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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Phung Huu Minh Khanh Student ID GDD210033

Class GCD1102 Assessor name Dang Quang Hien

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Km

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Lecturer Signature:
Table of Contents
I. Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards (P1) ............................ 7
1. Overview about Network .............................................................................................................. 7
2. Types of Networks. ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Personal area network (PAN): ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Local area network (LAN): ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Metropolitan area network (MAN): ............................................................................................ 8
2.4. Campus network (CAN): .............................................................................................................. 9
2.5. Wide area network (WAN): ......................................................................................................... 9
2.6. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): ........................................................................................ 9
2.7. Virtual private network: .............................................................................................................. 9
3. Overview about Protocol ............................................................................................................. 10
Some common Protocol.................................................................................................................. 11
4. International Networking Standards Organizations. ..................................................................... 13
II. The impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements (P2) ....................... 14
A. Overview about Topology ........................................................................................................... 14
Types of Topologies: ....................................................................................................................... 15
B. Communication ........................................................................................................................... 21
C. Rules of Communication ............................................................................................................. 21
a. Message Encoding: ...................................................................................................................... 21
b. Message Formatting and Encapsulation:...................................................................................... 21
c. Message Size: ............................................................................................................................... 21
d. Message Timing: .......................................................................................................................... 21
D. Bandwidth................................................................................................................................... 21
III. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types (P3).................................. 23
A. Network devices: ........................................................................................................................ 23
1. Switch: ................................................................................................................................... 23
2. Router: .................................................................................................................................. 24
3. Hub:....................................................................................................................................... 25
4. Gateway: ............................................................................................................................... 26
5. Modem: ................................................................................................................................. 27
6. Repeater: ............................................................................................................................... 27
B. Network Servers ......................................................................................................................... 28
1. DHCP: .................................................................................................................................... 28
2. DNS: ...................................................................................................................................... 29
3. FTP: ....................................................................................................................................... 29
4. Client: .................................................................................................................................... 30
5. Mail: ...................................................................................................................................... 30
6. Web: ...................................................................................................................................... 31
7. Proxy: .................................................................................................................................... 32
8. Print: ..................................................................................................................................... 33
9. Application: ........................................................................................................................... 33
IV. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software (P4) ... 34
Discuss: ............................................................................................................................................... 34
1. Workstation Hardware: ......................................................................................................... 34
2. Networking Software: ............................................................................................................ 35
3. The interdependency of workstation hardware with networking software. ........................... 36
V. Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked
systems (M1) .......................................................................................................................................... 36
A. Compare circuit switching and packet switching: ....................................................................... 36
1. Circuit switching: ................................................................................................................... 36
2. Packet switching: ................................................................................................................... 37
3. Difference between circuit & packet switching: ..................................................................... 38
B. How the protocols enable networked systems to connect efficiently using these principles ..... 38
1. Practical situations that are used for circuit switching: .......................................................... 38
2. Practical situations that are used for packet switching:.......................................................... 39
VI. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario
regarding cost and performance optimization (M2). .............................................................................. 39
References .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Table of Figures:
Figure 1: Networking Devices .................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Overview about Protocol. ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Star Topology. ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4: Bus Topology. ........................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5: Ring Topology. .......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 6: Mesh Topology. ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 7: Hybrid Topology........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 8: Tree Topology. .......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 9: Bandwidth. ............................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10: Switch. .................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 11: Router..................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 12: Hub. ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 13: Gateway ................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 14: Modem. .................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 15: Repeater. ................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 16: DHCP. ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 17: DNS (Domain Name System). .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 18: FTP. ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19: Client - Server. ........................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 20: Mail Server. ............................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 21: Web Server. ............................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 22: Proxy Server. ........................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 23: Print Server. ............................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 24: Application.............................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 25: Workstation hardware. ........................................................................................................... 34
Figure 26: Networking Software. ............................................................................................................. 35
Figure 27: How circuit switching works. ................................................................................................... 37
Figure 28: Packet Switched Network. ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 29: Circuit switching network illustration. ..................................................................................... 38
Figure 30: Packet switching network illustration. .................................................................................... 39
Figure 31: Dell PowerEdge R440 - 4x3.5 (Basic) ....................................................................................... 40
Table of Tables:
Table 1: International Networking Standards Organizations. ................................................................... 13
Table 2: Difference between circuit & packet switching. ......................................................................... 38
Table 3: Specification of Dell PowerEdge R440 - 4x3.5 (Basic). ................................................................. 40
I. Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards (P1)
1. Overview about Network
Networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions.
It consists of multiple devices that communicate with one another. Just image it’s like a
spiderweb that have a lot of spiders and each spider can connect and approach each other by
spider’s silk. Networks are used almost everywhere. Without them, we can’t be able to use our
computer at school or work. Seriously, we would never have the internet, many tasks that it’s
look very easy when using computer would become almost impossible to complete. Networks are
included most of technology services that we used such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets,
smartphone, televisions, gaming console, smart appliances, and other electronics.

