Lesson 1

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Lesson 1 - 

How to Navigate This Course

Course Overview

Let’s see what you will review in this course.

In this course, you will learn about the following topics:

 What is cloud technology, and how cloud technology helps

to digitally transform businesses.
 What is Google Cloud’s Solution and Use Cases, and how
Google Cloud approaches finding the right solutions to help
our customers digitally transform their businesses.
 What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP), what are its
products and services, and the value GCP provides to
 What is Chrome Enterprise and the value of Chrome
Enterprise in helping companies digitally transform.
 What differentiates Google Cloud from its competitors and
read stories of how these differentiators have digitally
transformed Google Cloud customers.

You must pass the assessment at the end of the course with at least an

80% score to receive the Google Cloud Sales Credential. To help you
prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to review the course and

take notes.

Lesson 3 - 
Introduction to Google Cloud

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON
How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent

Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete

Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete
Lesson 2 - 
Course Overview

Introduction to Google Cloud

Cloud technology is being driven by the shift that companies see in

different industries towards digital technology. Google Cloud technology,

products, and services help customers solve their toughest business


This video introduces Google Cloud, cloud technology, and how Google
Cloud partners with customers to transform their business.
Play the video to learn more.
Play Video

Lesson 4 - 
Inside Google Cloud

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent
Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete

Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete

Lesson 3 - 

Introduction to Google Cloud

Inside Google Cloud

Now, let’s learn about Google Clouds solution and use cases, and how
Google Cloud approaches finding the right solutions to help our customers
digitally transform their businesses.

Google Cloud Solutions

So far, you’ve learned about the cloud and cloud technology, how Google

Cloud came about at Google, and how Google Cloud provides solutions,
products and services that digitally transform companies through cloud


You also learned that we focus on finding out what digital transformation

challenges our customers are encountering. Before we delve deeper into

how we provide solutions and products that transform companies, let’s

take a quick look at a sales conversation.

Sales Conversation
Imagine you are a potential customer who owns a local shoe company. You
are preparing to take your company national and are exploring different

cloud providers.

Conversation Example #1
Seller: How do you want to transform your company?
(You) Customer: I’m ready to take the next step in my business .
Seller: Great! I’ve conducted some research about the retail shoe industry
and have just the thing you need. I’ve been selling this product for a long
time and have seen the benefits in transforming companies. Our product
helps quickly expand your business footprint online by lowering the costs
associated with your on-prem infrastructure.
(You) Customer:  That isn't what my business needs at this point though.

Think About It!

How did this interaction with the seller feel? What could have made this a better experience?

When we look back on the conversation, the approach the seller used in the conversation did

not directly address the real challenge the customer may have had. The seller leaned into
talking about what they were familiar with. The seller also made assumptions about what

they believed the customer needed.

A Different Approach
Let's take a look at a different approach to conversation example #1. 
Again, imagine that you are a potential customer who owns a local shoe company and is
preparing to take your company national.

Slide 1
Conversation Example #2
Customer: … with the production team overseas. Our current system latency delays our time
to market and we miss revenue opportunities.
Different approach:
Seller: What are you currently using to connect your teams, and how well is the solution
serving your needs?
Customer: Currently, we are using a legacy productivity suite; however, the collaboration
functionality is limited, and we are growing in the Asian market and need to connect with
those teams more easily.
Seller: Tell me about the functionality that you want from a collaboration suite, and how
much of a priority is each function? Is this initiative being sponsored by your CEO?

Slide 2
Customer: I plan to launch a new line of shoes online and anticipate high demand for the
shoes. Our website needs to keep up with demand. A capacity outage would have a material
impact on online sales.
Different approach:
Seller: How do you run your infrastructure today, and have you had any capacity issues to
Customer: Yes, last year we had an outage during our busiest sales day which led to a short-
term impact on sales and a long-term impact on brand reputation.

Slide 3
Customer: Our products are extremely popular, but we want to know our customers better.
We have the data for that, but generating insights from that data has been difficult because
there’s so much of it.
Different approach:
Seller: Walk me through how you capture data and what that data might look like today.
Customer: We are running different ads across the various regions, but it has been difficult
to track the impact of the ads and how they may be affecting sales within those regions.
Seller: So, if I understand you correctly, if you could correlate the ads or promos you are
running with specific in-store or even online sales, that would help you be more effective in
the types of ads that you create and distribute.

The seller would continue the conversation and align the customer’s business needs to one of
Google Cloud’s solution themes. You’ll learn more about solution themes later in this


How did this conversation feel different from the previous conversation?

