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Vol. 14 Issue : 08 August, 2022 Rs.

August An Eternal Symbol of Despicable
15, 1947 Betrayal of People of India
The BJP has been trying to pose itself to be the Since then due to the weakening of British imperialism
champion of patriotism in India. So its leaders are urging some other imperialist powers especially the US
the people of India to celebrate the 75th year of so- called imperialists also started to step in and the transfer of
“independence” as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostsav’. True to power became helpful for them to develop their influence.
the character of their predecessors the BJP is trying to Thus what happened on 15 August 1947 was that from a
make people believe that they are part of the legacy of colony India turned into a semi-colony. And what the
the freedom struggle and Savarkar as their leader. It is a BJP is going to celebrate is to hide this hoax with eloquent
well known fact that Savarkar surrendered to the British phrases like ‘development’, ‘progress’, ‘shining India’ etc.
rulers and betrayed not only the freedom movement but and people are drowning in poverty and lack of democracy.
acting as British agent brought the Idea of Hindutwa to The peasants-the back bone of Indian economy-sunk
divide the people’s movement for liberation from the yoke deeper in to indebtedness to local money-lenders and
of imperialism. True to their nature of falsification and landlords, and unable to come out of the indebtedness
betrayal, the BJP is trying to capitalize the patriotism of have resorted to suicides. Many farmers are pauperized
the Indian people by this grand celebration of the and are forced to migrate as daily labourers to eke out
“independence day”, a day of despicable betrayal. livelihood, to far away places as orphans.
After the Second World War the imperialists all over Neither the five year plans, nor modernization and
the world were mortally afraid of the future. On the one industrilisation policies nor the latest ‘Make in India’
hand the emergence of the USSR and East European initiative could deliver the goods. The private sector,
states moving in great strides on the path of socialism, especially modern sectors such as manufacturing and
China was on the verge of a successful revolution and service sectors dominated by multinational companies
the liberation struggles of the oppressed people were have not created many jobs. The foreign direct investment
surging forward, and on the other imperialists had been entered into India in the form of FIIs has played speculator
economically and politically weakened. In this situation, role in stock markets with utmost disregard to the interests
imperialists changed their policy—instead of ruling the of India economy. Now India is facing a frightful situation
colonies directly to carry on the exploitation indirectly of balance of payments. Our economy has become totally
by transferring power to their trusted agents in those dependent on foreign capital.
countries, known as neocolonial policy. In India too the The unemployment has reached the figure of 7.5%
people’s movement for liberation was developing in great indicating a forward direction. Unemployment rates among
strides. The British had no other choice but to transfer educated in 9.1% where as the unemployment rate of
power to the representatives of the comprador big youth between the age 15-29 is 12.9%.
bourgeoisie and landlords to maintain their interest by Wage rates of the workers and employees have
indirect means. But they did not forget to divide the remained low and whatever may be of any increase it is
strength of the people and the country was divided into very marginal. Systematically the statutory rights of
India and Pakistan through partition based on religion. workers are being removed. The labour laws have been

Bulletin of the Central Committee of CPI(ML)

May Day 1917 - J.V.Stalin
codified in to labour codes that negated the rights and entremets of workers.
The tribals are being displaced enmass forcibly from their natural habitats
in the name of economic developments and making them destitutes.
An ideological as well, physical war is unleashed against the minority
Muslim community greatly threatening its very existence.
Atrocities and attacks against dalits have surged to a significant level with
Founder Editor
an ill intention of restricting them within the confines of Manudharmas,
KANU SANYAL Varnasram dharma straight joint frame.
Editor-in-Chief The use of repressive laws not only against mass-movements but even
against a common individual who expresses dissatisfaction against the present
VISWAM state of situation has increased by implicating them in the crime of sedition or
Editorial Board terrorism. UAPA is being used with utmost vehemence on any one who
Arvind Sinha expresses disapproval against the present state of affairs.
The judicial system that is supposed to uphold the constitutional spirit and
Shambhu Mahato render justice too became worthless in protecting freedoms, fundamental rights
Nand Kishore Singh of the people against state repression and oppression merely chanting effectless
and empty comments to make believe the people of its extraordinary powers etc.
Vol. 14 Issue : 08 August 2022 For most of the people life has become unbearable. According to National
Crime Records Bureau about 25,000 Indians died of suicide between 2018
and 2020. In 2019, an Indian citizen died of suicide every hour due to
Web site: joblessness poverty or bankruptcy.
On Other Pages:
On the other hand the top 10% grabbed nearly two-third of the wealth,
deepening the inequality as per the world inequality report.
1. In Memory :
This abysmal condition of state of Indian affairs even after 75 years of so-
Social Transformation - Com. PJR 03 called independence naturally raised the questions in the mind of any sane
2. Economic & Political Situation : person that whether our country is really an independent country? If so who
PM MITRA 07 gained such an independence? Is our country really a democratic country as
3. Document : being touted for all these years? How is that our so-called sacrosanct
Socio-Economic and Political constitution could not avert such an abominable state of affairs?
Analysis of India’s 09 While trying to find answers to these questions, often our attention is
Casteism 19 diverted towards the successive governments, and the ruling parties in power
and the policies implemented by them, finding some or other fault in them
4. An Observation :
satisfying our doubts, without actually going in to the root-cause viz the nature
23rd CPI(M) Congress 21
of the “Independence” gained by us with the policy of “non-violence”.
5. A View Point : Only when we critically examine history that led to the ‘Independence’ and
An Open Call to CRs 23 the history of freedom struggle and the role of Indian National Congress which
6. World : maintained its hegemony, we can arrive to the correct answers.
Hands off the Communists 25 Various studies about the freedom struggle on the nature of the
7. From the States : ‘Independence’ accorded to India by the British pointed out that the 15th August
- Karnataka Farmers Agitation 18 1947 was merely a “transfer of power”.
- HP Apple Growers 26 R.Palme Dutt the veteran British Communist, who examined each aspect
relating to the freedom struggle and the attainment of ‘Independence’ on 15th
8. Poem :
August 1947, has come to the conclusion that the meaning of the transfer of
We, the farmers of this country... 27
power to Indians meant “…..a change from the direct rule of imperialism to its
Oh! These Kisans!! 27 indirect rule. It has elevated the Indian big-bourgeoisie from a previous
9. Memorial Meetings : vacillating, compromising semi oppositional partners of imperialism, exercising
- Com. Tarimela Nagireddy 28 authority and repressive powers over the masses, uniting with feudal and
- Com. Charu Majumdar 28 princely elements against the tide of popular advance…” (India Today, 1949).
10. Statement : He asserted that “…. India has not reached the goal of national independence
- Release Koora Rajanna 06 or the fulfillment of democratic revolution. India still groans under the double
yoke of imperialist exploiters and home grown exploiters – now drawn together
For Details :
Class Struggle in close alliance”.
32-13-26/1, M.R.Puram, On August 15, 1947 the British government transferred power be queathing
Vijayawada, pin-520 010. all its Indian institutions organisations and services to the new Indian
contd. in page 08
2 Class Struggle
In Memory of Comrade P.Jaswantha Rao :

Socialist Transformation of Society Is Inevitable

(This paper was submitted by Com. P. Jaswantha Rao at a seminar in 1997)
Having recognised that the collectivisation of the forces of fragmented particular struggles within
economic system is the foundation on production, is caught in its own the interstices of capitalism.
which the political superstructure is irreconcilable contradictions. Post-Modernists have gone one
erected, Karl Marx devoted most of The December 1995 movement in step further. Now, it is not even just a
his attention to the study of economic France, followed a year later by the question of universal capitalism; now
system. Where the bourgeois truckers blockade, the rebellion of capitalism is so universal that it is
economists saw a relation between Zapatismo and the rise of working basically invisible, as air to us human
things, Marx revealed a relation class struggle and resistance in beings. We may play around in this
between people. An investigation of Mexico; the collective action of universal medium, and may be we
relations or production in a given Korean working class in the form of even carve out little enclaves, little
historically defined society, in their general strike; the civil war in Zaire sanctuaries of privacy, seclusion and
genesis, development and decline is which paralysed the machinations of freedom. But we cannot escape this
the content of Marx’s economic imperialist forces and the advancing universal medium itself.
doctrine. Thus Marx traced the peoples war in Philippines under the They see the globalisation as a
development of capitalism from the leadership of Communist Party of tide sweeping over borders in which
first germs of commodity economy, Philippines flies in the face of this technology and irresistible market
from simple exchange to its higher revisionist bankruptcy and theories of forces transform the global system in
forms of large scale production. And globalisation that profess the end of ways beyond the power of anyone to
Lenin continued this study and class struggles. do much to change. The TNC’s and
established the capitalist laws that The aim of this paper is to expose global governance organisations like
developed it into monopoly capitalism this poverty of philosophy from the World Bank, IMF and WTO enforce
i.e. imperialism. angle of Marxist political economy. Is conformity on all nations and
And the experience of the globalisation a new advanced stage “subsumes and subordinates national
countries is clearly demonstrating the of capitalism, that made it invincible? level processes”. Hence, the class
truth of the Marxism-Leninism to Has the national economies lost their struggles-the struggle of workers
increasing number of people every relevance due to recent changes in against monopoly capitalists, struggle
year. To put in the words of Lenin the International economic relations? of peasants against feudal lords, the
“Capitalism has triumphed all over Had the MNC’s transformed into struggle of people against national
the world, but this triumph is only a supranational and super-state oppression etc. have lost their
prelude to the triumph of labour over subjects? These are some of the relevance. One need not and cannot
capital”, i.e. the struggle of the questions that this paper attempts to change the system. But just fight for
proletariat to overthrow capitalism. answer. some improvements.
It has become fashionable, even The post-Marxist theories argue These theories of globalisation are
for the so-called left, to proclaim that that the universal capitalism of the based on myth, are not based on
the days of class struggle are over. post-war world is dominated by liberal sound analysis of what is more
This version gained momentum with democracy and a democratic complex social process called
the demise of social imperialism, consumerism, and both of these have imperialism and have profound
which capped the political and opened up a whole new areas of political implications which are
ideological bankruptcy of the democratic opposition and struggle, defeatist in nature, and disarms the
revisionist forces the world over. The which are much more diverse than people.
idea that there could still emerge a the old class struggles. The implicit Capitalism has always been a
collective struggle on the basis of class conclusion is that these struggles global system. It created world market
striving for socialism is being cannot really be against capitalism, before it advanced to the present
rediculed. Though the imperialist since it is now so total that there is stage of imperialism. In the history of
“Market Economy” advancing really no alternative. So in this mankind, the only social organisation
apparent individualisation and universal system of capitalism, there that brought the world under one
fragmentation, and at the same time, can be, and can only be, multitude of economic system is the capitalism.
August - 2022 3
Now, capitalism is expanding on a history, for monopoly that grows out not bring in any harmonious
global scale and huge sums of finance of the soil of free competition, and development, rather accented all the
capital is moving around the globe, precisely out of free competition, is contradictions of capitalism.
then this process has begun not in the transition from the capitalist “It goes without saying that if
1970s but in 1870s. Karl Marx vividly system to a higher socio-economic capitalism could develop agriculture,
described the compulsions of political order... Monopolies, oligarchy, the which today is everywhere lagging
economy behind the capitalism’s striving for domination and not for behind industry, if it could raise the
thrust into world markets. freedom, the exploitation of an living standards of the masses, who
“The bourgeoisie has through its increasing number of small or weak inspite of the amazing technical
exploitation of the world market given nations by a handful of the richest or progress are everywhere still half-
a cosmopolitan character to most powerful nations all these have starved and poverty-stricken, there
production and consumption in every given birth to those distinctive could be no question of a surplus
country. To the great chagrin of characteristics of imperialism which capital. This argument is very often
Reactionists, it has drawn under the compel us to define it as parasitic or advanced by the petty-striken, there
feet of industry the national ground decaying capitalism..... When a big could be no question of a surplus
on which it stood. All old established enterprise assumes gigantic capital. This argument is very often
industries whose introduction proportions, and, on the basis of an advanced by the petty bourgeois
becomes a life and death question exact computation of mass data, critics of capitalism; But if capitalism
for all civilised nations, by industries organises according to plan the did these things it would not be
that no longer work up indigenous raw supply of primary raw materials to the capitalism; for both uneven
materials, but raw material drawn extent of two-thirds, or three-fourths, development and a semi-starvation
from the remotest zones: industries of all that is necessary for tens of level of existence of the masses are
whose products are consumed, not millions of people; when the raw fundamental and inevitable conditions
only at home, but in every quarter of materials are transported in a and constitute premises of this mode
globe. In place of old wants, satisfied systematic and organised manner to of production. As long as capitalism
by the products of the country, we the most suitable places of production, remains what it is, surplus capital
find new wants, requiring for their sometimes situated hundreds of will be utilised not for the purpose of
satisfaction the products of distant thousands of miles from each other: raising the standard of living of
lands and climes. In place of the old when a single centre directs all the masses in a given country, for this
local and national seclusion and self- consecutive stages of processing the would mean a decline in profits for
sufficiency, we have intercourse in material right up to the manufacture capitalists, but for the purpose of
every direction, universal of numerous varieties of finished increasing profits by exporting capital
interdependence of nations..... The articles; when : these products are abroad to backward countries”.
bourgeoisie, by rapid improvement of distributed according to a single plan Thus imperialism is the final stage
all instruments of production, by among tens and hundreds of millions of capitalism will be removed by
immensely facilitated means of of consumers-then it becomes evident socialism. As Lenin observed:
communication, draws all, even the that we have socialisation of “Imperialism is the eve of social
most barbarian nations to civilisation. production, and not mere interlocking; revolution of the proletariat. This has
The cheap prices of its commodities that Private economic and private been confirmed since 1917 on a
are the heavy artillery with which it property relations constitute a shell world-wide scale”.
batters down all Chinese walls, with which no longer fits its contents, a Hence globalisation is not new
which it forces the barbarians’ shell which must inevitably decay. If phenomenon or development of
intensely obstinate hatred of its removal is artificially delayed, a capitalism or imperialism into higher
foreigners to capitulate... In one shell which may remain in a state of stage. Rather it is inherent in the
word, it creates a world after its own decay for a fairly long period (if, at capitalist logic; its form being decided
image.” (Communist Manifesto) the worst, the cure of the opportunist by the political and military needs
This striking and prophetic image abscess is protracted), but which along with economic compulsions.