Figure 1: Networking Devices

2. Types of Networks.
2.1. Personal area network (PAN):
Definition: A personal area network (PAN) is the smallest and simplest type of
network. PANs connect devices within the range of an individual and are no larger
than about 10 meters (m). Because PANs operate in such limited areas of space, most
are wireless and provide short-range connectivity with infrared technology.
An example of a wireless PAN is when users connect Bluetooth devices, like wireless
headsets, to a smartphone or laptop. Although most PANs are wireless, wired PAN
options exist, including USB. PAN benefits:
 Portability. Most devices that connect in a PAN are small and can be easily
 Affordability. The ability to form a connection between two devices in a PAN
without additional wiring is generally less expensive compared to a wired network.
 Reliability. PANs guarantee stable connectivity between devices, provided that the
devices remain within the 10 m range.
 Security. PANs don't directly connect to larger networks, but rather to other
devices connected to larger networks. The security of a device in a PAN is
contingent upon how secure the intermediary device is within the larger overall
2.2. Local area network (LAN):
a. Define: A local area network or LAN is a network that connects computers within a
limited area. This might be in a school, an office or even a home. For example, a
computer may connect to the router via Ethernet, while smartphones and tablets
connect to the router via Wi-Fi. All devices connected to the router share the same
network and often the same Internet connection.
b. Benefits: LAN is useful for sharing resources like files, printers, games or other
applications. It can be easy to manage data since data is stored on the sever
c. Constraints: The LAN administrator can see and check personal data files of each
and every LAN user. Moreover, he can view the computer and internet history of the
LAN user. So, it is no longer security and become privacy violations. And the area is
also limited
2.3. Metropolitan area network (MAN):
a. Define: MAN network is a network model that is connected from many LANs
together through cables, transmission facilities, etc. The connection range is in a wide
area like in a city. The main users of the MAN network model are organizations and
businesses that have many branches or departments connected to each other.
b. Benefits: Even though the prices is not as expensive as WAN, MAN gives a good
connection, all data is easily manageable in a centralized way. Moreover, the security
sever is better than WAN.
c. Constraints: As it cannot work on phone copper wires. Copper wires affect the
speed of MAN. So high cost is needed for fiber optics. In this network, there is a high
risk of attacking hackers as compared to LAN. So, data may be a leak. Highly security
staff is the need in MAN.
2.4. Campus network (CAN):
a. Define: A campus network is a LAN or set of connected LANs which is used by a
government agency, university, corporation or similar organization and is typically a
network across a set of buildings that are close together.
b. Benefits: CAN use a wireless connection for connecting different departments and
buildings across one organization. CAN is economical in the sense that it uses fewer
cables, switches, hubs and routers.
c. Constraints: Troubleshooting and maintenance of CAN are expensive as compared
to other networks. The connection between nodes (computers) is limited in size i.e.
you cannot connect a large number of nodes together in CAN. And also CAN have a
maximum length of 40 meters.
2.5. Wide area network (WAN):
a. Define: A WAN is a combination of a LAN and a MAN network connected via
satellite, fiber optic cable or wire cable. This wide area network can both connect into
a private network and can create large connections, covering an entire country or
b. Benefits: Storage capabilities and information sharing. Employees and customers
can use the network together.
c. Constraints: Need of security solutions due to the data transfer can be easily
accessed by hackers. They are expensive to setup. Setting up a WAN requires
purchasing of routers, switches and security solutions.
2.6. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN):
a. Define: Wireless LAN is a network that allows devices to connect and communicate
wirelessly. Unlike LAN, WLAN is used the internet to commute despite of using
traditional cables.
b. Benefits: It is easier to add or remove workstation. You can also move workstation
while maintaining the connectivity. For propagation, the light of sight is not required.
The direction of connectivity can be anywhere i.e., you can connect devices in any
direction unless it is in the range of access point.
c. Constraints: WLAN requires license, it has a limited area to cover. Government
agencies can limit the signals of WLAN if required. This can affect data transfer from
connected devices to the internet. If the number of connected devices increases then
data transfer rate decreases.
2.7. Virtual private network:
a. Define: A virtual private network (VPN) creates a private network overlay across an
existing public network. VPNs use tunneling protocols that create encrypted
connections between the network and client devices. Network traffic travels over the
VPN service's secure, encrypted tunnels instead of a public network, effectively hiding
a user's IP address and data from ISPs and cybersecurity hackers. The user's location
appears to be wherever the VPN server exists.
b. VPN benefits: Privacy and anonymity. Users can browse a network without having
their activity monitored by an ISP. Increased security. Users must receive
authentication before gaining access to a VPN. Organizations can secure company data
this way by preventing unauthenticated users from accessing sensitive information.
Geo-spoofing. Users connected to VPNs appear to be in the same location as the
server, whether in an office building or another country entirely. Users can retrieve
company data or gain access to geo-blocked content outside of their country's
c. VPN use cases: Studies show that VPNs have risen in popularity in recent years as
internet users seek to browse the web without surveillance from their ISPs. An ISP can
monitor a user's web activity, including sites visited and the types of content
downloaded. VPNs hide this information from an ISP, while still providing the user
with access to the network service.
3. Overview about Protocol
Network protocols are a set of established rules that define how to format, transmit, and
receive data for computer network devices - from servers and routers to endpoints.
Standardized protocol networks provide a common language for device networks. Without
them, computers wouldn't know how to communicate with each other. A network protocol
connects one layer on one device to the same layer on another device – each layer adds
control information to the message. Physical layer ultimately carries a stream of bits
containing the message. Each network device has an implementation of each protocol at each
layer. Ethernet is a protocol made for Local Area Networks (LAN).
Figure 2: Overview about Protocol.

