Arhivska Knjiga-Pletenje

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LMaryAnn x> einedie











HE^n?,"y B IR, I S T O "W,

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18S4,

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.

The necessary materials for knitting are either cotton,

worsted, silk or thread, and knitting needles.
Stockings and all knitting worked in rounds require four
knitting needles, three of which are used for holding the
stitches of the work, and the fourth to knit with.
The casting on of stitches forms the beginning of knitting.
It consists of loops formed around a knitting needle. Every
loop will form a stitch. The number of stitches will deter-
mine the width of the object which is to be knitted.
There are five different ways of casting on stitches. For
the casting on of stitches always unroll an end of the cotton
long enough to work the stitches required, as this end is used
in the formation of those stitches.

No. 1. Illustration No. 1 shows the
position of the cotton, ready to cast on
the first stitch. Place the cotton over
the thumb and first finger of the left
hand, in such a way as to have the
of cotton, which must be sufficiently
long for the required number of stitches,
fall from the thumb toward the palm of
the hand. Hold this end and the other
part of the cotton with the remaining
No. 1. Position to form thk
fingers of the left hand. This same first Cast on Stitch

position of the cotton is used in illustrations 2 and 3. Take

the needle with the right hand, place it over the cotton,
between the thumb and the first finger, pass it under the
cotton resting around the thumb, bring it upward then pass

the needle downward, under the cotton resting on the first

finger ;
pass this loop through the loop around the thumb,
withdraw the thumb from the loop pass the thumb under

the end of the cotton, toward the palm of the hand draw this;

end in order to close tli^ stitch just formed.

Xo. 2 — Casting on
of Single Stitches. Begin in the same —
manner as described in Xo. 1. and make 2 stitches. Then take
up on the needle the loop which is around the thumb (see
illustration 2), without withdrawing the thumb, insert the
needle around the cotton marked o in illustration Xo. 2, from
right to left, and draw it through loop a ; close this stitch as
already directed in Xo. 1, by withdrawing the thumb from
loop a and drawing the end of cotton.

No. 2. Casting on of Single Stitches. No. 3. Casting on by Knitting.

Xo. 3. —
This casting on of stitches requires two needles.
Form the first stitch in same manner as described in Xo. 1.
Then, with the left hand, hold the needle on which this first
-Mich is formed, pass the cotton over the first finger of the left
band, take a needle with the right hand, and insert the point
into the loop on the left needle, wind the cotton around the
P'-intof the right needle, draw it through the loop, * insert the
point of the h-ft needle into the loop just formed on the right
needle, wind the cotton around the point of the right needle,
draw it through the loop. Repeat from *. See illustration 3.
No. i
Thi Casting on of a New Row of Stitches. This
casting on of stitches is generally employed in knitting with
rated, which requires :i new casting on of stitches in the
progress of the work, h is done by putting the worsted (see
illustration No. 4) over the thumb of the Left hand, holding
'I nd between the second and third fingers, * take up the
rtedaround the thumb and lying toward the palm of the
hand, bj inserting the needle from under the worsted in an
upward direction (see illustration No. w ithdraw the thumb 1

from tli" loop, pasa the thumb nnder the end of worsted resl

ing in the palm of the hand, and draw it to close the stitch.
Hepeat from *

No. 4. >"ew Casting on of Stitches. No -

5 - Casting on of Stitches
leaving an Edge.

Xo. 5. The casting on of stitches illustrated in cut No. 5
forms a narrow border after the first row has been knitted. In
order to easily knit the first row, the casting on of stitches must
be done on a pair of knitting needles. Unroll an end long
enough for the required number of stitches. Double it. Fold
this doubled end in half, insert the point of the needles into
the fold, place on the first finger of the left hand the long end
of the worsted which is among the short ends. Place the
three short ends over the thumb. Hold all these ends with
the second finger. Take on the needles the ends resting on
the thumb (marked b in illustration), and insert them as shown
in illustration Xo. 5. Then pass the needles through the loop
on first finger, in the direction of the arrow, and pass this loop
through the loop already formed on the needles, withdraw
the thumb, close the stitch by drawing the three ends, which
is done by passing the thumb under them.

Xo. 6 Double Casting on of Stitches. The difference —

between this method of casting on and the preceding is, that
every knot forms, each time, two loops instead of one, on the
needle. The first knot must be formed in the same manner
a- described in Xo. 5. In order to work the second knot,
insert once more the needle into the loop of three ends which

rest on the thumb, marked a in

illustration No. 6. The arrow, in
same illustration, shows where
to insert the needle and the di-

rection has to take. This done,


insert the needle downward into

loop b, and draw the latter
through loop resting on the
thumb, withdraw the thumb and
close the knot. Every loop on
tlie needle must be knitted sepa-
rately at the lirst row.

No. 6. Casting on of Double Stitches..

Cut No. 7
illustrates plain knitting. This is the stitch
used in ordinary knitting. First, cast on the required
number of stitches in one of the ways already described. This
done, take in the left hand the needle on which are the loops.
place the thread over the first fin-
ger of the left hand, hold it with
he Becond finger of the same hand,
Take the second needle with the
righl hand, insert
and i


M e No.
7. Plain Knittino
its point into the
the righl hand i die, from righl to left. Draw it through.
the preceding loop and slip the hand needle from its loop.

Bverj loop on the leff hand needle is worked in the same

When all the stitches have I worked from the lefl
hand needle, take thai needle in the righl hand and continue
t< work n same ma n ner.
• i
To Pearl, Purl or Seam (meaning the same thing), is done
by holding with the left hand a needle on which a row of
stitches has been cast. Take a needle in the right hand, place
the cotton over ^^(^£^^^^^%g^^_. tne left hand
needle and the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first finger of the
left hand, hold ||§g the end with the
||||p :

second linger of the same hand.

Insert the right
^^^^^^^^^^^ hand
^^^ needle
through the loop ^^S^^^^^^^M^^
on the left hand
needle, point no. 8. right to left, in
pcrled knitting.
such a manner as to have the cotton just under the right hand
needle. Pull this cotton through the loop, withdraw the left
hand needle from the loop, and the purled stitch is formed.
How to Repair a Stitch which lias been Half Knitted, or

Dropped while Knitting. In knitting, one ought to be careful
not to drop stitches or to form half stitches. The latter hap-
pens when the thread thrown over the right hand needle has
not been pulled through the loop of the left hand needle. To
remedy this, while working the next round or row, take the
thread which has been thrown over the needle from it, and
pull it through the loop of the stitch. To repair a dropped
stitch, insert the left needle into the stitch, gather all the
threads on the right hand needle and pull them through the
loop of the stitch, one after the other.

To Increase. There are two ways to increase. The first
is, to knitboth in the lower part of the stitch and also in the
stitch itself. The second way is to bring the cotton forward
round the end of the right needle, to the front this forms a ;

loop on the right needle when the next stitch is knitted, and
this extra loop is the made stitch. It is preferable to increase
after the first manner in plain knitting, as this way of increas-
ing is not so marked. The second manner is used in fancy
knitting, as it leaves a little opening after the stitch is formed.
To Slip a Stitch take a stitch off the left needle and
is to
to slip it on to the right needle without knitting.
With any work knitted in rows, it is necessary that the
first stitch of every row be worked as a slipped stitch. If it
is a row of purl, the first stitch must be slipped off as if it

were plain knitting if it is a row of plain knitting, slip the


first stitch off as if it were purl knitting.


How to Narrow. — The usual way of

narrowing is to knit
two stitches together, viz. put the right needle through two

of the loops on the left needle, and knit them as one stitch.
Another method is to slip a stitch, knit one, and then with
i he left needle cast the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch.
When the narrowing is used to give a certain shape to the

work, well to employ the first method when narrowing

it is

at the end of the round or row and the second method when ;

narrowing at the beginning of it.

Casting Off is done as follows Knit two plain stitches, :

with the left needle throw the first stitch over the second,
knit a third stitch, throw the second over the third, knit a
fourth, throw the third over the fourth, and so on until the
last stitch is worked. Pull the cotton through, and a knot is
The Joining of Ends in knitting ought never to be done
by knotting them together. It maybe done so that no defect
is visible on the right side of the work, by lapping them three

indies together, and knitting five inches with doubled thread,

Leaving the ends on the wrong side of the work. These ends
ran then be neatly darned into the wrong side of the work.

Lady's Stocking.
To knit must be given to the size of
a stocking, attention
tin- knitting which ought to correspond with the
number of the material with which the stocking is to be
knitted. It would be difficult to give the exact number of

stitches necessary for any given size of stocking, as there is

always difference between the knitting of different persons,

since some knil loosely, others very closely. It must be left

to the judgment of the knitter to determine the exact number
of stitches required for the Btocking i<> be knitted.

Tie- following he method of knitting a lady's stocking

Is i

with No. 800 knitting silk (or any other material of same si/.ei,
with needles t" correspond.
This Btocking is knitted, with a double border, as follows
I t on ifi2 stitch,. s on :: q After having cast

on tie- last stitch, close the round by knitting the first stitch

Knit I i ' "iihIs plaj n.


17th Round. * Slip — 1, knit 1, draw the slip stitch over

the knitted stitch, make 1 ; repeat from * to end of round.
18th to 34th Rounds, inclusive. — Knit plain.
Then fold in half the piece knitted, so that the 17th round
willform the edge of the border.
Pick up on other knitting needles the stitches of the 1st
round, i. e., the stitches cast on, and knit each of them with
each stitch of the 34th round. This finishes the border. Thus,
the lower edge of the border forms a fancy design of small
scallops. Purl 3 rounds, knit plain 3 rounds, purl 3 rounds.
Then knit plain until the leg of the stocking is twelve
inches long. In the first round of this plain knitting begin
the seam stitch, which ought to correspond with the last and
first stitches cast on. This seam stitch is repeated in every
third round.
After the twelve inches have been knitted, narrow in the
following round 1 stitch on each side of the seam. Knit 8
rounds. Narrow 1 stitch on each side of seam. Knit 7
rounds. Narrow, in manner already described. Knit 6 rounds.
Narrow. Knit 5 rounds. * Narrow. Knit 4 rounds. Repeat
20 times from * until 110 stitches and the 2 seam stitches are
left on the needles. This done, knit plain 30 rounds. The
knitting of the heel now begins. Divide the stitches by
putting on 1 needle the 2 seam stitches and 28 stitches on
each side of them. Thus, there will be upon this needle 58
srirr-hes. Knit this needle, backward and forward, in rows,
making the seam stitches as usual.
When knitting backward, purl all these stitches. When
knitting forward, knit plain all the stitches with exception
•of the seam stitch, which must be purled. Always slip the
first knitted stitch. Continue knitting until the flap is 44 rows
long, counting each time across as 1 row.
1st Row. — Now purl from the left hand side the 28
stitches and the 2 seam stitches. Purl 2, knit 2 together,
purl 1. Turn.
2d Row. — Slip 1, 3 plain, 2 purl (seam stitches), 2 plain,
knit 2 together, 1 plain. Turn.
3d Row. — Slip> 1, purl 8 (including seam stitches), purl 2
together, purl 1. Turn.

4th Row. — Slip 1, 4 plain, 2 purl (seam stitches), 3 plain,.

knit 2 together, 1 plain. Turn.
5th Row. — Slip 1, purl 10 (seam stitch included), purl 2
together, purl 1. Turn.
Continue to knit in this wise until the remaining stitches
are gradually worked off. Then pick up the side stitches of
this flap, which amount to 36 on each side, and the heel is

Knit the side stitches of the flap, "making 1" now
and then, so as to make the number of stitches on each side
of the heel amount to 40.

Knit again in rounds. After every 2 rounds purl the

flrst 2 stitches together, then the last 2 stitches together, of
the heel stitches. Narrow in this manner 12 times. This
done, the number of stitches in the whole round is reduced to
110, i. e., to the original number before the beginning of the
heel. Knit plain 50 rounds. Commence narrowing of toe as-
follows: * knit 2 together, knit 8 plain. Repeat from * to
end of round. Knit S rounds plain. * Knit 2 together, knit
? plain. Repeat from * to end of round. Knit 7 rounds plain.
Knit 2 together, knit 6 plain, knit 2 together, 6 plain, etc.. to
•nd of round.
Knit G rounds plain knit 2 together. 5 plain, 2 together,

end of round.
plain, etc., to
Knit 5 rounds plain knit 2 together, 4 plain, 2 together,.

4 plain, etc.. to end of round.

Knit 4 rounds plain knit 2 together, 3 plain, 2 together.

:: plain, '•!<•.. to end <>f round.

Knit '> rounds plain knii '2 together,
; plain, 2 together,

2 plain, «•((•.. to end <»f round.

Knit 2 rounds plain: kuii 2 together, I plain, 2 together,.

1 plain. He. io end of round.
Knit round plain.

ii now remain.
stitohee By means of a darning needle,
^lip ill.-.- stitches upon the silk thread with which the knit
ting is done. Pass this silk once more through the stitches,
then draw all the stitches together, by pulling the silk thread.
Fasten the thread on the wrong side of the stocking.

Heels of Stockings.
There are three other ways of knitting a stocking-heel, as
illustrations 9, 10 and 11 show. In the directions for knitting
these heels, the same number of stitches is taken as in the
directions for knitting the heel of "lady's stocking," i. e., 28<
stitches on each side of the 2 seam stitches, thus leaving 54
for the front of the foot.
Heel No. 9. —
Knit 44 rows backward (purling) and for-
ward (plain). While knitting these rows, make a seam stitch
on each side of the flap. These 2
seams must correspond with the
seam in the center of the flap.
See illustration Xo. 9.
When the 44 rows have been
knitted, the rounding of the heel
begins. Knit from right hand
side 19 stitches (including the
side seam stitch), knit 2 togeth-
er, knit 14 plain (center seam
stitch inclusive), slip 1, knit 1
plain, draw the slip stitch over
the 1 Knit 5 plain. Turn.
No. 9. Heel op a Stocking.
Slip 1, purl
25. Turn. Slip 1,
knit 3 plain, knit 2 together, knit 14 plain, slip 1, knit 1 plain r
draw the slip stitch over the 1 plain, knit 5 plain. Turn.
Slip 1, purl 25.
Continue working thus to
the end of cap, alternating
every time each row in same-
manner as described. When
the heel is finished, 26 stitches
muse remain on the needle.
Heel No. 10.— This heel is
knitted partly in rounds with
the front of the foot, and part
ly by itself in rows. Divide
the stitches evenly on 4 nee-
dles, and knit in rounds with
a \fter every 2
fifth needle,

No. io. heel. rounds "makel," just before


knitting the rirst of the stitches belonging to the heel, and

make I
after having knitted them. Repeat this 13 times.
This done, begin the cap of the heel. Put on a special
needle the 1*2 middle stitches (6 on each side of the seam
stitch), and knit these in rows, forward and backward, until
rows have been worked. Narrow at the end of each of
these rows, in knitting the last stitch of the row together with
the first of the remaining stitches on the next needle, then
knit the following stitch and turn.
Knit If, lows more without narrowing, but at the end of
each row knit the stitches remaining on the next needle,
1 of
and then turn to knit the following row.
When this is done, continue to knit in rows, and narrow
again at lie end of each row by knitting the last stitch of

each row together with one of the remaining stitches on the

nexl needle; then turn and knit the following row. When
thf remaining stitches have all been narrowed into the heel,
then begin to knil he foot in rounds. t

Heel To. L.— To work i

this heel, knit a flap of a

good length in rows, back-
ward and forward. Then
put on a special needle the
22 stitches in t In- center, 11
on each side of the seam
Stitch, and knit these in
rows, backward and for-
ward. Iii every plain row
knit he li h and
t h stitch- .~>l

es together, and then the

19th and vmIi stitches to-
L;-'t Icr. \ I I
he .'lid of , r, /// NO. 11. llKKI,.

raw knii remaining stitches. When all these remain-

I of id.'