of imperialism spreading through out must inevitably decay, if its removal The imperialist international
the world, battering down all Chinese is artificially delayed, a shell will financial institutions like World Bank,
Walls, is further studied and analysed inevitably be removed”. IMF and WTO, came into existence
by Lenin: Contrary to the expectations of the in the changed circumstances. The
“Economic essence of admirers of imperialism, this gigantic old colonialism was replaced by neo-
imperialism is monopoly capitalism. concentration and centralisation of colonial plunder and these financial
This in itself determines its place in capital and process of production did institutions became the instruments of
4 Class Struggle
dominating the Third World Countries. the modern upsurge in transitional must draw a line of demarcation
The World Bank facilitated the growth production is also concentrated in the between imperialist states and the
of imperialist private capital in the hands of a relatively small number of state of Third World countries.
former colonies by advancing the so- companies. But in contrast with the The monopoly capital and its
called soft-loans to infrastructure former pattern, the leading firms are home state are not mutually exclusive,
projects which created basic no longer operating in only one or two rather they are symbiotic.
conditions for flourishing of MNCs. In foreign countries but have truely 1. Almost all the MNCs are infact
the name of developmental strategies, spread their wings: for example, two national organisations operating on a
the IMF forced the former colonies to hundred of these companies, among global scale. Capitalism is and has
accept the structural adjustment which the largest in the world, now have from its beginning being a world
served the penetration of imperialist affiliates in twenty or more countries. system and this system has been
capital. The WTO helped the Moreover, the MNCs were formerly for further integrated by the MNCs. It is
imperialist countries to regulate the the most part in raw material also equally important to recognise
international trade to their advantage. extraction and to a limited extent in that each capitalist firm relates to the
These are nothing but instruments of banking. Today’s global firms have world system through the nation state.
imperialist plunder and also become invaded manufacturing and services, 2. The MNCs need social stability
the hotbeds of contention between and taken a major leap into in the countries where they operate.
various imperialist powers. international banking and speculation. For internal law and order, they need
The MNCs appeared on the stage Right from the onset of MNCs a a police force and for external stability
as a consequence of capitalist hundred years ago, the apologists of they need armed forces. The
development; relentless accumulation imperialism used to speculate that dependence on armed forces as the
of capital on a world scale; aided and sooner or later the entire process of bedrock of business enterprise acts
abetted by every greater concentration production will end up in the hands of to strengthen, not weaken, the nation
and centralization of enterprise. The few global companies and thus state.
main contributing factors to the virtually eliminates all competition. It 3. The more the MNCs struggle
emergence of a new form of is important to note here that the very among themselves for market control,
international capital operation were: forces that propel capitalism towards more they need and rely on active
1. The system of international more concentration and centralisation support (Political, Economic and
payments was reconstituted under US of capital, by their very nature creates Military) of the State. The MNCs are
leadership by the Bretton Woods obstacles in the elimination of far from all powerful financially and
agreement; 2. Marshall Plan competition. The competition that need active support and intervention
stimulated the rehabilitation of US disappeared between the individual of state in the form of funds.
native giants, and at the same time, capitalists with the onset of monopoly Thus the problems of maintaining
prepared a fertile ground for sprouting capitalism had reappeared as cut- sovereignty of state arise from the
of US corporations in Western throat competition between monopoly contradictions of monopoly capitalism.
Europe; 3. World War II and its groups and imperialist nations. After In other words, the problems arise not
aftermath galvanized business and the end of World War II, the US from the evils of MNCs alone or
technological changes are rebuilding dominance was a natural outgrowth presumed submission of state to
of devastated Europe provided of great disparity between the US and MNCs; but the problems are inherent
opportunities for US. The changes war devastated Western Europe. in the nature of imperialism.
that contributed most to facilitate Viewed abstractly, many expected that As for the states of Third World
sprouting of MNCs were: 1. Expanded this US hegemony would grow until concerned, the problem is not so
air transport; 2. Vast improved modes the world’s productive capacity would simple as the submission of nation
of communication; and 3. Sophisticated be in the hands of few US global firms. state to the dictates of MNCs or World
computers for the amassing and Contrary to this, the US dominance Bank. What is really important and
analysis of data needed to plan for is being challenged by other decisive is that these countries,
global maximisation of profits. imperialist countries. suffered under the yoke of colonialism
With in a short span of a quarter Another speculation is that the and semi-colonialism for long years,
of a century the MNCs reached a level globalisation of capital will eventually have evolved a mode of production, a
in the international accumulation of result in decline of the nation state class structure and a social, cultural
capital that their output away from and few global giants will police the and psychological milieu that are
home base began to outdistance trade international affairs. The concept of subservient to imperialism. Depending
as the main vehicle of international nation state is vague as it contains on this semi-colonial social order, the
economic exchange. As in the past, nation states of various nature. We MNCs and WB-IMF-WTO are playing
August - 2022 5
with their economies. So long as
these socio-economic conditions
Release Comrade Koora Rajanna,
prevail, even the supposed removal
of MNCs would not bring any basic
Central Leader, CPI(ML) Janashakti
change and their subservience
continues. We came to know that Central leader of CPI(ML) Janashakti,
“The trusts, of course, never Comrade Koora Rajanna who is suffering from illness was arrested
provided, do not now provide and by police from a house in Medchal, Hyderabad on August 1st,
cannot provide complete planning. 2022 from a press statement by Arunodaya Vimala. There are
But however much they do plan, reports that the police have arrested and produced him in Sirisilla
however much the capitalist magnets Court under several cases. We appeal that Com Rajanna be
calculate in advance the volume of
released on bail immediately for medical facilities as it is reported
production on a national and even on
an international scale, and however
that he is suffering from serious illness.
much they systematically regulate it,
we still remain under capitalism- at Gurram Vijay kumar
its new stage, it is true, but still 2-8-2022
Central Committee, CPI(ML)
capitalism, without a doubt. The
“proximity” of such capitalism to Revolution in Russia and New “Since cultural revolution is a
socialism should serve genuine Democratic Revolution in China and revolution it inevitably meets
representatives of the proletariat as the advances they made in the resistance.....because the resistance
an argument providing the proximity, building of socialist society. For the is fairly strong. There will be
facility, feasibility and urgency of the first time in the history of human reversals and even repeated
socialist revolution, and not at all as society, unemployment and poverty, reversals in this struggle. There is
an argument for tolerating the which the capitalist society could not no harm in this. It tempers the
repudiation of such a revolution and eradicate during its existence of more proletariat and other working people,
efforts to make capitalism look more than 300 years, were eradicated in and especially the younger
attractive, something which all Russia and China. A planned union generation, teaches them lessons
reformists are trying to do.” (Lenin) of agriculture and industry based on and gives them experience, and helps
The socialisation of labour, which the conscious application of science them to understand that revolutionary
has manifested itself very strikingly in and the combination of collective road has Zig-Zags and does not run
the gigantic increase in the labour had removed hunger from the smooth”.
dimensions and power of finance society. A new form of family, new (At a time when the world
capital, forms the chief material conditions in the status of women and capitalist system unleashed
foundation for the inevitable advent of in the upbringing of younger ferocious attacks on Marxism and
socialism. The intellectual and moral generation had come into existence, communist movement, the CPI
driving force and the physical which were still dreams in the capitalist (ML) Janashakti, COC organised a
executant of this transformation is the countries. The achievements of series of programmes to
proletariat, which is trained by the socialist system in Soviet Union and commemorate the 80th anniversary
capitalism itself. The struggle of the China are well documented. Within a of Great October Revolution and
proletariat against the bourgeoisie, span of a quarter of a century, Soviet 50 th anniversary of the herioc
which manifests in multifarious forms Union surpassed the capitalist world Telangana Peasants Armed
ever richer in content, inevitably in science and technology. Struggle. This seminar was held in
becomes a political struggle aiming Internationally the working class Hyderabad on 7 th , 8 th and 9 th
at the conquest of political power by has suffered a temporary setback in Novemeber, 1997. It observed
the proletariat. The socialisation of the form of capitalist restoration in commemoration of Martyrs’ day in
production is bound to lead to the Soviet Union and China. The bourgeois various districts of Andhra
transformation of the means of ideologues wanted us to believe that Pradesh. Comrades Parimal Das
production into the property of society, this revisionist betrayal as the failure Gupta, Kanu Sanyal, Kolla
to the “expropriation of expropriators”. of socialist system and Marxist Venkaiah, Manam Ramarao, Arvind
Such is the vision of Karl Marx ideology. But from this set back the Sinha, P.K.Murthy, Ajmeer Singh,
about the future society. And it working class organisation will grow Vijaya Saradhi, Mandla Subba
became the fact of life with the politically and organisationally stronger. Reddy, N.V. Krishnaiah attended
victorious conclusion of Great October As Mao-Tse-Tung pointed out: and participated in this seminar.)
6 Class Struggle
PM Another Scheme to Appropriate Lands and Workers’ Rights
MITRA Punjabis Struggle against MITRA at Mattewara
The central government has been ensure affordable power, land and states should use the share of their
talking about setting up mega textile ‘effective’ labor laws for the rent collected on these parks for the
parks in thousands of acres for the corporates. development of these parks. That is
last few years. It says that countries SITP-Scheme for Integrated these parks, developed with the public
like Bangladesh, China and Vietnam Textile Park money, will themselves consume the
are ahead of us in this sector and Textile park is not new to India. rents they pay. In a word people do
that Mega parks are the need of the Already there is SITP scheme. Under not get anything from them except
hour to compete with them, to provide this scheme each park is allotted a offering cheap labour.
employment and to attract huge FDIs. maximum of Rs. 40 crores from the What is Inspiring?
For this it brought PM MITRA - central government and have an area Telangana’s Kakatiya Mega Textile
Pradhan Mantri Mega Integrated of 25 to 75 acres. The center says it Park is an ‘inspiration’ for the PM
Textile Region and Apparel Park did not get the expected results and MITRA parks. The Telangana
scheme and allotted Rs. 4445 crores Mega parks are needed to pull more government has allocated 1200 acres
for the next five years. In the first FDIs. of land in the first phase which can
phase, seven mega parks will be set STPIs are fully industrial parks be extended to 2000-3000 acres. 22
up with Rs 1000 crore funds from the which means there is only exploitation Companies have already made MOUs
centre for each project. States should of workers. More ‘profits’ ‘demand’ committing Rs. 3900 crore investment.
vie for the parks through the more exploitation which can be Korea’s Youngone Company will be
‘challenge method’ - that is, a State achieved in 2 ways: 1. Reforming making the highest investment of 900
gives the most subsidies to corporate (diluting) the labor laws of the existing crores in 300 acres within this park.
companies and challenges the rest of workers 2. Bring more labour under The same Telangana State
the states to better it. In addition to their exploitation – possible by (undivided Andhra Pradesh) in 2002-
this scheme, another Rs. 10,000 integrating everything from production 2003 set up the Sirisilla Textile Park
crores is allocated under PLI to export and bringing all types of to support the weavers of Sirisilla, a
(Production Linked Incentive) scheme labour under their boots. Bringing historically prominent weaving town
for the development of MMF (Man production into a park demands vast which for a time, became notorious
Made Fibres) sector. Reliance, the acres of land and integrating for weaver suicides. As this park is
world’s largest company in the warehousing, logistics, exports etc really meant for the development of
production of MMFs, which is on the demands huge allocations from the the people, the allocations are a
move to increase its capacity is mere government. Thus came the PM Mitra meagre Rs. 7.73 crore funds and 237
coincidence. scheme with allocations of 1000 acres plots (5-10 acres). After the formation
Where are we Competing? lands and 1000 crores budget for of Telangana, the government
Bangladesh textile parks are each park. So moving from SITP to announced that it will give all
already known as ‘sweat shops’ and MITRA, allocations have increased a government orders and orders for
news about poor facilities for the whooping 25 to 40 times. How much Bathukamma sarees and for a while
workers and frequent accidents in will the exploitation increase? it did it. But now the government says
these parks is a regular thing. We There is another problem with production costs in the park are high
have also seen that in China, workers SITPs. Most of the control lies with and that it will only give orders for
have to live in shambles attached to the Center, thus acquiring land and Bathukamma blouses only. As a result,
factories and have to work long hours. other statutory clearances from state the weavers were pushed into debt
Also, Bangladesh has given duty free governments became a problem and traps and they are forced to sell their
access to USA and EU - no taxes of some SITPs have been cancelled due looms for 2 lakhs, which they had
any kind in these parks for the exports to this. That is why this time the Center bought for 7 lakhs. On one hand, the
and imports of goods from and to has placed critical responsibilities like parks setup for the development of the
those countries. Competing with these land acquisition, electricity subsidies, people were ill funded and are made
countries is nothing but competing effective labor laws on the states. A sure they die while on the other, the
with them in exploiting the labour. special purpose vehicle SPV formed Mega parks for the corporates glitter
Strengthening this fact, Textile Minister by corporate, state and center in a with billions of funds. This is one
Piyush Goyal ordered the states to PPP, will develop the Parks. The example of the fate of workers in the
August - 2022 7
textile sector which provides largest rivers is already facing ground water 416 acres (and not 200) are the
employment after agriculture sector. depletion along with huge pollution of Sekhowal village lands. Sekhowal has
Land Grab: its rivers. Also textile industry is a only 500 acres of Shamlat land. That
It is a bit tedious for the highly polluting industry. And there are means the villagers are going to lose
governments to ‘acquire’ land on such serious allegations that water in some their entire land that too with lies. They
a large scale, as it has already areas became cancerous. So people held a gram sabha and unanimously
transferred most of the land to big from all walks of life including AAP decided not to give any land to the
corporates and private parties. Hence party protested against it. Park. Around 50 organisation formed
the government is adopting various But whose lands are up for grab? a Public Action Committee including
methods to ‘acquire’ people’s land. This is another dimension. NGOs of Cancer patients and
The purpose of all these methods is Dalits make up 32 percent of environmentalists seriously agitated.
to snatch the community lands from Punjab’s population. According to They organised a massive protest
the people into its hands and then state laws, 32% of Shamlat lands against the Mega park. Just a day
transfer them into private hands. The (common gram panchayat land) have
before the protest, the Chief Minister
government’s claim of a facilitator is to be allocated to Dalits for cultivation.
called for discussions and agreed to
just a marketing jargon to hide its Majority of the Sekhowal people are
shift the project from that area to
comprador nature. Mazhabi Sikhs, a Dalit sikh community
another area away from the water
In Telangana, the adivasi tandas displaced out of Amritsar city with the
sources. Incidentally, in a public stunt,
(Hamlets)will be turned into gram promise of Shamlat lands elsewhere.
the Chief Minister drank river water
panchayats so that they wont be a Finally after many struggles they were
allotted Shamlat lands for cultivation to prove that Punjab river water was
protected ST lands anymore and thus
in Sekhowal area. They have been not polluted but was hospitalized the
can be easily ‘acquired’ by
‘convincing’ the village sarpanch. fighting for the lands for 35 years in very next day.
