Biotecnology Industry

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White biotechnology
The application of biotechnology to industrial production holds many promises for sustainable
development, but many products still have to pass the test of economic viability

or tens of thousands of years, humans benefits of exploiting natural processes Stricter environmental
relied on nature to provide them with and products are manifold: they do not regulations and the growing
all the things they needed to make rely on fossil resources, are more energy mass of non-degradable
themselves more comfortable. They wove efficient and their substrates and waste are
clothes and fabrics from wool, cotton or biologically degradable, which all helps to
synthetics in landfills have
silk, and dyed them with colours derived decrease their environmental impact. made biodegradable products
from plants and animals. Trees provided Using alternative substrates and energy appealing again
the material to build houses, furniture and sources, white biotechnology is already
fittings. But this all changed during the first bringing many innovations to the chemi-
half of the twentieth century, when organic cal, textile, food, packaging and health first produced in Arabidopsis thaliana after
chemistry developed methods to create care industries. It is no surprise then that the introduction of R. eutropha genes
many of these products from oil. Oil- academics, industry and policy makers are encoding two enzymes that are essential
derived synthetic polymers, coloured with increasingly interested in this new tech- for the conversion of acetyl-CoA to PHB
artificial dyes, soon replaced natural fibres nology, its economy and its contributions (Poirier et al., 1992). Monsanto (St Louis,
in clothes and fabrics. Plastics rapidly to a sound environment, which could MO, USA) then improved this process in
replaced wood and metals in many con- make it a credible method for sustainable 1999. Although this new wave of polymers
sumer items, buildings and furniture. development. has enormous potential, the timing of its
However, biology may be about to take evolution is uncertain. After initial enthusi-

revenge on these synthetic, petroleum- ne of the first goals on white asm, Monsanto and AstraZeneca (London,
based consumer goods. Stricter environ- biotechnology’s agenda has been UK) abandoned these projects due to cost
mental regulations and the growing mass the production of biodegradable concerns. “Producing biopolymers from
of non-degradable synthetics in land- plastics. Over the past 20 years, these plants is a promising and fascinating scien-
fills have made biodegradable products efforts have concentrated mainly on poly- tific challenge,” said Yves Poirier from
appealing again. Growing concerns about esters of 3-hydroxyacids (PHAs), which are the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology at
the dependence on imported oil, particu- naturally synthesized by a wide range of the Institute of Ecology, University of
larly in the USA, and the awareness that bacteria as an energy reserve and carbon Lausanne, Switzerland. He thinks that
the world’s oil supplies are not limitless are source. These compounds have properties companies are reluctant to pursue these
additional factors prompting the chemical similar to synthetic thermoplastics and projects because they need long-term
and biotechnology industries to explore elastomers from propylene to rubber, but investments that do not meet the compa-
nature’s richness in search of methods to are completely and rapidly degraded by nies’ financial and time schedules. “Further
replace petroleum-based synthetics. bacteria in soil or water. The most abun- genetic modifications still need to be intro-
An entire branch of biotechnology, dant PHA is poly(3-hydroxy-butyrate) duced in the plants for their improvement,”
known as ‘white biotechnology’, is devoted (PHB), which bacteria synthesize from he said, “and once these plants are created,
to this. It uses living cells—from yeast, acetyl-CoA. Growing on glucose, the bac- they will require specific harvesting and
moulds, bacteria and plants—and enzymes terium Ralstonia eutropha can amass up to treatment protocols, with respect to regular
to synthesize products that are easily 85% of its dry weight in PHB, which plants. All this translates into heavy invest-
degradable, require less energy and create makes this microorganism a miniature ments in new infrastructures and process-
less waste during their production. This is bioplastic factory. ing systems and into a considerable
not a recent development: in fact, biotech- A major limitation of the commercial- amount of time.” Eight to ten years is
nology has been contributing to industrial ization of such bacterial plastics has his rough estimate of how long it will
processes for some time. For decades, bac- always been their cost, as they are 5–10 be before plant-produced PHAs might
terial enzymes have been used widely in times more expensive to produce than become economically viable.
food manufacturing and as active ingredi- petroleum-based polymers. Much effort Plans to manufacture a T-shirt from
ents in washing powders to reduce the has therefore gone into reducing produc- corn sugar have reached the same
amount of artificial surfactants. Transgenic tion costs through the development of impasse. Dupont (Wilmington, DE, USA),
Escherichia coli are used to produce better bacterial strains, but recently a the company that invented nylon, has for
human insulin in large-scale fermentation potentially more economic and environ- many years been developing a polymer
tanks. And the first rationally designed mentally friendly alternative emerged, based on 1,3-propanediol (PDO), with
enzyme, used in detergents to break down namely the modification of plants to syn- new levels of performance, resilience
fat, was introduced as early as 1988. The thesize PHAs. A small amount of PHB was and softness. Adding an environmentally


