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Community and International Nutrition

Multimicronutrient Interventions but Not Vitamin A or Iron Interventions

Alone Improve Child Growth: Results of 3 Meta-Analyses1
Usha Ramakrishnan,*†2 Nancy Aburto,† George McCabe,** and Reynaldo Martorell*†
*Department of International Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322;

Program in Nutrition and Health Sciences, Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Emory
University, Atlanta GA 30322; and **Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907

ABSTRACT Meta-analyses of randomized controlled intervention trials were conducted to assess the effects of
vitamin A, iron, and multimicronutrient interventions on the growth of children ⬍ 18 y old. A PubMed database
search and other methods identified 14 vitamin A, 21 iron, and 5 multimicronutrient intervention studies that met
the design criteria. Weighted mean effect sizes and CI were calculated using a random effects model for changes
in height and weight. Tests for homogeneity and stratified analyses by predefined characteristics were conducted.
Vitamin A interventions had no significant effect on growth; effect sizes were 0.08 (95% CI: ⫺0.20, 0.36) for height
and ⫺0.01 (95% CI: ⫺0.24, 0.22) for weight. Iron interventions also had no significant effect on child growth. Overall
effect sizes were 0.09 (95% CI: ⫺0.07, 0.24) for height and 0.13 (95% CI: ⫺0.05, 0.30) for weight. The results were
similar across categories of age, duration of intervention, mode and dosage of intervention, and baseline anthro-
pometric status. Iron interventions did result in a significant increase in hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations with an
effect size of 1.49 (95% CI: 0.46, 2.51). Multimicronutrient interventions had a positive effect on child growth; the
effect sizes were 0.28 (95% CI: 0.16, 0.41) for height and 0.28 (95% CI: ⫺0.07, 0.63) for weight. Interventions
limited to only vitamin A or iron did not improve child growth. Multimicronutrient interventions, on the other hand,
improved linear and possibly ponderal growth in children. J. Nutr. 134: 2592–2602, 2004.

KEY WORDS: ● vitamin A ● iron ● multimicronutrient ● meta-analysis ● growth

Child undernutrition, as indicated by linear growth failure a range of maternal and child health outcomes including early
and wasting, remains a major public health concern worldwide childhood growth and development (7–14).
because of its significance for child morbidity and mortality The most conclusive evidence to date linking the intake of
and long-term consequences, such as reduced adult muscle a specific micronutrient to child growth is for zinc. Brown et al.
mass and increased obstetric risk (1,2). Although substantial (15) concluded that zinc supplementation has a significant
progress was made over the past few decades, stunting still positive effect on both linear and ponderal growth of prepu-
affects about a third of preschool age children in developing bertal children based on a meta-analysis of ⬎ 30 RCTs. A
nations, whereas wasting affects ⬃3, 7, and 10% of preschool pooled analysis of RCTs also showed that zinc supplementa-
children in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, respectively tion significantly reduced the incidence of diarrhea and pneu-
(3–5). Growth retardation usually begins in utero in many of monia in preschool children (16), which are associated with
these settings and continues during the first 2–3 y of life as a poor growth. In contrast, the evidence is less clear for the role
result of inadequate food intake and infections such as diarrhea of vitamin A and iron on child growth. Although observa-
(6). Research on the causes of growth failure over the last half tional studies reported significant correlations between vita-
century focused initially on protein and then energy intake; min A status and stunting (17–19) and wasting (17,20), the
recently, more attention has been paid to micronutrients. results from RCTs are contradictory. In a recent review,
Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs)3 were conducted Bhandari et al. (21) concluded that vitamin A supplementa-
in developing countries to examine the effects of many of tion had little effect on linear growth of young children, but
these nutrients either alone or in combinations of 2 or more on the evidence was not evaluated using a meta-analysis and
included nonrandomized studies. Although several observa-
tional studies showed a positive correlation between stunting
and iron deficiency (22–24), the evidence that iron supple-
Funding provided by World Bank, National Institutes of Health grant HD-
34531– 05, and the Woodruff Health Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. mentation improves child growth is also contradictory, with
To whom correspondence should be addressed. some studies showing significant improvement, and others
E-mail: reporting null findings or even suggesting harmful effects. No
Abbreviations used: BW, body weight; HAZ, height-for-age Z-score; Hb;
hemoglobin; RCT, randomized controlled trials; WAZ, weight-for-age Z-score; systematic review of the findings of these studies has been
WHZ, weight-for-height Z-score. conducted to date, making it very difficult to draw any overall

0022-3166/04 $8.00 © 2004 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

Manuscript received 16 March 2004. Initial review completed 16 May 2004. Revision accepted 3 August 2004.


