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Causes and Effects of Bullying

in Relation to Academic Performance

of Grade 8 Students in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy S.Y 2017-2018

A Research Paper
Presented to
Mr. Wilfredo Dris
Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy

In partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the subject
Practical Research II


Angelica Anne J. Macatangay

Alea A. Geneta
Melhanie Gean S. Bacay
Clark Devon M. Manibo
Percival C. Marcos

March 12, 2018


The researchers are gratefully dedicating this research to all the people who contributed
to the success of this paper.
First, the researchers dedicate this research to their beloved family who gave them not
just financially support but also a moral support.
Second, researchers dedicate this research to their friends and to those people who helped
them to accomplish their work.

Third, researchers dedicate this research to Mr. Wilfredo Dris who helped them having so
much patience and support.

Fourth, researchers dedicate this research to all the students of Grade 8 who became the
research participants of this work.

The researchers also dedicate this research to those future researchers who will read this
research. May they find it helpful for whatever legal purpose they will have.

Above all, the researchers dedicate this research to Almighty God. This research was
done all through him.


First, we would like to thank Almighty God for giving us the strength, knowledge,
ability, and opportunity to undertake this research study and to persevere and complete it
satisfactorily. Without his blessings, this achievement would not have been possible.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our research teacher Mr. Wilfredo Dris
for the continuous support of our research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and
immense knowledge. His guidance helped us in all the time of research. We could not have
imagined having a better advisor and mentor of our research.

We would like to thank Mrs. Aurora B. Gutierrez for the approval of our permit for the
distribution of our questionnaires.

Besides our advisor, we would like to thank our teachers: Mr. Josue Carpio, Ms.
Dyesebel Vicente, and Ms. Marline Dudas for giving us permission to distribute questionnaires
to their advisory class.

Also we want to send our gratitude to our respondents, the Grade 8 students who
participate in answering our questionnaires.

Our sincere thanks also go to Mrs. Jennifer Huerto for helping us for the improvement
and progress of our research.

We would also like to thank Isabel Ann T. Silang for helping us in our research statistics;
Danica Faye Magsisi and Diane Francis Mendoza Dagli for helping us in collecting necessary
data in our research.

Last but not the least; we would like to thank our family for supporting us spiritually and
financially throughout our life.


This quantitative research study was conducted to illustrate the causes and effects of
bullying in relation to academic performance of Grade 8 students in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial
Academy. The sample included 97 Grade 8 students consisting of female and male students.
Bullying has been recognized as a major threat to the younger generation in almost every country
in the world. Despite the beauty and charm of this developing country, the Philippines have
struggled with bullying issues for years. School bullying, workplace bullying, sibling bullying
and cyber bullying all plague Filipino society.

The correlational design is used for research studies aimed to determine the existence of a
relationship between two or more variables and to determine the degree of the relationship. Self-
made questionnaire are designed to measure student understanding about the causes and effects
of bullying. Responses will be tabulated, then analyzed and interpret using the Pearson’s R. The
findings revealed that the major cause of bullying is the physical appearance. And for the major
effect, victims of bullying can experience depression which can lead to a change of their
behavior and academic performance of the students. As a recommendation for this issue, the
school administrators and the advisers of the students should be advise and monitor the students
who experience bullying for them to have advices.
At the end of the study, we therefore conclude that there is a relationship between the
result of causes and effects of bullying and the academic performance of the selected year level.


Introduction and It’s Setting


Bullying is one of the major issues facing many students nowadays. Definitely, academic
performance of those students is a major and important concern. We the researchers, choose the
Grade 8 students of our school Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy. Bullying is a problem that
is necessitates an immediate attention and solution. It’s high time to know the cause and effect of
these problems before it become too late to find a solution. But before that, we must know what
bullying is.

Bullying is said to be the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal
harassment, physical assault or other more subtle methods of coercion it can be manipulation.
Bullying in school is also referred to as peer abuse. In colloquial speech, bullying often describes
as a form of harassment perpetrated by an abuser who possesses more physical or social power
and dominance. The victim of bullying referred to as a target. The abuse often times repeated and
habitual. Harassment can be verbal, physical, emotional, and cyber. Rationalization of such
behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.

Also, the researchers, relates for this given problem as they experience to be a bully and
to be bullied. This act has many reasons and no bully has a good reason. Because as a bully,
you’re hurting your victim physically, emotionally, and verbally. It can develop in any context in
which humans interact with each other. This includes school, family, the workplace, home and
neighborhoods. The main platform for bullying is on social websites. Why social websites
issues? The fact that every one of us are been addicted in using many websites like Facebook,
Instagram, Tweeter, and so on. But what we don’t know is that some of us are bullied by others
through social medias. That’s why it is one of the issues that need to be solved. There are laws
made to be address for this issue. To protect and secure every one of us.

Background of the Study

Bullying can be defined in many ways. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland has no legal intervention definition of bullying. Some states in the United States
have laws against it. Bullying is all about behaviors, how a person interacts and behaves is
everybody’s obligation and a matter of concern.

Bullying may not be considered a serious disorder rather. It is an unacceptable action

towards others that may cause physical or emotional pressure towards the victim.

Republic Act No. 10627 entitled “A Law Requiring All Elementary and Secondary
Schools to Adopt Policies” against bullying in all educational institutions”. This law was signed
by President Aquino month September 12, 2013.

The law further defines the act of bullying as “any severe or repeated action by one or
more students either written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act, gestures, or any
combination thereof that is directed at another student.

Intent of the Study

This study aims to determine the causes and effects of bullying especially in Grade 8
students in relation to their academic performance in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy S.Y

Statement of the Problem

This study will discussed the causes and effects of bullying in Grade 8 students in
relation to academic performance in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy.