science & society analysis

responsible dimension to the production, being widely used,” he explained. herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation
Dupont’s polymerization plant in Decatur, “Secondly, and with much more difficulty, and machinery. Companies such as Novo-
Illinois (USA) has now successfully manu- it will be necessary to conquer the public’s zymes (Bagsvaerd, Denmark), Genencor
factured PDO from corn sugar, a renewable acceptance to yet new transgenic organ- (Palo Alto, CA, USA) and Maxygen
resource. But although their corn-based isms and to the distribution of products (Redwood City, CA, USA) are therefore
polymer, called Sorona®, is more environ- deriving from them.” exploring avenues to derive ethanol specif-
mentally friendly and has improved char- ically from celluloid material in wood,
acteristics, it is again up to the markets to grasses and, more attractively, agricultural
make it a success. “The company plans an waste. Much of their effort is concentrated
effective shift from the petroleum-based on developing more effective bacterial cel-
production to the bio-based one,” said Ian lulases that can break down agricultural
Hudson, Sorona® Business Director at waste into simple sugars to create a more
Dupont, “but this will happen if the eco- plentiful and cheaper raw substrate for the
nomic process and market demands justify production of ethanol.
the transition.” Hopeful visionaries have already started
Cargill Dow (Minnetonka, MN, USA) to talk about a ‘carbohydrate economy’
has gone a step further. The company has replacing the old ‘hydrocarbon economy’.
developed an innovative biopolymer, However, “making biomass an effective
NatureWorks™, which can be used to feedstock is not a cheap process,” reminded
manufacture items such as clothing, pack- Kirsten Stær, Director of Stakeholder
aging and office furnishings. The polymer Communications at Novozymes. To get the
is derived from lactic acid, which is production of biofuel up and running on a
obtained from the fermentation of corn commercial basis, alongside the develop-
sugar. It has already been brought to the ment of new feedstock collection systems
market effectively and has recently and the creation of special production
appeared in US grocery stores as a container plants, a different pricing of biofuel will be
for organic food. required, she commented. “The price
structure for fossil fuel is fixed in the mar-

nother product that could benefit ket by regulatory frameworks. If the biofuel
greatly from innovative biotechnol- production is to be successful, it will be
ogy is paper. Much of the cost and necessary to enforce policies that intro-
considerable pollution involved in the duce subsidies to bioethanol production,
paper-making process is caused by ‘kraft- for instance, or put taxes on fossil fuel
ing’, a method for removing lignin from production,” Stær said.
the wood substrate. Lignin is the second This has not stopped J. Craig Venter
most abundant polymer in nature after cel- from founding the Institute for Biological
lulose and provides structural stability to Energy Alternatives (IBEA) in Rockville,
plants. In view of the significant economic Maryland (USA) last year to advocate the
benefits that might be achieved, many White biotechnology also concentrates production of cleaner forms of energy.
research efforts went into reducing the on the production of energy from renew- IBEA recently received a US $3 million
amount of lignin or modifying lignin struc- able resources and biomasses. Starch from grant from the US Department of Energy,
ture in trees, while preserving their growth corn, potatoes, sugar cane and wheat is primarily to engineer an artificial micro-
and structural integrity. Genetically modi- already used to produce ethanol as a sub- organism to produce hydrogen. Deprived
fied trees with these properties already stitute for gasoline—Henry Ford’s first car of the genes for sugar formation that nor-
exist (Hu et al., 1999; Chabannes et al., ran on ethanol. Today, some motor fuel mally use hydrogen ions, this organism
2001; Li et al., 2003), but money will sold in Brazil is pure ethanol derived from could devote all of its energies to the pro-
probably not be made from them anytime sugar cane, and the rest has a 20% ethanol duction of excess hydrogen and, ideally,
soon. Although the paper industry could content. In the USA, 10% of all motor fuel become a synthetic energy producer.
make a considerable profit by reducing sold is a mixture of 90% petrol and 10% White biotechnology may also benefit
production costs, no large projects in this ethanol. According to the Organisation for medicine and agriculture. Vitamin B2
direction have yet been undertaken. Alain Economic Co-operation and Develop- (riboflavin), for instance, is widely used in
Boudet, Professor at the Centre for ment’s 2001 report on biotechnology and animal feed, human food and cosmetics
Vegetable Biotechnology at the University industrial sustainability, the USA now has
Paul Sabatier (Castanet-Tolosan, France), 58 fuel plants, which produce almost Genetically modified trees with
identified two major roadblocks for the 6 billion litres of ethanol per year.
[altered lignin metabolism]
commercialization of transgenic wood. But turning starch into ethanol is neither
“First of all, trees with altered lignin will the most environmentally nor economically already exist […] but money
need more tests on their actual field per- efficient method, as growing plants for will probably not be made from
formance outside the laboratory before ethanol production involves the use of them anytime soon


