CFR 2011 Title49 Vol3 Sec199 241

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 199.


of alcohol testing under this subpart, signs and symptoms of an alcohol prob-
and to each person subsequently hired lem (the employee’s or a coworker’s);
for or transferred to a covered position. and including intervening evaluating
(2) Each operator shall provide writ- and resolving problems associated with
ten notice to representatives of em- the misuse of alcohol including inter-
ployee organizations of the availability vening when an alcohol problem is sus-
of this information. pected, confrontation, referral to any
(b) Required content. The materials to available EAP, and/or referral to man-
be made available to covered employ- agement.
ees shall include detailed discussion of (c) Optional provisions. The materials
at least the following: supplied to covered employees may
(1) The identity of the person des- also include information on additional
ignated by the operator to answer cov- operator policies with respect to the
ered employee questions about the ma- use or possession of alcohol, including
terials. any consequences for an employee
(2) The categories of employees who found to have a specified alcohol level,
are subject to the provisions of this that are based on the operator’s au-
subpart. thority independent of this subpart.
(3) Sufficient information about the Any such additional policies or con-
covered functions performed by those sequences shall be clearly described as
employees to make clear what period being based on independent authority.
of the work day the covered employee
is required to be in compliance with § 199.241 Training for supervisors.
this subpart.
(4) Specific information concerning Each operator shall ensure that per-
covered employee conduct that is pro- sons designated to determine whether
hibited by this subpart. reasonable suspicion exists to require a
(5) The circumstances under which a covered employee to undergo alcohol
covered employee will be tested for al- testing under § 199.225(b) receive at
cohol under this subpart. least 60 minutes of training on the
(6) The procedures that will be used physical, behavioral, speech, and per-
to test for the presence of alcohol, pro- formance indicators of probable alco-
tect the covered employee and the in- hol misuse.
tegrity of the breath testing process,
§ 199.243 Referral, evaluation, and
safeguard the validity of the test re- treatment.
sults, and ensure that those results are
attributed to the correct employee. (a) Each covered employee who has
(7) The requirement that a covered engaged in conduct prohibited by
employee submit to alcohol tests ad- §§ 199.215 through 199.223 of this subpart
ministered in accordance with this sub- shall be advised of the resources avail-
part. able to the covered employee in evalu-
(8) An explanation of what con- ating and resolving problems associ-
stitutes a refusal to submit to an alco- ated with the misuse of alcohol, includ-
hol test and the attendant con- ing the names, addresses, and tele-
sequences. phone numbers of substance abuse pro-
(9) The consequences for covered em- fessionals and counseling and treat-
ployees found to have violated the pro- ment programs.
hibitions under this subpart, including (b) Each covered employee who en-
the requirement that the employee be gages in conduct prohibited under
removed immediately from covered §§ 199.215 through 199.223 shall be evalu-
functions, and the procedures under ated by a substance abuse professional
§ 199.243. who shall determine what assistance, if
(10) The consequences for covered any, the employee needs in resolving
employees found to have an alcohol problems associated with alcohol mis-
concentration of 0.02 or greater but less use.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

than 0.04. (c)(1) Before a covered employee re-

(11) Information concerning the ef- turns to duty requiring the perform-
fects of alcohol misuse on an individ- ance of a covered function after engag-
ual’s health, work, and personal life; ing in conduct prohibited by §§ 199.215


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