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Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701

Plant refurbishment in historical buildings turned into museum

Carla Balocco *, Giuseppe Grazzini
Dipartimento di Energetica ‘‘Sergio Stecco’’, via Santa Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy
Received 22 May 2006; received in revised form 10 June 2006; accepted 17 June 2006

Suitable conditioning plant design is only one aspect of a wide problem that concerns thermo-physical building performance and then building
envelope characteristics quality. This is really very important when a building is a museum and work of art at the same time, like the Hall of the Five
Hundred that is the object of our study. Its need for conditioning is due to its prestige utilization for public meetings; but it must be seen as
connected to different interventions for energy saving and rational energy use. Because of the architectural structure of the Hall and lack of space
for plant allocation, the solution proposed in this paper is based on the minimum impact and reversibility concept. A movable platform on the
existing floor that can hold all plants was proposed. This thin radiant panel solution was studied by a CFD simulation based on the finite volume
method in transient conditions. In order to obtain reliable information concerning the fluid dynamic and thermal fields, the simulations were
performed by using experimental data carried out by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure as comparison.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Energy saving; Reversibility; Air conditioning; Museum; Simulation

1. Introduction sufficient comfort level for users. The present paper concerns
the study of an integrated and reversible architectural-plant
Museums were originally containers holding various solution proposed for the Hall of the Five Hundred in
artworks exhibited to visitors [3,5] and today they should Florence. In this paper reversibility of the proposed system is
be considered as places where precious artefacts should find understood as the possibility of the present conditions easily
first rate protection and conservation. It is a question of being restored.
solving the compromise between protection and conservation
and comfort for artworks and/or visitors, with the conse-
2. Architectural and functional features of the ambient
quence that preservation and planned maintenance criteria
must prevail over use requirements. Italian laws and standard
rules provide some basic indications [17,18]. Methodologies
The Hall located on the first floor in the central part of
for precise experimental measurements, comparative analysis
Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio (the present town hall), is a single
and collecting data and information about thermo-hygro-
volume with a trapezium base area of about 1000 m2, 18 m
metric and natural/artificial lighting parameters address to
high and a volume of 20,000 m3 (Fig. 1). East wall is 62 m
artwork conservation. They also provide reference values for
long and the west one 53 m. On the north-west and south-east
plant design, some suggestions for coupling thermo-hygro-
walls there are respectively three, two and four wide arch
metric requirements of artwork and visitor and the maximum
windows. The side walls are frescoed and in the lower parts all
admissible vapour quantity together with the minimum
the walls are covered with typical local stone and marble.
temperature acceptable level. The stability requirements of
Sixteen marble sculptures stand inside special niches [15].
microclimatic conditions are the most binding. It is necessary
The floor is supported by the cross vaults of the Dogana Court
to reduce variations in thermo-physical parameters because
of the palace. The flooring is terracotta with local stone strips
they are as damaging as their absolute values, also ensuring a
rectangular divisions. The roof covering system of the
building belongs to the so-called ‘‘architectural machine’’ of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 055 4796236; fax: +39 055 4796342. Giorgio Vasari of the 16th Century (Fig. 2). It holds up the
E-mail address: (C. Balocco). moulding of the coffered ceiling and the ceiling itself, with a
0378-7788/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
694 C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701