Punjabis show the Way Again: and outside the courts. The first target of any government
In 2020, the then Congress The then Congress government or any scheme is the lands of the
government came up with a mega duped the sarpanch saying that it is Adivasis, Dalits and other oppressed
textile park on the lands of Sekhowal acquiring two hundred acres for agro classes. However, this struggle proves
village, near the textile town of nursery. The AAP government that that if the people and mass
Ludhiana. It is adjacent to the eco- came month ago, announced on July organisations unite into a dedicated
sensitive Mattewara forest along the 8th that they are allocating 1000 movement they will achieve success.
Sutlej river. Punjab, the land of five acres for this mega park out of which ™
from page 02 August 15.... contradiction at the earliest possible Com. TN rightly concluded that the
moment or else those who suffer with August 15, 1947 is nothing but “Indian
government. The Indian government
Bourgeoisie’s Despicable Betrayal”
inherited imperialist policies along inequality will blow the structure of
and that the constitution finalised the
with transfer of power as its own political democracy….”
betrayal of Indian people by the
policies to the detriment of Indian Com. T.Nagireddy in his famous
bourgeoisie represented by the so-
interest which became clear in the court statement ‘India Mortgaged’ has
called national leadership.
experience of these 75 years. asserted that…. “nothing has changed
The people of our country have
More over the ruling class and its (after August 15, 1947) except certain
yet to win their independence.
agents deceived the mass of people forms of management of this society
Many people have sacrificed their
in to believing that our constitution is in the interests of imperialist capital
lives for our country’s liberation. Their
sacrosanct, though it is strikingly collaborating Indian bourgeoisie and cause has to be carried forward. So
similar to the 1935 constitution. The feudal landlords. The content has people have to examine to know the
constitution is nothing but a remained the same (of British colonial true facts as they took place in history
superstructure built on the readymade rule) even though certain forms of and assert their destiny.
foundation carefully and laboriously management have changed. Stalin had warned that
laid by imperialism. Com. TN rightly asserted that “any “independence does not come as a
That is why Ambedkar, chairman citizen with a grain of patriotism in gift” – in the form of transfer of power
of the drafting committee of the him, should by nature revolt against – but is possible only “by victorious
‘Indian’ constitution had to admit that such a degrading state of affairs to revolution”. This warning has become
“…… in politics we will have equality resurrect the great glory of the Indian true in the 75 years of experience of our
and in economic life we will have people and Indian nation” showing the people and people’s urge for revolution
inequality…. We must remove this correct path the people. is continually increasing. ™
8 Class Struggle
Document : Part-III

Socio-Economic and Political Analysis of India’s

Semi-Colonial & Semi-Feudal State Character
This document was written by a Comrade of CPI(ML) almost two years back. We are treating it as a
positive and good effort. This document summarized and composed various facts, figures, and analysis, as
given in Comrade T.Nagi Reddy’s famous book, “INDIA MORTGAGED” as well as from some survey reports.
Now we are giving Part-III of this document. Part-I and Part-II were published in June and July issues.
(E) does not denote the progressiveness of the State Sector is a progress
The Public Sector of any State. towards the establishment of
The growth of the public sector in In the earliest days of industrial socialism.
India has received extremely high growth - i.e., more than 150 years But then we are told that
complements from the circle of so- ago - the first foremost economist, intervention by the State in
called friends of India, especially the Adam Smith, had clearly forecast the underdeveloped countries, would play
Soviet revisionists. Professor necessity of State Intervention in the a progressive role since it helps
R.Uliyanovsky, in an article in Pravda, interest of private capital itself. He had mobilize the internal resources for
August 4, 1970, writes that the state enunciated that the erection and independent development of industries,
sector of India “is growing stronger maintenance of public works - which that is an instrument of anti-
and dominates in some branches. It though in the highest degree imperialism used mainly for growth of
plays an important part in reducing advantageous to a great society are indigenous capitalism. If its character
the power of the monopolies, however of such a nature that the is really anti-imperialist then the State
weakening the position of foreign project could never repay the expense does play an extremely important
capital, and narrowing the gap in the to any individual or a small number of progressive role. Thus in an under-
level of economic development in individuals and which therefore developed country, intervention by the
different parts of the country”. Indian cannot be expected to be undertaken State may be progressive if it enables
progressives, led by the CPI by individuals - had to be done by the country to fight for, and
revisionists, have been crying hoarse the State directly and on its own consolidate, its independence vis-a-
that, due to the growth of the public responsibility to provide enough vis imperialism. But State capitalism,
sector, independent industrialization incentives for the growth of the private in alliance with foreign capital,
of India is on the march towards a investment. becomes a pure and simple means
successful culmination. It is necessary F.Engels in his brilliant book, ‘Anti- of exploiting the people and
and of utmost importance to study this Duhring’, had stated that the growth endangers the very independence of
quotation to arrive at a few objective of capitalist productive forces “leads the country. In such a situation, it can
conclusions as to the true nature of first to various forms of joint-stock never play the role of an instrument
this phenomenon in the Indian companies and later on, when even of anti-imperialist and independent
economy. that method becomes insufficient, it industrial growth.
It must be stated, at the very outset leads to direct ownership and control Industrial Policy Resolution
that, the state sector is not a peculiar of the means of production by the The growth of the public sector in
feature of the Indian acquisitive State, as the official representative of independent India had a base even
society. Intervention by the State in the capitalist society’. He further stated before 1947, when the basis of state
the production process of a country that ‘the more productive forces it monopoly had already been laid by
is a common characteristic of all takes as its property, the more it the British Government in the 20 odd
capitalist countries. As a matter of becomes the real collective body of ordnance factories managed by
fact, this has become absolutely all capitalists, the more citizens it Defence Ministry.
necessary to preserve and strengthen exploits. The workers remain wage- After independence was
capitalism itself. In the process, Britain earners, proletarians. The capitalist proclaimed, the industrial policy
had to nationalize its coal and steel relationship is not abolished: it is resolution announced by the
industry. Galbraith, the ambassador rather pushed to an extreme”. Government in 1948 was forthright in
of the US in India, has written that Therefore, the public sector or the its welcome of foreign capital.
the public sector in America is very State’s direct intervention in Moreover, Prime Minister Nehru’s
much larger than India. Therefore, the production is not a new feature. And statement later in clarification of the
growth of the public sector, by itself, it does not mean that establishment resolution, that there should be no
August - 2022 9
discrimination against foreign capital developed as Central Government “The Second Five Year Plan
laid the foundation for the policy to monopolies. Whenever co-operation clearly contemplated that the private
be implemented even in the public with private enterprise is necessary, sector should raise its share of
sector. This aspect of government the State will ensure, either through additional 10 million tonnes from their
policy should be constantly kept in majority participation in the capital or existing workings and immediately
mind when one studies the future of otherwise, that it has the requisite contiguous areas”. (Page - 2)
the state sector in our country. powers to guide the policy and control “The committee was informed that
The Second Five Year Plan the operations of the undertaking. since the middle of 1956, the Central
categorically stated that, in “a growing Industries in the second category Government had given its approval to
economy which gets increasingly will be those listed in Schedule B. the private sector of the coal industry
diversified, there is scope for both the With a view to accelerating their future to develop new areas in 49 cases in
public and private sectors to expand development, the State will increasingly various states”. (Page - 2)
simultaneously but it is inevitable, if establish new under-takings in these “It is however seen that, out of 49
development is to proceed at the pace industries. At the same time, private areas referred to above, 25 are
envisaged and to contribute enterprises will also have the contiguous and 24 non-contiguous.
effectively that the public sector must opportunity to develop in this field, either The representative of the ministry
grow not only absolutely but also on its own or with State participation”. explained during evidence that
relative to the private sector”. It is now 15 years since the Government took a pragmatic view of
The area in which the public resolution was passed by the highest the Industrial Policy Resolution and
sector will grow, and grow faster than body of people’s representatives - the interpreted it rather liberally”. (Page-3)
the private sector, were clearly Parliament. Now we should study the “The committee noted that in the
enunciated in the Industrial Policy results and see whether the contention Second Five Year Plan, it had been
Resolution of April 13, 1956, where it that public sector has become, and specifically stated that, “in future, the
was promised that : is becoming, more and more a base policy of retaining all new undertakings
“In the first category there will be for private capital and much more so in coal in the public sector should be
industries the future development of for foreign capital is true. It can as more strictly followed... The expansion
which will be the exclusive responsibility well be said that resolution does not of production by the establishment of
of the State. The second category will exist since it was stealthily thrown into new collieries will be undertaken wholly
consist of industries, which will be the dustbin even before the ink with in the public sector”. The committee
progressively State-owned and in which it was written was dry. Let us feel that the present policy of the
which the State will therefore generally now examine a few cases to Government in allowing non-
take the initiatives in establishing new concretize the above criticism. contiguous areas to the private sector
undertakings, but in which private COAL : Coal and Lignite was one of is strictly not in consonance with the
enterprise will also be expected to the industries in Schedule A - i.e., Industrial Policy Resolution and the
supplement the effort of the State. The those industries whose “further decision contained in the Second Five
third category will include all the development will be the exclusive Year Plan. The rather Liberal
remaining industries, and their future responsibility of the State”. Let us now interpretation of the Industrial Policy
development will, in general, be left to see how this particular resolve has Resolution is not conducive to the
the initiative and enterprise of the been implemented. Instead of proper development of industry”.
private sector. enumerating the facts, it would be (Page - 3)
Industries in the first category better to hear from the horse’s mouth: Now it is clear that, in 1956 itself,
have been listed in Schedule A of this the Estimates Committee of the Government had started condoning
resolution. All new units in these Parliament in its report in 1962-63 the growing encroachment by the
industries where their establishment gives the following facts. private sector into spheres reserved
in the private sector has already been “The industrial policy resolution of for the public sector by the Industrial
approved will be set up only by the 1956 listed coal in Schedule ‘A’, thus Policy Resolution of 1956.
State. This does not preclude the envisaging that its future development OIL : This is the field in which the
expansion of the existing privately was to be the exclusive responsibility Soviet Union has played an important
owned units, or the possibility of the of the State”. (Page - 1) role as a catalyst for foreign oil
State securing the co-operation of the “The industrial policy resolution of companies to enter the public sector.
private enterprise in the establishment 1956 envisaged that ‘all new units’ in This is a field in which the Soviet
of new units when the national the coal industry are to be set up only Union and the foreign oil companies
interests so require. Railways and air by the State. This does not, however, seem to be playing a role more and
transport, arms and ammunition, and preclude the expansion of the more complementary to each other.
atomic energy will, however, be privately-owned units”. With the increase in aid to this sector
10 Class Struggle
from the Soviet Union, there has been (2.75 million tonnes) and Assam It reports that since the Indian Oil
an increasing penetration of foreign Refineries (0.25 million tonnes) - Company had no marketing facilities,
oil companies into the public sector making a total of 3 million tonnes in “the company had entered into
in this industry. The co-operation all. Clause 8 of the agreement entered product exchange arrangements with
between the public sector and the into between the Oil India Ltd., and the other oil companies in the private
foreign oil companies should have put the Government on June 27, 1961, sector. “The Indian Oil Company” ‘was
the Soviet Union to shame for having which provides the-formula for the marketing approximately 75 per cent
been used by the comprador pricing of crude oil applied to both of its production through other oil
bourgeoisie to play the role of the customers is given below : companies under the product
improving relations between the (1)The price of crude oil would be exchange arrangements. These
foreign oil companies and the public based upon the C.I.F price of the products were made available to the
sector. Here, too, the Government of Middle-East crude oil of equivalent other oil companies on outright sale
India put the industrial policy quality at Calcutta. purchase basis. Similar reciprocal
resolution into cold storage, and (2)On this C.I.F price of the Middle- facilities were not stated to be
allowed the foreign oil companies not East crude is a certain discount to available to Indian oil companies from
only to establish their branches of be given by the Oil India Ltd. the other oil companies or their
refineries in India but also to expand (3)The discount is to be so calculated refineries and the issue was at present
their production. that it would give Oil India Ltd. a under discussion”. (Page - 20)
But the country is being told that, net return of 10.8 per cent of its “It is further stated that on the
other than the private refineries, which paid up capital (which is Rs. 28 product exchange transactions, the
were already established in 1956, crores) after payment of all taxes Indian Oil Company loses all the profit
every new development in the oil including taxes payable on margin provided on the Damle
sector is progressing only under the Dividends. (Page : 13-14) Committee’s cost ‘build-up’...... The
public sector. This is not quite true. ........It was stated that at present Indian Oil Company earns no profit
After the three public sector refineries the Indian Refineries Ltd. was paying from the sale of products, of the
established with Soviet and Romanian a provisional price of Rs. 72.79 per Nunmati refinery, to other oil
help, oil has come almost entirely in tonne for its suppliers of crude oil. companies under the product
the fold of the so-called joint sector - Since this price formula, referred to exchange arrangements..... The
collaboration between public sector above was based on a total off-take Indian Oil Company is not getting
and foreign private capital, with of 3 million tonnes...... and the actual reciprocal facilities to obtain the
complete domination by foreign off-take was only 5 lakh tonnes, for products from these private sector
finance. the proportionately higher price would companies or their refineries”.