Ing stitches have been worked, then pick up the side stitches
of the Bap, and the heel is finished.

Hom TO K \ it i in. Tor: OF a STOCKING.

i This toe i- worked as rollows Narrow after every

tches, in the firs! round to be narrowed. Then knit ? rounds

plain. Narrow In the following round after everv 6 stitches.

Knit 6 rounds plain. Narrow

in the next round after every
stitches. Knit 5 rounds
plain. Continue working in
such manner, always knitting
1 stitch less between the nar-
rowing in every new round
which is to be narrowed, and
always knitting after every
round narrowed the same No. 12. Toe.

number of plain rounds as the number of stitches knitted

between the narrowings of this last round narrowed.

No. 13. Before beginning to decrease this toe, divide the-
stitches evenly on 4 needles. Then narrow at the beginning
of every needle slip the first;

stitch, knit the next one, and

draw the slipped stitch over
the knitted one. After each
of the first 4 narrowed rounds
knit 4 rounds plain. After
each of the next 4 narrowed
rounds knit 3 rounds plain.
After each of the following 4
narrowed rounds knit 2
No. 13. Toe. rounds plain, and after each
of the following 4 narrowed rounds knit 1 round plain. Then
continue to narrow at the beginning of every needle to end.
of toe.
No. 14. — The narrowing of this toe is done as follows :

i>ivide equally on 4 needles the number of stitches. Then

begin the first round of nar-
rowing by purling 2 together
at the beginning of every nee-
dle. This round is followed
by 4 rounds plain. In all the
narrowing rounds that follow
first one, decrease once on

each side of the preceding

narrowing. After every nar-
rowed round knit 4 rounds No. 14, Toe.

plain. Knit in nil, 11 narrowing rounds. Then finish off the

toe by narrowing only once at the end of each needle, by slip-
ping 1 stitch, knitting the next, and drawing the slipped
stitch over the knitted one.

To Renew the Heel and Sole of Stockings

Knitted by Hand.
Illustrations 15 to 18 show the manner of doing this. To
renew the- heel of a stocking, first remove the damaged heel by
cutting along the sides
of the heel, at the end
of the cap and at the
beginning of the heel.
Make even the stitches
belonging to the p arts
from which the heel has
just been cut. Take
np these stitches on 5
needles, as illustrated in
cut No. 15. Take up on
2 needles the stitches be-
longing i" the heel. Then
take up the side stitches
- Bide) on 1 needle.
: i
1 1

The remaining stitches No. 15. Position op Needles to Re-new

a Stocking Heel.
belong to the fifth nee-
dle, thai is. those which will serve for the joining of the cap
of ili»- heel. Then, with the stitches belonging to the heel,
begin to knit the heel in rows, to
and But. at the end of

every plain row, always knit

the last stitch oftherow together
(plain i
with Ihr next stitch on
I he side n lie. The same must
!"• done :it the .aid of e very
purled row, only the last stitch
with the next stitch 01] (lie side
needle nave i" be p u rled to-
gether, instead of knitted plain.
When In- heel has leached the


required length, then begin to knit the cap of the heel in the
usual way, until the number of stitches corresponds to the
number of stitches of the fifth needle. Join these 2 rows of
stitches together, as illustrated in cut No. 16. This is done by
darning. Take an end of the cotton long enough for this pur-
pose, and pass it, by means of a darning needle, downward
through the last stitch of the stocking, and through the first
one of the stitches on the fifth needle, or upper row. Then
pass it through the next 2 corresponding stitches of the cap
of the heel. See illustration No. 17, which shows the needle
inserted in the 2 stitches through
which the cotton is to be drawn. $M&WWV§ l^twiffc
Pass the needle through the next H>XJttj»l!
2 corresponding stitches of the
» xamk
upper row. in the same direction as
is shown by the arrow in illustra-
$S8 jaffn, ifiroow
tion No. 17. From there * pass it No. 17. Stitch for the Fastening
through the last stitch, already of a New Heel.

worked, of the lower row, and through next stitch then ;

through the next 2 corresponding stitches of the upper row.

Slip every time the stitch from the knitting needle after hav-
ing passed the cotton through them. Repeat from * until all
the stitches of the 2 rows are joined to each other. When
this is done, fasten the cotton
on the wrong side of the stock-
ing by drawing it through a few
Illustration No. 17 repre-
sents only a part of the joining,
where the stitches are worked
very loosely, in order that it
might be copied more easily.
Yet, while working, the stitches
of the joining must be drawn to
the same size as the knitted
stitches, of the stocking, and in
such a manner that the joining
cannot be detected from the
BK-soinra the Foot of a Stocking. knitting.
No. 1
8 Sow to Resole the Foot of a Stocking. — In order

to do this, a new heel must

be knitted to the stocking in.
rhe usual way. When
pick up the side stitches
this is done,
of the heel and begin to knit the sole in rows, to and fro, 1 row
plain, the other purled. At the end of every plain row pick
up the last stitch of the corresponding row of the old sole, and
knit it together, plain, with the last stitcli of row just knitted.
The same thing must be done at the end of every purled row,
only purl the 2 stitches together instead of knitting them plain
»gether. Always slip, plain, the first stitch of every row.
The narrowing of the sole, on both sides, must be done
just before knitting together the last stitcli of the row and
the last stitcli of the corresponding row of the old sole.
After the new sole has been knitted, turn the stocking on
the wrong side cut off the old sole along both sides, yet leav-

ing a strip of 4 stitches in width on each side. Lay eacli strip

towards the front part of the foot. Unravel them. Smooth,
down the ends formed by the unraveling, and fasten them to
the stocking by darning over them lightly, so that this darn-
in-- might not be seen on the right side of the stocking. Should

tli stocking require a new toe to be knitted on, then unravel

t -

the old one, pick up the stitches and knit a new toe in rounds,
in one of the ways already described in the book.

How to Darn Stockings.

The darning of a stocking can be done in different ways.
The way most generally adopted is that of cross-work darn-
ing, which looks x<'vy well when neatly worked. But the
darning in imitation of the knitted stitch, although more tedi-
ous, [g preferable; for, when ii is well worked, it cannot be
told from ill-- knitting, excepl on the wrong side.
No. L9 -Cross-Work Darning. Trim neatly the place —
w h is to l"- darned, then work a
if Ii

foundation of threads Lengthwise across

the opening, as is show n in illustration
No. This done, begin to darn across
this foundation, in rows, to and fro, by
faking up every other thread of the
foundation. In every following row
take up the bread w hich was nol taken

ii|> in the preceding row. Vl '" oss - Wuiik1,

a" n 'nu.
See illustra ''' (


tion No. 19. The darning must be prolonged to a little dis-

tance on each side of the original opening.
No. 20 To Imitate the Knitted Stitch in Darning. —
This work requires careful preparation. Loosen the damaged
part, above and below it, in the width, in such a way that
there will remain 2 even rows of perfect
loose stitches. The first and last stitches
of the upper row must correspond to
those of the lower row. Cut the dam-
aged part through the middle. Fold
each half back upon the inside of the
stocking, where it will have to be
trimmed and fastened. Work a foun- No. 20. Darning in Imitation:
dation of threads across the opening, of Knitted Stitch.

width-wise, inserting each thread into the second stitch from

the edge of the opening, and making it correspond with every
knitted row. See illustration No. 20.
Then work on this foundation as follows Place the darn- :

ing cotton at the left, pass the darning needle downward

under the lowest of the threads of foundation, and pull gently
the darning cotton, so as to form the half of a stitch. Work
in same manner on the other foundation threads. After mak-
ing the half stitcli upon the top thread of foundation, pass
ilie needle through the nearest upper stitch of the stocking.

Turn the work. Place the darning cotton towards the right-
Pass the needle downward, under the top thread of founda-
tion, draw the cotton lightly, and in this way the first whole
sritch will be formed. Continue to work in same manner on
the foundation threads, until the entire work is done.
Illustrations 21 to 23 show a
different way of imitating the
knitted plain stitch in darning.
To darn after this method, re-
move the damaged part and pre-
pare the oi^ening for foundation
threads in same manner as already
described in preceding number.
Take for foundation thread a cot-
ton finer than the one with which
No. ZL Foundation for No. 22.
the darning stitches have to be

worked Work the foundation threads length-wise on the

wrong side of the stocking, as shown in illustration No. 21.
This done, turn the stocking on the right side and begin the
darning in imitation of the knitted stitch. Work width-wise,.
as follows :

Pass the darning needle through the upper 2 stitches, as

shown in illustration No. 22, then pass it, in the direction of

the a now. under the next 2 threado

of foundation. Insert the needle
into the last stitch, through which
it has already passed, and pass it
ih rough the stitch next to it. Then
pass it under the next 2 corre-
sponding threads of foundation.
Continue working in like manner.
When the end of the row is
reached, work in same stitch over ^ >
No. 32. Formation of the Darning
the next 3 stitches of the knitting: stitches on foundation no. 21.
Aiter working over the third stitch, insert the needle down-
ward—along the part which is not yet darned— into the
upper pari of that third stitch, take up the cross bar of the
stitch and draw the cotton through. Then turn the work
from Left to right and begin the next row. When the work
uascomedown to theLower edge of the opening, work the last
row in t ne usual way but, instead of passing the needle under

the foundation threads, pass it

through the corresponding stitches

of this edge, as is shown in illus-

tration No. 23.
When the darning is done,
withdraw carefully the foundation
threads. Trim the damaged part
on the wrong side of the stocking,
and fasten it neatly, as a rea d y 1

tam stated in directions No. 20.

Borders fob Stockings.

No 34. Cast on a niinil..-!' of siiicli.'s divisible by 7. The
tic 1 B rounds knit plain,


6th round.-—Make 1, knit 2

together, plain, alternately to
end of round.

7th to 11th rounds. Alter-
nate 1 purl, 1 plain.
12th round.— Pick up on
other knitting needles the
stitches of the first round (the
stitches cast on) and knit each
of them with each stitch of the
11 th round.
13th, 14th and 15th rounds.
16th round. — *Make 1, purl
2 together, 5 plain. Repeat
from * to end of round.
Border for Stocking.
17th round. — Knit x^lain.
18th round. Make 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, 4 plain.
Repeat from *.

19th round. -Knit plain.

20th round. - -* Make 1, 2 plain, purl 2 together, 3 plain.
Repeat from *.

21st round. — Knit plain.

22d round. — * Make 3 1, plain, purl 2 together, 2 plain.
Repeat from *.
23d round. — Knit plain.
24th round. — * Make 1, 4 plain, purl 2 together, 1 plain.
Repeat from *.

25th round. -Knit plain.

20th round, -* Make 1, 5 plain, purl 2 together. Repeat
from *.

27th round. -Knit plain.

28th round. -* 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 1, 3 plain.
Repeat from *.

29th round. — Knit plain.

30th round. — * plain, purl
1 2 together, 1 plain, make 1,

3 j)lain. Repeat from *.

31st round. — Knit plain.

32d round. — * Purl 2 together, 2 plain, make 1, 3 plain.
Repeat from *.


33d round. Knit plain.
In rounds 34, 36 and 38, slip 1 stitch of the last needle
upon the first needle, and purl that stitch with the following
stitch together.
34th round. — * Purl 2 together, 3 plain, make 1, 2 plain.
Repeat from *.

35th round. — Knit plain.

36th round. * Purl 2 together, 4 plain, make 1, 1 plain.
Repeat from *.

37th round. — Knit plain.

38th round. — * Purl 2 together, 5 plain, make 1. Repeat
from *.

no. 86, Border fob Stocking

For Border N<». 25 cast on a number of stitches divisible

bj B. Knii 8 rounds plain.
9th round. slip i. plain, draw the slipped stitch over

,l "- i
plain, make
Repeal from I.
bo end of round.
10th to I7ih pounds. Knii plain.
18th round. Tick up on other needles the stitches of the
lirM round (thai is, the stitches
cael on) and knii each of
,l "'" with each stitch of the L7th round.

Then begin the



1st round. — * Purl make 4 plain, 2, 1, knit 2 together,

plain. Repeat from * to end of round.
2d round. — * Purl 1 plain, make2, 3 1, plain, knit 2 to-
gether, plain. Repeat from *.

3d round. — * Purl 2 plain, make2, 2 1, plain, knit 2 to-

gether, plain. Repeat from *.

4th round. — * Purl 3 plain, make 2, 1, 1 plain, knit 2

together, plain. Repeat from *.

5th round. — * Purl 4 plain, make 2, 1, knit 2 together,

plain. Repeat from *.

Repeat this design twice and then work the following 2

rounds like the 9th and 10th rounds, already described.
Border No. 26. Cast on a —
number of stitches divisible
by 8. Knit the lower edge of
the design as described in
preceding number. Then
work the design as follows
1st round.—* Purl 3,
make 1, knit 2 together,
plain, 3 plain. Repeat
from *.
2d round. —* Purl 3,
make 1, 1 plain, knit 2 to-
gether, plain, 2 plain. Re-
No. 26. Border for Stocking.
peat from *.

3d round. — * Purl make 2 plain, knit 2 together,

3. 1,

plain, 1 plain. Repeat from *.

4th round. — * 3 Purl, make 3 plain, knit 2 together,


plain. Repeat from *.

5th round. — * Purl 3 plain, knit 2 together, plain, make


1. Repeat from *.

6th round. — * Purl 2 plain, knit 2 together, plain,

3, J

plain, make Repeat from

1. *.

7th round. — * Purl 1 plain, knit 2 together, plain, 2


plain, make Repeat from

1. *.

8th round. — * Purl knit 2 together, plain, 3 plain, make


1 Repeat from *.
Repeat this design until the desired breadth of border is



No. 27. — The lower edge of

this border is scalloped and
worked as follows :

Cast on the number of stitches

required for the stocking.
Knit 4 rounds plain.
5th round. — * Make 1, knit 2
together, plain. Repeat from *
to end of round.
. No. 37. Border for Stocking. Knit plain the next 4 rounds.
Thru pick up on other needles the stitches of the first
round (that is, the stitches cast on) and knit each of these
m itches with each of the stitches of the ninth round. Begin
rhe design.
1st round.

* Make 1, 1 twist stitch (knitted from the
back), knit 2 together in twist stitch, purl 1. Repeat from *.
2d round. * 3 plain —
the first of the 3 is formed from the —
newly made stitch in the last round purl 1. Repeat from * —
to end of round.
The design consists of these 2 rounds, which are alter-
nately repeated border has reached its desired
until the
breadth. Finish the border with 2 rounds of purled stitches.
No. 28. Cast on
a Dumber <>f stitches
divisible by 13.

