Writing 5

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My best day

Our life is curiosity thing, it is like own science with resources and difficult question. What about
presession, mind and memories? I want to emphasize the last thing.

Truly, we are only brains. This huge system, which manage our body, subconscious, can not even
imagine how it disappointed sound. We used to say, that we are possessor of our own life, but what if I
say it is false.

Our memories are easy to replace or forget an important detail. I can not say what I did a month and
year ago, but I remember that one sunny day with dancing friends in a city. I remember how I wrote my
first poem and how I cried at the praise of a stranger. Likewise, I had a great time, and then I have called
it the best day. It all happened a long time ago, and I do not remember what I did yesterday. Sounds like
a joke. Our brain always makes us forget something, even if we don't want to. But we do not need to
blame our body for everything. There is no such thing as laziness. There is just a lack of motivation.

Let's mention pets, for example a dog. These animals need to be trained for society safety. Of course,
they do not want to bring us the ball, only by our useless whim. We need a significant incentive. For
dogs, it is food and affection. People have something similar, but more progressive.

Our brain is lazy. It is asking: «Why am I should work?»- and looks for any moment to rest. I am certainly
sure that everyone wants to get a bright future with the open door and for this you need to work. But
even then sometimes the desire of the brain wins.

If everything is controlled by our brains, then they have some power over the control of our memories. I
have met more than once time people who forgot about something very scary. I have an example from
my own life: when an unknown man wanted to kidnap me, I was so puzzled that I forgot his face, voice
and even words he had said, I remember only how I managed to escape. The brain deliberately takes
away terrible emotions so that we do not get confused for a long time, but with the help of specialists
they can be awakened.

Now I am listening to Italian music and enjoy the early sunshine. I feel so good that my heart is gently
constricted in my chest. Yesterday I was also fine, but it doesn't feel so bright. Are emotions forgotten so

I now have everything to call this day the best because I feel not existence and former emotions but life.
So today I am the happiest and tomorrow I will smile again.

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