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Jawaban Soal ke-1

1. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah ragam bahasa
Informal atau Kasual, karena dalam percakapan tersebut dilakuan ditempat biasa,
seperti di sebuah café.
2. Topik dalam percakapan pertemuan tersebut adalah seseorang yang menanyakan
keadaan temannya dan menanyakan kabar perihal pekerjaan.

Jawaban Soal ke-2

1. Graha Aktiva is an office building to carry out work activities.

The building is located in the center of Jakarta, precisely on Jl. Rasuna Said, Kuningan,
South Jakarta.
This building is one of the old buildings, but it does not eliminate the story inside and
this building has 11 floors.
This building has several companies in it because of the strategic location of the building
and can be reached everywhere, so many companies want to rent in this building. one
of them is PT. Kusuma Jaya Internusa where I work, this company is engaged in
construction. It's been almost 13 years since this company was founded, and I've been
working here for almost a year. It feels very nice to be in the midst of great people and I
have learned a lot from this company, good co-workers and willing to share their
knowledge with me, the office space which is clean and fragrant, the facilities that I get
are also of very high quality, such as a laptop, official travel expenses, a place to stay in
the form of a mess when I have to go directly to the field, meals that are also borne by
the company, pulse fees and wifi which is always available.

Jawaban Soal ke-3

1. Manager
2. All Employees
3. Invitation to Attend Farewell Ceremony

Jawaban Soal ke-4

1. Hello teman-teman
Saya sebagai panitia penyelenggara acara MY CITY GOT TALENT, ingin mengajak seluruh
teman-teman di Indonesia untuk mengikuti acara pencarian ajang berbakat ini. Acara yang
sangat bergengsi dan ditunggu-tunggu ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat, 25 September 2022
Jam : 08.00 – 12.00
Tempat : Gedung Balai Sudirman
Tanpa kehadiran teman-teman, acara pencarian bakat ini akan menjadi tidak ceria dan
ramai. Maka dari itu, dimohon untuk dapat hadir dan mengisi form pendaftaran yang
terlampir disini.
Terima kasih teman-teman,


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