perform-
malfunctions of the affected source; ance for New Stationary
(6) The nature and cause of any mal- Sources: Hospital/Medical/In-
function (if known); fectious Waste Incinerators
(7) The corrective action taken to
correct any malfunction or preventive
SOURCE: 62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, unless
measures adopted to prevent further otherwise noted.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(8) The nature of the repairs or ad-

justments to the continuous auto-


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.50c

§ 60.50c Applicability and delegation of (f) Any pyrolysis unit (defined in

authority. § 60.51c) is not subject to this subpart.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (g) Cement kilns firing hospital
(b) through (h) of this section, the af- waste and/or medical/infectious waste
fected facility to which this subpart are not subject to this subpart.
applies is each individual hospital/med- (h) Physical or operational changes
ical/infectious waste incinerator made to an existing HMIWI solely for
(HMIWI): the purpose of complying with emis-
(1) For which construction is com- sion guidelines under subpart Ce are
menced after June 20, 1996 but no later not considered a modification and do
than December 1, 2008; or not result in an existing HMIWI becom-
(2) For which modification is com- ing subject to this subpart.
menced after March 16, 1998 but no (i) In delegating implementation and
later than April 6, 2010. enforcement authority to a State
(3) For which construction is com- under section 111(c) of the Clean Air
menced after December 1, 2008; or Act, the following authorities shall be
(4) For which modification is com- retained by the Administrator and not
menced after April 6, 2010. transferred to a State:
(b) A combustor is not subject to this (1) The requirements of Sec. 60.56c(i)
subpart during periods when only path- establishing operating parameters
ological waste, low-level radioactive when using controls other than those
waste, and/or chemotherapeutic waste listed in Sec. 60.56c(d).
(all defined in § 60.51c) is burned, pro- (2) Approval of alternative methods
vided the owner or operator of the com- of demonstrating compliance under
bustor: § 60.8 including:
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an (i) Approval of CEMS for PM, HCl,
exemption claim; and multi-metals, and Hg where used for
(2) Keeps records on a calendar quar- purposes of demonstrating compliance,
ter basis of the periods of time when (ii) Approval of continuous auto-
only pathological waste, low-level mated sampling systems for dioxin/
radioactivewaste and/or furan and Hg where used for purposes
chemotherapeutic waste is burned. of demonstrating compliance, and
(c) Any co-fired combustor (defined (iii) Approval of major alternatives
in § 60.51c) is not subject to this subpart to test methods;
if the owner or operator of the co-fired (3) Approval of major alternatives to
combustor: monitoring;
(1) Notifies the Administrator of an (4) Waiver of recordkeeping require-
exemption claim; ments; and
(2) Provides an estimate of the rel- (5) Performance test and data reduc-
ative amounts of hospital waste, med- tion waivers under § 60.8(b).
ical/infectious waste, and other fuels (j) Affected facilities subject to this
and wastes to be combusted; and subpart are not subject to the require-
(3) Keeps records on a calendar quar- ments of 40 CFR part 64.
ter basis of the weight of hospital (i) Approval of CEMS for PM, HCl,
waste and medical/infectious waste multi-metals, and Hg where used for
combusted, and the weight of all other purposes of demonstrating compliance,
fuels and wastes combusted at the co- (ii) Approval of continuous auto-
fired combustor. mated sampling systems for dioxin/
(d) Any combustor required to have a furan and Hg where used for purposes
permit under section 3005 of the Solid of demonstrating compliance, and
Waste Disposal Act is not subject to (iii) Approval of major alternatives
this subpart. to test methods;
(e) Any combustor which meets the (3) Approval of major alternatives to
applicability requirements under sub- monitoring;
part Cb, Ea, or Eb of this part (stand- (4) Waiver of recordkeeping require-
ards or guidelines for certain munic- ments; and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ipal waste combustors) is not subject (5) Performance test and data reduc-
to this subpart. tion waivers under § 60.8(b).


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§ 60.51c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(k) The requirements of this subpart Batch HMIWI means an HMIWI that
shall become effective March 16, 1998 is designed such that neither waste
(l) Beginning September 15, 2000, or charging nor ash removal can occur
on the effective date of an EPA-ap- during combustion.
proved operating permit program under Biologicals means preparations made
Clean Air Act title V and the imple- from living organisms and their prod-
menting regulations under 40 CFR part ucts, including vaccines, cultures, etc.,
70 in the State in which the unit is lo- intended for use in diagnosing, immu-
cated, whichever date is later, affected nizing, or treating humans or animals
facilities subject to this subpart shall or in research pertaining thereto.
operate pursuant to a permit issued Blood products means any product de-
under the EPA approved State oper- rived from human blood, including but
ating permit program. not limited to blood plasma, platelets,
(m) The requirements of this subpart red or white blood corpuscles, and
as promulgated on September 15, 1997, other derived licensed products, such
shall apply to the affected facilities de- as interferon, etc.
fined in paragraph (a)(1) and (2) of this Body fluids means liquid emanating
section until the applicable compliance or derived from humans and limited to
date of the requirements of subpart Ce blood; dialysate; amniotic, cerebro-
of this part, as amended on October 6, spinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal
2009. Upon the compliance date of the and pericardial fluids; and semen and
requirements of the amended subpart vaginal secretions.
Ce of this part, affected facilities as de- Bypass stack means a device used for
fined in paragraph (a) of this section discharging combustion gases to avoid
are no longer subject to the require- severe damage to the air pollution con-
ments of this subpart, but are subject trol device or other equipment.
to the requirements of subpart Ce of Chemotherapeutic waste means waste
this part, as amended on October 6, material resulting from the production
2009, except where the emissions limits or use of antineoplastic agents used for
of this subpart as promulgated on Sep- the purpose of stopping or reversing
tember 15, 1997 are more stringent than the growth of malignant cells.
the emissions limits of the amended Co-fired combustor means a unit com-
subpart Ce of this part. Compliance busting hospital waste and/or medical/
with subpart Ce of this part, as amend- infectious waste with other fuels or
ed on October 6, 2009 is required on or wastes (e.g., coal, municipal solid
before the date 3 years after EPA ap- waste) and subject to an enforceable re-
proval of the State plan for States in quirement limiting the unit to com-
which an affected facility as defined in busting a fuel feed stream, 10 percent
paragraph (a) of this section is located or less of the weight of which is com-
(but not later than the date 5 years prised, in aggregate, of hospital waste
after promulgation of the amended sub- and medical/infectious waste as meas-
part). ured on a calendar quarter basis. For
(n) The requirements of this subpart, purposes of this definition, patholog-
as amended on October 6, 2009, shall be- ical waste, chemotherapeutic waste,
come effective April 6, 2010. and low-level radioactive waste are
[62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 74 considered ‘‘other’’ wastes when calcu-
FR 51408, Oct. 6, 2009] lating the percentage of hospital waste
and medical/infectious waste com-
§ 60.51c Definitions. busted.
Bag leak detection system means an in- Commercial HMIWI means a HMIWI
strument that is capable of monitoring which offers incineration services for
PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric hospital/medical/infectious waste gen-
filter in order to detect bag failures. A erated offsite by firms unrelated to the
bag leak detection system includes, but firm that owns the HMIWI.
is not limited to, an instrument that Continuous emission monitoring system
operates on triboelectric, light-scat- or CEMS means a monitoring system
tering, light-transmittance, or other for continuously measuring and record-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

effects to monitor relative PM load- ing the emissions of a pollutant from

ings. an affected facility.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51c

Continuous HMIWI means an HMIWI Hospital waste means discards gen-

that is designed to allow waste charg- erated at a hospital, except unused
ing and ash removal during combus- items returned to the manufacturer.
tion. The definition of hospital waste does
Dioxins/furans means the combined not include human corpses, remains,
emissions of tetra-through octa- and anatomical parts that are intended
chlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins and for interment or cremation.
dibenzofurans, as measured by EPA Infectious agent means any organism
Reference Method 23. (such as a virus or bacteria) that is ca-
Dry scrubber means an add-on air pol- pable of being communicated by inva-
lution control system that injects dry sion and multiplication in body tissues
alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or and capable of causing disease or ad-
sprays an alkaline sorbent (spray verse health impacts in humans.
dryer) to react with and neutralize acid Intermittent HMIWI means an HMIWI
gases in the HMIWI exhaust stream that is designed to allow waste charg-
forming a dry powder material. ing, but not ash removal, during com-
Fabric filter or baghouse means an bustion.
add-on air pollution control system Large HMIWI means:
that removes particulate matter (PM) (1) Except as provided in (2);
and nonvaporous metals emissions by (i) An HMIWI whose maximum design
passing flue gas through filter bags. waste burning capacity is more than
Facilities manager means the indi- 500 pounds per hour; or
vidual in charge of purchasing, main- (ii) A continuous or intermittent
taining, and operating the HMIWI or HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is
the owner’s or operator’s representa- more than 500 pounds per hour; or
tive responsible for the management of (iii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum
the HMIWI. Alternative titles may in- charge rate is more than 4,000 pounds
clude director of facilities or vice presi- per day.
dent of support services. (2) The following are not large
High-air phase means the stage of the HMIWI:
batch operating cycle when the pri- (i) A continuous or intermittent
mary chamber reaches and maintains HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is
maximum operating temperatures. less than or equal to 500 pounds per
Hospital means any facility which has hour; or
an organized medical staff, maintains (ii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum
at least six inpatient beds, and where charge rate is less than or equal to
the primary function of the institution 4,000 pounds per day.
is to provide diagnostic and thera- Low-level radioactive waste means
peutic patient services and continuous waste material which contains radio-
nursing care primarily to human inpa- active nuclides emitting primarily beta
tients who are not related and who or gamma radiation, or both, in con-
stay on average in excess of 24 hours centrations or quantities that exceed
per admission. This definition does not applicable federal or State standards
include facilities maintained for the for unrestricted release. Low-level ra-
sole purpose of providing nursing or dioactive waste is not high-level radio-
convalescent care to human patients active waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by-
who generally are not acutely ill but product material as defined by the
who require continuing medical super- Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C.
vision. 2014(e)(2)).
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incin- Malfunction means any sudden, infre-
erator or HMIWI or HMIWI unit means quent, and not reasonably preventable
any device that combusts any amount failure of air pollution control equip-
of hospital waste and/or medical/infec- ment, process equipment, or a process
tious waste. to operate in a normal or usual man-
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incin- ner. Failures that are caused, in part,
erator operator or HMIWI operator by poor maintenance or careless oper-
means any person who operates, con- ation are not malfunctions. During pe-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

trols or supervises the day-to-day oper- riods of malfunction the operator shall
ation of an HMIWI. operate within established parameters


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§ 60.51c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

as much as possible, and monitoring of testing of biologicals that are listed in

all applicable operating parameters paragraphs (1) through (7) of this defi-
shall continue until all waste has been nition. The definition of medical/infec-
combusted or until the malfunction tious waste does not include hazardous
ceases, whichever comes first. waste identified or listed under the reg-
Maximum charge rate means: ulations in part 261 of this chapter;
(1) For continuous and intermittent household waste, as defined in
HMIWI, 110 percent of the lowest 3- § 261.4(b)(1) of this chapter; ash from in-
hour average charge rate measured cineration of medical/infectious waste,
during the most recent performance once the incineration process has been
test demonstrating compliance with all completed; human corpses, remains,
applicable emission limits. and anatomical parts that are intended
(2) For batch HMIWI, 110 percent of for interment or cremation; and domes-
the lowest daily charge rate measured tic sewage materials identified in
during the most recent performance § 261.4(a)(1) of this chapter.
test demonstrating compliance with all (1) Cultures and stocks of infectious
applicable emission limits. agents and associated biologicals, in-
Maximum design waste burning capac- cluding: Cultures from medical and
ity means: pathological laboratories; cultures and
(1) For intermittent and continuous stocks of infectious agents from re-
HMIWI, search and industrial laboratories;
wastes from the production of
C = PV × 15,000/8,500
biologicals; discarded live and attenu-
Where: ated vaccines; and culture dishes and
C = HMIWI capacity, lb/hr devices used to transfer, inoculate, and
PV = primary chamber volume, ft3 mix cultures.
15,000 = primary chamber heat release rate (2) Human pathological waste, in-
factor, Btu/ft3/hr cluding tissues, organs, and body parts
8,500 = standard waste heating value, Btu/lb;
and body fluids that are removed dur-
(2) For batch HMIWI, ing surgery or autopsy, or other med-
ical procedures, and specimens of body
C = PV × 4.5/8
fluids and their containers.
Where: (3) Human blood and blood products
C = HMIWI capacity, lb/hr including:
PV = primary chamber volume, ft3 (i) Liquid waste human blood;
4.5 = waste density, lb/ft3 (ii) Products of blood;
8 = typical hours of operation of a batch (iii) Items saturated and/or dripping
HMIWI, hours.
with human blood; or
Maximum fabric filter inlet temperature (iv) Items that were saturated and/or
means 110 percent of the lowest 3-hour dripping with human blood that are
average temperature at the inlet to the now caked with dried human blood; in-
fabric filter (taken, at a minimum, cluding serum, plasma, and other blood
once every minute) measured during components, and their containers,
the most recent performance test dem- which were used or intended for use in
onstrating compliance with the dioxin/ either patient care, testing and labora-
furan emission limit. tory analysis or the development of
Maximum flue gas temperature means pharmaceuticals. Intravenous bags are
110 percent of the lowest 3-hour aver- also included in this category.
age temperature at the outlet from the (4) Sharps that have been used in ani-
wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum, mal or human patient care or treat-
once every minute) measured during ment or in medical, research, or indus-
the most recent performance test dem- trial laboratories, including hypo-
onstrating compliance with the mer- dermic needles, syringes (with or with-
cury (Hg) emission limit. out the attached needle), pasteur pi-
Medical/infectious waste means any pettes, scalpel blades, blood vials, nee-
waste generated in the diagnosis, treat- dles with attached tubing, and culture
ment, or immunization of human dishes (regardless of presence of infec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

beings or animals, in research per- tious agents). Also included are other
taining thereto, or in the production or types of broken or unbroken glassware


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.51c

that were in contact with infectious Minimum Hg sorbent flow rate means
agents, such as used slides and cover 90 percent of the highest 3-hour aver-
slips. age Hg sorbent flow rate (taken, at a
(5) Animal waste including contami- minimum, once every hour) measured
nated animal carcasses, body parts, during the most recent performance
and bedding of animals that were test demonstrating compliance with
known to have been exposed to infec- the Hg emission limit.
tious agents during research (including Minimum hydrogen chloride (HCl) sor-
research in veterinary hospitals), pro- bent flow rate means 90 percent of the
duction of biologicals or testing of highest 3-hour average HCl sorbent
pharmaceuticals. flow rate (taken, at a minimum, once
(6) Isolation wastes including biologi- every hour) measured during the most
cal waste and discarded materials con- recent performance test demonstrating
taminated with blood, excretions, compliance with the HCl emission
exudates, or secretions from humans limit.
who are isolated to protect others from Minimum horsepower or amperage
certain highly communicable diseases, means 90 percent of the highest 3-hour
or isolated animals known to be in- average horsepower or amperage to the
fected with highly communicable dis- wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum,
eases. once every minute) measured during
(7) Unused sharps including the fol- the most recent performance test dem-
lowing unused, discarded sharps: hypo- onstrating compliance with the appli-
dermic needles, suture needles, sy- cable emission limits.
ringes, and scalpel blades. Minimum pressure drop across the wet
Medium HMIWI means: scrubber means 90 percent of the high-
est 3-hour average pressure drop across
(1) Except as provided in paragraph
the wet scrubber PM control device
(taken, at a minimum, once every
(i) An HMIWI whose maximum design
minute) measured during the most re-
waste burning capacity is more than
cent performance test demonstrating
200 pounds per hour but less than or
compliance with the PM emission
equal to 500 pounds per hour; or
(ii) A continuous or intermittent Minimum reagent flow rate means 90
HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is percent of the highest 3-hour average
more than 200 pounds per hour but less reagent flow rate at the inlet to the se-
than or equal to 500 pounds per hour; or lective noncatalytic reduction tech-
(iii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum nology (taken, at a minimum, once
charge rate is more than 1,600 pounds every minute) measured during the
per day but less than or equal to 4,000 most recent performance test dem-
pounds per day. onstrating compliance with the NOX
(2) The following are not medium emissions limit.
HMIWI: Minimum scrubber liquor flow rate
(i) A continuous or intermittent means 90 percent of the highest 3-hour
HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is average liquor flow rate at the inlet to
less than or equal to 200 pounds per the wet scrubber (taken, at a min-
hour or more than 500 pounds per hour; imum, once every minute) measured
or during the most recent performance
(ii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum test demonstrating compliance with all
charge rate is more than 4,000 pounds applicable emission limits.
per day or less than or equal to 1,600 Minimum scrubber liquor pH means 90
pounds per day. percent of the highest 3-hour average
Minimum dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate liquor pH at the inlet to the wet scrub-
means 90 percent of the highest 3-hour ber (taken, at a minimum, once every
average dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate minute) measured during the most re-
(taken, at a minimum, once every cent performance test demonstrating
hour) measured during the most recent compliance with the HCl emission
performance test demonstrating com- limit.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

pliance with the dioxin/furan emission Minimum secondary chamber tempera-

limit. ture means 90 percent of the highest 3-


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§ 60.52c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

hour average secondary chamber tem- ber and in which the combustion proc-
perature (taken, at a minimum, once ess is completed.
every minute) measured during the Shutdown means the period of time
most recent performance test dem- after all waste has been combusted in
onstrating compliance with the PM, the primary chamber. For continuous
CO, dioxin/furan, and NOX emissions HMIWI, shutdown shall commence no
limits. less than 2 hours after the last charge
Modification or Modified HMIWI to the incinerator. For intermittent
means any change to an HMIWI unit HMIWI, shutdown shall commence no
after the effective date of these stand- less than 4 hours after the last charge
ards such that: to the incinerator. For batch HMIWI,
(1) The cumulative costs of the modi- shutdown shall commence no less than
fications, over the life of the unit, ex- 5 hours after the high-air phase of com-
ceed 50 per centum of the original cost bustion has been completed.
of the construction and installation of Small HMIWI means:
the unit (not including the cost of any (1) Except as provided in (2);
land purchased in connection with such (i) An HMIWI whose maximum design
construction or installation) updated waste burning capacity is less than or
to current costs, or equal to 200 pounds per hour; or
(ii) A continuous or intermittent
(2) The change involves a physical
HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is
change in or change in the method of
less than or equal to 200 pounds per
operation of the unit which increases
hour; or
the amount of any air pollutant emit-
(iii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum
ted by the unit for which standards
charge rate is less than or equal to
have been established under section 129
1,600 pounds per day.
or section 111.
(2) The following are not small
Operating day means a 24-hour period HMIWI:
between 12:00 midnight and the fol- (i) A continuous or intermittent
lowing midnight during which any HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is
amount of hospital waste or medical/ more than 200 pounds per hour;
infectious waste is combusted at any (ii) A batch HMIWI whose maximum
time in the HMIWI. charge rate is more than 1,600 pounds
Operation means the period during per day.
which waste is combusted in the incin- Standard conditions means a tempera-
erator excluding periods of startup or ture of 20 °C and a pressure of 101.3
shutdown. kilopascals.
Particulate matter or PM means the Startup means the period of time be-
total particulate matter emitted from tween the activation of the system and
an HMIWI as measured by EPA Ref- the first charge to the unit. For batch
erence Method 5 or EPA Reference HMIWI, startup means the period of
Method 29. time between activation of the system
Pathological waste means waste mate- and ignition of the waste.
rial consisting of only human or ani- Wet scrubber means an add-on air pol-
mal remains, anatomical parts, and/or lution control device that utilizes an
tissue, the bags/containers used to col- alkaline scrubbing liquor to collect
lect and transport the waste material, particulate matter (including non-
and animal bedding (if applicable). vaporous metals and condensed
Primary chamber means the chamber organics) and/or to absorb and neu-
in an HMIWI that receives waste mate- tralize acid gases.
rial, in which the waste is ignited, and [62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 74
from which ash is removed. FR 51408, Oct. 6, 2009; 79 FR 11249, Feb. 27,
Pyrolysis means the endothermic gas- 2014]
ification of hospital waste and/or med-
ical/infectious waste using external en- § 60.52c Emission limits.
ergy. (a) On and after the date on which
Secondary chamber means a compo- the initial performance test is com-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

nent of the HMIWI that receives com- pleted or is required to be completed

bustion gases from the primary cham- under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.53c

no owner or operator of an affected fa- or repair shall not exceed 10 operating

cility shall cause to be discharged into days per calendar quarter unless the
the atmosphere: owner or operator obtains written ap-
(1) From an affected facility as de- proval from the State agency estab-
fined in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2), any gases lishing a date whereby all necessary
that contain stack emissions in excess maintenance and repairs of ash con-
of the limits presented in Table 1A to veying systems shall be completed.
this subpart.
(2) From an affected facility as de- [62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 74
FR 51409, Oct. 6, 2009]
fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), any gases
that contain stack emissions in excess § 60.53c Operator training and quali-
of the limits presented in Table 1B to fication requirements.
this subpart.
(b) On and after the date on which (a) No owner or operator of an af-
the initial performance test is com- fected facility shall allow the affected
pleted or is required to be completed facility to operate at any time unless a
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, fully trained and qualified HMIWI op-
no owner or operator of an affected fa- erator is accessible, either at the facil-
cility shall cause to be discharged into ity or available within 1 hour. The
the atmosphere: trained and qualified HMIWI operator
(1) From an affected facility as de- may operate the HMIWI directly or be
fined in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2), any gases the direct supervisor of one or more
that exhibit greater than 10 percent HMIWI operators.
opacity (6-minute block average). (b) Operator training and qualifica-
(2) From an affected facility as de- tion shall be obtained through a State-
fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), any gases approved program or by completing the
that exhibit greater than 6 percent requirements included in paragraphs
opacity (6-minute block average). (c) through (g) of this section.
(c) On and after the date on which (c) Training shall be obtained by
the initial performance test is com- completing an HMIWI operator train-
pleted or is required to be completed ing course that includes, at a min-
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, imum, the following provisions:
no owner or operator of an affected fa- (1) 24 hours of training on the fol-
cility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2) lowing subjects:
and utilizing a large HMIWI, and in (i) Environmental concerns, includ-
§ 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), shall cause to be ing pathogen destruction and types of
discharged into the atmosphere visible emissions;
emissions of combustion ash from an (ii) Basic combustion principles, in-
ash conveying system (including con- cluding products of combustion;
veyor transfer points) in excess of 5
(iii) Operation of the type of inciner-
percent of the observation period (i.e., 9
ator to be used by the operator, includ-
minutes per 3-hour period), as deter-
ing proper startup, waste charging, and
mined by EPA Reference Method 22 of
shutdown procedures;
appendix A–1 of this part, except as
provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of (iv) Combustion controls and moni-
this section. toring;
(d) The emission limit specified in (v) Operation of air pollution control
paragraph (c) of this section does not equipment and factors affecting per-
cover visible emissions discharged in- formance (if applicable);
side buildings or enclosures of ash con- (vi) Methods to monitor pollutants
veying systems; however, the emission (continuous emission monitoring sys-
limit does cover visible emissions dis- tems and monitoring of HMIWI and air
charged to the atmosphere from build- pollution control device operating pa-
ings or enclosures of ash conveying rameters) and equipment calibration
systems. procedures (where applicable);
(e) The provisions specified in para- (vii) Inspection and maintenance of
graph (c) of this section do not apply the HMIWI, air pollution control de-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

during maintenance and repair of ash vices, and continuous emission moni-
conveying systems. Maintenance and/ toring systems;


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§ 60.54c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(viii) Actions to correct malfunctions mentation at the facility that address

or conditions that may lead to mal- the following:
function; (1) Summary of the applicable stand-
(ix) Bottom and fly ash characteris- ards under this subpart;
tics and handling procedures; (2) Description of basic combustion
(x) Applicable Federal, State, and theory applicable to an HMIWI;
local regulations; (3) Procedures for receiving, han-
(xi) Work safety procedures; dling, and charging waste;
(xii) Pre-startup inspections; and (4) HMIWI startup, shutdown, and
(xiii) Recordkeeping requirements. malfunction procedures;
(2) An examination designed and ad- (5) Procedures for maintaining proper
ministered by the instructor. combustion air supply levels;
(3) Reference material distributed to (6) Procedures for operating the
the attendees covering the course top- HMIWI and associated air pollution
ics. control systems within the standards
(d) Qualification shall be obtained established under this subpart;
by: (7) Procedures for responding to peri-
(1) Completion of a training course odic malfunction or conditions that
that satisfies the criteria under para- may lead to malfunction;
graph (c) of this section; and (8) Procedures for monitoring HMIWI
(2) Either 6 months experience as an emissions;
HMIWI operator, 6 months experience (9) Reporting and recordkeeping pro-
as a direct supervisor of an HMIWI op- cedures; and
erator, or completion of at least two (10) Procedures for handling ash.
burn cycles under the observation of (i) The owner or operator of an af-
two qualified HMIWI operators. fected facility shall establish a pro-
(e) Qualification is valid from the gram for reviewing the information
date on which the examination is listed in paragraph (h) of this section
passed or the completion of the re- annually with each HMIWI operator
quired experience, whichever is later. (defined in § 60.51c).
(f) To maintain qualification, the (1) The initial review of the informa-
trained and qualified HMIWI operator tion listed in paragraph (h) of this sec-
shall complete and pass an annual re- tion shall be conducted within 6
view or refresher course of at least 4 months after the effective date of this
hours covering, at a minimum, the fol- subpart or prior to assumption of re-
lowing: sponsibilities affecting HMIWI oper-
(1) Update of regulations; ation, whichever date is later.
(2) Incinerator operation, including (2) Subsequent reviews of the infor-
startup and shutdown procedures; mation listed in paragraph (h) of this
(3) Inspection and maintenance; section shall be conducted annually.
(4) Responses to malfunctions or con- (j) The information listed in para-
ditions that may lead to malfunction; graph (h) of this section shall be kept
and in a readily accessible location for all
(5) Discussion of operating problems HMIWI operators. This information,
encountered by attendees. along with records of training shall be
(g) A lapsed qualification shall be re- available for inspection by the EPA or
newed by one of the following methods: its delegated enforcement agent upon
(1) For a lapse of less than 3 years, request.
the HMIWI operator shall complete and
pass a standard annual refresher course § 60.54c Siting requirements.
described in paragraph (f) of this sec- (a) The owner or operator of an af-
tion. fected facility for which construction
(2) For a lapse of 3 years or more, the is commenced after September 15, 1997
HMIWI operator shall complete and shall prepare an analysis of the im-
pass a training course with the min- pacts of the affected facility. The anal-
imum criteria described in paragraph ysis shall consider air pollution control
(c) of this section. alternatives that minimize, on a site-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(h) The owner or operator of an af- specific basis, to the maximum extent
fected facility shall maintain docu- practicable, potential risks to public


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.56c

health or the environment. In consid- see § 60.17) shall be considered in the de-
ering such alternatives, the analysis velopment of the waste management
may consider costs, energy impacts, plan. The owner or operator of each
non-air environmental impacts, or any commercial HMIWI company shall con-
other factors related to the practica- duct training and education programs
bility of the alternatives. in waste segregation for each of the
(b) Analyses of facility impacts pre- company’s waste generator clients and
pared to comply with State, local, or ensure that each client prepares its
other Federal regulatory requirements own waste management plan that in-
may be used to satisfy the require- cludes, but is not limited to, the provi-
ments of this section, as long as they sions listed previously in this section.
include the consideration of air pollu- [74 FR 51409, Oct. 6, 2009]
tion control alternatives specified in
paragraph (a) of this section. § 60.56c Compliance and performance
(c) The owner or operator of the af- testing.
fected facility shall complete and sub- (a) The emissions limits apply at all
mit the siting requirements of this sec- times.
tion as required under § 60.58c(a)(1)(iii). (b) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(1)
§ 60.55c Waste management plan.
and (2), shall conduct an initial per-
The owner or operator of an affected formance test as required under § 60.8
facility shall prepare a waste manage- to determine compliance with the
ment plan. The waste management emissions limits using the procedures
plan shall identify both the feasibility and test methods listed in paragraphs
and the approach to separate certain (b)(1) through (b)(6) and (b)(9) through
components of solid waste from the (b)(14) of this section. The owner or op-
health care waste stream in order to erator of an affected facility as defined
reduce the amount of toxic emissions in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), shall conduct an
from incinerated waste. A waste man- initial performance test as required
agement plan may include, but is not under § 60.8 to determine compliance
limited to, elements such as segrega- with the emissions limits using the
tion and recycling of paper, cardboard, procedures and test methods listed in
plastics, glass, batteries, food waste, paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(14). The
and metals (e.g., aluminum cans, met- use of the bypass stack during a per-
als-containing devices); segregation of formance test shall invalidate the per-
non-recyclable wastes (e.g., poly- formance test.
chlorinated biphenyl-containing waste, (1) All performance tests shall con-
pharmaceutical waste, and mercury- sist of a minimum of three test runs
containing waste, such as dental conducted under representative oper-
waste); and purchasing recycled or re- ating conditions.
cyclable products. A waste manage- (2) The minimum sample time shall
ment plan may include different goals be 1 hour per test run unless otherwise
or approaches for different areas or de- indicated.
partments of the facility and need not (3) EPA Reference Method 1 of appen-
include new waste management goals dix A of this part shall be used to se-
for every waste stream. It should iden- lect the sampling location and number
tify, where possible, reasonably avail- of traverse points.
able additional waste management (4) EPA Reference Method 3, 3A, or
measures, taking into account the ef- 3B of appendix A–2 of this part shall be
fectiveness of waste management used for gas composition analysis, in-
measures already in place, the costs of cluding measurement of oxygen con-
additional measures, the emissions re- centration. EPA Reference Method 3,
ductions expected to be achieved, and 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 of this part
any other environmental or energy im- shall be used simultaneously with each
pacts they might have. The American of the other EPA reference methods. As
Hospital Association publication enti- an alternative to EPA Reference Meth-
tled ‘‘An Ounce of Prevention: Waste od 3B, ASME PTC–19–10–1981–Part 10
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Reduction Strategies for Health Care may be used (incorporated by ref-

Facilities’’ (incorporated by reference, erence, see § 60.17).


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§ 60.56c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(5) The pollutant concentrations for dioxins/furans, under § 60.52c, the

shall be adjusted to 7 percent oxygen following procedures shall be used to
using the following equation: determine compliance:
Cadj = Cmeas (20.9¥7)/(20.9¥%O2) (i) Measure the concentration of each
dioxin/furan tetra-through octa-con-
gener emitted using EPA Reference
Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to 7
Method 23.
percent oxygen;
Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on (ii) For each dioxin/furan congener
a dry basis (20.9¥7) = 20.9 percent oxy- measured in accordance with para-
gen—7 percent oxygen (defined oxygen graph (b)(9)(i) of this section, multiply
correction basis); the congener concentration by its cor-
20.9 = oxygen concentration in air, percent;
responding toxic equivalency factor
%O2 = oxygen concentration measured on a specified in table 2 of this subpart.
dry basis, percent. (iii) Sum the products calculated in
(6) EPA Reference Method 5 of appen- accordance with paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of
dix A–3 or Method 26A or Method 29 of this section to obtain the total con-
appendix A–8 of this part shall be used centration of dioxins/furans emitted in
to measure the particulate matter terms of toxic equivalency.
emissions. As an alternative, PM (12) EPA Reference Method 26 or 26A
CEMS may be used as specified in para- of appendix A–8 of this part shall be
graph (c)(5) of this section. used to measure HCl emissions. As an
(7) EPA Reference Method 7 or 7E of alternative, HCl CEMS may be used as
appendix A–4 of this part shall be used specified in paragraph (c)(5) of this sec-
to measure NOX emissions. tion.
(8) EPA Reference Method 6 or 6C of (13) EPA Reference Method 29 of ap-
appendix A–4 of this part shall be used pendix A–8 of this part shall be used to
to measure SO2 emissions. measure Pb, Cd, and Hg emissions. As
(9) EPA Reference Method 9 of appen- an alternative, Hg emissions may be
dix A–4 of this part shall be used to measured using ASTM D6784–02 (incor-
measure stack opacity. As an alter-
porated by reference, see § 60.17). As an
native, demonstration of compliance
alternative for Pb, Cd, and Hg, multi-
with the PM standards using bag leak
detection systems as specified in metals CEMS or Hg CEMS, may be
§ 60.57c(h) or PM CEMS as specified in used as specified in paragraph (c)(5) of
paragraph (c)(5) of this section is con- this section. As an alternative, an
sidered demonstrative of compliance owner or operator may elect to sample
with the opacity requirements. Hg by installing, calibrating, maintain-
(10) EPA Reference Method 10 or 10B ing, and operating a continuous auto-
of appendix A–4 of this part shall be mated sampling system for monitoring
used to measure the CO emissions. As Hg emissions as specified in paragraph
specified in paragraph (c)(4) of this sec- (c)(7) of this section.
tion, use of CO CEMS are required for (14) The EPA Reference Method 22 of
affected facilities under § 60.50c(a)(3) appendix A–7 of this part shall be used
and (4). to determine compliance with the fugi-
(11) EPA Reference Method 23 of ap- tive ash emissions limit under
pendix A–7 of this part shall be used to § 60.52c(c). The minimum observation
measure total dioxin/furan emissions. time shall be a series of three 1-hour
As an alternative, an owner or operator observations.
may elect to sample dioxins/furans by (c) Following the date on which the
installing, calibrating, maintaining,
initial performance test is completed
and operating a continuous automated
or is required to be completed under
sampling system for monitoring dioxin/
§ 60.8, whichever date comes first, the
furan emissions as specified in para-
graph (c)(6) of this section. For Method owner or operator of an affected facil-
23 of appendix A–7 sampling, the min- ity shall:
imum sample time shall be 4 hours per (1) Determine compliance with the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

test run. If the affected facility has se- opacity limit by conducting an annual
lected the toxic equivalency standards performance test (no more than 12


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.56c

months following the previous perform- in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference

ance test) using the applicable proce- Method 19 of appendix A–7 of this part.
dures and test methods listed in para- (ii) Operate the CO CEMS in accord-
graph (b) of this section. ance with the applicable procedures
(2) Except as provided in paragraphs under appendices B and F of this part.
(c)(4) and (c)(5) of this section, deter- (iii) Use of a CO CEMS may be sub-
mine compliance with the PM, CO, and stituted for the CO annual performance
HCl emissions limits by conducting an test and minimum secondary chamber
annual performance test (no more than temperature to demonstrate compli-
12 months following the previous per- ance with the CO emissions limit.
formance test) using the applicable (5) Facilities using CEMS to dem-
procedures and test methods listed in onstrate compliance with any of the
paragraph (b) of this section. If all emissions limits under § 60.52c shall:
three performance tests over a 3-year (i) For an affected facility as defined
period indicate compliance with the in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2), determine com-
emissions limit for a pollutant (PM, pliance with the appropriate emissions
CO, or HCl), the owner or operator may limit(s) using a 12-hour rolling average,
forego a performance test for that pol- calculated each hour as the average of
lutant for the subsequent 2 years. At a the previous 12 operating hours.
minimum, a performance test for PM, (ii) For an affected facility as defined
CO, and HCl shall be conducted every in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), determine com-
third year (no more than 36 months fol- pliance with the appropriate emissions
lowing the previous performance test). limit(s) using a 24-hour block average,
If a performance test conducted every calculated as specified in section 12.4.1
third year indicates compliance with of EPA Reference Method 19 of appen-
the emissions limit for a pollutant dix A–7 of this part.
(PM, CO, or HCl), the owner or oper- (iii) Operate all CEMS in accordance
ator may forego a performance test for with the applicable procedures under
that pollutant for an additional 2 appendices B and F of this part. For
years. If any performance test indi- those CEMS for which performance
cates noncompliance with the respec- specifications have not yet been pro-
tive emissions limit, a performance mulgated (HCl, multi-metals), this op-
test for that pollutant shall be con- tion for an affected facility as defined
ducted annually until all annual per- in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) takes effect on
formance tests over a 3-year period in- the date a final performance specifica-
dicate compliance with the emissions tion is published in the FEDERAL REG-
limit. The use of the bypass stack dur- ISTER or the date of approval of a site-
ing a performance test shall invalidate specific monitoring plan.
the performance test. (iv) For an affected facility as de-
(3) For an affected facility as defined fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), be allowed
in § 60.50c(a)(1) and (2) and utilizing a to substitute use of an HCl CEMS for
large HMIWI, and in § 60.50c(a)(3) and the HCl annual performance test, min-
(4), determine compliance with the imum HCl sorbent flow rate, and min-
visible emissions limits for fugitive imum scrubber liquor pH to dem-
emissions from flyash/bottom ash stor- onstrate compliance with the HCl
age and handling by conducting a per- emissions limit.
formance test using EPA Reference (v) For an affected facility as defined
Method 22 of appendix A–7 on an an- in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), be allowed to
nual basis (no more than 12 months fol- substitute use of a PM CEMS for the
lowing the previous performance test). PM annual performance test and min-
(4) For an affected facility as defined imum pressure drop across the wet
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), determine com- scrubber, if applicable, to demonstrate
pliance with the CO emissions limit compliance with the PM emissions
using a CO CEMS according to para- limit.
graphs (c)(4)(i) through (c)(4)(iii) of this (6) An affected facility as defined in
section: § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) using a continuous
(i) Determine compliance with the automated sampling system to dem-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

CO emissions limit using a 24-hour onstrate compliance with the dioxin/

block average, calculated as specified furan emissions limits under § 60.52c


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§ 60.56c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shall record the output of the system eters, indicated in table 3 of this sub-
and analyze the sample according to part for each control system, as site
EPA Reference Method 23 of appendix specific operating parameters during
A–7 of this part. This option to use a the initial performance test to deter-
continuous automated sampling sys- mine compliance with the emission
tem takes effect on the date a final limits; and
performance specification applicable to (2) Following the date on which the
dioxin/furan from monitors is published initial performance test is completed
in the FEDERAL REGISTER or the date of or is required to be completed under
approval of a site-specific monitoring § 60.8, whichever date comes first, en-
plan. The owner or operator of an af- sure that the affected facility does not
fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) operate above any of the applicable
and (4) who elects to continuously sam- maximum operating parameters or
ple dioxin/furan emissions instead of below any of the applicable minimum
sampling and testing using EPA Ref- operating parameters listed in table 3
erence Method 23 of appendix A–7 shall of this subpart and measured as 3-hour
install, calibrate, maintain, and oper- rolling averages (calculated each hour
ate a continuous automated sampling as the average of the previous 3 oper-
system and shall comply with the re- ating hours) at all times. Operating pa-
quirements specified in § 60.58b(p) and rameter limits do not apply during per-
(q) of subpart Eb of this part. formance tests. Operation above the es-
(7) An affected facility as defined in tablished maximum or below the estab-
§ 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) using a continuous lished minimum operating param-
automated sampling system to dem- eter(s) shall constitute a violation of
onstrate compliance with the Hg emis- established operating parameter(s).
sions limits under § 60.52c shall record (e) Except as provided in paragraph
the output of the system and analyze (i) of this section, for affected facilities
the sample at set intervals using any equipped with a dry scrubber followed
suitable determinative technique that by a fabric filter:
can meet appropriate performance cri- (1) Operation of the affected facility
teria. This option to use a continuous above the maximum charge rate and
automated sampling system takes ef- below the minimum secondary cham-
fect on the date a final performance ber temperature (each measured on a 3-
specification applicable to Hg from hour rolling average) simultaneously
monitors is published in the FEDERAL shall constitute a violation of the CO
REGISTER or the date of approval of a emission limit.
site-specific monitoring plan. The (2) Operation of the affected facility
owner or operator of an affected facil- above the maximum fabric filter inlet
ity as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) temperature, above the maximum
who elects to continuously sample Hg charge rate, and below the minimum
emissions instead of sampling and test- dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate (each
ing using EPA Reference Method 29 of measured on a 3-hour rolling average)
appendix A–8 of this part, or an ap- simultaneously shall constitute a vio-
proved alternative method for meas- lation of the dioxin/furan emission
uring Hg emissions, shall install, cali- limit.
brate, maintain, and operate a contin- (3) Operation of the affected facility
uous automated sampling system and above the maximum charge rate and
shall comply with the requirements below the minimum HCl sorbent flow
specified in § 60.58b(p) and (q) of subpart rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling
Eb of this part. average) simultaneously shall con-
(d) Except as provided in paragraphs stitute a violation of the HCl emission
(c)(4) through (c)(7) of this section, the limit.
owner or operator of an affected facil- (4) Operation of the affected facility
ity equipped with a dry scrubber fol- above the maximum charge rate and
lowed by a fabric filter, a wet scrubber, below the minimum Hg sorbent flow
or a dry scrubber followed by a fabric rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling
filter and wet scrubber shall: average) simultaneously shall con-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) Establish the appropriate max- stitute a violation of the Hg emission

imum and minimum operating param- limit.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.56c

(5) Use of the bypass stack shall con- (1) Operation of the affected facility
stitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/ above the maximum charge rate and
furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emissions below the minimum pressure drop
limits. across the wet scrubber or below the
(6) Operation of the affected facility minimum horsepower or amperage to
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above the system (each measured on a 3-hour
the CO emissions limit as measured by rolling average) simultaneously shall
the CO CEMS specified in paragraph constitute a violation of the PM emis-
(c)(4) of this section shall constitute a sion limit.
violation of the CO emissions limit. (2) Operation of the affected facility
(7) For an affected facility as defined above the maximum charge rate and
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), failure to ini- below the minimum secondary cham-
tiate corrective action within 1 hour of ber temperature (each measured on a 3-
a bag leak detection system alarm; or hour rolling average) simultaneously
failure to operate and maintain the shall constitute a violation of the CO
fabric filter such that the alarm is not emission limit.
engaged for more than 5 percent of the (3) Operation of the affected facility
total operating time in a 6-month above the maximum charge rate, below
block reporting period shall constitute the minimum secondary chamber tem-
a violation of the PM emissions limit. perature, and below the minimum
If inspection of the fabric filter dem- scrubber liquor flow rate (each meas-
onstrates that no corrective action is ured on a 3-hour rolling average) simul-
required, no alarm time is counted. If taneously shall constitute a violation
corrective action is required, each of the dioxin/furan emission limit.
alarm is counted as a minimum of 1 (4) Operation of the affected facility
hour. If it takes longer than 1 hour to above the maximum charge rate and
initiate corrective action, the alarm below the minimum scrubber liquor pH
time is counted as the actual amount (each measured on a 3-hour rolling av-
of time taken to initiate corrective ac- erage) simultaneously shall constitute
tion. If the bag leak detection system a violation of the HCl emission limit.
is used to demonstrate compliance (5) Operation of the affected facility
with the opacity limit, this would also above the maximum flue gas tempera-
constitute a violation of the opacity ture and above the maximum charge
emissions limit. rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling
(8) Operation of the affected facility average) simultaneously shall con-
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above stitute a violation of the Hg emission
the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emis- limit.
sions limit as measured by the CEMS (6) Use of the bypass stack shall con-
specified in paragraph (c)(5) of this sec- stitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/
tion shall constitute a violation of the furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emissions
applicable emissions limit. limits.
(9) Operation of the affected facility (7) Operation of the affected facility
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
the dioxin/furan emissions limit as the CO emissions limit as measured by
measured by the continuous automated the CO CEMS specified in paragraph
sampling system specified in paragraph (c)(4) of this section shall constitute a
(c)(6) of this section shall constitute a violation of the CO emissions limit.
violation of the dioxin/furan emissions (8) Operation of the affected facility
limit. as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
(10) Operation of the affected facility the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emis-
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above sions limit as measured by the CEMS
the Hg emissions limit as measured by specified in paragraph (c)(5) of this sec-
the continuous automated sampling tion shall constitute a violation of the
system specified in paragraph (c)(7) of applicable emissions limit.
this section shall constitute a violation (9) Operation of the affected facility
of the Hg emissions limit. as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
(f) Except as provided in paragraph the dioxin/furan emissions limit as
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(i) of this section, for affected facilities measured by the continuous automated
equipped with a wet scrubber: sampling system specified in paragraph


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§ 60.56c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c)(6) of this section shall constitute a engaged for more than 5 percent of the
violation of the dioxin/furan emissions total operating time in a 6-month
limit. block reporting period shall constitute
(10) Operation of the affected facility a violation of the PM emissions limit.
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above If inspection of the fabric filter dem-
the Hg emissions limit as measured by onstrates that no corrective action is
the continuous automated sampling required, no alarm time is counted. If
system specified in paragraph (c)(7) of corrective action is required, each
this section shall constitute a violation alarm is counted as a minimum of 1
of the Hg emissions limit. hour. If it takes longer than 1 hour to
(g) Except as provided in paragraph initiate corrective action, the alarm
(i) of this section, for affected facilities time is counted as the actual amount
equipped with a dry scrubber followed of time taken to initiate corrective ac-
by a fabric filter and a wet scrubber: tion. If the bag leak detection system
(1) Operation of the affected facility is used to demonstrate compliance
above the maximum charge rate and with the opacity limit, this would also
below the minimum secondary cham- constitute a violation of the opacity
ber temperature (each measured on a 3- emissions limit.
hour rolling average) simultaneously (8) Operation of the affected facility
shall constitute a violation of the CO as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
emission limit. the PM, HCl, Pb, Cd, and/or Hg emis-
(2) Operation of the affected facility sions limit as measured by the CEMS
above the maximum fabric filter inlet specified in paragraph (c)(5) of this sec-
temperature, above the maximum tion shall constitute a violation of the
charge rate, and below the minimum applicable emissions limit.
dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate (each (9) Operation of the affected facility
measured on a 3-hour rolling average) as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
simultaneously shall constitute a vio- the dioxin/furan emissions limit as
lation of the dioxin/furan emission measured by the continuous automated
limit. sampling system specified in paragraph
(3) Operation of the affected facility (c)(6) of this section shall constitute a
above the maximum charge rate and violation of the dioxin/furan emissions
below the minimum scrubber liquor pH limit.
(each measured on a 3-hour rolling av- (10) Operation of the affected facility
erage) simultaneously shall constitute as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above
a violation of the HCl emission limit. the Hg emissions limit as measured by
(4) Operation of the affected facility the continuous automated sampling
above the maximum charge rate and system specified in paragraph (c)(7) of
below the minimum Hg sorbent flow this section shall constitute a violation
rate (each measured on a 3-hour rolling of the Hg emissions limit.
average) simultaneously shall con- (h) The owner or operator of an af-
stitute a violation of the Hg emission fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3)
limit. and (4) equipped with selective non-
(5) Use of the bypass stack shall con- catalytic reduction technology shall:
stitute a violation of the PM, dioxin/ (1) Establish the maximum charge
furan, HCl, Pb, Cd and Hg emissions rate, the minimum secondary chamber
limits. temperature, and the minimum rea-
(6) Operation of the affected facility gent flow rate as site specific operating
as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) above parameters during the initial perform-
the CO emissions limit as measured by ance test to determine compliance
the CO CEMS specified in paragraph with the emissions limits;
(c)(4) of this section shall constitute a (2) Following the date on which the
violation of the CO emissions limit. initial performance test is completed
(7) For an affected facility as defined or is required to be completed under
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), failure to ini- § 60.8, whichever date comes first, en-
tiate corrective action within 1 hour of sure that the affected facility does not
a bag leak detection system alarm; or operate above the maximum charge
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

failure to operate and maintain the rate, or below the minimum secondary
fabric filter such that the alarm is not chamber temperature or the minimum


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.57c

reagent flow rate measured as 3-hour brate (to manufacturers’ specifica-

rolling averages (calculated each hour tions), maintain, and operate devices
as the average of the previous 3 oper- (or establish methods) for monitoring
ating hours) at all times. Operating pa- the applicable maximum and minimum
rameter limits do not apply during per- operating parameters listed in Table 3
formance tests. to this subpart (unless CEMS are used
(3) Except as provided in paragraph as a substitute for certain parameters
(i) of this section, operation of the af- as specified) such that these devices (or
fected facility above the maximum methods) measure and record values
charge rate, below the minimum sec- for these operating parameters at the
ondary chamber temperature, and frequencies indicated in Table 3 of this
below the minimum reagent flow rate subpart at all times.
simultaneously shall constitute a vio- (b) The owner or operator of an af-
lation of the NOX emissions limit. fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3)
(i) The owner or operator of an af- and (4) that uses selective noncatalytic
fected facility may conduct a repeat reduction technology shall install,
performance test within 30 days of vio- calibrate (to manufacturers’ specifica-
lation of applicable operating param- tions), maintain, and operate devices
eter(s) to demonstrate that the af- (or establish methods) for monitoring
fected facility is not in violation of the the operating parameters listed in
applicable emissions limit(s). Repeat § 60.56c(h) such that the devices (or
performance tests conducted pursuant methods) measure and record values
to this paragraph shall be conducted for the operating parameters at all
using the identical operating param- times. Operating parameter values
eters that indicated a violation under shall be measured and recorded at the
paragraph (e), (f), (g), or (h) of this sec- following minimum frequencies:
tion. (1) Maximum charge rate shall be
(j) The owner or operator of an af- measured continuously and recorded
fected facility using an air pollution once each hour;
control device other than a dry scrub- (2) Minimum secondary chamber
ber followed by a fabric filter, a wet temperature shall be measured con-
scrubber, a dry scrubber followed by a tinuously and recorded once each
fabric filter and a wet scrubber, or se- minute; and
lective noncatalytic reduction tech- (3) Minimum reagent flow rate shall
nology to comply with the emissions be measured hourly and recorded once
limits under § 60.52c shall petition the each hour.
Administrator for other site-specific (c) The owner or operator of an af-
operating parameters to be established fected facility shall install, calibrate
during the initial performance test and (to manufacturers’ specifications),
continuously monitored thereafter. maintain, and operate a device or
The owner or operator shall not con- method for measuring the use of the
duct the initial performance test until bypass stack including date, time, and
after the petition has been approved by duration.
the Administrator. (d) The owner or operator of an af-
(k) The owner or operator of an af- fected facility using an air pollution
fected facility may conduct a repeat control device other than a dry scrub-
performance test at any time to estab- ber followed by a fabric filter, a wet
lish new values for the operating pa- scrubber, a dry scrubber followed by a
rameters. The Administrator may re- fabric filter and a wet scrubber, or se-
quest a repeat performance test at any lective noncatalytic reduction tech-
time. nology to comply with the emissions
[62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 65 limits under § 60.52c shall install, cali-
FR 61753, Oct. 17, 2000; 74 FR 51409, Oct. 6, brate (to manufacturers’ specifica-
2009; 78 FR 28066, May 13, 2013] tions), maintain, and operate the
equipment necessary to monitor the
§ 60.57c Monitoring requirements. site-specific operating parameters de-
(a) Except as provided in § 60.56c(c)(4) veloped pursuant to § 60.56c(j).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

through (c)(7), the owner or operator of (e) The owner or operator of an af-
an affected facility shall install, cali- fected facility shall obtain monitoring


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§ 60.57c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

data at all times during HMIWI oper- (1) Each triboelectric bag leak detec-
ation except during periods of moni- tion system may be installed, cali-
toring equipment malfunction, calibra- brated, operated, and maintained ac-
tion, or repair. At a minimum, valid cording to the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
monitoring data shall be obtained for Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
75 percent of the operating hours per 015, September 1997). This document is
day for 90 percent of the operating days available from the U.S. Environmental
per calendar quarter that the affected Protection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office
facility is combusting hospital waste of Air Quality Planning and Standards;
and/or medical/infectious waste. Sector Policies and Programs Division;
(f) The owner or operator of an af- Measurement Policy Group (D–243–02),
fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. This
and (4) shall ensure that each HMIWI document is also available on the
subject to the emissions limits in Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
§ 60.52c undergoes an initial air pollu- under Emissions Measurement Center
tion control device inspection that is Continuous Emissions Monitoring.
at least as protective as the following: Other types of bag leak detection sys-
(1) At a minimum, an inspection tems shall be installed, operated, cali-
shall include the following: brated, and maintained in a manner
consistent with the manufacturer’s
(i) Inspect air pollution control de-
written specifications and rec-
vice(s) for proper operation, if applica-
(2) The bag leak detection system
(ii) Ensure proper calibration of shall be certified by the manufacturer
thermocouples, sorbent feed systems, to be capable of detecting PM emis-
and any other monitoring equipment; sions at concentrations of 10 milli-
and grams per actual cubic meter (0.0044
(iii) Generally observe that the grains per actual cubic foot) or less.
equipment is maintained in good oper- (3) The bag leak detection system
ating condition. sensor shall provide an output of rel-
(2) Within 10 operating days following ative PM loadings.
an air pollution control device inspec- (4) The bag leak detection system
tion, all necessary repairs shall be shall be equipped with a device to con-
completed unless the owner or operator tinuously record the output signal
obtains written approval from the Ad- from the sensor.
ministrator establishing a date where- (5) The bag leak detection system
by all necessary repairs of the des- shall be equipped with an audible
ignated facility shall be completed. alarm system that will sound auto-
(g) The owner or operator of an af- matically when an increase in relative
fected facility as defined in § 60.50c(a)(3) PM emissions over a preset level is de-
and (4) shall ensure that each HMIWI tected. The alarm shall be located
subject to the emissions limits under where it is easily heard by plant oper-
§ 60.52c undergoes an air pollution con- ating personnel.
trol device inspection annually (no (6) For positive pressure fabric filter
more than 12 months following the pre- systems, a bag leak detector shall be
vious annual air pollution control de- installed in each baghouse compart-
vice inspection), as outlined in para- ment or cell.
graphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section. (7) For negative pressure or induced
(h) For affected facilities as defined air fabric filters, the bag leak detector
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) that use an air shall be installed downstream of the
pollution control device that includes a fabric filter.
fabric filter and are not demonstrating (8) Where multiple detectors are re-
compliance using PM CEMS, determine quired, the system’s instrumentation
compliance with the PM emissions and alarm may be shared among detec-
limit using a bag leak detection sys- tors.
tem and meet the requirements in (9) The baseline output shall be es-
paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(12) of this tablished by adjusting the range and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

section for each bag leak detection sys- the averaging period of the device and
tem. establishing the alarm set points and


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58c

the alarm delay time according to sec- (iv) If applicable, the petition for
tion 5.0 of the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak site-specific operating parameters
Detection Guidance.’’ under § 60.56c(j).
(10) Following initial adjustment of (b) The owner or operator of an af-
the system, the sensitivity or range, fected facility shall maintain the fol-
averaging period, alarm set points, or lowing information (as applicable) for a
alarm delay time may not be adjusted. period of at least 5 years:
In no case may the sensitivity be in- (1) Calendar date of each record;
creased by more than 100 percent or de- (2) Records of the following data:
creased more than 50 percent over a (i) Concentrations of any pollutant
365-day period unless such adjustment listed in § 60.52c or measurements of
follows a complete fabric filter inspec- opacity as determined by the contin-
tion that demonstrates that the fabric uous emission monitoring system (if
filter is in good operating condition. applicable);
Each adjustment shall be recorded. (ii) Results of fugitive emissions (by
(11) Record the results of each inspec- EPA Reference Method 22) tests, if ap-
tion, calibration, and validation check. plicable;
(12) Initiate corrective action within (iii) HMIWI charge dates, times, and
1 hour of a bag leak detection system weights and hourly charge rates;
alarm; operate and maintain the fabric
(iv) Fabric filter inlet temperatures
filter such that the alarm is not en-
during each minute of operation, as ap-
gaged for more than 5 percent of the
total operating time in a 6-month
(v) Amount and type of dioxin/furan
block reporting period. If inspection of
sorbent used during each hour of oper-
the fabric filter demonstrates that no
ation, as applicable;
corrective action is required, no alarm
time is counted. If corrective action is (vi) Amount and type of Hg sorbent
required, each alarm is counted as a used during each hour of operation, as
minimum of 1 hour. If it takes longer applicable;
than 1 hour to initiate corrective ac- (vii) Amount and type of HCl sorbent
tion, the alarm time is counted as the used during each hour of operation, as
actual amount of time taken to ini- applicable;
tiate corrective action. (viii) For affected facilities as defined
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), amount and
[62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 74 type of NOX reagent used during each
FR 51412, Oct. 6, 2009] hour of operation, as applicable;
§ 60.58c Reporting and recordkeeping (ix) Secondary chamber temperatures
requirements. recorded during each minute of oper-
(a) The owner or operator of an af-
(x) Liquor flow rate to the wet scrub-
fected facility shall submit notifica-
ber inlet during each minute of oper-
tions, as provided by § 60.7. In addition,
ation, as applicable;
the owner or operator shall submit the
following information: (xi) Horsepower or amperage to the
(1) Prior to commencement of con- wet scrubber during each minute of op-
struction; eration, as applicable;
(i) A statement of intent to con- (xii) Pressure drop across the wet
struct; scrubber system during each minute of
(ii) The anticipated date of com- operation, as applicable,
mencement of construction; and (xiii) Temperature at the outlet from
(iii) All documentation produced as a the wet scrubber during each minute of
result of the siting requirements of operation, as applicable;
§ 60.54c. (xiv) pH at the inlet to the wet scrub-
(2) Prior to initial startup; ber during each minute of operation, as
(i) The type(s) of waste to be com- applicable,
busted; (xv) Records indicating use of the by-
(ii) The maximum design waste burn- pass stack, including dates, times, and
ing capacity; durations, and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(iii) The anticipated maximum (xvi) For affected facilities com-

charge rate; and plying with § 60.56c(j) and § 60.57c(d), the


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§ 60.58c 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

owner or operator shall maintain all as required by § 60.53c(i), including the

operating parameter data collected; date of the initial review and all subse-
(xvii) For affected facilities as de- quent annual reviews;
fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), records of (9) Records showing the names of the
the annual air pollution control device HMIWI operators who have completed
inspections, any required maintenance, the operator training requirements, in-
and any repairs not completed within cluding documentation of training and
10 days of an inspection or the time- the dates of the training;
frame established by the Adminis- (10) Records showing the names of
trator. the HMIWI operators who have met the
(xviii) For affected facilities as de- criteria for qualification under § 60.53c
fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), records of and the dates of their qualification;
each bag leak detection system alarm, and
the time of the alarm, the time correc- (11) Records of calibration of any
tive action was initiated and com- monitoring devices as required under
pleted, and a brief description of the § 60.57c(a) through (d).
cause of the alarm and the corrective
(c) The owner or operator of an af-
action taken, as applicable.
fected facility shall submit the infor-
(xix) For affected facilities as defined
mation specified in paragraphs (c)(1)
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), concentrations
through (c)(4) of this section no later
of CO as determined by the continuous
than 60 days following the initial per-
emissions monitoring system.
formance test. All reports shall be
(3) Identification of calendar days for
signed by the facilities manager.
which data on emission rates or oper-
ating parameters specified under para- (1) The initial performance test data
graph (b)(2) of this section have not as recorded under § 60.56c(b)(1) through
been obtained, with an identification of (b)(14), as applicable.
the emission rates or operating param- (2) The values for the site-specific op-
eters not measured, reasons for not ob- erating parameters established pursu-
taining the data, and a description of ant to § 60.56c(d), (h), or (j), as applica-
corrective actions taken. ble, and a description, including sam-
(4) Identification of calendar days, ple calculations, of how the operating
times and durations of malfunctions, a parameters were established during the
description of the malfunction and the initial performance test.
corrective action taken. (3) The waste management plan as
(5) Identification of calendar days for specified in § 60.55c.
which data on emission rates or oper- (4) For each affected facility as de-
ating parameters specified under para- fined in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4) that uses a
graph (b)(2) of this section exceeded the bag leak detection system, analysis
applicable limits, with a description of and supporting documentation dem-
the exceedances, reasons for such onstrating conformance with EPA
exceedances, and a description of cor- guidance and specifications for bag
rective actions taken. leak detection systems in § 60.57c(h).
(6) The results of the initial, annual, (d) An annual report shall be sub-
and any subsequent performance tests mitted 1 year following the submis-
conducted to determine compliance sions of the information in paragraph
with the emissions limits and/or to es- (c) of this section and subsequent re-
tablish or re-establish operating pa- ports shall be submitted no more than
rameters, as applicable, and a descrip- 12 months following the previous re-
tion, including sample calculations, of port (once the unit is subject to per-
how the operating parameters were es- mitting requirements under title V of
tablished or re-established, if applica- the Clean Air Act, the owner or oper-
ble. ator of an affected facility must submit
(7) All documentation produced as a these reports semiannually). The an-
result of the siting requirements of nual report shall include the informa-
§ 60.54c; tion specified in paragraphs (d)(1)
(8) Records showing the names of through (11) of this section. All reports
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

HMIWI operators who have completed shall be signed by the facilities man-
review of the information in § 60.53c(h) ager.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.58c

(1) The values for the site-specific op- 10 days of an inspection or the time-
erating parameters established pursu- frame established by the Adminis-
ant to § 60.56c(d), (h), or (j), as applica- trator.
ble. (10) For affected facilities as defined
(2) The highest maximum operating in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), records of each
parameter and the lowest minimum op- bag leak detection system alarm, the
erating parameter, as applicable, for time of the alarm, the time corrective
each operating parameter recorded for action was initiated and completed,
the calendar year being reported, pur- and a brief description of the cause of
suant to § 60.56c(d), (h), or (j), as appli- the alarm and the corrective action
cable. taken, as applicable.
(3) The highest maximum operating (11) For affected facilities as defined
parameter and the lowest minimum op- in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), concentrations
erating parameter, as applicable, for of CO as determined by the continuous
each operating parameter recorded emissions monitoring system.
pursuant to § 60.56c(d), (h), or (j) for the (e) The owner or operator of an af-
calendar year preceding the year being fected facility shall submit semiannual
reported, in order to provide the Ad-
reports containing any information re-
ministrator with a summary of the per-
corded under paragraphs (b)(3) through
formance of the affected facility over a
(b)(5) of this section no later than 60
2-year period.
days following the reporting period.
(4) Any information recorded under
The first semiannual reporting period
paragraphs (b)(3) through (b)(5) of this
ends 6 months following the submission
section for the calendar year being re-
of information in paragraph (c) of this
section. Subsequent reports shall be
(5) Any information recorded under
submitted no later than 6 calendar
paragraphs (b)(3) through (b)(5) of this
months following the previous report.
section for the calendar year preceding
All reports shall be signed by the facili-
the year being reported, in order to
ties manager.
provide the Administrator with a sum-
mary of the performance of the af- (f) All records specified under para-
fected facility over a 2-year period. graph (b) of this section shall be main-
(6) If a performance test was con- tained onsite in either paper copy or
ducted during the reporting period, the computer-readable format, unless an
results of that test. alternative format is approved by the
(7) If no exceedances or malfunctions Administrator.
were reported under paragraphs (b)(3) (g) For affected facilities, as defined
through (b)(5) of this section for the in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), that choose to
calendar year being reported, a state- submit an electronic copy of stack test
ment that no exceedances occurred reports to EPA’s WebFIRE data base,
during the reporting period. as of December 31, 2011, the owner or
(8) Any use of the bypass stack, the operator of an affected facility shall
duration, reason for malfunction, and enter the test data into EPA’s data
corrective action taken. base using the Electronic Reporting
(9) For affected facilities as defined Tool located at
in § 60.50c(a)(3) and (4), records of the chief/ert/ertlltool.html.
annual air pollution control device in- [62 FR 48382, Sept. 15, 1997, as amended at 74
spection, any required maintenance, FR 51413, Oct. 6, 2009; 76 FR 18413, Apr. 4,
and any repairs not completed within 2011]
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Pt. 60, Subpt. Ec, Table 1A 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)


Emissions limits Method
Units (7 percent oxy- for
Pollutant HMIWI size Averaging time 1
gen, dry basis) demonstrating
compliance 2
Small Medium Large

Particulate Milligrams per dry 69 (0.03) .... 34 (0.015) .. 34 (0.015) ..... 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
matter. standard cubic hour minimum Method 5 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–3 of
dry standard cubic run). part 60, or EPA
foot). Reference Meth-
od M 26A or 29 of
appendix A–8 of
part 60.
Carbon mon- Parts per million by 40 .............. 40 .............. 40 .................. 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
oxide. volume. hour minimum Method 10 or 10B
sample time per of appendix A–4
run). of part 60.
Dioxins/ Nanograms per dry 125 (55) or 25 (11) or 25 (11) or 0.6 3-run average (4- EPA Reference
furans. standard cubic 2.3 (1.0). 0.6 (0.26). (0.26). hour minimum Method 23 of ap-
meter total dioxins/ sample time per pendix A–7 of
furans (grains per run). part 60.
billion dry standard
cubic feet) or
nanograms per dry
standard cubic
meter TEQ (grains
per billion dry stand-
ard cubic feet).
Hydrogen Parts per million by 15 or 99% .. 15 or 99% .. 15 or 99% ..... 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
chloride. volume or percent hour minimum Method 26 or 26A
reduction. sample time per of appendix A–8
run). of part 60.
Sulfur dioxide Parts per million by 55 .............. 55 .............. 55 .................. 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
volume. hour minimum Method 6 or 6C of
sample time per appendix A–4 of
run). part 60.
Nitrogen ox- Parts per million by 250 ............ 250 ............ 250 ................ 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
ides. volume. hour minimum Method 7 or 7E of
sample time per appendix A–4 of
run). part 60.
Lead ............. Milligrams per dry 1.2 (0.52) or 0.07 (0.03) 0.07 (0.03) or 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic 70%. or 98%. 98%. hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet) or
percent reduction.
Cadmium ..... Milligrams per dry 0.16 (0.07) 0.04 (0.02) 0.04 (0.02) or 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic or 65%. or 90%. 90%. hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet) or
percent reduction.
Mercury ........ Milligrams per dry 0.55 (0.24) 0.55 (0.24) 0.55 (0.24) or 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic or 85%. or 85%. 85%. hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet) or
percent reduction.
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[74 FR 51414, Oct. 6, 2009, as amended at 76 FR 18414, Apr. 4, 2011]

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


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Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 60, Subpt. Ec, Table 2


Emissions limits
Units Method for
Pollutant (7 percent oxygen, HMIWI size Averaging time 1 demonstrating
dry basis) compliance 2
Small Medium Large

Particulate Milligrams per dry 66 (0.029) .. 22 (0.0095) 18 (0.0080) ... 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
matter. standard cubic hour minimum Method 5 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–3 of
dry standard cubic run). part 60, or EPA
foot). Reference Meth-
od M 26A or 29 of
appendix A–8 of
part 60.
Carbon mon- Parts per million by 20 .............. 1.8 ............. 11 .................. 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
oxide. volume. hour minimum Method 10 or 10B
sample time per of appendix A–4
run). of part 60.
Dioxins/ Nanograms per dry 16 (7.0) or 0.47 (0.21) 9.3 (4.1) or 3-run average (4- EPA Reference
furans. standard cubic 0.013 or 0.014 0.035 hour minimum Method 23 of ap-
meter total dioxins/ (0.0057). (0.0061). (0.015). sample time per pendix A–7 of
furans (grains per run). part 60.
billion dry standard
cubic feet) or
nanograms per dry
standard cubic
meter TEQ (grains
per billion dry stand-
ard cubic feet).
Hydrogen Parts per million by 15 .............. 7.7 ............. 5.1 ................. 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
chloride. volume. hour minimum Method 26 or 26A
sample time per of appendix A–8
run). of part 60.
Sulfur dioxide Parts per million by 1.4 ............. 1.4 ............. 8.1 ................. 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
volume. hour minimum Method 6 or 6C of
sample time per appendix A–4 of
run). part 60.
Nitrogen ox- Parts per million by 67 .............. 67 .............. 140 ................ 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
ides. volume. hour minimum Method 7 or 7E of
sample time per appendix A–4 of
run). part 60.
Lead ............. Milligrams per dry 0.31 (0.14) 0.018 0.00069 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic (0.0079). (0.00030). hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet).
Cadmium ..... Milligrams per dry 0.017 0.0098 0.00013 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic (0.0074). (0.0043). (0.000057). hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet).
Mercury ........ Milligrams per dry 0.014 0.0035 0.0013 3-run average (1- EPA Reference
standard cubic (0.0061). (0.0015). (0.00057). hour minimum Method 29 of ap-
meter (grains per sample time per pendix A–8 of
thousand dry stand- run). part 60.
ard cubic feet).
1 Except as allowed under § 60.56c(c) for HMIWI equipped with CEMS.
2 Does not include CEMS and approved alternative non-EPA test methods allowed under § 60.56c(b).

