Tle 10 Quarter 1

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta

Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Urdaneta City


Name:________________________________________ Section:__________________ Score:________

Topic: Kitchen Tools and Equipment

In the preparation of egg dishes, the first consideration is to identify the needed tools and
equipment and how to clean and sanitize them after each use.

1. Identify the tools and equipment needed in egg preparation;
2. Identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value;
3. Identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes; and
4. Understand the safety tips to reduce the risks of food poisoning from egg dishes

Eggs is a poultry product from domesticated female birds such as chicken, duck, quail, and goose
which are intended for human consumption. Egg is a versatile ingredient that can be cooked and served
in different ways.

Tools and equipment needed in egg preparation

1. Channel knife – a small hand tool used general in decorative works such as making garnishes
2. Colander – used to drain, wash or cook ingredients from liquid.
3. Wire whip or whisk – it is used for blending, mixing and whipping eggs or batter and for
blending gravies, sauces and soups.
4. Omelet pan – a heavy base frying usually a cast of iron or copper with rounded sloping sides
used exclusively for omelets and newer washed after used but cleaned with absorbent paper.
5. Sauce pan – deep cooking pan with a handle used primarily when cooking sauce.

Kitchen Equipment
1. Oven – a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating or drying.
2. Electric mixer – a hand-held mixer which usually comes with various attachment including a
which attachment for whisking cream, batters and egg whites and sugar.

Functions of an Egg
1. It serves as a binding ingredient.
2. It can be used as a thickener in soups, puddings and custards. When beaten egg yolks are heated,
they will thicken and hold the liquid in suspension, which will give the cooked or baked product
a perfect texture.
3. It is used for making dips and sauces like hollandaise sauce and mayonnaise

Nutritive Value of Eggs

1. Omega-3 – a type of polyunsaturated or healthy fat that helps protect the heart.
2. Choline – essential in the development of human brain, normal functioning of liver, muscle
movement, nerve function and maintenance of healthy metabolism.
3. Vitamins – include fat soluble and water-soluble vitamins, except for vitamin C.
a. Vitamin K – helps blood clot
b. Vitamin B complex – promotes good appetite and helps the body to produce the energy that
it needs to function well.
c. Vitamin A – helps develop and maintain a normal eyesight.

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4. Minerals
a. Iodine – essential in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland
b. Phosphorus – helps in the development of strong bones
c. Selenium – functions as an antioxidant
d. Zinc – helps in the healing of bones
e. Iron – essential in the normal circulation of the blood
5. Cholesterol – essential in the structure of all the cells in the body.

Safety Tips to Reduce the Risks of Food Poisoning from Egg Dishes
1. Eggs should be cooked 72 C.
2. Store the eggs in the refrigerator for them to last longer.
3. Dishes with lightly cooked eggs as ingredients should be consumed immediately or should be
placed in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of bacteria.
4. Make sure to test the egg’s freshness;
a. Float test method. This is done by placing the egg in a bowl of cold water.
 The egg is fresh if it stays at the bottom of the bowl with its one side laid flat at the
 The egg is a few weeks old if it stands on one end at the bottom
 The egg is not fresh if it floats on the surface of the water
b. Plate and sniff test method. Best applying when the egg is cooked without its shell.
 It is fresh if the egg yolk has an intact and bulky round shape and a bright yellow or
orange color while the egg white does not spread mush when placed on plate.
 The egg is older if the egg yolk is quite flat and the egg white is quite runny.
 The egg is rotten already if it has a bad smell when cracked

Egg Recipe
Cheesy Ham Omelet
2 pcs eggs
2 tbsp evaporated milk
4 slices smoked ham, chopped
1 tsp green onion, thinly sliced
Dash of pepper
¼ c cheese, shredded

1.Whisk eggs and milk in a small bowl until blended.
2. Mix with ham, onions and pepper.
3. Pour and cook on medium heat for 6 minutes until the egg mixture is set and the top is still moist.
4. Sprinkle cheese onto half of the omelet, then fold it half.
5. Remove from heat.

