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§ 180.3 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

(b) Any person who performs a func- Subpart B [Reserved]

tion prescribed in this part is consid-
ered subject to the regulations of this
subchapter when that person—
Subpart C—Qualification, Mainte-
(1) Makes any representation indi- nance and Use of Cylinders
cating compliance with one or more of
the requirements of this part; or SOURCE: 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, unless
(2) Reintroduces into commerce a otherwise noted.
packaging that bears markings indi-
cating compliance with this part. § 180.201 Applicability.
[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as This subpart prescribes require-
amended by Amdt. 180–2, 56 FR 27877, June ments, in addition to those contained
17, 1991] in parts 107, 171, 172, 173, and 178 of this
chapter, for the continuing qualifica-
§ 180.3 General requirements. tion, maintenance, or periodic requali-
(a) No person may represent, mark, fication of DOT specification and ex-
certify, sell, or offer a packaging or emption cylinders and UN pressure re-
container as meeting the requirements ceptacles.
of this part, or a special permit per- [71 FR 33894, June 12, 2006]
taining to this part issued under sub-
chapter A of this chapter, whether or § 180.203 Definitions.
not the packaging or container is in-
tended to be used for the transpor- As used in this section, the word
tation of a hazardous material, unless ‘‘cylinder’’ includes UN pressure recep-
it is marked, maintained, recondi- tacles. In addition to the definitions
tioned, repaired, or retested, as appro- contained in § 171.8 of this subchapter,
priate, in accordance with this part, an the following definitions apply to this
approval issued thereunder, or a special subpart:
permit issued under subchapter A of Commercially free of corrosive compo-
this chapter. nents means a hazardous material hav-
(b) The representations, markings, ing a dew point at or below minus 46.7
and certifications subject to the prohi- °C (minus 52 °F) at 101kPa (1 atmos-
bitions of paragraph (a) of this section phere) and free of components that will
include: adversely react with the cylinder (e.g.
(1) Identifications that include the chemical stress corrosion).
letters ‘‘DOT’’, ‘‘MC’’, ‘‘ICC’’, or ‘‘UN’’; Condemn means a determination that
(2) Special permit, approval, and reg- a cylinder is unserviceable for the con-
istration numbers that include the let- tinued transportation of hazardous ma-
ters ‘‘DOT’’; terials in commerce and that the cyl-
(3) Test dates displayed in associa- inder may not be restored by repair, re-
tion with specification, registration, building, requalification, or any other
approval, or exemption markings indi- procedure.
cating conformance to a test or retest Defect means an imperfection requir-
requirement of this subchapter, an ap- ing removal of a cylinder from service.
proval issued thereunder, or a special Elastic expansion means a temporary
permit issued under subchapter A of increase in a cylinder’s volume, due to
this chapter; application of pressure, that is lost
(4) Documents indicating conform- when pressure is released (elastic ex-
ance to the testing, inspection, mainte- pansion = total expansion minus per-
nance or other continuing qualification manent expansion).
requirements of this part; and Filled or charged means an introduc-
(5) Sales literature, including adver- tion or presence of a hazardous mate-
tising, indicating that the packaging rial in a cylinder.
or container represented therein con- Non-corrosive service means a haz-
forms to requirements contained in ardous material that, in the presence
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

subchapter A or C of this chapter. of moisture, is not corrosive to the ma-

[Amdt. 180–2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as terials of construction of a cylinder
amended by Amdt. 180–3, 58 FR 33306, June (including valve, pressure relief device,
16, 1993; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005] etc.).


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