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1. Describe a time that you give advice to others

2. Describe a long walk you ever had
3. Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend
4. Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved
5. Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

6. Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much
7. Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in
8. Describe an occasion when you lost something
9. Describe a time you helped a child
10. Describe a positive change that you made in your life
11. Describe a time you were very busy
12. Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice about your
13. Describe a difficult decision that you once made
14. Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam
15. Describe a time you used your cellphone to do something important

1. Describe a time that you give advice to others

A time that I gave advice to others was helping my younger sister, Đình
Long, to choose her major in college.

Wang was the daughter of my mother’s colleague and was an up-and-

coming third-year senior high school student. I remember that was a day
right after the Spring Festival in 2014. We were visiting our relatives and
friends as usual and met with each other in a social event.

I didn’t mean to give advice to her, but it was her mother who was
chatting with my mother about her daughter’s difficulties in preparing the
college entrance exam in Vietnam. Wang felt quite unsure about her
future concentration in college. It was not difficult for her to get into a top
10 university in Vietnam, but the thing was that she just had no clue
regarding choosing a promising major. She told me that the public
administration was considered to be a top priority in her parents’ eyes as


they wanted her to become a public servant. She actually had neither an
interest in it nor in others, which made things even harder.

Well, I was actually not an authority in terms of choosing a major even

though I was then a junior majoring in Human Resources. But I did have
some insightful understanding of this struggle. You know, no matter what
advice you take, you are the only person that is truly responsible for the
decision you make. So, I offered her an advice, which was quite simple,
‘find your interest and go for it’. Also, I gave her detailed guidance on how
to detect the inner propensity for the things we truly wanted, which I
think would be of great value for her. After listening to my words, she felt
she was kind of enlightened.

Well, I wouldn’t say my advice was very great, but it’s at least useful in the
long run. You know, sometimes parents want us to be successful but
would help us in the wrong way by giving us a suggestion that doesn’t suit
our need. Soon or later, we will have realized that the decision was once
made inappropriately. So, instead of letting others choose, we’d better
know what we want.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. What kind of advice do parents give to their children?

Parents advice children about various issues like their friend circle, subjects to choose for
specialization and sometimes on healthy eating too.
2. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g a doctor gives advice to patients)
Experts are specialists in their field and it is best to seek advice of an expert who is
proficient. A good teacher will guide the students in the right direction similarly a
doctor’s advice is valuable regarding health issues.
3. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?
Teenagers need maximum advise as they are vulnerable and can be led astray by bad
company. It is very difficult to advise a teenager so parents normally warn their wards not
to move in company of children who are known to be naughty.
4. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?
Many times, parent’s advice is valuable whereas on other occasions friends can be more
knowledgeable varies from situation to situation. Parents are rich in experiences of life
and friends are more aware about the changes in modern society.


2. Describe a long walk you ever had

The experience I am going to tell you about happened at the outset of my

university when we were required to take a week’s military training at a
remote base. But do not get me wrong. This training had nothing to do
with learning how to fire a gun or how to subdue your enemy with bare
hands. It was more about lining a straight queue, sticking to a rigid daily
routine, and marching forward neatly. Basically, the authority and the
university tried to instil discipline and team spirit in us through this

The last day of the training was a little different. We were asked to
conduct a trip on foot to the summit of a hill nearby and then returned to
the base after a short break. Since we were not allowed to use cellphones,
I did not know the exact length this walk covered. But I did know that we
set out at 8 o’clock in the morning and did not return to the base until 5

It was quite a magnificent sight. Walking in the troop, I could not see
where the line started and where it ended but the clouds of dust stirred
by our footsteps. Around me were my classmates, beside the troop were
soldiers and teachers, and not far away were several ambulances in case
some incidents happened.

It was an arduous journey. At first, I was glad that I could finally stop the
boring training and kept talking with my friend next to me. But four hours
later, the tiredness overwhelmed me. I just moved my legs and arms
mechanically and tried my best not to be left behind. It was a huge test of
my willpower and physical strength.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. What outdoor activities do people like?

Exercising outdoors isn’t just good for your physical health. It also helps with your mental
health. Spending time in nature and natural light can improve your mood and reduce
stress and depression. People can do running, walking, rafting.

