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Drying Fruit Machine

Project Background

- Fruit that has been dried out to increase its shelf life and lower its water holding capacity
is referred to as dried fruit. The primary factor in this process is heat, hence fruits are
frequently dried in the sun for a day. During this time, water vapour evaporates from the
fruit's surface, lowering the energy status of water in the fruit's system. In Malaysia, dried
fruit is a common snack, and the demand for dried fruit products among Asian nations is
growing in 2020. COVID-19's Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) increased by
6.41% in 2020, and it is anticipated that this growth will continue over the next five years
due to an increase in dry fruit consumers worldwide. Vitamins, fibres, minerals, and
phytochemicals (polyphenols, carotenoids, chlorophylls, and flavonoids) are among the
nutrients found in abundance in dry fruit. These nutrients have been linked to a lower risk
of coronary heart disease, degenerative diseases, oxidative damage, and cardiovascular

Problem Statement

- The drying procedure needs to take a long period.

The whole drying period for the sun-drying process might take up to two weeks.
Depending on the fruit's species, the size at which it was cut, and the day's humidity.
Specific conditions, such as low humidity, sunlight, and high temperatures, are needed
for the sun-drying procedure. The fruits' drying process will be impacted by climate

- The existing dried fruit machine has a low capacity.

Low production rates result from low capacity. The existing dried fruit machine's
limited capacity necessitates increased costs and a large workforce. Greater orders for
materials and supplies are possible because to increased production capability.

- Product of poor quality and unsanitary.

Grit and filth in the dried product frequently result in a subpar outcome. Fruit
dried outdoors has drawbacks such as contamination, bird or insect damage, and delayed
or inconsistent drying. The presence of bacteria and insects, like flies, frequently makes
the product unclean. When processing dried fruit, cleanliness and hygiene are crucial.

- To design a mechanism that can speed up the drying process.

In order to save time and increase the speed of product production, this design
output should only be needed for a brief period of time.

- To manufacture a totally enclosed apparatus to prevent fruit exposure to air.

This layout ensures that the fruits are clean. The final result can be consumed
without fear or concern.

- To create a system that can measure both temperature and humidity.

The rises and falls in temperature as well as changes in humidity should be
detectable by this design. The drying device needs to be more dependable and controlled.

Target Market

Dried fruit has the potential to be a convenient and healthful snack replacement,
according to the snack. To produce high-quality components from fresh fruits, many dehydration
techniques and pre-treatments of fruits and fruit pieces utilised in industry recipes have been
researched. This market is available to more than just the typical producer looking to increase
dried fruit output. The target market also includes Small and Medium Enterprises (SME),
particularly in rural areas. Today, dried fruits are still dried by sun exposure. This strategy is
regarded as the most practical and convenient due to its low labour and operating costs.

Project Planning

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