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Natural Pozzolans a Comparative Study: A Review

Ashish Shukla1*, Nakul Gupta2, Ankur Gupta3, Rajesh Goel4

1, 2, 3
Department of Civil Engineering, GLA University, Mathura 281406, INDIA
JC Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad 121006, INDIA

Exploitation of Natural Pozzolans (Calcined Clay, Calcined Shale & Metakaolin) as

for mortar and concrete has attended goodish
observance in last decades. In this content the NP used in vast range in partial substitution of
cement in concrete and mortar, and due to its pozzolanic behavior, it improves the performance
of concrete and mortar strength and durability. The minimization of carbon-dioxide emissions
in the cement industry due to the increasing involvement of NP(Natural Pozzolans). The
different proportions of NP as partial substitute results in enhancing the comp. strength, water
absorption, sorptivity etcetera and it gives the resistance to the structure of mortar and concrete
to action of harmful solution.

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