On this question, too, it is better have to be paid to the oil to ensure a Therefore the Committee calls for
to allow the Estimates Committee of minimum dividend of 9 per cent. an “examination” and revision as early
Parliament to give a few details. The (Page-14) as possible of the existing
Estimates Committee in its 34th Report “It will be seen that, even at arrangements and “that the terms of
(1962-63) has the following to report: present, Indian Refineries Ltd. is such agreements should be drafted
“The Industrial Policy Resolution of paying about Rs. 84 per tonne in such a way as are capable of being
April 1956 specified that the future (including Rs. 12 of sales tax per worked to the mutual advantage of the
development of mineral oil, will be the tonne) for the indigenous crude oil parties concerned”. (Page - 20)
exclusive responsibility of the State”. compared to about Rs. 71 to 74 per “In this connection (sale of the
Yet, “the laying and operation of the tonne, paid by the refineries in the imported Soviet oil) it has been stated
crude oil pipeline was the responsibility private sector for the crude oil that as soon as supplies of H.S.D
of the Oil India Ltd., in which the imported by them”. (Page - 15) landed for the first time from Russia
Government of India and Burma Oil Excellent Condition for Success on Indian Oil Company’s account in
Company had an equal partnership of Public Sector August 1961 the foreign oil companies
in the ratio of 50:50”. (Page 8) In another report - the 28th report realized that, in the absence of retail
.... The Committee was informed of the year 1962-63, the Estimates outlets, the Indian Oil Company could
that crude oil was supplied by the Oil Committee, dealing with Indian Oil sell only to bulk consumers, like D.G.S
India Ltd., a company in which the Company’s marketing facilities, & D. State Transport undertakings,
Government of India holds 50 per cent reports about certain arrangements etc. In a bid to retain their business,
shares. The crude oil produced by made with the foreign oil companies they quoted special lower rates to the
this company is sold only to two which resulted in a loss to the public State Transport undertakings. To
customers Viz., Government of India sector company but benefited the secure business, the Indian Oil
for the use of Indian Refineries Ltd, foreign company. Company, in its turn, had to enter into
August - 2022 11
contracts at comparative terms, which independent and sovereign nation, is industry is helping the foreign
resulted in securing the business at much more a semi-colony. monopolies to reap exorbitantly high
very uneconomical rates”. (Page-22) Any number of examples can be profits to the detriment of the Indian
This particular instance is enough given to show how the public sector people.
to show how the foreign monopolies has become a profitable pasture for Even so, the Soviet revisionists
are occupying the summits in the the private sector at the cost of the proclaim through their books,
public sector to reap profits as in the nation. Only through two examples, it pamphlets, and the articles in their
case of the partnership of Burma Oil can be shown, how the private sector- newspapers, that the aid from the
Company, in Oil India Ltd, in the case especially the foreign private sector - socialist countries has undermined
of product exchange arrangements is profiting directly from the public the former monopoly position of the
between Indian Oil Company and other sector. imperialist powers in India. As it has
foreign oil companies; and further, as Loss to Public Sector, been quoted in the first paragraph of
in the case of sale of imported Soviet Profit to Private Sector this chapter, the Soviet revisionists
oil, due to undercutting of prices. In all The UP Electricity Board suffered proclaim that the growth of the State
cases, the public sector, instead of a loss of Rs. 103.57 lakhs during sector in India has played an important
curbing the monopoly designs for 1967-69 due to underassessment of part in reducing the power of the
super-profits, has played into their power charges supplied to the monopolies. How false the statement
hands. Hindustan Aluminum Company of is can be seen from the above example
Growing dependence on foreign Birlas - one of the biggest industrial even though they are only a few.
oil companies for imported crude even giants in India built with US Funds - Joint Sector and
in the case of public sector projects, almost under the control of the Kaisers Foreign Private Capital
is having a distorting effect on our of America. Power minister Narayan This is not the end of the story. In
foreign exchange bill. Successive Dutt Tiwari, admitted in the State the name of the joint sector, and
investigation made by the Shantilal Assembly on July 13, 1971, that the establishing industries in the state
Shah Committee and the Damle State Electricity Board was suffering sector, more and more foreign capital
Committee have shown that we have a loss of Rs. 2.5 to 3 crores a year has acquired for its own benefit the
because of the supply of power at scarce Indian capital, through the
been paying through our nose for our
concessional rates to Birla’s Hindustan Government. The following few
oil products because of our total
Aluminum Corporation. This American instances taken from the Annual
dependence on a few international oil
- owned firm is supplied power by the Report on the working of the Industrial
companies which dominate the world
Electricity Board at a rate of 1.99 Commercial Undertakings of the
market. In an editorial on petroleum
paisa a unit, which is very much less Central Government, 1964-65 show
policy in the ‘Economic Times’ on May
than the cost of production itself. how foreign and Indian monopolies
25, 1969, it is said that “in 1968-69, of
The public sector company, Indian have with vigour occupied position of
the 16 million tonnes crude processed
Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., sells strength in the public sector to use it
indigenously, we imported as much
bulk drugs to the predominantly for their own benefit as against
as 10 million tonnes...... projections
foreign-owned drug industry in the national interest.
suggest that in the next 4 or 5 years,
private sector. The drug industry Engineers India Ltd. was
the imports may be nearly two-thirds stamps tablets, packs and distributed incorporated on March 15, 1965, in
of the crude oil required”. It is not only these drugs, at rates of profit touching collaboration with Bechtel Corporation
a question of excessive payments in 2000 per cent of the ‘production cost. for providing engineering, technical,
foreign exchange. Much more, the oil Productioncost is being put-up and consultancy services for petroleum
policy of the Government of India, under inverted commas because it is products, development of oilfields,
under the influence of the foreign oil not the drug companies that are pipelines, petrochemical facilities,
companies, has completely discouraged tableting, packing, and distributing fertilizer projects, and designing and
the efficient use of our own raw them. But we do not hear of the IDPL, constructing general engineering,
materials such as coal on a priority insisting that the price of the finished mining and other allied products. Of
basis, resulting in underproduction of drugs should bear a reasonable the shares of this company, 50 per
coal, closure of pits, and increasing relation (say five times even) for the cent are held by the Government of
unemployment. The dieselization of prices of the bulk formulations which India and 49 per cent by foreign
railways and increased use of furnace IDPL is supplying to the drug companies.
oil in our industries is a case in point. companies. The information that has The Indian Oil Corporation which
Thus the concessions and incentives been provided in a ‘Mainstream’ article, was set up by amalgamating the two
given to the oil companies clearly October 16, 1971, clearly indicates public sector companies, the Indian
show that India, more than being an how Soviet help to the public sector Refineries Ltd. and the Indian Oil
12 Class Struggle
Company Ltd., has set up one plant received shares amounting to 49 per progressively State-owned and in
each in Calcutta and Bombay for cent of the initial subscription of the which the State will generally take the
blending industrial and automotive new company. The balance of 51 per initiative”. Like many other industries,
lubricants in collaboration with Mobil cent was subscribed in cash by the this industry too became, in course
Petroleum Co, of New York, on equal Central Government and the state of time, almost completely dependent
partnership basis, known as the Indian governments of Maharashtra and on foreign monopolies. After the
Oil Blending Ltd. Madhya Pradesh, in equal proportion. agreement, with American finance
The Oil India Limited was formed In a total of 8 undertakings, in capital for the establishment of a fertilizer
in February 1959 for the production which Central and state governments factory at Trombay in the public sector
and distribution of petroleum products have invested Rs. 23 crores 59 lakhs, with American loans in the latter half
in collaboration with Burma Oil the private sector, mainly foreign of the 1950s, the Government of India
Company Ltd. The paid-up capital was monopolies, have invested Rs. 22 - as per the promise stealthily made
Rs. 28 crores, shared equally by the crores 76 lakhs. Thus, in the name of to the foreigners - allowed foreign
Central Government and the Burma the establishing public sector capital to invade the fertilizer industry
Oil Company. industries, the Government of India in the private sector.
Indian Explosives Limited is under is providing large funds to the private This dependence on foreign
the management of Imperial Chemical sector. Public Sector in name, but monopolies, for finance and technical
Industries. Of the subscribed capital private sector in fact! That is the policy knowhow for increasing fertilizer
20 per cent is held by the Central pursued by the Government. production in the country, has put off
Government and the rest by the ICI. There are other public sector installation of new capacity to use
Machinery Manufactures’ undertakings in which private capital indigenous raw material which was
Corporation Ltd. has an authorized is allowed to participate in ‘share available in plenty in our country in
capital of Rs. 1.5 crores, and capital’, major among them being the form of coal. Coal-based fertilizer
subscribed capital of Rs. 69.71 lakhs Cochin Refineries in which Phillips projects were anathema to foreign
of which Rs. 25 lakhs (4.5 percent Petroleum Company Ltd., USA has monopolies who were interested only
tax free special cumulative preference been allotted to invest 25 per cent of in naphtha or liquid ammonia as raw
shares) were held by the Central the paid-up capital. materials since these raw materials
Government. The corporation is The private sector has its finger could be had only from petroleum
managed by Mahindra & Mahindra as in most government undertakings, refineries or imported. In either case
managing agents, and is engaged in either in the form of equity investments the fertilizer projects would be
the manufacture of textile machinery or in the form of loan capital, direct dependent on foreign monopolies who
like cards, carding engines, and management of partnership on the could dictate the prices of raw materials
diesel engines. board of directors. The public sector and later the prices of fertilizers.
Bolani Ores Ltd. of Calcutta was has thus become a happy hunting Consequently, several new fertilizer
formed in collaboration with Orissa ground for profits, a source of projects which have been established
Minerals Development Co. Ltd., for the increasing disparities in the control by foreign monopoly capital in our
supply of iron ore to the Durgapur of national wealth and distribution of country - such as the Coromandel
Steel Plant. The authorized and paid- national income. Fertilisers at Visakhapatnam, the
up capital of the company was Rs. 1 We have so far seen how private fertilizer factory at Kanpur, the so-
crore. The share capital is held in the capital, especially foreign private called mixed company at Madras, the
ratio of 50.5 to 49.5 by the Central capital has been making use of the Goa Fertilisers - are a few of the most
Government of India and Orissa public sector towards its own ends. important companies which have
Minerals Development Co. Ltd., We have also seen how the industrial dominated the fertilizer industry after
respectively. According to the policy resolution of 1956 has been so 1960. To attract foreign capital
Monopolies Enquiry Commission’s diluted as to make the private sector investment into this field, the
report, Orissa Minerals and Bolani the dominant force even in those Government “had to climb down from
Ores are under the management of Industries where the Government had its rigid policies on several counts”.
Baird Heilgers, whose masters are promised to make the public sector Thus, it announced a series of
foreigners. the dominant force. We shall now concessions over the financing,
Manganese Ore (India Ltd.) of proceed to study a few more industrial production and distribution of fertilizers
Nagpur was registered on June 22, sectors before we conclude. to foreign monopolies. “Against bitter
1962, as a joint venture. In return for Fertilizers opposition it went to the extent of
all the fixed assets and shares taken The Fertilizer industry, according (allowing) majority share holdings for
over by the new company, the Central to the Industrial Policy Resolution of foreign companies in this field”.
Provinces Manganese Ore Company 1965, is one of those “to be (‘Financial Express’, May 24, 1969)
August - 2022 13
As in other industries, foreign finance institutions is nothing but finance capital, is the latest fad of the
private capital was not satisfied with supplying them with scarce Indian Government of India. This only helps
having control only in the private capital for the exploitation of the to mortgage every part and every
sector. They insist on entering the country by foreign monopolies. sector of India to foreign monopolies.
public sector itself, as in the oil As early as in 1963 (on December Prof. K. V. Subramaniam, a well
industry. The Government had to give 27), the Eastern Economists in an known and eminent scientist in this
in. Therefore, even in this field, the article ‘The Battle for Industrial field, a member of the Committee on
so-called joint sector companies were Production’ had ironically declared Science and Technology was aghast
established. For example, Madras that “the public sector in the fertilizer at the shameless manner in which “the
Fertilizer “will be in the public sector industry seems to have bitten off more nation has been reduced to
with equity participation by American than it can chew”. On behalf of the bankruptcy and its economy has been
International Oil Company”. The foreign monopolies, this Birla thrown open to foreign enterprise in
Government of India will hold 51 per dominated economic journal had every conceivable form”. He gives a
cent of the equity and the American demanded of the Government that it resume of the steps taken by the
firm the remaining 49 per cent. The should revise its “policy of relying Government of India in ‘this regard to
Chairman of the Board of Directors almost wholly on the public sector” the detriment of India’s interest. In an
will be a nominee of the Government. and pleaded that “proper economic, article in ‘Economic Times’, he says:
The Managing Director will be the climate which is particularly important “There are several remarkable features
nominee of the American Company. as the foreign finance and technical about these contracts for air-borne
He will act on the advice of the Board collaboration have to be enlisted” mineral surveys. The Government of
on which there will be equal should be created. The Government India approaches the US AID for a
representation both for the of India readily gave into their loan to meet the foreign exchange
Government and the American demands and gave up control over cost of the Khetri copper project and
company. But the most important part fertilizer prices and trade. receives a loan for Operation Hard
of the agreement is that, “the We had previously noted that the Rock, which it accepts with alacrity”.
arrangements regarding management foreign concerns were interested “The Government of India then
will last only for 10 years from the date mainly to use the raw material of their approaches the French Government
of the commercial operation or until choice - either naphtha from their for a loan for Khetri and receives
foreign exchange loans have been refineries or liquid ammonia to be along with it another loan for another
fully repaid whichever is earlier” imported - so that they, as producers air-borne mineral survey, the
(‘Hindu Survey of Industries’, 1966, of naphtha, could dictate prices, or knowhow for which is the same as
Page 75). The foreign exchange bill as importers of ammonia, earn profits, the one for Operation Hard Rock”.
will be about $ 35 million. not only on the sale of fertilizers but When such interesting research
Thus the management of the also on the supply of raw materials to is taking place in the name of a mineral
public sector companies has been the industry. survey, how can the Soviet Union one
handed over to foreign monopolies, Thus the fertilizer industry even of the biggest powers be left out? How
for another 10 years from the date of in the public sector was made can the Soviet Union allow itself to be
a commercial operation or until dependent on foreign finance, foreign left out? Therefore, “not to be outdone
foreign exchange loans have been technology, foreign management, and by the others, USSR comes up with
fully repaid. This is only one of the foreign raw materials - in addition to its offer of an aeromagnetic survey
examples of increasing collaboration completely controlling prices and which is well within our own resources
between the Government of India and marketing. Can anyone in these in knowhow equipment and personnel”.