Some common Protocol

 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the core
protocol of the Internet Protocol Suite. The Transmission Control Protocol originates
from a network implementation that complements the Internet Protocol. Therefore,
the Internet Protocol Suite is often referred to as TCP/IP. TCP provides a method of
reliably delivering an octet stream (8-bit data block) over an IP network. The main
feature of TCP is the ability to issue commands and check errors. All major Internet
applications such as the World Wide Web, email and file transfer rely on TCP.
 Internet Protocol (IP: Internet Protocol is the main protocol in the Internet protocol
suite for forwarding data over a network. The routing function of Internet Protocol
essentially helps establishes the Internet. Previously, this protocol was the
connectionless datagram service in the original Transmission Control Program (TCP).
Therefore, the Internet protocol suite is also known as TCP/IP.
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is a protocol for fetching resources such as
HTML documents. It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a
client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the
Web browser. A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-
documents fetched, for instance, text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and
 Domain Name System (DNS): The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to convert
domain names to IP addresses. The DNS system is hierarchical including the server
root, the TLD, and the server with authorization.

 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP): ICMP protocol is made to send error
messages in a network. It works with the IP protocol. It helps to diagnose network
communication issues. ICMP is mainly used to determine whether or not data is
reaching its specified destination in the best ways.
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): This protocol works on IP networks,
assigning IP addresses to devices and hosts connected to the network. It also allows
them to communicate with each other efficiently. In addition to the IP address, DHCP
also assigns the subnet mask, default gateway address, the domain name server (DNS)
address, and other pertinent configuration parameters.
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): Simple network management
protocol used to manage the network. SNMP is capable of monitoring, configuring and
controlling device networks. SNMP traps can also be configured on the device
network, to notify the server hub when you can execute the tool
4. International Networking Standards Organizations.