[74 FR 51414, Oct. 6, 2009, as amended at 76 FR 18414, Apr. 4, 2011]


Dioxin/furan congener lency

2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ............................................................................................................................ 1

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ....................................................................................................................... 0.5

1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ..................................................................................................................... 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ..................................................................................................................... 0.1


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Pt. 60, Subpt. Ec, Table 3 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Dioxin/furan congener lency

1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ..................................................................................................................... 0.1

1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ................................................................................................................. 0.01
octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ........................................................................................................................................ 0.001
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzofuran ................................................................................................................................. 0.1
2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran ............................................................................................................................. 0.5
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran ............................................................................................................................. 0.05
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ........................................................................................................................... 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ........................................................................................................................... 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ........................................................................................................................... 0.1
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran ........................................................................................................................... 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran ....................................................................................................................... 0.01
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran ....................................................................................................................... 0.01
Octachlorinated dibenzofuran ............................................................................................................................................. 0.001



Minimum frequency Control system

Dry scrub-
Operating parameters to be mon- Dry scrub- ber followed
itored ber followed Wet scrub-
Data measurement Data recording by fabric fil-
by fabric fil- ber ter and wet
ter scrubber

Maximum operating parameters:

Maximum charge rate ..... Continuous ................ 1 × hour ..................... ✔ ✔ ✔
Maximum fabric filter inlet Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. ✔ .................... ✔
Maximum flue gas tem- Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. ✔ ✔
Minimum operating parameters:
Minimum secondary Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. ✔ ✔ ✔
chamber temperature.
Minimum dioxin/furan Hourly ........................ 1 × hour ..................... ✔ .................... ✔
sorbent flow rate.
Minimum HCI sorbent Hourly ........................ 1 × hour ..................... ✔ .................... ✔
flow rate.
Minimum mercury (Hg) Hourly ........................ 1 × hour ..................... ✔ .................... ✔
sorbent flow rate.
Minimum pressure drop Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. .................... ✔ ✔
across the wet scrub-
ber or minimum horse-
power or amperage to
wet scrubber.
Minimum scrubber liquor Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. .................... ✔ ✔
flow rate.
Minimum scrubber liquor Continuous ................ 1 × minute ................. .................... ✔ ✔

Subpart F—Standards of Perform- fer points, bagging and bulk loading

ance for Portland Cement and unloading systems.
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
Plants of this section that commences con-
§ 60.60 Applicability and designation struction or modification after August
of affected facility. 17, 1971, is subject to the requirements
of this subpart.
(a) The provisions of this subpart are
applicable to the following affected fa- [42 FR 37936, July 25, 1977]
cilities in portland cement plants: § 60.61 Definitions.
Kiln, clinker cooler, raw mill system,
finish mill system, raw mill dryer, raw As used in this subpart, all terms not
defined herein shall have the meaning
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

material storage, clinker storage, fin-

given them in the Act and in subpart A
ished product storage, conveyor trans-
of this part.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.62

(a) Portland cement plant means any ance with an emissions limit based on
facility manufacturing portland ce- pollutant concentration, a 30-day roll-
ment by either the wet or dry process. ing average is comprised of the average
(b) Bypass means any system that of all the hourly average concentra-
prevents all or a portion of the kiln or tions over the previous 30 operating
clinker cooler exhaust gases from en- days. For demonstration of compliance
tering the main control device and with an emissions limit based on lbs-
ducts the gases through a separate con- pollutant per production unit, the 30-
trol device. This does not include emer- day rolling average is calculated by
gency systems designed to duct ex- summing the hourly mass emissions
haust gases directly to the atmosphere over the previous 30 operating days,
in the event of a malfunction of any then dividing that sum by the total
control device controlling kiln or production during the same period.
clinker cooler emissions. (h) Run average means the average of
(c) Bypass stack means the stack that the recorded parameter values for a
vents exhaust gases to the atmosphere run.
from the bypass control device. [36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 39
(d) Monovent means an exhaust con- FR 20793, June 13, 1974; 53 FR 50363, Dec. 14,
figuration of a building or emission 1988; 78 FR 10032, Feb. 12, 2013; 80 FR 44776,
control device (e.g., positive-pressure July 27, 2015]
fabric filter) that extends the length of
the structure and has a width very § 60.62 Standards.
small in relation to its length (i.e., (a) On and after the date on which
length to width ratio is typically the performance test required to be
greater than 5:1). The exhaust may be conducted by § 60.8 is completed, you
an open vent with or without a roof, may not discharge into the atmosphere
louvered vents, or a combination of from any kiln any gases which:
such features. (1) Contain particulate matter (PM)
(e) Excess emissions means, with re- in excess of:
spect to this subpart, results of any re- (i) 0.30 pounds per ton of feed (dry
quired measurements outside the appli- basis) to the kiln for kilns constructed,
cable range (e.g., emissions limita- reconstructed, or modified after Au-
tions, parametric operating limits) gust 17, 1971 but on or before June 16,
that is permitted by this subpart. The 2008.
values of measurements will be in the (ii) 0.02 pound per ton of clinker if
same units and averaging time as the construction or reconstruction of the
values specified in this subpart for the kiln commenced after June 16, 2008.
limitations. (iii) Kilns that have undergone a
(f) Operating day means a 24-hour pe- modification may not discharge into
riod beginning at 12:00 midnight during the atmosphere any gases which con-
which the kiln produces clinker at any tain PM in excess of 0.07 pound per ton
time. For calculating 30 day rolling av- of clinker.
erage emissions, an operating day does (2) Exhibit greater than 20 percent
not include the hours of operation dur- opacity for kilns constructed, recon-
ing startup or shutdown. structed, or modified after August 17,
(g) Rolling average means the weight- 1971 but on or before June 16, 2008, ex-
ed average of all data, meeting QA/QC cept that this opacity limit does not
requirements or otherwise normalized, apply to any kiln subject to a PM limit
collected during the applicable aver- in paragraph (a)(1) of this section that
aging period. The period of a rolling av- uses a PM continuous parametric mon-
erage stipulates the frequency of data itoring system (CPMS).
averaging and reporting. To dem- (3) Exceed 1.50 pounds of nitrogen
onstrate compliance with an operating oxide (NOX) per ton of clinker on a 30-
parameter a 30-day rolling average pe- operating day rolling average if con-
riod requires calculation of a new aver- struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
age value each operating day and shall tion of the kiln commences after June
include the average of all the hourly 16, 2008, except this limit does not
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

averages of the specific operating pa- apply to any alkali bypass installed on
rameter. For demonstration of compli- the kiln. An operating day includes all


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§ 60.63 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

valid data obtained in any daily 24- kiln exhaust to determine total PM
hour period during which the kiln oper- emissions.
ates and excludes any measurements (c) On and after the date on which
made during the daily 24-hour period the performance test required to be
when the kiln was not operating. conducted by § 60.8 is completed, you
(4) Exceed 0.4 pounds of sulfur dioxide may not discharge into the atmosphere
(SO2) per ton of clinker on a 30-oper- from any affected facility other than
ating day rolling average if construc- the kiln and clinker cooler any gases
tion, reconstruction, or modification which exhibit 10 percent opacity, or
commences after June 16, 2008, unless greater.
you are demonstrating a 90 percent SO2 (d) If you have an affected source
emissions reduction measured across subject to this subpart with a different
the SO2 control device. An operating emissions limit or requirement for the
day includes all valid data obtained in same pollutant under another regula-
any daily 24-hour period during which tion in title 40 of this chapter, once
the kiln operates, and excludes any you are in compliance with the most
measurements made during the daily stringent emissions limit or require-
24-hour period when the kiln was not ment, you are not subject to the less
operating. stringent requirement. Until you are in
(b) On and after the date on which compliance with the more stringent
the performance test required to be limit, the less stringent limit con-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, you tinues to apply.
may not discharge into the atmosphere (e) The compliance date for all re-
from any clinker cooler any gases vised monitoring and recordkeeping re-
which: quirements contained in this rule will
(1) Contain PM in excess of: be the same as listed in 63.1351(c) un-
(i) 0.02 pound per ton of clinker if less you commenced construction as of
construction or reconstruction of the June 16, 2008, at which time the compli-
clinker cooler commences after June ance date is November 8, 2010 or upon
16, 2008. startup, whichever is later.
(ii) 0.07 pound per ton of clinker if [75 FR 55034, Sept. 9, 2010, as amended at 78
the clinker cooler has undergone a FR 10032, Feb. 12, 2013; 80 FR 44777, July 27,
modification. 2015]
(iii) 0.10 lb per ton of feed (dry basis)
for clinker coolers constructed, recon- § 60.63 Monitoring of operations.
structed, or modified after August 17, (a) [Reserved]
1971, but on or before June 16, 2008. (b) Clinker production monitoring re-
(iv) 10 percent opacity for clinker quirements. For any kiln subject to an
coolers constructed, reconstructed, or emissions limitation on PM, NOX, or
modified after August 17, 1971, but on SO2 emissions (lb/ton of clinker), you
or before June 16, 2008, except that this must:
opacity limit does not apply to any (1) Determine hourly clinker produc-
clinker cooler subject to a PM limit in tion by one of two methods:
paragraph (b)(1) of this section that (i) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
uses a PM continuous parametric mon- operate a permanent weigh scale sys-
itoring system (CPMS). tem to measure and record weight
(2) If the kiln and clinker cooler ex- rates of the amount of clinker pro-
haust are combined for energy effi- duced in tons of mass per hour. The
ciency purposes and sent to a single system of measuring hourly clinker
control device, the appropriate kiln production must be maintained within
PM limit may be adjusted using the ±5 percent accuracy or
procedures in § 63.1343(b) of this chap- (ii) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
ter. operate a permanent weigh scale sys-
(3) If the kiln has a separated alkali tem to measure and record weight
bypass stack and/or an inline coal mill rates of the amount of feed to the kiln
with a separate stack, you must com- in tons of mass per hour. The system of
bine the PM emissions from the bypass measuring feed must be maintained
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

stack and/or the inline coal mill stack within ±5 percent accuracy. Calculate
with the PM emissions from the main your hourly clinker production rate


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.63

using a kiln specific feed-to-clinker cent of the standard. If your PM com-

ratio based on reconciled clinker pro- pliance test demonstrates your PM
duction rates determined for account- emission levels to be at or above 75 per-
ing purposes and recorded feed rates. cent of your emission limit you will
This ratio should be updated monthly. use the average PM CPMS value re-
Note that if this ratio changes at corded during the PM compliance test
clinker reconciliation, you must use demonstrating compliance with the PM
the new ratio going forward, but you do limit to establish your operating limit.
not have to retroactively change clink- You will use the PM CPMS to dem-
er production rates previously esti- onstrate continuous compliance with
mated. your operating limit. You must repeat
(iii) For each kiln operating hour for the performance test annually and re-
which you do not have data on clinker assess and adjust the site-specific oper-
production or the amount of feed to the ating limit in accordance with the re-
kiln, use the value from the most re- sults of the performance test.
cent previous hour for which valid data (i) Your PM CPMS must provide a 4–
are available. 20 milliamp or digital signal output
(2) Determine, record, and maintain a and the establishment of its relation-
record of the accuracy of the system of ship to manual reference method meas-
measuring hourly clinker production urements must be determined in units
rates or feed rates before initial use of milliamps or the monitors digital
(for new sources) or by the effective equivalent.
compliance date of this rule (for exist- (ii) Your PM CPMS operating range
ing sources). During each quarter of must be capable of reading PM con-
source operation, you must determine, centrations from zero to a level equiva-
record, and maintain a record of the lent to two times your allowable emis-
ongoing accuracy of the system of sion limit. If your PM CPMS is an
measuring hourly clinker production auto-ranging instrument capable of
rates or feed rates. multiple scales, the primary range of
(3) If you measure clinker production the instrument must be capable of
directly, record the daily clinker pro- reading PM concentration from zero to
duction rates; if you measure the kiln a level equivalent to two times your al-
feed rates and calculate clinker pro- lowable emission limit.
duction, record the daily kiln feed and (iii) During the initial performance
clinker production rates. test or any such subsequent perform-
(c) PM Emissions Monitoring Require- ance test that demonstrates compli-
ments. (1) For each kiln or clinker cool- ance with the PM limit, record and av-
er subject to a PM emissions limit in erage all milliamp or digital output
§§ 60.62(a)1(ii) and 60.62(a)1(iii) or values from the PM CPMS for the peri-
§§ 60.62(b)(1)(i) and 60.62(b)(1)(ii), you ods corresponding to the compliance
must demonstrate compliance through test runs (e.g., average all your PM
an initial performance test. You will CPMS output values for three cor-
conduct your performance test using responding 2-hour Method 5I test runs).
Method 5 or Method 5I at appendix A– (3) Determine your operating limit as
3 to part 60 of this chapter. You must specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through
also monitor continuous performance (c)(5) of this section. If your PM per-
through use of a PM CPMS. formance test demonstrates your PM
(2) For your PM CPMS, you will es- emission levels to be below 75 percent
tablish a site-specific operating limit. of your emission limit, you will use the
If your PM performance test dem- average PM CPMS value recorded dur-
onstrates your PM emission levels to ing the PM compliance test, the
be below 75 percent of your emission milliamp or digital equivalent of zero
limit you will use the average PM output from your PM CPMS, and the
CPMS value recorded during the PM average PM result of your compliance
compliance test, the milliamp equiva- test to establish your operating limit.
lent of zero output from your PM If your PM compliance test dem-
CPMS, and the average PM result of onstrates your PM emission levels to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

your compliance test to establish your be at or above 75 percent of your emis-

operating limit equivalent to 75 per- sion limit, you will use the average PM


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§ 60.63 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

CPMS value recorded during the PM the instrument from the stack and
compliance test to establish your oper- monitoring ambient air on a test
ating limit. You must verify an exist- bench.
ing or establish a new operating limit (B) Zero point data for extractive in-
after each repeated performance test. struments should be obtained by re-
You must repeat the performance test moving the extractive probe from the
at least annually and reassess and ad- stack and drawing in clean ambient
just the site-specific operating limit in air.
accordance with the results of the per- (C) The zero point can also can be ob-
formance test. tained by performing manual reference
(4) If the average of your three Meth- method measurements when the flue
od 5 or 5I compliance test runs are gas is free of PM emissions or contains
below 75 percent of your PM emission very low PM concentrations (e.g., when
limit, you must calculate an operating your process is not operating, but the
limit by establishing a relationship of fans are operating or your source is
PM CPMS signal to PM concentration combusting only natural gas) and plot-
using the PM CPMS instrument zero, ting these with the compliance data to
the average PM CPMS values cor- find the zero intercept.
responding to the three compliance (D) If none of the steps in paragraphs
test runs, and the average PM con- (c)(4)(i)(A) through (C) of this section
centration from the Method 5 or 5I are possible, you must use a zero out-
compliance test with the procedures in put value provided by the manufac-
(c)(4)(i)(A) through (D) of this section. turer.
(i) Determine your PM CPMS instru- (ii) Determine your PM CPMS instru-
ment zero output with one of the fol- ment average in milliamps or digital
lowing procedures. equivalent and the average of your cor-
(A) Zero point data for in-situ instru- responding three PM compliance test
ments should be obtained by removing runs, using equation 1.

Where: value, your three run average PM

X1 = The PM CPMS data points for the three CPMS milliamp or digital signal value,
runs constituting the performance test, and your three run average PM con-
Y1 = The PM concentration value for the
centration from your three PM per-
three runs constituting the performance
test, and formance test runs, determine a rela-
n = The number of data points. tionship of lb/ton-clinker per milliamp
or digital signal with equation 2.
(iii) With your PM CPMS instrument
zero expressed in milliamps or a digital

Where: X1 = The three run average milliamp or dig-

R = The relative lb/ton clinker per milliamp ital signal output from your PM CPMS.
or digital equivalent for your PM CPMS. z = The milliamp or digital equivalent of
your instrument zero determined from
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Y1 = The three run average PM lb/ton clink-


er. (c)(4)(i) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.63

(iv) Determine your source specific above in Equation 3, below. This sets
30-day rolling average operating limit your operating limit at the PM CPMS
using the lb/ton-clinker per milliamp output value corresponding to 75 per-
or digital signal value from Equation 2 cent of your emission limit.

Where: (5) If the average of your three PM

Ol = The operating limit for your PM CPMS compliance test runs is at or above 75
on a 30-day rolling average, in milliamps percent of your PM emission limit, you
or the digital equivalent.
must determine your operating limit
L = Your source emission limit expressed in
lb/ton clinker. by averaging the PM CPMS milliamp
z = Your instrument zero in milliamps or a or digital equivalent output cor-
digital equivalent, determined from responding to your three PM perform-
(1)(i). ance test runs that demonstrate com-
R = The relative lb/ton-clinker per milliamp pliance with the emission limit using
or digital equivalent, for your PM CPMS,
from Equation 2. Equation 4.

Where: must demonstrate continuous compli-

X1 = The PM CPMS data points for all runs ance by using all quality-assured hour-
i. ly average data collected by the PM
n = The number of data points. CPMS for all operating hours to cal-
Oh = Your site specific operating limit, in culate the arithmetic average oper-
milliamps or digital equivalent.
ating parameter in units of the oper-
(6) To determine continuous compli- ating limit (milliamps or the digital
ance, you must record the PM CPMS equivalent) on a 30 operating day roll-
output data for all periods when the ing average basis, updated at the end of
process is operating, and use all the each new kiln operating day. Use Equa-
PM CPMS data for calculations when tion 5 to determine the 30 kiln oper-
the source is not out-of-control. You ating day average.

Where: formance test, conduct at least three

Hpvi = The hourly parameter value for hour separate runs each while the mill is on
ER27JY15.009</GPH> ER27JY15.010</GPH>

i. and the mill is off under the conditions

n = The number of valid hourly parameter that exist when the affected source is
values collected over the previous 30 kiln operating at the level reasonably ex-
operating days.
pected to occur. Conduct each test run
(7) Use EPA Method 5 or Method 5I of to collect a minimum sample volume
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

appendix A to part 60 of this chapter to of 2 dscm for determining compliance

determine PM emissions. For each per- with a new source limit and 1 dscm for


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§ 60.63 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

determining compliance with an exist- part and the requirements in para-

ing source limit. Calculate the time graphs (f)(1) through (5) of this section.
weighted average of the results from (1) The span value of each NOX CEMS
three consecutive runs to determine monitor must be set at 125 percent of
compliance. You need not determine the maximum estimated hourly poten-
the particulate matter collected in the tial NOX emission concentration that
impingers (‘‘back half’’) of the Method translates to the applicable emissions
5 or Method 5I particulate sampling limit at full clinker production capac-
train to demonstrate compliance with ity.
the PM standards of this subpart. This (2) You must conduct performance
shall not preclude the permitting au- evaluations of each NOX CEMS monitor
thority from requiring a determination according to the requirements in
of the ‘‘back half’’ for other purposes. § 60.13(c) and Performance Specification
(8) For PM performance test reports 2 of appendix B to this part. You must
used to set a PM CPMS operating use Methods 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of ap-
limit, the electronic submission of the pendix A–4 to this part for conducting
test report must also include the make the relative accuracy evaluations. The
and model of the PM CPMS instru- method ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue
ment, serial number of the instrument, and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incor-
analytical principle of the instrument porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
(e.g. beta attenuation), span of the in- acceptable alternative to Method 7 or
struments primary analytical range, 7C of appendix A–4 to this part.
milliamp or digital signal value equiv- (3) The span value for the SO2 CEMS
alent to the instrument zero output, monitor is the SO2 emission concentra-
technique by which this zero value was tion that corresponds to 125 percent of
determined, and the average milliamp the applicable emissions limit at full
or digital equivalent signals cor- clinker production capacity and the ex-
responding to each PM compliance test pected maximum fuel sulfur content.
run. (4) You must conduct performance
(d) You must install, operate, cali- evaluations of each SO2 CEMS monitor
brate, and maintain a CEMS continu- according to the requirements in
ously monitoring and recording the § 60.13(c) and Performance Specification
concentration by volume of NOX emis- 2 of appendix B to this part. You must
sions into the atmosphere for any kiln use Methods 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A–
subject to the NOX emissions limit in 4 to this part for conducting the rel-
§ 60.62(a)(3). If the kiln has an alkali by- ative accuracy evaluations. The meth-
pass, NOX emissions from the alkali by- od ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Ex-
pass do not need to be monitored, and haust Gas Analyses,’’ (incorporated by
NOX emission monitoring of the kiln reference—see § 60.17) is an acceptable
exhaust may be done upstream of any alternative to Method 6 or 6A of appen-
commingled alkali bypass gases. dix A–4 to this part.
(e) You must install, operate, cali- (5) You must comply with the quality
brate, and maintain a CEMS for con- assurance requirements in Procedure 1
tinuously monitoring and recording of appendix F to this part for each NOX
the concentration by volume of SO2 and SO2 CEMS, including quarterly ac-
emissions into the atmosphere for any curacy determinations for monitors,
kiln subject to the SO2 emissions limit and daily calibration drift tests.
in § 60.62(a)(4). If you are complying (g) For each CPMS or CEMS required
with the alternative 90 percent SO2 under paragraphs (c) through (e) of this
emissions reduction emissions limit, section:
you must also continuously monitor (1) You must operate the monitoring
and record the concentration by vol- system and collect data at all required
ume of SO2 present at the wet scrubber intervals at all times the affected
inlet. source is operating, except for periods
(f) The NOX and SO2 CEMS required of monitoring system malfunctions, re-
under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this sec- pairs associated with monitoring sys-
tion must be installed, operated and tem malfunctions, and required moni-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

maintained according to Performance toring system quality assurance or

Specification 2 of appendix B of this quality control activities (including, as


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.63

applicable, calibration checks and re- (4) The flow rate monitoring system
quired zero and span adjustments). must be equipped with a data acquisi-
(2) You may not use data recorded tion and recording system that is capa-
during the monitoring system malfunc- ble of recording values over the entire
tions, repairs associated with moni- range specified in paragraph (h)(2) of
toring system malfunctions, or re- this section.
quired monitoring system quality as- (5) The signal conditioner, wiring,
surance or control activities in cal- power supply, and data acquisition and
culations used to report emissions or recording system for the flow rate
operating levels. A monitoring system monitoring system must be compatible
malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, with the output signal of the flow rate
not reasonably preventable failure of sensors used in the monitoring system.
the monitoring system to provide valid (6) The flow rate monitoring system
data. Monitoring system failures that must be designed to measure a min-
are caused in part by poor maintenance imum of one cycle of operational flow
or careless operation are not malfunc- for each successive 15-minute period.
tions. An owner or operator must use (7) The flow rate sensor must be able
all the data collected during all other to determine the daily zero and upscale
periods in reporting emissions or oper- calibration drift (CD) (see sections 3.1
ating levels. and 8.3 of Performance Specification 2
(3) You must meet the requirements in appendix B to this part for a discus-
of § 60.13(h) when determining the 1- sion of CD).
hour averages of emissions data. (i) Conduct the CD tests at two ref-
(h) You must install, operate, cali- erence signal levels, zero (e.g., 0 to 20
brate, and maintain instruments for percent of span) and upscale (e.g., 50 to
continuously measuring and recording 70 percent of span).
the stack gas flow rate to allow deter- (ii) The absolute value of the dif-
mination of the pollutant mass emis- ference between the flow monitor re-
sions rate to the atmosphere for each sponse and the reference signal must be
kiln subject to the PM emissions limits equal to or less than 3 percent of the
in § 60.62(a)(1)(ii) and (iii) and (b)(1)(i) flow monitor span.
and (ii), the NOX emissions limit in (8) You must perform an initial rel-
§ 60.62(a)(3), or the SO2 emissions limit ative accuracy test of the flow rate
in § 60.62(a)(4) according to the require- monitoring system according to sec-
ments in paragraphs (h)(1) through (10), tion 8.2 of Performance Specification 6
where appropriate, of this section. of appendix B to this part, with the ex-
(1) The owner or operator must in- ceptions noted in paragraphs (h)(8)(i)
stall each sensor of the flow rate moni- and (ii) of this section.
toring system in a location that pro- (i) The relative accuracy test is to
vides representative measurement of evaluate the flow rate monitoring sys-
the exhaust gas flow rate at the sam- tem alone rather than a continuous
pling location of the NOX and/or SO2 emission rate monitoring system.
CEMS, taking into account the manu- (ii) The relative accuracy of the flow
facturer’s recommendations. The flow rate monitoring system shall be no
rate sensor is that portion of the sys- greater than 10 percent of the mean
tem that senses the volumetric flow value of the reference method data.
rate and generates an output propor- (9) You must verify the accuracy of
tional to that flow rate. the flow rate monitoring system at
(2) The flow rate monitoring system least once per year by repeating the
must be designed to measure the ex- relative accuracy test specified in
haust gas flow rate over a range that paragraph (h)(8) of this section.
extends from a value of at least 20 per- (10) You must operate the flow rate
cent less than the lowest expected ex- monitoring system and record data
haust flow rate to a value of at least 20 during all periods of operation of the
percent greater than the highest ex- affected facility including periods of
pected exhaust gas flow rate. startup, shutdown, and malfunction,
(3) The flow rate monitoring system except for periods of monitoring sys-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

must have a minimum accuracy of 5 tem malfunctions, repairs associated

percent of the flow rate. with monitoring system malfunctions,


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§ 60.64 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

and required monitoring system qual- the general requirements of § 63.8(c)(1),

ity assurance or quality control activi- (c)(3), and (c)(4)(ii);
ties (including, as applicable, calibra- (ii) Ongoing data quality assurance
tion checks and required zero and span procedures in accordance with the gen-
adjustments. eral requirements of § 63.8(d); and
(i) Development and Submittal (Upon (iii) Ongoing recordkeeping and re-
Request) of Monitoring Plans. To dem- porting procedures in accordance with
onstrate compliance with any applica-
the general requirements of § 63.10(c),
ble emissions limit through perform-
(e)(1), and (e)(2)(i).
ance stack testing or other emissions
monitoring (including PM CPMS), you (3) You must conduct a performance
must develop a site-specific monitoring evaluation of each CMS in accordance
plan according to the requirements in with your site-specific monitoring
paragraphs (i)(1) through (4) of this sec- plan.
tion. This requirement also applies to (4) You must operate and maintain
you if you petition the EPA Adminis- the CMS in continuous operation ac-
trator for alternative monitoring pa- cording to the site-specific monitoring
rameters under § 60.13(3)(i). If you use a plan.
bag leak detector system (BLDS), you
[75 FR 55035, Sept. 9, 2010, as amended at 78
must also meet the requirements speci-
FR 10032, Feb. 12, 2013; 80 FR 44777, July 27,
fied in paragraph § 63.1350(m)(10) of this 2015]
(1) For each continuous monitoring § 60.64 Test methods and procedures.
system (CMS) required in this section,
you must develop, and submit to the (a) In conducting the performance
permitting authority for approval upon tests and relative accuracy tests re-
request, a site-specific monitoring plan quired in § 60.8, you must use reference
that addresses paragraphs (i)(1)(i) methods and procedures and the test
through (iii) of this section. You must methods in appendix A of this part or
submit this site-specific monitoring other methods and procedures as speci-
plan, if requested, at least 30 days be- fied in this section, except as provided
fore the initial performance evaluation in § 60.8(b).
of your CMS. (b)(1)You must demonstrate compli-
(i) Installation of the CMS sampling ance with the PM standards in § 60.62
probe or other interface at a measure- using EPA method 5 or method 5I.
ment location relative to each affected (2) Use Method 9 and the procedures
process unit such that the measure- in § 60.11 to determine opacity.
ment is representative of control of the
(3) Any sources other than kilns (in-
exhaust emissions (e.g., on or down-
cluding associated alkali bypass and
stream of the last control device);
clinker cooler) that are subject to the
(ii) Performance and equipment spec-
ifications for the sample interface, the 10 percent opacity limit must follow
pollutant concentration or parametric the appropriate monitoring procedures
signal analyzer, and the data collection in § 63.1350(f), (m)(1)through (4), (10) and
and reduction systems; and (11), (o), and (p) of this chapter.
(iii) Performance evaluation proce- (c) Calculate and record the rolling 30
dures and acceptance criteria (e.g., kiln operating day average emission
calibrations). rate daily of NOX and SO2 according to
(2) In your site-specific monitoring the procedures in paragraph (c)(1) of
plan, you must also address paragraphs this section.
(i)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section. (1) Calculate the rolling 30 kiln oper-
(i) Ongoing operation and mainte- ating day average emissions according
nance procedures in accordance with to equation 6:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.64

Where: scribed earlier in this paragraph. At

E30D = 30 kiln operating day average emission the discretion of the delegated author-
rate of NOX or SO2, lb/ton of clinker. ity, you must also submit these re-
Ci = Concentration of NOX or SO2 for hour i, ports, including the CBI, to the dele-
ppm. gated authority in the format specified
Qi = Volumetric flow rate of effluent gas for
by the delegated authority. For any
hour i, where
Ci and Qi are on the same basis (either wet or performance test conducted using test
dry), scf/hr. methods that are not listed on the ERT
P = 30 days of clinker production during the Web site, you must submit the results
same time period as the NOX or SO2 emis- of the performance test to the Admin-
sions measured, tons. istrator at the appropriate address list-
k = Conversion factor, 1.194 × 10¥7 for NOX ed in § 63.13.
and 1.660 × 10¥7 for SO2, lb/scf/ppm. (2) Within 60 days after the date of
n = Number of kiln operating hours over 30 completing each CEMS performance
kiln operating days.
evaluation test as defined in § 63.2, you
(2) [Reserved] must submit relative accuracy test
(d)(1) Within 60 days after the date of audit (RATA) data to the EPA’s CDX
completing each performance test (see by using CEDRI in accordance with
§ 60.8) as required by this subpart you paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Only
must submit the results of the per- RATA pollutants that can be docu-
formance tests conducted to dem- mented with the ERT (as listed on the
onstrate compliance under this subpart ERT Web site) are subject to this re-
to the EPA’s WebFIRE database by quirement. For any performance eval-
using the Compliance and Emissions uations with no corresponding RATA
Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) that pollutants listed on the ERT Web site,
is accessed through the EPA’s Central you must submit the results of the per-
Data Exchange (CDX) (http:// formance evaluation to the Adminis- Performance test trator at the appropriate address listed
data must be submitted in the file for- in § 63.13.
mat generated through use of the (3) For PM performance test reports
EPA’s Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) used to set a PM CPMS operating
(see limit, the electronic submission of the
index.html). Only data collected using test report must also include the make
test methods on the ERT Web site are and model of the PM CPMS instru-
subject to this requirement for submit- ment, serial number of the instrument,
ting reports electronically to analytical principle of the instrument
WebFIRE. Owners or operators who (e.g. beta attenuation), span of the in-
claim that some of the information struments primary analytical range,
being submitted for performance tests milliamp value equivalent to the in-
is confidential business information strument zero output, technique by
(CBI) must submit a complete ERT file which this zero value was determined,
including information claimed to be and the average milliamp signals cor-
CBI on a compact disk, flash drive or responding to each PM compliance test
other commonly used electronic stor- run.
age media to the EPA. The electronic (4) All reports required by this sub-
media must be clearly marked as CBI part not subject to the requirements in
and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section
CBI Office, Attention: WebFIRE Ad- must be sent to the Administrator at
ministrator, MD C404–02, 4930 Old Page the appropriate address listed in § 63.13.
Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT The Administrator or the delegated au-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

file with the CBI omitted must be sub- thority may request a report in any
mitted to the EPA via CDX as de- form suitable for the specific case (e.g.,


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§ 60.65 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

by commonly used electronic media authorities contained paragraphs (b)(1)

such as Excel spreadsheet, on CD or through (4) of this section are retained
hard copy). The Administrator retains by the Administrator of the U.S EPA
the right to require submittal of re- and are not transferred to the State,
ports subject to paragraph (d)(1) and (2) local, or Tribal agency.
of this section in paper format. (1) Approval of an alternative to any
non-opacity emissions standard.
[78 FR 10035, Feb. 12, 2013, as amended at 80
FR 44778, July 27, 2015]
(2) Approval of a major change to
test methods under § 60.8(b). A ‘‘major
§ 60.65 Recordkeeping and reporting change to test method’’ is defined in 40
requirements. CFR 63.90.
(a) Each owner or operator required (3) Approval of a major change to
to install a CPMS or CEMS under sec- monitoring under § 60.13(i). A ‘‘major
tions § 60.63(c) through (e) shall submit change to monitoring’’ is defined in 40
reports of excess emissions. The con- CFR 63.90.
(4) Approval of a major change to rec-
tent of these reports must comply with
ordkeeping/reporting under § 60.7(b)
the requirements in § 60.7(c). Notwith-
through (f). A ‘‘major change to record-
standing the provisions of § 60.7(c), such
keeping/reporting’’ is defined in 40 CFR
reports shall be submitted semiannu-
(b) Each owner or operator of facili- [75 FR 55037, Sept. 9, 2010]
ties subject to the provisions of
§ 60.63(c) through (e) shall submit semi- Subpart G—Standards of
annual reports of the malfunction in- Performance for Nitric Acid Plants
formation required to be recorded by
§ 60.7(b). These reports shall include the § 60.70 Applicability and designation
frequency, duration, and cause of any of affected facility.
incident resulting in deenergization of (a) The provisions of this subpart are
any device controlling kiln emissions applicable to each nitric acid produc-
or in the venting of emissions directly tion unit, which is the affected facility.
to the atmosphere. (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
(c) The requirements of this section of this section that commences con-
remain in force until and unless the struction or modification after August
Agency, in delegating enforcement au- 17, 1971, and on or before October 14,
thority to a State under section 111(c) 2011 is subject to the requirements of
of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7411, ap- this subpart. Any facility that com-
proves reporting requirements or an al- mences construction or modification
ternative means of compliance surveil- after October 14, 2011 is subject to sub-
lance adopted by such States. In that part Ga of this part.
event, affected sources within the
[42 FR 37936, July 25, 1977, as amended at 77
State will be relieved of the obligation
FR 48445, Aug. 14, 2012]
to comply with this section, provided
that they comply with the require- § 60.71 Definitions.
ments established by the State.
As used in this subpart, all terms not
[78 FR 10035, Feb. 12, 2013] defined herein shall have the meaning
given them in the Act and in subpart A
§ 60.66 Delegation of authority. of this part.
(a) This subpart can be implemented (a) Nitric acid production unit means
and enforced by the U.S. EPA or a dele- any facility producing weak nitric acid
gated authority such as a State, local, by either the pressure or atmospheric
or Tribal agency. You should contact pressure process.
your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find (b) Weak nitric acid means acid which
out if this subpart is delegated to a is 30 to 70 percent in strength.
State, local, or Tribal agency within
your State. § 60.72 Standard for nitrogen oxides.
(b) In delegating implementation and (a) On and after the date on which
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

enforcement authority to a State, the performance test required to be

local, or Tribal agency, the approval conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.74

owner or operator subject to the provi- (e) For the purpose of reports re-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be quired under § 60.7(c), periods of excess
discharged into the atmosphere from emissions that shall be reported are de-
any affected facility any gases which: fined as any 3-hour period during which
(1) Contain nitrogen oxides, expressed the average nitrogen oxides emissions
as NO2, in excess of 1.5 kg per metric (arithmetic average of three contig-
ton of acid produced (3.0 lb per ton), uous 1-hour periods) as measured by a
the production being expressed as 100 continuous monitoring system exceed
percent nitric acid. the standard under § 60.72(a).
(2) Exhibit 10 percent opacity, or [39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974, as amended at 40
greater. FR 46258, Oct. 6, 1975; 50 FR 15894, Apr. 22,
1985; 54 FR 6666, Feb. 14, 1989]
[39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974, as amended at 40
FR 46258, Oct. 6, 1975]
§ 60.74 Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.73 Emission monitoring. (a) In conducting the performance
(a) The source owner or operator tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
shall install, calibrate, maintain, and erator shall use as reference methods
operate a continuous monitoring sys- and procedures the test methods in ap-
tem for measuring nitrogen oxides pendix A of this part or other methods
(NOX). The pollutant gas mixtures and procedures as specified in this sec-
under Performance Specification 2 and tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). Ac-
for calibration checks under § 60.13(d) of ceptable alternative methods and pro-
this part shall be nitrogen dioxide cedures are given in paragraph (c) of
(NO2). The span value shall be 500 ppm this section.
of NO2. Method 7 shall be used for the (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
performance evaluations under mine compliance with the NOX stand-
§ 60.13(c). Acceptable alternative meth- ard in § 60.72 as follows:
ods to Method 7 are given in § 60.74(c). (1) The emission rate (E) of NOX shall
be computed for each run using the fol-
(b) The owner or operator shall estab-
lowing equation:
lish a conversion factor for the purpose
of converting monitoring data into E = (Cs Qsd)/(P K)
units of the applicable standard (kg/ where:
metric ton, lb/ton). The conversion fac-
E = emission rate of NOX as NO2, kg/metric
tor shall be established by measuring
ton (lb/ton) of 100 percent nitric acid.
emissions with the continuous moni- Cs = concentration of NOX as NO2, g/dscm (lb/
toring system concurrent with meas- dscf).
uring emissions with the applicable Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas,
reference method tests. Using only dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
that portion of the continuous moni- P = acid production rate, metric ton/hr (ton/
toring emission data that represents hr) or 100 percent nitric acid.
emission measurements concurrent K = conversion factor, 1000 g/kg (1.0 lb/lb).
with the reference method test periods, (2) Method 7 shall be used to deter-
the conversion factor shall be deter- mine the NOX concentration of each
mined by dividing the reference meth- grab sample. Method 1 shall be used to
od test data averages by the moni- select the sampling site, and the sam-
toring data averages to obtain a ratio pling point shall be the centroid of the
expressed in units of the applicable stack or duct or at a point no closer to
standard to units of the monitoring the walls than 1 m (3.28 ft). Four grab
data, i.e., kg/metric ton per ppm (lb/ton samples shall be taken at approxi-
per ppm). The conversion factor shall mately 15-minute intervals. The arith-
be reestablished during any perform- metic mean of the four sample con-
ance test under § 60.8 or any continuous centrations shall constitute the run
monitoring system performance eval- value (Cs).
uation under § 60.13(c). (3) Method 2 shall be used to deter-
(c) The owner or operator shall mine the volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of
record the daily production rate and the effluent gas. The measurement site
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

hours of operation. shall be the same as for the NOX sam-

(d) [Reserved] ple. A velocity traverse shall be made


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§ 60.70a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

once per run within the hour that the preventable failure of the monitoring
NOX samples are taken. system to provide valid data. Moni-
(4) The methods of § 60.73(c) shall be toring system failures that are caused
used to determine the production rate in part by poor maintenance or care-
(P) of 100 percent nitric acid for each less operation are not malfunctions.
run. Material balance over the produc- You are required to implement moni-
tion system shall be used to confirm toring system repairs in response to
the production rate. monitoring system malfunctions or
(c) The owner or operator may use out-of-control periods, and to return
the following as alternatives to the ref- the monitoring system to operation as
erence methods and procedures speci- expeditiously as practicable.
fied in this section: Nitric acid production unit means any
(1) For Method 7, Method 7A, 7B, 7C, facility producing weak nitric acid by
or 7D may be used. If Method 7C or 7D either the pressure or atmospheric
is used, the sampling time shall be at pressure process.
least 1 hour.
Operating day means a 24-hour period
(d) The owner or operator shall use
the procedure in § 60.73(b) to determine beginning at 12:00 a.m. during which
the conversion factor for converting the nitric acid production unit oper-
the monitoring data to the units of the ated at any time during this period.
standard. Weak nitric acid means acid which is
30 to 70 percent in strength.
[54 FR 6666, Feb. 14, 1989]
§ 60.72a Standards.
Subpart Ga—Standards of Per- Nitrogen oxides. On and after the date
formance for Nitric Acid on which the performance test required
Plants for Which Construction, to be conducted by § 60.73a(e) is com-
Reconstruction, or Modifica- pleted, you may not discharge into the
tion Commenced After Octo- atmosphere from any affected facility
ber 14, 2011 any gases which contain NOX, ex-
pressed as NO2, in excess of 0.50 pounds
SOURCE: 77 FR 48445, Aug. 14, 2012, unless (lb) per ton of nitric acid produced, as
otherwise noted. a 30-day emission rate calculated based
on 30 consecutive operating days, the
§ 60.70a Applicability and designation production being expressed as 100 per-
of affected facility. cent nitric acid. The emission standard
(a) The provisions of this subpart are applies at all times.
applicable to each nitric acid produc-
tion unit, which is the affected facility. § 60.73a Emissions testing and moni-
(b) This subpart applies to any nitric toring.
acid production unit that commences (a) General emissions monitoring re-
construction or modification after Oc- quirements. You must install and oper-
tober 14, 2011. ate a NOX concentration (ppmv) contin-
uous emissions monitoring system
§ 60.71a Definitions. (CEMS). You must also install and op-
As used in this subpart, all terms not erate a stack gas flow rate monitoring
defined herein shall have the meaning system. With measurements of stack
given them in the Act and in subpart A gas NOX concentration and stack gas
of this part. flow rate, you will determine hourly
Affirmative defense means, in the con- NOX emissions rate (e.g., lb/hr) and
text of an enforcement proceeding, a with measured data of the hourly ni-
response or defense put forward by a tric acid production (tons), calculate
defendant, regarding which the defend- emissions in units of the applicable
ant has the burden of proof, and the emissions limit (lb/ton of 100 percent
merits of which are independently and acid produced). You must operate the
objectively evaluated in a judicial or monitoring system and report emis-
administrative proceeding. sions during all operating periods in-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Monitoring system malfunction means cluding unit startup and shutdown, and
a sudden, infrequent, not reasonably malfunction.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.73a

(b) Nitrogen oxides concentration con- or follow the dynamic spike procedure
tinuous emissions monitoring system. (1) according to paragraph (b)(4)(v) of this
You must install, calibrate, maintain, section.
and operate a CEMS for measuring and (i) For a wet-basis measurement sys-
recording the concentration of NOX tem, you must measure and report
emissions in accordance with the provi- temperature of sample line and compo-
sions of § 60.13 and Performance Speci- nents (up to analyzer inlet) to dem-
fication 2 of appendix B and Procedure onstrate that the temperatures remain
1 of appendix F of this part. You must above the sample gas dew point at all
use cylinder gas audits to fulfill the times during the sampling.
quarterly auditing requirement at sec- (ii) You may use a dilution probe to
tion 5.1 of Procedure 1 of appendix F of reduce the dew point of the sample gas.
this part for the NOX concentration (iii) You may use a refrigerated-type
CEMS. condenser or similar device (e.g., per-
(2) For the NOX concentration CEMS, meation dryer) to remove condensate
use a span value, as defined in Perform- continuously from sample gas while
ance Specification 2, section 3.11, of ap- maintaining minimal contact between
pendix B of this part, of 500 ppmv (as condensate and sample gas.
NO2). If you emit NOX at concentra-
(iv) If your analyzer measures nitric
tions higher than 600 ppmv (e.g., during
oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
startup or shutdown periods), you must
separately, you must use both NO and
apply a second CEMS or dual range
NO2 calibration gases. Otherwise, you
CEMS and a second span value equal to
must substitute NO2 calibration gas for
125 percent of the maximum estimated
NOX emission concentration to apply NO calibration gas in the performance
to the second CEMS or to the higher of of system bias checks.
the dual analyzer ranges during such (v) You must conduct dynamic spik-
periods. ing according to EPA Reference Meth-
(3) For conducting the relative accu- od 7E, section 16.1, of appendix A–4 of
racy test audits, per Performance Spec- this part using NO2 as the spike gas.
ification 2, section 8.4, of appendix B of (5) Instead of a NOX concentration
this part and Procedure 1, section 5.1.1, CEMS meeting Performance Specifica-
of appendix F of this part, use either tion 2, you may apply an FTIR CEMS
EPA Reference Method 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or meeting the requirements of Perform-
7E of appendix A–4 of this part; EPA ance Specification 15 of appendix B of
Reference Method 320 of appendix A of this part to measure NOX concentra-
part 63 of this chapter; or ASTM D6348– tions. Should you use an FTIR CEMS,
03 (incorporated by reference, see you must replace the Relative Accu-
§ 60.17). To verify the operation of the racy Test Audit requirements of Proce-
second CEMS or the higher range of a dure 1 of appendix F of this part with
dual analyzer CEMS described in para- the validation requirements and cri-
graph (b)(2) of this section, you need teria of Performance Specification 15,
not conduct a relative accuracy test sections 11.1.1 and 12.0, of appendix B of
audit but only the calibration drift test this part.
initially (found in Performance Speci- (c) Determining NOX mass emissions
fication 2, section 8.3.1, of appendix B rate values. You must use the NOX con-
of this part) and the cylinder gas audit centration CEMS, acid production, gas
thereafter (found in Procedure 1, sec- flow rate monitor and other moni-
tion 5.1.2, of appendix F of this part). toring data to calculate emissions data
(4) If you use EPA Reference Method in units of the applicable limit (lb NOX/
7E of appendix A–4 of this part, you ton of acid produced expressed as 100
must mitigate loss of NO2 in water ac- percent nitric acid).
cording to the requirements in para- (1) You must install, calibrate, main-
graphs (b)(4)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this sec- tain, and operate a CEMS for meas-
tion and verify performance by con- uring and recording the stack gas flow
ducting the system bias checks re- rates to use in combination with data
quired in EPA Reference Method 7E, from the CEMS for measuring emis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

section 8, of appendix A–4 of this part sions concentrations of NOX to produce

according to (b)(4)(iv) of this section, data in units of mass rate (e.g., lb/hr)


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§ 60.73a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

of NOX on an hourly basis. You will op- also use ASTM E1584–11 (incorporated
erate and certify the continuous emis- by reference, see § 60.17), for deter-
sions rate monitoring system (CERMS) mining the concentration of nitric acid
in accordance with the provisions of in percent. You must determine prod-
§ 60.13 and Performance Specification 6 uct concentration daily.
of appendix B of this part. You must (iii) You must use the acid con-
comply with the following provisions centration to express the nitric acid
in (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section. production as 100 percent nitric acid.
(i) You must use a stack gas flow (iv) You must record the nitric acid
rate sensor with a full scale output of production, expressed as 100 percent ni-
at least 125 percent of the maximum tric acid, and the hours of operation.
expected exhaust volumetric flow rate (3) You must calculate hourly NOX
(see Performance Specification 6, sec- emissions rates in units of the standard
tion 8, of appendix B of this part). (lb/ton acid) for each hour of process
(ii) For conducting the relative accu- operation. For process operating peri-
racy test audits, per Performance Spec- ods for which there is little or no acid
ification 6, section 8.2 of appendix B of production (e.g., startup or shutdown),
this part and Procedure 1, section 5.1.1, you must use the average hourly acid
of appendix F of this part, you must production rate determined from the
use either EPA Reference Method 2, 2F, data collected over the previous 30 days
or 2G of appendix A–4 of this part. You
of normal acid production periods (see
may also apply Method 2H in conjunc-
§ 60.75a).
tion with other velocity measure-
(d) Continuous monitoring system. For
(iii) You must verify that the CERMS each continuous monitoring system,
complies with the quality assurance re- including NOX concentration measure-
quirements in Procedure 1 of appendix ment, volumetric flow rate measure-
F of this part. You must conduct rel- ment, and nitric acid production meas-
ative accuracy testing to provide for urement equipment, you must meet
calculating the relative accuracy for the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1)
RATA and RAA determinations in through (3) of this section.
units of lb/hour. (1) You must operate the monitoring
(2) You must determine the nitric system and collect data at all required
acid production parameters (produc- intervals at all times the affected facil-
tion rate and concentration) by install- ity is operating except for periods of
ing, calibrating, maintaining, and oper- monitoring system malfunctions or
ating a permanent monitoring system out-of-control periods as defined in ap-
(e.g., weigh scale, volume flow meter, pendix F, sections 4 and 5, of this part,
mass flow meter, tank volume) to repairs associated with monitoring sys-
measure and record the weight rates of tem malfunctions or out-of-control pe-
nitric acid produced in tons per hour. If riods, and required monitoring system
your nitric acid production rate meas- quality assurance or quality control
urements are for periods longer than activities including, as applicable, cali-
hourly (e.g., daily values), you will de- bration checks and required zero and
termine average hourly production val- span adjustments.
ues, tons acid/hr, by dividing the total (2) You may not use data recorded
acid production by the number of hours during monitoring system malfunc-
of process operation for the subject tions or out-of-control periods, repairs
measurement period. You must comply associated with monitoring system
with the following provisions in malfunctions or out-of-control periods,
(c)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. or required monitoring system quality
(i) You must verify that each compo- assurance or control activities in cal-
nent of the monitoring system has an culations used to report emissions or
accuracy and precision of no more than operating levels. You must use all the
±5 percent of full scale. data collected during all other periods
(ii) You must analyze product con- in calculating emissions and the status
centration via titration or by deter- of compliance with the applicable
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

mining the temperature and specific emissions limit in accordance with

gravity of the nitric acid. You may § 60.72a(a).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.74a

(e) Initial performance testing. You (iv) Was not part of a recurring pat-
must conduct an initial performance tern indicative of inadequate design,
test to demonstrate compliance with operation, or maintenance; and
the NOX emissions limit under (2) Repairs were made as expedi-
§ 60.72a(a) beginning in the calendar tiously as possible when a violation oc-
month following initial certification of curred. Off-shift and overtime labor
the NOX and flow rate monitoring were used, to the extent practicable to
CEMS. The initial performance test make these repairs; and
consists of collection of hourly NOX av- (3) The frequency, amount, and dura-
erage concentration, mass flow rate re- tion of the violation (including any by-
corded with the certified NOX con- pass) were minimized to the maximum
centration and flow rate CEMS and the extent practicable; and
corresponding acid generation (tons) (4) If the violation resulted from a
data for all of the hours of operation bypass of control equipment or a proc-
for the first 30 days beginning on the ess, then the bypass was unavoidable to
first day of the first month following prevent loss of life, personal injury, or
completion of the CEMS installation severe property damage; and
and certification as described above. (5) All possible steps were taken to
You must assure that the CERMS minimize the impact of the violation
meets all of the data quality assurance on ambient air quality, the environ-
requirements as per § 60.13 and appen- ment, and human health; and
dix F, Procedure 1, of this part and you (6) All emissions monitoring and con-
must use the data from the CERMS for trol systems were kept in operation if
this compliance determination. at all possible, consistent with safety
and good air pollution control prac-
§ 60.74a Affirmative defense for viola- tices; and
tions of emission standards during (7) All of the actions in response to
malfunction. the violation were documented by
In response to an action to enforce properly signed, contemporaneous op-
the standards set forth in § 60.72a, you erating logs; and
may assert an affirmative defense to a (8) At all times, the affected facility
claim for civil penalties for violations was operated in a manner consistent
of such standards that are caused by with good practices for minimizing
malfunction, as defined at 40 CFR 60.2. emissions; and
Appropriate penalties may be assessed, (9) A written root cause analysis has
however, if you fail to meet your bur- been prepared, the purpose of which is
den of proving all of the requirements to determine, correct, and eliminate
in the affirmative defense. The affirma- the primary causes of the malfunction
tive defense shall not be available for and the violation resulting from the
claims for injunctive relief. malfunction event at issue. The anal-
(a) To establish the affirmative de- ysis shall also specify, using best moni-
fense in any action to enforce such a toring methods and engineering judg-
standard, you must timely meet the re- ment, the amount of any emissions
porting requirements in paragraph (b) that were the result of the malfunc-
of this section, and must prove by a tion.
preponderance of evidence that: (b) Report. The owner or operator
(1) The violation: seeking to assert an affirmative de-
(i) Was caused by a sudden, infre- fense shall submit a written report to
quent, and unavoidable failure of air the Administrator with all necessary
pollution control equipment, process supporting documentation, that it has
equipment, or a process to operate in a met the requirements set forth in para-
normal or usual manner; and graph (a) of this section. This affirma-
(ii) Could not have been prevented tive defense report shall be included in
through careful planning, proper design the first periodic compliance, deviation
or better operation and maintenance report or excess emission report other-
practices; and wise required after the initial occur-
(iii) Did not stem from any activity rence of the violation of the relevant
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

or event that could have been foreseen standard (which may be the end of any
and avoided, or planned for; and applicable averaging period). If such


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§ 60.75a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

compliance, deviation report or excess § 60.75a Calculations.

emission report is due less than 45 days (a) You must calculate the 30 oper-
after the initial occurrence of the vio- ating day rolling arithmetic average
lation, the affirmative defense report emissions rate in units of the applica-
may be included in the second compli- ble emissions standard (lb NOX/ton 100
ance, deviation report or excess emis- percent acid produced) at the end of
sion report due after the initial occur- each operating day using all of the
rence of the violation of the relevant quality assured hourly average CEMS
standard. data for the previous 30 operating days.
(b) You must calculate the 30 oper-
ating day average emissions rate ac-
cording to Equation 1:

Where: (2) Times when the pollutant con-

E30 = 30 operating day average emissions rate centration exceeded full span of the
of NOX, lb NOX/ton of 100 percent HNO3; NOX monitoring equipment.
Ci = concentration of NOX for hour i, ppmv; (3) Times when the volumetric flow
Qi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas for rate exceeded the high value of the vol-
hour i, where Ci and Qi are on the same
basis (either wet or dry), scf/hr; umetric flow rate monitoring equip-
Pi = total acid produced during production ment.
hour i, tons 100 percent HNO3; (d) You must maintain records of the
k = conversion factor, 1.194 × 10¥7 for NOX; reasons for any periods of noncompli-
and ance and description of corrective ac-
n = number of operating hours in the 30 oper- tions taken.
ating day period, i.e., n is between 30 and
(e) You must maintain records of any
modifications to CEMS which could af-
[77 FR 48445, Aug. 14, 2012; 79 FR 25681, May fect the ability of the CEMS to comply
6, 2014]
with applicable performance specifica-
§ 60.76a Recordkeeping. tions.
(f) For each malfunction, you must
(a) For the NOX emissions rate, you maintain records of the following in-
must keep records for and results of formation:
the performance evaluations of the
(1) Records of the occurrence and du-
continuous emissions monitoring sys-
ration of each malfunction of operation
(i.e., process equipment) or the air pol-
(b) You must maintain records of the
following information for each 30 oper- lution control and monitoring equip-
ating day period: ment.
(1) Hours of operation. (2) Records of actions taken during
(2) Production rate of nitric acid, ex- periods of malfunction to minimize
pressed as 100 percent nitric acid. emissions in accordance with § 60.11(d),
(3) 30 operating day average NOX including corrective actions to restore
emissions rate values. malfunctioning process and air pollu-
(c) You must maintain records of the tion control and monitoring equipment
following time periods: to its normal or usual manner of oper-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) Times when you were not in com- ation.

pliance with the emissions standards.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.81

§ 60.77a Reporting. (including, but not limited to, flash

(a) The performance test data from drives) by registered letter to EPA and
the initial and subsequent performance the same ERT file with the CBI omit-
tests and from the performance evalua- ted to EPA via CDX as described ear-
tions of the continuous monitors must lier in this paragraph. Mark the com-
be submitted to the Administrator at pact disk or other commonly used elec-
the appropriate address as shown in 40 tronic storage media clearly as CBI and
CFR 60.4. mail to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE CBI Of-
(b) The following information must fice, Attention: WebFIRE Adminis-
be reported to the Administrator for trator, MD C404–02, 4930 Old Page Rd.,
each 30 operating day period where you Durham, NC 27703. At the discretion of
were not in compliance with the emis- the delegated authority, you must also
sions standard: submit these reports to the delegated
(1) Time period; authority in the format specified by
(2) NOX emission rates (lb/ton of acid the delegated authority. You must sub-
produced); mit the other information as required
(3) Reasons for noncompliance with in the performance evaluation as de-
the emissions standard; and scribed in § 60.2 and as required in this
(4) Description of corrective actions chapter.
taken. (f) If a malfunction occurred during
(c) You must also report the fol- the reporting period, you must submit
lowing whenever they occur: a report that contains the following:
(1) Times when the pollutant con- (1) The number, duration, and a brief
centration exceeded full span of the description for each type of malfunc-
NOX pollutant monitoring equipment. tion which occurred during the report-
(2) Times when the volumetric flow ing period and which caused or may
rate exceeded the high value of the vol- have caused any applicable emission
umetric flow rate monitoring equip- limitation to be exceeded.
ment. (2) A description of actions taken by
(d) You must report any modifica- an owner or operator during a malfunc-
tions to CERMS which could affect the tion of an affected facility to minimize
ability of the CERMS to comply with emissions in accordance with § 60.11(d),
applicable performance specifications. including actions taken to correct a
(e) Within 60 days of completion of malfunction.
the relative accuracy test audit
(RATA) required by this subpart, you
must submit the data from that audit Subpart H—Standards of Perform-
to EPA’s WebFIRE database by using ance for Sulfuric Acid Plants
the Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI) that is § 60.80 Applicability and designation
accessed through EPA’s Central Data of affected facility.
Exchange (CDX) ( (a) The provisions of this subpart are
SSL/cdx/EPAllHome.asp). You must applicable to each sulfuric acid produc-
submit performance test data in the tion unit, which is the affected facility.
file format generated through use of (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
EPA’s Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) of this section that commences con-
( struction or modification after August
index.html). Only data collected using 17, 1971, is subject to the requirements
test methods listed on the ERT Web of this subpart.
site are subject to this requirement for
submitting reports electronically to [42 FR 37936, July 25, 1977]
WebFIRE. Owners or operators who
§ 60.81 Definitions.
claim that some of the information
being submitted for performance tests As used in this subpart, all terms not
is confidential business information defined herein shall have the meaning
(CBI) must submit a complete ERT file given them in the Act and in subpart A
including information claimed to be of this part.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

CBI on a compact disk or other com- (a) Sulfuric acid production unit means
monly used electronic storage media any facility producing sulfuric acid by


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§ 60.82 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the contact process by burning ele- shall be used for conducting moni-
mental sulfur, alkylation acid, hydro- toring system performance evaluations
gen sulfide, organic sulfides and under § 60.13(c) except that only the
mercaptans, or acid sludge, but does sulfur dioxide portion of the Method 8
not include facilities where conversion results shall be used. The span value
to sulfuric acid is utilized primarily as shall be set at 1000 ppm of sulfur diox-
a means of preventing emissions to the ide.
atmosphere of sulfur dioxide or other (b) The owner or operator shall estab-
sulfur compounds. lish a conversion factor for the purpose
(b) Acid mist means sulfuric acid mist, of converting monitoring data into
as measured by Method 8 of appendix A units of the applicable standard (kg/
to this part or an equivalent or alter- metric ton, lb/ton). The conversion fac-
native method. tor shall be determined, as a minimum,
[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 39 three times daily by measuring the
FR 20794, June 14, 1974] concentration of sulfur dioxide enter-
ing the converter using suitable meth-
§ 60.82 Standard for sulfur dioxide. ods (e.g., the Reich test, National Air
(a) On and after the date on which Pollution Control Administration Pub-
the performance test required to be lication No. 999–AP–13) and calculating
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no the appropriate conversion factor for
owner or operator subject to the provi- each eight-hour period as follows:
sions of this subpart shall cause to be
discharged into the atmosphere from CF = k[(1.000¥0.015r)/(r¥s)]
any affected facility any gases which where:
contain sulfur dioxide in excess of 2 kg CF = conversion factor (kg/metric ton per
per metric ton of acid produced (4 lb ppm, lb/ton per ppm).
per ton), the production being ex- k = constant derived from material balance.
pressed as 100 percent H2SO4. For determining CF in metric units, k =
[39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974] 0.0653. For determining CF in English
units, k = 0.1306.
§ 60.83 Standard for acid mist. r = percentage of sulfur dioxide by volume
entering the gas converter. Appropriate
(a) On and after the date on which corrections must be made for air injec-
the performance test required to be tion plants subject to the Administra-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no tor’s approval.
owner or operator subject to the provi- s = percentage of sulfur dioxide by volume in
sions of this subpart shall cause to be the emissions to the atmosphere deter-
discharged into the atmosphere from mined by the continuous monitoring sys-
any affected facility any gases which: tem required under paragraph (a) of this
(1) Contain acid mist, expressed as section.
H2SO4, in excess of 0.075 kg per metric (c) The owner or operator shall
ton of acid produced (0.15 lb per ton), record all conversion factors and val-
the production being expressed as 100 ues under paragraph (b) of this section
percent H2SO4. from which they were computed (i.e.,
(2) Exhibit 10 percent opacity, or CF, r, and s).
greater. (d) Alternatively, a source that proc-
[39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974, as amended at 40 esses elemental sulfur or an ore that
FR 46258, Oct. 6, 1975] contains elemental sulfur and uses air
to supply oxygen may use the following
§ 60.84 Emission monitoring. continuous emission monitoring ap-
(a) A continuous monitoring system proach and calculation procedures in
for the measurement of sulfur dioxide determining SO2 emission rates in
shall be installed, calibrated, main- terms of the standard. This procedure
tained, and operated by the owner or is not required, but is an alternative
operator. The pollutant gas used to that would alleviate problems encoun-
prepare calibration gas mixtures under tered in the measurement of gas veloci-
Performance Specification 2 and for ties or production rate. Continuous
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

calibration checks under § 60.13(d), emission monitoring systems for meas-

shall be sulfur dioxide (SO2). Method 8 uring SO2, O2, and CO2 (if required)


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.85

shall be installed, calibrated, main- § 60.85 Test methods and procedures.

tained, and operated by the owner or
(a) In conducting the performance
operator and subjected to the certifi-
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
cation procedures in Performance
erator shall use as reference methods
Specifications 2 and 3. The calibration
and procedures the test methods in ap-
procedure and span value for the SO2
pendix A of this part or other methods
monitor shall be as specified in para-
and procedures as specified in this sec-
graph (b) of this section. The span
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). Ac-
value for CO2 (if required) shall be 10
ceptable alternative methods and pro-
percent and for O2 shall be 20.9 percent
cedures are given in paragraph (c) of
(air). A conversion factor based on
this section.
process rate data is not necessary. Cal-
culate the SO2 emission rate as follows: (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
mine compliance with the SO2 acid
Es = (Cs S)/[0.265 ¥ (0.0126 %O2) ¥ (A mist, and visible emission standards in
%CO2)] §§ 60.82 and 60.83 as follows:
where: (1) The emission rate (E) of acid mist
or SO2 shall be computed for each run
Es = emission rate of SO2, kg/metric ton (lb/
ton) of 100 percent of H2SO4 produced. using the following equation:
Cs = concentration of SO2, kg/dscm (lb/dscf). E = (CQsd) / (PK)
S = acid production rate factor, 368 dscm/
metric ton (11,800 dscf/ton) of 100 percent where:
H2SO4 produced. E = emission rate of acid mist or SO2 kg/met-
%O2 = oxygen concentration, percent dry ric ton (lb/ton) of 100 percent H2SO4 pro-
basis. duced.
A = auxiliary fuel factor, C = concentration of acid mist or SO2, g/dscm
= 0.00 for no fuel. (lb/dscf).
= 0.0226 for methane. Qsd = volumetric flow rate of the effluent gas,
= 0.0217 for natural gas. dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
= 0.0196 for propane. P = production rate of 100 percent H2SO4,
= 0.0172 for No 2 oil. metric ton/hr (ton/hr).
= 0.0161 for No 6 oil. K = conversion factor, 1000 g/kg (1.0 lb/lb).
= 0.0148 for coal.
= 0.0126 for coke. (2) Method 8 shall be used to deter-
%CO2 = carbon dioxide concentration, per- mine the acid mist and SO2 concentra-
cent dry basis. tions (C’s) and the volumetric flow rate
(Qsd) of the effluent gas. The moisture
NOTE: It is necessary in some cases to con-
vert measured concentration units to other content may be considered to be zero.
units for these calculations: The sampling time and sample volume
for each run shall be at least 60 min-
Use the following table for such conversions: utes and 1.15 dscm (40.6 dscf).
From— To— Multiply by— (3) Suitable methods shall be used to
determine the production rate (P) of
g/scm ......................... kg/scm ................... 10¥3 100 percent H2SO4 for each run. Mate-
mg/scm ...................... kg/scm ................... 10¥6
ppm (SO2) .................. kg/scm ................... 2.660 × 10¥6 rial balance over the production sys-
ppm (SO2) .................. lb/scf ...................... 1.660 × 10¥7 tem shall be used to confirm the pro-
duction rate.
(e) For the purpose of reports under (4) Method 9 and the procedures in
§ 60.7(c), periods of excess emissions § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
shall be all three-hour periods (or the ity.
arithmetic average of three consecu- (c) The owner or operator may use
tive one-hour periods) during which the the following as alternatives to the ref-
integrated average sulfur dioxide emis- erence methods and procedures speci-
sions exceed the applicable standards fied in this section:
under § 60.82. (1) If a source processes elemental
[39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974, as amended at 40
sulfur or an ore that contains ele-
FR 46258, Oct. 6, 1975; 48 FR 23611, May 25, mental sulfur and uses air to supply
oxygen, the following procedure may
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

1983; 48 FR 4700, Sept. 29, 1983; 48 FR 48669,

Oct. 20, 1983; 54 FR 6666, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR be used instead of determining the vol-
61753, Oct. 17, 2000; 79 FR 11250, Feb. 27, 2014] umetric flow rate and production rate:


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§ 60.90 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) The integrated technique of Meth- phere from any affected facility any
od 3 is used to determine the O2 con- gases which:
centration and, if required, CO2 con- (1) Contain particulate matter in ex-
centration. cess of 90 mg/dscm (0.04 gr/dscf).
(ii) The SO2 or acid mist emission (2) Exhibit 20 percent opacity, or
rate is calculated as described in greater.
§ 60.84(d), substituting the acid mist
concentration for Cs as appropriate. [39 FR 9314, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 40 FR
46259, Oct. 6, 1975]
[54 FR 6666, Feb. 14, 1989]
§ 60.93 Test methods and procedures.
Subpart I—Standards of Perform- (a) In conducting the performance
ance for Hot Mix Asphalt Fa- tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
cilities erator shall use as reference methods
and procedures the test methods in ap-
§ 60.90 Applicability and designation pendix A of this part or other methods
of affected facility. and procedures as specified in this sec-
(a) The affected facility to which the tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
provisions of this subpart apply is each (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
hot mix asphalt facility. For the pur- mine compliance with the particulate
pose of this subpart, a hot mix asphalt matter standards in § 60.92 as follows:
facility is comprised only of any com- (1) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
bination of the following: dryers; sys- mine the particulate matter concentra-
tems for screening, handling, storing, tion. The sampling time and sample
and weighing hot aggregate; systems volume for each run shall be at least 60
for loading, transferring, and storing minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8 dscf).
mineral filler, systems for mixing hot (2) Method 9 and the procedures in
mix asphalt; and the loading, transfer, § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
and storage systems associated with ity.
emission control systems.
[54 FR 6667, Feb. 14, 1989]
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
of this section that commences con-
struction or modification after June 11, Subpart J—Standards of Perform-
1973, is subject to the requirements of ance for Petroleum Refineries
this subpart.
§ 60.100 Applicability, designation of
[42 FR 37936, July 25, 1977, as amended at 51 affected facility, and reconstruc-
FR 12325, Apr. 10, 1986] tion.
§ 60.91 Definitions. (a) The provisions of this subpart are
applicable to the following affected fa-
As used in this subpart, all terms not cilities in petroleum refineries: fluid
defined herein shall have the meaning catalytic cracking unit catalyst regen-
given them in the Act and in subpart A erators, fuel gas combustion devices,
of this part. and all Claus sulfur recovery plants ex-
(a) Hot mix asphalt facility means any cept Claus plants with a design capac-
facility, as described in § 60.90, used to ity for sulfur feed of 20 long tons per
manufacture hot mix asphalt by heat- day (LTD) or less. The Claus sulfur re-
ing and drying aggregate and mixing covery plant need not be physically lo-
with asphalt cements. cated within the boundaries of a petro-
[51 FR 12325, Apr. 10, 1986] leum refinery to be an affected facility,
provided it processes gases produced
§ 60.92 Standard for particulate mat- within a petroleum refinery.
ter. (b) Any fluid catalytic cracking unit
(a) On and after the date on which catalyst regenerator or fuel gas com-
the performance test required to be bustion device under paragraph (a) of
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no this section other than a flare which
owner or operator subject to the provi- commences construction, reconstruc-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sions of this subpart shall discharge or tion or modification after June 11, 1973,
cause the discharge into the atmos- and on or before May 14, 2007, or any


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.101

fuel gas combustion device under para- § 60.101 Definitions.

graph (a) of this section that is also a
As used in this subpart, all terms not
flare which commences construction, defined herein shall have the meaning
reconstruction or modification after given them in the Act and in subpart
June 11, 1973, and on or before June 24, A.
2008, or any Claus sulfur recovery plant (a) Petroleum refinery means any facil-
under paragraph (a) of this section ity engaged in producing gasoline, ker-
which commences construction, recon- osene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel
struction or modification after October oils, lubricants, or other products
4, 1976, and on or before May 14, 2007, is through distillation of petroleum or
subject to the requirements of this sub- through redistillation, cracking or re-
part except as provided under para- forming of unfinished petroleum de-
graphs (c) through (e) of this section. rivatives.
(c) Any fluid catalytic cracking unit (b) Petroleum means the crude oil re-
catalyst regenerator under paragraph moved from the earth and the oils de-
(b) of this section which commences rived from tar sands, shale, and coal.
construction, reconstruction, or modi- (c) Process gas means any gas gen-
fication on or before January 17, 1984, erated by a petroleum refinery process
is exempted from § 60.104(b). unit, except fuel gas and process upset
(d) Any fluid catalytic cracking unit gas as defined in this section.
in which a contact material reacts (d) Fuel gas means any gas which is
with petroleum derivatives to improve generated at a petroleum refinery and
feedstock quality and in which the con- which is combusted. Fuel gas includes
tact material is regenerated by burning natural gas when the natural gas is
off coke and/or other deposits and that combined and combusted in any pro-
portion with a gas generated at a refin-
commences construction, reconstruc-
ery. Fuel gas does not include gases
tion, or modification on or before Jan-
generated by catalytic cracking unit
uary 17, 1984, is exempt from this sub- catalyst regenerators and fluid coking
part. burners. Fuel gas does not include va-
(e) Owners or operators may choose pors that are collected and combusted
to comply with the applicable provi- in a thermal oxidizer or flare installed
sions of subpart Ja of this part to sat- to control emissions from wastewater
isfy the requirements of this subpart treatment units or marine tank vessel
for an affected facility. loading operations.
(f) For purposes of this subpart, (e) Process upset gas means any gas
under § 60.15, the ‘‘fixed capital cost of generated by a petroleum refinery
the new components’’ includes the process unit as a result of start-up,
fixed capital cost of all depreciable shut-down, upset or malfunction.
components which are or will be re- (f) Refinery process unit means any
placed pursuant to all continuous pro- segment of the petroleum refinery in
grams of component replacement which a specific processing operation is
which are commenced within any 2- conducted.
year period following January 17, 1984. (g) Fuel gas combustion device means
For purposes of this paragraph, ‘‘com- any equipment, such as process heat-
menced’’ means that an owner or oper- ers, boilers and flares used to combust
ator has undertaken a continuous pro- fuel gas, except facilities in which
gram of component replacement or gases are combusted to produce sulfur
that an owner or operator has entered or sulfuric acid.
into a contractual obligation to under- (h) Coke burn-off means the coke re-
take and complete, within a reasonable moved from the surface of the fluid
catalytic cracking unit catalyst by
time, a continuous program of compo-
combustion in the catalyst regen-
nent replacement.
erator. The rate of coke burn-off is cal-
[43 FR 10868, Mar. 15, 1978, as amended at 44 culated by the formula specified in
FR 61543, Oct. 25, 1979; 54 FR 34026, Aug. 17, § 60.106.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

1989; 73 FR 35865, June 24, 2008; 77 FR 56463, (i) Claus sulfur recovery plant means a
Sep. 12, 2012] process unit which recovers sulfur from


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§ 60.102 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

hydrogen sulfide by a vapor-phase cata- which at least 2 valid data points are
lytic reaction of sulfur dioxide and hy- obtained.
drogen sulfide.
[39 FR 9315, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 43 FR
(j) Oxidation control system means an 10868, Mar. 15, 1978; 44 FR 13481, Mar. 12, 1979;
emission control system which reduces 45 FR 79453, Dec. 1, 1980; 54 FR 34027, Aug. 17,
emissions from sulfur recovery plants 1989; 73 FR 35865, June 24, 2008; 77 FR 56463,
by converting these emissions to sulfur Sep. 12, 2012]
(k) Reduction control system means an § 60.102 Standard for particulate mat-
emission control system which reduces ter.
emissions from sulfur recovery plants Each owner or operator of any fluid
by converting these emissions to hy- catalytic cracking unit catalyst regen-
drogen sulfide. erator that is subject to the require-
(l) Reduced sulfur compounds means ments of this subpart shall comply
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl sul- with the emission limitations set forth
fide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS2). in this section on and after the date on
(m) Fluid catalytic cracking unit which the initial performance test, re-
means a refinery process unit in which quired by § 60.8, is completed, but not
petroleum derivatives are continuously later than 60 days after achieving the
charged; hydrocarbon molecules in the maximum production rate at which the
presence of a catalyst suspended in a
fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst
fluidized bed are fractured into smaller
regenerator will be operated, or 180
molecules, or react with a contact ma-
days after initial startup, whichever
terial suspended in a fluidized bed to
comes first.
improve feedstock quality for addi-
tional processing; and the catalyst or (a) No owner or operator subject to
contact material is continuously re- the provisions of this subpart shall dis-
generated by burning off coke and charge or cause the discharge into the
other deposits. The unit includes the atmosphere from any fluid catalytic
riser, reactor, regenerator, air blowers, cracking unit catalyst regenerator:
spent catalyst or contact material (1) Particulate matter in excess of 1.0
stripper, catalyst or contact material kg/Mg (2.0 lb/ton) of coke burn-off in
recovery equipment, and regenerator the catalyst regenerator.
equipment for controlling air pollutant (2) Gases exhibiting greater than 30
emissions and for heat recovery. percent opacity, except for one six-
(n) Fluid catalytic cracking unit cata- minute average opacity reading in any
lyst regenerator means one or more re- one hour period.
generators (multiple regenerators) (b) Where the gases discharged by the
which comprise that portion of the fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst
fluid catalytic cracking unit in which regenerator pass through an inciner-
coke burn-off and catalyst or contact ator or waste heat boiler in which aux-
material regeneration occurs, and in- iliary or supplemental liquid or solid
cludes the regenerator combustion air fossil fuel is burned, particulate matter
blower(s). in excess of that permitted by para-
(o) Fresh feed means any petroleum graph (a)(1) of this section may be
derivative feedstock stream charged di- emitted to the atmosphere, except that
rectly into the riser or reactor of a the incremental rate of particulate
fluid catalytic cracking unit except for
matter emissions shall not exceed 43
petroleum derivatives recycled within
grams per Gigajoule (g/GJ) (0.10 lb/mil-
the fluid catalytic cracking unit,
fractionator, or gas recovery unit. lion British thermal units (Btu)) of
heat input attributable to such liquid
(p) Contact material means any sub-
stance formulated to remove metals, or solid fossil fuel.
sulfur, nitrogen, or any other contami- [39 FR 9315, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 42 FR
nant from petroleum derivatives. 32427, June 24, 1977; 42 FR 39389, Aug. 4, 1977;
(q) Valid day means a 24-hour period 43 FR 10868, Feb. 15, 1978; 54 FR 34027, Aug. 17,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

in which at least 18 valid hours of data 1989; 65 FR 61753, Oct. 17, 2000; 73 FR 35866,
are obtained. A ‘‘valid hour’’ is one in June 24, 2008]


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105

§ 60.103 Standard for carbon mon- (dry basis) of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at
oxide. zero percent excess air.
Each owner or operator of any fluid (ii) For a reduction control system
catalytic cracking unit catalyst regen- not followed by incineration, 300 ppm
erator that is subject to the require- by volume of reduced sulfur compounds
ments of this subpart shall comply and 10 ppm by volume of hydrogen sul-
with the emission limitations set forth fide (H2S), each calculated as ppm SO2
in this section on and after the date on by volume (dry basis) at zero percent
which the initial performance test, re- excess air.
quired by § 60.8, is completed, but not (b) Each owner or operator that is
later than 60 days after achieving the subject to the provisions of this sub-
maximum production rate at which the part shall comply with one of the fol-
fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst lowing conditions for each affected
regenerator will be operated, or 180 fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst
days after initial startup, whichever regenerator:
comes first. (1) With an add-on control device, re-
(a) No owner or operator subject to duce SO2 emissions to the atmosphere
the provisions of this subpart shall dis- by 90 percent or maintain SO2 emis-
charge or cause the discharge into the sions to the atmosphere less than or
atmosphere from any fluid catalytic equal to 50 ppm by volume (ppmv),
cracking unit catalyst regenerator any whichever is less stringent; or
gases that contain carbon monoxide (2) Without the use of an add-on con-
(CO) in excess of 500 ppm by volume trol device to reduce SO2 emission,
(dry basis). maintain sulfur oxides emissions cal-
culated as SO2 to the atmosphere less
[54 FR 34027, Aug. 17, 1989, as amended at 55
FR 40175, Oct. 2, 1990] than or equal to 9.8 kg/Mg (20 lb/ton)
coke burn-off; or
§ 60.104 Standards for sulfur oxides. (3) Process in the fluid catalytic
cracking unit fresh feed that has a
Each owner or operator that is sub-
total sulfur content no greater than
ject to the requirements of this subpart
0.30 percent by weight.
shall comply with the emission limita-
tions set forth in this section on and (c) Compliance with paragraph (b)(1),
after the date on which the initial per- (b)(2), or (b)(3) of this section is deter-
formance test, required by § 60.8, is mined daily on a 7-day rolling average
completed, but not later than 60 days basis using the appropriate procedures
after achieving the maximum produc- outlined in § 60.106.
tion rate at which the affected facility (d) A minimum of 22 valid days of
will be operated, or 180 days after ini- data shall be obtained every 30 rolling
tial startup, whichever comes first. successive calendar days when com-
(a) No owner or operator subject to plying with paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
the provisions of this subpart shall: tion.
(1) Burn in any fuel gas combustion [43 FR 10869, Mar. 15, 1978, as amended at 54
device any fuel gas that contains hy- FR 34027, Aug. 17, 1989; 55 FR 40175, Oct. 2,
drogen sulfide (H2S) in excess of 230 mg/ 1990; 65 FR 61754, Oct. 17, 2000; 73 FR 35866,
dscm (0.10 gr/dscf). The combustion in a June 24, 2008]
flare of process upset gases or fuel gas
that is released to the flare as a result § 60.105 Monitoring of emissions and
of relief valve leakage or other emer- operations.
gency malfunctions is exempt from (a) Continuous monitoring systems
this paragraph. shall be installed, calibrated, main-
(2) Discharge or cause the discharge tained, and operated by the owner or
of any gases into the atmosphere from operator subject to the provisions of
any Claus sulfur recovery plant con- this subpart as follows:
taining in excess of: (1) For fluid catalytic cracking unit
(i) For an oxidation control system catalyst regenerators subject to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

or a reduction control system followed § 60.102(a)(2), an instrument for con-

by incineration, 250 ppm by volume tinuously monitoring and recording


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§ 60.105 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the opacity of emissions into the at- uations. Method 6 samples shall be
mosphere. The instrument shall be taken at a flow rate of approximately 2
spanned at 60, 70, or 80 percent opacity. liters/min for at least 30 minutes. The
(2) For fluid catalytic cracking unit relative accuracy limit shall be 20 per-
catalyst regenerators subject to cent or 4 ppm, whichever is greater,
§ 60.103(a), an instrument for continu- and the calibration drift limit shall be
ously monitoring and recording the 5 percent of the established span value.
concentration by volume (dry basis) of (iv) Fuel gas combustion devices hav-
CO emissions into the atmosphere, ex- ing a common source of fuel gas may
cept as provided in paragraph (a)(2) (ii) be monitored at only one location (i.e.,
of this section. after one of the combustion devices), if
(i) The span value for this instrument monitoring at this location accurately
is 1,000 ppm CO. represents the SO2 emissions into the
(ii) A CO continuous monitoring sys- atmosphere from each of the combus-
tem need not be installed if the owner tion devices.
or operator demonstrates that the av- (4) Instead of the SO2 monitor in
erage CO emissions are less than 50 paragraph (a)(3) of this section for fuel
ppm (dry basis) and also files a written gas combustion devices subject to
request for exemption to the Adminis- § 60.104(a)(1), an instrument for con-
trator and receives such an exemption. tinuously monitoring and recording
The demonstration shall consist of con- the concentration (dry basis) of H2S in
tinuously monitoring CO emissions for fuel gases before being burned in any
30 days using an instrument that shall fuel gas combustion device.
meet the requirements of Performance (i) The span value for this instrument
Specification 4 of appendix B of this is 425 mg/dscm H2S.
part. The span value shall be 100 ppm (ii) Fuel gas combustion devices hav-
CO instead of 1,000 ppm, and the rel- ing a common source of fuel gas may
ative accuracy limit shall be 10 percent be monitored at only one location, if
of the average CO emissions or 5 ppm monitoring at this location accurately
CO, whichever is greater. For instru- represents the concentration of H2S in
ments that are identical to Method 10 the fuel gas being burned.
and employ the sample conditioning (iii) The performance evaluations for
system of Method 10A, the alternative this H2S monitor under § 60.13(c) shall
relative accuracy test procedure in use Performance Specification 7. Meth-
§ 10.1 of Performance Specification 2 od 11, 15, 15A, or 16 shall be used for
may be used in place of the relative ac- conducting the relative accuracy eval-
curacy test. uations.
(3) For fuel gas combustion devices (iv) The owner or operator of a fuel
subject to § 60.104(a)(1), either an in- gas combustion device is not required
strument for continuously monitoring to comply with paragraph (a)(3) or (4)
and recording the concentration by of this section for fuel gas streams that
volume (dry basis, zero percent excess are exempt under § 60.104(a)(1) and fuel
air) of SO2 emissions into the atmos- gas streams combusted in a fuel gas
phere or monitoring as provided in combustion device that are inherently
paragraph (a)(4) of this section). The low in sulfur content. Fuel gas streams
monitor shall include an oxygen mon- meeting one of the requirements in
itor for correcting the data for excess. paragraphs (a)(4)(iv)(A) through (D) of
(i) The span values for this monitor this section will be considered inher-
are 50 ppm SO2 and 25 percent oxygen ently low in sulfur content. If the com-
(O2). position of a fuel gas stream changes
(ii) The SO2 monitoring level equiva- such that it is no longer exempt under
lent to the H2S standard under § 60.104(a)(1) or it no longer meets one
§ 60.104(a)(1) shall be 20 ppm (dry basis, of the requirements in paragraphs
zero percent excess air). (a)(4)(iv)(A) through (D) of this section,
(iii) The performance evaluations for the owner or operator must begin con-
this SO2 monitor under § 60.13(c) shall tinuous monitoring under paragraph
use Performance Specification 2. Meth- (a)(3) or (4) of this section within 15
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ods 6 or 6C and 3 or 3A shall be used for days of the change.

conducting the relative accuracy eval- (A) Pilot gas for heaters and flares.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105

(B) Fuel gas streams that meet a of appendix B of this partfor the O2 an-
commercial-grade product specifica- alyzer). Methods 15 or 15A and Method
tion for sulfur content of 30 ppmv or 3 shall be used for conducting the rel-
less. In the case of a liquefied petro- ative accuracy evaluations. If Method 3
leum gas (LPG) product specification yields O2 concentrations below 0.25 per-
in the pressurized liquid state, the gas cent during the performance specifica-
phase sulfur content should be evalu- tion test, the O2 concentration may be
ated assuming complete vaporization assumed to be zero and the reduced sul-
of the LPG and sulfur containing-com- fur CEMS need not include an O2 mon-
pounds at the product specification itor.
concentration. (7) In place of the reduced sulfur
(C) Fuel gas streams produced in monitor under paragraph (a)(6) of this
process units that are intolerant to
section, an instrument using an air or
sulfur contamination, such as fuel gas
O2 dilution and oxidation system to
streams produced in the hydrogen
convert the reduced sulfur to SO2 for
plant, the catalytic reforming unit, the
continuously monitoring and recording
isomerization unit, and HF alkylation
process units. the concentration (dry basis, zero per-
(D) Other fuel gas streams that an cent excess air) of the resultant SO2.
owner or operator demonstrates are The monitor shall include an oxygen
low-sulfur according to the procedures monitor for correcting the data for ex-
in paragraph (b) of this section. cess oxygen.
(5) For Claus sulfur recovery plants (i) The span values for this monitor
with oxidation control systems or re- are 375 ppm SO2 and 25 percent O2.
duction control systems followed by in- (ii) For reporting purposes, the SO2
cineration subject to § 60.104(a)(2)(i), an exceedance level for this monitor is 250
instrument for continuously moni- ppm (dry basis, zero percent excess
toring and recording the concentration air).
(dry basis, zero percent excess air) of (iii) The performance evaluations for
SO2 emissions into the atmosphere. this SO2 (and O2) monitor under
The monitor shall include an oxygen § 60.13(c) shall use Performance Speci-
monitor for correcting the data for ex- fication 5. Methods 15 or 15A and Meth-
cess air. od 3 shall be used for conducting the
(i) The span values for this monitor relative accuracy evaluations.
are 500 ppm SO2 and 25 percent O2. (8) An instrument for continuously
(ii) The performance evaluations for monitoring and recording concentra-
this SO2 monitor under § 60.13(c) shall tions of SO2 in the gases at both the
use Performance Specification 2. Meth- inlet and outlet of the SO2 control de-
ods 6 or 6C and 3 or 3A shall be used for vice from any fluid catalytic cracking
conducting the relative accuracy eval-
unit catalyst regenerator for which the
owner or operator seeks to comply spe-
(6) For Claus sulfur recovery plants
cifically with the 90 percent reduction
with reduction control systems not fol-
option under § 60.104(b)(1).
lowed by incineration subject to
§ 60.104(a)(2)(ii), an instrument for con- (i) The span value of the inlet mon-
tinuously monitoring and recording itor shall be set at 125 percent of the
the concentration of reduced sulfur and maximum estimated hourly potential
O2 emissions into the atmosphere. The SO2 emission concentration entering
reduced sulfur emissions shall be cal- the control device, and the span value
culated as SO2 (dry basis, zero percent of the outlet monitor shall be set at 50
excess air). percent of the maximum estimated
(i) The span values for this monitor hourly potential SO2 emission con-
are 450 ppm reduced sulfur and 25 per- centration entering the control device.
cent O2. (ii) The performance evaluations for
(ii) The performance evaluations for these SO2 monitors under § 60.13(c)
this reduced sulfur (and O2) monitor shall use Performance Specification 2.
under § 60.13(c) shall use Performance Methods 6 or 6C and 3 or 3A shall be
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

Specification 5 of appendix B of this used for conducting the relative accu-

part(and Performance Specification 3 racy evaluations.