foreign companies in the establishment circumstances say that the public Mr. Subramaniam continues that
of the fertilizer industry in this country. sector industries and the credit from the latter two aerial survey contracts
Another example is Kanpur Fertilisers, the socialist countries “have were committed to foreign powers at
another ‘mixed’ company in which the undermined the former monopoly a huge cost to the exchequer, “despite
Government of India has invested in position of the imperialist powers”, as the clear recommendation of the
the share capital and Rs. 16 crores Uliyanovsky has so consistently argued committee headed by late Dr.
have been given as loans to this in his book, “Asia and the Dollar”? D.N.Wadia, which included as
industry from the Indian banks and Mineral Revolution and members leading geophysicists in the
financial institutions. One can very Foreign Role country with experience of similar
well see that the feeding of such joint To achieve a ‘mineral revolution’ aerial surveys conducted for the Oil
sector company, in which foreign hold through air-borne mineral surveys & Natural Gas Commission, that no
is strong, with loans either from the under-taken by foreigners on a further commitments for aerial surveys
Government of India or from Indian turnkey basis with loans from foreign should be made with foreign agencies
14 Class Struggle
until the stage of being turned over to industries listed at least nine have ways in which the State has helped
the Operation Hard Rock had been been heavily financed by the private the private sector through the public
completed and the results evaluated”. sector. (These are (1) aluminum, (2) institutions such as the Finance
Operation Hard Rock was machine-tools, (3) ferro-alloys and Corporations that have been
launched in July 1967, two years tool-steels, (4) basic chemicals and established, or certain financial
behind the original schedule. That to intermediates, (5) antibiotics and other institutions that have been nationalized
this date, 1970, ‘after the passage of essential drugs, (6) fertilizer like LIC, or through the nationalized
nearly three years .........we are with production, (7) synthetic rubber, (8) banks. There are different manner
no prospects of any mine being road transport, (9) sea transport). through which the State Financial
developed to the stage of being turned Quite logically, Nehru told the 1962 Corporations have helped not only the
over to the proper agency for session of the Federation of Indian big houses in India but also the foreign
Operation, should be proof enough of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, monopoly capital to dominate the
the degree of reliance that could be ‘Private enterprise is a good thing. industrial scheme.
placed’ on such agreements with The suppression of private enterprise Defence Production in
foreign powers. was bad?” (Socialist Digest: January Public Sector
Anyone would naturally ask as to 1969) The country is being informed that
where the country is being led in the In almost all the industries that our defence production is progressing
name of the development of the public have been listed above which have fast and that, therefore, we are much
sector? Is it not true that the public been opened to private interests, it is better prepared even against the
sector has been made into one of the only the private foreign capital that combined forces of Pakistan and China.
most lucrative business operations for has had the biggest push. Therefore, The increased production figures in
foreign private capital and for Soviet to say even in 1970 that the State the ordnance factories and other defence
social imperialism? sector is growing stronger and that it undertakings are prepared to show
Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956 is playing an important part in that India is growing in self-reliance
It has been tried to show above, reducing the power of the monopolies in defence production. The truth will
how the Industrial policy resolution and in weakening the position of have to be pulled out by the ears from
has been nullified in various sectors foreign capital is grossly misleading. this fraud of official propaganda.
in the interests of private capital in Every committee that has been Self-reliance has no meaning so
general and foreign monopoly capital set up by the Government of India - long as production is based on the
in particular. Dr. Paresh Chattopadhyay such as the Mahalanobis Committee, import of essential components and
in an article,‘Aspects of the growth of the Monopolies Enquiry Commission, raw materials and technical knowhow.
State Capitalism in India’ has shown the Industrial Licensing Policy Inquiry Malhotra, in Times of India, October
that exceptions to Schedule A and B Committee have come out with 14, 1971, in an article on defence
have become an extremely normal innumerable substantiating instances production, ‘No End of These Imports
practice. Of the seventeen industries and have categorically stated that, is in Sight’, reports certain important
listed in Schedule A of the Resolution, “Government policy during the plan facts which bring out our insight on
“the future development of industries, period has been responsible.... for the our entire dependence on foreign
which will be the exclusive growth of the private sector and in the powers and foreign finance capital for
responsibility of the State (and in process especially of big companies.” defence production.
which) all new units will be set up only (Report of the Committee on the For example, for the Vijayanta
by the State Seven industries at least distribution of income and levels of tank, the country has yet to import
have been opened to private interests. living 1964). D.R.Gadgil (late Vice- the gun as well as the infra-red
These are (1) arms, (2) heavy plant President of the Planning Commission), equipment which gives the tank its
and machinery, (3) heavy electrical in his “Planning and Economic Policy eyes for movement after dark.
plant, (4) the processing of lead and of India” had stated that, “accumulation Reliance on import is even greater
zinc, (5) the production of telephone of gains and the rapid increase of for not only MIG-21 but also for HF-
cables and telegraphic equipment, (6) economic resources and power in 24, “even though it has been under
the generation and distribution of particular private hands can be production since the mid-fifties”, is
electricity, (7) coal. The greatest shift described as a deliberate objective of however the distressing dependence
towards the private sector took place official policy”. on foreign designs for almost all
in Schedule B, industries which, by This deliberate objective of official improvement weapons and equipment
the terms of the 1956 Resolution, policy has been successfully it will be naive to believe that any
were to be ‘progressively State-owned implemented through the State sector. foreign country is giving India or will
and in which the State will therefore At this stage, there is no use in give it in future the very latest of its
generally take the initiative’. Of the going into the details of various other designs”.
August - 2022 15
Therefore, the question of This will mean calling an Italian in the international market, which is
becoming self-reliant is a faraway designer. generally the practice of all
dream. On the other hand, our As we are progressing towards collaborators in our country who
defence equipment is for the most greater collaboration with every import raw materials and components
part obsolescent. So long as the available foreign technology and thus for the established industries at
country does not progress to stand becoming more and more dependent extremely heavy prices.
on its own feet in designing on them, it is as clear as daylight that, Indian Oxygen, which is in the
development, it has to rely on the “China’s record has been even more private sector, is a subsidiary of British
foreign powers for the second-rate impressive (than that of Israel) Oxygen of UK which is said to be
obsolescent defence material. although the Russian design, which it under the control of Morgans of USA.
“The painful story of the search has vastly improved, was abruptly Indian Oxygen is headed by an
for a suitable engine for HF-24 is well withdrawn along with Soviet experts Englishman in India. It produces
known”. What is not adequately in 1959”. (‘Times of India’, October extremely important strategic defence
appreciated is that the air-frame itself 14th, 1971) materials such as high flying gases
was not designed by the Indian Dependence of Bharat Electronics used by our air-crafts, medical gases,
engineers but was designed by a on foreign knowhow is an excellent explosives, special electrodes, etc.
distinguished German, Dr.Kurttank. example of our continuing dependence The entire air defence of our
The Leander class frigates, under on foreign collaboration and ever- country is very much dependent on
manufacture at Bombay’s Mazagaon continuing hegemony of the foreign the supplies from this industry. The
docks, are based on a design bought collaborator over our industry. Bharat high-flying gases and medical gases
from the Royal Navy and are being Electronics is one of our oldest public used by Gnats, Jets, and MIGs, are
built with British collaboration. How sector undertakings, which is supplied from various factories of this
foreign collaboration can hinder producing quite a number of many company which are located in
progress, even for old designs and types of sophisticated radar sets for Calcutta, Asansol, Gauhati, Delhi,
obsolete makes, can be illustrated by defense, walkie-talkies for the police, Kanpur, Bombay and Madras. The
the fact that “it took Mazagaon docks fish-finders, and tape-recorders, explosive known as loxite is produced
two and half years to build the hull of apart from a wide range of components at Ranchi and argon gas at Asansol.
the first frigate INS Nilgiri. But the for the entertainment industry. ‘Times The equipment and spares and
fitting of the ship is several months of India’ in an editorial on December specical electrodes required for
behind schedule largely because of 18, 1971, comments on the growing defence are supplied from Calcutta.
the late deliveries by the British dependence of this country not only Ports in India depend on the supply
collaborator”. on foreign knowhow but also its of marine gas from this company.
The Hulls of the second and third growing dependence on imports. “But Light houses will cease to operate if
frigates too, are ready. But the fittings most of its output is still based on supplies are not made in time.
are delayed even more, since the foreign knowhow though it has been The work of the naval dock-yards
Heavy Electricals at Bhopal, another in business for nearly two decades. and ordnance factories, railway
collaboration industry in the public It has not only signed 40 long-term workshops, aerodromes, etc., will be
sector, failed to deliver the turbines agreements with as many as 19 affected if their supplies of gas are
and allied equipment in May 1970, foreign collaborators but also sabotaged by Indian Oxygen.
probably because the collaborator extended many of them when they Thus one of the vital production
had failed to supply the needed expired. What is worse, the import schedules for our defence is left
components and other raw materials. content of the equipment entirely in the hands of an
“There is no knowing when it will manufactured by it, instead of decline international monopoly house which
arrive”. (‘Times of India’, October 14, has increased from 30 per cent in is not only connected with the United
1971) 1966-67 to more than 35 per cent. Kingdom but is ultimately controlled
Our progress towards Self- The cost of many items produced by by one of the most famous financial
reliance with regard to the frigate Bharat Electronics, compared to their tycoons, the Morgans of America; and
does not end here. In our eagerness landed cost of the imported yet, to deceive the people, the
to improve the efficiency of the frigate, counterparts, is high and a large part Government of late begun to talk in
the navy has asked for the of the undertaking’s capacity is under- terms of self-sufficiency in defence
replacement of the British fire control utilized”. In all probability, the cost of production and self-reliance of our
system by a Dutch one. The Dutch the items produced by BEL is high defence industries.
designer had to be called. The navy because the components imported by When such slavish betrayals of
now wants to replace the British the collaborators for this industry is the nation’s interest by so-called patriots
(Vickers) gun with the Italian Bofar. priced higher than the average price are seen, heard, or experienced, one
16 Class Struggle
will think highly of what is called demand in private industry. More growth of independent industrial
‘treason against the Government’. important, investment and pricing development, has become mainly an
Let us now Conclude — policies pursued by public enterprises instrument in the hands of domestic
(1) The main purpose of the public are usually such that, by holding down and foreign monopoly capital. (‘INDIA
sector investment is to encourage and prices, they swell the profits of the MORTGAGED’, Page - 333 to 356)
help the growth of the private sector. private sector. Thus, when put into After going through such a
For example, production of steel in practice, the vaguely socialist notice detailed description and analysis of
the public sector has helped the that public enterprises must render India’s socio-economic and political
upsurge in the engineering industry, services at a low price, in fact, boosts activities during the period from 1947
dominated by foreign private capital; considerably, the returns on private to 1971, as given in Com. T. Nagi
machine tool production has helped capital. Instead of being used to Reddy’s marvelous book ‘INDIA
the private sector to grow. supplement government revenue and MORTGAGED’, there cannot remain
(2) The public sector has helped to help to mop up purchasing power, the any doubt in the minds of anyone that
mobilize scarce financial resource to public sector functions to inflate private the Government of India, which is
be used by foreign monopolies for profit”. (Page - 819) none other than the representing
their growth through what are known (6) The management of public sector authority of the big bourgeoisie and
as joint sector ventures such as the units, as of the Madras and Cochin big landlord classes of our country,
oil refineries in Cochin, Madras, and oil refineries or Madras Fertilisers, has constructed the basic economic
Haldia, and in the fertilizer industry has been handed over to private structure of India in such a way that,
as in the units at Madras and Kanpur. management - a demand the World the country, to maintain its financial
(3) Production in the State sector, Bank has been making on India balance, will always be bound to keep
siphoned off into private channels for consistently for several years. Thus on increasing its foreign loan year
marketing has helped private capital the public sector, which ought to have after year, and the phenomenal speed
to reap super-profits such as in drugs played the role of curbing the profit with which it is growing, India is going
manufactured in Indian Drugs & greed of Indian and foreign financial to get enmeshed more and more
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. sharks, is to the contrary becoming a tightly into the stiff net of imperialist
(4) The main purpose of government happy hunting ground for super- finance capital. This objective reality
policies in the field of banking has profits for the foreign monopolies is quite clearly evident from the fact
been to promote private enterprise which have been entered the that, according to RBI’s bulletin,
through the nationalized banks. The management of the public sector India’s overall budgetary deficit
system of financial institutions (IDBI, concerns. They have got control over covered by external assistance rose
ICICI, UTI, and so on), instituted after quite a few industrial and financial from 9.2% in the First Plan to 30% in
1948, is mainly to provide capital for corporations - through empty the Second Plan to 49.2% in the Third
investment in the private sector. participation and loan capital. Plan, and which further shot up to
(5) As Gunnar Myrdal says in his Penetration of huge foreign monopoly 52.7% in 1955-56. Due to this
“Asian Drama”, “In weighing the capital is growing uninterruptedly, not financial compulsion of the Indian
reasons for and against public only in the private sector but also in Government towards dependence on
participation in the industrialization of the public sector. Thus the public loan capital to cover up its budgetary
India, it should be stressed that the sector in India has practically no anti- deficit, the amount of foreign loan
interest of private business does not imperialist or anti-monopoly progressive received during the First Plan @ Rs.
normally conflict with expansion of the character, it has become a weapon 201.7 crores, rose to a gigantic figure
public sector in big industry. in the hands of foreign monopoly and of Rs. 39.88 lakh crores by the end
Government investment is meant to be Indian big business - a combination of March 2019. All these compulsions
concentrated in heavy industries of foreign monopoly capital and of our over-dependence on imperialist
where little private initiative is bureaucratic capital in the main. finance capital is nothing but a fall out
forthcoming. To the extent that, these In India, the State power is of the imbalance of financial
investments create external economies ultimately in the hands of the comprador mechanism created by our big
or provide goods, which would bourgeoisie in alliance with the bourgeoisie big landlord Government
otherwise be scarce owing to the landlords. This class, by its very nature, within a very short period of receiving
strained foreign exchange situation, cannot follow independent capitalist the state power from the British
there should be on the contrary a development. This class cannot afford Government, intending to create such
harmony of interests. Much to alienate itself from the landed vested a social-economic system, so that,
construction will also be done by interests and foreign finance. continuous and prolonged exploitation
private contractors and the purchase In such circumstances, the public of the toiling masses of our country
of various supplies will increase sector, instead of being helpful for the can be made effective forever, and
August - 2022 17
because of such economic adjustments,
our big bourgeoisie and big-landlord Karnataka Farmers Agitation
to Write-off Debts
classes, in the one hand are
continuously getting enriched and
accumulating enormous wealth all
along and on the other hand, their Karnataka Gramin Bank has bank officials requested farmers a
masters, the imperialist powers are trapped farmers in huge debts out of month’s time to hold talks with their
earning super profits from their their petty loans by charging them bank board and RBI officials and come
investments in a backward and with exorbitant fines over and above up with a conducive solution. Farmers
underdeveloped country like ours. And its killer compound interests. It is held discussions among themselves
as an effect, the misery of the majority trying to auction their farm lands and and temporarily called-off the indefinite
of our people has become a certain is refusing to give new loans. Farmers, dharna after holding a large meeting
reality. This opposite state of affairs being made vulnerable and insecure of 300 people.
of our big bourgeoisie and the general felt insulted and are committing Farmers suffered severe losses to
masses of our country has perfectly suicides. Under these circumstances, their crops and incurred heavy financial
reflected in the various social survey AIKMKS affiliated Karnataka Rajya losses and are demanding complete
reports of the United Nations as well Rythu Sangha is carrying out loan waiver or a one-time settlement
as the World Bank. A detailed study agitations to stand with the farmers of 10 percent of the amount. The
of these survey reports reveals the and fight these unjust practises. Karnataka Rajya Rythu Sangha
following facts in short : However, government and bank (KRRS) has declared that the fight will
A) According to Harun Rich List officials were reluctant to act, so the continue until this demand is accepted.
