Modular Teaching in Biology

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Immaculate Academy

Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Modular Teaching in Biology as Perceived by Grade 12 

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students in 

Immaculate Academy

(Descriptive Type)

Submitted to:

Mrs. Zosima E. Tapang LPT, MAED 

Practical Research Teacher

Submitted by:

Genevive S. Labeta

Connie D. Ampo

Maristela R. Leonor

Nelvin Jay Yares

John Lawrence Ladaran

December 2021

The purpose of this study is to know more about modular teaching in biology for

Grade 12-STEM students. Studying biology in modular distance learning encourages all

Grade 12 STEM, who come from Immaculate Academy to become more independent but

face a lot of struggles. The study was Descriptive; the researchers make use of the

questionnaires to collect primary data from all Grade 12 STEM students of Immaculate

Academy. The researchers gave questionnaires to the respondent in Google form online.

After the respondents’ responded to the given survey, the researchers amassed the data of

the students’ perception about the advantages and disadvantages of modular teaching in

biology to the students, the students’ attitudes/feelings about modular learning in biology,

and the methods of students usually do to answer their modules at home. The data were

quantified using the percentage formula. The findings revealed that modular education

helps students to become more independent in studying biology but can also be stressful.

The data also has shown that students do not communicate much with teachers and do not

agree on the continuance of modular education in Biology for the next few years. It has

been concluded that students who are studying Biology in distance learning make

students more stressed as they do not have direct communication with their teacher. From

the conclusion, it recommends that the future researchers who will do a study on this

topic need to interview more people to gather more information.

The researchers would like to express their appreciation to those who have

supported and assisted them in making their research possible and successful.

First and foremost, the researchers express their heart felt appreciation and

profound gratitude to almighty God Jesus Christ, our savior, for the knowledge and

successful completion of their humble piece of work.

Second, to their very supportive family and friends, for nonstop help and support

in order to complete this research subject.

To Mrs. Zosima E. Tapang LPT, MAED, Practical Research 2 Instructress for

giving a research project, a gesture of gratitude and thanks for her efforts and guidance in

making this work.  

Finally, to all Grade 12 STEM students in Immaculate Academy who courteously

cooperated in answering the questionnaire.

Thank you so much…

-The Researchers

Title Page


Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables


Chapter I



Theoretical Background

Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature

Other Related Studies

The Problem

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Operational Definition of Terms

Research Methodology

Research Design

Research Environment

Research Participants and Sampling

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Treatment

Chapter II

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Advantages and Disadvantages of 

Modular in Biology

Student’s Attitudes/ Feelings about

Modular Teaching in Biology

Student’s Methods for Doing Their 

Modules at Home

Chapter III

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

• Summary of the Study

• Findings

• Conclusion

• Recommendations



A. Letter of Informed Consent

B. Research Instrument

C. Biodata of Researchers

D. Documentation

1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Modular Teaching in Biology

Table 1.1 Modular Learning Helping Students in Understanding Biology

Table 1.2 Modular Learning in Biology Stressing Students in the Midst of Pandemic

Table 1.3 Modular Teaching in Biology Aspects Learning Routine of Students

Table 1.5 Factors that Negatively Affects Students in Studying Biology using

Modular Format

2 Students’ Attitudes/ Feelings about Modular Teaching in Biology

Table 2.1 Students’ Feelings about Biology Instruction in Modular Approach

Table 2.2 Students Likes learning Biology in Modular Format

Table 2.3 Students like Modular Learning as the New Normal Way of

Learning for the Next Following Years

3 Students’ Methods for Doing their Modules at Home

Table 3.1 Time do Students Speed in Understanding and Answering

Questions on Modular Biology

Table 3.2 Students Prefers to do so in Studying Biology at Home

Table 3.3 Students Managing Time while Studying Biology




By: Genevive Labeta, Connie Ampo, Maristela Leonor

Nelvin Jay Berou, and John Lawrence Ladaran




The Covid-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to

the near-total closures of schools, universities and colleges. ( To

provide and sustain quality education despite lockdowns and community quarantine, the

students' new normal has to be taken into consideration. Modular approach to teaching

enables the learner to have control over his/her learning and accepts greater responsibility

for learning. It demands greater maturity on the part of the learner, the modules is more

the learner, the modules is more appropriate for more mature students.


Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners

to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever

is applicable to the learner. Learners under Modular Distance learning can also use other

resources such as Learner's materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other

study materials. The use of modules encourages independent study. (

The researchers' choose this topic to discover more about other students'

perspectives on modular teaching in Biology, as some may argue that it's not that easy

and slightly effective in the teaching learning process than traditional ways. Truth is,
students have different perspectives. Some of them would prefer face-to-face instruction

rather than modular teaching and vice-versa. So, regardless of how many students agree

or disagree, this research will triumph.




            According to Garrison & Hayes, 1990, the development of new technologies has

promoted an outstanding growth in distance education, both in the number of students

enrolling and in the number of universities adding education at a distance to their

curriculum (Garrison, 1990). While the application of modem technology may glamorize

distance education, literature in the field reveals a conceptually fragmented framework

lacking in both theoretical foundation and programmatic research.  As distance education

struggles to identify appropriate theoretical frameworks, implementation issues also

become crucial. The very nature of distance education as learner-centered instruction,

distance educators must move ahead to investigate how the learner, the instructor, and the

technology collaborate to generate knowledge. According to Holmberg, 1989; it is a

concept that covers the learning-teaching activities in the cognitive and/or psychomotor

and effective domains of an individual learner and a supporting organization. It is

characterized by noncontiguous communication and can be carried out anywhere and at

any time, which makes it attractive to adults with professional and social commitments

(Holmberg, 1989, p. 168). Meaningful learning, which anchors new learning matter in the
cognitive structures, not rote learning, is the center of interest. To the theoretical concerns

belong considerations about the influence distance learning can exert on society apart

from the spreading of knowledge and making students aware of academic issues. 

Legal Basis

             The public health emergency brought about by COVID-19 calls for the

Department of Education (DepEd), and Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-

LCP) to ensure that learning opportunities are safely provided to our learners through

different learning delivery. The 1987 Constitution states in Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2,


Section 1.

The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to equality education at all

levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

Section 2.

The State shall:

1. Establish, maintain, support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of

education relevant to the needs of the people and society;

2. Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and

high school levels.

According to the above-cited constitutional provisions, as well as Executive Order No.

292 or the Administrative Code of 1987, Republic Act No. (RA) 9155 or the Governance

of Basic Education Act of 2001, and RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013, DepEd is mandated to protect and promote the right of access to quality basic


Accordingly, it is legally tasked to provide a learner-centered, inclusive,

responsive, relevant, and contextualized K to 12 basic educations. By its legal mandate,

DepEd has promulgated issuances on flexible learning and materials, specifically, DepEd

Order No. (DO) 21, s. 2019, or the Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education

Program. It sets forth Flexible Learning Options (FLOs), which includes alternative

delivery modes and their corresponding learning resources that are responsive to the

need, context, circumstances, and diversity of learners. These policy guidelines aim to set

the standards and specifications in the provision of learning resources in the

implementation of the BELCP.


Holmberg 1982; Distance
Education is a concept that covers
the learning-teaching activities in
cognitive and/or psychomotor and
effective domains of an individual
learner and a supporting
organization. It is characterized by

Modular Teaching in
Students Biology as Perceived by
on Grade 12- Science,
modular Technology, Engineering
Legal Basis
reaching and Mathematics STEM
Executive order No.292 or the
modality Students in Immaculate
Administrative Code of 1987,
Republic Act No. (RA) 9155 or the
Governance of Basic Education Act
of 2001, and RA 10533 or the
enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013, DepEd is mandated to protect
and promote the right of access to
equality basic education.
Accordingly, it is legally tasked to
provide a learner-centered,
inclusive responsive, relevant, and
contextualized K to 12 basic

Modular Distance Learning

Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has

been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity

of education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of

education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of

other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. The use of modules encourages

independent study. One of the benefits of using modules for instruction is the acquisition

of better self-study or learning skills among students. Students engage themselves in

learning the concepts presented in the module. They develop a sense of responsibility in

accomplishing the tasks provided in the module. With little or no assistance from others,

the learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn; they are empowered

(Nardo, M.T.B, 2017). Other advantages of modular instruction include more choice and

self-pacing for students; more variety and flexibility for teachers and staff; and increased

adaptability of instructional materials. (Dangle & Sumaoang 2020)