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§ 60.105 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(9) An instrument for continuously span adjustments, emission data will

monitoring and recording concentra- be obtained by using one of the fol-
tions of SO2 in the gases discharged lowing methods to provide emission
into the atmosphere from any fluid data for a minimum of 18 hours per day
catalytic cracking unit catalyst regen- in at least 22 out of 30 rolling succes-
erator for which the owner or operator sive calendar days.
seeks to comply specifically with the (i) The test methods as described in
50 ppmv emission limit under § 60.104 § 60.106(k);
(b)(1). (ii) A spare continuous monitoring
(i) The span value of the monitor system; or
shall be set at 50 percent of the max- (iii) Other monitoring systems as ap-
imum hourly potential SO2 emission proved by the Administrator.
concentration of the control device. (b) An owner or operator may dem-
(ii) The performance evaluations for onstrate that a fuel gas stream com-
this SO2 monitor under § 60.13 (c) shall busted in a fuel gas combustion device
use Performance Specification 2. Meth- subject to § 60.104(a)(1) that is not spe-
ods 6 or 6C and 3 or 3A shall be used for cifically exempted in § 60.105(a)(4)(iv) is
conducting the relative accuracy eval- inherently low in sulfur. A fuel gas
uations. stream that is determined to be low-
(10) An instrument for continuously sulfur is exempt from the monitoring
monitoring and recording concentra- requirements in paragraphs (a)(3) and
tions of oxygen (O2) in the gases at (4) of this section until there are
both the inlet and outlet of the sulfur changes in operating conditions or
dioxide control device (or the outlet stream composition.
only if specifically complying with the (1) The owner or operator shall sub-
50 ppmv standard) from any fluid cata- mit to the Administrator a written ap-
lytic cracking unit catalyst regen- plication for an exemption from moni-
erator for which the owner or operator toring. The application must contain
has elected to comply with the following information:
§ 60.104(b)(1). The span of this contin- (i) A description of the fuel gas
uous monitoring system shall be set at stream/system to be considered, includ-
10 percent. ing submission of a portion of the ap-
(11) The continuous monitoring sys- propriate piping diagrams indicating
tems under paragraphs (a)(8), (a)(9), the boundaries of the fuel gas stream/
and (a)(10) of this section are operated system, and the affected fuel gas com-
and data recorded during all periods of bustion device(s) to be considered;
operation of the affected facility in- (ii) A statement that there are no
cluding periods of startup, shutdown, crossover or entry points for sour gas
or malfunction, except for continuous (high H2S content) to be introduced
monitoring system breakdowns, re- into the fuel gas stream/system (this
pairs, calibration checks, and zero and should be shown in the piping dia-
span adjustments. grams);
(12) The owner or operator shall use (iii) An explanation of the conditions
the following procedures to evaluate that ensure low amounts of sulfur in
the continuous monitoring systems the fuel gas stream (i.e., control equip-
under paragraphs (a)(8), (a)(9), and ment or product specifications) at all
(a)(10) of this section. times;
(i) Method 3 or 3A and Method 6 or 6C (iv) The supporting test results from
for the relative accuracy evaluations sampling the requested fuel gas stream/
under the § 60.13(e) performance evalua- system demonstrating that the sulfur
tion. content is less than 5 ppmv. Sampling
(ii) Appendix F, Procedure 1, includ- data must include, at minimum, 2
ing quarterly accuracy determinations weeks of daily monitoring (14 grab
and daily calibration drift tests. samples) for frequently operated fuel
(13) When seeking to comply with gas streams/systems; for infrequently
§ 60.104(b)(1), when emission data are operated fuel gas streams/systems,
not obtained because of continuous seven grab samples must be collected
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

monitoring system breakdowns, re- unless other additional information

pairs, calibration checks and zero and would support reduced sampling. The


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105

owner or operator shall use detector range of concentrations included in the

tubes (‘‘length-of-stain tube’’ type original application and the owner or
measurement) following the ‘‘Gas Proc- operator chooses not to submit new in-
essors Association Standard 2377–86 (in- formation to support an exemption, the
corporated by reference—see § 60.17), owner or operator must begin H2S mon-
using tubes with a maximum span be- itoring using daily stain sampling to
tween 10 and 40 ppmv inclusive when demonstrate compliance using length-
1≤N≤10, where N = number of pump of stain tubes with a maximum span
strokes, to test the applicant fuel gas between 200 and 400 ppmv inclusive
stream for H2S; and when 1≤N≤5, where N = number of pump
(v) A description of how the 2 weeks strokes. The owner or operator must
(or seven samples for infrequently op- begin monitoring according to the re-
erated fuel gas streams/systems) of quirements in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of
monitoring results compares to the this section as soon as practicable but
typical range of H2S concentration in no case later than 180 days after the
(fuel quality) expected for the fuel gas operation change. During daily stain
stream/system going to the affected tube sampling, a daily sample exceed-
fuel gas combustion device (e.g., the 2 ing 162 ppmv is an exceedance of the 3-
weeks of daily detector tube results for hour H2S concentration limit.
a frequently operated loading rack in-
(c) The average coke burn-off rate
cluded the entire range of products
(Mg (tons) per hour) and hours of oper-
loaded out, and, therefore, should be
ation shall be recorded daily for any
representative of typical operating
conditions affecting H2S content in the fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst
fuel gas stream going to the loading regenerator subject to § 60.102, § 60.103,
rack flare). or § 60.104(b)(2).
(2) The effective date of the exemp- (d) For any fluid catalytic cracking
tion is the date of submission of the in- unit catalyst regenerator under § 60.102
formation required in paragraph (b)(1) that uses an incinerator-waste heat
of this section). boiler to combust the exhaust gases
(3) No further action is required un- from the catalyst regenerator, the
less refinery operating conditions owner or operator shall record daily
change in such a way that affects the the rate of combustion of liquid or
exempt fuel gas stream/system (e.g., solid fossil-fuels and the hours of oper-
the stream composition changes). If ation during which liquid or solid fos-
such a change occurs, the owner or op- sil-fuels are combusted in the inciner-
erator will follow the procedures in ator-waste heat boiler.
paragraph (b)(3)(i), (b)(3)(ii), or (e) For the purpose of reports under
(b)(3)(iii) of this section. § 60.7(c), periods of excess emissions
(i) If the operation change results in that shall be determined and reported
a sulfur content that is still within the are defined as follows:
range of concentrations included in the
original application, the owner or oper- NOTE: All averages, except for opacity,
shall be determined as the arithmetic aver-
ator shall conduct an H2S test on a age of the applicable 1-hour averages, e.g.,
grab sample and record the results as the rolling 3-hour average shall be deter-
proof that the concentration is still mined as the arithmetic average of three
within the range. contiguous 1-hour averages.
(ii) If the operation change results in
a sulfur content that is outside the (1) Opacity. All 1-hour periods that
range of concentrations included in the contain two or more 6-minute periods
original application, the owner or oper- during which the average opacity as
ator may submit new information fol- measured by the continuous moni-
lowing the procedures of paragraph toring system under § 60.105(a)(1) ex-
(b)(1) of this section within 60 days (or ceeds 30 percent.
within 30 days after the seventh grab (2) Carbon monoxide. All 1-hour peri-
sample is tested for infrequently oper- ods during which the average CO con-
ated process units). centration as measured by the CO con-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(iii) If the operation change results in tinuous monitoring system under

a sulfur content that is outside the § 60.105(a)(2) exceeds 500 ppm.


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§ 60.106 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(3) Sulfur dioxide from fuel gas combus- E = Emission rate of PM, kg/Mg (lb/ton) of
tion. (i) All rolling 3-hour periods dur- coke burn-off.
ing which the average concentration of cs = Concentration of PM, g/dscm (gr/dscf).
Qsd = Volumetric flow rate of effluent gas,
SO2 as measured by the SO2 continuous dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
monitoring system under § 60.105(a)(3) Rc = Coke burn-off rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr) coke.
exceeds 20 ppm (dry basis, zero percent K = Conversion factor, 1,000 g/kg (7,000 gr/lb).
excess air); or
(ii) All rolling 3-hour periods during (2) Method 5B or 5F is to be used to
which the average concentration of H2S determine particulate matter emis-
as measured by the H2S continuous sions and associated moisture content
monitoring system under § 60.105(a)(4) from affected facilities without wet
exceeds 230 mg/dscm (0.10 gr/dscf). FGD systems; only Method 5B is to be
(4) Sulfur dioxide from Claus sulfur re- used after wet FGD systems. The sam-
covery plants. (i) All 12-hour periods pling time for each run shall be at least
during which the average concentra- 60 minutes and the sampling rate shall
tion of SO2 as measured by the SO2 be at least 0.015 dscm/min (0.53 dscf/
continuous monitoring system under min), except that shorter sampling
§ 60.105(a)(5) exceeds 250 ppm (dry basis, times may be approved by the Adminis-
zero percent excess air); or trator when process variables or other
(ii) All 12-hour periods during which factors preclude sampling for at least
the average concentration of reduced 60 minutes.
sulfur (as SO2) as measured by the re- (3) The coke burn-off rate (Rc) shall
duced sulfur continuous monitoring be computed for each run using the fol-
system under § 60.105(a)(6) exceeds 300 lowing equation:
ppm; or Rc = K1Qr (%CO2 + %CO) + K2Qa¥K3Qr
(iii) All 12-hour periods during which (%CO/2 + %CO2 + %O2) + K3Qoxy
the average concentration of SO2 as (%Ooxy)
measured by the SO2 continuous moni-
toring system under § 60.105(a)(7) ex-
ceeds 250 ppm (dry basis, zero percent Rc = Coke burn-off rate, kilograms per hour
(kg/hr) (lb/hr).
excess air). Qr = Volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas
[39 FR 9315, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 40 FR from fluid catalytic cracking unit regen-
46259, Oct. 6, 1975; 42 FR 32427, June 24, 1977; erator before entering the emission con-
42 FR 39389, Aug. 4, 1977; 43 FR 10869, Mar. 15, trol system, dscm/min (dscf/min).
1978; 48 FR 23611, May 25, 1983; 50 FR 31701, Qa = Volumetric flow rate of air to fluid cata-
Aug. 5, 1985; 54 FR 34028, Aug. 17, 1989; 55 FR lytic cracking unit regenerator, as deter-
40175, Oct. 2, 1990; 65 FR 61754, Oct. 17, 2000; 73 mined from the fluid catalytic cracking
FR 35866, June 24, 2008; 80 FR 75229, Dec. 1, unit control room instrumentation,
2015] dscm/min (dscf/min).
Qoxy = Volumetric flow rate of O2 enriched air
§ 60.106 Test methods and procedures. to fluid catalytic cracking unit regen-
erator, as determined from the fluid
(a) In conducting the performance catalytic cracking unit control room in-
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- strumentation, dscm/min (dscf/min).
erator shall use as reference methods %CO2 = Carbon dioxide concentration in
and procedures the test methods in ap- fluid catalytic cracking unit regenerator
pendix A of this part or other methods exhaust, percent by volume (dry basis).
and procedures as specified in this sec- %CO = CO concentration in FCCU regen-
erator exhaust, percent by volume (dry
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- %O2 = O2 concentration in fluid catalytic
mine compliance with the particulate cracking unit regenerator exhaust, per-
matter (PM) standards in § 60.102(a) as cent by volume (dry basis).
follows: %Ooxy = O2 concentration in O2 enriched air
(1) The emission rate (E) of PM shall stream inlet to the fluid catalytic crack-
be computed for each run using the fol- ing unit regenerator, percent by volume
lowing equation: (dry basis).
K1 = Material balance and conversion factor,
0.2982 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm-%) [0.0186 (lb-
cs Q sd min)/(hr-dscf-%)].
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

K2 = Material balance and conversion factor,

KR c 2.088 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm) [0.1303 (lb-min)/
Where: (hr-dscf)].


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.106
K3 = Material balance and conversion factor, enough to operate the sampling train
0.0994 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm-%) [0.00624 (lb- without a vacuum pump, the pump
min)/(hr-dscf-%)]. may be eliminated from the sampling
(i) Method 2 shall be used to deter- train. The sample shall be drawn from
mine the volumetric flow rate (Qr). a point near the centroid of the fuel
(ii) The emission correction factor, gas line.
integrated sampling and analysis pro- (i) For Method 11, the sampling time
cedure of Method 3B shall be used to and sample volume shall be at least 10
determine CO2, CO, and O2 concentra- minutes and 0.010 dscm (0.35 dscf). Two
tions. samples of equal sampling times shall
(4) Method 9 and the procedures of be taken at about 1-hour intervals. The
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- arithmetic average of these two sam-
ity. ples shall constitute a run. For most
(c) If auxiliary liquid or solid fossil- fuel gases, sampling times exceeding 20
fuels are burned in an incinerator- minutes may result in depletion of the
waste heat boiler, the owner or oper- collection solution, although fuel gases
ator shall determine the emission rate containing low concentrations of H2S
of PM permitted in § 60.102(b) as fol- may necessitate sampling for longer
lows: periods of time.
(1) The allowable emission rate (Es) (ii) For Method 15 or 16, at least
of PM shall be computed for each run three injects over a 1-hour period shall
using the following equation: constitute a run.
Es = F + A (H/Rc) (iii) For Method 15A, a 1-hour sample
shall constitute a run.
(2) Where emissions are monitored by
Es = Emission rate of PM allowed, kg/Mg (lb/ § 60.105(a)(3), compliance with
ton) of coke burn-off in catalyst regen-
§ 60.104(a)(1) shall be determined using
F = Emission standard, 1.0 kg/Mg (2.0 lb/ton) Method 6 or 6C and Method 3 or 3A. The
of coke burn-off in catalyst regenerator. method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981,
A = Allowable incremental rate of PM emis- ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in-
sions, 43 g/GJ (0.10 lb/million Btu). corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is
H = Heat input rate from solid or liquid fos- an acceptable alternative to EPA
sil fuel, GJ/hr (million Btu/hr). Method 6. A 1-hour sample shall con-
Rc = Coke burn-off rate, Mg coke/hr (ton stitute a run. Method 6 samples shall
be taken at a rate of approximately 2
(2) Procedures subject to the ap- liters/min. The ppm correction factor
proval of the Administrator shall be (Method 6) and the sampling location
used to determine the heat input rate. in paragraph (f)(1) of this section apply.
(3) The procedure in paragraph (b)(3) Method 4 shall be used to determine
of this section shall be used to deter- the moisture content of the gases. The
mine the coke burn-off rate (Rc). sampling point for Method 4 shall be
(d) The owner or operator shall deter- adjacent to the sampling point for
mine compliance with the CO standard Method 6 or 6C.
in § 60.103(a) by using the integrated (f) The owner or operator shall deter-
sampling technique of Method 10 to de- mine compliance with the SO2 and the
termine the CO concentration (dry H2S and reduced sulfur standards in
basis). The sampling time for each run § 60.104(a)(2) as follows:
shall be 60 minutes. (1) Method 6 shall be used to deter-
(e)(1) The owner or operator shall de- mine the SO2 concentration. The con-
termine compliance with the H2S centration in mg/dscm obtained by
standard in § 60.104(a)(1) as follows: Method 6 or 6C is multiplied by 0.3754
Method 11, 15, 15A, or 16 shall be used to obtain the concentration in ppm.
to determine the H2S concentration. The sampling point in the duct shall be
The gases entering the sampling train the centroid of the cross section if the
should be at about atmospheric pres- cross-sectional area is less than 5.00 m2
sure. If the pressure in the refinery fuel (53.8 ft2) or at a point no closer to the
gas lines is relatively high, a flow con- walls than 1.00 m (39.4 in.) if the cross-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

trol valve may be used to reduce the sectional area is 5.00 m2 or more and
pressure. If the line pressure is high the centroid is more than 1 m from the


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§ 60.106 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

wall. The sampling time and sample testing performed over a 7-day period
volume shall be at least 10 minutes and using Method 6 or 6C and Method 3 or
0.010 dscm (0.35 dscf) for each sample. 3A. To determine compliance, the
Eight samples of equal sampling times arithmetic mean of the results of all
shall be taken at about 30-minute in- the tests shall be compared with the
tervals. The arithmetic average of applicable standard.
these eight samples shall constitute a (h) For the purpose of determining
run. For Method 6C, a run shall consist compliance with § 60.104(b)(1), the fol-
of the arithmetic average of four 1- lowing calculation procedures shall be
hour samples. Method 4 shall be used to used:
determine the moisture content of the (1) Calculate each 1-hour average
gases. The sampling point for Method 4 concentration (dry, zero percent oxy-
shall be adjacent to the sampling point gen, ppmv) of sulfur dioxide at both the
for Method 6 or 6C. The sampling time inlet and the outlet to the add-on con-
for each sample shall be equal to the trol device as specified in § 60.13(h).
time it takes for two Method 6 sam- These calculations are made using the
ples. The moisture content from this emission data collected under
sample shall be used to correct the cor- § 60.105(a).
responding Method 6 samples for mois- (2) Calculate a 7-day average (arith-
ture. For documenting the oxidation metic mean) concentration of sulfur di-
efficiency of the control device for re- oxide for the inlet and for the outlet to
duced sulfur compounds, Method 15 the add-on control device using all of
shall be used following the procedures the 1-hour average concentration val-
of paragraph (f)(2) of this section. ues obtained during seven successive
(2) Method 15 shall be used to deter- 24-hour periods.
mine the reduced sulfur and H2 S con- (3) Calculate the 7-day average per-
centrations. Each run shall consist of cent reduction using the following
16 samples taken over a minimum of 3 equation:
hours. The sampling point shall be the Rso2 = 100(Cso2(i) ¥ Cso2(o)) / Cso2(i)
same as that described for Method 6 in
paragraph (f)(1) of this section. To en-
Rso2 = 7-day average sulfur dioxide emission
sure minimum residence time for the
reduction, percent
sample inside the sample lines, the Cso2(i) = sulfur dioxide emission concentra-
sampling rate shall be at least 3.0 lpm tion determined in § 60.106(h)(2) at the
(0.10 cfm). The SO2 equivalent for each inlet to the add-on control device, ppmv
run shall be calculated after being cor- Cso2(o) = sulfur dioxide emission concentra-
rected for moisture and oxygen as the tion determined in § 60.106(h)(2) at the
arithmetic average of the SO2 equiva- outlet to the add-on control device, ppmv
lent for each sample during the run. 100 = conversion factor, decimal to percent
Method 4 shall be used to determine (4) Outlet concentrations of sulfur di-
the moisture content of the gases as oxide from the add-on control device
the paragraph (f)(1) of this section. The for compliance with the 50 ppmv stand-
sampling time for each sample shall be ard, reported on a dry, O2-free basis,
equal to the time it takes for four shall be calculated using the proce-
Method 15 samples. dures outlined in § 60.106(h)(1) and (2)
(3) The oxygen concentration used to above, but for the outlet monitor only.
correct the emission rate for excess air (5) If supplemental sampling data are
shall be obtained by the integrated used for determining the 7-day aver-
sampling and analysis procedure of ages under paragraph (h) of this section
Method 3 or 3A. The samples shall be and such data are not hourly averages,
taken simultaneously with the SO2, re- then the value obtained for each sup-
duced sulfur and H2S, or moisture sam- plemental sample shall be assumed to
ples. The SO2, reduced sulfur, and H2S represent the hourly average for each
samples shall be corrected to zero per- hour over which the sample was ob-
cent excess air using the equation in tained.
paragraph (h)(6) of this section. (6) For the purpose of adjusting pol-
(g) Each performance test conducted lutant concentrations to zero percent
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

for the purpose of determining compli- oxygen, the following equation shall be
ance under § 60.104(b) shall consist of all used:


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.106

Cadj = Cmeas[20.9c/(20.9¥%O2)] which auxiliary or supplemental gas-

eous, liquid, or solid fossil fuel is
burned, testing shall be conducted at a
Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to
point between the regenerator outlet
zero percent oxygen, ppm or g/dscm
Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on and the incinerator-waste heat boiler.
a dry basis, ppm or g/dscm An alternative sampling location after
20.9c = 20.9 percent oxygen¥0.0 percent oxy- the waste heat boiler may be used if al-
gen (defined oxygen correction basis), ternative coke burn-off rate equations,
percent and, if requested, auxiliary/supple-
20.9 = oxygen concentration in air, percent mental fuel SOX credits, have been sub-
%O2 = oxygen concentration measured on a mitted to and approved by the Admin-
dry basis, percent
istrator prior to sampling.
(i) For the purpose of determining (7) Coke burn-off rate shall be deter-
compliance with § 60.104(b)(2), the fol- mined using the procedures specified
lowing reference methods and calcula- under paragraph (b)(3) of this section,
tion procedures shall be used except as unless paragraph (i)(6) of this section
provided in paragraph (i)(12) of this applies.
section: (8) Calculate the concentration of
(1) One 3-hour test shall be performed sulfur oxides as sulfur dioxide using
each day. equation 8–3 in Section 6.5 of Method 8
(2) For gases released to the atmos- to calculate and report the total con-
phere from the fluid catalytic cracking centration of sulfur oxides as sulfur di-
unit catalyst regenerator: oxide (Cso x).
(i) Method 8 as modified in (9) Sulfur oxides emission rate cal-
§ 60.106(i)(3) for moisture content and culated as sulfur dioxide shall be deter-
for the concentration of sulfur oxides mined for each test run by the fol-
calculated as sulfur dioxide, lowing equation:
(ii) Method 1 for sample and velocity
traverses, E so x = Cso x Q sd /K
(iii) Method 2 calculation procedures Where:
(data obtained from Methods 3 and 8)
ESOx = sulfur oxides emission rate calculated
for velocity and volumetric flow rate, as sulfur dioxide, kg/hr (lb/hr)
and CSOx = sulfur oxides emission concentration
(iv) Method 3 for gas analysis. calculated as sulfur dioxide, g/dscm (gr/
(3) Method 8 shall be modified by the dscf)
insertion of a heated glass fiber filter Qsd = dry volumetric stack gas flow rate cor-
between the probe and first impinger. rected to standard conditions, dscm/hr
The probe liner and glass fiber filter (dscf/hr)
K = 1,000 g/kg (7,000 gr/lb)
temperature shall be maintained above
160 °C (320 °F). The isopropanol im- (10) Sulfur oxides emissions cal-
pinger shall be eliminated. Sample re- culated as sulfur dioxide shall be deter-
covery procedures described in Method mined for each test run by the fol-
8 for container No. 1 shall be elimi- lowing equation:
nated. The heated glass fiber filter also
shall be excluded; however, rinsing of
all connecting glassware after the
R so x = E so x /R c )
heated glass fiber filter shall be re- Where:
tained and included in container No. 2. RSOx = Sulfur oxides emissions calculated as
Sampled volume shall be at least 1 kg sulfur dioxide per Mg (lb/ton) coke
dscm. burn-off.
(4) For Method 3, the integrated sam- ESOx = Sulfur oxides emission rate calculated
pling technique shall be used. as sulfur dioxide, kg/hr (lb/hr).
Rc = Coke burn-off rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
(5) Sampling time for each run shall
be at least 3 hours. (11) Calculate the 7-day average sul-
(6) All testing shall be performed at fur oxides emission rate as sulfur diox-
the same location. Where the gases dis- ide per Mg (ton) of coke burn-off by di-

charged by the fluid catalytic cracking viding the sum of the individual daily
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

unit catalyst regenerator pass through rates by the number of daily rates
an incinerator-waste heat boiler in summed.


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§ 60.107 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(12) An owner or operator may, upon Sf = fresh feed sulfur content expressed in
approval by the Administrator, use an percent by weight of fresh feed.
alternative method for determining n = number of separate fresh feed streams
charged directly to the riser or reactor of
compliance with § 60.104(b)(2), as pro- the fluid catalytic cracking unit.
vided in § 60.8(b). Any requests for ap- Qf = total volumetric flow rate of fresh feed
proval must include data to dem- charged to the fluid catalytic cracking
onstrate to the Administrator that the unit.
alternative method would produce re- Si = fresh feed sulfur content expressed in
sults adequate for the determination of percent by weight of fresh feed for the
compliance. ‘‘ith’’ sampling location.
Qi = volumetric flow rate of fresh feed stream
(j) For the purpose of determining for the ‘‘ith’’ sampling location.
compliance with § 60.104(b)(3), the fol-
lowing analytical methods and calcula- (4) Calculate a 7-day average (arith-
tion procedures shall be used: metic mean) sulfur content of the fresh
(1) One fresh feed sample shall be col- feed using all of the fresh feed sulfur
lected once per 8-hour period. content values obtained during seven
successive 24-hour periods.
(2) Fresh feed samples shall be ana-
(k) The test methods used to supple-
lyzed separately by using any one of
ment continuous monitoring system
the following applicable analytical test data to meet the minimum data re-
methods: ASTM D129–64, 78, or 95, quirements in § 60.104(d) will be used as
ASTM D1552–83 or 95, ASTM D2622–87, described below or as otherwise ap-
94, or 98, or ASTM D1266–87, 91, or 98. proved by the Administrator.
(These methods are incorporated by (1) Methods 6, 6B, or 8 are used. The
reference: see § 60.17.) The applicable sampling location(s) are the same as
range of some of these ASTM methods those specified for the monitor.
is not adequate to measure the levels (2) For Method 6, the minimum sam-
of sulfur in some fresh feed samples. pling time is 20 minutes and the min-
Dilution of samples prior to analysis imum sampling volume is 0.02 dscm
with verification of the dilution ratio (0.71 dscf) for each sample. Samples are
is acceptable upon prior approval of the taken at approximately 60-minute in-
Administrator. tervals. Each sample represents a 1-
(3) If a fresh feed sample cannot be hour average. A minimum of 18 valid
collected at a single location, then the samples is required to obtain one valid
fresh feed sulfur content shall be deter- day of data.
mined as follows: (3) For Method 6B, collection of a
(i) Individual samples shall be col- sample representing a minimum of 18
lected once per 8-hour period for each hours is required to obtain one valid
separate fresh feed stream charged di- day of data.
rectly into the riser or reactor of the (4) For Method 8, the procedures as
fluid catalytic cracking unit. For each outlined in this section are used. The
sample location the fresh feed volu- equivalent of 16 hours of sampling is
metric flow rate at the time of col- required to obtain one valid day of
lecting the fresh feed sample shall be data.
measured and recorded. The same [39 FR 9315, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 43 FR
method for measuring volumetric flow 10869, Mar. 15, 1978; 51 FR 42842, Nov. 26, 1986;
rate shall be used at all locations. 52 FR 20392, June 1, 1987; 53 FR 41333, Oct. 21,
(ii) Each fresh feed sample shall be 1988; 54 FR 34028, Aug. 17, 1989; 55 FR 40176,
analyzed separately using the methods Oct. 2, 1990; 56 FR 4176, Feb. 4, 1991; 65 FR
specified under paragraph (j)(2) of this 61754, Oct. 17, 2000; 71 FR 55127, Sept. 21, 2006;
section. 73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008; 77 FR 56463, Sep. 12,
(iii) Fresh feed sulfur content shall
be calculated for each 8-hour period § 60.107 Reporting and recordkeeping
using the following equation: requirements.
n (a) Each owner or operator subject to
Si Q i
Sf = ∑ § 60.104(b) shall notify the Adminis-
trator of the specific provisions of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

i =1 Qf § 60.104(b) with which the owner or op-

where: erator seeks to comply. Notification


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107

shall be submitted with the notifica- (ii) The average emission rate of sul-
tion of initial startup required by fur dioxide in the gases discharged to
§ 60.7(a)(3). If an owner or operator the atmosphere from any fluid cata-
elects at a later date to comply with an lytic cracking unit catalyst regen-
alternative provision of § 60.104(b), then erator for which the owner or operator
the Administrator shall be notified by seeks to comply with § 60.104(b)(2) ex-
the owner or operator in the report de- ceeds 9.8 kg SOX per 1,000 kg coke burn-
scribed in paragraph (c) of this section. off, as measured by the daily testing
(b) Each owner or operator subject to prescribed under § 60.106(i). The average
§ 60.104(b) shall record and maintain the emission rate shall be determined
following information: using the procedures specified under
(1) If subject to § 60.104(b)(1), § 60.106(i); and
(i) All data and calibrations from (iii) The average sulfur content of the
continuous monitoring systems located fresh feed for which the owner or oper-
at the inlet and outlet to the control ator seeks to comply with § 60.104(b)(3)
device, including the results of the exceeds 0.30 percent by weight. The
daily drift tests and quarterly accuracy fresh feed sulfur content, a 7-day roll-
assessments required under appendix F, ing average, shall be determined using
Procedure 1; the procedures specified under
(ii) Measurements obtained by sup- § 60.106(j).
plemental sampling (refer to (2) Any 30-day period in which the
§ 60.105(a)(13) and § 60.106(k)) for meet- minimum data requirements specified
ing minimum data requirements; and in § 60.104(d) are not obtained.
(iii) The written procedures for the (3) For each 7-day period during
quality control program required by which an exceedance has occurred as
appendix F, Procedure 1. defined in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through
(2) If subject to § 60.104(b)(2), measure- (c)(1)(iii) and (c)(2) of this section:
ments obtained in the daily Method 8 (i) The date that the exceedance oc-
testing, or those obtained by alter- curred;
native measurement methods, if (ii) An explanation of the exceedance;
§ 60.106(i)(12) applies. (iii) Whether the exceedance was con-
(3) If subject to § 60.104(b)(3), data ob- current with a startup, shutdown, or
tained from the daily feed sulfur tests. malfunction of the fluid catalytic
(4) Each 7-day rolling average com- cracking unit or control system; and
pliance determination. (iv) A description of the corrective
(c) Each owner or operator subject to action taken, if any.
§ 60.104(b) shall submit a report except (4) If subject to § 60.104(b)(1),
as provided by paragraph (d) of this (i) The dates for which and brief ex-
section. The following information planations as to why fewer than 18
shall be contained in the report: valid hours of data were obtained for
(1) Any 7-day period during which: the inlet continuous monitoring sys-
(i) The average percent reduction and tem;
average concentration of sulfur dioxide (ii) The dates for which and brief ex-
on a dry, O2-free basis in the gases dis- planations as to why fewer than 18
charged to the atmosphere from any valid hours of data were obtained for
fluid cracking unit catalyst regen- the outlet continuous monitoring sys-
erator for which the owner or operator tem;
seeks to comply with § 60.104(b)(1) is (iii) Identification of times when
below 90 percent and above 50 ppmv, as hourly averages have been obtained
measured by the continuous moni- based on manual sampling methods;
toring system prescribed under (iv) Identification of the times when
§ 60.105(a)(8), or above 50 ppmv, as meas- the pollutant concentration exceeded
ured by the outlet continuous moni- full span of the continuous monitoring
toring system prescribed under system; and
§ 60.105(a)(9). The average percent re- (v) Description of any modifications
duction and average sulfur dioxide con- to the continuous monitoring system
centration shall be determined using that could affect the ability of the con-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the procedures specified under tinuous monitoring system to comply

§ 60.106(h); with Performance Specifications 2 or 3.


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§ 60.108 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(vi) Results of daily drift tests and completeness of the information con-
quarterly accuracy assessments as re- tained in the report.
quired under appendix F, Procedure 1. [54 FR 34029, Aug. 17, 1989, as amended at 55
(5) If subject to § 60.104(b)(2), for each FR 40178, Oct. 2, 1990; 64 FR 7465, Feb. 12, 1999;
day in which a Method 8 sample result 65 FR 61755, Oct. 17, 2000; 73 FR 35867, June 24,
required by § 60.106(i) was not obtained, 2008]
the date for which and brief expla-
nation as to why a Method 8 sample re- § 60.108 Performance test and compli-
sult was not obtained, for approval by ance provisions.
the Administrator. (a) Section 60.8(d) shall apply to the
(6) If subject to § 60.104(b)(3), for each initial performance test specified under
8-hour period in which a feed sulfur paragraph (c) of this section, but not to
measurement required by § 60.106(j) was the daily performance tests required
not obtained, the date for which and thereafter as specified in § 60.108(d).
brief explanation as to why a feed sul- Section 60.8(f) does not apply when de-
fur measurement was not obtained, for termining compliance with the stand-
approval by the Administrator. ards specified under § 60.104(b). Per-
(d) For any periods for which sulfur formance tests conducted for the pur-
dioxide or oxides emissions data are pose of determining compliance under
not available, the owner or operator of § 60.104(b) shall be conducted according
the affected facility shall submit a to the applicable procedures specified
signed statement indicating if any under § 60.106.
changes were made in operation of the (b) Owners or operators who seek to
emission control system during the pe- comply with § 60.104(b)(3) shall meet
riod of data unavailability which could that standard at all times, including
affect the ability of the system to meet periods of startup, shutdown, and mal-
the applicable emission limit. Oper- functions.
ations of the control system and af- (c) The initial performance test shall
fected facility during periods of data consist of the initial 7-day average cal-
unavailability are to be compared with culated for compliance with
operation of the control system and af- § 60.104(b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3).
fected facility before and following the (d) After conducting the initial per-
period of data unavailability. formance test prescribed under § 60.8,
(e) For each fuel gas stream com- the owner or operator of a fluid cata-
busted in a fuel gas combustion device lytic cracking unit catalyst regen-
subject to § 60.104(a)(1), if an owner or erator subject to § 60.104(b) shall con-
operator determines that one of the ex- duct a performance test for each suc-
emptions listed in § 60.105(a)(4)(iv) ap- cessive 24-hour period thereafter. The
plies to that fuel gas stream, the owner daily performance tests shall be con-
or operator shall maintain records of ducted according to the appropriate
the specific exemption chosen for each procedures specified under § 60.106. In
fuel gas stream. If the owner or oper- the event that a sample collected under
ator applies for the exemption de- § 60.106(i) or (j) is accidentally lost or
scribed in § 60.105(a)(4)(iv)(D), the owner conditions occur in which one of the
or operator must keep a copy of the ap- samples must be discontinued because
plication as well as the letter from the of forced shutdown, failure of an irre-
Administrator granting approval of the placeable portion of the sample train,
application. extreme meteorological conditions, or
(f) The owner or operator of an af- other circumstances, beyond the owner
fected facility shall submit the reports or operators’ control, compliance may
required under this subpart to the Ad- be determined using available data for
ministrator semiannually for each six- the 7-day period.
month period. All semiannual reports (e) Each owner or operator subject to
shall be postmarked by the 30th day § 60.104(b) who has demonstrated com-
following the end of each six-month pe- pliance with one of the provisions of
riod. § 60.104(b) but a later date seeks to com-
(g) The owner or operator of the af- ply with another of the provisions of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fected facility shall submit a signed § 60.104(b) shall begin conducting daily
statement certifying the accuracy and performance tests as specified under


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.100a

paragraph (d) of this section imme- tion or reconstruction after May 14,
diately upon electing to become sub- 2007, or elect to comply with the provi-
ject to one of the other provisions of sions of this subpart in lieu of com-
§ 60.104(b). The owner or operator shall plying with the provisions in subpart J
furnish the Administrator with a writ- of this part. For flares, the provisions
ten notification of the change in the of this subpart apply only to flares
semiannual report required by which commence construction, modi-
§ 60.107(f). fication or reconstruction after June
[54 FR 34030, Aug. 17, 1989, as amended at 55 24, 2008. For the purposes of this sub-
FR 40178, Oct. 2, 1990; 64 FR 7466, Feb. 12, 1999; part, a modification to a flare com-
73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008] mences when a project that includes
§ 60.109 Delegation of authority. any of the activities in paragraphs
(c)(1) or (2) of this section is com-
(a) In delegating implementation and menced. For delayed coking units, the
enforcement authority to a State
provisions of this subpart apply to de-
under section 111(c) of the Act, the au-
layed coking units that commence con-
thorities contained in paragraph (b) of
this section shall be retained by the struction, reconstruction or modifica-
Administrator and not transferred to a tion on the earliest of the following
State. dates:
(b) Authorities which shall not be (1) May 14, 2007, for such activities
delegated to States: that involve a ‘‘delayed coking unit’’
(1) Section 60.105(a)(13)(iii), defined as follows: one or more refinery
(2) Section 60.106(i)(12). process units in which high molecular
[54 FR 34031, Aug. 17, 1989, as amended at 55 weight petroleum derivatives are ther-
FR 40178, Oct. 2, 1990] mally cracked and petroleum coke is
produced in a series of closed, batch
Subpart Ja—Standards of Perform- system reactors;
ance for Petroleum Refineries (2) December 22, 2008, for such activi-
for Which Construction, Re- ties that involve a ‘‘delayed coking
unit’’ defined as follows: a refinery
construction, or Modification process unit in which high molecular
Commenced After May 14, weight petroleum derivatives are ther-
2007 mally cracked and petroleum coke is
produced in a series of closed, batch
SOURCE: 73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, unless system reactors. A delayed coking unit
otherwise noted.
consists of the coke drums and associ-
§ 60.100a Applicability, designation of ated fractionator;
affected facility, and reconstruc- (3) September 12, 2012, for such activi-
tion. ties that involve a ‘‘delayed coking
(a) The provisions of this subpart unit’’ as defined in § 60.101a.
apply to the following affected facili- (c) For all affected facilities other
ties in petroleum refineries: fluid cata- than flares, the provisions in § 60.14 re-
lytic cracking units (FCCU), fluid cok- garding modification apply. As pro-
ing units (FCU), delayed coking units, vided in § 60.14(f), the special provisions
fuel gas combustion devices (including set forth under this subpart shall su-
process heaters), flares and sulfur re- persede the provisions in § 60.14 with re-
covery plants. The sulfur recovery spect to flares. For the purposes of this
plant need not be physically located subpart, a modification to a flare oc-
within the boundaries of a petroleum curs as provided in paragraphs (c)(1) or
refinery to be an affected facility, pro- (2) of this section.
vided it processes gases produced with- (1) Any new piping from a refinery
in a petroleum refinery.
process unit, including ancillary equip-
(b) Except for flares and delayed cok-
ment, or a fuel gas system is physically
ing units, the provisions of this subpart
apply only to affected facilities under connected to the flare (e.g., for direct
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

paragraph (a) of this section which ei-

ther commence construction, modifica-


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§ 60.101a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

emergency relief or some form of con- Air preheat means a device used to
tinuous or intermittent venting). How- heat the air supplied to a process heat-
ever, the connections described in para- er generally by use of a heat exchanger
graphs (c)(1)(i) through (vii) of this sec- to recover the sensible heat of exhaust
tion are not considered modifications gas from the process heater.
of a flare. Ancillary equipment means equipment
(i) Connections made to install moni- used in conjunction with or that serve
toring systems to the flare. a refinery process unit. Ancillary equip-
(ii) Connections made to install a ment includes, but is not limited to,
flare gas recovery system or connec- storage tanks, product loading oper-
tions made to upgrade or enhance com- ations, wastewater treatment systems,
ponents of a flare gas recovery system steam- or electricity-producing units
(e.g., addition of compressors or recycle (including coke gasification units),
lines). pressure relief valves, pumps, sampling
(iii) Connections made to replace or vents and continuous analyzer vents.
upgrade existing pressure relief or safe- Cascaded flare system means a series
ty valves, provided the new pressure re- of flares connected to one flare gas
lief or safety valve has a set point header system arranged with increas-
opening pressure no lower and an inter- ing pressure set points so that dis-
nal diameter no greater than the exist- charges will be initially directed to the
ing equipment being replaced or up- first flare in the series (i.e., the pri-
graded. mary flare). If the discharge pressure
(iv) Connections made for flare gas exceeds a set point at which the flow to
sulfur removal. the primary flare would exceed the pri-
(v) Connections made to install back- mary flare’s capacity, flow will be di-
up (redundant) equipment associated verted to the second flare in the series.
with the flare (such as a back-up com- Similarly, flow would be diverted to a
pressor) that does not increase the ca- third (or fourth) flare if the pressure in
pacity of the flare. the flare gas header system exceeds a
(vi) Replacing piping or moving an threshold where the flow to the first
existing connection from a refinery two (or three) flares would exceed their
process unit to a new location in the capacities.
same flare, provided the new pipe di- Co-fired process heater means a proc-
ameter is less than or equal to the di- ess heater that employs burners that
ameter of the pipe/connection being re- are designed to be supplied by both gas-
placed/moved. eous and liquid fuels on a routine basis.
(vii) Connections that interconnect Process heaters that have gas burners
two or more flares. with emergency oil back-up burners
(2) A flare is physically altered to in- are not considered co-fired process
crease the flow capacity of the flare. heaters.
(d) For purposes of this subpart, Coke burn-off means the coke re-
under § 60.15, the ‘‘fixed capital cost of moved from the surface of the FCCU
the new components’’ includes the catalyst by combustion in the catalyst
fixed capital cost of all depreciable regenerator. The rate of coke burn-off
components which are or will be re- is calculated by the formula specified
placed pursuant to all continuous pro- in § 60.104a.
grams of component replacement Contact material means any substance
which are commenced within any 2- formulated to remove metals, sulfur,
year period following the relevant ap- nitrogen, or any other contaminant
plicability date specified in paragraph from petroleum derivatives.
(b) of this section. Corrective action means the design,
[73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77 operation and maintenance changes
FR 56464, Sep. 12, 2012; 80 FR 75230, Dec. 1, that one takes consistent with good en-
2015] gineering practice to reduce or elimi-
nate the likelihood of the recurrence of
§ 60.101a Definitions. the primary cause and any other con-
Terms used in this subpart are de- tributing cause(s) of an event identi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fined in the Clean Air Act (CAA), in fied by a root cause analysis as having
§ 60.2 and in this section. resulted in a discharge of gases from an


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.101a

affected facility in excess of specified piping is to transport gas to a flare or

thresholds. knockout pot that is part of the flare.
Corrective action analysis means a de- Flare gas recovery system means a sys-
scription of all reasonable interim and tem of one or more compressors, piping
long-term measures, if any, that are and the associated water seal, rupture
available, and an explanation of why disk or similar device used to divert
the selected corrective action(s) is/are gas from the flare and direct the gas to
the best alternative(s), including, but the fuel gas system or to a fuel gas
not limited to, considerations of cost combustion device.
effectiveness, technical feasibility, Flexicoking unit means a refinery
safety and secondary impacts. process unit in which high molecular
Delayed coking unit means a refinery weight petroleum derivatives are ther-
process unit in which high molecular mally cracked and petroleum coke is
weight petroleum derivatives are ther- continuously produced and then
mally cracked and petroleum coke is gasified to produce a synthetic fuel
produced in a series of closed, batch gas.
system reactors. A delayed coking unit Fluid catalytic cracking unit means a
includes, but is not limited to, all of refinery process unit in which petro-
the coke drums associated with a sin- leum derivatives are continuously
gle fractionator; the fractionator, in- charged and hydrocarbon molecules in
cluding the bottoms receiver and the the presence of a catalyst suspended in
overhead condenser; the coke drum a fluidized bed are fractured into
cutting water and quench system, in- smaller molecules, or react with a con-
cluding the jet pump and coker quench tact material suspended in a fluidized
water tank; and the coke drum blow- bed to improve feedstock quality for
down recovery compressor system. additional processing and the catalyst
Emergency flare means a flare that or contact material is continuously re-
combusts gas exclusively released as a generated by burning off coke and
result of malfunctions (and not start- other deposits. The unit includes the
up, shutdown, routine operations or riser, reactor, regenerator, air blowers,
any other cause) on four or fewer occa- spent catalyst or contact material
sions in a rolling 365-day period. For stripper, catalyst or contact material
purposes of this rule, a flare cannot be recovery equipment, and regenerator
categorized as an emergency flare unless equipment for controlling air pollutant
it maintains a water seal. emissions and for heat recovery. When
Flare means a combustion device that fluid catalyst cracking unit regenerator
uses an uncontrolled volume of air to exhaust from two separate fluid cata-
burn gases. The flare includes the foun- lytic cracking units share a common
dation, flare tip, structural support, exhaust treatment (e.g., CO boiler or
burner, igniter, flare controls, includ- wet scrubber), the fluid catalytic crack-
ing air injection or steam injection ing unit is a single affected facility.
systems, flame arrestors and the flare Fluid coking unit means a refinery
gas header system. In the case of an process unit in which high molecular
interconnected flare gas header sys- weight petroleum derivatives are ther-
tem, the flare includes each individual mally cracked and petroleum coke is
flare serviced by the interconnected continuously produced in a fluidized
flare gas header system and the inter- bed system. The fluid coking unit in-
connected flare gas header system. cludes the coking reactor, the coking
Flare gas header system means all pip- burner, and equipment for controlling
ing and knockout pots, including those air pollutant emissions and for heat re-
in a subheader system, used to collect covery on the fluid coking burner ex-
and transport gas to a flare either from haust vent.
a process unit or a pressure relief valve Forced draft process heater means a
from the fuel gas system, regardless of process heater in which the combustion
whether or not a flare gas recovery sys- air is supplied under positive pressure
tem draws gas from the flare gas header produced by a fan at any location in
system. The flare gas header system in- the inlet air line prior to the point
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cludes piping inside the battery limit where the combustion air enters the
of a process unit if the purpose of the process heater or air preheat. For the


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§ 60.101a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

purposes of this subpart, a process Oxidation control system means an

heater that uses fans at both the inlet emission control system which reduces
air side and the exhaust air side (i.e., emissions from sulfur recovery plants
balanced draft system) is considered to by converting these emissions to sulfur
be a forced draft process heater. dioxide (SO2) and recycling the SO2 to
Fuel gas means any gas which is gen- the reactor furnace or the first-stage
erated at a petroleum refinery and catalytic reactor of the Claus sulfur re-
which is combusted. Fuel gas includes covery plant or converting the SO2 to a
natural gas when the natural gas is sulfur product.
combined and combusted in any pro- Petroleum means the crude oil re-
portion with a gas generated at a refin- moved from the earth and the oils de-
ery. Fuel gas does not include gases rived from tar sands, shale, and coal.
generated by catalytic cracking unit Petroleum refinery means any facility
catalyst regenerators, coke calciners engaged in producing gasoline, ker-
(used to make premium grade coke) osene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel
and fluid coking burners, but does in- oils, lubricants, asphalt (bitumen) or
clude gases from flexicoking unit gasi- other products through distillation of
fiers and other gasifiers. Fuel gas does petroleum or through redistillation,
not include vapors that are collected cracking or reforming of unfinished pe-
and combusted in a thermal oxidizer or troleum derivatives. A facility that
flare installed to control emissions produces only oil shale or tar sands-de-
from wastewater treatment units other rived crude oil for further processing at
than those processing sour water, ma- a petroleum refinery using only solvent
rine tank vessel loading operations or extraction and/or distillation to re-
asphalt processing units (i.e., asphalt cover diluent is not a petroleum refin-
blowing stills). ery.
Fuel gas combustion device means any Primary flare means the first flare in
a cascaded flare system.
equipment, such as process heaters and
Process heater means an enclosed
boilers, used to combust fuel gas. For
combustion device used to transfer
the purposes of this subpart, fuel gas
heat indirectly to process stream mate-
combustion device does not include
rials (liquids, gases, or solids) or to a
flares or facilities in which gases are
heat transfer material for use in a
combusted to produce sulfur or sulfuric
process unit instead of steam.
Process upset gas means any gas gen-
Fuel gas system means a system of erated by a petroleum refinery process
compressors, piping, knock-out pots, unit or by ancillary equipment as a re-
mix drums, and units used to remove sult of startup, shutdown, upset or
sulfur contaminants from the fuel gas malfunction.
(e.g., amine scrubbers) that collects re- Purge gas means gas introduced be-
finery fuel gas from one or more tween a flare’s water seal and a flare’s
sources for treatment as necessary tip to prevent oxygen infiltration
prior to combusting in process heaters (backflow) into the flare tip. For flares
or boilers. A fuel gas system may have with no water seals, the function of
an overpressure vent to a flare but the purge gas is performed by sweep gas
primary purpose for a fuel gas system (i.e., flares without water seals do not
is to provide fuel to the refinery. use purge gas).
Natural draft process heater means any Reduced sulfur compounds means hy-
process heater in which the combustion drogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl sulfide,
air is supplied under ambient or nega- and carbon disulfide.
tive pressure without the use of an Reduction control system means an
inlet air (forced draft) fan. For the pur- emission control system which reduces
poses of this subpart, a natural draft emissions from sulfur recovery plants
process heater is any process heater by converting these emissions to H2S
that is not a forced draft process heat- and either recycling the H2S to the re-
er, including induced draft systems. actor furnace or the first-stage cata-
Non-emergency flare means any flare lytic reactor of the Claus sulfur recov-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

that is not an emergency flare as de- ery plant or converting the H2S to a
fined in this subpart. sulfur product.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.102a

Refinery process unit means any seg- venting oxygen infiltration (backflow)
ment of the petroleum refinery in into the flare tip.
which a specific processing operation is [73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77
conducted. FR 56464, Sep. 12, 2012; 78 FR 76756, Dec. 19,
Root cause analysis means an assess- 2013; 80 FR 75230, Dec. 1, 2015]
ment conducted through a process of
investigation to determine the primary § 60.102a Emissions limitations.
cause, and any other contributing (a) Each owner or operator that is
cause(s), of a discharge of gases in ex- subject to the requirements of this sub-
cess of specified thresholds. part shall comply with the emissions
Secondary flare means a flare in a cas- limitations in paragraphs (b) through
caded flare system that provides addi- (i) of this section on and after the date
tional flare capacity and pressure relief on which the initial performance test,
to a flare gas system when the flare gas required by § 60.8, is completed, but not
flow exceeds the capacity of the pri- later than 60 days after achieving the
mary flare. For purposes of this sub- maximum production rate at which the
part, a secondary flare is characterized affected facility will be operated or 180
by infrequent use and must maintain a days after initial startup, whichever
water seal. comes first.
Sour water means water that contains (b) An owner or operator subject to
sulfur compounds (usually H2S) at con- the provisions of this subpart shall not
centrations of 10 parts per million by discharge or cause the discharge into
weight or more. the atmosphere from any FCCU or
Sulfur pit means the storage vessel in FCU:
which sulfur that is condensed after (1) Particulate matter (PM) in excess
each Claus catalytic reactor is initially of the limits in paragraphs (b)(1)(i), (ii),
accumulated and stored. A sulfur pit or (iii) of this section.
does not include secondary sulfur stor- (i) 1.0 gram per kilogram (g/kg) (1
age vessels downstream of the initial pound (lb) per 1,000 lb) coke burn-off or,
Claus reactor sulfur pits. if a PM continuous emission moni-
Sulfur recovery plant means all proc- toring system (CEMS) is used, 0.040
ess units which recover sulfur from H2S grain per dry standard cubic feet (gr/
and/or SO2 from a common source of dscf) corrected to 0 percent excess air
sour gas produced at a petroleum refin- for each modified or reconstructed
ery. The sulfur recovery plant also in- FCCU.
cludes sulfur pits used to store the re- (ii) 0.5 gram per kilogram (g/kg) coke
covered sulfur product, but it does not burn-off (0.5 lb PM/1,000 lb coke burn-
include secondary sulfur storage ves- off) or, if a PM CEMS is used, 0.020 gr/
sels or loading facilities downstream of dscf corrected to 0 percent excess air
the sulfur pits. For example, a Claus for each newly constructed FCCU.
sulfur recovery plant includes: Reactor (iii) 1.0 g/kg (1 lb/1,000 lb) coke burn-
furnace and waste heat boiler, cata- off or, if a PM CEMS is used, 0.040 grain
lytic reactors, sulfur pits and, if per dry standard cubic feet (gr/dscf)
present, oxidation or reduction control corrected to 0 percent excess air for
systems or incinerator, thermal oxi- each affected FCU.
dizer or similar combustion device. (2) Nitrogen oxides (NOX) in excess of
Multiple sulfur recovery units are a 80 parts per million by volume (ppmv),
single affected facility only when the dry basis corrected to 0 percent excess
units share the same source of sour air, on a 7-day rolling average basis.
gas. Sulfur recovery plants that receive (3) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) in excess of 50
source gas from completely segregated ppmv dry basis corrected to 0 percent
sour gas treatment systems are sepa- excess air, on a 7-day rolling average
rate affected facilities. basis and 25 ppmv, dry basis corrected
Sweep gas means the gas introduced to 0 percent excess air, on a 365-day
in a flare gas header system to main- rolling average basis.
tain a constant flow of gas to prevent (4) Carbon monoxide (CO) in excess of
oxygen buildup in the flare header. For 500 ppmv, dry basis corrected to 0 per-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

flares with no water seals, sweep gas cent excess air, on an hourly average
also performs the function of pre- basis.


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§ 60.102a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c) The owner or operator of a FCCU (i) The hourly average temperature
or FCU that uses a continuous param- of the exhaust gas vent stream exiting
eter monitoring system (CPMS) ac- the control device must not fall below
cording to § 60.105a(b)(1) shall comply the level established during the most
with the applicable control device pa- recent performance test.
rameter operating limit in paragraph (ii) The hourly average O2 concentra-
(c)(1) or (2) of this section. tion of the exhaust gas vent stream
(1) If the FCCU or FCU is controlled exiting the control device must not fall
using an electrostatic precipitator: below the level established during the
(i) The 3-hour rolling average total most recent performance test.
power and secondary current to the en- (f) Except as provided in paragraph
tire system must not fall below the (f)(3) of this section, each owner or op-
level established during the most re- erator of an affected sulfur recovery
cent performance test; and plant shall comply with the applicable
(ii) The daily average exhaust coke emission limits in paragraph (f)(1) or
burn-off rate must not exceed the level (2) of this section.
established during the most recent per- (1) For a sulfur recovery plant with a
formance test. design production capacity greater
(2) If the FCCU or FCU is controlled than 20 long tons per day (LTD), the
using a wet scrubber: owner or operator shall comply with
(i) The 3-hour rolling average pres- the applicable emission limit in para-
sure drop must not fall below the level graph (f)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section. If
established during the most recent per- the sulfur recovery plant consists of
formance test; and multiple process trains or release
(ii) The 3-hour rolling average liquid- points, the owner or operator shall
to-gas ratio must not fall below the comply with the applicable emission
level established during the most re- limit for each process train or release
cent performance test. point individually or comply with the
(d) If an FCCU or FCU uses a contin- applicable emission limit in paragraph
uous opacity monitoring system (f)(1)(i) or (ii) as a flow rate weighted
(COMS) according to the alternative average for a group of release points
monitoring option in § 60.105a(e), the 3- from the sulfur recovery plant provided
hour rolling average opacity of emis- that flow is monitored as specified in
sions from the FCCU or FCU as meas- § 60.106a(a)(7); if flow is not monitored
ured by the COMS must not exceed the as specified in § 60.106a(a)(7), the owner
site-specific opacity limit established or operator shall comply with the ap-
during the most recent performance plicable emission limit in paragraph
test. (f)(1)(i) or (ii) for each process train or
(e) The owner or operator of a FCCU release point individually. For a sulfur
or FCU that is exempted from the re- recovery plant with a design produc-
quirement for a CO continuous emis- tion capacity greater than 20 long LTD
sions monitoring system under and a reduction control system not fol-
§ 60.105a(h)(3) shall comply with the pa- lowed by incineration, the owner or op-
rameter operating limits in paragraph erator shall also comply with the H2S
(e)(1) or (2) of this section. emission limit in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of
(1) For a FCCU or FCU with no post- this section for each individual release
combustion control device: point.
(i) The hourly average temperature (i) For a sulfur recovery plant with
of the exhaust gases exiting the FCCU an oxidation control system or a reduc-
or FCU must not fall below the level tion control system followed by incin-
established during the most recent per- eration, the owner or operator shall
formance test. not discharge or cause the discharge of
(ii) The hourly average oxygen (O2) any gases containing SO2 into the at-
concentration of the exhaust gases mosphere in excess of the emission
exiting the FCCU or FCU must not fall limit calculated using Equation 1 of
below the level established during the this section. For Claus units that use
most recent performance test. only ambient air in the Claus burner or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(2) For a FCCU or FCU with a post- that elect not to monitor O2 concentra-
combustion control device: tion of the air/oxygen mixture used in


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.102a

the Claus burner or for non-Claus sul- limit is 250 ppmv (dry basis) at zero
fur recovery plants, this SO2 emissions percent excess air.

Where: or less, the owner or operator shall

ELS = Emission limit for large sulfur recov- comply with the applicable emission
ery plant, ppmv (as SO2, dry basis at zero limit in paragraph (f)(2)(i) or (ii) of this
percent excess air); section. If the sulfur recovery plant
k1 = Constant factor for emission limit con-
version: k1 = 1 for converting to the SO2
consists of multiple process trains or
limit for a sulfur recovery plant with an release points, the owner or operator
oxidation control system or a reduction may comply with the applicable emis-
control system followed by incineration sion limit for each process train or re-
and k1 = 1.2 for converting to the reduced lease point individually or comply with
sulfur compounds limit for a sulfur re- the applicable emission limit in para-
covery plant with a reduction control
system not followed by incineration; and
graph (f)(2)(i) or (ii) as a flow rate
%O2 = O2 concentration of the air/oxygen weighted average for a group of release
mixture supplied to the Claus burner, points from the sulfur recovery plant
percent by volume (dry basis). If only provided that flow is monitored as
ambient air is used for the Claus burner specified in § 60.106a(a)(7); if flow is not
or if the owner or operator elects not to monitored as specified in § 60.106a(a)(7),
monitor O2 concentration of the air/oxy-
gen mixture used in the Claus burner or
the owner or operator shall comply
for non-Claus sulfur recovery plants, use with the applicable emission limit in
20.9% for %O2. paragraph (f)(2)(i) or (ii) for each proc-
ess train or release point individually.
(ii) For a sulfur recovery plant with a
For a sulfur recovery plant with a de-
reduction control system not followed
sign production capacity of 20 LTD or
by incineration, the owner or operator
less and a reduction control system not
shall not discharge or cause the dis-
followed by incineration, the owner or
charge of any gases into the atmos-
operator shall also comply with the
phere containing reduced sulfur com-
pounds in excess of the emission limit H2S emission limit in paragraph
calculated using Equation 1 of this sec- (f)(2)(iii) of this section for each indi-
tion. For Claus units that use only am- vidual release point.
bient air in the Claus burner or for (i) For a sulfur recovery plant with
non-Claus sulfur recovery plants, this an oxidation control system or a reduc-
reduced sulfur compounds emission tion control system followed by incin-
limit is 300 ppmv calculated as ppmv eration, the owner or operator shall
SO2 (dry basis) at 0-percent excess air. not discharge or cause the discharge of
(iii) For a sulfur recovery plant with any gases into the atmosphere con-
a reduction control system not fol- taining SO2 in excess of the emission
lowed by incineration, the owner or op- limit calculated using Equation 2 of
erator shall not discharge or cause the this section. For Claus units that use
discharge of any gases into the atmos- only ambient air in the Claus burner or
phere containing hydrogen sulfide that elect not to monitor O2 concentra-
(H2S) in excess of 10 ppmv calculated as tion of the air/oxygen mixture used in
ppmv SO2 (dry basis) at zero percent the Claus burner or for non-Claus sul-
excess air. fur recovery plants, this SO2 emission
(2) For a sulfur recovery plant with a limit is 2,500 ppmv (dry basis) at zero
design production capacity of 20 LTD percent excess air.
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§ 60.102a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)
Where: (1) Except as provided in (g)(1)(iii) of
ESS = Emission limit for small sulfur recov- this section, for each fuel gas combus-
ery plant, ppmv (as SO2, dry basis at zero tion device, the owner or operator shall
percent excess air); comply with either the emission limit
k1 = Constant factor for emission limit con-
in paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section or
version: k1 = 1 for converting to the SO2
limit for a sulfur recovery plant with an the fuel gas concentration limit in
oxidation control system or a reduction paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section. For
control system followed by incineration CO boilers or furnaces that are part of
and k1 = 1.2 for converting to the reduced a fluid catalytic cracking unit or fluid
sulfur compounds limit for a sulfur re- coking unit affected facility, the owner
covery plant with a reduction control or operator shall comply with the fuel
system not followed by incineration; and gas concentration limit in paragraph
%O2 = O2 concentration of the air/oxygen
mixture supplied to the Claus burner,
(g)(1)(ii) for all fuel gas streams com-
percent by volume (dry basis). If only busted in these units.
ambient air is used in the Claus burner (i) The owner or operator shall not
or if the owner or operator elects not to discharge or cause the discharge of any
monitor O2 concentration of the air/oxy- gases into the atmosphere that contain
gen mixture used in the Claus burner or SO2 in excess of 20 ppmv (dry basis, cor-
for non-Claus sulfur recovery plants, use rected to 0-percent excess air) deter-
20.9% for %O2. mined hourly on a 3-hour rolling aver-
(ii) For a sulfur recovery plant with a age basis and SO2 in excess of 8 ppmv
reduction control system not followed (dry basis, corrected to 0-percent ex-
by incineration, the owner or operator cess air), determined daily on a 365 suc-
shall not discharge or cause the dis- cessive calendar day rolling average
charge of any gases into the atmos- basis; or
phere containing reduced sulfur com- (ii) The owner or operator shall not
pounds in excess of the emission limit burn in any fuel gas combustion device
calculated using Equation 2 of this sec- any fuel gas that contains H2S in ex-
tion. For Claus units that use only am- cess of 162 ppmv determined hourly on
bient air in the Claus burner or for a 3-hour rolling average basis and H2S
non-Claus sulfur recovery plants, this in excess of 60 ppmv determined daily
reduced sulfur compounds emission on a 365 successive calendar day rolling
limit is 3,000 ppmv calculated as ppmv average basis.
SO2 (dry basis) at zero percent excess (iii) The combustion in a portable
air. generator of fuel gas released as a re-
(iii) For a sulfur recovery plant with sult of tank degassing and/or cleaning
a reduction control system not fol- is exempt from the emissions limits in
lowed by incineration, the owner or op- paragraphs (g)(1)(i) and (ii) of this sec-
erator shall not discharge or cause the tion.
discharge of any gases into the atmos- (2) For each process heater with a
phere containing H2S in excess of 100 rated capacity of greater than 40 mil-
ppmv calculated as ppmv SO2 (dry lion British thermal units per hour
basis) at zero percent excess air. (MMBtu/hr) on a higher heating value
(3) The emission limits in paragraphs basis, the owner or operator shall not
(f)(1) and (2) of this section shall not discharge to the atmosphere any emis-
apply during periods of maintenance of sions of NOX in excess of the applicable
the sulfur pit, which shall not exceed limits in paragraphs (g)(2)(i) through
240 hours per year. The owner or oper- (iv) of this section.
ator must document the time periods (i) For each natural draft process
during which the sulfur pit vents were heater, comply with the limit in either
not controlled and measures taken to paragraph (g)(2)(i)(A) or (B) of this sec-
minimize emissions during these peri- tion. The owner or operator may com-
ods. Examples of these measures in- ply with either limit at any time, pro-
clude not adding fresh sulfur or shut- vided that the appropriate parameters
ting off vent fans. for each alternative are monitored as
(g) Each owner or operator of an af- specified in § 60.107a; if fuel gas com-
fected fuel gas combustion device shall position is not monitored as specified
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

comply with the emissions limits in in § 60.107a(d), the owner or operator

paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section. must comply with the concentration


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.102a

limits in paragraph (g)(2)(i)(A) of this centration limits in paragraph

section. (g)(2)(ii)(A) of this section.
(A) 40 ppmv (dry basis, corrected to 0- (A) 60 ppmv (dry basis, corrected to 0-
percent excess air) determined daily on percent excess air) determined daily on
a 30-day rolling average basis; or a 30-day rolling average basis; or
(B) 0.040 pounds per million British (B) 0.060 lb/MMBtu higher heating
thermal units (lb/MMBtu) higher heat- value basis determined daily on a 30-
ing value basis determined daily on a day rolling average basis.
(iii) For each co-fired natural draft
30-day rolling average basis.
process heater, comply with the limit
(ii) For each forced draft process
in either paragraph (g)(2)(iii)(A) or (B)
heater, comply with the limit in either of this section. The owner or operator
paragraph (g)(2)(ii)(A) or (B) of this must choose one of the emissions lim-
section. The owner or operator may its with which to comply at all times:
comply with either limit at any time, (A) 150 ppmv (dry basis, corrected to
provided that the appropriate param- 0-percent excess air) determined daily
eters for each alternative are mon- on a 30 successive operating day rolling
itored as specified in § 60.107a; if fuel average basis; or
gas composition is not monitored as (B) The daily average emissions limit
specified in § 60.107a(d), the owner or calculated using Equation 3 of this sec-
operator must comply with the con- tion:

Where: (iv) For each co-fired forced draft

ERNOx = Daily allowable average emission process heater, comply with the limit
rate of NOX, lb/MMBtu (higher heating in either paragraph (g)(2)(iv)(A) or (B)
value basis); of this section. The owner or operator
Qgas = Daily average volumetric flow rate of
fuel gas, standard cubic feet per day (scf/ must choose one of the emissions lim-
day); its with which to comply at all times:
Qoil = Daily average volumetric flow rate of (A) 150 ppmv (dry basis, corrected to
fuel oil, scf/day; 0-percent excess air) determined daily
HHVgas = Daily average higher heating value on a 30 successive operating day rolling
of gas fired to the process heater,
average basis; or
MMBtu/scf; and
HHVoil = Daily average higher heating value (B) The daily average emissions limit
of fuel oil fired to the process heater, calculated using Equation 4 of this sec-
MMBtu/scf. tion:

Where: HHVgas = Daily average higher heating value

ERNOx = Daily allowable average emission of gas fired to the process heater,
rate of NOX, lb/MMBtu (higher heating MMBtu/scf; and
value basis); HHVoil = Daily average higher heating value
Qgas = Daily average volumetric flow rate of of fuel oil fired to the process heater,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fuel gas, scf/day;


Qoil = Daily average volumetric flow rate of (h) [Reserved]

fuel oil, scf/day;


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§ 60.102a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) For a process heater that meets combustion modification-based tech-

any of the criteria of paragraphs nology (including combinations of
(i)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section, an these combustion modification-based
owner or operator may request ap- technologies) cannot be used to meet
proval from the Administrator for a the applicable emissions limit in para-
NOX emissions limit which shall apply graph (g)(2) of this section.
specifically to that affected facility. (iii) Results of a performance test
The request shall include information conducted under representative condi-
as described in paragraph (i)(2) of this tions using the applicable methods
section. The request shall be submitted specified in § 60.104a(i) to demonstrate
and followed as described in paragraph the performance of the technology the
(i)(3) of this section. owner or operator will use to minimize
(1) A process heater that meets one of NOX emissions.
the criteria in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) (iv) The means by which the owner or
through (iv) of this section may apply operator will document continuous
for a site-specific NOX emissions limit: compliance with the site-specific emis-
(i) A modified or reconstructed proc- sions limit.
ess heater that lacks sufficient space (3) The request shall be submitted
to accommodate installation and prop- and followed as described in paragraphs
er operation of combustion modifica- (i)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.
tion-based technology (e.g., ultra-low (i) The owner or operator of a process
NOX burners); or heater that meets one of the criteria in
(ii) A modified or reconstructed proc- paragraphs (i)(1)(i) through (iv) of this
ess heater that has downwardly firing section may request approval from the
induced draft burners; or Administrator within 180 days after
(iii) A co-fired process heater; or initial startup of the process heater for
(iv) A process heater operating at re- a NOX emissions limit which shall
duced firing conditions for an extended apply specifically to that affected facil-
period of time (i.e., operating in turn- ity.
down mode). The site-specific NOX (ii) The request must be submitted to
emissions limit will only apply for the Administrator for approval. The
those operating conditions. owner or operator must comply with
(2) The request shall include suffi- the request as submitted until it is ap-
cient and appropriate data, as deter- proved.
mined by the Administrator, to allow (iii) The request shall also be sub-
the Administrator to confirm that the mitted to the following address: U.S.
process heater is unable to comply Environmental Protection Agency, Of-
with the applicable NOX emissions fice of Air Quality Planning and Stand-
limit in paragraph (g)(2) of this section. ards, Sector Policies and Programs Di-
At a minimum, the request shall con- vision, U.S. EPA Mailroom (E143–01),
tain the information described in para- Attention: Refinery Sector Lead, 109
graphs (i)(2)(i) through (iv) of this sec- T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Tri-
tion. angle Park, NC 27711. Electronic copies
(i) The design and dimensions of the in lieu of hard copies may also be sub-
process heater, evaluation of available mitted to
combustion modification-based tech- (4) The approval process for a request
nology, description of fuel gas and, if for a facility-specific NOX emissions
applicable, fuel oil characteristics, in- limit is described in paragraphs (i)(4)(i)
formation regarding the combustion through (iii) of this section.
conditions (temperature, oxygen con- (i) Approval by the Administrator of
tent, firing rates) and other informa- a facility-specific NOX emissions limit
tion needed to demonstrate that the request will be based on the complete-
process heater meets one of the four ness, accuracy and reasonableness of
classes of process heaters listed in the request. Factors that the EPA will
paragraph (i)(1) of this section. consider in reviewing the request for
(ii) An explanation of how the data in approval include, but are not limited
paragraph (i)(2)(i) demonstrate that to, the following:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ultra-low NOX burners, flue gas recir- (A) A demonstration that the process
culation, control of excess air or other heater meets one of the four classes of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.103a

process heaters outlined in paragraphs each owner or operator of an affected

(i)(1) of this section; flare shall identify the minimization
(B) A description of the low-NOX alternatives that it has implemented
burner designs and other combustion by the due date of the flare manage-
modifications considered for reducing ment plan and shall include a schedule
NOX emissions; for the prompt implementation of any
(C) The combustion modification op- selected measures that cannot reason-
tion selected; and ably be completed as of that date.
(D) The operating conditions (firing (i) Elimination of process gas dis-
rate, heater box temperature and ex- charge to the flare through process op-
cess oxygen concentration) at which erating changes or gas recovery at the
the NOX emission level was established. source.
(ii) If the request is approved by the (ii) Reduction of the volume of proc-
Administrator, a facility-specific NOX ess gas to the flare through process op-
emissions limit will be established at erating changes.
the NOX emission level demonstrated (iii) Installation of a flare gas recov-
in the approved request. ery system or, for facilities that are
(iii) If the Administrator finds any fuel gas rich, a flare gas recovery sys-
deficiencies in the request, the request tem and a co-generation unit or com-
must be revised to address the defi- bined heat and power unit.
ciencies and be re-submitted for ap- (iv) Minimization of sweep gas flow
proval. rates and, for flares with water seals,
[73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77 purge gas flow rates.
FR 56466, Sep. 12, 2012; 80 FR 75230, Dec. 1, (3) A description of each affected
2015; 81 FR 45240, July 13, 2016] flare containing the information in
paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (vii) of this
§ 60.103a Design, equipment, work
practice or operational standards. section.
(i) A general description of the flare,
(a) Except as provided in paragraph including the information in para-
(g) of this section, each owner or oper- graphs (a)(3)(i)(A) through (G) of this
ator that operates a flare that is sub- section.
ject to this subpart shall develop and (A) Whether it is a ground flare or
implement a written flare management elevated (including height).
plan no later than the date specified in
(B) The type of assist system (e.g.,
paragraph (b) of this section. The flare
air, steam, pressure, non-assisted).
management plan must include the in-
(C) Whether it is simple or complex
formation described in paragraphs
flare tip (e.g., staged, sequential).
(a)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) A listing of all refinery process (D) Whether the flare is part of a cas-
units, ancillary equipment, and fuel caded flare system (and if so, whether
gas systems connected to the flare for the flare is primary or secondary).
each affected flare. (E) Whether the flare serves as a
(2) An assessment of whether dis- backup to another flare.
charges to affected flares from these (F) Whether the flare is an emer-
process units, ancillary equipment and gency flare or a non-emergency flare.
fuel gas systems can be minimized. The (G) Whether the flare is equipped
flare minimization assessment must with a flare gas recovery system.
(at a minimum) consider the items in (ii) Description and simple process
paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iv) of this flow diagram showing the interconnec-
section. The assessment must provide tion of the following components of the
clear rationale in terms of costs (cap- flare: flare tip (date installed, manu-
ital and annual operating), natural gas facturer, nominal and effective tip di-
offset credits (if applicable), technical ameter, tip drawing); knockout or
feasibility, secondary environmental surge drum(s) or pot(s) (including di-
impacts and safety considerations for mensions and design capacities); flare
the selected minimization alter- header(s) and subheader(s); assist sys-
native(s) or a statement, with justifica- tem; and ignition system.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tions, that flow reduction could not be (iii) Flare design parameters, includ-
achieved. Based upon the assessment, ing the maximum vent gas flow rate;