2. What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past
and now?
Children today are busy. Between school, sports, music, fitness and dance, it seems that
children have less free time than ever before. They play cricket, skate, but they like to
spend their free time playing video games. If we talk about a few decades ago, children
played racing games, hide and seek.

3. Is leisure important to everyone? why?

Well, many studies have shown that free time can reduce stress, depression and improve
your quality of life. Free time is good for everyone because one can recharge for the next
task. So it would be good if people take their free time to rest or have fun. It makes their
mind more creative.

4. Do women have more leisure than men?

I think men have more leisure time than women. Men only have office jobs, they have a
lot of free time at home. On the other hand, women have to take care of office work as
well as housework. Therefore, they have less free time than men.

3. Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend

I am going to tell you a conversation that I conducted with my friend about

genetics, a branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic
variation and heredity in organisms.

It was in high school. Back then Genetics constituted a large proportion of

the biology lesson and was one of the most important contents in the
exam. However, I just could not grasp its key points. I was familiar with
every word in the textbook but was not able to figure out what they
indicated. As a result, my scores always lingered around the passing mark,
no matter how hard I had worked. I shared my frustration with Xiaoming, a


straight-A student who often got praised by the biology teacher, hoping he
could give me some useful advice.

However, instead of analyzing where my problems lied and offering

corresponding solutions, he started to talk about a book he had just read,
called The Gene: An Intimate History, which chronicled the history of the
gene and genetic research, all the way from Aristotle to Crick and then the
21st-century scientists who mapped the human genome. It also discussed
the power of genetics in determining people’s well-being and traits, and
delved into the personal genetic history of a specific family.

Although what he said was not directly related to the exam, it helped me
form a comprehensive picture of this area and thus solved my problem.
Suddenly, all the contents I had memorized began to make sense, which
contributed to the dramatic increase in my academic performance. That
was why I thought this conversation interesting.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. How do friends communicate with each other?

Friends communicate with each other in many ways. They communicate face to face,
through phone and also through the Internet.
2. What’s the difference between having a conversation with a man and having a
conversation with a woman?
There are no gender differences nowadays. Both, men and women, can talk equally well
on any topic they are interested in, be it sports, or politics, or fashion.
3. Do you think women like to chat more than men?
I don’t think so. Gender has nothing to do with the preference of chatting. It is a matter
of individual choice.
4. When men chat with other men do they usually talk about the same things that
women do when they chat with other women?
The topic of conversation among men or women is a matter of individual taste. Mostly
men talk about sports, business and politics. Whereas women talk about fashion and
family matters. But then individual variations are always there.


4. Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved

Well, I’d like to talk about cycling to the west part of China, which is one of
my biggest ambitions that are yet to achieve.

I have dreamt about going cycling from Shanghai to Tibet which is the
westernmost part of China. I knew there are some brave men who have
done this kind of thing before, which made me feel truly admirable. So, I
wanted to do it as well to leave some precious marks in my life.

Actually, I had tried it two years ago while I was having a gap year. I had
planned out everything including the distance, the foods that are needed,
and most importantly the necessary equipment I should take to ensure I
could get to the destination. However, just when I crossed Sichuan
Province, the covid came out. So, I think the main reason that stopped me
from finishing it was the pandemic.

Now, it’s been more than two years, I still can’t see any possibility. During
these two years, I have done additional research to ameliorate my
adventure plans so that one day I could make it as soon as possible.

Honestly, I felt a bit depressed about it as I was not sure when our lives
would come back to normal. You know, there’s nothing I can do further but

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. What ambitions do children usually have?

Children have many ambitions. The first ambition is mainly about the profession- in
childhood, everyone has the ambition to do something noble like becoming a doctor or
do something exciting like becoming a pilot or an astronaut. Then, children also have an
ambition of earning huge amounts of money.
2. Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
I think it’s just a part of their nature. They are ambitious because they want to grow and
achieve something in their life. They want to be known for their work.
3. Why don’t some people have dreams?
I think everyone has certain dreams. It’s just that some people are too lazy to work for


their dreams. On the other hand, there are others who can do anything for their dreams
and it shows.
4. How do people balance work and life?
I think everyone does it in their own way. My mother switches off her work mobile phone
after 5 PM. Some people do it by taking regular breaks when they only focus on their
family. I think it is something almost every person tries to do and fails. In recent years,
even governments are taking steps like limiting work hours so people are able to do so.

5. Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

I’d like to share an experience that happened last summer during

which I organized a book exchange gathering.

This event was mainly about sharing reading experiences and

exchanging books that are worth reading among readers. So, it was
kind of a combination of communication and trade.

Well, since it was during the Covid-19 period, I initially had a

headache when choosing a proper place for this offline event. It
took me about two weeks to find an open area which was a
basketball court for this activity as we all needed to follow the rules
on social distancing. Besides, I rented some desks and chairs from a
nearby primary school for participants to sit and place their carefully
selected books on, and several big umbrellas in case it would rain
during that day.

I didn’t get enough financial support from sponsors to arrange

other services like beverages and snacks for the participants. I was
kind of worried that they might be upset with a lack of service like
that. However, it actually ended up being pretty successful.

Well, I think the main reason why it succeeded was that the book
event met the needs of the readers whose biggest wish was to get
some valuable books and to meet new friends.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. How can parents help children to be organized?

I think parents should have a daily schedule for their children. They should also allot
every task a fixed amount of time. For example, they can ask them to write each task on
the calendar and write how much time they expect to give to it alongside it. Then, there
should be rewards and punishments for finishing or not finishing the tasks.
2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?
I don’t think people need an occasion to be organised. We should try to be organised all
the time. When we are organised we tend to save time and do things faster. Also, being
organised creates a good impression on others.
3. Does everything need to be well prepared?
I think all the important things should be well prepared, but the minor details can be left
out. It’s like a speech, we prepare the main ideas but we leave some liberty to make
some changes with the minor details. Preparing everything in advance would be very
exhausting if not impossible.
4. Do people need others’ help when organizing things?
Well, it depends upon the task. If we are organising a big event, we definitely need help.
For example, wedding planners have a whole team of 10-15 members because a single
person cannot manage everything. But, if there are small things like a small family get
together, I think a person can organise it on their own.

6. Talk about a special day which was not that expensive or on which you
didn’t have to spend a lot of money.

Well, these days, due to inflation, things do not come for cheap,
and often we end up spending a lot of money even on little things.

But I would share one such experience when I had great enjoyment,
but I did not spend too much. The time was of the new year
celebration, the recent new year eve when I planned with my friends
to go for the new year celebration but when we enquired in


different hotels or restaurants where they were organising a special

party, the price was approximately 4-5 thousand.

Being students we really couldn’t afford this much and we were of

course little disappointed but we got to know that the city council is
planning to have a mega new year celebration in the city park. We
got excited to hear that because they had invited famous singers
and comedians for the entertainment of the public. Since it was a
public invitation, we didn’t have to pay anything.
At 9 pm the concert started, and I went there with my friends. The
environment was completely electrifying, and there were thousands
of city dwellers who were pouring to have enjoyment. We enjoyed
to the fullest to be honest, because we really enjoyed dancing along
the tunes and the comedy of the comedians. That time, it was
around 11 pm, and we were a little hungry, so we checked out some
food because there were hundreds of food stalls, especially of fast
food, and we enjoyed our favourite snacks.

At sharp 12 am, the fireworks started, and everyone wished Happy

New Year to each other and everyone was screaming and hooting
to celebrate the special moment. We also clicked many
photographs during the celebration, and later we came home, but
overall we had great fun for which we hardly have to pay anything.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. Do teenagers spend much more money than before?

Yes, teenagers spend a lot more money than before because the average income of
families have grown as compared to the past. Moreover since there are nuclear families
nowadays so parents like to fulfil the wishes of their children and in order to make them
happy they give them more pocket money to spend.
2. How can people save money as much as possible?
Well, there are lot of ways to save money nowadays. People can invest their money in


small savings scheme floated by the government . They can also keep a certain amount
of money from their incomes every month and save it for later.
3. Did you ever have bad shopping experience?
Fortunately I never had a bad shopping experience but a friend of mine was duped by a
car salesman who sold him a used car instead of a new one. My friend discovered this
after a week when he took his car for washing and discovered used plastic bottles under
the seats of the car. He then complained to the car company and got a new car after one
4. Why is online shopping so popular these days?
Online shopping is popular these days because it provides lot of convenience and better
pricing to the customers. People can order anything while sitting in the comfort of their
homes, moreover they get a lot of discounts when they shop online compared to brick
and mortar stores.
5. Do you think you can buy something from a physical store without money?
Well it’s a very interesting question and recently I heard about a technology called
amazon go in which you can just walk into a store, pick the items that you need and just
take it away in your bag and money will be automatically deducted from your account. I
saw a video of this technology on youtube and I think it will become a lot popular in the