Modularized curriculum in higher education institution

Modularization is based on the principle of dividing the curriculum into small

discrete modules or units that are independent, nonsequential, and typically short in

duration. Students accumulate credits for modules which can lead to the qualification for

which a specified number of credit point is required. According to Hornby, as cited in

Yoseph and Mekuwanint (2015) and Malik (2012), module is a unit of work in a course

of instruction that is virtually self-contained and a method of teaching that is based on the

building up of skills and knowledge in discrete units. Therefore, a module is a course that
together with other related courses can constitute a particular area of specialization. Each

unit or module is a measured part of an extended learning experience leading to a

specified qualification(s) “for which a designated number, and normally sequence, of

units or modules is required.” Moreover, the very essence of modularization is that

students are at center of the teaching–learning process. It calls for a classroom

environment in which students are actively engaged in knowledge construction process

and a shift in the role of instructor from knowledge transmitter to a facilitator of students’

learning. Not only that, modularization requires continuous follow-up and assessment of

students’ progress throughout the module/course. The practice of effective continuous

assessment allows instructors making adjustments to teaching and learning in response to

assessment evidence. This also helps students receive feedback about their learning with

advice on what they can do to improve. (Chen 2019)

Modular Teaching

Modular approach to teaching is enables the learner to have control over her/his

learning and accepts greater responsibility for learning. It demands greater maturity on

the part of the learner, the modules is more appropriate for more mature learners.

Modular teaching is more effective in teaching- learning process as compared to the

traditional teaching methods because the learners can learn at their own pace and at their

very convenient time. The belief that self-pacing is desirable on the part of the learners

because they do not achieve at the same time. Most learning packages are entirely

individualized but group experiences can be built in it. The main driving force behind the

introduction of modules in teaching learning process lies in the fact that they have roles
that can help to solve key educational problems. This is largely because they satisfy the

basic condition for promoting effective learning and are extremely flexible in

implementation. The use of such packages considers individual differences and permits

students to work at their own pace. That is why Loughran and Berry (2000) pointed out

that individuals learnt more at their own pace, because “Telling is not teaching and

listening is not learning.” But it is a process of first absorbing and then expression of

concepts. So, it is best achieved by self – learning. (Padsing 2021)

Other Related Studies 

Common Study Problems

Everyone experiences difficulties with studying at one time or another, and

overcoming these challenges is all part of the learning process, particularly when    you

have a large workload. Such issues range from temporary glitches to chronic lack of

motivation and low productivity. It can take what feels like extraordinary will-power to

overcome these issues, but the important thing to remember is that they can be conquered

with the right attitude. Some of the most common study problems that can afflict students

at any stage in their education are the experiencing low motivation, there are too many

distractions, having difficulty in concentrating, having difficulty remembering facts and

figures, didn’t enjoy the subject you’re studying, lack of the right resources and struggle

with time management. (

  Of course, one of the main issues that needs to be thought through is what type of

learner a distance learner is. Sometimes, there can be some learners who perform better

with physical activities, and so they might be de-motivated through distance learning,
which can be text-based from time to time. All in all, it does need to be determined

whether or not a person can realize their potential through this type of medium. If you

invest your time into the course which you are taking. Obviously, a person who is very

lazy might not get the results which they were looking for, and those who are

preoccupied with a job or a family might not be able to throw enough time to their

course. Grades can be affected by this and it can be foolish to fall into the trap that just

because a course is based online, it means that not as much work is required to complete

it fully. (


Scholars generally agree that modular degrees have many advantages for students

in terms of their capacity to offer flexibility, choice, access and mobility. It is also widely

argued that modular structures may be beneficial to universities in that they potentially

allow institutions to respond to the needs of employers, expand student markets, develop

more efficient uses of resources and increase opportunities for curricula breadth.

