How To Teach English For Junior High School

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How to teach English for junior high school

Learning English will certainly be fun but sometimes there are difficulties in learning it.
Moreover, if the teacher only explains and the students accept it without any other method,
surely the students will get bored quickly. Teaching English in elementary school, middle school,
and high schools certainly uses different methods. Because the levels are different, the materials
and learning methods must be different. Therefore, it would be nice if we know some tips for
teaching English, especially to junior high school students.

First, don't focus too much on grammar, if they make mistakes, that's okay. Let them
easily express what they understand.

Second, we can use learning media such as listening to music through sound then the
teacher gives listening questions to students, for example completing a song that is missing on
the given sheet of paper, watching films in English or with English subtitles, then students will
understand and translate what they are watching. Teacher can also use YouTube. We can teach
students to speaking, reading, or listening.

Third, use discussions about current topics or topics that students like. Surely students
will be interested if what is discussed in the lesson is the things they like. For example their
favorite idol or hobby. For example, by linking topics that are viral on social media and
discussing them in class using English.

Next, Learning English subjects will certainly be more fun if you don't focus on theory
alone. But with more practice. Encourage students to always speak in English every hour of
learning English. Just use simple conversation. In learning a language, it will be more fluent if
the surrounding environment also uses the language being studied. If the teacher is accustomed
to speaking English with students, the students will also be more accustomed.

The last one is to familiarize students with using English in their daily life. Start small,
that they have mastered. Talk about everyday topics, such as hobbies, where to live, vacations,
and other light things. Don't start with a heavy topic as that will frustrate them. Talk about light
topics first, then improve as they become more comfortable with simple topics.

Maybe there are many other, more innovative ways that you can use and according to
your learning method. Whatever it is, make sure the teachers can give the best to their students.

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