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§ 60.103a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

minimum sweep gas flow rate; min- tification for why the maximum time
imum purge gas flow rate (if any); max- period cannot be further reduced.
imum supplemental gas flow rate; max- (4) An evaluation of the baseline flow
imum pilot gas flow rate; and, if the to the flare. The baseline flow to the
flare is steam-assisted, minimum total flare must be determined after imple-
steam rate. menting the minimization assessment
(iv) Description and simple process in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
flow diagram showing all gas lines (in- Baseline flows do not include pilot gas
cluding flare, purge (if applicable), flow or purge gas flow (i.e., gas intro-
sweep, supplemental and pilot gas) that duced after the flare’s water seal) pro-
are associated with the flare. For vided these gas flows remain reason-
purge, sweep, supplemental and pilot ably constant (i.e., separate flow mon-
gas, identify the type of gas used. Des- itors for these streams are not re-
ignate which lines are exempt from sul- quired). Separate baseline flow rates
fur, H2S or flow monitoring and why may be established for different oper-
(e.g., natural gas, inherently low sul- ating conditions provided that the
fur, pilot gas). Designate which lines management plan includes:
are monitored and identify on the proc- (i) A primary baseline flow rate that
ess flow diagram the location and type will be used as the default baseline for
of each monitor. all conditions except those specifically
(v) For each flow rate, H2S, sulfur delineated in the plan;
content, pressure or water seal monitor (ii) A description of each special con-
identified in paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this dition for which an alternate baseline
section, provide a detailed description is established, including the rationale
of the manufacturer’s specifications, for each alternate baseline, the daily
including, but not limited to, make, flow for each alternate baseline and the
model, type, range, precision, accu- expected duration of the special condi-
racy, calibration, maintenance and tions for each alternate baseline; and
quality assurance procedures. (iii) Procedures to minimize dis-
charges to the affected flare during
(vi) For emergency flares, secondary
each special condition described in
flares and flares equipped with a flare
paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, un-
gas recovery system designed, sized
less procedures are already developed
and operated to capture all flows ex-
for these cases under paragraph (a)(5)
cept those resulting from startup,
through (7) of this section, as applica-
shutdown or malfunction:
(A) Description of the water seal, in- (5) Procedures to minimize or elimi-
cluding the operating range for the liq- nate discharges to the flare during the
uid level. planned startup and shutdown of the
(B) Designation of the monitoring op- refinery process units and ancillary
tion elected (flow and sulfur moni- equipment that are connected to the
toring or pressure and water seal liquid affected flare, together with a schedule
level monitoring). for the prompt implementation of any
(vii) For flares equipped with a flare procedures that cannot reasonably be
gas recovery system: implemented as of the date of the sub-
(A) A description of the flare gas re- mission of the flare management plan.
covery system, including number of (6) Procedures to reduce flaring in
compressors and capacity of each com- cases of fuel gas imbalance (i.e., excess
pressor. fuel gas for the refinery’s energy
(B) A description of the monitoring needs), together with a schedule for the
parameters used to quantify the prompt implementation of any proce-
amount of flare gas recovered. dures that cannot reasonably be imple-
(C) For systems with staged compres- mented as of the date of the submission
sors, the maximum time period re- of the flare management plan.
quired to begin gas recovery with the (7) For flares equipped with flare gas
secondary compressor(s), the moni- recovery systems, procedures to mini-
toring parameters and procedures used mize the frequency and duration of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

to minimize the duration of releases outages of the flare gas recovery sys-
during compressor staging and a jus- tem and procedures to minimize the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.103a

volume of gas flared during such out- vision, U.S. EPA Mailroom (E143–01),
ages, together with a schedule for the Attention: Refinery Sector Lead, 109
prompt implementation of any proce- T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Tri-
dures that cannot reasonably be imple- angle Park, NC 27711. Electronic copies
mented as of the date of the submission in lieu of hard copies may also be sub-
of the flare management plan. mitted to
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) Except as provided in paragraphs
(g) of this section, each owner or oper- (f) and (g) of this section, each owner
ator required to develop and imple- or operator that operates a fuel gas
ment a written flare management plan combustion device, flare or sulfur re-
as described in paragraph (a) of this covery plant subject to this subpart
section must submit the plan to the shall conduct a root cause analysis and
Administrator as described in para- a corrective action analysis for each of
graphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section. the conditions specified in paragraphs
(1) The owner or operator of a newly (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
constructed or reconstructed flare (1) For a flare:
must develop and implement the flare (i) Any time the SO2 emissions ex-
management plan by no later than the ceed 227 kilograms (kg) (500 lb) in any
date that the flare becomes an affected 24-hour period; or
facility subject to this subpart, except (ii) Any discharge to the flare in ex-
for the selected minimization alter- cess of 14,160 standard cubic meters
natives in paragraph (a)(2) and/or the (m3) (500,000 standard cubic feet (scf))
procedures in paragraphs (a)(5) though above the baseline, determined in para-
(a)(7) of this section that cannot rea- graph (a)(4) of this section, in any 24-
sonably be implemented by that date, hour period; or
which the owner or operator must im- (iii) If the monitoring alternative in
plement in accordance with the sched- § 60.107a(g) is elected, any period when
ule in the flare management plan. The the flare gas line pressure exceeds the
owner or operator of a modified flare water seal liquid depth, except for peri-
must develop and implement the flare ods attributable to compressor staging
management plan by no later than No- that do not exceed the staging time
vember 11, 2015 or upon startup of the specified in paragraph (a)(3)(vii)(C) of
modified flare, whichever is later. this section.
(2) The owner or operator must com- (2) For a fuel gas combustion device,
ply with the plan as submitted by the each exceedance of an applicable short-
date specified in paragraph (b)(1) of term emissions limit in § 60.102a(g)(1) if
this section. The plan should be up- the SO2 discharge to the atmosphere is
dated periodically to account for 227 kg (500 lb) greater than the amount
changes in the operation of the flare, that would have been emitted if the
such as new connections to the flare or emissions limits had been met during
the installation of a flare gas recovery one or more consecutive periods of ex-
system, but the plan need be re-sub- cess emissions or any 24-hour period,
mitted to the Administrator only if the whichever is shorter.
owner or operator adds an alternative (3) For a sulfur recovery plant, each
baseline flow rate, revises an existing time the SO2 emissions are more than
baseline as described in paragraph 227 kg (500 lb) greater than the amount
(a)(4) of this section, installs a flare gas that would have been emitted if the
recovery system or is required to SO2 or reduced sulfur concentration
change flare designations and moni- was equal to the applicable emissions
toring methods as described in limit in § 60.102a(f)(1) or (2) during one
§ 60.107a(g). The owner or operator must or more consecutive periods of excess
comply with the updated plan as sub- emissions or any 24-hour period, which-
mitted. ever is shorter.
(3) All versions of the plan submitted (d) Except as provided in paragraphs
to the Administrator shall also be sub- (f) and (g) of this section, a root cause
mitted to the following address: U.S. analysis and corrective action analysis
Environmental Protection Agency, Of- must be completed as soon as possible,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fice of Air Quality Planning and Stand- but no later than 45 days after a dis-
ards, Sector Policies and Programs Di- charge meeting one of the conditions


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§ 60.103a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through ducted pursuant to paragraph (d) of

(3) of this section. Special cir- this section in accordance with the ap-
cumstances affecting the number of plicable requirements in paragraphs
root cause analyses and/or corrective (e)(1) through (3) of this section.
action analyses are provided in para- (1) All corrective action(s) must be
graphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section. implemented within 45 days of the dis-
(1) If a single continuous discharge charge for which the root cause and
meets any of the conditions specified corrective action analyses were re-
in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this quired or as soon thereafter as prac-
section for 2 or more consecutive 24- ticable. If an owner or operator con-
hour periods, a single root cause anal- cludes that corrective action should
ysis and corrective action analysis may not be conducted, the owner or oper-
be conducted. ator shall record and explain the basis
(2) If a single discharge from a flare for that conclusion no later than 45
triggers a root cause analysis based on days following the discharge as speci-
more than one of the conditions speci- fied in § 60.108a(c)(6)(ix).
fied in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) (2) For corrective actions that cannot
of this section, a single root cause be fully implemented within 45 days
analysis and corrective action analysis following the discharge for which the
may be conducted. root cause and corrective action anal-
(3) If the discharge from a flare is the yses were required, the owner or oper-
result of a planned startup or shutdown ator shall develop an implementation
of a refinery process unit or ancillary schedule to complete the corrective ac-
equipment connected to the affected tion(s) as soon as practicable.
flare and the procedures in paragraph (3) No later than 45 days following
(a)(5) of this section were followed, a the discharge for which a root cause
root cause analysis and corrective ac- and corrective action analyses were re-
tion analysis is not required; however, quired, the owner or operator shall
the discharge must be recorded as de- record the corrective action(s) com-
scribed in § 60.108a(c)(6) and reported as pleted to date, and, for action(s) not al-
described in § 60.108a(d)(5). ready completed, a schedule for imple-
(4) If both the primary and secondary mentation, including proposed com-
flare in a cascaded flare system meet mencement and completion dates as
any of the conditions specified in para- specified in § 60.108a(c)(6)(x).
graphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this sec- (f) Modified flares shall comply with
tion in the same 24-hour period, a sin- the requirements of paragraphs (c)
gle root cause analysis and corrective through (e) of this section by Novem-
action analysis may be conducted. ber 11, 2015 or at startup of the modi-
(5) Except as provided in paragraph fied flare, whichever is later. Modified
(d)(4) of this section, if discharges flares that were not affected facilities
occur that meet any of the conditions subject to subpart J of this part prior
specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through to becoming affected facilities under
(3) of this section for more than one af- § 60.100a shall comply with the require-
fected facility in the same 24-hour pe- ments of paragraph (h) of this section
riod, initial root cause analyses shall and the requirements of § 60.107a(a)(2)
be conducted for each affected facility. by November 11, 2015 or at startup of
If the initial root cause analyses indi- the modified flare, whichever is later.
cate that the discharges have the same Modified flares that were affected fa-
root cause(s), the initial root cause cilities subject to subpart J of this part
analyses can be recorded as a single prior to becoming affected facilities
root cause analysis and a single correc- under § 60.100a shall comply with the
tive action analysis may be conducted. requirements of paragraph (h) of this
(e) Except as provided in paragraphs section and the requirements of
(f) and (g) of this section, each owner § 60.107a(a)(2) by November 13, 2012 or at
or operator of a fuel gas combustion startup of the modified flare, which-
device, flare or sulfur recovery plant ever is later, except that modified
subject to this subpart shall implement flares that have accepted applicability
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the corrective action(s) identified in of subpart J under a federal consent de-

the corrective action analysis con- cree shall comply with the subpart J


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.103a

requirements as specified in the con- uncondensed vapor must either be re-

sent decree, but shall comply with the covered (e.g., sent to the delayed cok-
requirements of paragraph (h) of this ing unit fractionators) or vented to the
section and the requirements of fuel gas system, a fuel gas combustion
§ 60.107a(a)(2) by no later than Novem- device or a flare.
ber 11, 2015. (j) Alternative means of emission limita-
(g) An affected flare subject to this tion. (1) Each owner or operator subject
subpart located in the Bay Area Air to the provisions of this section may
Quality Management District apply to the Administrator for a deter-
(BAAQMD) may elect to comply with mination of equivalence for any means
both BAAQMD Regulation 12, Rule 11 of emission limitation that achieves a
and BAAQMD Regulation 12, Rule 12 as reduction in emissions of a specified
an alternative to complying with the pollutant at least equivalent to the re-
requirements of paragraphs (a) through duction in emissions of that pollutant
(e) of this section. An affected flare achieved by the controls required in
subject to this subpart located in the this section.
South Coast Air Quality Management (2) Determination of equivalence to
District (SCAQMD) may elect to com- the design, equipment, work practice
ply with SCAQMD Rule 1118 as an al- or operational requirements of this sec-
ternative to complying with the re- tion will be evaluated by the following
quirements of paragraphs (a) through guidelines:
(e) of this section. The owner or oper- (i) Each owner or operator applying
ator of an affected flare must notify for a determination of equivalence
the Administrator that the flare is in shall be responsible for collecting and
compliance with BAAQMD Regulation verifying test data to demonstrate the
12, Rule 11 and BAAQMD Regulation 12, equivalence of the alternative means of
Rule 12 or SCAQMD Rule 1118. The emission limitation.
owner or operator of an affected flare (ii) For each affected facility for
shall also submit the existing flare which a determination of equivalence
management plan to the following ad- is requested, the emission reduction
dress: U.S. Environmental Protection achieved by the design, equipment,
Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning work practice or operational require-
and Standards, Sector Policies and ments shall be demonstrated.
Programs Division, U.S. EPA Mailroom (iii) For each affected facility for
(E143–01), Attention: Refinery Sector which a determination of equivalence
Lead, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Re- is requested, the emission reduction
search Triangle Park, NC 27711. Elec- achieved by the alternative means of
tronic copies in lieu of hard copies may emission limitation shall be dem-
also be submitted to onstrated. (iv) Each owner or operator applying
(h) Each owner or operator shall not for a determination of equivalence to a
burn in any affected flare any fuel gas work practice standard shall commit in
that contains H2S in excess of 162 ppmv writing to work practice(s) that pro-
determined hourly on a 3-hour rolling vide for emission reductions equal to or
average basis. The combustion in a greater than the emission reductions
flare of process upset gases or fuel gas achieved by the required work practice.
that is released to the flare as a result (v) The Administrator will compare
of relief valve leakage or other emer- the demonstrated emission reduction
gency malfunctions is exempt from for the alternative means of emission
this limit. limitation to the demonstrated emis-
(i) Each owner or operator of a de- sion reduction for the design, equip-
layed coking unit shall depressure each ment, work practice or operational re-
coke drum to 5 lb per square inch quirements and, if applicable, will con-
gauge (psig) or less prior to discharging sider the commitment in paragraph
the coke drum steam exhaust to the at- (j)(2)(iv) of this section.
mosphere. Until the coke drum pres- (vi) The Administrator may condi-
sure reaches 5 psig, the coke drum tion the approval of the alternative
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

steam exhaust must be managed in an means of emission limitation on re-

enclosed blowdown system and the quirements that may be necessary to


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§ 60.104a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

ensure operation and maintenance to tial performance test and to subse-

achieve the same emissions reduction quent performance tests required by
as the design, equipment, work prac- paragraph (b) of this section (or as re-
tice or operational requirements. quired by the Administrator), but does
(3) An owner or operator may offer a not apply to performance tests con-
unique approach to demonstrate the ducted for the purpose of obtaining
equivalence of any equivalent means of supplemental data because of contin-
emission limitation. uous monitoring system breakdowns,
(4) Approval of the application for repairs, calibration checks and zero
equivalence to the design, equipment, and span adjustments.
work practice or operational require- (b) The owner or operator of a FCCU
ments of this section will be evaluated or FCU that elects to monitor control
by the following guidelines: device operating parameters according
(i) After a request for determination to the requirements in § 60.105a(b), to
of equivalence is received, the Admin- use bag leak detectors according to the
istrator will publish a notice in the requirements in § 60.105a(c), or to use
FEDERAL REGISTER and provide the op-
COMS according to the requirements in
portunity for public hearing if the Ad-
§ 60.105a(e) shall conduct a PM perform-
ministrator judges that the request
ance test at least annually (i.e., once
may be approved.
per calendar year, with an interval of
(ii) After notice and opportunity for
public hearing, the Administrator will at least 8 months but no more than 16
determine the equivalence of a means months between annual tests) and fur-
of emission limitation and will publish nish the Administrator a written re-
the determination in the FEDERAL REG- port of the results of each test.
ISTER. (c) In conducting the performance
(iii) Any equivalent means of emis- tests required by this subpart (or as re-
sion limitations approved under this quested by the Administrator), the
section shall constitute a required owner or operator shall use the test
work practice, equipment, design or methods in 40 CFR part 60, Appendices
operational standard within the mean- A–1 through A–8 or other methods as
ing of section 111(h)(1) of the CAA. specified in this section, except as pro-
(5) Manufacturers of equipment used vided in § 60.8(b).
to control emissions may apply to the (d) The owner or operator shall deter-
Administrator for determination of mine compliance with the PM, NOX,
equivalence for any alternative means SO2, and CO emissions limits in
of emission limitation that achieves a § 60.102a(b) for FCCU and FCU using the
reduction in emissions achieved by the following methods and procedures:
equipment, design and operational re- (1) Method 1 of appendix A–1 to part
quirements of this section. The Admin- 60 for sample and velocity traverses.
istrator will make an equivalence de- (2) Method 2 of appendix A–1 to part
termination according to the provi- 60 for velocity and volumetric flow
sions of paragraphs (j)(2) through (4) of rate.
this section. (3) Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–
[77 FR 56467, Sep. 12, 2012] 2 to part 60 for gas analysis. The meth-
od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue
§ 60.104a Performance tests. and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incor-
(a) The owner or operator shall con- porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
duct a performance test for each FCCU, acceptable alternative to EPA Method
FCU, sulfur recovery plant and fuel gas 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60.
combustion device to demonstrate ini- (4) Method 5, 5B, or 5F of appendix A–
tial compliance with each applicable 3 to part 60 for determining PM emis-
emissions limit in § 60.102a and conduct sions and associated moisture content
a performance test for each flare to from a FCCU or FCU without a wet
demonstrate initial compliance with scrubber subject to the emissions limit
the H2S concentration requirement in in § 63.102a(b)(1). Use Method 5 or 5B of
§ 60.103a(h) according to the require- appendix A–3 to part 60 for determining
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ments of § 60.8. The notification re- PM emissions and associated moisture

quirements of § 60.8(d) apply to the ini- content from a FCCU or FCU with a


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.104a

wet scrubber subject to the emissions each test run must be no less than 60
limit in § 63.102a(b)(1). minutes.
(i) The PM performance test consists (ii) The emissions rate of PM (EPM) is
of 3 valid test runs; the duration of computed for each run using Equation
5 of this section:

Where: Rc = Coke burn-off rate, kilograms per hour

E = Emission rate of PM, g/kg (lb/1,000 lb) of (kg/hr) [lb per hour (lb/hr)] coke; and
coke burn-off; K = Conversion factor, 1.0 grams per gram
cs = Concentration of total PM, grams per (7,000 grains per lb).
dry standard cubic meter (g/dscm) (gr/
dscf); (iii) The coke burn-off rate (Rc) is
Qsd = Volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, computed for each run using Equation
dry standard cubic meters per hour (dry 6 of this section:
standard cubic feet per hour);

Where: fluid coking burner, percent by volume

Rc = Coke burn-off rate, kg/hr (lb/hr); (dry basis);
Qr = Volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas K1 = Material balance and conversion factor,
from FCCU regenerator or fluid coking 0.2982 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm-%) [0.0186 (lb-
burner before any emissions control or min)/(hr-dscf-%)];
energy recovery system that burns auxil- K2 = Material balance and conversion factor,
iary fuel, dry standard cubic meters per 2.088 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm) [0.1303 (lb-min)/
minute (dscm/min) [dry standard cubic (hr-dscf)]; and
feet per minute (dscf/min)]; K3 = Material balance and conversion factor,
Qa = Volumetric flow rate of air to FCCU re- 0.0994 (kg-min)/(hr-dscm-%) [0.00624 (lb-
generator or fluid coking burner, as de- min)/(hr-dscf-%)].
termined from the unit’s control room
instrumentation, dscm/min (dscf/min); (iv) During the performance test, the
Qoxy = Volumetric flow rate of O2 enriched air volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas
to FCCU regenerator or fluid coking from catalyst regenerator (Qr) before
unit, as determined from the unit’s con- any emission control or energy recov-
trol room instrumentation, dscm/min ery system that burns auxiliary fuel is
measured using Method 2 of appendix
%CO2 = Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
in FCCU regenerator or fluid coking
A–1 to part 60.
burner exhaust, percent by volume (dry (v) For subsequent calculations of
basis); coke burn-off rates or exhaust gas flow
%CO = CO concentration in FCCU regen- rates, the volumetric flow rate of Qr is
erator or fluid coking burner exhaust, calculated using average exhaust gas
percent by volume (dry basis); concentrations as measured by the
%O2 = O2 concentration in FCCU regenerator monitors required in § 60.105a(b)(2), if
or fluid coking burner exhaust, percent
applicable, using Equation 7 of this sec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

by volume (dry basis);


%Ooxy = O2 concentration in O2 enriched air tion:

stream inlet to the FCCU regenerator or


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§ 60.104a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Where: for the concentration of SO2; the dura-

Qr = Volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas tion of each test run must be no less
from FCCU regenerator or fluid coking than 4 hours. The method ANSI/ASME
burner before any emission control or en- PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
ergy recovery system that burns auxil-
iary fuel, dscm/min (dscf/min);
Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref-
Qa = Volumetric flow rate of air to FCCU re- erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al-
generator or fluid coking burner, as de- ternative to EPA Method 6 or 6A of ap-
termined from the unit’s control room pendix A–4 to part 60.
instrumentation, dscm/min (dscf/min); (6) Method 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of ap-
Qoxy = Volumetric flow rate of O2 enriched air
pendix A–4 to part 60 for moisture con-
to FCCU regenerator or fluid coking
unit, as determined from the unit’s con- tent and for the concentration of NOX
trol room instrumentation, dscm/min calculated as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);
(dscf/min); the duration of each test run must be
%CO2 = Carbon dioxide concentration in no less than 4 hours. The method ANSI/
FCCU regenerator or fluid coking burner ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Ex-
exhaust, percent by volume (dry basis);
haust Gas Analyses,’’ (incorporated by
%CO = CO concentration FCCU regenerator
or fluid coking burner exhaust, percent reference—see § 60.17) is an acceptable
by volume (dry basis). When no auxiliary alternative to EPA Method 7 or 7C of
fuel is burned and a continuous CO mon- appendix A–4 to part 60.
itor is not required in accordance with (7) Method 10, 10A, or 10B of appendix
§ 60.105a(h)(3), assume %CO to be zero; A–4 to part 60 for moisture content and
%O2 = O2 concentration in FCCU regenerator
or fluid coking burner exhaust, percent for the concentration of CO. The sam-
by volume (dry basis); and pling time for each run must be 60 min-
%Ooxy = O2 concentration in O2 enriched air utes.
stream inlet to the FCCU regenerator or (8) The owner or operator shall adjust
fluid coking burner, percent by volume PM, NOX, SO2 and CO pollutant con-
(dry basis). centrations to 0-percent excess air or 0-
(5) Method 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A– percent O2 using Equation 8 of this sec-
4 to part 60 for moisture content and tion:

Where: operating parameter limits in

Cadj = pollutant concentration adjusted to 0- § 60.102a(c) shall establish the limits
percent excess air or O2, parts per million based on the performance test results
(ppm) or g/dscm; according to the following procedures:
Cmeas = pollutant concentration measured on (1) Reduce the parameter monitoring
a dry basis, ppm or g/dscm;
data to hourly averages for each test
20.9c = 20.9 percent O2¥0.0 percent O2 (defined
O2 correction basis), percent; run;
20.9 = O2 concentration in air, percent; and (2) Determine the hourly average op-
%O2 = O2 concentration measured on a dry erating limit for each required param-
basis, percent. eter as the average of the three test
(e) The owner or operator of a FCCU
or FCU that is controlled by an elec- (f) The owner or operator of an FCCU
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB


trostatic precipitator or wet scrubber or FCU that uses cyclones to comply

and that is subject to control device


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.104a

with the PM per coke burn-off emis- performance test and reduce the data
sions limit in § 60.102a(b)(1) shall estab- to 6-minute averages.
lish a site-specific opacity operating (2) Determine and record the hourly
limit according to the procedures in average opacity from all the 6-minute
paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this sec- averages.
tion. (3) Compute the site-specific limit
(1) Collect COMS data every 10 sec- using Equation 9 of this section:
onds during the entire period of the PM

Where: and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incor-

Opacity limit = Maximum permissible 3-hour porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
average opacity, percent, or 10 percent, acceptable alternative to EPA Method
whichever is greater; 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60.
Opacityst = Hourly average opacity measured
(4) Method 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A–
during the source test, percent; and
PMEmRst = PM emission rate measured dur- 4 to part 60 to determine the SO2 con-
ing the source test, lb/1,000 lb coke burn. centration. The method ANSI/ASME
PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
(g) The owner or operator of a FCCU Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref-
or FCU that is exempt from the re- erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al-
quirement to install and operate a CO ternative to EPA Method 6 or 6A of ap-
CEMS pursuant to § 60.105a(h)(3) and pendix A–4 to part 60.
that is subject to control device oper-
(5) Method 15 or 15A of appendix A–5
ating parameter limits in § 60.102a(c)
to part 60 or Method 16 of appendix A–
shall establish the limits based on the
6 to part 60 to determine the reduced
performance test results using the pro-
sulfur compounds and H2S concentra-
cedures in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of
tions. The method ANSI/ASME PTC
this section.
19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Anal-
(1) Reduce the temperature and O2
yses,’’ (incorporated by reference—see
concentrations from the parameter
§ 60.17) is an acceptable alternative to
monitoring systems to hourly averages
EPA Method 15A of appendix A–5 to
for each test run.
part 60.
(2) Determine the operating limit for
temperature and O2 concentrations as (i) Each run consists of 16 samples
the average of the average temperature taken over a minimum of 3 hours.
and O2 concentration for the three test (ii) The owner or operator shall cal-
runs. culate the average H2S concentration
(h) The owner or operator shall deter- after correcting for moisture and O2 as
mine compliance with the SO2 emis- the arithmetic average of the H2S con-
sions limits for sulfur recovery plants centration for each sample during the
in § 60.102a(f)(1)(i) and (f)(2)(i) and the run (ppmv, dry basis, corrected to 0
reduced sulfur compounds and H2S percent excess air).
emissions limits for sulfur recovery (iii) The owner or operator shall cal-
plants in § 60.102a(f)(1)(ii), (f)(1)(iii), culate the SO2 equivalent for each run
(f)(2)(ii), and (f)(2)(iii) using the fol- after correcting for moisture and O2 as
lowing methods and procedures: the arithmetic average of the SO2
(1) Method 1 of appendix A–1 to part equivalent of reduced sulfur compounds
60 for sample and velocity traverses. for each sample during the run (ppmv,
(2) Method 2 of appendix A–1 to part dry basis, corrected to 0 percent excess
60 for velocity and volumetric flow air).
rate. (iv) The owner or operator shall use
(3) Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A– Equation 8 of this section to adjust pol-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

2 to part 60 for gas analysis. The meth- lutant concentrations to 0-percent O2

od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue or 0- percent excess air.


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§ 60.104a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(6) If oxygen or oxygen-enriched air Method 7 or 7C of appendix A–4 to part

is used in the Claus burner and either 60.
Equation 1 or 2 of this subpart is used (6) For process heaters with a rated
to determine the applicable emissions heat capacity between 40 and 100
limit, determine the average O2 con- MMBtu/hr that elect to demonstrate
centration of the air/oxygen mixture continuous compliance with a max-
supplied to the Claus burner, in percent imum excess oxygen limit as provided
by volume (dry basis), for the perform- in § 60.107a(c)(6) or (d)(8), the owner or
ance test using all hourly average O2 operator shall establish the O2 oper-
concentrations determined during the ating limit or O2 operating curve based
test runs using the procedures in on the performance test results accord-
§ 60.106a(a)(5) or (6). ing to the requirements in paragraph
(i) The owner or operator shall deter- (i)(6)(i) or (ii) of this section, respec-
mine compliance with the SO2 and NOX tively.
emissions limits in § 60.102a(g) for a fuel (i) If a single O2 operating limit will
gas combustion device according to the be used:
following test methods and procedures: (A) Conduct the performance test fol-
(1) Method 1 of appendix A–1 to part lowing the methods provided in para-
60 for sample and velocity traverses; graphs (i)(1), (2), (3) and (5) of this sec-
(2) Method 2 of appendix A–1 to part tion when the process heater is firing
60 for velocity and volumetric flow at no less than 70 percent of the rated
rate; heat capacity. For co-fired process
(3) Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A– heaters, conduct at least one of the
2 to part 60 for gas analysis. The meth- test runs while the process heater is
od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue being supplied by both fuel gas and fuel
and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incor- oil and conduct at least one of the test
porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an runs while the process heater is being
acceptable alternative to EPA Method supplied solely by fuel gas.
3B of appendix A–2 to part 60; (B) Each test will consist of three
(4) Method 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A– test runs. Calculate the NOX concentra-
4 to part 60 to determine the SO2 con- tion for the performance test as the av-
centration. The method ANSI/ASME erage of the NOX concentrations from
PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas each of the three test runs. If the NOX
Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref- concentration for the performance test
erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al- is less than or equal to the numerical
ternative to EPA Method 6 or 6A of ap- value of the applicable NOX emissions
pendix A–4 to part 60. limit (regardless of averaging time),
(i) The performance test consists of 3 then the test is considered to be a valid
valid test runs; the duration of each test.
test run must be no less than 1 hour. (C) Determine the average O2 con-
(ii) If a single fuel gas combustion de- centration for each test run of a valid
vice having a common source of fuel test.
gas is monitored as allowed under (D) Calculate the O2 operating limit
§ 60.107a(a)(1)(v), only one performance as the average O2 concentration of the
test is required. That is, performance three test runs from a valid test.
tests are not required when a new af- (ii) If an O2 operating curve will be
fected fuel gas combustion device is used:
added to a common source of fuel gas (A) Conduct a performance test fol-
that previously demonstrated compli- lowing the methods provided in para-
ance. graphs (i)(1), (2), (3) and (5) of this sec-
(5) Method 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of ap- tion at a representative condition for
pendix A–4 to part 60 for moisture con- each operating range for which dif-
tent and for the concentration of NOX ferent O2 operating limits will be es-
calculated as NO2; the duration of each tablished. Different operating condi-
test run must be no less than 4 hours. tions may be defined as different firing
The method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10– rates (e.g., above 50 percent of rated
1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ heat capacity and at or below 50 per-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(incorporated by reference—see § 60.17) cent of rated heat capacity) and/or, for

is an acceptable alternative to EPA co-fired process heaters, different fuel


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.104a

mixtures (e.g., primarily gas fired, pri- firing at 50 percent or less of the rated
marily oil fired, and equally co-fired, heat capacity.
i.e., approximately 50 percent of the (G) Operating limits associated with
input heating value is from fuel gas each interval will be valid for 2 years
and approximately 50 percent of the or until another operating limit is es-
input heating value is from fuel oil). tablished for that interval based on a
Performance tests for different oper- more recent performance test specific
ating ranges may be conducted at dif- for that interval, whichever occurs
ferent times. first. Owners and operators must use
(B) Each test will consist of three the operating limits determined for a
test runs. Calculate the NOX concentra- given interval based on the most recent
tion for the performance test as the av- performance test conducted for that in-
erage of the NOX concentrations from terval.
each of the three test runs. If the NOX (7) The owner or operator of a process
concentration for the performance test heater complying with a NOX limit in
is less than or equal to the numerical terms of lb/MMBtu as provided in
value of the applicable NOX emissions § 60.102a(g)(2)(i)(B), (g)(2)(ii)(B),
limit (regardless of averaging time), (g)(2)(iii)(B) or (g)(2)(iv)(B) or a process
then the test is considered to be a valid heater with a rated heat capacity be-
test. tween 40 and 100 MMBtu/hr that elects
(C) If an operating curve is developed to demonstrate continuous compliance
for different firing rates, conduct at with a maximum excess O2 limit, as
least one test when the process heater provided in § 60.107a(c)(6) or (d)(8), shall
is firing at no less than 70 percent of determine heat input to the process
the rated heat capacity and at least heater in MMBtu/hr during each per-
one test under turndown conditions formance test run by measuring fuel
(i.e., when the process heater is firing gas flow rate, fuel oil flow rate (as ap-
at 50 percent or less of the rated heat plicable) and heating value content ac-
capacity). If O2 operating limits are de- cording to the methods provided in
veloped for co-fired process heaters § 60.107a(d)(5), (d)(6), and (d)(4) or (d)(7),
based only on overall firing rates (and respectively.
not by fuel mixtures), conduct at least (8) The owner or operator shall use
one of the test runs for each test while Equation 8 of this section to adjust pol-
the process heater is being supplied by lutant concentrations to 0-percent O2
both fuel gas and fuel oil and conduct or 0- percent excess air.
at least one of the test runs while the (j) The owner or operator shall deter-
process heater is being supplied solely mine compliance with the applicable
by fuel gas. H2S emissions limit in § 60.102a(g)(1) for
(D) Determine the average O2 con- a fuel gas combustion device or the
centration for each test run of a valid concentration requirement in
test. § 60.103a(h) for a flare according to the
(E) Calculate the O2 operating limit following test methods and procedures:
for each operating range as the average (1)—(3) [Reserved]
O2 concentration of the three test runs (4) EPA Method 11, 15 or 15A of ap-
from a valid test conducted at the rep- pendix A–5 to part 60 or EPA Method 16
resentative conditions for that given of appendix A–6 to part 60 for deter-
operating range. mining the H2S concentration for af-
(F) Identify the firing rates for which fected facilities using an H2S monitor
the different operating limits apply. If as specified in § 60.107a(a)(2). The meth-
only two operating limits are estab- od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor-
lished based on firing rates, the O2 op- porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
erating limits established when the acceptable alternative to EPA Method
process heater is firing at no less than 15A of appendix A–5 to part 60. The
70 percent of the rated heat capacity owner or operator may demonstrate
must apply when the process heater is compliance based on the mixture used
firing above 50 percent of the rated in the fuel gas combustion device or
heat capacity and the O2 operating lim- flare or for each individual fuel gas
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

its established for turndown conditions stream used in the fuel gas combustion
must apply when the process heater is device or flare.


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§ 60.105a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) For Method 11 of appendix A–5 to (1) The owner or operator shall in-
part 60, the sampling time and sample stall, operate and maintain continuous
volume must be at least 10 minutes and parameter monitor systems (CPMS) to
0.010 dscm (0.35 dscf). Two samples of measure and record operating param-
equal sampling times must be taken at eters for each control device according
about 1-hour intervals. The arithmetic to the applicable requirements in para-
average of these two samples con- graphs (b)(1)(i) through (v) of this sec-
stitutes a run. For most fuel gases, tion.
sampling times exceeding 20 minutes (i) For units controlled using an elec-
may result in depletion of the collec- trostatic precipitator, the owner or op-
tion solution, although fuel gases con- erator shall use CPMS to measure and
taining low concentrations of H2S may record the hourly average total power
necessitate sampling for longer periods input and secondary current to the en-
of time. tire system.
(ii) For Method 15 of appendix A–5 to (ii) For units controlled using a wet
part 60, at least three injects over a 1- scrubber, the owner or operator shall
hour period constitutes a run. use CPMS to measure and record the
(iii) For Method 15A of appendix A–5 hourly average pressure drop, liquid
to part 60, a 1-hour sample constitutes feed rate, and exhaust gas flow rate. As
a run. The method ANSI/ASME PTC an alternative to a CPMS, the owner or
19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Anal- operator must comply with the re-
yses,’’ (incorporated by reference—see quirements in either paragraph
§ 60.17) is an acceptable alternative to (b)(1)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section.
EPA Method 15A of appendix A–5 to (A) As an alternative to pressure
part 60. drop, the owner or operator of a jet
ejector type wet scrubber or other type
(iv) If monitoring is conducted at a
of wet scrubber equipped with atom-
single point in a common source of fuel
izing spray nozzles must conduct a
gas as allowed under § 60.107a(a)(2)(iv),
daily check of the air or water pressure
only one performance test is required.
to the spray nozzles and record the re-
That is, performance tests are not re- sults of each check. Faulty (e.g., leak-
quired when a new affected fuel gas ing or plugged) air or water lines must
combustion device or flare is added to be repaired within 12 hours of identi-
a common source of fuel gas that pre- fication of an abnormal pressure read-
viously demonstrated compliance. ing.
[73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77 (B) As an alternative to exhaust gas
FR 56470, Sep. 12, 2012; 80 FR 75231, Dec. 1, flow rate, the owner or operator shall
2015] comply with the approved alternative
for monitoring exhaust gas flow rate in
§ 60.105a Monitoring of emissions and 40 CFR 63.1573(a) of the National Emis-
operations for fluid catalytic crack- sion Standards for Hazardous Air Pol-
ing units (FCCU) and fluid coking lutants for Petroleum Refineries: Cata-
units (FCU).
lytic Cracking Units, Catalytic Re-
(a) FCCU and FCU subject to PM emis- forming Units, and Sulfur Recovery
sions limit. Each owner or operator sub- Units.
ject to the provisions of this subpart (iii) The owner or operator shall in-
shall monitor each FCCU and FCU sub- stall, operate, and maintain each
ject to the PM emissions limit in CPMS according to the manufacturer’s
§ 60.102a(b)(1) according to the require- specifications and requirements.
ments in paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e) of (iv) The owner or operator shall de-
this section. termine and record the average coke
(b) Control device operating parameters. burn-off rate and hours of operation for
Each owner or operator of a FCCU or each FCCU or FCU using the proce-
FCU subject to the PM per coke burn- dures in § 60.104a(d)(4)(iii).
off emissions limit in § 60.102a(b)(1) that (v) If you use a control device other
uses a control device other than fabric than an electrostatic precipitator, wet
filter or cyclone shall comply with the scrubber, fabric filter, or cyclone, you
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) and may request approval to monitor pa-

(2) of this section. rameters other than those required in


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105a

paragraph (b)(1) of this section by sub- CO2 and O2 monitor according to the
mitting an alternative monitoring plan requirements in § 60.13(c) and Perform-
to the Administrator. The request ance Specification 3 of appendix B to
must include the information in para- this part. The owner or operator shall
graphs (b)(1)(v)(A) through (E) of this use Method 3, 3A or 3B of appendix A–
section. 2 to this part for conducting the rel-
(A) A description of each affected fa- ative accuracy evaluations. The meth-
cility and the parameter(s) to be mon- od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue
itored to determine whether the af- and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incor-
fected facility will continuously com- porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
ply with the emission limitations and acceptable alternative to EPA Method
an explanation of the criteria used to 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60.
select the parameter(s). (iii) If a CO monitor is required, the
(B) A description of the methods and owner or operator shall install, oper-
procedures that will be used to dem- ate, and maintain each CO monitor ac-
onstrate that the parameter(s) can be cording to Performance Specification 4
used to determine whether the affected or 4A of appendix B to this part. If this
facility will continuously comply with CO monitor also serves to demonstrate
the emission limitations and the sched- compliance with the CO emissions
ule for this demonstration. The owner limit in § 60.102a(b)(4), the span value
or operator must certify that an oper- for this instrument is 1,000 ppm; other-
ating limit will be established for the wise, the span value for this instru-
monitored parameter(s) that represents ment should be set at approximately 2
the conditions in existence when the times the typical CO concentration ex-
control device is being properly oper- pected in the FCCU of FCU flue gas
ated and maintained to meet the emis- prior to any emission control or energy
sion limitation. recovery system that burns auxiliary
(C) The frequency and content of the fuels.
recordkeeping, recording, and report- (iv) If a CO monitor is required, the
ing, if monitoring and recording are owner or operator shall conduct per-
not continuous. The owner or operator formance evaluations of each CO mon-
also must include the rationale for the itor according to the requirements in
proposed monitoring, recording, and re- § 60.13(c) and Performance Specification
porting requirements. 4 of appendix B to this part. The owner
(D) Supporting calculations. or operator shall use Method 10, 10A, or
(E) Averaging time for the alter- 10B of appendix A–3 to this part for
native operating parameter. conducting the relative accuracy eval-
(2) For use in determining the coke uations.
burn-off rate for an FCCU or FCU, the (v) The owner or operator shall com-
owner or operator shall install, oper- ply with the quality assurance require-
ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru- ments of procedure 1 of appendix F to
ment for continuously monitoring the this part, including quarterly accuracy
concentrations of CO2, O2 (dry basis), determinations for CO2 and CO mon-
and if needed, CO in the exhaust gases itors, annual accuracy determinations
prior to any control or energy recovery for O2 monitors, and daily calibration
system that burns auxiliary fuels. A drift tests.
CO monitor is not required for deter- (c) Bag leak detection systems. Each
mining coke burn-off rate when no aux- owner or operator shall install, oper-
iliary fuel is burned and a continuous ate, and maintain a bag leak detection
CO monitor is not required in accord- system for each baghouse or similar
ance with paragraph (h)(3) of this sec- fabric filter control device that is used
tion. to comply with the PM per coke burn-
(i) The owner or operator shall in- off emissions limit in § 60.102a(b)(1) for
stall, operate, and maintain each CO2 an FCCU or FCU according to para-
and O2 monitor according to Perform- graph (c)(1) of this section; prepare and
ance Specification 3 of appendix B to operate by a site-specific monitoring
this part. plan according to paragraph (c)(2) of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(ii) The owner or operator shall con- this section; take action according to
duct performance evaluations of each paragraph (c)(3) of this section; and


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§ 60.105a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

record information according to para- (2) The owner or operator shall de-
graph (c)(4) of this section. velop and submit to the Administrator
(1) Each bag leak detection system for approval a site-specific monitoring
must meet the specifications and re- plan for each baghouse and bag leak de-
quirements in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) tection system. The owner or operator
through (viii) of this section. shall operate and maintain each
(i) The bag leak detection system baghouse and bag leak detection sys-
must be certified by the manufacturer tem according to the site-specific mon-
to be capable of detecting PM emis- itoring plan at all times. Each moni-
sions at concentrations of 0.00044 toring plan must describe the items in
grains per actual cubic foot or less. paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (vii) of this
(ii) The bag leak detection system section.
sensor must provide output of relative (i) Installation of the bag leak detec-
PM loadings. The owner or operator tion system;
shall continuously record the output (ii) Initial and periodic adjustment of
from the bag leak detection system the bag leak detection system, includ-
using electronic or other means (e.g., ing how the alarm set-point will be es-
using a strip chart recorder or a data tablished;
logger). (iii) Operation of the bag leak detec-
(iii) The bag leak detection system tion system, including quality assur-
must be equipped with an alarm sys- ance procedures;
tem that will sound when the system (iv) How the bag leak detection sys-
detects an increase in relative particu- tem will be maintained, including a
late loading over the alarm set point routine maintenance schedule and
established according to paragraph spare parts inventory list;
(c)(1)(iv) of this section, and the alarm (v) How the bag leak detection sys-
must be located such that it can be tem output will be recorded and stored;
heard by the appropriate plant per- (vi) Procedures as specified in para-
sonnel. graph (c)(3) of this section. In approv-
(iv) In the initial adjustment of the ing the site-specific monitoring plan,
bag leak detection system, the owner the Administrator or delegated author-
or operator must establish, at a min- ity may allow owners and operators
imum, the baseline output by adjusting more than 3 hours to alleviate a spe-
the sensitivity (range) and the aver- cific condition that causes an alarm if
aging period of the device, the alarm the owner or operator identifies in the
set points, and the alarm delay time. monitoring plan this specific condition
(v) Following initial adjustment, the as one that could lead to an alarm, ade-
owner or operator shall not adjust the quately explains why it is not feasible
averaging period, alarm set point, or to alleviate this condition within 3
alarm delay time without approval hours of the time the alarm occurs, and
from the Administrator or delegated demonstrates that the requested time
authority except as provided in para- will ensure alleviation of this condi-
graph (c)(1)(vi) of this section. tion as expeditiously as practicable;
(vi) Once per quarter, the owner or and
operator may adjust the sensitivity of (vii) How the baghouse system will be
the bag leak detection system to ac- operated and maintained, including
count for seasonal effects, including monitoring of pressure drop across
temperature and humidity, according baghouse cells and frequency of visual
to the procedures identified in the site- inspections of the baghouse interior
specific monitoring plan required by and baghouse components such as fans
paragraph (c)(2) of this section. and dust removal and bag cleaning
(vii) The owner or operator shall in- mechanisms.
stall the bag leak detection sensor (3) For each bag leak detection sys-
downstream of the baghouse and up- tem, the owner or operator shall ini-
stream of any wet scrubber. tiate procedures to determine the
(viii) Where multiple detectors are cause of every alarm within 1 hour of
required, the system’s instrumentation the alarm. Except as provided in para-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and alarm may be shared among detec- graph (c)(2)(vi) of this section, the
tors. owner or operator shall alleviate the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105a

cause of the alarm within 3 hours of 60. The span value of this PM monitor
the alarm by taking whatever action(s) is 0.08 gr/dscf PM.
are necessary. Actions may include, (2) The owner or operator shall con-
but are not limited to the following: duct performance evaluations of each
(i) Inspecting the baghouse for air PM monitor according to the require-
leaks, torn or broken bags or filter ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
media, or any other condition that Specification 11 of appendix B to part
may cause an increase in particulate 60. The owner or operator shall use
emissions; EPA Methods 5 or 5I of appendix A–3 to
(ii) Sealing off defective bags or filter part 60 or Method 17 of appendix A–6 to
media; part 60 for conducting the relative ac-
(iii) Replacing defective bags or filter curacy evaluations.
media or otherwise repairing the con- (3) The owner or operator shall in-
trol device; stall, operate, and maintain each O2
(iv) Sealing off a defective baghouse monitor according to Performance
compartment; Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
(v) Cleaning the bag leak detection The span value of this O2 monitor must
system probe or otherwise repairing be selected between 10 and 25 percent,
the bag leak detection system; or inclusive.
(vi) Shutting down the process pro- (4) The owner or operator shall con-
ducing the particulate emissions.
duct performance evaluations of each
(4) The owner or operator shall main-
O2 monitor according to the require-
tain records of the information speci-
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
fied in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (iii)
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
of this section for each bag leak detec-
Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to
tion system.
part 60 shall be used for conducting the
(i) Records of the bag leak detection
relative accuracy evaluations. The
system output;
method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981,
(ii) Records of bag leak detection sys-
‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in-
tem adjustments, including the date
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is
and time of the adjustment, the initial
bag leak detection system settings, and an acceptable alternative to EPA
the final bag leak detection system Method 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60.
settings; and (5) The owner or operator shall com-
(iii) The date and time of all bag leak ply with the quality assurance require-
detection system alarms, the time that ments of Procedure 2 of appendix B to
procedures to determine the cause of part 60 for each PM CEMS and Proce-
the alarm were initiated, the cause of dure 1 of appendix F to part 60 for each
the alarm, an explanation of the ac- O2 monitor, including quarterly accu-
tions taken, the date and time the racy determinations for each PM mon-
cause of the alarm was alleviated, and itor, annual accuracy determinations
whether the alarm was alleviated with- for each O2 monitor, and daily calibra-
in 3 hours of the alarm. tion drift tests.
(d) Continuous emissions monitoring (e) Alternative monitoring option for
systems (CEMS). An owner or operator FCCU and FCU—COMS. Each owner or
subject to the PM concentration emis- operator of an FCCU or FCU that uses
sion limit (in gr/dscf) in § 60.102a(b)(1) cyclones to comply with the PM emis-
for an FCCU or FCU shall install, oper- sion limit in § 60.102a(b)(1) shall mon-
ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru- itor the opacity of emissions according
ment for continuously monitoring and to the requirements in paragraphs
recording the concentration (0 percent (e)(1) through (3) of this section.
excess air) of PM in the exhaust gases (1) The owner or operator shall in-
prior to release to the atmosphere. The stall, operate, and maintain an instru-
monitor must include an O2 monitor ment for continuously monitoring and
for correcting the data for excess air. recording the opacity of emissions
(1) The owner or operator shall in- from the FCCU or the FCU exhaust
stall, operate, and maintain each PM vent.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

monitor according to Performance (2) The owner or operator shall in-

Specification 11 of appendix B to part stall, operate, and maintain each


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§ 60.105a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

COMS according to Performance Speci- an acceptable alternative to EPA

fication 1 of appendix B to part 60. The Method 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60.
instrument shall be spanned at 20 to 60 (5) The owner or operator shall com-
percent opacity. ply with the quality assurance require-
(3) The owner or operator shall con- ments of Procedure 1 of appendix F to
duct performance evaluations of each part 60 for each NOX and O2 monitor,
COMS according to § 60.13(c) and Per- including quarterly accuracy deter-
formance Specification 1 of appendix B minations for NOX monitors, annual
to part 60. accuracy determinations for O2 mon-
(f) FCCU and FCU subject to NOX limit. itors, and daily calibration drift tests.
Each owner or operator subject to the (g) FCCU and FCU subject to SO2 limit.
NOX emissions limit in § 60.102a(b)(2) for The owner or operator subject to the
an FCCU or FCU shall install, operate, SO2 emissions limit in § 60.102a(b)(3) for
calibrate, and maintain an instrument an FCCU or an FCU shall install, oper-
for continuously monitoring and re- ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru-
cording the concentration by volume ment for continuously monitoring and
(dry basis, 0 percent excess air) of NOX recording the concentration by volume
emissions into the atmosphere. The (dry basis, corrected to 0 percent excess
monitor must include an O2 monitor air) of SO2 emissions into the atmos-
for correcting the data for excess air. phere. The monitor shall include an O2
(1) The owner or operator shall in- monitor for correcting the data for ex-
stall, operate, and maintain each NOX cess air.
monitor according to Performance (1) The owner or operator shall in-
Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60. stall, operate, and maintain each SO2
The span value of this NOX monitor is monitor according to Performance
200 ppmv NOX. Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60.
(2) The owner or operator shall con- The span value of this SO2 monitor is
duct performance evaluations of each 200 ppmv SO2.
NOX monitor according to the require- (2) The owner or operator shall con-
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance duct performance evaluations of each
Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60. SO2 monitor according to the require-
The owner or operator shall use Meth- ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
ods 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of appendix A– Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60.
4 to part 60 for conducting the relative The owner or operator shall use Meth-
accuracy evaluations. The method ods 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A–4 to part
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and 60 for conducting the relative accuracy
Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incorporated evaluations. The method ANSI / ASME
by reference—see § 60.17) is an accept- PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
able alternative to EPA Method 7 or 7C Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref-
of appendix A–4 to part 60. erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al-
(3) The owner or operator shall in- ternative to EPA Method 6 or 6A of ap-
stall, operate, and maintain each O2 pendix A–4 to part 60.
monitor according to Performance (3) The owner or operator shall in-
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. stall, operate, and maintain each O2
The span value of this O2 monitor must monitor according to Performance
be selected between 10 and 25 percent, Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
inclusive. The span value of this O2 monitor must
(4) The owner or operator shall con- be selected between 10 and 25 percent,
duct performance evaluations of each inclusive.
O2 monitor according to the require- (4) The owner or operator shall con-
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance duct performance evaluations of each
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. O2 monitor according to the require-
Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
part 60 shall be used for conducting the Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
relative accuracy evaluations. The Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to
method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, part 60 shall be used for conducting the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in- relative accuracy evaluations. The
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981,


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.105a

‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in- percent of the average CO emissions or
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is 5 ppmv CO, whichever is greater. For
an acceptable alternative to EPA instruments that are identical to
Method 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60. Method 10 of appendix A–4 to this part
(5) The owner or operator shall com- and employ the sample conditioning
ply with the quality assurance require- system of Method 10A of appendix A–4
ments in Procedure 1 of appendix F to to this part, the alternative relative
part 60 for each SO2 and O2 monitor, in- accuracy test procedure in section 10.1
cluding quarterly accuracy determina- of Performance Specification 2 of ap-
tions for SO2 monitors, annual accu- pendix B to this part may be used in
racy determinations for O2 monitors, place of the relative accuracy test.
and daily calibration drift tests.
(ii) The owner or operator must sub-
(h) FCCU and fluid coking units subject
to CO emissions limit. Except as specified mit the following information to the
in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, the Administrator:
owner or operator shall install, oper- (A) The measurement data specified
ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru- in paragraph (h)(3)(i) of this section
ment for continuously monitoring and along with all other operating data
recording the concentration by volume known to affect CO emissions; and
(dry basis) of CO emissions into the at- (B) Descriptions of the CPMS for ex-
mosphere from each FCCU and FCU haust gas temperature and O2 monitor
subject to the CO emissions limit in required in paragraph (h)(4) of this sec-
§ 60.102a(b)(4). tion and operating limits for those pa-
(1) The owner or operator shall in- rameters to ensure combustion condi-
stall, operate, and maintain each CO tions remain similar to those that
monitor according to Performance exist during the demonstration period.
Specification 4 or 4A of appendix B to (iii) The effective date of the exemp-
this part. The span value for this in- tion from installation and operation of
strument is 1,000 ppmv CO. a CO CEMS is the date of submission of
(2) The owner or operator shall con- the information and data required in
duct performance evaluations of each
paragraph (h)(3)(ii) of this section.
CO monitor according to the require-
(4) The owner or operator of a FCCU
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
Specification 4 or 4A of appendix B to or FCU that is exempted from the re-
part 60. The owner or operator shall use quirement to install and operate a CO
Methods 10, 10A, or 10B of appendix A– CEMS in paragraph (h)(3) of this sec-
4 to part 60 for conducting the relative tion shall install, operate, calibrate,
accuracy evaluations. and maintain CPMS to measure and
(3) A CO CEMS need not be installed record the operating parameters in
if the owner or operator demonstrates paragraph (h)(4)(i) or (ii) of this sec-
that all hourly average CO emissions tion. The owner or operator shall in-
are and will remain less than 50 ppmv stall, operate, and maintain each
(dry basis) corrected to 0 percent ex- CPMS according to the manufacturer’s
cess air. The Administrator may re- specifications.
voke this exemption from monitoring (i) For a FCCU or FCU with no post-
upon a determination that CO emis- combustion control device, the tem-
sions on an hourly average basis have perature and O2 concentration of the
exceeded 50 ppmv (dry basis) corrected exhaust gas stream exiting the unit.
to 0 percent excess air, in which case a (ii) For a FCCU or FCU with a post-
CO CEMS shall be installed within 180 combustion control device, the tem-
days. perature and O2 concentration of the
(i) The demonstration shall consist of
exhaust gas stream exiting the control
continuously monitoring CO emissions
for 30 days using an instrument that
meets the requirements of Perform- (i) Excess emissions. For the purpose of
ance Specification 4 or 4A of appendix reports required by § 60.7(c), periods of
B to this part. The span value shall be excess emissions for a FCCU or FCU
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

100 ppmv CO instead of 1,000 ppmv, and subject to the emissions limitations in
the relative accuracy limit shall be 10 § 60.102a(b) are defined as specified in


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§ 60.106a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

paragraphs (i)(1) through (6) of this sec- measured by the SO2 CEMS exceeds 25
tion. Note: Determine all averages, ex- ppmv.
cept for opacity, as the arithmetic av- (7) All 1-hour periods during which
erage of the applicable 1-hour averages, the average CO concentration as meas-
e.g., determine the rolling 3-hour aver- ured by the CO continuous monitoring
age as the arithmetic average of three system under paragraph (h) of this sec-
contiguous 1-hour averages. tion exceeds 500 ppmv or, if applicable,
(1) If a CPMS is used according to all 1-hour periods during which the av-
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, all 3- erage temperature and O2 concentra-
hour periods during which the average tion as measured by the continuous
PM control device operating character- monitoring systems under paragraph
istics, as measured by the continuous (h)(4) of this section fall below the op-
monitoring systems under paragraph erating limits established during the
(b)(1), fall below the levels established performance test.
during the performance test. If the al-
[73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77
ternative to pressure drop CPMS is FR 56473, Sep. 12, 2012; 80 FR 75232, Dec. 1,
used for the owner or operator of a jet 2015; 83 FR 60713, Nov. 26, 2018]
ejector type wet scrubber or other type
of wet scrubber equipped with atom- § 60.106a Monitoring of emissions and
izing spray nozzles, each day in which operations for sulfur recovery
abnormal pressure readings are not plants.
corrected within 12 hours of identifica- (a) The owner or operator of a sulfur
tion. recovery plant that is subject to the
(2) If a bag leak detection system is emissions limits in § 60.102a(f)(1) or
used according to paragraph (c) of this § 60.102a(f)(2) shall:
section, each day in which the cause of (1) For sulfur recovery plants subject
an alarm is not alleviated within the to the SO2 emission limit in
time period specified in paragraph § 60.102a(f)(1)(i) or § 60.102a(f)(2)(i), the
(c)(3) of this section. owner or operator shall install, oper-
(3) If a PM CEMS is used according to ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru-
§ 60.105a(d), all 7-day periods during ment for continuously monitoring and
which the average PM emission rate, as recording the concentration (dry basis,
measured by the continuous PM moni- zero percent excess air) of any SO2
toring system under § 60.105a(d) exceeds emissions into the atmosphere. The
0.040 gr/dscf corrected to 0 percent ex- monitor shall include an oxygen mon-
cess air for a modified or reconstructed itor for correcting the data for excess
FCCU, 0.020 gr/dscf corrected to 0 per- air.
cent excess air for a newly constructed (i) The span value for the SO2 mon-
FCCU, or 0.040 gr/dscf for an affected itor is two times the applicable SO2
fluid coking unit. emission limit at the highest O2 con-
(4) If a COMS is used according to centration in the air/oxygen stream
§ 60.105a(e), all 3-hour periods during used in the Claus burner, if applicable.
which the average opacity, as meas- (ii) The owner or operator shall in-
ured by the COMS under § 60.105a(e), ex- stall, operate, and maintain each SO2
ceeds the site-specific limit established CEMS according to Performance Speci-
during the most recent performance fication 2 of appendix B to part 60.
test. (iii) The owner or operator shall con-
(5) All rolling 7-day periods during duct performance evaluations of each
which the average concentration of SO2 monitor according to the require-
NOX as measured by the NOX CEMS ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
under § 60.105a(f) exceeds 80 ppmv for an Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60.
affected FCCU or FCU. The owner or operator shall use Meth-
(6) All rolling 7-day periods during od 6 or 6C of appendix A–4 to part 60.
which the average concentration of SO2 The method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–
as measured by the SO2 CEMS under 1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’
§ 60.105a(g) exceeds 50 ppmv, and all (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17)
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

rolling 365-day periods during which is an acceptable alternative to EPA

the average concentration of SO2 as Method 6.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.106a

(iv) The owner or operator shall in- appendix A–5 to part 60 for conducting
stall, operate, and maintain each O2 the relative accuracy evaluations. The
monitor according to Performance method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981,
Specification 3 of appendix B to this ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in-
part. corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is
(v) The span value for the O2 monitor an acceptable alternative to EPA
must be selected between 10 and 25 per- Method 15A of appendix A–5 to part 60.
cent, inclusive. (iv) The owner or operator shall in-
(vi) The owner or operator shall con- stall, operate, and maintain each O2
duct performance evaluations for the monitor according to Performance
O2 monitor according to the require- Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance (v) The span value for the O2 monitor
Specification 3 of appendix B to this must be selected between 10 and 25 per-
part. The owner or operator shall use cent, inclusive.
Methods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to (vi) The owner or operator shall con-
this part for conducting the relative duct performance evaluations for the
accuracy evaluations. The method O2 monitor according to the require-
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor- ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance
porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60.
acceptable alternative to EPA Method The owner or operator shall use Meth-
3B of appendix A–2 to this part. ods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to part
(vii) The owner or operator shall 60 for conducting the relative accuracy
comply with the applicable quality as- evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME
surance procedures of appendix F to PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
this part for each monitor, including Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref-
annual accuracy determinations for erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al-
each O2 monitor, and daily calibration ternative to EPA Method 3B of appen-
drift determinations. dix A–2 to part 60.
(2) For sulfur recovery plants that (vii) The owner or operator shall
are subject to the reduced sulfur com- comply with the applicable quality as-
pounds emission limit in surance procedures of appendix F to
§ 60.102a(f)(1)(ii) or (f)(2)(ii), the owner part 60 for each monitor, including an-
or operator shall install, operate, cali- nual accuracy determinations for each
brate, and maintain an instrument for O2 monitor, and daily calibration drift
continuously monitoring and recording determinations.
the concentration of reduced sulfur (3) In place of the reduced sulfur com-
compounds and O2 emissions into the pounds monitor required in paragraph
atmosphere. The reduced sulfur com- (a)(2) of this section, the owner or oper-
pounds emissions shall be calculated as ator may install, calibrate, operate,
SO2 (dry basis, zero percent excess air). and maintain an instrument using an
(i) The span value for the reduced air or O2 dilution and oxidation system
sulfur compounds monitor is two times to convert any reduced sulfur to SO2
the applicable reduced sulfur com- for continuously monitoring and re-
pounds emission limit as SO2 at the cording the concentration (dry basis, 0
highest O2 concentration in the air/ox- percent excess air) of the total result-
ygen stream used in the Claus burner, ant SO2. The monitor must include an
if applicable. O2 monitor for correcting the data for
(ii) The owner or operator shall in- excess O2.
stall, operate, and maintain each re- (i) The span value for this monitor is
duced sulfur compounds CEMS accord- two times the applicable reduced sulfur
ing to Performance Specification 5 of compounds emission limit as SO2 at
appendix B to this part. the highest O2 concentration in the air/
(iii) The owner or operator shall con- oxygen stream used in the Claus burn-
duct performance evaluations of each er, if applicable.
reduced sulfur compounds monitor ac- (ii) The owner or operator shall con-
cording to the requirements in § 60.13(c) duct performance evaluations of each
and Performance Specification 5 of ap- SO2 monitor according to the require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

pendix B to this part. The owner or op- ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance
erator shall use Methods 15 or 15A of Specification 5 of appendix B to part 60.


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§ 60.106a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

The owner or operator shall use Meth- Specification 7 of appendix B to this

ods 15 or 15A of appendix A–5 to part 60 part. The owner or operator shall use
for conducting the relative accuracy Methods 11 or 15 of appendix A–5 to this
evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME part or Method 16 of appendix A–6 to
PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas this part for conducting the relative
Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref- accuracy evaluations. The method
erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al- ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor-
ternative to EPA Method 15A of appen- porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
dix A–5 to part 60. acceptable alternative to EPA Method
(iii) The owner or operator shall in- 15A of appendix A–5 to this part.
stall, operate, and maintain each O2 (iv) The owner or operator shall in-
monitor according to Performance stall, operate, and maintain each O2
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. monitor according to Performance
(iv) The span value for the O2 mon- Specification 3 of appendix B to this
itor must be selected between 10 and 25 part.
percent, inclusive. (v) The span value for the O2 monitor
(v) The owner or operator shall con- must be selected between 10 and 25 per-
duct performance evaluations for the cent, inclusive.
O2 monitor according to the require- (vi) The owner or operator shall con-
ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance duct performance evaluations for the
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. O2 monitor according to the require-
The owner or operator shall use Meth- ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance
ods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to part Specification 3 of appendix B to this
60 for conducting the relative accuracy part. The owner or operator shall use
evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME Methods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to
PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas this part for conducting the relative
Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref- accuracy evaluations. The method
erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al- ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor-
ternative to EPA Method 3B of appen- porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an
dix A–2 to part 60. acceptable alternative to EPA Method
(vi) The owner or operator shall com- 3B of appendix A–2 to this part.
ply with the applicable quality assur- (vii) The owner or operator shall
ance procedures of appendix F to part comply with the applicable quality as-
60 for each monitor, including quar- surance procedures of appendix F to
terly accuracy determinations for each this part for each monitor, including
SO2 monitor, annual accuracy deter- annual accuracy determinations for
minations for each O2 monitor, and each O2 monitor, and daily calibration
daily calibration drift determinations. drift determinations.
(4) For sulfur recovery plants that (5) For sulfur recovery plants that
are subject to the H2S emission limit in use oxygen or oxygen enriched air in
§ 60.102a(f)(1)(iii) or (f)(2)(iii), the owner the Claus burner and that elects to
or operator shall install, operate, cali- monitor O2 concentration of the air/ox-
brate, and maintain an instrument for ygen mixture supplied to the Claus
continuously monitoring and recording burner, the owner or operator shall in-
the concentration of H2S, and O2 emis- stall, operate, calibrate, and maintain
sions into the atmosphere. The H2S an instrument for continuously moni-
emissions shall be calculated as SO2 toring and recording the O2 concentra-
(dry basis, zero percent excess air). tion of the air/oxygen mixture supplied
(i) The span value for this monitor is to the Claus burner in order to deter-
two times the applicable H2S emission mine the allowable emissions limit.
limit. (i) The owner or operator shall in-
(ii) The owner or operator shall in- stall, operate, and maintain each O2
stall, operate, and maintain each H2S monitor according to Performance
CEMS according to Performance Speci- Specification 3 of appendix B to this
fication 7 of appendix B to this part. part.
(iii) The owner or operator shall con- (ii) The span value for the O2 monitor
duct performance evaluations for each shall be 100 percent.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

H2S monitor according to the require- (iii) The owner or operator shall con-
ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance duct performance evaluations for the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.106a

O2 monitor according to the require- fications and the following require-

ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance ments.
Specification 3 of appendix B to this (A) Locate the monitor in a position
part. The owner or operator shall use that provides a representative meas-
Methods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to urement of the total gas flow rate.
this part for conducting the relative (B) Use a flow sensor meeting an ac-
accuracy evaluations. The method curacy requirement of ±5 percent over
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor- the normal range of flow measured or
porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an 10 cubic feet per minute, whichever is
acceptable alternative to EPA Method greater.
3B of appendix A–2 to this part. (C) Use a flow monitor that is main-
(iv) The owner or operator shall com- tainable online, is able to continuously
ply with the applicable quality assur- correct for temperature, pressure and,
ance procedures of appendix F to this for ambient air flow monitor, moisture
part for each monitor, including an- content, and is able to record dry flow
nual accuracy determinations for each in standard conditions (as defined in
O2 monitor, and daily calibration drift § 60.2) over one-minute averages.
(D) At least quarterly, perform a vis-
(v) The owner or operator shall use
ual inspection of all components of the
the hourly average O2 concentration
monitor for physical and operational
from this monitor for use in Equation
integrity and all electrical connections
1 or 2 of § 60.102a(f), as applicable, for
for oxidation and galvanic corrosion if
each hour and determine the allowable
the flow monitor is not equipped with a
emission limit as the arithmetic aver-
age of 12 contiguous 1-hour averages redundant flow sensor.
(i.e., the rolling 12-hour average). (E) Recalibrate the flow monitor in
(6) As an alternative to the O2 mon- accordance with the manufacturer’s
itor required in paragraph (a)(5) of this procedures and specifications bienni-
section, the owner or operator may in- ally (every two years) or at the fre-
stall, calibrate, operate, and maintain quency specified by the manufacturer.
a CPMS to measure and record the vol- (ii) The owner or operator shall use
umetric gas flow rate of ambient air 20.9 percent as the oxygen content of
and oxygen-enriched gas supplied to the ambient air.
the Claus burner and calculate the (iii) The owner or operator shall use
hourly average O2 concentration of the product specifications (e.g., as reported
air/oxygen mixture used in the Claus in material safety data sheets) for per-
burner as specified in paragraphs cent oxygen for purchased oxygen. For
(a)(6)(i) through (iv) of this section in oxygen produced onsite, the percent
order to determine the allowable emis- oxygen shall be determined by periodic
sions limit as specified in paragraphs measurements or process knowledge.
(a)(6)(v) of this section. (iv) The owner or operator shall cal-
(i) The owner or operator shall in- culate the hourly average O2 con-
stall, calibrate, operate and maintain centration of the air/oxygen mixture
each flow monitor according to the used in the Claus burner using Equa-
manufacturer’s procedures and speci- tion 10 of this section:

Where: Qair = Volumetric flow rate of ambient air

%O2 = O2 concentration of the air/oxygen used in the Claus burner, dscfm;
mixture used in the Claus burner, per- %O2,oxy = O2 concentration in the enriched
cent by volume (dry basis); oxygen stream, percent dry basis; and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

20.9 = O2 concentration in air, percent dry Qoxy = Volumetric flow rate of enriched oxy-
basis; gen stream used in the Claus burner,


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§ 60.106a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(v) The owner or operator shall use (A) Locate the monitor in a position
the hourly average O2 concentration that provides a representative meas-
determined using Equation 8 of urement of the total gas flow rate.
§ 60.104a(d)(8) for use in Equation 1 or 2 (B) Use a flow sensor meeting an ac-
of § 60.102a(f), as applicable, for each curacy requirement of ±5 percent over
hour and determine the allowable the normal range of flow measured or
emission limit as the arithmetic aver- 10 cubic feet per minute, whichever is
age of 12 contiguous 1-hour averages greater.
(i.e., the rolling 12-hour average).
(C) Use a flow monitor that is main-
(7) Owners or operators of a sulfur re-
covery plant that elects to comply tainable online, is able to continuously
with the SO2 emission limit in correct for temperature, pressure, and
§ 60.102a(f)(1)(i) or (f)(2)(i) or the re- moisture content, and is able to record
duced sulfur compounds emission limit dry flow in standard conditions (as de-
in § 60.102a(f)(1)(ii) or (f)(2)(ii) as a flow fined in § 60.2) over one-minute aver-
rate weighted average for a group of re- ages.
lease points from the sulfur recovery (D) At least quarterly, perform a vis-
plant rather than for each process ual inspection of all components of the
train or release point individually shall monitor for physical and operational
install, calibrate, operate, and main- integrity and all electrical connections
tain a CPMS to measure and record the for oxidation and galvanic corrosion if
volumetric gas flow rate of each re- the flow monitor is not equipped with a
lease point within the group of release redundant flow sensor.
points from the sulfur recovery plant (E) Recalibrate the flow monitor in
as specified in paragraphs (a)(7)(i)
accordance with the manufacturer’s
through (iv) of this section.
procedures and specifications bienni-
(i) The owner or operator shall in-
stall, calibrate, operate and maintain ally (every two years) or at the fre-
each flow monitor according to the quency specified by the manufacturer.
manufacturer’s procedures and speci- (ii) The owner or operator shall cor-
fications and the following require- rect the flow to 0 percent excess air
ments. using Equation 11 of this section:

Where: 20.9 = O2 concentration in air, percent; and

Qadj = Volumetric flow rate adjusted to 0 per- %O2 = O2 concentration measured on a dry
cent excess air, dry standard cubic feet basis, percent.
per minute (dscfm);
(iii) The owner or operator shall cal-
Cmeas = Volumetric flow rate measured by the
flow meter corrected to dry standard culate the flow weighted average SO2
conditions, dscfm; or reduced sulfur compounds con-
20.9c = 20.9 percent O2¥0.0 percent O2 (defined centration for each hour using Equa-
O2 correction basis), percent; tion 12 of this section:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB



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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a
Where: by the reduced sulfur compounds con-
Cave = Flow weighted average concentration tinuous monitoring system required
of the pollutant, ppmv (dry basis, zero under paragraph (a)(2) or (3) of this sec-
percent excess air). The pollutant is ei- tion exceeds the applicable emission
ther SO2 (if complying with the SO2 limit; or
emission limit in § 60.102a(f)(1)(i) or
(f)(2)(i)) or reduced sulfur compounds (if
(3) All 12-hour periods during which
complying with the reduced sulfur com- the average concentration of H2S as
pounds emission limit in § 60.102a(f)(1)(ii) measured by the H2S continuous moni-
or (f)(2)(ii)); toring system required under para-
N = Number of release points within the graph (a)(4) of this section exceeds the
group of release points from the sulfur applicable emission limit (dry basis, 0
recovery plant for which emissions aver- percent excess air).
aging is elected;
Cn = Pollutant concentration in the nth re- [73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 80
lease point within the group of release FR 75232, Dec. 1, 2015; 83 FR 60713, Nov. 26,
points from the sulfur recovery plant for 2018]
which emissions averaging is elected,
ppmv (dry basis, zero percent excess air); § 60.107a Monitoring of emissions and
Qadj,n = Volumetric flow rate of the nth re- operations for fuel gas combustion
lease point within the group of release devices and flares.
points from the sulfur recovery plant for
which emissions averaging is elected, dry
(a) Fuel gas combustion devices subject
standard cubic feet per minute (dscfm, to SO2 or H2S limit and flares subject to
adjusted to 0 percent excess air). H2S concentration requirements. The
owner or operator of a fuel gas combus-
(iv) For sulfur recovery plants that tion device that is subject to
use oxygen or oxygen enriched air in § 60.102a(g)(1) and elects to comply with
the Claus burner, the owner or oper- the SO2 emission limits in
ator shall use Equation 10 of this sec- § 60.102a(g)(1)(i) shall comply with the
tion and the hourly emission limits de- requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this
termined in paragraph (a)(5)(v) or section. The owner or operator of a fuel
(a)(6)(v) of this section in-place of the gas combustion device that is subject
pollutant concentration to determine to § 60.102a(g)(1) and elects to comply
the flow weighted average hourly emis- with the H2S concentration limits in
sion limit for each hour. The allowable § 60.102a(g)(1)(ii) or a flare that is sub-
emission limit shall be calculated as ject to the H2S concentration require-
the arithmetic average of 12 contiguous ment in § 60.103a(h) shall comply with
1-hour averages (i.e., the rolling 12-hour paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
average). (1) The owner or operator of a fuel
(b) Excess emissions. For the purpose gas combustion device that elects to
of reports required by § 60.7(c), periods comply with the SO2 emissions limits
of excess emissions for sulfur recovery in § 60.102a(g)(1)(i) shall install, oper-
plants subject to the emissions limita- ate, calibrate and maintain an instru-
tions in § 60.102a(f) are defined as speci- ment for continuously monitoring and
fied in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of recording the concentration (dry basis,
this section. 0-percent excess air) of SO2 emissions
NOTE: Determine all averages as the arith- into the atmosphere. The monitor
metic average of the applicable 1-hour aver- must include an O2 monitor for cor-
ages, e.g., determine the rolling 12-hour aver- recting the data for excess air.
age as the arithmetic average of 12 contig- (i) The owner or operator shall in-
uous 1-hour averages.
stall, operate, and maintain each SO2
(1) All 12-hour periods during which monitor according to Performance
the average concentration of SO2 as Specification 2 of appendix B to this
measured by the SO2 continuous moni- part. The span value for the SO2 mon-
toring system required under para- itor is 50 ppmv SO2.
graph (a)(1) of this section exceeds the (ii) The owner or operator shall con-
applicable emission limit (dry basis, duct performance evaluations for the
zero percent excess air); or SO2 monitor according to the require-
(2) All 12-hour periods during which ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the average concentration of reduced Specification 2 of appendix B to this

sulfur compounds (as SO2) as measured part. The owner or operator shall use


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§ 60.107a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Methods 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A–4 to toring and recording the concentration

this part for conducting the relative by volume (dry basis) of H2S in the fuel
accuracy evaluations. The method gases before being burned in any fuel
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor- gas combustion device or flare.
porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an (i) The owner or operator shall in-
acceptable alternative to EPA Method stall, operate and maintain each H2S
6 or 6A of appendix A–4 to this part. monitor according to Performance
Samples taken by Method 6 of appendix Specification 7 of appendix B to part 60.
A–4 to this part shall be taken at a The span value for this instrument is
flow rate of approximately 2 liters/min 300 ppmv H2S.
for at least 30 minutes. The relative ac- (ii) The owner or operator shall con-
curacy limit shall be 20 percent or 4 duct performance evaluations for each
ppmv, whichever is greater, and the H2S monitor according to the require-
calibration drift limit shall be 5 per- ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance
cent of the established span value. Specification 7 of appendix B to part 60.
(iii) The owner or operator shall in- The owner or operator shall use Meth-
stall, operate, and maintain each O2 od 11, 15, or 15A of appendix A–5 to part
monitor according to Performance 60 or Method 16 of appendix A–6 to part
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. 60 for conducting the relative accuracy
The span value for the O2 monitor must evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME
be selected between 10 and 25 percent, PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas
inclusive. Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref-
(iv) The owner or operator shall con- erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al-
duct performance evaluations for the ternative to EPA Method 15A of appen-
O2 monitor according to the require- dix A–5 to part 60.
ments of § 60.13(c) and Performance (iii) The owner or operator shall com-
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. ply with the applicable quality assur-
The owner or operator shall use Meth- ance procedures in appendix F to part
ods 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60 for each H2S monitor.
60 for conducting the relative accuracy (iv) Fuel gas combustion devices or
evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME flares having a common source of fuel
PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas gas may be monitored at only one loca-
Analyses,’’ (incorporated by ref- tion, if monitoring at this location ac-
erence—see § 60.17) is an acceptable al- curately represents the concentration
ternative to EPA Method 3B of appen- of H2S in the fuel gas being burned in
dix A–2 to part 60. the respective fuel gas combustion de-
(v) The owner or operator shall com- vices or flares.
ply with the applicable quality assur- (v) The owner or operator of a flare
ance procedures in appendix F to part subject to § 60.103a(c) through (e) may
60, including quarterly accuracy deter- use the instrument required in para-
minations for SO2 monitors, annual ac- graph (e)(1) of this section to dem-
curacy determinations for O2 monitors, onstrate compliance with the H2S con-
and daily calibration drift tests. centration requirement in § 60.103a(h) if
(vi) Fuel gas combustion devices hav- the owner or operator complies with
ing a common source of fuel gas may the requirements of paragraph (e)(1)(i)
be monitored at only one location (i.e., through (iv) and if the instrument has
after one of the combustion devices), if a span (or dual span, if necessary) capa-
monitoring at this location accurately ble of accurately measuring concentra-
represents the SO2 emissions into the tions between 20 and 300 ppmv. If the
atmosphere from each of the combus- instrument required in paragraph (e)(1)
tion devices. of this section is used to demonstrate
(2) The owner or operator of a fuel compliance with the H2S concentration
gas combustion device that elects to requirement, the concentration di-
comply with the H2S concentration rectly measured by the instrument
limits in § 60.102a(g)(1)(ii) or a flare must meet the numeric concentration
that is subject to the H2S concentra- in § 60.103a(h).
tion requirement in § 60.103a(h) shall in- (vi) The owner or operator of modi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

stall, operate, calibrate and maintain fied flare that meets all three criteria
an instrument for continuously moni- in paragraphs (a)(2)(vi)(A) through (C)