However, it is also argued that modularization creates the possibility of fragmentation

and incoherence of the educational experience, potentially weakens learning outcomes

and comes with epistemological, structural and pedagogical challenges. French (2015)

                 According to Brown et al. (1977) module has following possible advantages in

the administration: 

a. Users can study modules within their own environment. This means they can be

used not only within teaching institutions but also on the job. 
b. Users can study modules with minimum disruption to their normal duties and

responsibilities. While this applies to both students and teachers and it is

particularly true for teachers who can use modules as resources for staff


c. Modules may be administered to a single user, small groups or large groups

according to need.

d.  Modules programs can be easily revised and upgraded by replacing one module

by other amending aspects of a single module.

e. Module programs are flexible in the sense that they can be implemented through a

variety of scheduling patterns.

f. Modules are economical to use. While initial costs of designed developments are

high so they are ultimately cost effective. (Ali, 2010)


Statement of the Problem

General Statement

The purpose of this study is to figure out the Modular Teaching in Biology to

Grade 12-STEM students in Immaculate Academy, to discover the positive and negative

contributions of modular teaching and also to their attitude and behavior. Particularly,

this will answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modularization to the students in

jyhfkhghterms of learning Biology?

2. What were students’ attitudes/feelings about modular teaching in Biology? 

3. What methods do students use to answer their modules at home?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will benefit the following:

The students will benefit in this study since they the main focus on how they feel.

The parents of students that they should be aware of the children’s' difficulties in

school during this pandemic, so they can provide them with a lot of assistance and


The teachers should be more patient and develop a deeper understanding of their

students in order to comprehend how they struggled to answer their modules.

The general public to be informed about how effective modular teaching is for all


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research paper focused on the Modular Teaching in Biology as Perceived by

Grade 12-STEM Students during the school year of 2021-2022. This research study was

only conducted to Grade 12 students taking STEM Strand of Immaculate Academy.

Whatever information about the modular teaching in Biology during this pandemic that

have been given this research paper were only based on the answers that were given by

the students being studied.

Operational Definition of Terms

 Modular Distance Learning- a new normal of education where every Monday

students will receive self-learning modules of every subject to study, and answer

and will be pass in the next Monday in Immaculate Academy.

 COVID-19 Pandemic- an infectious disease that caused to conduct the new

normal education which is modular teaching.

 Biology- one of the subject of STEM students in Immaculate Academy, a branch

of Science. 


Research Design

The descriptive design was used in this research. The main goal of a descriptive

study is to describe the modular teaching in Biology as perceived by Grade 12 STEM

students in the batch 2021-2022, as well as their opinion about it.

Research Environment

This research was conducted at Immaculate Academy in San Pedro, Duero,

Bohol. Immaculate Academy has 92 Senior High School students and provides the

following strands: TV L- Cookery, HUMSS, ABM, Prebac, and STEM.

Research Participants

The study’s participants were Senior High School Grade 12 students who were

enrolled in the STEM strand, totaling 17 individuals.

Research Instrument
This study was conducted using a Google form questionnaire composed of three

(3) parts. The first part was the advantages and disadvantages of modular teaching in

Biology. The second part was about the students’ attitudes/feelings about modular

teaching Biology. Lastly, it was all about the students’ methods in doing their modules at

home. The questionnaire was constructed by the researcher’s general objective in order to

acquire the result.

Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting the desired data, the researchers secured a letter of informed consent

to all STEM Students of Grade 12 in Immaculate Academy, which acted as the research

environment. The researchers began their survey by contacting STEM students in section

St. Gabriel and sent them informed letter via messenger/ group chat. They sent the forms

questionnaire to the respondents through group chat and guided them on how to complete

it. The researchers went over and double-check all the data before presenting the findings

of the study.

Data Treatment

The responses of the given surveys were tabulated using Google Forms, which

shows the outcome or percentages directly. The percentage was used to express the



This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. The

first part describes the advantages and disadvantages of modular teaching in Biology to

the students. The second part deals with students’ attitudes/feelings about modular

teaching in Biology. The last part presents the students’ methods for doing their modules

at home. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Modular Teaching in Biology

Table 1.1

Modular Learning on helping students Frequency Percentage

Not at all helpful 1 6%

Slightly helpful 4 24%

Moderately Helpful 5 29%

Very helpful 5 29%

Extremely helpful 2 12%

TOTAL 17 100%

Modular Learning Helping Students in Understanding Biology

Table 1.1 shows how helpful modular teaching in understanding Biology. Most

students voted that understanding Biology in modular format is Moderately helpful and

Very helpful, that is both 5 or 29%, while there were 4 or 24% slightly helpful, there
were only 2 or 12% voted Extremely helpful, and there was 1 or 6% student voted that

understanding in Biology through modular format was Not at all helpful.

