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[1.0] INTRODUCTION Record Track; they are explained where presented

in the appropriate rules section.


Revolt In the But is a corps/army level simulation (3.3) THE PLAYING PIECES

of the consequences of a possible revolt of the (3.31) The playing pieces represent actual military
Warsaw Pact member nations and ofthe reactions units that could fight in the event of a Wanaw
of the Soviet Union and of the NATO allies. Also Pact rebellion. The numbers and symbols on the
included in Revolt In the Eat are Scenarios playing pieces represent the strength and type of
dealing with the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 unit simulated by the particular playing piece. The
and of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in playing pieces shall henceforth be referred to as
1968. "units."
Warsaw Pact Rebellion (1.2) BOW THE GAME IS ORGANIZED (3.32) Sample Uults

In the 1970's The rules to Revolt In the East are divided into
Major Sections, which are arranged (basically) in
Infantry Ground UnJU

the order in which they are used in a complete Tum
of the game. Each Major Section is numbered with
a whole number (e.g., 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and so forth).
Designation: 3
:Unit Symbol
3.1 The Game Map
Many of the Major Sections lead offwith a General
Rule, which is a simple statement of what that
3.2 Game Charts and Tables section covers. The detail of the specific rules in
3.3 The Playing Pieces that Section is given in the Cases. These Cases are
3.4 Parts Inventory numbered decimally as subdivisions of the number AIrbome Ground Uulh
3.5 Game Scale of the Major Section (for example, Cases 5.1, 5.2
4.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY and 5.3 are all parts of Major Section 5.0). In some Nationality:
5.0 MOVEMENT instances, the Cases themselves are subdivided into Designation:
76 ; :Unit Symbol
5.1 How to Move Ground Units C><)
secondary Cases (for example, 5.11, 5.12 and 5.13 Airborne
S.2 Airborne Movement
5.3 Air Unit Movement
are all subdivisions of Case 5.1). Players new to Symbol:
conflict simulations should examine all the main Combat Strength: L-_ _ _ _-I
14 Allowance
5.4 Movement Inhibitions and Prohibitions components of the game before reading any
5.5 Rail Movement Rates further in the rules. Examine the charts and tables, Alrforee Uultl
6.1 Stacking of Friendly Ground Units
6.2 Stacking of Friendly Air Units
6.3 Effects of Enemy Ground Units
6.4 Effects of Enemy Air Units
the playing pieces and the map. Skim through the
rules after reading this introduction, the Sequence
of Play and the General Rules to all the Major
Sections. Then break out the counters and place
them on the map according to the Scenario direc-
,AI, u.1t
20 :Range
6.5 Effects of Cities-in· Revolt tions. Now come back and read all the rules with
6.6 Special Soviet Stacking Restrictions
the game set up in front of you.
7.1 Which Units May Attack City In Revolt Marken
7.2 MUltiple Unit and Multi·HexCombat [2.0] GENERAL COURSE
7.3 Effects of Terrain on Combat
7.4 Effects of Air Units on Combat
7.5 Combat Resolution Revolt In the Eut is basically a two-Player game:
7.6 Retreat as a Result of Combat one Player assumes the role of the Soviet Union
7.7 Advance as a Result of Combat and the other Player assumes the role of the
7,1, Cities-in-Revolt and Combat Warsaw Pact and NATO nations. Each Player
8.0 ZONES OF CONTROL moves his units and executes attacks on Enemy [3.33) DeOaItion of TerDII
9.0 REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACEMENTS units in tum, attempting to fulfill the Victory Combat Strength: The relative strength of a unit
9.1 How Replacements/Reinforcements Appear Conditions. To move from one hex to another, when involved in combat, either defending or
9.2 When Reinforcements and Replacements Appear each unit expends a portion of its Mo,,_ _ t attacking. It is expressed in terms of Combat
9.3 Where ReinforcementsIReplacements Appear Allowaace. Combat is resolved by comparing the Strength Points.
10.0 SUPPLY total Strength Points of adjacent opposing units Movement Allowance: The basic movement ability
10.1 NATO Supply Sources and expressing the comparison as a simplified of a unit, expressed in Movement Points. Usually a
10.2 Soviet Supply Sources probability ratio (odds). A die is rolled and the unit expends one Movement Point of its total
10.3 Warsaw Pact and Neutral Supply outcome indicated on the Combat Results Table is Movement Allowance for each hex entered. All
10.4 Effects of Supply on Ground Units applied to the units involved. ground units have a Movement Allowance of 8.
10.5 Effects of Supply on Air Units
Note that since the value is constant, it is DOt
shown on the unit.
11.1 Countries·in-Revolt [3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT Range Allowance: The basic movement ability 'o f
and The Warsaw Pact Revolt Table
(3.1) THE GAME MAP air and airborne units is expressed in Range
11.2 Unrevolted Countries
11.3 Pro-Soviet Countries The 22" x 16" mapsheet portrays the area of Allowance. An air or airborne unit may move
11.4 Neutral Countries Eastern Europe where a revolt of the Warsaw Pact within its Range Allowance, regardless of terrain,
11.5 Suppressed Countries nations would be fought. A numbered hexagonal within certain restrictions which will be outlined
ll,o SUPPRESSING REVOLTS AND LIBERATION grid is superimposed on the terrain features on the later. This range number II shown on the unit.
ll.1 Suppressing Revolts mapsheet in order to regulate the movement and Nationality AbbrevlaUOIII UIeCI OD the
ll.211beration positioning of the playing pieces. To make the map Playing p __ • Set·Up Incllcatlo-, aad
13.0 TERRAIN EFFEcrs lie flat, fold it against the direction of the creases. the Tam Reecmi/RelDforcemeat Traek:
ON MOVEMENT AND COMBAT Small pieces of masking tape may be used at the
13.1 Terrain Effects Chart corners of the map to keep it taut. Explanations of NATO NATIONS: NE Netherlands
13.2 Effects of Terrain on Movement the terrain features will be found on the Terrain BE Belgium TU Turkey
13.3 Effects of Terrain on Combat Effects Chart (TEC). DN Denmark UK United Kingdom
14.0 THE SCENARIOS GKGreece US United States of America
15.0 VICTORY CONDmONS FR France WG West Germany
15.1 Control by the Soviet Player
IT Italy (Federal Republic
15.2 Control by the NATO Player Various visual aids are provided for the Players in
15.3 Control of Neutrals order to simplfy and Illustrate certain game NEUTRAL NATIONS: of Germany)
15.4 General Victory Criterion functions. These are the Combat Results Table AL Albania
16.0 PLAYERS' NOTES (CRn, the Terrain Effects Chart (TEC), the AU Austria
17.0 SIMULATION NOTES Warsaw Pact Revolt Table (WPRn and the Tum YU Yugoslavia
Copyright c 1976, Simulations Publications, lnc., New York
WARSAW PACf NATIONS: 4. Warsaw Pact/NATO Combat Phase, All [5.2] AIRBORNE MOVEMENT
BU Bulgaria HUHungary Friendly, activated units may attack adjacent [5.21] Only the Soviet Player has airborne units.
CZ Czechoslovakia PO Poland Enemy units. Combat is resolved as outlined in Airborne units have a Range Allowance of
EG East Germany RMRumania the Combat Rules. fourteen, and a ground Movement Allowance of
(Democratic Republic of Germany) B. THE SOVIET PLA YER-TURN eight.
UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: I. The Soviet Relnforcement/RepIacement Phase. [5.22] Airborne units may use either air movement
SV Soviet The Soviet Player brings onto the mapsheet all or ground movement, or a limited combination of
Note: Strictly speaking, the Soviet Union is a reinforcements and replacements due him in the both in a single Movement Phase.
mem ber of the Warsaw Pact; for game purposes, current Player-Turn. These units may move and [5.23] To use air movement, an airborne unit must
however, the term "Warsaw Pact" will exclude the Participate in combat the Turn of appearance. start the Movement Phase in a clear terrain hex. It
Soviet Union. 2. Soviet Movement·Phase. All Soviet units may be may then be placed in any clear terrain hex within
moved up to the limit of their Movement and its Range Allowance, regardless of intervening
[3.4] PARTS INVENTORY Range Allowances/within the limits outlined in the units or terrain. This clear terrain hex in which it
The complete game of Revolt In the East should Rules of Movement and Zones of Control. lands may not be in an Enemy Zone of Control and
include the following parts: 3. Soviet Combat Phase. All Friendly units may may be no more than four hexes (three intervening
22" x 16" Game Map attack adjacent Enemy units. Combat is resolved hexes) from another Friendly ground unit (this unit
Rules Folder as outlined in the Rules of Combat. may also be an airborne unit, but it may not be an
airborne unit that is using air movement itself in
Sheet of Die-Cut Counters (100 pieces) C. GAME-TURN INDICATION that Phase).
Folio (Folio Edition only) After both Players have completed their respective
Sheet of Randomizer Chits (Folio Edition only) [5.24] After using air movement, an airborne unit
Player-Turns, the Game-Turn Marker is advanced may move one hex, regardless ofterrain costs. This
If any parts are missing or damaged, please write: on the Game-Turn Record Track, signalling the ground movement is in addition to the air
start of a new Game-Turn. The sequence is movement.
Customer Service repeated until twelve complete Game-Turns have
Simulations Publications, Inc., been played. After the completion of the Twelfth [5.25] After an airborne unit has used air