While the above was a simplified version of a sales conversation, the

conversation highlights how Google Cloud sellers guide our customers

through thinking about their business needs and the impact of their current

business challenges.
What Are Customers Experiencing?
Customers are facing technological, social, and geopolitical change and

must innovate and adapt to keep up with changing demands in order to be

successful in today’s world. Every industry is becoming a digital industry

because of the growth of digital devices and software advances.

Companies face pressure to address the needs of their organizations today

while solving for the future, and every customer’s journey to digital

transformation is different.
Finding the right solution for customers
Even if they may not fully know what their digital transformation business

needs are yet, Google partners work with customers to discover what their

needs are and find the right solution— whether they want to pilot a project

on the cloud or launch an organization-wide transformation with Google

Workspace. Google Cloud helps companies digitize their business faster

with a range of solutions and global, regional, and technology partners to

deliver our offerings.

How Do We Do This?
We accomplish this through a customer-centric approach of identifying the
objectives of our customers’ business needs first, focusing on the business
value that Google Cloud and its products and services provide, and aligning
the customer’s business needs to Google Cloud’s solutions.
Flip the card to learn more.
Click to flip

The highest-level outcome that a customer desires to achieve to address a business

Click to flip

A group of products and services designed to solve customer’s business issues. 

Specific business issue that can be addressed with Google Cloud services and
related products.

Solution Themes
Let’s look at the Google Cloud solution themes and how each theme helps
customers address their business needs and the solutions offered within
each one.
Expand each tab to learn more.
Optimize Infrastructure

Spend less time on managing infrastructure and more time innovating with
increased velocity.
Data-driven Transformation

Build and Innovate


Modernize Security

Transform Work

Sales Conversation Revisited

In this conversation, the customer is from the Gaming industry. Look at the conversation
example in the slides to see how Google Cloud aligns this customer’s objectives to the
appropriate solution.

Slide 1
Conversation Example #3
Customer: With so many cloud providers to choose from, how can Google help me?
Salesperson: Let’s take a look at what Google does internally. We have products with over
a billion users (for example, Google Search, Google Play, Google Maps, YouTube). That is
the same technology that we give you, the customer, to help you power your mission-critical
applications. Your company can work like Google, using the same technology that we use.
Since our inception, we have always been innovating. We want your company to have this
same type of 10X thinking so that you can innovate and digitally transform. What are your
thoughts on this?

Slide 2
Customer: That’s interesting. It would be great to get to that 10X thinking. Even though
we’re not as large, can you give me more details around how we could innovate our
Salesperson: Help me understand some of your business challenges and needs?

Slide 3
Customer: During the last competition, we over-purchased on-premises servers to handle the
upcoming load. It allowed us to be prepared for the users, but now that the competition has
ended, we have servers sitting unused. We paid a lot of money for something we’re not using.
Salesperson: In terms of scalability what's an ideal scenario for these competitions?


Slide 4
Customer: We want to pay for what we use and not have extra equipment lying around. We
only want to pay for what we use and want the ability to adjust this depending on the
competitions we’re having.
Salesperson: (validating what they heard) So if I’m understanding you correctly, during
these competitions, you want to scale up and down according to what is being consumed
from a computing resource standpoint in real time. Does that sound right?

Slide 5
Customer: Yes, I think that would help our company grow faster.
Salesperson: Are you familiar with Google Cloud? We can do a lot for you here. Depending
on how much the customer shares, this is where the sales representative determines the
appropriate direction to take the conversation and the level of detail to provide. Most
importantly, based on this questioning, the sales rep has begun to identify the appropriate
Google Cloud solution to align the customer toward.


Products and Services

As you saw in the example above, we identify the business needs of our

customers first before we guide the customer toward determining what the

right product and service is for their company.

These products and services generally fall into the following areas:

Expand the tabs to learn more.

Google Cloud

Chrome Enterprise

Google Cloud Professional Services


Google Cloud Partners


Over the next few pages, we'll continue exploring Google Cloud and Chrome
Enterprise products and services. To learn more about Professional
Services and Partners, check the Resources in the Let's Wrap Up section at
the end of this course.

Lesson 5 - 

Meet Google Cloud

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent

Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete
Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete

Lesson 4 - 

Inside Google Cloud

Meet Google Cloud

Let’s learn more about Google Cloud, its products and services, and the
value Google Cloud provides to companies.

Products & Services

Learn more about Google Cloud products and services, and the value
provided to companies. 