7. Describe a competition you would like to participate in

The competition I am going to tell you about is the Top 10 Singers

organized by my university. Basically, anyone who has registered as
a student and loves singing can sign up. You do not need to have
any professional background or pay any registration fee. It is the
annual phenomenal event in my university and attracts hundreds of

The competition is divided into two stages. The initial phase

involves a one-on-one interview in the classroom. The teachers
from the academy of music will be invited as the judge to decide
whether you can get into the next round. When there are only
twenty candidates left, the competition will be moved to the largest


auditorium on my campus, and they will perform in front of nearly

1000 audiences.

The whole process typically takes about two weeks. There will be a
university-scale advertising campaign to call on students to sign up
in March. Then at around mid-April, the first stage will begin, and
the final is always on the last Friday night of the same month.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have been constantly praised for my
singing, despite that I have never received any formal training. I
always wonder whether this compliment is simply out of courtesy.
Therefore, I want to take part in this competition to see if I am really
as terrific as they say.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

1. What kinds of people are competitive?

I think in their hearts, all people like to compete and see where they stand among others.
But, some people are confident and want to compete more often. Some people are not
so sure, but are pushed into competitions by their parents or teachers. The fear of losing
takes away the competition spirit from many. Many people realise their potential only
after competing.
2. What kind of activities/competitions people like to take part in?
People like to compete in singing, dancing, painting, sports, quizzes and many more
types of competitions. It really depends upon people’s interest. For example, people who
are into physical fitness like to try for marathons, weight lifting or other sports
3. What kinds of competitions are popular in your hometown?
Many competitions are popular in my hometown. There is annual environmental festival
and during these two days there are competitions on various activities like weight lifting,
dance, painting, drawing, science presentation, essay writing competition, debates and
so on. Then dog shows and competitions are also very common in my hometown.
4. Why do you think there are many competition programs on TV today?
Firstly, people like to watch competition programs and most of these shows have very
high TRP ratings. Secondly, these shows are cheaper to produce and more profitable as
producers make money from text messaging and calling besides advertisements. They


don’t need much planning or scripts like other shows and they have greater chances of
success as well.

8. Describe an occasion when you lost something

I am going to tell you about an experience when I lost my bag. In it,

there were my keys, ID, credit cards, and a small amount of cash. It
would take a great effort and a lot of time to replace all those
documents and cards, and lead to many inconveniences during this

It was about 8 p.m. two weeks ago when my whole day’s classes
finally came to an end. I was exhausted and starving. I randomly
picked a restaurant on the street and bought myself some food. I
sat down, took off my bag, grabbed my cellphone out of it, and
started to browse the social media to relax.

When I finished, I slipped the cellphone into my pocket, stood up

straight away, and embarked on the way back to my dormitory. I
took my time, walking slowly on the street. 40 minutes later, I was
standing in front of the door of my room but could not find the
keys anywhere. Then it suddenly came to me that I had left my bag
in the restaurant.

I rushed to the restaurant at my highest speed, praying to god that

my bag was still there and was not taken by others. When I pushed
the door open and looked at the seat I just sat on, it was still lying
there, untouched. I felt a great relief. From then on, whenever I left a
place, I would carefully check if I had left anything behind.

Part 3
What kinds of things do people usually lose?
What do people often do when losing things?


It is an effective way to use rewards to find lost things?

What kinds of people may lose things often?

9. Describe a time you helped a child

Well, I am a person with a very helpful nature, and I never miss any
opportunity to help people in need.

Let me share one such experience here when I helped a child who
was in great trouble. Actually, I hit the playground with my friends
every evening t play our favourite sport cricket; while playing this
sport, one day I heard the loud screams of a child.