Specifically, the following questions will be answered:

1. Is there a significant relation between causes of bullying and academic performance?

H0: There is significant relation between causes of bullying and academic performance.
Hα: There is no significant relation between causes of bullying and academic
2. Is there a significant relation between effects of bullying and academic performance?
H0: There is significant relation between effects of bullying and academic performance.
Hα: There is no significant relation between effects of bullying and academic

3. Who will be the most affected of bullying in terms of gender classification?

4. Who is the most bully in terms of gender classification?

Scope and Limitation

The focus of the study is to determine the causes and effects on Grade 8 students in
relation to academic performance. Materials and sources used on this study are available at the
references. Determining the criteria of bullying in Grade 8 students will be based on
questionnaires. This research will be conducted at the house of the members and at the school to
be more equipped at the sources that we can gather.

This study directly involves bullies and those who are bullied. This study aims to deepen
our knowledge on why and how bullies act that way. This study is only limited for the Grade 8
students of Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine the causes and effects of bullying in Grade 8 students in
relation to academic performance in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy.

And we the researchers believed that it will be benefited to the following.

Government. The finding of this study will benefit the government to strengthen the law of

School. This study will serve the school to take actions when someone is getting bullied and the

Teachers. This study will benefit the teachers to have focus on their students and to discipline

Parents. This study will benefit the parents for them to guide their children in the right path and
to avoid being bullied.

Students. This study will benefit the students to know that they are luckier than those who are

Researchers. The findings of this study will benefit the researchers to identify the causes and
effects of bullying.

Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researchers to have a good source of
accurate and useful information for them.

Definition of Terms

The definitions of terms are based on the understanding of the researcher and other
sources in the research.

 Academic Performance- a performance of an individual or group relating to academic

 Assault - a violent physical or verbal attack
 Coercion – the use of force of threats to make somebody do something against his or her

 Colloquial -appropriate to, used in, or characteristic of spoken language or of writing

that is used to create the effect of conversation
 Dominance - prime importance, effectiveness, or prominence
 Habitual - done frequently and predictably
 Harassment -behavior that threatens or torments somebody, especially persistently

 Intervention - the act of intervening, especially a deliberate entry into a situation or
dispute in order to influence events or prevent undesirable consequences
 Manipulation – moving operating or handling something
 Necessitate - to make something necessary or inescapable
 Obligation - something that must be done because of legal or moral duty
 Perpetuate - to make something continue, usually for a very long time
 Rationalization - the process of rationalizing something, or an instance of rationalizing
 Verbal - using words or language, especially as opposed to pictorial representation.

Conceptual Framework

Causes and Effects Academic

Of Bullying Performance

Grade 8 Jasmine Grade 8 Jasmine

(27 Male and 12 Female) (27 Male and 12 Female)
Grade 8 Mahogany Grade 8 Mahogany
(16 Male and 13 Female) (16 Male and 13 Female)
Grade 8 Camia Grade 8 Camia
(15 Male and 14 Female) (15 Male and 14 Female)

The variables of the research are the causes and effects of bullying interrelated
with the student’s academic performance.

The arrows represent the hypothesized relation between and among the Grade 8
students of Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy.


Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

According to Stale Einarsen (University of Bergen, Norway).The presents paper reviews

and summarizes the research and literature on the nature and causes of bullying at work.
Bullying occurs when someone at work is systematically subjected to aggressive behavior from
one or more colleagues or superiors over a long period of time, in a situation where the target
finds it difficult to depend him or herself or to escape the situation. Such treatment tends to
stigmatize the target and may even cause severe psychological trauma. Empirical studies on the
causes of bullying have concentrated on the personality of the victim and psychosocial factors at
work. Most studies treat bullying as a unified phenomenon, in spite of the fact that different
kinds of behaviors are involved. The concepts of dispute-related and predatory bullying are
introduced in an effort of broaden the perspectives used in future investigations on both the
nature and the causes of bullying at work.

Given the pioneering role of Scandinavian research in the field of bullying at work, it is
surprising that Danish researchers have largely ignored this problem. Presumably, this has led to
a situation where many Danish company managers and unions ignore the high individual and
organizational cost of work place bullying. An additional effect of this lack of research is that it
has been difficult to estimate the extent to which the prevalence of bullying varies in different
sectors of Danish work-life. Furthermore, the scarcity of research has impeded us from
determining whether a low prevalence of bullying is a general characteristic of Scandinavian
work-life. Yet again, making such between-nations comparisons in the prevalence of work place
bullying is difficult given the tendency among researchers to employ different ways of
measuring bullying. The aims of the present study were: (1) to assess the prevalence of bullying
in Danish wok life (2) to investigate if exposure to bullying behaviors at wok are related to self-
reported psychological and psychosomatic stress symptoms (3) to examine potential differences

in the prevalence of bullying in various work sectors (4) to explore the hypothesis that, generally,
Scandinavian work-life is characterized by low levels of bullying; and (5) to investigate the
extent to which using different criteria of assessing bullying result in disparate in prevalence
estimates. Results showed that 2-4% of respondents reported being victims of bullying, in most
cases only occasionally. Compared to self-reported bullying, prevalence levels based on an
operational definition of bullying where higher in all the samples, between 8% and 25%. When
using a more strict criterion of two acts a week, this figures were significantly reduced. Exposure
to bullying was found to be associated with increased self-reported strain reactions.

Local Literature

Bullying is no evidence of publication bias. The overall finding favor the existence of a
more general long-term underlying antisocial tendency rather than a more specific underlying
violent tendency. Implications of our research of policy a practice are highlighted and future
needs in this area of research are indicated.

 A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies.
 Bullying perpetration increased the risk of later violence by about two thirds.
 Bullying victimization increased the risk of later violence by about one-third.
 High quality bullying prevention programs should be promoted.
 They could be seen as an indirect form of preventing adult violence.

Tragic news reports of school bullying cases help to draw public attention to the problem
with bullying in Filipino schools. Stories in newspapers, TV and online depict examples of
bullying from the primary school level all the way through university.

In October of 2013, 9 year old Fred Aston Mendoza of Tanong Elementary School in the
district of Malabon was so brutally beaten by classmates that he had to be hospitalized. The
assault caused internal bleeding in the boy’s liver resulting in the need for surgery. A month later

the young boy died of his bullying injuries. Ironically enough, this incident of primary bullying
occurred a month after Filipino President Benigno Aquino III initiated the Anti-Bullying Act.

