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§ 199.227 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

(iii) Notwithstanding the absence of a ployee has ceased performing such

reasonable suspicion alcohol test under functions.
this section, an operator shall not per- (e) Retesting of covered employees with
mit a covered employee to report for an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater
duty or remain on duty requiring the but less than 0.04. Each operator shall
performance of covered functions while retest a covered employee to ensure
the employee is under the influence of compliance with the provisions of
or impaired by alcohol, as shown by § 199.237, if an operator chooses to per-
the behavioral, speech, or performance mit the employee to perform a covered
indicators of alcohol misuse, nor shall function within 8 hours following the
an operator permit the covered em- administration of an alcohol test indi-
ployee to perform or continue to per- cating an alcohol concentration of 0.02
form covered functions, until: or greater but less than 0.04.
(A) An alcohol test is administered [Amdt. 199–9, 59 FR 7430, Feb. 15, 1994, as
and the employee’s alcohol concentra- amended at 59 FR 62239 and 62246, Dec. 2,
tion measures less than 0.02; or 1994; Amdt. 199–19, 66 FR 47119, Sept. 11, 2001;
(B) The start of the employee’s next 70 FR 11140, Mar. 8, 2005]
regularly scheduled duty period, but
not less than 8 hours following the de- § 199.227 Retention of records.
termination under paragraph (b)(2) of (a) General requirement. Each operator
this section that there is reasonable shall maintain records of its alcohol
suspicion to believe that the employee misuse prevention program as provided
has violated the prohibitions in this in this section. The records shall be
subpart. maintained in a secure location with
(iv) Except as provided in paragraph controlled access.
(b)(4)(ii), no operator shall take any ac- (b) Period of retention. Each operator
tion under this subpart against a cov- shall maintain the records in accord-
ered employee based solely on the em- ance with the following schedule:
ployee’s behavior and appearance in (1) Five years. Records of employee al-
the absence of an alcohol test. This cohol test results with results indi-
does not prohibit an operator with the cating an alcohol concentration of 0.02
authority independent of this subpart or greater, documentation of refusals
from taking any action otherwise con- to take required alcohol tests, calibra-
sistent with law. tion documentation, employee evalua-
(c) Return-to-duty testing. Each oper- tion and referrals, and MIS annual re-
ator shall ensure that before a covered port data shall be maintained for a
employee returns to duty requiring the minimum of five years.
performance of a covered function after (2) Two years. Records related to the
engaging in conduct prohibited by collection process (except calibration
§§ 199.215 through 199.223, the employee of evidential breath testing devices),
shall undergo a return-to-duty alcohol and training shall be maintained for a
test with a result indicating an alcohol minimum of two years.
concentration of less than 0.02. (3) One year. Records of all test re-
(d) Follow-up testing. (1) Following a sults below 0.02 (as defined in 49 CFR
determination under § 199.243(b) that a part 40) shall be maintained for a min-
covered employee is in need of assist- imum of one year.
ance in resolving problems associated (c) Types of records. The following
with alcohol misuse, each operator specific records shall be maintained:
shall ensure that the employee is sub- (1) Records related to the collection
ject to unannounced follow-up alcohol process:
testing as directed by a substance (i) Collection log books, if used.
abuse professional in accordance with (ii) Calibration documentation for
the provisions of § 199.243(c)(2)(ii). evidential breath testing devices.
(2) Follow-up testing shall be con- (iii) Documentation of breath alcohol
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ducted when the covered employee is technician training.

performing covered functions; just be- (iv) Documents generated in connec-
fore the employee is to perform cov- tion with decisions to administer rea-
ered functions; or just after the em- sonable suspicion alcohol tests.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 199.231

(v) Documents generated in connec- appendix H to part 40), not later than
tion with decisions on post- accident March 15 of each year for the previous
tests. calendar year (January 1 through De-
(vi) Documents verifying existence of cember 31). The Administrator may re-
a medical explanation of the inability quire by written notice that small op-
of a covered employee to provide ade- erators (50 or fewer covered employees)
quate breath for testing. not otherwise required to submit an-
(2) Records related to test results: nual MIS reports to prepare and submit
(i) The operator’s copy of the alcohol such reports to PHMSA.
test form, including the results of the (b) Each operator that has a covered
test. employee who performs multi-DOT
(ii) Documents related to the refusal agency functions (e.g., an employee
of any covered employee to submit to performs pipeline maintenance duties
an alcohol test required by this sub- and drives a commercial motor vehi-
part. cle), count the employee only on the
(iii) Documents presented by a cov- MIS report for the DOT agency under
ered employee to dispute the result of which he or she is tested. Normally,
an alcohol test administered under this this will be the DOT agency under
subpart. which the employee performs more
(3) Records related to other viola- than 50% of his or her duties. Operators
tions of this subpart. may have to explain the testing data
(4) Records related to evaluations: for these employees in the event of a
(i) Records pertaining to a deter- DOT agency inspection or audit.
mination by a substance abuse profes- (c) Each report required under this
sional concerning a covered employee’s section shall be submitted to the Office
need for assistance. of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
(ii) Records concerning a covered em- ardous Materials Safety Administra-
ployee’s compliance with the rec- tion, U.S. Department of Transpor-
ommendations of the substance abuse tation, PHP–60, 1200 New Jersey Ave-
professional. nue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001.
(5) Record(s) related to the operator’s (d) A service agent (e.g., Consortia/
MIS annual testing data. Third Party Administrator as defined
(6) Records related to education and in part 40) may prepare the MIS report
training: on behalf of an operator. However, each
(i) Materials on alcohol misuse report shall be certified by the opera-
awareness, including a copy of the op- tor’s anti-drug manager or designated
erator’s policy on alcohol misuse. representative for accuracy and com-
(ii) Documentation of compliance pleteness.
with the requirements of § 199.231. [68 FR 75466, Dec. 31, 2003, as amended by
(iii) Documentation of training pro- Amdt. 199–20, 69 FR 32898, June 14, 2004; 70 FR
vided to supervisors for the purpose of 11140, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR 16571, Mar. 28, 2008;
qualifying the supervisors to make a 74 FR 2895, Jan. 16, 2009]
determination concerning the need for
alcohol testing based on reasonable § 199.231 Access to facilities and
suspicion. records.
(iv) Certification that any training (a) Except as required by law or ex-
conducted under this subpart complies pressly authorized or required in this
with the requirements for such train- subpart, no employer shall release cov-
ing. ered employee information that is con-
tained in records required to be main-
§ 199.229 Reporting of alcohol testing tained in § 199.227.
results. (b) A covered employee is entitled,
(a) Each large operator (having more upon written request, to obtain copies
than 50 covered employees) shall sub- of any records pertaining to the em-
mit an annual MIS report to PHMSA of ployee’s use of alcohol, including any
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

its alcohol testing results using the records pertaining to his or her alcohol
Management Information System tests. The operator shall promptly pro-
(MIS) form and instructions as re- vide the records requested by the em-
quired by 49 CFR part 40 (at § 40.25 and ployee. Access to an employee’s records


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