When we approached the child, we got to know that he got injured

and has got his ankle dislocated. He was in terrible pain and was
crying bitterly.

Luckily, I knew how to offer first aid in such a situation, so I

immediately helped the child. Unfortunately, nobody carries mobile
phones in playgrounds, so it was not practically possible to contact
a child’s parents. In fact he was also losing his conscious. At this
time, I requested my friend to help me to take this child to the
nearest doctor’s clinic.

We together got the child on our bike, and in 10 minutes time, we

reached the clinic. After reaching, I requested the doctor to treat the
child, and he immediately started treatment. The doctor put on a
huge plaster and gave some painkillers, and after some time, the
child was feeling better. I also contacted his parents, and they
arrived in no time.


Although they were really worried and concern about the child but
to see him relaxing and in better condition, they took a breath of
relief, they were grateful to me, and they were thanking me again
and again, but I said that I performed my duty, nothing more than

Offering help to this child gave me internal satisfaction, and in

future also, if it had an opportunity to help anyone, I will not step

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Q1. Do you like helping others?

Yes, I do. I love helping others. I have realised it gives a lot of mental satisfaction and
Q2. Should parents teach helping others to their children?
Yes, of course. Parents are responsible for bringing their children into this world, and so
it is their duty to make their children into responsible citizens of the future. Parents don’t
have to do anything special to accomplish this. They just have to lead by example.
Children will automatically follow their footsteps. If all citizens are helpful and nice, then
the whole world would become a nice place to live in.
Q3. Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past?
I don’t think so. Life in the past was simpler and slower. People helped each other a lot.
Now, everyone is in the rat race of money and materialism. No one has the time to help
Q4. Will you help others in the future?
Yes, definitely. I believe that we must do unto others as we want them to do unto us. If I
will help others, only then I can expect help from others when I need it.

10. Describe a positive change that you made in your life

The change I am going to tell you about is that I developed the

habit of jogging about half a year ago. Typically, I jog at around 6


pm nearly every afternoon. The sun has already started sinking at

that time, but the darkness has not fallen, creating a mild
temperature. Right next to my community is a vast park, stretching
over 2 kilometers, which serves as a perfect place to run around.

I made the change mainly out of concern about my health. Back

then, I suffered from sub-health resulting from my sedentary
lifestyle. I felt tightness in my chest every now and then, my back
and waist ached, and I could not help panting after climbing only
two floors. This had affected my academic performance since once I
sat for over an hour, the discomforts surfaced.

I would jog with my friend, Xiaoming, who is living in the same

community as me. Our friendship can be traced back to high school,
and although we go to different universities in different cities, our
intimacy is not affected. He is a fanatic of this sport, who would go
jogging even when it was raining or snowing. Actually, he is more
like my supervisor than my partner, preventing me from slacking

I am delighted that I have made the change and grateful for the
positive impact it has had on my physical condition. Now, all the
ailments are gone, and I feel energetic and refreshed.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

Q1. Is your country changing rapidly?

Yes, my country is changing rapidly. India is a developing country and is changing day-
by-day for the better. With the advancement of technology it is stepping fast from a
developing to a developed country. Change has always been happening, but technology
has hastened the process of change.
Q2. How is your country changing?
I think my country is changing is many ways. Firstly, I can see the effect of globalisation,
people are wearing western clothes, eating western cuisines and washing foreign shows
more and more.


Secondly, people are also becoming modern in their thinking and views. Many wrong
traditional practices like dowry are losing ground. Finally, we are developing in
infrastructure and facilities. Many modern facilities fast internet connectivity , subways
are accessible to people today.For me, most of the changes have been positive. But I
think this is also due to the fact that I am optimist and I like to look at things from a
positive side. Moreover, although I consider that most of the changes have been positive,
some have happened at a slower pace than I had hoped.
Q3. Do you think change is good?
Well change can be both good and bad. It really depends upon on the change and why
we are making the change. In the end, if we are changing for the right reasons, to make
our ourselves better, then changing is definitely good. However, if we are being forced to
change or if we are developing negative habits like drinking, smoking due to stress or
peer pressure, I would consider it bad.
Q4. What are some of the major changes that usually occur to people in our lives?
I think changes occur throughout our life. First are the physical and hormonal changes
which occur when we go through puberty like developing facial hair, deepening of voice
and so on. Then, it is mental maturity, which occurs as we experience and face different
things. We learn how to deal with issues and face challenges.