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conclusions from the current research on iron supplementa- RESULTS

tion as it relates to child growth.
The main objective of this paper was therefore to compile Vitamin A
the results of multiple studies and assess, through a formal Study attributes. Of the 170 potential vitamin A studies
meta-analysis, the overall effect of vitamin A and iron on the identified, 156 were rejected and of the 39 intervention trials
growth of children. Also, we assessed whether effects varied by in children, 14 studies that yielded 17 datasets with growth
baseline nutritional status, age, duration, dosage, and mode of outcomes were included in the meta-analysis and are described
intervention. In addition to these 2 nutrients, we also evalu- in Table 1. Because the publication by Kirkwood et al. (27)
ated the effect of multimicronutrient interventions on child included the results of 2 distinct studies referred to by the
growth. authors as “Health” and “Survival,” we included the results in
2 data sets which we called KirkwoodHealth and Kirkwood-
Survival. Mwanri et al. (28) compared vitamin A with a
placebo and compared vitamin A ⫹ iron with iron alone,
Identification of studies resulting in 2 data sets. The study by Rahman et al. (29)
compared vitamin A with placebo and vitamin A ⫹ zinc with
Potential studies for inclusion into the meta-analysis were iden- zinc alone, also resulting in the 2 data sets. Vitamin A was
tified through 2 searches on PubMed database 1966-present on Sep- provided as a high-dose supplement (liquid or capsule) in most
tember 11, 2003 for vitamin A, on August 24, 2003 for iron, and on of the studies (27,29 –38), except for the following: 1) Mwanri
October 21, 2003 for multimicronutrients. The first search for each et al. (28) in which a vitamin A–fortified corn gruel was
intervention included the word “vitamin A” or “iron” or “micronu- compared with a nonfortified corn gruel; 2) Rahmathullah et
trient” in the title and the words “growth, infant or child or children” al. (39) in which a weekly dose was used; and 3) Yang et al.
in any field and the second search included the word “supplement or
supplemental” in the title and the words “growth or weight or length (40) in which a supplement (vitamin A ⫹ calcium ⫹ zinc vs.
or height” in any field. Additional studies were identified through the calcium ⫹ zinc) was provided 5 d/wk either mixed with milk
bibliographies of review articles. powder or in tablet form. The duration of the studies ranged
Exclusion criteria. Animal studies, review articles, cell or tissue from 3 to 24 mo and most had a follow-up period of 4 – 6 mo
studies and nonintervention studies were rejected. Additional exclu- post-vitamin A dosage. The studies using high-dose vitamin A
sion criteria included studies in which 1) the treatment and control supplements provided 1– 6 doses with 4 – 6 mo between doses.
groups differed in more than simply their inclusion of vitamin A, or The studies by Mwanri et al. (28) and Bahl et al. (32) had a
iron, or multimicronutrients; 2) participants were ⬎18 y old; 3) there follow-up period of 3 mo, whereas those of Rahmathullah et al.
was no control group; 4) there were doubts about randomization; 5) (39) and Yang et al. (40) reported changes in anthropometric
there was a lack of sufficient data on growth to calculate an effect size;
and 6) the duration of follow-up was ⬍8 wk. The selection process
measures after 52 wk of weekly or daily supplementation. The
resulted in a final set of published studies that were randomized, initial mean age of the participants ranged from 9 mo to 10.5 y
controlled intervention studies in children ⬍ 18 y old in which the as follows: ⬍2 y (3 studies), 2–5 y (10 studies), and ⬎5 y (1
intervention provided to treatment and control participants differed study).
only in the inclusion of the micronutrient(s) of interest (vitamin A, Height/Weight. Sufficient information for the calculation
or iron, or multimicronutrients). of effect size on change in absolute height was obtained in 15
data sets (Fig. 1) totaling 44,492 participants, and was avail-
able in 17 data sets with a total of 68,678 participants for
Statistical analyses weight change (Fig. 2). The study by Hadi et al. (31) was
The primary outcomes of interest were changes in height (cm) considered an extreme outlier because the effect size of 3.90
and weight (kg). Changes in serum retinol or hemoglobin (Hb) (95% CI: 3.72, 4.08) for height was at least 4 times larger than
concentration were also examined for vitamin A and iron, respec- the next largest effect size and therefore not shown in Figure
tively. Effect sizes were calculated for individual studies by dividing 1; comparison of summary estimates, with and without it,
the difference between the mean change in treatment and control indicate that the exclusion of this study did not greatly affect
groups by the pooled SD. This value is known as Cohen’s effect size the summary estimate but did reduce the overall 95% CI. The
or Cohen’s d, and is useful in meta-analyses because it eliminates the overall weighted mean effect size was 0.08 (95% CI: ⫺0.20,
problems of units of measurement and duration, which may vary 0.36) for height and ⫺0.01 (95% CI: ⫺0.24, 0.22) for weight.
among studies (25). The overall mean effect size and 95% CI across Stratification and regression analysis. Stratifying studies
studies was then estimated assuming the random effects model that
used the weighted mean effect size for each study in which the weight
by baseline characteristics, i.e., age, dosage, and duration did
was the inverse of the intrastudy variance. not result in any significant effect sizes or evidence of effect
We tested for heterogeneity by using the ␹2 test of homogeneity as modification. Due to limited data, effect modification by base-
described by Hedges (26) to test the hypothesis that the population line vitamin A status was not examined. However, there was
effect sizes across studies were equivalent and by visual examination a suggestion of effect modification for linear growth by baseline
in which effect sizes calculated for each study were compared with the nutritional status using anthropometry. Although not signifi-
overall pattern of effect sizes. Outliers were defined as any study cant (P ⬎ 0.05), the effect sizes were much larger if the initial
which differed markedly from the overall pattern. Overall weighted HAZ or WAZ was less than ⫺2 (0.46, 0.52) vs. more than ⫺2
mean effect sizes were calculated with and without outliers. Several (0.03, 0.03) or if the initial WHZ was less than ⫺1 (0.47) vs.
potential effect modifiers were also considered in the analyses. Studies more than ⫺1 (0.03). Although there was evidence of heter-
were stratified according to age of participants, mode of administra-
tion, dosage, duration of intervention, and initial Hb (iron only) and ogeneity, regression analysis confirmed that no baseline char-
Z-scores. Weighted mean effect sizes were calculated in each stratified acteristics were significant predictors of the effect size.
subgroup that contained at least 2 studies. Regression analyses were
also performed to determine whether study duration, baseline weight- Iron
for-age Z-score (WAZ), height-for-age Z-score (HAZ), weight-for-
height Z-score (WHZ), and Hb or serum retinol levels predicted Study attributes. Of the 413 potential studies identified
effect sizes. for the iron meta-analysis, 392 were rejected, and of the 59