44 East 23rd Street Game-Turn, the winner of the game is determined movement. it must be stacked for at least one
New York, N.Y. 10010 according to the Victory Conditions. whole Game-Turn with a Friendly air unit in order
to use air movement again. For example, an
Questions regarding the rules of the game will be airborne unit that has used air movement stacks
answered if accompanied by a stamped, self- with a Friendly air unit on Game-Turn Four. It
addressed envelope, and if phrased to be answered [5.0] MOVEMENT must spend all of Game-Turn Five stacked with
by a simple one word answer. Send rules questions GENERAL RULE: the air unit, not moving, and then may use air
to the above address and mark the envelope, During the Movement Phase, the Phasing Player movement again on Game-Turn Six.
"Rules Questions: Revolt in the East." may move as many or as few of his units as he [5.26] Except for their additional air movement
[3.5] GAME SCALE wishes, subject to the Zone of Control restrictions. capability. airborne units function in all respects
During the appropriate Movement Phase, each as all other ground units.
Each hexagon on the mapsheet represents 56 kilo- unit may be moved as many or as few hexes as the
meters of real terrain from side to side. Each Phasing Player desires, as long as its Movement [5.3] AIR UNIT MOVEMENT
Game-Turn is the equivalent of one week of real and/or Range Allowance is not exceeded in a [5.31] All Soviet air units have a Range Allowance
time. The units represent actual military forces single Movement Phase. Unused Movement Points of fourteen; all NATO air units have a Range
that could participate in such a campaign. The may not be accumulated from Phase to Phase or Allowance of twenty.
NATO and Austrian ground units are corps; the transferred from unit to unit.
Soviet and other, neutral ground units are armies. [5.32] Air units may only use air movement. They
Soviet airborne units are corps, as are the airforce PROCEDURE: may not perform any ground movement.
units of both sides. Move each ground unit and airborne unit using [5.33) An air unit may move anywhere within its
ground movement individually, tracing the path of Range Allowance, regardless of the terrain or
its movement through the hexagonal grid. Once a presence of Enemy Zones of Control. However, an
[4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY unit has been moved and the Player's hand with- air unit may not end the Movement Phase stacked
drawn. the unit may not be moved again, nor may with an Enemy unit, either ground or air. Air units
[4.1] THE GAME-TURN the path be retraced and/or changed during that have no specific bases, nor· do they "return to
The game is played in turns called Game-Tums. Movement Phase. Air units and airborne units base" (i.e., fly back to their hex-of-origin) when
Each Game-Turn is composed of two Player- using Air Mobile Movement follow the same they move. They may fly to any hex within Range.
Turns. The Player whose Player-Turn is in procedure, except that they do not pay terrain
[5.34] Units using air movement (both air and
progress is called the Phasing Player. Each Game- costs. The Movement Allowance for all ground
airborne units) pay only one Movement Point per
Turn proceeds as follows: units. Warsaw Pact. NATO and Soviet. is eight
Movement Points; the Range Allowance for all hex. regardless of the terrain type entered or
[4.2] SEQUENCE OUTLINE crossed. Blocked hexsides do not inhibit air
Soviet airborne units is fourteen; the Range
Allowance for all Soviet air units is fourteen; and movement.
PLA YER-TURN the Range Allowance for all NATO air units is [5.35] Overflying a nation's territory is equivalent
twenty. to moving a ground unit through that territory
J. Warsaw Pact/NATO Revolt Phase. The
CASES: with respect to border violation.
Warsaw Pact/NATO Player counts the total
number of cities in revolt and cross-indexes that [5.1] HOW TO MOVE GROUND UNITS
number with a die roll on the Warsaw Pact Revolt [5,11] All ground units, regardless of nationality, [5.4] MOVEMENT
Table. The result shows what countries revolt and have a Movement Allowance of eight Movement INHIBITIONS AND PROHIBmONS
become Friendly. Immediately place City Revolt Points per Friendly Movement Phase. Note that [5.41) A Friendly unit may never enter a hex
Markers on each city in the country in revolt. this constant number is not shown on the counter. containing an Enemy ground unit. No more than
2. Warsaw Pact/NATO Relnforce~t/Replace­ [5.12] During a Movement Phase, only the two Friendly ground and/or airborne units may
ment Phase. The Warsaw Pact/NATO Player specified units are moved; all, some or none of occupy a single hex at the end of their Movement
consults the Turn Record/Reinforcement Track these units may be moved. No other units may be Phase; there is no restriction on the number of air
and brings onto the mapsheet any units due him in moved and no combat may occur during this units that may occupy a single hex (see 6.0,
the current Player-Turn. Replacements and Phase. Stacking). ....
reinforcements may move and participate in [5.13] Movement is calculated in terms of [5.42] A ground unit must stop upon entering an
combat this Player-Turn. Movement Points. Basically, each unit expends Enemy-controlled hex. A ground unit may not
3. Warsaw Pact/NATO Movement Phase. The one Movement Point of its total Movement leave an Enemy-controlled hex during the Move·
Warsaw Pact/NATO Player may move all Allowance for each hex it enters, although some ment Phase.
Friendly, activated units in any direction, to the terrain costs more than one Movement Point to [5.43] A unit may not expend more Movement
limit of their Movement and Range Allowances, enter. The costs to enter various types of terrain Points than its Movement (or Range) Allowance in
within the restrictions outlined in the Rules of and to cross River hexsides are summarized on the anyone Game-Turn. A unit may use all, some or
Movement and Zones of Control. Terrain Effects Chart (see Case 13.2). none of its Movement Points in a Game-Turn. If a
unit does not' expend all --of its Movement (or ' [6.13] Friendly ground units may never stack with " CASES:
Range) Allowance in a Movement Phase, it may Enemy ground units. If a Friendly ground unit [7.1] WmCH UNITS MAY ATTACK
not save its Movement Points for another Game- stacks with an Enemy air unit, the Enemy air unit
Turn or "loan" them to another unit. is displaced (shifted one hex) by the Owning [7.11] Units may attack only during their own
Player. specific Combat Phase. They may then attack any
[5.44] Units may only move during their own and all Enemy units which are adjacent to them.
Movement Phase and not during any other Phase, [6.2] STACKING OF FRIENDLY AIR UNITS Only those units directly adjacent to a given
although movement may occur during the Combat Enemy unit may participate in an attack upon that
Phasaas a result of combat (see Cases 7.6 and 7.7). [6.21] There is no UmItation on the number of
Friendly air units that may be stacked in a single unit.
hex. [7.12] Attacking is completely voluntary; units are
[5.45] There are supply restrictions in the game. never compelled to attack and not every unit
Units which are surrounded by Enemy Zones of [6.22] Friendly air units have no effect on the
stacking limitations of Friendly ground units. adjacent to an Enemy unit need participate in any
Control are affected (see 10.0, Supply). attack. A Friendly unit in a stack that is not
[5.46] Warsaw Pact and Neutral units may never
[6.23] Friendly air units may never be stacked with
participating in a given attack is never affected by
leave their respective Home Countries; if forced to Enemy units, air or ground. If at the end of any the results of that attack.
do so by combat, they are eliminated instead. Phase, a Friendly air unit finds itself stacked with
an Enemy ground unit, the Friendly air unit is [7.13] An Enemy-occupied hex may be attacked by
[5.5] RAIL MOVEMENT RATES displaced one hex to a non-Enemy·occupied hex. If as many units as can be brought to bear in the six
there is no such adjacent hex, the Friendly air unit adjacent hexes (i.e., by as many as twelve ground
NATO and Soviet ground units (but not Warsaw units).
Pact or Neutral units) may move through terrain at is displaced the minimum number of hexes to the
reduced costs in certain parts of the map. This nearest hex not containing Enemy units. [7.14] No unit may attack more than once per
reflects the ability of a given army to take [6.3] EFFECI'S OF ENEMY GROUND UNITS Combat Phase and no Enemy unit may be
advantage of the rail net in countries that are attacked more than once per Combat Phase.
friendly to them [note that the rail net is not shown [6.31] At no time may Friendly units occupy the
same hex as an Enemy ground unit. If a Friendly [7.2] MULTIPLE UNIT
on the map]. Use of the rail movement rate in no AND MULTI-HEX COMBAT
way inhibits the unit from performing any air unit finds itself in the same hex as an Enemy
maneuver or action that it could perform while ground unit, the Friendly air unit is displaced (see [7.21] All units in a given hex must be attacked as a
using normal movement rates. There is no decision Case 6.23). single, unified Combat Strength. The defender
to be made concerning the use of rail movement [6.4] EFFECI'S OF ENEMY AIR UNITS may not withhold a unit in a hex under attack.
rates: when a unit is in a position to use these rates, Different units in a hex may not be attacked