In the bullying case of 14 year old Derrick, a high school student, bullying centered on
his choice of sexual orientation. Classmates would insult him online or slam him via texts due to
him being gay. Because texts came from phone numbers Derrick didn’t recognize, he wasn’t sure
who his attackers were. This caused him a great deal of anxiety and fear. At one time, the abuse
escalated to such a point that Derrick skipped school for several days. Sadly enough, Derrick had
to cope with this ordeal pretty much alone as he didn’t feel confident telling his parents he was a
victim of high school bullying.

Many young people cope with school or cyberbullying alone, especially when so called
friends are instigating or joining bullying attacks. Student victims often lack confidence in
parents or teachers to intervene on their behalf. Studies show that kids who are bullied don’t do
well keeping these abuses to themselves. Many wind up committing self-harm acts or resorting
to suicide to escape from their troubles.

The widespread use of the Internet and social media make Filipino youth easy targets for
cyber-attacks. Facebook is such a popular medium in the Philippines that virtually everyone with
Internet access uses Facebook to connect with friends. Like millions of fellow Pinoys, 27 year
old Raymond Malinay, a university student in Manila, confessed to being a Facebook fanatic.
Little did he know that his passion for connecting on Facebook would one day lead to a vicious
cyberbullying prank that would malign his character and ruin his reputation.

In July of 2012, Malinay discovered someone had stolen a picture from one of his
Facebook albums, altered the photo and made it appear as if he had HIV. The picture was then
recirculated online, going viral on Facebook almost instantly. The bully even posted a false
statement claiming Malinay was being sought by the AIDS Society of the Philippines for
knowingly spreading the disease. In 2 days, the photo had gotten 4,000 shares and was being
viewed in countries as far as the U.S.

Public response was quick and vicious with netizens condemning Malinay without even
knowing all the facts. The young university student was bombarded with such hateful comments

as “You will burn in hell” and “I hope you die; your body will burn in hell.” Malinay responded,
“I really don’t know where the issue came from, I don’t have enemies… I’m not gay.”

Shortly after the photo was displayed, Malinay went to a hospital affiliated with the
AIDS Society to get tested for HIV in an effort to refute the allegations against him. The test
results came out negative, proving the entire episode was a lie. Nevertheless, the damage to his
character and reputation had been done.

Foreign Studies

According to Olweus, Dan (Mar 2003) describes basic facts and common myths about
bullying. Covers the key principles of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Discusses the
results of research-based evaluations of the Olweus Program. Describes Norway's recent national
initiative against bullying, which includes the use of the Olweus Program in a large number of
elementary and junior high schools.

Both familial and school factors relating to bullying behavior have been documented, and
studies indicate that such behavior patterns may be long-term and even inter-generational.
Scandinavian data indicate that three percent of children experience bullying very frequently.
British and Irish studies suggest a significantly higher rate, between 20 and 30 percent; and an
American study identified about 10 percent of students as seriously/frequently victimized.
Bullying has been a major concern in Japan also. The Toronto study, which involved children in
22 classrooms in 17 schools, as well as a majority of all staff members and several hundred
parents, found rates similar to the British ones, and higher than those for Scandinavian. About
one child in seven admitted to bullying more than once or twice a term. The study also found
significant gender and age correlates of bullying and victimization. The most ambitious and well-
documented intervention was mounted in all Norwegian schools. The program attempts to
restructure the school environment to one where bullying is an unacceptable behavior where
those involved take personal responsibility for both prevention and intervention. At the two
schools where the program was evaluated, the incidence of bullying decreased by one-half.
(Ziegler, Suzanne; Rosenstein-Manner, Merle)

According to Ohsako, Toshio, Ed., he case studies in this collection explore issues of
violence in schools and what can be done to reduce these events. A number of national

experiences in violence management, principally from developing countries, are brought together
as a step toward improving the quality of education. The following are included: (1) "Tackling
School Violence Worldwide: A Comparative Perspective of Basic Issues and Challenges"
(Toshio Ohsako); (2) "Bullying and Violence in the Jordanian School" (Zougan Obeidat); (3)
"Violence in Ethiopian Schools: A Study of Some Schools in Addis Ababa" (Dereje Terefe and
Derese Mengistu); (4) "Bullying and Violence in the Malaysian School" (Rahimah Haji Ahmad
and Norani Mohd Salleh); (5) "School Violence in Israel" (Yaacov Iram); (7) "Bullying and
Violence in the Slovakian School" (Silvia Matusova); and (8) "Violence and Aggression in the
Schools of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Peru" (Liliana Mayorga Salas).

Local Studies

Bullying has been recognized as a major threat to the younger generation in almost every
country in the world. Despite the beauty and charm of this developing country, the Philippines
has struggled with bullying issues for years. School bullying, workplace bullying, sibling
bullying and cyberbullying all plague Filipino society (April 19,2017).

In the 2013-14 school year alone, the Department of Education (DepEd) in Manila
documented over 1,700 bullying and child abuse cases, even after passing anti-bullying
legislation. Fortunately, 60% of these cases are currently resolved.

According to Secretary of Education Armin Luistro, bullying in Philippines can take on a

number of forms to include peer bullying, gender discrimination, physical violence, public
ridicule, sexual harassment and psychological abuse. When it comes to tackling bullying issues,
Luistro feels that “Bullying and other forms of violence in schools should be viewed not just as a
school problem but as a societal problem as well.”

Anti-bullying legislation has helped promote bullying awareness among Filipino society.
This is a major step in putting a stop to bullying and protecting young people in the country. The
Anti-bullying Act of 2013 also helped to promote the development of Child Protection
Committees in schools, a vital part of the DepEd’s Child Protection Policy (CPP) to keep young
students safe in their learning environment.