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Characteristics of 17 data sets from 14 intervention studies included in the meta-analyses of vitamin A and child growth

Initial Initial Initial

Author Year Country Age Dosage Doses Duration Subjects WAZ HAZ WHZ

y mg n1 wk n

West (36) 1988 Indonesia 1–5 60 2 52 2012 — — —

Rahmathullah (39) 1991 India 0.5–5 2.5 52 52 15419 — — —
Lie (35) 1993 China 0.5–3 60 2 52 172 — — —
Ramakrishnan (34) 1995 India 0.5–3 60 3 52 592 ⫺1.79 ⫺1.34 ⫺1.22
KirkwoodHealth2 (27) 1996 Ghana 0.5–5 60 3 52 1300 ⫺1.79 ⫺2.03 ⫺0.60
KirkwoodSurvival2 (27) 1996 Ghana 0.5–5 60 6 104 21906 ⫺1.83 — —
Bahl (32) 1997 India 1–5 60 1 12 900 ⫺2.87 ⫺2.83 ⫺1.38
Fawzi (33) 1997 Sudan 1–6 60 3 72 21251 — — —
West (38) 1997 Nepal 1–5 60 4 64 3497 ⫺2.24 ⫺2.45 ⫺1.03
Donnen (37) 1998 Zaire 0–6 60 2 52 235 — — —
Hadi (31) 1999 Indonesia 0.5–4 60 6 104 1437 — — —
Mwanri(I) (28) 2000 Tanzania 9–12 1.5 36 12 68 ⫺1.59 ⫺2.13 ⫺0.15
Mwanri(II)3 (28) 2000 Tanzania 9–12 1.5 36 12 68 ⫺1.32 ⫺1.39 ⫺0.45
Rahman(I) (29) 2002 Bangladesh 1–3 60 1 24 317 ⫺2.38 ⫺2.31 ⫺1.24
Rahman(II)4 (29) 2002 Bangladesh 1–3 60 1 24 336 ⫺2.41 ⫺2.48 ⫺1.19
Villamor (30) 2002 Tanzania 0.5–5 60 4 52 687 ⫺1.62 ⫺2.1 ⫺0.67
Yang5 (40) 2002 China 3–5 0.2 260 52 63 ⫺1.20 ⫺1.50 ⫺0.30

1 Intervention was a megadose in all studies except Rahmathullah (weekly syrup); Mwanri (fortified vs. nonfortified corn gruel given 3 d/wk), and
Yang (supplement added to milk powder or given as a tablet 5 d/wk).
2 Two distinct studies called “Health” and “Survival” in the same publication (27).
3 Intervention group received vitamin A and iron; control received iron alone.
4 Intervention group received vitamin A and zinc; control received zinc alone.
5 Intervention group received vitamin A, Ca, and zinc; control received Ca and zinc.

intervention trials among children, 21 studies resulting in 28 UNICEF/WHO for rehabilitation of anemia (61). Dose infor-
data sets that had data on growth were included in the iron mation was not available for 2 studies (57,58), whereas the rest
meta-analysis (Table 2). The study by Chwang et al. (41) (n ⫽ 16) provided ⬍ 2 mg/kg BW. The initial age of the
separated the participants according to Hb status before ran- participants was ⬍2 y (6 studies), 2–5 y (8 studies), and ⬎5 y
domization and reported the results for anemic and nonanemic (7 studies).
participants each with a treatment and control group. In this Height/Weight. Sufficient information for the calculation
case, each data set was included in the analysis separately. of effect size on change in absolute height was available in 19
Similarly, in the study by Dewey et al. (42) there were 2 test studies, which yielded 26 data sets (Fig. 3) with 3444 partic-
sites, Honduras and Sweden, which yielded 2 data sets for the ipants. There were 21 studies for a total of 28 data sets and