American National ANSI is the main organization responsible for coordinating and publishing computer
Standards Institute and information technology standards in the United States.
Information Technology ITIC is a group of several dozen companies in the information technology
Industry Council (ITIC) (computer) industry. ITIC is the SDO approved by ANSI to develop and process
standards related to many computer-related topics.
National Committee for A committee established by the ITIC to develop and maintain standards related to
Information Technology the information technology world. It maintains several sub-committees that develop
(NCITS) and maintain standards for various technical subjects.
Institute of Electrical and The IEEE (pronounced “eye-triple-ee”) is a well-known professional organization for
Electronics Engineers those in the electrical or electronics fields, including computers and networking.
Electronic Industries The EIA is an international industry association that is best known for publishing
Alliance (EIA) electrical wiring and transmission standards.
Telecommunications The TIA is the communications sector of the EIA, and is responsible for developing
Industry Association communications standards.
International ITU-T is another large international body that develops standards for the
Telecommunication telecommunications industry. The ITU-T was formerly named the International
Union - Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee or CCITT.
Standardization Sector
International Probably the biggest standards organization in the world, the ISO is really a
Organization for federation of standards organizations from dozens of nations.
Standardization (ISO)
Table 1: International Networking Standards Organizations.
II. The impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements (P2)
A. Overview about Topology
First of all, to understand what is topology network, we need to have a little knowledge about
Lan, which I have just approach on the previous chapter. Each part in a local LAN can be arranged
and connected in many different ways and they are called topologies. So, network topology is the
way we arrange and connect components in the system network together.
Physical & Logical Topologies:
• Physical Topology: This is literally how devices can be connected with each other by
what we see, what I mean is it show us how actually they work with cables, wireless
connectivity, and more.
• Logical Topology: Describe a logical path that a signal goes through between node

Difference between Physical & Logical Topologies:

Physical Topologies:
o Depicts physical layout of network.
o The layout can be modified based on needs.
o It can be arranged in star, ring, mesh and bus topologies.
o This has major impact on cost, scalability and bandwidth capacity of network
based on selection and availability of devices
o It is actual route concerned with transmission.

Logical Topologies:

o Depicts logistics of network concerned with transmission of data.

o There is no interference and manipulation involved here.
o It exists in bus and ring topologies.
o This has major impact on speed and delivery of data packets. It also handles flow
control and ordered delivery of data packets.
o It is a high-level representation of data flow.
Types of Topologies:
a. Star Topology
A star topology, the most common network topology, is a network model consisting of a
central device and information nodes under the control of that center. The information
nodes here can be workstations, terminals or other devices in the LAN system. The central
hub plays roles as a manager, control activities in the system.

Figure 3: Star Topology.

o When an error occurs in one machine, the whole system still works normally since
it works on the principle of parallel connection.
o Devices can be added, removed, and modified without taking the entire network
o Easy to install.
o Cost of wire network and intermediate equipment.
o If the central hub goes down, the rest of the network can’t function.
o The distance to connect is limited.
b. Bus Topology
This is a type of Topology where all devices such as servers, workstations, and information
nodes are linked together on a main cable to transmit data. The two ends of the cable are
sealed with two terminator devices. The data and signals transmitted over the cable carry
the specific address of the destination.

Figure 4: Bus Topology.

o Cost-effective choice for smaller networks because the layout is simple.
o No limit on cable length.
o When transmitting data with a large amount of storage, it is easy to lead to state
congestion on the transmission line.
o It is difficult to determine the error occurred, so it is necessary to suspend the
system operation for inspection and recovery.
c. Ring Topology
Ring topology is where nodes are arranged in a circle (or ring). The data can travel through
the ring network in either one direction or both directions, with each device having exactly
two neighbors.

Figure 5: Ring Topology.

o Easily extend the LAN system further.
o Saving cable length by not requiring as many conductors as the above two types of
o The network speed is faster than the bus topology.
o The entire network must be taken offline to reconfigure, add, or remove nodes.
And while that’s not the end of the world, scheduling downtime for the network
can be inconvenient and costly.
d. Mesh Topology
Mesh network is a type of Topology in which each computer will be linked to all other
computers on the system without having to connect via Hub or Switch. The web-like
structure of mesh topologies offers two different methods of data transmission: routing
and flooding. It is similar to the structure of the internet today.

Figure 6: Mesh Topology.

o The computers in this system work independently, will not be affected when other
computers malfunction.
o Mesh topologies are reliable and stable, and the complex degree of
interconnectivity between nodes makes the network resistant to failure.
o It is similar to star topology but extended to a larger range.
o The management of the network system will be quite complicated.
o As with other topology structures, the cost of cabling adds up fast.
e. Hybrid Topology
Hybrid topologies combine two or more different topology structures—the tree topology
is a good example, integrating the bus and star layouts. Hybrid structures are most
commonly found in larger companies where individual departments have personalized
network topologies adapted to suit their needs and network usage.