2018, China has the highest number movement was intensified. An R.Madhava Reddy, President of KRRS,
of Billionaires (819 persons), the indefinite fast was launched on June said that they will wait till October as
second-highest number of Billionaires 27 at the Karnataka Gramin Bank requested by the bank officials and if
are in America (517 persons) and headquarters in Bellary after the issues are not resolved, they will
India has the third-highest number of campaigning in many villages and continue their agitations again.
Billionaire (571 persons). (One billion deciding that each village would As part of this agitation, thousands
= 1000 crores). participate in the dharna for one day. of pamphlets were distributed in 100
B) In the table of Harun Rich List Farmers from 28 villages carried out villages over a month prior to the
2018, among the 2157 companies in dharnas seriously for 28 days. Many dharnas. This program was attended
68 countries in the world, there are a more villages showed a eagerness to by union leaders and hundreds of
total of 2694 Billionaires, whose total participate. The participation of farmers every day. Lawyers, doctors
assets having been increased by farmers from various districts has also and various organisations participated
31%, reached to 10.5 trillion dollars increased day by day. In this situation, one day each in support of this
(one trillion = one lakh crores), which the revenue administration, police and farmer’s movement. ™
is 13.2% of the Global GDP. enmeshed tightly into the net of indigenous big bourgeoisie as well as
C) In India, 57 Capitalists are having finance capital, despite telling a lot imperialist agencies to penetrate into
total assets which are equal to that of about self-reliance and all. Now, the our Agriculture sector. Can it all
the sum of the assets of 70% Indian question is, because of this economic happen and take place without the
people, i.e. about 90 Crores people. over-dependence on imperialist dictations of the Imperialist forces?
D) According to a survey report of finance capital, has it reached the Does it not indicate the complete
the United Nations Development verge of losing its independence? It subjugation of our Government to the
Programme in India, the number of is simply not possible to guess. But Imperialist powers? Therefore, it can
people belonging to below poverty line certainly, it can be said that it has be firmly said that the political
in 2005-06 was only 54.7%. This figure reached an extreme position in this independence of our country is under
seems to be very much under regard. Because for some time now, extreme threat.
estimated because according to we have noticed that, the Government Thus, feature-4 for our country
unauthorized sources, India’s BPL has tilted towards ‘neo-liberal policies’, being of Semi-Colonial characteristics
population cannot be less than 70%, it intended to sell off the ‘Navratna is also beyond any doubt.
which is evident in the poor standard Industries’, decided to de-centralizing And finally, our country having
of leaving of the village and urban the Coal Sector, allowed 100% foreign confirming all the four features of being
toiling masses. investment in Defence Sector, of a Semi-Colonial characteristic, as
Thus, we have seen, how the big adopted an anti-farmer and anti- mentioned earlier, it can be firmly said
bourgeoisie big landlord Government people Bill with regards to Agricultural that India is a Semi-Colonial country.
of our country has gradually got production, so as to allow the ™
18 Class Struggle
Theory and Practical Problems Concerning Casteism
Revolutionary Cultural Movement -Tamilnadu
Casteism has taken deep roots becomes the form of division of labour belonging to upper castes, are
and spread everywhere in Tamil Nadu. and part of the philosophy of life, inevitable.
It prevails as a social phenomena caste itself seems to be the (5) The origin and development
which has not been faced by expression of class differentiation. of caste had links with simple
communist revolutionaries in other Particularly during the feudal age, it reproduction. It served the self-
countries. Some detailed research existed as part of the class system. sufficient mode of production of the
has been done on the growth and That is, one caste was like one class. feudal age. However, during the
development of caste. However, there However, when the feudal features get emergence of capitalism, it becomes
are some problems in arriving at final disintegrated giving way to the shakened, and the expanded
and decisive conclusions. In this emergence of capitalist features, and reproduction begins to spread. In
approach-paper, our views on the when one’s profession is chosen such a situation the economic basis
theory and practical problems based on aptitude and ability, the of caste gets disintegrated. But, the
concerning casteism have been essential elements of caste get cultural influence of caste remains as
compiled. disintegrated. Within a caste, many a force. Even the places where
(1) Caste is based on birth; it classes emerge. Here, the economic capitalist agricultural production
adopts endogamy; one profession is aspect of caste begins to get spreads, the cultural aspect of caste
chosen or assigned on the basis of disintegrated. Though some changes is being utilised to rob surplus value.
one’s own caste not on the basis of In this sense, caste exists as a form
in the cultural aspects such as food
one’s likings or aptitudes; it enforces of non-economic coercion.
habits, beliefs and practices gradually
a particular system of food habits; it (6) Now let us explore the relation
take place there is no change in the
creates various stratifications in the between religion and caste. Though
cultural aspects such as the
social structure; it controls an religion is based on birth, there are
preservation of social stratification,
individual’s ethics; it does not allow democratic rights to adopt any religion
prevention of enjoying common
everyone to equally enjoy the as one likes. Religious conversion has
comforts by everyone; here, the
common comforts, meant for the been existing since the age of
ideological influence dominates.
people. Thirunavukkarasar. But, caste
(4) Let us consider the relation conversion has never been in
(2) Does the caste system
between class struggle and casteism. existence. Saiva-Vaishnava religions
belong to the base, or to the
superstructure of society? Caste is During the feudal age when class was have given place to the caste system
the form of division of labour; it is the another form of caste, caste struggles and discrimination. They have given
outward expression of production were the expression of some class place to caste inequality. However, at
relations. In this sense, it belongs to struggles. However, in the semi-feudal some stages of history when the
the base. At the same time, when it structure, the situation is somewhat religions faced crises, a semblance
emphasizes the marriage system, complex even though there is change of caste equality was also maintained.
food habits, ethics and preservation in the economic sphere, in ideological Only in this sense at one stage did
of social stratification, it exists as a domination caste still plays a crucial the Saiva Nayanars belonging to
part of ideology. In this sense, it role. But the changes taking place in various castes come to the forefront.
seems to be part of the super- the economic sphere are basic. The Ramanujachar preached the Vedas to
structure. Hence, caste should be theory propounded by the D.K. and all people and made them Brahmins.
seen as interacting between the base Ambedkar movement that only after Today, in Ayyappa worship,
and superstructure of society. the abolition of castes, class struggle Adiparasakti worship, etc. democracy
(3) In our Tamil society, the could be carried out, treats class and and equality are being given to the
relation between caste and class is caste as separate. The situation of various castes. But these are all
yet another problem. Classes arose conflict among the antagonistic temporary compromises arising
as soon as the division of labour and classes within a caste, and the during critical periods. Even in this
surplus production had emerged. situation of conflict between the lower situation, there is no complete
Hence, class is prior to caste. castes consisting of the majority of equality; they are capable of softening
However, after the caste system basic classes, and the ruling classes the crisis in the Hindu religious world.
August - 2022 19
Some Hindu religious organizations made compromises with castes (b) Approach of the Middle Classes
such as the RSS have imposed a ideologically, and also in practice with : These classes also never demand
condition on their members not to caste organizations, they failed. The the abolition of caste. They want that
become members of any caste anti-caste struggles of the movements caste discrimination should be given
organization. However, they have not which had, accepted casteism as up and equality should be brought
rejected caste discrimination. mere Brahmanism, having in mind forth. The petti-bourgeoisie belonging
(7) The role of caste is more only the cultural influence of caste, to the middle strata in some castes
dominant in the political and social finally shrank to mere anti-Brahmin and to the upper classes of lower
spheres. In the regions where and pro non-Brahmin upper caste castes think that caste discrimination
capitalism has not developed, the struggles. Afterwards, the principle of can disappear if they improve their
economic influence of caste remains representation to all the forces in the respective castes. They liberally think
intact. Where capitalism has nationality disappeared. that only through some reforms like
developed (may be villages or towns) (9) Demands for job reservation job reservation, seat reservation in
the ideological influence of caste for the educated and reservation in education, etc. can everyone in their
continues to be powerful. The political education are the demands of caste castes rise to a higher level.
power of the landlords is more organizations. The difference in the (c) Approach of the Proletariat :
tightened where feudalism still nature of the above demands during The proletariat stands for the abolition
continues to exist. Villages seem to the 1920s and today should be clearly of castes. It sees caste oppression
be the vote banks of some seen. Job Reservation is always a as a part of total oppression.
parliamentary parties. No fake concession given by the ruling From a proletarian standpoint one
Parliamentary party chooses its classes to recruit their administrative can put forward two solutions to
candidates without considering the colleagues from among their castes. abolish castes :
majority caste of the concerned During the 1920’s the education for (a) Long-Term Solution : Abolition
constituency. Even where there is a jobs was urban-oriented. But, today, of castes is possible only when the
victory wave for a particular political education has also become village economic and cultural elements of
party, the above factor is taken into oriented; lower class people also do caste are destroyed. The People’s
account without fail. The caste have it. Now-a-days the nature of this Democratic Revolution will see the
organizations which have emerged demand has changed. It is a fact that seizure of political power and the
independently (Vanniyar Sangam, Job Reservation is a fake concession economic basis will be changed. But,
Nadar Sangam, etc.) have finally given by the ruling classes; it is also even then, the ideological dominance
joined some political parties. In every a fact that it has become an immediate of caste will be there. If a cultural
region the organizations consisting of demand of the lower castes. However, revolution which can establish equality
the majority caste continue to be the they should be seen as the by product among people by abolishing caste is
influential parliamentary party there. of the struggles waged by the lower not carried out, the fruits of revolution
Finally, these caste organizations give caste people. The demand of Job cannot sustain. Only through this long
the right of political power to the upper Reservations and the related struggles term struggle, can the cultural
classes of their respective castes to are being utilized to preserve caste dominance of caste be destroyed.
rule over their lower classes. organizations. In the process of (b) Immediate Programme : When
(8) The caste system is a part of raising class consciousness among we say that only through the People’s
the pre-capitalist form of production. the basic working classes belonging Democratic Revolution, can caste be
But, when a nationality emerges as a to these caste organizations, these abolished, we should also support the
nation, it develops itself with the help struggles should be developed as demands for the abolition of
of the capitalist mode of production; class struggles. untouchability, for educational
So, the caste discrimination existing (10) There are three approaches reservation and job reservation.
within the nationality becomes an to casteism : Though they are not permanent
obstacle to the development of that (a) Approach of the Ruling Class : solutions, they may be useful to
nationality during the capitalist phase. The caste system paves the way for mobilize the common people
Hence, the movements which aim at their exploitation. They utilize, in the concerned with these problems to
expediting the development of their guise of job reservation, the talented participate in this just struggle. So,
nationalities have to oppose caste youths among the Scheduled and while we oppose, reformism, we
organizations. These two are mutually Backward castes to serve them. They should mobilize people by putting
interrelated. The earlier victories of never demand the abolition of caste. forward their immediate social,
Periyar show this. When the forces They consolidate their social base by economic and political demands.
leading the nationality movement preserving the caste system. ™
20 Class Struggle
An Observation :

23rd Congress of CPI(M) in Kannanur, Kerala

It is only a Ritual of the Party, its Leadership and the Cadre have not
Sincerely and Honestly Reviewed the Causes of Decline of the Party
The 23rd All India Congress of furniture were destroyed. Many have caused because of its failure in
CPI(M) is concluded at Kannanur of comrades were injured” (2.156). winning elections, but it out since it
Kerala. According to Prakash Karat The draft resolution also stated failed to be a working class party by
the polit-bureau member of CPI(M), that “since the 16th Party Congress abandoning the path of people’s
this conference has concentrated we have been noting the need to democratic revolution and failed to
only on one aspect. That is as to how strengthen the party’s independent build mass movements and
to develop its strength politically and strength and influence (2.164) and organization to over-throw the existing
organizationally. That it had worked while chalking out future direction the semi-feudal and semi-colonial system
out long term strategies to realize that main concern should be how to and the state, for the success of
goal of revitalizing the party that has strengthen independent role and revolution.
reached to one of its lowest ebbs with influence of the party” (2.165). But the leadership of CPI(M)
an erosion of its mass base in West But no where either in the draft adamantly refuses to draw this lesson
Bengal and Tripura adding to its rout resolutions or else where, the causes and correct their practice under the
else-where. In its bid to rebuild and or reasons for loosing the party’s guidance of Marxist-Leninist ideology
strengthen itself nationally, the strength or influence is explained. No and building up of party on those lines
delegates of the 23rd Congress have where it is explained as to why the and perspective. They merely wish to
discussed the draft political resolution party cadre in West Bengal and Tripura show themselves and the party as
prepared by the Central Committee. were attacked, harassed, intimidated communist and at the same time
This exercise is praised to be the and repressed by fascist forces’. It pursue the part of parliamentary
particularity (specialty) of CPI(M) is unknown whether these fascist elections to attain governmental power
itself in maintaining the internal attacks etc had occurred due to some and to impress people that such a
democracy in the party. other reason like election disputes or government itself is the people’s
The draft political resolution other electoral machinations and democratic state.
violence practiced by CPI(M). It is This generation of CPI(M) is more
prepared by its CC states that
surprising that has the CPI(M) held into a legal and constitutional party,
“.....there has been a further erosion
state governmental power for decades pursuing parliamentary path as its sole
of our party’s independent strength
in West Bengal and Tripura had not purpose and goal is neither
and our political intervention capacity
made arrangements for the defence unexpected not unforetold.