[6.41] At no time may Friendly air units stack with separately, nor may one unit be attacked without
it automatically does so.
Enemy air units. involving the other unit in the same combat.
[5.51] Soviet ground unIts entering hexes in the
[6.42] Friendly ground units may move into a hex [7.22] The other unit in a hex that contains an
Soviet Union do so at one-third the normal
occupied by an Enemy air unit. However, if this attacking unit need not participate in that same
Movement Point cost. occurs, the Enemy air unit is displaced (see case attack or any other attack. Thus when one unit in a
[5.52] Soviet ground units entering hexes in 6.23). Players should note that the hex of stack is attacking a given hex, the other unit in the
unrevolted Warsaw Pact countries do so at one- displacement is always at the Owning Player's stack could attack a different hex, or not attack at
half the nonnal Movement Point cost. choice. all.
[5.53] NATO ground units entering hexes in any of [6.5] EFFECTS OF CITIES·IN-REVOLT [7 .23] If a unit (or units) is adjacent to more than
the NATO countries, do so at one-third the normal one Enemy occupied hex, it could attack all of
Movement Point costs. The NATO countries are: [6.51] Cities-in-revolt count as one ground unit for
Friendly stacking purposes. them in a single combat. Thus, units in a single
France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, hex may attack more than one hex. The only
Italy, Greece and Turkey. [6.52] No Soviet air or ground units may stack with requirement is that all attacking units must be
[5.54] Soviet and NATO units pay normal entry a city-in-revolt. adjacent to all defending units.
costs when entering any hexes other than those [6.53] A maximum of one NATO ground unit may [7.24] A given unit's Combat Strength is always
described above. Note that a suppressed country is stack with a city-in-revolt. Of course, there is no unitary_ That is. a unit's Strength may not be
not an unrevolted country. limitation to the number of NATO air units that divided among different combats, either for attack
may stack in such a hex. or defense.
the USSR enters a clear terrain hex. It expends [6.6] SPECIAL SOVIET [7.3] EFFECTS OF TERRAIN ON COMBAT
one-third of a Movement Point to do so. It then STACKING RESTRICTIONS [7.31] Units defending in certain types of terrain
enters the border into Poland (which is in an Soviet units may not stack with either cities or may have their Combat Strengths increased. This
unrevolted state) and enters a clear terrain hex. It armies of unrevolted Warsaw Pact countries. is always expressed as a mUltiple of the Combat
expends one· half of a Movement Point to do so. It Strength for defense.
then enters a rough terrain hex in Poland and
expends one Movement Point to do so. [7.32] A defending unit may only obtain the
[7.0] COMBAT doubling effect of rivers if all the attacking units
are attacking across River hexsides. If at least one
GENERAL RULE: ground unit is attacking through a non-River
[6.0] STACKING Combat occurs between adjacent opposing units at hexside, then the defending unit does not obtain
GENERAL RULE: the Phasing Player's discretion. The Phasing any defensive advantage from the River hexside.
Stacking is the placement of more than one unit in Player is the attacker, the non-Phasing Player is [7.33] The effects of terrain are cumulative. One
a hex_ There are restrictions upon how many units the defender, regardless of the overall strategic always adds the multiples together and then
may occupy a single hex. situation. subtracts "one" to obtain the new multiple. That
is, if a unit is in Rough terrain and is being
attacked across a River hexside, then its Combat
[6.1] STACKING OF Total the Combat Strengths of all attacking Strength is tripled.
FRIENDLY GROUND UNITS ground units involved in a specific attack and
[6.11] During the Movement Phase, any number of compare it to the total Combat Strength of the [7.4] EFFECTS OF AIR UNITS ON COMBAT
Friendly ground units may move through a given ground units in a hex under attack. State the [7.41] The presence of air units in the attacking
hex, regardless of the number of Friendly units in comparison as a probability ratio: attacker's stack effects the odds on the Combat Results
that hex. Strength to defender's Strength. Round off the Table. For every attacking air unit, the odds
ratio in favor of the defender to conform to the column on the CRT is shifted one to the right. For
[6.12] A maximum of two Friendly ground units simplified odds found on the Combat Results example, if the combat odds called for a "2-1"
may be stacked in a single hex. The stacking Table. Then shift one column to the right for attack and there were two attacking air units
limitation applies only at the end ofthe Movement every air unit the attacker has in the combat present, the adjusted combat odds would be "4-1."
Phase and during the entire Combat Phase. (defending air units have no effect>. Roll the die Note that this is the only effect of air units, they
[6.13] If at the end of the Movement Phase or and read the result on the appropriate line under have no Combat Strength against ground units.
during any other Phase, a unit is moved into a hex the odds. Apply the result immediately, before The presence of defending air units has no effect
in excess of the stacking limitation, that unit is resolving any other attacks being made during the on ground combat or the odds-raising by attacking
eliminated. Combat Phase. air units.
[7.42) Air units may attack adjacent ENEMY AIR Enemy unit exerts a Zone of Control (whether or [8.131 There are only two ways to exit a hex in an
UNITS (Instead of assisting ground combat>. In not that hex is occupied by a Friendly unit). They Enemy Zone of Control: Either by retreat or
this case, each air unit is considered to have a may not retreat into prohibited hexes or off the advance as a result of combat, or by removal of
Combat Strength of one. Of course, terrain map. They may not retreat in violation of the the Enemy unit exerting the Zone of Control as a
modifications have no effect on the Combat Stacking Limits. Warsaw Pact and Neutral units result of combat. Units may not, therefore, leave
Strength of air units. Follow the same procedure may not retreat out of their Home Country. NATO an Enemy·controUed hex during the Movement
outlined in ground combat (except that there is no and Soviet units whose retreat would force them to Phase.
shifting for air units attacking air units) and violate a political boundary may elect to eliminate
resolve the combat. The only combat effect that themselves rather than do so.
affects air units is "De;" any other result has no [7.62) Retreat results have no effect upon air units. [8.141 Obviously, if a given unit is in an Enemy·
effect on the air units and it is Air u nits have no effect upon retreats. controlled hex. the Enemy unit is also in its
ignored. Air units may on,Iy perform one task or controlled hex. The two units are equally and
the other in the same combat Phase: they may [7.7) ADVANCE AS A RESULT OF COMBAT
mutually atl"ected.
raise ground combat odds or attack Enemy air Whenever a hex is vacated as. a direct result of
units. not do both. [8.151 If there is an Enemy and a Friendly Zone of
combat. the victorious Player (i.e., the Player who
Control exerted over the same hex, both Zones
[7.43) Air units are never affected by the results of has surviving ground units that were not forced to
co-exist, and that hex is mutually controlled by
ground combat. Should there be surviving air units retreat) may elect to advance one of his partici·
both Players. There is no additional effect from
in a vacated hex and Enemy (attacking) ground pating ground units into that hex. This option
having more than one unit exerting Zones of
units advance into the hex, the defending air unit must be exercised immediately before any other Control onto a single hex.
is displaced one hex (at the Owning Player's combat is resolved. This advance is not considered
discretion). Should there be no open adjacent hex, to be normal movement and expends no 18.161 Only ground and airborne units exert Zones
the air unit is displaced the minimum number of Movement Points. of Control and are affected by Zones of Control.
hexes possible to an open hex. Air units neither exert nor are affected by Zones of
[7.71) Ground units advancing as a direct result of Control.
[7.5) COMBAT RESOLUTION combat may ignore the Zones of Control of Enemy
units (i.e., they may move directly from one 18.21 ZONES OF CONTROL AND BORDERS
All combat is resolved via the Combat Results Enemy·controlled hex to another).
Table. Each combat situation is completely [8.211 Zones of Control do not extend across the
resolved before .going on to the next situation. The [7.72)lfmore than one hex is vacated as a result of borders of NATO and Warsaw Pact countries (i.e.,
Phasing Player may resolve combat situations in a single combat, any of such hexes are available for the East-West German border> until NATO inter-
any order he chooses. a single victorious unit to advance into. That is, if vention has been triggered.
there are two vacant hexes and two victorious [8.221 NATO Zones of Control. once NATO
[7.51) Combat Results Table (see map.) units. each ofthe units could advance into one hex intervention has been triggered do not automati-
[7.52) EXAMPLE: Two Soviet ground units, each apiece. cally extend into unrevolted Warsaw Pact or
