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Lecture 6 – Effective note-taking

o Information of student:
 Name: Phung Huu Minh Khanh
 Student ID: GDD210033
 Class: SSLG102
o Topic:
 Topic question: What is the history of the development of web technologies?
 Name of article: Web technologies from web 2.0 to web 4.0.
o Mind Map:

o Summary:
The World Wide Web is often defined as a socio-technological system for human interaction
based on technological networks (J. Patil and P. Surwade, 2018). This article provides the
background on the development of the web from web 2.0 to web 4.0. Web 2.0 is the web that
connects people, Web 3.0 is the web that connects knowledge, and web 4.0 is the intelligent
connected web described as the four generations of the web.

Web technology refers to the means of communication with each other in languages. Hypertext
Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) together with a web platform to
provide information to users including information including markup languages, interface
languages, and interfaces to display the document. There are seven Section Organizations
including Markup Languages, CGI, HTTP, PHP - PHP, JAVA, MIME, Graphics - Gif, all of which
have functions to provide information and interfaces on the web to display directly to the user.

Tim O'Reilly defines web 2.0 on his website1 as follows: “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in
the computer industry driven by the shift to the internet as a platform and the drive to learn the
rules for success. on that new platform. Chief among those is: Build apps that exploit network
effects to get better as more people use them.” Web 2.0 is also known as the smart web, the
people-centric web, the participatory web, and the read-write web. With reading as well as
writing, the web can become two-way. One of the salient features of web 2.0 is to support
collaboration and help collect collective wisdom. The main technology and service functions of
web 2.0 include blogs, really simple distribution (RSS), wikis, mashups. In addition, developers
use the essential development approaches in web 2.0 such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
(AJAX), Flex, and the Google Web Toolkit.

John Markoff suggested that web 3.0 was the third generation of the web in 2006. Web 3.0 is
also known as semantic web. The Semantic Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor
of the World Wide Web. The Semantic Web is a web page that can present things in a way that
computers can understand. The main important purpose of the semantic web is to make the
web readable by machines, not just humans. Semantic Web can be defined a web of data, in
some ways like a global database that most its features are included: The aim of design web of
data is machines first, humans later. The main difference between web 2.0 and web 3.0 is that
web 2.0 targets on content creativity of users and producers while web 3.0 targets on linked
data sets. The layers of the architectural web language include Unicode and URIs, Extensible
Markup Language, Resource Description Framework, RDF Schema, Ontology, Logic and Proof,
and Trust. Unlimited semantic web for publishing data on the web; it is about creating links to
connect related data. Berners Lee introduced a set of rules called Linked Data guidelines for
publishing and connecting data on the web in 2007.

It is an underground idea in progress and there is no exact definition of how it would be. Web
4.0 is also known as symbiotic web. The dream behind of the symbiotic web is interaction
between humans and machines in symbiosis. Web 4.0 will be the read-write-execution web. It
achieves a critical mass of participation in online networks that deliver global transparency,
governance, distribution, participation, collaboration into key communities. The webOS will be
parallel to the human brain and implies a massive web of highly intelligent interactions.

Conclusion, this paper provided an overview of web technology. Web 2.0, web 3.0 and web 4.0
were described as Three generations of the web in this paper. The characteristics of the
generations are introduced and compared. It is concluded web as an information space has
much progress since 1989 and it is moving toward using artificial intelligent techniques & web of
highly intelligent interactions in close future.
J. Patil, H. and P. Surwade, Y. (2018) 814, Web Technologies From Web 2.0 To Web 4.0, [online]
Available at:
5c60f5400f1/Web-Technologies-From-Web-20-To-Web-40.pdf (Accessed 5 October 2022).

Word count:

From the article: 2650 words (Except for References in the article).

Form the summary: 749 words.

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