Contributions of Forensic Anthropology To Positive Scientific Identification: A Critical Review

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Contributions of forensic anthropology to positive

scientific identification: a critical Review

Douglas H. Ubelaker, Austin Shamlou & Amanda Kunkle

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Research, DOI: 10.1080/20961790.2018.1523704

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Contributions of forensic anthropology to positive scientific identification:

a critical Review
Douglas H. Ubelaker, Austin Shamlou and Amanda Kunkle
Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA


This review covers previous and current literature on the impact of forensic anthropologists Received 8 February 2018
on the positive scientific identification of human remains and aims to provide an under- Accepted 10 September 2018
standing of what information a forensic anthropologist can contribute to an investigation.
Forensic anthropologists looking to identify human remains study traits of the skeleton
Forensic sciences; forensic
and any orthopedic devices present. In order to obtain a positive scientific identification, evi- anthropology; positive
dence that is both sufficiently unique to the individual and comparable to available ante- scientific identification;
mortem data from that individual must be found. The increased availability of radiographs, medicolegal death
scans and implants in recent decades has facilitated the identification process. When these investigation; craniofacial
records are unavailable, other techniques, such as craniofacial superimposition and facial superimposition; facial
approximation, can be employed. While these methods may assist the identification process, approximation;
they are most useful for exclusion of certain individuals and gathering leads from the public. team approach
Forensic anthropologists have heavily relied on the skull and its complexities for identifica-
tion – typically focusing on the frontal sinus and other unique traits. Post-cranial remains
can provide important information about bone density, possible disease and other character-
istics that may also be utilized. Techniques used to positively identify individuals are not
limited to medicolegal death investigations, and have been useful in other legal contexts. In
the future, a team approach, utilizing all the information gathered by multiple forensic
scientists – including forensic anthropologists – will most likely become more common.

Introduction in identification, especially with advanced decom-

position [2].
Positive scientific identification of human remains
Positive identification represents a much higher
recovered in a medicolegal context represents a cen-
level of probability and involves a two-step process.
tral goal of forensic anthropology analysis. Many
facets of anthropological activity, including search First, anatomical features must be discovered that
and recovery, determining species, estimation of sex, are shared between the examined evidence and the
age at death, stature, time since death, and ancestry known antemortem information relating to a par-
and detection of unique anatomical features produce ticular individual. Second, the analyst must deter-
information used to narrow the search of missing mine that the features being compared are
persons. Ultimately, forensic anthropologists con- sufficiently unique to enable the identification. In
tribute to positive scientific identification either addition, any differences must be noted and
directly, or through the wealth of supplemental explained in a satisfactory manner. When errors are
information provided. Direct contributions made in identification they usually fall into two cat-
involve assessment of a variety of anatomical fea- egories: (1) differences are considered as evidence
tures and comparison with antemortem informa- for exclusion that actually represent other factors,
tion, usually revealed through radiography and and (2) shared features are presented in support of
related imagery. identification with insufficient consideration of their
Types of identification include tentative, circum- uniqueness. Great caution is needed in interpret-
stantial, presumptive and positive types [1]. The first ation since misidentification can lead to tragic
three types listed indicate that the actual identifica- consequences.
tion cannot be excluded and thus the remains, or Contributions of forensic anthropologists to
other evidence examined, might represent a particu- identification are especially needed and valuable in
lar individual. Research and casework has demon- the analysis of extensively decomposed and/or
strated that facial recognition is generally unreliable skeletonized human remains. Experimental research

