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1. Summarize your own information on all the vitamins categorized into water-soluble and fat-soluble,
using your own tabulation.


B1 Assist in energy No adverse Result in disease Fortified corn
Thiamine metabolism; effects beriberi → dry = flakes
thiamine damage to nervous Tomato juice
pyrophosphate system and muscle
participates in weakness; wet =
conversion of acetyl damage to
CoA cardiovascular
system (dilated
blood vessels)
B2 Serves as No upper intake Inflammation of Broccoli
Riboflavin coenzyme in energy levels membranes Milk
metabolism Mushrooms

B5 Part of chemical Rare → general No toxic effects Chicken

Pantotheni structure of failure of all the reported or upper Beef
c Acid coenzyme A → key body’s systems intake level Oats
compound in several (fatigue, GI
metabolic pathways distress, and
B3 Niacin Has two chemical Less vulnerable Pellagra: diarrhea, Chicken breast
structures (nicotinic to food dermatitis, Tuna Canned
acid and preparation dementia, and in water
nicotinamide); losses than eventually death Mushrooms
coenzymes for other vitamins;
metabolic reactions can
cause “niacin
B6 Can be converted Synthesis of key Neurological Banana
Pyridoxine into PLP along with neurotransmitter damage: abnormal Watermelon
pyridoxal and s diminishes Prune juice
pyridoxamine; used and abnormal brain wave patterns
for metabolism; can compounds and convulsions
be used to transfer produced during
amino acids to tryptophan
nonessential amino metabolism
acids accumulate in
the brain; early
depression and
Biotin Coenzyme in No upper intake Rarely occur → skin Liver Egg
metabolism; carries level recorded rash, hair loss, and yolks
activated carbon neurological Soybean
dioxide; impairment
break down fatty
acids and amino
B9 Folate Transfers 1-carbon Upper intake Macrocytic or Pinto
compounds during levels from megaloblastic Beans
metabolism; fortified foods anemia; drug Lentils
synthesizes DNA and interactions → Asparagus
supplements; secondary
high-doses can deficiency
obscure vitamin
B12 deficiency
B12- Regeneration of No adverse Inadequate Fish
Cobalamin methionine; effects or upper absorption; atrophic Yeast
synthesis of DNA intake level gastritis (adults) Milk
and RNA; protect
nerve fibers and
bone cell activity
Vitamin C Protects cells and Diarrhea; GI Scurvy Potatoes
tissues; enhances distress; Strawberries
absorption of iron; interference with Red bell peppers
helps form structural medical
protein of connective regimens

Vitamin A Needed for vision, Vitamin A Too much vitamin A Vitamin A from animal
(and its healthy skin and deficiency is can be toxic. sources (retinol): fortified
precursor*, mucous rare in the It can affect: milk, cheese, cream,
beta- membranes, bone United States, people who take butter, fortified margarine,
carotene) and tooth growth, but it can affect vitamin A eggs, liver
*A immune system a person who: supplements Beta-carotene (from plant
precursor health follows a plant- those with a high sources): Leafy, dark
is based diet intake of fish liver oil green vegetables; dark
converted orange fruits (apricots,
by the has cystic people who take cantaloupe) and
body to fibrosis medications that vegetables (carrots, winter
the A long-term contain retinoids, squash, sweet potatoes,
vitamin. deficiency can such as acitretin pumpkin)
lead to a loss of (Soriatane), a
night vision and treatment
possibly a total for psoriasis
loss of vision. During pregnancy,
high levels of
vitamin A can harm
a growing fetus.
Symptoms of an
overdose include:
In severe
cases, coma and
death can result.

Vitamin D Needed for proper older adults and This can lead to: Egg yolks, liver, fatty fish,
absorption children who do nausea fortified milk, fortified
of calcium; stored in not spend much headaches margarine. When exposed
bones time out of low appetite and to sunlight, the skin can
doors weight loss make vitamin D.
people with a buildup of calcium
darker skin in tissues and blood
some people vessels
with chronic heart or kidney
health damage
conditions high blood pressure
those who live
far from the
Equator, where
winter days are
with obesity
osteoporosis, or
loss of bone
when bones
become soft
rickets, when a
child’s bones do
not develop as
they should
increased risk of
infection and
Learn more
about vitamin D

Vitamin E nerve and overdose, although Polyunsaturated plant oils

Antioxidant; protects muscle damage supplement use can (soybean, corn,
cell walls that affects increase this risk. cottonseed, safflower);
movement and People who use leafy green vegetables;
coordination blood-thinning wheat germ; whole-grain
vision problems medication, such as products; liver; egg yolks;
a weakened warfarin (Coumadin) nuts and seeds
immune system should ask their
doctor before taking
vitamin E
supplements, as
these may interfere
with blood clotting.

Vitamin K Needed for proper A vitamin K Taking high Leafy green vegetables
blood clotting deficiency may quantities of vitamin such as kale, collard
result in: K does not appear greens, and spinach;
excess bleeding to lead to adverse green vegetables such as
lower bone effects. However, it broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
density, in the can interfere with and asparagus; also
long term the use of blood- produced in intestinal tract
thinning by bacteria
medications, such
as warfarin

2. Why is there no hypervitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins. Explain your answer.

- Water soluble vitamins are practically harmless. Because they are released through urine or sweat. But
high levels of fat soluble vitamins can be quite harmful. Because they are not released through urine or
sweat. They remain stagnant inside our kidneys or liver. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins.
Vitamin B and Vitamin C are water soluble vitamins. Our body needs only lesser amounts of Vitamin B and
C. Additionally, these vitamins are water soluble, so it is highly harmless. On the contrary high levels of fat
soluble vitamins can be quite harmful. For example, 4000 UI of vitamin D in an adult male would lead to
increased levels of toxicity
3. Explain each of the following-

a) vitamins as coenzyme factors

- Coenzymes are organic compounds required by many enzymes for catalytic activity. They are often
vitamins, or derivatives of vitamins. Sometimes they can act as catalysts in the absence of enzymes, but
not so effectively as in conjunction with an enzyme. That Most water-soluble vitamins act as coenzymes or
are required for the synthesis of coenzymes.

b) hematopoeies

- Hematopoiesis is the production of all of the cellular components of blood and blood plasma. It occurs
within the hematopoietic system, which includes organs and tissues such as the bone marrow, liver, and
spleen. Simply, hematopoiesis is the process through which the body manufactures blood cells.
Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources | HealthLink BC. (n.d.).

Fat-soluble vitamins: Types, function, and sources. (2020, January 17).

Hypervitaminosis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.).
Coenzymes - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.).

Hematopoiesis: Definition, where it occurs, process, and types. (2017, September 27).

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