1st round . —
i w isl stitch, purl 1. I

twist stitch, purl 3

In t h e following 1

si itcln-s t he 1st and

it h niiist be crossed
by knitting firsl t he
ith stitch plain, so
1 1 1 : 1 1 it will l.-i\ over
the Lsl one; then,
No. 38. TlonnitR for Stocking.
|iuri i
he 2d and 3d ;

i-iiit the Lsl stitch plain. This done, purl 3. Repeal from*.
2d round. i twist stitch, I plain, I bwisl stitch. 3 purl,
1 plain,2 purl, I
plain, 8 purl. Repeal from*. Knit 4 rounds
more like this second round; but from ao"w on the plain I

worked between the 2 twist stitches must, in 1 round, alter-

nate with 1 plain, and in the other with 1 purl.
Then repeat again from 1st round.
No. 29.— Cast on
a number of
stitches divisible
by 7.
1st round. —* 5
purl, make 1, purl
2 together. Repeat
from *.
2d to 7th rounds.
— * 6 purl. 1 plain.
Repea t from *. The
1 plain in the
second r o u n d is
No. 29. Border for Stocking.
formed by knitting
plain the 1 made stitch of the first round
Repeat so that every other design will correspond, See
illustration Ko. 29.

No. 30. Border for Stocking.

No. 30. Cast on a number of stitches divisible by 21.
Knit in rounds as follows:

— * Make
1st round. twist stitch. Alternate 5 1, 1 times:
S purl, twist stitch. Repeat from
1 *.

2d round. — * 1 plain. Alternate 5 times twist : 1 stitch,

3 purl. Then work 1 twist stitch. Repeat from *.

3d round. — * Make 1 plain, make 1 twist 1, 1, stitch.

Alternate 5 times 3 purl, 1 twist stitch. Repeat from *

4th round.—* 3 plain. Alternate 5 times: 1 twist stitch,

1 purl, narrow (/. e., purl 2 together). Then work 1 twist
stitch. Repeat from *.

5th round. —* Make 1, 1 plain, make 1, narrow plain,

make 1, 1 twist stitch. Alternate 5 times: 2 purl, 1 twist stitch.
Repeat from *.

6th round. — * 5 plain. Alternate 5 times : 1 twist stitch,

2 purl. Then twist stitch. Repeat from *

7th round. — * Make narrow, make 1 1, 1, plain, make 1,

narrow, make 1, 1 twist stitch. Alternate 5 times: narrow, 1
twist stitch. Repeat from *.

8th round. — * 7 plain. Alternate 5 times 1 twist stitch, :

I purl. Then 1 twist stitch. Repeat from *.

9th round. — * Make narrow, make narrow, make 1, 1, 1,

1 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, 1 twist stitch. Alternate 5
times : 1 purl, 1 twist stitch. Repeat from *.

LOth round.— * 9 plain. Alternate 5 times: 1 twist stitch,

I purl. Then 1 twist stitch. Repeat from *.
th round. — *Make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1,
narrow, make 1, plain stitch, make 1, narrow, make 1, 1
! wis! stitch. Alternate 5 times 1 purl, 1 twist stitch. Repeat :

from '*.

I -Jili round.— Ml plain. Alternate 5 times : 1 twist stitch,

l purl. Then work I twist stitch. Repeat from *
1:11 1' round. Make l. narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1,
plain, make I. narrow, make I, narrow, make 1, narrow,
make I- I twisl stitch. Alternate 5 times: 1 purl, 1 twist
stitch. Repeal from \
1 "I' i"iiiid.
13 plain, twist stitch. Narrow 6 times I

in i\\i-i stitch.Repeal from

LGthround. * Alternate 3 times make 1, narrow. Then :

make 1, plain. Alternate 3 times make i, narrow. Then


make I, 8 twist Btitches. Repeal from

1,;i1 round. 16 plain.
' Knit on a special needle the t'ol-


lowing 6 stitches, then wind the cotton 4 times, just below,

around the 6 stitches just knitted. Slip the 6 stitches on the
working needle. Knit plain the next 15 stitches, etc.
Repeat the design from first round, but in such a manner
as to form pattern shown in illustration No. 30.
No. 31. Cast on a number —
of stitches divisible by 5-
Knit plain the first 5 rounds.

6th round. * Make 2, nar-
row 2 stitches. Repeat from *.

7th round.—* With the 2

made stitches of last round
alternate 1 plain, 1 purl.
Work 1 plain. Repeat from *.

8th to 11th rounds. Alter-
nate to end of round, 2 purl,
1 plain.
12th round. — Pick up on
special needles the stitches of
1st round (i. e., the stitches
cast on), and knit each of

No. 31. Border for Stocking.

them with each stitch of the
11th round.

13th round. Make 1, knit 2 together, plain, alternately
to end of round.

14th round. Knit plain.
loth and 16th rounds. Purl.

17th round. Knit plain.
18th round.—* 3 purl, knit 2 together, plain, make 1.
Repeat from *.

No. 3S. Border for Stocking.


19th to 21st rounds. 3 purl, 2 plain, alternately to end
of round

22d round. * 3 purl, make 1, narrow. Repeat from *.

23d to 25th rounds. * 3 purl, 2 plain. Repeat from *
Repeat from 18th to 25th rounds, inclusive, until the
required breadth of border is reached.

No. 32. Cast on a number of stitches divisible by 9.
1st to 3d rounds. Purl. —
4th round. —
* 2 plain, purl 2 together twice, 2 plain, make
1, 1 plain, make 1. Repeat from *.

5th round. — * 2 plain, 2 purl, 5 plain. Repeat from *.

Alternate 12 times the 4th and 5th rounds.

No. 33. Border for Stocking.

No. 33. —
Cast on a number of stitches divisible by 8.
Ki round. * 8 plain, make plain by knitting the thread I

connecting the 8th and 9th Btitches. Repeat from * to end of

i >und.
and 3d rounds.
-'I 8 plain, slip stitch, viz.: the stitch

which lias been formed from the thread connecting the 8th
and 9th stitches "I* last round. Repeat from *.
iih round. Knil 2 together, plain, make 1, knit 2 to-
gether, make I, knil 2 together, make I. knil 2 together, make
I, knil I plain, viz. :
the stitch which was slipped in the 2 last
rounds. Rep at from .

5th to 7th rounds. 8 purl, I plain, alternately to end of

Repeal the design from I si to 7th rounds, inclusive but, ;

Instead of making in the Lsl round plain by knitting the


connecting thread, slip the stitch coming after the 8 plain.


Fancy Designs for Knitting.

No. 34. —
This design is worked on 2 needles, in rows, to
and fro. Cast on 27 stitches.
1st row. —
1 slip stitch, 2 plain, make 1, narrow (i. e., knit
2 together, plain), make 1, 3 plain, 1 purl, 2 plain, narrow, 1
purl, narrow, 2 plain, 1 purl, 3
plain, make 1, 2 plain, make 1,
narrow, 1 plain.

2d row. 1 slip stitch, 2 plain,
make 1, narrow, 4 purl, 1 plain,
3 purl, 1 plain, 3 purl, 1 plain,
4 purl, 2 plain, make 1, narrow,
1 plain.
3d row. — 1 slip stitch, 2 plain,
make 1, narrow, make 1, 1 plain,
make 1, narrow, 1 plain, 1 purl,
narrow, 1 purl, narrow,
1 plain,
Xo. Zi. Fancy Stitch.
1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain,
make 1. 1 plain, make 1, 2 j)lain, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.

4th row. 1 slip stitch, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, 5 pur], 1
plain. 2 purl, 1 plain, 2 purl, 1 plain, 5 purl, 2 plain, make 1,
narrow, 1 plain.

5th row. 1 slip stitch, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1,
3 plain, make 1. narrow, 1 purl, narrow, 1 purl, narrow, 1 pari,
narrow, make 1. 3 plain, make 1, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, 1
6th row. — 1 slip stitch, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, 6 purl, 1
plain. 1 purl. 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 6 purl, 2 plain, make 1,
narrow, 1 plain.
7th row. —
1 slip stitch, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1,
5 plain, make 1, knit 3 together, 1 purl, knit 3 together, make'
1. 5 plain, make 1. 2 plain,
make narrow, 1 plain.

8th row. 1 slip stitch, 2
plain, makel, narrow, 8 purl,
1 plain, 8 purl, 2 plain, make
1. narrow, 1 plain.
Repeat the design from
1st to 8th rows, inclusive.
: :.


No. 35.— 1st row.— Knit plain.

2d row.—* 2 purl, knit 2 together, plain, in twist stitch,

make 1. Repeat from *.

3d row. Knit plain. —
4th row.—* 2 purl, make 1, knit 2 together, plain, in
twist stitch.
No. 36.— For this de-
sign cast on the number of
stitches required for the
length of the work. Knit
in rows, as follows :

1st row. Plain. —

2d row.—* Knit 3 to-
gether, plain, make 3 (/. e. t

knit in the next stitch 1

plain, 1 purl, 1 plain).
No. 36. Fancy Stitch.
Repeat from *.
3d row. Knit — plain.
4th row.—* Make 3 (i. e., knit in next stitch 1 plain, 1
purl, 1 plain;, knit 3 together, plain. Repeat from *.

Then begin again from 1st row.

No. 37.— 1st row.—* 1 plain,
make 1, knit 2 together, plain.
Repeat from *.
2d row. * Make — 1,knit 2
^J^^J^^^^^SU^^^J^^ "
together, plain (/. e., knit to-
gether the next stitch and the
made stitch of last row), 1
Fancy Stitch. dui'l.
No. 38.- This pretty design is worked in rows, to and fro,
as Follows
Is! 3d n>\\ b.
to 3 plain, '•'>
alternately to end <>f r<>\\ .

I lli r<>\\ . 3 purl, m a k < 1.

knii > i oge i li e r . plain, make 1.

K<-p<-;ii from '••'.

Then repeal again from Lsl row

No. 89. ( lasl "ii ih«. required
Dumber <»f stitches, and knil in
plainand purled rows as follows N o.a8. fa»ot stitoh.

1st row. — Slip 1 stitch, * knit 3 to-

gether, plain, make 1. Repeat
from *.
2d row. —Purl ; but, in every new
made stitch of last row, knit 1 purl, 1
plain, 1 purl.
3d row. — Knit plain.
4th row. —Purl.
no. 39. fancy stitch.
Repeat the design from 1st row,
but in such a way as to make the designs alternate, as in
illustration No. 39.

No. 40. Cast on (as described in No. 5) a number of
stitches divisible by 10. Purl 2 rounds, knit 1 round plain.
Begin the design as follows :

round. * 1 plain, make 1, 1 slip stitch, 1 plain, draw
the slipped stitch over the 1 plain, 5 purl, knit 2 together,
plain, make 1. Repeat from *.

2d round. — * 3 plain, 5 purl, 2 plain. Repeat from *.

3d round. — * plain, make 1 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, draw

slipped stitch over one plain, 3 purl, 2 together, plain, 1 plain,
make 1, repeat from *.
4th round. —* 4 plain,
B purl, 3 plain. Repeat
from *.

5th round. —* 1 plain,

make 1, 2 plain, slip 1, 1
plain, draw the slipped
stitch over the 1 plain, 1
purl, 2 together, plain, 2
plain, make 1. Repeat
from *.

6th round. —* 5 plain,

] purl, 4 plain. Re p eat
from * ^°' ^ Boeder.

7th round. — * 1 plain, make 1, 3 plain, slip 1, 2 together,

plain, draw the slipped stitch over the 2 together, plain, 3
plain, make 1. Repeat from *.
8th round. — Knit plain.
»th round. — * 3 purl, 2 together, plain, make 1, 1 plain,

make 1. slip 1, draw the slipped

1 plain, stitch over the 1
plain, 2 purl. Repeat from *.
10th round. — * 3 purl, 5 plain, 2 purl. Repeat from *.

11 th round. — * 2 purl, 2 together, plain, 1 plain, make 1,

1 plain, make 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, draw the slipped stitch
over the 1 plain, 1 purl. Repeat from *.

L2th round. — * 2 purl, 7 plain, purl. Repeat from 1 *.

13th round. — * purl, 2 together, plain, 2 plain, make

1 1,
1 plain, make 1. 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, draw the slipped stitch
over the 1 plain. Repeat from *.

4th round.J
— * purl, 9 plain. Repeat from
1 *.

L5th round. — Knit 2 together, plain, * 3 plain, make 1, 1

plain, make 1, 3 plain, slip 1, 2 together, plain, draw the
slipped stitch over the 2 together, plain. Repeat from *. At
the end of the round draw the last stitch over the first stitch.
10th round. — Knit plain.
No. 41. — Cast on a number of
stitches divisible by 8 and knit in
rows, to and fro, as follows

1st row. Make 1, purl 2 to-

gether. 3 purl, purl 2 together, make
1, 1 purl. Repeal Erom *.

2d row. Make 1, 2 plain, * make

I. slip I, 1 plain, draw the slipped
stitch over the I plain, 1 plain, knit
Na4L FancyStitch
2 together, plain, make 1, 3 plain. -

Repeal Erom*. Make only plain instead of 1 3 plain at the

end of row.
3d row. 2 purl, make I. purl 3 together, make J, 5 purl.
K'-p'-.-'i from •-.
Purl only -I instead of ft at the end of row.
1111 row. '

3 plain, knit 2 together, plain, make 1, 1

plain, make l.
Repeat from *
knit 2 together, plain. Make
I plain after knitting the 2 together, plain, al the end of row.
5th row. 2 purl, make L, 3 purl, make I, purl 2 together,
I"" 1
- pur] 2 together. Repeal from * At the end of row
pnrl only I
Instead of purling the last 2 stitches together.
row. slip i. knit 2together, plain, draw the slipped
,;i1 '

over the 2 together, plain, make L, ft plain, make 1.
lilr| '

Repeat from After the last make I, knit 2 together, plain,

at he end of row.
— :


7th row. — * 1 purl,

make 1, purl 2 together, 3 purl, purl
2 together, make 1. Repeat from *. After the last make 1 at
the end of row make 1 purl.
8th row.— 2 plain, * make 1, slip 1, 1 plain, draw the
slipped stitch over the 1 plain, 1 plain, knit 2 together, plain,
make 1, 3 plain. Repeat from *. Knit only 2 plain instead
of 3 plain at the end of the row.

Squares foe Bed Spread.

Xos. 42 and 43. — Cut No. 43 illustrates four of square No.
42 put together. No. 42 is worked with line or coarse cotton
in rounds.
Cast on 4 needles 8
stitches, and knit
with help of a fifth
needle as follows
1st round. —Purl.
2d round. — Make

1, 1 plain, make 1, 1
plain. Repeat from *

to end of round.
3d round. — Purl.
4th round. — *Make
1. Knit in the next
stitch 1 plain, 1 purl.
Make 1, 3 plain. Re-
peat from *.

Xo. 42. Square for Bed Spread. £-i.j, - ^ j # -i

plain. 2 purl, 1 plain, 3 purl. Repeat from *.

6th round. * Make 1, 1 plain, 2 purl, 1 plain, make 1, 3

plain. Repeat from *.

7th round. —* 2 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 3 purl. Repeat

from *.
— * Make
8th round. 1, 2 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, make 1, 3
plain. Repeat from *.