CONTACT Douglas H. Ubelaker

ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

reported by Sauerwein et al. [3] indicates that the “Traits Peculiar to the Individual.” Stewart noted the
process of decomposition can rapidly destroy many value of unique, highly variable anatomical features
indicators commonly used in identification, in identification. He also recognized the importance
although the rate of destruction depends on many of careful cleaning of remains to facilitate observation
variables. In their research, fingerprints survived 4 of such features. Hogge et al. [13] later called atten-
days postmortem with warm temperatures but more tion to the value of experience in recognition and
than 50 days with cold temperatures. Postmortem interpretation of anatomical features used in
iris recognition ranged from 2 to 34 days, depend- identification.
ing on the variables involved. Of course, this Dental features frequently provide information
research is location specific and rates may vary in needed for identification [14]. Forensic odontolo-
other regions. gists are uniquely qualified to interpret dental resto-
Proper recovery, documentation and assessment of rations and other features related to the practice of
the biological profile of human remains are essential dentistry. However, anthropologists share with
elements leading to positive identification [4]. Details odontologists an interest and expertise in aspects of
of this methodology are beyond the scope of this art- dental morphology that can provide evidence for
icle; however, shortcomings of any aspect of these positive scientific identification. Useful features
procedures can prevent identification and/or derail include the number of teeth present, antemortem
investigation. To focus on the proper set of missing loss of teeth, patterns of displaced teeth and patterns
persons for possible identification, investigators must of unusual rotation [15].
have meaningful information on the age at death, Comparative antemortem information is usually
sex, ancestry, stature and time since death [5]. All of available through radiographs and related imagery.
the evidence must be recovered with detailed docu- Murphy and Spruill [16] report that in a 15-month
mentation. Both the recovery and analysis must be period from April 1978 to July 1979 in the St. Louis
conducted in a manner to meet the demands of the area of the United States, 60% of scientific identifi-
legal process [6, 7]. cations resulted from radiographic assessment.
The unique features needed for positive identifi- Anatomical variants, disease modification and post-
cation can be provided by surgical procedures, espe- surgical features provided most of the unique data
cially those generating devices that remain in the utilized in positive scientific identification. As noted
skeletal tissue [8]. For example, Hogge et al. [9] by Fitzpatrick and Macaluso [17], techniques of
were able to positively identify remains through positioning, magnification, beam centering, angula-
their detection of post-surgical defects relating to a tion and bone orientation must be employed prop-
unilateral lambdoid synostectomy. The remains were erly to facilitate comparison.
identified as an individual who had undergone
neurosurgery for this rare congenital anomaly.
Craniofacial superimposition
Many orthopedic devices recovered with human
remains may present information revealing the Craniofacial superimposition compares features of a
manufacturer [10]. Some devices, following current recovered skull thought to be of medico-legal inter-
law, may include numerical information that can be est with antemortem photographs of a missing per-
traced to a particular surgical office or even the son who might be represented by the remains. This
individual patient. technique may be employed when positive identifi-
Forensic anthropologists have found these inor- cation has not been accomplished through molecu-
ganic materials fundamental in their cases. For lar analysis, dental reconstruction comparison or
example, Bennett and Benedix [11] report positive anthropological radiographic assessment [18].
identification of burned remains recovered from an Usually, the method is utilized when complete skulls
automobile through detection of an internal fixation or crania are available for comparison [19], but
device. Radiographic examination of recovered attempts have been made using even fragmentary
remains revealed a complex of wires that were evidence [20]. Once clear images are found that can
determined to represent an osteostimulator. No ser- be used to compare the recovered crania, forensic
ial number was noted, but the metal materials anthropologists must take the time to orient the skull,
related to a documented osteostimulator surgically often using Q-tips as place markers, in order to be
employed to stimulate bone production in treatment able to lay the images properly over each other [21].
of a back injury of a patient. The techniques of comparison have become more
When lacking surgical modifications, anthropolo- complex and sophisticated [18, 19] but primarily
gists must look for organic anomalies or unique traits allow exclusion rather than positive scientific identifi-
in skeletal remains. The classic text of Stewart [12] cation. Images are often pulled from police records,
discussed positive identification in a chapter entitled surveillance or directly from relatives of the possible

individual. The quality of this image typically corre- Unique cranial evidence
sponds to the accuracy of the exclusion process [21].
While other methods have led to tentative identifi-
Dorion [22] notes that photographic superim-
cations, distinctive features present on the skeleton
position can lead to misidentification if not prop-
allow for a more certain classification. The skull fre-
erly employed. He cautions that the technique quently has provided the unique information needed
should not be used as the only means of identifica- for positive scientific identification in anthropo-
tion. Research reported by Austin-Smith and logical analysis for two primary reasons: (1) historic-
Maples [23] supports this expression of concern. ally, considerable research has focused on the skull
They compared frontal and lateral views of three revealing great variation of many anatomical fea-
skulls with photographs of 98 different persons. tures, and (2) antemortem radiographs and related
They reported a positive comparison with 9.6% of imagery frequently are available for the head and
the lateral views and 8.5% of the frontal views. may include multiple views. As noted by Smith
However, the percentage of consistency was et al. [29], skull images can present numerous
reduced to 0.6% when both frontal and lateral unique features useful for identification. In their
views were utilized. case report, Smith et al. [29] indicated that positive
scientific identification was enabled by computerized
tomographic (CT) examination of the frontal sinus,
sphenoid sinus, ethmoidal mastoid air cells, the
Facial approximation
sagittal suture and aspects of the internal occipital
Facial approximation represents the attempt to pro- protuberance. Culbert and Law [30] provide a very
duce a facial likeness of an individual from a skull. early reference to their use of radiographic examin-
While the method cannot be used for positive iden- ation of nasal accessory sinuses and the mastoid
tification directly, the image produced can be used processes for identification of a former patient who
to communicate with the public in an effort to died in India. Rhine and Sperry [31] provide an
gather information on missing persons who might additional example of identification using the frontal
be represented by the recovered remains. Major sinuses and endocranial arterial patterns. Rogers and
advances in methodology include new population Allard [32] also employed cranial suture patterns
data of soft tissue depth, new guidelines of assessing (location, length and slope of sutural lines) and
facial features and innovative computerized argued their approach to these features met legal
approaches [24]. Although multiple studies of soft requirements in the United States and Canada at
tissue depth have been published, Stephan and that time.
Simpson [25] note that the data indicate no clear
secular trends and the values have wide variation. Frontal sinus variation
They suggest that existing data be pooled for use
Although many features of the human skull display
with adults. Stephan and Simpson [26] also found
extensive variation and thus are useful for individual
similar results with subadult data and recommended
identification, many investigators have focused on
categorizing the data into two age groups (0–11
the frontal sinus. This sinus located superior to
years and 12–18 years).
nasion in the area of the supraorbital ridges displays
Although facial approximations have been
remarkable variation ranging from minimal presence
reported to be useful in gathering information rela-
to large labaryinthion formations. Apparently
tive to identification, Stephan and Cicolini [27]
reflecting environmental and developmental influen-
reported concern about the associated resemblance ces, even identical twins display morphological dif-
ratings. Stephan and Henneberg [28] published an ferences in frontal sinus expression [33].
experimental approach to judge the recognition As early as 1921, Schϋller [34] called attention to
value and questioned the value for identification. the value of the frontal sinus for positive scientific
Techniques of facial approximation are improv- identification. Later, Asherson [35] developed a sys-
ing with enhanced information regarding the rela- tem of using outlines of the sinus expression for
tionship of facial hard and soft tissues and more comparative purposes. In 1984, Ubelaker [33]
sophisticated computer technology. Despite these described how frontal sinus comparison, coupled
advancements, facial approximation does not repre- with morphology of the sella turcica and other cra-
sent a method of positive scientific identification. nial features, was utilized for positive scientific iden-
However, the generated image may prove useful to tification in a murder trial. Ubelaker [33] also used
assist public communication that the remains of radiographs of cranial collections at the Smithsonian
someone with particular visual and demographic Institution to demonstrate population variation of
characteristics have been recovered. the frontal sinus. Angyal and Derzy [36] presented