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a

of this section shall comply with the (iv) Other fuel gas streams that an
requirements of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) owner or operator demonstrates are
through (v) of this section no later low-sulfur according to the procedures
than November 11, 2015. The owner or in paragraph (b) of this section.
operator shall comply with the ap- (4) If the composition of an exempt
proved alternative monitoring plan or fuel gas stream changes, the owner or
plans pursuant to § 60.13(i) until the operator must follow the procedures in
flare is in compliance with require- paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
ments of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (b) Exemption from H2S monitoring re-
(v) of this section. quirements for low-sulfur fuel gas
(A) The flare was an affected facility streams. The owner or operator of a fuel
subject to subpart J of this part prior gas combustion device or flare may
to becoming an affected facility under apply for an exemption from the H2S
§ 60.100a. monitoring requirements in paragraph
(B) The owner or operator had an ap- (a)(2) of this section for a fuel gas
proved alternative monitoring plan or stream that is inherently low in sulfur
plans pursuant to § 60.13(i) for all fuel content. A fuel gas stream that is dem-
gases combusted in the flare. onstrated to be low-sulfur is exempt
(C) The flare did not have in place on from the monitoring requirements of
or before September 12, 2012 an instru- paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section
ment for continuously monitoring and until there are changes in operating
recording the concentration by volume conditions or stream composition.
(dry basis) of H2S in the fuel gases that (1) The owner or operator shall sub-
is capable of complying with the re- mit to the Administrator a written ap-
quirements of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) plication for an exemption from moni-
through (v) of this section. toring. The application must contain
(3) The owner or operator of a fuel the following information:
gas combustion device or flare is not (i) A description of the fuel gas
required to comply with paragraph stream/system to be considered, includ-
(a)(1) or (2) of this section for fuel gas ing submission of a portion of the ap-
streams that are exempt under propriate piping diagrams indicating
§§ 60.102a(g)(1)(iii) or 60.103a(h) or, for the boundaries of the fuel gas stream/
fuel gas streams combusted in a proc- system and the affected fuel gas com-
ess heater, other fuel gas combustion bustion device(s) or flare(s) to be con-
device or flare that are inherently low sidered;
in sulfur content. Fuel gas streams (ii) A statement that there are no
meeting one of the requirements in crossover or entry points for sour gas
paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (iv) of this (high H2S content) to be introduced
section will be considered inherently into the fuel gas stream/system (this
low in sulfur content. should be shown in the piping dia-
(i) Pilot gas for heaters and flares. grams);
(ii) Fuel gas streams that meet a (iii) An explanation of the conditions
commercial-grade product specifica- that ensure low amounts of sulfur in
tion for sulfur content of 30 ppmv or the fuel gas stream (i.e., control equip-
less. In the case of a liquefied petro- ment or product specifications) at all
leum gas (LPG) product specification times;
in the pressurized liquid state, the gas (iv) The supporting test results from
phase sulfur content should be evalu- sampling the requested fuel gas stream/
ated assuming complete vaporization system demonstrating that the sulfur
of the LPG and sulfur containing-com- content is less than 5 ppmv H2S. Sam-
pounds at the product specification pling data must include, at minimum, 2
concentration. weeks of daily monitoring (14 grab
(iii) Fuel gas streams produced in samples) for frequently operated fuel
process units that are intolerant to gas streams/systems; for infrequently
sulfur contamination, such as fuel gas operated fuel gas streams/systems,
streams produced in the hydrogen seven grab samples must be collected
plant, catalytic reforming unit, unless other additional information
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

isomerization unit, and HF alkylation would support reduced sampling. The

process units. owner or operator shall use detector


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§ 60.107a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

tubes (‘‘length-of-stain tube’’ type original application and the owner or

measurement) following the ‘‘Gas Proc- operator chooses not to submit new in-
essors Association Standard 2377–86 (in- formation to support an exemption, the
corporated by reference—see § 60.17), owner or operator must begin H2S mon-
using tubes with a maximum span be- itoring using daily stain sampling to
tween 10 and 40 ppmv inclusive when demonstrate compliance using length-
1≤N≤10, where N = number of pump of-stain tubes with a maximum span
strokes, to test the applicant fuel gas between 200 and 400 ppmv inclusive
stream for H2S; and when 1≤N≤5, where N = number of pump
(v) A description of how the 2 weeks strokes. The owner or operator must
(or seven samples for infrequently op- begin monitoring according to the re-
erated fuel gas streams/systems) of quirements in paragraphs (a)(1) or
monitoring results compares to the (a)(2) of this section as soon as prac-
typical range of H2S concentration ticable, but in no case later than 180
(fuel quality) expected for the fuel gas days after the operation change. Dur-
stream/system going to the affected ing daily stain tube sampling, a daily
fuel gas combustion device or flare sample exceeding 162 ppmv is an ex-
(e.g., the 2 weeks of daily detector tube ceedance of the 3-hour H2S concentra-
results for a frequently operated load- tion limit. The owner or operator of a
ing rack included the entire range of fuel gas combustion device must also
products loaded out and, therefore, determine a rolling 365-day average
should be representative of typical op- using the stain sampling results; an av-
erating conditions affecting H2S con- erage H2S concentration of 5 ppmv
tent in the fuel gas stream going to the must be used for days within the roll-
loading rack flare). ing 365-day period prior to the oper-
(2) The effective date of the exemp- ation change.
tion is the date of submission of the in- (c) Process heaters complying with the
formation required in paragraph (b)(1) NOX concentration-based limit. The
of this section. owner or operator of a process heater
(3) No further action is required un- subject to the NOX emissions limit in
less refinery operating conditions § 60.102a(g)(2) and electing to comply
change in such a way that affects the with the applicable emissions limit in
exempt fuel gas stream/system (e.g., § 60.102a(g)(2)(i)(A), (g)(2)(ii)(A),
the stream composition changes). If (g)(2)(iii)(A) or (g)(2)(iv)(A) shall in-
such a change occurs, the owner or op- stall, operate, calibrate and maintain
erator shall follow the procedures in an instrument for continuously moni-
paragraph (b)(3)(i), (b)(3)(ii), or toring and recording the concentration
(b)(3)(iii) of this section. (dry basis, 0-percent excess air) of NOX
(i) If the operation change results in emissions into the atmosphere accord-
a sulfur content that is still within the ing to the requirements in paragraphs
range of concentrations included in the (c)(1) through (5) of this section, except
original application, the owner or oper- as provided in paragraph (c)(6) of this
ator shall conduct an H2S test on a section. The monitor must include an
grab sample and record the results as O2 monitor for correcting the data for
proof that the concentration is still excess air.
within the range. (1) Except as provided in paragraph
(ii) If the operation change results in (c)(6) of this section, the owner or oper-
a sulfur content that is outside the ator shall install, operate and maintain
range of concentrations included in the each NOX monitor according to Per-
original application, the owner or oper- formance Specification 2 of appendix B
ator may submit new information fol- to part 60. The span value of this NOX
lowing the procedures of paragraph monitor must be between 2 and 3 times
(b)(1) of this section within 60 days (or the applicable emissions limit, inclu-
within 30 days after the seventh grab sive.
sample is tested for infrequently oper- (2) The owner or operator shall con-
ated process units). duct performance evaluations of each
(iii) If the operation change results in NOX monitor according to the require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

a sulfur content that is outside the ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance

range of concentrations included in the Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a

The owner or operator shall use Meth- ferent operating ranges), the owner or
ods 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E of appendix A– operator of the process heater must
4 to part 60 for conducting the relative also monitor fuel gas flow rate, fuel oil
accuracy evaluations. The method flow rate (as applicable) and heating
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and value content according to the meth-
Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (incorporated ods provided in paragraphs (d)(5), (d)(6),
by reference—see § 60.17) is an accept- and (d)(4) or (d)(7) of this section, re-
able alternative to EPA Method 7 or 7C spectively.
of appendix A–4 to part 60. (d) Process heaters complying with the
(3) The owner or operator shall in- NOX heating value-based or mass-based
stall, operate, and maintain each O2 limit. The owner or operator of a proc-
monitor according to Performance ess heater subject to the NOX emissions
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. limit in § 60.102a(g)(2) and electing to
The span value of this O2 monitor must comply with the applicable emissions
be selected between 10 and 25 percent, limit in § 60.102a(g)(2)(i)(B) or
inclusive. (g)(2)(ii)(B) shall install, operate, cali-
(4) The owner or operator shall con- brate and maintain an instrument for
duct performance evaluations of each continuously monitoring and recording
O2 monitor according to the require- the concentration (dry basis, 0-percent
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance excess air) of NOX emissions into the
Specification 3 of appendix B to part 60. atmosphere and shall determine the F
Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–2 to factor of the fuel gas stream no less
part 60 shall be used for conducting the frequently than once per day according
relative accuracy evaluations. The to the monitoring requirements in
method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this
‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ (in- section. The owner or operator of a co-
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) is fired process heater subject to the NOX
an acceptable alternative to EPA emissions limit in § 60.102a(g)(2) and
Method 3B of appendix A–2 to part 60. electing to comply with the heating
(5) The owner or operator shall com- value-based limit in
ply with the quality assurance require- § 60.102a(g)(2)(iii)(B) or (g)(2)(iv)(B)
ments in Procedure 1 of appendix F to shall install, operate, calibrate and
part 60 for each NOX and O2 monitor, maintain an instrument for continu-
including quarterly accuracy deter- ously monitoring and recording the
minations for NOX monitors, annual concentration (dry basis, 0-percent ex-
accuracy determinations for O2 mon- cess air) of NOX emissions into the at-
itors, and daily calibration drift tests. mosphere according to the monitoring
(6) The owner or operator of a process requirements in paragraph (d)(1) of this
heater that has a rated heating capac- section; install, operate, calibrate and
ity of less than 100 MMBtu and is maintain an instrument for continu-
equipped with combustion modifica- ously monitoring and recording the
tion-based technology to reduce NOX flow rate of the fuel gas and fuel oil fed
emissions (i.e., low-NOX burners, ultra- to the process heater according to the
low-NOX burners) may elect to comply monitoring requirements in paragraph
with the monitoring requirements in (d)(5) and (6) of this section; for fuel gas
paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this streams, determine gas composition
section or, alternatively, the owner or according to the requirements in para-
operator of such a process heater shall graph (d)(4) of this section or the high-
conduct biennial performance tests ac- er heating value according to the re-
cording to the requirements in quirements in paragraph (d)(7) of this
§ 60.104a(i), establish a maximum excess section; and for fuel oil streams, deter-
O2 operating limit or operating curve mine the heating value according to
according to the requirements in the monitoring requirements in para-
§ 60.104a(i)(6) and comply with the O2 graph (d)(7) of this section.
monitoring requirements in paragraphs (1) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(3) through (5) of this section to (d)(8) of this section, the owner or oper-
demonstrate compliance. If an O2 oper- ator shall install, operate and maintain
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ating curve is used (i.e., if different O2 each NOX monitor according to the re-
operating limits are established for dif- quirements in paragraphs (c)(1)


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§ 60.107a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

through (5) of this section. The mon- (3) As an alternative to the require-
itor must include an O2 monitor for ments in paragraph (d)(2) of this sec-
correcting the data for excess air. tion, the owner or operator of a gas-
(2) Except as provided in paragraph fired process heater shall install, oper-
(d)(3) of this section, the owner or oper- ate and maintain a gas composition an-
ator shall sample and analyze each fuel alyzer and determine the average F
stream fed to the process heater using factor of the fuel gas using the factors
the methods and equations in section in Table 1 of this subpart and Equation
12.3.2 of EPA Method 19 of appendix A–
13 of this section. If a single fuel gas
7 to part 60 to determine the F factor
system provides fuel gas to several
on a dry basis. If a single fuel gas sys-
tem provides fuel gas to several process process heaters, the F factor may be
heaters, the F factor may be deter- determined at a single location in the
mined at a single location in the fuel fuel gas system provided it is rep-
gas system provided it is representa- resentative of the fuel gas fed to the af-
tive of the fuel gas fed to the affected fected process heater(s).
process heater(s).

Where: flow monitors according to the manu-

Fd = F factor on dry basis at 0% excess air, facturer’s recommendations. For volu-
dscf/MMBtu. metric flow meters, temperature and
Xi = mole or volume fraction of each com- pressure monitors must be installed in
ponent in the fuel gas.
MEVi = molar exhaust volume, dry stand- conjunction with the flow meter or in a
ard cubic feet per mole (dscf/mol). representative location to correct the
MHCi = molar heat content, Btu per mole measured flow to standard conditions
(Btu/mol). (i.e., 68 °F and 1 atmosphere). For mass
1,000,000 = unit conversion, Btu per MMBtu. flow meters, use gas compositions de-
(4) The owner or operator shall con- termined according to paragraph (d)(4)
duct performance evaluations of each of this section to determine the aver-
compositional monitor according to age molecular weight of the fuel gas
the requirements in Performance Spec- and convert the mass flow to a volu-
ification 9 of appendix B to part 60. metric flow at standard conditions (i.e.,
Any of the following methods shall be 68 °F and 1 atmosphere). The owner or
used for conducting the relative accu- operator shall conduct performance
racy evaluations: evaluations of each fuel gas flow mon-
(i) EPA Method 18 of appendix A–6 to itor according to the requirements in
part 60; § 60.13 and Performance Specification 6
(ii) ASTM D1945–03 (Reapproved of appendix B to part 60. Any of the fol-
2010)(incorporated by reference-see lowing methods shall be used for con-
§ 60.17); ducting the relative accuracy evalua-
(iii) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved tions:
2006)(incorporated by reference-see
(i) EPA Method 2, 2A, 2B, 2C or 2D of
§ 60.17);
appendix A–2 to part 60;
(iv) ASTM D6420–99 (Reapproved
2004)(incorporated by reference-see (ii) ASME MFC–3M–2004 (incor-
§ 60.17); porated by reference-see § 60.17);
(v) GPA 2261–00 (incorporated by ref- (iii) ANSI/ASME MFC–4M–1986 (Re-
erence-see § 60.17); or affirmed 2008) (incorporated by ref-
(vi) ASTM UOP539–97 (incorporated erence-see § 60.17);
by reference-see § 60.17). (iv) ASME MFC–6M–1998 (Reaffirmed
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(5) The owner or operator shall in- 2005) (incorporated by reference-see

stall, operate and maintain fuel gas § 60.17);


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a

(v) ASME/ANSI MFC–7M–1987 (Re- vided it is representative of the fuel fed

affirmed 2006) (incorporated by ref- to the affected process heater(s). The
erence-see § 60.17); higher heating value of each fuel fed to
(vi) ASME MFC–11M–2006 (incor- the process heater must be determined
porated by reference-see § 60.17); no less frequently than once per day
(vii) ASME MFC–14M–2003 (incor- except as provided in paragraph
porated by reference-see § 60.17); (d)(7)(x) of this section.
(viii) ASME MFC–18M–2001 (incor- (i) ASTM D240–02 (Reapproved 2007)
porated by reference-see § 60.17); (incorporated by reference-see § 60.17).
(ix) AGA Report No. 3, Part 1 (incor- (ii) ASTM D1826–94 (Reapproved 2003)
porated by reference-see § 60.17); (incorporated by reference-see § 60.17).
(x) AGA Report No. 3, Part 2 (incor- (iii) ASTM D1945–03 (Reapproved 2010)
porated by reference-see § 60.17); (incorporated by reference-see § 60.17).
(xi) AGA Report No. 11 (incorporated (iv) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved 2006)
by reference-see § 60.17); (incorporated by reference-see § 60.17).
(xii) AGA Report No. 7 (incorporated (v) ASTM D3588–98 (Reapproved 2003)
by reference-see § 60.17); and (incorporated by reference-see § 60.17).
(xiii) API Manual of Petroleum Meas- (vi) ASTM D4809–06 (incorporated by
urement Standards, Chapter 22, Sec- reference-see § 60.17).
tion 2 (incorporated by reference-see (vii) ASTM D4891–89 (Reapproved
§ 60.17). 2006) (incorporated by reference-see
(6) The owner or operator shall in- § 60.17).
stall, operate and maintain each fuel (viii) GPA 2172–09 (incorporated by
oil flow monitor according to the man- reference-see § 60.17).
ufacturer’s recommendations. The (ix) Any of the methods specified in
owner or operator shall conduct per- section 2.2.7 of appendix D to part 75.
formance evaluations of each fuel oil (x) If the fuel oil supplied to the af-
flow monitor according to the require- fected co-fired process heater origi-
ments in § 60.13 and Performance Speci- nates from a single storage tank, the
fication 6 of appendix B to part 60. Any owner or operator may elect to use the
of the following methods shall be used storage tank sampling method in sec-
for conducting the relative accuracy tion of appendix D to part 75 in-
evaluations: stead of daily sampling, except that
(i) Any one of the methods listed in the most recent value for heating con-
paragraph (d)(5) of this section that are tent must be used.
applicable to fuel oil (i.e., ‘‘fluids’’); (8) The owner or operator of a process
(ii) ANSI/ASME–MFC–5M–1985 (Re- heater that has a rated heating capac-
affirmed 2006) (incorporated by ref- ity of less than 100 MMBtu and is
erence-see § 60.17); equipped with combustion modification
(iii) ASME/ANSI MFC–9M–1988 (Re- based technology to reduce NOX emis-
affirmed 2006) (incorporated by ref- sions (i.e., low-NOX burners or ultra-
erence-see § 60.17); low NOX burners) may elect to comply
(iv) ASME MFC–16–2007 (incorporated with the monitoring requirements in
by reference-see § 60.17); paragraphs (d)(1) through (7) of this
(v) ASME MFC–22–2007 (incorporated section or, alternatively, the owner or
by reference-see § 60.17); or operator of such a process heater shall
(vi) ISO 8316 (incorporated by ref- conduct biennial performance tests ac-
erence-see § 60.17). cording to the requirements in
(7) The owner or operator shall deter- § 60.104a(i), establish a maximum excess
mine the higher heating value of each O2 operating limit or operating curve
fuel fed to the process heater using any according to the requirements in
of the applicable methods included in § 60.104a(i)(6) and comply with the O2
paragraphs (d)(7)(i) through (ix) of this monitoring requirements in paragraphs
section. If a common fuel supply sys- (c)(3) through (5) of this section to
tem provides fuel gas or fuel oil to sev- demonstrate compliance. If an O2 oper-
eral process heaters, the higher heating ating curve is used (i.e., if different O2
value of the fuel in each fuel supply operating limits are established for dif-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

system may be determined at a single ferent operating ranges), the owner or

location in the fuel supply system pro- operator of the process heater must


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§ 60.107a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

also monitor fuel gas flow rate, fuel oil tion provided the applicable span speci-
flow rate (as applicable) and heating fications are met.
value content according to the meth- (ii) The owner or operator shall con-
ods provided in paragraphs (d)(5), (d)(6), duct performance evaluations of each
and (d)(4) or (d)(7) of this section, re- total reduced sulfur monitor according
spectively. to the requirements in § 60.13(c) and
(e) Sulfur monitoring for assessing root Performance Specification 5 of appen-
cause analysis threshold for affected dix B to this part. The owner or oper-
flares. Except as described in para- ator of each total reduced sulfur mon-
graphs (e)(4) and (h) of this section, the itor shall use EPA Method 15A of ap-
owner or operator of an affected flare pendix A–5 to this part for conducting
subject to § 60.103a(c) through (e) shall the relative accuracy evaluations. The
determine the total reduced sulfur con- method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (in-
centration for each gas line directed to corporated by reference-see § 60.17) is
the affected flare in accordance with an acceptable alternative to EPA
either paragraph (e)(1), (e)(2) or (e)(3) of Method 15A of appendix A–5 to this
this section. Different options may be part. The alternative relative accuracy
elected for different gas lines. If a mon- procedures described in section 16.0 of
itoring system is in place that is capa- Performance Specification 2 of appen-
ble of complying with the requirements dix B to this part (cylinder gas audits)
related to either paragraph (e)(1), (e)(2) may be used for conducting the rel-
or (e)(3) of this section, the owner or ative accuracy evaluations, except that
it is not necessary to include as much
operator of a modified flare must com-
of the sampling probe or sampling line
ply with the requirements related to
as practical.
either paragraph (e)(1), (e)(2) or (e)(3) of
(iii) The owner or operator shall com-
this section upon startup of the modi-
ply with the applicable quality assur-
fied flare. If a monitoring system is not
ance procedures in appendix F to part
in place that is capable of complying
60 for each total reduced sulfur mon-
with the requirements related to either
paragraph (e)(1), (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this
(2) H2S monitoring requirements. The
section, the owner or operator of a
owner or operator shall install, oper-
modified flare must comply with the ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru-
requirements related to either para- ment or instruments for continuously
graph (e)(1), (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this sec- monitoring and recording the con-
tion no later than November 11, 2015 or centration of H2S in gas discharged to
upon startup of the modified flare, the flare according to the requirements
whichever is later. in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (iii) of
(1) Total reduced sulfur monitoring re- this section and shall collect and ana-
quirements. The owner or operator shall lyze samples of the gas and calculate
install, operate, calibrate and maintain total sulfur concentrations as specified
an instrument or instruments for con- in paragraphs (e)(2)(iv) through (ix) of
tinuously monitoring and recording this section.
the concentration of total reduced sul- (i) The owner or operator shall in-
fur in gas discharged to the flare. stall, operate and maintain each H2S
(i) The owner or operator shall in- monitor according to Performance
stall, operate and maintain each total Specification 7 of appendix B to part 60.
reduced sulfur monitor according to The span value should be determined
Performance Specification 5 of appen- based on the maximum sulfur content
dix B to part 60. The span value should of gas that can be discharged to the
be determined based on the maximum flare (e.g., roughly 1.1 to 1.3 times the
sulfur content of gas that can be dis- maximum anticipated sulfur con-
charged to the flare (e.g., roughly 1.1 to centration), but may be no less than
1.3 times the maximum anticipated 5,000 ppmv. A single dual range H2S
sulfur concentration), but may be no monitor may be used to comply with
less than 5,000 ppmv. A single dual the requirements of this paragraph and
range monitor may be used to comply paragraph (a)(2) of this section pro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

with the requirements of this para- vided the applicable span specifications
graph and paragraph (a)(2) of this sec- are met.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a

(ii) The owner or operator shall con- owner or operator shall take subse-
duct performance evaluations of each quent representative daily samples at
H2S monitor according to the require- least once per week or as required in
ments in § 60.13(c) and Performance paragraph (e)(2)(ix) of this section.
Specification 7 of appendix B to this (v) The owner or operator shall ana-
part. The owner or operator shall use lyze each daily sample for total sulfur
EPA Method 11, 15 or 15A of appendix using either EPA Method 15A of appen-
A–5 to this part for conducting the rel- dix A–5 to part 60, EPA Method 16A of
ative accuracy evaluations. The meth- appendix A–6 to part 60, ASTM Method
od ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 (incor- D4468–85 (Reapproved 2006) (incor-
porated by reference—see § 60.17) is an porated by reference—see § 60.17) or
acceptable alternative to EPA Method ASTM Method D5504–08 (incorporated
15A of appendix A–5 to this part. The by reference—see § 60.17).
alternative relative accuracy proce- (vi) The owner or operator shall de-
dures described in section 16.0 of Per-
velop a 10-day average total sulfur-to-
formance Specification 2 of appendix B
H2S ratio and 95-percent confidence in-
to this part (cylinder gas audits) may
terval as follows:
be used for conducting the relative ac-
curacy evaluations, except that it is (A) Calculate the ratio of the total
not necessary to include as much of the sulfur concentration to the H2S con-
sampling probe or sampling line as centration for each day during which
practical. samples are collected.
(iii) The owner or operator shall com- (B) Determine the 10-day average
ply with the applicable quality assur- total sulfur-to-H2S ratio as the arith-
ance procedures in appendix F to part metic average of the daily ratios cal-
60 for each H2S monitor. culated in paragraph (e)(2)(vi)(A) of
(iv) In the first 10 operating days this section.
after the date the flare must begin to (C) Determine the acceptable range
comply with § 60.103a(c)(1), the owner or for subsequent weekly samples based
operator shall collect representative on the 95-percent confidence interval
daily samples of the gas discharged to for the distribution of daily ratios
the flare. The samples may be grab based on the 10 individual daily ratios
samples or integrated samples. The using Equation 14 of this section.

Where: to develop a 10-day average, the owner

AR = Acceptable range of subsequent ratio or operator shall multiply the most re-
determinations, unitless. cent 10-day average total sulfur-to-H2S
RatioAvg = 10-day average total sulfur-to-
ratio by the daily average H2S con-
H2S concentration ratio, unitless.
2.262 = t-distribution statistic for 95-per- centrations obtained using the monitor
cent 2-sided confidence interval for 10 sam- as required by paragraph (e)(2)(i)
ples (9 degrees of freedom). through (iii) of this section to estimate
SDev = Standard deviation of the 10 daily total sulfur concentrations.
average total sulfur-to-H2S concentration ra-
(ix) If the total sulfur-to-H2S ratio
tios used to develop the 10-day average total
sulfur-to-H2S concentration ratio, unitless. for a subsequent weekly sample is out-
side the acceptable range for the most
(vii) For each day during the period recent distribution of daily ratios, the
when data are being collected to de- owner or operator shall develop a new
velop a 10-day average, the owner or
10-day average ratio and acceptable
operator shall estimate the total sulfur
concentration using the measured total range based on data for the outlying
sulfur concentration measured for that weekly sample plus data collected over
day. the following 9 operating days.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(viii) For all days other than those

during which data are being collected


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§ 60.107a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(3) SO2 monitoring requirements. The tion, determine the F factor of the fuel
owner or operator shall install, oper- gas at least daily according to the re-
ate, calibrate, and maintain an instru- quirements in paragraphs (d)(2)
ment for continuously monitoring and through (4) of this section, determine
recording the concentration of SO2 the higher heating value of the fuel gas
from a process heater or other fuel gas at least daily according to the require-
combustion device that is combusting ments in paragraph (d)(7) of this sec-
gas representative of the fuel gas in the tion, and calculate the total sulfur con-
flare gas line according to the require- tent (as SO2) in the fuel gas using
ments in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec- Equation 15 of this section.

Where: plies with the monitoring alternative

TSFG = Total sulfur concentration, as SO2, in paragraph (g) of this section.
in the fuel gas, ppmv. (iv) Secondary flares that receive gas
CSO2 = Concentration of SO2 in the exhaust diverted from the primary flare. In the
gas, ppmv (dry basis at 0-percent excess air). event of a discharge from the sec-
Fd = F factor gas on dry basis at 0-percent ondary flare, the sulfur content meas-
excess air, dscf/MMBtu. ured by the sulfur monitor on the pri-
HHVFG = Higher heating value of the fuel mary flare should be used to calculate
gas, MMBtu/scf. SO2 emissions, regardless of whether or
(4) Exemptions from sulfur monitoring not the monitoring alternative in para-
requirements. Flares identified in para- graph (g) of this section is selected for
graphs (e)(4)(i) through (iv) of this sec- the secondary flare.
tion are exempt from the requirements (f) Flow monitoring for flares. Except
in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this as provided in paragraphs (f)(2) and (h)
section. For each such flare, except as of this section, the owner or operator
provided in paragraph (e)(4)(iv), engi- of an affected flare subject to
neering calculations shall be used to § 60.103a(c) through (e) shall install, op-
calculate the SO2 emissions in the erate, calibrate and maintain, in ac-
event of a discharge that may trigger a cordance with the specifications in
root cause analysis under § 60.103a(c)(1). paragraph (f)(1) of this section, a CPMS
to measure and record the flow rate of
(i) Flares that can only receive:
gas discharged to the flare. If a flow
(A) Fuel gas streams that are inher- monitor is not already in place, the
ently low in sulfur content as described owner or operator of a modified flare
in paragraph (a)(3)(i) through (iv) of shall comply with the requirements of
this section; and/or this paragraph by no later than No-
(B) Fuel gas streams that are inher- vember 11, 2015 or upon startup of the
ently low in sulfur content for which modified flare, whichever is later.
the owner or operator has applied for (1) The owner or operator shall in-
an exemption from the H2S monitoring stall, calibrate, operate and maintain
requirements as described in paragraph each flow monitor according to the
(b) of this section. manufacturer’s procedures and speci-
(ii) Emergency flares, provided that fications and the following require-
for each such flare, the owner or oper- ments.
ator complies with the monitoring al- (i) Locate the monitor in a position
ternative in paragraph (g) of this sec- that provides a representative meas-
tion. urement of the total gas flow rate.
(iii) Flares equipped with flare gas (ii) Use a flow sensor meeting an ac-
recovery systems designed, sized and curacy requirement of ±20 percent of
operated to capture all flows except the flow rate at velocities ranging from
those resulting from startup, shutdown 0.1 to 1 feet per second and an accuracy
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

or malfunction, provided that for each of ±5 percent of the flow rate for veloci-
such flare, the owner or operator com- ties greater than 1 feet per second.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.107a

(iii) Use a flow monitor that is main- measurement of the pressure and lo-
tainable online, is able to continuously cate the liquid seal level monitor in a
correct for temperature and pressure position that provides a representative
and is able to record flow in standard measurement of the water column
conditions (as defined in § 60.2) over height.
one-minute averages. (2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating
(iv) At least quarterly, perform a vis- pressure, vibration and internal and ex-
ual inspection of all components of the ternal corrosion.
monitor for physical and operational (3) Use a pressure sensor and level
integrity and all electrical connections monitor with a minimum tolerance of
for oxidation and galvanic corrosion if 1.27 centimeters of water.
the flow monitor is not equipped with a (4) Using a manometer, check pres-
redundant flow sensor. sure sensor calibration quarterly.
(v) Recalibrate the flow monitor in
(5) Conduct calibration checks any
accordance with the manufacturer’s
time the pressure sensor exceeds the
procedures and specifications bienni-
manufacturer’s specified maximum op-
ally (every two years) or at the fre-
erating pressure range or install a new
quency specified by the manufacturer.
pressure sensor.
(2) Emergency flares, secondary
flares and flares equipped with flare (6) In a cascaded flare system that
gas recovery systems designed, sized employs multiple secondary flares,
and operated to capture all flows ex- pressure and liquid level monitoring is
cept those resulting from startup, required only on the first secondary
shutdown or malfunction are not re- flare in the system (i.e., the secondary
quired to install continuous flow mon- flare with the lowest pressure release
itors; provided, however, that for any set point).
such flare, the owner or operator shall (7) This alternative monitoring op-
comply with the monitoring alter- tion may be elected only for flares with
native in paragraph (g) of this section. four or fewer pressure exceedances re-
(g) Alternative monitoring for certain quired to be reported under
flares equipped with water seals. The § 60.108a(d)(5) (‘‘reportable pressure
owner or operator of an affected flare exceedances’’) in any 365 consecutive
subject to § 60.103a(c) through (e) that calendar days. Following the fifth re-
can be classified as either an emer- portable pressure exceedance in a 365-
gency flare, a secondary flare or a flare day period, the owner or operator must
equipped with a flare gas recovery sys- comply with the sulfur and flow moni-
tem designed, sized and operated to toring requirements of paragraphs (e)
capture all flows except those resulting and (f) of this section as soon as prac-
from startup, shutdown or malfunction tical, but no later than 180 days after
may, as an alternative to the sulfur the fifth reportable pressure exceed-
and flow monitoring requirements of ance in a 365-day period.
paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, (h) Alternative monitoring for flares lo-
install, operate, calibrate and main- cated in the BAAQMD or SCAQMD. An
tain, in accordance with the require- affected flare subject to this subpart
ments in paragraphs (g)(1) through (7) located in the BAAQMD may elect to
of this section, a CPMS to measure and comply with the monitoring require-
record the pressure in the flare gas ments in both BAAQMD Regulation 12,
header between the knock-out pot and Rule 11 and BAAQMD Regulation 12,
water seal and to measure and record Rule 12 as an alternative to complying
the water seal liquid level. If the re- with the requirements of paragraphs
quired monitoring systems are not al- (e) and (f) of this section. An affected
ready in place, the owner or operator of flare subject to this subpart located in
a modified flare shall comply with the the SCAQMD may elect to comply with
requirements of this paragraph by no the monitoring requirements in
later than November 11, 2015 or upon SCAQMD Rule 1118 as an alternative to
startup of the modified flare, which- complying with the requirements of
ever is later. paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) Locate the pressure sensor(s) in a (i) Excess emissions. For the purpose of
position that provides a representative reports required by § 60.7(c), periods of


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§ 60.108a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

excess emissions for fuel gas combus- continuous monitoring system required
tion devices subject to the emissions under paragraph (a)(2) of this section
limitations in § 60.102a(g) and flares exceeds 162 ppmv.
subject to the concentration require- (ii) If the owner or operator of a flare
ment in § 60.103a(h) are defined as speci- becomes subject to the requirements of
fied in paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) of daily stain tube sampling in paragraph
this section. Determine a rolling 3-hour (b)(3)(iii) of this section, each day dur-
or a rolling daily average as the arith- ing which the daily concentration of
metic average of the applicable 1-hour H2S exceeds 162 ppmv.
averages (e.g., a rolling 3-hour average (3) Rolling 30-day average NOX limits
is the arithmetic average of three con- for fuel gas combustion devices. Each
tiguous 1-hour averages). Determine a rolling 30-day period during which the
rolling 30-day or a rolling 365-day aver- average concentration of NOX as meas-
age as the arithmetic average of the ured by the NOX continuous moni-
applicable daily averages (e.g., a roll- toring system required under para-
ing 30-day average is the arithmetic av- graph (c) or (d) of this section exceeds:
erage of 30 contiguous daily averages). (i) For a natural draft process heater,
(1) SO 2 or H2S limits for fuel gas com- 40 ppmv and, if monitored according to
bustion devices. (i) If the owner or oper- § 60.107a(d), 0.040 lb/MMBtu;
ator of a fuel gas combustion device (ii) For a forced draft process heater,
elects to comply with the SO2 emission 60 ppmv and, if monitored according to
limits in § 60.102a(g)(1)(i), each rolling § 60.107a(d), 0.060 lb/MMBtu; and
3-hour period during which the average (iii) For a co-fired process heater
concentration of SO2 as measured by electing to comply with the NOX limit
the SO2 continuous monitoring system in § 60.102a(g)(2)(iii)(A) or (g)(2)(iv)(A),
required under paragraph (a)(1) of this 150 ppmv.
section exceeds 20 ppmv, and each roll- (iv) The site-specific limit deter-
ing 365-day period during which the av- mined by the Administrator under
erage concentration of SO2 as measured § 60.102a(i).
by the SO2 continuous monitoring sys- (4) Daily NOX limits for fuel gas com-
tem required under paragraph (a)(1) of bustion devices. Each day during which
this section exceeds 8 ppmv. the concentration of NOX as measured
(ii) If the owner or operator of a fuel by the NOX continuous monitoring sys-
gas combustion device elects to comply tem required under paragraph (d) of
with the H2S concentration limits in this section exceeds the daily average
§ 60.102a(g)(1)(ii), each rolling 3-hour pe- emissions limit calculated using Equa-
riod during which the average con- tion 3 in § 60.102a(g)(2)(iii)(B) or Equa-
centration of H2S as measured by the tion 4 in § 60.102a(g)(2)(iv)(B).
H2S continuous monitoring system re- (5) Daily O2 limits for fuel gas combus-
quired under paragraph (a)(2) of this tion devices. Each day during which the
section exceeds 162 ppmv and each roll- concentration of O2 as measured by the
ing 365-day period during which the av- O2 continuous monitoring system re-
erage concentration as measured by quired under paragraph (c)(6) or (d)(8)
the H2S continuous monitoring system of this section exceeds the O2 operating
under paragraph (a)(2) of this section limit or operating curve determined
exceeds 60 ppmv. during the most recent biennial per-
(iii) If the owner or operator of a fuel formance test.
gas combustion device becomes subject [73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77
to the requirements of daily stain tube FR 56473, Sep. 12, 2012; 80 FR 75235, Dec. 1,
sampling in paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this 2015]
section, each day during which the
daily concentration of H2S exceeds 162 § 60.108a Recordkeeping and reporting
ppmv and each rolling 365-day period requirements.
during which the average concentra- (a) Each owner or operator subject to
tion of H2S exceeds 60 ppmv. the emissions limitations in § 60.102a
(2) H2S concentration limits for shall comply with the notification, rec-
flares. (i) Each rolling 3-hour period ordkeeping, and reporting require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

during which the average concentra- ments in § 60.7 and other requirements
tion of H2S as measured by the H2S as specified in this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.108a

(b) Each owner or operator subject to that do not exceed the staging time
an emissions limitation in § 60.102a specified in § 60.103a(a)(3)(vii)(C). The
shall notify the Administrator of the following information shall be recorded
specific monitoring provisions of no later than 45 days following the end
§§ 60.105a, 60.106a and 60.107a with which of a discharge exceeding the thresh-
the owner or operator intends to com- olds:
ply. Each owner or operator of a co- (i) A description of the discharge.
fired process heater subject to an emis- (ii) The date and time the discharge
sions limitation in § 60.102a(g)(2)(iii) or was first identified and the duration of
(iv) shall submit to the Administrator the discharge.
documentation showing that the proc- (iii) The measured or calculated cu-
ess heater meets the definition of a co- mulative quantity of gas discharged
fired process heater in § 60.101a. Notifi- over the discharge duration. If the dis-
cations required by this paragraph charge duration exceeds 24 hours,
shall be submitted with the notifica- record the discharge quantity for each
tion of initial startup required by 24-hour period. For a flare, record the
§ 60.7(a)(3). measured or calculated cumulative
(c) The owner or operator shall main- quantity of gas discharged to the flare
tain the following records: over the discharge duration. If the dis-
(1) A copy of the flare management charge duration exceeds 24 hours,
plan. record the quantity of gas discharged
(2) Records of information to docu- to the flare for each 24-hour period. En-
ment conformance with bag leak detec- gineering calculations are allowed for
tion system operation and mainte- fuel gas combustion devices, but are
nance requirements in § 60.105a(c). not allowed for flares, except for those
(3) Records of bag leak detection sys- complying with the alternative moni-
tem alarms and actions according to toring requirements in § 60.107a(g).
§ 60.105a(c). (iv) For each discharge greater than
(4) For each FCCU and fluid coking 500 lb SO2 in any 24-hour period from a
unit subject to the monitoring require- flare, the measured total sulfur con-
ments in § 60.105a(b)(1), records of the centration or both the measured H2S
average coke burn-off rate and hours of concentration and the estimated total
operation. sulfur concentration in the fuel gas at
(5) For each fuel gas stream to which a representative location in the flare
one of the exemptions listed in inlet.
§ 60.107a(a)(3) applies, records of the (v) For each discharge greater than
specific exemption determined to apply 500 lb SO2 in excess of the applicable
for each fuel stream. If the owner or short-term emissions limit in
operator applies for the exemption de- § 60.102a(g)(1) from a fuel gas combus-
scribed in § 60.107a(a)(3)(iv), the owner tion device, either the measured con-
or operator must keep a copy of the ap- centration of H2S in the fuel gas or the
plication as well as the letter from the measured concentration of SO2 in the
Administrator granting approval of the stream discharged to the atmosphere.
application. Process knowledge can be used to make
(6) Records of discharges greater than these estimates for fuel gas combustion
500 lb SO2 in any 24-hour period from devices, but cannot be used to make
any affected flare, discharges greater these estimates for flares, except as
than 500 lb SO2 in excess of the allow- provided in § 60.107a(e)(4).
able limits from a fuel gas combustion (vi) For each discharge greater than
device or sulfur recovery plant and dis- 500 lb SO2 in excess of the allowable
charges to an affected flare in excess of limits from a sulfur recovery plant, ei-
500,000 scf above baseline in any 24-hour ther the measured concentration of re-
period as required by § 60.103a(c). If the duced sulfur or SO2 discharged to the
monitoring alternative provided in atmosphere.
§ 60.107a(g) is selected, the owner or op- (vii) For each discharge greater than
erator shall record any instance when 500 lb SO2 in any 24-hour period from
the flare gas line pressure exceeds the any affected flare or discharge greater
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

water seal liquid depth, except for peri- than 500 lb SO2 in excess of the allow-
ods attributable to compressor staging able limits from a fuel gas combustion


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§ 60.109a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

device or sulfur recovery plant, the cu- (1) The date that the exceedance oc-
mulative quantity of H2S and SO2 re- curred;
leased into the atmosphere. For re- (2) An explanation of the exceedance;
leases controlled by flares, assume 99- (3) Whether the exceedance was con-
percent conversion of reduced sulfur or current with a startup, shutdown, or
total sulfur to SO2. For fuel gas com- malfunction of an affected facility or
bustion devices, assume 99-percent con- control system; and
version of H2S to SO2. (4) A description of the action taken,
(viii) The steps that the owner or op- if any.
erator took to limit the emissions dur- (5) The information described in
ing the discharge. paragraph (c)(6) of this section for all
(ix) The root cause analysis and cor- discharges listed in paragraph (c)(6) of
rective action analysis conducted as re- this section. For a flare complying
quired in § 60.103a(d), including an iden- with the monitoring alternative under
tification of the affected facility, the § 60.107a(g), following the fifth dis-
date and duration of the discharge, a charge required to be recorded under
statement noting whether the dis- paragraph (c)(6) of this section and re-
charge resulted from the same root ported under this paragraph, the owner
cause(s) identified in a previous anal- or operator shall include notification
ysis and either a description of the rec- that monitoring systems will be in-
ommended corrective action(s) or an stalled according to § 60.107a(e) and (f)
explanation of why corrective action is within 180 days following the fifth dis-
not necessary under § 60.103a(e). charge.
(x) For any corrective action analysis (6) For any periods for which moni-
for which corrective actions are re- toring data are not available, any
quired in § 60.103a(e), a description of changes made in operation of the emis-
the corrective action(s) completed sion control system during the period
within the first 45 days following the of data unavailability which could af-
discharge and, for action(s) not already fect the ability of the system to meet
completed, a schedule for implementa- the applicable emission limit. Oper-
tion, including proposed commence- ations of the control system and af-
ment and completion dates. fected facility during periods of data
(xi) For each discharge from any af- unavailability are to be compared with
fected flare that is the result of a operation of the control system and af-
planned startup or shutdown of a refin- fected facility before and following the
ery process unit or ancillary equipment period of data unavailability.
connected to the affected flare, a state- (7) A written statement, signed by a
ment that a root cause analysis and responsible official, certifying the ac-
corrective action analysis are not nec- curacy and completeness of the infor-
essary because the owner or operator mation contained in the report.
followed the flare management plan.
(7) If the owner or operator elects to [73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77
comply with § 60.107a(e)(2) for a flare, FR 56479, Sep. 12, 2012]
records of the H2S and total sulfur
§ 60.109a Delegation of authority.
analyses of each grab or integrated
sample, the calculated daily total sul- (a) This subpart can be implemented
fur-to-H2S ratios, the calculated 10-day and enforced by the U.S. EPA or a dele-
average total sulfur-to-H2S ratios and gated authority such as a State, local,
the 95-percent confidence intervals for or tribal agency. You should contact
each 10-day average total sulfur-to-H2S your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find
ratio. out if this subpart is delegated to a
(d) Each owner or operator subject to State, local, or tribal agency within
this subpart shall submit an excess your State.
emissions report for all periods of ex- (b) In delegating implementation and
cess emissions according to the re- enforcement authority of this subpart
quirements of § 60.7(c) except that the to a state, local or tribal agency, the
report shall contain the information approval authorities contained in para-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through graphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section
(7) of this section. are retained by the Administrator of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.111

the U.S. EPA and are not transferred (b) This subpart does not apply to
to the state, local or tribal agency. storage vessels for petroleum or con-
(1) Approval of a major change to densate stored, processed, and/or treat-
test methods under § 60.8(b). A ‘‘major ed at a drilling and production facility
change to test method’’ is defined in 40 prior to custody transfer.
CFR 63.90. (c) Subject to the requirements of
(2) Approval of a major change to this subpart is any facility under para-
monitoring under § 60.13(i). A ‘‘major graph (a) of this section which:
change to monitoring’’ is defined in 40 (1) Has a capacity greater than 151,
CFR 63.90. 416 liters (40,000 gallons), but not ex-
(3) Approval of a major change to rec- ceeding 246,052 liters (65,000 gallons),
ordkeeping/reporting under § 60.7(b) and commences construction or modi-
through (f). A ‘‘major change to record- fication after March 8, 1974, and prior
keeping/reporting’’ is defined in 40 CFR to May 19, 1978.
63.90. (2) Has a capacity greater than 246,052
(4) Approval of an application for an liters (65,000 gallons) and commences
alternative means of emission limita- construction or modification after
tion under § 60.103a(j) of this subpart. June 11, 1973, and prior to May 19, 1978.

[73 FR 35867, June 24, 2008, as amended at 77 [42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977, as amended at 45
FR 56480, Sep. 12, 2012] FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980]

TABLE 1 TO SUBPART JA OF PART 60— § 60.111 Definitions.

MOLAR EXHAUST VOLUMES AND As used in this subpart, all terms not
MOLAR HEAT CONTENT OF FUEL GAS defined herein shall have the meaning
CONSTITUENTS given them in the Act and in subpart A
of this part.
MEVa MHCb (a) Storage vessel means any tank, res-
Constituent dscf/mol Btu/mol
ervoir, or container used for the stor-
Methane (CH4) .................................. 7.29 842 age of petroleum liquids, but does not
Ethane (C2H6) .................................... 12.96 1,475 include:
Hydrogen (H2) ................................... 1.61 269
Ethene (C2H4) .................................... 11.34 1,335 (1) Pressure vessels which are de-
Propane (C3H8) ................................. 18.62 2,100 signed to operate in excess of 15 pounds
Propene (C3H6) ................................. 17.02 1,947 per square inch gauge without emis-
Butane (C4H10) .................................. 24.30 2,717 sions to the atmosphere except under
Butene (C4H8) .................................... 22.69 2,558
Inerts .................................................. 0.85 0 emergency conditions,
a MEV = molar exhaust volume, dry standard cubic feet per
(2) Subsurface caverns or porous rock
gram-mole (dscf/g-mol) at standard conditions of 68 °F and reservoirs, or
1 atmosphere.
b MHC = molar heat content (higher heating value basis),
(3) Underground tanks if the total
Btu per gram-mole (Btu/g-mol). volume of petroleum liquids added to
and taken from a tank annually does
[77 FR 56480, Sep. 12, 2012] not exceed twice the volume of the
Subpart K—Standards of Perform- (b) Petroleum liquids means petro-
ance for Storage Vessels for leum, condensate, and any finished or
intermediate products manufactured in
Petroleum Liquids for Which a petroleum refinery but does not mean
Construction, Reconstruction, Nos. 2 through 6 fuel oils as specified in
or Modification Commenced ASTM D396–78, 89, 90, 92, 96, or 98, gas
After June 11, 1973, and Prior turbine fuel oils Nos. 2–GT through 4–
to May 19, 1978 GT as specified in ASTM D2880–78 or 96,
or diesel fuel oils Nos. 2–D and 4–D as
§ 60.110 Applicability and designation specified in ASTM D975–78, 96, or 98a.
of affected facility. (These three methods are incorporated
(a) Except as provided in § 60.110(b), by reference—see § 60.17.)
the affected facility to which this sub- (c) Petroleum refinery means each fa-
part applies is each storage vessel for cility engaged in producing gasoline,
petroleum liquids which has a storage kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

capacity greater than 151,412 liters fuel oils, lubricants, or other products
(40,000 gallons). through distillation of petroleum or


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§ 60.112 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

through redistillation, cracking, ex- termined by ASTM D323–82 or 94 (incor-

tracting, or reforming of unfinished pe- porated by reference—see § 60.17).
troleum derivatives. [39 FR 9317, Mar. 8, 1974; 39 FR 13776, Apr. 17,
(d) Petroleum means the crude oil re- 1974, as amended at 39 FR 20794, June 14, 1974;
moved from the earth and the oils de- 45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980; 48 FR 3737, Jan. 27,
rived from tar sands, shale, and coal. 1983; 52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987; 65 FR 61755,
(e) Hydrocarbon means any organic Oct. 17, 2000]
compound consisting predominantly of
carbon and hydrogen. § 60.112 Standard for volatile organic
compounds (VOC).
(f) Condensate means hydrocarbon
liquid separated from natural gas (a) The owner or operator of any
which condenses due to changes in the storage vessel to which this subpart ap-
temperature and/or pressure and re- plies shall store petroleum liquids as
mains liquid at standard conditions. follows:
(g) Custody transfer means the trans- (1) If the true vapor pressure of the
fer of produced petroleum and/or con- petroleum liquid, as stored, is equal to
densate, after processing and/or treat- or greater than 78 mm Hg (1.5 psia) but
ing in the producing operations, from not greater than 570 mm Hg (11.1 psia),
storage tanks or automatic transfer fa- the storage vessel shall be equipped
cilities to pipelines or any other forms with a floating roof, a vapor recovery
of transportation. system, or their equivalents.
(h) Drilling and production facility (2) If the true vapor pressure of the
means all drilling and servicing equip- petroleum liquid as stored is greater
ment, wells, flow lines, separators, than 570 mm Hg (11.1 psia), the storage
equipment, gathering lines, and auxil- vessel shall be equipped with a vapor
iary nontransportation-related equip- recovery system or its equivalent.
ment used in the production of petro- [39 FR 9317, Mar. 8, 1974; 39 FR 13776, Apr. 17,
leum but does not include natural gas- 1974, as amended at 45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980]
oline plants.
(i) True vapor pressure means the § 60.113 Monitoring of operations.
equilibrium partial pressure exerted by (a) Except as provided in paragraph
a petroleum liquid as determined in ac- (d) of this section, the owner or oper-
cordance with methods described in ator subject to this subpart shall main-
American Petroleum Institute Bulletin tain a record of the petroleum liquid
2517, Evaporation Loss from External stored, the period of storage, and the
Floating-Roof Tanks, Second Edition, maximum true vapor pressure of that
February 1980 (incorporated by ref- liquid during the respective storage pe-
erence—see § 60.17). riod.
(j) Floating roof means a storage ves- (b) Available data on the typical Reid
sel cover consisting of a double deck, vapor pressure and the maximum ex-
pontoon single deck, internal floating pected storage temperature of the
cover or covered floating roof, which stored product may be used to deter-
rests upon and is supported by the pe- mine the maximum true vapor pressure
troleum liquid being contained, and is from nomographs contained in API
equipped with a closure seal or seals to Bulletin 2517, unless the Administrator
close the space between the roof edge specifically requests that the liquid be
and tank wall. sampled, the actual storage tempera-
(k) Vapor recovery system means a ture determined, and the Reid vapor
vapor gathering system capable of col- pressure determined from the sam-
lecting all hydrocarbon vapors and ple(s).
gases discharged from the storage ves- (c) The true vapor pressure of each
sel and a vapor disposal system capable type of crude oil with a Reid vapor
of processing such hydrocarbon vapors pressure less than 13.8 kPa (2.0 psia) or
and gases so as to prevent their emis- whose physical properties preclude de-
sion to the atmosphere. termination by the recommended
(l) Reid vapor pressure is the absolute method is to be determined from avail-
vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and able data and recorded if the estimated
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

volatile nonviscous petroleum liquids, true vapor pressure is greater than 6.9
except liquified petroleum gases, as de- kPa (1.0 psia).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.111a

(d) The following are exempt from (2) Part 60, subpart A. Owners or oper-
the requirements of this section: ators who choose to comply with 40
(1) Each owner or operator of each af- CFR part 65, subpart C, must also com-
fected facility which stores petroleum ply with §§ 60.1, 60.2, 60.5, 60.6, 60.7(a)(1)
liquids with a Reid vapor pressure of and (4), 60.14, 60.15, and 60.16 for those
less than 6.9 kPa (1.0 psia) provided the storage vessels. All sections and para-
maximum true vapor pressure does not graphs of subpart A of this part that
exceed 6.9 kPa (1.0 psia). are not mentioned in this paragraph
(2) Each owner or operator of each af- (c)(2) do not apply to owners or opera-
fected facility equipped with a vapor tors of storage vessels complying with
recovery and return or disposal system 40 CFR part 65, subpart C, except that
in accordance with the requirements of provisions required to be met prior to
§ 60.112. implementing 40 CFR part 65 still
apply. Owners and operators who
[45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980] choose to comply with 40 CFR part 65,
subpart C, must comply with 40 CFR
Subpart Ka—Standards of Per- part 65, subpart A.
formance for Storage Vessels [45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980, as amended at 65
for Petroleum Liquids for FR 78275, Dec. 14, 2000]
Which Construction, Recon-
§ 60.111a Definitions.
struction, or Modification
Commenced After May 18, In addition to the terms and their
definitions listed in the Act and sub-
1978, and Prior to July 23, part A of this part the following defini-
1984 tions apply in this subpart:
(a) Storage vessel means each tank,
§ 60.110a Applicability and designation
of affected facility. reservoir, or container used for the
storage of petroleum liquids, but does
(a) Affected facility. Except as pro- not include:
vided in paragraph (b) of this section, (1) Pressure vessels which are de-
the affected facility to which this sub- signed to operate in excess of 204.9 kPa
part applies is each storage vessel with (15 psig) without emissions to the at-
a storage capacity greater than 151,416 mosphere except under emergency con-
liters (40,000 gallons) that is used to ditions.
store petroleum liquids for which con- (2) Subsurface caverns or porous rock
struction is commenced after May 18, reservoirs, or
1978. (3) Underground tanks if the total
(b) Each petroleum liquid storage volume of petroleum liquids added to
vessel with a capacity of less than and taken from a tank annually does
1,589,873 liters (420,000 gallons) used for not exceed twice the volume of the
petroleum or condensate stored, proc- tank.
essed, or treated prior to custody (b) Petroleum liquids means petro-
transfer is not an affected facility and, leum, condensate, and any finished or
therefore, is exempt from the require- intermediate products manufactured in
ments of this subpart. a petroleum refinery but does not mean
(c) Alternative means of compliance—(1) Nos. 2 through 6 fuel oils as specified in
Option to comply with part 65. Owners or ASTM D396–78, 89, 90, 92, 96, or 98, gas
operators may choose to comply with turbine fuel oils Nos. 2–GT through 4–
40 CFR part 65, subpart C, to satisfy GT as specified in ASTM D2880–78 or 96,
the requirements of §§ 60.112a through gas turbine fuel oils Nos. 2–GT through
60.114a for storage vessels that are sub- 4–GT as specified in ASTM D2880–78 or
ject to this subpart that store petro- 96, or diesel fuel oils Nos. 2–D and 4–D
leum liquids that, as stored, have a as specified in ASTM D975–78, 96, or
maximum true vapor pressure equal to 98a. (These three methods are incor-
or greater than 10.3 kPa (1.5 psia). porated by reference—see § 60.17.)
Other provisions applying to owners or (c) Petroleum refinery means each fa-
operators who choose to comply with cility engaged in producing gasoline,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

40 CFR part 65 are provided in 40 CFR kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual
65.1. fuel oils, lubricants, or other products


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§ 60.112a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

through distillation of petroleum or § 60.112a Standard for volatile organic

through redistillation, cracking, ex- compounds (VOC).
tracting, or reforming of unfinished pe- (a) The owner or operator of each
troleum derivatives. storage vessel to which this subpart ap-
(d) Petroleum means the crude oil re- plies which contains a petroleum liquid
moved from the earth and the oils de- which, as stored, has a true vapor pres-
rived from tar sands, shale, and coal. sure equal to or greater than 10.3 kPa
(e) Condensate means hydrocarbon (1.5 psia) but not greater than 76.6 kPa
liquid separated from natural gas (11.1 psia) shall equip the storage vessel
which condenses due to changes in the with one of the following:
temperature or pressure, or both, and (1) An external floating roof, con-
remains liquid at standard conditions. sisting of a pontoon-type or double-
(f) True vapor pressure means the deck-type cover that rests on the sur-
equilibrium partial pressure exerted by face of the liquid contents and is
a petroleum liquid such as determined equipped with a closure device between
in accordance with methods described the tank wall and the roof edge. Except
in American Petroleum Institute Bul- as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(D) of
letin 2517, Evaporation Loss from Ex- this section, the closure device is to
ternal Floating-Roof Tanks, Second consist of two seals, one above the
Edition, February 1980 (incorporated by other. The lower seal is referred to as
reference—see § 60.17). the primary seal and the upper seal is
(g) Reid vapor pressure is the absolute referred to as the secondary seal. The
vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and roof is to be floating on the liquid at
nonviscous petroleum liquids, except all times (i.e., off the roof leg supports)
liquified petroleum gases, as deter- except during initial fill and when the
mined by ASTM D323–82 or 94 (incor- tank is completely emptied and subse-
porated by reference—see § 60.17). quently refilled. The process of
(h) Liquid-mounted seal means a foam emptying and refilling when the roof is
or liquid-filled primary seal mounted resting on the leg supports shall be
in contact with the liquid between the continuous and shall be accomplished
tank wall and the floating roof con- as rapidly as possible.
tinuously around the circumference of (i) The primary seal is to be either a
the tank. metallic shoe seal, a liquid-mounted
(i) Metallic shoe seal includes but is seal, or a vapor-mounted seal. Each
not limited to a metal sheet held seal is to meet the following require-
vertically against the tank wall by ments:
springs or weighted levers and is con- (A) The accumulated area of gaps be-
nected by braces to the floating roof. A tween the tank wall and the metallic
flexible coated fabric (envelope) spans shoe seal or the liquid-mounted seal
the annular space between the metal shall not exceed 212 cm2 per meter of
sheet and the floating roof. tank diameter (10.0 in 2 per ft of tank
(j) Vapor-mounted seal means a foam- diameter) and the width of any portion
filled primary seal mounted continu- of any gap shall not exceed 3.81 cm (11⁄2
ously around the circumference of the in).
tank so there is an annular vapor space (B) The accumulated area of gaps be-
underneath the seal. The annular vapor tween the tank wall and the vapor-
space is bounded by the bottom of the mounted seal shall not exceed 21.2 cm2
primary seal, the tank wall, the liquid per meter of tank diameter (1.0 in2 per
surface, and the floating roof. ft of tank diameter) and the width of
(k) Custody transfer means the trans- any portion of any gap shall not exceed
fer of produced petroleum and/or con- 1.27 cm (1⁄2 in).
densate, after processing and/or treat- (C) One end of the metallic shoe is to
ing in the producing operations, from extend into the stored liquid and the
storage tanks or automatic transfer fa- other end is to extend a minimum
cilities to pipelines or any other forms vertical distance of 61 cm (24 in) above
of transportation. the stored liquid surface.
(D) There are to be no holes, tears, or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

[45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980, as amended at 48

FR 3737, Jan. 27, 1983; 52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, other openings in the shoe, seal fabric,
1987; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000] or seal envelope.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.112a

(ii) The secondary seal is to meet the (i.e., off the leg supports) except during
following requirements: initial fill and when the tank is com-
(A) The secondary seal is to be in- pletely emptied and subsequently re-
stalled above the primary seal so that filled. The process of emptying and re-
it completely covers the space between filling when the cover is resting on the
the roof edge and the tank wall except leg supports shall be continuous and
as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of shall be accomplished as rapidly as
this section. possible. Each opening in the cover ex-
(B) The accumulated area of gaps be- cept for automatic bleeder vents and
tween the tank wall and the secondary the rim space vents is to provide a pro-
seal used in combination with a metal- jection below the liquid surface. Each
lic shoe or liquid-mounted primary seal
opening in the cover except for auto-
shall not exceed 21.2 cm2 per meter of
matic bleeder vents, rim space vents,
tank diameter (1.0 in2 per ft. of tank di-
ameter) and the width of any portion of stub drains and leg sleeves is to be
any gap shall not exceed 1.27 cm (1⁄2 equipped with a cover, seal, or lid
in.). There shall be no gaps between the which is to be maintained in a closed
tank wall and the secondary seal used position at all times (i.e., no visible
in combination with a vapor-mounted gap) except when the device is in ac-
primary seal. tual use. Automatic bleeder vents are
(C) There are to be no holes, tears or to be closed at all times when the cover
other openings in the seal or seal fab- is floating except when the cover is
ric. being floated off or is being landed on
(D) The owner or operator is exempt- the leg supports. Rim vents are to be
ed from the requirements for secondary set to open only when the cover is
seals and the secondary seal gap cri- being floated off the leg supports or at
teria when performing gap measure- the manufacturer’s recommended set-
ments or inspections of the primary ting.
seal. (3) A vapor recovery system which
(iii) Each opening in the roof except collects all VOC vapors and gases dis-
for automatic bleeder vents and rim charged from the storage vessel, and a
space vents is to provide a projection vapor return or disposal system which
below the liquid surface. Each opening is designed to process such VOC vapors
in the roof except for automatic bleed-
and gases so as to reduce their emis-
er vents, rim space vents and leg
sion to the atmosphere by at least 95
sleeves is to be equipped with a cover,
seal or lid which is to be maintained in percent by weight.
a closed position at all times (i.e., no (4) A system equivalent to those de-
visible gap) except when the device is scribed in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), or
in actual use or as described in (a)(3) of this section as provided in
pargraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section. § 60.114a.
Automatic bleeder vents are to be (b) The owner or operator of each
closed at all times when the roof is storage vessel to which this subpart ap-
floating, except when the roof is being plies which contains a petroleum liquid
floated off or is being landed on the which, as stored, has a true vapor pres-
roof leg supports. Rim vents are to be sure greater than 76.6 kPa (11.1 psia),
set to open when the roof is being shall equip the storage vessel with a
floated off the roof legs supports or at vapor recovery system which collects
the manufacturer’s recommended set- all VOC vapors and gases discharged
ting. from the storage vessel, and a vapor re-
(iv) Each emergency roof drain is to turn or disposal system which is de-
be provided with a slotted membrane signed to process such VOC vapors and
fabric cover that covers at least 90 per- gases so as to reduce their emission to
cent of the area of the opening. the atmosphere by at least 95 percent
(2) A fixed roof with an internal by weight.
floating type cover equipped with a
continuous closure device between the [45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980, as amended at 45
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tank wall and the cover edge. The FR 83229, Dec. 18, 1980]
cover is to be floating at all times,


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§ 60.113a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.113a Testing and procedures. ments. The report shall identify the
(a) Except as provided in § 60.8(b) vessel and list each reason why the ves-
compliance with the standard pre- sel did not meet the specifications of
scribed in § 60.112a shall be determined § 60.112a. The report shall also describe
as follows or in accordance with an the actions necessary to bring the stor-
equivalent procedure as provided in age vessel into compliance with the
§ 60.114a. specifications of § 60.112a.
(1) The owner or operator of each (ii) Determine gap widths in the pri-
storage vessel to which this subpart ap- mary and secondary seals individually
plies which has an external floating by the following procedures:
roof shall meet the following require- (A) Measure seal gaps, if any, at one
ments: or more floating roof levels when the
(i) Determine the gap areas and max- roof is floating off the roof leg sup-
imum gap widths between the primary ports.
seal and the tank wall and between the (B) Measure seal gaps around the en-
secondary seal and the tank wall ac- tire circumference of the tank in each
cording to the following frequency: place where a 1⁄8″ diameter uniform
(A) For primary seals, gap measure- probe passes freely (without forcing or
ments shall be performed within 60 binding against seal) between the seal
days of the initial fill with petroleum and the tank wall and measure the cir-
liquid and at least once every five cumferential distance of each such lo-
years thereafter. All primary seal in- cation.
spections or gap measurements which (C) The total surface area of each gap
require the removal or dislodging of described in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of
the secondary seal shall be accom- this section shall be determined by
plished as rapidly as possible and the using probes of various widths to accu-
secondary seal shall be replaced as rately measure the actual distance
soon as possible. from the tank wall to the seal and mul-
(B) For secondary seals, gap measure- tiplying each such width by its respec-
ments shall be performed within 60 tive circumferential distance.
days of the initial fill with petroleum (iii) Add the gap surface area of each
liquid and at least once every year gap location for the primary seal and
thereafter. the secondary seal individually. Divide
(C) If any storage vessel is out of the sum for each seal by the nominal
service for a period of one year or diameter of the tank and compare each
more, subsequent refilling with petro- ratio to the appropriate ratio in the
leum liquid shall be considered initial standard in § 60.112a(a)(1)(i) and
fill for the purposes of paragraphs § 60.112a(a)(1)(ii).
(a)(1)(i)(A) and (a)(1)(i)(B) of this sec- (iv) Provide the Administrator 30
tion. days prior notice of the gap measure-
(D) Keep records of each gap meas- ment to afford the Administrator the
urement at the plant for a period of at opportunity to have an observer
least 2 years following the date of present.
measurement. Each record shall iden- (2) The owner or operator of each
tify the vessel on which the measure- storage vessel to which this subpart ap-
ment was performed and shall contain plies which has a vapor recovery and
the date of the seal gap measurement, return or disposal system shall provide
the raw data obtained in the measure- the following information to the Ad-
ment process required by paragraph ministrator on or before the date on
(a)(1)(ii) of this section and the calcula- which construction of the storage ves-
tion required by paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of sel commences:
this section. (i) Emission data, if available, for a
(E) If either the seal gap calculated similar vapor recovery and return or
in accord with paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of disposal system used on the same type
this section or the measured maximum of storage vessel, which can be used to
seal gap exceeds the limitations speci- determine the efficiency of the system.
fied by § 60.112a of this subpart, a report A complete description of the emission
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

shall be furnished to the Administrator measurement method used must be in-

within 60 days of the date of measure- cluded.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.115a

(ii) The manufacturer’s design speci- tank wall and any secondary seal used
fications and estimated emission re- in conjunction with the primary seal in
duction capability of the system. the ‘‘Volume-Maximizing Seal’’.
(iii) The operation and maintenance
plan for the system. [52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987]
(iv) Any other information which will
§ 60.115a Monitoring of operations.
be useful to the Administrator in eval-
uating the effectiveness of the system (a) Except as provided in paragraph
in reducing VOC emissions. (d) of this section, the owner or oper-
[45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980, as amended at 52
ator subject to this subpart shall main-
FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987] tain a record of the petroleum liquid
stored, the period of storage, and the
§ 60.114a Alternative means of emis- maximum true vapor pressure of that
sion limitation. liquid during the respective storage pe-
(a) If, in the Administrator’s judg- riod.
ment, an alternative means of emission (b) Available data on the typical Reid
limitation will achieve a reduction in vapor pressure and the maximum ex-
emissions at least equivalent to the re- pected storage temperature of the
duction in emissions achieved by any stored product may be used to deter-
requirement in § 60.112a, the Adminis- mine the maximum true vapor pressure
trator will publish in the FEDERAL from nomographs contained in API
REGISTER a notice permitting the use Bulletin 2517, unless the Administrator
of the alternative means for purposes specifically requests that the liquid be
of compliance with that requirement. sampled, the actual storage tempera-
(b) Any notice under paragraph (a) of ture determined, and the Reid vapor
this section will be published only after
pressure determined from the sam-
notice and an opportunity for a hear-
(c) Any person seeking permission (c) The true vapor pressure of each
under this section shall submit to the type of crude oil with a Reid vapor
Administrator a written application in- pressure less than 13.8 kPa (2.0 psia) or
cluding: whose physical properties preclude de-
(1) An actual emissions test that uses termination by the recommended
a full-sized or scale-model storage ves- method is to be determined from avail-
sel that accurately collects and meas- able data and recorded if the estimated
ures all VOC emissions from a given true vapor pressure is greater than 6.9
control device and that accurately sim- kPa (1.0 psia).
ulates wind and accounts for other (d) The following are exempt from
emission variables such as temperature the requirements of this section:
and barometric pressure. (1) Each owner or operator of each
(2) An engineering evaluation that storage vessel storing a petroleum liq-
the Administrator determines is an ac- uid with a Reid vapor pressure of less
curate method of determining equiva- than 6.9 kPa (1.0 psia) provided the
lence. maximum true vapor pressure does not
(d) The Administrator may condition exceed 6.9 kPa (1.0 psia).
the permission on requirements that
(2) The owner or operator of each
may be necessary to ensure operation
storage vessel equipped with a vapor
and maintenance to achieve the same
emissions reduction as specified in recovery and return or disposal system
§ 60.112a. in accordance with the requirements of
(e) The primary vapor-mounted seal § 60.112a(a)(3) and (b), or a closed vent
in the ‘‘Volume-Maximizing Seal’’ system and control device meeting the
manufactured by R.F.I. Services Cor- specifications of 40 CFR 65.42(b)(4),
poration is approved as equivalent to (b)(5), or (c).
the vapor-mounted seal required by [45 FR 23379, Apr. 4, 1980, as amended at 65
§ 60.112a(a)(1)(i) and must meet the gap
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

FR 78275, Dec. 14, 2000]

criteria specified in § 60.112a(a)(1)(i)(B).
There shall be no gaps between the


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§ 60.110b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Subpart Kb—Standards of Per- operators may choose to comply with

formance for Volatile Organic 40 CFR part 65, subpart C, to satisfy
the requirements of §§ 60.112b through
Liquid Storage Vessels (In- 60.117b for storage vessels that are sub-
cluding Petroleum Liquid Stor- ject to this subpart that meet the spec-
age Vessels) for Which Con- ifications in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (ii)
struction, Reconstruction, or of this section. When choosing to com-
Modification Commenced ply with 40 CFR part 65, subpart C, the
After July 23, 1984 monitoring requirements of § 60.116b(c),
(e), (f)(1), and (g) still apply. Other pro-
SOURCE: 52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, unless visions applying to owners or operators
otherwise noted. who choose to comply with 40 CFR part
65 are provided in 40 CFR 65.1.
§ 60.110b Applicability and designation (i) A storage vessel with a design ca-
of affected facility. pacity greater than or equal to 151 m3
(a) Except as provided in paragraph containing a VOL that, as stored, has a
(b) of this section, the affected facility maximum true vapor pressure equal to
to which this subpart applies is each or greater than 5.2 kPa; or
storage vessel with a capacity greater (ii) A storage vessel with a design ca-
than or equal to 75 cubic meters (m3) pacity greater than 75 m3 but less than
that is used to store volatile organic 151 m3 containing a VOL that, as
liquids (VOL) for which construction, stored, has a maximum true vapor
reconstruction, or modification is com- pressure equal to or greater than 27.6
menced after July 23, 1984. kPa.
(b) This subpart does not apply to (2) Part 60, subpart A. Owners or oper-
storage vessels with a capacity greater ators who choose to comply with 40
than or equal to 151 m3 storing a liquid CFR part 65, subpart C, must also com-
with a maximum true vapor pressure ply with §§ 60.1, 60.2, 60.5, 60.6, 60.7(a)(1)
less than 3.5 kilopascals (kPa) or with and (4), 60.14, 60.15, and 60.16 for those
a capacity greater than or equal to 75 storage vessels. All sections and para-
m3 but less than 151 m3 storing a liquid graphs of subpart A of this part that
with a maximum true vapor pressure are not mentioned in this paragraph
less than 15.0 kPa. (e)(2) do not apply to owners or opera-
(c) [Reserved] tors of storage vessels complying with
(d) This subpart does not apply to the 40 CFR part 65, subpart C, except that
following: provisions required to be met prior to
(1) Vessels at coke oven by-product implementing 40 CFR part 65 still
plants. apply. Owners and operators who
(2) Pressure vessels designed to oper- choose to comply with 40 CFR part 65,
ate in excess of 204.9 kPa and without subpart C, must comply with 40 CFR
emissions to the atmosphere. part 65, subpart A.
(3) Vessels permanently attached to (3) Internal floating roof report. If an
mobile vehicles such as trucks, rail- owner or operator installs an internal
cars, barges, or ships. floating roof and, at initial startup,
(4) Vessels with a design capacity less chooses to comply with 40 CFR part 65,
than or equal to 1,589.874 m3 used for subpart C, a report shall be furnished
petroleum or condensate stored, proc- to the Administrator stating that the
essed, or treated prior to custody control equipment meets the specifica-
transfer. tions of 40 CFR 65.43. This report shall
(5) Vessels located at bulk gasoline be an attachment to the notification
plants. required by 40 CFR 65.5(b).
(6) Storage vessels located at gaso- (4) External floating roof report. If an
line service stations. owner or operator installs an external
(7) Vessels used to store beverage al- floating roof and, at initial startup,
cohol. chooses to comply with 40 CFR part 65,
(8) Vessels subject to subpart GGGG subpart C, a report shall be furnished
of 40 CFR part 63. to the Administrator stating that the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(e) Alternative means of compliance—(1) control equipment meets the specifica-

Option to comply with part 65. Owners or tions of 40 CFR 65.44. This report shall


