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To Determine the Caffeine Content in Varying

Samples of Tea.



This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. _________________________________ of

class 12, with Roll Number ___________________ of Delhi Public


Bangalore East has completed his/her project in the subject of

___________________________ for the class 12 practical examination of

the Central Board of Secondary Education for the academic year

2022-2023 under my supervision.

He/ She has taken great care and shown utmost sincerity in the
completion of the project.

I further certify that this project is up to my expectation and is as per

CBSE requirements.

________________ ________________

Manila Carvalho Internal Examiner



External Examiner

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry

teacher Ms. ________________ and lab assistant Ms. Swetha for
their vital support, guidance and encouragement without which
this project would not have come forth.

I would also like to thank Ms. Manila Carvalho, our esteemed

principal, for her continued support and to provide the facilities
required to execute this project.

Last, but not least, I would like to thank my parents for their
undivided support and interest which always inspires me.

• Aim and objective

• Introduction
• Materials required
• Theory
• Procedure
• Uses of Caffeine
• Effects of Caffeine
• Observations
• Result
• Bibliography

To determine the caffeine content in varying tea



Tea is the most commonly and the most widely used

soft beverage in India. It acts as a stimulant for the
central nervous system and the skeletal muscles.
That is why tea reduces fatigue, tiredness and
headache. It also increases the thinking capacity. It
is used for lowering body temperature. The
principal constituent of tea, which is responsible for
all these properties is the alkaloid – Caffeine.
The amount of Caffeine in tea varies from sample to
sample. Originally, it was thought that caffeine is
responsible for the taste and flavour of tea but pure
caffeine has been found to be a flavourless
substance. The degree to which an individual is
stimulated by a given amount of caffeine varies from
person to person. A cup of tea may have a tannin
content as high as 50 mg.

In this project, we will study and observe the

quantity of caffeine in varying samples of tea.

• 3 samples of tea- 50g each

• Lead acetate
• Water- 300ml
• Chloroform
• Beaker
• Filter papers
• Separating funnel
• China dish

The most important ethylated alkaloid that occurs naturally is the


Its molecular formula is C8H10N4O2 that is, 1,3,7-

trimethylxanthene .

Caffeine is a white crystalline solid. Its melting point is 123°C. It

is the principal active component of tea leaves. It is present in tea
leaves up to 3% and can be extracted by boiling tea leaves with
water which dissolves many glycoside components in addition to

The clear solution is then treated with lead acetate to precipitate

the glycoside compounds in the form of lead complex salts. The
filtrate contains caffeine because it is comparatively more soluble.

• Take 50g of tea sample and add to a beaker containing 150ml

of water.
• The beaker is heated till the water starts boiling.
• The solution is filtered and lead acetate is added to filterate
leading to the formation of a curdy brown colour precipitate.
• Keep on adding lead acetate till no more precipitate is
• Filter the solution again.
• Heat the filterate till the volume reaches 50ml. And the
Solution is allowed to cool.
• Add 20ml of chloroform to the solution. Two layers appear in
the separating funnel.
• Separate the lower layer.
• Solution is then exposed to air to allow the chloroform to get
• Residue left behind is caffeine.
• Weigh it and record observations.
• Similarly, perform the same procedure for different samples
of tea.

• In medicine, it is used to stimulate CNS and

increase flow of urine.
• Due to its stimulating effects, caffeine has been
used to relieve fatigue. It can be harmful if not
taken within certified quantities.
• Caffeine is also used in analgesic tablets to
relieve pain.
• Used to treat migraines.


• It is a psycho stimulant.
• Improves physical and mental ability.
• Intellectual abilities may improve
• When administered internally, it stimulates the heart and nervous
system and acts as diuretic.
• On the contrary, their excessive usage can prove to be fatal and
can lead to mental retardation.

• Tea from the plantations of Munnar

1. Weight of the china dish = 46.60 g

2. Weight of china dish with precipitate = 46.96 g
3. Amount of caffeine = 0.42 mg

• Red Label

1. Weight of the china dish = 46.60 g

2. Weight of china dish with precipitate = 47.03 g
3. Amount of caffeine = 0.45 mg
• 3- Roses

1. Weight of the china dish = 46.60 g

2. Weight of china dish with precipitate = 47.15 g
3. Amount of caffeine = 0.50 mg

• Quantity of caffeine in Tea from the plantations of Munnar is

0.42 mg/50 gm sample.

• Quantity of caffeine in Red Label is 0.45 mg/50 gm sample.

• Quantity of caffeine in 3-Roses is 0.50mg/50 mg sample.



• NCERT Lab Manual

• Library

• Wikipedia

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