Under the Anti-Bullying Act, all schools in the Philippines, both public and private, are
required to put no-bullying policies in place to handle issues with this abusive behavior on
school grounds. No-bullying policies serve various purposes. First, they provide teachers and
staff with a means of identifying and dealing with bullying behavior in school. Bullies know
their abusive actions will not be tolerated and that there will be consequences for their behavior.
Next, bullying policies encourage students to report bullying behavior knowing that they can
count on teachers and staff to provide the help and support they need.

According to Luistro, “… 93 school divisions in seven regions have their respective pool
of trainers, who are expected to roll out and to capacitate school personnel in handling child
abuse and bullying cases.”

In addition to peer bullying, some students suffer from bullying at the hands of teachers
who embarrass or demean them in front of their class. Students who perform poorly, for
example, may be chastened or insulted before their peers. No-bullying policies include not
tolerating bullying from teachers in Filipino schools. Teachers who humiliate students in public
or private face the risk of administrative sanctions by theirs school as per the DepEd’s Child
Protection Policy.

Part of the responsibility of the DepEd is to educate school principals, teachers and staff
about child protective policies by conducting special forums, seminars and consultations.
Parents, teachers and other adults in the community are encouraged to report school bullying
incidences to a school’s CPC so they can instigate an investigation and act on victims’ behalf.

The Philippines’ Anti-Bullying Law of 2013 makes schools responsible for reporting
criminal bullying behavior to local police for prosecution. If schools believe perpetrators should
be charged for criminal activity under the country’s Revised Penal Code, they are obligated to
notify police and the bully’s parents/guardians so disciplinary action can be taken.

In addition to bullying incidents highlighted in the news, bullying surveys and studies by
schools, private organizations and government agencies help paint a realistic picture of the
abusive behavior students endure by bullies in school and online. The following bullying
statistics are from studies from various sources across the country conducted over several years.

According to a recent DepEd report, approximately 31 bullying incidents are reported
daily in Filipino schools.

“A total of 6,363 cases of bullying in public as well as private elementary and high
schools were recorded in 2014,” said Cebu Representative Gerald Gullas, Jr., “up nearly 21
percent versus the 5,236 documented in 2013.”

As this figure was based on reported bullying incidences, it could actually be higher,
seeing as many students don’t report their abuse due to fear of retaliation.

Approximately 228 accounts of “child abuse” were reported in schools in 2014.

In its 2012-13 survey, the DepEd reported that 80% of “child abuse” cases pertained to
bullying (1,165 incidences out of 1,456)

Of primary bullying and high school bullying incidences reported in 2009, cursing,
ridiculing and humiliating acts were most prominent.



This chapter shows the methods and procedures used by the researcher, the respondents
of the study, the instruments used in gathering the data, reliability of the instruments and the
statistical treatment of the collected data.

Research Design

The study employed descriptive-correlational design. Descriptive studies are well-known

in research studies because it has the ability to describe the characteristics of the variables.
Descriptive studies are also used to learn a particular topic or problem of the society through
describing the features and characteristics of the topic. The goal of descriptive study is to show
and describe the phases of the problem that gives good and bad impacts to every person related
to study. It offers ideas and solutions for further investigations and to help make simple

The present study also made use of correlational design is used for research studies aimed
to determine the existence of a relationship between two or more variables and to determine the
degree of the relationship. Correlation design is also used to measure the extent to which the
variables are related to each other with the use of questionnaires.

Respondents Used

The respondents of this study consist of all Grade 8 students in Agustin Gutierrez
Memorial Academy who are said to have the most number of bully and bullied.

Instruments Used

The instruments that will be used in this study were self-made questionnaire developed
by the researcher. Self-made questionnaire are designed to measure student understanding about
the causes and effects of bullying. On analyzing the study data, the researcher will be able to
determine how the causes and effects of bullying affect academic performance of the students.

Validation of the Instrument Used

The research will conduct a test to make sure that the instrument used is reliable.
Responses will be tabulated, then analyzed and interpret using the Pearson’s R.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step done by the researchers was they talked to the principal for the approval of
conducting research work in the given school. As the principal approved the request they
conducted the study on the given date and time. Then, before they introduced themselves in
front of the class and said something about the topic and the instruction, they first asked
permission to the adviser of each section to take some minutes to conduct the given
questionnaires. After, they give out the questionnaires into the class.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data will be treated statistically using descriptive statistics such as mean and ranking.
To test the significance of relationship, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation will be used.
Results will then be analyzed and interpreted.

The following formula will be used in this study:

1. Mean

Σ x – Summation of individual score
N – Total number of respondents

2. Pearson r
n ∑ XY −∑ X • ∑ Y
√¿ ¿ ¿

To determine the degree of relationship between the two variables which are the mode of
transportation and house location the researcher will be using the “Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficient or simply Pearson’s formula”.


This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered. It
describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research findings. The findings
relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were analyzed to identify, describe
and explore the relationship of causes and effects of bullying and academic performance of
students of Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy. The data were obtained administered
questionnaire, completed by 97 students.

Table 1

where: No. of X x
Y y
x = scores 1 0.49 0.2401 92 8464 45.08
y = grades 2 0.47 0.2209 96 9216 45.12
n = no. of 3 0.47 0.2209 91 8281 42.77
respondent 4
0.29 0.0841 92 8464 26.68
5 0.43 0.1849 96 9216 41.28
6 0.43 0.1849 97 9409 41.71
7 0.47 0.2209 87 7569 40.89
8 0.41 0.1681 93 8649 38.13
9 0.35 0.1225 94 8836 32.9
10 0.31 0.0961 87 7569 26.97
11 0.45 0.2025 78 6084 35.1
12 0.39 0.1521 91 8281 35.49
13 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
14 0.49 0.2401 81 6561 39.69
15 0.45 0.2025 81 6561 36.45
16 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
17 0.43 0.1849 89 7921 38.27

