Semi-Detailed-Lesson-Plan-CKLC-Philippine Festivals

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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 7

Concepcion Kids Learning Center


At the end of the lesson, 80% 0f the learners must be able to:

A. Identify the different festivals in the Philippines

B. Create their own maskara of masskara festival
C. Explain the role and importance of arts in the Philippine festivals

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Philippine festivals

Reference/s: Quipper Arts 7 Page 7-17
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, pictures, online games

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
- Greeting
- Classroom Management
- Checking of attendance

B. Review of the previous lesson

The teacher will ask the students about the past lesson

C. Motivation

The teacher will introduce the game entitled “Textwist” and the students will guess the jumbled

D. Priming Up

The teacher will ask the students what they noticed based on the game

E. Presentation of the lesson

The teacher will present the lesson by asking the question about the meaning of festival


A. Analysis

The teacher will discuss the Philippine Festivals while asking the students if they are familiar
with it

B. Abstraction

Let the students answer the following question about the lesson through padlet
1. What are the festivals shown in the lesson?
2. Do their festivals reflect their culture and traditions?
3. Why it is important to know different festivals?
D. Application

The students will make their own props from a certain festival which is the Masskara festival. It should
be colorful and attractive. The student will only give 20 minutes to finish their work. Rubrics is
used to rate their work


Creativity 10 points
Effort/Perseverance 10 points
Craftmanship 5 points
Total of 25 points

E. Generalization

Festival is a day or period of celebration, typically a religious commemoration.

F. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the different kinds of festival in the Philippines.
1. Celebrated for month long through parade of floats that are
decorated with flowers.
2. It is the farmers' thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest with a grand
display of colorful rice wafers, fruits, vegetables, and handicrafts
adorning every house in the town.
3. A feast held annually in January in honor of the Santo Niño (Infant
Jesus), concluding on the third Sunday, in the island and town of
Kalibo, Aklan in the Philippines
4. This festival features dance rituals for fertility and a bountiful harvest.
5. It is an annual festival held on Holy Week on the island of Marinduque

IV. Assignment
Interview your grandparents or some elders from your barangay about your festival
or fiesta. Ask these questions and write your answers in your MAPEH notebook.
1. Who or what is celebrated in your barangay fiesta?
2. When did the first celebration happen?
3. What artistic skills are being used for the celebration of your fiesta?

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