Activity 1: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the underlined word makes the sentence correct. If
false, change the underlined word to make the statement true.

__________1. Dishes with lightly cooked eggs should be consumed immediately to prevent the growth
of bacteria.
__________2. Float test method is best applied when the egg is cooked without its shell.
__________3. Zinc is essential in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
__________4. Sniff test method is done by placing the egg in a bowl of cold water.
__________5. The egg is rotten if the egg yolk is quite flat and the egg white is quite runny.
__________6. The egg is a few weeks old if it stands on one end at the bottom.
__________7. The egg is fresh if it floats on the surface of the water.
__________8. Store the eggs in the refrigerator for them to last longer.
__________9. Vitamin A is a type of polyunsaturated or healthy fat that helps protect the heart.
__________10. Phosphorus helps in the development of strong bones.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 2: Match column A with the correct answer in column B, write only the letter of answer on the
blank provided before the number.

___1. A small hand tool used making garnishes a. Omelet pan

___2. A heavy base frying pan used exclusively for omelets b. Sniff test method

___3. Deep cooking pan used primarily when cooking sauce c. Channel knife

___4. Used to drain, wash or cook ingredients from liquid d. Electric mixer

___5. A chamber used for cooking, baking, heating or drying e. Colander

___6. It serves as a binding ingredient f. Oven

___7. It is used for blending, mixing and whipping eggs g. Wire whip

___8. A hand-held mixer for whisking cream, batters h. Egg

and egg whites and sugar
i.Sauce pan

___9. Done by placing the egg in a bowl of cold water j. Float test method

___10. Best applying when the egg is cooked without its shell

Peralta, Joana C.,”Modules in Home Economics Cookery”, St. Bernadette Publishing House, pp 79-83

Fineza, Bianca Camille A., Limon, Mark R., Pacle, Aileen L., Tugelida, Nel Bryan C.,”TLE Life Skills
for the Future 21st Century Skills”, The Inteligente Publishing, Inc Quezon City, pp 2-6

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City


Name:________________________________________ Section:__________________ Score:________

Topic: Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes

Cooking is one of the survival skills that each one of us should learn. We need to eat and be
nourished so that we will have the energy to do our work. Cooking delicious and healthy food like egg
dishes will develop our skills and interest in cooking and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

1. Identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes;
2. Identify the market forms of eggs;
3. Explain the uses of eggs in culinary; and
4. Cook egg dishes with appropriate taste and seasoned


Market Forms of Eggs

1. Fresh egg or shell eggs
2. Frozen eggs
3. Dried eggs

Eggs also sold in several processed:

1. Bulk or fluid whole eggs whites, and egg 3. Frozen egg products

2. Pasteurized eggs 4. Dried powdered eggs

Uses of Eggs in Culinary

Egg is cooked in many ways. It can be the main protein dish, it can be a main or accessory
ingredient in dishes from appetizers to desserts. It can be cooked by dry heat, moist heat, with or without
oil, as simply or as elaborately as one’s inclination for the moment. Indeed it can be eaten anywhere.

Effect of heat on Eggs

1. Coagulation of Proteins – over coagulation causing tough product

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2. Formation of greenish discoloration at the interface of the yolk and white when egg is
overcooked due to prolonged cooking or high temperature.

Ways to Cook Eggs

1. While Hard-boiled egg – cooked without removing its cover or shell.
2. Soft-boiled egg – similar to a hardboiled egg. However, the boiling time is reduced to 7 minutes
so that the white turns into soft, solid structure while keeping the yolk runny.
3. Scrambled egg – prepared by beating the egg yolk and the egg white together, salt is added. Milk
and cheese may also be added to make it creamier.
4. Omelet and frittata – are scrambled eggs topped with other ingredients like meat, vegetables or
cheese. Frittata is typically served open faced, whereas, omelet is folded in half to cover the
5. Sunny side up – done by frying the egg on a lightly greased pan without flipping it.
6. Poached egg – cooking the egg in water with a small amount of vinegar to prevent the white
from scattering.