Table 1.2

Modular Learning in Biology Stressing Students in the midst of Pandemic

Modular learning stressing students Frequency Percentage

Not at all stressful 1 6%

Slightly stressful 6 35%

Moderately stressful 4 24%

Very stressful 5 29%

Extremely stressful 1 6%

TOTAL 17 100%

Table 1.2 reveals how stressful modular learning in Biology has been for students

in the midst of pandemic. Most students voted that modular learning in Biology has

Slightly stressful for them, that is 6 or 35%, while there were 5 or 29% voted Very

stressful, and 4 or 24% voted Moderately stressful, 1 or 6% student voted Not at all

stressful, and Extremely stressful.

Table 1.3

Modular Teaching in Biology Affects Students Learning Routine

Affecting Students Learning Routine Frequency Percentage

Yes, without a doubt 6 35%

7 41%

No, not at all

4 24%


Table 1.3 indicates whether modular teaching affects students learning routine in

studying Biology. Most students aren’t sure if it has influenced their learning schedule, so

they responded Perhaps 1 or 41 %, followed by Yes, without a doubt 6 or 35%, and No,

not at all 4 or 24 %.

Table 1.4

Modular Learning Helps Students to be More Independent in Understanding Biology

Modular Learning helping Students Independency in Biology Frequency Percentage

Yes 9 53%

No 3 18%

Maybe 5 29%

TOTAL 17 100%
Table 1.4 examines whether modular learning helps students to be more

independent in understanding Biology. Most students say Yes, that is 9 or 53%, while 5

or 29% doesn’t sure yet and said Maybe, and 3 or 18 says No.

Table 1.5

Factors that Negatively Affect Students in Studying Biology using Modular Format

Factors that Negatively Affect Frequency Percentage

Lack of sources of Information 2 11.76%

Lack of communication with teachers 11 64.71%

Lack of internet connection 4 23.53%

TOTAL 17 100%

Table 1.5 determines what factors that negatively affect students in studying Biology

during this modularization. Most students deals with Lack of Communication with

teachers, which is 11 or 64.71%, while 4 or 24% deals with Lack of Internet Connection,

and 2 or 11.76% Lack of sources of information.

Students’ Attitudes/Feelings About Modular Teaching in Biology

Table 2.1

Students’ Feelings About Biology Instruction in Modular Approach

Feelings About Biology Instruction

Frequency Percentage

Below Average




Table 2.1 shows how do students feel about Biology instruction which is the modular

approach. Most students feel Good, that is 8 ar 47%, while both 3 or 17.65% students feel

Poor, Below Average, and Average, no one feels Excellent.

Table 2.2 

Students Likes Learning Biology in Modular Format

Likes Learning in Biology

Frequency Percentage

Yes, without a doubt

Yes, but I’d like to make a few changes

No, there are numerous challenges

No, not at all

Table 2.2 shows do students like learning Biology in a modular format. The majority of

the students, 7 or 41% stated Yes, but liked to make few changes, while 4 or 23% stated

No, there are numerous challenges and 3 or 18 % stated Yes, without a doubt and No, not

at all.
Table 2.3

Students Likes Modular Learning as the New Normal Way of Learning for the Next

Following Years

Modular learning as the new normal way of learning

Frequency Percentage




Table 2.3 indicates would students like modular learning as the new normal way of

learning for the next following years. The majority of students, 14 or 82% responded No,

with 2 or 12% respondent Maybe and 1 or 6% responded Yes.

Students’ Methods for Doing Their Modules at Home

Table 3.1

Time do Students Spend in Understanding and Answering Questions on the Module


Time do students spend

Frequency Percentage

1-3 hours

3-5 hours

5-7 hours
7-10 hours

10+ hours

Table 3.1 depicts how much time do students spend understanding and answering

Questions on their module in Biology. There were 11 or 64% of the 17 students who

spent 1-3 hours, 1 or 6% who spent 5-7 hours and 10+ hours, 4 or 24% who spent 3-5

hours, and no one 7-10 hours.

Table 3.2

Students Prefer to Study Biology at Home

Prefer to Study Biology at Home

Frequency Percentage

Early in the morning

Late at night

When I have free time

Others: In accordance to my schedule

Table 3.2 presents when students study Biology at home, when they have prefer to do so.