3. The indoor climate

Internal climatic data were provided by experimental

monitoring campaigns undertaken every hour of the day for
11 months (from 21 December 2001 to 21 November 2002) [9].
This campaigns were conducted by the Opificio delle Pietre
Dure, the leading restoration lab in Florence. The measuring
system did not cover lighting data (natural and/or artificial).
The monitoring system used 27 sensors for temperature and
relative humidity data taken and recorded at a stratigraphic and
planimetric level. From the experimental data analysis it can be
noted that the air temperature variation from the floor to the
coffered ceiling is between 8 and 30 8C. The relative humidity
ranging between 28 and 71% has the same temperature trend
during all the year. Yearly temperature variations obtained for
all the lateral walls are quite limited; for different measuring
points at the coffered ceiling the higher variations were
deduced. A particular case concerns the central zone of the
Hall: the measured data analysis shows a reversal trend [9]. In
the upper part of the coffered ceiling the temperature values are
lower with a higher relative humidity. This is probably due to
the fact that this zone is not affected by solar radiation incoming
Fig. 1. Internal view of the Hall of the Five Hundred.
through the windows, but is strong affected by visitor presence.
Data collected by sensors located at different heights of the
double order of trusses which one of it is upside down. The north-east walls, near the windows, show a clear difference
ceiling is decorated by 39 oil paintings and 3 small triangular between temperature and humidity values measured in the
wood panels. The roof covering system is naturally ventilated lower and upper zones. Visitor numbers cause the presence of a
by wide gratings positioned on the outside walls. The Hall is high quantity of heat, vapour, dust and various pollutants (CO,
the most important official venue in Florence: it is the seat of CO2, O3, NO, VOC). The indoor air temperature trend is a
economic and functional activities, conferences, international typical seasonal one with maximum values during the summer
meetings, ceremonies, concerts and also national funerals period of about 20–30 8C and relative humidity of 40–50%.
celebrations. In addition to these very different uses, its Relative humidity rarely and for short periods, exceeds 60%.
museum character remains in the project Palazzo Vecchio- The stronger stresses for organic material (fittings, paintings,
Quartieri Monumentali [3,13,15]. This obstructs all the gilded ornaments) are due to the effects of the presence of large
potentialities for utilization of the museum that is subject to a numbers of persons during important events. Optimal condition
constant visitor number increase. Consequently any inter- maintenance for the coffered ceiling conservation and in
vention must be justified by a rigorous conservative particular for its gilded cornices, imposes very strong
restoration and conservation of the museum container, prescriptions and limits for thermo-hygrometric conditions
building, and artworks. that have to be controlled and managed by a possible air
conditioning system design. Temperature and/or humidity
gradients even if reduced, between intrados and extrados of the
ceiling could be very damaging. Since the ambient above the
coffered ceiling is naturally ventilated, the contemporary
conditioning of this zone and the Hall could have unforeseen
effects on the structures.

4. The plant solution proposed

From some data provided by the Florence Museums

Department on visitor numbers, the mean number was
calculated for some months and a typical day (Tables 1 and
2). The results on thermal power, CO2 and vapour emission
released in the ambient, show the great importance of visitor
numbers for comfort and indoor air quality. Traditional heating
systems imply air temperature stratification with values
increasing in the zone adjoining the ceiling. Taking into
Fig. 2. The roof covering system: the Giorgio Vasari ‘‘architectural machine’’. account that the ceiling upper zone is in direct contact with the
C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701 695

Table 1
Mean monthly affluence of visitors and emissions
Year Month Opening Total Mean Average heat Average hourly Average heat Average hourly
monthly visitors hourly power for emission (standing) power for emission (walking)
hours during affluence 1 h (standing) 1 h (walking)
month (kW) CO2 Vapour (kW) CO2 Vapour
(l/h) (kg/h) (l/h) (kg/h)
2003 July 265 33,152 125 16 2627 6.3 22 4879 12.5
August 265 38,665 146 18 3064 7.3 26 5690 14.6
September 260 29,503 113 14 2383 5.7 20 4425 11.3
October 270 27,067 100 13 2105 5.0 18 3910 10.0
November 250 17,519 70 9 1472 3.5 12 2733 7.0
December 260 20,503 79 10 1656 3.9 14 3075 7.9
2004 July 265 34,039 128 16 2697 6.4 23 5010 12.8
August 265 43,578 164 21 3453 8.2 29 6413 16.4
September 255 33,659 132 17 2772 6.6 23 5148 13.2
October 265 34,594 131 16 2741 6.5 23 5091 13.1
November 265 21,847 82 10 1731 4.1 15 3215 8.2
December 255 23,055 90 11 1899 4.5 16 3526 9.0