with a Combat Strength of "6" attack a U.S. unit [7.73) Air units never advance as a result of combat Neutral countries. The NATO Player may,
with a Combat Strength of "5." The Soviets have nor do they have any effect upon such advances. however. declare that his Zones of Control do
one air unit assisting in the attack: The odds are 12 extend into these countries. If this occurs. the
to 5, which simplify to 2 to 1. They are then raised [7.81 CITIES· IN· REVOLT AND COMBAT countries in question become pro-Soviet.
to 3 to I because of the air unit. The Soviet Player [7.811 All cities·in·revolt have a self·Defense
rolls the die and obtains an "Ex" result [8.231 The Zones of Control of Warsaw Pact and
Strength of '·one." This means that they may Neutral countries never extend across the borders
(Exchange). The U.S. unit is destroyed and one of defend at a Combat Strength of one, but may never
the Soviet units is destroyed. The air unit is of their Home Country. For example. East German
attack. Zones of Control would not extend into Poland.
unaffected. The surviving Soviet unit advances into
the vacated hex formerly occupied by the U.S. [7.821 Only a combat result of "De" affects a city- regardless of their respective revolt status.
unit. in-revolt. All other combat results have no effect
on cities-in-revolt.
[7.53) Explanation of Combat Results [7.83) If a Friendly unit is stacked with a city-in-
De = Defending ground units eliminated. All of [9.0] REINFORCEMENTS
revolt and that hex is attacked, the unit and the
the defending ground units are immediately city are treated as one cOf!1bined Defensive AND REPLACEMENTS
removed from the map. The attacking units are Strength. If any result other than a "De" is
unatl"ected. GENERAL RULE:
obtained against the city/ unit combination, only
the unit is atl"ected. Victorious attacking units may Reinforcements are additional units that come into
Ae = Attacking ground units eliminated. All ofthe play after the game has begun. The appearance
attacking ground units are immediately removed only advance after combat into a city-in-revolt
schedule f{lr these units is indicated (by Scenario)
from the map. The defending units are unaffected. when a "De" is obtained against such a city/unit
combination. When an "Ex" result is obtained, on the Turn Record Track on the map. Replace.
Dr = Defending ground units retreat. All of the ments are destroyed units that return to play after
only the unit (not the city) is affected. The attacker
defending ground units are moved one hex by the an elapsed time. Only NATO and Soviet units
Owning Player. Attacking units are unaffected. must lose units whose Combat Strength is equi-
appear as reinforcements and replacements;
valent to the total Strength defending in the hex.
AI' = All attacking ground units retreat. All of the Warsaw Pact and Neutral units never do so.
attacking units are moved one hex by the Owning
Player. The defending units are unaffected. [8.0] ZONES OF CONTROL CASES:
Ex = Exchange loss. All of the defending ground [9.1) HOW REINFORCEMENTS/
units are are eliminated. Participating attacking GENERAL RULE:
The six hexagons immediately surrounding a hex REPLACEMENTS APPEAR
units at least equal in Strength to the printed value
of the defending units must also be eliminated constitute the Zone of Control of any units in that [9.11) Reinforcements/replacements appear
(Owning Player's choice of units). hex. Hexes upon which a unit exerts a Zone of during the Owning Player's Reinforcement!
Control are called controlled hexes and inhibit the Replacement Phase. The Owning Player may delay
[7.6) RETREAT AS A RESULT OF COMBAT movement of Enemy units; all units must cease the appearance of these units (either voluntarily or
Whenever- the result is an "Ar" or "Dr," the movement when they enter an Enemy-controlled because all their placement hexes are Enemy-
indicated units must be moved one hex by the hex. occupied) to any later Friendly Reinforcement!
Owning Player. This movement is not considered Replacement Phase.
to be part of normal movement and therefore [9.12) Reinforcements/replacements may appear
expends no Movement Points. Retreating units [8.1) EFFECTS ON MOVEMENT in a placement hex that is in an Enemy"lone of
must obey certain rules when doing so. If forced to [,8.111 All ground units exert a Zone of Control Control. They may appear in Friendly-occupied
violate any of these rules, the units are eliminated throughout the Game-Turn, regardless of the placement hexes. They may appear in violation of
instead. Phase or Player-Turn. The presence of Zones of the Stacking Limit. They may not appear in
[7.61) Rules of Retreat: Control is never negated by units, Enemy or Enemy-occupied hexes.
All retreating units are moved one hex. They may Friendly. [9.13) Reinforcements/replacements expend one
not retreat through Blocked hexsides or Sea [8.121 Units do not pay any additional Movement Movement Point (or Range Point) in the act of
hexsides; they may not enter Enemy ground Points to enter an Enemy-controlled hex, unlike placement. They may move and fight normally in
unit·occupied hexes or hexes upon which an some other SPI games. the Player-Turn in which they are placed.
REPLACEMENTS APPEAR A Supply Path is a path of hexes of any length that [11.1) COUNTRIES IN REVOLT AND
[9.21) Reinforcements appear as per the schedule is traced from the unit to a Supply Source. Supply THE WARSAW PACf REVOLT TABLE
printed on the Tum Record Track on the map. Paths cannot be traced through Enemy ground
units, Enemy Zones of Control or prohibited See the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table on the map. At
Units are available on the Game-Tum shown ifthe
terrain. Enemy air units have no effect upon a the beginning of each NATO Player-Tum, the
appropriate Scenario Code Letter foIlows the unit NATO Player rolIs the die and cross-indexes the
indication. The four Scenarios are coded as Supply Path.
die number on the Table with the current number
follow~ CASES: of unsuppressed Cities-in-Revolt on the map. The
5 = Standard Scenario; y = Yugoslav Scenario; c [10.1) NATO SUPPLY SOURCES result will be either a list of Warsaw Pact country
= Czech Scenario; h = Hungarian Scenario.
NATO units must be able to trace a Supply Path to
abbreviations or the acronym "NATO." If a
EXAMPLE: "2SV6+AFsyc" indicates that two country abbreviation(s) is the result, this means
any hex on the west map edge free from Soviet
Soviet ground units (each with a Strength of "6") that that country is in revolt. If the result is
units or Zones of Contro\. "NATO," this means that NATO forces intervene
and one Soviet airforce unit are due to appear in
all Scenarios except th~ Hungarian Scenario. [10.2) SOVIET SUPPLY SOURCES on the side of any Warsaw Pact countries in revolt.
[9.22) Soviet reinforcements are always available Soviet units must be able to trace a Supply Path to EXAMPLE: In the Warsaw Pact Revolt Phase of
precisely on the indicated Game-Turn; NATO any hex on the east edge of the map free from the First Game-Tum ofthe Standard Scenario, the
reinforcements may be voiuntarily delayed due to NATO units or their Zones of Contro\. NATO Player rolIs the die, obtaining a "2." Since
the lack of NATO intervention result on the [10.3) WARSAW PACf there are no Cities-in-Revolt at the beginning of
Warsaw Pact Revolt Table. At the start of the AND NEUTRAL SUPPLY the game, the "0" Column is used, indicating that
game, the Soviet and NATO Players each set up Czechoslovakia revolts. Three Revolt Markers are
[10.31) Warsaw Pact and Neutral units are always placed (one on each city in Czechoslovakia). The
the indicated units on the Tum Record Track. If
in supply in their Home Countries. NATO Player may now move and operate the
the NATO Player does not achieve an intervention
result at the start of the Second Game-Tum, all [10.32) Warsaw Pact and Neutral units may never Czechoslovakian units (but he may not move any
NATO reinforcements are moved one space to the leave their Home Countries. If forced to do so as a NATO units, since NATO has not yet intervened).
right. Thereafter, if an intervention result is not result of combat, they are immediately eliminated [11.11) A country may only revolt once per game
achieved in succeeding Game-Turns , the instead. via the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table. If a country has
NATO reinforcements are moved an additional [10.4) EFFECfS OF SUPPLY revolted and then been successfuIly suppressed, a
space to the right for each such non-intervention ON GROUND UNITS second revolt result has no effect.
result. Any NATO reinforcements that are pushed [11.12) Countries-in-Revolt are controlled by the
off the right-hand end of the Track by this [10.41) A unit that is out of supply loses its ability
to attack, its Combat Strength (on defense) is cut NATO Player. He may operate the combat units of
procedure never appear in the game. Note that such countries so long as they remain within the
since NATO automaticaIly intervenes in the in half (retaining alI fractions), and its Movement
Allowance is cut in half. In effect, this means that country's borders (if forced to leave as a result of
Hungarian Scenario, the NATO reinforcements combat. they are eliminated instead). The combat
always appear on time in that Scenario. a ground unit's Movement AlIowance is reduced to
four Movement Points. units of Countries-in-Revolt as weIl as the Cities-in
[9.23) NATO replacements appear two Game- Revolt have Zones of Contro\. They are treated as
