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My Personal Reflection on How the COVID-19 Pandemic Teaches Us to Combat

Climate Change Crisis

Many people here on earth are getting worst every day. People are careless to

their actions when it comes to our environment that causes climate change. Now let me

explain what is climate change. Climate change is any long-term change in global or

regional average weather patterns. As this broad definition implies, climate change

has occurred many times in the history of the earth for many reasons. However, the

changes in global temperature and weather patterns seen today are caused by human

activities. And they happen much faster than the natural climate changes in the past.

There are many ways how climate change can affect us. The effects of climate change

span the physical environment, biological systems and human social orders. They

additionally incorporate the monetary and social changes which come from living in a

warmer world. Man-made environmental change is one of the dangers to

sustainability. Numerous actual impacts of environmental change are already obvious,

including outrageous climate occasions, glacial mass retreat, and changes in the

timing of seasonal events. Climate change has affected ecosystems and humans. In

combination with climate variability, it has intensified food insecurity in many places

and put pressure on freshwater supplies. This, in mix with outrageous climate events,

leads to negative effects on human health. Environmental change has additionally

added to desertification and land debasement in numerous locales of the world. This

has implications for livelihoods as many people are dependent on land for food, feed,

fiber, timber and energy. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and the
increase in extreme events threaten development because of negative effects on

economic growth in developing countries. Climate change already contributes to

migration in parts of the world. The future impact of climate change depends on the

extent to which countries implement preventive work, reduce greenhouse gas

emissions, and adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change. We should stop and

make a solution before it’s too late. This problem can harm many people if we don’t start

to make any solution to this crisis. Unity is the key to stop this problem. We need to

educate our fellow people to be responsible to their actions and teach them to spread

the good advice to other people.

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global health

crisis that has a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives.

The common effect of this pandemic is many people died because of the virus. Also,

many people suffer from depression and anxiety during the lockdowns because we are

staying at home for at least 3 months. The government prohibited us to go outside

which is not healthy for our mental health. When it comes to our economy, many people

lost their jobs and many businesses were closed. Schools and universities are also

closed to prevent the spread of the virus. The COVID-19 has completely changed our

lives. COVID-19 also changes our lifestyle when it comes to our safety. It is an essential

nowadays to wear facemask and face shield outside our house to prevent the virus.

Also, we are not allowed to have a mass gathering and we should observe social

distancing everywhere we go.

Climate change and COVID-19 have connections to each other because they are

both seriously damaging world-wide problems, which are generated and magnified by
global transport and global air-travel. But COVID-19 ironically has cleaned up our

environment. Lockdown is in place in many countries. As a result, the air is cleaner, it

lessens the pollution globally including water pollutions in the rivers, lakes & seas. The

ozone layer has improved, gas emissions & factory effluents' levels are almost

insignificant which is having a positive impact on the environment and it has a positive

impact to our climate. Travel got minimized because a lot of people staying at home

which helps lessen the petroleum consumption. This helps to minimize carbon dioxide

production. It is good for the problem of global warming. Also, due to lockdown in

various countries the burning of fossil fuels decreased and emission of global warming

gases decreased so this is how covid-19 helping to decrease the global warming and

teaches us how to combat climate change.

I learned a lot during this pandemic and also to our environment. The lockdown

has made me realize the importance of actually appreciating the things and people we

take for granted, it teaches us a spirit of solidarity, helping others and offering help

when possible. It shows us that money and material things are not as important as

human life and we should care for each other in times of need. It has shown how

much greatness can come from working together and what it can do for a nation and

community just by giving a helping where it is needed and wanted. Nowadays, it's

essential to take care of yourself, do your best to strengthen your immunity. For

example, stress causes plenty of health problems, it's important to find a way to reduce

it. For example, sport, meditation, spa, yoga, cooking, music, or anything that works for

you. Don’t let yourself imprisoned on that situation because you only live once. Anything

can happen you know. Don’t sit inside your room thinking of how sad your life is. There
are thousands of people right now across the globe who are struggling to save their

near and dear ones. There are thousands of people across the globe right now who just

lost their loved ones. There are thousands of people across the globe right now who

can’t do anything but just let their close ones be because they don’t have the money

required to admit the concerned person into the hospital. There are thousands who are

struggling to find some oxygen and bed for their patient. So, I guess we are lucky

because we are not on that situation. Be thankful and we should always pray to God. I

also learned to love our environment. In this era, we experienced a lot of crises. We

should take care of our environment before it’s too late. If you care about your own life

and the life of your decedents, you must also care about the environment. The more we

know about Space and the planets in our solar system, the more we realize how

special, how different, how precious is and how unique is our small blue planet. We

have done enough damage to our planet already. We need to do whatever we can to

revert it. We have to save it from total disaster by taking immediate measures to prevent

further gas emissions and global warming. If we don’t, our lives are going to become

increasingly miserable. We are going to be dealing with one natural disaster after

another, as we have seen in the last three decades. We will continue to go into a

downward spiral. This is a part of a domino effect of natural catastrophes that will result

from the lack of care for the balance between our species and the environment.

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