meta-analysis. Many studies included a deworming regimen. If 3610 participants with sufficient data to calculate effect sizes
groups differed by deworming treatment, only data comparing for iron intervention on weight gain (Fig. 4). The effect sizes
the iron and placebo with the same deworming status were for the study by Majumdar et al. (56) were ⬎ 5 times greater
compared (43– 45). In the paper by Dossa et al. (43), there than the next largest effect size [height ⫺5.00 (95% CI:
were 2 treatments and 2 controls (iron ⫹ albendazole vs. ⫺5.80, ⫺4.20), weight ⫺8.14 (95% CI: ⫺9.34, ⫺6.94)] and
placebo ⫹ albendazole and iron ⫹ placebo vs. placebo ⫹ pla- therefore not included in Figures 3 and 4; comparison of
cebo); therefore 2 data sets were generated from this study. summary estimates, with and without them, indicated that
The study by Mwanri et al. (28) compared iron with a placebo
their removal did not significantly affect the summary estimate
and compared iron ⫹ vitamin A to a vitamin A only group
also resulting in 2 data sets. Similarly, 3 studies (46 – 48) that but did reduce the 95% CI. The overall weighted mean effect
used different combinations of iron and zinc also yielded 2 size after excluding the outlier was 0.09 (95% CI: ⫺0.07, 0.24)
datasets each, i.e., comparisons of iron only to placebo and for height and 0.13 (95% CI: ⫺0.05, 0.30) for weight.
iron ⫹ zinc to zinc only. Stratification and regression analysis. Stratifying studies
Most studies delivered iron in the form of a tablet or syrup based on baseline characteristics such as age, type of interven-
taken either daily,(41– 44,46 –56) or weekly (45,46,57,58). tion, and dose did not result in any significant weighted mean
However, the study by Mwanri et al. (28) compared an iron- effect sizes nor did it reveal any significant effect modifiers.
fortified corn gruel with a nonfortified corn gruel, the one by There were also no significant differences by baseline Hb
Morley et al. (59) compared an iron-fortified with a nonforti- status, although effect sizes were greater among anemic sub-
fied infant formula, and the one by Adish et al. (60) compared jects for height gain. The mean effect sizes were 0.21 (95% CI:
cooking in an iron pot with cooking in an aluminum pot. The ⫺0.14, 0.56) and 0.15 (95% CI: ⫺0.11, 0.41) for height and
duration of intervention (wk) varied from 8 to 52 with a weight gain, respectively, in the studies in which Hb was ⬍110
median of 16 wk. The mean initial Hb concentration was g/L, compared with 0.02 (95% CI: ⫺0.14, 0.18) and 0.16
⬍110 g/L, the recommended cutoff for anemia, in 12 of 22 (95% CI: ⫺0.24, 0.57), respectively, in studies in which base-
data sets. Ten studies provided at least 2 mg/kg body weight line Hb was ⬎110 g/L. Similarly, there was a suggestion that
(BW) of iron, the therapeutic dose of iron recommended by baseline nutritional status using anthropometric indicators