Watch this video to learn about Google Cloud products and services.
Click the play button to start the video.
Play Video

Google Cloud —Case Studies

Let’s now  read the case studies from real life Google Cloud customers and
how Google Cloud met their business needs and transformed their
Case Study 1: Gaming Industry


Slide 1
Phoenix Labs
Phoenix Labs is a game company based in Vancouver, British Columbia with offices in San
Mateo, Los Angeles and Montreal. They empower and support teams as they embark on the
journey of developing new games.

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
New game launches bring unique technological challenges. It’s impossible to predict if a
game will go viral, and developers need to plan for a number of scenarios without knowing
exactly how many players will show up and how much server capacity will ultimately be


Slide 3
The Approach

When launching Dauntless, it was the first game in the industry to launch cross-platform—
available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PCs—it would be critical for all the underlying
cloud-based services to work together flawlessly and provide an uninterrupted, real-time and
consistent experience for players around the globe.

As part of staying agile to meet player needs, Phoenix Labs runs all its game servers in
containers on Google Cloud. The studio has a custom Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
cluster in each region where Dauntless is available, across five continents (North America,
Australia, Europe and Asia).

Slide 4
The Impact

“Behemoth” growth, one platform at a time” Dauntless has surpassed 16 million unique
players and launched on Nintendo Switch, Phoenix Labs is preparing to expand to new
regions such as Russia and Poland (they recently launched in Japan) and take advantage of
other capabilities across Google.

To learn more about how how Phoenix Labs transformed their company with Google Cloud,
go to the Case study: Phoenix Labs link in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap
Up section, at the end of this course.


Case Study 2: Retail Industry


Slide 1
American Eagle Outfitters Core Compete
American Eagle Outfitters is a US clothing manufacturer and retailer that offers lifestyle
apparel and accessories to consumers worldwide.

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
With more pressure than ever to be relevant to changing customer preferences, retailers are
continuously innovating with investments in pricing, promotion, assortment, technology, and
in-store experiences. Executives need confidence in the ROI of these activities to justify such
associated spending.

Slide 3
The Approach
American Eagle chose Google Cloud and partner Core Compete to further transform its
approach to data analytics and enhance decision-making for different investments across the
enterprise to increase speed and scalability.

Slide 4
The Impact

Through its enhanced forecasting and real-time insights into customer behavior, American
Eagle is better positioned to make stronger decisions impacting product production, supply
chain operations, in-store staffing, save millions of dollars in savings through store testing
and a cost-effective platform.

To learn more about how American Eagle Outfitters transformed their company with Google
Cloud, watch this Video: American Eagle Outfitters in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap
Up section, at the end of this course..


Case Study 3: Healthcare/Life Sciences Industry


Slide 1
Johns Hopkins University BIOS Division Quantiphi
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Brain Injury Outcomes (BIOS) Division is dedicated to
improving interventions through data-science-driven clinical trials and medical image

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
Johns Hopkins University’s Brain Injury Outcomes (BIOS) Division has focused on studying
brain hemorrhage in the hopes of unlocking new paths of treatment that ultimately improve
medical outcomes following a stroke. The team has several decades of experience in
developing and improving models for analyzing brain images of hemorrhage patients,
including quantifying volumes and other risk factors of brain hemorrhage through patient CT


Slide 3
The Approach
Google Cloud and Quantiphi supported advances in cloud-based machine learning services to
reduce infrastructure costs, unlock new paths of treatment, and dramatically reduce the
amount of time it takes to evaluate scanned imagery following a stroke.

Slide 4
The Impact

John Hopkins University BIOS Division has been working on medical imaging to accelerate
insights from scans on approximately 500 patients from 2,500 hours to 90 minutes, and lead
to more accurate decision-making for brain injury patients that will ultimately improve
medical outcomes.

To learn more about how Johns Hopkins University BIOS Division transformed their
company with Google Cloud go to the Case study: Johns Hopkins University BIOS Division
link in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap Up section, at the end of this course.

Lesson 6 - 

Meet Chrome Enterprise

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent

Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete

Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete

Lesson 5 - 
Meet Google Cloud

Meet Chrome Enterprise

Let’s now learn about Chrome Enterprise and the value of Chrome
Enterprise in helping companies digitally transform.

Products & Solutions

Chrome Enterprise is a business-focused solution that enables people to

work securely in the cloud and gets users up and running quickly with the

flexibility to work from anywhere. It offers security, cloud-based

management tools, integrations with third-party products, and 24/7 support

for IT administrators.

Watch the video to learn more about Chrome Enterprise.

Click the play button to start the video.
Play Video

The Impact of Chrome Enterprise

Let’s hear from a real-life Google Cloud customer about how Chrome
Enterprise digitally transforms companies and gives any worker better
access to the cloud.