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.110b

be an attachment to the notification cility is using the requirements of

required by 40 CFR 65.5(b). §§ 60.112b through 60.117b instead of the
(5) Option to comply with part 63, sub- alternative standard described in this
part WW, of this chapter. Except as spec- paragraph (e)(5). The compliance sched-
ified in paragraphs (e)(5)(i) through (iv) ule for events does not reset upon
of this section, owners or operators switching between compliance with
may choose to comply with 40 CFR this subpart and 40 CFR part 63, sub-
part 63, subpart WW, to satisfy the re- part WW.
quirements of §§ 60.112b through 60.117b (B) Keep a record of each affected fa-
for storage vessels either with a design cility using the alternative standard
capacity greater than or equal to 151
described in this paragraph (e)(5) when
m3 containing a VOL that, as stored,
conducting an inspection required by
has a maximum true vapor pressure
equal to or greater than 5.2 kPa but § 63.1063(c)(1) of this chapter.
less than 76.6 kPa, or with a design ca- (C) Keep a record of each affected fa-
pacity greater than or equal to 75 m3 cility using the alternative standard
but less than 151 m3 containing a VOL described in this paragraph (e)(5) when
that, as stored, has a maximum true conducting an inspection required by
vapor pressure equal to or greater than § 63.1063(c)(2) of this chapter.
27.6 kPa but less than 76.6 kPa. (D) Copies of all records and reports
(i) The general provisions in subpart kept pursuant to § 60.115b(a) and (b)
A of this part apply instead of the gen- that have not met the 2-year record re-
eral provisions in subpart A of part 63 tention required by the introductory
of this chapter. text of § 60.115b must be kept for an ad-
(ii) Where terms are defined in both ditional 2 years after the date of sub-
this subpart and 40 CFR part 63, sub- mittal of the inspection notification
part WW, the definitions in this sub- specified in paragraph (e)(5)(iv)(A) of
part apply. this section, indicating the affected fa-
(iii) Owners or operators who choose cility is using the requirements of 40
to comply with 40 CFR part 63, subpart CFR part 63, subpart WW.
WW, also must comply with the moni-
(E) Copies of all records and reports
toring requirements of § 60.116b(a), (c),
kept pursuant to § 63.1065 of this chap-
(e), and (f)(1), except as specified in
paragraphs (e)(5)(iii)(A) through (C) of ter that have not met the 5-year record
this section. retention required by the introductory
(A) The reference to all records ap- text of § 63.1065 must be kept for an ad-
plies only to the records required by ditional 5 years after the date of sub-
§ 60.116b(c); mittal of the notification specified in
(B) The reference to § 60.116b(b) does paragraph (e)(5)(iv)(A) of this section,
not apply; and indicating the affected facility is using
(C) The reference to § 60.116b(g) does the requirements of §§ 60.112b through
not apply. 60.117b.
(iv) Owners or operators who choose (F) The following exceptions to the
to comply with 40 CFR part 63, subpart reporting requirements of § 63.1066 of
WW, must also keep records and fur- this chapter apply:
nish reports as specified in paragraphs (1) The notification of initial startup
(e)(5)(iv)(A) through (F) of this section. required under § 63.1066(a)(1) and (2) of
(A) For each affected facility, the this chapter must be submitted as an
owner or operator must notify the Ad- attachment to the notification re-
ministrator at least 30 days before the quired by §§ 60.7(a)(3) and 60.115b(a)(1);
first inspection is conducted under 40 (2) The reference in § 63.1066(b)(2) of
CFR part 63, subpart WW. After this
this chapter to periodic reports ‘‘when
notification is submitted to the Admin-
inspection failures occur’’ means to
istrator, the owner or operator must
continue to comply with the alter- submit inspections results within 60
native standard described in this para- days of the initial gap measurements
graph (e)(5) until the owner or operator required by § 63.1063(c)(2)(i) of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

submits another notification to the Ad- chapter and within 30 days of all other
ministrator indicating the affected fa-


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§ 60.111b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

inspections required by § 63.1063(c)(1) (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17);

and (2) of this chapter. or
[52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 54
(2) As obtained from standard ref-
FR 32973, Aug. 11, 1989; 65 FR 78275, Dec. 14, erence texts; or
2000; 68 FR 59332, Oct. 15, 2003; 86 FR 5019, (3) As determined by ASTM D2879–83,
Jan. 19, 2021] 96, or 97 (incorporated by reference—
see § 60.17);
§ 60.111b Definitions. (4) Any other method approved by
Terms used in this subpart are de- the Administrator.
fined in the Act, in subpart A of this Petroleum means the crude oil re-
part, or in this subpart as follows: moved from the earth and the oils de-
Bulk gasoline plant means any gaso- rived from tar sands, shale, and coal.
line distribution facility that has a Petroleum liquids means petroleum,
gasoline throughput less than or equal condensate, and any finished or inter-
to 75,700 liters per day. Gasoline mediate products manufactured in a
throughput shall be the maximum cal- petroleum refinery.
culated design throughput as may be Process tank means a tank that is
limited by compliance with an enforce- used within a process (including a sol-
able condition under Federal require- vent or raw material recovery process)
ment or Federal, State or local law, to collect material discharged from a
and discoverable by the Administrator feedstock storage vessel or equipment
and any other person. within the process before the material
Condensate means hydrocarbon liquid is transferred to other equipment with-
separated from natural gas that con- in the process, to a product or by-prod-
denses due to changes in the tempera- uct storage vessel, or to a vessel used
ture or pressure, or both, and remains to store recovered solvent or raw mate-
liquid at standard conditions. rial. In many process tanks, unit oper-
Custody transfer means the transfer of ations such as reactions and blending
produced petroleum and/or condensate, are conducted. Other process tanks,
after processing and/or treatment in such as surge control vessels and bot-
the producing operations, from storage toms receivers, however, may not in-
vessels or automatic transfer facilities volve unit operations.
to pipelines or any other forms of Reid vapor pressure means the abso-
transportation. lute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil
Fill means the introduction of VOL and volatile nonviscous petroleum liq-
into a storage vessel but not nec- uids except liquified petroleum gases,
essarily to complete capacity. as determined by ASTM D323–82 or 94
Gasoline service station means any site (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17).
where gasoline is dispensed to motor Storage vessel means each tank, res-
vehicle fuel tanks from stationary ervoir, or container used for the stor-
storage tanks. age of volatile organic liquids but does
Maximum true vapor pressure means not include:
the equilibrium partial pressure ex- (1) Frames, housing, auxiliary sup-
erted by the volatile organic com- ports, or other components that are
pounds (as defined in 40 CFR 51.100) in not directly involved in the contain-
the stored VOL at the temperature ment of liquids or vapors;
equal to the highest calendar-month (2) Subsurface caverns or porous rock
average of the VOL storage tempera- reservoirs; or
ture for VOL’s stored above or below (3) Process tanks.
the ambient temperature or at the Volatile organic liquid (VOL) means
local maximum monthly average tem- any organic liquid which can emit
perature as reported by the National volatile organic compounds (as defined
Weather Service for VOL’s stored at in 40 CFR 51.100) into the atmosphere.
the ambient temperature, as deter- Waste means any liquid resulting
mined: from industrial, commercial, mining or
(1) In accordance with methods de- agricultural operations, or from com-
scribed in American Petroleum insti- munity activities that is discarded or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tute Bulletin 2517, Evaporation Loss is being accumulated, stored, or phys-

From External Floating Roof Tanks, ically, chemically, or biologically


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.112b

treated prior to being discarded or re- vapor-mounted, but both must be con-
cycled. tinuous.
[52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 54
(C) A mechanical shoe seal. A me-
FR 32973, Aug. 11, 1989; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, chanical shoe seal is a metal sheet held
2000; 68 FR 59333, Oct. 15, 2003] vertically against the wall of the stor-
age vessel by springs or weighted levers
§ 60.112b Standard for volatile organic and is connected by braces to the float-
compounds (VOC). ing roof. A flexible coated fabric (enve-
(a) The owner or operator of each lope) spans the annular space between
storage vessel either with a design ca- the metal sheet and the floating roof.
pacity greater than or equal to 151 m3 (iii) Each opening in a noncontact in-
containing a VOL that, as stored, has a ternal floating roof except for auto-
maximum true vapor pressure equal to matic bleeder vents (vacuum breaker
or greater than 5.2 kPa but less than vents) and the rim space vents is to
76.6 kPa or with a design capacity provide a projection below the liquid
greater than or equal to 75 m3 but less surface.
than 151 m3 containing a VOL that, as (iv) Each opening in the internal
stored, has a maximum true vapor floating roof except for leg sleeves,
pressure equal to or greater than 27.6 automatic bleeder vents, rim space
kPa but less than 76.6 kPa, shall equip vents, column wells, ladder wells, sam-
each storage vessel with one of the fol- ple wells, and stub drains is to be
lowing: equipped with a cover or lid which is to
(1) A fixed roof in combination with be maintained in a closed position at
an internal floating roof meeting the all times (i.e., no visible gap) except
following specifications: when the device is in actual use. The
(i) The internal floating roof shall cover or lid shall be equipped with a
rest or float on the liquid surface (but gasket. Covers on each access hatch
not necessarily in complete contact and automatic gauge float well shall be
with it) inside a storage vessel that has bolted except when they are in use.
a fixed roof. The internal floating roof (v) Automatic bleeder vents shall be
shall be floating on the liquid surface equipped with a gasket and are to be
at all times, except during initial fill closed at all times when the roof is
and during those intervals when the floating except when the roof is being
storage vessel is completely emptied or floated off or is being landed on the
subsequently emptied and refilled. roof leg supports.
When the roof is resting on the leg sup- (vi) Rim space vents shall be
ports, the process of filling, emptying, equipped with a gasket and are to be
or refilling shall be continuous and set to open only when the internal
shall be accomplished as rapidly as floating roof is not floating or at the
possible. manufacturer’s recommended setting.
(ii) Each internal floating roof shall (vii) Each penetration of the internal
be equipped with one of the following floating roof for the purpose of sam-
closure devices between the wall of the pling shall be a sample well. The sam-
storage vessel and the edge of the in- ple well shall have a slit fabric cover
ternal floating roof: that covers at least 90 percent of the
(A) A foam- or liquid-filled seal opening.
mounted in contact with the liquid (viii) Each penetration of the inter-
(liquid-mounted seal). A liquid-mount- nal floating roof that allows for pas-
ed seal means a foam- or liquid-filled sage of a column supporting the fixed
seal mounted in contact with the liquid roof shall have a flexible fabric sleeve
between the wall of the storage vessel seal or a gasketed sliding cover.
and the floating roof continuously (ix) Each penetration of the internal
around the circumference of the tank. floating roof that allows for passage of
(B) Two seals mounted one above the a ladder shall have a gasketed sliding
other so that each forms a continuous cover.
closure that completely covers the (2) An external floating roof. An ex-
space between the wall of the storage ternal floating roof means a pontoon-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

vessel and the edge of the internal type or double-deck type cover that
floating roof. The lower seal may be rests on the liquid surface in a vessel


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§ 60.112b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

with no fixed roof. Each external float- (3) A closed vent system and control
ing roof must meet the following speci- device meeting the following specifica-
fications: tions:
(i) Each external floating roof shall (i) The closed vent system shall be
be equipped with a closure device be- designed to collect all VOC vapors and
tween the wall of the storage vessel gases discharged from the storage ves-
and the roof edge. The closure device is sel and operated with no detectable
to consist of two seals, one above the emissions as indicated by an instru-
other. The lower seal is referred to as ment reading of less than 500 ppm
the primary seal, and the upper seal is above background and visual inspec-
referred to as the secondary seal. tions, as determined in part 60, subpart
(A) The primary seal shall be either a VV, § 60.485(b).
mechanical shoe seal or a liquid- (ii) The control device shall be de-
mounted seal. Except as provided in signed and operated to reduce inlet
§ 60.113b(b)(4), the seal shall completely VOC emissions by 95 percent or great-
cover the annular space between the er. If a flare is used as the control de-
edge of the floating roof and tank wall. vice, it shall meet the specifications
(B) The secondary seal shall com- described in the general control device
pletely cover the annular space be- requirements (§ 60.18) of the General
tween the external floating roof and Provisions.
the wall of the storage vessel in a con- (4) A system equivalent to those de-
tinuous fashion except as allowed in scribed in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), or
§ 60.113b(b)(4). (a)(3) of this section as provided in
(ii) Except for automatic bleeder § 60.114b of this subpart.
vents and rim space vents, each open- (b) The owner or operator of each
ing in a noncontact external floating storage vessel with a design capacity
roof shall provide a projection below greater than or equal to 75 m3 which
the liquid surface. Except for auto- contains a VOL that, as stored, has a
matic bleeder vents, rim space vents, maximum true vapor pressure greater
roof drains, and leg sleeves, each open- than or equal to 76.6 kPa shall equip
ing in the roof is to be equipped with a each storage vessel with one of the fol-
gasketed cover, seal, or lid that is to be lowing:
maintained in a closed position at all (1) A closed vent system and control
times (i.e., no visible gap) except when device as specified in § 60.112b(a)(3).
the device is in actual use. Automatic (2) A system equivalent to that de-
bleeder vents are to be closed at all scribed in paragraph (b)(1) as provided
times when the roof is floating except in § 60.114b of this subpart.
when the roof is being floated off or is (c) Site-specific standard for Merck &
being landed on the roof leg supports. Co., Inc.’s Stonewall Plant in Elkton, Vir-
Rim vents are to be set to open when ginia. This paragraph applies only to
the roof is being floated off the roof the pharmaceutical manufacturing fa-
legs supports or at the manufacturer’s cility, commonly referred to as the
recommended setting. Automatic Stonewall Plant, located at Route 340
bleeder vents and rim space vents are South, in Elkton, Virginia (‘‘site’’).
to be gasketed. Each emergency roof (1) For any storage vessel that other-
drain is to be provided with a slotted wise would be subject to the control
membrane fabric cover that covers at technology requirements of paragraphs
least 90 percent of the area of the open- (a) or (b) of this section, the site shall
ing. have the option of either complying di-
(iii) The roof shall be floating on the rectly with the requirements of this
liquid at all times (i.e., off the roof leg subpart, or reducing the site-wide total
supports) except during initial fill criteria pollutant emissions cap (total
until the roof is lifted off leg supports emissions cap) in accordance with the
and when the tank is completely procedures set forth in a permit issued
emptied and subsequently refilled. The pursuant to 40 CFR 52.2454. If the site
process of filling, emptying, or refilling chooses the option of reducing the
when the roof is resting on the leg sup- total emissions cap in accordance with
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ports shall be continuous and shall be the procedures set forth in such per-
accomplished as rapidly as possible. mit, the requirements of such permit


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.113b

shall apply in lieu of the otherwise ap- istrator in the inspection report re-
plicable requirements of this subpart quired in § 60.115b(a)(3). Such a request
for such storage vessel. for an extension must document that
(2) For any storage vessel at the site alternate storage capacity is unavail-
not subject to the requirements of 40 able and specify a schedule of actions
CFR 60.112b (a) or (b), the requirements the company will take that will assure
of 40 CFR 60.116b (b) and (c) and the that the control equipment will be re-
General Provisions (subpart A of this paired or the vessel will be emptied as
part) shall not apply. soon as possible.
[52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 62 (3) For vessels equipped with a dou-
FR 52641, Oct. 8, 1997] ble-seal system as specified in
§ 60.112b(a)(1)(ii)(B):
§ 60.113b Testing and procedures. (i) Visually inspect the vessel as
The owner or operator of each stor- specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
age vessel as specified in § 60.112b(a) tion at least every 5 years; or
shall meet the requirements of para- (ii) Visually inspect the vessel as
graph (a), (b), or (c) of this section. The specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
applicable paragraph for a particular tion.
storage vessel depends on the control (4) Visually inspect the internal
equipment installed to meet the re- floating roof, the primary seal, the sec-
quirements of § 60.112b. ondary seal (if one is in service), gas-
(a) After installing the control equip- kets, slotted membranes and sleeve
ment required to meet § 60.112b(a)(1) seals (if any) each time the storage ves-
(permanently affixed roof and internal sel is emptied and degassed. If the in-
floating roof), each owner or operator ternal floating roof has defects, the pri-
shall: mary seal has holes, tears, or other
(1) Visually inspect the internal openings in the seal or the seal fabric,
floating roof, the primary seal, and the or the secondary seal has holes, tears,
secondary seal (if one is in service), or other openings in the seal or the
prior to filling the storage vessel with seal fabric, or the gaskets no longer
VOL. If there are holes, tears, or other close off the liquid surfaces from the
openings in the primary seal, the sec- atmosphere, or the slotted membrane
ondary seal, or the seal fabric or de- has more than 10 percent open area,
fects in the internal floating roof, or the owner or operator shall repair the
both, the owner or operator shall re- items as necessary so that none of the
pair the items before filling the storage conditions specified in this paragraph
vessel. exist before refilling the storage vessel
(2) For Vessels equipped with a liq- with VOL. In no event shall inspections
uid-mounted or mechanical shoe pri- conducted in accordance with this pro-
mary seal, visually inspect the internal vision occur at intervals greater than
floating roof and the primary seal or 10 years in the case of vessels con-
the secondary seal (if one is in service) ducting the annual visual inspection as
through manholes and roof hatches on specified in paragraphs (a)(2) and
the fixed roof at least once every 12 (a)(3)(ii) of this section and at intervals
months after initial fill. If the internal no greater than 5 years in the case of
floating roof is not resting on the sur- vessels specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i)
face of the VOL inside the storage ves- of this section.
sel, or there is liquid accumulated on (5) Notify the Administrator in writ-
the roof, or the seal is detached, or ing at least 30 days prior to the filling
there are holes or tears in the seal fab- or refilling of each storage vessel for
ric, the owner or operator shall repair which an inspection is required by
the items or empty and remove the paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(4) of this sec-
storage vessel from service within 45 tion to afford the Administrator the
days. If a failure that is detected dur- opportunity to have an observer
ing inspections required in this para- present. If the inspection required by
graph cannot be repaired within 45 paragraph (a)(4) of this section is not
days and if the vessel cannot be planned and the owner or operator
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

emptied within 45 days, a 30-day exten- could not have known about the in-
sion may be requested from the Admin- spection 30 days in advance or refilling


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§ 60.113b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the tank, the owner or operator shall ure accurately the actual distance
notify the Administrator at least 7 from the tank wall to the seal and mul-
days prior to the refilling of the stor- tiplying each such width by its respec-
age vessel. Notification shall be made tive circumferential distance.
by telephone immediately followed by (3) Add the gap surface area of each
written documentation demonstrating gap location for the primary seal and
why the inspection was unplanned. Al- the secondary seal individually and di-
ternatively, this notification including vide the sum for each seal by the nomi-
the written documentation may be nal diameter of the tank and compare
made in writing and sent by express each ratio to the respective standards
mail so that it is received by the Ad- in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
ministrator at least 7 days prior to the (4) Make necessary repairs or empty
refilling. the storage vessel within 45 days of
(b) After installing the control equip- identification in any inspection for
ment required to meet § 60.112b(a)(2) seals not meeting the requirements
(external floating roof), the owner or listed in (b)(4) (i) and (ii) of this sec-
operator shall: tion:
(1) Determine the gap areas and max- (i) The accumulated area of gaps be-
imum gap widths, between the primary tween the tank wall and the mechan-
seal and the wall of the storage vessel ical shoe or liquid-mounted primary
and between the secondary seal and the seal shall not exceed 212 cm2 per meter
wall of the storage vessel according to of tank diameter, and the width of any
the following frequency. portion of any gap shall not exceed 3.81
(i) Measurements of gaps between the cm.
tank wall and the primary seal (seal (A) One end of the mechanical shoe is
gaps) shall be performed during the hy- to extend into the stored liquid, and
drostatic testing of the vessel or within the other end is to extend a minimum
60 days of the initial fill with VOL and vertical distance of 61 cm above the
at least once every 5 years thereafter. stored liquid surface.
(ii) Measurements of gaps between (B) There are to be no holes, tears, or
the tank wall and the secondary seal other openings in the shoe, seal fabric,
shall be performed within 60 days of or seal envelope.
the initial fill with VOL and at least (ii) The secondary seal is to meet the
once per year thereafter. following requirements:
(iii) If any source ceases to store VOL (A) The secondary seal is to be in-
for a period of 1 year or more, subse- stalled above the primary seal so that
quent introduction of VOL into the it completely covers the space between
vessel shall be considered an initial fill the roof edge and the tank wall except
for the purposes of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of
and (b)(1)(ii) of this section. this section.
(2) Determine gap widths and areas in (B) The accumulated area of gaps be-
the primary and secondary seals indi- tween the tank wall and the secondary
vidually by the following procedures: seal shall not exceed 21.2 cm2 per meter
(i) Measure seal gaps, if any, at one of tank diameter, and the width of any
or more floating roof levels when the portion of any gap shall not exceed 1.27
roof is floating off the roof leg sup- cm.
ports. (C) There are to be no holes, tears, or
(ii) Measure seal gaps around the en- other openings in the seal or seal fab-
tire circumference of the tank in each ric.
place where a 0.32-cm diameter uniform (iii) If a failure that is detected dur-
probe passes freely (without forcing or ing inspections required in paragraph
binding against seal) between the seal (b)(1) of § 60.113b(b) cannot be repaired
and the wall of the storage vessel and within 45 days and if the vessel cannot
measure the circumferential distance be emptied within 45 days, a 30-day ex-
of each such location. tension may be requested from the Ad-
(iii) The total surface area of each ministrator in the inspection report re-
gap described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of quired in § 60.115b(b)(4). Such extension
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

this section shall be determined by request must include a demonstration

using probes of various widths to meas- of unavailability of alternate storage


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.113b

capacity and a specification of a sched- notification required by § 60.7(a)(1) or,

ule that will assure that the control if the facility is exempt from
equipment will be repaired or the ves- § 60.7(a)(1), as an attachment to the no-
sel will be emptied as soon as possible. tification required by § 60.7(a)(2), an op-
(5) Notify the Administrator 30 days erating plan containing the informa-
in advance of any gap measurements tion listed below.
required by paragraph (b)(1) of this sec- (i) Documentation demonstrating
tion to afford the Administrator the that the control device will achieve the
opportunity to have an observer required control efficiency during max-
present. imum loading conditions. This docu-
(6) Visually inspect the external mentation is to include a description of
floating roof, the primary seal, sec- the gas stream which enters the con-
ondary seal, and fittings each time the trol device, including flow and VOC
vessel is emptied and degassed. content under varying liquid level con-
(i) If the external floating roof has ditions (dynamic and static) and manu-
defects, the primary seal has holes, facturer’s design specifications for the
tears, or other openings in the seal or control device. If the control device or
the seal fabric, or the secondary seal the closed vent capture system receives
has holes, tears, or other openings in vapors, gases, or liquids other than
the seal or the seal fabric, the owner or fuels from sources that are not des-
operator shall repair the items as nec- ignated sources under this subpart, the
essary so that none of the conditions efficiency demonstration is to include
specified in this paragraph exist before consideration of all vapors, gases, and
filling or refilling the storage vessel liquids received by the closed vent cap-
with VOL. ture system and control device. If an
(ii) For all the inspections required enclosed combustion device with a
by paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the minimum residence time of 0.75 sec-
owner or operator shall notify the Ad- onds and a minimum temperature of
ministrator in writing at least 30 days 816 °C is used to meet the 95 percent re-
prior to the filling or refilling of each quirement, documentation that those
storage vessel to afford the Adminis- conditions will exist is sufficient to
trator the opportunity to inspect the meet the requirements of this para-
storage vessel prior to refilling. If the graph.
inspection required by paragraph (b)(6) (ii) A description of the parameter or
of this section is not planned and the parameters to be monitored to ensure
owner or operator could not have that the control device will be operated
known about the inspection 30 days in in conformance with its design and an
advance of refilling the tank, the explanation of the criteria used for se-
owner or operator shall notify the Ad- lection of that parameter (or param-
ministrator at least 7 days prior to the eters).
refilling of the storage vessel. Notifica- (2) Operate the closed vent system
tion shall be made by telephone imme- and control device and monitor the pa-
diately followed by written documenta- rameters of the closed vent system and
tion demonstrating why the inspection control device in accordance with the
was unplanned. Alternatively, this no- operating plan submitted to the Ad-
tification including the written docu- ministrator in accordance with para-
mentation may be made in writing and graph (c)(1) of this section, unless the
sent by express mail so that it is re- plan was modified by the Adminis-
ceived by the Administrator at least 7 trator during the review process. In
days prior to the refilling. this case, the modified plan applies.
(c) The owner or operator of each (d) The owner or operator of each
source that is equipped with a closed source that is equipped with a closed
vent system and control device as re- vent system and a flare to meet the re-
quired in § 60.112b (a)(3) or (b)(2) (other quirements in § 60.112b (a)(3) or (b)(2)
than a flare) is exempt from § 60.8 of shall meet the requirements as speci-
the General Provisions and shall meet fied in the general control device re-
the following requirements. quirements, § 60.18 (e) and (f).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) Submit for approval by the Ad- [52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 54
ministrator as an attachment to the FR 32973, Aug. 11, 1989]


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§ 60.114b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.114b Alternative means of emis- (1) Furnish the Administrator with a

sion limitation. report that describes the control equip-
(a) If, in the Administrator’s judg- ment and certifies that the control
ment, an alternative means of emission equipment meets the specifications of
limitation will achieve a reduction in § 60.112b(a)(1) and § 60.113b(a)(1). This re-
emissions at least equivalent to the re- port shall be an attachment to the no-
duction in emissions achieved by any tification required by § 60.7(a)(3).
requirement in § 60.112b, the Adminis- (2) Keep a record of each inspection
trator will publish in the FEDERAL performed as required by § 60.113b (a)(1),
REGISTER a notice permitting the use (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4). Each record
of the alternative means for purposes shall identify the storage vessel on
of compliance with that requirement. which the inspection was performed
(b) Any notice under paragraph (a) of and shall contain the date the vessel
this section will be published only after was inspected and the observed condi-
notice and an opportunity for a hear- tion of each component of the control
ing. equipment (seals, internal floating
(c) Any person seeking permission roof, and fittings).
under this section shall submit to the (3) If any of the conditions described
Administrator a written application in- in § 60.113b(a)(2) are detected during the
cluding: annual visual inspection required by
(1) An actual emissions test that uses § 60.113b(a)(2), a report shall be fur-
a full-sized or scale-model storage ves- nished to the Administrator within 30
sel that accurately collects and meas- days of the inspection. Each report
ures all VOC emissions from a given shall identify the storage vessel, the
control device and that accurately sim- nature of the defects, and the date the
ulates wind and accounts for other storage vessel was emptied or the na-
emission variables such as temperature ture of and date the repair was made.
and barometric pressure. (4) After each inspection required by
(2) An engineering evaluation that § 60.113b(a)(3) that finds holes or tears
the Administrator determines is an ac- in the seal or seal fabric, or defects in
curate method of determining equiva- the internal floating roof, or other con-
lence. trol equipment defects listed in
(d) The Administrator may condition § 60.113b(a)(3)(ii), a report shall be fur-
the permission on requirements that nished to the Administrator within 30
may be necessary to ensure operation days of the inspection. The report shall
and maintenance to achieve the same identify the storage vessel and the rea-
emissions reduction as specified in son it did not meet the specifications
§ 60.112b. of § 60.112b(a)(1) or § 60.113b(a)(3) and list
each repair made.
§ 60.115b Reporting and recordkeeping (b) After installing control equip-
requirements. ment in accordance with § 60.112b(a)(2)
The owner or operator of each stor- (external floating roof), the owner or
age vessel as specified in § 60.112b(a) operator shall meet the following re-
shall keep records and furnish reports quirements.
as required by paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) (1) Furnish the Administrator with a
of this section depending upon the con- report that describes the control equip-
trol equipment installed to meet the ment and certifies that the control
requirements of § 60.112b. The owner or equipment meets the specifications of
operator shall keep copies of all re- § 60.112b(a)(2) and § 60.113b(b)(2), (b)(3),
ports and records required by this sec- and (b)(4). This report shall be an at-
tion, except for the record required by tachment to the notification required
(c)(1), for at least 2 years. The record by § 60.7(a)(3).
required by (c)(1) will be kept for the (2) Within 60 days of performing the
life of the control equipment. seal gap measurements required by
(a) After installing control equip- § 60.113b(b)(1), furnish the Adminis-
ment in accordance with § 60.112b(a)(1) trator with a report that contains:
(fixed roof and internal floating roof), (i) The date of measurement.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the owner or operator shall meet the (ii) The raw data obtained in the
following requirements. measurement.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.116b

(iii) The calculations described in least 2 years. The record required by

§ 60.113b (b)(2) and (b)(3). paragraph (b) of this section will be
(3) Keep a record of each gap meas- kept for the life of the source.
urement performed as required by (b) The owner or operator of each
§ 60.113b(b). Each record shall identify storage vessel as specified in § 60.110b(a)
the storage vessel in which the meas- shall keep readily accessible records
urement was performed and shall con- showing the dimension of the storage
tain: vessel and an analysis showing the ca-
(i) The date of measurement. pacity of the storage vessel.
(ii) The raw data obtained in the (c) Except as provided in paragraphs
measurement. (f) and (g) of this section, the owner or
(iii) The calculations described in operator of each storage vessel either
§ 60.113b (b)(2) and (b)(3). with a design capacity greater than or
(4) After each seal gap measurement equal to 151 m3 storing a liquid with a
that detects gaps exceeding the limita- maximum true vapor pressure greater
tions specified by § 60.113b(b)(4), submit than or equal to 3.5 kPa or with a de-
a report to the Administrator within 30 sign capacity greater than or equal to
days of the inspection. The report will 75 m3 but less than 151 m3 storing a liq-
identify the vessel and contain the in- uid with a maximum true vapor pres-
formation specified in paragraph (b)(2) sure greater than or equal to 15.0 kPa
of this section and the date the vessel shall maintain a record of the VOL
was emptied or the repairs made and stored, the period of storage, and the
date of repair. maximum true vapor pressure of that
(c) After installing control equip- VOL during the respective storage pe-
ment in accordance with § 60.112b (a)(3) riod.
or (b)(1) (closed vent system and con- (d) Except as provided in paragraph
trol device other than a flare), the (g) of this section, the owner or oper-
owner or operator shall keep the fol- ator of each storage vessel either with
lowing records. a design capacity greater than or equal
(1) A copy of the operating plan. to 151 m3 storing a liquid with a max-
(2) A record of the measured values of imum true vapor pressure that is nor-
the parameters monitored in accord- mally less than 5.2 kPa or with a de-
ance with § 60.113b(c)(2). sign capacity greater than or equal to
(d) After installing a closed vent sys- 75 m3 but less than 151 m3 storing a liq-
tem and flare to comply with § 60.112b, uid with a maximum true vapor pres-
the owner or operator shall meet the sure that is normally less than 27.6 kPa
following requirements. shall notify the Administrator within
(1) A report containing the measure- 30 days when the maximum true vapor
ments required by § 60.18(f) (1), (2), (3), pressure of the liquid exceeds the re-
(4), (5), and (6) shall be furnished to the spective maximum true vapor vapor
Administrator as required by § 60.8 of pressure values for each volume range.
the General Provisions. This report (e) Available data on the storage
shall be submitted within 6 months of temperature may be used to determine
the initial start-up date. the maximum true vapor pressure as
(2) Records shall be kept of all peri- determined below.
ods of operation during which the flare (1) For vessels operated above or
pilot flame is absent. below ambient temperatures, the max-
(3) Semiannual reports of all periods imum true vapor pressure is calculated
recorded under § 60.115b(d)(2) in which based upon the highest expected cal-
the pilot flame was absent shall be fur- endar-month average of the storage
nished to the Administrator. temperature. For vessels operated at
[52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 86 ambient temperatures, the maximum
FR 5019, Jan. 19, 2021] true vapor pressure is calculated based
upon the maximum local monthly av-
§ 60.116b Monitoring of operations. erage ambient temperature as reported
(a) The owner or operator shall keep by the National Weather Service.
copies of all records required by this (2) For crude oil or refined petroleum
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

section, except for the record required products the vapor pressure may be ob-
by paragraph (b) of this section, for at tained by the following:


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§ 60.117b 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(i) Available data on the Reid vapor (i) ASTM D2879–83, 96, or 97 (incor-
pressure and the maximum expected porated by reference—see § 60.17); or
storage temperature based on the high- (ii) ASTM D323–82 or 94 (incorporated
est expected calendar-month average by reference—see § 60.17); or
temperature of the stored product may (iii) As measured by an appropriate
be used to determine the maximum method as approved by the Adminis-
true vapor pressure from nomographs trator.
contained in API Bulletin 2517 (incor- (g) The owner or operator of each
porated by reference—see § 60.17), un- vessel equipped with a closed vent sys-
less the Administrator specifically re- tem and control device meeting the
quests that the liquid be sampled, the specification of § 60.112b or with emis-
actual storage temperature deter- sions reductions equipment as specified
mined, and the Reid vapor pressure de- in 40 CFR 65.42(b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), or (c)
termined from the sample(s). is exempt from the requirements of
(ii) The true vapor pressure of each paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
type of crude oil with a Reid vapor [52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 65
pressure less than 13.8 kPa or with FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000; 65 FR 78276, Dec. 14,
physical properties that preclude deter- 2000; 68 FR 59333, Oct. 15, 2003]
mination by the recommended method
§ 60.117b Delegation of authority.
is to be determined from available data
and recorded if the estimated max- (a) In delegating implementation and
imum true vapor pressure is greater enforcement authority to a State
than 3.5 kPa. under section 111(c) of the Act, the au-
(3) For other liquids, the vapor pres- thorities contained in paragraph (b) of
sure: this section shall be retained by the
Administrator and not transferred to a
(i) May be obtained from standard
reference texts, or
(b) Authorities which will not be del-
(ii) Determined by ASTM D2879–83, egated to States: §§ 60.111b(f)(4), 60.114b,
96, or 97 (incorporated by reference— 60.116b(e)(3)(iii), 60.116b(e)(3)(iv), and
see § 60.17); or 60.116b(f)(2)(iii).
(iii) Measured by an appropriate
method approved by the Adminis- [52 FR 11429, Apr. 8, 1987, as amended at 52
FR 22780, June 16, 1987]
trator; or
(iv) Calculated by an appropriate
method approved by the Adminis- Subpart L—Standards of Perform-
trator. ance for Secondary Lead
(f) The owner or operator of each ves- Smelters
sel storing a waste mixture of indeter-
minate or variable composition shall § 60.120 Applicability and designation
of affected facility.
be subject to the following require-
ments. (a) The provisions of this subpart are
(1) Prior to the initial filling of the applicable to the following affected fa-
vessel, the highest maximum true cilities in secondary lead smelters: Pot
vapor pressure for the range of antici- furnaces of more than 250 kg (550 lb)
pated liquid compositions to be stored charging capacity, blast (cupola) fur-
will be determined using the methods naces, and reverberatory furnaces.
described in paragraph (e) of this sec- (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
tion. of this section that commences con-
struction or modification after June 11,
(2) For vessels in which the vapor
1973, is subject to the requirements of
pressure of the anticipated liquid com-
this subpart.
position is above the cutoff for moni-
toring but below the cutoff for controls [42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977]
as defined in § 60.112b(a), an initial
physical test of the vapor pressure is § 60.121 Definitions.
required; and a physical test at least As used in this subpart, all terms not
once every 6 months thereafter is re- defined herein shall have the meaning
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

quired as determined by the following given them in the Act and in subpart A
methods: of this part.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.131

(a) Reverberatory furnace includes the least 60 minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8
following types of reverberatory fur- dscf).
naces: stationary, rotating, rocking, (2) Method 9 and the procedures in
and tilting. § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
(b) Secondary lead smelter means any ity.
facility producing lead from a
leadbearing scrap material by smelting [54 FR 6667, Feb. 14, 1989]
to the metallic form.
(c) Lead means elemental lead or al- Subpart M—Standards of Perform-
loys in which the predominant compo- ance for Secondary Brass and
nent is lead.
(d) Blast furnace means any furnace
Bronze Production Plants
used to recover metal from slag. § 60.130 Applicability and designation
[39 FR 9317, Mar. 8, 1974; 39 FR 13776, Apr. 17, of affected facility.
1974, as amended at 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000]
(a) The provisions of this subpart are
§ 60.122 Standard for particulate mat- applicable to the following affected fa-
ter. cilities in secondary brass or bronze
(a) On and after the date on which production plants: Reverberatory and
the performance test required to be electric furnaces of 1,000 kg (2205 lb) or
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no greater production capacity and blast
owner or operator subject to the provi- (cupola) furnaces of 250 kg/h (550 lb/h)
sions of this subpart shall discharge or or greater production capacity. Fur-
cause the discharge into the atmos- naces from which molten brass or
phere from a blast (cupola) or rever- bronze are cast into the shape of fin-
beratory furnace any gases which: ished products, such as foundry fur-
(1) Contain particulate matter in ex- naces, are not considered to be affected
cess of 50 mg/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf). facilities.
(2) Exhibit 20 percent opacity or (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
greater. of this section that commences con-
(b) On and after the date on which struction or modification after June 11,
the performance test required to be
1973, is subject to the requirements of
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
this subpart.
owner or operator subject to the provi-
sions of this subpart shall discharge or [42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977, as amended at 49
cause the discharge into the atmos- FR 43618, Oct. 30, 1984]
phere from any pot furnace any gases
which exhibit 10 percent opacity or § 60.131 Definitions.
greater. As used in this subpart, all terms not
[39 FR 9317, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 40 FR defined herein shall have the meaning
46259, Oct. 6, 1975] given them in the Act and in subpart A
of this part.
§ 60.123 Test methods and procedures.
(a) Brass or bronze means any metal
(a) In conducting the performance alloy containing copper as its predomi-
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- nant constituent, and lesser amounts
erator shall use as reference methods of zinc, tin, lead, or other metals.
and procedures the test methods in ap-
(b) Reverberatory furnace includes the
pendix A of this part or other methods
following types of reverberatory fur-
and procedures as specified in this sec-
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). naces: Stationary, rotating, rocking,
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- and tilting.
mine compliance with the particulate (c) Electric furnace means any furnace
matter standards in § 60.122 as follows: which uses electricity to produce over
(1) Method 5 shall be used to deter- 50 percent of the heat required in the
mine the particulate matter concentra- production of refined brass or bronze.
tion during representative periods of (d) Blast furnace means any furnace
furnace operation, including charging used to recover metal from slag.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and tapping. The sampling time and

sample volume for each run shall be at [39 FR 9318, Mar. 8, 1974]


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§ 60.132 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.132 Standard for particulate mat- Subpart N—Standards of Perform-

ter. ance for Primary Emissions
(a) On and after the date on which from Basic Oxygen Process
the performance test required to be Furnaces for Which Construc-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no tion is Commenced After
owner or operator subject to the provi- June 11, 1973
sions of this subpart shall discharge or
cause the discharge into the atmos- § 60.140 Applicability and designation
phere from a reverberatory furnace any of affected facility.
gases which: (a) The affected facility to which the
(1) Contain particulate matter in ex- provisions of this subpart apply is each
cess of 50 mg/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf). basic oxygen process furnace.
(2) Exhibit 20 percent opacity or (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
greater. of this section that commences con-
struction or modification after June 11,
(b) On and after the date on which
1973, is subject to the requirements of
the performance test required to be this subpart.
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
owner or operator subject to the provi- [42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977]
sions of this subpart shall discharge or
§ 60.141 Definitions.
cause the discharge into the atmos-
phere from any blast (cupola) or elec- As used in this subpart, all terms not
tric furnace any gases which exhibit 10 defined herein shall have the meaning
percent opacity or greater. given them in the Act and in subpart A
of this part.
[39 FR 9318, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 40 FR (a) Basic oxygen process furnace
46259, Oct. 6, 1975] (BOPF) means any furnace with a re-
fractory lining in which molten steel is
§ 60.133 Test methods and procedures. produced by charging scrap metal, mol-
(a) In conducting performance tests ten iron, and flux materials or alloy
required in § 60.8, the owner or operator additions into a vessel and introducing
shall use as reference methods and pro- a high volume of oxygen-rich gas. Open
cedures the test methods in appendix A hearth, blast, and reverberatory fur-
of this part or other methods and pro- naces are not included in this defini-
cedures as specified in this section, ex- tion.
(b) Primary emissions means particu-
cept as provided in § 60.8(b).
late matter emissions from the BOPF
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- generated during the steel production
mine compliance with the particulate cycle and captured by the BOPF pri-
matter standards in § 60.132 as follows: mary control system.
(1) Method 5 shall be used to deter- (c) Primary oxygen blow means the pe-
mine the particulate matter concentra- riod in the steel production cycle of a
tion during representative periods of BOPF during which a high volume of
charging and refining, but not during oxygen-rich gas is introduced to the
pouring of part of the production cycle. bath of molten iron by means of a
The sampling time and sample volume lance inserted from the top of the ves-
for each run shall be at least 120 min- sel or through tuyeres in the bottom or
utes and 1.80 dscm (63.6 dscf). through the bottom and sides of the
(2) Method 9 and the procedures in vessel. This definition does not include
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- any additional or secondary oxygen
ity. blows made after the primary blow or
the introduction of nitrogen or other
[54 FR 6667, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65 inert gas through tuyeres in the bot-
FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000] tom or bottom and sides of the vessel.
(d) Steel production cycle means the
operations conducted within the BOPF
steelmaking facility that are required
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

to produce each batch of steel and in-

cludes the following operations: scrap


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.143

charging, preheating (when used), hot ondary emissions, as defined in

metal charging, primary oxygen blow- § 60.141a, and exhibit 10 percent opacity
ing, sampling (vessel turndown and or greater, except that an opacity
turnup), additional oxygen blowing greater than 10 percent but less than 20
(when used), tapping, and deslagging. percent may occur once per steel pro-
This definition applies to an affected duction cycle.
facility constructed, modified, or re- (2) On or after the date on which the
constructed after January 20, 1983. For performance test required by § 60.8 is
an affected facility constructed, modi- completed, no owner or operator of an
fied, or reconstructed after June 11, affected facility for which closed hood-
1973, but on or before January 20, 1983, ing is the method for controlling pri-
steel production cycle means the oper- mary emissions shall cause to be dis-
ations conducted within the BOPF charged into the atmosphere any gases
steelmaking facility that are required that:
to produce each batch of steel and in- (i) Contain particulate matter in ex-
cludes the following operations: scrap cess of 68 mg/dscm (0.030 gr/dscf), as
charging, preheating (when used), hot measured for the primary oxygen blow.
metal charging, primary oxygen blow- (ii) Exit from a control device not
ing, sampling (vessel turndown and used solely for the collection of sec-
turnup), additional oxygen blowing ondary emissions, as defined in
(when used), and tapping. § 60.141a, and exhibit 10 percent opacity
or greater, except that an opacity
[39 FR 9318, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 51 FR
greater than 10 percent but less than 20
160, Jan. 2, 1986]
percent may occur once per steel pro-
§ 60.142 Standard for particulate mat- duction cycle.
ter. (c) On and after the date on which
the performance test required by § 60.8
(a) Except as provided under para-
is completed, each owner or operator of
graph (b) of this section, on and after
an affected facility subject to para-
the date on which the performance test
graph (b) of this section shall operate
required to be conducted by § 60.8 is
the primary gas cleaning system dur-
completed, no owner or operator sub-
ing any reblow in a manner identical to
ject to the provisions of this subpart
operation during the primary oxygen
shall discharge or cause the discharge
into the atmosphere from any affected
facility any gases which: [39 FR 9318, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 43 FR
(1) Contain particulate matter in ex- 15602, Apr. 13, 1978; 51 FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986]
cess of 50 mg/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf).
(2) Exit from a control device and ex- § 60.143 Monitoring of operations.
hibit 10 percent opacity or greater, ex- (a) The owner or operator of an af-
cept that an opacity of greater than 10 fected facility shall maintain a single
percent but less than 20 percent may time-measuring instrument which
occur once per steel production cycle. shall be used in recording daily the
(b) For affected facilities con- time and duration of each steel produc-
structed, modified, or reconstructed tion cycle, and the time and duration
after January 20, 1983, the following of any diversion of exhaust gases from
limits shall apply: the main stack servicing the BOPF.
(1) On or after the date on which the (b) The owner or operator of any af-
performance test under § 60.8 is re- fected facility that uses venturi scrub-
quired to be completed, no owner or op- ber emission control equipment shall
erator of an affected facility for which install, calibrate, maintain, and con-
open hooding is the method for control- tinuously operate monitoring devices
ling primary emissions shall cause to as follows:
be discharged to the atmosphere any (1) A monitoring device for the con-
gases that: tinuous measurement of the pressure
(i) Contain particulate matter in ex- loss through the venturi constriction
cess of 50 mg/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf), as of the control equipment. The moni-
measured for the primary oxygen blow. toring device is to be certified by the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(ii) Exit from a control device not manufacturer to be accurate within

used solely for the collection of sec- ±250 Pa (±1 inch water).


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§ 60.144 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(2) A monitoring device for the con- and procedures as specified in this sec-
tinual measurement of the water sup- tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
ply pressure to the control equipment. (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
The monitoring device is to be certified mine compliance with the particulate
by the manufacturer to be accurate matter standards in § 60.142 as follows:
within ±5 percent of the design water (1) The time-measuring instrument of
supply pressure. The monitoring de- § 60.143 shall be used to document the
vice’s pressure sensor or pressure tap time and duration of each steel produc-
must be located close to the water dis- tion cycle and each diversion period
charge point. The Administrator must during each run.
be consulted for approval in advance of
(2) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
selecting alternative locations for the
mine the particulate matter concentra-
pressure sensor or tap.
tion. The sampling time and sample
(3) All monitoring devices shall be
volume for each run shall be at least 60
synchronized each day with the time-
minutes and 1.50 dscm (53 dscf). Sam-
measuring instrument used under para-
pling shall be discontinued during peri-
graph (a) of this section. The chart re-
ods of diversions.
corder error directly after synchroni-
zation shall not exceed 0.08 cm (1⁄32 (i) For affected facilities that com-
inch). menced construction, modification, or
(4) All monitoring devices shall use reconstruction on or before January 20,
chart recorders which are operated at a 1983, the sampling for each run shall
minimum chart speed of 3.8 cm/hr (1.5 continue for an integral number of
in/hr). steel production cycles. A cycle shall
(5) All monitoring devices are to be start at the beginning of either the
recalibrated annually, and at other scrap preheat or the oxygen blow and
times as the Administrator may re- shall terminate immediately before
quire, in accordance with the proce- tapping.
dures under § 60.13(b). (ii) For affected facilities that com-
(c) Any owner or operator subject to menced construction, modification, or
the requirements of paragraph (b) of reconstruction after January 20, 1983,
this section shall report to the Admin- the sampling for each run shall con-
istrator, on a semiannual basis, all tinue for an integral number of pri-
measurements over any 3-hour period mary oxygen blows.
that average more than 10 percent (3) Method 9 and the procedures in
below the average levels maintained § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
during the most recent performance ity. Observations taken during a diver-
test conducted under § 60.8 in which the sion period shall not be used in deter-
affected facility demonstrated compli- mining compliance with the opacity
ance with the mass standards under standard. Opacity observations taken
§ 60.142(a)(1), (b)(1)(i) or (b)(2)(i). The ac- at 15-second intervals immediately be-
curacy of the respective measure- fore and after a diversion of exhaust
ments, not to exceed the values speci- gases from the stack may be considered
fied in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of to be consecutive for the purpose of
this section, may be taken into consid- computing an average opacity for a 6-
eration when determining the measure- minute period.
ment results that must be reported.
(c) The owner or operator shall use
[43 FR 15602, Apr. 13, 1978, as amended at 51 the monitoring devices of § 60.143(b)(1)
FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986; 54 FR 6667, Feb. 14, 1989] and (2) for the duration of the particu-
late matter runs. The arithmetic aver-
§ 60.144 Test methods and procedures. age of all measurements taken during
(a) In conducting the performance these runs shall be used to determine
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- compliance with § 60.143(c).
erator shall use as reference methods
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

[54 FR 6667, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65

and procedures the test methods in ap- FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000]
pendix A of this part or other methods


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.141a

Subpart Na—Standards of Per- inert gas, flame, or steam blanket ap-

formance for Secondary Emis- plied to the surface of molten iron or
sions from Basic Oxygen Hot metal transfer station means the
Process Steelmaking Facilities facility where molten iron is emptied
for Which Construction is from the railroad torpedo car or hot
Commenced After January metal car to the shop ladle. This in-
20, 1983 cludes the transfer of molten iron from
the torpedo car or hot metal car to a
SOURCE: 51 FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986, unless oth- mixer (or other intermediate vessel)
erwise noted. and from a mixer (or other inter-
mediate vessel) to the ladle. This facil-
§ 60.140a Applicability and designation ity is also known as the reladling sta-
of affected facilities. tion or ladle transfer station.
(a) The provisions of this subpart Primary emission control system means
apply to the following affected facili- the combination of equipment used for
ties in an iron and steel plant: top- the capture and collection of primary
blown BOPF’s and hot metal transfer emissions (e.g., an open hood capture
stations and skimming stations used system used in conjunction with a par-
with bottom-blown or top-blown ticulate matter cleaning device such as
BOPF’s. an electrostatic precipitator or a
(b) This subpart applies to any facil- closed hood capture system used in
ity identified in paragraph (a) of this conjunction with a particulate matter
section that commences construction, cleaning device such as a scrubber).
modification, or reconstruction after Primary emissions means particulate
January 20, 1983. matter emissions from the BOPF gen-
(c) Any BOPF subject to the provi- erated during the steel production
sions of this subpart is subject to those cycle which are captured by, and do
provisions of subpart N of this part ap- not thereafter escape from, the BOPF
plicable to affected facilities com- primary control system.
mencing construction, modification or Primary oxygen blow means the period
reconstruction after January 20, 1983. in the steel production cycle of a BOPF
during which a high volume of oxygen-
§ 60.141a Definitions. rich gas is introduced to the bath of
All terms in this subpart not defined molten iron by means of a lance in-
below are given the same meaning as in serted from the top of the vessel. This
the Clean Air Act as amended or in definition does not include any addi-
subpart A of this part. tional, or secondary, oxygen blows
Basic oxygen process furnace (BOPF) made after the primary blow.
means any furnace with a refractory Secondary emission control system
lining in which molten steel is pro- means the combination of equipment
duced by charging scrap metal, molten used for the capture and collection of
iron, and flux materials or alloy addi- secondary emissions (e.g.,
tions into a vessel and by introducing a (1) An open hood system for the cap-
high volume of oxygen-rich gas. Open ture and collection of primary and sec-
hearth, blast, and reverberatory fur- ondary emissions from the BOPF, with
naces are not included in this defini- local hooding ducted to a secondary
tion. emission collection device such as a
Bottom-blown furnace means any baghouse for the capture and collection
BOPF in which oxygen and other com- of emissions from the hot metal trans-
bustion gases are introduced to the fer and skimming station; or
bath of molten iron through tuyeres in (2) An open hood system for the cap-
the bottom of the vessel or through ture and collection of primary and sec-
tuyeres in the bottom and sides of the ondary emissions from the furnace,
vessel. plus a furnace enclosure with local
Fume suppression system means the hooding ducted to a secondary emis-
equipment comprising any system used sion collection device, such as a
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

to inhibit the generation of emissions baghouse, for additional capture and

from steelmaking facilities with an collection of secondary emissions from


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§ 60.142a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the furnace, with local hooding ducted formance test under § 60.8 is required to
to a secondary emission collection de- be completed, no owner or operator
vice, such as a baghouse, for the cap- subject to the provisions of this sub-
ture and collection of emissions from part shall cause to be discharged into
hot metal transfer and skimming sta- the atmosphere from any affected facil-
tion; or ity any secondary emissions that:
(3) A furnace enclosure with local (1) Exit from the BOPF shop roof
hooding ducted to a secondary emis- monitor (or other building openings)
sion collection device such as a and exhibit greater than 10 percent
baghouse for the capture and collection opacity during the steel production
of secondary emissions from a BOPF
cycle of any top-blown BOPF or during
controlled by a closed hood primary
hot metal transfer or skimming oper-
emission control system, with local
hooding ducted to a secondary emis- ations for any bottom-blown BOPF; ex-
sion collection device, such as a cept that an opacity greater than 10
baghouse, for the capture and collec- percent but less than 20 percent may
tion of emissions from hot metal trans- occur once per steel production cycle.
fer and skimming stations). (2) Exit from a control device used
Secondary emissions means particulate solely for the collection of secondary
matter emissions that are not captured emissions from a top-blown BOPF or
by the BOPF primary control system, from hot metal transfer or skimming
including emissions from hot metal for a top-blown or a bottom-blown
transfer and skimming stations. This BOPF and contain particulate matter
definition also includes particulate in excess of 23 mg/dscm (0.010 gr/dscf).
matter emissions that escape from (3) Exit from a control device used
openings in the primary emission con- solely for the collection of secondary
trol system, such as from lance hole emissions from a top-blown BOPF or
openings, gaps or tears in the ductwork from hot metal transfer or skimming
of the primary emission control sys- for a top-blown or a bottom-blown
tem, or leaks in hoods. BOPF and exhibit more than 5 percent
Skimming station means the facility opacity.
where slag is mechanically raked from
(b) A fume suppression system used
the top of the bath of molten iron.
Steel production cycle means the oper- to control secondary emissions from an
ations conducted within the BOPF affected facility is not subject to para-
steelmaking facility that are required graphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.
to produce each batch of steel, includ- (c) A control device used to collect
ing the following operations: scrap both primary and secondary emissions
charging, preheating (when used), hot from a BOPF is not subject to para-
metal charging, primary oxygen blow- graphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.
ing, sampling (vessel turndown and
turnup), additional oxygen blowing § 60.143a Monitoring of operations.
(when used), tapping, and deslagging. (a) Each owner or operator of an af-
Hot metal transfer and skimming oper- fected facility shall install, calibrate,
ations for the next steel production operate, and maintain a monitoring de-
cycle are also included when the hot vice that continually measures and
metal transfer station or skimming records for each steel production cycle
station is an affected facility. the various rates or levels of exhaust
Top-blown furnace means any BOPF ventilation at each phase of the cycle
in which oxygen is introduced to the
through each duct of the secondary
bath of molten iron by means of an ox-
emission capture system. The moni-
ygen lance inserted from the top of the
toring device or devices are to be
placed at locations near each capture
§ 60.142a Standards for particulate point of the secondary emission cap-
matter. ture system to monitor the exhaust
(a) Except as provided under para- ventilation rates or levels adequately,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

graphs (b) and (c) of this section, on or in alternative locations approved in

and after the date on which the per- advance by the Administrator.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.144a

(b) If a chart recorder is used, the and procedures as specified in this sec-
owner or operator shall use chart re- tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
corders that are operated at a min- (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
imum chart speed of 3.8 cm/hr (1.5 in./ mine compliance with the particulate
hr). matter standards in § 60.142a as follows:
(c) All monitoring devices required (1) Start and end times of each steel
by paragraph (a) of this section are to production cycle during each run shall
be certified by the manufacturer to be be recorded (see § 60.145a (c) and (d) for
accurate to within ±10 percent com- the definitions of start and end times
pared to Method 2 of appendix A of this of a cycle).
part. The owner or operator shall re- (2) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
calibrate and check the device(s) annu- mine the particulate matter concentra-
ally and at other times as the Adminis- tion. Sampling shall be conducted only
trator may require, in accordance with during the steel production cycle and
the written instructions of the manu- for a sufficient number of steel produc-
facturer and by comparing the device tion cycles to obtain a total sample
against Method 2. volume of at least 5.67 dscm (200 dscf)
(d) Each owner or operator subject to for each run.
the requirements of paragraph (a) of (3) Method 9 and the procedures of
this section shall report on a semi- § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
annual basis all measurements of ex- ity, except sections 2.4 and 2.5 of Meth-
haust ventilation rates or levels over od 9 shall be replaced with the fol-
any 3-hour period that average more lowing instructions for recording ob-
than 10 percent below the average rates servations and reducing data:
or levels of exhaust ventilation main- (i) Section 2.4. Opacity observations
tained during the most recent perform- shall be recorded to the nearest 5 per-
ance test conducted under § 60.8 in cent at 15-second intervals. During the
which the affected facility dem- initial performance test conducted pur-
onstrated compliance with the stand- suant to § 60.8, observations shall be
ard under § 60.142a(a)(2). The accuracy made and recorded in this manner for a
of the respective measurements, not to minimum of three steel production cy-
exceed the values specified in para- cles. During any subsequent compli-
graph (c) of this section, may be con- ance test, observations may be made
sidered when determining the measure- for any number of steel production cy-
ment results that must be reported. cles, although, where conditions per-
(e) If a scrubber primary emission mit, observations will generally be
control device is used to collect sec- made for a minimum of three steel pro-
ondary emissions, the owner or oper- duction cycles.
ator shall report on a semiannual basis (ii) Section 2.5. Opacity shall be deter-
all measurements of exhaust ventila- mined as an average of 12 consecutive
tion rate over any 3-hour period that observations recorded at 15-second in-
average more than 10 percent below the tervals. For each steel production
average levels maintained during the cycle, divide the observations recorded
most recent performance test con- into sets of 12 consecutive observa-
ducted under § 60.8 in which the af- tions. Sets need not be consecutive in
fected facility demonstrated compli- time, and in no case shall two sets
ance with the standard under overlap. For each set of 12 observa-
§ 60.142(a)(1). tions, calculate the average by sum-
ming the opacity of 12 consecutive ob-
[51 FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986, as amended at 65 FR servations and dividing this sum by 12.
61756, Oct. 17, 2000] (c) In complying with the require-
ments of § 60.143a(c), the owner or oper-
§ 60.144a Test methods and proce- ator shall conduct an initial test as fol-
dures. lows:
(a) In conducting the performance (1) For devices that monitor and
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- record the exhaust ventilation rate,
erator shall use as reference methods compare velocity readings recorded by
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and procedures the test methods in ap- the monitoring device against the ve-
pendix A of this part or other methods locity readings obtained by Method 2.


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§ 60.145a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Take Method 2 readings at a point or (b) During compliance testing for

points that would properly charac- mass and visible emission standards, if
terize the monitoring device’s perform- an owner or operator elects to shut
ance and that would adequately reflect down one furnace in a shop that nor-
the various rates of exhaust ventila- mally operates two furnaces with over-
tion. Obtain readings at sufficient in- lapping cycles, the owner or operator
tervals to obtain 12 pairs of readings shall operate the secondary emission
for each duct of the secondary emission control system for the furnace being
capture system. Compare the averages tested at exhaust ventilation rates or
of the two sets to determine whether levels for each duct of the secondary
the monitoring device velocity is with- emission control system that are ap-
in ±10 percent of the Method 2 average. propriate for single-furnace operation.
(2) For devices that monitor the level Following the compliance test, the
of exhaust ventilation and record only owner or operator shall operate the
step changes when a set point rate is
secondary emission control system at
reached, compare step changes re-
exhaust ventilation rates or levels for
corded by the monitoring device
each duct of the system that are no
against the velocity readings obtained
lower than 90 percent of the exhaust
by Method 2. Take Method 2 readings
ventilation values established during
at a point or points that would prop-
erly characterize the performance of the most recent compliance test.
the monitoring device and that would (c) For the purpose of determining
adequately reflect the various rates of compliance with visible and mass emis-
exhaust ventilation. Obtain readings at sion standards, a steel production cycle
sufficient intervals to obtain 12 pairs of begins when the scrap or hot metal is
readings for each duct of the secondary charged to the vessel (whichever oper-
emission capture system. Compare the ation occurs first) and terminates 3
averages of the two sets to determine minutes after slag is emptied from the
whether the monitoring device step vessel into the slag pot. Consecutive
change is within ±10 percent of the set- steel production cycles are not re-
point rate. quired for the purpose of determining
(d) To comply with § 60.143a(d) or (e), compliance. Where a hot metal trans-
the owner or operator shall use the fer or skimming station is an affected
monitoring device of § 60.143a(a) to de- facility, the steel production cycle also
termine the exhaust ventilation rates includes the hot metal transfer or
or levels during the particulate matter skimming operation for the next steel
runs. Each owner or operator shall production cycle for the affected ves-
then use these rates or levels to deter- sel. Visible emission observations for
mine the 3-hour averages required by both hot metal transfer and skimming
§ 60.143a(d) and (e). operations begin with the start of the
[51 FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986, as amended at 54 FR
operation and terminate 3 minutes
6667, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000] after completion of the operation.
(d) For the purpose of determining
§ 60.145a Compliance provisions. compliance with visible emission
(a) When determining compliance standards specified in § 60.142a(a) (1)
with mass and visible emission limits and (3), the starting and stopping times
specified in § 60.142a(a) (2) and (3), the of regulated process operations shall be
owner or operator of a BOPF shop that determined and the starting and stop-
normally operates two furnaces with ping times of visible emissions data
overlapping cycles may elect to oper- sets shall be determined accordingly.
ate only one furnace. If an owner or op- (e) To determine compliance with
erator chooses to shut down one fur- § 60.142a(a)(1), select the data sets yield-
nace, he shall be allowed a reasonable ing the highest and second highest 3-
time period to adjust his production minute average opacities for each steel
schedule before the compliance tests production cycle. Compliance is
are conducted. The owner or operator achieved if the highest 3-minute aver-
of an affected facility may also elect to age for each cycle observed is less than
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

suspend shop operations not subject to 20 percent and the second highest 3-
this subpart during compliance testing. minute average is 10 percent or less.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.153

(f) To determine compliance with (2) Any gases which exhibit 20 per-
§ 60.142(a)(2), determine the concentra- cent opacity or greater.
tion of particulate matter in exhaust
[39 FR 9319, Mar. 8, 1974, as amended at 40 FR
gases exiting the secondary emission
46259, Oct. 6, 1975]
collection device with Method 5. Com-
pliance is achieved if the concentration § 60.153 Monitoring of operations.
of particulate matter does not exceed
23 mg/dscm (0.010 gr/dscf). (a) The owner or operator of any
(g) To determine compliance with sludge incinerator subject to the provi-
§ 60.142a(a)(3), construct consecutive 3- sions of this subpart shall:
minute averages for each steel produc- (1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
tion cycle. Compliance is achieved if no operate a flow measuring device which
3-minute average is more than 5 per- can be used to determine either the
cent. mass or volume of sludge charged to
the incinerator. The flow measuring
[51 FR 161, Jan. 2, 1986, as amended at 65 FR
61756, Oct. 17, 2000] device shall be certified by the manu-
facturer to have an accuracy of ±5 per-
cent over its operating range. Except
Subpart O—Standards of Perform- as provided in paragraph (d) of this sec-
ance for Sewage Treatment tion, the flow measuring device shall
Plants be operated continuously and data re-
corded during all periods of operation
§ 60.150 Applicability and designation
of affected facility. of the incinerator.
(2) Provide access to the sludge
(a) The affected facility is each incin- charged so that a well-mixed represent-
erator that combusts wastes con- ative grab sample of the sludge can be
taining more than 10 percent sewage obtained.
sludge (dry basis) produced by munic-
(3) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
ipal sewage treatment plants, or each
operate a weighing device for deter-
incinerator that charges more than
mining the mass of any municipal solid
1000 kg (2205 lb) per day municipal sew-
age sludge (dry basis). waste charged to the incinerator when
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) sewage sludge and municipal solid
of this section that commences con- waste are incinerated together. The
struction or modification after June 11, weighing device shall have an accuracy
1973, is subject to the requirements of of ±5 percent over its operating range.
this subpart. (b) The owner or operator of any mul-
tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric
[42 FR 58521, Nov. 10, 1977] sludge incinerator subject to the provi-
sions of this subpart shall comply with
§ 60.151 Definitions.
the requirements of paragraph (a) of
As used in this subpart, all terms not this section and:
defined herein shall have the meaning (1) For incinerators equipped with a
given them in the Act and in subpart A wet scrubbing device, install, calibrate,
of this part. maintain and operate a monitoring de-
[39 FR 9319, Mar. 8, 1974] vice that continuously measures and
records the pressure drop of the gas
§ 60.152 Standard for particulate mat- flow through the wet scrubbing device.
ter. Where a combination of wet scrubbers
(a) On and after the date on which is used in series, the pressure drop of
the performance test required to be the gas flow through the combined sys-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no tem shall be continuously monitored.
owner or operator of any sewage sludge The device used to monitor scrubber
incinerator subject to the provisions of pressure drop shall be certified by the
this subpart shall discharge or cause manufacturer to be accurate within
the discharge into the atmosphere of: ±250 pascals (±1 inch water gauge) and
(1) Particulate matter at a rate in ex- shall be calibrated on an annual basis
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cess of 0.65 g/kg dry sludge input (1.30 in accordance with the manufacturer’s
lb/ton dry sludge input). instructions.


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§ 60.153 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(2) Install, calibrate, maintain and a grab sample of the sludge fed to the
operate a monitoring device that con- incinerator once per day. The dry
tinuously measures and records the ox- sludge content and the volatile solids
ygen content of the incinerator ex- content of the sample shall be deter-
haust gas. The oxygen monitor shall be mined in accordance with the method
located upstream of any rabble shaft specified under § 60.154(b)(5), except
cooling air inlet into the incinerator that the determination of volatile sol-
exhaust gas stream, fan, ambient air ids, step (3)(b) of the method, may not
recirculation damper, or any other be deleted.
source of dilution air. The oxygen mon- (c) The owner or operator of any mul-
itoring device shall be certified by the tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric
manufacturer to have a relative sludge incinerator subject to the provi-
accurancy of ±5 percent over its oper-
sions of this subpart shall retain the
ating range and shall be calibrated ac-
following information and make it
cording to method(s) prescribed by the
available for inspection by the Admin-
manufacturer at least once each 24-
istrator for a minimum of 2 years:
hour operating period.
(3) Install, calibrate, maintain and (1) For incinerators equipped with a
operate temperature measuring devices wet scrubbing device, a record of the
at every hearth in multiple hearth fur- measured pressure drop of the gas flow
naces; in the bed and outlet of fluidized through the wet scrubbing device, as
bed incinerators; and in the drying, required by paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
combustion, and cooling zones of elec- tion.
tric incinerators. For multiple hearth (2) A record of the measured oxygen
furnaces, a minimum of one tempera- content of the incinerator exhaust gas,
ture measuring device shall be in- as required by paragraph (b)(2) of this
stalled in each hearth in the cooling section.
and drying zones, and a minimum of (3) A record of the rate of sludge
two temperature measuring devices charged to the incinerator, the meas-
shall be installed in each hearth in the ured temperatures of the incinerator,
combustion zone. For electric inciner- the fuel flow to the incinerator, and
ators, a minimum of one temperature the total solids and volatile solids con-
measuring device shall be installed in tent of the sludge charged to the incin-
the drying zone and one in the cooling erator, as required by paragraphs (a)(1),
zone, and a minimum of two tempera- (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this section.
ture measuring devices shall be in- (d) The owner or operator of any mul-
stalled in the combustion zone. Each tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric
temperature measuring device shall be sludge incinerator subject to the provi-
certified by the manufacturer to have sions of this subpart from which the
an accuracy of ±5 percent over its oper- particulate matter emission rate meas-
ating range. Except as provided in ured during the performance test re-
paragraph (d) of this section, the tem- quired under § 60.154(d) is less than or
perature monitoring devices shall be
equal to 0.38 g/kg of dry sludge input
operated continuously and data re-
(0.75 lb/ton) shall be required to comply
corded during all periods of operation
with the requirements in paragraphs
of the incinerator.
(a), (b), and (c) of this section during
(4) Install, calibrate, maintain and
all periods of this incinerator following
operate a device for measuring the fuel
flow to the incinerator. The flow meas- the performance test except that:
uring device shall be certified by the (1) Continuous operation of the moni-
manufacturer to have an accuracy of ±5 toring devices and data recorders in
percent over its operating range. Ex- paragraphs (a)(1), (b)(3), and (b)(4) of
cept as provided in paragraph (d) of the this section shall not be required.
section, the fuel flow measuring device (2) Daily sampling and analysis of
shall be operated continuously and sludge feed in paragraph (b)(5) of this
data recorded during all periods of op- section shall not be required.
eration of the incinerator. (3) Recordkeeping specified in para-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(5) Except as provided in paragraph graph (c)(3) of this section shall not be
(d) of this section, collect and analyze required.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.154

(e) The owner or operator of any tion (cs) and the volumetric flow rate
sludge incinerator other than a mul- (Qsd) of the effluent gas. The sampling
tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric time and sample volume for each run
incinerator or any sludge incinerator shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.90
equipped with a control device other dscm (31.8 dscf).
than a wet scrubber shall submit to the (3) The dry sludge charging rate (S)
Administrator for approval a plan for for each run shall be computed using
monitoring and recording incinerator either of the following equations:
and control device operation param-
eters. The plan shall be submitted to S = Sm R dm /Θ
the Administrator:
(1) No later than 90 days after Octo- S = Sv R dv /K vΘ
ber 6, 1988, for sources which have pro- Where:
vided notification of commencement of S = Charging rate of dry sludge, kg/hr (ton/
construction prior to October 6, 1988. hr).
(2) No later than 90 days after the no- Sm = Total mass of sludge charge, kg (ton).
tification of commencement of con- Rdm = Average mass of dry sludge per unit
struction, for sources which provide mass of sludge charged, kg/kg (ton/ton).
notification of commencement of con- q = Duration of run, hr.
struction on or after October 6, 1988. Sv = Total volume of sludge charged, m3
(3) At least 90 days prior to the date (gal).
Rdv = Average mass of dry sludge per unit
on which the new control device be-
volume of sludge charged, kg/m3 (lb/gal).
comes operative, for sources switching Kv = Conversion factor, 1 g/g (2,000 lb/ton).
to a control device other than a wet
scrubber. (4) the flow measuring device of
§ 60.153(a)(1) shall be used to determine
[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, as amended at 53
the total mass (Sm) or volume (Sv) of
FR 39416, Oct. 6, 1988; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17,
2000] sludge charged to the incinerator dur-
ing each run. If the flow measuring de-
§ 60.154 Test methods and procedures. vice is on a time rate basis, readings
(a) In conducting the performance shall be taken and recorded at 5-
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- minute intervals during the run and
erator shall use as reference methods the total charge of sludge shall be com-
and procedures the test methods in ap- puted using the following equations, as
pendix A of this part or other methods applicable:
and procedures as specified in this sec- n
tion, except as provided for in § 60.8(b).
(b) The owner or operator shall deter-
Sm = ∑ Q / mi θ i
mine compliance with the particulate i =1
matter emission standards in § 60.152 as n
Q vi
Sv = ∑
i =1 θ i
(1) The emission rate (E) of particu-
late matter for each run shall be com-
puted using the following equation: Where:
Sm = Total mass of sludge charged to the in-
cs Q sd cinerator during the test run.
E= Sv = Total volume of sludge charged to the ER17OC00.008</GPH>

KS incinerator during the test run.

Where: Qmi = Average mass flow rate calculated by
E = Emission rate of particulate matter, g/kg averaging the flow rates at the beginning
(lb/ton) of dry sludge input. and end of each interval ‘‘i,’’ kg/hr (ton/
cs = Concentration of particulate matter, g/ hr).

dscm (gr/dscf). Qvi = Average volume flow rate calculated by

Qsd = Volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, averaging the flow rates at the beginning
dscm/hr (dscf/hr). and end of each interval ‘‘i,’’ m3/hr (gal/
S = Charging rate of dry sludge during the hr).
run, kg/hr (ton/hr). qi = Duration of interval ‘‘i,’’ hr.
K = Conversion factor, 1.0 g/g (7,000 gr/lb).