As binding, thickening agent, and gelling agents

Eggs are useful as binding, thickening and gelling agents because they contain proteins that are
easily denatured by heat. Soft custards are produced by constant stirring

As foam
When egg is beaten albumen is denatured, air is incorporated as white is stretched into thin films
 with continued beating, the air cells are subdivided and volume is increased
protein network dries up and stabilizes the gas or air foams

Egg Products
1. Balut from duck eggs – is a Filipino term for a fertilized developing egg embryo that is boiled
eaten from the shell. It is commonly sold as street food.
2. Century eggs – named as preserved egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg which is
made from preserved duck eggs normally covered in an alkaline solution of clay,
wood ash, rice husk, quicklime and salt.
3. Pickled eggs – typically hard boiled eggs that are cured in vinegar or brine. This was originally a
way to preserve the food so that it could be eaten months later.

Activity 1: Search a recipe of pickled eggs and make a video while preparing and cooking. Select
suitable glass and attractive garnishing.  

Let’s find out if you can arrange your prepared pickled eggs attractively following the fundamentals of
plating/ garnishing.

Your output will be rated using the rubric below:

40 Very artistically and creatively done
30 Artistically and creatively done
20 Properly and less creatively done
15 Improperly done and unattractive
10 No attempt


Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Fineza, Bianca Camille A., Limon, Mark R., Pacle, Aileen L., Tugelida, Nel Bryan C.,”TLE Life Skills for the
Future 21st Century Skills”, The Inteligente Publishing, Inc Quezon City, pp 3-9

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta

Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City


Name:________________________________________ Section:__________________ Score:________

Topic: Perform Mise’en Place

Cereals are usually starchy pods or grains. Cereal grains are the most important group of food
crops in the world named after the Roman goddess of harvest. Rice, wheat and corn are the three most
cultivated cereals in the world. Starch is the second most abundant organic substance on earth. It is
found in all forms of leafy green plants, located in the roots, fruits or grains. Many of the food staples of
man throughout the world are basically starchy foods, such as rice, corn, cassava, wheat, potato and


1. Identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of starch and cereal dishes
2. Familiarize with the tools and equipment in the preparation of cereals and starch dishes
3. Determine the nutritional value of cereals and starch dishes


Tools and Equipment Needed

The success of cooking starch and cereal dishes depends on the proper tools and equipment used
in the preparation of food.
1. Mixing bowl – used when preparing cake mixture, salads, creams, and sauces.
2. Sifter – used for separating coarse particles of flour, sugar, baking powder, and powdered
ingredients to retain finer textures.
3. Wire whip – used for beating egg whites, egg yolk, creams and mayonnaise
4. Slotted spoon – used to separate solid particles from soup; also for stirring purposes, such as
making egg white fine in texture for bird‘s nest soup and mock nido soup.
5. Strainer – used for separating liquids from fine or solid food particles, such as coco cream
from coconut and tamarind extract.
6. Measuring Cups – used for measuring dry and liquid ingredients
7. Measuring spoon – used for measuring dry and liquid ingredients which require a little amount
8. Steamer – used for cooking food by steaming.
9. Sauce pan and pots – used for cooking meat and fish dishes with gravy and sauce.
10. Canister - a plastic or metal container with a lid that is used for keeping dry products

Common Source of Manufactured Food Starch

1. corn 2. potato 3. Tapioca (cassava)

Starch Properties and Reactions

1. Gelatinization. The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch granules in a
moist environment which includes swelling of granules as water is absorbed and disruption of
the organized granule structure.
2. Viscosity. The resistance to flow, increase in thickness or consistency. When the newly
gelatinized starch is stirred, more swollen granules break and more starch molecules spill
causing increase in viscosity or thickness.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

3. Retrogadation is the process in which starch molecules, particularly the amylose fraction, re-
associate or bond together in an ordered structure after disruption by gelatinization; ultimately
a crystalline order appears.  
4. Dextrinization. It is the process of forming dextrin.

