Wireless Traning

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First training for Wireless Department

Installation Portion:

The Installation Portion contains the followings:

1- WipLL Configuration

Steps for WipLL Configuration are as following:

1. Configure the default IP address of modem in your PC LAN card.

2. Log on to Wipconfig , A dialog box will come enter the user name and password
(User name is Admin & password is Wipll)

3. After entering the User name and Password you will see a page like this

Prepared by: Mohammad Juma “Aomran”

This page use for the configuration ofWipll modem

At first Tab (Network configuration) you will just Enter your Get way and Subnet mast and at second tab
(RF Configuration) you will Enter the Index and Air Mac ,& in Max Rate Mode (Mbps) you will select


In Air subnet tab just you will deselect NOT Economical and select the Economical after selecting this
option you will see a IP in New base tab which is and you can change just the tow octet of
this IP. (This will give to you from Office)

After this you will read and write the configuration, the option of read and write is use for applying the
configuration on the modem when you did this option go to other tab by the name of Management
configuration in there you will see two option one is Get community & other is Set community in this
option you will Enter your Base station number Like TV AR 303 PR (in Get community you will use TV
AR 303pb , and in Set community you will use TV AR 303pr , pb stand for Public and pr stand for

After entering these all at end also you will Read and Write the Modem.

Prepared by: Mohammad Juma “Aomran”

The next option is to load the Frequency.

Go to tools Frequency Table Load Table

And load the frequency which office will give you,

After this all Rest you modem by this option

After resting your modem go to your PC LAN card option and remove the default IP of Modem and
reconfigure the configuration which you configured at the modem, then go to Wipconfig and Enter your
get way and Base Station number in Here .

Prepared by: Mohammad Juma “Aomran”

After this click the connect option.

After clicking this you will go Inside the modem and will see the configuration which done by you
recheck your configuration and go to Statistics option.

Click on this Option you will see to Graphs .

The Association Status will show you that Modem is active or no three option will
come in there some times (1. Active 2.Equisation 3.build DB)

1. Means modem is active

2. Means modem is not connected to Base station
3. Means modem is not add to Base station

If these there come together means that modem is not add on Base Station which is on TV Hill

So when the modem is active you will see the two graphs the first one is RSSI and second is BER

RSSI shows your single which you’re getting from TV Hill and BER is showing your Bits Error.

The best RSSI is Less the then 65 and the Best BER is -5 up to -7.

Prepared by: Mohammad Juma “Aomran”

Prepared by: Mohammad Juma “Aomran”

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