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School of Gradute Studies and Research

G. Alban Street, Guinobatan , Albay



INTRODUCTION: In the concept of Educational Supervision, which consist of management of

resources, human material and Evaluation or appraising the result of educational efforts. It is a
process of bringing about improvement in instruction by working with people.

According to Good, supervision refers to all efforts designated school officials directed toward
providing leadership for teachers and other educational workers in the improvement of
instruction. Moreover, it is also described as a process of stimulating growth and a means of
helping others to achieve excellence in teaching.

DISCUSSION: Supervision is a way of stimulating, guiding, improving, refreshing,

encouraging and Overseeing. There are various emphasis of supervision, namely: a) Emphasis on
Administration, Curriculum, Instruction, Human Relations, Leadership and Evaluation.


1. Prepare a brief discussion on the following topics: : Supervision is a way

of stimulating, guiding, improving, refreshing, encouraging and Overseeing.
2. Select 1 ( one) Emphasis of Supervision and explain why you choose
such emphasis. ( be able to cite example based on your experience in
your school setting).
Good luck!!!

Supervision is a way of stimulating, guiding, improving, refreshing and encouraging and

overseeing certain group with the hope of seeking their cooperation in order for the supervisors

to be successful in their task of supervision.Is essentially the practice of monitoring the

performance of school staff, noting the merit and demerits and using befitting and amicable

techniques to ameliorate the flaws while still improving on the merits thereby increasing the

standard of schools and achieving educational goals. It is an interaction between at least two

persons for the improvement of an activity. It is also a combination or integration of processes,

procedures and conditions that are consciously designed to advance the work effectiveness of

individuals and group.As the process of bringing about improvement in instruction by working
with people who are working with pupils. It has also been described as a process of stimulating

growth and a means of helping teachers to achieve excellence in teaching.

Is a vital process and combination of activities which is concerned with the teaching and

improvement of the teaching in the school framework.Is the effort to stimulate, coordinate and

guide the continued growth of teachers, both individually and collectively, in better

understanding and more effective performance of all the functions of instruction, so that they

will be better able to stimulate and direct each student’s continued growth towards a rich and

intelligent participation in society.

To guide and to stimulate the activities of others with a view to their improvement. It

attempts to develop instructional programmes according to the needs of the youth of modem

democratic society and also to provide materials and methods of teaching for enabling the

children to learn more easily and effectively. There are various definitions of supervision in

educational literature. Teaching is a creative act. A teacher has to coordinate his thought with

action. So the basic psychological problems underlying supervision is to see that the teaching is

improved through supervisory techniques and supervisor is able to secure integration between

teaching practices and sound principles of education on which the practices are based. Is an

expert technical service primarily concerned with studying and improving the conditions that

surround learning and pupil growth.Is the procedure of giving direction to, and providing critical

evaluations of the instructional process.

The end result of all supervision should be to provide students at all levels with better

educational services.In general means to coordinate, stimulate and direct the growth of the

teachers in the power to stimulate and direct the growth of every individual pupil through the

exercise of his talents towards the richest and the most intelligent participation in the civilization

in which we lives. Good supervision is always concerned with the development of the teachers,

the growth of the pupil and the improvement of the teaching-learning process.All out effort of
the school officials directed towards providing leadership to teachers and other educational

workers for the improvement of institution. It involves both human and material elements. The

human elements are the pupils, parents, teachers and other employees, the community and other

officials of the state. On the material side money, building, equipment, playgrounds etc. are

included. Besides these, the curriculum, methods and techniques of teaching also come under the

scope of supervision.

I choosed emphasis on instructional supervision, as a teaching and learning improvement

strategy, should be a continuous assessment tool that allows teachers to continually expand their

capacity to learn and to help others. A more effective method to promote learning is to help those

who work with students to become more knowledgeable, skillful, resourceful, flexible, creative,

and sensitive to the needs of students . As stakeholders in curriculum implementation, teachers

should be at the forefront in the instructional-supervision planning process from the outset. If

teachers view supervision as something done to them and for them but not with them, its

potential to improve schools cannot be fully realized. Also emphasizes the need for teachers to

play an active role in instructional supervision. When teachers perceive purpose, control, and

personal responsibility, they function more as originators rather than as executors. Instructional

supervision should allow competent teachers to explore new methods of improving their

professional development and the apprehension of their classes .

Instructional supervision focuses primarily on helping teachers reflect on their actions

and promoting school improvement through professional development.Is based on school-based

supervision from relevant staff (principals, administrators, teachers, and inspectors) in schools to

provide supervision, support, and continuity assessment for teachers’ professional development

and improvement of the teaching process. Instructional supervision enhances teachers’

professional knowledge and promotes the effectiveness of teaching activities.

The instructional-supervision process should include pre observation and post

observation discussions between the supervisor and the supervise. These can promote teamwork

and relationships among staff and management and create an environment of mutual trust,

thereby facilitating a frank exchange of ideas between different teaching groups. Such a

relationship can provide a relaxed and supportive environment where teachers have freedom of

expression to psychologically prepare their students for the presence of a third party in their


The key factor to instructional supervision is principal’s role. First of all, let teachers

understand what is instructional supervision and its relevant meanings. Secondly, principal

should establish a friendly working environment and let teachers hold positive and positive

attitude to instructional supervision. Finally, set the instructional supervision schedule into

school calendar. By doing so, teachers can feel principal’s attention. With the purpose of

professional development of teachers, even through peer supervision, teachers can be given the

responsibility to reduce their stress so as to enable teachers to conduct professional discussions

and enhance teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Instructional supervision is a type of educational

supervision. Principal’s classroom walkthrough and classroom lesson observation to test the

possibilities of the principal’s instructional supervision, classroom observation are important for

curriculum development and instructional supervision, and classroom lesson observation enable

quick and systematic collection of information to demonstrate the principal’s emphases on

curriculum and teaching. The benefits of classroom observation are administrators become more

familiar with the school’s curriculum and teachers’ instructional practices; administrators can

examine the climate of a school; a team atmosphere develops as teachers and administrators

examine instruction and student motivation and achievement; administrators establish

themselves as campus leaders and instructional mentors, influencing teaching, learning, and

ongoing school renewal; and students see that both administrators and teachers value and

observe instruction and learning .

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