Different Sweeteners Added to Starch Gel Preparation

1.honey – viscous food substance made by honey bees and some related insects such as stingless
2. molasses – a viscous substance resulting from refine sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar.
3. panutsa or granulated sugar – a candy or a sweet treat that is made up of hardened brown

Functional Properties of Starches

1. Thickeners in gravies, sauces and pudding. It absorbs water and become a gel when cooked.
2. Colloidal stabilizers
3. Moisture retainer
4. Gel forming agents
5. Binders

are added to processed meats as a filler, binder, moisture retainer, and fat substitute. The quality
characteristics of the starch itself depends upon which role or function it was used.

Is any grain that is used for food. Include rice, wheat, corn, oats and barley. Rice is the most
popularly consumed cereals in Southern Asian countries like China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and the
Philippines. Corn is the staple food in the Central America and Africa while wheat is a big part of
people’s diet in European countries and India.

Cereals provides the following benefits

1.It maintains and regulates body sugar level.
2. It reduces the risks of having corona heart disease.
3. It prevents the occurrence of cancer, constipation and colon disorders through high fiber
content that is present in grains.

Nutritional Significance of Noodles and Pasta or Alimentary Paste

Water Phosphorous
Protein Iron
Fat Thiamin
Carbon Riboflavin
Calcium Niacin

Dried Noodles and Pasta

Macaroni Linguini
Miki Bihon
Spaghetti Lasagňa
Chicken Mami Sotanghon
Pancit Canton Miswa

Activity: Create a slogan that will promote importance of cereals in our daily needs. Use ¼ illustration
board, pentel pen, and pencil.

Your output will be rated using the rubric below:

40 Very artistically and creatively done
30 Artistically and creatively done
20 Properly and less creatively done
15 Improperly done and unattractive

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

10 No attempt

Fineza, Bianca Camille A., Limon, Mark R., Pacle, Aileen L., Tugelida, Nel Bryan C.,”TLE Life
Skills for the Future 21st Century Skills”, The Inteligente Publishing, Inc Quezon City, pp 11-13
Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City


Name:________________________________________ Section:__________________ Score:________

Topic: Prepare Starch and Cereal Dishes

One of the properties of starch is viscosity which is the resistance to flow of starch and modified
starch paste. In the preparation and cooking of starch and cereal dishes, factors affecting starch paste
viscosity and starch gel strength should be considered.

1. Cook various types of starch and cereal dishes;
2. Prepare sauces and accompaniment of selected starch and cereals products; and
3. Follow safety and hygienic practices while working in the kitchen


 Factors Affecting Starch Paste Viscosity and Starch Gel Strength

1. Stress or another factor. Stirring Amount and Type. This is a gelatinized cornstarch dispersion
that is likely to break; the granules broke apart due to stirring.
2. Kind and Amount of Starch.
3. Heating rate. The faster starch-water dispersion is heated; the thicker it will be at the identical
endpoint temperature.
4. Endpoint Temperature. Each type of starch has a specific endpoint temperature at which it will
undergo optimum gelatinization.
5. Cooling and storage conditions.
6. Ingredients added

Functions of Starch and Application in Filipino Dishes

Functions of Starch Type of Food Preparation Recipes

Thickening Sauces, Gravies, Pie fillings Sauces: Sweet sour, lechon, lumpia, kare-kare,
and soups palabok

Pie filling: mango, buko, apple, pineapple

Soups: Arrozcaldo, cream soups.

