Script Drama Bahasa Inggris

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Script Drama Bahasa Inggris

Nama Kelompok :

1. Ipunk Indratirta (212113013)

2. Irene Tiara (212113014)
3. Isnawan (212113015)

Prodi : DIII Keperawatan T1 2021

Dosen Pembimbing : Umu Fadilah , S.Pd.,M.Pd.

Tema : “ Dialogue abaout Kidney stone examination”

“Hello everyone introduce my name is Ipunk Indratirta (patient) and two my friend Irene
Tiara (nurse) and Isnawan (doctor). Here we will demonstrate the dialogue in the hospital
,How about the video les’t watch it together.”

(The patient enters the hospital and then goes to the registration booth)

Nurse :”Good morning miss, Can i help you?.”

Patient :”I’m suffering from pain while passing urine.”

Nurse :”Oh, let me make an emergency slip for you. What your name miss?.”

Patient :”My name is Nana.”

Nurse :”Your age?.”

Patient :”I’m 19.”

Nurse :”Your home adress?.”

Patient :”I live in Budi Mulia housing , at Jl.Orchid number 2.”

Nurse :”Do you have relatives to contact?,if there please leave a telephone number in case of
an emergency.”

Patient :”Yes i have brother, 082142848056.”

Nurse :”Done! Please go to the emergency ward and show your slip at reception.”

(The patient brings the slip to the recepyion area and shows it to the nurse before doing
the examination.)

Nurse :”Hellow miss Nana, can i check your patient file?”

Patient :”Please do it quickly.”

Nurse :”It’s done miss, please follow mei will take to your bed.”
(The patient follows the nurse to go the examination site.).”

Nurse :”Kindly lay down on the bed , doctor will visit you shortly.”

Patient :”Please hurry up, I’am having pain.”

(Not long after, The doctor came and examined patient.)

Doctor :”Hello miss Nana , Since how many days you are experiencing diffculty in passing

Patient :”Since four day doctor.”

Doctor :”We need x-ray report for complete diagnose. Meanwhile i’m giving you some
medicines for pain relief.”

(The doctor gives medicine to the patient and then goes to the x-ray place followed
by the patient.)

Doctor :”Please lay down straight on x-ray machine and stay still.”

Patient :” Okey.”

(After the patient lies on the doctor’s x-ray machine then turns on the machine and
waits for the result of the examination.)

Doctor :”Here is your x-ray report.”

Patient :”Thank you.”

(After the patient is examined the doctor tells the patient to rest in the treatment room
for a while.)

Doctor :”Hello miss Nana , How are you feelling now?”

Patient :”Better but still feel some very sharp pain in my kidney.”

Doctor :”Your report are showing a smal stone in kidney.”

Patient :”Astagfirullah haladzim.”

Doctor :”Nothing serious though, i’m writing you some medicine take them regulary for two
weeks and you will be alright.”

Patient :”Is there any precautions or recommendation?.”

Doctor :”Yes, you muust drink plenty of water.”

Patient :”Sure i will.”

Doctor :”Now you can go home, take your discharge slip from reception and get well soon
miss Nana.”
Patient :” Okey , Thanks.”

(The patient goes to the reseptionist to rendeem the medicine.)

Nurse :” Miss Nana how are you feeling now?.”

Patient :”Feeling better nurse. Doctor has discharged me i need discharge slip.”

Nurse :”Okey, Just making your discharge sheet.”

Patient :”Okey nurse.”

Nurse :”Miss Nana is your file including your discharge sheet and prescription, and get well

Patient :”Thanks nurse , good erternoon.”

Youtube chanel : Indratirta22,

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