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2i History SL / The Move to Global War / Outbreak of War / Question sheet:

1. Why did a multinational war erupt in Europe on 3. September 1939? Attempt to write at least 5
• Germany demanded Danzig pressure from population.
• Poland refused negotiations and deal with Germany.
• Britain committed to defend Poland (guarantee of borders) + rearmament + Poland and
France alliance. Germany did not believe they would fight.
• Pact Germany/Soviet dividing Poland. Soviet did not trust alliance with allied.
• Pact of Steel May 1939 – to put pressure on France/Britain.
2. Which issues caused the Polish Crisis and
why was a resolution of these seemingly
impossible? Use the map below.
Germany demanded Danzig pressure from
population; only 20 years ago part of
Germany; now East Prussia divided by
Polish Corridor. Because negotiations with
Austria and Czechoslovakia lost
independence Poland refused negotiations
and deal with Germany. More concerned
with Soviet.
3. Why were negotiations with the Soviet
Union over Poland bound to fail, according to Source T on page 173?
Soviet hoped for capitalist struggle and Soviet been rejected troops in Poland (sovereignty!) so no
alliance and Soviets only try to isolate Poland and up the ante in negotiations with Germany.
4. Why did Hitler believe that any conflict with Poland would be limited according to Source U?
Elaborate with examples from the 1930s that would lead Hitler to this conclusion.
With skillful politics war isolated according to Hitler. Convinced that Britain and France not really
committed to defend Poland; democracies weak! Convinced by Rhineland, appeasement Austria
and Sudetenland/Czechoslovakia
5. Which diplomatic initiatives failed to prevent the German invasion of Poland? Why?
Britain put pressure on Poland for deal – Poland negotiated but no deal. Britain and France
negotiated with Soviet but could not offer much to Soviet. Soviet believed that they should be
returned loses from WW1 e.g. Baltic countries. Poland refused Soviet army in Poland. Soviet only
tool for Britain and France. Soviet gain territory with pact with Germany.
6. Compare the book's account of why war broke out in Europe with the documentary's: World War
II In Colour: Episode 1 - The Gathering Storm (WWII Documentary)

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