18 0.31 0.0961 83 6889 25.73
19 0.31 0.0961 85 7225 26.35
20 0.47 0.2209 92 8464 43.24
21 0.49 0.2401 93 8649 45.57
22 0.43 0.1849 95 9025 40.85
23 0.43 0.1849 97 9409 41.71
24 0.41 0.1681 92 8464 37.72
25 0.47 0.2209 95 9025 44.65
26 0.31 0.0961 86 7396 26.66
27 0.39 0.1521 96 9216 37.44
28 0.39 0.1521 88 7744 34.32
29 0.47 0.2209 93 8649 43.71
30 0.47 0.2209 90 8100 42.3
31 0.31 0.0961 89 7921 27.59
32 0.45 0.2025 88 7744 39.6
33 0.35 0.1225 80 6400 28
34 0.45 0.2025 83 6889 37.35
35 0.45 0.2025 84 7056 37.8
36 0.45 0.2025 90 8100 40.5
37 0.47 0.2209 86 7396 40.42
38 0.39 0.1521 87 7569 33.93
39 0.42 0.1764 93 8649 39.06
40 0.45 0.2025 77 5929 34.65
41 0.43 0.1849 82 6724 35.26
42 0.27 0.0729 85 7225 22.95
43 0.23 0.0529 83 6889 19.09
44 0.29 0.0841 89 7921 25.81
45 0.39 0.1521 89 7921 34.71
46 0.19 0.0361 90 8100 17.1
47 0.19 0.0361 83 6889 15.77
48 0.43 0.1849 81 6561 34.83
49 0.29 0.0841 78 6084 22.62
50 0.23 0.0529 92 8464 21.16
51 0.33 0.1089 76 5776 25.08
52 0.27 0.0729 88 7744 23.76
53 0.35 0.1225 82 6724 28.7
54 0.23 0.0529 76 5776 17.48
55 0.29 0.0841 90 8100 26.1
56 0.29 0.0841 82 6724 23.78
57 0.37 0.1369 81 6561 29.97
58 0.31 0.0961 84 7056 26.04
59 0.33 0.1089 89 7921 29.37
60 0.31 0.0961 83 6889 25.73
61 0.35 0.1225 86 7396 30.1
62 0.27 0.0729 77 5929 20.79

63 0.29 0.0841 78 6084 22.62
64 0.31 0.0961 79 6241 24.49
65 0.35 0.1225 93 8649 32.55
66 0.41 0.1681 86 7396 35.26
67 0.39 0.1521 86 7396 33.54
68 0.35 0.1225 78 6084 27.3
69 0.39 0.1521 77 5929 30.03
70 0.39 0.1521 87 7569 33.93
71 0.45 0.2025 87 7569 39.15
72 0.37 0.1369 90 8100 33.3
73 0.39 0.1521 86 7396 33.54
74 0.25 0.0625 93 8649 23.25
75 0.47 0.2209 89 7921 41.83
76 0.45 0.2025 80 6400 36
77 0.49 0.2401 79 6241 38.71
78 0.34 0.1156 78 6084 26.52
79 0.47 0.2209 81 6561 38.07
80 0.37 0.1369 77 5929 28.49
81 0.31 0.0961 76 5776 23.56
82 0.47 0.2209 84 7056 39.48
83 0.52 0.2704 83 6889 43.16
84 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
85 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
86 0.43 0.1849 83 6889 35.69
87 0.39 0.1521 80 6400 31.2
88 0.35 0.1225 76 5776 26.6
89 0.39 0.1521 80 6400 31.2
90 0.47 0.2209 84 7056 39.48
91 0.43 0.1849 79 6241 33.97
92 0.47 0.2209 76 5776 35.72
93 0.39 0.1521 83 6889 32.37
94 0.52 0.2704 83 6889 43.16
95 0.43 0.1849 80 6400 34.4
96 0.39 0.1521 83 6889 32.37
97 0.41 0.1681 72 5184 29.52
Total n = 97 ∑ ¿37.53 ∑ ¿15.093 3 ∑ ¿ 8299 ∑ ¿713471 ∑ ¿3217.14

Table 1 presents the respondents (97) assessment.


In this part of the quantitative research in Chapter 4, the solutions and the process of how
the researchers get the result was shown below. The formula used for this is regression formula
where the total shown in presentation was used to achieve the result of findings. For the result of
this computation, it will be determined if it is positive correlation or negative correlation. The
result will show if there is relation between causes of bullying and academic performance of the

Table 2

 n ( ∑ xy ¿−¿ ( ∑ x ¿ ( ∑ y ¿ ¿ ¿
√[ n( ∑ x ¿ ¿ -  ( ∑ x ¿¿¿ 2 ][ n(∑ y ¿ ¿ -  ( ∑ y ¿ ¿¿ 2 ]  
2 2

97 ( 3217.14 )−( 37.53 )( 8299)
√[ 97 (15.0933 )−(1408.5009)] [ 97 ( 713471 )−(68873401) ]  
( 312062.58 )−(311461.47)
√ [(55.5492) ] [ ( 333286 ) ]  

r = 0.140 or 0.14 positive correlation

Table 2 shows:

1. Hₒ : P xy = 0; There is significant correlation between the score of causes of bullying

(x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

2. Hₒ : P xy = 0; There is a significant relationship between the score of causes of bullying

(x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

3. a = 0.05, r = 0.140

4. Conclusion: We therefore conclude that there is a positive correlation between the
score of causes of bullying (x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

Table 3

where: No. of X x2 Y y2 xy
x = scores 1 0.39 0.1521 92 8464 35.88
y = grades 2 0.39 0.1521 96 9216 37.44
n = no. of 3 0.43 0.1849 91 8281 39.13
respondent 4
0.27 0.0729 92 8464 24.84
5 0.33 0.1089 96 9216 31.68
6 0.39 0.1521 97 9409 37.83
7 0.39 0.1521 87 7569 33.93
8 0.41 0.1681 93 8649 38.13
9 0.47 0.2209 94 8836 44.18
10 0.39 0.1521 87 7569 33.93
11 0.35 0.1225 78 6084 27.3
12 0.45 0.2025 91 8281 40.95
13 0.45 0.2025 90 8100 40.95
14 0.43 0.1849 81 6561 34.83
15 0.52 0.2704 81 6561 42.12
16 0.45 0.2025 90 8100 40.95
17 0.45 0.2025 89 7921 40.95
18 0.39 0.1521 83 6889 32.37
19 0.39 0.1521 85 7225 33.15
20 0.31 0.0961 92 8464 28.52
21 0.43 0.1849 93 8649 39.99