Gelling Puddings, kakanin Bread pudding, majaBlanca, sapin-sapin,
kutchinta, cassava bibingka
Binding and filling Meat loaves and meat Luncheon meat, hot dogs, Vienna sausage,
emulsions chicken nuggets, chicken balls, Ukoy, tempura

Stabilizing Beverage, syrup, salad dressing Chocolate drinks, fruits drinks, yogurt drinks,
cooked dressings

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Moisture retaining Cake fillings, candies Cake rolls, cream fillings
Coating or ducting Breads, confectionery, pastries Pan de sal, Biscuits, candies, espasol

Diluent Baking powder, Cupcake

Coloring Toasts, bread crumbs Polvoron, Lechon sauce, Kare-kare sauce,

Common Problems in Starch Cookery

1. Thinning of Gel. This problem is usually encountered when using acid or acid ingredients such
as lemon or vinegar
2. Weak Gel. Weak gel results if there is too much liquid in relation to the starch
3. Skin Formation. Skin formation is due to loss of water from the starch and protein molecules
near the surface of the mixture.
4. Scorching. This can be avoided by temperature control and constant stirring so the starch
granules do not settle at the bottom of the cooking pan.
5. Raw Starch Flavor. This is due to ungelatinized starch.

Principles in Cooking Cereals

In cooking all cereal products, the following points should be observed:
1. Use a double boiler.
2. Observe carefully the correct proportions of cereal, water and salt.
3. Cook at boiling temperature (212° F.).
4. Watch the time by the clock, and always cook the full time prescribed, preferably longer.
5. Serve attractively.
6. Improper cooking and poor serving are largely responsible for unpopularity of cereal foods

Basic Principles in Preparing Pasta

1. Pasta shapes with holes or ridges, such as wagon wheels or rotini, are perfect for chunkier
2. Thin, delicate pastas, such as angel hair or vermicelli, are better served with light, thin sauces.
3. Thicker pasta shapes, such as fettuccine, work well with heavier sauces.
4. Very small pasta shapes, like alphabet shapes and acini di pepe, are good for soups.

Cooking Time Depends on the Shape

It is important to be familiar with different shapes of pasta so cooking times can be adjusted. The
larger and fuller the pasta shape, the longer the cooking time.
Pasta Gets Bigger and Heavier when Cooked
Generally, pasta doubles or triples in weight when it is cooked. Likewise, the volume increases 2 to 2 ½
times during cooking.
Suggestions for Holding Pasta

To serve immediately Drain, add sauce, and serve.

To hold for a short time for service later Drain, toss with a small amount of oil to prevent
sticking, cover, and hold in warmer
To serve as part of a salad Cook pasta a day ahead so it will be chilled when
combined with the other salad ingredients. Do not
combine hot pasta with cold ingredients. Drain
and cover with cold water just long enough to
cool. The pasta does not need refrigeration for a
short time, it is cooled in the water. When pasta is
cool, drain and toss lightly with oil to prevent
sticking or drying out. Cover and refrigerate.
To cook a day ahead for service in a heated dish Drain and cover with cold water just long enough
to cool. When pasta is cool, drain and toss lightly

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with oil to prevent sticking or drying out. Cover
and refrigerate. When it is time to use the pasta,
immerse it in boiling water until just heated
through. Drain immediately and use according to
the recipe. The pasta should not be cooked more,
just heated to serving temperature
To use in a cooked dish Slightly undercook the pasta

Cooking Chart for Various Pasta Shapes

Pasta Name Cooking Time for al Pasta Name Cooking Time for al
dente dente
Lasagna 15 minutes Ziti 10 minutes
Bow Ties 11 minutes Fettuccine 8 minutes
Wagon Wheels 11 minutes Rotini 8 minutes
Linguine 10 minutes Elbow Macaroni 6 minutes
Rigatoni 10 minutes Noodles 6 minutes
Spaghetti 10 minutes

Activity 1: Match column A with the correct answer in column B, write only the letter of answer on the
blank provided before the number.


