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1. The principles and objectives of state are reflected in foreign


2. Is successful foreign policy enhancing a nation _____ prestige

among other nations.

3. Which of the following are instruments of foreign policy?

4. Full form of SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional


5. What are the 2 imp approaches to the study of foreign policy.

ans ideological and analytical

6. What are the internal determinants of foreign policy? -Size of

state Territory,Geographical factor,Cultural and historical
factors , social structure.

7. External factors of foreign policy -  international system or

power structure, international law, international organizations,
alliances, and military strength or arm race

8. diplomacy is the oldest instrument in the execution of foreign


9. diplomacy is the management of international relations by


10. diplomacy in the real sense emerged (1648, treaty of West)

11. traditional diplomacy continued till what century 19th

12. main feature of traditional diplomacy was it was confined to


13. traditional diplomacy operated on the principle that greater


14. in the early 20th century traditional diplomacy was replaced by

–modern diplomacy
15. Indus water treaty between Indian and Pakistan was signed in
Karachi on 19 September 1960 by Indian Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistani President Ayub Khan.

16. Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Bus started under prime ministership of

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

17. CBM - Confidence-Building Measures

18. SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

19. UNGA - United Nations General Assembly

20. UNCE - United Nations Security Council

21. SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

22. SAFTA - South Asian Free Trade Area

23. MFN - Most favoured nation

24. 1st prime minister of Bangladesh - Tajuddin Ahmad

25. Ziaur Rahman ruled Bangladesh in which period? - 1977–1981

26. H. M. Ershad ruled Bangladesh in - 1982-1990

27. Leader of BNP - Khaleda Zia - 1st women PM

28. Leader of AL - Awami League - Shaikh Hasina - Longest

serving PM

29. Agreement of Border Demarcation - 1974 India Bangladesh

Land Boundary Agreement

30. CHT - Chittagong Hill Tracts

31. Kolkata Dhaka bus service - 1999

32. ULFA - United Liberation Front of Asom

33. ATTF - All Tripura Tiger Force

34. kaladan project is between - India and Myanmar

35. BIMSTEC - Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral
Technical and Economic Cooperation

36. NPT - Non-Proliferation Treaty - Treaty on the Non-

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

37. CTBT - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

38. In which war US supported India openly? - Kargil War

39. Who was Indian PM and US president while signing US nuclear

deal - U.S. President George Bush and India's Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh

40. IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

41. IOR - indian ocean region

42. Panchsheel Treaty - Between India and China - Signed at Peking

on 28 April 1954

43. Provisions -

44. mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and


45. mutual non-aggression,

46. mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs,

47. equality and mutual benefit, and

48. peaceful co-existing.

