Tugas Final Tokoh Pahlawan

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The Analysis of Gusti Inu Kartapati in Biography of prince

Prince Antasari is known by his Indonesian name.
Antasari was a sultan of banjar and a national hero of
Indonesia. His real name is Gusti inu kartapati. In the story
about Biography of antasari and also some events when
he was involved in the war in banjar kalimantan as
representatives of the people of Banjar, There are several
traits that make Prince Antasari highly respected by the
A.Antasari’s personality
Prince Antasari’s leadership, struggle, and
heroism are widely recognized by many circles,
because Prince Antasari has a noble personality
model that can be emulated as being honest,
persistent, thrifty and humble, firmly holding on to the
basics of his religious teachings and beliefs, and
strives for the common good.
- Persistent person: Prince Antasari is known to be
persistent in every battle. For example, during the
Banjar War, he fearlessly attacked a Dutch coal
mine in Pengaron in 1859.
Not only that, Antasari also often launched
attacks on Dutch posts in the Banjar Kingdom,
such as in Martapura, Tabalong, along the Barito
River, and so on. The persistence of Antasari and
his troops against the Dutch overwhelmed the
colonial regime. The government repeatedly
lobbied Antasari to submit, but these efforts were
countered by him. Antasari is reluctant to
compromise with foreigners who colonize his
With this tenacity, Prince Antasari won so many
wars that the invaders were afraid and repulsed.
- Unyielding and humble person: Prince Antasari is
also known as a leader who is not selfish, as
evidenced by when many nobles in power in the
Banjar Kingdom only think about themselves
personally, Prince Antasari chooses to take up
arms against the invaders with the motto of never
giving up. He is a tenacious, steadfast and
authoritative leader and has the inner strength to
bind his followers to a noble cause.
With the strength of the bond he has, all the
people who are with him always support and step
together to fight the invaders.
There are many other great characteristics
possessed by Prince Antasari, but I only describe two
here, and it can be concluded that his persistent, steadfast
and unyielding nature is one of his many great
B. Antasari's conflicts
After it was known that Prince Antasari was an Indonesian
national hero who had high authority and decisiveness so that
he could scare all enemies who wanted to fight his territory.
Then there are some physiological conflict and social conflict of
Pangeran Antasari
1. Antasari's physiological conflict
Even though he was old in 1862, Prince Antasari still
fought against the invaders. Unfortunately, in the midst of
his struggle, a smallpox epidemic spread throughout
Banjar. Prince Antasari and his troops were also affected
by the plague. Prince Antasari, who was also suffering
from lung disease, finally died of smallpox on October 11,
1862 or 139 years ago. Antasari’s struggle was forced to
end. Even though at that time he was preparing for the
Banjar War
2. Antasari’s social conflict
 Banjar War
On April 25, 1859, Prince Antasari’s troops attacked
the coal mining area in the Pengaron region, followed
by an attack by the Muning people under the
command of Panembahan Aling and his son, Sultan
Kuning. Muning’s troops managed to burn down
mining areas and Dutch settlements. They also
carried out attacks on plantations owned by the
Dutch in Gunung Jabok, Kalangan, and Bangkal. This
series of events triggered the outbreak of the Banjar
War led by Prince Hidayatullah II and Prince Antasari.
The strategy used is guerrilla warfare. Prince
Hidayatullah II and Prince Antasari established a
government in the interior with the support of the
Banjar and Dayak people
C. Moral massage
After all the stories above. It is known that there are
many things that we can learn and use as lessons for the
future. Of course we don't take lessons from war and
colonies, but we can take lessons from our heroes. How
our hero, Pangeran Antasari, remains steadfast, tenacious,
unyielding in his commitment to defend his homeland. So,
here are some moral messages here related to the
struggle of Prince Antasari in fighting for his homeland,
especially in the banjar.
 The first moral massage is Persistant. with our
earnest persistence we will surely achieve what we
want to achieve. because the key to success lies in
people who are serious about doing what they aspire
to. we can see from the context above that prince
antasari is very persistent in fighting to defend his
homeland. so that during his lifetime, the banjar
homeland did not fall into the hands of the invaders.
 The second moral massage is be patient. Patience is
also the key to success in achieving what we aspire to.
because all things need a process, and all processes
are not instant. there are many statements that the
longer we are in the process, the better the results of
the process will be. Then, we can see in Prince
Antasari's story that when he got sick during the war,
he remained steadfast, patient in facing life's trials.
 The third moral massage is positive thinking. Positive
thinking can help us overcome stressful situations,
ignore negative thoughts, change pessimistic
thoughts to optimistic ones, reduce anxiety and
reduce stress. When we develop a positive attitude
we can control our lives well. So after we look back at
all the stories from the story of prince antasari, that
he never doubted what he would do, of course with
the results of negotiations with the warrior figures in
the banjar. He is always sure and does not hesitate to
take a step, even his life has been ignored by him
because in his mind he has been indoctrinated by
himself with positive things. So, this is very good as a
good example and can be imitated by us as students.

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