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Corporation (the Company), through its employees, comply with intellectual property law, including copyright law. This compliance should take into consideration all copyright laws which the Company, via using the Internet, may be subject, including laws of the United States, the European Union and other countries with which employees interact for business. In addition, the purpose of this policy is to protect the Company from the threat of viruses or computer hacking, which can be extremely dangerous. In furtherance of the foregoing policies, Company sets forth the following Internet Usage Guidelines and Policies: 1. All Internet access generally must be used only for business activities. Incidental personal use is permissible so long as: (a) it does not consume more than trivial amount of systems resources, (b) does not interfere with worker productivity, (c) does not preempt business activity, (d) is not used for illegal activities, and (e) is not inappropriate as described in Section 3, below. 2. Internet access does not guarantee privacy or confidentiality, therefore any access to and use of the Internet may be monitored by Company. 3. Access to Internet sites containing inappropriate material or downloading of such material, including to act as a screensaver or wallpaper, is prohibited. Inappropriate material includes, but is not limited to: Nudity, Pornographic or Adult content Discriminatory content of any nature (i.e. Racial, Sexual, Age) Games Chat Rooms Offensive material of any nature

4. All material on the Internet should be considered copyrighted material. Company prohibits any employee from downloading software or other copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner. 5. Copyright infringement by an employee many subject the Company to liability for the infringing activity. As such conduct is directly contrary to Company policy, the Company reserves the right to hold any employee liable for any infringing action. The use and downloading of software and material from Internet sites that could be used for the transfer of music, software, movies and other copyrighted content is prohibited. 6. No Company material, intellectual property, proprietary information or material intended for internal distribution only shall be placed on or made available via the Internet. However, upon obtaining prior approval from an appropriate Department Head or Manager of the Company such information may be made available.


January 2007

7. The downloading of file(s) from the Internet should be undertaken only when the following criteria have been met: The files originate from trusted sources; The files are not for personal business use; All files downloaded should be properly scanned for viruses before being placed on a network or local hard drive; and All appropriate precautions to detect any viruses and prevent the spread of such viruses have been taken.

8. The use of screen savers that interact or attempt to download images from the Internet is prohibited. 9. Access to Internet sites that charge for content is prohibited without prior approval from a Principal of the Company. Costs associated with unauthorized access shall be deemed a personal expense and as such are reimbursable by the employee. 10. Employees are prohibited from using their Company e-mail address to register at an Internet site not directly relating to business use. In addition, employees are prohibited to use said e-mail address to register for the receipt of non-business e-mail lists (e.g. joke of the day, horoscope of the day). 11. The Company has standardized on Microsofts Internet Explorer as its web browser. The installation of any other web browser on a Company computer is prohibited.

The Company intends to honor the policies set forth, but reserves the right to change them at any time, without notification, as may be required under the circumstances. Any employee violating these guidelines shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


January 2007

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