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FIGURE 1 Effect size for height

gain in vitamin A intervention trials
among children. Data are presented as
means with 95% CI.

modified the response to iron intervention. Although not without the above study was a significant value of 1.49 (95%
significant (P ⬎ 0.05), effect sizes were larger in studies with CI: 0.46, 2.51).
participants with an initial HAZ or WAZ of less than ⫺1 or
WHZ ⬍ 0 compared with those with participants with an Multiple micronutrients
initial HAZ, WAZ greater than ⫺1 or WHZ ⬎ 0 for both
height (0.15 vs. ⫺0.05, 0.14 vs. ⫺0.03, 0.12 vs. ⫺0.02) and Study attributes. The database searches on multimicro-
weight gain (0.14 vs. 0.07, 0.20 vs. 0.02, 0.16 vs. ⫺0.02). nutrient intervention trials resulted in 225 potential studies.
Although there was evidence of heterogeneity, regression Six more studies were identified through other sources for a
analysis showed that no characteristics were significant pre- total of 231 potential studies, of which 226 were rejected.
dictors of effect sizes. Almost a third (n ⫽ 74) were review papers/commentaries/
Hemoglobin. There were 16 studies with a total of 21 data editorials; a number of food supplementation trials were also
sets and 2542 participants with sufficient information to cal- excluded because they did not permit isolation of the effects of
culate effect sizes of iron intervention on Hb concentrations. micronutrients. Of 18 potential trials conducted in children,
The effect sizes ranged from 0.00 to 14.53. The largest effect only 5 RCTs in which the treatment and control differed only
size, 14.53 (95% CI 12.17, 16.88), occurred among severely in the inclusion of multimicronutrients were included in the
anemic children in the study by Chwang et al. (41) that was meta-analysis (Table 3).
defined as an outlier. The overall weighted mean effect size The intervention was given ⱖ5 d/wk either as a syrup (62),

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FIGURE 2 Effect size for weight

gain in vitamin A intervention trials
among children. Data are presented as
means with 95% CI.

fortified beverage (63,64), or a fortified food (65,66) and participants ⬍ 5 y old; the weighted mean effect size on height
contained vitamin A, iron, Zn, B vitamins, and folic acid in all was 0.19 (95% CI 0.03, 0.35) and on weight was ⫺0.07(95%
studies. Some interventions also contained iodine (62,64), CI ⫺0.23, 0.09). There was only 1 study with information on
vitamin C (63,66), vitamin E (63,64), calcium (63,65,66), height change in children ⬎ 5 y old; the mean initial age was
potassium (63,66), copper (62,66), and other trace vitamins 8.5 y and the effect size was 0.35 (95% CI 0.21, 0.50). Two
and minerals (62). Three studies had participants ⬍ 24 mo old studies with participants ⬎ 5 y old had information on weight
(62,65,66), whereas 2 had participants ⬎ 5 y old (63,64). change; both studies had significant positive values for effect
Height/Weight. Sufficient information for the calculation size with a weighted mean effect size of 0.48 (95% CI 0.39,
of effect size on change in absolute height was obtained in 4 0.61). No significant correlations were found between effect
studies totaling 1330 participants and for change in weight sizes of height or weight and baseline HAZ, WAZ, WHZ, and
gain in 5 studies totaling 1604 participants (Table 4). The Hb, or study duration.
overall weighted mean effect size was 0.28 (95% CI: 0.16,
0.41) for height and 0.28 (95% CI: ⫺0.07, 0.63) for weight, DISCUSSION
respectively. There was no evidence of heterogeneity in the
case of linear growth. Our findings indicate that neither vitamin A nor iron
Stratification and regression analysis. There was an in- interventions improve linear or ponderal growth in children.
sufficient number of studies to perform formal stratified anal- Further, there was no evidence of effect modification by base-
yses. Analysis was done, however, with the 4 studies with line characteristics such as age, nutritional status, or factors