9th round. — * 1 rjurl, 2 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 4 purl.

Repeat from *.

10th round. — * Make 1, 1 purl, 2 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 1

purl, make 1, 3 plain. Repeat from *.
— -


11th round. 2 purl, 2 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 5 purl.

Repeat from *.

Work 16 more
rounds in same man-
ner as described in 2
last rounds, until, in
the 27th round, there
|||j|l| will be 29 stitches on
each needle.
28th round.— * Al-
ternate 13 times:
Make 1, knit 2 to-
gether, plain. Then
make 1, 3 plain. Re-
peat from *.
29th round.— Purl.
Then cast off the
stitches. Join the
Xo. 43. Square for Bed Spread. squares as illustrated
To go with No. 42.
No. 43. in cut
No. 44Square for Bed Spread. This square is knitted —
with white cotton, on 2 steel knitting needles, in rows, to and
fro. Begin to knit at the corner of the square (see lowest
cornei' in illustration 44). Cast on 3 stitches.
1st row. Slip 1. Knit in next stitch 1 purl, l plain.
Pur] l.

•-M row. Slip 1. 1 plain. Knit in next stitch 1 purl <md

plain, l plain.
3d row. -Slip 1, purl 2. Knit in next stitch 1 purl and I

plain. Purl I.

nil row. slip I, 2 plain, make I. 3 plain.

•''ili row. Slip i. 2 purl, I plain. :i purl.
,; 'l' row. slip i, 2 plain, make L, l purl, make 1. :\ plain.
"ill low. slip i. 2 purl, :5 plain, :> purl.
Slip i. 2 plain, make I. 3 purl, make l, 3 plain.
PI li row . slip I. 'j purl, 6 plain, '>
PMli row . Slip I. 2 plain, make 1 , 5 purl, make 1.3 plain.
1 llh row. Slip I. 2 purl. 7 plain. :: purl.
121 li row .
Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1,7 purl, make I, 3 plain.
18th row slip I. 2 purl, i plain, I purl, I plain, :* purl.

14th row.— Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 1 plain, 4 purl,,

make 1, 3 plain.
15th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
16th row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl y
make 3 plain.

17th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl, 4 plain, 3 purL

No. 44. Square for Bed Spread.

18th row.— Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 5 plain, 4 purl,.

make 1, 3 plain.
19th row.— Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl, make 1, 1 plain.,,
make 1 . 3 purl, 4 plain, ''>

— Slip 2 plain, make 4 purl, 3 plain, 3 purl,

20th row. 1, 1,

3 make 3 plain.
plain, 4 purl, 1,

21st row. — Slip 2 purl, 4 plain. 4 purl, make

1, 3 plain, 1,

make 4 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.


22d row. — Slip 2 plain, make

1, 4 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl, 1.

4 plain, 4 purl, make 3 plain. 1,

23d row. — Slip 2 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl, make

1, 5 plain, 1,

make 1. 5 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.

24th row.— Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 5 plain, 7 purl,
5 plain. 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.

25th row. Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 6 purl, 2 plain, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
2 plain, 6 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.

26th row. Slij) 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 6 plain, 5 purl,
6 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
2? th row. — Slij) 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 7 purl, 1 plain, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
1 plain, 7 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
28th row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 7 plain, 3 purl,
7 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
29th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl, make 1, 1 plain,
make 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw the
4 purl, slip 1,
slipped stitch over them. 4 purl, make 1, 1 plain, make 1, 3
purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
301 b row. -Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 3 plain, 3 purl,
!> plain, 3 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
31st row.— Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain,
make I. purl, make
1. 3 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 4 plain, 3
32d row.- Slip make 1, 4 purl, 4 plain. 5 purl,
1, 2 plain,
9 plain, 5 purl, I make 1, 3 plain.
plain, I purl,
:::: 'l Slip 2 purl, 4 plain,
|. purl, make 1, 5 plain, C)

make 1,9 purl, make L, 5 plain, make L, 5 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.

34th row. Slip 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 6 plain, 7 purl,

8 plain, 7 purl, plain,

purl, make l. 3 plain.

35th row. Slip i. 2 purl, 1 plain, purl, 2 plain, slip 1,

knil 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
2 plain, 9 purl, 2 plain, slip I. knit 2 together plain, and
draw the Blipped stitch over them, 2 plain, 6 purl, 4 plain, 3

36th row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 6 plain, 5 purl,

9 plain, 5 purl, 6 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
37th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 7 purl, 1 plain, slip 1,

knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
1 plain, 9 purl, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw
the slipped stitch over them, 1 plain, 7 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
38 th row. —
Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 7 plain, 3 purl,
4 pjlain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 3 plain, 3 purl, 7 plain,
4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
39th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl, make 1, 1 plain,
make 1, 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw the
4 purl, slip
slipped stitch over them, 9 purl, slip 1, knit 2 together plain,
and draw the slipped stitch over them, 4 purl, make 1, 1 plain,
make 1, 3 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.

40th row. Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 3 plain, 3 purl,
8 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, 8
plain, 3 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
41st row. —
Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain,
make 1, 20 purl, make 1, 3 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
42d row. — Slip make
4 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl,
1, 2 plain, 1,
7 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit
2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, 7 plain, 5 purl, 4 plain, 4
purl, make 1, 3 plain.
43d row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl, make 1, 5 plain,
make 1. 21 purl, make 1, o plain, make 1, 5 purl, 4 plain, 3
44th row. — Slip
1, 2 plain, make 1. 4 purl, 5 plain, 7 purl,

6 plain, make knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit


2 together plain, i plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1

plain, make 1, 6 plain, 7 purl, 5 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
4.7rh row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 6 purl, 2 plain, slip 1,

knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
2 plain, 22 purl, 2 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and
draw the slipped stitch over them, 2 plain, 6 purl, 4 plain, 3
46th row. — Slip
1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 6 plain, 5 purl,

5 plain, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit

make 1.

2 together plain, 2 rjlain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 1

y>lain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 5 plain, 5 purl, 6 plain,
4 purl, make 1, 3 Tjlain.

47th row. —
Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 7 purl, 1 plain, slip l y
knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
1 plain, 22 purl, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and

draw the slipped stitch over them, 1 plain, 7 purl, 4 plain, 3;

48th row. — Slip
1. 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 7 plain, 3 purl,

4 plain, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit

make 1,

2 together plain, 4 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 1

plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 4 plain, 3 purl, 7 plain,
4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
49th row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl, make 1, 1 plain,
make 1, 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw the
4 purl, slip
slipped stitch over them, 10 purl, make 1, knit 2 together
plain, make 1, 10 purl, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw
the slipped stitch over them, 4 purl, make 1, 1 plain, make 1,
3 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
501 h row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 4 purl, 3 plain, 3 purl,
8 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit

2 together plain, 2 plain, 3 purl, 2 plain, knit 2 together

plain, make 1, 1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 8 plain,
3 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain.
51st row. — Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 4 purl, make 1, 3 plain,
make 1. 15 purl, make 1, 3 plain, make 1, 15 purl, make 1, 3
plain, make 1, 4 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl.
52d row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1; 4 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl,
7 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, knit
2 together plain. 3 plain, 5 purl, 3 plain, knit 2 together
plain, make I. plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 7 plain,

5 purl, -I plain, i purl, make 1, 3 plain.

:>:'»<! row. Slip 1, 2 purl, 4 plain, 5 purl, make 1, 5 plain,
make I. L5 purl, make I, 5 plain, make 1, 15 purl, make 1. 5
plain, make I. .">
purl, l plain, :: purl.
54th row. Slip 1,2 plain, make 1, 4 purl. 5 plain, 7 purl,
,; plain, make I. knil 2 together plain, 1 plain, make I, knit
2 togel her plain, l plain, ? purl, l plain, knit 2 together plain,
make I. I phi in. knil 2 together plain, make 1, *'»
plain, 7 purl,.
plain, I purl, make I .
55th row. Slip i. 2 purl, I plain, 6 purl. 2 plain, slip 1,
knil 2 together plain, and draw tin- Blipped stitch over them,
plain, I"' purl, 2 plain, slip I, knil 2 together plain, and


draw the slipped stitch over them, 2 plain, 15 purl, 2 plain,

slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over
them, 2 plain, 6 purl, 4 plain, 3 purl. This last row forms the
center of the square. The other half of the square begins with
row 56, and is made as follows
56th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1,
3 purl, purl 2 together, 4 plain, 5 purl, 8 plain, make 1, knit 2
together plain, 1 plain, make 1, 4 plain, 5 purl, 4 plain, make 1,
1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 8 plain, 5 purl, 4 plain,
purl 2 together, 3 purl, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 2 plain.

57th row. Slip 1, 2 purl, 5 plain, 4 purl, 1 plain, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
1 plain, 10 purl, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and

draw the slipped stitch over them, 1 plain, 16 purl, 1 plain,

slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over
them, 1 plain, 4 purl, 5 plain, 3 purl.
58th row. —
Sliji 1, 1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1,

3 purl, purl 2 together, 3 plain, 3 purl, 10 plain, make 1, knit

2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, 3 plain, 3 purl, 3 plain,
make 1. 1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1, 10 plain, 3
purl, 3 plain, purl 2 together, 3 purl, make 1, knit 2 together
plain. 2 plain.

59th row. Slip 1, 2 purl, 5 plain, 3 purl, slip 1, knit 2
together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them, 4
purl, make 1, 1 plain, make 1, 12 purl, slip 1, knit 2 together
plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them, 12 purl, make
1. 1 plain, make 1, 4 purl, slip 1, knit 2 together plain, and

draw the slipped stitch over them, 3 purl, 5 plain, 3 purl.

60th row. Slip 1, 1 plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1,
3 purl, purl 2 together, 7 plain, 3 purl, 7 plain, make 1, knit
2 together plain, 1 plain, make 1, 5 plain, make 1, 1 plain,
knit 2 together plain, make 1, 7 plain, 3 purl, 7 plain,- purl 2
together, 3 purl, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 2 plain.
By following
the directions already given and by noticing
the illustration, will be easy to finish the square.
it But, at
the beginning and end of rows designated by even numbers,
the knitting must be as at the beginning and end of the 56th,
58th and 60th rows upon the other hand, the beginning and

end of rhe rows designated by odd numbers are worked as

the beginning and end of rows 57 and 59.
— . . :


Fancy Patterns for Knitting.

No. 45 —
Fancy Pattern. The number of stitches to be
cast on must be determined by the width of the work, and
must also be divisible by 10.
Knit in rows, to and fro, as

Knit plain.
1st row.

2d row. * 1 plain, make 2,
narrow by slipping 1 stitch,
knitting 1 plain, and drawing
the slipped stitch over the 1
knitted. 5 plain, knit 2 to-
gether plain, make 2. Repeat
No. 45. Fancy Stitch.
from *.

3d row. — 1 purl, * make 2, purl 2 together, 3 purl, purl 2

together, make 2, 3 purl. Repeat from *.

4th row. — 3 plain, * make 2, narrow, 1 plain, knit 2 to-

gether plain, make 2, 5 plain. Repeat from *.

5th row. —3 purl, * make 2, purl 3 together, make 2, 7

purl. Repeat from *.

6th row. — 3 plain, * knit 2 together plain, make 2, 1 plain,

make 2. narrow, 5 plain. Repeat from *-.

Repeat from 3d to 5th rows, inclusive. Then from 2d row

i" 6th row, inclusive, etc.
No. 46 Fancy Design. Cast on the required number —
of stitches.
row.— Slip 1,
1st * knit 2 together in twist stitch, knit 2
together plain, make 2. Rej^eat from *.

Purl the 2d row, but knit plain the first of every two
iK-u ly-made si itches of last row.

3d row. Slip L, 1 plain, *

make 2, knit 2 together in twist
stitch, knii 2 together plain.
Repeal from to end of row
nil row. I'uil. i>ui k n i t

plain t
he firsl of everj two ih*w 1 v
made si itches of last r<>w
Then repeal again from 1st

No. 46, Kancy Stitch.


No. 47 Fancy Design- — —

Cast on the number of stitches-
required for the length of the
1st row. Slip 1. Then alter- —
nate to end of row. Make 1,.
knit 2 together plain.
2d row. Purl. —
Repeat from 1st row.
No. 47. Fancy Stitch. No. 48. To knit this fanCJT —
design, cast on a number of stitches divisible by 9, and knit
in rows to and fro as follows :

1st row. —
* 2 plain, knit 2 together plain. Narrow by slip-
ping 1 stitch, knitting plain the next stitch and drawing the ;

slipped stitch over the 1 plain. 2 plain, make 1, 1 plain, make

1 . Repeat from *.

2d row. Purl.
— * knit 2 together plain, narrow, 2 plain,
3d row. 1 plain,
make plain, make
1, 1 2 plain. Repeat from
1, *.

4th row. — Purl.

oth row. — * Knit 2 together plain, narrow, 1 plain, make
1 . 2 plain. Make in the next stitch 1 plain, 1 purl. fake 1^
1 plain. Repeat from *.

6th row.— Purl.

7th row. 1 plain, * narrow, make 1, 6 plain, make 1, knit
2 together plain. Repeat from *.
8th row.— Purl.

9th row. * Narrow, make 1, 2 plain, knit 2 together
plain, narrow. 2 plain, make 1. Re-
peat from *.
10th row.— Purl.
11th row. —
1 plain, * make 1, 2
plain, knit 2 together, narrow, 2
plain, make 1. 1 plain. Repeat
from *.

12th row. — Purl.

13th row.— 2 plain, * make 1, 1
plain, knit 2 together plain, narrow, No. 48. Fancy Stitch.

1 plain, make 1. 2 plain, Make in the next stitch 1 plain, 1

purl. Repeat from *,


14th row.— Purl.

loth row. 3 plain, * make 1, knit 2 together plain, nar-
row, make 1, 6 plain. Repeat from *.

16th row.— Purl.

17th row. * Narrow, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, 2
plain, knit 2 together plain. Repeat from *
With the help of these directions it is now easy to con-
tinue the design.
No. 49 Fancy Design. — Cast on the required number of
stitches for the length of the work.Knit in
rows to and fro, in the following manner :

1st row.
2d row. — Slip Then alternate to end

of row 2 plain, make

: 2.

3d row. — Slip * purl 2 together, 1, viz. :

the next stitch and the newly-made stitch

of last row. Purl 2 together, viz. the :

newly made stitch of last row and the

stitch following it. Repeat from * Purl
the last 2 stitches at the end of row.
4th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, * make 2, 2 plain. Repeat from
* to end of row.
5th row.— Purl 2, * purl 2 together, viz. the next stitch :

and the newly-made stitch of last row. Purl 2 together, viz. :

the newly-made stitch of last row and the stitch following it.
Repeat from * Purl the last stitch of the row.
Repeat from 2d row to 5th row, inclusive.

Lace Edgings.
N.,. 50 Lace Edging. — Cast on 7 stitches, and knit in
rows, aa follows :

1st row. Knit plain.