(2.147). It narrates that in West
of its cadre and party organization in In 1964, during 7th Congress in
Bengal the party had to face severe
the time of adversity. There is no Kolkata the struggling section of CPI
repression through fascist attacks. It
indication that the party its leadership formed a separate party which was
informs that between 2011 and 2021,
and cadre have sincerely and later named the CPI(M) to satisfy
it had lost 229 comrades and that
honestly reviewed the causes of party Election Commission regulations
during this period more than 1,02,000
decline based on self criticism basing in1967.
of the party members and From the beginning it took the
on Marxist-Leninist orientation and
sympathizers are driven away from class perspective. stand of equidistance in the
their homes. More than 1,30,000 of But it is apparent from the draft international ideological struggle, The
the members and sympathizers are resolutions that the assessment of the Great Debate, between Marxism and
subjected to false cases (2.154) and party strength was done basing on the revisionism.
that in Tripura the party has been at election results during the period As corollary, in the Programme,
the receiving end of fascist attacks. since 22nd party congress and that there was equivocation on the path
22 party members have lost their lives the party felt imperative that this of revolution between armed struggle
47 of the party offices across the state decline must be arrested and reversed and peaceful transition.
were attacked and vandalized. (2.167). “We (CPI(M)) failed because we
Hundreds of homes of the members However the decline of the have been nursing illusions that
and sympathizers including books and strength of CPI(M) party could not parliamentary democracy would
August - 2022 21
continue inspite of its negation in prepared by the imperialists in 1935 CPI(M) - a glaring example of the neo-
West Bengal, in rest of India for a itself). Particularly the ‘directive revisionism of 21st century variety.
considerably long period that our principles’ of the constitution. (3.27). That is why the CPI(M) in its 23rd
party could function legally as before.” It recognizes the universal voting Congress adopted the resolutions to
“Our practice is based on deep- system, parliament, state assemblies the effect “... to come together with
rooted parliamentary legalistic as useful instruments to the people in over insisting that” it is the ‘patriotic
illusions and possibilities of peaceful their struggles to protect democracy duty’ of these forces. It adopted the
development of our party and and their rights. It describes the resolution “to take up the major task
movement for a long period to come. present day parliamentary system, to of ensuring the main poll narrative
We are unable to shake off the be a form of bourgeoisie rule, but as shifts from communally polarizing on
revisionist habits, thinking and the an alternate form for the progress of to the real issues of livelihood and
mode of functioning in all mass fronts people. (5.22). It insists that protecting social issues during the elections” as
and in party building.” parliamentary and democratic explained by Sitaram Yechuri, the re-
“First and foremost reason (for this institutions from the attacks of elected general secretary of CPI(M).
stable of sad affairs) is that even our authoritarianism and using them With the exclusive intersects of
leading cadre have not yet grasped skillfully for the interests of people is electoral success only the CPI(M)
the implications of our party being a of utmost importance (5.23 emphasis concentrated in revitalizing and
party of the proletariat attempting to is ours). It also states that “ is strengthening the party besides
achieve people’s democratic becoming clear that building of resolving to build a so-called front of
revolution”. socialism and communism cannot be Left and secular democratic forces.
“Our present day practice and achieved under the leadership of the The sole purpose and goal is the
functioning is based on constitutional big bourgeoisie and the present day winning of elections and entering into
illusions and is essentially oriented to bourgeoisie and landlord state and governmental power. When it came
elections from panchayat to government. (6.2 emphasis is ours) to the question of joining hand with
parliament and taking up economic implying that the state and government Congress Party in elections, CPI(M)
struggles without politicizing the under the leadership will bring about Congress conveniently made the
masses.” (emphasis is ours). socialism and communism. It affirms opportunistic decision of so-called
With such a scathing criticism that “The CPI(M) will endeavour to state wide understanding with
P.Sundarayya resigned for the achieve the arrangement of people’s involving other parties. Thus it has
leadership post of CPI(M) in 1975 democratic system and socialist satisfied the West Bengal line of
itself. transformation through peaceful joining hands with Congress Party in
The observations made by means. Working-class and its allies state elections to fight with Trinamul
P.Sundarayya with regards to the will strive to overcome the resistance Congress at the same time satisfying
party organization of CPI(M) and its of reactionary forces and achieve this the Kerala party that had to contest
functioning proved to be correct and transformation through peaceful and fight with Congress Party in
accurate. During the course of time means (7.18 emphasis is ours). The elections.
CPI(M) became a party of ‘updated’ party programme concludes Now CPI(M) has taken the LDF
constitutionalism exclusively attempting that “in order to change the composition government as a model for the party
to achieve governmental power of the strength of class forces and to and decided to take it to the rest of
through the parliament and assembly build people’s democratic front, CPI the country. But then, the party
elections. Achieving governmental (M) will take forward the task of membership in Kerala is largely of
power through parliamentary path mobilizing” (8.9). middle class, and the LDF government
became its main stay. Thus the ‘updated’ party is working mostly for the aspirations
The talk of CPI(M) about ‘peoples programme has clearly and of the middle class than for the
democratic state’, mass and class categorically defined its path and goal commitments to working class and
struggles and movements is purely to be parliamentary leading to attain toiling masses. While CPI(M) is
intended to make believe the people governmental power. Despite high talk posing as the champion of anti-
that still it is a communist and a about people’s democratic revolution, privatization in the country, the ‘New
revolutionary party and particularly to socialism, communism, mass and Kerala’ document of Kerala Party calls
keep the people belonging to middle- class movements, the updated for private investment in health and
classes in such an illusion. programme is nothing but a education. While CPI(M) in Maharashtra
The ‘updated’ party programme - programme of a constitutional petty is fighting against bullet train project,
2020 of CPI(M) hails the virtues of bourgeoisie parliamentary party; with in Kerala it is obstinately pushing the
the constitution of Indian Republic communistic pretentions. Such has semi-high speed rail project (silver
which was adopted in 1950 (actually been the ideological bankruptcy of line project). The 23rd Congress J
Class Struggle
A View Point :
An Open Call to Communist Revolutionaries

This open letter of Comrade Arup Baisya is about the need for the unity of Communist
revolutionaries. In this letter he expressed his views, and approach about unity. We have no
agreement with his views, approach and concept. Any how we decided to present Comrade Arup
Baisya’s viewpoint about unity of communist revolutionaries for discussion. - Editor

The fundamental premise for unity in their actions? The maximalist stand social dynamics of developed
of communist revolutionaries is of doing nothing and waiting for the capitalist region with proletarian
definitely Marxism. Marxism is a guide opportune moment for vindication of presence and region of peasant
to action. So it is the action that guides programmatic line, and minimalist commune with Russian specificities
the path to unity of communist approach of emphasizing on only and largely undisturbed by capital
revolutionaries. The communists are doing something are both counter- penetration. It is true that the legacy
not the historians who strive to know productive and end in status-quo its emanated from Naxalbari peasant
what and how such and such things quagmire. uprising and carried forward by the
appeared in the past, but discover the Gramsci raised the “Southern communist revolutionaries in India
past in its present to formulate an Question” in Italy and his proposition could not settle the question of later
action for the future. Communists dwell was that Italian programme for radical development of intermingling and
on the present to know and influence change, and united front and overlapping social territorial spaces in
the future trajectory of society through communist unity against fascism its entirety within a global capitalist
their action. So it is the action that cannot be resolved without addressing system. The great Indian mode of
guides the future. The question of unity the “Southern Question”. He was right production debate in the 1970s could
is such an action that gives rise to a in its essence, but he visualized it not also settle the question in either
guide for new action. Why unity is to within the framework of centre- side of the two camps. The mode of
be achieved is more important than periphery relation, the relation production debate is never-ending
how it should be achieved. between developed capitalist region and it cannot be settled through
Communists are not moral foot- and backward feudal region. experiences and studies because
soldiers; they are the actors, the role Communist revolutionaries in India experiences are varied and studies
of which is determined by the social conceptualized the idea of revolution are always incomplete. But all
conflict. They have a vision for the mostly from Chinese experience of practicsing Marxists can realize from
future and a mental theory to act backward feudal region and this their practice that there are certain
radically. This determined action is legacy is still continuing. In Indian changes in social relations of
dialectically intertwined with context, we cannot delineate the issue production. In addition to the land
multifaceted indeterminations. Can the as western or northern question. The reform in ownership pattern, the co-
social conflict within a social relation Russian experience had not helped operation of peasantry in production
of production be fully determined? If us much in understanding the Indian and struggle against corporate
it is not, does it mean that communist social contour in the backdrop of a domination has been emerging as
revolutionaries should wait for their global capitalism as a system. The important agenda as big land-holding
programme to be experimentally Russian revolution took place in a class is numerically not significant in
proven and vindicated by the society different global context and internal proportion to small peasant
J of CPI(M) had skillfully To attain this goal CPI(M) abided to
abided to discuss these contradictions. defend the constitution, constitutional
Such has been the policy double institutions, so-called secularism and Class Struggle
standard of CPI(M). All its rhetoric of federalism etc, making its holy task.
sharpening class and mass struggles There is no Marxism-Leninism, 32-13-26/1, M.R.Puram,
and strengthening the party is communism, socialism not even Vijayawada, pin-520 010.
exclusively for the purpose of electoral people’s democratic revolution in this
gains to attain the governmental power ritual exercise of 23rd Congress of Contribution :
in some states and to win some CPI(M) and one need not have any Single Copy - Rs. 15/-
parliament seats. That is the inner illusions about the communist or
Yearly - Rs. 150/-
meaning of its efforts to revitalizing revolutionary character of CPI(M)!
its strength to “intervene effectively”. - By Kannan
August - 2022 23
community. If this question of What Lenin said about revolution crisis and by the upper classes
characterization of Indian society in ‘State and Revolution’ is true, themselves into independent historical
cannot be settled through debate and though in its entirety, the content of action”. Any keen social observer can
discussion, how can this be the basis the book should not be considered as observe the deepening restlessness
for the unity of communist Gospel and Lenin himself changed his hitherto absent within the north Indian
revolutionaries? One who argues that position at a later stage on various society which has always been the
the unity is fragile without settling this issues. Lenin said, “Revolution can pivot of hegemonic control of Indian
debate actually puts the question of never be forecast; it cannot be system by the Indian ruling classes.
revolutionary seizure of power in foretold, it comes of itself. Revolution Is not the policy shift of Indian
backburner and cannot be considered is brewing and is bound to flare up”. Government towards aggressive pan-
as revolutionary. The revolutionary He further said, “To the Marxist it is Indian statist drive of evacuating and
party formulates a programme for indisputable that a revolution is displacing the people from prime land
revolution in a given social condition, impossible without a revolutionary and installations to support both the
but the implementation of programme situation; furthermore, it is not every corporate market forces with property
itself is always in a flux as the given revolutionary situation that leads to and cheap labour and simultaneously
situation is always in a flux and in revolution.” promoting rentier neo-feudalist class
constant motion. The theory and It won’t be wrong if I dogmatically are marked by the crisis situation and
practice is a dialectical relation, and adhere to Lenin’s definition of upper class action?
it is very difficult to justify one’s praxis revolutionary situation. Lenin As Gramsci underlined the
in consonance with theoretical emphasized three criteria for importance of “Southern Question” in
formulations in a mechanistic format. assessment of revolutionary situation. Italy, the great legacy of Naxalbari
If there is always a mismatch between Let us examine the criteria one by one. peasant uprising should not be a
the theory and practice, why the One, “when it is impossible for the barrier for the communist
question of unity should not be ruling classes to maintain their rule revolutionaries to take stock of the
addressed from practical situation? without any change, when there is a pan- Indian situation as well as the
Before dwelling briefly on what crisis, in one form or another, among changes in northern heartland of
practical situation actually means, I the upper classes, a crisis in the policy
Indian ruling system. The emphasis
would like to mention that of the ruling class, leading to a fissure
on programmatic unity evades the real
revolutionary praxis based on Marxism through which the discontent and
question of concrete analysis of
as a guide to action is not like natural indignation of the classes burst forth”.
concrete situation and becomes a
science where we can wait decades Almost all the revolutionary formations
reformist standpoint at its core. In the
after decades for laboratory agree that Indian ruling class is
backdrop of deepening systemic
experiments to validate the once treading the path to change the
crisis and people’s rising anger, the
formulated theory for being character of the Indian state to
revolutionaries should and must rise
compatible with observations or wait fascism or authoritarianism. What
above all small or big party
for a moment of paradigm shift when else does it mean if it is not the
sectarianism and narrow vision from
the large number of observations indication that both upper and lower
the experience gathered from a limited
becomes incompatible with the theory. classes are unable to rule and willing
In Marxian sense, we have an agenda to be ruled in old way. Can we not space, and take genuine, sincere and
for revolution or seizure of power see the fissures emerging within the visible effort for unity which will give
which is not determined by theory and ruling dispensation? a boost to the morale of workers-
praxis alone, but by the society in Two, “when the suffering and want peasants and section of disillusioned
change and in motion. This places us of the oppressed classes have grown middle class. ™
in a position where concrete analysis more acute than usual”. Is there
of concrete situation, unlike natural anyone in Communist camp who We request financial
science, becomes a continuous denies this fact? The answer is in contributions for “Class Struggle”
process for formulating the concrete the negative. bulletin.
task. The task of achieving the Three, “when, as a
revolutionary unity is dictated by such consequence of the above causes A/c Holder : SUNKARA SESHAMMA
concrete analysis of concrete there is a considerable increase A/c Number: 50100399862852
situation, otherwise apparently moral in the activity of the masses, when IFSC : HDFC0004188
standpoint of achieving programmatic uncomplainingly allow themselves
unity is actually a reformist to be robbed in “peace time”, but Branch : MADHURAWADA
standpoint. I designate this as a in turbulent times, are drawn both Account Type : SAVING
practical question. by all the circumstances of the
24 Class Struggle
World :

Hands off to the Communists and the Working Class

government tried to violate the denouncing the house arrests and
Venezuela democratic rights of the workers to demanding the immediate release of
In Venezuela for the past few protest by threatening and physically the unionists.
months there are demonstrations and attacking several workers and the In April the police raided the USB
protests against the neo liberal policies comrades of the CC of Communist union office in search of weapons.
and criminalisation of trade unions by party of Venezuela PCV by the state This came after the workers protested
the PSUV Government. In the Capital police. After the protest when the PCV against the transport of the war
city of Venezuela, Caracas, protest amputation and arms from Italian ports
comrades were returning many
call was given by the trade union and air strips for the imperialist wars.
comrades were attacked brutally
platforms. Mainly the protests were There is a 350 page indictment by the
outside their party office and Com.
aimed at the instructions given by the police on the trade unionists of Si
Angel Castillo, coordinator of the
National Budget Agency (ONAPRE) of cobas and USB trade unions. The
health care workers collective and PCV
the Finance Ministry to cut down on charges are associated with protests
member was taken hostage by the
salaries across many public sector from 2014 to 2021 by the workers
police. She was released the next day
organizations. The workers were demanding their just rights. The major
after a mounting pressure and
outraged and came to streets to attack by the state is against growing
solidarity from the workers and the
protest for the repeal of the anti worker grass root trade union activity which
international community.
instructions in the ONAPRE. is a threat to the State and the
These acts are aimed for
Public sector pensioners, Imperialists. Many demonstrations
harassment, intimidation and
teachers, nurses, university workers, were organised in many countries in
repression on the workers and the
waste management company workers solidarity to the trade unionists.