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Characteristics of the 28 data sets from 21 intervention studies included in the meta-analysis of iron and child growth

Initial Initial Initial Initial

Author Year Country Age Dosage Duration Subjects Hb WAZ HAZ WHZ

y BW wk n g/L

Migasena (55) 1972 Thailand 0.5–6 10 16 31 102 — — —

Pereira (44) 1978 India 2–5 1.5 14 54 100 ⫺1.62 ⫺1.59 ⫺0.81
Chwang(I)2 (41) 1988 Indonesia 8–13.5 2 12 78 97 ⫺1.39 ⫺1.66 —
Chwang(II)2 (41) 1988 Indonesia 8–13.5 2 12 41 133 ⫺1.34 ⫺1.56 —
Latham (50) 1990 Kenya 8–10 4 32 55 115 ⫺1.38 ⫺0.87 ⫺1.16
Angeles (51) 1993 Indonesia 2–5 2.7 8 76 103 ⫺2.53 ⫺2.33 ⫺1.48
Idjradinata (49) 1994 Indonesia 1–1.5 3 16 47 — ⫺0.96 ⫺0.72 ⫺0.67
Lawless (52) 1994 Kenya 6–11 1.3 14 87 111 ⫺1.3 ⫺1.2 ⫺0.74
Palupi (45) 1997 Indonesia 2–5 2.5 9 289 113 ⫺1.84 ⫺1.92 ⫺0.85
Rosado(I) (47) 1997 Mexico 1.5–3 1.8 52 108 108 ⫺1.6 ⫺1.6 ⫺0.7
Rosado(II)3 (47) 1997 Mexico 1.5–3 1.8 52 109 108 ⫺1.3 ⫺1.6 ⫺0.4
Adish (60) 1999 Ethiopia 2–5 — 52 407 106 ⫺1.36 ⫺1.05 ⫺0.78
Morley (59) 1999 UK 0.66 — 36 493 97 ⫺0.11 ⫺0.41 0.3
Rahman (54) 1999 Bangladesh 0.5–6 1.4 52 317 — ⫺2.4 ⫺2.3 ⫺1.3
Aguayo (57) 2000 Bolivia 6–12 3 18 73 157 ⫺0.96 ⫺1.38 0.37
Beasley (58) 2000 Tanzania 12–18 2.2 16 234 116 ⫺1.57 — —
Mwanri(I) (28) 2000 Tanzania 9–12 1.5 12 68 105 ⫺1.56 ⫺1.71 —
Mwanri(II)4 (28) 2000 Tanzania 9–12 1.5 12 68 105.4 ⫺1.34 ⫺1.61 ⫺0.29
Dijkhuzen(I) (48) 2001 Indonesia 0.33 1.6 24 239 — ⫺0.06 ⫺0.89 0.77
Dijkhuzen(II)3 (48) 2001 Indonesia 0.33 1.6 24 239 — ⫺0.01 ⫺0.81 0.76
Dossa(I)5 (43) 2001 Benin 3–5 4.7 12 68 101 ⫺1.59 ⫺2.03 ⫺0.53
Dossa(II)5 (43) 2001 Benin 3–5 4.7 12 72 100 ⫺1.88 ⫺2.16 ⫺0.72
Dewey(I)6 (42) 2002 Honduras 0.33 1 20 142 — 0.27 ⫺0.43 —
Dewey(II)6 (42) 2002 Sweden 0.33 1 20 121 — 0.62 0.67 —
Sungthong (53) 2002 Thailand 6–13 2.5 16 397 121 ⫺1.3 ⫺1.55 0.09
Lind(I) (46) 2003 Indonesia 0.5 1.4 24 279 114 ⫺0.42 ⫺0.57 ⫺0.02
Lind(II)3 (46) 2003 Indonesia 0.5 1.4 24 270 113 ⫺0.32 ⫺0.61 0.15
Majumdar (56) 2003 India 0.5–2 2 16 189 139 — — —