Figure 7: Hybrid Topology.

o It is very reliable. Used for create large network.
o It is easily scalable as Hybrid networks are built in a fashion which enables for easy
integration of new hardware components.
o Error detecting and troubleshooting is easy.
o It is a type of network expensive.
o Design of a hybrid network is very complex.
o Installation is a difficult process.
f. Tree Topology
The tree topology structure gets its name from how the central node functions as a sort of
trunk for the network, with nodes extending outward in a branch-like fashion. However,
where each node in a star topology is directly connected to the central hub, a tree
topology has a parent-child hierarchy to how the nodes are connected. Those connected
to the central hub are connected linearly to other nodes, so two connected nodes only
share one mutual connection. Because the tree topology structure is both extremely
flexible and scalable, it’s often used for wide area networks to support many spread-out

Figure 8: Tree Topology.

o This topology is the combination of bus and star topology.
o This topology provides a hierarchical as well as central data arrangement of the
o Supported by several hardware and software vendors.
o Requires large number of cables compared to star and ring topology.
o The Backbone appears as the failure point of the entire segment of the network.
B. Communication
Network communication, or internetworking, defines a set of protocols (that is, rules and
standards) that allow application programs to talk with each other without regard to the
hardware and operating systems where they are run. Internetworking allows application
programs to communicate independently of their physical network connections.
C. Rules of Communication
a. Message Encoding:
Encoding between hosts must be in appropriate format for the medium. Messages are first
converted into bits by the sending host. Each bit is encoded into a pattern of sounds, light
waves, or electrical impulses depending on the network media The destination host receives
and decodes the signals in order to interpret the message.
b. Message Formatting and Encapsulation:
There is an agreed format for letters and addressing letters which is required for proper
delivery. Putting the letter into the addressed envelope is called encapsulation. Each
computer message is encapsulated in a specific format, called a frame, before it is sent over
the network. A frame acts like an envelope providing destination address and source address.
c. Message Size:
Humans break long messages into smaller parts or sentences. Long messages must also be
broken into smaller pieces to travel across a network. Each piece is sent in a separate frame.
Each frame has its own addressing information. A receiving host will reconstruct multiple
frames into the original message.
d. Message Timing:
o Access Method: Hosts on a network need to know when to begin sending messages
and how to respond when collisions occur.
o Flow Control: Source and destination hosts use flow control to negotiate correct
timing to avoid overwhelming the destination and ensure information is received.
o Response Timeout: Hosts on the network have rules that specify how long to wait for
responses and what action to take if a response timeout occurs.
D. Bandwidth
Network bandwidth is a measurement indicating the maximum capacity of a wired or wireless
communications link to transmit data over a network connection in a given amount of time.
Typically, bandwidth is represented in the number of bits, kilobits, megabits or gigabits that can
be transmitted in 1 second. Synonymous with capacity, bandwidth describes data transfer rate.
Bandwidth is not a measure of network speed -- a common misconception.
Figure 9: Bandwidth.

o Why bandwidth is important:

Bandwidth is not an unlimited resource. In any given deployment location, such as a home
or business, there is only so much capacity available. Sometimes, this is due to physical
limitations of the network device, such as the router or modem, cabling or wireless
frequencies being used. Other times, bandwidth is intentionally rate-limited by a network
administrator or internet or wide area network (WAN) carrier.
III. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types (P3)
A. Network devices:
1. Switch:
Switch is an important switching device in the network, used to connect network segments
together in a star topology. In this topology, the switch plays a central hub and all other
satellite devices including computers are connected here, thereby creating a temporary
connection for data transfer. In addition, the Switch supports Full Duplex technology to
expand the bandwidth of the transmission line, which other devices cannot do. The switch
device can be understood simply as the data police of the information flow of a local network.
It has the ability to select the path to determine the switch frame (unit of the data link layer)
and the LAN to operate more efficiently.

Figure 10: Switch.

2. Router:
Router (router) is a network device that forwards packet data between network computers.
Understandably, the router performs "information directing" on the Internet. Data is sent
over the Internet in the form of packets, such as web pages or emails. Packet data will be
forwarded from one router to another through small networks, interconnected to form a
network link, until the packet data reaches its destination. The process of converting packet
data, how to get the packet data to the correct "address" that you read will be explored in
more detail in the router section Routing process of the Router.

Figure 11: Router.

Simply put, a router connects devices in a network by converting packet data between them.
This data can be sent between device or from device to Internet. Routers perform this task by
marking locally the IP address for each device on the network. This packet data is guaranteed
to arrive in the right place, not getting lost in the network.
3. Hub:
Hub is a network device used to connect computers and electronic devices in the same LAN
system. Each Hub has about 4 – 24 ports, and performs the role of connection hub. In
particular, when one port receives data, the Hub will copy and transfer the data to other
ports. Since the Hub cannot distinguish from which port the task originates, it transfers data
to all ports simultaneously.