external air, through the ventilation gratings, this would provide material protected in the upper parts by a metal plate, to allow
a strong temperature gradient between the intrados and extrados both the sitting positioning and people passing. Modularity
of the ceiling. Traditional heating systems do not allow allows impact reduction and working time phase differentiation
temperature control in the ceiling zone. A forced air change is for its realization. It consists of 10 connected platforms, each
very difficult because air extraction from the internal ambient 10 cm thick placed on the floor and containing the hot water
will disfigure architectural and the artistic system due to very supplying pipes, feeding the thin radiant panel system (Fig. 3).
large crossing sections required to maintain low air velocity. No thermal stresses are induced by small structural changes and
Traditional low temperature floor radiant panel technology very low thermal inertia, if compared with a traditional system.
implies quite limited air convection motions and reduced Thermodynamic and fluid dynamic analysis of the system, to
thermal stratification in comparison with other plant systems, study air velocity and air temperature distribution, was made by
but it is an invasive plant. Plant design proposals should start a CFD simulation in transient conditions [8]. Because the Hall
from the minimum incidence on the structure and present is a single volume, for the numerical simulation a 2D model and
conditions under which the ‘‘building has become stable’’ then a 3D model were used with the same computational
following seasonal climatic variations. Due to the Hall structure domain, meshes and boundary conditions. Building mass and
and lack of spaces for plant allocation, an air conditioning thermo-physical properties of different building materials were
system integrated with floor radiant panels is not easily feasible. taken into account. In particular, for the coffered ceiling all the
The reversibility requirement of the intervention led us to a ornaments were disregarded and for the floor material the
plant proposal with its structure placed on the existing ones and typical local terracotta was considered, disregarding the two
addressing only winter heating. This system is modular with a parts of the central and lateral stone runners, because of their
movable mounting structure which allows characteristic small surface. Taking into account that the floor is supported by
adaptation and heat power supply to different needs. Hot fluid the cross vaults of the Dogana Court below, an outside
feeding is also easily feasible, using the existing boilers that convection coefficient of 13 W/m2 K was calculated using
supply the heating plant of different rooms of Palazzo Vecchio. Italian reference standard UNI [19]. Thermal conductivity for
the single glass and wooden frame, of which all the arch and
5. Basic analysis of the plant proposed rectangular windows are made, was considered respectively 1
and 1.4 W/m K. The roof consists of a double order of trusses
The plant proposed in this work belongs to the recent straight and inside-out (back to front) which supports the
solutions with thin floor radiant panels placed on an insulating ceiling and the gilt coffered mouldings. The roof thermal

Table 2
Mean affluence of visitors and emissions during a typical day
Affluence (%) Number of Occupancy Mean hourly Standing Walking
visitors hours affluence
kW CO2 Vapour kW CO2 Vapour
(l/h) (kg/h) (l/h) (kg/h)
Morning (9:00–14:00 h) 44.7 485 5 97 12 2037 5 17 3783 10
Evening (14:00–19:00 h) 55.3 600 5 120 15 2520 6 21 4680 12
Day Total 1085 10 109 14 4557 5 19 8463 11
696 C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701

transmittance, calculated by UNI, is 3 W/m2 K [19]. The

ceiling upper zone is naturally ventilated with wide gratings on
the perimeter walls: air temperature of the zone below the roof
was calculated referring to UNI [19]. For the external ambient
air temperature and humidity values and mean wind direction
and velocity, climatic data of the Standard Year of Florence [1]
were used. The indoor microclimatic starting conditions were
defined using experimental data [9].

6. Modelling and simulation

The simulation was realized on the system defined by the

building the Hall container and the radiant platforms proposed,
using CFD software [8] based on the finite volume method. Ten
movable radiant platforms each with 33 sittings, were studied.
An initial simulation concerned the analysis of the temperature
gradient in the zone occupied by sittings, along the perimeter
walls and in the coffered ceiling zone. A second simulation
solved the study of the effects due to heat and vapour diffusion
and also some pollutant diffusion, that were introduced into the
ambient by 150 visitors. Transient simulation implied the
following steps:

1. bi-dimensional drawing of the geometry of the Hall using the

2. computational domain and sub-domain definition and
Fig. 3. Planimetry of the Hall with the radiant platforms allocation.
3. thermo-physical property assignment to the different
building materials;
4. boundary condition definition;
5. mesh definition with different accuracy levels;