Turns after the original u.nit is destroyed. When a [10.42) For combat purposes, supply is judged at NATO units in all respects except that they cannot
unit is destroyed, place it on the Tum Record the Instant of combat. be replaced and may never leave their country.
Track two Game-Turns ahead of the current [10.43) For movement purposes, supply is judged
position of the Game-Turn Marker. EXAMPLE: at the beginning of the Player-Tum. [11.13) Cities-in-Revolt have a Self-Defense
A NATO unit destroyed in Game-Turn Three [10.44) The presence of Friendly units in a hex does Strength of one. That means that they can
reappears as a replacement on Game-Tum Five. not negate the effects of Enemy Zones of Control defend, but not attack. Cities-in-Revolt do count
Note that Warsaw Pact units in revolt are not for purposes of tracing a Supply Path. against the Stacking Limit of two.
considered NATO units.
[10.5) EFFECfS OF SUPPLY ON AIR UNITS [11.14) The movement of Soviet units through
[9.24) Soviet replacements appear four Game- Countries-in-Revolt is at the basic Movement
Turns after the original unit is destroyed. [10.51) Air units determine their supply state for Allowance.
EXAMPLE : A Soviet Ilnit destroyed in alI purposes at the beginning of the Movement
Game-Tum Three reappears as a replacement in Phase. Air units trace to the same Supply Sources [11.15) Zones of Control of units of Countries-in-
Game-Turn Seven. Pro-Soviet Warsaw Pact units as their respective ground units. Revolt do not extend across their borders.
are not replaceable. [10.52] Air units that are out of supply may not
[9.25) There is no limit to the number of units that move at all nor may they participate in any offen- [11.2) UNREVOLTED COUNTRIES
may appear as replacements, nor is there a limit to sive combat. If forced to displace, they may not be
the number of times a given unit may go through displaced to a hex that will put them in supply [11.21) Combat units of unrevolted countries do
the procedure. (unless there is no alternative). not have Zones of Control and may not be moved
by either Player.
[10.53] Unsupplied air units that are attacked by
[9.3) WHERE REINFORCEMENTS/ [11.22) Soviet units may freely enter unrevolted
Enemy air units are halved in Combat Strength
REPLACEMENTS APPEAR countries without triggering a revolt. In fact, the
(i.e., reduced to one-half Point each).
[9.31) NATO reinforcements/replacements may be movement costs for Soviet units moving through
placed on any of the Scenario starting hexes on the un revolted countries is halved.
map that contain a start code of the nationality of [11.23) Zones of Control of NATO units do not
the appearing NATO unit. That is to say, a US extend across borders into unrevolted countries.
unit, for example, could only be placed in a hex in Zones of Control of Soviet units do extend across
which a US unit started the game in that particular [11.0] WARSAW PACT AND the borders of unrevolted countries.
Scenario. NEUTRAL NATIONS [11.24) If a NATO unit crosses the border of an
[9.32) Soviet units may be placed in any hex(es) on unrevolted country, it then becomes a pro-Soviet
the east map edge in the Soviet Union. GENERAL RULE:
The Warsaw Pact nations are: Bulgaria (BU);
Czechoslovakia (CZ); East Germany (EG); [11.3) PRO-SOVIET COUNTRIES
Hungary (HU); Poland (PO); and Rumania (RM). [11.31) A Neutral or Warsaw Pact country becomes
The Neutral nations are: Albania (ALl; Austria pro-Soviet when a NATO unit crosses its border. A
(AU); and Yugoslavia (YU). NATO unit may cross the border of a Neutral or
[10.0] SUPPLY Warsaw Pact Nations can be in anyone of the un revolted Warsaw Pact country only after NATO
GENERAL RULE: following four states at any given point in the intervention has been triggered and all Soviet un its
In order for units to function at full capacity, they game: I. Unrevolted; 2. In Revolt; 3. Suppressed; have been driven out of East Germany (in the
must be in supply. In order to be in supply, a unit 4. Pro-Soviet. Standard Scenario).
must be able to trace a Supply Path to a Source of Neutral Nations can be in anyone of the following [11.32) Pro-Soviet units are moved by the Soviet
Supply. These Sources of Supply differ between four states: I . Neutral (uninvaded); 2. Pro-Soviet; Player. Note that the cities of pro-Soviet countries
NATO, Soviet and Warsaw Pact units. 3. Pro-NATO; 4. Suppressed. have no intrinsic Combat Strength as do the cities
of Countries-in-Revolt. Nor do they affect [12.24) The,national armies of liberated countries modified to ·.the extent that units may never be
Stacking. never reappear. Once a national army is destroyed. more than tripled in Defensive Strength due to any
[11.33) Pro-Soviet units may not leave their Home it is permanently lost. combination of terrain. Air units never benefit
Countries and their Zones of Control do not extend [12.25) For all practical purposes. Neutral country from terrain. When two or more defending units
across their borders. cities cannot be liberated. as they may never revolt on different hexes are being attacked in a single
in the first place. combat and one of the hexes multiplies the
[11.34) Pro-Soviet units and countries are Friendly Defensive Strength and the other does not. only the
to the Soviet Player in all ways and are operated by [13.0] TERRAIN EFFECTS unit(s) actually in the multiplying terrain benefits
him. ON MOVEMENT from it.
[11.41) The only Neutral countries on the map are GENERAL RULE:
Austria. Yugoslavia and Albania. All ground units pay a certain cost (in Movement
[11.42) Neutral units may not be moved until their Points) to enter the various types of hexes on the [14.01TBE SCENARIOS
country is invaded either by NATO or by the map. Certain hexsides impose an additional cost GENERAL RULE:
Soviets. Once invaded. they become Friendly to the when units traverse them. When units are The four Scenarios present two hypothetical,
non-invading side. defending in any type of terrain other than clear near-future situations in which Warsaw Pact
terrain. their Strength is. in many instances. nations revolt against Soviet hegemony and two
[11.43) Neutral countries that are invaded by multiplied. "might-have-been" situations that could have
Soviet forces become pro-NATO. i.e .• the equi-
CASES: arisen around the historical events of the
valent of Countries-in-Revolt. except that they
Hungarian uprising in 1956 and the Soviet
have no Cities-in-Revolt. Neutral cities do not [13.1) TERRAIN EFFECI'S CBART
affect Stacking and have no intrinsic self-Defense invasion of CzechOslovakia in 1968.
(See below.}
Strength. Each Scenario presents the key to the starting
[11.44) The units of uninvaded Neutrals may not [13.2) EFFECTS OF TERRAIN ON MOVEMENT forces for each country (their Orders of Battle) and
be moved and their units exert no Zone of Control. Units may never enter a hex unless they have suffi- for the reinforcements. and various special rules
cient Movement Points to do so. Note that cities associated with the play of that Scenario.
have no effect upon movement (NA); the PROCEDURE:
[11.51) A Suppressed Country is one that has had movement cost to enter a city is dependent upon Players choose sides in some mutually acceptable
all of its national armies and Cities-in-Revolt the other terrain in that hex. Note that units may manner. Each Player takes the indicated starting
destroyed by the Soviet forces (or NATO forces in not trace Supply Lines through impassable hexes
the event of a pro-Soviet country). units and deploys them on the map. Each Player
or hexsides. Crossing River hexsides that takes the units to be available as reinforcements
[11.52) All of the cities in a Country-in-Revolt must correspond to NATO or Soviet borders is and places them in the appropriate boxes on the
be occupied until all Cities-in-Revolt and all performed at the cost for crossing a River hexside Tum Record Track. Unit starting positions are
national armies are destroyed. If a city is wholly within the country being entered. shown on the map and on the Tum Record Track
unoccupied. it reverts to revolt status. according to the following system:
[11.53) Once a country has been suppressed. it is begins its Movement Phase in West Germany. hex Ground units are indicated by a quantity number
necessary only to occupy the capital city of the 2606. It moves three hexes southeast. to hex 2308 (if more than one of the same type unit is to be
country in question to prevent it from revolting (expending I MP to do so). It proceeds due east placed in the position); nationality abbreviation;
again. (The capital of East Germany is Berlin. the (expending 2MP to enter the Rough hex 2309 in unit Combat Strength; and Scenario Code
capital of Poland is Warsaw. the capital of Czechoslovakia and 1MP each to enter 2310. 2311. Letter(s).
Hungary is Budapest. the capital of Rumania is 2312 and 2212-the city of Bmo) and hooks
Bucharest and the capital of Bulgaria is Sofia.) EXAMPLE: "US5sy" indicates a US ground unit
southeast into Brno. having expended a total of having a Combat Strength of five. which is placed
[11.54) A suppressed country can regain revolt seven Movement Points. in the Standard Scenario and the Yugoslavian
status (see Case 12.2. Liberation). [13.3] EFFECTS OF TERRAIN ON COMBAT Scenario.
[U.55) Soviet units move at normal Movement The effects of terrain on the Defensive Strength of All nationality abbreviations correspond to those
costs through suppressed countries. units is cumulative. This cumulative effect is used on the counters themselves.