11. Describe a time you were very busy

The experience I am going to tell you about happened on 8th

October last year when I had just become the chairman of the
photography society at my university, which is a medium-sized one
devoted to improving people’s photography skills, and tried to
recruit new members.

It is kind of my university’s tradition that when the National Day

holiday is over, every society will set a stall on the side of the main
road on the campus to draw new blood. I printed hundreds of
leaflets, made a delicate exhibition board, and even devised a
slogan to advertise our feature the day before. However, the whole


morning was pretty mundane. There would be one or two students

subscribing to my society from time to time. That was all.

But what I did not expect was that when the morning classes were
over, my stall was suddenly overwhelmed by people. They crowded
in front of the board, asked various questions, and could not wait to
join in. I had to line them up to maintain the order and make sure I
would not neglect anyone or omit their information.

The main reason why I was swamped was that I was all alone. I did
ask several classmates to help, but in the light of the circumstance
in the morning, I sent them back to have lunch before noon. How
stupid and short-sighted I was.

Part 3
Are you often busy?
What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
What kind of pressure may people experience at work?

12. Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice about your
Well, the advice I received on my work is from a co-worker of mine
during my internship at an IT company last summer.

I was in a position that is responsible for data analysis. Even though

I was a second-year computer science student who had to take
most of the basic courses about IT, I still felt it difficult to implement
what I learned into the work. What made me feel so bad was that I
felt I was the least efficient person in the office.

It was Neal who was my co-worker that helped me out by giving me

a piece of advice. He said that whatever job you do, just make sure
that you have a to-do list so that you can keep track of what’s been


done and what’s yet to be finished. I kept his words in mind and
told myself every day that I couldn’t do anything else until I finish
each task that I was engaged in.

Eventually, I realized that it’s not the inadequate knowledge of

expertise that hindered my progress but my procrastination and my
inaccurate estimation of my abilities that cause this difficulty. I am
so grateful that he noticed my weaknesses and gave me effective
advice. Otherwise, I would be stuck at the point forever.

Part 3

When should parents encourage their children?

Should parents always encourage their children?
Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback? Why?
Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in the study?

13. Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Well, taking decisions is part of our routine life and we take many
minor as well as major decisions during our lifetime.

Here I am going to talk about a decision that was not an easy one
for me to take and it was the decision of the choice of stream of
study after completing 10th class.
I vividly remember when I completed the 10th class I had to choose
one field for my higher study.

My inclination was towards the commerce stream because I wanted

to study business but my parents were compelling me to join the
non-medical stream.
They had their own justification because they knew about the
opportunities and prospects in the field of non-medical but rather


than going against my parents’ decision, I decided to do a bit of

research before I took my final decision.

I checked out some blogs where students had shared their

experiences about their decisions related to their higher studies and
their consequences. However, from that information, I was not in a
position to draw any conclusion.

At this time, I approached my school teacher, she had taught me for

more than 10 years and she was well aware of my capabilities,
strengths and weaknesses. She too recommended me to go for
business studies as I can do well in it.

In fact, a few of my friends are already in Canada for their higher

studies and they too made me realize the potential of business
studies. If in case I decide to move to Canada in future.

She consulted and convinced my parents to let me join commerce

because it is very difficult to perform well in academics without

Finally, my parents agreed and I took this difficult decision but

overall it was the time when I took a lot of time to take a decision.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. What decisions do people generally make in their daily life?

We are always making decisions in our life. People make decisions about small things like
what to eat, what to wear when to do something, and what to watch. Our whole life is
nothing but the millions of decisions we take every day.
2. Which is easier, making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group
It is definitely easier to make a decision after a group discussion because we have the
advantage of knowing different perspectives on the issue. However, I also believe that we
should not get influenced by others and listen to our gut feelings when finally making
3. Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice?
I think many young people think that their parent’s thinking might be outdated for
today’s time. Also, in general, young people, by nature, have a problem listening to
figures of authority.
4. Why do middle-aged people tend to second guess their decision?
I think second-guessing has nothing to do with age. We all tend to second guess our
decisions when it’s a difficult decision and when we are not confident about the decision.
I think the best way to avoid second-guessing or rethinking the decision is to limit the
choices and discuss it with close friends and family members.

14. Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam

Well, traffic jam is quite a common scene, especially in big cities

where people waste a lot of time in these jams.

I am going to talk about one such experience that I lately had where
I was stuck in a jam for a long time. Actually, my friend and I
planned a weekend. We decided to go to Ludhiana on the weekend
and have a lot of fun. We planned to go shopping, watch a movie in


the cinema and later have a meal in a restaurant and come back

I was pretty excited about the same, and we were planned to travel
by bus. The next morning, when I reached the bus stop, I received a
phone call from my friend who cancelled the program for some
reason, but I decided to travel alone. I vividly remember it was a
pretty hot day, and I boarded a non air condition bus. It was fully
packed, and Somehow, I managed to get a seat, but the journey
was quite uncomfortable. It had been hardly 30 minutes, and the
bus suddenly stopped.

There was a huge jam, and there was a long cue of vehicles ahead.
The bus driver stopped the engine and went out to enquire. It was
really difficult to spend the time waiting in this bus. So I decided to
play a game on my phone or listen to music. I hardly spend 15-20
minutes and my mobile battery got flat. In the meantime, we got to
know that the jam is because of a road accident and it may take a
long time before the police let the vehicles to move.

It was the height of my patience because I couldn’t wait anymore

and I was too much irritated because of the constant honking and
toxic fumes of other vehicles, and that’s a reason why I decided to
get off the bus and board a bus going the other direction.

Finally, after wasting around four hours, I was back home, and I was
really frustrated because a traffic jam completely ruined my

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

Q1. Are traffic jams common in Indian cities?

Yes, India has a huge population, and traffic jams are not uncommon, especially in big
cities like Delhi, Bombay, Chennai, and Kolkatta. Moreover, there is also a bad culture of
parking cars on the roads in India, which reduces available space for parking and leads to


Q2. Why are cities today facing serious traffic issues?

I think the main reason for the serious traffic issues is increasing urbanisation. More and
more people are moving to cities for a better quality of life, but this leads to more cars
than roads can handle. Moreover, some older cities have narrow roads as they were not
designed, keeping today’s use of cars in minds. These narrow roads restrict traffic flow
and lead to jams.
Q3. What can be done to improve traffic conditions in cities?
First, I think the government should promote the use of public transportation by making
it more comfortable and faster. For example, the traffic conditions in Delhi have
improved considerably after the launch of the Delhi Metro. Also, the roads need to be
widened wherever possible to accommodate more cars.
Q4. Can developing public transport help resolve traffic issues in cities?
I think public transportation can resolve traffic issues but if it is fast and comfortable.
Delhi had local trains for a long time, and people did not prefer them because they were
slow. However, the construction of the Delhi Metro, which is quite fast and comfortable,
made a real dent in traffic.

15. Describe a time you used your cellphone to do something important

Well, today’s mobile phones are smartphones loaded with features

which we often use for different purposes

And here I would like to share the incident when I used my phone
to find my father’s lost mobile phone. Actually, almost a month ago
my father went to the market to buy some groceries. But when he
came back, he was pretty disappointed as he had lost his phone in
the market. I instantly tried to call the number but no response
despite several attempts.

At this point, we understood it has gone into the wrong hands. It

was not only an expensive device but had a lot of important
information such as contacts, messages, photos and others.

When everyone lost hope, I decided to track the mobile. Actually,


my mobile phone j has advanced features which helps to track

different devices. Within 5 minutes I found the location of the

However, it was the nearest tower, not the exact location.

Simultaneously, shared the post on my social networking platforms
Instagram, and Facebook and you won’t believe it, in half an hour, I
received a call from a mobile phone store where a junky was trying
to sell my father’s phone. I immediately visited the nearest police
station and narrated the story. The police officer accompanied me
to the outlet and arrested the thief and returned the mobile phone.

My father was extremely delighted to get his mobile phone back

and he appreciated and felt proud on me for the way I handled the

Overall, it was the time when I used my mobile phone for

something important.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :


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