Table 3
Hourly external climatic data and corresponding air temperature values calculated for the under-roof zone—hotter day of January
Hour External External relative Incident vertical solar Wind Temperature of
temperature (8C) humidity (%) radiation (W/m2) velocity (m/s) under-roof zone (8C)
1 1.6 86 0 0.1 6.52
2 2.2 91 0 0.2 5.2
3 2.7 96 0 0 4.6
4 3 100 0 0 4.2
5 3.4 100 0 0 4.1
6 3.7 99 0 0 3.61
7 4 96 0 0 3.8
8 3.8 96 0 0 3.68
9 3.3 96 7 1.1 4.5
10 2.6 97 25 0.5 5.2
11 1.9 95 42 0.2 6.4
12 1 91 54 0.1 6.2
13 0 86 57 2 7.9
14 0.5 85 52 1.2 8.02
15 0.8 85 39 1 7.78
16 1 86 20 1 7.6
17 1 88 4 0.1 7.2
18 0.8 92 0 0 6.8
19 0.4 97 0 0 5.4
20 0.4 99 0 0 5.4
21 0.4 100 0 0 5.4
22 0.6 100 0 0 5.8
23 0.7 100 0 0 6.1
24 0.8 99 0 0 6.3
C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701 697

Table 4
Diffusion coefficient into air of different pollutants (at atmospheric pressure)
T (K) O2 (10 m2/s) CO2 (10 4
m2/s) CO (10 4
m2/s) NO (10 4
m2/s) SO2 (10 4
200 0.095 0.074 0.098 0.088 0.058
300 0.188 0.157 0.202 0.180 0.126
400 0.325 0.263 0.332 0.303 0.214
500 0.475 0.385 0.485 0.443 0.326

6. heat transfer analysis, non-isothermal flow and convection 2. thermo-physical property assignment to the different
analysis for temperature and heat flux (convection and total) building materials;
streamline evaluation and velocity field evaluation. 3. boundary condition definition;
4. mesh definition with different accuracy levels;
A three-dimensional model of the ambient was studied and 5. heat flux and velocity field distribution
its transient simulation required:
Transient simulation of the 2D model was performed
1. computational domain and sub-domain definition and setting; taking into account, for external climatic conditions the

Fig. 4. Velocity field; control volume for the external ambient; longitudinal section (January, 13:00 h).

Fig. 5. Velocity field; control volume for the external ambient; cross-section (January, 13:00 h).
698 C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701

Fig. 6. Velocity field and internal convection streamlines; internal ambient without radiant platforms (January, 13:00 h).

coldest day of the year using [1], with overcast sky and in closure (RAN k–e) were used [10,16]. The atmospheric
particular the hour of this day during which the air boundary layer was modelled considering a logarithmic
temperature is 0 8C with 56% relative humidity and wind profile of the stream-wise velocity component according to
velocity is 2 m/s, when total incident solar radiation for a [11,13]. The indoor and outdoor walls were considered
vertical plane is 70 W/m2. A control volume around the smooth and without slips. A wind velocity profile function of
studied building was defined and simulated: local wind the thickness of fluid dynamic boundary layer was obtained
variations in velocity, incidence angle and direction due also for the two sections of the 2D model. In particular the 2D
to the urban context were taken into account, so that transient cross-section allowed taking into account the effects of roof
simulation was required to fully describe cross and long- slope: turbulence, dynamic and frictional energy losses,
itudinal ventilation flow [2,4]. This is important for the induced effects are important for natural ventilation mechan-
knowledge of wind-driven ventilation flow dynamic turbu- ism in the building and for thermal losses, especially through
lence field and pressure difference zones and then natural the windows. An initial transient simulation of the internal
ventilation mechanism inside the building. Firstly the ambient of the Hall, was performed as it is. Taking into
buoyancy effects were neglected. The surrounding ground account the transient regime of the plant (starting time), the
was considered unobstructed with roughness of 0.077 m and a heating radiant platforms were schematized with a constant
turbulence model adapting the resolution of turbulent field heat flux on the upper surface function of a uniform
was defined. The Reynolds Average Navier Stockes and k–e superficial temperature value of 26 8C, convection and