22 0.31 0.0961 95 9025 29.45
23 0.41 0.1681 97 9409 39.77
24 0.33 0.1089 92 8464 30.36
25 0.29 0.0841 95 9025 27.55
26 0.27 0.0729 86 7396 23.22
27 0.31 0.0961 96 9216 29.76
28 0.35 0.1225 88 7744 30.8
29 0.31 0.0961 93 8649 28.83
30 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
31 0.27 0.0729 89 7921 24.03
32 0.35 0.1225 88 7744 30.8
33 0.33 0.1089 80 6400 26.4
34 0.35 0.1225 83 6889 29.05
35 0.39 0.1521 84 7056 32.76
36 0.33 0.1089 90 8100 29.7
37 0.25 0.0625 86 7396 21.5
38 0.45 0.2025 87 7569 40.95
39 0.37 0.1369 93 8649 34.41
40 0.45 0.2025 77 5929 34.65
41 0.31 0.0961 82 6724 25.42
42 0.39 0.1521 85 7225 33.15
43 0.27 0.0729 83 6889 22.41
44 0.31 0.0961 89 7921 27.59
45 0.37 0.1369 89 7921 32.93
46 0.33 0.1089 90 8100 29.7
47 0.35 0.1225 83 6889 29.05
48 0.52 0.2704 81 6561 42.12
49 0.35 0.1225 78 6084 27.3
50 0.47 0.2209 92 8464 43.24
51 0.33 0.1089 76 5776 25.08

52 0.35 0.1225 88 7744 30.8
53 0.27 0.0729 82 6724 22.14
54 0.25 0.0625 76 5776 19
55 0.35 0.1225 90 8100 31.5
56 0.19 0.0361 82 6724 15.58
57 0.35 0.1225 81 6561 28.35
58 0.27 0.0729 84 7056 22.68
59 0.45 0.2025 89 7921 40.05
60 0.52 0.2704 83 6889 43.16
61 0.52 0.2704 86 7396 44.72
62 0.23 0.0529 77 5929 17.71
63 0.35 0.1225 78 6084 27.3
64 0.37 0.1369 79 6241 29.23
65 0.45 0.2025 93 8649 41.85
66 0.35 0.1225 86 7396 30.1
67 0.47 0.2209 86 7396 40.42
68 0.34 0.1156 78 6084 26.52
69 0.48 0.2304 77 5929 36.96
70 0.35 0.1225 87 7569 30.45
71 0.39 0.1521 87 7569 33.93
72 0.35 0.1225 90 8100 31.5
73 0.41 0.1681 86 7396 35.26
74 0.43 0.1849 93 8649 39.99
75 0.39 0.1521 89 7921 34.71
76 0.47 0.2209 80 6400 37.6
77 0.47 0.2209 79 6241 37.13
78 0.35 0.1225 78 6084 27.3
79 0.35 0.1225 81 6561 28.35
80 0.39 0.1521 77 5929 30.03
81 0.47 0.2209 76 5776 35.72

82 0.35 0.1225 84 7056 29.4
83 0.43 0.1849 83 6889 35.69
84 0.43 0.1849 90 8100 38.7
85 0.45 0.2025 90 8100 40.5
86 0.39 0.1521 83 6889 32.37
87 0.27 0.0729 80 6400 21.6
88 0.41 0.1681 76 5776 31.16
89 0.31 0.0961 80 6400 24.8
90 0.35 0.1225 84 7056 29.4
91 0.39 0.1521 79 6241 30.81
92 0.43 0.1849 76 5776 32.68
93 0.52 0.2704 83 6889 43.16
94 0.47 0.2209 83 6889 39.01
95 0.37 0.1369 80 6400 29.6
96 0.39 0.1521 83 6889 32.37
97 0.29 0.0841 72 5184 20.88
Total n = 97 ∑ ¿36.66 ∑ ¿14.3486 ∑ ¿ 8299 ∑ ¿713471 ∑ ¿3141.9

Table 3 presents the respondents (97) assessment.


In this part of the quantitative research in Chapter 4, the solutions and the process of how
the researchers get the result was shown below. The formula used for this is regression formula
where the total shown in presentation was used to achieve the result of findings. For the result of
this computation, it will be determined if it is positive correlation or negative correlation. The
result will show if there is relation between effects of bullying and academic performance of the

Table 4

 n ( ∑ xy ¿−¿ ( ∑ x ¿ ( ∑ y ¿ ¿ ¿
√[ n( ∑ x ¿ ¿ -  ( ∑ x ¿¿¿ 2 ][ n(∑ y ¿ ¿ -  ( ∑ y ¿ ¿¿ 2 ]  
2 2
97 ( 3141.9 )−( 36.66 ) (8299)
√[ 97 (14.3486 )−( 1343.9556) ][ 97 ( 713471 )−(68873401)]  
304764.3 )−( 304241.34)
√[(47.8586)] [ ( 333286 ) ]  

r = 0.131 or 0.13 positive correlation

Table 4 shows:

1. Hₒ : P xy = 0; There is significant correlation between the score of effects of bullying

(x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

2. Hₒ : P xy = 0; There is a significant relationship between the score of effects of bullying

(x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

3. a = 0.05, r = 0.131

4. Conclusion: We therefore conclude that there is a positive correlation between the

score of effects of bullying (x) and the grades of the respondents (y).

Table 5



This table 5 shows the result of Most Bully according to the Grade 8 students of AGMA.
22% of them said that female is the most bully while 78% of the students said that male is the
most bully. Based on the result, male is the most bully than female.