[12.11) To suppress a Country-in-Revolt. all of its
Terrain Movement Point Cost to Enter or Cross: EffectoD
Type Normal Soviet Unit Soviet Unit Defeasive Strenath
national armies must be destroyed and all of its
Situation in Unrevolted in Soviet Union or of Unit In BeI
cities occupied by Soviet ground units.
Warsaw Pact NATO Unit in
[12.12) The Game-Tum following suppression of a Country NATO Country
revolt. the Soviet Player need only keep a garrison
in the capital city of the country in question to ClearBeI 1 MP YlMP Y.MP No effect.
keep it from revolting again.
[12.13) If the garrison from the capital city is CltyBex NA NA NA No effect.
removed for any reason at the end of a Game-
Tum. the country automatically revolts again. All RougbBeI 2MP IMP ¥3MP Doubled.
of its cities un garrisoned by Soviet ground units
become Cities-in-Revolt. Mouataln Bex 4MP 2MP 1'1. MP Tripled.
[12.2) LIBERATION SeaBex Ground units prohibited. NA
[12.21) Liberation occurs when a NATO unit
occupies a suppressed city or drives out of it any
Soviet ground units. When this occurs. the city in
River Beulde +1 +'1, +'1. Doubled·. '"
question regains revolt status. Blocked or AlI·Sea
BeIslde Ground units may not cross. NA
[12.22) Liberated cities do count in the Cities-in-
Revolt column on the Warsaw Pact Revolution
• Note that the defender is doubled only if all the attacking units are attackingthroug)l River hexsides.
[12.23) Liberated cities count in all ways as
Cities-in- Revolt.