1 Intervention was daily in all studies except Palupi, Aguayo, and Beasley (weekly); Adish (iron pot vs. aluminum pot); Morley (fortified vs.
nonfortified follow on formula); and Mwanri (fortified vs. nonfortified corn gruel).
2 At baseline, data set I participants were anemic; data set II participants were not anemic.
3 Intervention group received iron and zinc; control received zinc alone.
4 Intervention group received iron and vitamin A; control received vitamin A alone.
5 Data set I did not include a deworming regime for any participants; data set II included a deworming regime for treatment and control groups.
6 Data set I study conducted in Honduras; data set II study conducted in Sweden.

related to the delivery of the intervention, i.e., duration, One limitation was the use of sample averages to classify
mode, and dosage of intervention. In contrast to the lack of studies for the stratified analysis especially when there was
effect of these single nutrient interventions, multimicronu- considerable variation within a study. For example, the initial
trient interventions did improve linear growth and possibly age of participants in 2 studies ranged from 6 mo to 6 y
ponderal growth in children, which may be due to beneficial (33,37), resulting in the study being classified in the age
interactions among nutrients and/or the direct effect of category of 2– 4.9 y, even though there were 3 distinct cate-
nutrients such as zinc, which was shown to benefit child gories, i.e., infants, toddlers, and older preschool-age children,
growth (15). who differ in their growth patterns and perhaps response to the
The lack of effect of vitamin A on growth is indeed con- intervention. The use of averages may also have limited the
trary to the dramatic reductions seen in young child mortality effectiveness of the regression analysis, which found no signif-
and the severity of infections such as measles and diarrhea, icant correlations between initial characteristics of partici-
which are known predictors of child growth. Many of the pants and effect size. Nevertheless the findings of some studies
studies that examined child growth were done in settings that conducted post-hoc analyses for some of these character-
similar to those that examined child morbidity and mortality. istics are consistent with our conclusions. For example, West
Although 3 studies reported significant effects of vitamin A et al. (36) reported improved growth after vitamin A supple-
supplementation on either linear growth or weight gain, the mentation in boys aged 4 –5 y but not in younger boys, whereas
overall weighted mean effect size for vitamin A for both these 5 other studies (29,30,32,35,39) did not find any differences in
outcomes was indeed small (⬍0.1) and not significant. Fur- growth based on age. Similarly, no differences were seen by
ther, the overall conclusions did not differ with our without initial Z-scores of participants (29). An interesting finding,
the inclusion of outliers. In terms of adverse effects, only 1 however, was the effect of season on the response to vitamin
study (37) reported a significant negative effect size (⫺0.70) A. Supplementation of vitamin A during the summer months
for height, but the same study had a significant positive effect in India resulted in a significant weight gain in participants age
on weight gain (1.15). 1–5 y, whereas supplementation during any other season dur-

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FIGURE 3 Effect size for height

gain in iron intervention trials among
children. Data are presented as means
with 95% CI.

ing the year resulted in no changes in weight or height symptoms of vitamin A deficiency; although the effect on
increment compared with controls (32). Significant seasonal growth may be limited to this subgroup (29,30,32–34,36,71),
variation in dietary intake of vitamin A is common, especially reductions in mortality were demonstrated in children with
in settings in which the main sources of this vitamin are fruits mild-to-moderate vitamin A deficiency (8). The lack of data
and vegetables (67–70), and it is reasonable to expect vitamin on baseline serum retinol limited our ability to examine the
A interventions to benefit children more during the time of role of this factor.
year when they are at greatest risk of vitamin A deficiency The results of the meta-analysis of iron intervention trials
(38). Although only the study by Bahl et al. (32) examined were similar to those seen for vitamin A. In contrast to the
the role of season, it should be noted that many studies had at lack of effect on growth, there was an overall effect on Hb,
least 1 y of follow-up, which could have diluted any positive confirming the efficacy of iron interventions in reducing ane-
effect of vitamin A supplementation received during any one mia. As with the vitamin A studies, the possible reason that
season of the year. Finally, another possible reason for the lack the overall weighted mean effect sizes were not significant for
of effect is that most studies excluded children with clinical the effect of iron on growth could be due to the heterogeneity