Figure 12: Hub.

4. Gateway:
Gateways normally work at the Transport and Session layers of the OSI model. At the
Transport layer and above, there are numerous protocols and standards from different
vendors; gateways are used to deal with them. Gateways provide translation between
networking technologies such as Open System Interconnection (OSI) and Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Because of this, gateways connect two or more
autonomous networks, each with its own routing algorithms, protocols, topology, domain
name service, and network administration procedures and policies.

Figure 13: Gateway

5. Modem:
Modem is a combination of two words Modulator and Demodulator, which means the device
that encodes and decodes electrical pulses. Modem is a device that communicates with the
network of Internet service providers (ISPs), such as FPT Telecom, Viettel, ... into digital
signals, through a system of coax and optical cables. or telephone line (DSL). This is the
gateway to help you connect to the international Internet.

Figure 14: Modem.

6. Repeater:
A repeater is an electronic device that amplifies the signal it receives. You can think of
repeater as a device which receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher
power so that the signal can cover longer distances, more than 100 meters for standard LAN
cables. Repeaters work on the Physical layer.

Figure 15: Repeater.

B. Network Servers
o A network server is a computer designed to act as central repository and help in providing
various resources like hardware access, disk space, printer access, etc,. to other
computers in the network.
o A network server might not differ from a workstation in hardware, but the functionality it
performs clearly differentiates it from other workstations. Network servers helps in
simplifying the different tasks for system administrators including those centering around
o Any configuration or security updates can be applied to a network server instead of
individually passing to different computers connected to the network.
Features of network servers:
o Computers are provided with more memory and storage capacity and also are configured
to do additional processing to handle the different client requests.
o Machines are usually high performing personal computers with reliable and fast hard
disks, powerful processors and high amounts of available RAM.
o Can also act as a central file storage unit. This can prevent data being stored in different
workstations in the network.
o Authentication and user control can be set on another workstation using a network
o Security control measures can be more convenient to manage using a network server.
o Network server is also capable of running an intranet.
o Some of the common examples of network servers are FTP servers and web servers.
1. DHCP:
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (meaning Server Configuration
Protocol). DHCP is responsible for fast, automatic and centralized management of IP address
distribution within a network. In addition, DHCP also helps to bring information to more
reasonable devices as well as configure subnet mask or default gateway.

Figure 16: DHCP.

2. DNS:
DNS (Domain Name System) or domain name resolution system, can be explained as a system
that helps humans and computers "communicate" with each other more easily (Because of
their communication language). We are names and letters, and computers can only
understand sequences of numbers!) The system helps to translate domain names
(hostnames) into strings of numbers, so that computers can understand.

Figure 17: DNS (Domain Name System).

3. FTP:
FTP - File Transfer Protocol (File Transfer Protocol) is used in the exchange of data in the
network via TCP/IP protocol, usually operating on 2 ports 20 and 21. With this protocol, client
computers in the network can access the FTP server to send or retrieve data. The highlight is
that users can access the FTP server to transmit and receive data even when they are far

Figure 18: FTP.

4. Client:
Client server is a computer network model consisting of two main components: the client
(client) and the server (server). The server is the place to help store resources as well as install
service programs according to the client's requirements. In contrast, the Client includes
computers as well as general electronic devices that will send requests to the server.

Figure 19: Client - Server.

5. Mail:
A mail server or mail server is a place to store, categorize, and organize all incoming emails
before being sent on the internet. Although you can send and receive emails in a split second,
in fact, when the email is sent, it will go through a series of complex transition stages (other
than the email address, these steps are more complicated) before reaching the recipient's

Figure 20: Mail Server.

6. Web:
A web server is a large computer connected to the user's computer network. This computer
contains all the data of one or more websites it is authorized to process. Each web server has
its own IP and is capable of reading multiple files such as HTML, HTM... Web servers often
have large storage capacity and high processing speed to ensure the ability to store and
operate data warehouses on the internet. The web server works continuously to provide data
across the network of computers it connects to.

Figure 21: Web Server.

7. Proxy:
A proxy server is a system or router that provides a gateway between users and the internet.
Therefore, it helps prevent cyber attackers from entering a private network. It is a server,
referred to as an “intermediary” because it goes between end-users and the web pages they
visit online. When a computer connects to the internet, it uses an IP address. This is similar to
your home’s street address, telling incoming data where to go and marking outgoing data
with a return address for other devices to authenticate. A proxy server is essentially a
computer on the internet that has an IP address of its own.

