CFR 2011 Title49 Vol3 Sec192 627

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 192.


adjusted low-pressure gas burning the products of combustion will be ex-

equipment. posed.
(b) No person may operate a low pres- (d) The odorant may not be soluble in
sure distribution system at a pressure water to an extent greater than 2.5
lower than the minimum pressure at parts to 100 parts by weight.
which the safe and continuing oper- (e) Equipment for odorization must
ation of any connected and properly introduce the odorant without wide
adjusted low-pressure gas burning variations in the level of odorant.
equipment can be assured. (f) To assure the proper concentra-
§ 192.625 Odorization of gas. tion of odorant in accordance with this
section, each operator must conduct
(a) A combustible gas in a distribu- periodic sampling of combustible gases
tion line must contain a natural odor- using an instrument capable of deter-
ant or be odorized so that at a con- mining the percentage of gas in air at
centration in air of one-fifth of the which the odor becomes readily detect-
lower explosive limit, the gas is readily able. Operators of master meter sys-
detectable by a person with a normal tems may comply with this require-
sense of smell. ment by—
(b) After December 31, 1976, a com-
(1) Receiving written verification
bustible gas in a transmission line in a
from their gas source that the gas has
Class 3 or Class 4 location must comply
the proper concentration of odorant;
with the requirements of paragraph (a)
of this section unless:
(1) At least 50 percent of the length of (2) Conducting periodic ‘‘sniff’’ tests
the line downstream from that location at the extremities of the system to
is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location; confirm that the gas contains odorant.
(2) The line transports gas to any of [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970]
the following facilities which received
gas without an odorant from that line
tations affecting § 192.625, see the List of CFR
before May 5, 1975; Sections Affected, which appears in the
(i) An underground storage field; Finding Aids section of the printed volume
(ii) A gas processing plant; and at
(iii) A gas dehydration plant; or
(iv) An industrial plant using gas in a § 192.627 Tapping pipelines under
process where the presence of an odor- pressure.
ant: Each tap made on a pipeline under
(A) Makes the end product unfit for pressure must be performed by a crew
the purpose for which it is intended; qualified to make hot taps.
(B) Reduces the activity of a cata-
lyst; or § 192.629 Purging of pipelines.
(C) Reduces the percentage comple-
tion of a chemical reaction; (a) When a pipeline is being purged of
(3) In the case of a lateral line which air by use of gas, the gas must be re-
transports gas to a distribution center, leased into one end of the line in a
at least 50 percent of the length of that moderately rapid and continuous flow.
line is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location; If gas cannot be supplied in sufficient
or quantity to prevent the formation of a
(4) The combustible gas is hydrogen hazardous mixture of gas and air, a
intended for use as a feedstock in a slug of inert gas must be released into
manufacturing process. the line before the gas.
(c) In the concentrations in which it (b) When a pipeline is being purged of
is used, the odorant in combustible gas by use of air, the air must be re-
gases must comply with the following: leased into one end of the line in a
(1) The odorant may not be delete- moderately rapid and continuous flow.
rious to persons, materials, or pipe. If air cannot be supplied in sufficient
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) The products of combustion from quantity to prevent the formation of a

the odorant may not be toxic when hazardous mixture of gas and air, a
breathed nor may they be corrosive or slug of inert gas must be released into
harmful to those materials to which the line before the air.


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