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Why we should conserve wildlife

Wildlife is a precious gift of God to this planet. The term ‘Wildlife’ not only includes wild
animals but also includes all undomesticated life forms including birds, insects, plants,
fungi and even microscopic organisms. India is known all over the world for its wildlife and
biodiversity richness. Wildlife conservation is an activity in which humans make cognizant
efforts to protect plants and other animal species and their habitats. Conservation mainly
focused on carrying capacity of area and intelligent use of natural resources, if they are
excess or plenty their use should be permitted, but if the resources decrease, a strict
monitoring and carrying capacity should be done. Wildlife conservation is very important
because wildlife and wilderness play an important role in maintaining the ecological
balance and contribute to human quality of life.

We must protect forest, rivers, sea, air, land and wild flora and fauna first and
foremost for our own liking and survival, other reasons are:

 Wildlife and forests are measure of the biodiversity. By conserving the

wildlife and forest we are ensuring that all diverse species in an area survive,
breed and flourish.
 Conservation of wildlife and forests is vital for ecological stability.
 Forests are the habitat for wildlife and they are an important constituent of
the various food chains and food webs. Forests are needed for smooth
functioning of biogeochemical cycles, prevention of floods and soil erosion.
 Forest and life therein is essential for survival of villagers and tribal people
who live in or around forests.
 Many industries depend on the forest and the natural resources obtained
from there, such as timber, rubber and paper
 Wildlife is very important to people who love nature and want to experience
nature in its most pristine form and forests make excellent retreats away
from the hustle and bustle of city life.
 Forests give shelter, more oxygen, prevent global warming, make climate
friendly and more suitable, prevent soil erosion and landslides and help in
flood control.
 Most of the today’s food crops have evolved from wild tropical plants; if they
were not saved we should be deprived of many crops in future times.
 Pollination and seed dispersal by birds, insects and animals is essential to
increase diversity of genetic recombination, as variation has been a basis of
 Survival of humans and other species is dependent on producers, if the
ecosystem is disturbed and plants are affected we and other consumers will
be adversely affected.
 Wildlife serves as gene library; pre mature extinction of species leads to
irreversible loss of genetic information that influences the future evolution of
life on earth.
 Bio and ecological diversities are essential to all life in earth and should not
be disturbed by human actions. This blue planet, on which we live, is
beautiful flowers, green trees and animals. To save the enchanting natural
world, ecosystem as a whole has to be saved for our future generations to
enjoy. Unless the entire ecosystem is preserved, the individual species will
not be able to survive for long.
 Our planet earth must be conserved for our future generations to see and
 The nature must be conserved to make the future generations more
prosperous and wealthy.


Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and

animal species and their habitats. As part of the
world’s ecosystems, wildlife provides balance and stability to nature’s
processes. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the survival
of these species, and to educate people on living sustainably with
other species.

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