(5) Samples of the sludge charged to

kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(2) Method 5 shall be used to deter- the incinerator shall be collected in

mine the particulate matter concentra- nonporous jars at the beginning of each


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§ 60.155 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

run and at approximately 1-hour inter- ance test shall be determined by the re-
vals thereafter until the test ends; and quirements in § 60.8.
‘‘2540 G. Total, Fixed, and Volatile Sol-
[54 FR 6668, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 54
ids in Solid and Semisolid Samples, in FR 27015, June 27, 1989; 59 FR 5108, Feb. 3,
Standard Methods for the Examination 1994; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000; 79 FR 11250,
of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition, Feb. 27, 2014]
1998’’ (incorporated by reference—see
§ 60.17) shall be used to determine dry § 60.155 Reporting.
sludge content of each sample (total (a) The owner or operator of any mul-
solids residue), except that: tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric
(i) Evaporating dishes shall be ig- sludge incinerator subject to the provi-
nited to at least 103 °C rather than the sions of this subpart shall submit to
550 °C specified in step 3(a)(1). the Administrator semi-annually a re-
(ii) Determination of volatile residue, port in writing which contains the fol-
step 3(b) may be deleted. lowing:
(iii) The quantity of dry sludge per (1) A record of average scrubber pres-
unit sludge charged shall be deter- sure drop measurements for each pe-
mined in terms of kg/m3 (lb/gal) or kg/ riod of 15 minutes duration or more
kg (ton/ton). during which the pressure drop of the
(iv) The average dry sludge content scrubber was less than, by a percentage
shall be the arithmetic average of all specified below, the average scrubber
the samples taken during the run. pressure drop measured during the
(6) Method 9 and the procedures in most recent performance test. The per-
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- cent reduction in scrubber pressure
ity. drop for which a report is required
(c) [Reserved] shall be determined as follows:
(d) The owner or operator of any (i) For incinerators that achieved an
sludge incinerator subject to the provi- average particulate matter emission
sions of this subpart shall conduct a rate of 0.38 kg/Mg (0.75 lb/ton) dry
performance test during which the sludge input or less during the most re-
monitoring and recording devices re- cent performance test, a scrubber pres-
quired under § 60.153(a)(1), (b)(1), (b)(2), sure drop reduction of more than 30
(b)(3), and (b)(4) are installed and oper- percent from the average scrubber
ating and for which the sampling and pressure drop recorded during the most
analysis procedures required under recent performance test shall be re-
§ 60.153(b)(5) are performed. The owner ported.
or operator shall provide the Adminis- (ii) For incinerators that achieved an
trator at least 30 days prior notice of average particulate matter emission
the performance test to afford the Ad- rate of greater than 0.38 kg/Mg (0.75 lb/
ministrator the opportunity to have an ton) dry sludge input during the most
observer present. recent performance test, a percent re-
(1) For incinerators that commenced duction in pressure drop greater than
construction or modification on or be- that calculated according to the fol-
fore April 18, 1986, the performance test lowing equation shall be reported:
shall be conducted within 360 days of P=¥111E + 72.15
the effective date of these regulations
unless the monitoring and recording where P = Percent reduction in pressure
devices required under § 60.153(a)(1), drop, and
(b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), and (b)(4) were in- E = Average particulate matter emissions
stalled and operating and the sampling
and analysis procedures required under (2) A record of average oxygen con-
§ 60.153(b)(5) were performed during the tent in the incinerator exhaust gas for
most recent performance test and a each period of 1-hour duration or more
record of the measurements taken dur- that the oxygen content of the inciner-
ing the performance test is available. ator exhaust gas exceeds the average
(2) For incinerators that commence oxygen content measured during the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

construction or modification after most recent performance test by more

April 18, 1986, the date of the perform- than 3 percent.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.161

(b) The owner or operator of any mul- Subpart P—Standards of Perform-

tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric ance for Primary Copper
sludge incinerator from which the av- Smelters
erage particulate matter emission rate
measured during the performance test
required under § 60.154(d) exceeds 0.38 g/ SOURCE: 41 FR 2338, Jan. 15, 1976, unless
otherwise noted.
kg of dry sludge input (0.75 lb/ton of
dry sludge input) shall include in the § 60.160 Applicability and designation
report for each calendar day that a de- of affected facility.
crease in scrubber pressure drop or in-
(a) The provisions of this subpart are
crease in oxygen content of exhaust
applicable to the following affected fa-
gas is reported a record of the fol-
cilities in primary copper smelters:
Dryer, roaster, smelting furnace, and
(1) Scrubber pressure drop averaged
copper converter.
over each 1-hour incinerator operating
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
of this section that commences con-
(2) Oxygen content in the incinerator
struction or modification after October
exhaust averaged over each 1-hour in-
16, 1974, is subject to the requirements
cinerator operating period.
of this subpart.
(3) Temperatures of every hearth in
multiple hearth incinerators; of the [42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977]
bed and outlet of fluidized bed inciner-
ators; and of the drying, combustion, § 60.161 Definitions.
and cooling zones of electric inciner- As used in this subpart, all terms not
ators averaged over each 1-hour incin- defined herein shall have the meaning
erator operating period. given them in the Act and in subpart A
(4) Rate of sludge charged to the in- of this part.
cinerator averaged over each 1-hour in- (a) Primary copper smelter means any
cinerator operating period. installation or any intermediate proc-
(5) Incinerator fuel use averaged over ess engaged in the production of copper
each 8-hour incinerator operating pe- from copper sulfide ore concentrates
riod. through the use of pyrometallurgical
(6) Moisture and volatile solids con- techniques.
tent of the daily grab sample of sludge (b) Dryer means any facility in which
charged to the incinerator. a copper sulfide ore concentrate charge
(c) The owner or operator of any is heated in the presence of air to
sludge incinerator other than a mul- eliminate a portion of the moisture
tiple hearth, fluidized bed, or electric from the charge, provided less than 5
incinerator or any sludge incinerator percent of the sulfur contained in the
equipped with a control device other charge is eliminated in the facility.
than a wet scrubber shall include in (c) Roaster means any facility in
the semi-annual report a record of con- which a copper sulfide ore concentrate
trol device operation measurements, as charge is heated in the presence of air
specified in the plan approved under to eliminate a significant portion (5
§ 60.153(e). percent or more) of the sulfur con-
tained in the charge.
[53 FR 39417, Oct. 6, 1988]
(d) Calcine means the solid materials
§ 60.156 Delegation of authority. produced by a roaster.
(e) Smelting means processing tech-
(a) In delegating implementation and niques for the melting of a copper sul-
enforcement authority to a State fide ore concentrate or calcine charge
under section 111(c) of the Act, the au- leading to the formation of separate
thorities contained in paragraph (b) of layers of molten slag, molten copper,
this section shall be retained by the and/or copper matte.
Administrator and not transferred to a (f) Smelting furnace means any vessel
State. in which the smelting of copper sulfide
(b) Authorities which will not be del- ore concentrates or calcines is per-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

egated to States: § 60.153(e). formed and in which the heat necessary

[53 FR 39418, Oct. 6, 1988] for smelting is provided by an electric


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§ 60.162 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

current, rapid oxidation of a portion of sulfur dioxide in excess of 0.065 percent

the sulfur contained in the concentrate by volume, except as provided in para-
as it passes through an oxidizing at- graphs (b) and (c) of this section.
mosphere, or the combustion of a fossil (b) Reverberatory smelting furnaces
fuel. shall be exempted from paragraph (a)
(g) Copper converter means any vessel of this section during periods when the
to which copper matte is charged and total smelter charge at the primary
oxidized to copper. copper smelter contains a high level of
(h) Sulfuric acid plant means any fa- volatile impurities.
cility producing sulfuric acid by the (c) A change in the fuel combusted in
contact process. a reverberatory smelting furnace shall
(i) Fossil fuel means natural gas, pe- not be considered a modification under
troleum, coal, and any form of solid, this part.
liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from
such materials for the purpose of cre- § 60.164 Standard for visible emissions.
ating useful heat.
(j) Reverberatory smelting furnace (a) On and after the date on which
means any vessel in which the smelting the performance test required to be
of copper sulfide ore concentrates or conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
calcines is performed and in which the owner or operator subject to the provi-
heat necessary for smelting is provided sions of this subpart shall cause to be
primarily by combustion of a fossil discharged into the atmosphere from
fuel. any dryer any visible emissions which
(k) Total smelter charge means the exhibit greater than 20 percent opacity.
weight (dry basis) of all copper sulfide (b) On and after the date on which
ore concentrates processed at a pri- the performance test required to be
mary copper smelter, plus the weight conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
of all other solid materials introduced owner or operator subject to the provi-
into the roasters and smelting furnaces sions of this subpart shall cause to be
at a primary copper smelter, except discharged into the atmosphere from
calcine, over a one-month period. any affected facility that uses a sul-
(l) High level of volatile impurities furic acid plant to comply with the
means a total smelter charge con- standard set forth in § 60.163, any visi-
taining more than 0.2 weight percent ble emissions which exhibit greater
arsenic, 0.1 weight percent antimony, than 20 percent opacity.
4.5 weight percent lead or 5.5 weight
percent zinc, on a dry basis. § 60.165 Monitoring of operations.
§ 60.162 Standard for particulate mat- (a) The owner or operator of any pri-
ter. mary copper smelter subject to § 60.163
(a) On and after the date on which (b) shall keep a monthly record of the
the performance test required to be total smelter charge and the weight
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no percent (dry basis) of arsenic, anti-
owner or operator subject to the provi- mony, lead and zinc contained in this
sions of this subpart shall cause to be charge. The analytical methods and
discharged into the atmosphere from procedures employed to determine the
any dryer any gases which contain par- weight of the total smelter charge and
ticulate matter in excess of 50 mg/dscm the weight percent of arsenic, anti-
(0.022 gr/dscf). mony, lead and zinc shall be approved
by the Administrator and shall be ac-
§ 60.163 Standard for sulfur dioxide. curate to within plus or minus ten per-
(a) On and after the date on which cent.
the performance test required to be (b) The owner or operator of any pri-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no mary copper smelter subject to the
owner or operator subject to the provi- provisions of this subpart shall install
sions of this subpart shall cause to be and operate:
discharged into the atmosphere from (1) A continuous monitoring system
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

any roaster, smelting furnace, or cop- to monitor and record the opacity of
per converter any gases which contain gases discharged into the atmosphere


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.166

from any dryer. The span of this sys- in excess of the level of the standard
tem shall be set at 80 to 100 percent for less than or equal to 1.5 percent of
opacity. the six-hour periods during the quarter
(2) A continuous monitoring system as indicative of a potential violation of
to monitor and record sulfur dioxide § 60.11(d) provided the affected facility,
emissions discharged into the atmos- including air pollution control equip-
phere from any roaster, smelting fur- ment, is maintained and operated in a
nace or copper converter subject to manner consistent with good air pollu-
§ 60.163 (a). The span of this system tion control practice for minimizing
shall be set at a sulfur dioxide con- emissions during these periods. Emis-
centration of 0.20 percent by volume. sions in excess of the level of the stand-
(i) The continuous monitoring sys- ard during periods of startup, shut-
tem performance evaluation required down, and malfunction are not to be in-
under § 60.13(c) shall be completed prior cluded within the 1.5 percent.
to the initial performance test required [41 FR 2338, Jan. 15, 1976; 41 FR 8346, Feb. 26,
under § 60.8. 1976, as amended at 42 FR 57126, Nov. 1, 1977;
(ii) For the purpose of the continuous 48 FR 23611, May 25, 1983; 54 FR 6668, Feb. 14,
monitoring system performance eval- 1989; 65 FR 61756, Oct. 17, 2000]
uation required under § 60.13(c) the ref-
erence method referred to under the § 60.166 Test methods and procedures.
Relative Accuracy Test Procedure in (a) In conducting performance tests
Performance Specification 2 of appen- required in § 60.8, the owner or operator
dix B to this part shall be Method 6. shall use as reference methods and pro-
For the performance evaluation, each cedures the test methods in appendix A
concentration measurement shall be of of this part or other methods and pro-
one hour duration. The pollutant gas cedures as specified in this section, ex-
used to prepare the calibration gas cept as provided in § 60.8(b).
mixtures required under Performance (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
Specification 2 of appendix B, and for mine compliance with the particulate
calibration checks under § 60.13 (d), matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and visible
shall be sulfur dioxide. emission standards in §§ 60.162, 60.163,
(c) Six-hour average sulfur dioxide and 60.164 as follows:
concentrations shall be calculated and (1) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
recorded daily for the four consecutive mine the particulate matter concentra-
6-hour periods of each operating day. tion. The sampling time and sample
Each six-hour average shall be deter- volume for each run shall be at least 60
mined as the arithmetic mean of the minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf).
appropriate six contiguous one-hour (2) The continuous monitoring sys-
average sulfur dioxide concentrations tem of § 60.165(b)(2) shall be used to de-
provided by the continuous monitoring termine the SO2 concentrations on a
system installed under paragraph (b) of dry basis. The sampling time for each
this section. run shall be 6 hours, and the average
(d) For the purpose of reports re- SO2 concentration shall be computed
quired under § 60.7(c), periods of excess for the 6-hour period as in § 60.165(c).
emissions that shall be reported are de- The monitoring system drift during the
fined as follows: run may not exceed 2 percent of the
(1) Opacity. Any six-minute period span value.
during which the average opacity, as (3) Method 9 and the procedures in
measured by the continuous moni- § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
toring system installed under para- ity.
graph (b) of this section, exceeds the
[54 FR 6668, Feb. 14, 1989]
standard under § 60.164(a).
(2) Sulfur dioxide. All six-hour periods
during which the average emissions of Subpart Q—Standards of Perform-
sulfur dioxide, as measured by the con- ance for Primary Zinc Smelt-
tinuous monitoring system installed ers
under paragraph (b) of this section, ex-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ceed the level of the standard. The Ad- SOURCE: 41 FR 2340, Jan. 15, 1976, unless
ministrator will not consider emissions otherwise noted.


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§ 60.170 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

§ 60.170 Applicability and designation any roaster any gases which contain
of affected facility. sulfur dioxide in excess of 0.065 percent
(a) The provisions of this subpart are by volume.
applicable to the following affected fa- (b) Any sintering machine which
cilities in primary zinc smelters: roast- eliminates more than 10 percent of the
er and sintering machine. sulfur initially contained in the zinc
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) sulfide ore concentrates will be consid-
of this section that commences con- ered as a roaster under paragraph (a) of
struction or modification after October this section.
16, 1974, is subject to the requirements § 60.174 Standard for visible emissions.
of this subpart.
(a) On and after the date on which
[42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977] the performance test required to be
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
§ 60.171 Definitions.
owner or operator subject to the provi-
As used in this subpart, all terms not sions of this subpart shall cause to be
defined herein shall have the meaning discharged into the atmosphere from
given them in the Act and in subpart A any sintering machine any visible
of this part. emissions which exhibit greater than 20
(a) Primary zinc smelter means any in- percent opacity.
stallation engaged in the production, (b) On and after the date on which
or any intermediate process in the pro- the performance test required to be
duction, of zinc or zinc oxide from zinc conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
sulfide ore concentrates through the owner or operator subject to the provi-
use of pyrometallurgical techniques. sions of this subpart shall cause to be
(b) Roaster means any facility in discharged into the atmosphere from
which a zinc sulfide ore concentrate any affected facility that uses a sul-
charge is heated in the presence of air furic acid plant to comply with the
to eliminate a significant portion standard set forth in § 60.173, any visi-
(more than 10 percent) of the sulfur ble emissions which exhibit greater
contained in the charge. than 20 percent opacity.
(c) Sintering machine means any fur-
nace in which calcines are heated in § 60.175 Monitoring of operations.
the presence of air to agglomerate the (a) The owner or operator of any pri-
calcines into a hard porous mass called mary zinc smelter subject to the provi-
sinter. sions of this subpart shall install and
(d) Sulfuric acid plant means any fa- operate:
cility producing sulfuric acid by the (1) A continuous monitoring system
contact process. to monitor and record the opacity of
gases discharged into the atmosphere
§ 60.172 Standard for particulate mat- from any sintering machine. The span
of this system shall be set at 80 to 100
(a) On and after the date on which percent opacity.
the performance test required to be (2) A continuous monitoring system
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no to monitor and record sulfur dioxide
owner or operator subject to the provi- emissions discharged into the atmos-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be phere from any roaster subject to
discharged into the atmosphere from § 60.173. The span of this system shall
any sintering machine any gases which be set at a sulfur dioxide concentration
contain particulate matter in excess of of 0.20 percent by volume.
50 mg/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf). (i) The continuous monitoring sys-
tem performance evaluation required
§ 60.173 Standard for sulfur dioxide. under § 60.13(c) shall be completed prior
(a) On and after the date on which to the initial performance test required
the performance test required to be under § 60.8.
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no (ii) For the purpose of the continuous
owner or operator subject to the provi- monitoring system performance eval-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

sions of this subpart shall cause to be uation required under § 60.13(c), the ref-
discharged into the atmosphere from erence method referred to under the


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.181

Relative Accuracy Test Procedure in tion. The sampling time and sample
Performance Specification 2 of appen- volume for each run shall be at least 60
dix B to this part shall be Method 6. minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf).
For the performance evaluation, each (2) The continuous monitoring sys-
concentration measurement shall be of tem of § 60.175(a)(2) shall be used to de-
1 hour duration. The pollutant gas used termine the SO2 concentrations on a
to prepare the calibration gas mixtures dry basis. The sampling time for each
required under Performance Specifica- run shall be 2 hours, and the average
tion 2 of appendix B, and for calibra-
SO2 concentration for the 2-hour period
tion checks under § 60.13(d), shall be
shall be computed as in § 60.175(b). The
sulfur dioxide.
(b) Two-hour average sulfur dioxide monitoring system drift during the run
concentrations shall be calculated and may not exceed 2 percent of the span
recorded daily for the 12 consecutive 2- value.
hour periods of each operating day. (3) Method 9 and the procedures in
Each 2-hour average shall be deter- § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
mined as the arithmetic mean of the ity.
appropriate two contiguous 1-hour av- [54 FR 6669, Feb. 14, 1989]
erage sulfur dioxide concentrations
provided by the continuous monitoring
system installed under paragraph (a) of Subpart R—Standards of Perform-
this section. ance for Primary Lead Smelt-
(c) For the purpose of reports re- ers
quired under § 60.7(c), periods of excess
emissions that shall be reported are de- SOURCE: 41 FR 2340, Jan. 15, 1976, unless
fined as follows: otherwise noted.
(1) Opacity. Any 6-minute period dur-
ing which the average opacity, as § 60.180 Applicability and designation
measured by the continuous moni- of affected facility.
toring system installed under para-
graph (a) of this section, exceeds the (a) The provisions of this subpart are
standard under § 60.174(a). applicable to the following affected fa-
(2) Sulfur dioxide. Any 2-hour period, cilities in primary lead smelters: sin-
as described in paragraph (b) of this tering machine, sintering machine dis-
section, during which the average charge end, blast furnace, dross rever-
emissions of sulfur dioxide, as meas- beratory furnace, electric smelting fur-
ured by the continuous monitoring sys- nace, and converter.
tem installed under paragraph (a) of (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
this section, exceeds the standard of this section that commences con-
under § 60.173. struction or modification after October
[41 FR 2340, Jan. 15, 1976, as amended at 48 16, 1974, is subject to the requirements
FR 23611, May 25, 1983; 54 FR 6668, Feb. 14, of this subpart.
[42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977]
§ 60.176 Test methods and procedures.
§ 60.181 Definitions.
(a) In conducting the performance
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- As used in this subpart, all terms not
erator shall use as reference methods defined herein shall have the meaning
and procedures the test methods in ap- given them in the Act and in subpart A
pendix A of this part or other methods of this part.
and procedures as specified in this sec- (a) Primary lead smelter means any in-
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). stallation or any intermediate process
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- engaged in the production of lead from
mine compliance with the particulate lead sulfide ore concentrates through
matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and visi- the use of pyrometallurgical tech-
ble emission standards in §§ 60.172, niques.
60.173, and 60.174 as follows:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) Method 5 shall be used to deter-

mine the particulate matter concentra-


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§ 60.182 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(b) Sintering machine means any fur- contain sulfur dioxide in excess of 0.065
nace in which a lead sulfide ore con- percent by volume.
centrate charge is heated in the pres- (b) [Reserved]
ence of air to eliminate sulfur con-
tained in the charge and to agglom- § 60.184 Standard for visible emissions.
erate the charge into a hard porous (a) On and after the date on which
mass called sinter. the performance test required to be
(c) Sinter bed means the lead sulfide conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
ore concentrate charge within a sinter- owner or operator subject to the provi-
ing machine. sions of this subpart shall cause to be
(d) Sintering machine discharge end discharged into the atmosphere from
means any apparatus which receives any blast furnace, dross reverberatory
sinter as it is discharged from the con- furnace, or sintering machine dis-
veying grate of a sintering machine. charge end any visible emissions which
(e) Blast furnace means any reduction exhibit greater than 20 percent opacity.
furnace to which sinter is charged and (b) On and after the date on which
which forms separate layers of molten the performance test required to be
slag and lead bullion. conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
(f) Dross reverberatory furnace means owner or operator subject to the provi-
any furnace used for the removal or re- sions of this subpart shall cause to be
fining of impurities from lead bullion. discharged into the atmosphere from
(g) Electric smelting furnace means any any affected facility that uses a sul-
furnace in which the heat necessary for furic acid plant to comply with the
smelting of the lead sulfide ore con- standard set forth in § 60.183, any visi-
centrate charge is generated by passing ble emissions which exhibit greater
an electric current through a portion than 20 percent opacity.
of the molten mass in the furnace. § 60.185 Monitoring of operations.
(h) Converter means any vessel to
which lead concentrate or bullion is (a) The owner or operator of any pri-
charged and refined. mary lead smelter subject to the provi-
sions of this subpart shall install and
(i) Sulfuric acid plant means any facil-
ity producing sulfuric acid by the con-
(1) A continuous monitoring system
tact process.
to monitor and record the opacity of
§ 60.182 Standard for particulate mat- gases discharged into the atmosphere
ter. from any blast furnace, dross rever-
beratory furnace, or sintering machine
(a) On and after the date on which discharge end. The span of this system
the performance test required to be shall be set at 80 to 100 percent opacity.
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no (2) A continuous monitoring system
owner or operator subject to the provi- to monitor and record sulfur dioxide
sions of this subpart shall cause to be emissions discharged into the atmos-
discharged into the atmosphere from phere from any sintering machine,
any blast furnace, dross reverberatory electric furnace or converter subject to
furnace, or sintering machine dis- § 60.183. The span of this system shall
charge end any gases which contain be set at a sulfur dioxide concentration
particulate matter in excess of 50 mg/ of 0.20 percent by volume.
dscm (0.022 gr/dscf). (i) The continuous monitoring sys-
(b) [Reserved] tem performance evaluation required
under § 60.13(c) shall be completed prior
§ 60.183 Standard for sulfur dioxide. to the initial performance test required
(a) On and after the date on which under § 60.8.
the performance test required to be (ii) For the purpose of the continuous
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no monitoring system performance eval-
owner or operator subject to the provi- uation required under § 60.13(c), the ref-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be erence method referred to under the
discharged into the atmosphere from Relative Accuracy Test Procedure in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

any sintering machine, electric smelt- Performance Specification 2 of appen-

ing furnace, or converter gases which dix B to this part shall be Method 6.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.191

For the performance evaluation, each (2) The continuous monitoring sys-
concentration measurement shall be of tem of § 60.185(a)(2) shall be used to de-
one hour duration. The pollutant gases termine the SO2 concentrations on a
used to prepare the calibration gas dry basis. The sampling time for each
mixtures required under Performance run shall be 2 hours, and the average
Specification 2 of appendix B, and for SO2 concentration for the 2-hour period
calibration checks under § 60.13(d), shall be computed as in § 60.185(b). The
shall be sulfur dioxide. monitoring system drift during the run
(b) Two-hour average sulfur dioxide may not exceed 2 percent of the span
concentrations shall be calculated and value.
recorded daily for the twelve consecu- (3) Method 9 and the procedures in
tive two-hour periods of each operating § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
day. Each two-hour average shall be ity.
determined as the arithmetic mean of
[54 FR 6669, Feb. 14, 1989]
the appropriate two contiguous one-
hour average sulfur dioxide concentra-
tions provided by the continuous moni- Subpart S—Standards of Perform-
toring system installed under para- ance for Primary Aluminum
graph (a) of this section. Reduction Plants
(c) For the purpose of reports re-
quired under § 60.7(c), periods of excess SOURCE: 45 FR 44207, June 30, 1980, unless
emissions that shall be reported are de- otherwise noted.
fined as follows:
(1) Opacity. Any six-minute period § 60.190 Applicability and designation
during which the average opacity, as of affected facility.
measured by the continuous moni- (a) The affected facilities in primary
toring system installed under para- aluminum reduction plants to which
graph (a) of this section, exceeds the this subpart applies are potroom
standard under § 60.184(a). groups and anode bake plants.
(2) Sulfur dioxide. Any two-hour pe- (b) Except as provided in paragraph
riod, as described in paragraph (b) of (c) of this section, any affected facility
this section, during which the average under paragraph (a) of this section that
emissions of sulfur dioxide, as meas- commences construction or modifica-
ured by the continuous monitoring sys- tion after October 23, 1974, is subject to
tem installed under paragraph (a) of the requirements of this subpart.
this section, exceeds the standard (c) An owner or operator of an af-
under § 60.183. fected facility under paragraph (a) of
[41 FR 2340, Jan. 15, 1976, as amended at 48
this section may elect to comply with
FR 23611, May 25, 1983; 54 FR 6668, Feb. 14, the requirements of this subpart or the
1989] requirements of subpart LL of part 63
of this chapter.
§ 60.186 Test methods and procedures.
[42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977, as amended at 45
(a) In conducting the performance FR 44206, June 30, 1980; 62 FR 52399, Oct. 7,
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- 1997]
erator shall use as reference methods
and procedures the test methods in ap- § 60.191 Definitions.
pendix A of this part or other methods As used in this subpart, all terms not
and procedures as specified in this sec- defined herein shall have the meaning
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). given them in the Act and in subpart A
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- of this part.
mine compliance with the particulate Aluminum equivalent means an
matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and visi- amount of aluminum which can be pro-
ble emission standards in §§ 60.182, duced from a Mg of anodes produced by
60.183, and 60.184 as follows: an anode bake plant as determined by
(1) Method 5 shall be used to deter- § 60.195(g).
mine the particulate matter concentra- Anode bake plant means a facility
tion. The sampling time and sample which produces carbon anodes for use
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

volume for each run shall be at least 60 in a primary aluminum reduction

minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf). plant.


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§ 60.192 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

Potroom means a building unit which operating at the affected facility dur-
houses a group of electrolytic cells in ing the performance test; and
which aluminum is produced. (3) 0.05 kg/Mg (0.1 lb/ton) of aluminum
Potroom group means an uncontrolled equivalent for anode bake plants.
potroom, a potroom which is controlled (b) Within 30 days of any performance
individually, or a group of potrooms or test which reveals emissions which fall
potroom segments ducted to a common between the 1.0 kg/Mg and 1.3 kg/Mg
control system. levels in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
Primary aluminum reduction plant tion or between the 0.95 kg/Mg and 1.25
means any facility manufacturing alu- kg/Mg levels in paragraph (a)(2) of this
minum by electrolytic reduction. section, the owner or operator shall
submit a report indicating whether all
Primary control system means an air
necessary control devices were on-line
pollution control system designed to
and operating properly during the per-
remove gaseous and particulate
formance test, describing the operating
flourides from exhaust gases which are
and maintenance procedures followed,
captured at the cell.
and setting forth any explanation for
Roof monitor means that portion of the excess emissions, to the Director of
the roof of a potroom where gases not the Enforcement Division of the appro-
captured at the cell exit from the priate EPA Regional Office.
Total fluorides means elemental fluo- [45 FR 44207, June 30, 1980, as amended at 65
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]
rine and all fluoride compounds as
measured by reference methods speci- § 60.193 Standard for visible emissions.
fied in § 60.195 or by equivalent or alter-
native methods (see § 60.8(b)). (a) On and after the date on which
the performance test required to be
§ 60.192 Standard for fluorides. conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
owner or operator subject to the provi-
(a) On and after the date on which sions of this subpart shall cause to be
the initial performance test required to discharged into the atmosphere:
be conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no (1) From any potroom group any
owner or operator subject to the provi- gases which exhibit 10 percent opacity
sions of this subpart shall cause to be or greater, or
discharged into the atmosphere from (2) From any anode bake plant any
any affected facility any gases con- gases which exhibit 20 percent opacity
taining total fluorides, as measured ac- or greater.
cording to § 60.195, in excess of:
(1) 1.0 kg/Mg (2.0 lb/ton) of aluminum § 60.194 Monitoring of operations.
produced for potroom groups at (a) The owner or operator of any af-
Soderberg plants: except that emis- fected facility subject to the provisions
sions between 1.0 kg/Mg and 1.3 kg/Mg of this subpart shall install, calibrate,
(2.6 lb/ton) will be considered in com- maintain, and operate monitoring de-
pliance if the owner or operator dem- vices which can be used to determine
onstrates that exemplary operation daily the weight of aluminum and
and maintenance procedures were used anode produced. The weighing devices
with respect to the emission control shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent
system and that proper control equip- over their operating range.
ment was operating at the affected fa- (b) The owner or operator of any af-
cility during the performance tests; fected facility shall maintain a record
(2) 0.95 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of aluminum of daily production rates of aluminum
produced for potroom groups at and anodes, raw material feed rates,
prebake plants; except that emissions and cell or potline voltages.
between 0.95 kg/Mg and 1.25 kg/Mg (2.5 (c) Following the initial performance
lb/ton) will be considered in compliance test as required under § 60.8(a), an
if the owner or operator demonstrates owner or operator shall conduct a per-
that exemplary operation and mainte- formance test at least once each month
nance procedures were used with re- during the life of the affected facility,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

spect to the emission control system except when malfunctions prevent rep-
and that proper control equipment was resentative sampling, as provided


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.195

under § 60.8(c). The owner or operator computed for each run using the fol-
shall give the Administrator at least 15 lowing equation:
days advance notice of each test. The Ep = [(Cs Qsd)1 + (Cs Qsd)2]/(P K)
Administrator may require additional
testing under section 114 of the Clean where:
Air Act. Ep = emission rate of total fluorides from a
(d) An owner or operator may peti- potroom group, kg/Mg (lb/ton).
Cs = concentration of total fluorides, mg/
tion the Administrator to establish an
dscm (gr/dscf).
alternative testing requirement that Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas,
requires testing less frequently than dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
once each month for a primary control P = aluminum production rate, Mg/hr (ton/
system or an anode bake plant. If the hr).
owner or operator show that emissions K = conversion factor, 106 mg/kg (7,000 gr/lb).
from the primary control system or the 1 = subscript for primary control system ef-
fluent gas.
anode bake plant have low variability 2 = subscript for secondary control system or
during day-to-day operations, the Ad- roof monitor effluent gas.
ministrator may establish such an al-
ternative testing requirement. The al- (2) The emission rate (Eb) of total
ternative testing requirement shall in- fluorides from anode bake plants shall
clude a testing schedule and, in the be computed for each run using the fol-
case of a primary control system, the lowing equation:
method to be used to determine pri- Eb = (Cs Qsd)/(PeK)
mary control system emissions for the
purpose of performance tests. The Ad-
ministrator shall publish the alter- Eb = emission rate of total fluorides, kg/Mg
(lb/ton) of aluminum equivalent.
native testing requirement in the FED- Cs = concentration of total fluorides, mg/
ERAL REGISTER. dscm (gr/dscf).
(1) Alternative testing requirements Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas,
are established for Anaconda Alu- dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
minum Company’s Sebree plant in Hen- Pe = aluminum equivalent for anode produc-
derson, Kentucky: The anode bake tion rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
K = conversion factor, 106 mg/kg (7,000 gr/lb).
plant and primary control system are
to be tested once a year rather than (3) Methods 13A or 13B shall be used
once a month. for ducts or stacks, and Method 14 for
(2) Alternative testing requirements roof monitors not employing stacks or
are established for Alumax of South pollutant collection systems, to deter-
Carolina’s Mt. Holly Plant in Mt. mine the total fluorides concentration
Holly, South Carolina: The anode bake (Cs) and volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of
plant and primary control system are the effluent gas. The sampling time
to be tested once a year rather than and sample volume for each run shall
once a month. be at least 8 hours and 6.80 dscm (240
dscf) for potroom groups and at least 4
[45 FR 44207, June 30, 1980, as amended at 54 hours and 3.40 dscm (120 dscf) for anode
FR 6669, Feb. 14, 1989]
bake plants.
§ 60.195 Test methods and procedures. (4) The monitoring devices of
§ 60.194(a) shall be used to determine
(a) In conducting the performance the daily weight of aluminum and
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- anode produced.
erator shall use as reference methods (i) The aluminum production rate (P)
and procedures the test methods in ap- shall be determined by dividing 720
pendix A of this part or other methods hours into the weight of aluminum
and procedures as specified in this sec- tapped from the affected facility dur-
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). ing a period of 30 days before and in-
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- cluding the final run of a performance
mine compliance with the total test.
fluorides and visible emission stand- (ii) The aluminum equivalent produc-
ards in §§ 60.192 and 60.193 as follows: tion rate (Pe) for anodes shall be deter-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(1) The emission rate (Ep) of total mined as 2 times the average weight of
fluorides from potroom groups shall be anode produced during a representative


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§ 60.200 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

oven cycle divided by the cycle time. § 60.202 Standard for fluorides.
An owner or operator may establish a
(a) On and after the date on which
multiplication factor other than 2 by
submitting production records of the the performance test required to be
amount of aluminum produced and the conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
concurrent weight of anodes consumed owner or operator subject to the provi-
by the potrooms. sions of this subpart shall cause to be
(5) Method 9 and the procedures in discharged into the atmosphere from
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- any affected facility any gases which
ity. contain total fluorides in excess of 10.0
g/Mg of equivalent P2O5 feed (0.020 lb/
[54 FR 6669, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65 ton).
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]
[40 FR 33154, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65
Subpart T—Standards of Perform- FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]
ance for the Phosphate Fer- § 60.203 Monitoring of operations.
tilizer Industry: Wet-Process
Phosphoric Acid Plants (a) The owner or operator of any wet-
process phosphoric acid plant subject
§ 60.200 Applicability and designation to the provisions of this subpart shall
of affected facility. install, calibrate, maintain, and oper-
(a) The affected facility to which the ate a monitoring device which can be
provisions of this subpart apply is each used to determine the mass flow of
wet-process phosphoric acid plant hav- phosphorus-bearing feed material to
ing a design capacity of more than 15 the process. The monitoring device
tons of equivalent P2O5 feed per cal- shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent
endar day. over its operating range.
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) (b) The owner or operator of any wet-
of this section that commences con- process phosphoric acid plant shall
struction or modification after October maintain a daily record of equivalent
22, 1974, is subject to the requirements P2O5 feed by first determining the total
of this subpart. mass rate in Mg/hr of phosphorus bear-
[42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977, as amended at 48
ing feed using a monitoring device for
FR 7129, Feb. 17, 1983; 80 FR 50432, Aug. 19, measuring mass flowrate which meets
2015] the requirements of paragraph (a) of
this section and then by proceeding ac-
§ 60.201 Definitions. cording to § 60.204(b)(3).
As used in this subpart, all terms not (c) The owner or operator of any wet-
defined herein shall have the meaning process phosphoric acid plant subject
given them in the Act and in subpart A to the provisions of this part shall in-
of this part. stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
(a) Wet-process phosphoric acid plant a monitoring device which continu-
means any facility manufacturing ously measures and permanently
phosphoric acid by reacting phosphate records the total pressure drop across
rock and acid. A wet-process phos- the absorber. The monitoring device
phoric acid plant includes: Reactors, shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent
filters, evaporators, and hot wells. over its operating range.
(b) Total fluorides means elemental (d) Any facility under § 60.200(a) that
fluorine and all fluoride compounds as commences construction, modification
measured by reference methods speci- or reconstruction after November 7,
fied in § 60.204, or equivalent or alter- 2014 is subject to the requirements of
native methods. this paragraph instead of the require-
(c) Equivalent P2O5 feed means the ments in paragraph (c) of this section.
quantity of phosphorus, expressed as If an absorber is used to comply with
phosphorus pentoxide, fed to the proc- § 60.202, then the owner or operator
ess. shall continuously monitor pressure
drop through the absorber and meet
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

[40 FR 33154, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65

FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000; 80 FR 50433, Aug. 19, the requirements specified in para-
2015] graphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.205

(1) The owner or operator shall in- and procedures the test methods in ap-
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate pendix A of this part or other methods
a continuous monitoring system (CMS) and procedures as specified in this sec-
that continuously measures and per- tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
manently records the pressure at the (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
gas stream inlet and outlet of the ab- mine compliance with the total
sorber. The pressure at the gas stream fluorides standard in § 60.202 as follows:
inlet of the absorber may be measured (1) The emission rate (E) of total
using amperage on the blower if a cor- fluorides shall be computed for each
relation between pressure and amper- run using the following equation:
age is established.
(2) The CMS must have an accuracy ⎛N ⎞
of ±5 percent over the normal range E = ⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ / ( PK )
measured or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches ⎝ i =1 ⎠
of water column), whichever is greater.
(3) The owner or operator shall estab-
E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/Mg (lb/
lish an allowable range for the pressure
ton) of equivalent P2O5 feed.
drop through the absorber. The allow- Csi = concentration of total fluorides from
able range is ±20 percent of the arith- emission point ‘‘i,’’ mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
metic average of the three test runs Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas
conducted during the performance test from emission point ‘‘i,’’ dscm/hr (dscf/
required in § 60.8. The Administrator hr).
retains the right to reduce the ±20 per- N = number of emission points associated
cent adjustment to the baseline aver- with the affected facility.
P = equivalent P2O5 feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
age values of operating ranges in those K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb).
instances where performance test re-
sults indicate that a source’s level of (2) Method 13A or 13B shall be used to
emissions is near the value of an appli- determine the total fluorides con-
cable emissions standard. However, the centration (Csi) and volumetric flow
adjustment must not be reduced to less rate (Qsdi) of the effluent gas from each
than ±10 percent under any instance. of the emission points. The sampling
(4) The owner or operator shall dem- time and sample volume for each run
onstrate continuous compliance by shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.85
maintaining the daily average pressure dscm (30 dscf).
drop through the absorber to within (3) The equivalent P2O5 feed rate (P)
the allowable range established in shall be computed for each run using
paragraph (d)(3) of this section. The the following equation:
daily average pressure drop through P = Mp Rp
the absorber for each operating day
shall be calculated using the data re- where:
corded by the monitoring system. If Mp = total mass flow rate of phosphorus-
the emissions unit operation is contin- bearing feed, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
Rp = P2O5 content, decimal fraction.
uous, the operating day is a 24-hour pe-
riod. If the emissions unit operation is (i) The accountability system of
not continuous, the operating day is § 60.203(a) shall be used to determine
the total number of hours of control the mass flow rate (Mp) of the phos-
device operation per 24-hour period. phorus-bearing feed.
Valid data points must be available for (ii) The Association of Official Ana-
75 percent of the operating hours in an lytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 9 (in-
operating day to compute the daily av- corporated by reference—see § 60.17)
erage. shall be used to determine the P2O5
content (Rp) of the feed.
[40 FR 3154, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 54 FR
6669, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000; [54 FR 6669, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65
80 FR 50433, Aug. 19, 2015] FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]

§ 60.204 Test methods and procedures. § 60.205 Recordkeeping.

(a) In conducting the performance Any facility under § 60.200(a) that
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- commences construction, modification

erator shall use as reference methods or reconstruction after November 7,


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§ 60.210 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

2014 is subject to the requirements of eventual consumption as a fertilizer. A

this section. You must maintain the superphosphoric acid plant includes:
records identified as specified in evaporators, hot wells, acid sumps, oxi-
§ 60.7(f) and in paragraphs (a) and (b) of dation reactors, and cooling tanks. An
this section. All records required by oxidation reactor includes any equip-
this subpart must be maintained on ment or step that uses an oxidizing
site for at least 5 years. agent (e.g., nitric acid, ammonium ni-
(a) Records of the daily average pres- trate, or potassium permanganate) to
sure. Records of the daily average pres- treat superphosphoric acid.
sure drop through the absorber. (b) Total fluorides means elemental
(b) Records of deviations. A deviation fluorine and all fluoride compounds as
is determined to have occurred when measured by reference methods speci-
the monitoring data or lack of moni- fied in § 60.214, or equivalent or alter-
toring data result in any one of the cri- native methods.
teria specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (c) Equivalent P2O5 feed means the
(2) of this section being met. quantity of phosphorus, expressed as
(1) A deviation occurs when the daily phosphorus pentoxide, fed to the proc-
average value of a monitored operating
parameter is less than the minimum
pressure drop, or greater than the max- [40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65
imum pressure drop established in FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000; 80 FR 50433, Aug. 19,
§ 60.203(d)(3). 2015]
(2) A deviation occurs when the mon-
itoring data are not available for at § 60.212 Standard for fluorides.
least 75 percent of the operating hours (a) On and after the date on which
in a day. the performance test required to be
[80 FR 50433, Aug. 19, 2015] conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
owner or operator subject to the provi-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be
Subpart U—Standards of Perform- discharged into the atmosphere from
ance for the Phosphate Fer- any affected facility any gases which
tilizer Industry: Superphos- contain total fluorides in excess of 5.0
phoric Acid Plants g/megagram (Mg) of equivalent P2O5
feed (0.010 lb/ton).
§ 60.210 Applicability and designation
of affected facility. (b) [Reserved]
(a) The affected facility to which the [40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65
provisions of this subpart apply is each FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]
superphosphoric acid plant having a de-
sign capacity of more than 15 tons of § 60.213 Monitoring of operations.
equivalent P2O5 feed per calendar day. (a) The owner or operator of any
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) superphosphoric acid plant subject to
of this section that commences con- the provisions of this subpart shall in-
struction or modification after October stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
22, 1974, is subject to the requirements a flow monitoring device which can be
of this subpart. used to determine the mass flow of
[42 FR 37937, July 25, 1977, as amended at 48 phosphorus-bearing feed material to
FR 7129, Feb. 17, 1983; 80 FR 50433, Aug. 19, the process. The flow monitoring de-
2015] vice shall have an accuracy of ±5 per-
cent over its operating range.
§ 60.211 Definitions. (b) The owner or operator of any
As used in this subpart, all terms not superphosphoric acid plant shall main-
defined herein shall have the meaning tain a daily record of equivalent P2O5
given them in the Act and in subpart A feed by first determining the total
of this part. mass rate in Mg/hr of phosphorus-bear-
(a) Superphosphoric acid plant means ing feed using a flow monitoring device
any facility that concentrates wet- meeting the requirements of paragraph
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

process phosphoric acid to 66 percent or (a) of this section and then by pro-
greater P2O5 content by weight for ceeding according to § 60.214(b)(3).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.214

(c) Except as specified in paragraph the allowable range established in

(d) of this section, the owner or oper- paragraph (d)(3) of this section. The
ator of any superphosphoric acid plant daily average pressure drop through
subject to the provisions of this part the absorber for each operating day
shall install, calibrate, maintain, and shall be calculated using the data re-
operate a monitoring device which con- corded by the monitoring system. If
tinuously measures and permanently the emissions unit operation is contin-
records the total pressure drop across uous, the operating day is a 24-hour pe-
the absorber. The monitoring device riod. If the emissions unit operation is
shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent not continuous, the operating day is
over its operating range. the total number of hours of control
(d) Any affected facility as defined in device operation per 24-hour period.
§ 60.210(a) that commences construc- Valid data points must be available for
tion, modification or reconstruction 75 percent of the operating hours in an
after November 7, 2014 is subject to the operating day to compute the daily av-
requirements of this paragraph instead erage.
of the requirements in paragraph (c) of
[40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 54
this section. If an absorber is used to FR 6670, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17,
comply with § 60.212, then the owner or 2000; 80 FR 50433, Aug. 19, 2015]
operator shall continuously monitor
pressure drop through the absorber and § 60.214 Test methods and procedures.
meet the requirements specified in
(a) In conducting the performance
paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
erator shall use as reference methods
(1) The owner or operator shall in-
and procedures the test methods in ap-
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
pendix A of this part or other methods
a continuous monitoring system (CMS)
and procedures as specified in this sec-
that continuously measures and per-
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
manently records the pressure at the
gas stream inlet and outlet of the ab- (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
sorber. The pressure at the gas stream mine compliance with the total
inlet of the absorber may be measured fluorides standard in § 60.212 as follows:
using amperage on the blower if a cor- (1) The emission rate (E) of total
relation between pressure and amper- fluorides shall be computed for each
age is established. run using the following equation:
(2) The CMS must have an accuracy
of ±5 percent over the normal range ⎛N ⎞
measured or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches E = ⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ / ( PK )
of water column), whichever is greater. ⎝ i =1 ⎠
(3) The owner or operator shall estab- where:
lish an allowable range for the pressure E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/Mg (lb/
drop through the absorber. The allow- ton) of equivalent P2O5 feed.
able range is ±20 percent of the arith- Csi = concentration of total fluorides from
metic average of the three test runs emission point ‘‘i,’’ mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
conducted during the performance test Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas
required in § 60.8. The Administrator from emission point ‘‘i,’’ dscm/hr (dscf/
retains the right to reduce the ±20 per- hr).
cent adjustment to the baseline aver- N = number of emission points associated
age values of operating ranges in those with the affected facility.
P = equivalent P2O5 feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
instances where performance test re-
K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb).
sults indicate that a source’s level of
emissions is near the value of an appli- (2) Method 13A or 13B shall be used to
cable emissions standard. However, the determine the total fluorides con-
adjustment must not be reduced to less centration (Csi) and volumetric flow
than ±10 percent under any instance. rate (Qsdi) of the effluent gas from each
(4) The owner or operator shall dem- of the emission points. The sampling
onstrate continuous compliance by time and sample volume for each run
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

maintaining the daily average pressure shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.85
drop through the absorber to within dscm (30 dscf).


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§ 60.215 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(3) The equivalent P2O5 feed rate (P) Subpart V—Standards of Perform-
shall be computed for each run using ance for the Phosphate Fer-
the following equation: tilizer Industry: Diammonium
P = Mp Rp Phosphate Plants
§ 60.220 Applicability and designation
Mp = total mass flow rate of phosphorus- of affected facility.
bearing feed, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
Rp = P2O5 content, decimal fraction. (a) The affected facility to which the
provisions of this subpart apply is each
(i) The accountability system of granular diammonium phosphate plant
§ 60.213(a) shall be used to determine having a design capacity of more than
the mass flow rate (Mp) of the phos- 15 tons of equivalent P2O5 feed per cal-
phorus-bearing feed. endar day. For the purpose of this sub-
(ii) The Association of Official Ana- part, the affected facility includes any
lytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 9 (in- combination of: reactors, granulators,
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) dryers, coolers, screens, and mills.
shall be used to determine the P2O5 (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
content (Rp) of the feed. of this section that commences con-
[54 FR 6670, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65 struction or modification after October
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000] 22, 1974, is subject to the requirements
of this subpart.
§ 60.215 Recordkeeping.
[42 FR 37938, July 25, 1977, as amended at 48
An affected facility as defined in FR 7129, Feb. 17, 1983]
§ 60.210(a) that commences construc-
tion, modification, or reconstruction § 60.221 Definitions.
after November 7, 2014 is subject to the As used in this subpart, all terms not
requirements of this section. You must defined herein shall have the meaning
maintain the records identified as spec- given them in the Act and in subpart A
ified in § 60.7(f) and in paragraphs (a) of this part.
and (b) of this section. All records re- (a) Granular diammonium phosphate
quired by this subpart must be main- plant means any plant manufacturing
tained on site for at least 5 years. granular diammonium phosphate by re-
(a) Records of the daily average pres- acting phosphoric acid with ammonia.
sure. Records of the daily average pres- (b) Total fluorides means elemental
sure drop through the absorber. fluorine and all fluoride compounds as
(b) Records of deviations. A deviation measured by reference methods speci-
is determined to have occurred when fied in § 60.224, or equivalent or alter-
the monitoring data or lack of moni- native methods.
toring data result in any one of the cri- (c) Equivalent P2O5 feed means the
teria specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and quantity of phosphorus, expressed as
(2) of this section being met. phosphorus pentoxide, fed to the proc-
(1) A deviation occurs when the daily ess.
average value of a monitored operating
[40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975]
parameter is less than the minimum
pressure drop, or greater than the max- § 60.222 Standard for fluorides.
imum pressure drop established in
§ 60.213(d)(3). (a) On and after the date on which
(2) A deviation occurs when the mon- the performance test required to be
itoring data are not available for at conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
least 75 percent of the operating hours owner or operator subject to the provi-
in a day. sions of this subpart shall cause to be
discharged into the atmosphere from
[80 FR 50434, Aug. 19, 2015] any affected facility any gases which
contain total fluorides in excess of 30 g/
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

megagram (Mg) of equivalent P2O5 feed

(0.060 lb/ton).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.224

(b) [Reserved] relation between pressure and amper-

[40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65
age is established.
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000] (2) The CMS must have an accuracy
of ±5 percent over the normal range
§ 60.223 Monitoring of operations. measured or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches
(a) The owner or operator of any of water column), whichever is greater.
granular diammonium phosphate plant (3) The owner or operator shall estab-
subject to the provisions of this sub- lish an allowable range for the pressure
part shall install, calibrate, maintain, drop through the absorber. The allow-
and operate a flow monitoring device able range is ±20 percent of the arith-
which can be used to determine the metic average of the three test runs
mass flow of phosphorus-bearing feed conducted during the performance test
material to the process. The flow moni- required in § 60.8. The Administrator
toring device shall have an accuracy of retains the right to reduce the ±20 per-
±5 percent over its operating range. cent adjustment to the baseline aver-
(b) The owner or operator of any age values of operating ranges in those
granular diammonium phosphate plant instances where performance test re-
shall maintain a daily record of equiva- sults indicate that a source’s level of
lent P2O5 feed by first determining the emissions is near the value of an appli-
total mass rate in Mg/hr of phosphorus- cable emissions standard. However, the
bearing feed using a flow monitoring adjustment must not be reduced to less
device meeting the requirements of than ±10 percent under any instance.
paragraph (a) of this section and then
(4) The owner or operator shall dem-
by proceeding according to
§ 60.224(b)(3). onstrate continuous compliance by
(c) Except as specified in paragraph maintaining the daily average pressure
(d) of this section, the owner or oper- drop through the absorber to within
ator of any granular diammonium the allowable range established in
phosphate plant subject to the provi- paragraph (d)(3) of this section. The
sions of this subpart shall install, cali- daily average pressure drop through
brate, maintain, and operate a moni- the absorber for each operating day
toring device which continuously shall be calculated using the data re-
measures and permanently records the corded by the monitoring system. If
total pressure drop across the scrub- the emissions unit operation is contin-
bing system. The monitoring device uous, the operating day is a 24-hour pe-
shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent riod. If the emissions unit operation is
over its operating range. not continuous, the operating day is
(d) Any affected facility as defined in the total number of hours of control
§ 60.220(a) that commences construc- device operation per 24-hour period.
tion, modification, or reconstruction Valid data points must be available for
after November 7, 2014 is subject to the 75 percent of the operating hours in an
requirements of this paragraph instead operating day to compute the daily av-
of the requirements in paragraph (c) of erage.
this section. If an absorber is used to
comply with § 60.222, then the owner or [40 FR 33155, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 54
FR 6670, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17,
operator shall continuously monitor 2000; 80 FR 50434, Aug. 19, 2015]
pressure drop through the absorber and
meet the requirements specified in § 60.224 Test methods and procedures.
paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this
section. (a) In conducting the performance
(1) The owner or operator shall in- tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate erator shall use as reference methods
a continuous monitoring system (CMS) and procedures the test methods in ap-
that continuously measures and per- pendix A of this part or other methods
manently records the pressure at the and procedures as specified in this sec-
gas stream inlet and outlet of the ab- tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
sorber. The pressure at the gas stream (b) The owner or operator shall deter-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

inlet of the absorber may be measured mine compliance with the total
using amperage on the blower if a cor- fluorides standard in § 60.222 as follows:


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§ 60.225 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(1) The emission rate (E) of total quired by this subpart must be main-
fluorides shall be computed for each tained on site for at least 5 years.
run using the following equation: (a) Records of the daily average pres-
sure drop through the absorber.
⎛N ⎞ (b) Records of deviations. A deviation
E = ⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ / ( PK ) is determined to have occurred when
⎝ i =1 ⎠ the monitoring data or lack of moni-
toring data result in any one of the cri-
teria specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and
E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/Mg (lb/ (2) of this section being met.
ton) of equivalent P2O5 feed. (1) A deviation occurs when the daily
Csi = concentration of total fluorides from
emission point ‘‘i,’’ mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
average value of a monitored operating
Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas parameter is less than the minimum
from emission point ‘‘i,’’ dscm/hr (dscf/ pressure drop, or greater than the max-
hr). imum pressure drop established in
N = number of emission points associated § 60.223(d)(3).
with the affected facility. (2) A deviation occurs when the mon-
P = equivalent P2O5 feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr). itoring data are not available for at
K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb). least 75 percent of the operating hours
(2) Method 13A or 13B shall be used to in a day.
determine the total fluorides con- [80 FR 50434, Aug. 19, 2015]
centration (Csi) and volumetric flow
rate (Qsdi) of the effluent gas from each Subpart W—Standards of Perform-
of the emission points. The sampling ance for the Phosphate Fer-
time and sample volume for each run
shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.85 tilizer Industry: Triple Super-
dscm (30 dscf). phosphate Plants
(3) The equivalent P2O5 feed rate (P) § 60.230 Applicability and designation
shall be computed for each run using of affected facility.
the following equation:
(a) The affected facility to which the
P = Mp Rp provisions of this subpart apply is each
where: triple superphosphate plant having a
design capacity of more than 15 tons of
Mp = total mass flow rate of phosphorus-
bearing feed, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
equivalent P2O5 feed per calendar day.
Rp = P2O5 content, decimal fraction. For the purpose of this subpart, the af-
fected facility includes any combina-
(i) The accountability system of tion of: mixers, curing belts (dens), re-
§ 60.223(a) shall be used to determine actors, granulators, dryers, coolers,
the mass flow rate (Mp) of the phos- screens, mills, and facilities that store
phorus-bearing feed. run-of-pile triple superphosphate.
(ii) The Association of Official Ana- (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
lytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 9 (in- of this section that commences con-
corporated by reference—see § 60.17) struction or modification after October
shall be used to determine the P2O5 22, 1974, is subject to the requirements
content (Rp) of the feed. of this subpart.
[54 FR 6670, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 65 [42 FR 37938, July 25, 1977, as amended at 48
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000; 80 FR 50434, Aug. 19, FR 7129, Feb. 17, 1983; 80 FR 50435, Aug. 19,
2015] 2015]

§ 60.225 Recordkeeping. § 60.231 Definitions.

An affected facility as defined in As used in this subpart, all terms not
§ 60.220(a) that commences construc- defined herein shall have the meaning
tion, modification, or reconstruction given them in the Act and in subpart A
after November 7, 2014 is subject to the of this part.
requirements of this section. You must (a) Triple superphosphate plant means
maintain the records identified as spec- any facility manufacturing triple
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ified in § 60.7(f) and in paragraphs (a) superphosphate by reacting phosphate

and (b) of this section. All records re- rock with phosphoric acid. A run-of-


VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:46 Aug 16, 2021 Jkt 253158 PO 00000 Frm 00472 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\40\40V7.TXT PC31
Environmental Protection Agency § 60.233

pile triple superphosphate plant in- shall install, calibrate, maintain, and
cludes curing and storing. operate a monitoring device that con-
(b) Run-of-pile triple superphosphate tinuously measures and permanently
means any triple superphosphate that records the total pressure drop across
has not been processed in a granulator the absorber. The monitoring device
and is composed of particles at least 25 shall have an accuracy of ±5 percent
percent by weight of which (when not over its operating range.
caked) will pass through a 16 mesh (d) Any facility under § 60.230(a) that
screen. commences construction, modification,
(c) Total fluorides means elemental or reconstruction after November 7,
fluorine and all fluoride compounds as 2014 is subject to the requirements of
measured by reference methods speci- this paragraph instead of the require-
fied in § 60.234, or equivalent or alter- ments in paragraph (c) of this section.
native methods. If an absorber is used to comply with
(d) Equivalent P2O5 feed means the § 60.232, then the owner or operator
quantity of phosphorus, expressed as shall continuously monitor pressure
phosphorus pentoxide, fed to the proc- drop through the absorber and meet
ess. the requirements specified in para-
[40 FR 33156, Aug. 6, 1975] graphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) The owner or operator shall in-
§ 60.232 Standard for fluorides. stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
On and after the date on which the a continuous monitoring system (CMS)
performance test required to be con- that continuously measures and per-
ducted by § 60.8 is completed, no owner manently records the pressure at the
or operator subject to the provisions of gas stream inlet and outlet of the ab-
this subpart shall cause to be dis- sorber. The pressure at the gas stream
charged into the atmosphere from any inlet of the absorber may be measured
affected facility any gases which con- using amperage on the blower if a cor-
tain total fluorides in excess of 100 g/ relation between pressure and amper-
megagram (Mg) of equivalent P2O5 feed age is established.
(0.20 lb/ton). (2) The CMS must have an accuracy
[40 FR 33156, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 65
of ±5 percent over the normal range
FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000] measured or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches
of water column), whichever is greater.
§ 60.233 Monitoring of operations. (3) The owner or operator shall estab-
(a) The owner or operator of any tri- lish an allowable range for the pressure
ple superphosphate plant subject to the drop through the absorber. The allow-
provisions of this subpart shall install, able range is ±20 percent of the arith-
calibrate, maintain, and operate a flow metic average of the three test runs
monitoring device that can be used to conducted during the performance test
determine the mass flow of phosphorus- required in § 60.8. The Administrator
bearing feed material to the process. retains the right to reduce the ±20 per-
The flow monitoring device shall have cent adjustment to the baseline aver-
an accuracy of ±5 percent over its oper- age values of operating ranges in those
ating range. instances where performance test re-
(b) The owner or operator of any tri- sults indicate that a source’s level of
ple superphosphate plant shall main- emissions is near the value of an appli-
tain a daily record of equivalent P2O5 cable emissions standard. However, the
feed by first determining the total adjustment must not be reduced to less
mass rate in Mg/hr of phosphorus-bear- than ±10 percent under any instance.
ing feed using a flow monitoring device (4) The owner or operator shall dem-
meeting the requirements of paragraph onstrate continuous compliance by
(a) of this section and then by pro- maintaining the daily average pressure
ceeding according to § 60.234(b)(3). drop through the absorber to within
(c) Except as specified in paragraph the allowable range established in
(d) of this section, the owner or oper- paragraph (d)(3) of this section. The
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

ator of any triple superphosphate plant daily average pressure drop through
subject to the provisions of this part the absorber for each operating day


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§ 60.234 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

shall be calculated using the data re- Mp total mass flow rate of phosphorus-bear-
corded by the monitoring system. If ing feed, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
the emissions unit operation is contin- Rp = P2O5 content, decimal fraction.
uous, the operating day is a 24-hour pe- (i) The accountability system of
riod. If the emissions unit operation is § 60.233(a) shall be used to determine
not continuous, the operating day is the mass flow rate (Mp) of the phos-
the total number of hours of control phorus-bearing feed.
device operation per 24-hour period. (ii) The Association of Official Ana-
Valid data points must be available for lytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 9 (in-
75 percent of the operating hours in an corporated by reference—see § 60.17)
operating day to compute the daily av- shall be used to determine the P2O5
erage. content (Rp) of the feed.
[80 FR 50435, Aug. 19, 2015] [54 FR 6670, Feb. 14, 1989; 54 FR 21344, May 17,
1989, as amended at 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, 2000]
§ 60.234 Test methods and procedures.
(a) In conducting the performance § 60.235 Recordkeeping.
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- Any facility under § 60.230(a) that
erator shall use as reference methods commences construction, modification,
and procedures the test methods in ap- or reconstruction after November 7,
pendix A of this part or other methods 2014 is subject to the requirements of
and procedures as specified in this sec- this section. You must maintain the
tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b). records identified as specified in
(b) The owner or operator shall deter- § 60.7(f) and in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
mine compliance with the total this section. All records required by
fluorides standards in § 60.232 as fol- this subpart must be maintained onsite
lows: for at least 5 years.
(1) The emission rate (E) of total (a) Records of the daily average pres-
fluorides shall be computed for each sure drop through the absorber.
run using the following equation: (b) Records of deviations. A deviation
is determined to have occurred when
⎛N ⎞ the monitoring data or lack of moni-
E = ⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ / ( PK ) toring data result in any one of the cri-
⎝ i =1 ⎠ teria specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and
where: (2) of this section being met.
E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/Mg (lb/ (1) A deviation occurs when the daily
ton) of equivalent P2O5 feed. average value of a monitored operating
Csi = concentration of total fluorides from parameter is less than the minimum
emission point ‘‘i,’’ mg/dscm (gr/dscf). pressure drop, or greater than the max-
Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas imum pressure drop established in
from emission point ‘‘i,’’ dscm/hr (dscf/
§ 60.233(d)(3).
N = number of emission points in the af- (2) A deviation occurs when the mon-
fected facility. itoring data are not available for at
P = equivalent P2O5 feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr). least 75 percent of the operating hours
K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb). in a day.
(2) Method 13A or 13b shall be used to [80 FR 50435, Aug. 19, 2015]
determine the total fluorides con-
centration (Csi) and volumetric flow Subpart X—Standards of Perform-
rate (Qsdi) of the effluent gas from each
of the emission points. The sampling
ance for the Phosphate Fer-
time and sample volume for each run tilizer Industry: Granular Triple
shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.85 Superphosphate Storage Fa-
dscm (30 dscf). cilities
(3) The equivalent P2O5 feed rate (P)
shall be computed for each run using § 60.240 Applicability and designation
of affected facility.
the following equation:
(a) The affected facility to which the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

P = Mp Rp provisions of this subpart apply is each

where: granular triple superphosphate storage


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.243

facility. For the purpose of this sub- § 60.243 Monitoring of operations.

part, the affected facility includes any
(a) The owner or operator of any
combination of: Storage or curing
granular triple superphosphate storage
piles, conveyors, elevators, screens and
facility subject to the provisions of
this subpart shall maintain an accu-
(b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
rate account of triple superphosphate
of this section that commences con-
in storage to permit the determination
struction or modification after October
of the amount of equivalent P2O5
22, 1974, is subject to the requirements
of this subpart.
(b) The owner or operator of any
[42 FR 37938, July 25, 1977] granular triple superphosphate storage
facility subject to the provisions of
§ 60.241 Definitions. this subpart shall maintain a daily
As used in this subpart, all terms not record of total equivalent P2O5 stored
defined herein shall have the meaning by multiplying the percentage P2O5
given them in the Act and in subpart A content, as determined by § 60.244(c)(3),
of this part. times the total mass of granular triple
(a) Granular triple superphosphate stor- superphosphate stored.
age facility means any facility curing or (c) Except as specified in paragraph
storing fresh granular triple superphos- (e) of this section, the owner or oper-
phate. ator of any granular triple superphos-
(b) Total fluorides means elemental phate storage facility subject to the
fluorine and all fluoride compounds as provisions of this subpart shall install,
measured by reference methods speci- calibrate, maintain, and operate a
fied in § 60.244, or equivalent or alter- monitoring device that continuously
native methods. measures and permanently records the
(c) Equivalent P2O5 stored means the total pressure drop across any ab-
quantity of phosphorus, expressed as sorber. The monitoring device shall
phosphorus pentoxide, being cured or have an accuracy of ±5 percent over its
stored in the affected facility. operating range.
(d) Fresh granular triple superphos- (d) The owner or operator of any
phate means granular triple superphos- granular triple superphosphate storage
phate produced within the preceding 72 facility subject to the provisions of
hours. this subpart shall develop for approval
by the Administrator a site-specific
[40 FR 33156, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 62 methodology including sufficient rec-
FR 18280, Apr. 15, 1997; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, ordkeeping for the purposes of dem-
onstrating compliance with § 60.242 (b).
§ 60.242 Standard for fluorides. (e) Any facility under § 60.240(a) that
commences construction, modification,
(a) On and after the date on which or reconstruction after November 7,
the performance test required to be 2014 is subject to the requirements of
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no this paragraph instead of the require-
owner or operator subject to the provi- ments in paragraph (c) of this section.
sions of this subpart shall cause to be If an absorber is used to comply with
discharged into the atmosphere from § 60.232, then the owner or operator
any affected facility any gases which shall continuously monitor pressure
contain total fluorides in excess of 0.25 drop through the absorber and meet
g/hr/megagram (Mg) of equivalent P2O5 the requirements specified in para-
stored (5.0 × 10 ¥4 lb/hr/ton of equivalent graphs (e)(1) through (4) of this section.
P2O5 stored). (1) The owner or operator shall in-
(b) No owner or operator subject to stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate
the provisions of this subpart shall ship a continuous monitoring system (CMS)
fresh granular triple superphosphate that continuously measures and per-
from an affected facility. manently records the pressure at the
gas stream inlet and outlet of the ab-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

[40 FR 33156, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 62

FR 18280, Apr. 15, 1997; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, sorber. The pressure at the gas stream
2000] inlet of the absorber may be measured


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§ 60.244 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

using amperage on the blower if a cor- (3) If the provision in paragraph (a)(2)
relation between pressure and amper- of this section exceeds production ca-
age is established. pabilities for fresh granular triple
(2) The CMS must have an accuracy superphosphate, fresh granular triple
of ±5 percent over the normal range superphosphate is equal to at least 5
measured or 0.12 kilopascals (0.5 inches days maximum production.
of water column), whichever is greater. (b) In conducting the performance
(3) The owner or operator shall estab- tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
lish an allowable range for the pressure erator shall use as reference methods
drop through the absorber. The allow- and procedures the test methods in ap-
able range is ±20 percent of the arith- pendix A of this part or other methods
metic average of the three test runs and procedures as specified in this sec-
conducted during the performance test tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
required in § 60.8. The Administrator (c) The owner or operator shall deter-
retains the right to reduce the ±20 per- mine compliance with the total
cent adjustment to the baseline aver- fluorides standard in § 60.242 as follows:
age values of operating ranges in those (1) The emission rate (E) of total
instances where performance test re- fluorides shall be computed for each
sults indicate that a source’s level of run using the following equation:
emissions is near the value of an appli-
cable emissions standard. However, the
⎛N ⎞
adjustment must not be reduced to less E = ⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ / ( PK )
than ±10 percent under any instance. ⎝ i =1 ⎠
(4) The owner or operator shall dem-
onstrate continuous compliance by where:
maintaining the daily average pressure E = emission rate of total fluorides, g/hr/Mg
drop through the absorber to within (lb/hr/ton) of equivalent P2O5 stored.
Csi = concentration of total fluorides from
the allowable range established in
emission point ‘‘i,’’ mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
paragraph (e)(3) of this section. The Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas
daily average pressure drop through from emission point ‘‘i,’’ dscm/hr (dscf/
the absorber for each operating day hr).
shall be calculated using the data re- N = number of emission points in the af-
corded by the monitoring system. If fected facility.
the emissions unit operation is contin- P = equivalent P2O5 stored, metric tons
uous, the operating day is a 24-hour pe- (tons).
K = conversion factor, 1000 mg/g (7,000 gr/lb).
riod. If the emissions unit operation is
not continuous, the operating day is (2) Method 13A or 13B shall be used to
the total number of hours of control determine the total fluorides con-
device operation per 24-hour period. centration (Csi) and volumetric flow
Valid data points must be available for rate (Qsdi) of the effluent gas from each
75 percent of the operating hours in an of the emission points. The sampling
operating day to compute the daily av- time and sample volume for each run
erage. shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.85
[40 FR 33156, Aug. 6, 1975, as amended at 54
dscm (30 dscf).
FR 6671, Feb. 14, 1989; 62 FR 18280, Apr. 15, (3) The equivalent P2O5 feed rate (P)
1997; 80 FR 50435, Aug. 19, 2015] shall be computed for each run using
the following equation:
§ 60.244 Test methods and procedures.
P = Mp Rp
(a) The owner or operator shall con-
duct performance tests required in where:
§ 60.8 only when the following quan- Mp = amount of product in storage, Mg (ton).
tities of product are being cured or Rp = P2O5 content of product in storage,
weight fraction.
stored in the facility.
(1) Total granular triple superphos- (i) The accountability system of
phate is at least 10 percent of the build- § 60.243(a) shall be used to determine
ing capacity, and the amount of product (Mp) in storage.
(2) Fresh granular triple superphos- (ii) The Association of Official Ana-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

phate is at least 6 percent of the total lytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 9 (in-
amount of triple superphosphate, or corporated by reference—see § 60.17)


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.251

shall be used to determine the P2O5 April 28, 2008: Thermal dryers, pneu-
content (Rp) of the product in storage. matic coal-cleaning equipment (air ta-
[54 FR 6671, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended at 62
bles), coal processing and conveying
FR 18280, Apr. 15, 1997; 65 FR 61757, Oct. 17, equipment (including breakers and
2000] crushers), and coal storage systems,
transfer and loading systems.
§ 60.245 Recordkeeping. (c) The provisions in §§ 60.251,
Any facility under § 60.240(a) that 60.252(b)(1) and (c), 60.253(b), 60.254(b),
commences construction, modification, 60.255(b) through (h), 60.256(b) and (c),
or reconstruction after November 7, 60.257, and 60.258 of this subpart are ap-
2014 is subject to the requirements of plicable to any of the following af-
this section. You must maintain the fected facilities that commenced con-
records identified as specified in struction, reconstruction or modifica-
§ 60.7(f) and in paragraphs (a) and (b) of tion after April 28, 2008, and on or be-
this section. All records required by fore May 27, 2009: Thermal dryers,
this subpart must be maintained onsite pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment
for at least 5 years. (air tables), coal processing and con-
(a) Records of the daily average pres- veying equipment (including breakers
sure drop through the absorber. and crushers), and coal storage sys-
(b) Records of deviations. A deviation tems, transfer and loading systems.
is determined to have occurred when (d) The provisions in §§ 60.251,
the monitoring data or lack of moni- 60.252(b)(1) through (3), and (c),
toring data result in any one of the cri- 60.253(b), 60.254(b) and (c), 60.255(b)
teria specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and through (h), 60.256(b) and (c), 60.257, and
(2) of this section being met. 60.258 of this subpart are applicable to
(1) A deviation occurs when the daily any of the following affected facilities
average value of a monitored operating that commenced construction, recon-
parameter is less than the minimum struction or modification after May 27,
pressure drop, or greater than the max- 2009: Thermal dryers, pneumatic coal-
imum pressure drop established in cleaning equipment (air tables), coal
§ 60.243(e)(3). processing and conveying equipment
(2) A deviation occurs when the mon- (including breakers and crushers), coal
itoring data are not available for at storage systems, transfer and loading
least 75 percent of the operating hours systems, and open storage piles.
in a day.
§ 60.251 Definitions.
[80 FR 50436, Aug. 19, 2015]
As used in this subpart, all terms not
defined herein have the meaning given
Subpart Y—Standards of Perform- them in the Clean Air Act (Act) and in
ance for Coal Preparation subpart A of this part.
and Processing Plants (a) Anthracite means coal that is clas-
sified as anthracite according to the
SOURCE: 74 FR 51977, Oct. 8, 2009, unless American Society of Testing and Mate-
otherwise noted. rials in ASTM D388 (incorporated by
reference, see § 60.17).
§ 60.250 Applicability and designation (b) Bag leak detection system means a
of affected facility. system that is capable of continuously
(a) The provisions of this subpart monitoring relative particulate matter
apply to affected facilities in coal prep- (dust loadings) in the exhaust of a fab-
aration and processing plants that ric filter to detect bag leaks and other
process more than 181 megagrams (Mg) upset conditions. A bag leak detection
(200 tons) of coal per day. system includes, but is not limited to,
(b) The provisions in §§ 60.251, an instrument that operates on
60.252(a), 60.253(a), 60.254(a), 60.255(a), triboelectric, light scattering, light
and 60.256(a) of this subpart are appli- transmittance, or other effect to con-
cable to any of the following affected tinuously monitor relative particulate
facilities that commenced construc- matter loadings.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tion, reconstruction or modification (c) Bituminous coal means solid fossil

after October 27, 1974, and on or before fuel classified as bituminous coal by


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§ 60.251 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

ASTM D388 (incorporated by ref- heating of the coal through contact

erence—see § 60.17). with a heat transfer medium. If the
(d) Coal means: source of heat (the source of combus-
(1) For units constructed, recon- tion or furnace) is subject to another
structed, or modified on or before May subpart of this part, then the furnace
27, 2009, all solid fossil fuels classified and the associated emissions are not
as anthracite, bituminous, subbitu- part of the affected facility. However,
minous, or lignite by ASTM D388 (in- if the source of heat is not subject to
corporated by reference—see § 60.17). another subpart of this part, then the
(2) For units constructed, recon- furnace and the associated emissions
structed, or modified after May 27, 2009, are part of the affected facility.
all solid fossil fuels classified as an- (k) Lignite means coal that is classi-
thracite, bituminous, subbituminous, fied as lignite A or B according to the
or lignite by ASTM D388 (incorporated American Society of Testing and Mate-
by reference—see § 60.17), and coal rials in ASTM D388 (incorporated by
refuse. reference, see § 60.17).
(e) Coal preparation and processing (l) Mechanical vent means any vent
plant means any facility (excluding un- that uses a powered mechanical drive
derground mining operations) which (machine) to induce air flow.
prepares coal by one or more of the fol- (m) Open storage pile means any facil-
lowing processes: breaking, crushing,
ity, including storage area, that is not
screening, wet or dry cleaning, and
enclosed that is used to store coal, in-
thermal drying.
cluding the equipment used in the load-
(f) Coal processing and conveying
ing, unloading, and conveying oper-
equipment means any machinery used
ations of the facility.
to reduce the size of coal or to separate
(n) Operating day means a 24-hour pe-
coal from refuse, and the equipment
riod between 12 midnight and the fol-
used to convey coal to or remove coal
lowing midnight during which coal is
and refuse from the machinery. This
prepared or processed at any time by
includes, but is not limited to, break-
the affected facility. It is not necessary
ers, crushers, screens, and conveyor
that coal be prepared or processed the
belts. Equipment located at the mine
entire 24-hour period.
face is not considered to be part of the
coal preparation and processing plant. (o) Pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment
(g) Coal refuse means waste products means:
of coal mining, physical coal cleaning, (1) For units constructed, recon-
and coal preparation operations (e.g., structed, or modified on or before May
culm, gob, etc.) containing coal, matrix 27, 2009, any facility which classifies bi-
material, clay, and other organic and tuminous coal by size or separates bi-
inorganic material. tuminous coal from refuse by applica-
(h) Coal storage system means any fa- tion of air stream(s).
cility used to store coal except for open (2) For units constructed, recon-
storage piles. structed, or modified after May 27, 2009,
(i) Design controlled potential PM emis- any facility which classifies coal by
sions rate means the theoretical partic- size or separates coal from refuse by
ulate matter (PM) emissions (Mg) that application of air stream(s).
would result from the operation of a (p) Potential combustion concentration
control device at its design emissions means the theoretical emissions
rate (grams per dry standard cubic (nanograms per joule (ng/J) or pounds
meter (g/dscm)), multiplied by the per million British thermal units (lb/
maximum design flow rate (dry stand- MMBtu) heat input) that would result
ard cubic meter per minute (dscm/ from combustion of a fuel in an
min)), multiplied by 60 (minutes per uncleaned state without emission con-
hour (min/hr)), multiplied by 8,760 trol systems, as determined using
(hours per year (hr/yr)), divided by Method 19 of appendix A–7 of this part.
1,000,000 (megagrams per gram (Mg/g)). (q) Subbituminous coal means coal
(j) Indirect thermal dryer means a that is classified as subbituminous A,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

thermal dryer that reduces the mois- B, or C according to the American So-
ture content of coal through indirect ciety of Testing and Materials in