Healthcare Industry—Chapters Health

Chapters Health System's mobile nursing and caregiving staff helps patients wherever and
whenever they need help the most.

Slide 1
The Business Challenge
They needed a hardware solution to support their team of mobile healthcare professionals
without compromising their dependence on legacy systems or the security of their patients’

Slide 2
The Approach
The company implemented Chromebooks with quick boot times to get their medical staff the
apps they need efficiently.  With the Chrome Enterprise license, they can enable
virtualization of legacy systems, manage policies, and use deployment to ensure that
confidential data is secure.

Slide 3
The Impact
By implementing Chromebooks, caregivers were able to access clinical data faster than the
previous method of long boot times and multiple logins from their legacy devices, resulting
in providing care for patients more quickly.

To learn more about Chapters Health System transformed their company

with Chrome Enterprise, go to the Case study: Chapters Health System link
in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap Up section, at the end of this course.

Lesson 7 - 

Why Google Cloud

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON


How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent

Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete

Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete

Lesson 6 - 

Meet Chrome Enterprise

Why Google Cloud
So far, you've learned about the value of Google Cloud and digitally

transforming businesses. You've also learned more about our approach to

partnering with customers to find the right solution for their company, as

well as the products and services we offer.

In this section, you will learn what differentiates Google Cloud from its

competitors and read stories of how these differentiators have digitally

transformed Google Cloud customers.

Google Cloud’s ecosystem is rapidly expanding. We have onboarded

Fortune 100 customers across every major industry vertical! All these
companies, many of whom you may already know, trust Google Cloud to be
a partner by their side and transform their business.
Our customers are changing and to stay current, access the Google Cloud
Customer page. 
To know more, visit the Resource part of the Let's Wrap Up section.

Google Cloud Differentiators

Google Cloud is differentiated from its competitors in five key ways. When

our sellers mention these differentiators in customer meetings, they often

mention proof points that are aligned with these differentiators.

Let's take a look at each of the five key differentiators and the proof points

that go along with each.

Expand each tab to learn more.

Best-in-Class Security

Hybrid and Multi Cloud


Fully Managed No Operations


Embedded Artificial Intelligence AI/Machine Learning (ML)


Best of Google

Let’s look at a customer example of each of these differentiators.

Example 1: Technology Industry


Slide 1
AutoDesk Hybrid Multi-Cloud
Autodesk is a software developer whose products are commonly used for 3D design
applications within markets that include architecture and construction industries.

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
For enterprise users, the software developer’s programs are synonymous with 3D design.
Autodesk sought to broaden its ecosystem to establish customer awareness in new markets
and encourage developer innovation.

Slide 3
The Differentiated Approach
Apigee supports Autodesk APIs, letting developers integrate Autodesk resources such as
design or edit data into other applications. The Apigee infrastructure provides intuitive
scalability and enhanced security, minimizing time to deployment. 

Slide 4
The Impact
Autodesk adopted Apigee API Management Platform as a fully managed service—
interoperable with Autodesk’s systems—to process 33+ billion API calls annually.

Example 2: Retail and Consumer Goods Industry


Slide 1
Ocado Fully Automated Operations
Ocado, the world’s largest online-only grocery retailer, allows customers to place orders on
the web or via mobile devices, picks and packs each order in large, automated warehouses,
and delivers to customers’ homes.

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
Ocado pays close attention to the shifting preferences of consumers and the links between
digital technology and shopping experiences. It set out to transform its e-commerce,
fulfillment, and logistics processes with big data and ML.

Slide 3
The Differentiated Approach
Cloud Machine Learning Engine (now AI Platform) and TensorFlow identify the neural
network that could best prioritize emails, predict customer behavior, and improve the user
experience. Cloud Storage and BigQuery provide the backbone for data for the Ocado Smart

Slide 4
The Impact
Ocado migrated its on-premises databases to BigQuery, delivering results 80X faster for 33%
less cost.

To learn more about how Ocado benefited from our differentiated approach, go to the Video:
Why Ocado relies on Google Cloud in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap Up section, at
the end of this course..


Example 3: Technology Industry


Slide 1
Broadcom Best of Google
Broadcom designs, develops, and supplies semiconductor solutions that help power
networking, storage, and industrial functionality in millions of consumer and enterprise

Slide 2
The Business Challenge
Products from the semiconductor supplier power countless consumer and enterprise devices.
To drive future revenue and time-to-market gains, Broadcom looked to boost productivity by
improving employee collaboration.

Slide 3
The Differentiated Approach
Gmail, Hangouts Chat, and Drive increase productivity by simplifying sharing documents or
communication among domestic and international Broadcom employees. Google Workspace
automates platform management to reduce time spent on maintenance.

