Dna Test - Why 26.8.2020 KCL

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DNA testing
Gene variant testing
• To live up to your full potential
• To awaken your potential within you and unleash it to the fullest
• To live a great life/a long and healthy life

Education, dietary intake, exercise, lifestyle

Nutrition Guru/Expert
Health Master
Tai Chi Chuan/Qigong Master/Grandmaster
Yoga Guru
Yet some of them died young
Something is amiss
Missing aspect/link: Genes, genetics (People are born different)
Nature vs Nurture
Nature and nurture
Nature is our genes, which determine our physical,
physiological, mental, and personality traits, as well as our
predisposition to certain illnesses and behaviours
They include high blood pressure, heart disease, and other
related conditions

Nurture includes the influence of environmental and

psychological factors, such as education, exercise, dietary
intake (diet/nutrition), lifestyle, stress, radiation, etc
Each of us is born with a unique set of genes,
containing different variants,
in our genetic material (DNA) in our cells

Different variants in our genetic material (DNA)
Gene variants

DNA, genetic material, the blueprint of life

Language of life, 4 letters/bases: A, C, G, T

 
Gene variants
The different gene variants control
• visible traits/characters, such as hair colour, eye colour,
skin colour, height, facial features, etc.

Gene variants
The different gene variants control
• Invisible/unobservable (to the naked eyes), but critical,

For example: blood pressure; responses to protein, fats, carbohydrates,

and calorie restriction; risks for deficiencies in vitamins A, B6, B9, B12,
and D as well as minerals such as magnesium and selenium; power;
endurance; flexibility; increased muscle size (muscle hypertrophy); lactate
threshold; oxygen use (VO2 max); respiration (ATP) recovery rate; injury
recovery rate; lean body mass; power to weight ratio; predisposition to
a variety of health conditions such as bone mineral density, risks for type
2 diabetes, obesity, inflammation, hypertension, and infection risk from
colds/flu; your body’s dopamine response, which can affect behaviour,
cognition and motivation; a worrier, warrior, or intermediate; and others
The only way to determine and discover the gene variants
in your DNA is to do an accurate DNA/gene variant test
(i.e., to determine your gene variant profile)

Illumina Infinium HTS Assay/Illumina BeadArray Technology

DNA/gene variant test
(i.e., to determine your gene variant profile)

Your gene variant profile will then be analysed to

interpret/understand the secret in your DNA

Knowing the information stored in your DNA, you

will be empowered to make informed decisions to
take appropriate actions to achieve your
potentials in terms of your health, fitness, and
1st major advantage of TrueYou DNA tests
DNA test @ Gene Express Laboratory
The first and only laboratory in Malaysia to be awarded
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation by Standards Malaysia
on protocols from saliva DNA extraction to the determination of
gene variant profiles via the Illumina Infinium HTS Assay

Customers will be assured that our

gene variant (SNP) profiles are
accurate and of world class standard
Illumina Infinium HTS Assay/Illumina BeadArray Technology


Saliva sample Sample inspection & DNA extraction

registration in LIMS

DNA Quality Checks

 DNA purity: OD600 =1.2-2.0
 DNA concentration: 50 µg/µl

SNP determination Bead-based Microarray Technology

(GenomeStudio software) (Illumina Infinium HTS Assay)
Gene Express

The only ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory in

Malaysia for Illumina Infinium HTS Assay + experienced
scientists  high quality and valid results

From your saliva  DNA, processed to determine about 1,000

variants/SNPs present in some of your important genes for
micro and macro nutrient metabolism, fitness, and genetic
predisposition to certain health conditions
2nd major advantage of TrueYou DNA tests
Your gene variant profile will be expertly analysed by our
experienced partner company in the UK

You will subsequently receive a report

and have access to an interactive mobile app
containing information tailored for your individual needs at
your fingertips
Two major advantages of TrueYou DNA tests
We care for you

You will be required to complete a questionnaire to

identify key points about you, including lifestyle, training,
nutrition, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and medication

A personalised Genetic Action Plan will be created for

you; the actions are calculated via your current risk level
based on your genetics and responses to the questionnaire
• Risk
• Results
• Genes of interest
• Trait explanation
• Recommendations
• Top health tips
• Foods

Reports good/bad results

Provides solutions

Mobile phone app  gene

variant results, their implications,
and detailed personalised
recommendations tailored to
your gene variant profile
Personalised nutrition and training/exercise plans
will be recommended to you

You are empowered to use the knowledge of your

genetic make-up to meet your health goals and
to materialise your genetic potentials optimally.

You are empowered to take guided informed actions to stay healthy,

improve your health and wellbeing, and reduce health risks
(Personalised preventive healthcare and wellness)

Results, explanations, recommendations, actions

Disclaimer: NOT for diagnostic purpose!
Your gene variant profile stays the same over time

This DNA test can be done at all stages of a person’s life,

such as infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age

The earlier a person unravels the secret of their own DNA,

the earlier they can take optimal actions to unlock their
body’s full potential based on their genes
Nine Ps:
• Personalisation
• Precision
• Prediction
• Predisposition
• Prevention
• Proposals (recommendations)
• Proactivity
• Participation
• Peace of mind
It’s time to have a DNA test done with TrueYou
to know the gene variants in your DNA
so that you can start taking
effective and optimal actions
based on precise personalised recommendations
derived from your personal gene variant profile
DNA gene variant testing

Presence or absence of good/bad gene variants

Presence of good gene variants

*Status of gene expression*
(Switched on/off)

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