Adwek Timothy Ocepa S20B44/134

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i) An attribute is a distinguished trait that an individual possesses. The passage known

as the “creation story” typically lays bare some of the very distinctive qualities of
God that are as follows;
Firstly, the main character is God as the creator, we get to see from the very first
verse saying that God created the heavens and the earth that in inclusive of the
existent creations that indwell of them both.
Secondly, God is an excellent beautifier. The second verse reveals that the earth had
no form but separated the waters with the earth, vegetation sprouting the earth,
beautiful scenery with mountains, hills. Waters with inherent vegetation, fish and
other aquatic life. Notably the last sentence in verse 10 also quotes that “God saw it
as good,” implying that the design was impressive.
Thirdly, God is a planner. Through out the creation process, He allocated and
distinguished everything accordingly for example He planned the day to receive more
light than night, the intensity of the light was the governing factor. The Sun to
separate day from the night receiving light from moon and stars. He intended for
birds to fly in the air and aquatic life to be in the waters, each attached a place.
Fourthly, God is powerful. The scriptures depict that God continually spoke life to
most creations land, vegetation, sun, birds, aquatic life and so did they, obeying his
Fifthly, God is loving. For this particular attribute I want to attach man mainly though
it’s true that He loves all creation. He had all the power to say “let there be man” but
He created him, I would say for man’s case it was personal. More to that, over the
ages in culture we see fathers giving their inheritance to the loved child, God said
man should rule over all His creations.
In conclusion, the major attribute I have noticed in the creation story is excellence in
Him and with Him.
ii) Firstly, the creation story relates to my profession in that all was created by God,
earth and water with all resources including oil and gas. In addition to that creation
story also has a lot to say about management (leadership) as seen in the subsequent
In the professional environment we should encourage teamwork even if we are at the
top. For example, God could have created man without involving the others but He
was a team player, He involved the “others” scriptures notes that God said “Let us
create man in our own image.” We should be team players.
Management requires planning. Firstly, we don’t have powers that our Lord possess
though the scripture says we have powers but we can still do excellently through
proper planning. This has two aspects being obedient to the superior power and the
systematic planning for example He made the sun and moon, and stars to govern the
day and nights respectively, proactiveness amidst others.
It also relates in a way that the superior power should also be able to assign tasks to
the other team members and give them a chance to actually do the job with minimal
pressure through trusting them with right instructions as well as doing supervision
just like God assigned Adam.

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