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FIGURE 4 Effect size for weight

gain in iron intervention trials among
children. Data are presented as means
with 95% CI.

of studies. Although we did not find any effects even after None of the studies that enrolled iron-replete participants
stratifying studies according to baseline characteristics and with a mean initial Hb value ⬎ 110 g/L reported a significant
mode of intervention, there were considerable interstudy dif- negative effect of iron on growth, whereas 3 data sets had
ferences within the strata. The findings of the few studies that significantly positive effect sizes for height (52) and weight
conducted post-hoc analysis, however, indicated that that (50,52,58). Additionally, regression analysis found no signifi-
there were no differences in the effect of iron supplementation cant negative correlation between effect size for either height
after stratifying subjects based on initial HAZ (43,47,54), Hb or weight and initial Hb. A major contribution of this meta-
status (43), or age (54). Only one study used a multiple analysis is that although there is no overall effect of iron
regression approach to determine any effect modifiers and interventions on growth, the findings suggest that there are no
found that the positive effect of iron on growth was decreased adverse effects in iron-replete children, thereby indicating that
with increasing age over the age range of 7–9 y (50). targeting all children for iron supplementation in the effort to
There has been recent concern that widespread iron sup- eliminate iron deficiency and anemia is safe. However, we are
plementation could actually have a detrimental effect on limited by lack of adequate data on the safety of iron supple-
growth in iron-replete children and/or young infants (21). ments for young infants (⬍6 mo of age).

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Characteristics of 5 intervention studies included in the meta-analysis of multiple micronutrients and child growth1

Author Year Country Age Duration Subjects Initial Hb Initial WAZ Initial HAZ Initial WHZ

y wk n g/L

Liu (65) 1993 China 0.5–1.1 12 226 126 ⫺0.4 ⫺0.6 0.1
Lartey (66) 1999 Ghana 0.5 24 216 105 ⫺0.2 ⫺0.2 ⫺0.1
Abrams (63) 2003 Botswana 6–11 8 311 129 ⫺0.8 — ⫺0.5
Ash (64) 2003 Tanzania 6–11 24 841 119 ⫺1.4 ⫺2.0 0.2
Rivera (62) 2003 Mexico 0.66–1.2 52 337 — ⫺1.4 ⫺1.4 ⫺0.5

1 All interventions contained at least vitamin A, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and folic acid.
2 Intervention was ⱖ5 d/wk in all studies.

In contrast to the lack of effect on growth of vitamin A or least for growth outcomes, when zinc is included in a multi-
iron interventions when administered as single nutrients, our vitamin-mineral supplement.
findings suggest that correcting multiple nutrient deficiencies In summary, interventions with a single nutrient such as
simultaneously is efficacious. In many settings, growth faltering vitamin A or iron, although providing benefits such as im-
has been associated with overall poor dietary quality, which proved Hb status and reduced mortality, may not be the
includes inadequate intakes of animal foods that are sources of optimal for addressing growth failure, whereas interventions
highly bioavailable forms of several micronutrients, and high that provide multiple micronutrients and/or zinc may be the
intakes of inhibitors such as phytates (72–75). We found that most effective in improving child growth. The feasibility of
multimicronutrient interventions that provided the recom- supplementation as the mode of delivery, however, remains a
mended daily allowance of iron, zinc, vitamin A, folic acid, concern, especially in poor resource settings. More sustainable
and B vitamins had a positive effect on height and weight gain food-based approaches such as fortification, improving dietary
in children. Although there were a limited number of studies, quality, and education to improve micronutrient intakes of
the results were reported from Latin America, Africa, and young children must be pursued.
Asia, had durations of 8 –52 wk, and participants ranging in
age from 6 mo to 11 y. LITERATURE CITED
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