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Rovic Saberon Payot

II – B.S. in Legal Management

Position Paper No. 0002

Re: Abolition of Substitution In Philippine Election Series of 2021
A Paper Issued on
November 27, 2021

I Concur.

Election holds itself as the entrance to the chamber of public trust, thus why should we
entrust a position to a person who was casted with doubt about his intent to run? And as the
sovereign populace, why should we render our vote to those who are playing game against
that firm and competing politician?

In my years of observing the political universe embracing this country, I am not anymore
convinced with their hidden mockery.

It was in 2016 that the present President won; it was a victory of not just the nation, but
especially for those in Mindanao who have produced the first ever Mindanaoan President.
The feeling of being represented holistically was felt as all in the region was assured that
their interest was finally going in front. The president’s votes have skyrocketed, gaining a
couple of million votes lead against the other competitors. But the campaign and victory are
just side dishes in the plate; the controversy was on the filing of candidacy. The said
president once attempted to run for local pose in Davao City while witnessing how people
urged him to run for highest seat, firm refusal had faced the media on time he will be asked
about the demand of people. Filing of COC had passed and the then mayor did not submit
his intent for the said national position, but on the last minute of substitution, he turned down
his local candidacy and substituted a candidate of presidency, then all just went to the pen of
history. Now, 6 years after, two of his children, and his two close followers did the same
scheme. And just like a soap opera, they did it as soft as a movie scene.

Now, the Philippines congress proposed a move to not allow substitution in Philippine
election, allowing those who have submitted their COC to withdraw the same, but will not
allow anybody to replace him. Just like how wild fire spread, doers and followers of this tactic
stood up to quickly and raised two arguments. First they assert that it’s natural for a person
to change his mind after realizing something or after being subject to certain condition. They
furthered and said that should a candidate was uncertain about his decision or found
someone who, he believed, can perform the position better, then why should he be stopped
to avail substitution. In addition, they believed, as second argument, that, as citizen of the
Philippines, they can do this act as a matter of right. Indeed, only Filipinos can run the
election and nobody else. This was considered as an inherent right and this must not be
deprived to them.

In contrary, the opposition imposed their indefeasible objection against election substitution.
They insisted that this act constitute not just disrespect to the people who controlled the
power, but also to the integrity of the election as well. They categorized this as a mockery
performed by those who want to sustain the power to their hands. The opposition was in
position that the substitution was not anymore used for the purpose it should serve, they
submitted that this option was used as immoral tactic to mislead the people and create a
drama that taints the respect of people to the very election.

Indeed, one should be allowed to change his mind and election’s integrity must not be used
as a game for uncertain politician, both arguments are meritorious but it is my humble
submission and position that election substitution must not be allowed and the future statute
disallowing such must be passed.

I am not anymore convinced by the assertion that politician might have changed their mind
after filing his candidacy. Just like us, these politicians are not kids anymore, in the very first
instance; they should’ve assessed their intent in most scrupulous manner before announcing
his want to run. Running for public trust must not be available for those who are uncertain
with their intention to people. The present president had already did this, but doing this again
in larger scale is already unacceptable. The populace must vote for those who can stand,
who are firm and who will not avail substitution for sole purpose of creating drama. If a
politician was still casted by his uncertain decision to run, he must have first settled his
uncertainty instead of filing a candidacy. Uncertainty is not cured by running for a position
you are not sure about, this is nothing but a foolishness that only kids of his generation may
believe. I refused to be called a woke generation as that may be too much, this generation
just intends to be remembered as generation who, in the face of blatant election mockery,
stood up and disagreed to be fooled.

Further, in the claim that it was their right to avail substitution as they are citizen. Indeed,
Filipinos have the right to play whatever machinery in the election and true enough that the
election code allows substitution. But the proposed law regulating and disallowing
substitution did not mean to impair their political right, nor to paralyze the same. There is a
need to remember that one’s right ends when the one’s wing begins, no right was crafted as
absolute as their decision to mock the election, rights are always limited in order to preserve
the public interest. The state was established to make sure that one’s given rights are not
used to create nuisance, disturbance and unnecessary drama that will destroy the solemnity
and formality of election.

Today, we see two faces of rising politicians; those who are actress and actors aiming to
serve, and those who already aged in serving but acting like actors and actress in
teleseryes. If the second is not mockery, I don’t anymore know how to call it. And in the
situation or time that we choose, I pray that we choose those who respect the very system
that gave our leaders the privilege to serve and lead. May we give it to those decisive
already, and not for those who just want to be in constructive entertainment industry.

Therefore, I humbly concur and affirm the abolishment of substitution in Philippine election



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