49. Leaders during Panchsheel treaty - Prime Minister Jawaharlal

Nehru and China's first Premier Zou / Chou En-Lai

50. China joined conference of apprehension nations, where?

51. Baoding

52. BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa

53. BASIC - Brazil, South Africa, India and China

54. Year 2012 declared as - Year of India - China friendship and

55. NSG - Nuclear Suppliers Group

56. The Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Co-operation between the

USSR and India - 1971

57. Soviet primer at that time - Alexei Kosygin

58. USSR disintegration in which year? - 1991

59. Soviet primer at that time? -

60. India purchased sukhoi 30 fighter jets from which country? -


61. ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

62. Formed in - 1967 in Philippines

63. Headquarter - Jakarta

64. In 1992, India became sectoral dialogue partner of ASEAN

65. In 1996, India became full dialogue partner of ASEAN

66. India’s look east policy

67. Started in 1991

68. By - PV Narasimha Rao

69. India’s act east policy

70. Started in 2014

71. By - Modi


Drug trafficking

1. The golden crescent and the golden triangle (Afghanistan-Pakistan -Iran) has made
india’s border vulnerable to drug trafficking
2. The abuse of synthetic precursor chemicals has risen in these (Afghanistan-Pakistan -
Iran) networks
3. Trafficking of drugs takes place through land borders, sea and air routes
4. The Punjab government since 2017 tried to stop these drug networks but failed as the
international and the state borders drug networks remain intact.
5. India and Pakistan exchanged the list of civilian prisoners and fishermen in their
custody in the year 2019 simultaneously in Delhi and Islamabad through the
diplomatic channels.
6. This exchange of list is in reference to following the provisions of the 2008
Agreement under which such list will be exchanged on Jan 1st and July 1st every year.
7. India handed over the list of 249 Pakistan Civilian prisoners and 98 fishermen in
India’s custody to Pakistan.
8. Pakistan handed over 54 civilians and 483 fishermen in its custody who are Indians.