2d row. Slip l, knit -2 together plain, make 2, knit 2 fa-
ther plain, in twist stitch, make 2, knit 2 together plain, in
i wist Btitch.
3d row. Sli]) l. l plain, I purl, 2 plain, 1 purl, 2 plain.
•itli row. slip i, knit 2 together plain, make 2, knit 2 to
tin • plain, in twisl stitch. I plain, make 2, knit 2 togethe
plain, in I wist stitch.
•''ili row. slip i. i plain, I purl, :< plain, I
pnrl, 2 plain

6th row. —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, knit 2
together plain, in twist stitch, 2 plain, make 2, knit 2 together
plain, in twist stitch.
7th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, 1 pnrl, 4 plain, 1 purl, 2 plain.

8th row. Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, knit 2
together plain, in twist stitch, 3 plain, make 2, knit 2 together
plain, in twist stitch.
9th row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, 1 purl, 5 plain, 1 purl, 2 plain.

No. 50. Lack Edging.

10th row. —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, knit 2
together plain, in twist stitch, 1 plain, make 4, knit 2 together
plain. 1 plain, make 2, knit 2 together plain, in twist stitch.
11 th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, 1 purl, 3 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain,
1 purl, 3 plain. 1 purl, 2 plain.
12th row. — Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, knit 2
together plain, in twist stitch, 10 plain.
13th row. — Slip 1. cast off 8 stitches, 3 plain, 1 purl, 2
Repeat from 2d to 13th rows, inclusive, until the required
length of edging is reached.

No. 51. Lace Edging.

No. til — Lace Edging. — Cast on 8 stitches. Knit 1 row

1st row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain,
in twist stitch, 1 x>lain, make 4, knit 2 together plain.
2d row. — Slip 1. Work in the 4 newly-made stitches of


last row 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl. Then

knit 3 plain, make 1, knit2 together plain, 1 plain, in twist stitch.
— Slip 2 plain, make knit 2 together plain,
3d row, 1, 1,
in twist stitch, 8 plain.
4th row. — Slip 9 plain, make1, knit together plain,
in twist stitch, 1 plain.
5th row. — Slip 2 plain, make1, knit together plain,
in twist stitch. Alternate 4 times: make knit 2 together plain, 2,
6th row. — Slip 1 plain, purl.
1, Alternate 3 times: 2
plain, 1 purl. Then 2 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain,
in twist stitch, 1 plain.
7th row. —
Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain,
in twist stitch, 12 plain.
8th row.— Slip 1, 13 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain,
in twist stitch, 1 plain.

9th row. Knit like 7th row.

10th row. Knit like 8th row.
11th row. —
Knit like 7th row.
12th row. —
Cast off 9 stitches, Knit 4 plain, make 1,
knit 2 together plain, in twist stitch, 1 plain.
The design is repeated from 1st to 12th rows until the
desired length of the edging is reached.
No. 52 Lace Judging.

Cast on 19 stitches and
knit in rows as follows :

1st row. 9 plain, * —

purl 2 together, make 1,
1 plain. Repeat twice
from *. Make 1, 1 plain.
2d row. Make 1, nar-—
row, viz. : Slip 1, 1 plain,
draw the slipped stitch
over 1 plain. Knit plain
to end of row.
3d row. —8 plain.
Work :*limes as fol-
lows: Purl 2 together,
make 1, 1 plain. Then
Lai i i ih.ivi;
make L, 1 plain, make 1,

4th row. Alternate bwioe: mak I, narrow . Knit plain
I-. '
in'of row

5th row. —7 plain. Work 3 times as follows : Purl 2 to-

gether, make 1, 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate
twice: make 1, narrow.
6th row. —Alternate 3 times: make narrow. 1, Knit plain
to end of row.
7th row. — 6 plain. Work 3 times as follows : purl 2 to-
gether, make 1, 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate 3
times: make 1, narrow.
—Alternate 4 times: make narrow.
8th row. 1, Knit plain
to end of row.
9th row. — 5 plain. Work 3 times as follows : Purl 2 to-
gether, make 1. 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate 4
times: make 1, narrow.
10th row. —Alternate 5 times make narrow. Knit : 1,

plain to end of row.

11th row. —4 plain. Work 3 times as follows Purl 2 to- :

gether, make 1, 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate 5

times : make
1, narrow.

12th row. Alternate 6 times make 1, narrow. Knit plain

to end of row.

13th row. 3 plain. Work 3 times as follows Purl 2 to :

gether, make 1, 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate 6

times make 1, narrow.

14th row. Alternate 7 times make 1, narrow. Knit plain

to end of row.

15th row. 2 plain. Work 3 times as follows Purl 2 to- :

gether, make 1, 1 plain. Then make 1, 1 plain. Alternate 7

times make 1, narrow.

16th row.— Alternate8 times make 1, narrow. Knit plain


to end of row.

17th row. 4 plain. Work twice as follows Make 1, :

purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, knit 3 together plain,

narrow. Alternate 6 times make 1, narrow.

18th row. —
Alternate 7 times make 1, narrow. Knit plain

to end of row.

19th row. 5 plain. Work twice as follows Make 1, :

purl 2 together, 1 rjlain. Then make 1, narrow twice. Alter-

nate 5 times make 1, narrow.

20th row.— Alternate 6 times make 1, narrow. : Knit

plain to end of row.

21st row. —6 plain. Work twice as follows : Make 1,

purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, narrow twice. Alter-

nate 4 times: make 1, narrow.

22d row. Alternate 5 times: make 1, narrow. Knit plain
to end of row.

23d row. 7 plain. Work twice as follows Make 1, :

purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, narrow twice. Alter-

nate 3 times: make 1, narrow.

24th row. Alternate 4 times: make 1, narrow. Knit
plain to end of row.

25th row. 8 plain. Work twice as follows: Make 1,
purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, narrow twice. Alter-
nate twice: make 1, narrow.

26th row. Alternate 3 times: make 1, narrow. Knit
plain to end of row.

27th row. 9 plain. Work twice as follows Make 1, :

purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, narrow twice, make

1. narrow.

28th row. Alternate twice: make 1, narrow. Knit plain
to end of row.

29 tli row. 10 plain. Work twice as follows Make ] :

purl 2 together, 1 plain. Then make 1, narrow twice.

3(»rh row. —
Make 1, narrow. Knit plain to end of row.
Repeat from 1st to 30th rows, inclusive, until the required
length of the edging is reached.
No. 53— Lace Edging.
— Cast on 7 stitches.
1st row.— Slip 1, 1 purl,
5 plain.
2d row.— Slipl. Alter-
nate twice: make 1, purl 2
lack edoino
together. Then 2 plain.
3d row. Make 1, 2 purl, 6 plain.
4th row. Slip l. Alternate twice: make purl 2 to-
gether. Then ''>
•"•ill row. Make l. :i purl, 5 plain.
,;tl1 row. Slip i. Alternate twice: make 1, purl 2 to-
gether. Then t plain.
"Jili row. Make i. I purl, .">
s ili row. slip
i. Alternate twice: make l, purl 2 to-


gether. Then 2 plain, make 1, knit 2 together plain, 1

9th row. — Slip 1, 4 purl, 5 plain.
10th row. — Slip 1. Alternate twice: make 1, purl 2 to-
gether. Then 3 plain, knit 2 together plain.
11th row. — Slip 3 purl, 5 plain.

12th row. — Slip Alternate twice: make

1. 1, purl 2 to-
gether. Then 2 plain, knit 2 together plain.
13 th row. — Slip 2 purl, 5 plain.

14th row. — Slip Alternate twice: make

1. 1, purl 2 to-
gether. Then 1 plain, knit 2 together, plain.
Repeat the design from 1st to 14th rows, inclusive.

No. 54 Lace Edging. — This pretty pattern is worked

width-wise in rows
as follows Cast:

on 26 stitches.
1st row. — Slipl,
purl 2 together,
make 2, purl 2 to-
gether, 19 purl,
knit 2 together
2d row. — K nit
plain; but purl the
2d newly - made
stitch of last row.
3d row. — Slip 1,
purl 2 together,
make 2, purl 2 to-
• s*- La ce edging. gether, 1 purl. Al-
ternate 9 times : make 1, purl 2 together. Then 1 plain.

4th row. — Knit plain.

5th row. — Slip purl 2 together, make
1, 2, purl 2 together,
20 purl.
6th row. — Make knit plain.

7th row. — Slip purl 2 together, make

1, 2, purl 2 together,
1 plain. * purl 2 together, make 2, knit 2 together plain, 1
plain. Repeat from * three times.


8th row. — Make 1. Alternate 3 times: 3 purl, 2 plain.

TheD work 3 purl, 8 plain.

9th to 24th rows. Work alternately the 7th and 8th
rows but in each row designated by an odd number, increase

the number of plain stitches that come before the * by one,

and each row designated by an even number increase likewise
by one the number of plain stitches at the end of that row.
25th row. —
Slip 1, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together,
8 plain. * purl 2 together, make 2, knit 2 together plain, 1
plain. Repeat from * three times yet, at the last repetition, ;

knit 3 together plain instead of knitting the 1 plain.

20th row. —
Slip 1, 2 purl. Alternate 3 times: 2 plain, 3
purl. Then 15 plain.
27th to 40th rows.— Work alternately the 25th and 26th
rows but at the end of every row designated by an odd

number knit 2 together plain instead of 3 together plain, and

at the end of every row designated by an even number
decrease by one the number of plain stitches. Always repeat
from 1st to 40th rows, inclusive.
No. 55 Lace Edging. Cast on 16 — stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1, 6 plain. Increase 1, viz.: by knitting 1
purl in the next stitch where the stitch following the
increase 1 must be knitted. 4 plain, increase 2, 5 plain.
2d row. Slip 1, 1 plain, —
make 1, narrow, viz. purl :

2 together. Then make 1,

2 plain, narrow, make 1,
narrow, make 1, narrow,
1 plain, make 1, narrow,
make 1, narrow, make 1,
3d row. — Slip 1, 7 plain,

increase 1, 4 plain, in-

crease 1, 2 plain, increase
Uoi ECsaiMo. I, 5 plain,
HI i row. slip I. 2 plain, make L, narrow, make 1, 4 plain,
narrow, make i. narrow, make I. 3 plain, make 1, narrow,
make i. narrow, make 1, narrow.
:,,t| row. slip i. ? plain, increase i. I plain, increase 1, 4
plain, increase I, i plain, increase I, 6 plain.

6th row. — Slip 1, make 1, narrow, make 1, 6 plain,

3 plain,
narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 3 plain, increase 1, narrow,
make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.
7th row.— Slip 1, 5 plain, narrow, 6 plain, narrow, 3 plain,
narrow, 7 plain.

8th row. Slip 1, 4 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, 4 plain,
narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 2 plain, narrow, make 1,
narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.

9th row. Slip 1, 8 plain, increase 1, 3 plain, narrow, 1
plain, narrow, 8 plain.
10th row. —Slip 1, 5 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, 2 plain,
narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 2 plain, narrow, make 1,
narrow, make 1, narrow.
11th row. — Slip 1, 5 plain, knit 3 together, 3 plain, knit 3
together, 9 plain.
12th row. — Slip 1, 5 plain. Alternate 7 times: make 1,
13th row. — Slip 1. 6 plain, increase 1, 4 plain, increase 2,
9 plain.
14th row. —
Slip 1, 3 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make
1, narrow, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 1 plain,
increase 1, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.
loth row. — Slip 8 plain, increase
1, 1, 4 plain, increase 1,
2 plain, increase 9 plain.

16th row. — Slip 1, 1, narrow, make 1, nar-

4 plain, make
row, 4 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 3 plain, make
1. narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.

17th row. — Slip 1, 6 plain, increase 1, 3 plain, increase 1,

4 plain, increase 1, 4 plain, increase 1, 8 plain.

18th row. Slip 1, 2 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make
1 narrow, 6 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 3 plain,
narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.
19th row. —
Slip 1, 8 plain, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, 3 plain,
narrow, 7 plain.
20th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make
1, narrow, 4 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 3 plain,

make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow.

21st row. —
Slip 1, 5 plain, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, 1 plain,
narrow. 6 plain.

22d row. Slip 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1. nar-
row. 2 plain, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow, 2 plain, make
1. narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1. narrow.

23d row. Slip 1, 5 plain, knit 3 together, 3 plain, knit 3
together, 5 plain.
24th row. — Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate 7 times: make 1,

Repeat from 1st row until the required length of the
edging is reached.
The lower edge of this edging is finished off with crochet
work. Make in every stitch of the edge 1 close chain stitch,
3 chain stitches. 1 close chain stitch.
The upper edge of the edging is also finished off with
crochet work. Make 1 close chain stitch in every stitch of
th^ edge. Make another row of close chain stitches, and a.
third row of double crochet.

No. 56. Lace Edging.

-Lcun Edging.
,,; — Cast on 20 stitches and knit in
I" and fm. as follows :

l-i row- -14 plain, make 1, knit 3 together plain, make 1,

narrow, i plain.
2d row. Knit plain.
3d row. -12plain, narrow, makel, 3 plain, makel, 2 plain.
nil r<»w. Knit plain.
•*'th POW, 1! plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 1

twist stitch (knitted from the back), make 1, narrow, make 1,,

2 plain.
8th row. — Knit plain.

7th row. — 10 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 3

plain, make narrow, make
1, 2 plain.

8th row. — Knit plain.

9th row. — 9 plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1. a
plain, make narrow, make
1. 2 plain.

10th row. — Knit plain.

11th row. — & plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, 7
plain, make narrow, make
1. 2 plain.

12th row. — Knit plain.

13th row. — 7 plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1. 9
plain, make narrow, make
1. 2 plain.

14th row. — Knit plain.

15th row. — 6 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 11

plain, make narrow, make 1. 2 plain.


16th row. Knit plain.

17th row. 5 plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, 3
plain, knit 3 together plain, make 4, 3 together plain, 4 plain,
make 1. narrow, make 1. 2 plain.
18th row. —
Knit this row plain but in the "make 4" of

last row, knit 1 plain. 1 purl, 1 plain. 1 purl.

19th row. — 7 plain, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow, 9

plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow. 1 plain.

20th row. Knit plain.
21st row. —
8 plain, make 1. narrow, make 1. narrow. 7
plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow. 1 plain.
22d row.— Knit plain.
23d row.— 9 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1. narrow, 5
plain, narrow, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.
24th row. —
Knit plain.

25th row. 10 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 3
plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.

26th row. Knit plain.

27th row. 11 plain, make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 1
plain, narrow, make 1. narrow, make 1, narrow. 1 plain.
28th row. —
Knit plain.
29th row.— 1? plain, make 1, narrow, make 1. knit 3 to-
gether rjlain. make 1, narrow, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.
30th row. —
Knit plain.
81st row. —
13 plain, make 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow,
make 1. narrow, 1 plain.
— —


32d row. Knit plain.
Repeat from 1st to 32d rows, inclusive.
No. 57 Lace Edging. Cast on 18 stitches. —
1st row. — Slip
knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,

knit 2 together plain, and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2, knit 2 together plain, 2 plain, make 2, knit 2 together
plain, C plain.
2d row. — Knit plain
bnt in every "make 2" of last row

knit 1 Every row to the 14th row, inclusive

plain, 1 purl. —
designated by an even number is worked like the 2d row, and
will therefore receive no further mention.

No. 57. Lack Edging.