Figure 22: Proxy Server.

8. Print:
Print server is a software or network device that sends and manages pending files. Simply put,
a print server is a printer-sharing device in the network. In large enterprises, there will be only
dedicated computers used to make print servers that manage hundreds of printers. For small
businesses, print servers are usually a plug-in board or small network device, ensuring full
functionality as a print server.

Figure 23: Print Server.

9. Application:
It is a software engine that provides software applications for workstations or devices, usually
over the Internet using html protocols. Simply put, application servers can be treated as a
software framework, providing an environment where many applications can run no matter
what they are. Application server is different from Web server through the use of a lot of
dynamic content created by the server and closely integrated to the Database server.

Figure 24: Application.

IV. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking
software (P4)
Interdependence is a state of relationship between two parties in which the costs of severing
relations or reducing exchanges are equal for each party. Just take a look to IT files, we cannot be
able to write codes without keyboard, and codes can be appeared if we didn’t use keyboard to
write it, so, this is what we call interdependence.
1. Workstation Hardware:
Workstation hardware are computers built for industry standard computing functions.
They are very different from normal personal computers. Workstations have extra
hardware and software installed on them, to get very high performance. Workstations
are used by programmers, graphic artists, game programmers and designers, scientists
and many others who require high-end computing power to achieve results.

Figure 25: Workstation hardware.

2. Networking Software:
o Networking software is a foundational element for any network. It helps
administrators deploy, manage, and monitor a network. Traditional networks are
made up of specialized hardware, such as routers and switches, that bundle the
networking software into the solution. Software-defined networking (SDN)
separates that software from the hardware, making it easier to innovate and adapt
the network to quickly meet changing network demands. The separation of
functions from hardware, such as firewalls or load balancing, is called network
functions virtualization (NFV).
o There are many competing architectures for SDN from different providers. A high-
level view of the architecture in simple terms centralizes control of the network by
separating the control logic to off-device computer resources. Despite the
differences, all architectures have a form of an SDN controller, southbound APIs,
and northbound APIs. Controllers are the brains of the network that offer a
centralized view of the overall network. The APIs relay information between the
controller and switches, routers, and applications.
o NFV allows companies to ditch proprietary hardware in favor of white-boxes that
any software can be installed on. This reduces cost and makes maintenance easier.
The functions are no longer carried out on hardware, but by software. They are
virtual network functions (VNFs) and they are the components that make up NFV.

Figure 26: Networking Software.

3. The interdependency of workstation hardware with networking software.
A work station is a computer intended for individual use that is faster and more
capable than a personal computer. Since they are PCs, they can also be used
independently of the mainframe assuming they have their own applications installed
and their own hard disk storage. We are going to discuss the interdependence of
workstation hardware with relevant networking software. Network interface card is a
computer hardware part that enables computers to be combined together in a
network usually a local area network. Computers that are networked always
communicate with each other using a specified protocol for transferring data packets.
Network Interface Card acts as a translator letting machine mutually send and obtain
data on a LAN. Specialists in information system frequently use these cards to setup
wireless or wired connections networks.
V. Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the
effectiveness of networked systems (M1)
A. Compare circuit switching and packet switching:
1. Circuit switching:
Circuit switching is a method of implementing a telecommunications network in which two
network nodes establish a dedicated communications channel (circuit) through the network
before the nodes may communicate. The circuit guarantees the full bandwidth of the channel
and remains connected for the duration of the communication session. The circuit functions
as if the nodes were physically connected as with an electrical circuit. Circuit switching
originated in analog telephone networks where the network created a dedicated circuit
between two telephones for the duration of a telephone call.[1] It contrasts with message
switching and packet switching used in modern digital networks in which the trunklines
between switching centers carry data between many different nodes in the form of data
packets without dedicated circuits.
Figure 27: How circuit switching works.

2. Packet switching:
Packet switching is the transfer of small pieces of data across various networks. These data
chunks or “packets” allow for faster, more efficient data transfer. Often, when a user sends a
file across a network, it gets transferred in smaller data packets, not in one piece. For
example, a 3MB file will be divided into packets, each with a packet header that includes the
origin IP address, the destination IP address, the number of packets in the entire data file, and
the sequence number. Packet Switching transmits data across digital networks by breaking it
down into blocks or packets for more efficient transfer using various network devices. Each
time one device sends a file to another, it breaks the file down into packets so that it can
determine the most efficient route for sending the data across the network at that time. The
network devices can then route the packets to the destination where the receiving device
reassembles them for use.