Fig. 7. Velocity field for the internal volume with radiant platforms (January, 13:00 h).
C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701 699

Fig. 8. Temperature distribution; internal volume with radiant platforms (January, 13:00 h).

radiation coefficients values calculated using the literature 7. Results and discussion
expressions [6,7,12]. The air temperature inside the under-
roof ambient was calculated starting from the initial value A thin radiant platform for winter heating of the Hall was
calculated by UNI [19]. Table 3 shows climatic data for the proposed and studied by transient simulations. Indoor winter
coldest day of the Standard Year [1] and the corresponding air climatic conditions are often far from comfort levels; during
temperature values for the under-roof zone, used in the summer this problem is less felt. Figs. 4 and 5 provide results
simulation. Thermal power, vapour and CO2 released into the obtained in the external ambient for the flow field and velocity
ambient by 150 seated persons were taken into account using distribution taking into account the wind velocity profile for the
the reference value shown in Table 2. Diffusion coefficient of two different patterns, i.e. cross and longitudinal ventilation,
water-vapour into the air at atmospheric conditions and those corresponding to the two different 2D model sections. In Figs. 6
of the main air pollutants were calculated as a function of the and 7 results obtained from the coldest day at 1 p.m. and
air temperature using literature data [14]. They are shown in respectively for the ambient considered without radiant
Table 4. A transient simulation of the 3D model was also platforms (Fig. 6) and with them (Fig. 7). Comparison shows
performed to control distribution and trend of the air velocity that the proposed plant does not imply important vertical
field and thermal gradient in particular around the coffered temperature gradients, in particular at the ceiling. Analysing
ceiling zone. velocity field (Fig. 7) there are very wide laminar vortices not

Fig. 9. Indoor velocity field and heat flux distribution considering heat loads due to visitors (January, 13:00 h).
700 C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701

Fig. 10. Indoor water-vapour concentration (mol/m3) and total heat flux (January, 13:00 h).

producing stagnation zones. This plant allows a micro-ambient performed considering the radiant platforms working, heat
with average constant air temperature around the radiant from people, and also their vapour and pollutant release.
platforms, directly around the sittings zone (Figs. 8 and 9): from Figs. 10 and 12 show respectively vapour and CO2 concentra-
the base of the platform up to a height of about 3 m, no tion both due to 150 persons. It can be easily seen that the CO2
appreciable temperature difference can be deduce. Figs. 9–11 pollutant load remains in proximity of emission sources,
show simulation results obtained by taking into account heat whereas the water-vapour rises to the ceiling due to partial
power (Fig. 9), vapour (Fig. 10) and pollutant concentration pressure differences and temperature gradients. Vapour
(Fig. 11) released into the ambient by visitors. Fig. 9 concerns concentration calculated is not of particular importance for
transient simulation performed on the cross-section considering the coffered ceiling conservation and protection, in particular if
heat power due to sitting persons. Heat flux remains mainly in it is compared with convection fluxes and total thermal flux
the microclimatic zone defined by the volume around the which in this same area cause wide recirculation zones. Taking
radiant platforms; this effect guarantees acceptable thermal into account the same boundary conditions for the external and
conditions for people. A last transient simulation was internal computational domains, used in the 2D simulation

Fig. 11. Indoor CO2 (mol/m3) concentration and velocity field (January, 13:00 h).
C. Balocco, G. Grazzini / Energy and Buildings 39 (2007) 693–701 701

its uses. Variations of the indoor microclimatic conditions, due

to the building thermo-physical behaviour connected to those of
the external climate and to visitors presence, are not strongly
modified by the radiant platforms collocation. The authors
think that the proposed light heating plant and the CFD
simulation method can be often used when considering
historical buildings refurbishment especially if turned into


We thank all the staff of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure,

Florence Municipality and also Fiorentina GAS S.p.A., that
Fig. 12. Velocity field for the internal ambient with radiant platforms (January, provided information and access critical for this study.
13:00 h).

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