analysis science & society
and has traditionally been manufactured …the carbon needed to make biotechnology has potentially large benefits,
in a six-step chemical process. At BASF bioethanol from biomass was both economically and environmentally, for
(Ludwigshafen, Germany), more than a wide range of applications. The way for its
sequestered by plants from the
1,000 tonnes of vitamin B2 are now pro- development is being paved, but it remains
duced per year in a single fermentation. atmosphere, so putting it back a relatively young technology that has to
Using the fungus Ashbya gossypii as a bio- by burning ethanol does not compete with a mature oil-based chemical
catalyst, BASF achieved an overall reduc- add to global warming… industry that has had nearly a century to
tion in cost and environmental impact of optimize its methods and production
40%. Similarly, cephalexin, an antibiotic And the economic benefits are expected processes. Nevertheless, the growing con-
that is active against Gram-negative bac- to follow. According to the global consul- cerns about the environment and the possi-
teria and is normally produced in a tancy firm McKinsey & Company, white bility of cheaper oil in the future make white
lengthy ten-step chemical synthesis, is biotechnology will occupy up to 10–20% biotechnology a serious contender.
now produced in a shorter fermentation- of the entire chemical market in 2010,
based process at DSM Life Sciences with annual growth rates of €11–22 bil-
Chabannes, M., Barakate, A., Lapierre, C.,
Products (Heerlen, The Netherlands). lion. Huge differences exist, however, in Marita, J.M., Ralph, J., Pean, M., Danoun, S.,
However, vitamin B2 is just a single suc- the ways white biotechnology is managed Halpin, C., Grima-Pettenati, J. & Boudet, A.M.
cess story—other vitamins and drugs are in Europe and the USA, said Jens Riese, a (2001) Strong decrease in lignin content
still cheaper to produce with classic Frankfurt-based Principal Associate at without significant alteration of plant
development is induced by simultaneous
organic chemistry than by innovative McKinsey & Company. “First of all, the down-regulation of cinnamoyl CoA reductase
white biotechnology. overall sum invested in the US in the white (CCR) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase
biotech business is $250 million, a sum (CAD) in tobacco plants. Plant J., 28, 257–270.

evertheless, the potential environ- which by far exceeds the total European Hu, W., Harding, S.A., Lung, J., Popko, J.L.,
Ralph, J., Stokke, D.D., Tsai, C. & Chiang, V.L.
mental benefits of shifting to investment,” he said. “Probably driven by
(1999) Repression of lignin biosynthesis
biofeedstocks and bioprocesses a stronger geopolitical will of becoming promotes cellulose accumulation and growth
are substantial, thinks Wolfgang Jenseit independent from fossil fuel import, the in transgenic trees. Nature Biotechnol., 17,
from the Institute for Applied Ecology US has shown a clearer propensity in 808–812.
(Freiburg, Germany). “The new biopro- the development of such technologies. Li, L., Zhou, Y., Cheng, X., Sun, J., Marita, J.M.,
Ralph, J. & Chiang, V.L. (2003) Combinatorial
duction processes substitute complex Europe, on the other hand, is culturally modification of multiple lignin traits in trees
chemistry reactions. This, of course, corre- more cautious and less adventurous in through multigene cotransformation. Proc.
sponds to significant energy and water accepting innovative methodologies.” Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 4939–4944.
savings,” he explained. It also benefits the But white biotechnology has drawn OECD (2001) The Application of Biotechnology
to Industrial Sustainability. OECD
atmosphere: the carbon needed to make interest in Europe. “There is consciousness
Publications, Paris, France.
bioethanol from biomass was sequestered about the need for innovation in this direc- Poirier, Y., Dennis, D.E., Klomparens, K. &
by plants from the atmosphere, so putting tion,” said Oliver Wolf, Scientific Officer at Somerville, C. (1992) Polyhydroxybutyrate,
it back by burning ethanol does not add to the Institute for Prospective Technological a biodegradable thermoplastic produced in
global warming, Jenseit pointed out. This Studies in Seville, Spain. “Although as yet transgenic plants. Science, 256, 520–523.
is certainly good news for the countries no specific legislation exists, important steps
that committed to limiting greenhouse-gas are being taken towards the promotion of Giovanni Frazzetto
emissions by ratifying the Kyoto treaty. white biotechnology in Europe.” White doi:10.1038/sj.embor.embor928


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