___1. Sauces a. diluent

___2. Puddings b. moisture retaining

___3. Beverage c. coating

___4. Pastries d. binding

___5. Baking powder e. stabilizing

___6. Bread crumbs f. thickening

___7. Cake fillings g. coloring

___8. Meat loaves h. stabilizing

___9. Pie fillings i. thickening

___10. Salad dressing j. gelling

Activity 2: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the underlined word makes the sentence correct. If
false, change the underlined word to make the statement true.

___1. Thinning of gel is usually encountered when using acid or acid ingredients such as lemon or

___2. Scorching is due to ungelatinized starch.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

___3. Weak gel is due to loss of water from the starch and protein molecules near the surface of the

___4. In cooking all cereal products, carefully observe the correct proportions of cereal, water and salt.

___5. Thicker pasta shapes, such as fettuccine, work well with light, thin sauces.

___6. Pasta shapes with holes or ridges such as wagon wheels or rotini are good for soups.

___7. Raw starch flavor can be avoided by temperature control and constant stirring.

___8. Skin Formation results if there is too much liquid in relation to the starch.

___9. Improper cooking and poor serving are largely responsible for unpopularity of cereal foods.

___10. The larger and fuller the pasta shape, the longer the cooking time.


Fineza, Bianca Camille A., Limon, Mark R., Pacle, Aileen L., Tugelida, Nel Bryan C.,”TLE Life Skills
for the Future 21st Century Skills”, The Inteligente Publishing, Inc Quezon City, pp 14-17

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta

Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Urdaneta City


Name:________________________________________ Section:__________________ Score:______

Topic: Storing Starch and Cereal Dishes


Proper storage of food is very crucial in keeping food safe because the manner and temperature
of storage will affect the foods susceptibility to bacterial growth, other contaminations, and infestation.
Storing food will not improve its quality, it will only delay the rate of deterioration, and thus, the proper
period of storage should also be observed.

FIFO (First In, First Out) in storing food is very important. Though it is along-time method in
storekeeping where the first food stored should be the first food to be out from the storage. It is high
time to make it a habit or put into practice. Write the expiry date, date received and date of storage to the
food package and regularly check the expiration date.

1. Store starch and cereal at appropriate temperature;
2. Maintain optimum freshness and quality of starch and cereal dishes according to standard; and
3. Store starch and cereal according to standard operating procedures.

How to Store Pasta Noodles
1. Dry Pasta
Remove the pasta from the store packaging if the noodles come in a box or other non-airtight
Place the noodles in a sealable plastic bag or other container that closes tightly. For long noodles,
such as spaghetti, use a tall plastic storage container.
2. Cooked Pasta
Cooked pasta can be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated for 4 or 5 days.
The sauce should be refrigerated separate from the pasta and can be stored for 6 or 7 days. This
prevents the pasta from soaking up too much flavor and oil from the sauce, which causes the
taste of the pasta to be drowned out. If the pasta is stored together with the sauce, it should be
eaten within 1 or 2 days to limit the amount of sauce that is absorbed.
3. Fresh Pasta
Fresh pasta should ideally be used on the same day as manufactured. Fresh pasta can be stored in
the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days. If the pasta will not be used within that time, it can be frozen and
stored in the freezer for 2 to 3 months.
Homemade pasta can also be allowed to dry thoroughly and then placed in a plastic bag or
airtight container. The length of time it will take to dry will vary depending on the type of pasta
and its size, shape and thickness.
4. . Frozen pasta does not have to be thawed before it is cooked. Just place the frozen pasta into
boiling water and reheat it. It will need to cook a little longer than unfrozen pasta

Fineza, Bianca Camille A., Limon, Mark R., Pacle, Aileen L., Tugelida, Nel Bryan C.,”TLE Life Skills for the Future 21st Century Skills”,
The Inteligente Publishing, Inc Quezon City,

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Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

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