3d row —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1
knit 2together plain and draw slipped stitch over them,
m;ik.' 2. knit 2 together plain, 4 plain, make 2, knit 2 together
plain. 5 plain.
5th row. knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
Slip 1,

knit 2 together and draw slipped stitch over them,

make 2, knil 2 together plain, 2 plain.
Raised Work, viz.: I plain: slip this 1 plain on the left
needle, and then knil plain in
without withdrawing the
I it

I'll needle from ili<-l<><>p. * Slip on the left needle the 1 plain
which i-- "ii the right needle and knit plain in it without I

withdrawing the left die from the l<»<»p.

Repeal from *.
Bring the yarn forward; pass it backward between the last
stitch made and the 8 nexl stitehrs, and cast off these 4
Htitches. Thus Mi" first raised work is formed.


Then 3 plain, make 2, knit 2 together plain, 4 plain.

7th row. —Slip 1. knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2, knit 2 together plain. 4 plain, raised work as in 5th
row. 3 plain, make 2, knit 2 together plain, 3 plain.
9th row. —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2, knit 2 together plain, 6 plain, raised work, 3 plain,
make 2. knit 2 together plain, 2 plain.
11th row. —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2. knit 2 together plain. 8 plain, raised work, 3 plain,
make 2. knit 2 together plain, 1 plain.
13th row. —
Slip 1. knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2, knit 2 together plain, 10 plain, raised work, 3 plain,
make 2. knit 2 together plain.
loth row. —
Slip 1, knit 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1,
knit 2 together plain and draw the slipped stitch over them,
make 2. 2 together plain. 12 plain, raised work, 4 plain.
16th row. — Cast off 7 stitches, 17 plain. Repeat from 1st
to 16th rows inclusive.
No. 58 Lace Edging. — This edging may be knitted with"
either worsted or cotton <>t' medium size. Cast on 15 stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1, 2 plain.
Alternate 5 times : make 1,
knit 2 together in twist
stitch. Then make 1, 2

2d row. Knit plain.

3d row. Slip 1, 12 plain.
Unravel the next stitch of
the 2d row which was made
in the last
make 1 " of the

1st row. Take np on the

. Lace Edging. ] e ft needle the 2 loops
formed by that unraveling, and work in them 8 stitches as
follows 1 plain in the loop belonging to the 2d row. Make 1

plain out of the 2 loops. * Pass the yarn from front to back


over point of the right needle, and out of the Sloops make

1 plain. Repeat twice from *. Then knit 2 plain.

4rh row. Knit plain.—
5th row. Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate 5 times: make 1,
knit 2 together plain, in twist stitch. Then 10 plain.
6th and 7th rows.— Knit plain.
8th row.— Cast off 8-stitches. 14 plain.
Repeat from 1st to 8th rows, inclusive.

No. 59— Lace Edging.

—Cast on 9 stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1. 2 plain,
narrow (by knitting 2 to-
gether plain), make 1,

narrow twice.
2d row. Knit plain; — . . No. o9 Lace Edging.

but in the " make 1 " of the last row. knit 1 plain, 1 purl.
Every row designated by an even number must be knitted
like the 2d row.
3d row.— Slip 1, 3 plain, narrow, make 1, 2 plain.
5th row.— Slip 1. 2 plain, make 1. narrow twice, make 1,
2 plain.
7th row. — Slip 1. 2 plain, narrow, make 1. narrow twice.
make 1, 2 plain.
9th row.— Slip 1. 1 plain, narrow, make 1. narrow twice,
make 1. narrow twice.
11th row. — Slip 1. 2 plain, narrow twice, make 1, narrow
12th row. —
Like the 2d row.
Repeal from 1st row until the required length of edging
is worked.
No. 60 Lace Edging. —
Cast on 10 stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1. 3 plain,
knit 2 together plain, make
1, knit 2 together plain, 2
Lai i i i" .in'..

2d row. Knit plain; bnl in the "make L" of last row
knii l plain, I purl.
:;<l row. slip i. i plain, Unit -J together plain, make 1,


knit "2 together plain, knit 2 together plain, make 1. knit 2

together plain.
4th row. —
Like 3d row.
Repeat these -A rows until the required length of edging
is worked.
No. 61 Inser-
tion. — Cast on 24
1st row. — Slip
j. make 1. knit 2
together plain. 9
plain. 4 purl. 6
plain, make 1. knit
2 together plain.
2d row. Slip —
1. make 1. knit 2
together r.»lain. 3
plain. Alternate "So. 61. Lace Insertion.
twice: make1. knit

2 together plain. Then 2 plain. Alternate 3 times Knit 2 :

together plain, make 1. Then 4 plain, make 1. knit 2 together

3d row. — Slip 1. make 1. 2 together plain. S plain. 4 purl.
T plain, make 1. 2 together plain.
4th row. — Slip1. make 1. 2 together plain. 2 plain. Al-
ternate 3 times make 1. 2 together plain. Then 2 plain.

Alternate 3 times: 2 together plain, make 1. Then 3 plain,

make 1. 2 together plain.

5th row. —
Slip 1. make 1. 2 together plain. 7 plain. 4 purl,
8 plain, make 1. 2 together plain.
6th row. —
Slip 1. make 1. 2 together plain. 3 plain. Alter-
nate 3 times: mak^ 1. 2 together plain. Then 2 plain. Alter-
nate twice: 2 together plain, make 1. Then 4 plain, make 1.
_-ther plain.
7th row. —
Slip 1. make 1. 2 together plain. 6 plain, 4 purl.
9 plain, make 1. 2 together plain.
8th row. —
Slip 1. make 1. 2 together plain. 2 plain. Alter-
nate 4 times make 1. 2 together plain. Then 2 plain. Alter-

nate twice 2 together plain, make 1.

: Then 3 plain, make 1.
_-tber plain.

9th row. — Slip 1, make 1. 2 together plain, 5 plain, 4 purl,

10 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
10th row. — Slip
1, make 1, 2 together plain, 3 plain. Al-
ternate 4 times: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain, 2
together plain, make 1, 4 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
11th row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 4 plain, 4
pur], 11 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
12th row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain. Al-
ternate 5 times: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain, 2
together plain, make 1, 3 plain, make 1. 2 together plain.
13th row. — Slip 1, make 1. 2 together plain. 3 plain, 4 purl y

12 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.

14th row. — Slip 1, make 1. 2 together plain, 3 plain. Al-
ternate 4 times: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain, 2
together plain, make 1, 4 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
loth row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 4 plain, 4
purl, 11 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
16th row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain. Al-
ternate 4 times: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain.
Alternate twice: 2 together plain, makel. Then 3 plain, make
1. 2 together plain.
— Slip make 2 together plain, 5 plain, 4 purl.
17th row. 1, 1.

10 plain, make 2 together plain.


18th row. — Slip make 2 together plain, 3 plain. Al-

1. 1,

ternate 3 times: make

together plain. Then 2 plain.
1, 2
Alternate twice: 2 together plain, make 1. Then 4 plain, make
1, 2 together plain.

r.»rli row. —
Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 6 plain, 4
purl. '.»
plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
20th low. — Slip make
1, 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain.

Alternate :: times: make 1. 2 together plain. Then 2 plain.

Alternate 3 times: 2 together plain, makel. Then 3 plain,
make 1. 2 togel her plain.
21sl row. Slip L make 1, 2 together plain, 7 plain, 4 purl,
8 plain. m:ik.- 1. 2 togetlirr plain.
22d row. Slip i. make I. 2 together plain, :! plain. Alter
nate twice: make 1.2
together plain. Then 2 plain. Alter-
aate 3 times: 2 together plain, make 1. Then 4 plain, make
l 2 together plain.


23d row. Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 8 plain, 4 purl,
7 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
24th row. —
Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain. Al-
ternate twice: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain. Al-
ternate 4 times: 2 together plain, make 1. Then 3 plain, make
1, 2 together plain.
25th row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 9 plain, 4
purl, 6 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
26th row. — Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 3 plain, make
1. 2 together plain. 2 plain. Alternate 4 times 2 together :

plain, make 1. Then 4 make 1, 2 together plain.

27th row. —
Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 10 plain, 4
purl. 5 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.

2Sth row. Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain, make
1. 2 together plain, 2 plain. Alternate 5 times: 2 together
plain, make 1. Then 3 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
29th row.— Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 11 plain, 4
purl, 4 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
30th row.— Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 3 plain, make
1. 2 together plain. 2 plain. Alternate 4 times 2 together :

plain, make 1. Then 4 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.

31st row.— Slip 1. make 1, 2 together plain, 10 plain, 4
purl, 5 plain, make 1, 2 together plain.
32d row.— Slip 1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain. Al-
ternate twice: make 1, 2 together plain. Then 2 plain. Al-
ternate 4 times 2 together plain, make 1.
Then 3 plain,
make 1, 2 together plain.
Repeat from 1st to 32d rows, inclusive.

Xo. 62 Corner Border. This may be worked with cot-
ton, crochet cotton or worsted. Cast on 24 stitches and knit
in rows to and fro as follows :

1st row. — Slip 1. 3 plain, 2 together plain. Alternate 3

times make 2. 2 together plain, twice.
Then make
2, 2 to-

gether plain, 4 plain.

2d row.— Slip 1. knit plain to end of row but in every ;

"make 2" of last row knit 1 plain, 1 purl.

3d row.— Slip 1, 1 plain. 2 together plain. Alternate 4
times make 2, 2 together plain, twice.
Then make 2, 2 to-
gether plain, 2 x>lain.

4th row. Like 2d row.

0£ ^ fes? '
---- -?^- - - =^

-:-. -.

m -. inclusive Then work like

- -
1 plain. 2 together plain, make 2 I

twice, i :- 2 2 _-ther plain. 4 plain

- -

,in. make - - gether plain, twice, make 2, 2

jjlaiiL 2 plain.
lain, 4 pari, 10 plain.
—Slip t, 3 plain, 2 - ther plain, make 2 -

. _ :je r plain, make 2. 2 together


14th row.—- 7 plain. 8 purl. 8 plain.

b rovr .__ g i plain. . - he* plain, make 2. 2 to-

plain- - - thei plain, maki - -


_ I _ -r plain. 2 plain.

- 13th i

•>- 14t)i i



In order to make the corner of this border, knit 2 together

plain at the end of each row, on the wrong side of the work,
and be careful to carry on the design in doing so. When the
work has been narrowed down work back again,
to a point,
in rows, to where the corner was begun. While working back,
increase by making 1 plain in the narrowing of each row nar-
rowed when working down to the point.

No. 63. Corner of an Edging.

No. 63 Corner Border. — Cast on 21 stitches and knit in

tows to and fro as follows :

1st row. — Slip 1, 2 plain. * Alternate twice: make 1, 2

together plain. Then 2 plain. Repeat twice from *.

2d row. — Slip 1, 2 plain. * Alternate twice: make 1, 2

together plain. Then 1 pnrl, 1 plain. Repeat twice from * ;

but at the end of the second repetition make 2 plain, instead

of 1 purl, 1 plain.
Repeat indefinitely 1st and 2d rows.
The corner of this border is worked like that of No. 62.


No. 64 Insertion. This — is worked width-wise in plain

rows. Cast on 14 stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 2 plain, make 4, 4 plain,
make 1, narrow, 1 plain.

2d row. Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1,
narrow, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, 2
plain, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.

3d row. Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1,
narrow, 8 plain, make 1, narrow, 1
4th row. Slip — 1, 2 plain, make 1,

Lace Insertion.
narrow, 8 plain, make 1, narrow, 1
No. *>4. .

5th row. —
Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, narrow, 2 plain,
narrow, 2 plain, make 1, narrow, 1 plain.
Repeat from 1st to 5th rows, inclusive, until required,
length is worked.

No. 65 Lace Edging. —This is knitted width-wise in

rows. Cast on 12 stitches.
1st row. — Slip 1, 2 together in twist stitch, make 2, 2 to-
gether in twist stitch, 1 twist
stitch. Alternate twice make 1, :

2 together in twist stitch. Then

make 1, 2 twist stitches.

2d row. Slip 1, knit plain
to end of row but in the "make

2" of last row knit 1 plain, 1

3d row. — Slip 1, 2 together No - 65 -
lace edging.

.hiii. in twist stitch, make 2, 2 together plain, in twist stitch,
1 twist stitch. Take up on the left needle the 2 loops
:> plain.
of tin- opening just below and make in them 1 plain, 1 purl, 1
plain. 1purl, plain, purl, 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain.
I 1 Then
knii the two last stitches plain.
Ii h row. Like the 2d.
5th row. - Slip I, 2 together plain, in twist stitch, make 2,

2 together plain, in twist stiich. I twist stitch. Alternate 7

times: make I.
> together in twist stitch. Then 2 plain.
6th row. -Like the 2d.


?th row. —
Slip 1, 2 together plain, in twist stitch, make
2. 2 together plain, in twist stitch, 1 twist stitch. 16 plain.
8th row.— Cast off 10 stitches. Knit 8 plain, 1 purl, 2
Repeat indefinitely these 8 rows.

No. 66. Laci Edging.

No. 66 Lace Edging. This edging is worked with cro-
chet cotton, upon a fancy feather-edge braid having trefoil
loops on one side and single loops on the other. Cast on 6
stitches and knit width-wise as follows :

1st row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain.
Then, on the side of the braid having single loops, knit 1 plain
in one of these loops.
2d row.— 4 plain, make 2 together plain, plain.1, 1
3d row.— Like the 1st but at the end knit 3 plain instead

of 2 plain.
4th row. — Like the 2d but at the beginning make 5 plain

instead of 4 plain.
5th row. — Like the 1st but at the end knit 4 plain instead

of 2 plain.
6 row. — plain, 2 together plain, make
tli 1 2 together 2,

plain, plain, make

1 2 together plain,
1, plain. 1
7th row. — Slip plain, make
1, 1 2 together plain, plain. 1, 1
Tli en in the " make 2" of last row knit 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain.
Then 2 plain. Knit 1 plain in next loop of braid.
8th row. —8 plain, make 2 together plain, plain.
1, 1
9 th row. — Slip plain, make 2 together plain, 2 plain,
1, 1 1,

cast off 3 stitches, 1 plain, 1 plain next loop of braid.

10th row. — 3 plain, make 2, 3 plain, make 1, 2 together
r.lnin. 1 plain.

11th row. —Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 2

plain. Knit in the "make 2" of last row 1 plain, 1 purl, 1
plain. 1 purl. Then 3 plain. 1 plain in next loop of braid.
12th row. —11 plain, make 2 together plain, 1 plain. 1,

13th row. — Slip 1 plain, make 2 together plain, 3

1, 1,

plain, cast 4 stitches, 2 plain, 1 plain in next loop of braid.

14th row. — 4 plain, make 4 plain, make 2 together
2, 1,

plain, 1 plain.
loth row. — Slip 1 plain, make1, 2 together plain, 3 1,

plain. Then in the "make 2 " of last

row knit 1 plain, 1 purl,
1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain. Then 4 plain. Out of the 2 follow-
ing loops of braid make 1 plain.
16th row. —
14 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
17th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 4
plain, cast off 5 stitches, 3 plain, 1 plain out of next 2 loops
of braid.
18th row. — 5 plain, make 3, 5 plain, make 1, 2 together
plain, 1 plain.
19th row. — Slip plain,
1, 1 make 1, 2 together plain, 4
plain. Then in the "make 2 " of last row knit 1 plain, 1 purl,
1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl. Out of the 3 Then 5 plain.
next loops of braid make 1 plain.