This table 6 shows the result of Most Victim according to the Grade 8 students of
AGMA. 66% of them said that female is the most victims while 34% of the students said that
male is the most victims. Based on the result, female are the most victims than male.


In interpretation of data, the result of the survey and the level of answers are shown in the
table. The answers of the respondents who responded to the questionnaires are listed below
where the point of the highest table is 5 which mean they are answered Yes to the questions of
situation. While the lowest point is 1 where the respondents are answered No to the questions.
For undecided table, it means that the answer is average, not Yes but eventually not No.

Legend: Numerical Verbal

Scale Statistical Limit Description

5 3.21–5.00 Yes

3 2.61–3.20 Undecided

1 1.00-2.60 No
1. Have you experienced being bullied by someone? 88 7 2

2. Have you bullied someone before? 67 24 6

3. Is physical appearance is a possible cause of 74 21 2
4. In often times, bullying occurs for no reason. 55 30 12

5. Insecurities can also be a reason of bullying. 68 21 8

6. Someone take a bully to be popular in school. 50 36 11
7. Do you believe that status in life (being rich or poor) 61 28 8
can be a reason of bully?

8. Is age gap can be a cause of bullying? 44 40 13

9. Is family problem can be a root of bullying? 54 37 6
10. If you insult someone verbally, is it considered as 68 13 16

The following results were obtained indicating the situations asked above.

 Question 1- 90.72% of the participants (n=88) answered yes that they have experience
being bullied by someone, 7.22% of the respondents (n=7) answered no and 2.06% of the
respondents (n=2) have answered undecided.
 Question 2- 69.07% of the participants (n=67) answered yes that they have bullied
someone before, 24.74% of the respondents (n=24) answered no and 6.19% of the
respondents (n=6) have answered undecided.
 Question 3- 76.29% of the participants (n=74) answered yes that physical appearance is
a possible cause of bullying, 21.65% of the respondents (n=21) answered no and 2.06%
of the respondents (n=2) have answered undecided.
 Question 4- 56.70% of the participants (n=55) answered yes that bullying occurs for no
reason, 30.93% of the respondents (n=30) answered no and 12.37% of the respondents
(n=12) have answered undecided.
 Question 5- 70.10% of the participants (n=68) answered yes that insecurities can also be
a reason for bullying, 21.65% of the respondents (n=21) answered no and 8.25% of the
respondents (n=8) have answered undecided.
 Question 6- 51.55% of the participants (n=50) answered yes that someone take a bully to
be popular in school, 37.11% of the respondents (n=36) answered no and 11.34% of the
respondents (n=11) have answered undecided.
 Question 7- 62.89% of the participants (n=61) answered yes that status in life (being rich
or poor) can be a reason of bully, 28.87% of the respondents (n=28) answered no and
8.25% of the respondents (n=8) have answered undecided.
 Question 8- 45.36% of the participants (n=44) answered yes that age gap can be a cause
of bullying, 41.24% of the respondents (n=40) answered no and 13.40% of the
respondents (n=13) have answered undecided.
 Question 9- 55.67% of the participants (n=54) answered yes that family problem can be a
root of bullying, 38.14% of the respondents (n=37) answered no and 6.19% of the
respondents (n=6) have answered undecided.

 Question 10- 70.10% of the participants (n=68) answered yes that if you insult someone
verbally, it is considered as bullying, 13.40% of the respondents (n=13) answered no and
16.49% of the respondents (n=16) have answered undecided.

All of the questions got a positive response, still it shows that students are agree with the
statements given above. Question 1 got the highest rate of positive response though it is just a
backup question that we include as it is interrelated with the causes of bullying while the second
highest positive response is Question 3 which shows that physical appearance is the major cause
of bullying. In considering these results, some neutral answered were viewed. On this scale,
Question 8 (13 respondents out of 97) and Question 10 (16 respondents out of 97) got the highest
rate of average answers which means that bullying gives neutral impact to their studies.


1. Is being bullied can affect your academic 65 24 8
performance in school?
2. Bullying can cause for a person to be physically 53 29 15
present in class but mentally absent.
3. Act like sick and stay at home to avoid the bullies. 29 64 4

4. Being absent in school can avoid bullying. 27 61 9

5. Bullying can cause interacting with people. 63 26 8

6. Loss of appetite can be caused by bullying. 52 38 7
7. Bullying can change the behavior of the person. 75 16 6

8. Victims of bullying can experience depression. 78 11 8

9. Is it possible that the victims of bullying can kill 57 26 14
10. Bullying can cause suicide. 63 18 16

The following results were obtained indicating the situations asked above.

 Question 1- 67.01% of the participants (n=65) answered yes that being bullied can affect
your academic performance in school, 24.74% of the respondents (n=24) answered no
and 8.25% of the respondents (n=8) have answered undecided.
 Question 2- 54.64% of the participants (n=53) answered yes that bullying can cause for a
person to be physically present in class but mentally absent, 29.90% of the respondents
(n=29) answered no and 15.46% of the respondents (n=15) have answered undecided.
 Question 3- 29.90% of the participants (n=74) answered yes that acting like sick and stay
at home to avoid the bullies, 65.98% of the respondents (n=64) answered no and 4.12%
of the respondents (n=4) have answered undecided.
 Question 4- 27.84% of the participants (n=27) answered yes that being absent in school
can avoid bullying, 62.89% of the respondents (n=61) answered no and 9.28% of the
respondents (n=9) have answered undecided.
 Question 5- 64.95% of the participants (n=63) answered yes that bullying can cause
interacting with people, 26.80% of the respondents (n=26) answered no and 8.25% of the
respondents (n=8) have answered undecided.
 Question 6- 53.61% of the participants (n=52) answered yes that loss of appetite can be
caused by bullying, 39.18% of the respondents (n=38) answered no and 7.22% of the
respondents (n=7) have answered undecided.
 Question 7- 77.32% of the participants (n=75) answered yes that bullying can change the
behavior of the person, 16.49% of the respondents (n=16) answered no and 6.19% of the
respondents (n=16) have answered undecided.
 Question 8- 80.41% of the participants (n=78) answered yes that victims of bullying can
experience depression, 11.34% of the respondents (n=11) answered no and 8.25% of the
respondents (n=8) have answered undecided.
 Question 9- 58.76% of the participants (n=57) answered yes that the victims of bullying
can kill people, 26.80% of the respondents (n=26) answered no and 14.43% of the
respondents (n=14) have answered undecided.