Tulbul Navigation Project

9. Wular Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia.
10. The Tulbul Navigation Project is a ‘’ Navigation lock-cum-control structure’’ at the
mouth of wular lake.
11. India started the work around 1984 on the river Jhelum but Pakistan threatened to
move the international Arbitral court in 1986 the Indian government suspended the
work in 1987.
12. There’s an ongoing dispute between India and Pakistan over the Tulbul Navigation
Project Ssince 1987 when Pakistan objected that it violated the 1960 Indus water
treaty .
13. The tulbul navigation project has been discussed formally by both countries in the
year 1998,2004,2005,2006,2007,2011and 2016.
Baglihar project
14. This is known as the Baglihar Hydroelectric power project
15. It is a run-of-the-river power project on Chenab river in the Ramban district of the
Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
16. Construction began in 1999 ,1st phase of Dam got completed in 2004 and the 2nd phase
in 2008.
17. After the construction began in 1999 Pakistan claimed that this Baglihar projects
design parameters violated the Indus Water treaty of 1960 as this would allow India to
have an upper hand as they would have the ability to block or accelerate the flow of
the river which can be used against Pakistan in times of political tension of war.
Sir Creek
18. Sir creek is an 96km tidal estuary in uninhabited marshlands of indus river delta on
the border of India and Pakistan .
19. The Sir Creek opens up into the Arabian Sea and separates the Gujarat state of India
and the Sindh province of Pakistan
20. Both Gujarat and Sindh Province were a part of Bombay presidency till 1936.
21. Sir creek is not an area that has been demarcated between India and Pakistan by a
clearly delineated maritime border this has led to a dispute between India and
Siachen Glacier
22. Siachen Glacier is the largest Glacier in the Karakorum in the Himalayan mountains.
23. Siachen Glacier is the highest battlefield at the height of 21000 ft.
24. Siachen Glacier is between the triangle of India, Pakistan and China. In 1984 India
got intelligence inputs that Pakistan is trying to capture Siachen .After which we
found out that foreign expeditions were being undertaken In the area.
25. The major strategic point in Siachen is Saltoro ridge.
26. On 13th April 1984 India launched Operation Meghadoot and occupied strategic
positions along the Saltoro ridge and since then the Siachen Glacier is under the
administrative control of India
27. Since 1984 Siachen Glacier has been the venue of a containing military standoff
between India and Pakistan.
28. The Administration percentage of Kashmir in India is 43% ,In Pakistan is 37% and in
China is 20%.
29. Pakistan is the second largest country in South Asia
30. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad
31. Pakistan follows Islamic republic form of government
32. Pakistan contains 173 million muslims
33. India is the largest country in South Asia
34. The Capital of India is Delhi
35. India follows secular democratic republic form of government
36. India has 138 million muslims
History of India
37. The two nation theory was led by Jinnah
38. The partition happened on 1947 of Ind and Pak
39. Important conflicts- Junagadh and Kashmir
40. War of 1947 and 1965
41. Bangladesh Liberation war happened in 1971
42. The simla agreement happened in 1972
43. The Kargil war happened in 1999
44. ULFA – United Liberation front of ASOM (Assam)
45. All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) is a Tripuri nationalist insurgent group active in
India's Tripura State
46. Khaleda Zia – Former Prime minister of Bangladesh
47. Civilian rule return in 1990
48. Sheikh Hasina – Bangladeshs current PM 1996-2001 2009 to currently
49. Bangladesh was born in 1971, till 1972to75 India Bangladesh relations were cordial
50. Mujibar Rahman -Army coup happened in 1975
51. KM Ahmed formed government in 1975 august- November 1975 Army coup and Maj
Gen Ziaur Rahman in power 1975-81 & HM Ershad (1982-1990) Anti india
sentiments during their regimes
India Bangladesh Relations
52. 1972- Treaty of peace and Friendship
53. 1974- Agreement on demarcation of Land
54. 1977- Farakka Accord
55. CHT issue – Chittagong Hill Tracts i.e H.M Ershad – Chakma Tribes in Chittagong
Hill Tracts
56. 1975-1995 Problems by the Bangladesh political elite remained a reason for Indo-
Bangla relation
57. 1996- Comprehensive Bilateral Treaty for sharing Ganga River water 30 years
58. In 1997 India and Bangladesh signed an agreement in which Bangladesh agreed to
take back the CHT (Chittagong Hill Tracts) refugees from NE india.
59. 1997 A cross border agreement was signed against terrorism
60. 1999 Kolkata Dhaka Bus service
India and Pakistan Relation
61. Before Mumbai attacks – Samjhauta express, Delhi Lahore bus, Srinagar
Muzzafarabad Bus, Thar express, Release of prisoners etc.
India ASEN Relations
62. Association of the South Asian Nations (ASEAN0 ) The Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation and regional
63. India and ASEAN have been working in cooperation in various projects in the field of
Science and Technology, Agricluture, Environment ,climate change etc.
64. AIBC (ASEAN India- Business enhancing Council was set up in march 2003 in
Kuala Lumpur for private sector business
65. India adopted Look East Policy in 1991
66. India became sectoral dialogue partner with ASEAN In 1992 and Full Dialogue
partner in 1996 and since 2002 India has annual summits with ASEAN along with
China , Japan and Republic Korea.
67. The ASEAN -INDIA Engagement was signed at the 3rd Indian summit in 2004
68. ASEAN was established on 8th august 1967
69. ASEAN Was established in Bangkok by 5 countries Indonesia, Malaysia , Philipines ,
Singapore & Thailand .
70. Brunei joined on 8th Jan 1984.
71. 26 June 1945 30 Oct India was one amongst the original states signing the UN
(United Nations)
72. India was elected the first chair of the Decolonisation Committee
73. India played an important role in setting up of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development ( UNCTAD)
74. India played a vital role in creation of more equitable New International Economic
and Political Order ( NIEO)
75. India has signed the Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and the Weapons Convention 1993
76. India signed the United Nation Charter on 26th June 1945 in the san Francisco
77. Till now over 55,000 Indian Military and police personnel have served under the UN
Flag in 43 Peace keeping operations.
Sino India Relations
78. India accorded diplomatic recognition to the peoples Republic of China on 30th
December 1949
79. The peoples Liberation Army made China Independent through a revolution in 1949.
80. In 1954 two major accords were signed , first accord- India recognised Tibet as an
integral part of China and considered it to be an autonomous region of China.
81. 1954 Second accord – The declaration of panchsheel in the joint communique
82. 1998 – After Rajiv gandhis visit in normalising relations between India or China.
83. In 1997 the president of China visited India , this was the first ever visit by a Chinese
Head of State to India.
84. 1962 – India and China fought a war which resulted in China occupying very large
portions of the India territory in the west (Ladakh) and in the east (Arunachal
85. In 1950 China occupied small portions of territory along the Indo – Tibet Frontier.
86. China called Indias nuclear tests as outrageous .
87. In April 1999 china restarted official dialogue with India
88. The Mc Mahon line is not recognised by china, Integration of arunachal Pradesh and
Sikkim into india is also not recognised by China.
89. First Naval exercises off shanghai occurred on 10 to 14 november 2003.

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