20th row. 2 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 together
plain, 6 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 together plain, 1
plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
21st row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
In the "make 2" row knit 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain.
of last
Cast off 6 stitches. In the " make 2" of last row knit 1 plain,
1 purl. Then 2 together plain. Out of the next stitch and
the next two loops of braid, taken together, knit 1 plain.

22d row. 5 plain, make 2, 5 plain, make 1, 2 together
plain, I plain.
23d row. Slip l, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 4
plain. In the "make 2" of last row 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain,
I purl, plain.l Then 4 plain. Out of the next stitch and the
next 2 loops of braid, taken together, knit plain. I

24th row. 15 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, plain. 1

25th row. Slip i, plain, make I, 2 together plain, 3


plain, ••••isi oil ;> stitches, 2 plain, 2 together plain. Out of

nexl stitch and nexl l<>dp of braid I plain.


26th row. —5 plain, make 2, 4 plain, make 1, 2 together-

plain, 1 plain.
27th row. — Slip 1 plain,
1, make 1, 2 together plain, 3;

plain. In the "make 2" of last row knit 1 plain, 1 purl, 1

plain, 1 purl. Then 2 plain, 2 together plain. Out of the next
stitch and the next loop of braid knit 1 plain.
28th row. — 12 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
29th row. — Slip 1 plain,
1, make 1, 2 together plain, 2'

plain, cast off 4 stitches, 1 plain, 2 together plain. Out of

next stitch and the next loop of braid 1 plain.

30th row. 4 plain, make 2, 3 plain, make 1, 2 together-
plain, 1 plain.
31st row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 2*

plain. In the "make 2" of last row knit 1 plain, 1 purl, 1

plain. Then 2 together plain. Out of next and next stitch
loop of braid knit 1 j)lain.

32d row. 9 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.

33d row. Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain,
cast off 3 stitches, 2 together plain. Out of the next stitch
and the next loop of braid knit 1 plain.

34th row. 3 plain, make 1, 2 plain, make 1, 2 together
plain. 1 plain.
3oth row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1
plain, 1 plain, 1 purl, 2 together plain. Then out of the next
stitch and the next loop of braid 1 plain.

36th row. 1 plain, 2 together plain twice, 1 plain, make
1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.

37th row.— Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 2

plain. Out of next stitch and next loop of braid 1 plain..

38th row. 4 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
39th row.— Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain twice;
Out of next stitch and next loop of braid 1 plain.

40th row. 3 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, 1 plain.
Repeat indefinitely these 40 rows.
Xo. 67 Insertion. — Cast on 20 stitches. Knit in rows to,

and fro as follows :

1st row.— Knit plain.

2d row. — Slip
1, 1 plain.Work 4 times as follows 2 to :

gether plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. After

the fourth time, 2 plain.

3d row. — Knit plain but in each "make 2" of last row


knit 1 plain, 1 pnrl.

4th row. — Slip 3 plain. Work 3 times as follows 2
1, :

together plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then

4 plain.
5th row. Like 3d. —
6th row. —
Slip 1, 5 plain. Work twice as follows : 2 to-
gether plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then
6 plain.


No. 07. Lace Insertion.

7th row. — Like 3d.

8th row. — Slip 7 plain,
1, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 to-
gel her plain in twist stitch.
'.Mli row. — Like 3d.
loth row.— Plain.
11 ili row. — Like 8d.
L2th row. Like 8th.
i::i li row. Like 3d.
Mill row. Like 6th.
L5th r<>w. Like 3d.
icih row. Like 4th.
Repeal indefinite!) these L6 rowp.


No. 68 Lace Edging. — Cast on 21 stitches.

1st row. — Knit plain.
The following rows, designated by an odd number, are
worked like 3d row in No. 67.

2d row. Slip 1, 1 plain. Work four times as follows 2 :

together plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then

3 plain.

4th row. Slip 1, 3 plain. Work 3 times 2 together

plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then 4 plain.

In the last stitch make 1 plain, 1 purl.

Lace Edging.

6th row. —
Slip 1, 5 plain. Work twice as follows 2 to-:

gether plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then

7 plain. In the last stitch knit 1 plain, 1 purl.

8th row. Slip 1, 7 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 to-
gether p]ain in twist stitch, 10 plain. In the last stitch make
1 plain. 1 purl.
10th row. —
Slip 1, 16 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2
together plain in twist stitch, 3 plain.
12th row. —
Slip 1, 7 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 to-
gether plain in twist stitch, 10 plain, 2 together plain.
— :


14tli row. Slipl, 5 plain, —

Work twice as follows: 2 to-
gether plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then 7
plain, 2 together plain.

16th row. Slip 1, 3 plain. Work 3 times as follows 2 :

together plain, make 2, 2 together plain in twist stitch. Then.

4 plain, 2 together plain.
Repeat indefinitely these 16 rows but in the 2d repeti- ;

tion knit the 10th row plain, as also in every alternate repe-
tition ; that is,knit 10th row plain, in 4th, 6th, 8th, etc.
repetitions. The upper and lower edges are finished off by
crocheting 1 close chain stitch in each stitch of those edges.
No. 69 Insertion. — Cast on 28 stitches and knit in rows,
to and manner
fro in the following
1st row. —
Knit plain. Each row designated by an odd
number must be knitted plain, but in every "make 2" knit
1 plain, 1 purl.
2d row. — Slip 1. Alternate 3 times : 2 together plain in
twist stitch, make 1.

Then 2 together plain

in twist stitch, 3 plain.
Raised Work, i. e. [knit
1 plain in next stitch
w i t h o u t withdrawing
the left needle from the
loop, slip on the left
needle this 1 plain, *
knit 1 plain in the latter
w i t hou t withdrawing
the left needle from the
loop, slip on the left
needle this 1 plain. Re-
No. Lace Insertion. C'J.
peal once from '*, pass
the vain from front to back between the 1 plain last made and
the remaining stitches on the left needle. Then cast off bhes<
:;loops. Knit 2 plain.
Work in next stitch the raised work
in same manner as already described. Knit 3 plain. Then
alternate 3 times 2 together plain, make 1.
: Then 2 together
plain, l plain.
iih row. slipl. Alternate 3 times 2 together plain in

twisi stitch, make I. Then 2 together plain In twist stitch, 2


make 2, 2 together plain,

plain, 2 together plain in twist stitch,
2 plain. Alternate 3 times 2 together plain in twist stitch,

make 1. Then 2 together plain, 1 plain.

6th row. —
Slip 1. Alternate 3 times 2 together plain in

twist stitch, make 1. Then 2 together plain in twist stitch,

6 plain. Alternate 3 times: 2 together plain, make 1. Then
2 together plain. 1 plain.

Srh row. Like 6th row, but knit 4 plain instead of the &
10th row. — Like 6th row, but knit 2 plain instead of the 6
12 th row —Form on the left needle 5 new stitches from 1

the 1st stitch. Cast off these 5 stitches and thus form the 1st
bar. Alternate 3 times 2 together plain in twist stitch, make

1. After this. 2 together plain in twist stitch. Alternate 3

rimes :2 together plain, make 1. Then 2 together plain, 1
plain. Turn the work and form 5 new stitches from the 1st
stitch. Cast off these 5 stitches and thus form the 2d bar.
Then knir plain to end of row.
14 rh row. —
Slip 1. 1 plain. Alternate twice make 1, 2 :

together plain in twist stitch. Then make 1, 4 plain, make 1.

Alternnre twice 2 together plain, make 1.

: Then 2 plain.
16th row. —
Like 14th, but knit 6 plain instead of 4 plain.
18th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate twice: make 1, 2
together plain in twist stitch. Then make 1, 2 plain, 2 to-
gether plain in twist stitch, make 2, 2 together plain, 2 plain.
Alternate twice: make 1, 2 together plain. Then make 1, 2

20tK row. Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate twice: make 1, 2
together plain in twist stitch. Then make 1, 3 plain, raised
work in next stitch, 2 plain, raised work in next stitch, 3
plain. Alternate twice: make 1, 2 together plain. Then
make 1. 2 plain.
22d row. — Like 14th row; but knit 12 plain instead of 4
24th row. — In order to make the bar joining the two
points, form on the left needle 5 new stitches from the first
stitch of this row without withdrawing the left needle from
the loop of this first stitch. Take up on left needle the stitch
at the end of bar in 12th row, and form 5 new stitches from
— ;


it. Take up on left needle the stitch of the preceding point

then cast off stitches formed from beginning of 24th row.
Knit 1 plain. Alternate twice: make 1, 2 together plain in
twist stitch. Then make
1, 2 plain, 2 together plain in twist
stitch, make
2 together plain, 1 plain, raised work in next
stitch, 2 together plain in twist stitch, make 2, 2 together
plain, 2 plain. Alternate twice make 1, 2 together plain. :

Then make 1, Turn the work, and, starting from

2 plain.
the first stitch, make bar in same manner as at beginning of
last row.
Repeat indefinitely these 24 rows.
Fancy Design. Cast on the number of stitches
No. 70 —
required for the length of the work.

No. 70. Fancy Stitch.

1st row. — Slip 1, 2 plain, *make 1, 3 together plain, make

1, 'A plain. Repeat from * to end of row. At end of row 3
2d row. Slip 1, 2 i)iirl, * make 1, 1 purl, make 1, 6 purl.
Repeal from At cud of row 4 purl.

::<l row. — Slip I, :> plain, make I, drop from needle the
"make I" <>f lasl row, I twist stitch, make 1, drop from


needle the "make!" of last row, 5 plain. Repeat from*.

At end of row 4 plain.

4th row. Slip 1, 3 purl, * make 1, drop from needle the
"make 1 " of last row, 1 twist stitch, make 1, drop from needle
the "make 1" of last row, 5 purl. Repeat from *. At the
end of the row make 4 purl.

5th to 10th rows. Alternate 3d and 4th rows.

11th row. Slip 1, 1 plain, 2 together plain, * make 1,
drop from needle the "make 1" of last row, 1 twist stitch,
make 1, drop from needle the "makel" of last row, 2 to-
gether plain, 1 plain, 2 together plain. Repeat from *. At
end of row make 2 together plain, 2 plain.
12th row. — Slip purl 2 together, * make 3 purl, make
1, 1,

1, 3 together. Repeat from At end of row 2 together, 1 purl.


13th row. — Slip 1 plain, * make 1,slip 2 together 1, 1,

and draw the slipped stitch over them, make 1, 2 together,

make 1, 1 plain. At end of row knit 2 plain.
Repeat from *.

14th row. Slip 1, 1 purl, * make 1, 2 together, 1 purl, 2
together, make 1, 1 purl. Repeat from *. At end of row 2
Xo. 71 Insertion. — Cast on 27 stitches and knit in rows
to and fro.
1st row. — Slix> 1, 12 plain, 1 purl, 13 plain.
2d row. — Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate 3 times : make 1, 2
together plain. Then
make 1. 3 together
plain,make 1, 3 plain,
make 1, 3 together
plain. Alternate 3
times make 1, 2 to-

gether plain. Then

make 1, 3 plain.
3d row. — Slip 1, 11
plain, 3 purl, 12 plain.
4th row.— Slip 1, 1
plain. Alternate 3
times make 1, 2 to-

gether plain. Then

make 1, 3 together
No. 71. Lace Insertion.
plain, make 1. 5 juain,


make 1, 3 together plain. Alternate 3 times make 1, 2 to- :

gether plain. Then make 1, 2 plain.

oth row. Slip 1, 10 plain, 5 purl,. 11 plain.
6th row. —
Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate twice make 1, 2 :

together plain. Then make 1, 3 together plain, make 1, 7

plain, make 1, 3 together plain. Alternate twice make 1, :

2 together plain. Then make 1, 3 plain.

7th row. —
Slip 1, 9 plain, 7 purl, 10 plain.
8th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate twice make 1, 2 :

together plain. Then make 1, 3 together plain, make 1, 2

plain, 2 together plain, make 1, 1 purl, make 1, 2 together
plain, 2 plain, make 1, 3 together plain. Alternate twice
make 1, 2 together plain. Then make 1, 2 plain.
9th row. —
Slip 1, 8 plain, 4 purl, 1 plain, 4 purl, 9 plain.

10th row. Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, make
1, 3 together plain, make 1, .2 plain, 2 together plain, make 1,

3 purl, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain, make 1, 3 together

plain, make 1, 2 together plain, make 1, 3 plain.

11th row. Slip 1, 7 plain, 4 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl. 8
12th row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 together plain, make
1, 3 together plain, make 1, 2 plain, 2 together plain, make 1,
o purl, make 1, 2 together plain, 2 plain, make 1, 3 together
plain, make 1, 2 together plain, make 1, 2 plain.
13th row. —
Slip 1, 6 plain, 4 purl, o plain, 4 purl, 7 plain.
14th row. —
Slip 1, 2 plain, make 1, 3 together plain, make
1, 2 plain, 2 together plain, make 1, 7 purl, make 1, 2 together
plain. 2 plain, make 1, 3 together plain, make 1, 3 plain.
15th row- Slip 1, 5 plain, 4 purl, 7 plain, 4 purl, 6 plain.

16th row. Slipl, 1 plain, make 1, 3 together plain, make
1. 2 plain, 2 together plain, make 1, 2 purl, purl 2 together,

make 3, purl 3 together, purl 2, make 1, 2 together plain. 2

plain, make 1, 3 together. plain, make 1, 2 plain.
ITili row. Slip 1, 4 plain. 4 purl, :! plain. In the ''make
::" of last n>w I plain, 1 purl, I plain. Then 3 plain, 4 purl,
isih row. — Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate twice: make I, 2
ether plain. Thru '>
»ia iii. make 1. purl £ together, pnrl, ">

pnrl 2 together, make I; 2 plain. Alternate twice: 2 together

plain, make I . Then :: nlnin.


19th row. —
Slip 1, 5 plain, 4 purl, 7 plain, 4 purl, 6 plain.

20th row. Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate 3 times make 1, :

2 together plain. Then 2 plain, make 1, purl 2 together, 3

purl, purl 2 together, make 1, 2 plain, 2 together plain. Alter-
nate twice make 1, 2 together plain. Then make 1, 2 plain.

21st row. —
Slip 1, 6 plain, 4 purl, 5 plain, 4 purl, 7 plain.

22d row. Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate 3 times: make 1, 2
together plain. Then 2 plain, make 1, purl 2 together, 1 purl,
purl 2 together, make 1, 2 plain. Alternate 3 times 2 to- :

gether plain, make 1. Then 3 plain.

23d row. Slip 1, 7 plain, 4 purl, 3 plain, 4 purl, 8 plain.

24th row. Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate 4 times make 1, 2 :

together plain. Then 2 plain, make 1, purl 3 together, make

1, 2 plain. Alternate 4 times 2 together plain, make 1. Then

2 plain.

25th row. Slip 1, 8 plain, 4 purl, 1 plain, 4 purl, 9 plain.

26th row. Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate 4 times: make 1,
2 together plain. Then 5 plain. Alternate 4 times 2 together :

plain, make 1. Then 3 plain.