Alrforce units are indicated by the letters .. AF" Standard and Yugoslovlan Scenarios: (14.2) YUGOSLAVIAN REVOLUTION
followed by the Scenario Code(s). Nationality of All Warsaw Pact Units except for: SCENARIO
airforces are not indicated since they are all either One EG I, one CZ 3 and one HU 3 (leaving a total Set up starting units and reinforcements with the
NATO or Soviet. To further distinguish units, the of seventeen units). Code "y." Use Special Rule 14.11.
Soviet positions are printed in brown ink and all Czechoslovakian Scenario:
NATO, Warsaw Pact and Neutral positions are
All Warsaw Pact units except for:
printed in blue ink on the map.
One EG J, one CZ 2 and one HU 3 (leaving a total
Scenaq,o Codes are as follows : s = Standard of seventeen units). (14.21) The Yugoslavian units in hexes 1608, 1114
Scenario; y = Yugoslav Scenario; c = Czechoslo- Hungarian Scenario: and 0914 are pro-NATO; the remaining three
vakian Scenario; h = Hungarian Scenario. All Warsaw Pact units except for: 'units are pro-Soviet. Belgrade and Zagreb begin
Be very careful to place units only in those Two EG 3, one CZ 2 and one BU 3 (leaving a total the game as Cities-in-Revolt. These cities do count
positions tha t have the proper Scenario Code. of sixteen units). towards the total of Cities-in· Revolt on the map.
Many units appear in the same position in two or Note that the other Yugoslavian cities are not
more Scenarios, but there is some significant NEUTRAL COUNTRY subject to revolt (although they may be captured
variation, so one should remain alert when setting ORDER OF BATTLE SUMMARY and controlled by the NATO Player).
up units on the map and track. The starting Orders of Battle for Neutral countries (14.22) NATO Mobillty: From the start of the
is identical in all Scenarios, except for the deletion game, NATO units may maneuver freely in their
After all units have been placed, start the First
of the AU 3 in the Hungarian Scenario. This gives own territory without waiting until they are called
Game-Turn. All Scenarios are twelve Game·Tums a total of seven Neutral units in the Hungarian upon to intervene or East Germany revolts. When
In I!:ngth and all make use of the Victory
Scenario and eight in all other Scenarios (i.e., all an intervention result is achieved, NATO units
Conditions describ¢ in Major Section 15.0. the Neutral units). There are never any Neutral may enter any country on the map, regardless of
or Warsaw Pact reinforcements. which countries have or have not revolted.
SOVIET ORDER OF BATTLE (14.23) Limited NATO Intervention: In addition to
ORDER OF BATI'LE AND REINFORCEMENT SUMMARY the standard, full-scale NATO intervention that is
AND REINFORCEMENT SUMMARIES triggered by the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table, NATO
units may make a limited intervention (moving
The following tables list the starting Order of & Yugoslav Czech Hungarian
into Yugoslavia only) if the proper conditions are
Battle and total reinforcements available for each Unit Type Scenarios Scenario Scenario
met. In each Warsaw Pact Revolt Phase (except
Scenario. Players should use this list to pre-sort the SV8 6 6 5 Game-Turn One), the die is rolled an additional
counters that they will need for a given Scenario time. If the adjusted number is "7" or greater,
SV7 8 7(1) 6(1)
and then deploy those counters as indicated by the limited intervention takes place. The die roll is
map and Turn Record Track codes. The SV6 1(5) 1(5) 2(4)
adjusted (upward) by adding to it the number of
nationalities and Strengths of the units are listed SV5 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) Yugoslavian Cities-in-Revolt and a number equal
down the left hand side, the Scenarios across the (3) to one-third of the total number of pro-Soviet and
SV2 (3) (3)
top, and the quantities of units starting on the map Soviet units in Yugoslavia. EXAMPLE: Two
in the columns (quantities of units appearing as AF 2(2) 2(2) 2(2)
Yugoslavia Cities-in-Revolt plus one·third of five
reinforcements will be listed in parentheses). Totals 19(12) 18(13) 17(12) Soviet/pro-Soviet counters in Yugoslavia equals an
adjustment of"3" (2+1). The die roll is "5," which
(14.1) STANDARD SCENARIO means limited intervention is triggered (5+3=8).
NA TO ORDER OF BATTLE Revolt In the East, 1971
Of course, if full-scale intervention is triggered on
AND REINFORCEMENT SUMMARY Set up starting units and reinforcements with the or after the Game·Turn in which limited interven-
Standard Code "s." tion is triggered, it supercedes limited intervention.
& Yugoslav Czech Hungarian (14.11) Berlin GarrIson Special Rule: The NATO
Scenario Scenario Scenario (14.24) There is no Warsaw Pact Revolt Phase in
Unit Type (1) ground unit placed in Berlin is immobile and the First Game-Tum ofthis Scenario, nor is there
BE3 may never attack; it may only use its Combat any limited intervention die roll.
Strength on the defense and its Strength is used in
DN2 1 1 1 (14.25) Itallan Transit: NATO ground units may
addition to the self-Defense Strength of Berlin
FR4 (1) (1) (1) itself. When East Germany revolts, this unit does exit the map from hex 2401 and re-enter on hex
exert a Zone of Control. Soviet units may attack 1801 (or vice-versa) at a cost of six Movement
FR3 1 1 1
this unit without triggering NATO intervention. Points.
FR2 (1) (1) (1)
Once destroyed, the unit may never return as a
GK3 replacement. (14.26) Soviet and Warsaw Pact Intervention:
IT4 (14.12) NATO Intervention Pre·condltlons: NATO Beginning with the Soviet Movement Phase of the
units are totally immobile until East Germany First Game· Turn, the Soviet Player may move his
revolts and until NATO intervention has been units into Yugoslavia. This in no way alters the
TU3 pro-Soviet status of that hillf of the Yugoslavian
triggered by the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table. Inter-
UK6 0 0 1 vention may only be triggered if East Germany has Army. Additionally, the Soviet Player may move
(1) (1) (1) revolted prior to the intervention result being into Yugoslavia (in his Movement Phase) as many
obtained on the Table (if such is not the case and a as two each of the units of loyal (i.e., unrevolted)
UK4 1 (1) Warsaw Pact countries. These units may transit
"NATO" result is obtained, it has no effect). Once
US6 0 o intervention Is triggered, NATO units may move the territory of other loyal Warsaw Pact nations,
US5 1 1 (1) only in NATO territory and into East Germany but they must do so in the most direct
until all Soviet ground units have been expelled possible route towards Yugoslavia. Should the
US4 (1) 1(1) 2 countries of such units subsequently revolt, the
from East Germany. Once this condition has been
WG8 3 3 o met (at the end of any NATO Player-Tum), NATO units under Soviet command are immediately
o units are freed from all movement restrictions and removed from play (eliminated). While under
may enter any country (regardless of the possible Soviet command, these units (and the pro· Soviet
NATO (1) 1 1 1 Yugoslavians) move and fight during the Soviet
reintroduction of Soviet ground units into East
NATOAF 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) Germany). . Player-Turn.
Totals: 18(6) 18(6) 14(7) (14.13) Optional NATO Intervention Deadline: If (14.27) Historical Notes
the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table has not triggered The time is fall, 1978. Tito has just died, leaving a
WARSAW PACT NATO intervention on or before Game·Turn Four, less than completely effective successor. The
ORDER OF BATTLE SUMMARY NATO automatically intervenes on or after Soviets have, in their own inimitable way, been
The starting Orders 1)1' Battle for Warsaw Pact Game-Turn Five if East Germany has revolted. stirring up trouble and have funded and armed
countries are identical in all Scenarios, except for The revolt die is rolled on Game-Turn Five, and dissident groups, appealing to ethnic divisions,
minor variations in the Czechoslovakian and any result is in addition to automatic NATO pan-slavism and a fear of the West and Western
Hungarian Scenarios. Note that there are never intervention. Players mayor may not use this ideas, and general traditionalism. Opposed to
any Warsaw Pact reinforcements. deadline, as they see fit. them are other ethnic groups with the Serbs
probably more pro-Soviet than the Croats and Scenario, based on what would have happened had [16.0] PLAYERS' NOTES
those who have no intention of bowing to Moscow. NATO answered the frantic calls for help from
Soviet Tacttca: Everything depends upon which
The pro-Soviet Yugoslavs stage a partially Budapest.
countries in the Warsaw Pact rebel. The best thing
successful coup d'etat and seize portions of the
that can happen is for East Germany to revolt first.
country. The anti· Soviet forces promptly call for
revolt and a civil war is in the making. The pro- [15.0] VICTORY CONDITIONS followed by Poland. The _nt thing that can
happen is for Bulgaria to revolt followed by East
Soviet forces promptly call for Soviet aid and the GENERAL RULE: Germany or Poland. The Soviet Player mut react
USSR, following the Brezhnev Doctrine, gives it to Victory is determined at the end of the final with speed and crush each revolt as it occurs. Every
them. The anti·Soviet side calls for NATO inter· (Twelfth) Game·Turn. Unlike other SPI games, city that remains in revolt at the end of a Game·
vention and the West, still remembering the there are no Levels of Victory; a Player either wins Turn increases the chances for other countries to
frustration of Hungary, 1956, responds, although or loses the game. Basically, the Player controlling revolt and the everpresent spectre of NATO
less rapidly than the Soviets. Thus, the battlefield the most cities wins the game. intervention. If Poland revolts while the Soviet
is set. Army is involved elsewhere, look out!
At the completion of the Twelfth Game·Turn, The Soviet Player has one tremendous advantage
Players count the total number of cities within the that should be used to the utmost: airborne troops.
Warsaw Pact and Neutral countries that they These are extremely useful in getting to areas that
control. Cities within the borders of the Soviet the rest of the army cannot reach in one Tum.
Set up starting units and reinforcements with the Union or NATO countries do DOt count one way or
Code "c;" use Special Rule 14.11. . NATO Tactlca: The NATO Player is initially
another towards victory. Only cities within the
playing for time. He must face the fact that
[14.31] Czechoslovakia is in revolt at the start of Warsaw Pact and Neutrals count towards victory.
unless NATO intervention is triggered, he will lose
the game. There is no Warsaw Pact Revolt Phase the game. Therefore, he must use the Warsaw Pact
in the First Game· Turn. units under his control to delay the Soviets at every
(14.32] From the start of the game, NATO units turn. Ignore losses; it's the number of Cities· in·
may maneuver within NATO territory. Once inter· (15.11] For the Soviet Player, a city is considered Revolt that count, not the number of bodies. Once
vention has been triggered by the Warsaw Pact controlled if it is 1) unrevolted; 2) pro-Soviet; or East Germany revolts, NATO forces should be
Revolt Table, NATO units are free to enter any 3) suppressed (see Section 11.0). massed along the border of East Germany and
country they wish. No other countries other than (15.12] A city is 1IJU'eVolted if its country has never Czechoslovakia. When NATO intervention is
Czechoslovakia need to have revolted prior to been called on to revolt on the Warsaw Pact Revolt triggered, plunge into the Eastern European
NATO intervention. Table. countries and inflict as many casualties as rapidly
(14.33] Hlitodc.I Notel as possible on the Soviets.
(15.13] A city is pro-Soviet if its country .... been
In 1968, the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia invaded by NATO units prior to its being called on Although the Soviets are slow to recover from their
started to liberalize its domestic policy. Many to revolt by the Warsaw Pact Revolt Table. All losses, they do recover. In the later stages of the
reforms were initiated that their neighbor to cities within such a country are pro-Soviet. Note game, the Soviets often make a comeback and go
the east looked upon with cocked eyebrow. In that a pro-Soviet city may be occupied by NATO over to the offensive. Always remember that the
August, 1968, the Soviets decided that Czecho- forces, in which case it becomes liberated and is Soviets are stronger than NATO and that if they
slovakia had gone too far. This was the Brezhnev controlled by the NATO Player). can ever concentrate their forces, NATO is in for
Doctrine of preserving socialism, at least as the (15.14] A city is considered ~ if at one
Soviets define it. Of course, the Czechs did not time it revolted and was occupied by Soviet troops.
resist and the takeover was bloodless. But what if The city mayor may not need to be garrisoned by
the Czechs bad resisted and their resistance had Soviet units (see Case 12.1) to be considered
sparked other n;volts in Eastern Europe and what suppressed. [17.0] SIMULATION NOTES
if NATO had decided to intervene?
(15.2] CONTROL BY THE NATO PLAYER The core of the game is the Warsaw Pact Revolt
Table. It represents our "guesstimate" of a chain·
(15.21] The NATO Player controls a city for victory
reaction revolt of the Eastbloc, given that a revolt
purposes if the city is 1) in revolt; or 2) liberated.
arises in one ofthose nations in the first place. The
[14A] HUNGARIAN REVOLT SCENARIO, (15.22] A city is considered In revolt if its country system is biased to produce an East German revolt,
Seven Days of Freedom, 1956 has been called upon to revolt by the Warsaw Pact which draws in NATO. This is, in fact, the "worst
Set up starting units and reinforcements with the Revolt Table and the city has not been suppressed case" from a Soviet viewpoint: a rebellion that
Code "h." Use Special Rule 14.11. by Soviet forces. produces a re·united Germany.
(14AI] Hungary is in full revort at the start of the (15.23] A city is considered Uberatecl if it was either The faster NATO replacement rate reflects the
game; place City·in·Revolt Markers on both cities. suppressed or pro-Soviet and has subsequently depth of the NATO system, as opposed to the
been occupied by NATO forces. "everything up front" philosophy of the Soviets.
[14.42] Full·scale NATO intervention is in effect at
the start ofthe game. NATO units move freely and (15.3] CONTROL OF NEUTRALS Pact units are irreplaceable because the Soviets
may enter any country. keep them deliberately fragile as a security
(15.31] If a country was Neutral at the beginning of measure (they really don't trust them).
(14.43] When totaling Cities· in· Revolt during the the Scenario and remained so through the entire
Warsaw Pact Revolt Phase, always subtract one game (that is, not invaded either by the Soviets or The units in the game are the actual units now on
Hungarian city (due to lack of sympathy for NATO), its cities are considered Neutral and count duty in Eastern Europe (making allowances for
Hungary on the part of the other Warsaw Pact for neIther Player for victory purposes. rotation). The uniformity of the Movement
nations). (15.32] A Neutral country that is Invaded by the
Allowances simulates the equalizing effect of
Soviet Player immediately assumes revolt status motorization/mechanization in modern armies
(14M] Soviet Movement Cost ModIftcatton: Soviet
and its cities are are treated as such for victory when treated on this scale. Victory hinges on
units in the Soviet Union move at the costs shown
purposes (even though such cities do not have an control of key cities since they are the
on the Terrain Effects column titled "Soviet Units
intrinsic Defense Strength). psychological and material focus of any rebellion
in Unrevolted Warsaw Pacj Country." In all other
in an industrialized nation.
countries, the Soviets move at the costs shown in [15.33] A Neutral country that is invaded by NATO
the "Normal Situation" column. forces immediately assumes a pro-Soviet status
and its cities are treated as such for victory DESIGN CREDITS
(IUS] Hlltorlcal Nota purposes. FOR REVOLT IN THE EAST
In late October and early November of 1956, Game Design: Jamel F. Dnnnlgan
Hungary rose in revolt against Soviet domination. (15.4] GENERAL VICfORY CRITERION
Physical Systems Design and Graphics:
For one week, they were free from the Soviet yoke. For victory purposes, it is necessary only to control Redmond A. Slmonaen
However, the Soviets decided that they could not the cities. It is DOt necessary to trace a Ii ne of
Development and Rules:
afford a free Hungary in the midst of their other communications (as in other SPI games) for it to
Cbrlstopher Allen, Redmond A. SlmolUlen
satellites and sent massive troop formations into count toward victory. It is only necessary to
that unfortunate state to crush the Freedom determine the status of each city within the Graphic Production: Manfnd F. MIIkaIm,
Fighters. The US, NATO and the UN stood idly by Warsaw Pact and Neutral countries to determine LInda Mosca, Larry Catalano.
and let this happen. This is another "what if?" victory. Research: David C. lab)'
~k l ;k ~t ~~ ;k :k ~
~k ~k;k ~t ~k ;kl~k ~t ;k ~k
6 7 8 9 10 11
2SV6+ AFsyc 2SV6syc SV5syc SVS+ AFh SV5h
3SV2+SV7h 2SV6h

