7.determining Client Computing Problems and Actions

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Determining client computing problems and actions


● Determining the problem

● focusing the client on the problem
● Using proper netiquette
● Observe SLA
● Call center environment

Determining the Problem

● One of the first tasks is to determine the type of problem

● At the beginning of the conversation
○ Know: Call the client by name or designation
○ Relate: Use brief communication to create a one-to-one connection
○ Understand: Determine the customers level of knowledge about her computer
● Listen actively
● Never interrupt a client to ask questions of make statements
● After listening explain the whole problem
○ Begin by saying something like “Let me see if I got this right”
● Ask some follow up questions
○ Ask relevant questions
● Ask targeted closed-ended questions targeted to get some specific answers

Focusing the Client on the Problem

● It’s part of the job

● Keeping the client focus on the problem allows to control the situation
● This will make the best use of time
● Do not take any comments personally
● Do not retaliate with comments or criticism
● Make finding a solution to the problem as the main focus
● There are different types of clients
○ Talkative clients
○ Rude clients
○ Angry clients
○ Knowledgeable clients
○ Inexperienced clients
● Recognizing the type of client will help manage the situation

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Talkative Clients

● They discuss everything except the problem

● They often use the call as an opportunity to socialize
● It can be difficult to get a talkative client to focus on the problem
● Dealing with a talkative client
○ Allow the client to talk for one minute
○ Don’t encourage non-problem-related conversations
○ Gather as much information about the problem as possible
○ Politely step in to refocus the client
■ This is the exception to the rule of never interrupting the client
● Ask as many close-ended questions as required

Rude Clients

● A rude client complains during the call

● Often make negative comments about the product and the technician
● This type of clients is sometimes abusive and uncooperative
● Are easily aggravated
● Dealing with rude clients
○ Listen carefully, try not to ask the client to repeat any information if there is any way to determine the
problem without her
○ Don’t ask the client to follow any obvious steps
○ Follow a step-by-step approach to determine and solve the problem
○ Don't be rude to the client
○ If the client favors another technician, see whether he can take the call
○ Apologize for the wait time and the inconvenience even if there was no waiting time
○ Reiterate that you want to solve the client’s problem as quickly as possible

Angry Clients

● An angry client talks loudly during the call

● Tries to speak when the technician is speaking
● Usually are frustrated that they have a problem
● Upset that they have to call somebody to fix it
● Dealing with angry clients
○ Let the client explain his problem without interrupting
■ This will help the client to release some of his anger before you proceed
○ Try not to put the client on hold or transfer the call
○ Sympathize with the customers problem
○ Do not spend time talking about the cause of the problem
■ Instead redirect the conversation to solving the problem
○ Apologize for the wait time or the inconvenience

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Knowledgeable Clients

● Often wants to speak with a technician who is equally experienced

● Usually tries to control the call
● Dealing with knowledgeable clients
○ If you are a level one technician, try to set up a conference call with a level-two technician
○ Explain the overall approach to what you are trying to verify
○ Do not follow a step-by-step process with the client
○ Do not ask to check the obvious such as power cord or power switch

Inexperienced Clients

● Has difficulty describing the problem

● Usually, can’t follow directions
● Can't communicate the errors they encounter properly
● Dealing with an Inexperienced client
○ Use a simple step-by-step instruction
○ Speak in plain terms
○ Don't use industry jargons
○ Don't condescend to the client or belittle her

Using Proper Netiquette

● Netiquette describes the rules of conducts for respectful and appropriate communication on the internet
● Etiquette for internet
● A technician should be professional in all communications with the clients
● In addition to the general rules, emails and texts has a set of personal and business rules (Netiquettes)
○ Remember that you are dealing with people
○ Adhere to the same standards you follow in real life
○ Respect their time and bandwidth
○ Share expert knowledge
○ Do not engage in ‘flame wars’
○ Respect their privacy
○ Be forgiving of their mistakes
● There are more rules that you can follow.

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Observe Service Level Agreements SLA

● When dealing with the clients, it’s important to adhere to the SLA
● This is a contract that defines the expectation between an organization and those who take their services
● This is typically a legal agreement that describes the responsibilities of all the parties involved
● Some of the contents may include
○ Response-time guarantee
○ Equipment and/or software that will be supported
○ Where service will be provided
○ Diagnostics
○ Part availability
○ Cost and penalties
○ Time of service availability
● Some of the expectations might include the customers’ ability to escalate to management

Call Center Environment

● A call center may exist within a company and offer service to the employees as well as to the customers
● Alternatively, a call center may be an independent business that sells computer support as a service to outside
● Is a busy fast-paced work environment, often 24-7
● Call centers tend to have a large number of cubicles
○ Each has a chair, a computer and a phone with a headset
○ Technicians have different levels of experience
○ Some has specialties in certain areas
● All the computers in a call center have help-desk software installed
○ This software is used to manage the technicians job functions
Call Center Environment
● Features of a help-desk software
○ Log and track incidents
■ May manage call queues, set call priorities, assign calls and escalate calls
○ Record contact information
○ Research product information
○ Run diagnostic utilities
○ Research a knowledge base
○ Collect customer feedback

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Call Prioritization

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