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JCI Knowledge Transfer Checklist

As a local leader of JCI, you have acquired substantial information regarding the organization’s
operations and relations with the community. Your knowledge and experience is of immense
value to the organization as we prepare for the upcoming year, transition to new leadership and
make decisions for the future of the organization.

To ensure an orderly transition of responsibilities for which you have been mainly accountable,
we ask that you assist us by completing the following form.

1. Knowledge givers, fill in your information:

Full Name:      

JCI Local Organization:      
Position (if applicable):      
Years with JCI:      

2. To whom do you intend this knowledge to be transferred?

Full Name:      

Date of Official Handover:      

3. List the normal responsibilities you conducted within the leadership position of
your JCI Local Organization.

As JCI President my responsibilities included:

 Manage the JCI Local Organization's operations and activities
4. List the resources, tools and materials (internal and external) you regularly use to
conduct your activities and their location (i.e. a Google drive folder, JCI library,
internal sharing platform)

Resource Name Location How you use the resources

JCI Local President Action Understanding responsibilities/
JCI Library
Guide tasks

5. List relationships with external organizations, which require regular meetings,

interactions and updates in order to fulfill the responsibilities of your position.

Provide Contact Information

Organization Name Describe the Relationship
(email, phone, address)
Local Chamber of Commerce Strategic community partner Jane Smith, (555)
whos supports local membership 555-5555,
and projects

6. Are there key people (internal/external contacts) to whom we should be

introduced before you leave the organization? If yes, please list and indicate when
we might plan for such an introduction.

Contact Name Organization and Describe Relationship Potential Introduction

Title Date
John Meyer Community Mayor Involved in needs 2 weeks after handover
analysis, supports (December 11, 2014)

7. Please list any important historical/ reference documents, if any, in your


Document Name Description When/Why is it needed?

Local Organization Membership List of all members and contact Communicate to members, dues
Contact List information schedule

8. What equipment have you been tasked to use and/or keep track of? Where is the
equipment now? Are there any instructions those using the equipment need to

Equipment Name Location When to use and how

JCI Creed Banner Local Oragnization's Storage Use as backdrop at JCI
Unit meetings, orientations and

9. Using the attached sheet, “Project Status Report Template,” provide a list of all
projects, ongoing tasks, tips, information and other open items on which you are
currently working.

10. Please list the best practices you’ve experienced in not only completing your
responsibilities but achieving the JCI Mission and why you think these practices
worked well.

 Conducting quarterly membership orientations for continuous community/ member

engagement opportunities

11. What risks or obstacles might your successor experience when trying to complete
their responsibilities. What are possible solutions to overcome these obstacles?
Risks Solutions
Keeping members engaged Empowering individuals to organize and lead
activities/ projects they are passionate about

11. Is there any other information not requested on this form that you think would be
helpful for the incoming leadership to know? If yes, please provide.

Enter your information here

12. Are you able to further support the incoming leadership elected for this position
during the initial transition period to ensure a full transfer of knowledge?


13. Please describe how you would/can further support?

Enter your information here

Knowledge Transfer Checklist
Project Status Report Template

Project Concerns
Name of Status of Role in Assigned Deadline for Location of
Stakeholder (budget,
Project Project Project Project Tasks Completion Working Files
Information timeline,





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