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.252

ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference, which the performance test is con-

see § 60.17). ducted or required to be completed
(r) Thermal dryer means: under § 60.8, whichever date comes first,
(1) For units constructed, recon- an owner or operator of a thermal
structed, or modified on or before May dryer constructed, reconstructed, or
27, 2009, any facility in which the mois- modified after May 29, 2009, subject to
ture content of bituminous coal is re- the provisions of this subpart must
duced by contact with a heated gas also meet the applicable standards for
stream which is exhausted to the at- sulfur dioxide (SO2), and combined ni-
mosphere. trogen oxides (NOX) and carbon mon-
(2) For units constructed, recon- oxide (CO) as specified in paragraphs
structed, or modified after May 27, 2009, (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section.
any facility in which the moisture con- (1) The owner or operator must meet
tent of coal is reduced by either con- the requirements for PM emissions in
tact with a heated gas stream which is paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this
exhausted to the atmosphere or section, as applicable to the affected
through indirect heating of the coal facility.
through contact with a heated heat (i) For each thermal dryer con-
transfer medium. structed or reconstructed after April
(s) Transfer and loading system means 28, 2008, the owner or operator must
any facility used to transfer and load meet the requirements of (b)(1)(i)(A)
coal for shipment. and (b)(1)(i)(B).
(A) The owner or operator must not
§ 60.252 Standards for thermal dryers. cause to be discharged into the atmos-
(a) On and after the date on which phere from the thermal dryer any gases
the performance test is conducted or that contain PM in excess of 0.023 g/
required to be completed under § 60.8, dscm (0.010 grains per dry standard
whichever date comes first, an owner cubic feet (gr/dscf)); and
or operator of a thermal dryer con- (B) The owner or operator must not
structed, reconstructed, or modified on cause to be discharged into the atmos-
or before April 28, 2008, subject to the phere from the thermal dryer any gases
provisions of this subpart must meet that exhibit 10 percent opacity or
the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) greater.
and (a)(2) of this section. (ii) For each thermal dryer modified
(1) The owner or operator shall not after April 28, 2008, the owner or oper-
cause to be discharged into the atmos- ator must meet the requirements of
phere from the thermal dryer any gases paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) and (b)(1)(ii)(B)
which contain PM in excess of 0.070 g/ of this section.
dscm (0.031 grains per dry standard (A) The owner or operator must not
cubic feet (gr/dscf)); and cause to be discharged to the atmos-
(2) The owner or operator shall not phere from the affected facility any
cause to be discharged into the atmos- gases which contain PM in excess of
phere from the thermal dryer any gases 0.070 g/dscm (0.031 gr/dscf); and
which exhibit 20 percent opacity or (B) The owner or operator must not
greater. cause to be discharged into the atmos-
(b) Except as provided in paragraph phere from the affected facility any
(c) of this section, on and after the date gases which exhibit 20 percent opacity
on which the performance test is con- or greater.
ducted or required to be completed (2) Except as provided in paragraph
under § 60.8, whichever date comes first, (b)(2)(iii) of this section, for each ther-
an owner or operator of a thermal mal dryer constructed, reconstructed,
dryer constructed, reconstructed, or or modified after May 27, 2009, the
modified after April 28, 2008, subject to owner or operator must meet the re-
the provisions of this subpart must quirements for SO2 emissions in either
meet the applicable standards for PM paragraph (b)(2)(i) or (b)(2)(ii) of this
and opacity, as specified in paragraph section.
(b)(1) of this section. In addition, and (i) The owner or operator must not
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

except as provided in paragraph (c) of cause to be discharged into the atmos-

this section, on and after the date on phere from the affected facility any


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§ 60.253 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

gases that contain SO2 in excess of 85 (c) Thermal dryers receiving all of
ng/J (0.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input; or their thermal input from an affected
(ii) The owner or operator must not facility covered under another 40 CFR
cause to be discharged into the atmos- Part 60 subpart must meet the applica-
phere from the affected facility any ble requirements in that subpart but
gases that either contain SO2 in excess are not subject to the requirements in
of 520 ng/J (1.20 lb/MMBtu) heat input this subpart.
or contain SO2 in excess of 10 percent
of the potential combustion concentra- § 60.253 Standards for pneumatic coal-
cleaning equipment.
tion (i.e., the facility must achieve at
least a 90 percent reduction of the po- (a) On and after the date on which
tential combustion concentration and the performance test is conducted or
may not exceed a maximum emissions required to be completed under § 60.8,
rate of 1.2 lb/MMBtu (520 ng/J)). whichever date comes first, an owner
(iii) Thermal dryers that receive all or operator of pneumatic coal-cleaning
of their thermal input from a source equipment constructed, reconstructed,
other than coal or residual oil, that re- or modified on or before April 28, 2008,
ceive all of their thermal input from a must meet the requirements of para-
source subject to an SO2 limit under graphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section.
another subpart of this part, or that (1) The owner or operator must not
use waste heat or residual from the cause to be discharged into the atmos-
combustion of coal or residual oil as phere from the pneumatic coal-clean-
their only thermal input are not sub- ing equipment any gases that contain
ject to the SO2 limits of this section. PM in excess of 0.040 g/dscm (0.017 gr/
(3) Except as provided in paragraph dscf); and
(b)(3)(iii) of this section, the owner or (2) The owner or operator must not
operator must meet the requirements cause to be discharged into the atmos-
for combined NOX and CO emissions in phere from the pneumatic coal-clean-
paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (b)(3)(ii) of this ing equipment any gases that exhibit
10 percent opacity or greater.
section, as applicable to the affected
facility. (b) On and after the date on which
the performance test is conducted or
(i) For each thermal dryer con-
required to be completed under § 60.8,
structed after May 27, 2009, the owner
whichever date comes first, an owner
or operator must not cause to be dis-
or operator of pneumatic coal-cleaning
charged into the atmosphere from the equipment constructed, reconstructed,
affected facility any gases which con- or modified after April 28, 2008, must
tain a combined concentration of NOX meet the requirements in paragraphs
and CO in excess of 280 ng/J (0.65 lb/ (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section.
MMBtu) heat input. (1) The owner of operator must not
(ii) For each thermal dryer recon- cause to be discharged into the atmos-
structed or modified after May 27, 2009, phere from the pneumatic coal-clean-
the owner or operator must not cause ing equipment any gases that contain
to be discharged into the atmosphere PM in excess or 0.023 g/dscm (0.010 gr/
from the affected facility any gases dscf); and
which contain combined concentration (2) The owner or operator must not
of NOX and CO in excess of 430 ng/J (1.0 cause to be discharged into the atmos-
lb/MMBtu) heat input. phere from the pneumatic coal-clean-
(iii) Thermal dryers that receive all ing equipment any gases that exhibit
of their thermal input from a source greater than 5 percent opacity.
other than coal or residual oil, that re-
ceive all of their thermal input from a § 60.254 Standards for coal processing
source subject to a NOX limit and/or CO and conveying equipment, coal stor-
limit under another subpart of this age systems, transfer and loading
part, or that use waste heat or residual systems, and open storage piles.
from the combustion of coal or residual (a) On and after the date on which
oil as their only thermal input, are not the performance test is conducted or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

subject to the combined NOX and CO required to be completed under § 60.8,

limits of this section. whichever date comes first, an owner


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.254

or operator shall not cause to be dis- plan must require that one or more of
charged into the atmosphere from any the following control measures be used
coal processing and conveying equip- to minimize to the greatest extent
ment, coal storage system, or coal practicable fugitive coal dust: Locating
transfer and loading system processing the source inside a partial enclosure,
coal constructed, reconstructed, or installing and operating a water spray
modified on or before April 28, 2008, or fogging system, applying appro-
gases which exhibit 20 percent opacity priate chemical dust suppression
or greater. agents on the source (when the provi-
(b) On and after the date on which sions of paragraph (c)(6) of this section
the performance test is conducted or are met), use of a wind barrier, com-
required to be completed under § 60.8, paction, or use of a vegetative cover.
whichever date comes first, an owner The owner or operator must select, for
or operator of any coal processing and inclusion in the fugitive coal dust
conveying equipment, coal storage sys- emissions control plan, the control
tem, or coal transfer and loading sys- measure or measures listed in this
tem processing coal constructed, recon- paragraph that are most appropriate
structed, or modified after April 28, for site conditions. The plan must also
2008, must meet the requirements in explain how the measure or measures
paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this selected are applicable and appropriate
section, as applicable to the affected for site conditions. In addition, the
facility. plan must be revised as needed to re-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph flect any changing conditions at the
(b)(3) of this section, the owner or oper- source.
ator must not cause to be discharged (3) Any owner or operator of an af-
into the atmosphere from the affected fected facility that is required to have
facility any gases which exhibit 10 per- a fugitive coal dust emissions control
cent opacity or greater. plan may petition the Administrator to
(2) The owner or operator must not approve, for inclusion in the plan for
cause to be discharged into the atmos- the affected facility, alternative con-
phere from any mechanical vent on an trol measures other than those speci-
affected facility gases which contain fied in paragraph (c)(2) of this section
particulate matter in excess of 0.023 g/ as specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(i)
dscm (0.010 gr/dscf). through (iv) of this section.
(3) Equipment used in the loading, (i) The petition must include a de-
unloading, and conveying operations of scription of the alternative control
open storage piles are not subject to measures, a copy of the fugitive coal
the opacity limitations of paragraph dust emissions control plan for the af-
(b)(1) of this section. fected facility that includes the alter-
(c) The owner or operator of an open native control measures, and informa-
storage pile, which includes the equip- tion sufficient for EPA to evaluate the
ment used in the loading, unloading, demonstrations required by paragraph
and conveying operations of the af- (c)(3)(ii) of this section.
fected facility, constructed, recon- (ii) The owner or operator must ei-
structed, or modified after May 27, 2009, ther demonstrate that the fugitive coal
must prepare and operate in accord- dust emissions control plan that in-
ance with a submitted fugitive coal cludes the alternate control measures
dust emissions control plan that is ap- will provide equivalent overall environ-
propriate for the site conditions as mental protection or demonstrate that
specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through it is either economically or technically
(6) of this section. infeasible for the affected facility to
(1) The fugitive coal dust emissions use the control measures specifically
control plan must identify and describe identified in paragraph (c)(2).
the control measures the owner or op- (iii) While the petition is pending,
erator will use to minimize fugitive the owner or operator must comply
coal dust emissions from each open with the fugitive coal dust emissions
storage pile. control plan including the alternative
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(2) For open coal storage piles, the control measures submitted with the
fugitive coal dust emissions control petition. Operation in accordance with


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§ 60.255 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the plan submitted with the petition (ii) If an objection is raised, the
shall be deemed to constitute compli- owner or operator, within 30 days from
ance with the requirement to operate receipt of the objection, must submit a
in accordance with a fugitive coal dust revised fugitive coal dust emissions
emissions control plan that contains control plan to the Administrator or
one of the control measures specifi- delegated authority. The owner or op-
cally identified in paragraph (c)(2) of erator must operate in accordance with
this section while the petition is pend- the revised fugitive coal dust emissions
ing. control plan. The Administrator or del-
(iv) If the petition is approved by the egated authority retain the right,
Administrator, the alternative control under paragraph (c)(5) of this section,
measures will be approved for inclusion to object to the revised control plan if
in the fugitive coal dust emissions con- it determines the plan does not meet
trol plan for the affected facility. In the requirements of paragraphs (c)(1)
lieu of amending this subpart, a letter and (c)(2) of this section.
will be sent to the facility describing (6) Where appropriate chemical dust
the specific control measures approved. suppression agents are selected by the
The facility shall make any such let- owner or operator as a control measure
ters and the applicable fugitive coal to minimize fugitive coal dust emis-
dust emissions control plan available sions, (1) only chemical dust suppres-
to the public. If the Administrator de- sants with Occupational Safety and
termines it is appropriate, the condi- Health Administration (OSHA)-compli-
tions and requirements of the letter ant material safety data sheets (MSDS)
can be reviewed and changed at any are to be allowed; (2) the MSDS must
point. be included in the fugitive coal dust
(4) The owner or operator must sub- emissions control plan; and (3) the
mit the fugitive coal dust emissions owner or operator must consider and
document in the fugitive coal dust
control plan to the Administrator or
emissions control plan the site-specific
delegated authority as specified in
impacts associated with the use of such
paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (c)(4)(ii) of this
chemical dust suppressants.
(i) The plan must be submitted to the § 60.255 Performance tests and other
Administrator or delegated authority compliance requirements.
prior to startup of the new, recon- (a) An owner or operator of each af-
structed, or modified affected facility, fected facility that commenced con-
or 30 days after the effective date of struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
this rule, whichever is later. tion on or before April 28, 2008, must
(ii) The plan must be revised as need- conduct all performance tests required
ed to reflect any changing conditions by § 60.8 to demonstrate compliance
at the source. Such revisions must be with the applicable emission standards
dated and submitted to the Adminis- using the methods identified in § 60.257.
trator or delegated authority before a (b) An owner or operator of each af-
source can operate pursuant to these fected facility that commenced con-
revisions. The Administrator or dele- struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
gated authority may also object to tion after April 28, 2008, must conduct
such revisions as specified in paragraph performance tests according to the re-
(c)(5) of this section. quirements of § 60.8 and the methods
(5) The Administrator or delegated identified in § 60.257 to demonstrate
authority may object to the fugitive compliance with the applicable emis-
coal dust emissions control plan as sions standards in this subpart as spec-
specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) and ified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this
(c)(5)(ii) of this section. section.
(i) The Administrator or delegated (1) For each affected facility subject
authority may object to any fugitive to a PM, SO2, or combined NOX and CO
coal dust emissions control plan that it emissions standard, an initial perform-
has determined does not meet the re- ance test must be performed. There-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

quirements of paragraphs (c)(1) and after, a new performance test must be

(c)(2) of this section. conducted according the requirements


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.255

in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of quirements in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and

this section, as applicable. (ii) if opacity performance tests are
(i) If the results of the most recent conducted concurrently with (or within
performance test demonstrate that a 60-minute period of) PM performance
emissions from the affected facility are tests.
greater than 50 percent of the applica- (c) If any affected coal processing and
ble emissions standard, a new perform- conveying equipment (e.g., breakers,
ance test must be conducted within 12 crushers, screens, conveying systems),
calendar months of the date that the coal storage systems, or coal transfer
previous performance test was required and loading systems that commenced
to be completed.
construction, reconstruction, or modi-
(ii) If the results of the most recent
fication after April 28, 2008, are en-
performance test demonstrate that
emissions from the affected facility are closed in a building, and emissions
50 percent or less of the applicable from the building do not exceed any of
emissions standard, a new performance the standards in § 60.254 that apply to
test must be conducted within 24 cal- the affected facility, then the facility
endar months of the date that the pre- shall be deemed to be in compliance
vious performance test was required to with such standards.
be completed. (d) An owner or operator of an af-
(iii) An owner or operator of an af- fected facility (other than a thermal
fected facility that has not operated dryer) that commenced construction,
for the 60 calendar days prior to the reconstruction, or modification after
due date of a performance test is not April 28, 2008, is subject to a PM emis-
required to perform the subsequent sion standard and uses a control device
performance test until 30 calendar days with a design controlled potential PM
after the next operating day. emissions rate of 1.0 Mg (1.1 tons) per
(2) For each affected facility subject year or less is exempted from the re-
to an opacity standard, an initial per- quirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and
formance test must be performed. (ii) of this section provided that the
Thereafter, a new performance test owner or operator meets all of the con-
must be conducted according to the re- ditions specified in paragraphs (d)(1)
quirements in paragraphs (b)(2)(i)
through (3) of this section. This exemp-
through (iii) of this section, as applica-
tion does not apply to thermal dryers.
ble, except as provided for in para-
graphs (e) and (f) of this section. Per- (1) PM emissions, as determined by
formance test and other compliance re- the most recent performance test, are
quirements for coal truck dump oper- less than or equal to the applicable
ations are specified in paragraph (h) of limit,
this section. (2) The control device manufacturer’s
(i) If any 6-minute average opacity recommended maintenance procedures
reading in the most recent performance are followed, and
test exceeds half the applicable opacity (3) All 6-minute average opacity
limit, a new performance test must be readings from the most recent perform-
conducted within 90 operating days of ance test are equal to or less than half
the date that the previous performance the applicable opacity limit or the
test was required to be completed. monitoring requirements in paragraphs
(ii) If all 6-minute average opacity (e) or (f) of this section are followed.
readings in the most recent perform- (e) For an owner or operator of a
ance test are equal to or less than half group of up to five of the same type of
the applicable opacity limit, a new per- affected facilities that commenced con-
formance test must be conducted with- struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
in 12 calendar months of the date that
tion after April 28, 2008, that are sub-
the previous performance test was re-
ject to PM emissions standards and use
quired to be completed.
(iii) An owner or operator of an af- identical control devices, the Adminis-
fected facility continuously moni- trator or delegated authority may
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

toring scrubber parameters as specified allow the owner or operator to use a

in § 60.256(b)(2) is exempt from the re- single PM performance test for one of


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§ 60.255 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

the affected control devices to dem- part at least once every 5 calendar
onstrate that the group of affected fa- years for each affected facility.
cilities is in compliance with the appli- (2) Prepare a written site-specific
cable emissions standards provided monitoring plan for a digital opacity
that the owner or operator meets all of compliance system for approval by the
the conditions specified in paragraphs Administrator or delegated authority.
(e)(1) through (3) of this section. The plan shall require observations of
(1) PM emissions from the most re- at least one digital image every 15 sec-
cent performance test for each indi- onds for 10-minute periods (during nor-
vidual affected facility are 90 percent mal operation) every operating day. An
or less of the applicable PM standard; approvable monitoring plan must in-
(2) The manufacturer’s recommended clude a demonstration that the occur-
maintenance procedures are followed rences of visible emissions are not in
for each control device; and excess of 5 percent of the observation
(3) A performance test is conducted period. For reference purposes in pre-
on each affected facility at least once paring the monitoring plan, see OAQPS
every 5 calendar years. ‘‘Determination of Visible Emission
Opacity from Stationary Sources Using
(f) As an alternative to meeting the
Computer-Based Photographic Anal-
requirements in paragraph (b)(2) of this
ysis Systems.’’ This document is avail-
section, an owner or operator of an af-
able from the U.S. Environmental Pro-
fected facility that commenced con-
tection Agency (U.S. EPA); Office of
struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
Air Quality and Planning Standards;
tion after April 28, 2008, may elect to
Sector Policies and Programs Division;
comply with the requirements in para- Measurement Group (D243–02), Re-
graph (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section. search Triangle Park, NC 27711. This
(1) Monitor visible emissions from document is also available on the
each affected facility according to the Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
requirements in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) under Emission Measurement Center
through (iii) of this section. Preliminary Methods. The monitoring
(i) Conduct one daily 15-second obser- plan approved by the Administrator or
vation each operating day for each af- delegated authority shall be imple-
fected facility (during normal oper- mented by the owner or operator.
ation) when the coal preparation and (g) As an alternative to meeting the
processing plant is in operation. Each requirements in paragraph (b)(2) of this
observation must be recorded as either section, an owner or operator of an af-
visible emissions observed or no visible fected facility that commenced con-
emissions observed. Each observer de- struction, reconstruction, or modifica-
termining the presence of visible emis- tion after April 28, 2008, subject to a
sions must meet the training require- visible emissions standard under this
ments specified in § 2.3 of Method 22 of subpart may install, operate, and
appendix A–7 of this part. If visible maintain a continuous opacity moni-
emissions are observed during any 15- toring system (COMS). Each COMS
second observation, the owner or oper- used to comply with provisions of this
ator must adjust the operation of the subpart must be installed, calibrated,
affected facility and demonstrate with- maintained, and continuously operated
in 24 hours that no visible emissions according to the requirements in para-
are observed from the affected facility. graphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section.
If visible emissions are observed, a (1) The COMS must meet Perform-
Method 9, of appendix A–4 of this part, ance Specification 1 in 40 CFR part 60,
performance test must be conducted appendix B.
within 45 operating days. (2) The COMS must comply with the
(ii) Conduct monthly visual observa- quality assurance requirements in
tions of all process and control equip- paragraphs (g)(2)(i) through (v) of this
ment. If any deficiencies are observed, section.
the necessary maintenance must be (i) The owner or operator must auto-
performed as expeditiously as possible. matically (intrinsic to the opacity
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

(iii) Conduct a performance test monitor) check the zero and upscale
using Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this (span) calibration drifts at least once


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.256

daily. For particular COMS, the ac- tion, or modification after April 28,
ceptable range of zero and upscale cali- 2008, must meet the requirements spec-
bration materials is as defined in the ified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (3) of
applicable version of Performance this section.
Specification 1 in 40 CFR part 60, ap- (1) Conduct an initial performance
pendix B. test using Method 9 of appendix A–4 of
(ii) The owner or operator must ad- this part according to the requirements
just the zero and span whenever the 24- in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) and(ii).
hour zero drift or 24-hour span drift ex- (i) Opacity readings shall be taken
ceeds 4 percent opacity. The COMS during the duration of three separate
must allow for the amount of excess truck dump events. Each truck dump
zero and span drift measured at the 24- event commences when the truck bed
hour interval checks to be recorded and begins to elevate and concludes when
quantified. The optical surfaces ex- the truck bed returns to a horizontal
posed to the effluent gases must be position.
cleaned prior to performing the zero (ii) Compliance with the applicable
and span drift adjustments, except for opacity limit is determined by aver-
systems using automatic zero adjust- aging all 15-second opacity readings
ments. For systems using automatic made during the duration of three sep-
zero adjustments, the optical surfaces arate truck dump events.
must be cleaned when the cumulative (2) Conduct monthly visual observa-
automatic zero compensation exceeds 4 tions of all process and control equip-
percent opacity. ment. If any deficiencies are observed,
(iii) The owner or operator must the necessary maintenance must be
apply a method for producing a simu- performed as expeditiously as possible.
lated zero opacity condition and an
(3) Conduct a performance test using
upscale (span) opacity condition using
Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part
a certified neutral density filter or
at least once every 5 calendar years for
other related technique to produce a
each affected facility.
known obscuration of the light beam.
All procedures applied must provide a § 60.256 Continuous monitoring re-
system check of the analyzer internal quirements.
optical surfaces and all electronic cir-
cuitry including the lamp and (a) The owner or operator of each af-
photodetector assembly. fected facility constructed, recon-
(iv) Except during periods of system structed, or modified on or before April
breakdowns, repairs, calibration 28, 2008, must meet the monitoring re-
checks, and zero and span adjustments, quirements specified in paragraphs
the COMS must be in continuous oper- (a)(1) and (2) of this section, as applica-
ation and must complete a minimum of ble to the affected facility.
one cycle of sampling and analyzing for (1) The owner or operator of any
each successive 10-second period and thermal dryer shall install, calibrate,
one cycle of data recording for each maintain, and continuously operate
successive 6-minute period. monitoring devices as follows:
(v) The owner or operator must re- (i) A monitoring device for the meas-
duce all data from the COMS to 6- urement of the temperature of the gas
minute averages. Six-minute opacity stream at the exit of the thermal dryer
averages must be calculated from 36 or on a continuous basis. The monitoring
more data points equally spaced over device is to be certified by the manu-
each 6-minute period. Data recorded facturer to be accurate within ±1.7 °C
during periods of system breakdowns, (±3 °F).
repairs, calibration checks, and zero (ii) For affected facilities that use
and span adjustments must not be in- wet scrubber emission control equip-
cluded in the data averages. An arith- ment:
metic or integrated average of all data (A) A monitoring device for the con-
may be used. tinuous measurement of the pressure
(h) The owner or operator of each af- loss through the venturi constriction
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

fected coal truck dump operation that of the control equipment. The moni-
commenced construction, reconstruc- toring device is to be certified by the


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§ 60.256 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

manufacturer to be accurate within ±1 facturer to be accurate within ±5 per-

inch water gauge. cent of design pH.
(B) A monitoring device for the con- (iv) An average value for each moni-
tinuous measurement of the water sup- toring parameter must be determined
ply pressure to the control equipment. during each performance test. Each
The monitoring device is to be certified monitoring parameter must then be
by the manufacturer to be accurate maintained within 10 percent of the
within ±5 percent of design water sup- value established during the most re-
ply pressure. The pressure sensor or cent performance test on an operating
tap must be located close to the water day average basis.
discharge point. The Administrator (3) For mechanical vents with control
shall have discretion to grant requests equipment other than wet scrubbers, a
for approval of alternative monitoring monitoring device for the continuous
locations. measurement of the reagent injection
(2) All monitoring devices under flow rate to the control equipment, as
paragraph (a) of this section are to be applicable. The monitoring device is to
recalibrated annually in accordance be certified by the manufacturer to be
with procedures under § 60.13(b). accurate within ±5 percent of design in-
(b) The owner or operator of each af- jection flow rate. An average reagent
injection flow rate value must be de-
fected facility constructed, recon-
termined during each performance test.
structed, or modified after April 28,
The reagent injection flow rate must
2008, that has one or more mechanical
then be maintained within 10 percent
vents must install, calibrate, maintain,
of the value established during the
and continuously operate the moni-
most recent performance test on an op-
toring devices specified in paragraphs
erating day average basis.
(b)(1) through (3) of this section, as ap-
(c) Each bag leak detection system
plicable to the mechanical vent and
used to comply with provisions of this
any control device installed on the
subpart must be installed, calibrated,
maintained, and continuously operated
(1) For mechanical vents with fabric according to the requirements in para-
filters (baghouses) with design con- graphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
trolled potential PM emissions rates of (1) The bag leak detection system
25 Mg (28 tons) per year or more, a bag must meet the specifications and re-
leak detection system according to the quirements in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)
requirements in paragraph (c) of this through (viii) of this section.
section. (i) The bag leak detection system
(2) For mechanical vents with wet must be certified by the manufacturer
scrubbers, monitoring devices accord- to be capable of detecting PM emis-
ing to the requirements in paragraphs sions at concentrations of 1 milligram
(b)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section. per dry standard cubic meter (mg/
(i) A monitoring device for the con- dscm) (0.00044 grains per actual cubic
tinuous measurement of the pressure foot (gr/acf)) or less.
loss through the venturi constriction (ii) The bag leak detection system
of the control equipment. The moni- sensor must provide output of relative
toring device is to be certified by the PM loadings. The owner or operator
manufacturer to be accurate within ±1 shall continuously record the output
inch water gauge. from the bag leak detection system
(ii) A monitoring device for the con- using electronic or other means (e.g.,
tinuous measurement of the water sup- using a strip chart recorder or a data
ply flow rate to the control equipment. logger).
The monitoring device is to be certified (iii) The bag leak detection system
by the manufacturer to be accurate must be equipped with an alarm sys-
within ±5 percent of design water sup- tem that will sound when the system
ply flow rate. detects an increase in relative particu-
(iii) A monitoring device for the con- late loading over the alarm set point
tinuous measurement of the pH of the established according to paragraph
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

wet scrubber liquid. The monitoring (c)(1)(iv) of this section, and the alarm
device is to be certified by the manu- must be located such that it can be


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.257

heard by the appropriate plant per- (v) How the bag leak detection sys-
sonnel. tem output will be recorded and stored;
(iv) In the initial adjustment of the and
bag leak detection system, the owner (vi) Corrective action procedures as
or operator must establish, at a min- specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this sec-
imum, the baseline output by adjusting tion. In approving the site-specific
the sensitivity (range) and the aver- monitoring plan, the Administrator or
aging period of the device, the alarm delegated authority may allow the
set points, and the alarm delay time. owner and operator more than 3 hours
(v) Following initial adjustment, the to alleviate a specific condition that
owner or operator must not adjust the causes an alarm if the owner or oper-
averaging period, alarm set point, or ator identifies in the monitoring plan
alarm delay time without approval this specific condition as one that
from the Administrator or delegated could lead to an alarm, adequately ex-
authority except as provided in para- plains why it is not feasible to allevi-
graph (c)(2)(vi) of this section. ate this condition within 3 hours of the
(vi) Once per quarter, the owner or time the alarm occurs, and dem-
operator may adjust the sensitivity of onstrates that the requested time will
the bag leak detection system to ac- ensure alleviation of this condition as
count for seasonal effects, including expeditiously as practicable.
temperature and humidity, according (3) For each bag leak detection sys-
to the procedures identified in the site- tem, the owner or operator must ini-
specific monitoring plan required by tiate procedures to determine the
paragraph (c)(2) of this section. cause of every alarm within 1 hour of
(vii) The owner or operator must in- the alarm. Except as provided in para-
stall the bag leak detection sensor graph (c)(2)(vi) of this section, the
downstream of the fabric filter. owner or operator must alleviate the
(viii) Where multiple detectors are cause of the alarm within 3 hours of
required, the system’s instrumentation the alarm by taking whatever correc-
and alarm may be shared among detec- tive action(s) are necessary. Corrective
tors. actions may include, but are not lim-
(2) The owner or operator must de- ited to the following:
velop and submit to the Administrator (i) Inspecting the fabric filter for air
or delegated authority for approval a leaks, torn or broken bags or filter
site-specific monitoring plan for each media, or any other condition that
bag leak detection system. This plan may cause an increase in PM emis-
must be submitted to the Adminis- sions;
trator or delegated authority 30 days (ii) Sealing off defective bags or filter
prior to startup of the affected facility. media;
The owner or operator must operate (iii) Replacing defective bags or filter
and maintain the bag leak detection media or otherwise repairing the con-
system according to the site-specific trol device;
monitoring plan at all times. Each (iv) Sealing off a defective fabric fil-
monitoring plan must describe the ter compartment;
items in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (v) Cleaning the bag leak detection
(vi) of this section. system probe or otherwise repairing
(i) Installation of the bag leak detec- the bag leak detection system; or
tion system; (vi) Shutting down the process pro-
(ii) Initial and periodic adjustment of ducing the PM emissions.
the bag leak detection system, includ-
ing how the alarm set-point will be es- § 60.257 Test methods and procedures.
tablished; (a) The owner or operator must de-
(iii) Operation of the bag leak detec- termine compliance with the applica-
tion system, including quality assur- ble opacity standards as specified in
ance procedures; paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this
(iv) How the bag leak detection sys- section.
tem will be maintained, including a (1) Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

routine maintenance schedule and part and the procedures in § 60.11 must
spare parts inventory list; be used to determine opacity, with the


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§ 60.257 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

exceptions specified in paragraphs (b) The owner or operator must con-

(a)(1)(i) and (ii). duct all performance tests required by
(i) The duration of the Method 9 of § 60.8 to demonstrate compliance with
appendix A–4 of this part performance the applicable emissions standards
test shall be 1 hour (ten 6-minute aver- specified in § 60.252 according to the re-
ages). quirements in § 60.8 using the applica-
(ii) If, during the initial 30 minutes of ble test methods and procedures in
the observation of a Method 9 of appen- paragraphs (b)(1) through (8) of this
dix A–4 of this part performance test, section.
all of the 6-minute average opacity (1) Method 1 or 1A of appendix A–4 of
readings are less than or equal to half
this part shall be used to select sam-
the applicable opacity limit, then the
pling port locations and the number of
observation period may be reduced
from 1 hour to 30 minutes. traverse points in each stack or duct.
(2) To determine opacity for fugitive Sampling sites must be located at the
coal dust emissions sources, the addi- outlet of the control device (or at the
tional requirements specified in para- outlet of the emissions source if no
graphs (a)(2)(i) through (iii) must be control device is present) prior to any
used. releases to the atmosphere.
(i) The minimum distance between (2) Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of
the observer and the emission source appendix A–4 of this part shall be used
shall be 5.0 meters (16 feet), and the sun to determine the volumetric flow rate
shall be oriented in the 140-degree sec- of the stack gas.
tor of the back. (3) Method 3, 3A, or 3B of appendix A–
(ii) The observer shall select a posi- 4 of this part shall be used to deter-
tion that minimizes interference from mine the dry molecular weight of the
other fugitive coal dust emissions stack gas. The owner or operator may
sources and make observations such use ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue
that the line of vision is approximately and Exhaust Gas Analyses (incor-
perpendicular to the plume and wind porated by reference—see § 60.17) as an
direction. alternative to Method 3B of appendix
(iii) The observer shall make opacity
A–2 of this part.
observations at the point of greatest
opacity in that portion of the plume (4) Method 4 of appendix A–4 of this
where condensed water vapor is not part shall be used to determine the
present. Water vapor is not considered moisture content of the stack gas.
a visible emission. (5) Method 5, 5B or 5D of appendix A–
(3) A visible emissions observer may 4 of this part or Method 17 of appendix
conduct visible emission observations A–7 of this part shall be used to deter-
for up to three fugitive, stack, or vent mine the PM concentration as follows:
emission points within a 15-second in- (i) The sampling time and sample
terval if the following conditions speci- volume for each run shall be at least 60
fied in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (iii) minutes and 0.85 dscm (30 dscf). Sam-
of this section are met. pling shall begin no less than 30 min-
(i) No more than three emissions utes after startup and shall terminate
points may be read concurrently. before shutdown procedures begin. A
(ii) All three emissions points must minimum of three valid test runs are
be within a 70 degree viewing sector or needed to comprise a PM performance
angle in front of the observer such that test.
the proper sun position can be main- (ii) Method 5 of appendix A of this
tained for all three points. part shall be used only to test emis-
(iii) If an opacity reading for any one
sions from affected facilities without
of the three emissions points is within
wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sys-
5 percent opacity from the applicable
standard (excluding readings of zero tems.
opacity), then the observer must stop (iii) Method 5B of appendix A of this
taking readings for the other two part is to be used only after wet FGD
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

points and continue reading just that systems.

single point.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.258

(iv) Method 5D of appendix A–4 of actions taken to reduce visible emis-

this part shall be used for positive pres- sions. Results from the actions shall be
sure fabric filters and other similar ap- noted.
plications (e.g., stub stacks and roof (3) The amount and type of coal proc-
vents). essed each calendar month.
(v) Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this (4) The amount of chemical stabilizer
part may be used at facilities with or or water purchased for use in the coal
without wet scrubber systems provided preparation and processing plant.
the stack gas temperature does not ex- (5) Monthly certification that the
ceed a temperature of 160 °C (320 °F). dust suppressant systems were oper-
The procedures of sections 8.1 and 11.1 ational when any coal was processed
of Method 5B of appendix A–3 of this and that manufacturer’s recommenda-
part may be used in Method 17 of ap- tions were followed for all control sys-
pendix A–6 of this part only if it is used tems. Any variance from the manufac-
after a wet FGD system. Do not use turer’s recommendations, if any, shall
Method 17 of appendix A–6 of this part be noted.
after wet FGD systems if the effluent (6) Monthly certification that the fu-
is saturated or laden with water drop- gitive coal dust emissions control plan
lets. was implemented as described. Any
(6) Method 6, 6A, or 6C of appendix A– variance from the plan, if any, shall be
4 of this part shall be used to deter- noted. A copy of the applicable fugitive
mine the SO2 concentration. A min- coal dust emissions control plan and
imum of three valid test runs are need- any letters from the Administrator
ed to comprise an SO2 performance providing approval of any alternative
test. control measures shall be maintained
(7) Method 7 or 7E of appendix A–4 of with the logbook. Any actions, e.g., ob-
this part shall be used to determine the jections, to the plan and any actions
NOX concentration. A minimum of relative to the alternative control
three valid test runs are needed to measures, e.g., approvals, shall be
comprise an NOX performance test. noted in the logbook as well.
(8) Method 10 of appendix A–4 of this (7) For each bag leak detection sys-
part shall be used to determine the CO tem, the owner or operator must keep
concentration. A minimum of three the records specified in paragraphs
valid test runs are needed to comprise (a)(7)(i) through (iii) of this section.
a CO performance test. CO performance (i) Records of the bag leak detection
tests are conducted concurrently (or system output;
within a 60-minute period) with NOX (ii) Records of bag leak detection sys-
performance tests. tem adjustments, including the date
and time of the adjustment, the initial
§ 60.258 Reporting and recordkeeping. bag leak detection system settings, and
(a) The owner or operator of a coal the final bag leak detection settings;
preparation and processing plant that and
commenced construction, reconstruc- (iii) The date and time of all bag leak
tion, or modification after April 28, detection system alarms, the time that
2008, shall maintain in a logbook (writ- procedures to determine the cause of
ten or electronic) on-site and make it the alarm were initiated, the cause of
available upon request. The logbook the alarm, an explanation of the ac-
shall record the following: tions taken, the date and time the
(1) The manufacturer’s recommended cause of the alarm was alleviated, and
maintenance procedures and the date whether the cause of the alarm was al-
and time of any maintenance and in- leviated within 3 hours of the alarm.
spection activities and the results of (8) A copy of any applicable moni-
those activities. Any variance from toring plan for a digital opacity com-
manufacturer recommendation, if any, pliance system and monthly certifi-
shall be noted. cation that the plan was implemented
(2) The date and time of periodic coal as described. Any variance from plan, if
preparation and processing plant visual any, shall be noted.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

observations, noting those sources with (9) During a performance test of a

visible emissions along with corrective wet scrubber, and each operating day


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§ 60.260 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

thereafter, the owner or operator shall the owner or operator of the affected
record the measurements of the scrub- facility must submit the test data to
ber pressure loss, water supply flow EPA by successfully entering the data
rate, and pH of the wet scrubber liquid. electronically into EPA’s WebFIRE
(10) During a performance test of con- data base available at http://
trol equipment other than a wet scrub- =
ber, and each operating day thereafter, fire.main. For performance tests that
the owner or operator shall record the cannot be entered into WebFIRE (i.e.,
measurements of the reagent injection Method 9 of appendix A–4 of this part
flow rate, as applicable. opacity performance tests) the owner
(b) For the purpose of reports re- or operator of the affected facility
quired under section 60.7(c), any owner must mail a summary copy to United
operator subject to the provisions of States Environmental Protection
this subpart also shall report semi- Agency; Energy Strategies Group; 109
annually periods of excess emissions as
TW Alexander DR; mail code: D243–01;
RTP, NC 27711.
(1) The owner or operator of an af-
fected facility with a wet scrubber
shall submit semiannual reports to the Subpart Z—Standards of Perform-
Administrator or delegated authority ance for Ferroalloy Production
of occurrences when the measurements Facilities
of the scrubber pressure loss, water
supply flow rate, or pH of the wet SOURCE: 41 FR 18501, May 4, 1976, unless
scrubber liquid vary by more than 10 otherwise noted.
percent from the average determined
during the most recent performance § 60.260 Applicability and designation
test. of affected facility.
(2) The owner or operator of an af-
(a) The provisions of this subpart are
fected facility with control equipment
applicable to the following affected fa-
other than a wet scrubber shall submit
cilities: Electric submerged arc fur-
semiannual reports to the Adminis-
naces which produce silicon metal,
trator or delegated authority of occur-
rences when the measurements of the ferrosilicon, calcium silicon,
reagent injection flow rate, as applica- silicomanganese zirconium, ferro-
ble, vary by more than 10 percent from chrome silicon, silvery iron, high-car-
the average determined during the bon ferrochrome, charge chrome,
most recent performance test. standard ferromanganese,
(3) All 6-minute average opacities silicomanganese, ferromanganese sil-
that exceed the applicable standard. icon, or calcium carbide; and dust-han-
(c) The owner or operator of an af- dling equipment.
fected facility shall submit the results (b) Any facility under paragraph (a)
of initial performance tests to the Ad- of this section that commences con-
ministrator or delegated authority, struction or modification after October
consistent with the provisions of sec- 21, 1974, is subject to the requirements
tion 60.8. The owner or operator who of this subpart.
elects to comply with the reduced per- [42 FR 37938, July 25, 1977]
formance testing provisions of sections
60.255(c) or (d) shall include in the per- § 60.261 Definitions.
formance test report identification of
each affected facility that will be sub- As used in this subpart, all terms not
ject to the reduced testing. The owner defined herein shall have the meaning
or operator electing to comply with given them in the Act and in subpart A
section 60.255(d) shall also include in- of this part.
formation which demonstrates that the (a) Electric submerged arc furnace
control devices are identical. means any furnace wherein electrical
(d) After July 1, 2011, within 60 days energy is converted to heat energy by
after the date of completing each per- transmission of current between elec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

formance evaluation conducted to dem- trodes partially submerged in the fur-

onstrate compliance with this subpart, nace charge.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.261

(b) Furnace charge means any mate- an affected electric submerged arc fur-
rial introduced into the electric sub- nace to the control device.
merged arc furnace, and may consist (n) Standard ferromanganese means
of, but is not limited to, ores, slag, car- that alloy as defined by ASTM Des-
bonaceous material, and limestone. ignation A99–76 or 82 (Reapproved 1987)
(c) Product change means any change (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17).
in the composition of the furnace (o) Silicomanganese means that alloy
charge that would cause the electric as defined by ASTM Designation A483–
submerged arc furnace to become sub- 64 or 74 (Reapproved 1988) (incorporated
ject to a different mass standard appli-
by reference—see § 60.17).
cable under this subpart.
(d) Slag means the more or less com- (p) Calcium carbide means material
pletely fused and vitrified matter sepa- containing 70 to 85 percent calcium
rated during the reduction of a metal carbide by weight.
from its ore. (q) High-carbon ferrochrome means
(e) Tapping means the removal of that alloy as defined by ASTM Des-
slag or product from the electric sub- ignation A101–73 or 93 (incorporated by
merged arc furnace under normal oper- reference—see § 60.17) grades HC1
ating conditions such as removal of through HC6.
metal under normal pressure and (r) Charge chrome means that alloy
movement by gravity down the spout containing 52 to 70 percent by weight
into the ladle. chromium, 5 to 8 percent by weight
(f) Tapping period means the time du- carbon, and 3 to 6 percent by weight
ration from initiation of the process of silicon.
opening the tap hole until plugging of (s) Silvery iron means any
the tap hole is complete. ferrosilicon, as defined by ASTM Des-
(g) Furnace cycle means the time pe- ignation A100–69, 74, or 93 (incorporated
riod from completion of a furnace prod- by reference—see § 60.17), which con-
uct tap to the completion of the next
tains less than 30 percent silicon.
consecutive product tap.
(h) Tapping station means that gen- (t) Ferrochrome silicon means that
eral area where molten product or slag alloy as defined by ASTM Designation
is removed from the electric submerged A482–76 or 93 (incorporated by ref-
arc furnace. erence—see § 60.17).
(i) Blowing tap means any tap in (u) Silicomanganese zirconium means
which an evolution of gas forces or that alloy containing 60 to 65 percent
projects jets of flame or metal sparks by weight silicon, 1.5 to 2.5 percent by
beyond the ladle, runner, or collection weight calcium, 5 to 7 percent by
hood. weight zirconium, 0.75 to 1.25 percent
(j) Furnace power input means the re- by weight aluminum, 5 to 7 percent by
sistive electrical power consumption of weight manganese, and 2 to 3 percent
an electric submerged arc furnace as by weight barium.
measured in kilowatts. (v) Calcium silicon means that alloy
(k) Dust-handling equipment means as defined by ASTM Designation A495–
any equipment used to handle particu- 76 or 94 (incorporated by reference—see
late matter collected by the air pollu- § 60.17).
tion control device (and located at or (w) Ferrosilicon means that alloy as
near such device) serving any electric defined by ASTM Designation A100–69,
submerged arc furnace subject to this
74, or 93 (incorporated by reference—
see § 60.17) grades A, B, C, D, and E,
(l) Control device means the air pollu-
tion control equipment used to remove which contains 50 or more percent by
particulate matter generated by an weight silicon.
electric submerged arc furnace from an (x) Silicon metal means any silicon
effluent gas stream. alloy containing more than 96 percent
(m) Capture system means the equip- silicon by weight.
ment (including hoods, ducts, fans, (y) Ferromanganese silicon means that
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

dampers, etc.) used to capture or trans- alloy containing 63 to 66 percent by

port particulate matter generated by weight manganese, 28 to 32 percent by


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§ 60.262 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

weight silicon, and a maximum of 0.08 § 60.263 Standard for carbon mon-
percent by weight carbon. oxide.
[41 FR 18501, May 4, 1976; 41 FR 20659, May 20, (a) On and after the date on which
1976, as amended at 48 FR 3738, Jan. 27, 1983; the performance test required to be
65 FR 61758, Oct. 17, 2000] conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
owner or operator subject to the provi-
§ 60.262 Standard for particulate mat- sions of this subpart shall cause to be
ter. discharged in to the atmosphere from
(a) On and after the date on which any electric submerged arc furnace any
the performance test required to be gases which contain, on a dry basis, 20
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no or greater volume percent of carbon
owner or operator subject to the provi- monoxide. Combustion of such gases
sions of this subpart shall cause to be under conditions acceptable to the Ad-
discharged into the atmosphere from ministrator constitutes compliance
any electric submerged arc furnace any with this section. Acceptable condi-
gases which: tions include, but are not limited to,
(1) Exit from a control device and flaring of gases or use of gases as fuel
contain particulate matter in excess of for other processes.
0.45 kg/MW-hr (0.99 lb/MW-hr) while sil- § 60.264 Emission monitoring.
icon metal, ferrosilicon, calcium sil-
icon, or silicomanganese zirconium is (a) The owner or operator subject to
being produced. the provisions of this subpart shall in-
stall, calibrate, maintain and operate a
(2) Exit from a control device and
continuous monitoring system for
contain particulate matter in excess of
measurement of the opacity of emis-
0.23 kg/MW-hr (0.51 lb/MW-hr) while
sions discharged into the atmosphere
highcarbon ferrochrome, charge
from the control device(s).
chrome, standard ferromanganese,
(b) For the purpose of reports re-
silicomanganese, calcium carbide, fer- quired under § 60.7(c), the owner or op-
rochrome silicon, ferromanganese sil- erator shall report as excess emissions
icon, or silvery iron is being produced. all six-minute periods in which the av-
(3) Exit from a control device and ex- erage opacity is 15 percent or greater.
hibit 15 percent opacity or greater. (c) The owner or operator subject to
(4) Exit from an electric submerged the provisions of this subpart shall sub-
arc furnace and escape the capture sys- mit a written report of any product
tem and are visible without the aid of change to the Administrator. Reports
instruments. The requirements under of product changes must be post-
this subparagraph apply only during marked not later than 30 days after im-
periods when flow rates are being es- plementation of the product change.
tablished under § 60.265(d).
(5) Escape the capture system at the § 60.265 Monitoring of operations.
tapping station and are visible without (a) The owner or operator of any elec-
the aid of instruments for more than 40 tric submerged arc furnace subject to
percent of each tapping period. There the provisions of this subpart shall
are no limitations on visible emissions maintain daily records of the following
under this subparagraph when a blow- information:
ing tap occurs. The requirements under (1) Product being produced.
this subparagraph apply only during (2) Description of constituents of fur-
periods when flow rates are being es- nace charge, including the quantity, by
tablished under § 60.265(d). weight.
(b) On and after the date on which (3) Time and duration of each tapping
the performance test required to be period and the identification of mate-
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no rial tapped (slag or product.)
owner or operator subject to the provi- (4) All furnace power input data ob-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be tained under paragraph (b) of this sec-
discharged into the atmosphere from tion.
any dust-handling equipment any gases (5) All flow rate data obtained under
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

which exhibit 10 percent opacity or paragraph (c) of this section or all fan
greater. motor power consumption and pressure


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.265

drop data obtained under paragraph (e) volumetric flow rate at or above the
of this section. appropriate levels for that furnace
(b) The owner or operator subject to power input level determined during
the provisions of this subpart shall in- the most recent performance test. If
stall, calibrate, maintain, and operate emissions due to tapping are captured
a device to measure and continuously and ducted separately from emissions
record the furnace power input. The of the electric submerged arc furnace,
furnace power input may be measured during each tapping period the owner
at the output or input side of the trans- or operator shall maintain the exhaust
former. The device must have an accu- flow rates through the capture system
racy of ±5 percent over its operating over the tapping station at or above
range. the levels established during the most
(c) The owner or operator subject to recent performance test. Operation at
the provisions of this subpart shall in- lower flow rates may be considered by
stall, calibrate, and maintain a moni- the Administrator to be unacceptable
toring device that continuously meas- operation and maintenance of the af-
ures and records the volumetric flow fected facility. The owner or operator
rate through each separately ducted may request that these flow rates be
hood of the capture system, except as reestablished by conducting new per-
provided under paragraph (e) of this formance tests under § 60.8 of this part.
section. The owner or operator of an (e) The owner or operator may as an
electric submerged arc furnace that is alternative to paragraph (c) of this sec-
equipped with a water cooled cover tion determine the volumetric flow
which is designed to contain and pre- rate through each fan of the capture
vent escape of the generated gas and system from the fan power consump-
particulate matter shall monitor only tion, pressure drop across the fan and
the volumetric flow rate through the the fan performance curve. Only data
capture system for control of emissions specific to the operation of the affected
from the tapping station. The owner or electric submerged arc furnace are ac-
operator may install the monitoring ceptable for demonstration of compli-
device(s) in any appropriate location in ance with the requirements of this
the exhaust duct such that reproduc- paragraph. The owner or operator shall
ible flow rate monitoring will result. maintain on file a permanent record of
The flow rate monitoring device must the fan performance curve (prepared
have an accuracy of ±10 percent over for a specific temperature) and shall:
its normal operating range and must be (1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
calibrated according to the manufac- operate a device to continuously meas-
turer’s instructions. The Adminis- ure and record the power consumption
trator may require the owner or oper- of the fan motor (measured in kilo-
ator to demonstrate the accuracy of watts), and
the monitoring device relative to (2) Install, calibrate, maintain, and
Methods 1 and 2 of appendix A to this operate a device to continuously meas-
part. ure and record the pressure drop across
(d) When performance tests are con- the fan. The fan power consumption
ducted under the provisions of § 60.8 of and pressure drop measurements must
this part to demonstrate compliance be synchronized to allow real time
with the standards under §§ 60.262(a) (4) comparisions of the data. The moni-
and (5), the volumetric flow rate toring devices must have an accuracy
through each separately ducted hood of of ±5 percent over their normal oper-
the capture system must be determined ating ranges.
using the monitoring device required (f) The volumetric flow rate through
under paragraph (c) of this section. The each fan of the capture system must be
volumetric flow rates must be deter- determined from the fan power con-
mined for furnace power input levels at sumption, fan pressure drop, and fan
50 and 100 percent of the nominal rated performance curve specified under
capacity of the electric submerged arc paragraph (e) of this section, during
furnace. At all times the electric sub- any performance test required under
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

merged arc furnace is operated, the § 60.8 to demonstrate compliance with

owner or operator shall maintain the the standards under §§ 60.262(a)(4) and


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§ 60.266 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(5). The owner or operator shall deter- and procedures as specified in this sec-
mine the volumetric flow rate at a rep- tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
resentative temperature for furnace (c) The owner or operator shall deter-
power input levels of 50 and 100 percent mine compliance with the particulate
of the nominal rated capacity of the matter standards in § 60.262 as follows:
electric submerged arc furnace. At all (1) The emission rate (E) of particu-
times the electric submerged arc fur- late matter shall be computed for each
nace is operated, the owner or operator run using the following equation:
shall maintain the fan power consump-
tion and fan pressure drop at levels ⎡⎛ N ⎞⎤
such that the volumetric flow rate is at E = ⎢⎜ ∑ C si Q sdi ⎟ ⎥ / ( PK )
or above the levels established during ⎢⎣⎝ i =1 ⎠ ⎥⎦
the most recent performance test for where:
that furnace power input level. If emis- E = emission rate of particulate matter, kg/
sions due to tapping are captured and MW-hr (1b/MW-hr).
ducted separately from emissions of n = total number of exhaust streams at
the electric submerged arc furnace, which emissions are quantified.
during each tapping period the owner csi = concentration of particulate matter
from exhaust stream ‘‘i’’, g/dscm (gr/
or operator shall maintain the fan
power consumption and fan pressure Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas
drop at levels such that the volumetric from exhaust stream ‘‘i’’, dscm/hr (dscf/
flow rate is at or above the levels es- hr).
tablished during the most recent per- P = average furnace power input, MW.
formance test. Operation at lower flow K = conversion factor, 1000 g/kg (7000 gr/lb).
rates may be considered by the Admin- (2) Method 5 shall be used to deter-
istrator to be unacceptable operation mine the particulate matter concentra-
and maintenance of the affected facil- tion (csi) and volumetric flow rate (Qsdi)
ity. The owner or operator may request of the effluent gas, except that the
that these flow rates be reestablished heating systems specified in sections
by conducting new performance tests 2.1.2 and 2.1.6 are not to be used when
under § 60.8. The Administrator may re- the carbon monoxide content of the gas
quire the owner or operator to verify stream exceeds 10 percent by volume,
the fan performance curve by moni- dry basis. If a flare is used to comply
toring necessary fan operating param- with § 60.263, the sampling site shall be
eters and determining the gas volume upstream of the flare. The sampling
moved relative to Methods 1 and 2 of time shall include an integral number
appendix A to this part. of furnace cycles.
(g) All monitoring devices required (i) When sampling emissions from
under paragraphs (c) and (e) of this sec- open electric submerged arc furnaces
tion are to be checked for calibration with wet scrubber control devices,
annually in accordance with the proce- sealed electric submerged arc furnaces,
dures under § 60.13(b). or semienclosed electric arc furnaces,
the sampling time and sample volume
§ 60.266 Test methods and procedures. for each run shall be at least 60 min-
utes and 1.80 dscm (63.6 dscf).
(a) During any performance test re- (ii) When sampling emissions from
quired in § 60.8, the owner or operator other types of installations, the sam-
shall not allow gaseous diluents to be pling time and sample volume for each
added to the effluent gas stream after run shall be at least 200 minutes and
the fabric in an open pressurized fabric 5.66 dscm (200 dscf).
filter collector unless the total gas vol- (3) The measurement device of
ume flow from the collector is accu- § 60.265(b) shall be used to determine
rately determined and considered in the average furnace power input (P)
the determination of emissions. during each run.
(b) In conducting the performance (4) Method 9 and the procedures in
tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op- § 60.11 shall be used to determine opac-
erator shall use as reference methods ity.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

and procedures the test methods in ap- (5) The emission rate correction fac-
pendix A of this part or other methods tor, integrated sampling procedure of


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.271

Method 3B shall be used to determine duced iron ore pellets as the primary
the CO concentration. The sample shall source of iron are not affected facilities
be taken simultaneously with each par- within the scope of this definition.
ticulate matter sample. (b) Dust-handling equipment means
(d) During the particulate matter any equipment used to handle particu-
run, the maximum open hood area (in late matter collected by the control de-
hoods with segmented or otherwise vice and located at or near the control
moveable sides) under which the proc- device for an EAF subject to this sub-
ess is expected to be operated and re- part.
main in compliance with all standards (c) Control device means the air pollu-
shall be recorded. Any future operation tion control equipment used to remove
of the hooding system with open areas particulate matter generated by an
in excess of the maximum is not per- EAF(s) from the effluent gas stream.
mitted. (d) Capture system means the equip-
(e) To comply with § 60.265 (d) or (f),
ment (including ducts, hoods, fans,
the owner or operator shall use the
dampers, etc.) used to capture or trans-
monitoring devices in § 60.265 (c) or (e)
port particulate matter generated by
to make the required measurements as
an EAF to the air pollution control de-
determined during the performance
(e) Charge means the addition of iron
[54 FR 6671, Feb. 14, 1989; 54 FR 21344, May 17, and steel scrap or other materials into
1989, as amended at 55 FR 5212, Feb. 14, 1990; the top of an electric arc furnace.
65 FR 61758, Oct. 17, 2000]
(f) Charging period means the time pe-
riod commencing at the moment an
Subpart AA—Standards of Per- EAF starts to open and ending either
formance for Steel Plants: three minutes after the EAF roof is re-
Electric Arc Furnaces Con- turned to its closed position or six min-
structed After October 21, utes after commencement of opening of
1974, and On or Before Au- the roof, whichever is longer.
gust 17, 1983 (g) Tap means the pouring of molten
steel from an EAF.
§ 60.270 Applicability and designation (h) Tapping period means the time pe-
of affected facility. riod commencing at the moment an
(a) The provisions of this subpart are EAF begins to pour molten steel and
applicable to the following affected fa- ending either three minutes after steel
cilities in steel plants that produce ceases to flow from an EAF, or six min-
carbon, alloy, or specialty steels: elec- utes after steel begins to flow, which-
tric arc furnaces and dust-handling ever is longer.
systems. (i) Meltdown and refining means that
(b) The provisions of this subpart phase of the steel production cycle
apply to each affected facility identi- when charge material is melted and un-
fied in paragraph (a) of this section desirable elements are removed from
that commenced construction, modi- the metal.
fication, or reconstruction after Octo- (j) Meltdown and refining period means
ber 21, 1974, and on or before August 17, the time period commencing at the ter-
1983. mination of the initial charging period
[49 FR 43843, Oct. 31, 1984] and ending at the initiation of the tap-
ping period, excluding any inter-
§ 60.271 Definitions. mediate charging periods and times
As used in this subpart, all terms not when power to the EAF is off.
defined herein shall have the meaning (k) Shop opacity means the arith-
given them in the Act and in subpart A metic average of 24 or more opacity ob-
of this part. servations of emissions from the shop
(a) Electric arc furnace (EAF) means a taken in accordance with Method 9 of
furnace that produces molten steel and appendix A of this part for the applica-
heats the charge materials with elec- ble time periods.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

tric arcs from carbon electrodes. Fur- (l) Heat time means the period com-
naces that continuously feed direct-re- mencing when scrap is charged to an


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§ 60.272 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

empty EAF and terminating when the (iv) Where the capture system is op-
EAF tap is completed. erated such that the roof of the shop is
(m) Shop means the building which closed during the charge and the tap,
houses one or more EAF’s. and emissions to the atmosphere are
(n) Direct shell evacuation system prevented until the roof is opened after
means any system that maintains a completion of the charge or tap, the
negative pressure within the EAF shop opacity standards under para-
above the slag or metal and ducts these graph (a)(3) of this section shall apply
emissions to the control device. when the roof is opened and shall con-
(o) Bag leak detection system means a tinue to apply for the length of time
system that is capable of continuously defined by the charging and/or tapping
monitoring relative particulate matter periods.
(dust) loadings in the exhaust of a (b) On and after the date on which
baghouse to detect bag leaks and other the performance test required to be
conditions that result in increases in conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no
particulate loadings. A bag leak detec- owner or operator subject to the provi-
tion system includes, but is not limited sions of this subpart shall cause to be
to, an instrument that operates on discharged into the atmosphere from
triboelectric, electrodynamic, light dust-handling equipment any gases
scattering, light transmittance, or which exhibit 10 percent opacity or
other effect to continuously monitor greater.
relative particulate matter loadings. [40 FR 43852, Sept. 23, 1975, as amended at 49
FR 43843, Oct. 31, 1984; 64 FR 10109, Mar. 2,
[40 FR 43852, Sept. 23, 1975, as amended at 49 1999]
FR 43843, Oct. 31, 1984; 64 FR 10109, Mar. 2,
1999; 70 FR 8530, Feb. 22, 2005] § 60.273 Emission monitoring.
§ 60.272 Standard for particulate mat- (a) A continuous monitoring system
ter. for the measurement of the opacity of
emissions discharged into the atmos-
(a) On and after the date on which phere from the control device(s) shall
the performance test required to be be installed, calibrated, maintained,
conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no and operated by the owner or operator
owner or operator subject to the provi- subject to the provisions of this sub-
sions of this subpart shall cause to be part.
discharged into the atmosphere from (b) For the purpose of reports under
an electric arc furnace any gases § 60.7(c), all six-minute periods during
which: which the average opacity is three per-
(1) Exit from a control device and cent or greater shall indicate a period
contain particulate matter in excess of of excess emission, and shall be re-
12 mg/dscm (0.0052 gr/dscf). ported to the Administrator semi-an-
(2) Exit from a control device and ex- nually.
hibit three percent opacity or greater. (c) A continuous monitoring system
(3) Exit from a shop and, due solely for the measurement of the opacity of
to operations of any EAF(s), exhibit 6 emissions discharged into the atmos-
percent opacity or greater except: phere from the control device(s) is not
(i) Shop opacity less than 20 percent required on any modular, multi-stack,
may occur during charging periods. negative-pressure or positive-pressure
(ii) Shop opacity less than 40 percent fabric filter if observations of the opac-
may occur during tapping periods. ity of the visible emissions from the
(iii) The shop opacity standards control device are performed by a cer-
under paragraph (a)(3) of this section tified visible emission observer; or on
shall apply only during periods when any single-stack fabric filter if visible
the monitoring parameter limits speci- emissions from the control device are
fied in § 60.274(b) are being established performed by a certified visible emis-
according to § 60.274(c) and (g), unless sion observer and the owner installs
the owner or operator elects to perform and continuously operates a bag leak
daily shop opacity observations in lieu detection system according to para-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

of furnace static pressure monitoring graph (e) of this section. Visible emis-
as provided for under § 60.273(d). sion observations shall be conducted at


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.273

least once per day for at least three 6- tion. The bag leak detection system
minute periods when the furnace is op- must meet the specifications and re-
erating in the melting and refining pe- quirements of paragraphs (e)(1)
riod. All visible emissions observations through (8) of this section.
shall be conducted in accordance with (1) The bag leak detection system
Method 9 of appendix A to this part. If must be certified by the manufacturer
visible emissions occur from more than to be capable of detecting particulate
one point, the opacity shall be recorded matter emissions at concentrations of
for any points where visible emissions 1 milligram per actual cubic meter
are observed. Where it is possible to de- (0.00044 grains per actual cubic foot) or
termine that a number of visible emis- less.
sion sites relate to only one incident of (2) The bag leak detection system
the visible emission, only one set of sensor must provide output of relative
three 6-minute observations will be re- particulate matter loadings and the
quired. In that case, the Method 9 ob- owner or operator shall continuously
servations must be made for the site of record the output from the bag leak de-
highest opacity that directly relates to tection system using electronic or
the cause (or location) of visible emis- other means (e.g., using a strip chart
sions observed during a single incident. recorder or a data logger.)
Records shall be maintained of any 6- (3) The bag leak detection system
minute average that is in excess of the
must be equipped with an alarm sys-
emission limit specified in § 60.272(a).
tem that will sound when an increase
(d) A furnace static pressure moni-
in relative particulate loading is de-
toring device is not required on any
tected over the alarm set point estab-
EAF equipped with a DEC system if ob-
lished according to paragraph (e)(4) of
servations of shop opacity are per-
this section, and the alarm must be lo-
formed by a certified visible emission
cated such that it can be heard by the
observer as follows: Shop opacity ob-
appropriate plant personnel.
servations shall be conducted at least
once per day when the furnace is oper- (4) For each bag leak detection sys-
ating in the meltdown and refining pe- tem required by paragraph (e) of this
riod. Shop opacity shall be determined section, the owner or operator shall de-
as the arithmetic average of 24 or more velop and submit to the Administrator
consecutive 15-second opacity observa- or delegated authority, for approval, a
tions of emissions from the shop taken site-specific monitoring plan that ad-
in accordance with Method 9. Shop dresses the items identified in para-
opacity shall be recorded for any graphs (i) through (v) of this paragraph
point(s) where visible emissions are ob- (e)(4). For each bag leak detection sys-
served in proximity to an affected tem that operates based on the
EAF. Where it is possible to determine triboelectric effect, the monitoring
that a number of visible emission sites plan shall be consistent with the rec-
relate to only one incident of visible ommendations contained in the U.S.
emissions, only one observation of shop Environmental Protection Agency
opacity will be required. In this case, guidance document ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag
the shop opacity observations must be Leak Detection Guidance’’ (EPA–454/R–
made for the site of highest opacity 98–015). The owner or operator shall op-
that directly relates to the cause (or erate and maintain the bag leak detec-
location) of visible emissions observed tion system according to the site-spe-
during a single incident. cific monitoring plan at all times. The
(e) A bag leak detection system must plan shall describe:
be installed and continuously operated (i) Installation of the bag leak detec-
on all single-stack fabric filters if the tion system;
owner or operator elects not to install (ii) Initial and periodic adjustment of
and operate a continuous opacity mon- the bag leak detection system includ-
itoring system as provided for under ing how the alarm set-point will be es-
paragraph (c) of this section. In addi- tablished;
tion, the owner or operator shall meet (iii) Operation of the bag leak detec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

the visible emissions observation re- tion system including quality assur-
quirements in paragraph (c) of this sec- ance procedures;


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§ 60.274 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(iv) How the bag leak detection sys- for in paragraph (g) of this section, the
tem will be maintained including a cause of the alarm must be alleviated
routine maintenance schedule and within 3 hours of the time the alarm
spare parts inventory list; and occurred by taking whatever corrective
(v) How the bag leak detection sys- action(s) are necessary. Corrective ac-
tem output shall be recorded and tions may include, but are not limited
stored. to the following:
(5) The initial adjustment of the sys- (1) Inspecting the baghouse for air
tem shall, at a minimum, consist of es- leaks, torn or broken bags or filter
tablishing the baseline output by ad- media, or any other condition that
justing the sensitivity (range) and the may cause an increase in particulate
averaging period of the device, and es- emissions;
tablishing the alarm set points and the (2) Sealing off defective bags or filter
alarm delay time (if applicable). media;
(6) Following initial adjustment, the (3) Replacing defective bags or filter
owner or operator shall not adjust the media or otherwise repairing the con-
averaging period, alarm set point, or trol device;
alarm delay time without approval (4) Sealing off a defective baghouse
from the Administrator or delegated compartment;
authority except as provided for in (5) Cleaning the bag leak detection
paragraphs (e)(6)(i) and (ii) of this sec- system probe or otherwise repairing
tion. the bag leak detection system; or
(i) Once per quarter, the owner or op- (6) Shutting down the process pro-
erator may adjust the sensitivity of ducing the particulate emissions.
the bag leak detection system to ac- (g) In approving the site-specific
count for seasonal effects including monitoring plan required in paragraph
temperature and humidity according to (e)(4) of this section, the Administrator
the procedures identified in the site- or delegated authority may allow own-
specific monitoring plan required ers or operators more than 3 hours to
under paragraphs (e)(4) of this section. alleviate specific conditions that cause
(ii) If opacities greater than zero per- an alarm if the owner or operator iden-
cent are observed over four consecutive tifies the condition that could lead to
15-second observations during the daily an alarm in the monitoring plan, ade-
opacity observations required under quately explains why it is not feasible
paragraph (c) of this section and the to alleviate the condition within 3
alarm on the bag leak detection system hours of the time the alarm occurred,
does not sound, the owner or operator and demonstrates that the requested
shall lower the alarm set point on the additional time will ensure alleviation
bag leak detection system to a point of the condition as expeditiously as
where the alarm would have sounded practicable.
during the period when the opacity ob-
servations were made. [40 FR 43852, Sept. 23, 1975, as amended at 49
(7) For negative pressure, induced air FR 43843, Oct. 31, 1984; 54 FR 6672. Feb. 14,
baghouses, and positive pressure 1989; 64 FR 10109, Mar. 2, 1999; 70 FR 8530, Feb.
22, 2005]
baghouses that are discharged to the
atmosphere through a stack, the bag § 60.274 Monitoring of operations.
leak detection sensor must be installed
downstream of the baghouse and up- (a) The owner or operator subject to
stream of any wet scrubber. the provisions of this subpart shall
(8) Where multiple detectors are re- maintain records daily of the following
quired, the system’s instrumentation information:
and alarm may be shared among detec- (1) Time and duration of each charge;
tors. (2) Time and duration of each tap;
(f) For each bag leak detection sys- (3) All flow rate data obtained under
tem installed according to paragraph paragraph (b) of this section, or equiva-
(e) of this section, the owner or oper- lent obtained under paragraph (d) of
ator shall initiate procedures to deter- this section; and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

mine the cause of all alarms within 1 (4) All pressure data obtained under
hour of an alarm. Except as provided paragraph (f) of this section.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.274

(b) Except as provided under para- these parameters as determined during

graph (d) of this section, the owner or the most recent demonstration of com-
operator subject to the provisions of pliance shall be maintained at the ap-
this subpart shall check and record on propriate level for each applicable pe-
a once-per-shift basis furnace static riod. Operation at other than baseline
pressure (if a DEC system is in use, and values may be subject to the require-
a furnace static pressure gauge is in- ments of § 60.276(a).
stalled according to paragraph (f) of (d) The owner or operator may peti-
this section) and either: check and tion the Administrator to approve any
record the control system fan motor alternative method that will provide a
amperes and damper positions on a continuous record of operation of each
once-per-shift basis; install, calibrate, emission capture system.
and maintain a monitoring device that (e) The owner or operator shall per-
continuously records the volumetric form monthly operational status in-
flow rate through each separately spections of the equipment that is im-
ducted hood; or install, calibrate, and portant to the performance of the total
maintain a monitoring device that con- capture system (i.e., pressure sensors,
tinuously records the volumetric flow dampers, and damper switches). This
rate at the control device inlet and inspection shall include observations of
check and record damper positions on a the physical appearance of the equip-
once-per-shift basis. The monitoring ment (e.g., presence of hole in duct-
device(s) may be installed in any ap- work or hoods, flow constrictions
propriate location in the exhaust duct caused by dents or accumulated dust in
such that reproducible flow rate moni- ductwork, and fan erosion). Any defi-
toring will result. The flow rate moni- ciencies shall be noted and proper
toring device(s) shall have an accuracy maintenance performed.
of ±10 percent over its normal oper- (f) Except as provided for under
ating range and shall be calibrated ac- § 60.273(d), where emissions during any
cording to the manufacturer’s instruc- phase of the heat time are controlled
tions. The Administrator may require by use of a direct shell evacuation sys-
the owner or operator to demonstrate tem, the owner or operator shall in-
the accuracy of the monitoring de- stall, calibrate, and maintain a moni-
vice(s) relative to Methods 1 and 2 of toring device that continuously records
appendix A of this part. the pressure in the free space inside the
(c) When the owner or operator of an EAF. The pressure shall be recorded as
affected facility is required to dem- 15-minute integrated averages. The
onstrate compliance with the stand- monitoring device may be installed in
ards under § 60.272(a)(3) and at any any appropriate location in the EAF or
other time that the Administrator may DEC duct prior to the introduction of
require (under section 114 of the CAA, ambient air such that reproducible re-
as amended) either: the control system sults will be obtained. The pressure
fan motor amperes and all damper posi- monitoring device shall have an accu-
tions, the volumetric flow rate through racy of ±5 mm of water gauge over its
each separately ducted hood, or the normal operating range and shall be
volumetric flow rate at the control de- calibrated according to the manufac-
vice inlet and all damper positions turer’s instructions.
shall be determined during all periods (g) Except as provided for under
in which a hood is operated for the pur- § 60.273(d), when the owner or operator
pose of capturing emissions from the of an EAF is required to demonstrate
affected facility subject to paragraph compliance with the standard under
(b) of this section. The owner or oper- § 60.272(a)(3) and at any other time the
ator may petition the Administrator Administrator may require (under sec-
for reestablishment of these param- tion 114 of the Act, as amended), the
eters whenever the owner or operator pressure in the free space inside the
can demonstrate to the Administra- furnace shall be determined during the
tor’s satisfaction that the EAF oper- meltdown and refining period(s) using
ating conditions upon which the pa- the monitoring device under paragraph
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

rameters were previously established (f) of this section. The owner or oper-
are no longer applicable. The values of ator may petition the Administrator


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§ 60.275 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

for reestablishment of the 15-minute mon capture system and control de-
integrated average pressure whenever vice, the owner or operator shall use ei-
the owner or operator can demonstrate ther or both of the following proce-
to the Administrator’s satisfaction dures during a performance test (see
that the EAF operating conditions also § 60.276(b)):
upon which the pressures were pre- (1) Determine compliance using the
viously established are no longer appli- combined emissions.
cable. The pressure determined during (2) Use a method that is acceptable to
the most recent demonstration of com- the Administrator and that com-
pliance shall be maintained at all pensates for the emissions from the fa-
times the EAF is operating in a melt- cilities not subject to the provisions of
down and refining period. Operation at this subpart.
higher pressures may be considered by (c) When emissions from any EAF(s)
the Administrator to be unacceptable are combined with emissions from fa-
operation and maintenance of the af- cilities not subject to the provisions of
fected facility. this subpart, the owner or operator
(h) Where the capture system is de- shall use either or both of the following
signed and operated such that all emis- procedures to demonstrate compliance
sions are captured and ducted to a con- with § 60.272(a)(3):
trol device, the owner or operator shall (1) Determine compliance using the
not be subject to the requirements of combined emissions.
this section. (2) Shut down operation of facilities
(i) During any performance test re- not subject to the provisions of this
quired under § 60.8, and for any report subpart during the performance test.
thereof required by § 60.276(c) of this (d) In conducting the performance
subpart or to determine compliance tests required in § 60.8, the owner or op-
with § 60.272(a)(3) of this subpart, the erator shall use as reference methods
owner or operator shall monitor the and procedures the test methods in ap-
following information for all heats cov- pendix A of this part or other methods
ered by the test: and procedures as specified in this sec-
(1) Charge weights and materials, and tion, except as provided in § 60.8(b).
tap weights and materials; (e) The owner or operator shall deter-
(2) Heat times, including start and mine compliance with the particulate
stop times, and a log of process oper- matter standards in § 60.272 as follows:
ation, including periods of no operation (1) Method 5 shall be used for nega-
during testing and the pressure inside tive-pressure fabric filters and other
the furnace where direct-shell evacu- types of control devices and Method 5D
ation systems are used; shall be used for positive-pressure fab-
(3) Control device operation log; and ric filters to determine the particular
(4) Continuous opacity monitor or matter concentration and, if applica-
Method 9 data. ble, the volumetric flow rate of the ef-
fluent gas. The sampling time and sam-
[40 FR 43852, Sept. 23, 1975, as amended at 49 ple volume for each run shall be at
FR 43843, Oct. 31, 1984; 64 FR 10110, Mar. 2,
least 4 hours and 4.5 dscm (160 dscf)
1999; 65 FR 61758, Oct. 17, 2000; 70 FR 8532,
Feb. 22, 2005] and, when a single EAF is sampled, the
sampling time shall include an integral
§ 60.275 Test methods and procedures. number of heats.
(a) During performance tests required (2) When more than one control de-
in § 60.8, the owner or operator shall vice serves the EAF(s) being tested, the
not add gaseous diluent to the effluent concentration of particulate matter
gas after the fabric in any pressurized shall be determined using the following
fabric collector, unless the amount of equation:
dilution is separately determined and
⎡n ⎤ n
c st = ⎢∑ (c si Q sdi )⎥ / ∑ Q sdi
considered in the determination of
(b) When emissions from any EAF(s) ⎣ i =1 ⎦ i =1
are combined with emissions from fa- where:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

cilities not subject to the provisions of cst = average concentration of particulate

this subpart but controlled by a com- matter, mg/dscm (gr/dscf).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.276
csi = concentration of particulate matter in the melting and refining period. All
from control device ‘‘i’’, mg/dscm (gr/ visible emissions observations shall be
dscf). conducted in accordance with Method
n = total number of control devices tested.
Qsdi = volumetric flow rate of stack gas from 9. If visible emissions occur from more
control device ‘‘i’’, dscm/hr (dscf/hr). than one point, the opacity shall be re-
corded for any points where visible
(3) Method 9 and the procedures of emissions are observed. Where it is pos-
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- sible to determine that a number of
ity. visible emission sites relate to only
(4) To demonstrate compliance with
one incident of the visible emission,
§ 60.272(a) (1), (2), and (3), the Method 9
only one set of three 6-minute observa-
test runs shall be conducted concur-
tions will be required. In that case, the
rently with the particulate matter test
Method 9 observations must be made
runs, unless inclement weather inter-
feres. for the site of highest opacity that di-
(f) To comply with § 60.274 (c), (f), (g), rectly relates to the cause (or location)
and (i), the owner or operator shall ob- of visible emissions observed during a
tain the information in these para- single incident. Records shall be main-
graphs during the particulate matter tained of any 6-minute average that is
runs. in excess of the emission limit speci-
(g) Where emissions from any EAF(s) fied in § 60.272(a).
are combined with emissions from fa- (j) Unless the presence of inclement
cilities not subject to the provisions of weather makes concurrent testing in-
this subpart but controlled by a com- feasible, the owner or operator shall
mon capture system and control de- conduct concurrently the performance
vice, the owner or operator may use tests required under § 60.8 to dem-
any of the following procedures during onstrate compliance with § 60.272(a) (1),
a performance test: (2), and (3) of this subpart.
(1) Base compliance on control of the
[40 FR 43852, Sept. 23, 1975, as amended at 49
combined emissions. FR 43844, Oct. 31, 1984; 54 FR 6672, Feb. 14,
(2) Utilize a method acceptable to the 1989; 54 FR 21344, May 17, 1989; 65 FR 61758,
Administrator which compensates for Oct. 17, 2000; 70 FR 8532, Feb. 22, 2005]
the emissions from the facilities not
subject to the provisions of this sub- § 60.276 Recordkeeping and reporting
part. requirements.
(3) Any combination of the criteria of
(a) Operation at a furnace static pres-
paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this sec-
sure that exceeds the value established
(h) Where emissions from any EAF(s) under § 60.274(g) and either operation of
are combined with emissions from fa- control system fan motor amperes at
cilities not subject to the provisions of values exceeding ±15 percent of the
this subpart, the owner or operator value established under § 60.274(c) or op-
may use any of the following proce- eration at flow rates lower than those
dures for demonstrating compliance established under § 60.274(c) may be
with § 60.272(a)(3): considered by the Administrator to be
(1) Base compliance on control of the unacceptable operation and mainte-
combined emissions. nance of the affected facility. Oper-
(2) Shut down operation of facilities ation at such values shall be reported
not subject to the provisions of this to the Administrator semiannually.
subpart. (b) When the owner or operator of an
(3) Any combination of the criteria of EAF is required to demonstrate com-
paragraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of this sec- pliance with the standard under § 60.275
tion. (b)(2) or a combination of (b)(1) and
(i) If visible emissions observations (b)(2), the owner or operator shall ob-
are made in lieu of using a continuous tain approval from the Administrator
opacity monitoring system, as allowed of the procedure(s) that will be used to
for by § 60.273(c), visible emission obser- determine compliance. Notification of
vations shall be conducted at least the procedure(s) to be used must be
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB

once per day for at least three 6-minute postmarked at least 30 days prior to
periods when the furnace is operating the performance test.


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§ 60.270a 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–21 Edition)

(c) For the purpose of this subpart, shall indicate a period of excess emis-
the owner or operator shall conduct sion, and shall be reported to the Ad-
the demonstration of compliance with ministrator semi-annually, according
§ 60.272(a) of this subpart and furnish to § 60.7(c).
the Administrator a written report of (e) The owner or operator shall main-
the results of the test. This report tain the following records for each bag
shall include the following informa- leak detection system required under
tion: § 60.273(e):
(1) Facility name and address; (1) Records of the bag leak detection
(2) Plant representative; system output;
(3) Make and model of process, con- (2) Records of bag leak detection sys-
trol device, and continuous monitoring tem adjustments, including the date
equipment; and time of the adjustment, the initial
(4) Flow diagram of process and emis- bag leak detection system settings, and
sion capture equipment including other the final bag leak detection system
equipment or process(es) ducted to the settings; and
same control device; (3) An identification of the date and
(5) Rated (design) capacity of process time of all bag leak detection system

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