27th row. Slip 1, 9 plain, 7 purl, 10 plain.

28th row. Slip 1, 1 plain. Alternate 5 times make 1, 2 :

together plain. Then 3 plain. Alternate 5 times 2 together :

plain, make 1. Then 2 plain.

29th row. — Slip 1, 10 plain, 5 purl, 11 plain.
30th row. — Slip 1, 2 plain. Alternate 5 times : make 1, 2
together plain. Then 1 plain. Alternate 5 times : 2 together
plain, make 1. Then 3 plain.
31st row. — Slip 1, 11 plain, 3 purl, 12 plain.
32d row. — Slip 1, Alternate 5 times make 1, 2
1 plain. :

together plain. Then make 1, 3 together plain, make 1. Alter-

nate 5 times 2 together plain, make 1. Then 2 plain.

Repeat indefinitely these 32 rows.

No. 72 Lace Edging. — Cast on 47 stitches, and knit in

rows to fro.
1st row. — Plain.
2d row. — Slip 1, 7 plain.
Raised Work, [out of the next stitch form 7 stitches
i. e.

as follows knit 1 plain without withdrawing the left needle


from the loop, * slip this 1 plain on the left needle and knit 1

plain in it. Repeat from * until 7 stitches have been formed.

Cast off these 7 stitches.]
Knit 3 plain, "raised work" in next stitch, S plain. Al-
ternate 7 times purl 2 together, make 1.
: Then 2 plain, purl
2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 6 plain.

No. 72. Lace Edging.

3d row. — Plain ; but in every "make 2" of preceding

row knit I purl, 1 plain*.
K:i<li row designated by :m odd number must be knitted
like tli«- 3d row.
!ili row. Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, i<» plain, purl 2 together, make 2. purl 2 together.
Alternate 6 times: purl 2 together, make l. Then 2 plain,
purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 4 plain, purl 2 to-
gether, make 2, purl 2 together, I plain.

6th row.— Slip 1, 15 plain. With following stitch fasten

the 2d "raised work" of 2d row by taking' up on left
needle the stitch at the end of the "raised work," and knit-
ting it with the following stitch together, 2 plain. Alternate
5 times purl 2 together, make 1.
: Then 2 plain, purl 2 to-
gether, make 2, purl 2 together, 11 plain. In the last stitch
of row knit 1 purl, 1 plain.

Srh row. Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, 6 plain. Now fasten in next stitcli the 1st "raised
work" in manner already described. Then 1 plain, purl to-
gether, make 2, purl 2 together. Alternate 4 times purl 2 :

together, make 1. Then 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 2,

purl 2 together, 11 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 to-
gether, 1 plain.
10th row. — Slip
11 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl

2 together. 1 plain. Alternate 3 times purl 2 together, make


1. Then 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 9

plain. " Raised work," as in 2d row. Then 8 plain. In last
stitch of row 1 purl, 1 plain.
12th row. — Slip
1. 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl

2 together, 4 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together,,

2 plain. Alternate twice purl 2 together, make 1. Then 2

plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 6 plain,

"raised work." 5 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 to-
gether, 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 1
14th row. — Slip 1,7 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, 3 plain, purl 2 together, make 1, 2 plain, purl 2
together, make 2. purl 2 together, 13 plain, purl 2 together,
make purl 2 together twice.
2, Then make 2, purl 2 together,
4 plain. In last stitch of row 1 purl, 1 plain.

16th row. —
Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together twice, make 2, purl 2 together, 4 plain, purl 2
together, make 1, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 9
plain. In next stitcli fasten 1 "raised work," 2 plain, fasten
fche other "raised work," 5 plain, purl 2 together, make 2,
purl 2 together, 3 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, 1 plain.
18th row. — Slip 1, 7 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 9
together, 4 plain, make 1, purl 2 together, 1 plain, purl 2

together, make
purl 2 together, 5 plain, " raised work, " 3
plain, raised work, " 3 plain.
Then purl 2 together, make
2, purl 2 together twice, make 2, purl 2 together, 4 plain,
purl 2 together.
20th row. — Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, 4 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 3
plain. Alternate twice make 1, purl 2 together. Then 1

plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 12 plain, purl

2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 2 plain, purl 2 together,
make 2, purl 2 together, 1 plain.
22d row. Slip — 11 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl

2 together, 2 plain. Alternate 3 times make 1, purl 2 to- :

gether. Then 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 to-

gether, 4 plain, fasten " raised work," 4 plain, fasten "raised
work," 8 plain, purl 2 together.

24th row. Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl
2 together, 5 plain, "raised work," 2 plain. Then purl 2
together, make 2, purl 2 together, 1 plain. Alternate 4 times :

make 1, purl 2 together. Then 1 plain, purl 2 together, make

2, purl 2 together, 11 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
together, 1 plain.
26th row. — Slip 1, 14 plain, " raised work," 4 plain. Al-
ternate 5 times: make 1, purl 2 together. Then 1 plain, purl
2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 11 plain, purl 2 together.
28th row. — Slip purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2
1, 1 plain,
together, 10 plain, purl 2 together,make 2, purl 2 together, 1
plain. Alternate 6 times make 1, purl 2 together. Then 1

plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 4 plain, purl

2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, 1 plain.
30th row. —
Slip 1, 21 plain. Alternate 6 times make 1, :

purl 2 together. Then 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl

2 together, 4 plain, purl 2 together, 1 plain.

32d row. Slip 1, 1 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl
2 together, 2 plain, fasten "raised work," 3 plain, fasten
"raised work," 5 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 to-
gether, plain.
1 Alternate 7 times: make 1, purl 2 together.
Then 2 plain, purl 2 together, make 2, purl 2 together, make
2, purl 2 together, I l'lain.
Ri'pt'Mt indefinitely these 32 rows.


No. 73 Lace Edging. — Cast on 13 stitches, and knit in

rows to and fro.
1st row. — 3 pearl, 8 plain, 2 purl.

2d row. Narrow, by slipping 1 stitch, knitting 1 plain
and drawing the slipped stitch over it ; make 1, 8 purl, make

No. 73. Lace Edging.

1, 3 plain.
5th row. — In the next stitch 1 plain, 1 purl. Then 3
purl, 6 plain, 3 purl.
6th row. — Slip 2 plain, make 1, purl 2 together, 2 purl,

purl 2 together, make 5 plain. 1,

7th row. — In the next stitch, 1 plain, 1 purl. Then

5 purl, 4 plain, 4 purl.
8th row. — Slip 1, 3 plain, make 1, purl 2 together twice,
make 1. 1 plain, 2 together plain, make 2, 2 together plain, 2

9th row. Slip 1, 2 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl, 3 purl, 2 plain, 5 purl.
10th row.— Slip 1, 1 plain, 2 together plain, make 1, 4
purl, make 1, 2 together plain, 3 plain, 2 together plain.

11th row. Slip 1, 4 purl, 6 plain, 3 purl.

12th row. Slip 1, 2 together plain, make 1, 6 purl, make
1, 2 together plain, 1 plain, 2 together plain.
Repeat indefinitely these 12 rows.

No. 74 Lace Edging. Cast on 15 stitches, knit width-
wise in rows to and fro.
1st row. —
Slip 1, 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1, 2 together
plain and draw slipped stitch over them, make 2, 2 together
plain. 2 plain, make 3, 2 plain. Alternate 3 times: make 2,
1 plain.

2d row. Plain; but in each "make 2," knit 1 purl, 1
plain and in the "make 3" knit 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain.

3d row. Slip 1, 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1, 2 together


plain and draw slipped stitcli over them, make 2, 2 together

plain, 1 plain, 2 together plain, 1 plain. Raised work, L e.,

[from the next stitch form 7 new stitches, as follows

knit 1 plain without with-
drawing the left needle from
the loop * slip this 1 plain

on the left needle and knit 1

plain in it. Repeat from *
until 7 stitches have been
formed. Cast off these 7
stitches.] Alternate 3 times
2 plain, raised work in the
next stitch. Then 2 plain.
4th row. Plain.—
Lace Edging. 5th row. — Slip 1, 2 together
plain, make 2, slip 1, 2 to-
gether plain and draw slipped stitch over them, make 2, 2
together plain, 15 plain.
6th row. Plain. —

7th row. Slip 1, 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1, 2 to-
gether plain, and draw slipped stitch over them, make 2, 2
together plain, 5 plain. Alternate 3 times knit together the :

next stitch with the stitch at end of raised work of 3d row, 2

plain. Then join the fourth raised work of 3d row with the
following stitch.

8th row. Slip 1 and lengthen the loop somewhat. 9 plain
and lengthen each loop evenly, make 3, 2 together plain, 11
9th row. —
Slip 1, 2 together plain, make 2, slip 1, 2 to-
gether plain and draw slipped stitch over them, make 2, 2
together plain. 7 plain. In the 'make 3" of last row knit 1

plain, 1 1)111-1, plain.

1 Knit together plain the 10 long loops
mid draw over them the preceding stitch.
loth cow.— Plain.
Repeat indefinitely these 10 rows.
No. ?:. —
had Edging, Cast on 16 stitches and knit in
rows to and fro.
Lsl i<>\\. Slip I. Alternate twice: make 1. 2 together
plain. Then purl i<». In he last stitch
I 1 plain, 1 purl.
2d row — Plain.


3d row. — Slip 1. Alternate twice make 1, 2 together


plain. Then purl 11. In the last stitch 1 purl, 1 plain.

4th row.— Plain.
5th row. —
Sliji 1. Alternate
twice make 1, 2 together plain.

Then 1 purl. Alternate 6 times :

make 1, purl 2 together.

6th row. Plain.
7th row. —
Slip 1. Alternate
twice make 1, 2 together plain.

Then 11 purl, 2 together plain.

No. 75. Lace Edging. —
8th row. Plain.
9th row.— Slip 1. Alternate twice make 1, 2 together

plain. Then purl 10, purl 2 together.

10th row.— Plain.

11th row Slip 1. Alternate twice make 1, 2 together
plain. Then 1 purl. 10 plain.
12th row.— Slip 1, 9 purl Leave remaining stitch of 11th
row untouched.

13th row. Slip 1, 9 plain.

14th and 15th rows. Like 12th and 13th rows.
16th row.— Slip 1. 9 purl, 6 plain.
Repeat indefinitely these 16 rows.
Xo. 76 Fancy Design. — Cast on a number of stitches
divisible by 18 and knit in rows to and fro.
1st row. —* purl 2, 2 plain,
7 purl. 2 plain, 2 purl, make 1,
3 together in twist stitch, make 1.
Repeat from *.

N. B. When knitting rows
designated by even numbers the
stitches of each preceding row
which were purled will appear
plain on the wrong side of work.
Such stitches must be knitted
plain. Likewise the stitches of
preceding row knitted plain
must be purled. Purl every
No. 76. Fancy Stitch,
' ;
make 1."
3d row. —* 2 purl, 1 r)lain, 2 together in twist stitch


purl. 2 together, 1 plain, 2 purl, 1 plain, make 1, 1 plain,

make 1, 1 plain. Repeat from *.

5tli row. —* 2 purl, 1 plain, 2 together in twist stitch, 3

purl, 2 together, 1 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, make 1. 1 plain,
make 1, 2 plain. Repeat from *.

7th row. —* 2 purl, 1 plain, 2 together in twist stitch, 1

purl, 2 together, 1 plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 1 purl, make 1, 1
plain, make 1, 1 purl, 2 plain. Repeat from *.

9th row. — * 2 purl, 1 plain, 3 together in twist stitch, 1

plain, 2 purl, 2 plain, 2 purl, make 1, 1 plain, make 1, 2 purl,
2 plain. Repeat from *.

11th row. —* 2 purl, make 1, 3 together in twist stitch,

make 1, 2 purl, 2 plain, 7 purl, 2 plain. Repeat from *.

Repeat indefinitely from 3d to 11th rows, inclusive.

No. 77 Afgltan. This Afghan has seven stripes, each one
yard in length. The stripes are sewed together on the wrong
side of the work. Four of them are worked with garnet
zephyr, the remaining three with steel-gray zephyr. The
border is finished off with an edging. For the stripes knitted
with garnet zephyr, cast on 27 stitches and work in rows to
and fro.
1st row. —
Slip 1. Alternate twice 3 purl, 8 plain. Then :

4 purl.
2d row. — Slip 1. Alternate twice : 3 plain, 8 purl. Then
4 plain.
3d and 5th rows. Like 1st row. —
4th and 6th rows. Like 2d row. —
7th row.— Slip 1. Then * 3 purl. Slip 4 on a special
needle and on right needle knit plain the next 4 stitches
which are on left needle. From the special needle knit plain
the 4 stitches which are on it. Repeat once from * Then 4
Repeat from 2d to 7th rows, inclusive, until the required
length is reached.
For the stripes knitted with steel-gray zephyr cast on
IH stitches and work to and fro in rows.
1st to Huh rows. Plain.
IMh to 22<1 rows. * plain, make 1, slip 1 by passing

right needle through the 1<><>i>, as if t<> purl it.



Repeat from * toend of row ; but in every following

row knit together plain the slipped stitch and " the make 1


of preceding row, and slip the stitch which was knitted after
-the make 1" in preceding row. Repeat from 1st to 22d
rows until the required length is worked.

The Edging of the Afghan. — Cast on 9 stitches.

1st row.— Plain.
2d row. — Slip 2 plain, make
1, 6 plain.
3d row. — Plain; but in the "make 2" of preceding row
knit 1 plain, 1 purl.
4th and oth rows. — Plain.
6th row. — Slip 2 plain, make
1, 2 together plain, make

2, 6 plain.
7th row. — Plain; but in each "make 2" of last row knit
1 plain, 1 purl.
8th row. — Plain.
9th row. — Cast 5 stitches, 8 plain.
Repeat from 2d to 9th rows, inclusive, until required
length is reached. Then sew the edging to the border of the



Cut the various colors of wool required for the pattern

in equal short bits. Then knit with 11 inch No. 13 needles
as follows :

1. The first row flat plain with coarse cotton or twine.

2. The second row one stitch plain ; then take a piece

of wool and knit it in with the next stitch, so that one half
of it is and the other half at the back of the
at the front
work then one plain again, and put the half left at the

back round to the front of the work, and continue this

alternately to the end of the row. Knit one row plain
again, then one row same as the second, and so on.

The Carpet may be knitted in pieces of any size and

sewn together. If the surface is not quite level cut it even


The best results are obtained by using Oriental Wool,

Smyrna Cotton and designs manufactured expressly for the
purpose and lately introduced into this market by Messrs. H.
Taylor & Co., of Philadelphia. Rugs knitted from these
materials are as beautiful and serviceable as the real Oriental
Carpets, and, if well done, cannot be distinguished from


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With full explanations of all Crochet Stitches. Illustrated,


Especially adapted for Twine. Illustrated.


Tidies, Mats and Spreads. Illustrated.


Designs for Lace Edgings, Insertions, etc. Illustrated.


And Designs for Fringes, Afghans, etc. Illustrated.

Price, 15 Cents each.

Complete directions in one volume. Illustrated.

Price, 25 Cents.

Complete Crochet Series, 5 Books, .... 60 cents

Drawn Work and Crochet Series, .... 75 "



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