The majority of students is When they have free time, which is 9 or 53%, 6 or 35% of the

time students study Late at night, and both 1 or 6% Early in Morning and In accordance

to his/her schedule.

Table 3.3
Students Managing Time while Studying Brology Modularity

Managing time to study Biology

Frequency Percentage

Playtime – Academic schedule-Household chores

Academic schedule – Household chores- Playtime

Household chores – Playtime – Academic schedule

Household chores – Academic schedule – Playtime

Table 3.3 deals how well could students manage their time when studying Biology

modules. Most students manage their time in Academic schedule – Household chores-

Playtime and Household chores-Playtime – Academic schedule, that is 5 or 29%, while 4

or 24% Students manage their time in Household – Academic Schedule-Playtime, and 3

or 13% of Playtime-Academic schedule. Household chores.



This chapter presents the summary of the study, significant findings discovered,

conclusions drawn  and data analyses and recommendations for future research

Summary of the study 

 This study aims to discover positive and negative contribution of modular teaching in

biology to students in terms of their attitude and behavior. Particularly, this will answer 
The following questions:

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of modularization to students in terms of

learning biology?

2.What were studentsʼ attitudes/feelings about modular teaching in biology? 

3.What methods do students used to answer their modules at home?

It was hypothesized by the researchers that  modular learning encourages students to

become more independent in studying,but it contribute stress.

It was conducted at Immaculate, where 17 STEM students who study Biology are being

studied. Simple frequency counts were done, percentage were settled and data are

illustrated through tabular form.


Some helpful and interesting findings were found out by the researchers in this study: 

1. Modular learning  are  helpful to students in understanding biology in the middle

of this pandemic.

2. Modular learning are slightly stressful to students.

3. Modular distance learning help students  to become more independent in studying


4. Lack of communication with teachers is the most common factor that negatively

affect students in  studying during modular learning.

5. Students feel good about  biology instruction which is the modular approach
6. Students like learning Biology in modular format but they like to make few


7. Most students in Immaculate Academy do not agree with the continuation of

modular learning as  the new mode of learning for the next following years.

8. Most students spend their time in studying at the range of 1-3 hours.

9. Students study biology when they have free time.

Results showed that modular learning encourage students to become more independent in

studying. Thus, the hypothesis which states that “Modular learning encourage students to

become more independent in studying, but it contribute stress.” was accepted.


The researchers conclude, as the study were done, that modular learning helps students in

learning Biology and also it encourages them in becoming more independent in studying.

But stressful.

Modular learning give advantages to students in terms of the development of theirselves

on becoming an independent adolescent at the same time it give stress to students. 


As the findings and conclusion were drawn, the researchers proposed the following

1. For the next researcher who will take this topic, they must study another group of

students and to another school to figure out if the results  would be the same to the

researcher’s finding in this study.

2. The population of the research participants/respondents needs to be increased in

order to gather and compile some significant information that would make the

research excellent.


Dangle, Ysthr Rave Pe et. Al (2021) “The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning

in the Philippines Secondary Public Schools” Retrieved from ( https:// 2020/11/27-427.pdf ) Dated September 18,


Dejene, Wondifraw et. Al (2019) “The practice of modularized curriculum in higher

education institution: Active learning and continuous assessment in focus”( https:// full/10.1080/2331186X. 2019.1611052) Dated September 18,


Padsing, Rosita C. (2021) “Effectiveness of Modularized Instruction in Teaching”

(https://www.globalscientificjournal. Com/researchpaper/ Effectiveness_of_Modularize

d_Instruction_in_Teaching.pdf ) Dated September 18, 2021



PLAN” Retrieved from (

DO_s2020_018.pdf ) Dated August 26, 2021

“Theory of Distance Education” ( http:// ed1/13/13-03.html )

Dated August 25, 2021.






Immaculate Academy

San, Pedro, Duero

6309, Bohol

Dear STEM Students,

            Greetings to all! We would like to request your approval to conduct a survey for

our research entitled “Modular Teaching in Biology as Perceived by Grade-12 Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Students in Immaculate Academy”

as part of our Practical Research 2 requirement. We believe that you can assist us on our

research and you have the right qualifications. We assure you that all information

gathered for you will be handed with utmost secrecy.

           We are hoping that your acceptance to conduct this research will be truly valued.