cases from Hungary showing how radiography of workers’ compensation fraud. Individuals in
the frontal sinus, along with features of the pelvis, Colorado with pre-existing medical conditions were
humerus and lumbar vertebrae, allowed positive sci- feigning injuries while at work and claiming work-
entific identification. ers’ compensation. Using different identities, they
Although most early comparative studies of were making multiple claims for the same apparent
frontal sinus morphology utilized in medicolegal medical condition. Comparative examination of
applications featured pattern recognition, metric and radiographs revealed that multiple claims supposedly
more sophisticated statistical treatments have been of different persons actually related to one person.
introduced as well. Kirk et al. [37] introduced a
metric approach that documented the vertical and
horizontal dimensions of the sinus expression. They Team approach
declared a match if the comparative measurements Although anthropologists frequently apply their
were within 5 mm of each other. In their retrospect- skills to individual skeletal features, ultimately iden-
ive study of 39 cases from the Ontario Chief tification represents a team effort [54]. Apart from
Coroner’s Office, Kirk et al. [37] reported using investigative efforts, reports and analyses by forensic
both pattern recognition and their metric analysis anthropologists join those generated from analysis
for positive scientific identification. In addition, they of DNA, fingerprints, dental restorations and other
reported that adult age, sex and cause of death had data [55]. Ideally, identification should represent a
no effect on the likelihood of identification using holistic, comprehensive process that builds on the
this feature. biological profile and circumstantial evidence.
Noting the growing demands from the legal
arena for increased quantification and probability
assessment of features used in identification, Future advances
Christensen [38] applied Elliptic Fourier analysis in Critical evaluation of past progress reveals trends
assessing the individualization of the frontal sinus. likely to produce future advances. Technological
As suggested in the literature published earlier, this advances clearly represent key potential for
application indicated that assessment of frontal sinus enhanced capability in positive scientific identifica-
morphology represented a reliable approach to tion. The images generated by computerized tomog-
human positive scientific identification. raphy (CT) reveal much more skeletal detail
than those previously available from conventional
Post-cranial remains radiography. The rapidly advancing technology
available for imagery clearly will contribute to
Skeletal remains from the post-cranial skeleton also
major advances.
present abundant anatomical features useful for
Recent years have witnessed increased scrutiny of
identification if corresponding antemortem radio-
the forensic sciences in the legal arena. Constructive
graphs can be located. Post-cranial bones may be
criticism has stimulated research focus on probabil-
less affected by animal scavenging and other post-
ity assessment, cognitive bias, error analysis and the
mortem factors [39]. General trabecular bone pat-
terns [40], as well as general bony contours, general scientific foundation of forensic applications.
anomalies and radiodensities [41] can provide Future analyses of features contributing to positive
unique features useful for identification. Post-cranial scientific identification must relate accurately the
approaches to identification have focused on the probabilities involved. Those involved in the identi-
clavicle [42–46], general chest area [47–49], hand fication process must guard against cognitive bias
and wrist [50], patella [51] and foot deformity [52]. that might impact assessment. Research must
Unusual medical conditions are important since attempt to define the uniqueness of features com-
they often can be linked to radiographs showing monly involved in skeletal identifications. Concepts
skeletal anatomical details. of “match” and “consistency” likely will be replaced
with more precise statements of probability and
associated error. More sophisticated statistical analy-
Applications to the living ses predictably will become apparent in the research
Although contributions of forensic anthropologists designs targeting methods of identification.
to positive scientific identification usually involve The team approach discussed above likely will
recovered skeletal remains, similar techniques can become more commonplace in the identification
be applied to medicolegal issues involving the living. procedure. Individual techniques and statistical ana-
Fenger et al. [53] report how radiographic evalua- lysis present individual probabilities of identifica-
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