[ILl] WARSAW PACf REVOLT TABLE (See Section 11.0.)
Die TOlal Number Of Cities Currently in Revolt
RoUO 1 2 3 4 5


1:~4=:JP~Ot:::iPO RM BU NATO



00 Clear Rough Mountain

City Capital


17.5 1] CQl\ffiAT RESULTS TABLE (See Cases 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7.)

' ·4 '·3 ' ·2 ,.,
Die Probability Ratio (odds): Attacker's Strength to Defe nder's Stre ngth Die
2·' 3·' 4·' 5·' 6·' 7·'
2 Ac Ac D, D, Ex Ex De De De De 2 8

D, D, Ex Ex De De 4 N 0
;; ;; ;;
D, D, D, D, Ex Ex




".j' •




lrJ~ i
~ , "" '"
'0."2 \ \ / \ J' 1622
1 3 6 7 8 9 10 11
2SV6 + AFsyc 2SV6syc SVSsyc SVS+ AFh SVSh
3SV2 + SV7h 2SV6h

[11.1 \ WARSAW PACI' REVOLT TABLE (See Section 1).0.)

Die Total Number Of Cities Currently in Revolt
RoUO 1 2 3 4 5

~~~~~~~~~~E~G~'~C~Z~'H~U~~E~G~'CZ~' H~U~'P~O~::~E~G~,CZ~'~H~U~'~P~O' RgM~::~A~I~::::

~ ro w oro


•;; •

o •
• ~


o o

,;• •


00Clear Rough Mountain


Blocked River Border


• o •
~ ~ ;0

(7 .51 ] COl\ffiAT RESULTS TABLE (See Cases 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7.)
Die Probability Ratio (odds): Attacker's Strength to Defender's Stre ngth Die , ,
RoU 1·4 \ ·3 1·2 \. \ 2·\ 3·\ 4·\
5·\ 6·\ 7· 1 RoU



M M D, D, E, Ex D, D, D,
• g
Iii a
A, M M D, D, D, E, Ex D, N

;; ;;• ~
A, A, M M D, D, D,
0 0 • N

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