Slide 4
The Impact
By adopting Gmail, Broadcom shortened development cycles while scaling up to support
nearly 1000% revenue growth over ten years with just one administrator. Teams used Google
Translate to communicate more seamlessly across 28 languages.

To learn more about how Broadcom benefited from our differentiated approach, go to the
Case study: Broadcom link in the Resources part of the Let's Wrap Up section, at the end
of this course.


As you can see, Google Cloud helps customers, like the customers above,

digitize their business faster with a range of industry-specific solutions and

top global, regional and technology partners to deliver best of breed

Partner Differentiation
Investing in the Google Cloud Differentiation Partner Advantage Journey
unlocks organic business growth, opens new business opportunities, and
enables repeatable customer successes, all of which drive your bottom-line
growth and earn you strong advocacy from Google.
Here’s the differentiation journey for your business.
Select the marker to know more about each question.

Investing in the differentiation journey will enable you to:

 Increase business impact

 Showcase success
 Boost visibility
 Utilize Google advocacy
 Enjoy  benefits and rebates

Differentiation brings great customer experiences and repeatable


To learn more about how embracing the Google Cloud Partner Advantage
Differentiation Journey can help you stand out to customers and optimize
business growth, watch the video.
Lesson 8 - 

Let’s Wrap Up

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON

Google Cloud Sales CredentialsSKIP TO LESSON
How to Navigate This CourseHow to Navigate This Course 100 Percent

Course OverviewCourse Overview 100 Percent Complete

Introduction to Google CloudIntroduction to Google Cloud 100
Percent Complete

Inside Google CloudInside Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Google CloudMeet Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete

Meet Chrome EnterpriseMeet Chrome Enterprise 100 Percent

Why Google CloudWhy Google Cloud 100 Percent Complete
Let’s Wrap UpLet’s Wrap Up 59 Percent Complete

AssessmentAssessment 0 Percent Complete

Lesson 7 - 
Why Google Cloud

Let’s Wrap Up
It’s a wrap on this segment on Google Cloud Sales Credentials. Let’s recap
what you learned.
Expand each tab to review the key takeaways in each module.
Introduction to Google Cloud

Inside Google Cloud


Meet Google Cloud


Meet Chrome Enterprise


Why Google Cloud


Bookmark the following links for more information, case studies, and
testimonials about Google Cloud.
Introduction to Google Cloud
Learn more about Google Cloud at our main website.
Website: Google Cloud
Take a look inside a Google data center.
Video: Inside Google’s data centers
Hear customers share how Google Cloud has transformed their company.
Video: The value of Google Cloud

Inside Google Cloud

Learn about partners and access resources for partners.
Learn how Google Cloud provides solutions to complex business challenges to help you
initiate high-level discussions and discovery with prospects and customers.
Solution Overview
Learn how Google Cloud provides strategic industry solutions to drive cost reduction,
increase operational agility, and capture new market opportunities.
Industry Solution Overview
Learn how you can do more with Google Cloud products.
Products Overview
Read about what Professional Services can do for your customer.
Professional Services Overview
Register for the five on-demand solutions courses to get up to speed on the latest updates.
Solution Training

Meet Google Cloud

Learn more about how Phoenix Labs transformed their company with Google Cloud.
Case study: Phoenix Labs
Learn more about how Johns Hopkins University BIOS Division gained accelerated insights
with Google Cloud.
Case study: Johns Hopkins University BIOS Division
Learn more about how American Eagle Outfitters enhanced their forecasting and got real-
time insights with Google Cloud.
Video: American Eagle Outfitters

Meet Chrome Enterprise

Learn more about how Chapters Health System transformed their company with Chrome
Case study: Chapters Health System
Learn how PwC keeps their users productive and secure with Chrome browser.
Case Study: PwC
Learn how companies around the world are partnering with Chrome Enterprise to thrive in
the changing world of work.
Chrome Enterprise Customer Stories
Take a deep dive and learn more about Chrome Enterprise in this online training.
Course: Chrome Enterprise Fundamentals

Why Google Cloud

Google Cloud Customers
Google Cloud differentiates itself from the competition in the following ways:
Partner Differentiation Program
The Google Cloud Partner Advantage Differentiation Journey
Roadmap your Partner Differentiation Journey with Google Cloud
How Siemens scaled its global business through smarter recruiting with Cloud Talent
Case study: Siemens
Why Ocado relies on Google Cloud.
Case study: Ocado
How Broadcom advanced mass transformation through better connectivity.
Case study: Broadcom

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