We respectfully request your consideration. Thank you and advance for your help with

this research and may God bless you all.

Respectfully yours,

Genevive Labeta

Connie Ampo

Maristela Leonor

Nelvin Jay Berou

John Lawrence Ladaran

Noted by:

Mrs. Zosima E. Tapang, LPT, MaEd

Practical Research 2 Teacher

Appendix B

Research Instrument

(Research Questionnaire)

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) STUDENTS IN IMMACULATE


Respondents are Grade 12 students (STEM)


Genevive Labeta

Connie Ampo

Maristela Leonor

Nelvin Jay Berou

John Lawrence Ladaran

Part I. Advantages and disadvantages of modular teaching in Biology?

1. How helpful modular learning has been for you in understanding the biology?

_Not at all helpful 

_Slightly helpful

_Moderately helpful

_Very helpful 

_Extremely helpful

2. How stressful modular has been for you while studying biology 12 in the midst of


_Very stressful

_Slightly stressful
_mModerately stressful

_Not at all stressful

3. Do modular teaching affects your learning routine in  studying biology?

_Yes, without a doubt



4. Do modular learning helps you to be more independent in understanding biology?




5. What factors that negatively affect you  in studying Biology during this


_Lack of storces of information

_Lack of communication with teachers

_Lack of internet connection


Part II. Student’s attitude/feelings about modular teaching in Biology

1. In general, how do you feel about biology instructions which is the modular



_Below average



2. Do you like learning biology in modular format?

_Yes, without a doubt 

_Yes, but I’d like to make a few changes

_No, there are numerous challenges

_No, not at all

3. Would you like modular learning as the new normal and will be the new way of

learning for the next following years?




Part III. Students methods for doing their modules at home

1. How much time do you spend understanding and answering the questions on your

module in biology?

_1-3 hours

_3-5 hours

_7-10 hours

_10+ hours

2. When you study biology at home, when do you prefer to do so?

_Early in the morning

_Late at night

_When I have free time

3. How will you manage your time while studying Biology modularity?

_Playtime-Academic schedule-Household chores

_Academic-Household chores-Playtime

_Household chores-Playtime-Academic schedule

_Household chores-Academic schedule-Playtime

Appendix C


Name: Genevive S. Lobeta

Nickname: “Ebeb”,”Ebang”, “Bebot”

Place of Birth: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Date of Birth: November 21, 2003

Age: 18

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Address: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Parents: Leonardo O. Labeta Sr.

Rosa S. Labeta

Elementary: Duero Central Elementary School

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2015-2016


Junior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y.  2019-2020

Senior High:Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 

Name: Connie D. Ampo

Nickname: Con

Place of Birth: San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

Date of Birth: January 28, 2004

Age: 18

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Address: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Parents: Rodrigo L. Ampo Sr.

Melani D. Ampo

Elementary: Duero Central Elementary School

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2015-2016


Junior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2019-2020

Senior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 

Name: Maristela R. Leonor

Nickname: Maris, Stella, Tetay, Telay

Place of Birth: San Antonio, Basey, Samar

Date of Birth: October 28, 2003


Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Address: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Parents: Melvin B. Leonor

Jessica R. Leonor

Elementary:Duero Central Elementary School

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2015-2016


Junior High:Simeon Ocdol National High School

San Antonio, Basey, Samar

S.Y 2019-2020

Senior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol 

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 

Name: Nelvin Jay Berou

Nickname: Nelvin

Place of Birth: Canhaway, Guindulman, Bohol

Date of Birth: June 23,2004

Age: 17

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Address: Canhaway, Guindulman, Bohol

Parents: Noel A. Yares

Lea B. Yares

Elementary: Canhaway, Elementary, School

Canhaway, Guindulman, Bohol

S.Y. 2015-2016


Junior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2019-2020

Senior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 

Name: John Lawrence N. Ladaran

Nickname: Law, Lorraine, Bbylawr

Place of Birth: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Date of Birth: March 27, 2004

Age: 18

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Address: San Antonio, Duero, Bohol

Parent/s: Regina N. Ladaran


Elementary: Duero Central Elementary School

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2015-2016


Junior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

S.Y. 2019-2020

Senior High: Immaculate Academy

San Pedro, Duero, Bohol

Strand: Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)


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