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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 4

Concepcion Kids Learning Center


At the end of the lesson, 80% 0f the learners must be able to:

A. Identify the describing words in a sentence

B. Make use of adjectives as describing words
C. Utilize small group differentiated instruction to apply the adjectives

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjectives and Their Uses

Reference/s: English Basics and Beyond (grade 4) page 91
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, pictures, online games

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
- Greeting
- Classroom Management
- Checking of attendance

B. Review of the previous lesson

The teacher will ask the students about the past lesson in reading entitled “My Mother, the

C. Motivation

The teacher will introduce the game through baamboozle then it will be play by the students

D. Priming Up

The teacher will ask the students what they noticed based on the game

E. Presentation of the lesson

The teacher will present the lesson entitled adjectives and their uses

A . Activity

The teacher will give an examples about adjectives and the students will identify the adjectives
in every sentence

B. Analysis

The teacher will present others example for the oral recitation and students will be asked to
choose the most appropriate adjectives to use in every sentence
C. Abstraction

Let the students construct their own sentence using adjectives in padlet

D. Application

Divide the class into four groups using breakout rooms. Assign each group with the following

Group 1
Show and Tell: Show an object that it is valuable for you then describe it

Group 2

Describing the day: Use adjectives to describe your day using the following prompt below:
 Describe your morning so far.
 Describe what you had for lunch.
 Tell us about your math class.

Group 3

Write a meaningful poem about your life using adjectives maximum of 3 stanzas

Group 4

Compose a chant using adjectives to describe your group maximum of 2 minutes


Interpretation 8 points
Creativity 7 points
Oral Delivery 5 points
Teamwork 5 points
Total of 25 points

E. Generalization

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing).

F. Evaluation

Direction: Answer the items prepared in Identify the adjective in each sentences then
write it in your notebook.
1. They live in a beautiful house.
2. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today.
3. This soup is edible.
4. She wore a glossy dress.
5. He writes meaningless letters.
6. This shop is nice.
7. She bought a gorgeous gown.
8. Ben is an adorable baby.
9. Linda's hair is long.
10. Darren made a cake with candies
IV. Assignment
DIRECTION: Draw a picture of your favorite cartoon character list down at least 5 words that
would best describe of it.

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