 Question 10- 64.95% of the participants (n=63) answered yes that bullying can cause
suicide, 18.56% of the respondents (n=18) answered no and 16.49% of the respondents
(n=16) have answered undecided.

Although two of the questions (Questions 3 and 4) got the negative response, still it
shows that bullying gives either negative or positive impact to their life depends on how they
handle it. Question 8 got the highest rate of positive response which means most of the victims of
bullying experience depression. In considering these results, some neutral answered were
viewed. On this scale, questions 2 (15 respondents out of 97) and 10 (16 out of 97 respondents)
got the highest rate of average answers which means that bullying gives neutral impact to their




The purpose of this study was to understand and know if the causes and effects of
bullying are related to academic performance of Grade 8 students of Agustin Gutierrez Memorial
Academy. The chapter is provided the summary of the findings and concluding remarks based on
the analysis of the data collected. A part from that, the chapter is presented the limitations and
the suggestions for further studies based on this study outcome.


Based on the findings of study conducted, it is found out that bullying affects the studies
of the students. From the result, it is clear that bullying gives them a large impact in their
behavior and academic performance. There is a relationship between causes and effects of
bullying and academic performance. The result of the score of causes and effects of bullying
affects the academic performance of the students. Most of the students who experience bullying
agreed that physical appearance is the major cause which affects the student behavior and

academic performance. As a summary of the data collected, it is proven that the causes and
effects of bullying have an effect to academic performance of students.


This study is about the causes and effects of bullying in relation to academic performance
of Grade 8 Students in Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy. Different articles and journals of
previous study related to this research have been referred. The questionnaires have been provided
to 97 respondents. The respondents had helped a lot by providing their responses and suggestion
regarding the intended questions of research to them. The study found out that the AGMA
students is affected by the two variables. The research revealed that bullying is one of the major
threats to the younger generation in almost every country in the world. The researchers
therefore, conclude that there is a positive correlation between causes and effects of bullying and
academic performance from the result.


Recommendations for practice

Through analysis of the data and research conducted for this study, the following
recommendations for the students of AGMA are suggested in order to understand the situation of

 The school administrators as well as the advisers of the students should counsel and
monitor the students who experience bullying for them to have advices.
 Have a parent concern.
 It is also good to share this kind of issue to your friends.
 Promote an advocacy about anti-bullying to guide and teach bullies not to bully others
and to help the victims of bullying overcome their bad experience.
 Ignore or avoid the bully.
 Don’t take revenge.
 Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Recommendations for future research

Since the size of the sample was large from the chosen year level having three sections
composed of 97 students as a total, it is suggested that this study be repeated through the use of
questionnaires to other students. It is recommended that repeated this study after some years
may produce different results and determines if bullying is related to academic performance as
they enrolled in the same school every academic year.




Direction: Analyze the following statement and put a check on the column whether your answer


11. Have you experienced being bullied by someone?

12. Have you bullied someone before?

13. Is physical appearance is a possible cause of

14. In often times, bullying occurs for no reason.

15. Insecurities can also be a reason of bullying.

16. Someone take a bully to be popular in school.
17. Do you believe that status in life (being rich or poor)
can be a reason of bully?

18. Is age gap can be a cause of bullying?

19. Is family problem can be a root of bullying?
20. If you insult someone verbally, is it considered as


11. Is being bullied can affect your academic
performance in school?
12. Bullying can cause for a person to be physically
present in class but mentally absent.
13. Act like sick and stay at home to avoid the bullies.

14. Being absent ion school can avoid bullying.

15. Bullying can cause interacting with people.

16. Loss of appetite can be caused by bullying.
17. Bullying can change the behavior of the person.

18. Victims of bullying can experience depression.

19. Is it possible that the victims of bullying can kill

20. Bullying can cause suicide.

Follow- Up Questions:

Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. Who is the most bully? Is it a MALE or FEMALE?

2. Who’s always the victim of bullying? Is it a MALE or FEMALE?
3. If you will give a best solution for bullying, what is it?



Data Gathering

Research Time during Weekend


Name: Angelica Anne Jaime Macatangay

Nickname: Angie

Address: Nag-Iba I, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Birthday: June 27, 2000

Place of birth: Sto. Nino, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Mother’s name: Nemie J. Macatangay

Father’s name: Noriel E. Macatangay

Mobile number: 0948-816-2393

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single

Name: Melhanie Gean Soniel Bacay

Nickname: Jing

Address: Andres Ylagan, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Birthday: March 21, 2000

Place of birth: Poblacion I Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Mother’s name: Hanilyn S. Bacay

Father’s name: Melvin D. Bacay

Mobile number: 0916-608-6615

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single

Name: Alea Agoncillo Geneta

Nickname: Mata

Address: Antipolo Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Birthday: November 28, 1999

Place of birth: Antipolo Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Mother’s name: Ofelia A. Geneta

Father’s name: Agustin G. Guerra

Mobile number: 0930-565-2119

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single

Name: Clark Devon Mercado Manibo

Nickname: Clarky

Address: Poblacion III Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Birthday: March 11, 2000

Place of birth: Poblacion I Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Mother’s name: Connie M. Manibo

Father’s name: Amante M. Manibo

Mobile number: 0977-148-8054

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single

Name: Percival Cometa Marcos

Nickname: Ival

Address: Poblacion II Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Birthday: August 11, 1999

Place of birth: Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Mother’s name: Gay C. Marcos

Father’s name: Oliver N. Marcos

Mobile number: 0927-945-3457

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single


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