Figure 28: Packet Switched Network.

3. Difference between circuit & packet switching:
Difference Advantage Disadvantage
Data is processed at source system Circuit is dedicated to the call – Inefficient in some cases.
only. no interference, no sharing.
Each data unit know the entire Guaranteed the full bandwidth It takes a relatively long time to
path address which is provided by for the duration of the call set up.
Circuit the source.
Switching It is not a store and forward Guaranteed quality of service. The network may become
technique. unstable or unavailable.
Delay between data units in circuit It was primarily developed for
switching is uniform. voice traffic rather than data
Data is processed at all Security and Bandwidth used to Under heavy use there can be a
intermediate node including source full potential. delay.
Each data unit just know the final Devices of different speeds can Data packets can get lost or
destination address intermediate communicate. become corrupt.
path is decided by the routers.
It is a store and forward technique. Not affected by line failure. Protocols are needed for a
reliable transfer
Delay between data units in packet Availability – no waiting for Not so good for some types data
switching is not uniform. direct connection to become stream.
Table 2: Difference between circuit & packet switching.

B. How the protocols enable networked systems to connect efficiently using these principles
1. Practical situations that are used for circuit switching:
o Direct physical connection between two devices.
o Shorter links (no, length) than point to point connection.
o Cannot be shared by other devices.

Figure 29: Circuit switching network illustration.

2. Practical situations that are used for packet switching:
o Datagram Approach.
o Each packet is treated independently from all others.
o Packet = datagram.
o Datagrams may arrive at their destination out of order.
o Transport layer reorders the datagrams.

Figure 30: Packet switching network illustration.

VI. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a
given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization (M2).
Range Server: As you can see, the Domain Name System is essential to all your internet activities.
Any problems with the system can have cascading effects on your experience. For starters, if the
ISP-supplied DNS servers are slow, or not properly configured for caching, they can effectively
slow your connection. This is especially true when you load a page that draws content from many
different domains, such as advertisers and affiliates. Switching to DNS servers optimized for
efficiency can speed up your surfing, whether in a home or business setting. Speaking of a
business setting, some companies offer DNS services with business-friendly add-ons. For
example, they can filter out malicious websites at the DNS level, so the pages never reach an
employee's browser. They may also contain a lot of information to work in companies. I
mentioned that your DNS server caches popular requests, so it can respond quickly, without
having to query other components of the Domain Name System. So, to build a system with high
securities for DNS server, a rack mount server is considered. A rack mount server is a computer
dedicated to use as a server and designed to be installed in a framework called a rack. The rack
consists of multiple mounting slots known as bays; each are designed to hold a hardware unit
secured in place with screws. A single rack can contain different servers stacked one over the
other, solidifying network assets and limiting the required floor space. The rack server design
additionally streamlines cabling among system segments. In a hardware rack loaded up with
servers, an uncommon cooling framework is important to avert exorbitant warmth development
that would some way or another happen when many power-disseminating parts are kept in a
little space example of rack mount server is Dell PowerEdge R440 – 4x3.5 (Basic).
CPU Sockets 2 x Socket P (LGA 3647)
CPU Support 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, up to 24 cores per processor
RAM Support 16 x DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, 2666MT/s, 1TB max.
Drive Bays 8 x 2.5" SATA/SAS or 4 x 3.5" SATA/SAS
RAID Controller H330
RAID Support PERC H330, H730p, HBA330 Software RAID (SWRAID) S140
Form Factor 1U
PCIe 2 x Gen3 slots all (x16)
I/O Ports 2 x USB 3.0, 1 x USB 2.0, Video, 1 x iDRAC micro-USB 2.0,1 x Dedicated
iDRAC network port, 1 x Serial
Network Interface 2 X 1GbE
Power Supply 550W
Redundant Power Optional
Table 3: Specification of Dell PowerEdge R440 - 4x3.5 (Basic).

Figure 31: Dell PowerEdge R440 - 4x3.5 (Basic)

o Very reliable medium-cost server (around 1000 USD).

The server is easy to mount and works just as well as one of our domain

o What are the pros?

Very reliable with Dell's usual easy to maintain chassis.

o What are the cons?

The power switch can sometimes be a little small/indistinct to spot on the front
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