Communists. In the name of anti-
were some of the strong presence at Communist parties of other countries
imperialism the Govt. is actually
the Protest sites. The Govt. in the name have also extended their solidarity to
exercising repression on workers and
of confronting the US sanctions started the unionists and workers of Italy and
the people’s movements that are rising
taking all liberal measures to improve Communist party of Greece (KKE)
in the country against the pro-
the country’s economy which has filed a complaint in the European
imperialist and anti worker policies of
included tax breaks, Lifting of Forex commission against the criminalisation
the Government.
controls and allowing the private of the trade unions in Italy.
sector participation in the state owned Italy CPI(ML) condemns the anti-
corporations. These are pro- Italy has many multi-national people policies of the Venezuela
imperialist and anti people measures companies which are dependent on Government and repression on the
being taken by the PSUV government. logistics like Amazon, Fedex etc. communists and the workers. We
By implementing the ONAPRE There are many migrant workers stand in solidarity with the Communist
instructions there would be 40-70% working under brutal exploitation and Party of Venezuela and the working
cuts to the actual wages. The workers with systemic violation of human class of Venezuela who are fighting
are completely against it as it seriously rights. Trade unions have been against the pro-imperialist and anti
affects their day to day life. The health organizing protests against the people policies of the Government
care workers unions are protesting exploitation and protection of their jobs. which is surrendering the wealth
that the government is not providing On July 19th, in the city of Piacenza, (mainly Oil) of the country to the
access to health care for the citizens Italy, 8 trade union leaders were house Imperialists. We condemn the attack
and the health staff. Even a number arrested by the order of the Piacenza on trade unionists and stand in
of private sector unions also joined the prosecutor’s office accusing them of solidarity with working class of Italy
protests which were facing the similar organising strikes in the logistics and progressive platforms
issues by the introduction of ONEPRE sector which caters to majority of participating strongly in the protests
directives. migrant workers. Many trade unions, undeterred by the repression of the
On July 21st, a massive protest in Si cobas, USB along with other unions Govt demanding the immediate release
Caracas by the unitary trade union who were organizing struggles against of the unionists and fighting against
platform demanding the repeal of the the brutally exploitative conditions in the brutal exploitation and for their just
ONEPRE instructions took place. The the sector have come together and rights. ™
August - 2022 25
The Struggles of Himachal Pradesh
Apple Orchard Growers
On Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 24 rupees per kg, and all this is Even though they welcomed the
apple orchard growers in upper happening under the eye of decision to constitute the committee
Shimla towns of Lonu, Rohru, government. The prices of fertilizers, they have decided to carry on their
Theog, Rampur, Kotkhai, Narkanda, pesticides and equipment used for planned huge demonstration on 5th
Nirmand and Kinnaur etc. staged apple orchards have doubled in August 2022 in front of the Secretariat
a massive protest against the these two years. A bag of potassium in Shimla as the committee has one
government. Various growers’ available for 800 rupees has week time.
organisations came under the become 1700 rupees. In this Across the country we see
banner of “Sayukta Kisan Manch” situation, the farmers are very farmers up in arms against the
to hold demonstrations and seek worried that the crop yield will fall vicious corporate and comprador
redressal for their problems. The this season. Hence farmers are policies of the ruling parties. These
leaders said that this time more agitating for the government to policies deprived farmers the
farmers have joined the movement support them. In the press support price for their produce
than previously and that the conference, the federation leaders discouraging them from doing
movement has spread to new told that they will put forward a cultivation. They are lured with
areas. They made the following charter of demands: subsidies initially to take up
demands The government should provide horticultural crops as alternative to
i) Withdrawal hike in the GST on affordable prices, waive off loans, water intensive food crops, paddy
cartons from 12 to 18%. announce special financial assistance, and wheat, but they found themselves
ii) Subsidize Fertilizers and restore subsidies, and impose 100 ended up producing profits for the
packing materials. percent excise duty on apples corporates. 5 to 10 percent GST
iii) Introduce Market Intervention imported from abroad, support the is levied on many staple food items
Scheme (MIS) similar to that in formation of producers cooperatives, including rice and wheat. There is
Kashmir. provide research results to the only one reason why taxes are not
iv) Clear dues by HPMC and Himfed. growers, provide complete insurance reduced on petrol and GST is also
facility and bring apple cultivation imposed on rice: to reduce the
v) Implement APMC Act strictly.
under the MGMRGEA scheme. domestic production of food items
vi) Stop collecting charges at
After meeting the farmers on and fruits and make us a dependent
Shoghi barrier.
28 th July, the Himachal CM has food importing nation. Governments
The leaders of Apple Farmers’
ordered to constitute a committee are hiding the fact that all these
Federation of India (AFFI) mainly
to look into their grievances and policies and measures are the
comprising of growers across three
check the ‘exploitation’ of dictates of foreign financial institutions
states of J&K, Himachal and
horticulturalists by traders, private for providing loans. Understanding
Uttarakhand, explained the reasons
CA store owners and others at these facts, farmers, workers and
that led to this movement in a press
various levels. He also said that 6% people of different classes whose
conference held in Delhi on July
subsidy would be given instead of living standards are degrading day
26, 2022. The leadership of this removing the newly added 6% GST by day while exploitation is increasing,
federation, which was formed in but only on the purchase of cartons are rising in anger. In the coming
Srinagar in June, came to Delhi to from HPMC. HPMC sells less than days these struggles will intense
meet the Union Agriculture Minister one per cent of the total cartons further and lead to a united
to discuss the solution to the sold in a season. So farmers want formidable force of workers and
problems. They informed that as this benefit to be extended to all. peasants. ™
per last year statistics, out of the
valued at Rs. 14000 crore, farmers
get only Rs. 4000 crore and the HISTORICAL AND POLEMICAL DOCUMENTS
remaining 10,000 crores is stolen
by middlemen and big corporate OF THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT IN INDIA
companies. Quality Apples are sold For Details:
at Rs. 290 per kg to the consumer VOL.I 1943-51- RS. 300/- T.N.Memorial Trust, 32-13-26/1,
while the producer is receiving only VOL.II 1963-72- RS. 500/- M.R.Puram, Vijayawada, pin-520 010.
26 Class Struggle
Oh! These Kisans!! We, the Farmers of this Country....
- Smitha M
You shove us, you beat us,
- Ra Sh you bury us alive.
These kisans are an ungracious lot. Yet we, the farmers of this country
are reborn like that
What a bunch of ignorant fools! one resolute corn plant.
We give them concessions. You cringe, you grin, you plead
They say they need rights. for our votes and notes.
If WE made you win,
We offer Ambani’s bazaar. WE can make you fall too!
They prefer mandis. We’re the fields, we, the crops,
We offer Adani warehouses. then why are we the prisoners
of your whims that cross?
They prefer MSP. You in snazzy cars chew
We pass bills without asking. peanuts of our sweat,
They pass resolutions that jolt us. as your journals dish out rubbish.
Still we feed upon justice
We praise Kisans are good for country. to those geared up cops who
They troll us in wedding songs. play the second fiddle.
We say your home is in villages. The thicker your water cannons are,
the braver our voices,
They pitch tents in the capital. our tears…
We torpedo them with foul water. You flex, you vex, you conspire next,
They hit back with Gurvani. theatrics and tactics of your lust.
As we go for protests peaceful,
We spray communal hatred. You unleash your vicious violence on us.
They spout the unity of tractors. As Haryanvi -Punjabi fields merge
We set up barbed wire barricades. to weed out your poisonous play of power,
you forge our farmer finger(foot)prints
They throw them in the Jamuna. as “Separatists”! Fie on you, power!
We call them Khalistanis. We, the soil under this country’s feet,
sing songs of peaceful rebellion.
They call us Hindu fascists.
Dictators! Stop playing possum!
We let loose barking Kanganas. Remember. As you bootlick your corporates,
They invite her to eat Makki ki roti. we congregate, we create, we germinate,
fresh seeds of revolution,
We plan to call Jawans to beat them down.
Never dare to muffle us, bend us, or trap us,
They say they have a Jawan in each house. in your treacherous trenches.
We say your shit is all over the border. Don’t you see the soil swelling in our palms?
We need no alms, but for our rights
They say best place to shit is your Parliament.
our unified voices rise.
We say Jai Jawan. Don’t you hear our hoarse calls, don’t you hear,
They say Jai kisan. Democracy whimpering “REVOLUTION?”
We fight with batons, tear gas, lathi charges.
(This poem was written in solidarity with the
They fight with gehun, sarson, aloo, pyaaz. farmers’ protests in Delhi. This reflects the farmers’
Oh! These kisans, what a hindrance to modernity! many voices who called this agitation as a political
What an uncouth loud mouth crowd,
Smitha M, working as an Assistant Professor
Such a spanner in the corruption wheel! in English in Government Victoria college,
Palakkad, is a poet and film enthusiast whose
works have been published in various online
(Ra Sh is a poet based in Kerala) journals.)
August - 2022 27
MeMorial Meetings
Comrade Tarimela Nagi Reddy Comrade Charu Majumdar
On the occasion of the commemoration of Com
T.N, speakers emphasized to unite the people against
the increasing attacks and feudal oppression on Dalits
and paid their revolutionary homage to him. As Com
TN said that the country’s economy has been always
in crisis due to the policies followed by the central
government and it is an absolute truth. Explaining the
political conditions of the country, the developments
in Sri Lanka, the fall in the rupee value etc the
speakers said that the analysis made by TN with a lot
of foresight is clearly proving today. The central
government and the state governments under the
leadership of Modi are rapidly implementing the
policies of globalization while giving impetus to the Siliguri :
imperialists for further looting the country’s wealth, as On 28 July CPI(ML), CPI-ML(ND), PCC-CPI(ML)
a result of which lives of people are trapped in a severe jointly observed the 50th death anniversary of martyr
crisis. And it is the duty of the communist Comrade Charu Majumdar. Comrade Suniti
revolutionaries to build united peoples’ movements Bishwakarmakar, Comrade Amal Ray, Comrade Kabiraj
against all this. Rai, Comrade Amulya Das and Comrade Nathuram
Com. Tarimela Nagireddy’s 46th commemoration Bishwas presided over the meeting. After garlanding
meeting was held on 28-7-22 under the aegis of the portrait of the great martyr, Comrade Sushanta
CPI(M-L) Anantapur District Committee. Before the Jha of CPIML(ND), Comrade Amal Ray of PCC-
meeting, hundreds of people marched with red flags CPI(ML) and Comrade Nathuram Bishwas of CPIML
from Krishna Kalamandir to the meeting hall at Lalitha and others spoke on the contribution of Com. Charu
Kala Parishad Hall. CPI(M-L) District Secretary Majumdar to the communist revolutionary movement
Comrade C.Peddanna, human rights forum state of India. While speaking on behalf of the presidium
leader S.M.Basha, Manavatha Blood Donors Com. Suniti Bishwakarmakar reminisced her
Association Chairman Tarimela Amaranatha Reddy, experience with Com Charu Majumdar and his wife late
Rythu Cooli Sangam District President Com Com. Leela Majumdar. ™
Chandrasekhar, AIFTU(New) District Leader Com under the auspices of the CPI(M-L) Krishna district,
Rahamtullah and others addressed the meeting. Ten meeting was held at the freedom fighters’ building presided
days prior to the meeting, the party ranks conducted by Com Veera Babu. In this meeting Member of the T.N.
campaign with pamphlets in many parts of the district. Memorial Trust Com Panduranga Varaprasad, Janasahithi
Com T.N’s literature was widely taken into the masses State President Com Divi Kumar, State President of Stree
and intellectuals. Vimukthi Sanghatana Com C.Vijaya and others
The 46th commemoration meeting of revolutionary participated.
communist Com T.N. was held under the auspices of CPI (M-L) Prakasam District Committee, held a
CPI(M-L) on 28-7-22 at the reading room, Nellore. The meeting on 31-7-22 at Mallayalingam Bhavan, Ongole.
meeting was presided by trade union leader Com Karumanchi Subbarao, member of TN Memorial Trust
P.Yanadaiah. presided over the meeting. CPI (M-L) district secretary
On 31-7-22, a meeting in memory of Com. TN was Com DVN Swamy, Rythu Cooli Sangam (A.P.) district
organised at R.M. High School in Venkatagiri under Secretary Com S.Lalithakumari, AIFTU (New) leader
the auspices of the party. Rythu Cooli Sangham Com. M.S.Sai and Convener of Progressive Intellectuals
V.V.Ramanayya presided the meeting and state level Forum, Panguluri Govindaiah addressed the meeting.
leader of the party Com. Kishore Babu was the Party rank and file, intellectuals, progressive
keynote speaker. persons and people participated actively in the
On 31-7-22, party ranks and file paid tributes to Com commemoration meetings. Peoples’ artistes sang
TN at TN Bhavan, Giripuram, Vijayawada. On July 31st songs. ™
28 Class Struggle

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